STEM Using Low Cost MaterialS
STEM Using Low Cost MaterialS
Participation Fees: Type 1: RM 350.00 per participant (Without Accommodation) Type 2: RM 480.00 per participant (Twin Sharing at RECSAM International House) Type 3: RM 640.00 per participant (Single occupancy at RECSAM International House) Accommodation at RECSAM International House: Check-in : A day before, 2.00 pm onwards Check-out: A day after, by 12.00 pm Food: Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided by SEAMEO RECSAM during the workshop sessions. For stay-in participants (Type 2 & Type 3), breakfast and dinner will be provided too. Submission and Closing Date: Place are limited to a maximum of 35 pax and will be on a first come, first served basis. All participation forms are to be submitted to the following latest by 8 AUGUST 2016: Director, SEAMEO RECSAM, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, 11700 Gelugor, Penang. or by fax 04-6522737 Local Order Information: Pay to: SEAMEO RECSAM Bank: MAYBANK GELUGOR BRANCH, PENANG Account Number: 5571 5700 0647 For Enquiries: Ms Noraini Daud / Ms Bhavani Ramasamy Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Telephone: 04-6522741 / 04-6522752 Workshop On STEM Using Low Cost MaterialS Facilitator: MR. HIDEO NAKANO Specialist Training Programme Division SEAMEO RECSAM PARTICIPATION FORM Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ School / Organisation: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Gender: Male / Female Telephone Office: ______________________ Home: ______________________ Mobile: ___________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________ Do you need accommodation at RECSAM International House? Yes Type 2 Type 3 Date of check in: __________________________ No Date of check out: _________________________ I enclose a Cheque / Local Order / Postal Order No: ____________________________ bearing the sum of RM __________________ as payment for the workshop. (Please make cheque/local order/postal order payable to: SEAMEO RECSAM) Note: To enroll please complete the PARTICIPATION FORM and send/fax it to: Director, SEAMEO RECSAM, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, 11700 Gelugor, Penang. Fax: 04-6522737 Closing date for registration is 8 AUGUST 2016 Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ______________________________ Target Participants: Primary and Secondary Science/Mathematics Teachers and Teacher Educators Date: 16 & 17 August 2016 Venue: SEAMEO RECSAM Penang, Malaysia Organised by: Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation Regional Centre for Education in Science and Mathematics Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, 11700 Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia RATIONALE STEM consists of four elements: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. These elements can be defined as below: Science: The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment ( Technology: The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry ( Engineering: Application of the science and technology to improve productivity and usability of goods and to optimise usage of systems. Mathematics: An academic discipline to study number, quantity and space. for the Malaysia National Science Centre and conducted international workshop for secondary teachers for Science and Technology Centre, Indonesia. During his service in Osizweni Education and Development Centre, he led the Centre into hosting an Afrobot competition. He conducted a South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement professional workshop and workshops for Southern African Association of Science and Technology Centre. He also organised Early Childhood Development practitioner workshops and science educator workshops to improve Science, Technology and Mathematics education. On top of that, he also exchanged professional skills with major science centres across South Africa. Upon his return to SEAMEO RECSAM as a specialist in July 2014, Nakano has been contributing to the Science and Mathematics popularisation through hands-on activities using low-cost educational materials. WORKSHOP PROGRAMME Among these four fields, it is usually quite challenging for teachers to show the engineering approaches to their students. By leading the participants through the improvement processes using science and mathematics educational materials, this workshop aims to enhance participants’ capability to overcome this difficulty. Time Activity OBJECTIVES 8.15 am - 8.30 am Registration At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to: Appreciate the effectiveness and flexibility in using low-cost educational materials as teaching aids; Familiarise themselves with basic utilisation of everyday products and fundamental tools; Acquire the skills to visualise and simplify teaching processes; and Create new design/ product/ usage/ optimisation of existing systems. Day 1 (16 August 2016, Tuesday) 8.30 am - 10.30 am Ice breaking demonstrations Sound visualisation, wave demonstration and activities Simple paper-based toy development and improvement 10.30 am - 11.00 am Group Photo & MORNING TEA 11.00 am - 1.00 pm Application of wind energy 1.00 pm - 2.30 pm LUNCH STRATEGIES 2.30 pm - 4.30 pm Plastic straw 3D models The facilitator intends to show the improvement process of: 4.30 pm - 5.00 pm AFTERNOON TEA Sound activities with wave visualisation; Paper-based activities using wind energy; Plastic straw 3D models for statics; and Paper toy propeller and simple self-propelled toy made of rubber bands and a propeller. Day 2 (17 August 2016, Wednesday) 8.30 am - 10.30 am WORKSHOP FACILITATOR Hideo Nakano is a specialist at the Training Programme Division, SEAMEO RECSAM, Penang. He was a science teacher in Japan for 25 years. Since 2004, he has served as a senior volunteer of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) at National Science Centre in Zambia, Wesley College of Education in Ghana, and Osizweni Education and Development Centre in South Africa. As a volunteer, he trained science centre staff, science and mathematics educators as well as students in dispatched countries. Nakano was also a senior volunteer of JICA in SEAMEO RECSAM from 2010 to 2012. While he served the Centre, he has conducted several workshops on educational toy and universal design for learning Science for educators and researchers. Besides that, he organised Kids Rule workshop Development of rubber band powered toys Toy propeller improvement Assorted rubber band helicopters Wind car 10.30 am - 11.00 am MORNING TEA 11.00 am - 1.00 pm How to improvise an airplane 1.00 pm - 2.30 pm LUNCH 2.30 pm - 4.00 pm Assorted rocket toy activities 4.00 pm - 4.30 pm Q & A session Closing & Certificate Presentation Ceremony 4.30 pm - 5.00 pm AFTERNOON TEA Note: This programme schedule may be subjected to changes without prior notice
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