Executive authorities and agencies of the Kemerovo Region
Executive authorities and agencies of the Kemerovo Region
Dear friend s! friends! I am happy to welcome you on the pages of the Kemerovo Region Investment Profile K uzbass is a leading industrial re gion in the Siberian Federal Ok rug. A relatively small area of the Kemerovo Region (95,500 sq. km) con tains a powerful diversified cluster of in dustries, constituting onethird of the fixed capital assets of Western Siberia. In the opinion of RF President Dmitry Medvedev the key vector of the national economy development today is towards the upgrade of all its sectors. As a way of its implementation we pri oritized Kuzbass economy development as a joint effort of the local government, pub lic and private sectors. Kuzbass is a coal mining region. Of course, we will not discontinue mining coal. But our new target is not simply to continue producing coal, but also to pro cess it on site. The focus point of the future innovative infrastructure will be Kuzbass technopark – 2 the new generation development tool for us that integrates educational, research and industrial activities. Its core activities will include: deep coal conversion, coal bed methane extraction, further development of mine equipment engineering, develop ment and implementation of high technol ogy in the areas of medicine, education, nature management, as well as solution of environmental problems. As of today, the data bank of the park contains more than 100 projects that are ready to launch. Cur rently, twenty two companies received the formal status of Kuzbass technopark resi dents since their projects are already in the pipeline. We have been the first in Russia to launch coal bed methane extraction and use project which we are doing jointly with OAO Gazprom. In February 2010 Russian President Medvedev took part in the launch of this breakthrough project. Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile Today methane extraction in Taldin skiy coalfield amounts to 12,000 cubic meters per day; seven productive holes have been drilled, a gasfilling station and a gas toheat conversion boiler station are in op eration together with a modular power sta tion. By 2015 we can be close to commer cial methane extraction in the amount of 1.5 billion cubic meters. For the last two years nearly 1 billion rubles has been invested into the project, the overall cost project amounting to 85 bil lion rubles. It means Kuzbass is becoming a differ ent region. Not just a coal place they used to call it, but a coal and methane region. Implementation of all the regional in vestment and innovative projects is in sync with a task of raising the standards of living of the population. The major thing is how you treat your people. At the same time a person should feel this from the moment he was born. For this pur pose we are building a stateoftheart medical perinatal care centre in Ke merovo. More than 1 billion rubles has already been invested into the project im plementation. In the few years to come we will focus our construction efforts on lowrise hous ing. Since 2007 Kuzbass has been imple menting a pilot project of comprehensive territorial development construction of satellite town Lesnaya Polyana (Forest Glade). It is the town of the future, a place for the young. This new town is being built virtually from the scratch. As of today 700 families are among the new dwellers. Overall, there will be 35,000 residents in the town. In the coming years we will continue building both apartment units and individual homes, together with community and en gineering infrastructure. We place a strong emphasis on develop ment of the tourist and recreational poten tial of the region. The focus here is on win ter sports. Thus, in Tashtagol, we continue construction of the mountain ski resort Sheregesh, the largest one east of the Urals Mountains. For the last six years we saw a nearly fivefold increase of holidaymak ers (from 42,000 to 240,000 people). Today Sheregesh is perceived as an international level recreational facility. We have got ev erything to make this happen, including unique nature and climate of Mountain Shoria land. Among other projects to have a sizable social impact is the construction of the Re gional Centre of mountain skiing and snowboard on the Tumannaya (Foggy) Mountain in Tashtagol. We have already arranged several ski runs, some sports fa cilities, and ski lifts. This centre is sched uled to be used to train the Russian sports men for the 2014 Olympic Games in So chi. These and other projects will lay the foundation for further sustainable devel opment of the economy and the social sector. As a way of elimination of risks regard ing inward capital investments in the econ omy, we take- measures at the regional lev el to ensure investor security. This includes state support, tax breaks, and plenty of other measures. The regional budget envisages funds to support the most effective and fast payback projects in the real sector of the economy. The leading Russian holding and mul tinational companies have their vested in terests in Kuzbass. The regional economy is integrated into the economy of more than 80 other countries of the world. And, as ex perience has shown, the Kemerovo Region continues to attract interest. Our goal is make the region transpar ent for investors, creating the favorable conditions for inward capital flows. I am convinced that a constructive di alogue with the representatives of the busi ness community will enable Kuzbass turning into a promising investment mar ket thus contributing to the further eco nomic growth of Kuzbass, Siberia and entire Russia. Yours faithfully, Aman Tuleyev, Governor, Kemerovo Region 3 The region in brief The region in brief The Kemerovo Region (another name of the region - Kuzbass) is located in the south-east of Western Siberia, almost midway between western and eastern borders of the Russian Federation. T he administrative boundaries of the Kemerovo Region are land based. In the north it borders on the Tomsk Re gion, in the east – on Krasnoyarsk Krai and Republic of Khakasiya. In the south the boundary lines stretch along the principal ridg es of Gornaya (Mountainous) Shoria and the Salair Range with Republic of Altai and Altay Krai; in the west – it crosses the flat ground bordering on the Novosibirsk Region. The extent of the Kemerovo Region, north to south, is almost 500 km, west to east 300 km. The Region acquired its current bound aries on January, 26th, 1943. The Kemerovo Region area totals 95,500 sq. km that accounts for 4% of Western Sibe ria territory and 0.56% of the RF territory. Areawise, the Kemerovo Region places 10th in the Siberian Federal Okrug (SFO). Population – 2,820,600. It accounts for 14.4% of the SFO population, with 2% share 4 of the population of Russia. Populationwise, the Kemerovo Region places 2nd in the SFO and 14th across Russia. Population density – 29.5 per sq. km. Kuzbasss places 1st in the Siberian Federal Okrug by population density. Administrative divisions: the Kemero vo Region is divided into 223 municipali ties, including 16 urban okrugs, 18 mu nicipal districts. The principal regional city is Kemerovo with the population of 526,200. There are 7 cities in Kuzbass with the population exceeding 100,000. The largest municipalities are urban okrugs: Novokuznetsk (563,600) and Proko pievsk (211,000). The share of urban population in the Ke merovo Region is 84.9%, agricultural popu lation accounting for 15.1%. By the level of urbanization Kuzbass places 1st in the Sibe rian Federal Okrug. Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile The economic potential of the Kemerovo Region The Kemerovo Region is among the most developed industrial regions in Siberia possessing an immense natural, industrial, and raw materials potential T he Kemerovo Region is rich in vari ous mineral resources. The total geological coal reserves of Kuznetsk Basin down to 1800-meter depth are estimated to be 733,400 million tons in cluding 724,300 million tons that meet the requirements for mineable deposits (by seam thickness and ash content of coal). The Ke merovo Region accounts for 73% of such coal reserves in Russia. The western part of KanskAchinsk lig nite deposit is located in the northeast of the region. The lignite reserves are estimated to be 64,200 million tons. Deposits of iron ore in the Kemerovo Re gion are mainly concentrated in Gornaya Shoria and Kuznetsk AlaTau. There are de posits of manganese, gold, silver, tungsten, mercury, molybdenum, cobalt, nickel and other minerals in Kuzbass. The available reserves of nonmetallic min erals are mainly covering the need of iron and steel makers. Nearly 20 deposits of fluxing limestone, dolomites, quartzite, fireclay, molding sands have been explored and are used for the needs of the steel sector. The traditional industries are the leaders of Kuzbasss economy, with the sectoral focus on ferrous metallurgy, coal industry, and chemistry. Kuzbass accounts for: 59.7% of the Russian coal, 12.8% of steel, 13.1% of rolled metal, 65% of broad gauge railway rails, and 100% of tram rails. Coal mining in Kuzbass is a multisectoral complex including 110 coalmining enterpris es and 35 coal treatment plants. Possessing highly productive coal reserves (both in terms of quality and geomining conditions), the coal sector of Kuzbass have chosen a route of in tensive coal mining. The coal sector of the re gion is completely privately owned. The iron and steel sector of Kuzbasss has a clearly marked domestic market specializa tion. It includes such major companies as: OAO Novokuznetsk IronandSteel Plant (NKMK), OAO ZapSib IronandSteel Plant (ZSMK) with a complete foundry cycle, OAO Guryevsk IronandSteel plant, OAO Koks, OAO Kuznetsk Ferroalloys Works. Current ly a largescale refurbishing and upgrade of the ironandsteel sector is under way in the region. The purpose of the upgrade is the manufacturing of more competitive, value added products. Kuzbass power supply network includes 8 ther mal power stations with the total installed ca The potential of iron ore mining in GornoShor area is estimated at 2,168.7 million tons, including 639.5 million tons in the industrial categories A+B+C 5 The economic potential of the Kemerovo Region Modern, highly mechanized coal companies/mines operate in Kuzbass: Raspadskaya UG mine, Zarechnaya UG mine, Kotinskaya UG mine, Kirov UG mine. There are largest coal-mining companies of Russia in the Kemerovo Region, such as: OAO Kuzbassrazrezugol, OAO SUEK, ZAO Raspadsky Coal Company, OAO Southern Kuzbass CoalCompany, OAO Yuzhkuzbassugol, Holding Company SDS-Ugol, OAO Belon, OAO Holding "Sibuglemet” 6 pacity of 4,869 MW: Tom’Usinsk GRES (state district power station (1,272 MW); Belovsky GRES (1,200 MW); South Kuzbass GRES (554 MW); Kemerovo GRES (485 MW); NovoKemerovo GRES (565 MW); the WesternSiberian thermal power station (TETS)(600 MW); Kuznetsk TETS (108 MW); Kemerovo TETS (85 MW). In parallel with the major power network there are three customer power units: thermal power station at Novokuz netsk Iron and Steel plant TETS with the installed electric capacity of 71 MW, Yurga TETS 91 MW and AnzheroSudzhensk TETS 10 MW. The principal fuel is Kuz netsk coal. A total heat rate of the power supply network amounts to 7,000 Gkal/ hr. During the year Kuzbass produces up to 27 billion kW/h of electric energy and 41 million Gcal of thermal energy, includ ing 24 million Gcal from municipal boil erhouses. The major part of Kuzbass power sup ply system is owned by: OAO SUEK (the major shareholder of OAO Kuzbassener go), OAO Mechel (the owner of South Kuzbass GRES) and Evrazholding (the owner of WesternSiberian TETS). The electric power sector of the Ke merovo Region demonstrates a steady per formance. The key consumers of electric power belong to ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, coal sector and railways. These sectors account for 70% of the entire pow er consumption. Kuzbass power stations are known for their high utilization ratio of the installed capacity and a low fuel con sumption rate. The agricultural sector accounts for about 3.8% of a gross regional product. The core products of the farming industry – crop growing and animal husbandry. Wheat, barley, oats, rye, peas, potatoes and vari ous vegetables are on the agriproduct list. The key sectoral investors are: the Siberian Business Union (SDS) holding company, Skomoroshka holding company, Volkov’s Farm, Kuzbass Food Kombinat and oth ers. The farming land area totals 2.4 mil lion hectares, including 1.5 million hect ares of arable lands and 0.9 million hect ares of land for haymaking and grazing. The animal husbandry in the region is diversi fied, including cattle breeding, hogbreed ing, and poultryraising. The agricultural sector receives regional support under the auspices of the regional targeted program “State support of agribusiness and social development in the rural areas in the Ke merovo Region” in 20082012. However, considering the fact that a larger portion of lands are occupied by in dustrial enterprises, and the region is a risk Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile farming area, the agribusiness in the Ke merovo Region is not a core economic ac tivity. The small business sector plays an in creasingly important role in the economy of the Kemerovo Region. There are 19,200 small enterprises operating in the region, mainly, in trading, public catering, con struction, and manufacturing sectors. The number of employed in the SME sector is 169,200, or 12% of the employed in the entire regional economy. Besides, another 50,000 people work in the capacity of sole traders without formation of the juridical person. In 2009 the turnover of small en terprises exceeded 327 billion rubles. The Kemerovo Region places 1st in the Siberian Federal Okrug in terms of cargo traffic volume by all common carriers. In 2009 the Kemerovo Region accounted for 55% of all cargos conveyed by common car riers in the Siberian Federal Okrug. The overall extent of motor roads of common use with a hard topping totals 5,367 km in the Kemerovo Region. The motor roads of the region are known for their high quality. Public conveyance by air in Kuzbass is carried out through the airports of Kemero vo, Novokuznetsk, and Tashtagol. The Ke merovo airport has the international status and is capable of landing all types of air crafts. In the summertime, eight (8) air lines daily connect Kuzbass airports with flights to 35 cities in Russia and abroad. The Kemerovo Region enjoys all mod ern forms of communication. The telephone density is 26/100. Cellular communica tions and Internet are going through the pe riod of sweeping changes. The Kemerovo Region banking sector plays an essential role in achieving and maintaining high economic performance indicators. The constant growth of region al presence of bank branches from other towns is an indicator of growing investment appeal. Since their arrival the inflow of in vestments to the region has sharply grown. The bank branches account for over 90% of the banking services in the region. One of the tasks facing the Kemerovo Region Ad ministration and the banking sector is the launch of the investment process aiming at largescale structural reorganization of the economy of Kuzbass in line with the De velopment Strategy of the Kemerovo Re gion till 2025. The Kemerovo Region is one of the most stable developing regions from the point of view of socioeconomics across other Re gions in the Siberian Federal Okrug. The level of the existing regional policy is largely dependent on the available sys tem of the longterm and medium term planning for the socioeconomic develop ment of the region. In 2009, in view of the provisions of the “Strategy for social and economic devel opment of the Kemerovo Region till 2025” the Kemerovo Region adopted the Program of territorial planning (developed by the group of authors from of the Russian re search and design institute of Urbanistics (St. Petersburg) and OAO Lengiprogor). This program envisages allocation of capi tal construction projects of regional signif icance, measures for protection of environ ment, change of boundary lines of munici palities in the region. The territorial plan ning program allows identification of com petitive socioeconomic advantages of the given territory and confident development of economic activities and agriculture with in municipalities. The master plans for each municipality are being prepared in parallel with the above program designating the land use on the ba sis of socioeconomic, environmental and other factors. The purpose of the plans is to enable sustainable development of territo ries, and the development of engineering, transport and social infrastructure. The core strategic longterm target of the Kemerovo Region is raising competi tiveness of the region and the consequent growth of wellbeing for the people of the region. More than 9,000 loaded railcars including 7,000 railcars with coal depart daily from the stations of WesternSiberian Railways In the Kemerovo Region there is three-tier vertical system of comprehensive planning at regional level, the urban okrug level and the level of municipalities including smaller settlements with long-term, medium term and current planning process in place 7 The key features of the socio-economic development in 2009 The key features of the socio-economic development in 2009 2009 was anything but an easy year for the Kuzbass economy. The world financial crisis impacted badly on the majority of macroeconomic indicators of the Kemerovo Region. The majority of the Siberian Federal Okrug regions experienced the same trend. T he size of the Gross Regional Product (GRP) in the Kemerovo Region in 2009 totaled 500,600 million rubles by 7.7% less in comparison with 2008 (the av erage - GDP reduction across Russia on year 2008 being approximately 7.9%). In many re spects thanks to the antirecession measures un dertaken at federal and regional levels, Kuzbass managed to avoid the worst case scenario. The situation in the industrial complex is the key factor impacting the size of GRP. Kuzbass is deeply integrated into the econo my of more than 80 countries of the world. The Kuzbass share of the total amount of ex ports across the Siberian Federal Okrug amounts to more than 28.8%. The region exports 54.9% of its metal, 50.9% of the extracted coal, and 34.7% of mineral fertilizers. 