The Coming Again of Our Lord Jesus Christ


The Coming Again of Our Lord Jesus Christ
l:unt 0 0
57 Court Street
Deposit If Y
NUMBERS 468-469.
The Coming Again of Our Lord Jesus Christ
An Address Given Before tbe Proph :cy Investigation Societ;J, by D. M. Panton.
Thl) Nineteenth Ch apter of the Revda·
tion bolds a loft, lin a blazing !>ta., the
"one. far-off divine event, to which the
who1e creation moves;" and the Icene
opens with a bunt of joy such as c rea60n has never known . The multitude of
the redeemed in heaven fint break into
.. Hallelujah, and , with the p ul se of an
oyer-throbbinir heart cry Hallelujah; then the priestly heads of the
."celie hierarchicli, appearing now for
the last time ere the:r vacate their throne.
to Chri.t a.nd His saints, lihout Hallelujah; and once more, gathered into a roiling ch orus of an gels and men. like the
'oar of a cataract or a .udden roll of
deep·throated thund er, all creation pours
it3eH in a final Hallelujah!
It hu been beautifully supposed that
t~ word Hall elujah, like the word Amen,
is a word dropped on earth from the
b.ftg\lage of the angels : here alone, and
for lhe lint lime, it is used in the New
Testament, for no irrepressible bu rst of
joy could dawn before: it now bursts
forth four times. for it ill a cry" of joy
from the entire creation.
"The first
word," Mr. Spurgeon says, " I uttered
after my regeneration wa s Hallelujah:"
the first word in the Re~en e ration, when
the Son of ),fan approac.hes the throne of
His glory. is Halldujah .
Thili glorious 80ng of the universe
spring.i from a twofold - negati\'e and
positive - joy; namroly. the down fall of
Babvlon. and the arrival of Cod's king.
dam" on earth . it is an extraordinary
tribute 10 the concentration of wic.kcdness
in the dual Oahle·city- Babylon. the an·
cient and yet r h clif"Ve to be rehuilt; and
Rome. pagan and papal: the twi n cities,
mora lly one. in whom festers the whole
('orruption o f hU01:lnity-that the joy of
the un;ver<;,e is impossible unli l hrr ovcr~
th row. "He hath aven~ed the blood of
J-I j<; scn'ants:" aJ: Luther s:tys.-"Rlooo1
succeed" blood: but this noble blooJ
whirh Rome is pleased to shed. will at
tent:"th suffocate the Pope ",ilh all his
kin~<1 oms
and hi .. kings."
B~hvlon wilt doubtlt·ss inclmle a corrupt·
ed Prote9tantism and evc=ry false retigiGus
More is said ab{'lut the overthrow of
Rabylon than any ether historical event
in the Bible: so powerful, so malignant.
.0 an·corrupting hAS broen this dual city. ystem. that her nnal fall thnlhi the whole
universe w llth JOY. For the crushin&' of
Babylon prOVefj and provoke. the far
greater Jo:t" of the Arrival on earth of
Cod. "I heard as it were the voice of
mighty thunders, s.. yina-. Hallelujah ; foc
the Lord our Cod, the Almig hty, ral'lleth"-has Ilss umed the kine-dam: Babylon's death·blow came front Him : it
provcs that He has Himself entered upon
the a c~u~1 admini stn.tion and government
of the world: so "'et us rejoice wd be uceeding glad. and let UII giye the rlory
unto Him ."
The Evangel from Now to Jan. 1.t, 1924.
for $1.00.
In ot'der to in teres t new suhsc ribeu,
we are o fferin ~ the R"angel from now
until Jan . 1st. 1924, for the sum of $1.00
(Ca nada . $1.25).
At the timt of going to preIS, Evan~
geti!'t Smith Wigglesworth of Bradford,
Englanrt . i, rreaching twice a day in
E lder J, \V. \V.·lch. after hearing his
first sermon, re-marked that it took 'lim
on farther in faith than any message h e
had heard Ii nee he had been in tht ren~
teo.:oslal mo'·cment. It is our purpose to
share with O'Jf rcaders the substance of
these in.:.pirint:" addresses.
\Ve shall aflprcciatc pa.:.tors of aS5e'm~
hliro!; anr! e,'an!!eli~lj; inlroelu cin~ the pol·
per to those who are not taking the ~amc
and will gla!lIy mail !'i:l.mple copics to
tho!'e who will ta\ce <;l1h!;cription!;. ~Iake
~'our 3c.:.dnhly 100 per cent strong in 'fup.
port of the official or~an of the Ceneral
Cou n cil.
}..f <lil s uh~ eriptioM to \.ospel
ing House. Springfi eld. Mo.
Hea"en', lkide, the Holy City, now im·
mc:diately approaches earth to replact
the fallen Harlot · hC'vering ovcr the Wil·
len mal earth. the abode o( C hri.,t', cokine-, it settle. for ever on the new earth,
the city of enormoul foundatio .. , tht
ultimate home of all ri.etl nint.. [tr
Millennial occupanu are here remadc.abtJ
dMcribed. " His wife hath mad. henclf
READY :" It i, the saoctity of the "atdl~
ful anJ the holy, t he tToUIi:t-ea1i whicb
the Bride ,upplie., and not tbe Brido.
lJ'oom; " and it wu &i"en unto hertl_for
aU sanctity ,pringl, from the root. tr!)lll
granted R"' C~ . and no bride'. trOtilleaU
i. ,up'pticci except ft'om her (ather's reo
.ources: (The Harlo t .11.1.0 had nne linen
(ReY. Hk16), but it wu not (!od~wiveo,
for It .,,'u workl without graC'e at their
root) "T hat she should array hendrfor this i. not that imputed rtghteoulnnl
of Chriiot wh ich m:1kes her the Bride, but
a vesture personally WTou~ht aha coo·
v~rsion-"in fine linen bright and pure :
fot the fine linen i. the rightcota acu of
the taints."
\Vhe~ th~ City re-appeau as the Eter·
nOli Bride (Rev. 21 ;2), after the dOlI!! of
thl!! Kingdom. ill inma te~ are ulhered into
it. and abide in it forever, solely on onl!!
all ~ ~t.radng provi~~that their name.
divot'eed from all work. before or after
conversion. are found (Rev. 21 :27) ea·
rolled in the Lamb'· Book of Life. Tht
Bride. in white lint'n unblooded-for H.
treadelh the winep ress alone-is linked
"'-'1th h ror Rridegr()('\m in a marriage which
no death ('an rover diSloh'e, and the joy
of whic h no so rrow will ever d'istllrb.
So now arrives at last the burst of
apocalypse for whirh roarth has waited
~o lonl{. "And T flaw the heaven opened;"
not a door in hcaven (Rev. 4 :1). but
Heaven it.:.elr A1)Ill{ wiele. for Heavron it·
self to ('orne to e<lrth-"and behoM ,
white h orse, and He that sat thereon,"
blood·wrapl wilh the crim .. on spirted
from the Wine-preIS.
Four names now de-!'Icrih(' the In.
(I) "fo A IT1I FUL ASD
TR U E." The past has proved th e cor·
rectne .. of this name of JroIiU S: His prOf,h.
(Continued OD Page Eight)
,,.,-------God's T~ought for
,hOII' 'J!
, "
III lanlll..-
, , xv ', r I ,to.
, '0"
II 0.1.
\1'\ \
n I kllldrt· I.
lie Ita 5 J5
\< ... ,11 .\", ••
m. so \\ Ih
'I will
out Ih.\1 III' rll V It'.ld u in,
. 1\' l"lme ~~r, at
1,1,·" 'h,t' awl ftI~1
'11111 rh ,," II'], Ill" .. hll' ~lI1g,. • ;juri in
Illl',' ... h.dl ;111 r.1milies of the canh hc
bit loM·d."
I ,,·t lh 1;Ii,t hold of Ihis Ihou l{h, that
C:/ul i~ aftn ,Iw i;1I11ily 111 callillJ,{ du· illdl\ I1ll1al, "t' ",h;·'" tind 1\ rUlI'! like a )'(old"n
,111\';111 fll ("o\'cnant J{ract' t hrou,I.{holll Ihe
Hlbll'. '1 Iw Ilrt'('ioll~ promi .. e~ Ihal ... Ieam
Ii].;e p('arl!l upon Ihi!> "-'rinK are all 100
Illall;.' for one brid papl·r. bUI w:: will
gi",(' a cursory glance ,II Ihe leach,ng of
God'!> \\rord on the subject,
(Cl'lI 7:1)-"Come thou and all thy
house llito Ihe ark." We have bcen 3("('US1011 11'\1 10 ,"ink of Ihe ark as a picture of
Cllri~l. Ihc plact' of refuge for the in li\·idual soul. 11II1 when Cod called Noah 10
c.lller by f:lith the ark it was a ca ll to
bnnK in. by f::!.ilh, his family a lso. (Ex.
lZ J-"'I'hev shall ta].;e to them ('very man
a I;lIllII.
'. a lamb for an house." God
gin'!> II!> here anolher piclure, that of Ihe
pa .. thal 1;lInh, "Chrisl our passover. .. lall1
for li S" \\'t' IIndt'r"'and
Wf' nt'~f"r
11 "OW personally anything of Ihe gr~c(' of
Cod IIlIlil Ill' h"Vt:. hv !;lIth. la].; •• \ ..•. , .•. , V
m ,lt! a lamh"; but Cod is teac hinq the
h,,'1(1 of faidl 10 n:llrurt' mOh' "vldlv nud
"Iitke evt'r~' lll~n " larnh al·cor.!mj.! rfJ Iht'
., 011"(' of Iht·ir f"lhl·ro.. a lamb for an
house." Ilal'(' vou lak.'n Iht' 1<111111. 1'1 t'rv
01;111 ,1 1111 II'ol1l"n~ Th\'11 ,ake cl'(,rv on~
a lamh fnr vOllr house !'t't' ho\\ from the
b"jo{IIlIlIlU,! COIl'S pllrpo~(' "a ~ 10 hh-,<; 'hI!
family pi t'II'rv 011(' II ho ('amt "'10 ('onI", t 'Itlh 111:11 (Lt·v It) fr) '"'\n,!\,lftll1
Ill::lke <In a'OTlI"nh'nt 'or hln ... ,·Jf.
al1,l for hIS house." A~ tht· fallh of Anron
oIT,'H·d tilt' 1lIiI '0. k of .hl' .. m,ofl"l'"rlll\'! for
hlln .. l"lf .. n hy fanh hI! alTered it
for hi .. family.
COt'\II 1M-In Ihi s chapler Ihe- Ihn.'e
Ilrl'":l.1 :l.nnll;tl r,·;t .. n o f tht' Jell'5 are- ap pointl'",1 Ihl\l ot Ih(' Pl\ .... ol·f'r ¥Ol'" ha\'f' airl'"'-"v nOlln·,1 a'l prol·tlf.n"!: for tht f~nll lY
of Iht rt,lt' hili \ I t !!t.C' in Ih"t of
1't('k, lor 1"'nl(,,'01'-I) and Ih;t! of I"h.-rf1:l.I'lI'":":III1C' h.milv fHO\· ;~ion . "Th"u
sh:lll ft'lnll'C' hrfnrC' Ihl'" I.ord Ihv \,n<1.
IhulI, :l.11'! Ih \' .. on an" th\' dll,llI.:hlt'r, ;In·1
thy lIIan ... \·n· lI,rHt Ihv m<4I,I- .. l'"n' .. nl"
'", .... C'" n "' hI' .. rran,;:('r I\ltilln Ih,' ll:tl ......
All Ih'll lor Ihl'" nine I.t'lnj,t <4ft' :n tht'
hnu .. C' art' 1Ih'hllh',J in Ih(' .... f,·a .. fC I1f rl'"J(,UCInC Oh. if lit' ('ould nnl\' rr:l.liu nur
pn ... ilq.:t' IU t"ke by fallt> the JOY Clf the
sa:" 'I :lln r ·/ul
I l.o h ~ ,111
01 I 01..11 11m
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of " I
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In 11
Ie It of
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h lJl
II I, all
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1 ,uy k 0\\ I(
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On\I'r ,.t.;
:Ollt H,m
t III .1 hu,
n 1\ 11.11>', J., nd.
"UI!(" a lllr
.111 ~
r It! a rna.dI ,,"d
" I, .Ifll ~hc
.. .it
un' rI ( I~om.ln l '11.,1,(. lor Ihe:
III olry •...t
Ie k0111 II l;,tt •• )t,n; III th<lt
C unlrv h Il1Ulh fIlI:t' IIIh"rl"C Ih"l1 ht·re:.
,·I,d:l.nIH·C··d I,,· ~"lHmn('ln ){
I·.III·"!~ .Ut' f";llly In "Olll( 111tan,es 10 1..,11 111I'ir ()"n dlll""'n if Ihe y
"',', ,lit' '·l'l·r\·t·n,·' IrOIll Ihe l:ilth,
ma.,J'H·n·ar,fs "Iorv lit hrit·f \\;!!> ,his' S he
\I"l;l1t a .. <I ~C I lillll 10 lh~' h"""l' oi a \1('11todiu I1l1ni!ltcr ~\h() h~'lit'I'cd Ih;tl .ill who
Iw\.u ,J.,'t·" 10 hiS hou .. chold :-110\1111 he ('onn·rted. fie hdd li..:h' on hv ';Iilh ,h;.t
\Jar)" sholl III h e ,,011"1·;1. :l.nll shc' wa". The n
sh t· said. '"What shall I do ? \1 v father
and 1l100her \\ollid kill me if they kne w
I was ('on\'ertt'd." She removed to anOlher part of !he CilV, wherc she cou ld
not readily be Ira("ed.- and Ihere s l1l' was
hard at work, saving her earninJ.{s 10 8"t
10 All" · alia, Ihat from thence she might
writc bark 10 her frit'nds of the jov s he
had found in J esus and in\'ile tht!m to
Ih(' ~am(', In spilc of all fhe difficulties.
this humhlc min;.;ter had ])cli('\,('rI Ihtll Ihe
AlmitdllY \'0,1 was ahle 10 ke-t·p lIis promise anel convert this I~oman Calholic soul.
and acrording to his iaith it was done
unlO him .
"Thr IA'\"ile that is wiThin thy llale!J"
is al<:o in('llIrI('(I in ,h(' hlf'<:<:incr. \V(' Ihi"k
of .hl· prif'~lhnnrl a~ Ihose who are made
a hl('s .. inR" In 11~: ,10 WI.' r('m('llI lH'r that
Ihev Ino m,,'" receive :l. hl('~~inlZ whileth('v lin' in nllr hnllQ'? ()n('(' a ,[,'::Ir tn<4n
W:l.<: 1('llimz nl(' of a mini~'er wll" had
cnml'" 111 hi<: hnll"-I'" an " whn "('('m('ll c.pir_
ililllllv t\t·prf· .... t'd. e.i('k in ho.h· :l.n" hurnt'n('t\ in mind. Aflt'!"" hfO hild r('!ir,.1\ Ihe
m:ln c.:"Iid to hi .. ",ifl'", "Thi~ nn" rl",.c. nnt
IInrll'"r"':l.nd :lhn1\' .ht" Lnrd :lc. hie. I' ":"11"1"".
and whal Ih(' I ..... r,[ {'an rI~ for hi'l "-oui.
hilI lit' i .. ill our hOIl'le ~n·1 \\"f' 1lI11~' ':.kea hlt'~e.irll.!' f .... r I,illl" Th"I' k""l1 tI,.., ... n
IO~I·.h,'r and ::1"-1-.:,.,[ :In" r('r'l'"i"f'd " hl('~,_
i .. ", fnr "111(' I.t·ril" wi.hin (.h('ir\ c~.,·e."
\\'hl'"n t-of' (':l.1ll1'" .-1 .... ,,'" <:fain th(' nt"~t
m("<rninc- h,. "::I.d, "\\·h\· 1 f,'f'1 likf' a or ...
YI'""'('rrhv I 1l";"Ie. l'"rfOalh' ).lI.rll'"n .. tf
in "pir;1 and h:"ll! a h":l.I·v ('nl,1 hilI "" ...
Ihl' ....... M hae. vonnl' :l.nd t hl'" hurd .. n tnr'"
Thinle hn\\ till' RiM,. ":1\'''. "Thou .. h ... I,
r .. i,,;('1'" a '....! ,t-I'" •• r3nL",.r ","hin 'hv lI'ar"' .. ..
1\' .... ma"l'"r ... hot, h" .. in.'cc. Ih(' ~'ranq. r hil'
,I,,.r,.. h'" i" f.... r 'hI'" lim,.. ran nf \'(\ur
hOJle.f'. an., \'nll rna\' r...· .... \"i.!r ")I larr'" I,or
( hnll~(' . " A "'flv 1,,1.1 mt" .. h,. h ... "
mUr'h In;ll in h,.r hnme ",hi .. h h"d h .. ron
ma.]f' a lein.1 of h .... ,1'"1 hI' m:ln\' f'l'"o("ll .. II h.,
camC' tn In" n un hu~inl'""";. an,I hv n"''''t;\·",,,. riC
Rut whoart e.hf' !(')Irn,.,1 !'-he('ou!·1 lakl'" " hl(' .... 'n ll upon 1'"1,,,,,,,.,ne- !'ov
simple- f""h. sht' rli.t '0. "And now." .. he-
ooes not
, ," I
r n , ,"!u.y
th" \.
e ,
" "
., ,.
.. ,
k II~ h'
Ill-; t(1T h'lll.
"mt I1Ilt· \:\"11111
11(1 \\lnl
Ill. n'I'
\V t • lad n
OppOI 111' :I
10 lalk ..... 1
Thul' \".
h IIrt!
ior w()r:'<,. bill dH'1""t h;ul hl'l'll 101 I I h.
IIHI loul ,'HIC 1l1(,nTh .. ailcr I t'cen', ,I ..
inlill ht'r ,;I\'IIIg: this llIall ha.1 1In.:"
con "'ncf!
(Dcut. .lO·II)\ "Chom,e life that hl11 h
thou ;wd thy seed Illay li\·e." Coer .. t' IT' Y
utlerance- 011 Ihis ~ubit·.'t STill plonll\,! rI'at
II is COYt!nant gran' wa!'> family hie!>""..:.
But man v of God's dear chrlrlr"1\ ~n'm
to Irugl Ilim for their Ilescc ndanl li . \\"ho
find no as .. uran('e of Ili s eOl'l'nanl I()ve
for agt·d. godlcss part'II"'. or tho~c of more
distant kin. r.or!. howcver, gavt" cl~·.1ft' r
Holy Chost lig-ht 10 poor Rallah. tht' h"rlot, in the hour \\ ben her heart firsl hegan to turn from gr('al i..:noran('(' ::Ind
darkne<;!'; 10 the living God. Ami as ~he
!""emlcred ~eTl'ke 10 Ihe spies. becall~" Ihcy
were Cod's mC~~l'ncrers . she pravl·'!.
"Swear unto me hY Ihe Lonl . . . 'hat
ye will al~o s how kindness unto mv fa~
ther's house, and /{ive me a Irue 1~1""n:
and Ihal ye will save ali\'e my falh!'!"".
and my mOl her and my brcthn·n. anti mv
Poor wl1man. with h('r SOIl.,'"
life sht harl no dose-r rel:ilion~hips Ih:m
tho .. ,., that birth har! hrouu:ht hf'r: hut
as he!"" prayer lair! thes(' upon tht" hl'art
of \.od. Hie. ('ovl'nan' mtorcv rln-<(''' 0\,(' ('
th('m. and He harle Hi!'> mrssenR"e!""s ~" y.
"Behold when we ('orne inTO ,fl(' ·lan;1.
thol1 ,,-hah hind this lint' .... f ~(,<Irh'l Ihrt'lirt
in 'h" \\"inrlol\'. . and thnu <:halt hr;l1Il
thv father. Hnl\ thv mOlh(,r. ::tnrl Ihv hr... hrf'n. anfl all th\' f:ldwr·. hnu~rhnlrl home
Unto thee."-fJo .. b. 2~J2. 13. JR,)
'Ve turn Tn JO'lh. 1l2.\. 25. anti !""eMJ th:u
~he w::t<: S"I"'" and all till' hOll .. t· nn \\ hll' h
h('r f"ith har! hOl: n" Th(' \illl(' "-":l.rld
rhrf':l.d-I\'f!(, of thr 1.10.... 1 nf Chri~t, lor
il \\";:t~ ~'il1 "a fa'l1h fnr an hnl1ce"
In 1 Sam 2;·fr. \\'(' h;:t\·(' r.nrl· .. er('f'"t~
inc '0 ~all:11. "P"'1'-I'!'or hnth tn Ih('C' :!I"t
pf'a('t' hf" 10 thine hOllse. and pe-ace- he
untO all Ihat Ihotl hae.t" ,,;e. trll(' he.
lik(' manv anotllt'r "::t h::t I. IItrn('rI !'o .... k
U("Ion Ihe- Lorrl thl" wnr" .... f hlt'Hinll. ::In.1
\.onlrl non(' nf il. hilt i, dl""w .. Ih('
hl,.e..;inll whi('h wac wr::lpp.·rl liP ;n thec:l.1I to !l."a!'oal. ,n 11"1 r:nrt hI(,(4- him, (2
~am fr ' lll-"Thl'" ark (If .hl'" I.nrtf cont;ntl"" in 1hl" hnn"l'" of ()ht"'d-I'",Inm
ao'! ,ht" 1,("Irrt"sse-n Oh,.t1-t"dom anrl all
hi!' hnll .. ,.,hnlrl··
(1"a ."'-' .J. 4l-'" will r""u!"" "'al('r upnn
him t"al i.. an<t fl ....OI!" 1I"""n I~e­
dn' 1:.r,,"n". I I'"ill pnur \1\' "piril urlf.n
1!-1\' c,. .. rl . and \t \' hI.· ... in'" 111.nn ,hin .. .... ff_
~pr<t'l!. anrl Ihn' ~h::tll 'finn\!' "P :l' :tmr,nrc:
rhf' CTlI~S. a" willnw. tw II,I'" ""lI"('r
l. tt 11" hr"f r; ..... t cpl'""k'nrc:.
as in ~oliloqur . . lfis /ltl'"at hron.ltnu: h.-art
wil h it~ 1I;,\'e. unborn gem·rOlttoo:<l.
flu .... lie \'Il'\\'" SOllie) Dun..,: 11 <Ill or
malden ~ti:1 vn, on\"~,~
ncrt'IY tnl~~ty.
0 ... , l'r 'f
havlIl,.; C! 4n tht·
er ,I
11'1~ lh'JI!;.:11
'L\)~lhK it'
h.J1 S
I.: ()
al tlul \\ 10 IS C
c1' \Irs
a~ If 1:
c, I IIlIl'd
1\r:;1 v !lei
Sh;.! I
11'\1 a I'~\\
h(ll'~ 01 " a l a
~ 'I"
!! pour \\;I: .. r upon In Ihtre
,h.1 I be n(, ... tlnl :0 the hie )L!lk ht' c; lil
~JI(I III .\i,
i r<Jly Ie
il V
01 J":I' ',slu ...
I)' L,-,
I \\liI
flood thiS ).:~Hund ",jlh ,II< ".p In", \\alU
Unlo I :l'rl1~1 illllli\ge. lie IHlI .... nl'lhinl-! nnw of /II;"o:.gc-- hIlT ntll" (I;!y he \\il!
III:lIr~' --;.11,1 now, lUI •..: Ilt"lo)f . . fhl: t'n'III,
I id,J illlO '.'y IWl1t oj lo\!;.' lIul ~I\ ,ovtU:Ud ptlrpo .. ,·~ nj gr<ll
Ihll~e lInhol n
OIW .... and l"',,1Ot nrl \11' lll:"~rrllot: UP';!! hrs
off~pr;I,g <Inri Iht·y 1'h"ll "'l'rill~ lIll aEn'In"':
tire .I,P<l~,~, illlrl ,I'"> willow ... by tht' Willer
Slrall \\"e-(an we (iI)lIhl .. uch
prollli~l' of gran'?