8 Financial and economic crisis in Q4 2008 crashed the markets. The metal prices for the first six months alone since October, 2008, plummeted by 35.6%, the prices for coal fall ing by 56.1%. On account of sharp reduction of both external and domestic demand for steel and nonferrous metals, Kuzbass iron and steel makers were forced to cut their out put by onethird last year. It resulted in down turn in the two major sectors of the Kemero vo Region economy coal and steel, which in aggregate contribute up to 40% towards GRP. Naturally, the size of the entire economy of the region shrank too. Later on, however, the regional industry began to flatten out. In the second half of 2009 the key industrial sectors of Kuzbass, such as steel, coal and chemistry came back to the precrisis output levels. The coal sec Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile tor operators managed to find new markets for coal not only in Russia, but abroad as well. During the last six months of 2009 coal min ing output figures in Kuzbass were exceeding the performance level of 2008, year on year. Overall, in 2009, the Kemerovo Region ex tracted 181.3 million tons of coal. Beginning from May, 2009 the leading iron and steel manufacturers began to build up production. In MayNovember the pro duction in the entire steel sector of Kuzbass increased by 30%. By product type, during this period, steel output increased by 48%, pigiron – by 51%, rolled ferrous products – by 38.5%. Current capacity utilization in this sector is virtually back at its fullest. The principal factor that helped stabilize the regional economy was an antirecession program of the RF Government and those measures undertaken by the regional author ities to support the series of backbone enter prises. With the purpose of raising economic sustainability and rendering state support to businesses, 16 largest Kuzbass companies (105 enterprises) were included into the fed eral list of the backbone organizations ap proved by the Government commission on the RF economic sustainability. In addition, another 19 enterprises and organizations of the Kemerovo Region were included in the federal list of enterprises of regional stand ing that was prepared by the RF Ministry of economic development. Yet another hundred twenty five enterprises were the part of the list of regional backbone enterprises, mono company town enterprises and socially sig nificant enterprises. The provision of state guarantees for bor rowed funds became yet another support measure for the real sector enterprises. For 2009 nearly 727 million rubles has been en visaged by Kuzbass budget towards issuing loan guarantees. Since January the 1st, 2009 the regional profit tax rate was lowered down to 13.5% for processing enterprises, construction and agricultural sectors. The enterprises that in vested into new competitive technologies have been completely exempted from the proper ty tax. Various forms of state support to busi nesses, such as facilitation in attraction of loans as well as settlement of payables and receivables, issuing state government guar antees, and providing tax breaks to 338 en terprises resulted in a more stable situation in the industrial sector and helped prevent ing industrial output from falling. In 2009 the infrastructure development was under way with 60 kilometers of motor ways and 6 bridges having been brought back to op eration. The construction of regional highway Kemerovo LeninskKuznetskiy, Chugunash Sheregesh road and the road connecting satel lite town Lesnaya Polyana (Forest Glade) and Kemerovo is also in progress. The only sector that demonstrated growth in 2009 was agriculture. Specifically, Kuzbass in 2009 harvested its biggest crops since 1966 – Overall in 2009, the Kemerovo Region generated 20,009 new jobs, including: coal sector – 4,260; iron and steel sector608, mechanical engineering - 406, construction sector938, trading – 7,507, social sector – 2,314. As a result, the level of registered unemployment in Kuzbass turned out to be quite low - 3.7% of the economically active population 9 The key features of the socio-economic development in 2009 The coal mining sector performance in the Kemerovo Region in 2003-2009 (million tons) Gross croppage (in stored weight) in the Kemerovo Region in 1998-2009 (thousand tons) more than 1.8 million tons. This high output resulted from the two factors. Firstly, such branches as crop production and animal hus bandry make competitive products which are in demand in the market, which fact in turn promotes quick turnover and payback of in vestments. Secondly, in this case the output is affected by import substitution process. Also real income for the last year dropped by 14%, and it promotes reorientation of users to 10 more lowcost and higher quality domestic products. Preliminary estimates indicate that by 2010 yearend the situation in the Kemerovo Region economy should stabilize. One of the key goals of regional authorities is to switch over from antirecession measures to a post crisis support phase regarding regional en terprises and organizations. Such postcrisis development program has been developed Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile Growth rate, residential housing, in the Kemerovo Region 2004-2009 (thousand sq.meters) Cultivated crop area in 1998-2009 in the Kemerovo Region (thousand hectares) and is currently implemented by the Ke merovo Region. The priority objectives for 2010 are in dustrial refurbishment and upgrade with the purpose of raising productivity and energy efficiency. The key focus areas for regional development are: targeted public support, development of monocompany municipali ties and the social sector, and optimization of the budgetary process. One of the key goals here is the effective development of small and medium sized businesses. And last, but not least, is bringing along innovations and im proving investment appeal of the region. As a result, in the coming two or three years the economic growth rate in Kuzbass should reach 3 6%. In the future the outcome from accepted measures will be more considerable. It will allow the region strengthening its posi tion in the new, postcrisis economy. 11 12 Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile Foreign trade activities of the Kemerovo Region enterprises The foreign trade turnover of the Kemerovo Region in 2009 totaled 8,971.3 million US dollars which is 1,707.2 million dollars (or by 16 %) less than 2008 level. Decrease in the foreign trade turnover in the region resulted from reduction of export-import transactions with the countries of Newly Independent States (NIS) – by 823.2 million dollars (45.4 %), with the far abroad countries – by 884 million dollars (10 %). In 2009 Kuzbass maintained trade ties with 74 countries of the world. The countries with the maximum volume of turnover are Great Britain, China, Japan, Turkey, Netherlands, Ukraine, Taiwan (China), Latvia, Kazakhstan, Poland. Overall, the trade turnover with these countries in 2009 totaled 5,936.7 million dollars (66.2% of the total amount of exports and imports) T he foreign trade turnover for Kuzbass in 2009 totaled 26% of the export import operations in the Siberian Fed eral Okrug, in money terms. Trade turnover with the far abroad coun tries totaled 7,980.8 million dollars (89% of total trade turnover), the turnover with the NIS countries being 990.4 million dollars (11% of the entire trade turnover). The foreign trade of the Kemerovo Re gion is indicative of exports exceeding im ports by a factor of 15.6. In 2009 the balance of trade surplus totaled 7,889.3 million dol lars. The share of exports in the trade turn over reached 8,429.3 million dollars, with imports totaling 542 million dollars. In 2009 the Kemerovo Region trade turnover showed a shift towards increase of export component of the foreign trade from 91.4% in 2008 to 94% in 2009. Kuzbass exports in 2009 in money terms totaled 8,429.3 million dollars, which is a 13.5% reduction in comparison with 2008. It has resulted due to the drop in supply to NIS countries by 663 million dollars (or by 44.9%), by 657.2 million dollars (by 7.9%) to far abroad countries. The moneywise ex ports to far abroad countries totaled 7,614.4 million dollars (90.3% of total exports); 814.8 million dollars to the NIS countries (9.7%). The Kemerovo Region carried out export operations in 2009 with 66 countries. Across the entire Kuzbass export com modity mix the mineral products are histor ically predominant (mainly, bituminous coal, 13 Foreign trade activities of the Kemerovo Region enterprises Following the results of 2009 the largest foreign traders in Kuzbass are the enterprises from the steel, coal, and chemical sectors: OAO Coal Company Kuzbassrazrezugol, OAO SUEK, OAO ZSMK iron and steel plant, OAO Rusal Novokuznetsk, OAO Novokuznetsk ironand-steel works, OAO Southern Kuzbass, OAO UG Mine Zarechnaya, KOAO OOO Promugol servis, OAO Mezhdurechje 14 coke and semicoke), metals and metal fabri cations, and also chemical products. Mineral products mainly, bituminous coal, coke and semicoke, are the most ex portable items in Kuzbass for 2009. They accounted for 75.8% of all exports, or 6,390.4 million dollars in money terms. In 2008 mineral products accounted for 62% of the total amount of exports In 2009 in comparison with 2008 the share of this group of exports in value terms in creased by 344.6 million dollars (by 5.7%) which resulted from higher export deliveries of this commodity group to the far abroad countries by 886.3 million dollars (or by 18%), whereas NIS countries had lesser Kuzbass exports by 541.7 million dollars (48.8%). Mineral exports from Kuzbass are for 98.3% bituminous coal (6,279.6 million dollars in value terms, 90.9 million tons by volume). Last year the overall freight tonnage handled by the Kemerovo Customs totaled 97.2 million tons, which is 13.9% yearon year growth (2009/2008). In 2009 Kuzbass coal exports grew by 15.5% (by volume) in comparison with 2008, the growth in value terms totaling 5.9%. The largest Kuzbass exporters of bitumi nous coal in 2009 are: OAO Coal Company Kuzbassrazrezugol, OAO SUEK, OAO South ern Kuzbass, OAO UG Mine Zarechnaya. The Kuzbass imports by value in 2009 that were handled by the Kemerovo customs totaled 542 million dollars, which is by 387 million dollars less (41.7%) than in 2008. The overall decrease of imports can be at tributed to lesser amount of importation from NIS countries by 160.2 million dollars (by 47.7%) and from far abroad countries – by 226.8 million dollars (by 38.2%). The share of imports in value terms from far abroad countries in 2009 totaled 67.6%, from NIS countries – 32.4%. In 2009 the Kemerovo Region was im porting from 53 countries of the world. The leading items on the Kuzbass imports list last year were: machinery, equipment and vehicles, chemical products, metals, and metal fabrications. Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile The implementation of promising investment projects The Kemerovo Region is a dynamically developing region with wide investment opportunities that are attributed to its powerful industrial potential and low investment risks. Annually, the Kuzbass economy receives nearly 100 billion rubles worth of investments, and it tends to increase. I n 2009 the volume of investments (inclu ding into the SME sector) totaled 109.43 billion rubles which is 70.7% of 2008 lev el in comparable prices. Medium sized and large enterprises received 76.2 billion rubles of investments (64.1% of 2008 volume) (Fig.1). Following the results of 2009 the largest share of overall investment fell on the miner al mining sector (mainly,- steam coal min ing) 48% (36.38 billion rubles), given that over the last three years this indicator was stable, being in the range of 4448% of the overall regional investment bill (Fig. 2). As of 2009 the private investments prevail in the overall investment portfolio (64%, or 48.8 billion rubles), net foreign and joint for eign and Russian investments accounted for 11%, or 8 billion rubles. (Fig. 3). In 2009 in Kuzbass three new collieries were put into operation: UG Yuznhaya (Ke merovskiy District), UG Baikaimskaya (Be lovskiy District) and UG Taldinskaya –Yuzh naya (Novokuznetskiy District). Two coal preparation plants were built: Barzass Partnership (Kemerovskiy District) and Shchedruhinskaya (Novokuznetsk City). New facilities were commissioned in Aba gursky washery plant, and at Kuznetsk fer roalloys plant. In 2009 over 600 million ru bles were invested in development of manga nese deposit Selezen in Kuzbass. Yaya oil refinery construction is underway. The project cost is 11 billion rubles. Commercial extraction of coal bed meth ane (to be done jointly with Gazprom com pany). The total amount of investments in the Fig. 1. Growth rate of investments into the fixed capital 15 The implementation of promising investment projects Fig. 2. Investments sector,, by sector billion RUR project makes 85 billion rubles. It is becom ing a new gas and coal industry in the Russian fuel and energy sector. As a whole, the meth ane reserves in Kuzbass are estimated to be 13 trillion cubic meters which is comparable to the reserves of one of the world’s largest gas deposit in Urengoy, Russia. This meth ane resource estimate covers the depth of 18002000 meters. The bigger depths of coal field have the longterm potential of approx imately 20 trillion cubic meters of gas. Such amount of reserves ensures possibility of the largescale methane extraction in Kuzbass as a standalone mineral resource At present, seven exploratory wells ensure a daily output of 12,000 cubic meters of methane, the near term outlook being 100,000 cubic meters. The number of wells will gradually increase to 1,500. By year 2020 coal gas should com pletely replace supply of natural gas current ly delivered to Kuzbass from deposits of the The solution of acute local problems by means of implementing investment project “Commercial coal-bed methane extraction” 16 northwestern Siberia. The extraction volume by this time will make 4 billion cubic meters of gas. Further expansion is expected to amount to 2021 billion cubic meters of gas. From the Kemerovo Region the gas will be delivered to Western Siberia southern areas. As a part of longterm development of Sibe rian Federal Okrug the coalbed methane extraction project including its further con version (motor fuel, electric power) is yet another factor of development of the energy system. The launch of stateoftheart hitech pro duction of mullite and mullite compounds as well as some other marketable byproducts, all based on goldquartztopaz “Kopna” deposit (Guryevskiy District). Ore reserves, up to the surface level, amount to 180 million tons. It includes more than 30 million tons, or 96% of world’s avail able reserves of topaz (not gemstone variety). Effective symbiosis of coal and gas Diversification of economy: creation of new economic activities regarding capital investments, turnovers and levels of profit comparable to coal industry; development of coal bed methane extraction in Prokopievsk region will enable solving employment problem for redundant miners from closed UG mines in Prokopievsk monocompany town. Securing safety of miners’ work by decontamination of the future coal deposits: the gas sector will "prepare" coal seams for the subsequent safe coal extraction work by miners. Gasification of rural and suburban settlements. Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile On February, 12th, 2010 President Dmitry Medvedev, while in Kuzbass, formally approved the commencement of commercial coal bed methane extraction in Taldinskiy Coal Fields. The Russian fuel and energy industry acquired a new sub-sector – gas and coal The estimated cost of the deposit is 20 billion dollars. The project aims at producing high quality pure mullite at low cost to be used instead or as a way of upgrading the majori ty of existing refractory materials. It is ex pected that the “Kopna” depositbased com pany products can have 15% share of the world market of refractories. During the project implementation phase it is expected to create more than 200 highly skilled jobs and several facilities to process the depositbyproducts. Building a satellite town Lesnaya Polyana (Forest Glade) near Kemerovo. This is one of nine pilot programs of integrated development of the Russian Federation under the auspices of the national high priority project “Afford able and Comfortable Housing to the citi zens of Russia”. Lesnaya Polyana project ex emplifies a systemic approach to implement ing national projects at the local level – begin ning from the planning phase up to the phases of daily monitoring and control. The satellite town is located 8 kilometers away from the city of Kemerovo. In 2008, it was formally absorbed into Kemerovo boundaries. Total area – 1,615 hectares, of which: 41% is allotted for homes, and 59% is intended for sports and recreation zones with special townplanning considerations for the protection of environment. The applied sys tem of urban zoning takes into account the existing international standards and best prac tices. The population outlook is 35,000. The to tal expected residential space exceeds 1.1 million square meters. Young families and the families employed in the publicsector are offered units in the apartment buildings (two and fourstoried houses) (unit areas totaling 40 to 60 square meters). The families of mod Fig. 3 Investment by form of ownership, billion rubles 17 The implementation of promising investment projects The concept of building a satellite town entails creation of conditions for comfortable residence. Education, public health services, culture, sports, housing and utility services should all meet needs of a modern city dweller 18 erate means are offered townhouses of 90 square meters floor space. The individuals with higher income can buy detached homes rang ing from 120 to 300 square meters with some adjacent land. On the one hand, the project focuses on the maximum reduction of housing costs by means of using the most costeffective hous ing practices, using federal budget funds for creation of social infrastructure and utilities, and wise land use planning; on the other hand, provision of comfortable living conditions with a key focus on durability, comfort and environmental friendliness. Car assembly plant KuzbassAuto, Leninsk Kuznetskiy District. In April, 2010 KuzbassAvto plant was commissioned in the Kemerovo Region. It belongs to MarrTEK company group. The plant assembles HYUNDAI buses and trucks under Russian brand KUZBASs. Initially the plant will produce buses for urban, suburban and intercity service. The plan is also to launch the assembly of trucks. Until the end of 2010 the plant will produce up to 1,000 motor vehicles: 700 buses and 300 trucks. In year 2011 it is expected to double the output up to 2,200 vehicles. In 20142015 KuzbassAvto should achieve the design capacity of 2,000 buses and 2,000 trucks per year. The plant also intends to build up the production capacity, which would diversify the range and increase the annual output up to 10,000 vehicles. The plant second phase commissioning is ex pected before 2013 end. The target market for KuzbassAvto is the Russian Federation. Total car assembly project investment amounts to 420 million rubles. Estimated total investment for years 20112014 makes 1.4 billion rubles. Initially, the components parts for assem bly of HYUNDAI buses and trucks will be delivered from the Republic of Korea. In 2015 the goal is to manufacture at least 50% of the components parts at Kuzbass engineering fa cilities. This will help diversify the regional economy dominated by the coal industry, where, historically, engineering is focused on the sectoral needs. Upgrade of production facilities at Yurga ferroalloy plant. In January 2010, Yurga fer roalloy plant (a part of Kuznetsk Ferroalloys company) commissioned a new furnace. Nearly 410 million rubles was spent to do the entire upgrade. The new unit is equipped with a unique system of automated process control for smelting ferrosilicon. A daily ca pacity of the new furnace is 60 tons of ferro silicon. This is 29% higher than the produc tivity of the existing furnaces. Experts say that the new furnace will increase the company’s share in the ferrosilicon sector in Russia up to 65%. In 20102011 two more uptodate furnaces will be launched. It will double the output of ferrosilicon in Yurga plant (bring ing it up to 80,000 tons a year). At the same time, the number of jobs at the plant will grow to exceed a thousand people. Creating power engineering coal cluster Seraphimovsky (PECC) with deep coal con version. The project incorporates construc tion of coal mines in Seraphimovsky section of Ushakovsk coal deposit, construction of the coal enrichment plant with a coal prepa ration complex for PECC, construction of PECC for deep coal conversion, as well as creation of the required engineering and transportation infrastructure. The expected design capacity for output products by type: petrol AI95 – 594,200 a year; coal of G, GL, GZHO (enriched concentrate) grades – 5.7 million tons per year; propanebutane Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile mixture (LPG ) 59,400 tons per year; tech nical hydrogen 41.3 million cubic meters per year. Commissioning this industrial complex will enable: utilizing lowquality coals, wash ing coal wastes thus directing more resourc es into the economy; obtaining marketable products for use in the region less the trans port costs, which are inevitable when export ing run of mine coals; increasing the yield up to 60% per ton of coal compared to its direct combustion; reducing environmental costs. The company plans to achieve the design capacity in 2019, the total project cost being 61.7 billion rubles. After achieving full ca pacity the plant will generate 3,139 new jobs and provide conditions for preservation of more than 10,000 jobs at the existing region al enterprises. Construction of LeninskKuznetsk – Ke merovo road. The Strategy of the socioeco nomic development of the Kemerovo Region till 2025 envisages formation of bipolar ag glomeration, the centerpiece of which will be Belovo and Leninsk Kuznetskiy with pro duction and logistics functions prevailing. Therefore, Kemerovo agglomeration will in clude another monocompany municipality LeninskKuznetskiy, which decision will par tially address the issue of this city future de velopment. The Project of Development of Kuzbass agglomeration envisages accelerated devel opment of transport and logistics infra structure and construction of storage ware housing, transshipment facilities, service centers, and development of transport and forwarding companies in LeninskKuz netskiy. The basic precondition for inclu sion of the city in the agglomeration is avail ability of the high speed road. Currently, the construction of road LeninskKuz netskiy Kemerovo is underway in Kuzbass. The length of the future road is 24.6 kilometers. The road will include parts of the first and second category roads. The new road will improve road throughput ca pacity reducing travel time to Kemerovo by half (down to 3040 minutes). The con struction of this stretch of road in 2010 2012 will be funded from the regional bud get in the amount of 3.5 billion rubles. Construction of the Regional Perinatal Center (Kemerovo). It will be a customde signed facility, its overall cost being 2.47 bil lion rubles. The new facility will generate 340 new jobs, enabling significant reduction of infant mortality and improve the quality med ical care for mothers and newborns. In 2008 2009, this project received 1.17 billion ru bles worth of funding. The building is nearly complete with engineering and finishing work currently under way, and medical equipment worth 120 million rubles purchased and in stalled. Construction of skiing tourist complex Sheregesh in Tashtagol, the largest one east of the Ural Mountains. During the past six years Sheregesh faced more than fivefold increase of tourist inflow: from 42,000 to 240,000 tourists. The con struction of ski resort facilities on Mountain Zelenaya (Green) is in progress. Since the The implementation of pilot project Seraphimovsky is one of the key areas of innovation development and upgrade of the economy of the Kemerovo Region and the entire coal mining sector of Russia where more than 20% of world’s proven coal reserves are located. Based on the implementation of this project and the set of the design documentation it will be possible to develop similar power engineering systems in other coal mines of the Kemerovo Region The photo shows: KuzbassAvto Plant was commissioned in April 2010 in the Kemerovo Region. The company belongs to MarrTEK group of companies. The plant assembles HYUNDAI buses and trucks under Russian brand KUZBASs 19 The implementation of promising investment projects The development of winter sports will most effectively address the goal of exploring natural and recreational potential of the region to its fullest. A particular focus is on developing youth and children's amateur sports and tourism in the Kemerovo Region 20 beginning of construction 91 various assets were commissioned including 42 hotels able to simultaneously accommodate more than 2,000 tourists; 11 service facilities, 49 cafes and restaurants, 4 entertainment centers, and six parking lots for 1,800 vehicles. Today Sheregesh is a recreational area of the inter national level. Construction of the Regional Centre of skiing and snowboard on Mountain Tumannaya (Foggy) in Tashtagolskiy District. It is the cen ter where it is intended to train a younger generation of Russian skiers and snowboard ers. The ski runs have already been arranged including some sports facilities and ski lifts. Construction of a domestic solid waste dump. In 2009, this regional investment project under the name of “Poligon TBO Novokuz netsk, Markino” was supported by the RF Government. As a way of its implementation regarding creation a transport infrastructure – access road to the waste dump the RF Investment Fund allocated funds totaling 212 million rubles (on cofunding terms). A similar project is expected to be implement ed in Kemerovo. Outlooks In 2010 Kuzbass coal sector is expected to receive 33.5 billion rubles worth of investments. It is planned to build and commission another six uptodate coalmining enterprises: four OC mines and two UG mines with a total produc tion capacity of 8.8 million tons per year. Those are RaspadskayaKoksovaya UG Mine (Mezh durechensk), Inskaya UG/OC mine (Be lovskiy District), Cheremnova and Kuprinskiy OC mines (Prokopyevskiy District), Novo bachatskiy2 and Karakanskiy Zapadny OC mines (Belovskiy District). The said projects are expected to create more than 2,300 new jobs. This will enable Kuzbass coal sector re turning to precrisis coal output levels up to 185 million tons in 2010, processing more than 70% of coal at coal preparation plants, and also increasing labor productivity in the sector by 3%. The upgrade of the regional economy in Kuzbass goes along with enhancement of so cial infrastructure: with housing construction on the rise, the upgrade of health and educa tion facilities in progress, and new recreation al facilities appearing. Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile 21 The implementation of long range investment projects Regional investment projects of Kemerovo Region included in "Strategy of Siberia - 2020" ¹ Project Name 1. Construction of oil refinery in Yaya area Coal-bed methane extraction from priority areas in Kuzbass Launching production of mullite and mullite compounds as well as some other marketable by-products The development of manganese resources in Kuzbass (Selezen deposit) 2. 3. 4. 5. 66.0 ZAO NPO Urskoe 1.44 Management Company OOO UK Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Company owned by ÎÎÎ Regionstroy ZAO TehnoparkinvestKuzbass 12. Construction of Yashkino cement plant 8.85 13. Construction of the Regional Perinatal Center 2.40 14. Sheregesh Tourist Complex in Tashtagolskiy District of the Kemerovo Region 3.88 8. 9. 10. ZAO NefteHimServis Gazprom Dobycha Kuznetsk 11. 7. Investors 57.31 Creating power engineering coal cluster (PECC) Seraphimovsky with deep coal conversion Launching industrial pilot facility for underground coal gasification to produce electrical and thermal energy in Prokopyevsk Building a hi-tech facility to produce large size birch plywood in AnzheroSudzhensk Building inter-regional road Novosibirsk - Leninsk-KuznetskiyKemerovo - Yurga (75 km leg) Construction of Lesnaya Polyana (Forest Glade) satellite town near Kemerovo Construction of residential facility Novy Gorod (New Town) in Novokuznetsk Construction of Uchulensk Cement Plant 6. 22 Project Cost (billion rubles) 37.0 61.73 1.08 OAO Promgazenergo 1.75 ZAO AFK 14.00 GU KO Kuzbass road directorate 52.00 OOO Promstroy TP 15.00 ZAO Yuzhkuzbasstroy 7.91 OOO UK Siberian Mining Metallurgical Company OAO Holding company Siberian cement Administration of the Kemerovo Region co-financed by the federal budget OOO Restfor Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile ¹ Project Name 15. Skiing tourist complex Tanai Launching production of geosynthetic materials at KOAO Orton Refurbishment of OOO Yurga Engineering Company with the purpose of manufacturing mining equipment and development a range of new engineering products Construction of deep sewerage manifold in Kemerovo 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Launching foundry operations to produce manganese ferroalloys Launching development of copper deposit in Tashtagolskiy District Construction of the plant for deep coal conversion (semi-coke, producer gas), Prokopyevsk Construction and operating a power engineering plant to produce semi-coke, electrical and the thermal energy (Leninsk-Kuznetskiy) Construction of the coal fired thermal power plant with 500 MW capacity near Novokuznetsk Expansion of Kuznetsk CHP at the expense of two gas turbine units with total capacity of 280 MW Construction of 500 kV Kuzbass substation Construction of additional rail bridges across the Tom River at Erunakovo - Bardino, Karlyk - Tomusinskaya locations, reconstruction of the tunnel by means of adding second track at Kuregesh - Karlyk R/W district Launching fast speed passenger service at Novosibirsk-Tomsk-Taiga line Building the state-of-the-art-facility to produce next-generation organic and mineral fertilizer, capacity- 50K tons per year (Kemerovo) Project Cost (billion rubles) 1.41 Investors OOO Tanai 0.87 OAO Orton 7.0 OOO Yurga Engineering Company 9.16 21.9 Proposed by OAO Severo-Kuzbasskaya Power Company. The investor has not been identified VEB Tcheck-SU.VK 7.75 OOO MGK Shormed 16.00 ZAO HC SDS 5.68 ZAO Karbonica 32.00 OOO UGMK -Holding 9.00 OAO SUEK 7.00 10.00 OAO Federal Power Grid Company EES Investors - to be identified 1.80 Investors - to be identified 1.29 ZAO Kemerovo agrochemical plant VIKA, GK Rusnano 23 State support in the Kemerovo Region State support of investment, innovation and manufacturing in the Kemerovo Region T here is a Council for investment and innovation at the Governor of the Ke merovo Region in Kuzbass, which deals with the development and state sup port of investments and innovations in the Region. The Council, chaired by the Governor, also includes Deputy Governors, heads of executive agencies, representatives of the Council of People’s Deputies of the Ke merovo Region, representatives of the tax office, customs, business and science. The regional targeted programs imple mented to support the investment and inno vation activities: longterm term targeted program “Increasing investment appeal of the Ke merovo Region in 2008 – 2012”; longterm targeted program “Devel opment of innovations in the Kemerovo Re gion” in 2008 2012. The legal framework of the Kemerovo Region regulating investment and innova tion: Law of the Kemerovo Region dated July 8th, 2010 No 87OZ “On Favoured Economic Zones”; Law of the Kemerovo Region dated November 26, 2008 No 1020Z “On state support of investment, innovative and indus trial activities in the Kemerovo Region”; Law of the Kemerovo Region dated July 2, 2008 No 55OZ “On technoparks in the Kemerovo Region”; Law of the Kemerovo Region dated July 2, 2008 No 66OZ “On the policy of innovations in the Kemerovo Region”. The laws of the Kemerovo Region iden tifying specific forms of state support: Law of the Kemerovo Region dated of January 28th, 2010 No 5OZ “On tax relief for the residents of technoparks and in vestors engaged in coalbed natural gas (meth ane) extraction in the Kemerovo Region”; Law of the Kemerovo Region dated November 26, 2008 No 100OZ “On ad ditional tax relief for some groups of tax payers”; Law of the Kemerovo Region dated November 26, 2008 No 101OZ “On tax relief for the entities of investment, inno vation and manufacturing, management companies of technoparks, and residents of technoparks”. Forms of state support Entities eligible for state support INVESTMENT ENTITIES 24 Forms of state support 1) determining the size of incentives on taxes and duties within the scope of authority of the RF subjects; 2) modifying the period of paying of taxes and duties in the form of deferred payments, installment plans , investment tax credits in accordance with the laws of the Kemerovo Region; 3) provision of the legal framework of the state guarantees in accordance with the RF laws and the Kemerovo Region as a security of investor obligations arising out of implementation of priority investment projects; 4) provision of partial subsidies out of regional budget for the bank loans interest rate with reference to the loans obtained by the investment entities; 5) The Kemerovo Region acts as shareholder in the open jointstock companies; 6) provision of nonfinancial measures of state support to investment entities, including institutional, information and advisory measures; 7) development and (or) expert assessment of priority investment projects, on condition that the funds for these purposes have been appropriately allocated in accordance with the law on the Kemerovo Region budget. Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile Entities eligible for state support Forms of state support INNOVATION ENTITY 1) providing, in accordance with the RF and the Kemerovo Region laws, the state guarantees of the Kemerovo Region as a security for innovator obligations arising out of implementation of priority innovative projects; 2) determining the size of incentives on taxes and duties within the scope of authority of the RF subjects; 3) placement of orders for R&D, development work, innovative products and expert assessment services; 4) provision of nonfinancial measures of state support, including provision of organizational, reference and information and advisory services; 5) providing assistance in developing the infrastructure for innovations; 6) the Kemerovo Region acting as shareholder in the open jointstock companies; 7) development and (or) expert assessment of priority innovative projects, on condition that the funds for these purposes has been appropriately allocated as per the law on the Kemerovo Region budget. MANUFACTURERS 1) determining the size of incentives on taxes and duties within the scope of authority of the RF subjects; 2) modifying the period of paying of taxes and duties in the form of deferred payments, installment plans, investment tax credits within the scope of authority of the RF subjects in accordance with the laws of the Kemerovo Region; 3) provision of nonfinancial measures of state support, including provision of organizational, reference and advisory service. TAXPAYERS ENGAGED IN ACTIVITIES IDENTIFIED IN THE REGIONAL LAW № 100OZ DATED December 26th, 2008 (the share of earnings received from the said activities – not less than 80% of the total earnings) 1) income tax reduction from 18 down to 13.5% in 2010. TECHNOPARK RESIDENTS 1) determining the size of incentives on taxes and duties within the scope of authority provided for the RF subjects and as appropriate by the laws of the Russian Federation and the Kemerovo Region; 2) modifying the period of paying of taxes and duties in the form of deferred payments, installment plans, investment tax credits within the scope of authority of the RF subjects in accordance with the laws of the Kemerovo Region; 3) provision in accordance with the existing law of the state guarantees of the Kemerovo Region as a security for obligations of technopark residents arising out of implementation of innovative programs and projects; 4) partial subsidies provided out of regional budget for the bank loans interest rates with reference to the loans obtained by the technopark residents, transfer of real estate owned by the Kemerovo Region to free temporary use, as appropriate by the RF laws; 5) transfer to free temporary use of the real property owned by the Kemerovo Region in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 25 State support in the Kemerovo Region The procedure of providing state support to investment, innovation entities and manufacturers *AKO - Administration of the Kemerovo Region 26 Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile Tax relief on regional taxes Corporate profits tax – reduction from 18 down to 13.5% Corporate property tax – 100% exemption Deferrals, installment payments, tax credit on regional taxes Tr anspor t ta x tax Corpor ate Pr oper ty Ta x Corporate Proper Investment tax credit terms efinancing – 11//4 of the CBR rrefinancing ears ma x years max r ate. Term – 5 y Recipient Terms ffor or gr anting ta x rrelief elief granting tax Organizations registered in the Kemerovo Region Doing business in the sectors stipulated by the law 25 types of activities according to the Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED). Terms for granting tax relief (for organizations mentioned in the Law of the Kemerovo Region No 100-OZ) The share of earnings proceeds received from being engaged in the said activities – not less than 80% of the total revenue. Recipient Investment entities Innovation entities Technopark Residents Terms ffor or gr anting ta x rrelief elief granting tax Registration with the List of projects of the Kemerovo Region (for residents of technoparks Registration in the Register of technoparks of the Kemerovo Region. The share of earnings received during the project – not less than 70% of total earnings of the company. The share of the fixed assets used towards the project implementation — not less than 70% of total fixed assets. Manufacturers To be engaged in the activities outlined in Law No 102OZ (9(nine) activities according to OKVED). Registration with the List of the Kemerovo Region manufacturers. The share of earnings received from the said activity not less than 70% of the total company earnings. The share of the fixed assets used towards the project implementation — not less than 70% of total fixed assets. Technopark managing companies Inclusion in the Register of technoparks of the Kemerovo Region. Terms for granting tax relief (for organizations mentioned in the Law of the Kemerovo Region No 101-OZ) 27 28 Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile Changing the economic pattern of the Kemerovo Region to support innovations The Kemerovo Region strategy (as well as the concept of RF long-term socio-economic development) envisages a no alternative path of development of the innovation economy. I nnovative development includes a range of measures to create an economy based on the upgraded traditional sectors, a well developed transport infrastructure and the "new economy" – “Knowledgebased Econ omy”. In the Kemerovo Region the upgrade of traditional sectors of the economy is perceived as a mandatory prerequisite for effective in novative development. Kuzbass possesses the reserve for the up grade of the traditional sectors of economy. Since the backbone of the GRP are coal and steel sectors it is where we can get the largest added value. It is where the main reserves for upgrading are located. Kuzbass implements an integrated ap proach in developing innovative econo my, which is translated into formation of an efficient regional system of innova tions. Legal framework for innovations: Law of the Kemerovo Region dated Jan uary 28th, 2010 No 5OZ "On tax relief for residents of technoparks and investors engaged in coalbed natural gas (methane) extraction in the Kemerovo Region coal deposits”. Law of the Kemerovo Region dated on November 26, 2008 No 102OZ “On state sup port of investment, innovation and manufac turing activities in the Kemerovo Region”. Law of the Kemerovo Region dated No vember 26, 2008 No 101OZ “On tax relief for the entities of investment, innovative and man ufacturing activities, management companies of technoparks, and technopark residents”. Law of the Kemerovo Region dated 2 July 2008 No 55OZ “On Technoparks in the Kemerovo Region”. Law of the Kemerovo Region dated 2 July 2008 No 66OZ “On the innovation policy of the Kemerovo Region”. Kuzbass applies an integrated approach to innovative economy development, which takes the shape of efficiently working regional system of innovations The upgrade of existing enterprises in Kuzbass should improve the following indicators Better productivity Use of energy efficient and resource efficient technologies Reduced cost of finished goods Enhanced labor safety (which is especially vital for the coal sector) 29 Changing the economic pattern of the Kemerovo Region to support innovations The infrastructure available in the Kemerovo Region for promoting innovations 650025, Kemerovo, UL. Volodarskoko, 16 Ph: (3842) 36-53-16 E-mail: technopark @technopark42.ru www.technopark42.ru 30 Kuzbass Technopark In order to boost the process of develop ing the effective innovation system in the re gion, Kuzbass Technopark was launched in 2007. In December 2007 the Kemerovo Region was included in the RF Government program on development of technoparks in the hitech sector which entailed 300 million rubles worth of federal funding for 20082010 on cofinancing terms. June 2008 was the beginning of the prac tical phase of Kuzbass technopark for launch ing the process of innovations: an expert council was formed; the procedure was adopt ed for searching, selection and assessment of projects. As of March 1, 2010 the council re viewed 59 applications, with 56 of them be ing recommended for implementation, and 20 projects being implemented. A standard set of documents was developed and approved for the project applicants to receive the status of a Kuzbass technopark resident. The tech nopark was involved in setting up six joint ventures to implement innovative projects with three more companies being in the stage of formation. Design and construction work is in progress at Kuzbass technopark sites: No1 area master plan was approved, power distri bution station RP10kV and the cable rout ing were completed, construction of business incubator occupying 9,500 square meters was commenced on site No1, the project cost be ing 400 million rubles with a commissioning date in 2011. On July 13, 2009 the interdepartmental commission of the RF government formally approved the efforts made by the Kemerovo Region on establishing technopark and de cided to continue fullscale funding for Kuzbass Technopark among other five parks (out of nine). On the instruction of the Min istry a business plan for OAO Kuzbass Tech nopark was prepared for years 20092014. In February 2010, the RF government inter departmental commission confirmed the par ticipation of the Kemerovo Region the RF Government HighTech Program up to 2014. Today Kuzbass Technopark acts as the innovation economy driver: more than 100 innovative projects are in the data bank of the technopark, as of 1 March 2010. Twenty two enterprises whose innovative projects are al ready in the pipeline received the status of Kuzbass Technopark residents. Attracting investments by OAO Kuzbass Technopark: in February 2009 the Kemerovo Re gion signed an agreement with OAO Rus sian Venture Company (RVC) on develop ment of venture investment industry. In March 2010 OAO Kuzbass Technopark be came a RVC venture partner. The process of registration of the seed investment fund is under way; in March 2009 the Kemerovo Region signed an agreement with OAO Ingosstrakh investment to facilitate creation of the ven ture capital industry in the Kemerovo Re gion. OAO Ingosstrakhinvestments made a decision to participate in the formation of the seed fund worth of 25 million rubles to invest in Kuzbass Technopark projects; in July 2009 the Kemerovo Region signed an agreement with the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scitech sector (Bortnik Fund). OAO Kuzbass Technopark received the sta tus of the official representative of the Fund, currently doing selection of projects under programs U.M.N.I.K and START. In May 2010 there was the first phase of innovative projects selection among students, graduate students and young scientists who applied in U.M.N.I.K 10 Fund (in Sep tember there will be the second and the final selection phase). The young researchers whose innovative projects were given a positive opinion from the Youth Expert Council of Kuzbass Tech nopark took part in the selection process. Following the selection 7(seven) young re searchers received financial support for im plementation of innovative projects under U.M.N.I.K10 program; the Kemerovo Region and GK Rus nano are currently finalizing an agreement between the Kemerovo Region and GK Rus nano, selecting projects for cofinancing, and preparing applications to be submitted to GK Rusnano; the Region established cooperation with the Union of Business Angels of Russia (SBAR) to invest into innovative projects. The private owners have been approached to in volve them into cooperation with the region al investment fund, some of them already ex pressing their consent. Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile Innovative projects of the Kemerovo Region *Kuzbass Technopark resident Project Title 1. Design and production of the next level devices for respiratory protection of miners and rescuers with prolonged action using compressed oxygen 2. Manufacture of bioprostheses for Cardiovascular Surgery 3. Extraction and disposal of coal bed methane in Kemerovo Region 4. Design and manufacture of the state of the art mining equipment 5. Design, production and implementation in aluminium industry enterprises of special purpose suits “Elektroliznik” with removable overlays for pot and anode operators that work with electrolysers with lateral current supply 6. Upgrading of industrial and residential boiler houses using steam and screw units to utilize steam 7. Technology of extra-deep cleaning and regeneration of dielectric liquids 8. Design, upgrade and launching production of safety monitors for underground mining 9. Recycling of liquid wastes of coke production to produce liquid composite fuel to be used in steel plant heating units 10. Recycling of old liquid and solid wastes from coke production to produce sintering softener used as a bonding agent in coal charge mix 11. Launched production of synthetic fluxing agents for the steel industry using aluminum production CFC waste inputs 12. Plasma unit for decontamination and disposal of medical technology wastes 13. Automated farm to grow seedling with closed root system 14. Design and construction of power engineering unit (mini – thermal station) to work on coal water suspension to generate electrical and (or) thermal energy 15. Disposal of old waste obtained by magnetic separation of ores at agglomeration plants 16. Development and pilot production of devices for blowing ventilation of cul-de-sacs in coal, ore and polymetallic mines Project originators Overall project cost, million rubles ÎÀÎ Kemerovo pilot plant of safety devices, Kemerovo 30.00 *ZAO Neocor, Kemerovo 400.50 ANO Uglemetan, Kemerovo 718.90 OOO Yurga Engneering Plant, Yurga 6998.34 OOO Kuzbasslegprom, Kemerovo 6.74 ZAO Kuzbassenergosnabkomplekt, Kemerovo 2079.00 *OOO Center of Molecular Technologies, Kemerovo *ÎÎÎ Kuzbass Regional Centre of occupational safety, Kemerovo OOO Ekomash, Novokuznetsk 18.80 4.50 OOO Ekomash, Novokuznetsk 39.43 *OOO Ecological Regional Center, Novokuznetsk 56.35 Kemerovo Scientific Center of SB RAS, Kemerovo 29.00 OOO Design Construction Company, Kemerovo 36.70 ZAO NPP Sibekotehnika, Novokuznetsk 148.00 *OOO Ekomash NK, Novokuznetsk 500.00 OAO VostNIGRI, Novokuznetsk 3.30 120.00 31 Changing the economic pattern of the Kemerovo Region to support innovations Project Title 17. New techniques in the field of prevention, treatment of chronic diseases and rehabilitation of patients of various age groups: the current conservative treatment and rehabilitation of children with pathology of lymph pharyngeal opening, geroprotective therapy for rehabilitation of elderly patients 18. Developing and piloting the process and prototyping the jetting emulsion reactor for testing new technologies of obtaining charge billets and profiled casting, manganese and titanium alloys, as well as gasification of coal to obtain synthesis gas and extraction iron from ash 19. Launching mass production of filter elements for various purposes 20. Actuating device of the coal shearer 21. Launching the batch production of self-contained heating systems of the next generation 22. Creating a complex that uses electrical power technology to process brown coals 23. Launching processing facility to