(ja, 31 I ,-/I ere God n<lmt·s Hlm ... ~1f
·'tfll' God of <III Ih~ families of Israel,"
Pl:rh:lps 110lhill~ in Hb \\ork ... or \\dV~
more .. IH)\\~ Ihe ch<lraCfl'r of (~or!. and Hi,
plan!>, th,ln Ihe various lilleo; by whi(h lie
rel'l'?;!:- }l iIIJSt'lf Tlw\' tt'11 us whal Cod
will do for liS, \\h;1I fI-!..' \\ill he to U'l. and
may be li IH'11l'<1 10 tht· vanolls sIgn-boards
which we M.:e hung out at shop-doors, by
Wlril'h Illl'n say how they life ahle to serve
their fellow·l11en, \Vhen \\e see <I Iot:fonor's
sign we have a riRht to call at that shop
for groceries, or a doctor'!Io for merlical
a,ldl'e, elC, t n like manner, when Cod
hang!lo out the s;I-,m "S .. viour," we have
a right Ihrore to seek for !Oalvation from
.in. Or to thi!lo-"Jeslls Christ marl(" of
Cor! unto 115 \I-isdom."-we have a right
to lake our ;~norance anrl have it exchan~ed for heavenlv wisdom, and limier
tht' I';~n "J,'hO\';!l1 jireh" I the Lord will
provHle', we may drop all our ft'ar and
aru;('ly ahnnl Ihe fUlure, and under "Jehovah RClJlhroka" (tht' Lord thy Phvsician), wt' may g-;ve our 'liseu~d hodies
into His alnne-care. Ann when, '10 to
sI't"<lk (and wt' $<IV it nOI irrt'I't'r"nllv)
our prt'cinu!lo ron" ~pt"n .. !Iohnp unrler Ihe
till" "I he God of itll Iht' familie!! of Isrilt'l." is il nul Ih<lt wt' lIIav !>rinl{ 10
1Iim <lnd IrU!Iot Him, wilh all 'ilmily fliffi('llitir">
Ar nnt" limt'. in anrl a clear .. i"lt'r
nunc: frt' '1 IH·nlh· 10 1I]f' l11~kllll! mt"nTic:m
of bt,t cnlllll1llnll~ familv cldr,culilt''' lurlHIlt-", 5t" "\":lnl"', t'l(" AI I"~I il "a~ "'Iid
t o bC'r; "\\'111" ,1o 1"011 '"ll Irll<ol Gnri 10
fu l fill 10 I'nu Iii .. prOntl'" '1\'0 plal!ut'
sh,,11 rOIl1(, lliL!h Ih\' ri\\l' lIi Tl ~ '~"
kll..J, InL!"lhrr ~Il'! lonk Gil'! ~I Hi .. word
ill'''' Iltt" h"lflt'o r'a~ .. t'(1 frnm her ht'ilrt,
ThaI t"\,t"lli,,\! \\ t' 1\ t'nl 10 II", Fri,blY ni\.!ht
pra\'t' r -O!I' C'lInlf, <Inri ;n ht'r prav('r ~he
taid , "n. I.ord , I Ih<lnk Tht't' frot leach;ng
ml' that ThOll aT! rr.v ,j",,,lhruz.plare,
th~t no p!;Il,'IIt' ",h;t!I ("nnn' o;"lh my dw('lI.
~h,. ma,le no mt'nlj"n ",halt'Yer of
ht'r nt't',h hut a woman cam(' up ~her
the nH'r!lIlV an" a .. kf'rl h('r if !lil(' knt'w
of "Ill'ont' \\ ""lin ... a ('onk
"was ('.nd·!!
fnr htr; anti Ihl' woman not only
,HC1It'., 10 t ... Ih .. ht'<! klml of a ~(,f\'''nt,
bill "hn iI h .. I""r in lil,. work of lil(' I_onl.
FlIII 10:'1 U' l'l rn I" lil .. ",.", Tt'cf::rmt'l1t,
• n" ~t'r if d,t' ""rh;,n(!'r:.hlr I l'ho\'~h- Je~"s
hu ooe ("ol'enant of !;!r"cc for the old and
P '. 'Tt-:
EV \.'
I age -r-l;.~
lhUl:a'r lor Ihe rle~~ j,~1' II ,111011, (I lll,t!
h. ar
or "tiH uur~"
I .~ :i.y ... ~.Ih.
,,~'h.1T1e: fill: It'U,
\,., JI.':' al
t ou~,
::- III "a
:ub or ... 11 hoc
.\,t" iD .... li-ll~ \\
'Ie" s
1\ ~I I I,
1;"1 kill' m.:.\ md
I h u hlcsst'
•h. -,h
10 ·.$4 )
To 3!! many as Corne lius put ;nll) the
promise, 10 so many did Cod respon ,1 in
531·injl grace,
Tht're are no limitations of Gorl in
gra("e. "Y(' are str;:lI;::htened in vour own
hn"els" III the human connption!! of
t\ow, lei us tUfn hack for a ft'w mlOUIes
to 1 Chron. 17 H ,'r r we find Cod I,dkinl-: to Da\,i,1. as ht' ha~ !ol't'll 1:,Iki,:.- to
us Ihrouo.::h Ih~ \\'onl 10,1;\\' Knll'-t'. !lot
so II1l1ch lil(" allllU.I(' "I Cod lO\\:lr" n,II'id. as lhnd '<; r~'''I,on''l' 10 Iht· I .•. rrl,
"ThOlL 0 11\\' Cnd 10:1"1 Inld Tllv "'1'rvOlnt
Ihal ThOll ,\,11 hllll,l h"n :tfl hOIl~t', !I ,. re fore Ihl" ......'r\" "-II I h,tl1r lound Itt IH'.. h"'·.Irt
10 1""" h", .. I.. lIlt'''"' ;;lId IlOW, I.r,rd,
Thnu <In G od. :\IId ha"l prOllli~(''l !IllS
j:!'nndlle'>s unl'l thl' ......'nan!." (\ ... .?~. 2~)
Ahl ir i~ it hh· ..... "d Ihlll).!' \,Iwn \\ .. flOoi
in tht' hoi," \\·()r.\ ~ome J.,:r('al prolllil'io" o f
",no" 10 liI~~urt' O1,r ht';:jrl~ Iwlnre !!im
"hn "';I·t'!I il . anll likt' Oa\-id, "av, 'Thou
haci IlrOlnt~t'I'l and ThOll art Cnd," \\ hh
~ hom alllhi"lo!s ~re pn!i~ihle , Oavi:I,lo.. !
nOl "~Y, "lIo\\' can Ihill rhinJl 10(' iOl'e."
or '1u("h itn.1 "11th nh"Iarlt'!I art' In Iht" way
of it ~ 1'''IIIIot tin",,: !.nl hI' I,'nks Ol·t'r or
ahnvt' all Ihf' 11111,lran("e" In th(' chararler
o( HIm Vlhn has Dfomi"t"ti ,
In Ihl' 271h I'f'r~(' \\('- rf'<I<i (man..';n)
"ft h;)lh pl"~~"fl Thf't' IQ I.I . . '~" Ih .. hOIl'<e
of Tny CI'f\'::rnl" 1 Illa\' nOI ~('t' Ih .. ~I .. ~ .. •
\Ill{ h"l Th ... " Ht I.nd-omnillolt'TlI ,t.nvr
all the powers that war against Thy
, ,o ,1
'd 11 "hall be
on t' up
. r 10
" <
, c.,
I ,
of f\)~ Pt'f In,ll
01 ..
" I•
thou" H~\ l'r
I, .. I 1111t'lItl~," Ihe " II
Hi' t'
, ,It
on ;re I_or J' U
1) • al' j
be!< {'d,
1d tn
a \\ c.: I gr;.£c tl
I~ )111311 J lUI
a,., :!>om. 1\
lid rv (J III
" u ht It'\("
IS J1 the f .. n,r,dlll' Ill" I lOt (to
I,m II j
t'l ··p'llt! "J,o 11I1 .. ~ III th~ I' UIIlI.>I?
1I.I'lie 11')1 thou",:,"d~ 10" 11\' 11 J Iht h.)'11oC
ClUlll "n t1:( 11, ... 1 hall vi thl) prulI1hC
find thuu ... halt he _"eli ]
I:y "hat atrth"rlly dt, lIt' 1)1eak "II I,rum1Se in I\~o, .111.1 1ll,lk,· [he.: [irq h,lii of
"l'neral aPI,li\';rIIUTl, It· ... ~'r\·illl,; \111 'lIhl'r
a~ (;od's
sIJn'l:d .:ralt' to the.: Roman
(Arts II 1-1)-II,'re Wt' <;I'e Co,lm;l\le a
~iUlilar promi~~' 10 Corlldru .... do Ihu .... md
so and "them and illi tin- htoll~l' .. h;111 :,
Mark ho\\ l'orndiu" refei\",'d the
1'IOIl1'''C. ~t·lHlrll).( lor Pdl'r, the 1Il1ll'"Ic'r
by \\h0111 God ha<f promi ... e(1 10 ~IH:ak, he
nl .. :1l1lll1lle 1.:<111,·<\ tOI-!,'lhl'r. Ill)! IIIl'rt'''' hIS
illllllediale family C'ircle~ guests, serl'il.nts,
and !Io01dier~ ahOll1 Iht' COurt, bUI hi ... more
dlSlall1 =:nd Iho!'e hal'ill).' no
blond relad on, kin"ult:n and friends I Acts
10 :1-1). a house-full. And what said God
when He found the faith of Corn('lms
had strel("h('rJ IIr(' prol1li~e 10 !'tlch capacity? Did He rebuke him for 1115 presumption, ami chille him for a faith 50
gra sping? N<lY. the rt'('orri rUIlS, "While
Pl'It'r yet sp<lke ' . , the Holy Ghost fell
on all Ihem which heard the word ." ~ Acts
\\ ord.
I u
1 I'
dIU ..: u
wl:y sl.ome do nOI gnw 110re n graCCI
15 th t t II) 00 IlOt 1,1 , 1I1Ill"
) holcJ
("1'1l\('r,,' 1\1111 'ilt' 1,01,1 ill "(C1(\,
~I .. r.
itllal {hl'.!H [r..ll I "Pl'S llwl tiill~ becume
our pOSliessron at oncl'.
\ilholl h I Ull
thrSt,':It! "h;" I
,rio illtllough I l'OI\:o,'ut
ht'3rt'h III II, al,I",ugh I rt"lt'l\l' II, II nMY
.... 1
'",/ faue aw;ty and be forgotten, UIIIt· ...... , hI' pll\'all' rllc,IIIIIIII"I, I .,' 11 tIme
to hecome fixed lind ro oted in me. to ht·~
("e'lIIl' united and uknlilini
Chril'tiall!>, /o:ive \'our~el \'e .... , ~I\'t' your
Lord time to trctn ... fl'r Ilis IW<lHTllv
thought.. 10 lOUf mnt'r, ~piri1Ual liie.
\V hen you have f('ad a l)ortion, S(I yours('lvec; in silence before G ild. Take tillle
to remain bcfore Him \lllIil He h:ls 111:lde
Jlis Word li ving ami powerful in your
5011 Is.
Then cio{''' ;1 herolOc Ihe life a nd
power ;11 .vour life,-r\ndrew Murray. in
"The I.ord's Table,"
Lecturing on "Some Diffie-u!t;('! of EvolUlion" al th e Victori" In .. lllule. I.o n.
dnn. En~I<lIH1 , Dr. A. T, ~clHlfi('1r1 said:
"\Ve f('ar we rnu .. t al la"l part ".,llh
our 01(1 frit'nti 'I he mis!ling link' Lea(ling
sc;enli!!!!! of Ihe cI<lV denv Ihe eXI"lrnre
of our frit'nd 311 "1\ h('re
I-Ie is C't' rt ;lInly
h:l f"kll'ard ahon! ("ominq (orward Prof .. s.