utilize ammonium nitrate polymer packaging to make marketable products (complete with wastewater recycling line) 24. Creating high-tech industrial complex to develop gold-quartz-topaz deposit Kopna 25. Setting up a Regional Training Center for Occupational Safety, training and retraining of coal sector employees based on the Training Center of OAO OUK YuzhKuzbassUgol 26. Construction of the next generation greenhouse blocks for year-round cultivation of cucumbers using light-induced intensive vegetable farming in Siberia 27. Launching a production facility for processing waste tires 28. Upgrading the thermal power stations with hot plants to heat the mine air and production facilities of a large volume 29. Creating power engineering coal cluster Seraphimovsky with deep coal conversion (pilot power engineering complex) 30. Establishment of the center of geo-monitoring and optimization of technological modes of coal mining blocks at coal mines 32 Project originators Overall project cost, million rubles *OOO Modern Medical Technology Clinic, Kemerovo 2.55 Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk 100.00 *OOO EvroElement, Novokuznetsk 18.13 OOO Initsiativa, Ossinniki OOO Novokuznetsk Boiler Plant, Novokuznetsk 6.00 20.00 OOO NPK INKOMP, Novokuznetsk 5600.00 *OOO Polymer-Vector, Belovo 18.00 *ZAO NPO Urskoe, Kemerovo 66000.00 OAO OUK YuzhKuzbassUgol, Novokuznetsk 81.75 *OAO Sukhovskiy, Kemerovskiy District 327.22 *OOO KuzbassPromResurs, Kemerovo ZAO Kemerovo pilot plant of safety tools, Kemerovo 293.80 30.00 *ZAO Tehnoparkinvest-Kuzbass, Kemerovo 38676.41 OOO EO Ekspertpromugol, Novokuznetsk 35.00 Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile Project Title 31. Launching batch production of safe and modern electrical equipment for surface mining 32. Setting up a test center for explosive materials, explosive devices and dust explosion protection 33. Launch of mass production of thermoplastic compound floor tiles for animal farms factory premises 34. Developing the formula and production process for making skin protective purifying and regenerating creams to address the specific adverse impacts experienced by coal miners’ skin 35. Implementing the process of growing onions using power and resource saving method based on drip irrigation under the climatic conditions of the Kemerovo Region 36. Setting up a series of enterprises for comprehensive handling of potatoes and other vegetables 37. Mass production of modular purification units to treat domestic, rainfall and industrial wastewater 38. Extraction of coal-bed methane in the priority areas in Kuzbass 39. Launching production of high-strength concrete products by means of vibratory casting using crushed diabase rock sweepings 40. Launching the experimental-industrial plant of underground coal gasification to generate electrical and thermal energy 41. Construction of the plant to produce of silica brick on the basis of ash-slag-wastes of OAO Kuzbassenergo (TGK -12) 42. Adaptation of existing technologies for timber processing and wood board production to accommodate to specific nature of raw material inputs prevailing in the Kemerovo Region 43. Improving the quality of surface decontamination of mine fields in Kuzbass 44. Introducing high-tech protective coatings made of composite polymeric materials and metals 45. Launching commercial production of railway weigh plates to be used statically and in motion 46. Construction of solid waste recycling facility in Novokuznetsk 47. Launching hi-tech recycling of waste PET è HD polyethylene 48. Launching production-cum-processing facility for natural stone in Kemerovo Oblast Project originators Overall project cost, million rubles *OOO NPP ELEKOR, Kemerovo 7.50 OAO NC VostNII, Kemerovo 52.47 *OOO Tema, Kemerovo 3.62 OOO Kuzbasslegprom, Kemerovo 129.73 OOO Frolov Farm, Kemerovo 88.48 OOO Frolov Farm , Kemerovo Food Institute, Kemerovo *OOO ECOS-S, Novokuznetsk 250.00 *OOO Gazprom Dobycha Kuznetsk, Kemerovo OOO Berezovskiy road building department, Berezovskiy *OAO Promgaz-energo, Kisselevsk 84855.72 1078.53 OAO SUEK, Moscow 400.00 Sibirsky Les (Siberian forest), Kemerovo 7731.87 AGR Oil and Gas Services (CIS) Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia OOO KTTSNIIST, Kemerovo 468.19 OOO Expocenter, Kemerovo 0.85 OOO EkoLend, Novokuznetsk 1171.54 OOO Ekoplastik, Novokuznetsk 12.67 *OOO KuzbassStroyNedra, Belovo 357.19 15.00 15.00 4.02 33 Changing the economic pattern of the Kemerovo Region to support innovations Project Title 49. The introduction of new poly-functional modifier - oxidized atactic polypropylene (OAPP) in the petrochemical and road maintenance and construction enterprises of Kemerovo Region 50. Launching production of devices AquaVallis for microbiological after-purification of potable water in Kemerovo Region 51. Launching production of mine automation means to equip mines with management information systems 52. Launching production of up-to-date multipurpose road machinery with equipment for spreading de-icing agents 53. Develop and implement the installation to produce emulsion explosives for charging boreholes in underground conditions 54. Construction of solid waste recycling facility in Kemerovo 55. Mass production of energy saving and safety glass for Kuzbass and neighboring regions 56. Launching production of track and idle rollers for undercarriage of crawler tractors T-25.01, T-35.01 57. Setting up the enterprise to process rubber and plastic waste by closed pyrolysis 58. The introduction of autonomous systems of thermal and electrical energy supply using geothermal and solar energy 59. Launching production of high quality cardboard using waste paper inputs based on the existing company OOO Kuzbass Scarabei 60. Creation of a regional system of record keeping, collection and processing of secondary wastes containing precious metals Construction of Kuzbass Technopark facilities (draft layout) 34 Project originators Overall project cost, million rubles OOO ATAKTIKA, Tomsk 2.00 OOO Akvelit, Tomsk 3.00 Design and Technological Institute of Computer Engineering of SibBranch of the RF Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk *OAO Kemerovo Experimental Mechanical Repair Plant, Kemerovo 66.îî 65.22 OOO NPO Vrzryvnoye Delo, Prokopievsk 20.00 *OOO EkoLend-Kemerovo 779.72 *OOO Siberian Center of Glass-Novokuznetsk, Novokuznetsk OOO PROMSTROYMASH, Novokuznetsk 81.82 3.00 OOO Vector – Innovatsii, Kemerovo 10.10 OOO TPK AISiT, Ossiniki 2.00 OOO Kuzbass Scarabei, Kemerovo 110.00 OOO Quartzite, Altaisky Krai 8.70 Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile INPTS “INNOTECH” Innovative ScienceBased Production Center "INNOTECH" is a part of the re gional network of SME support in the field of innovations. The Centre has been regis tered on the decision of the Council of Rec tors of Kuzbass, and in accordance with the Resolution of the Kemerovo Region Ad ministration No 123 dated 30.09.2002. The founders of the Center are: the Committee for State Property Management of the Ke merovo Region, Kuzbass State Technical University, Kemerovo State University, Ke merovo Branch of the Russian State Uni versity of Trade and Economics, Kemero vo Technological Institute of Food indus try, Siberian State Industrial University, Ke merovo State Medical Academy. Commercialization of the results of intellectual activities of scientists from universities and research organizations of the Kemerovo Region Under the agreement of the Adminis tration of Kemerovo Region and the Foun dation for Assistance to Small Innovative Ventures in scitech sector the Center co ordinated and finalized nearly 60 applica tions for such programs as START, DE VELOPMENT, U.M.N.I.K over the past six years. Overall, during that period, the programs implemented by the Fund on the basis on research efforts of the academic and research staff helped create 18 small innovative enterprises in Kuzbass. This re sulted in signing public contracts for R&D work totaling over 80 million rubles. Small businesses produce competitive, high tech nology products in the housing and utili ties sector, steel industry, food sector as well as IT and biotechnology. The key focus is on dissemination of the findings of scientific and innovative busi ness development and informing them di rectly into municipal development. In 2006, the project “Ensuring sustainable so cial and environmental development of Kemerovskiy Rural District” based on im plementing cost effective power saving tech nologies. The project deliverables were awarded with silver metal at VI Moscow International Salon of Innovations and In vestments with “INNOTECH” and the Administration of the Kemerovo Rural District having been conferred with diplo ma for developing the project “Science – government business cooperation mech anism”. Another project "Forming inno vation thinking skills and raising social awareness across the residents of Tyazhin sky Rural District on the basis of imple mentation of approved projects" complet ed in 2009, was awarded a diploma of IN TECH NP National Agency for Technolo gy Support to Business. It is involved in practical implementa tion of an important task of ensuring the ongoing interaction of the sciencebased and educational community with Kuzbass manufacturers under the auspices of “In novation Needs” project. At present, a group of companies is forming an innovation consortium, includ ing: OAO Coal Company Kuzbassrazre zugol, OAO West Siberian Metallurgical Plant (ZapSib), OAO Holding Company Siberian Business Union (SDS). The new consortium is planning to meet technology demands under the international program “Global Development Alliance” on the subject of "Innovations, power saving and improving environment for sustainable re gional development". This project aims at addressing the critical issue of Kuzbass coal and steel sector regarding the need to clean up the environment using the available re search data in the region. Currently, one of the core objectives is fostering the process of establishing business units on part of the public research and edu cational institutions, under Federal Law No 217FZ dated August 2nd, 2009, with a view of putting intellectual efforts to practical use. The first business of the kind was registered jointly with Kemerovo State Medical Acade my named OOO Innovative Research and Production Enterprise Gematogistochrom. The core company product will be a new gen eration of Russian hematological and histo logical fixatives and dyes for staining histo logical specimens for diagnostic purposes. Several more small ventures are in the stage of formation in such areas as agrofood tech nologies, synthesis of new materials, and IT. “Innovation Needs" project was awarded gold medals and special diplomas at V and VI Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments 35 Changing the economic pattern of the Kemerovo Region to support innovations Examples of small innovative enterprises of the Kemerovo Region, established under the auspices of the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Ventures in the sci-tech sector ¹ Company Types of products 1. OOO NPP Teplo, Kemerovo 2. OOO Regional Environmental Center, Novokuznetsk OOO Firma Lena, Novokuznetsk OOO INPF Impulse, Kemerovo Launched production of efficient hot water boilers with scale free piping and half the fuel consumption compared to analogues. Launched production of synthetic fluxing agents for the steel industry, using aluminum production CFC waste as raw inputs. Launched production of unique natural syrups using local vegetal resources enriched with microelements. Pilot production of automated mining early detection complex to prevent explosions in hazardous environments. Early stage in practical application of the findings resulting from many years of fundamental and applied research in the field of the new generation natural iron-carbon composite materials based on the modified iron smelting process. Marketing stage for unique weighing system showing stable performance in adverse production and natural conditions. 3. 4. 5. OOO SEVA , Novokuznetsk 6. OOO SibTenzoServis Businessincubators As an infrastructure organization to sup port small and medium enterprises, business incubators can be of great importance in sup porting innovation activities of resident com panies. A business incubator must be an um Small innovative enterprises in the Kemerovo Region produce competitive high technology products in the field of housing and utilities, industry, food industry, IT and biotechnology 36 brella organization for business support in frastructure organizations, scientific commu nity, and innovation support infrastructure. The business incubator in Kemerovo in 2009 hosted four young innovative startup businesses. Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile State support of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Kemerovo Region Legal framework Law of the Kemerovo Region dated December 27th, 2007 No 187OZ "On Develop ment of Small and Medium Business”; Resolution of AKO Collegiate dated June 26th, 2007 No 167 "On approval of the longterm targeted program “Development of small and medium enterprises in the Kemero vo Region for 20082012”. Regional Benefits 1. Reduction of tax rate by the factor of 3 for the small businesses operating under the simplified taxation system (from 15 to 5%). 2. Reduction of the regional tax rate component for some activities from 18% to 13.5%. 3. Providing tax relief for investment, innovation and production entities (property tax; income tax; deferred payment, instalment program, granting investment tax credit on region al taxes). Regional measures of state support 1. Provision of grants for SMEs startups to establish their own business (the size of the grant out of the regional budget 300 thousand rubles max.). 2. Financing the part of the interest rate for the bank loans granted to SMEs and organi zations belonging to the SME support infrastructure. 3. Financing the part of expenses on financial lease costs incurred under the lease agree ments concluded by SMEs with leasing companies for the investment purpose. 4. Institutional development of SME support infrastructure. 5. Financing the part of costs incurred by the SMEs in relation to businessplanning, expert assessment and consulting services regarding investment and innovation projects. 6. Providing grants to municipalities for implementing appropriately legislated SME development programs. 7. Implementing educational programs for SMEs. 8. Partial financing of manufacturing and innovative SMEs. 9. Partial financing of costs of connecting a new business to the power network. 10. Partial financing of SMEs engaged in the craft sector. 11. Promoting the products made by Kuzbass SME enterprises in the regional and inter national markets (Euro Info Correspondence Centre). 12. Internet resource www.dprpko.ru (the official website of the Department of the con sumer market and SME of the Kemerovo Region). 13. Creation of business incubators. 14. Inkind support. 37 State support of small and medium enterprises in the Kemerovo Region Other support measures (State Fund of SME Support of the Kemerovo Region, other SME infrastructure organizations) 1. Offering soft loans to SMEs towards implementation of investment projects at 5% p.a. interest rate for 2 year term. 2. Offering soft loans for SME startups at 5% for 3 year term. 3. The Loan Guarantee Scheme. The Guarantee Fund issues loan guarantees (for up to 70% of the required collateral). 4. Development of business plans, providing advice, conducting expert assessment of investment and innovative projects. New support measures in force since 2010: 1. Partial financing of costs related to introduction of energysaving technologies and devices. 2. Development and support of SMEs in the field of domestic tourism and incoming tourism: implementation of educational programs for small and medium enterprises on train ing, retraining and advanced training of tourism personnel; partial financing of costs of SMEs related to promoting tourist products; partial financing of costs of SMEs engaged in procurement of the equipment for tourist facilities. 3. Support of small and mediumsized enterprises established by sciencebased and educational institutions: providing grants to SMEs established by sciencebased and educational institutions for the purpose of practical implementation of the results of intellectual activity; partial compensation of the costs incurred by SMEs established by sciencebased and educational institutions associated with product promotion (certification, advertising, etc.). 