!!or Kt'ilh C;;W". in(It" '(L thi" OI; ..... inj.l !.nk
j .. nO\1 CTn .. rallv Ril ('n up
For man 10
h;)\"e rI .... cl·n,'t·d from the "Pt' \\"n.,III tt·ft.,ire ,,"l"nn~ of I"I";lr<. anel a hUlldr" d
IlIlk~ ; and of ~lIrh "IN(, i ... no r,'rnrd II"r
alll !~a( l'
~0I1I(' lap:lll('~e !n .. ~il ... kul!!
i,,"1 dl~\'rf1'en'd ;If,,1 ~(Im,· nllo('r~ of \'t"rv
r("nnl(' rI:tll', ha\'e ,l.·ll\allv a \;rr~r' hritrn
("apadl\ Ih~1l ,hi' ~\t·r;)l..!t' hqm 'od:'I' '.
()'I~' nf Ill(' drffi,'uIH('t,'d upon hy
nr ~chofi.-lrl w ..... Iht'
of rht' appli.
calinn ('Ii Ihn,;,,' .. I'\'ol\lllnll 10 man
"If nwn will lake tht' sUI'po!l;('d I:lW of
prn.':"rr .... lor h\'a~t .. lit Iht' b\\ Inr Ihl'm~
scil-eS." hro "'aid. ""A far from Iht'rl'lIv IHG-riucil:rz a YiUIIt'rman t h .. y dtgra~e hlllnan~
ill' 10 th(' beslial 1(',e!, and lroen act like
CO'llIl1t'ntinc- on thr hnnk nf C.rn .... ;s.
lfort' <lO("lor ~ai<l: "1.ilt' r.,n ooh· produrC'
hf(' aftn ;1" o~\" klllfi. frnm C'Tt':uinn 1,1t
nnw, C:r:r~" r<ln Ilt,'f'r prnduct' a I,rt',
an" if Iltt" hn<!\' of a Tnan ie; to Itt' m:"le
fr,1m ~ ",ingl .. li\,"j.l rl' lI Ih t mInt! of Ihe
Crralf.Jr. lI" I\t'li a~ In .. lachMmn..: Ii;wri .
mu .. t h~ presenl e.'erv Slcl) of rhe way ,"
The Pentecostal Evangel
PabU14.4 ZYlr"7 Odler W.,"
8tanley H. lo'rod.anam. Editor
'ubaerlptlon price. - _ per annu.a
CUladlan Ind r'oral.n 8ubacrlpllon' - U .ti
land Intarlllt\(,nlli Monly Ordeu or Brl tllta
P . O. Ordlra tor tl-.
Heply eouponl not
In U. 8. A.
- ft1ce of BUD-cU •• , 10 cop lei SOc; Z6 caplel
ft c; HlO copl'l n a
Club :&at,.. Tbo ..
"bo lelld In cluba can lind tin lublcrlpUon for UII prlt:1 of n lnc.
Enu'r6d I" It!cond c UtI. ·maner JUIII Zi.
na. a.t ttle po,lorl1C.-. at i:J~lrlnl"fteld. Yo ..
and f<J" the act of lit, rei. a. 11 ill.
Acceptad Cor malllnll" a t Ipecla' rille of
po"ur..1 pro\"ldoo tOr In Sec. ltva. ACt ot
October 1. 1117, luthorl .. d 011 July I, Ull.
OJ:!' GOO.
Iprln ..nI14. MI"ourt. U. 8 . A..
m. X . 84111 ••.•.••.•.••.••••.... Cbatrrn_
I. W. Welcb . ..... . . , ......... s.erltarJ"
(Read Matt. 17 :1-9)
Cod did on earth what He n<:ver could
have done before. H e g lorified a man.
• man ..... ho ",a'l perfect . And yet He wu
mo re than man. God declared, "Tbia i,
,",y beloved Son" (Matt. 17 :5) laid to IIis disciplea, . ~ erily I
lay unto you, There be some BtandiDI'
here, which shall Ilot taste of death, till
they s~e the Son of man coming in Ht.
kio,dom ." He delights to ca.1I Himself
the Son of man, and He Wa.J about tCl
.how what the glorified man would be
like. God deli"hu to caJl Him His 0"0
Here we haye a Jure word of prophecy
fulfilled-man reltored to Illory. The
(lory of Adam faded. The glory of the
second Adam rutored. 0 how gn-~t,
how much greater, wat this glory of tllt
Son of man eve n before H e was cruciffed,
rOle again, ascended and .... u glorified
by the Father.
It .... as encour~Rernent to the Lord to
proceed. He had the approval of Hi.
Father hefore chosen witnelses. It encouraged the apostlea. Peter never for·
got . He rdrrred to the excellent glory
he saw, and all the saint! who read hia
epistle ".'ould be stirred tip and want to
be partakers of thi, excellent glory.
Paul was caught up into the third
h('nell and hcnrd things unlawful to be
uttered. These three saw thing. they
were not allowed to tell until after Hil
'fhi! transfi guration is recorded in the
~Ol!pds in order to encourage the saints
to progress, to go ouward, and to assure
them of what awaits them. Tt is a real
picture of ;J real transaction in time to
encourage every saint to know that a~ He
wa'l R"lorifil"(1 I", the Father, we shall be
abo like unto Him "Father. I will that
they. . behold My ~dorv." "And the
p:lory whir-h 1'11" 11 lla\'C'It Me , have giv~n
them" (John 17'22).
"0'1(''1 :111<1 f·:Jin .. '!n:'lke with Hinl, communed wilh Him. :'Inri H i'! ,l('r-en<le which
He 'Ihou1ri act"nmJ"lIi<lh :tt Tl'nl'talt'nl was
the !tuhier-t. Fternilv t:JlkinJ;!' with time
on " <ll1h;('rt tl1:1t w:J~ ' unknown in hea,'en.
Death, an :tlien !lUhieC"t to ht":wt'n. :rn'l
could on Iv ,"",e utter('rl in tht" pr('C'incts of
earth. Ambn~~:trlors from life talkinl!" to
the Author of life who was about to give
His life that all those who were subiect
to death cou ld have liie--life aDd Ufe
more abundant. And a:l:.>O thl1l Ho:, by
lasling 1.. ·.llh. should deliver tbose who
v.e-re in fear of death and s ubject to tor·
ture by that lear.
TllI_"1'e ",,"~re n:prcsentatiyta of life and
death convening with lIinl. M uses tuted death. T'.IiJah had nOI. One represenk"d those ..... ho ,Ieep in Christ, and the
other. tho.e who arc alive at His commg.
One 'Ihall t'tot precede the other
No sepa-ralion
Caught up together to
meet the Lord in the air. Perfect equality.
Thou~h death had operated on
Moses, it ren'led its operation 00 Mount
Nebo. For all these hundreds of years
it Wat unable to touch him any further .
L ife and immortality bronght to light
through Jesus Christ. Mot ea had realized both
They represented too, those who had
pa.u ed and those who wt:re to come.
There il encO\lragement to f:""t'eI'y tru.ting
one. What God had done for these and
for Hi. Son He will do for every one
wh o tru,ts in Hia Son. Cod could have
glorified Him alone, but He .... &nted!. men of time, to see a glorification
of tilt: Son of man in time, to encourage
nery one to see and know what Cod
can and will do to the humble follower of
t he Lord Jeaul.
An you de.pondent? Are,ou tried?
Are you weary ? Do things of heayen
seem ao far a .... ay? Do they aeem unreal?
They may have seemed unreal to the three:
diadple.. The glory may have Beemed a
TCr'}' unreal tmng a~ far away, but they
u.w It and recorded it and these thinga
are written for our admonition and for
our comfort.
H heaven leems far off and its realitiet
do not seem rr:al, look: at the Mount of
Transfi&'Ur&tion . Jesus went up to the
Mount and to the onlooken, to the ordinary people. He was the earpentt:r'.
.on. But the pnvilt:~d onts saw Him
glorifir:d hefore them, and ht:ard the "Voice
of Cod who said He was His own Son.
You may he looked upon as an ordinary
individual-no glory, no halo seen without or upon yon. But li.sten, "Beloved..
now are we the 80m of God. and it doth
not yet appear what we .hall be: but we
know that, when He ahall appear, ....e
ahalt be like Rim" (t John 3 :2) . The
carpenter't Son tnnsform~ into the Son
of r.orI: the: artiun. the working man,
the mllid. the young man. tht: preacher.
the old man, transformed into fhe sops
of the Most High . A hi~h calling. Walk
worthy of the high calling whereunto
tholl art called.
Jacob wa'l a fl1lzilive, was a deceiver,
and wa~ a liar hefere his falher and his
C od. And vel he lu.' '\ down and sleeps
wilh a "tone for h;~ pillow. and Cod meets
",jth him. Ihe fultilive. the liar. the deC'eh:er; and he saw hC';I:\'c n open and an~e1s a"cenrfin~ anrl desc:enrlin'{.
ing down from heaven and hestowing
ble~<lillR" anrl ac;cl"mlinl!" to heaven a~ain.
God rlronp~d rfown from heaven a circle
of hl!"<'t"-hl t' •• inR"" w1thout end.
Cod h .. ! provided for Hi! people a dr.
de of blessing. Christ came down to
October 28, 1922.
Bethlehem, He went to the crosa. was
buried, rose again, and ascended to glory.
He! comes again In Spirit. He is coming
again in H is own person, taking up His
uints into glory.
Why was the outcast. the fugitive
Jacob favored) He was beloved for his
tathers sake, for Isaac's sake, for Abraham's iake . God remembered His oath,
Hi~ covenant.
You K(·t your blcssing.
not for what you are, for you arc a !inner, but bC'C"ause of Christ. God, for
Christ'. sake, has forf.,~ven yOll amI raised
you up with Him, giving you all 5pi ritual
hless infls in Christ Jesus.
The answer to the enigma of Jacob being b lel8ed and . eeing the vlliion was th&t
God, for Jacoh', sake, for Hi. oa.t h'l .!lake,
bleasr:d Jacob. And Gou, for Christ',
lake, bl yol1, though equally as unworthy. He make. us partakers of HI!
calling D on't wait for any more titne ..
to make YOII fit to be partaken of the
heavenl, ca.1lin,. Jesus Chri.t hath loved
us, and washed us from our sina in Hie
own blood. a.nd hath made w k.ings ud
prie.tI .nto God and His Fatber .
.. It doth not yet appear ",hat wt: sh.ll
be." Our appearance i. hidden. Doth
not yet appear-the photograph i! un4eyeloped-bwt the negatin hu been eftposed. Vie all , ..... ith o~n face behoMini
as in a ~Iaas the glory of the Lord. ate
changed iato the aame image from ~
to gtory, eyen as by the Spirit of the
A man working in the .sun is uncOIl,e!ously tanned , He has a ruddy, vigcxou •.
.trong look.
He acquires this u.con.doudy to himself by si mply being under
the rays of tl1e aun. We beholdinr tlu
Sun of righteonsneu, Jometimt:. eop...
sdousl,., but often unconsciously, a.n
changed Into Hi~ ima!(e. In what rtatt
of glory are you? Fint, second, third,
fourth Dr fifth? "From one deRTee of
radiant holiness to anoth~~ (2 Cor. J:
18, Weymouth) . Thank Cod for the de.
gree of glory . Thank: Cod it is still pot.ible to reach a higher degree. "Not u
thougl1 I had already attaint'"d, either were
already perfect : but [ fonow after, If
that I may 3.pprel1end thAt for which &JIG
r am appt'~hended of Christ Jesus . . . ,
r press toward th~ mark for the prl:te of
the high calling of Ood in Chn.t Jtllus"
(Ph;!. 3,12. 14) .
Tl1e Son can do in you what you youraelf can not do. The Son can make the
impossible possible.
"And now, little
chilrlren. ahide in Him: that, ".·hen He
shall appear, we may have confidence,
and not be: asham~d before Him at Hi!
cominlf"' (1 John 2:28). "We know that,
wilen He shall appear, we shal l h~ like
Him; for we shall see H im n5 H e is .
And evet'}' man that hath this hope in
Him purifit'th himself. even as H e is pure"
( I John 3 :2. 3) .
Chri "l!'S de'lire and wish and purpose Ie
to perfect all that concer net h Hi .!l saints.
A tree will not only lie as it falls, but
"",ill fall as it leans . The R"reat question
everyone !thould hring home to himself
is -nis: "What is the inclination of my
soul ? DOt:s it, with all its affection, lean
toward Cod or away from Himr'-Gtarne,..