38 Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile Prioritizing SME activities in Kuzbass 39 State support of small and medium enterprises in the Kemerovo Region Infrastructure of SME support 40 State Fund of SME Support of the Kemerovo Region (financial support (soft loans) to SMEs, acting as pledger, and / or guarantor for the obligations of SMEs and infrastructural companies Kuzbass Technopark (creates conditions for the efficient knowledge and technology exchange between educational institutions, science-based and research and design institutes, enterprises, facilitating creation and growth of innovative organizations) 34 business support centers in all cities and districts of the Kemerovo Region (creation of pre-requisites for providing full range of service in all areas of SME support at the municipal level) Business Support Center for the Kemerovo Region (established to ensure the comprehensive interaction between the government, regulatory bodies, science-based and educational institutions, chambers of commerce and industry, voluntary associations of entrepreneurs, financial institutions) Six business incubators (on-going support to the projects implemented by business incubator residents; providing services to businesses, development of multilevel infrastructure of business support in the Kemerovo Region, interaction with SME business support organizations in the Kemerovo Region) Euro Info Correspondence Centre (assistance to SMEs in the Kemerovo Region in establishing and developing business cooperation with their counterparts from EU countries) Public expert council on SME support in the Kemerovo Region (involving SMEs and business support infrastructure companies in participation in the implementation of state policy for SME development to include conducting public expert assessment of draft laws of the Kemerovo Region regulating SMEs and developing recommendations for the bodies of the executive in the Kemerovo Region as regarding prioritizing SME development) SME Councils in each city and municipality in the Kemerovo Region (analyzing impediments to SME development, drafting proposals for SME development, identifying “areas of growth” for the municipalities, drafting proposals for municipal SME development program) Council for promoting SME development in the Kemerovo Region (analyzing impediments to SME development, drafting proposals for SME development, development of measures to reduce the excessive interference of state bodies in the business activities, better access of entrepreneurs to loans and leased assets, the development of business support infrastructure) 21 Municipal Funds for SME support (consulting services, granting soft loans) Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile The new elements of infrastructure Business Support Centers In 2009, business support centers were launched in all cities and rural districts of the Kemerovo Region operating as “one stop” shops. T he main purpose of the above centers is the reduction in every way possible in bureaucratic barriers while address ing economic and legal problems encoun tered by SMEs. Specialist consultants accept applications and documents from entrepre neurs or citizens who express their wish to become entrepreneurs, and then collect all necessary approvals from various agencies. All work is done as appropriate by the law within the set time frame and free of charge: the applicants will only need to pay state duty and other formal payments. They also can provide additional assistance in developing business plans and investment projects at reduced prices. The fairly wide range of ser vices of business support centers includes: registration or closure of business obtaining licenses, registration of land and property re lations, coordination with the construction of the investment facility, as well as assistance in obtaining state, provincial and municipal grants and preparation of documents for par ticipation in competitions and grants. Business Support Center of the Kemerovo Region Kemerovo, Ul. Krasnaya, 4, (3842) 58-71-98 Regional Representative Office of the European Information Correspondence Centre (EROEIC) in Russia The purpose of EROEIC is providing assistance to SMEs in the Kemerovo Region in establishing and developing business cooperation with their counterparts from EU countries. T he regional office of EROEIC was es tablished at INPTS INNOTEKH (Kemerovo), under an agreement signed by the regional governor Aman Tuleev and the GD of the Russian Agency for Small and Medium Business Viktor Ermakov. EROEIC office in Kuzbass provides a full range of support services in establishing con tacts with potential partners. In addition, each entrepreneur can obtain complete informa tion on the EU policy and programs on SME support, on EU and Russian legislation in the field of entrepreneurship and foreign eco nomic activities, quality standards and other requirements of EU towards goods and ser vices. Currently, EROEIC regional office has already placed requests from four Kuzbass exporters: OOO Firma Lena (Novokuznetsk) – knowhow based production of natural syr ups from berries and wild plants; OOO SibTech (Kemerovo) – recycling ce dar cone waste into unique patented material Kedroplast possessing medicinal properties; OOO Impuls (Kemerovo) develop unique software system for early detection and pre vention of explosions in coal mines); OOO Dominant Trend (Kemerovo) pro duces and markets food ingredients. The precondition for a company to be placed in the EROEIC project pipeline is the credibility of the posted information and patent protection of the products promoted by the business. Therefore, the Euro Info Centre in Ke merovo Region is one of the elements of the regional SME support infrastructure focused on foreign trade activities. It fos ters setting up a common information en vironment for entrepreneurship in Russia, providing for active participation of local entrepreneurs in EU programs and projects aimed at promoting economic co operation. “EROEIC Kemerovo”: Russia, 650000, Kemerovo, UL N. Ostrovskogo, 32, office 444, Ph/Fax (3842) 36-93-03, e-mail: [email protected] www.euroinfocenter.ru 41 Investment projects implemented in the Kemerovo Region Investment projects impl emented in the Kemer ov o Region implemented Kemerov ovo ¹ Project Name Project originator Project Cost, million rubles Mineral Mining 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 2î. 21. 22. 42 Development of Antonovsky group Belokamenskoe quartzite deposit (Anzhero-Sudzhensk) Feasibility report for building Taybinskaya Mine (Kisselevsk) Construction of Kostromovskaya UG mine (Leninsk-Kuznetskiy) Construction of Tikhov MIne (Leninsk-Kuznetskiy) The investment program for sustaining coal mining in 2009-2013 (Polysayevo) Reconstruction of coal washery Sputnik (Polysayevo) Improving ventilation system for mine Zarechnaya (Polysayevo) Reconstruction of sewage treatment plant for mine water (Polysayevo) Opening up and preparation of reserves of Inskoi-3 coal seam (Polysayevo) Locomotive shed construction (Polysayevo) Construction of Karakanskiy-Zapadny OC mine. Building a high-angle separator (Belovsky District) Industrial refurbishment of Karakanskiy-Yuzhny and Vinogradovskiy OC mines (Belovskiy District) Construction of parking and repair pits for large dump trucks (Belovskiy District) Construction of UG mine by ZAO Razrez Inskoy (mine Signal) (Belovskiy District) The program of investment for the coal mining company (Belovskiy District) The program of investment for the coal mining company, Novobachatskiy-2 section (Belovskiy District) Construction and operation of Lapicheskaya Mine (Kemerovskiy District) Construction of the 2-nd phase of OOO JV Barzas Partnership (Kemerovskiy District). Reconstruction of Chertinskaya-Koksovaya mine (Belovo) Acquisition of heading equipment to increase the rate of advance in Chertinskaya-Yuznhaya Mine (Belovo). The development of transport and service network for Belon Group (Belovo) Administration of Anzhero-Sudzhensk OOO Invest-Uglesbyt 15000.00 ZAO Kostromovskaya UG mine 3565.00 OAO Koks 8591.00 SUEK-Kuzbass, coal mine Polysaevskaya OAO mine Zarechnaya 3102.10 102.70 OAO mine Zarechnaya 148.39 OAO mine Zarechnaya 51.58 OAO mine Zarechnaya 943.60 OAO mine Zarechnaya ZAO mine Belovskaya 50.88 2388.00 OAO Kuzbass fuel company 570.00 OAO Kuzbass fuel company 2594.80 OAO Kuzbass fuel company 150.00 OOO UK Promuglesbyt 2244.00 OOO Novobachatskiy OC Mine 1136.66 OOO Novobachatskiy OC Mine 86.17 South Korean firm Langfeld Enterprizes Ltd. 6500.00 ZAO Stroyservice 600.00 OAO Belon 3025.00 OAO Belon 850.00 OAO Belon 28.00 4455.10 Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile ¹ 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Project Name Project originator Project Cost, million rubles 862.00 Sustaining and upgrading of the existing production facilities of OOO Koksovaya Mine (Prokopyevsk) Sustaining and upgrading of the existing production facilities of OOO Mine Krasnogorskaya (Prokopyevsk) Sustaining and upgrading of the existing production facilities of OOO Voroshilova Mine (Prokopyevsk) Sustaining and upgrading of the existing production facilities of OOO Mine Ziminka (Prokopyevsk) Sustaining and upgrading of the existing production facilities of OOO Dzerzhinskiy Mine (Prokopyevsk) Construction of crushing and screening plant to produce syenite (2.7 million cubic meters/year (Tashtagol District) Development of Selezensky manganese ore deposit (Tashtagol District) Expanding capacity of Itatsky OC mine (Tyazhinskiy District) Construction of mine Sibirginskaya (2 nd Phase) (Mezhdurechensk) Construction of mine Butovskaya (Kemerovo) Construction of mine Raspadskaya-Koksovaya (Mezhdurechensk) Construction of 2-nd stage of UG coal mine Olzherasskaya Novaya (Mezhdurechensk) Acquisition of coal planer for developing Mine Pervomayskaya (Berezovskiy) Technical refurbishment of one mine section to launch G coal enrichment facility (Berezovskiy) Construction of sewage treatment plant for the site runoff of the coal washery OAO Berezovskaya (Berezovskiy) Expansion of facilities to process ROM coal up to 5.2 million tons per year (Berezovskiy) Construction of crushing and screening plant and the reconstruction of Karachkinskiy OC mine (Guryevskiy District) Development of Bannovsky sand and gravel deposit (Krapivinskiy District) Development of Berezovopeschany sand and gravel deposit (Krapivinskiy District) Sustaining coal mining output for Mine Taldinskaya-Zapadnaya-1 (Prokopyevskiy District) OOO Mine Development Department at Prokopievsk HC SDS-Ugol 687.00 HC SDS-Ugol 596.20 HC SDS-Ugol 499.00 HC SDS-Ugol 443.00 OOO Kuzbasstroy 1389.00 OOO Management Company SGMK ZAO HK SDS 679.29 OAO UK Yuzhny Kuzbass 7020.50 OAO Koks 6850.00 ZAO Raspadskaya Coal Company OAO UK Yuzhny Kuzbass 5711.00 250.00 4479.40 OAO Coal Company Severny Kuzbass Central Processing Plant OAO Berezovskaya 1511.10 Central Processing Plant OAO Berezovskaya 60.00 Central Processing Plant OAO Berezovskaya OAO Evrazruda 200.00 OOO Bannovskiy quarry 100.00 OOO Sibgeolit 100.00 OAO SUEK Kuzbass Mine Taldinskaya-Zapadnaya 986.85 252.00 424.70 43 Investment projects implemented in the Kemerovo Region ¹ Project Name Project originator Project Cost, million rubles Mineral Mining 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. Sustaining the existing output of mine ¹ 7 of SUEK-Kuzbass (Prokopyevskiy District) Increasing production capacity of Kotinskaya Mine (OAO SUEK-Kuzbass) up to 5,000 thousand t/year (Prokopyevskiy District) Increasing production capacity of Eastern Kuzbass coal handling plant (CHP) (Prokopyevskiy District) Building a coal preparation plant (Prokopyevskiy District) Launching a high-angle separator (Prokopyevskiy District) Construction of Taldinskaya-Yuzhbaya (Prokopyevskiy District) Construction of coal washery (Prokopyevskiy District) Construction of Erunakovskaya-VIII mine (Novokuznetskiy District) Construction of Erunakovskaya Mine-I (Novokuznetskiy District) Construction of deep coal conversion coal plant (semi-coke, power gas) in Prokopyevsk Construction of the engineering plant for disposal of methane from operating and abandoned mines in Prokopyevsk Launching development of copper deposit in Tashtagolskiy District Mineral Mining (placer gold) in Tashtagolskiy District Coal mine design and inception stage at Khmelevsky Section of Solonovski coalfield SUEK-Kuzbass coal mine ¹ 7 1047.43 SUEK-Kuzbass coal mine Kotinskaya 1761.33 OAO SUEK-Kuzbass, CHP Eastern Kuzbass ZAO Kuzbass fuel company 374. 34 3810.00 ZAO Kuzbass fuel company 570.00 OOO Taldinskaya Coal Company 2842.00 OOO Berezovskiy OC mine 3000.00 ZAO UK YuzhKuzbassCoal 6669.00 JSC UK Yuzhny Kuzbass 7020.50 ZAO HK SDS 16000.00 ZAO HK SDS 1000.00 OOO MGK Shormed 7750.00 OOO Zoloto Shorii 550.00 OOO MarrTEK 280.00 Public Catering 1. 2. Improving school catering services (Kemerovo) Launching school catering services (Mezhdurechensk) Administration of the Kemerovo Region Administration of Mezhdurechensk 887.38 70.92 Chemical sector 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 44 Launching production of geosynthetic materials, Kemerovo Building the state of the art facility to produce next-generation organic agrochemical plant VIKA 50 fertilizer, capacity - 50K tons per year (Kemerovo) Converting ammonia and carbamide units to two-year overhaul cycle (Kemerovo) Refurbishment of AM-70 unit (Kemerovo) Expansion of production of shrink film wrapper and greenhouse cover film (Kemerovo) KOAO Orton 869.40 ZAO Kemerovo 1290.00 Kemerovo OAO Azot 468.60 Kemerovo OAO Azot 564.30 ZAO Polymer 30.18 Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile ¹ Project Name Project originator Project Cost, million rubles Engineering Sector 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Construction of Komatsu service center (Polysayevo) Development of new product mix at OOO Yurga Engineering Company (Yurga) Refurbishment of the foundry operations at OOO Yurga Engineering Company (Yurga) Refurbishment of machinery operations at OOO Yurga Engineering Company (Yurga) Refurbishment of power engineering facilities at OOO Yurga Engineering Company (Yurga) Manufacture of railway wagons on the basis of Novokuznetsk Carriage Works (Novokuznetsk) Expansion of Kuzbass wagon factory Novotrans in Prokopyevsk Construction of the plant to produce modern conveyor systems in Leninsk-Kuznetskiy Production of conveyor belts in Leninsk-Kuznetskiy Construction of the plan for kit assembly of medium capacity buses (Leninsk-Kuznetskiy) Branch OOO Komatsu CIS 320.00 OOO Yurga Engineering Company 1214.00 OOO Yurga Engineering Company 1037.70 OOO Yurga Engineering Company 827.18 OOO Yurga Engineering Company 413.50 OAO Novokuznetsk Carriage Works 804.60 ZAO HK SDS 500.00 OOO Transport Systems 1640.00 OOO Kolchuginsky Chemical Company ÎÎÎ MarrTEK 250.00 100.00 Road facilities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Construction of motor road Novosibirsk Leninsk-Kuznetskiy, Kemerovo - Yurga (Leninsk-Kuznetskiy – Kemerovo section) (Kemerovo, Kemerovskiy District) Reconstruction of Taiga RW Station (extending passenger tracks), 3d phase (Taiga) Construction of road Chugunash Sport-Tourist Complex Sheregesh (Tashtagolskiy District) Construction of a motor road between Ul Tereshkovoi and satellite town Lesnaya Polyana (Kemerovo) Overhauling road between Octyabrsky Community and village Kalenovo (Yashkinskiy District) 6. Construction of the motor road Kisselevsk – Malinovka - Mikhajlovka in Prokopyevskiy District 1. Development and reconstruction of OAO “Universal” factory (Novokuznetsk) 1. Construction of the factory to produce polycrystalline and monocrystalline silicon (Anzhero-Sudzhensk) GU KO Kuzbass Road Directorate 5162.70 OAO RAO Railways 50.00 GU KO Kuzbass Road Directorate 1186.65 GU KO Kuzbass Road Directorate 2198.91 Department of town planning of the Administration of Yashkinskiy District GU KO Kuzbass Road Directorate 89.50 202.60 Production of household goods/sanitary ware ÎÀÎ “Universal” factory 197.50 Solar power engineering Administration of Anzhero-Sudzhensk 16000.00 45 Investment projects implemented in the Kemerovo Region ¹ Project Name Project originator Project Cost, million rubles Iron and Steel Sector 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Preparation for and overhauling cum refurbishment of ferroalloy furnace No 63 (Yurga) Upgrading the small-section mill 250-2 of the section rolling shop of OAO West-Siberian Steel plant (ZSMK) (Novokuznetsk) Introduction of the splitting process at small-section mill 250-1 of section rolling mill plant at OAO West-Siberian Steel plant (ZSMK) (Novokuznetsk) A unit for coal injection to blast furnace (Novokuznetsk) Upgrading the structural mill of OAO NKMK steel works (Novokuznetsk) Upgrading gas purification-furnace facility Nos 62, 63 (Novokuznetsk) Upgrading the equipment and the process for cryolite production line under the program of conversion to petroleum coke (OAO NkAZ) (Novokuznetsk) Production of ferroalloys (Novokuznetsk) Construction of electrical steel plant in Leninsk-Kuznetskiy OAO Kuznetsk Ferroalloys, OSP Yurga Ferroalloy Plant OAO West-Siberian Steel plant (ZSMK) 332.60 56.00 OAO West-Siberian Steel plant (ZSMK) 119.00 OAO West-Siberian Steel plant (ZSMK) OAO Novokuznetsk Iron and Steel plant OAO Kuznetsk Ferroalloys Plant, 4136.00 OAO Rusal Novokuznetsk 85.42 OOO UK SGMK 890. 