October 28, 1922.
are holding Ute fort and prayiDS for re·
General Office Report
It is with a grateful heart to Cod for
His mtrcies to us and to tht: Mastu',
cause that the Cbairman makes his anoual rcport fo r the: work of and through
this offic~. The year has been a trying
one, yet the cause has made general
progress in spi te of this.
Field Work.
Several brethren were asked to assist
to the field work. Bro. A. H. Argue
bas done som e work on Ihis line, but has
given the larger part of his time to nangdistic work. What he has been able
to do has been app reciated. Bro. E. L.
Ranta was appointed. and agre«l to serve
as .oon as his chuTch could find a suitable pa.stor to take his place. So far,
the dUll ch has 110t re lieved him, but he
ha s done some appreciated work in the
field. anyhow, Bro. \V . J. Walthall was
appointed field man for the Southeast
ill connection with ni! chairm:l rlship work
in Arkansas. His work as chai "man ha!!
t:oak cn up most of his time. but he is
hoping to do some field work soon in
Geor!;l'ia and the ~o u thea~t. which is an
in vitill(!' field. Ncadv all of the Ccn.
era1 Presb~ters, als,). h,we done some field
work, su<.'h as thei r office implies. T hall k
God for all these brethr('n and their work
H owever, some good men arc nceded who
can give their entire time to this much
needed work.
The Chairman ha, spent much of time
o n the field-more , really, than he should, in view of the demands in the of.
fl("e. He has visited all the District Coun·
d l meetings w here invited, except where
t here was such a conRict ig date!! as to
make this impossible. '1'wo of these
( Sout hern Californi" I\nd T exas) hav e
been visi ted by the Secretary, Bro. ]. W.
Welch . Some of thelie D is t ricts have
g rown wonderfully in numbers and in in.
ftuen ce during the past year-two about
doubli nq: their number of ministers in
th is one year. Praise Gadl N early all
th e D istrict Councils a re going wdl--only
three a re notably weak. Even in these
there are some noble men o f God who
New M inisters.
Last) ear, at t his time. we had on our
revised ministerial list 889 names of ministers. .....-i th 67 to be heard from on renewal. This year we hne on our list
983, with 53 still to be heard from Last
year we counted 900, and t am lOure that
we can count 17 o"t of the 50 yet to be
heard from, makin~ U'l an even 1.000.
This will be. in round numbc"r", a gaiD
of 100 ordained ministers to the Assem·
blies :If Cod durir.g thi!! year -3 good
normal growth
Besides these ordainrd rnini"t('n. sC"m e
of the districts have in them nl'arly as
manv Liccntiat es on the wav, who~e ca~ e,
are handled whollv bv the Di!Hrict Cou n·
ci l. no n~cord of titem h<'ing: kept in thi,
office-have. t ~ay, nearly a~ m3n\' Li·
centiatl's a!'l orclaiot'd minislr-r5_ If thl'se
were all coon teo, a!l well as ;thout 235
foreign mis~ionarie!l. it would totnl up 10
h(,tWt'l'll 1.600 and 2.000 ll1ini!ltcr'i- -Ordained and Lict'nliah'" tOJ.n'the,
Office Finances.
Brother \Veldt. the Tr('asurt'r .... In
at this writing, :\nd for thi'l rl'a:'lon
and from the b('t that \\;e han' not n"
hact time to get the b(loks :mlitrn, J will
not now R'ive a netai!t'd :\('("Olll1t of in("ome
and dishurscm('nts, \-"hell Brother \Veldt
returns and the book!l- art' aurlitcd. a, is
our rule, he can give ;l. fullt'd report of
income and outgo. But we COlli say that
we have much to praise' God for on a
linandal line also. There have bern tim~$
during the year when the incomc was
very small and things looked squally to
the natural eye.
But we have ecoromized and cut down
expenses about $700 below whOlt they
were last year, and by so doing have on
hand a bala nce of le('ripts for this year
unexpe nded of about $400. Exact figure s
can be given when the books have been
audit ed.
T hi s m oney, a nd more. has just been
received from the ::nnua l renewal of t he
fe ll owship certificates. The amount do-natt'd by each mi nister on the ;;verage h:u
increased d urin g the year. God ble!s their
con Sf"cra ted hearts. Some have given
A Hand-book for Every One. es pecially P arents,
an d T eachns.
By one who was for over thirty years a practising lawyer, and a student
of the Philosop hy of Materialism.
The aim of this book is to make the subject of Evolution plain to all
classes of readers: and also to expose the Ilt'a ta('k of foundation in either h ,·t
or reason for Evolulion in general and the Darwinian t heory of Natura l Selecti on in partic ular. In thi s volume will be found-and stated in such a way
tha t wayfaring men can readily unders tand it-all t hat is needed to show t hat
the wh ole theory of Kvolutio n is, in t he light of H istory and Natural Scie nce,
a baseless myth, and in t he light of Holy Scripture a "strong delusion:'
Price 80 cents postpaid.
Springfield,. M issouri,
QOlhina. Others have give. $ 12.00 or
more_ Latt year the average from each
was about $2.00. This ye3r it is nearly
$3.00 each, This increase, together with
a cutting down of e,:wensu, has saved UI
from going in the hole and brouf{ht
out o n lOp So let us all rejoice together
a nd prai c God I
Some Pressing Need..
The field work needs more atlentioD
and a forc(' \\ hi ch COlli gin: more limr.
to thi~ ph:\5e of Ollr work. ). r i~'1iona ry
c.tlenngs h;n'e takl'n a hnrkward .tep
thi~ year for the first timl' in a ha.1f
d«ade. This shOUld "Olllehow be rem·
edied , \(r!! . Ha~'r and Dr. Jennie Sharp
havt' ')t'cn appoilllec 10 !rawl :tnd hold
mi!l~iol1:'\ry nlt'Ning3 "ith Ih(' a~);t'mh lie<t
and so hdp c-orn'cl thi ~ m.ltt~r. These
si~ters han' thj~ work on their hearts.
and are s:\("lificing for thi..; C.IU~(,; anti we
ht'~I)ea:C for tlH:m a hearty \\i'knmt ev·
ervwlll'rl' a..; they "orne to work on thiJ
li.;('. Wrile Mr~. Vida n.• er, 1517 Fair
Oak!\ /'.\ ~'" ~o, Pa .. atkna. Cali f , or Dr
)1'l1l1il' ~'h,lrp, 726 ('oolwr ~t.. Camden,
N. ),. ,")1" II' J R. F1O\Hr. ]Jb \V f';tdlic
St.. ~prll1gfit'ld, ~I" abo'H th~'ir con, jng
to your a"i!;i'll\hlv for a 1111 ion,1I y uillift.
1.('1 c;'tcll n,~;tr;('t C'h.'lIrm In wntk up a
oonnectt'd !('lit"i oj' ~lppointlllent. in his
distrk~ alllJ c:tll f('lr one of thrill.
are tru<;lin c' eod .1r.d wo!k \\ithout salar~-, allli will hdp the Ih""I!t mi:o,);ionarie.
hy thcir v isit ,.
The Central Bible In"tilute, ~ prillgfiel d,
Mo., i, lilt' bi/l'tcst and most nn-dy p roJect before the A ~semblie!'i 01 God thit
H'ar The School has jll~t opt' ned with
40 studtnU! present. and others ;" earning 60011. Our church ("hap('l is being
uAed for c1a!!srooms. and the ba:'l('ment ror
a. kit("hen and dil'ing room. The basement is fM,intt'd whitt'. and nt'at as a pin.
A fine bodY of studnets arc all ha nd.
Room, for tllem have to be ren ted outside
for t h i!!) year.
\Ve are startin.1{ soon in f:lit~ on the
new '1chool building. hoping for God to
~end in ahOllt $50,000 to put up Il nd furnid1 th,~ right ~ort of huildin~. So far
as possible n('edy students will he gi VCD
work I)n the huildmg to help them pay
for room and bo..'l rd. Labor and materi;!:ls arc ('omp;'tt':;lti\'elv cheap here. and
a t hOU8t'nd dollars will do a full thousand flollars worth en this bllilrling. Let
all join in praver ff'r this monev for Cod.
The grculHh will he held in tru s t hy t hr.
Executive Pre'lhytery, :lntl will forever
ht'long to Cod anrf the Assemblies of Cod.
Brethren, Cod b le .. .!" yOll all. P ray for
E. N. Bell, Chai rman_
"The chllrch is looking for bettf'r methods; Carl is looking for better men.n
"There came a man from God, whose
name w;'ts John," "Unto UfO a Child is
born. unto us a Son is given." . . . What
t he ch urch needs today i9 lIot more machinery or befler. not new organ izat ions
or marc and novel methocl'!, b ut men
whom Ihe Holv Chost ('an lI'Ie . . . . The
Holy Gho'!t noes 110t Row through m cth.
odc;. hut throll!.!h m en . He dOe~ not come
on machi nery, hut on m en. He doe. not
anoint p lans. but men-men of prayer
-Preacher and Prayer.
Octoher 28, 192Z.
Page Six.
The Secret of the Rivers.
"J to Jf'lIlIR lind T "rank
Ot t)11'11 11'& g1vtnlt IItrNlm,
lIy thiT"t "Vas Q\lenclll~d, my !loul r",.I,.e4.
And now I IIva In HIm!"
Yet it is significant that the thought
of Jesus goes o n heyonn our
He reveals the full purpose of Cod to be
only consummated in an QU'l'·flowing
This ;s a vital poin!. The promise is
that we !'h~1l "nevcr thirst;" but ar~ we
n~ver thirstv? The picture is one of perfect f:atisfa('tion: but :lTe we perfectly
.atisfied? Ann how ahout ver!;c 39, and
those who have received the Spirit: are
they conSriotlS that ev('rylhin .... ie; all riC!;ht.
tha t the ideals and visions of the Spiritfillt'd life nrc hein!::' fullll1('rI? 1t i~ possihle that some art" not (luite sat isfied that
a.1I r.od inl('lHle<l in the mi ch tv expericn c~
of the Bapti sm of the Sririt i~ bcin~ realized. inclf'ed who of us rloes not year n
to see the outflow of thf)c;e "riven; of
tiv;n~ water" in a fuller way. There is
absolutelv no danger in !-('i nc- frank with
Cod ah\ays mects a true
h an .vlhin~ lacking in om "Pentecost" ?
Glory to Jestls.-Never! ~pace, time and
language all forbid the delightful but
d some of us h'n'e learnt
in tr) 1Ilg' 10 break ou r·
or (.( \! our"'''I\" ... br, "en in strain.::g 411 er "llat \li'I <It limes aimost an
al'~ '11Jl\ :11
'11 Iuat suit:i.k.
But is not
'h . . piri! 01 t.
ar\' rather the acceptance
oi the cro~s :-],1/ the 10llnation oi it? ft
is ill
H!e ::doptl,;(l and line laken
in tho "c It'( l( n \\ hel e t\\",) ways meet
In {Iur
IV~. an· I ,,'\;11 more in Ihe lillie
pra(·ti(,l thim"" oi d;(liy ('onlaCI with one
~notIH'rnl! r am glad that Cod Icts such
llI~' I
11 His children-that we
r 'all, ,l~("i(k the pr:l.ctiral issues of our
IJt'l1t('C(l~'; whether it !;hall be rivere
ll(" .. ing' out or a gradual stagl1<lIion, The re
<IT(: ~amsOI1~ IOllav \\:110 are shorn of their
q;-cnglh forJear
a lau1{h or a sneer, for
want of an apology, or a hit of rcStilllllon,
To say that. in avoirling these hard or
humbling little incidents, we are mi ssi ng
grand opportunities of "dying" is true,
hut it is slill more true that we are really
missing life, fuller life, spiritual life, "t he
life that is life incleed." Tea ching about
the cros~ in a believer's ex perience would
probably not b e nearly so repellant as it
is to , ome if only th ere was a clcareI
vision of the positive sieU! as well as the
negative. The death is a \\'ay to l ife, and
recognized :is suc h it is welcomed with
delight. We drink (Ieep of the joy of
Pentecost, allli when first experienced the
ecstasv is almost as "new wine:" the eX'perien~c of the 120 on the Day of Pentecost is repr-aterl again, and we receive
a fulness of blessing so cquivalent to
theirs that others mockil1f! sal' "these men
are fl111 of ntw ,.,-ine." The intoxication
.f spirituOll JOY when firs t recei\'ed will
often produce such an o\'crpoweriug of ,
the physical as to outw:udly resemble
AothinK' so much as literal drunkenne$s.
It is impossible to deny that this is per·
fect l." scriptural, however displeasing to
carnal idl."as of propriety in religious be-.
haviour. nut wine s- mboli7es something
deeper than joy. ",Ie took the cup, an;
when He had j:!iVI.1 thanks He s;!ave it to
IT: and He said unto them. This is My
blood of the ne,., coyenant. which is sheil
for many." Th~ ""ine typifies the blood
an(l the blood is the life, and the precious
Life was poured out in Gethsemane and
on Calvary "for many," Shal1 we who
have tasted that other wonderful cup of
joy and ecstasy refuse this fuller. deeper
cup of participation in the poured out life?
Shall wc roh our Pel1teco~tal e::r.:perience
of its fine'lt fruit?
flv His p-race our
heart~ shall answer-C-od forhid !-Don..
aid G~e, in Things New and Old.
One of the most illtt're"ting lltterdnces
of the Lord In,lls is 1I,;!t lound in John
7;J7, -lH, :1I'coII1I,anil'd" it i~ hy that 1110;.t
trustworthy 01 till fI)Illllll'utarieso---the
(Om llU'lIIa ry of )J\;lsol1:11 I'XI'CnlllfC at to
the (('a I 111l'aning: of tht \Ia,,\('r's \\Ord5,
cultlnl lIlullY .... (.'ar~ altc'r II)' the la·Jov('d
d isciple whl,;l1 he il\ 71Tjlor;\\t;d Vtr:'-C 39 in
.h(' ~Iory.
Our Lord's \\ord~ ,e III to COlllront U!o
with a paradox at OIlU". I h' appeals to
thc t h ir ~t y, to tho:-.c \\ ho arc I1cl.:dy a nd
consciOI1!; of it. to Iho~l' v.hosl,; alit· ncces·
.ity and overpowcring: df'~jrf' would oh,.ion,,!y be to lak{' in; hut iU;'lanl[y He
speaks of a nowi ng OUT-something to
b(' givell forth from the H'ry c{'llter oi the
life, Surdy Ihis is a strange in\'itatlon
to a thirsty soull AIHI let our heart"!
f('e! it all 10 be so tr\l('. there is an irresistible and continuolls appeal in these
verses, something t hat grips Int'n :l.nd
continually speaks to th('ir dc('pesl longJn~"
Elo(IUcl1t flr('adlcrs ha ' ·c truly :w d
powerfully made much of the univernl
"thirst"' of the human SOli I, the lon ging
that is only sati_~(jc:d ill Cod Himself.
The H'stimony of all who hnve "come"
right clown the a!{('s shollts back to glad
confirmation that Je'l\l!'i spoke the truth
when Jl e off('fc<i llilll~ ('!f as the One
who gi,'('s water. which, if a Ulall drink
thereof. h(' !'Ihal! never tbir!'; 1 .(goain, Ha.I lelujah I
But kec-p an eye on verse 39. neve r
forget that " He ~pol;c: of Ihe ~pirit," and
onlv in re r eivjll~ the wonder ful fulnes.
of 'the Holy Ghost can we truly enter
into the complc-tene.!ls of that gio rioul
It is a personal Pentecost that mak:es
us sin,tt" with iullest appreciation:
iO\I'O iJ,l( ',Isk of tl:lling tl e \\Ollrlers of
thaI {''lrpf''ril·ncc. LO!> Calnl' illt thl.! Ii it',
all.] e\'l \'ll1illl; ! ,IS heen diffef('nt SIIlCC
-and ,ll \a~'s w JIbe dlffercllt. 'I he com·
\\ H
ron pi (I.', Sill Inn..: \)( ,"ond
worl. bu
ollttlo\',"-· Some ~f U:t
\11{J\1l- III
I 011
illl(' Ilwt th I:ollling ill
g-uar<lntud 11ll' outllo\\". but we bave COIne
to SI." lil:,1 SC)/11{ thing dse I,. needed. The
-.)1.11 n dory oj our Pentecost needs
t i ngin~ hlood-r~d \\ilh Ihe f>pirit oj Cal'ary. Th.l: pl.:riect hody of Q\lr ~taster
"nd ~ .. \·iour had to be broken before
str{'al1l~ oi rcd~'lIlptioll in all its fullnc!'ls
could come to Ihe SOilS of mcn. Thl,;rc
it> 110 other way for the glory and the
power of the One who dwells within us
to break forth in life to ncedy souls
around;- -we must 0(' brokell too, It is
po~slhlc tf) acC<"pt
P(,ntecost and reject ill d fargt' measure the experience
of the cross :t~ it is applied to the believer's OWl1 life of ri;seipl eship, Could
we ue~crihe the result as a "d isappointIllent"! Our own personal side matters
liolc· but ,...,h;1l ahout His? I think there
i! '" deeper JOY ill the heart of Jesus
Wh('fl Ilj' hapti7Cs one of His redeemed
(ll1 e!; in tll(' TJ olv Ghost than simply floodin g 'h t' !'onl wit h the glory of heaven:
there i:; the joy of possessing another pos:-lihle channel through which to "seek and
$;I\'C that which was lost," a fr~sh part·
ner in His great enterprise of brillgin,
Ulr-II hack to 1.0r\. No words can expres,
the ine stimable los5 of the de~pest, purcst joy to those who only see in the Bap·
ti s m of the Spirit a means to times of
e-1ory and ecstac)', and deeper personal
experiences for their own sake; a ceaseless
"drinking," There must inevitably come,
if this is persisted in, a dryin, up. A fundamental law of the Spirit- filled life is
being violated.
Divine inspiratiOR and unerring truth
is in the choice of that word "riyers." A
wee brook tumbling its way to the s ea
I'aye a charming illustration only the other clay, Whirling round boulders, leaping
miniature precipices, or rushing its way
through tiny I!orges, it was the very embodiment of life: and purity; yet only a
very little distanc~ farther o n and it had
broadened out in a shallow plac~ , become
stagnant and ("overed with weed. dead
le:tv~s allrl .all that ,,. as u a1nviting-the
river had u{'come a poo\. Rut just in one
<:orne r the weary waters found a breaking
in the wall of stones and drifting rubbish
that held them every ...... here else in check,
and awav th'Y tumbled again! It was
" drop for Illl'lll. lower than ever. but
once ag-ain IlH'rc was t he music, the life,
the rivcr, A good enough ricture in very ,
dee(1 of ~:-tiri!ua l r('vi"al all throu~h history. ;l.n(1 nnt 1<l("kinC!' a pregnant appli (":l.tion either!
Hut our concern is \:ith the pcn;:onal
,:, d\'al insir\c: a "mo\,('mcnt" will go on
all I i~ht if the unils composi ng it are
mo\-i np-.
And that little ri,'cr flowed
on :>):.!"ain hecause it had found a place of
hrokenness, ~o much has been said about
Paul said. "Be filled wilh the Spirit."
It is e\·icle ntly the duty and privilege of
ever\' believer to be thtl:'> filled. Jesus
told -the disciples whom He commissio ned
to go and preach the Gospel to the na·
tions of the earlh that they should re-cei\'e power, "Ye ~hall receive power. tht
H oh' Gho<;.t coming upon you. and ye
shali be \\"itnesses unto Me," One of the'
purpo!'es for which the Holy Spirit was
sent, the principal purpose, was tha.t the
disciples might be empowered to witness
unto men. They needed thc po ..... er to
Oetolx:r 28. 1922,
... lTccul,-t:Iy
then. and certainly .... e
UCl.:au"e the
1.110" Je :.u:.
3rt: IIOt !ilkd wllh the ::'p lrll tht:y lat:k
pu \\er, their lc"UllJuUlc::. ,,-rc l,lIy, tliclr
pllJ.,)er:. an..: Iflcllt.:':l.ual allli their !IH::. 00
00 Itut nt:cd 1\ 11.:,,1> JOJay,
IlJUhllUl!c:. ",,110 II rOh.::.:. to
:J01 (CJUIJ~ lOr lIod.
(,;oJ halo JOlm'd h\O lhin~s luc,:e1her.
i~H: 1t.:1Ili:>"l(.l1l UI liUl:; "II' I,ll.: ).;' 1:.1Il ui
the HulY I.JIIO"l, it. I" Ilot lit:. \\111 Ih.t
thLY I,H; :.t'p"rau.:d
.\\ hal \',ou ~.d,lll Jum·
cd tugether let not 1IId,1l put <l:.UiH!er."
.\1 cll were SliIIlcrs. "uJ lrot.l. l!lrou~h
bd,\-e the la\.... I.ut lhe law""",,:;
"uwcr to :'d,\e 111<.':11. II Illcn could
lk:ivC llcell sa\'ed tllroubh tht: I<lw, it lhe
1.1\\ bad had pOW(;f to :.;t\'C Illell. t.;otI
\'.vuhJ nC\'cr l'01\t: 5Clll Ill:. uuly L\e~oth:n
Sun IIltO the world to pay th e pricc of
mall's t cdcmptio n UPOI! lite ac,-ur:.eU tree,
"W hat the law COUld not do in that it wa:.
weak through the i1e:.fl, Lad, 5CIlIilllg His
0\\11 Sou in the Iikem~ss of siniul tlcsh,
.and ior '"in, condemned Sin in the flesh,
that the rigilteou!;IIt'!>s of lhe law 111l ght
be fullilled in us who walk not aitcr til(:
fle:.h but aiter the S pirit."
\Vhcll Jesus appeared, John the nap·
tist \\ ho had u('(:n sellt to an llounce that
'the kmg-dom oi ht'an:I1" was "at hand'
OInd to summon the peal'\(: to repcnt. look·
i;.g upon .h:ltu1> as He .,., alkcd, said, "Be·
h o ld the Lanth of (,;00 that ~;"t':lh a\.\ay
I ht, sin 0: the world 1" J c"us had I.:Ol11e
for the purpose of tak.illg' away sin, and
Ile tOOk it away whell III 'who knew no
s: n" was made" a sill ofTering for us,"
He died upon th e cross, Ih' rose from Ihl;
\,h·ad. He ascuded into hea\'ell, en·
l('rillg th e Holy Plact', thcn'u) demon·
strating that Hi !'- sacrifice had been e(.
fle lllal and that sin had been remo\'ed,
for the sin of thl. whole world had b~ll
laid upon Him. and liin can 110t enter
into God's presence.
J ohn the Baptist not only announced
Ihat J esus would take away the sin of Ihe
world, but t hat He was the Baptizer in
the H oly Ghost. After Jesus had ascend·
cd into heave n He poured out the Holy
Spirit upon the assembled disciples who,
ill obedience to His command, were wait·
iug- in Jerusalem to be "endued with pow·
er from on high," Thus our Lord not only
pro\'ed that He had taken away 6in but
tha t H e was the Baptizer in the Holy
Ghost as welt.
Peter p reached to the assembled multi
tude after he and the other disciples had
been "6l1ed with the Holy Ghost," the
filling ueing cvictcllced by the speakin2'
"with other tongue:> as the Spirit ga ve
Ihem utterance," and when his hearecs.
"pri('ked in their heart." inquired. "\Vhat
.. ha ll wt- d o?" Peter replied, "Repent. and
I)c haptiz.ed , everyone of you in the name
t)f )C S U 'l Chr i~ t for t he remission of sins.
:lnd ye ShAll receive the gift of the Holy
Ch ost. For the promise:': hs unto you.