00 OAO Energia-holding 9000.00 12784.00 925.00 Public utilities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 46 Reconstruction of water intake facilities on the Kondoma River (Ossinniki) Upgrading the process of removal, storage and disposal of sludge at the pump and filtration station (Leninsk-Kuznetskiy) Installing metering devices at the apartment building to measure heat and electricity, hot and cold water for energy saving purpose in the housing sector of Leninsk-Kuznetsk in 2009-2011 Reconstruction of sewerage system (Polysayevo) Reconstruction of sewerage system (Prokopyevsk) Construction of sewage treatment facilities in Tyazhinskiy settlement Reconstruction of residential buildings of 1-335 series in Yurga Construction of sewage treatment plant (Yashkinskiy District) Reconstruction of pressure header (Mezhdurechensk) Construction of the trunk sewer (Berezovskiy) Construction of sewerage water treatment system at Yuznaya Mine settlement (Berezovskiy) Urban Services Municipal Enterprise 341.70 OOO Vodokanal 64.30 OAO UEZ ZHKu in Leninsk-Kuznetskiy 116.84 Capital Construction Department at Polysayevo City Administration of Prokopyevsk Administration of Tyazhinskiy District Office of public utilities at Administration of Yurga Administration of Yashkinskiy District Administration of Mezhdurechensk OAO Northern Kuzbass Power Company OAO Northern Kuzbass Power Company 138.78 80.00 146.00 100.00 55.00 65.00 94.40 150.00 Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile ¹ Project Name Project originator Project Cost, million rubles Construction Sector 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 2î. 21. 22. Integrated development of Vostochny residential area (Anzhero-Sudzhensk) Suburban settlement Snegiry, (Kemerovskiy District) Suburban settlement Serebryany bor (Kemerovskiy District) Suburban settlement Zhuravlevy gory (Kemerovskiy District) Suburban settlement Gubernskaya Usad’ba (Kemerovskiy District) Residential community “Little Italy” (Kemerovskiy District) Construction of apartment building No 6-7 (Polysayevo) Construction of apartment buildings (Polysayevo) Sports community center in the 3d microdistrict (Belovo) Construction of water treatment facilities (Kaltan) Construction of apartment building No 2 in Block 15 (Kaltan) Construction of a community sports center with a general purpose gym and a football field with artificial turf (Kaltan) Construction of kindergarten for 150 children with a swimming pool (Krasnobrodsky City District) Addressing housing problems, including: Providing assistance to citizens from dilapidated homes in terms of obtaining (building) new homes in place of demolished ones; construction of new apartment housing (to address relocation needs for residents from dilapidated apartment buildings subject to demolition) (Prokopyevsk) Construction of utilities infrastructure (microdistricts 11, 16 (1st phase), Blocks 4À, 5 (Red Hill settlement) (Prokopyevsk) Construction of pre-school facility in microdistrict 10 (Prokopyevsk) Construction of pre-school facility in microdistrict 16 (Prokopyevsk) Construction of community sports center with general purpose gym (Prokopyevsk) The center of choreography (Prokopyevsk) Building Wedding Rooms on Ul. Zholtovskjgo (Prokopyevsk) Construction of correctional juvenile boarding school facility (8th category) in Izhmorskiy Construction of 33-unit apartment building in Izhmorskiy, microdistrict 21 Administration of Anzhero-Sudzhensk OOO SK Rus, OOO Global (developer) OOO BOR 15992.86 1500.00 Company KSK Yantar 6500.00 MUP UKS and MTS 900.00 OOO SDS-Finance 770.00 Department of Capital Construction in Polysayevo Department of Capital Construction in Polysayevo Administration of Belovo 124.00 503.00 Administration of Kaltan Administration of Kaltan 500.00 99.928 MU Department of Youth Policy and Sports Administration of Kaltan 82.05 Administration of Krasnobrodsky settlement Administration of Prokopyevsk 130.00 4357.8 Administration of Prokopyevsk 316.40 Administration of Prokopyevsk 160.00 Administration of Prokopyevsk 190.00 Administration of Prokopyevsk 103.00 Administration of Prokopyevsk Administration of Prokopyevsk 70.00 100.00 Izhmorskiy specialized (correctional) juvenile boarding school 222.70 Administration of Izhmorskiy District, ÍÎ Housing Development Fund for the Kemerovo Region 49.00 841.00 92.50 47 Investment projects implemented in the Kemerovo Region ¹ Project Name Project originator Project Cost, million rubles Construction Sector 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 48 Construction of 22 detached family homes on Gubernatorskaya Ulitsa in Izhmorskiy settlement Construction of Kindergarten in Tyazhinskiy settlement Renovation of District community center in Tyazhinskiy settlement Construction of Maternity Hospital in Tyazhinskiy settlement Construction of 36 unit building in Tyazhinskiy settlement Construction of District community center in Yaya settlement The conversion of Children's Department of the city hospital No. 1 to maternity hospital and procuring the equipment (Yurga) Construction of deep sewerage manifold in Kemerovo Construction of residential microdistrict No 11 in Rudnichny District (Kemerovo) Construction of the 2nd phase of the planning district of satellite town Lesnaya Polyana (Kemerovo) Construction of residential, utility, and transportation infrastructure of the Central District (Kemerovo) Construction of residential microdistrict No 12 Rudnichny District, Kemerovo Development of housing and transport infrastructure of Zavodsky District (Kemerovo) Development of housing and utility infrastructure in the a newly built microdistrict of the Central District (Kemerovo) Construction of shopping center ‘Provincial Market’ (Kemerovo ) Development of microdistrict No 24 Novoilinsk District (Novokuznetsk) Construction of 16-storied apartment building in the Central District of Novokuznetsk, Block No 43 (Novokuznetsk) Development of the Zapadny District (Mezhdurechensk) Reconstruction of recreation camp "Ozerki" (Mezhdurechensk) Conversion of school No 8 to Kindergarten (Berezovskiy) Construction of 60-unit apartment building, No 40A in the 4th microdistrict (Berezovskiy) Construction of 60-unit apartment building No 40B in the 4th microdistrict (Berezovskiy) Construction of 100-unit apartment building No 37 in the 4th microdistrict (Berezovskiy) Construction of kindergarten in the 4th microdistrict (Berezovskiy) Administration of Izhmorsky District Administration of Tyazhinskiy District Administration of Tyazhinskiy District MUZ Tyazhinskiy Central District hospital Administration of Tyazhinskiy District Department of Culture and National Policy of the Kemerovo Region Health Board of Yurga Administration 51.70 116.00 198.10 81.20 50.00 80.80 90.00 OAO Severo-Kuzbasskaya Power Company OOO SDS-Finance 9160.00 603.72 OOO Promstroy TP 2537.74 OOO SDS-Finance 4328.75 OOO Progrand 3667.99 OOO Sibirinvestholding, 2527.00 OOO Investment-Komplekt-Stroy, OAO FSK OOO SDS-Finance 1117.07 ZAO HK SDS 100.00 OOO SK Terem 1000-3000 OAO Novokuznetsk Plant of reservoir fabrications 208.90 OOO Belavtosib, ISK Mezhdurechenskstroy OOO Transit Plus 1421.08 380.00 Administration of Berezovskiy 65.00 Administration of Berezovskiy 75.00 Administration of Berezovskiy 75.00 Administration of Berezovskiy 160.00 Administration of Berezovskiy 150.00 Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile ¹ 47. 48. Project Name Project originator Construction of a kindergarten in Tissul (Tissulskiy District) Construction of 45-unit residential building (Tissulskiy District) Administration of Tissulskiy District Sole trader Tarasov Project Cost, million rubles 72.00 53.00 Production of Construction Materials 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Construction of brickworks, 40 million pieces annual capacity (Anzhero-Sudzhensk) Production of fully complete houses made of laminated square logs (windows, doors, staircases, molded products) (Anzhero-Sudzhensk) Construction of glass-works (Anzhero-Sudzhensk) Reconstruction of the plant to introduce structural building systems to build prefab residential and community assets (Polysayevo) Launching high-tech innovative production of the quality wood-polymer composite materials based on the existing production of pellets from waste polymer packing (Krasnobrodskiy City District) Construction of brickworks (Taiga) Production of furniture board (Taiga) Construction of Uchulensk cement plant (Tashtagolskiy District) Expansion of the production facility to make double T-beams for building metal frame buildings for commercial and industrial use (Yurga) Achieving the design capacity in OOO Transsibstroy (Kemerovo) 11. Construction of Yashkino cement plant 12. Construction of the plant to make building materials (Topkinskiy District) The upgrade of cement mills Nos 8, 9, switching to closed loop milling cycle (Topkinskiy District) The upgrade of the rotary kiln number 5 for burning clinker (Topkinskiy District) Construction of the facility to make building materials (building blocks, ceramic tile et cet) in Prokopyevsk Construction of the facility to make building components and structures (reinforced concrete products; metal fabrications et cetera) in Prokopyevsk 13. 14. 15. 16. OOO StroiIndustria 430.00 OOO UK Sibinvest 1000.00 Administration of Anzhero-Sudzhensk ÎÎÎ Polysayevo construction bureau 200.00 OOO Polymer-vector 120.00 Solomakhin N.B . Sole trader Sinitsyn G.V. OOO UK Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Company OOO Metallurgmontazh 80.00 150.00 7911.00 150.00 131.65 OOO Strommashkomplekt (Samara), Sibirimpeks (Kemerovo), OOO Agric-Roof Systems (Kemerovo), OOO Elso-2000 (Moscow) OAO Holding company Siberian cement OOO Siberian Construction Company ÎÎÎ Topkinsky Cement 84.32 ÎÎÎ Topkinsky Cement 1009.80 ZAO HK SDS 2000.00 ZAO HK SDS 2000.00 8850.00 100.00 118.90 49 Investment projects implemented in the Kemerovo Region ¹ Project Name Project originator Project Cost, million rubles Woodworking industry 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Building a facility to produce large size plywood with a capacity of 60 thousand cubic meters (Anzhero-Sudzhensk) Building a facility to make pallets, 66K tons annual capacity (Anzhero-Sudzhensk) Construction of woodworking facility to make furniture boards (Kemerovo Region) Construction of the wood facility in Temirtau settlement for deep wood processing (Tashtagolskiy District) Building a facility to harvest, cut, and process wood including production of wood boards under the long term forest lease conditions (Mariinskiy District) Launching new facilities for harvesting and comprehensive processing of wood and wood waste (Mariinskiy District) ZAO AFK 1748.13 OOO EPP 640.00 OOO SPB Sibles 53.00 OOO Shelkovy put 2000.00 OOO Sibirskiy Les 7452.00 OOO Suslovsky LPH 960.00 Public health 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Construction of health center for KOAO AZOT (Kemerovo) Construction and equipping the regional perinatal center: completion of the first construction phase (Kemerovo) Building an outpatient clinic for 320 patient visits in Yashkino settlement Completing construction of the outpatient clinic (Berezovskiy) Construction of hospital pathology department building (Berezovskiy) Construction of maternity hospital building (Berezovskiy) OAO AZOT at Kemerovo 189.40 Administration of the Kemerovo Region 1216.40 Department of Town planning of Yashkinskiy District Administration Administration of Berezovskiy Administration of Berezovskiy Administration of Berezovskiy 456.40 450.00 115.00 150.00 Oil Refining Sector 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 50 Construction of the oil refinery OOO Severny Kuzbass, capacity 800K tons p.a. (Anzhero-Sudzhensk) Construction of Tyazhinskiy oil refinery (Tyazhinskiy District) The upgrade of oil treatment plant (UPN-40) in Itat settlement (Tyazhinskiy District) Construction of Oil Refinery Severny Kuzbass (Yaiskiy District) Construction of oil refinery OOO Anzherskaya Oil and Gas Company (Yaiskiy District) Construction of oil refinery OOO NefteHimServis (1st phase) (Yaiskiy District) OOO Refinery Severny Kuzbass 4000.00 ZAO HC Kuznetsky Ugol 6000,00 ZAO HC Kuznetsky Ugol 50,00 OOO Refinery Severny Kuzbass 3000,00 HC Kem-Oil, OOO Anzherskaya Oil and Gas Company OOO NefteHimServis 1250,00 13000,00 Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile ¹ Project Name Project originator Project Cost, million rubles Food Industry 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Launch of the line to make Winkler chocolate bars (Kemerovo) Production line to make swakn stuffed hanuta wafers (Kemerovo) Production line Eco Lean to make sour cream and yogurt filled with pieces of fruit (Kemerovo) Renovation and upgrade in OOO KDV Yashkino (Yashkinskiy District) Construction of canola processing plant (Krapivinskiy District) Washing, grading and packing of vegetables and potatoes (Topkinskiy District) Renovation and construction of poultry farm (Topkinskiy District) ÎÀÎ KDW Kemerovo 130.00 ÎÀÎ KDW Kemerovo 170.00 ÎÀÎ Unimilk Dairy at Kemerovo 190.00 OOO KDV Yashkino 460.00 OOO VEMMA 60.00 OOO TD Fruits of Siberia 47.30 ZAO Kolos 149.00 Agriculture 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Construction of dairy complex OOO Selyana to house 1500 heads of cattle and equipping it with new machinery (Kemerovskiy District) Construction of cattle farm (Kemerovsky District) Construction of cattle-breeding complex in OOO Yurginsky (Yurginsky District) Building 2nd phase of the pig-breeding complex (Prokopyevskiy District) Upgrading the pig-breeding complex Upgrading the industrial wastewater treatment facility (Novokuznetskiy District) OOO Selyana 550.00 OOO Zvezdny State Farm 250.00 OOO Yurginskiy 200.00 ZAO Kuzbass Food Kombinat 500.00 OOO SPK Chistogorskiy 2189.83 Recycling of solid domestic wastes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Construction of municipal solid waste dump (Prokopyevsk) Construction of municipal solid waste dump in Izhmorskiy settlement Construction of municipal solid waste dump in Tyazhinskiy settlement Construction of municipal solid waste dump (Berezovskiy) Construction of municipal solid waste dump in Leninsk-Kuznetsky District: Panfilovo, Krasnoe, Shabanovo, Podgornoye Villages Administration of Prokopyevsk 150.00 Administration of Izhmorskiy settlement Administration of Tyazhinskiy settlement Administration of Berezovskiy Administration of Leninsk-Kuznetskiy District 144.99 153.00 54.20 118.70 51 Investment projects implemented in the Kemerovo Region ¹ Project Name Project originator Project Cost, million rubles Trading Sector 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Construction of the shopping and community center Molodezhny (Tsinkzavodskoye Lane, City Park) (Belovo) Construction of hypermarket Kora (microdistrict 5-6) (Belovo) Construction of shopping and office space Maria Ra (Kaltan) Construction of the shopping center, children's cafe and coffee shop (Yurga) Construction of new Okey chain store, renovation of two existing stores of Okey chain (Yurga) Construction of two petrol stations (Yurga) Construction of shopping mall (Kemerovo) Construction of the shopping center in Octyabrsky prospect, 101 (Kemerovo) Construction of garage parking (Mezhdurechensk) OOO Molodezhny 50.00 OOO Kora-TK 200.00 OOO Kuzbass-3 60.00 Sole trader Leonov A.N. 50.00 OOO Styer RTs 55.00 OOO RN Kemerovonefteproduct 100.00 Sole trader Chirkov NK, Sole trader Chirkova M.V. Belovo OOO Roznits K-1 60.00 150.00 Sole trader Schumacher I.D . 