:n,d to I"Our c hildren, and to all that are
::thr off, evcn as many as the Lord our
Cod shall calL"
Thus IIC SCl that J ohn the Baptist
Ii: ked tht' '_:lhiu!:!, aw,w of sin and the Bapli'lll in the Floh' GhO!'t to[~l';her, and
,Len. J e~ w; ha\ill~ taken awa~- sin by the
<;"aifif'c of Him ;;elf al1'l having pro\'en
t' t lI e had dOlle it hy enlering into the
11 ,Iy Pla(' c "to appear in the presence of
pOUlt':! OUI Ihi ~piri' upon
he be" l r .. , after \\ Pl'ter
n"ld~ l\ dear:o IhtJ~' to whCl!Il Ill' ptt'OIch .
ed !hilt \\ h<lt Co' h,ld donl' j,)r thl' di~ ­
'Jilin II
\\,1 Ir~ .lilt! \\alllllg to 'Jo
for al'. nOI simi'ly f~ thO"l' of Ih;1I gtner·
].lIl')n 10111 f· r t S~
JC e hn~ gCIl.
f1:., ·C\ {'II as II 1n) as the Lor Jour
hall all.'
r '1
I~ not only 1)0 slhle
for c\ y 1I"e~ c' to be ··!til~el WIth the
~ O~l
I l'
It·s Int\' and hi~
pr;vI C ,a': I ilhl f,· a!; " l ' iail to let
II ,JS, a.nd then possess liS after lIe
h,," 11(' I l' .. ,
1il ,) (I);:hil' Him to
;,~~Olll1)lisll thr' ug-', '1' that \\hidl He
dc . . ir\s to
c(' '1!1! F h.
and thcr,foft· it
r.l~V be' sal
. h; ~ in a 1lll'3.S11r~' wc
deft-'lt \.0 ':, ,,1::t11
,.\\ hat (oc:! hath
~illed to).!L,!l1{'r Ie IW! lIlan put a!;undcr.'·
J. "'An-a Gortner
God t(.lr u<
(John 8:J2)
And nothing but the truth can Inakl
(rom ~('l1le k itHl·. of hondagl'.
F\'cl1 \\'1 'n fhe heOlrt dc"irt~ and purI'OS\' <:: 10 -In on!y tlu' ri~ht, the life wilt
serve the wrong
the mind !) ill bonda.l:!e
tn t'rror Actions, in hnman bt'in~; who
rirl' not ;,ltu'~l:her ~(",elllt'.t b ..' the brUIt:
"-.11 lire, ;Ire the outg-rowth of ide."\s,
Sunday School Literature at Half Price.
Our Sunda~' ~cho.)ol Qu arterlies, which
~et forth the I nternOitiOlnl Sunday ~ehool
L ls~on.s from a Pl'ntc>co... t:ti viewpoint, are
~,rO\'111~ !'Udl a blcs,,:im: th at \\t; now ha\'c
to print 37.500 C\'er~' quarter. \\'e flrin!
19.000 cepie') of the Adull Quarterly
alone. Thi s last i~ written by the Edi·
tor of the E,'ange1.
\Ve desire that a numher of Sunday
Rehooh; who ha\'e not hitherto hnd our
literature ~ha!1 tn: th(' ~ame and for a
limited tiille we a~e offering- to scnrl the
first orner of SUI)plies, both quarterlie,
and papers a t half price, Thi s special
offer docs not apply to schools that now
take O\lr literature, but is mAde for the
purpo'le of introducing our literature
""here it has not I)een used and to ~.
coural(C the opening of new Sundar
Our two papers for the children are
proving a great bles.!PinR. They are going
all over the world, and onc appreciative
mother ,...-rites from England, "I consider your papers for th~ children the best
I h:we ('vcr seen,"
Tht': regular priee of Qu:\rterlies is 5
ccnts per copy, the Pentccostal Boys and
Girls, 12;/1 ('cnt s per quarter, :lnd Our
Pentecostal Lillie Folk .. , 6!-:l ccnts per
quarh'r, Thosc o rdering- the first lime
ca n 1;11.e 50% off lhe~e priccs.
Owin g' to our not being able to do our
own lidlO~:-aph work. we are not able
to m:lkC' tht' same reductiAn 011 the Little
Le~~on Pi c ture Card .. , the price of which
i., 4 ('ellts per set. or of thc Large Pic·
t ilre Roll .. , the price of which i .. $1.00
e3ch. GospeJ Puulishillg Housc, Springfield, '!o
the Ifl~as are \'\irong. ~\'tn nllly mlslaker,
the 'Htlons w,;1 he \',~on~.
"j'\'11 h
\\ rought loT 9o:3n1 o· thom;ht ft well aa
f~ r \\;l.IIt oi he :/rl
EVil 11> ". ou~ht ;,i.\"'o
fer lae-k oi I 1\ wll dg (11" hilI IS n~ ht.
.!.I1I1 f~ ,T I ('k 01 \\ sdom
1I0wleclgr- of
th~ fRL r I I
the,."h t lOR that (,:\Q
r soul
f m errOT ,;md
::I Ihe ('\, s whicl,
fe ult·,
-\ct'6 9 and I
T1Ill I 1J
. \ nil the n asur~ ot OlO
; 1:'1 dom will
be a o~~ting 10 the me
e 0: our know1·
t'cI~l' of 'he Iruth { 1'1 r
equall. S it loll.)w- that III \,!"Jport,oo
:t!' we art' i~l'ot.;nt of ,;1Y tnll1, we will
h III t to e·ror, III lour ('onduct
will lIt't lu "'!I~' it hould h
I his i~ hit\\" the "truth' sannit1t"5 thf
life. a5 Out Lord pr.lyr-J in J,'hn 17;17
And Ihis i~ "hy 111'1"-:\\1(,-1 it. .\nd thil'
1\'. in thr~e different 1,l al e
\lit' have
ostle Palll tcll;n~" thl' ')elintTS 01
his day that ht praye,l for their in·
crt':!.Sl' in kll11Wll'c\l.l't (1-:l'h. 1 17: Phil. t
9-11; ('01. I :\') _ 10), And Ihi~ ill wh)
thc apostle p~,tt"r l'l()~('s hs ~('("ond epi .. tlc:
with till' t'X"nrtalion to "..:r()\\" in grace'
anti in the knowledge of our l.("Irel and
Saviour JlSUS Chriq" (2 Pde' 3 : 18)
riJlles::ws ~ 1 ~ is an l'xhortalion \';\Ich h
\'ery frt(IUentiy Quott'ci hy sonll' Chris·
ti ane; \\ho \'('1'\' r:\rel\" mtllt;Gn thc 17th
V(,f!l~, althnur:h it is' the finlt par' (If ,.
douhle l'xhortalinll of thc apn!lollc Paul
It S;I\~, "nt, not 1I11\Yi~t'. IlIlt understand·
ing ~h ;l t the ,viU of the Lord ia," ' I'hr
Spirit nl HI th,· Word (whi,h 11\:'1\...e"- known
tht will of (;("><1) mllsl ("\'tl' ~o tORl'thtr
On r Lord la n.l:!ht tiS to I,n\', "Thy will
be don. ('11 (uth as ;t is done in heaven."
H CoW IS t It· will of ~oc (1 'Il' n },~aH" r
TIl( r ~Irt' t\n' \,1'., ~ in thl ni l't' Wh4:Ie'
we art· (:'\pr"'1~l_\' tol 'W\\
,11 of (~od
is don t in IW;I\"(11
(")nl.' i II! I'
chaplt'J of 1:.:>C'kiri Til, 11l( r-mpha!llis
is 11\,011 Ihl' ill1pdlill){ PO\\\:I
spirit within in jlt'lf('("( 11;111\1"11.' witl:
the Spirit of Cod
'rhe oth · r paSS<lI-!'C is ill the IOJrd
Psalm. verse 20, and it !lay; that the ac·
j:."els do the will of God hv hearktnina
unto the voice of His Word. Th~ have
an int~l1iJ:t:ent understanding of ,.hat 'li t
w ill of God is. anrl they do it ....;lIilli~
a nd gladly and instantly.
And this aame thouJ:t:ht ill most emphat.
ically brought out in the 32nd P!lalm
as the purpose of Cod for His hu nan
creAtureA 1n vc:rst 8 is Goo's graciou.
offer to guide H is children. Then, in
the 9th verse, He g1ve:':~ a word of waf'1l'
inR"; and it is that they shall not be u
the horse or the mule, which have to bt
made to rio tltt ~;II of their mar;ter by bit
and brielle, huauo;e they have no Ur>:·
Our God hfl~ ~ivtn U~ an understand,
inf,{ (1 John 5:20), :lIHl He W;1.llts us 00
urle it: thou.!!h not to LEAN upon it
(Prov, 3:5): hut have it "('nlightcned'
by the Spirit of li~ht ann of truth, that
1\'(':: ma~' "know" (Eph, 1 :18),-W. E, C
1;('11\1 (or 0 roll of ~[lednl Pf"nt4!c01"taJ
numher or the Evangel. %~ COt)iOIl, %lie.
(Canada. ZSc,), 100 copies. 11.00. (Ca nada
.... F.iabl.
(Continu ed from page one.)
cciH come to pas. ; His promisu
llIade eoorl; His prc('cpts an: pt'rlf'Ct ; His
word .,. always the lalt word. It i. re-mark.blt l1'1 a t as Jle appeared 10 Lao-dlcea ( Rev. 3: 14 ), 10 He will appur to
the world; the illuminating lr-lze turned
earlier upo n the C hurch now tun its
lall .tc rel from the bosom of the wodd .
To Laotllccn it i ~ not the expos ure of a
dCICCriH, bUI t he surgt'ry o f a phys ician ;
noW' it t ~ the: affid avit of a w itness passing
raphlly into t he ~ulJlmary of a judge and
the writ of all cXl·c ulioncr
( 2) "A nd
He ha Th It mUll(' wriuen which N O O NE
KNOW E TH bUI l1 e Himu lf." T his
name ill written bU I never rea d. T here
an: l alh oml (:".. dr-plhs in the ;nfi r;i le
Chriat whi ch man will IItver kno w: my
Gospel wi ll never be couullonplace ; my
Cod will n('ver hr rOnl vrehr nded; my
Savioltr wi ll h:lye fru h '1 u rprilles of love
for mt for e\'I'r· t here will a lways be mo re
b("yonrt. ( .1) "A lid If i!'l na me is ca ll ed
Til E W ORD OF GO D ." C hr ist is God
arfi cula tt'. O ur Lord is t he word o f ab·
. olu tt' infalhhility; the word o f n h<lll !\tless depth ; th e word of irrellis li b le power '
the w')r(1 o f perfect pardon; the wo rd of
unlimit~d h calil1~r; t he word of almig h ty
.uccor ; the wo rd of inexhaus tihle love ;
the word of ete rn al ho liness ; th e word
of final judg m ent . The W ord that spoke
the worlds int o being, the Word which all
down the ages has recreated the millions
of the rC'gent'ratc. is now he:lrd in the
tomb •• with enormous Conu(IUent resur.
rection.; and it is the Word that will
lock Hell at la l t upon the wickt'd fol'o
en... (4) "KING OF KINGS AND
Chri!t is tile
world't ideal king, fe r which unconscious.
I,. it groant. '" am glad," cried Calvin,
suBtring bitter pertecution, "that Christ
ia Lord of Lordt, for eille I hat! been
utterl,. without hope." So He appears
as the M a.ny-diademed.
As earthly
crowns are today falling one b .. one, and
a. the~ iniQllitOllt diadems fatl like a
meteor·thower when He strik.-.s through
lOngs In the dRY of Hi, power, to all
crOWn! clu:'!ter at bst on the descending
Brew; an authoriti es, all sy,tems, all
lawll, all events Rre under Hi, vast and
abllolute control; and He directs and in.pire9 the hier:lrrhie, ~nrl principalities of
all worlds beyond worlds.
What a Chri9tl
When the young
Queen Virtoria wa!! present at a per·
form;mce of the M estiah. her Court la"iea
infonned her that it Wa!! not etiquette for
the Qu('en to rise; but when the Hal.
tejuah chorll!! arrived-Handel drew it
from this paSSaKl!'-and the line was
reached. "King of Kings. and Lord of
Lordll," the young Quet'n rose to her
feet with teart in her eyes, trembling.
The Lord's apocalypse now culminates
in the desperate political cnsit which it
thrillll tU to know we are rapidly ap·
preaching. Earth is the cockpit where
all ultimate issuet of right and wrong
are fought out: Calvary was here; here
al&o. thenfore. it Armageddon. The la9t
entente, the final league of nations. rom·
pacted in a Hell-provoked and a Hell·
sealed confederation, and orgaoiud i.1O
one to hold the world against God. ~ud·
d\!nly b<:holdt t he blOQd·red Christ. How
dreadful to learn-as we learn here--that
all scier.c e. all politict, all cuhure, all
progre" a re headinll up into this one
upreme effort of man to shake off the
yoke of God .