51.60 Sport, Tourism 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 52 Sheregesh Tourist Complex (Tashtagolskiy District) Construction of the Provincial Centre of snowboarding and skiing on Tumannaya (Foggy) Mountain (Tashtagolskiy District) Construction of the sports complex with artificial ice seating 500 (Tashtagolskiy District) Construction of general purpose sports center Kemerovo (Kemerovo) Construction of sports center with a skating rink in Zavodskiy District in Kemerovo (microdistrict No 60) Construction of sports center for Volleyball in the Central District of Kemerovo Construction of the City Stadium (Berezovskiy) Expansion of tourist camp Gornaya Salanga (Tissulskiy District) Construction of the hotel facilities in Makaraksk Village (Tissulskiy District) Provincial skiing tourist complex Tanai (Promishlennovskiy District) OOO Restfor 3405.39 Administration of Tashtagolskiy District 496.60 Administration of Tashtagolskiy District 201.00 OOO RMB Leasing, Administration of the Kemerovo Region, Kemerovo City Administration Administration of Kemerovo, ‘United Russia’ party Administration of Kemerovo, ZAO HK SDS Administration of Berezovskiy OOO Gornaya Salanga 426.70 235.00 250.00 OOO Makarak 68.00 OOO Tanai 1410.00 220.40 165.34 Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile ¹ Project Name Project originator Project Cost, million rubles Power engineering 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Installation of hydraulic Kaplan turbines on water intakes in order to reduce power acquisition costs (Anzhero-Sudzhensk) Recovery of methane in SUEK-Kuzbass mines to generate electric and thermal energy (Leninsk-Kuznetskiy) Reconstruction of ash dump No (IVth bench) to add sanitary protection zone (Belovo) Sewage treatment facilities for rainfall runoffs at Belovo Power Station (GRES) (Belovo) Construction of the new ash dump No at Belovo Power Station (GRES) (Belovo) Full scale reconstruction of South Kuzbass Power station (GRES). Construction of power unit (Unit 330 Mw using combined-cycle process with coal gasification) (Kaltan) Reconstruction of the utility water system (Kaltan) Reconstruction of district boiler house No 6 (Prokopyevsk) Reconstruction of boiler house No 76 (Prokopyevsk) Reconstruction of boiler house No 114 (former Elektromashina Company) (Prokopyevsk) Construction of the modular boiler house of microdistrict 4A (Prokopyevsk) Construction overhead power line 110 kV TemirTau - Kondoma (Tashtagolskiy District) Expansion of the dam of the ash dump Section 1 up to 126 m. Kemerovo Power Plant Detailed design of station No 14 with the purpose to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions Construction of Pritomskaya substation for 110/10 kV (Kemerovo) Construction of the substation 35/6 kV Lapin Log (Novokuznetsk) Construction of overhead power line (Mezhdurechensk) Reconstruction of the district boiler house (Mezhdurechensk) Design and reconstruction of boiler house No 2 to switch the boiler KE-25-14 to work as high temperature circulating fluidized bed unit and the outgoing steam temperature to be 250 degrees (Berezovskiy) Design and construction of a mini heat station at boiler room No 4 (Berezovskiy) Reconstruction of the coal storage site (Berezovskiy) Recovery of methane in SUEK-Kuzbass mines to generate electric and thermal energy (Prokopyevskiy District) Construction of substation 220/10 kW (Novokuznetsk) Construction and operating a power engineering plant to produce semi-coke, electrical and the thermal energy (Leninsk-Kuznetskiy) OOO Anzherskiy Vodokanal Water Company 85.50 OAO SUEK-Kuzbass 730.00 OAO Kuzbassenergo 541.10 OAO Kuzbassenergo 85.90 OAO Kuzbassenergo 2958.50 OAO South Kuzbass GRES 17267.80 OAO South Kuzbass GRES Administration of Prokopyevsk Administration of Prokopyevsk Administration of Prokopyevsk 449.56 223.00 Administration of Prokopyevsk Administration of Tashtagolski District Kemerovo branch of OAO Kuzbassenergo Kemerovo branch of OAO Kuzbassenergo Administration of Kemerovo OAO Novokuznetsk Energy Company ZAO Raspadskaya Coal Company Administration of Mezhdurechensk OAO Northern Kuzbass Energy Company 153.90 250.00 242.00 482.22 132.75 350.44 294.00 86.35 900.00 253.00 64.53 OAO Northern Kuzbass Energy Company OAO Northern Kuzbass Energy Company OAO SUEK-Kuzbass 86.00 730.00 OAO Kuznetsk Ferroalloys ZAO Karbonica 2820.00 5680.00 53.30 53 Executive authorities and agencies of the Kemerovo Region Administration Executive authorities and agencies of the Kemerovo Region Administration Administration of the Kemerovo Region 650064, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 62 Ph.: (3842) 36-34-09 Fax: (3842) 58-31-56 Press office: (3842) 58-56-12 E-mail: [email protected] www.ako.ru The Kemerovo Region Governor Aman Tuleyev 650064, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky , 62 Ph.: (3842) 36-34-09 Fax: (3842) 58-31-56 E-mail: [email protected] Mass Media Liaison department at the Kemerovo Region Administration 650099, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky 62 Ph.: (3842) 58-13-21 Fax: (3842) 58-30-49 E-mail: [email protected] Department of Economic Development of The Kemerovo Region Administration 650099, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 58 Ph./Fax: (3842) 36-48-32 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Department of Coal Industry and Energy of The Kemerovo Region Administration 650064, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 63 Ph.: (3842) 58-21-08 Fax: (3842) 58-69-73 E-mail: [email protected] Department of Transport and Communications of the Kemerovo Region 650064, Kemerovo, Pr.Sovetsky, 63 Ph.: (3842) 36-83-71 Fax: (3842) 58-65-82 E-mail: [email protected] 54 Department of Industry of the Kemerovo Region Administration 650000, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 63 Ph.: (3842) 36-30-98 Fax: (3842) 58-40-37 E-mail: [email protected] Department of utility sector and roads of the Kemerovo Region 650099, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 62 Ph.: (3842) 58-38-41, Fax: (3842) 36-38-41 E-mail: [email protected] Department of Investment Policy of the Kemerovo Region Administration 650099, Kemerovo, Pr.Sovetsky, 63 Ph./Fax: (3842) 36-50-51 Office Head: Ph. (3842) 36-27-43 E-mail: [email protected] Committee for State Property Management of the Kemerovo Region 650064, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 58 Ph.: (3842) 36-53-30 Fax: (3842) 36-14-18 Committee Chairman: Ph.: (3842) 58-15-50 Department of Land Use of the Kemerovo Region: Ph.: (3842) 58-36-94 Department of Land allotment for legal entities at Kemerovo: Ph.: (3842) 58-04-01 Department of state property use: Ph.: (3842) 58-40-03 Legal Division: Ph.: (3842) 58-48-52 E-mail: [email protected] Department of Strategic Development of the Kemerovo Region Administration 650099, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 63 Ph./Fax: (3842)58-72-67 Office Head: Ph.: (3842) 58-72-67 E-mail: [email protected] Department of prices and tariffs of the Kemerovo Region 650992, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 63 Ph.:/Fax: (3842) 58-48-51 Department Head: Ph.: (3842) 58-48-51 Deputy Department Head: Ph.: (3842) 58-53-02 E-mail: admin-dep-cen@ako. Ru Department of Construction of the Kemerovo Region 650064, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 60 Ph.: (3842) 58-55-45 Fax: (3842) 58-71-81 E-mail:[email protected] www.dsko.ru Department of Securities and Insurance Market of the Kemerovo Region Administration 650064, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 58 Ph./Fax: (3842) 58-55-87 E-mail: Malutina [email protected] Department of Public Procurement of the Kemerovo Region 650099, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 63 Ph./Fax: (3842) 58-59-85 E-mail: [email protected] Central Financial Department for the Kemerovo Region 650064, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 58 Ph.: (3842) 36-31-24 Fax: (3842) 36-61-47, 58-43-24 E-mail: [email protected] Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile Department of public health care of the Kemerovo Region 650064, Kemerovo, Pr.Sovetsky, 58 Ph.: (3842) 36-42-84 Fax: (3842) 58-36-55 E-mail: [email protected] www.kuzdrav.ru Department of Natural Resources and Environment of the Kemerovo Region 650064, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 63 Ph.: (3842) 58-55-56 Fax: (3842) 58-69-91 E-mail: [email protected] Department of Forestry of the Kemerovo Region 650036, Kemerovo, Ul. Ìèðíàÿ, 5 Ph.: (3842) 31-21-37 Fax: (3842) 31-22-94 E-mail: [email protected] Department of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Kemerovo Region 650000, Kemerovo, Pr. Kuznetsky, 22à Ph.: (3842) 36-33-78 Fax: (3842) 36-27-41 E-mail: [email protected] Central Department of Architecture and Urban Development of the Kemerovo Region 650000, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 60 Ph./Fax: (3842) 36-43-17 Department Head: Ph.: (3842) 36-41-37 Division of Urban Planning and Design: Ph.: (3842) 36-45-81 E-mail: [email protected] The Department of Youth Policy and sport of the Kemerovo Region 650064, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 60 Ph.: (3842) 36-76-80 Fax: (3842) 58-45-82 E-mail: [email protected] Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region 650064, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 58 Ph.: (3842) 36-43-66 Fax: (3842) 36 - 43 - 21 E-mail: [email protected] Department of Culture and National Policy of the Kemerovo Region 650064, Kemerovo, Pr.Sovetsky, 58 Ph.: (3842) 36-33-42 Fax: (3842) 58-47-66 E-mail: [email protected] The State Service for Control and Inspection in the Education Sector of the Kemerovo Region 650000, GSP, Kemerovo, Ul. Chernyakhovskogo, 14à Ph./Fax: (3842) 36-00-09 E-mail: [email protected] State Housing Inspectors of the Kemerovo Region 650099, GSP-2, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 60 Ph./Fax: (384-2) 36-33-46 E-mail: [email protected] Department of Social Security of the Kemerovo Region 650000, Kemerovo, Pr. Kuznetsky, 19à, Ph.: (3842) 75-85-85 Fax: (3842) 75-92-52 E-mail: [email protected] Department of Labor and Employment 650060, Kemerovo, Pr. Lenina, 141g Ph./Fax: (3842) 53-98-33 Fax: (3842) 35-68-64 E-mail: [email protected] Veterinary Administration of the Kemerovo Region 650055, Kemerovo, Ul. Feodorovskogo, 15 Ph.:(3842) 28-95-29 Fax: (3842) 28-99-73 E-mail: [email protected] Regional Energy Commission 650000, Kemerovo, Ul. N. Ostrovskogo, 32 Ph./Fax: (3842) 36-28-28 E-mail: [email protected] Department of State Technical Inspectors of the Kemerovo Region 650000, Kemerovo, Pr. Kuznetsky, 22A Ph./Fax: (3842) 36-53-09 E-mail: [email protected] Department of state building inspectors of the Kemerovo Region 650991, Kemerovo, Ul. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 136 Ph./Fax: (3842) 58-70-12 E-mail: [email protected] Department of Consumer Market and SME support of the Kemerovo Region 650064, Kemerovo, Pr. Sovetsky, 63 Ph.: (3842) 58-78-61 Fax: (3842) 34-96-59 E-mail: [email protected] Representative Department of the Kemerovo Region Administration at the RF Government 115184, Moscow, Ul. Bolshaya Tatarskaya, D. 5/14, Build. 9 Ph.: 8 (495) 953-54-89 Regional Department of the Federal State Statistics Service at the Kemerovo Region (Kemerovostat) 650000, Kemerovo, Pr. Kuznetsky, 25 Ph./Fax: (3842) 36-50-20 E-mail: [email protected] www. kemerovostat.ru Territorial Department of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management at the Kemerovo Region 650099, Kemerovo, Ul. Arochnaya, 41 Ph.: (3842) 58-11-98 Fax: (3842) 58-71-70 E-mail: [email protected] 55 Local executive bodies of the Kemerovo Region towns and districts Local executive bodies of the Kemerovo Region towns and districts Towns Kisselevsk Novokuznetsk Anzhero-Sudzhensk Ul. Lenina, 30 Fax: (384-64) 6-39-20 Ul. Kirova, 71 Fax: (384-3) 35-64-28 Krasnobrodskiy urban settlement Ossinniki Belovo Ul. Sovetskaya, 21 Fax: (384-52) 2-15-19 Ul. Komsomolskaya, 8 Fax: (384-52) 7-61-01 Berezovskiy Leninsk-Kuznetskiy Pr. Lenina, 22 Fax: (384-45) 3-03-12, 3-25-61 Pr. Kirova, 56 Fax: (384-56) 3-44-92 Kaltan Mezhdurechensk Pr. Mira, 53 Fax: (384-71) 3-36-46 Pr. Stroitelei, 20à Fax: (384-75) 2-89-84 Kemerovo Myski Pr.Sovetsky, 54 Fax: (3842) 58-18-91 Ul. Serafymovycha, 4 Fax: (384-74) 2-05-58 Ul. Lenina, 6 Fax: (384-53) 6-10-14, 6-12-59 Ul. Sovietskya, 17 Fax: (384-71) 4-25-33 Polysayevo Ul. Kremlevskaya, 6 Fax: (384-56) 4-27-60 Prokopyevsk Pr. Shahterov, 41 Fax: (384-6) 67-42-53 Taiga Ul. 40 let Oktyabrya, 23 Fax: (384-48) 2-44-58 Yurga Pr. Pobedy, 13 Fax: (384-51) 5-90-88, 5-92-25 Rural Districts Belovskiy District Mariinskiy District Topkinskiy District 652600, Belovo, Ul. Lenina, 10 Fax: (384-52) 2-69-35 652150, Mariinsk, Ul. Lenina, 38 Fax: (384-43) 5-30-39, 5-25-48 652300, Topki Ul. Lunacharsky, 21 Fax: (384-54) 4-69-86 Novokuznetskiy District Tyazhinskiy District 654041, Novokuznetsk, Ul. Sechenova, 25 Fax: (384-3) 77-94-51 652240, Tyazhinskiy, Ul. Sovetskaya, 6 Fax: (384-49) 2-12-53 Prokopyevskiy District Chebulinskiy District 653033, Prokopyevsk, Pr. Gagarina, 1V Fax: (384-6) 62-11-66 652270, Verkh-Chebula, Ul. Mira, 16 Fax: (384-44) 2-12-56 Promishlennovskiy District Yurginskiy District 652380,Promyshlennaya Settlement, Ul.Kommunisticheskaya, 23 Fax: (384-42) 7-11-45 652050, Yurga, Ul. Mashinostroiteley, 37 Fax: (384-51) 4-04-00 652440, Krapivinskaya, Ul. Yubileinaya, 15 Fax: (384-46) 2-24-38 Tashtagolskiy District Yaiskiy District 652990, Tashtagol, Ul. Lenina, 60 Fax: (384-73) 3-30-40 652100, Yaya, Ul. Sovetskaya, 17 Fax: (384-41) 2-15-89 Leninsk-Kuznetskiy District Tissulskiy District Yashkinskiy District 652507, Leninsk-Kuznetskiy, Ul. Grigorchenkova, 47 Fax: (384-56) 3-35-36 652210, Tissul, Ul. Lenina, 53 Fax: (384-47) 2-34-34 652010, Yashkino, Ul. Suvorova, 14 Fax: (384-55) 2-57-86 Guryevskiy District 652780, Gurievsk, Ul. Kommunisticheskaya, 21 Fax: (384-63) 5-00-66 Izhmorskiy District 652120, Izhmorsky Settlement Ul. Leninskaya, 63 Fax: (384-59) 2-34-74 Kemerovskiy District 650010, Kemerovo, Ul. Sovkhoznaya, 1A Fax: (384-2) 25-12-31 Krapivinskiy District 56 Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile How to contact us List of economic departments of the Kemerovo Region municipalities Urban Districts: Anzhero-Sudzhensk Ossinniki Novokuznetskiy Ph.: 8 (384-53) 6-12-18, E-mail: [email protected] Ph.: 8 (384-71) 4-37-74 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.: 8 (384-3) 77-87-80 E-mail: [email protected] Belovo Polysayevo Prokopyevskiy Ph.: 8 (3842) 2-88-97 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.: 8 (384-56) 4-34-15 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.: 8 (384-6) 62-62-83 E-mail: [email protected] Berezovsky Prokopyevsk Promishlennovskiy Ph.: 8 (384-45) 3-25-61 E-mail: econom_adm_berez@mail. Ph.: 8 (384-6) 67-42-04 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.: 8 (384-42) 7-24-02 E-mail: [email protected]; Kaltan Taiga Tashtagolskiy Ph.: 8 (384-71) 3-13-22 E-mail: [email protected]; Ph.: 8 (384-48) 2-17-08 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.: 8 (384-73) 3-30-58 E-mail: [email protected] Kemerovo Yurga Tissulskiy Ph.: 8 (3842) 36-46-14 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.: 8 (384-51) 4-67-87 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.: 8 (384-47) 2-19-32 Ph./Fax: 8 (384-47) 2-34-34 E-mail: [email protected] Kisselevsk Municipal Districts: Ph.: 8 (384-64) 6-25-05 E-mail: [email protected]; Belovskiy Topkinskiy Ph.: 8 (384-52) 2-66-93 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.: 8 (384-54) 2-04-08 E-mail: [email protected] Gurievskiy Tyazhinskiy Ph.: 8 (384-63) 5-01-10 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.: 8 (384-49) 2-19-49 E-mail: [email protected] Izhmorskiy Chebulinskiy Ph.: 8 (384-59) 2-34-69 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.: 8 (384-44) 2-18-46 E-mail: [email protected] Kemerovskiy Yurginskiy Ph.: 8 (384-2) 75-78-18 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.: 8 (384-51) 4-18-63 E-mail: [email protected] Krapivinskiy Yayskiy Ph.: 8 (384-46) 2-22-35 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.: 8 (384-41) 2-19-47 E-mail: [email protected] Leninsk-Kuznetskiy Yashkinskiy Ph.: 8 (384-56) 7-08-83 E-mail: [email protected] Ph.: 8 (384-55) 2-57-64 E-mail: [email protected] Krasnobrodskiy Ph.: 8 (384-52) 7-61-77 E-mail: [email protected]; Leninsk-Kuznetskiy Ph.: 8 (384-56) 3-00-95, 7-38-10 E-mail: [email protected] Mezhdurechensk Ph.: 8 (384-75) 2-83-43 E-mail: [email protected] Myski Ph.: (384-74) 2-20-82 E-mail: [email protected] Novokuznetsk Ph.: 8 (384-3) 35-62-82 E-mail: [email protected] Mariinskiy Ph.: 8 (384-43) 5-30-98 E-mail: [email protected] 57 Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 58 The region in brief.........................................................................4 The economic potential of the Kemerovo Region....................................5 The key features of socio-economic development in 2009..........………...............................................…....8 Foreign trade activities of the Kemerovo Region enterprises...............................................……….13 The implementation of promising investment projects.........................................................................15 State support of investment, innovation and manufacturing in the Kemerovo Region.…………………………......……………………..............24 Changing the economic pattern of the Kemerovo Region to support innovations...................................................................29 State support of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Kemerovo Region...................................................37 Investment Projects implemented in the Kemerovo Region................................................42 Executive authorities and agencies of the Kemerovo Region Administration............................54 Local executive bodies of the Kemerovo Region towns and districts..................................................................................56 How to contact us. List of economic departments of the Kemerovo Region municipalities...............................................57 Kemer ov o Region In vestment Pr ofil e Kemerov ovo Inv Profil ofile Prepared and printed by OOO Siberian Publishing Group Ph.: +7 (3842) 396-124, 396-125 www.delkuz.ru Size of print: 500 copies 59