Our Lord fin dt the earth in red-hot
rehell io n . J e'I11' never 'trike. a b low but
to crus h a wro a g, or to !ave a world;
a nd now, be fore all men. He arrests and
paraly ze!! the ).fanged in whom i.5 the
..... orld's whole tru,>!. \\ho, \\itlt the False
Prophet-a, immorta lll and therdore!:
deathlesa--is cast ali ve "not into a bot·
tomle!:S, dungeon, hut into a pool of hlaz·
ing s ul p hur" (Dr. Swete), the first!ruilt
of the damnNI. "WOE UNTO HIM
MA KER I" (lsa. 4';:9). The vast armies,
wilh a ll th eir monarc hs and fie ld marshal,. I>('('ome food for vllhur('~: "and all
the bi rth were filled with their flesh."
RtghtM:lIIs JUll l!e of rttrlhllton.
Orant Thy ,..Ift ot nhfW"lI:lIlon
Ere t hat dray's dread e:o.:ecutlonl
\ Ve oIote on onc namc which IS
con!'lpiclIOII!llv al><:el1l from all Ihe judg·
me n t ~cene~. anrl never uttered in the
prophecies o f tht' Apoea lvp'Ie, bUI whidl,
shrined for ever in Ollr redeemed hearts,
holds a ll the sec ret of o ur joy in Hi'! comin!t. God has pmlrefl Il i.'l whole h('a rt in
a sinp:le worrl:-"T h oll sha lt ra il Hi t
name JCSUII : for H e s hall sa ve His 1)eo.
pie from th eir sin s" ( Ma tt. 1 :21) . There
is awe in the name of God; there is eter·
nity in the name of J("hovah : th ere i.5 10·
finity in the name of the ~on o f God:
there is incarnation in the of 1 m·
manuel: there is s tainlestness in th e name
of the Holy One of God: there i, omnis·
cience in the name of the LoROS; there is
unction in the name of Chri s t ; there i,
mastery in the name of the Lord; t ~ e re i,
a sob in the name of the Son of Man ;
there is pity in the of the Mediator ;
there is jurtgment in the name of the
Lamb; there i~ ~b.50lution in the name
of the High Priest; there is succor in
the name of the Arlvocate; there is heav·
en in the name of the P:lrac1ete: there i!
wedlock in the name of the Bridt"groom;
th("re i5 cmpire in the n~me of the King
of king, and Lord of lordt : but. althout!'h
all thl'"se titl("!1 ;'Ir .. }wapert upon our Lord,
there is none other name given under
b~ven whereb... m"" must be saved I:out
the name of JESL'S.
"J"U8! J"f'''US' If't U8 ever
9nftl,. to
!lome .\!weet ft pell :
Jf>!IIU.s! J"e"u,,! trnnhl~l ""Ir·t. I.v It
On th,. hMrt. and 11 ..... m make thee well
''Many names are ""Ar. hnt Ht~ I." "~a~r.
Rn ..... II /troWI'! mnrp dear A!' lite 1r0f!1'I on!
MlLn,. tr'end ... rt" "PAr. bnT R~ t:oo nearer
October 28, 1'1l2.
'All the promises in Him (Chris t 103 US) are yea, alld in Him Amen" (2 Cor.
1 :20). The promise!' in the Word of God
are all yea and can be. because they lore
in Christ J e~us .
You can bank on the Word o f God..
The promises are all available today,
as true and at free a!'l thl:Y were to the
weakest or the s trongest sain t of bygone ages. They believed t he promises
and wcnt Ollt and acted upon th em. T hey
looked for fulfihnt:ul. Go thou and do
likewise. They brlieved , expccted. acted.
God wants yOIl to bdit:ye His written
\Vord. Bclil·\'(· that lIe wi ll be t rue, that
He will ful!il what He has pro mi sed.
"I will pour out My Spirit upon aU
Resh" is the promise o f God . Can He
keep it? l!I He capable o f doing t h is?
Is there enough of the Spiri t to rucb
all flesh? Can God fulfi l H is promi se?
H is word has never returned unto Him
void. \Vh!!n He ~pakc the ~la l S were c r~
clled. He spake and the .'lea was. He
commanded. " there bc ligh t, a nd
there was li~ht:' By till' word o f God
the world was created. E very ti m e the
word went forth it accomplished some
thing; it nevcr returned mil o him void.
A n d His word is ju~ t at st rong in c.rc-ative force today as it was t hen . But io
order to be eiTec ti" e, as far as the pro m·
ises arc concern ecl, il m ust be beli eved
on by God's people.
Th ere were t en d ay s of waiting in the
upper room. T hey claimed the "promise
of the Fath er," induding in this promise
the promise givcn t hrough Joel. God'.
word was b elit'ved ;lOd thoe Spiri t wu
poured Ollt. The Holy Chott wa9 re.ceived individually fir s t. then the Spirit
was poured out in a wider sense on aU
Jerusalem-a reprcsentative ga thering io ~
eluding a wide area of nationalities.
You have received the Holy Chost i ...·
dividually; hut at the same time God
wants a larger fulfilment of the promise.
He gave the upper room eJilperient'e, the
penon,,1 enduement, to make possihle t he
great outpouring of the Spirit upon atl
f'f'~h. You have received individually the
fiRing of the Spirit that God may fulfil
in a larger sense His promise to pour
out His Spirit upon all flesh. God wants
to repeat the upper room experient'e anti
also the outsj,fe experience. If He hu
done the one He can do the other. Come
down from the upper room experience to·
the outside. anrt the Spirit will be poured
out on all flc!lh.
"And it sh all comc to pas! in the last
days. saith God. I win pour out of My
Spirit Ilpon all fle!lh." This is the prom·
i!'e of r.od. and :111 the promises are yea
and Amen in Chritt Jesut.
Ah.... ,.. wbat ..... want. D.n4 aU our owu."
Preaching i5 n ot the performance of an
hour. It is the outflow of a life. . . . The
sermon it forceflll because the man is
forceful. The sermon is holy b«aute the
man is holy. The sermon is full of divine
unction because the man is full of divine
unetion.-Preacher and Prayer.
The character as well as the fertunCl
of t he gospc:1 it committed to the preacher. He makes or maNl the message of
God to man.-Preacher and Prayer.
"We have an AdvO<""ate with the Fa.--t her" (l John 2:1) . An advocate is one
who carrie! on th e ('au'i-C of another.
\Vhen h elievers efT Christ adjusts the
matter. and meets the a('cusationt of the
evil one. Chris t a('t("(1 the advocate's part
when He prayed for Peter (Luke 22:32),
and would not let the enemy triumph
over him to his ruin. hut re~tored him
hy His grart and adjusting power. The
Lord has made no provision for us to SlD.
but jf we do sin, provi9ion is made.
Octobu 28, 1922.
IUtJl£SJtAlI:LJ: 017TP017anrG 4'1' SW.....
For "me time there h.'H] bt-f'n n. ,r;Teat
I!SX1>eCtat.lon amon~8t th e Inhabitants of
Swansea for a vI/tit af PrlPtor Stephen
Jetl'reY15 of Dow In I". At Inllt H! w as able to
eome and has j\UH concludp.,) at Mount
Z'on Chapel one of thf! mo"t power f~1 and
.plritu~1 14 (lnys ml9810na ever conducted
In th!R town.
From the opening ~ervll"f' held on Mon-.
dA.)'. Septf'mt)t>r <t. the bulldln.: wa!< I"rowded
to Its utmost rapacity.
Throulthout the
meetlng15 were I"harged with the pn"'er of
Ood. and what the cr tic may cnll "Emotion" has proved beyond contention to be
the mighty POwer of Ood "Tn motion" In
• moet reml'll'kable manner and the In'ene'
wltnf',8sed broul'Cht true ('on,·lnlon Into tho
hearts of t he douhtlnl{ "bf'lIever"'." and
demonstratt>d In th(l hodles of the e1c-k nnd
atnleted that the Arm ot the i.ord Is not
IIhort ened. anol thnt Ihl' Ag" of Mh::-hty
918ns and :o.lIra("le9 hn!'! not pa:otql'd by.
Du ring the flr:ott week, mf'etln"" were
beld every afternoon and evt nlng, but as
the number of Crll-I('S tOr Ileallng had be.
com e so mnny, It wa" fnunel neces"'ary to
bave an al'lll Ilon~1 me>('tlnR" In th(, mornln~.
Long be>tor(' [h(' appOlntefl time the p('opie
poured Into the> bulJc1l llg In hundreds: !:lome
on crutcheR nnd I'tlrk"', oth('r.s In whrl'l
cha Ir!!. bedl! nnc1 "trrtcher": tll(' bllnll be~
lug lefl ; youllg ('rI111) 11'f' hl'lng brought In the
arms ot thf'lr Olllxll)u>I Jmr.'nt". ('Ic
wl!l cll melted eVf'n Ihe tl.vdt'Rt hoart>! Into
Al[tslsted hy hll'l hroll,er. PM'tor JelTreYl!!
Prtl yed with tile ('a"eM hefore him, anointLng them with 011 In t he nnlllf' ..,r the 1.0r,l,
&C('orctlng 10 Jame>!'! 5:14: anrl laId on hands.
aceordlng to Mnrk lIi:IS. etc.
thl!;l were scenes w hich Cfln IIev('r be put
into word:ot. when the c rlppl ('l'I, throwIng
6t1lde thei r crulche"" belean to walk 1.1)) nnd
(Jown the al>lI88: the bl lid dc>clnred whllt
,hey could l!:ee: the (lMf ::HI~wered from the
d~ tnn ce; wit h ered nnd dislorted arms were
nh!led, and vllrlOlll'l othcr r cmnrkllble mnnlf6ftta. tlone ot Instantnneous Cllre8 trom
beart trouble, rheumntlllm, neurIU!'I, parAI7a ·",. ruptures. hemorrhage!'!. ll nd every (:011_
eelvable dIsease, These !'!ceneR have crented deep impressiuns which will eve r IIngor
upon the m inds ot th08 e who ...·er e eye"ltn&Bees.
Among the Innume r nble testimonies glv_
till by those who have rcc elved Instantaneous he>aling etc, ore the foll owing:
A Ill~ter writes; ... , . Thanks b e to the
m06t merolful GOd t Or !!!endlng you with
such power, find for" moat mllrvelolus cure
.I hflve rece ·,'cd which , never theugh t
would come my woy .. , Twenty YE'arl'l ago
1 "",lIM turned out from SWllnsCl'l Hoorlta)
as nn Incu ra ble. J have since been prac tically a wh ole body ot pain from head to
toot . .
last Wednesday the Lord told
me to como to you . . . and when returnlnK
home 1 felt ] could r un and jump with
Joy f or my great dellverfince from pain .. ."
AmHher writes; "1 now write to thank
you tor being t he means In God' s hand!O of
"'''torlng my 1I1t 1£' J!"rnntlsoll and gr.lndc!aughter to the r hen l th find Plt rength altaln
Til e littl e boy Wi'll!: pnralyz.(>(\ In his back
u d never ·w n lk e<l ror tll r ee Yea rf! and nevcr
talk ed tit fill, but now runs about find
talks like Ilnv other child. The little girl
with tubercular hlp Is a)80 c ured, Prnl se
the J ..ord. . .
Amongl't t h e frat CMes was II. young
man from C .. rd tr wtlo Cftme down with deform ed feet, a nl1 W!\l'I Inst.,',ntly curell.
Another rrom Rnrrv who hnd been 8u tl'erlIlg fOr mnny yNlrs from rupture was henJ ed Immediatel y.
A l ady who had ~omo from Lampeter
(libout 55 miles owny) 6utrerlng troOl
ohronlc di llbetes WRl'1 01"0 heal ed.
And amonj!" the hundreds or t hc mOl'l t
touchIng IIJ"~ht~ WI'IS that of n yOllng boy
JII yea rs old lI" fllldn,l; home In a childish
f& l'Ihlon for the f lr qt l Ime.
"T o God be> the G l o ry
Great thinge He hath done."
To the eVf'nfng serv ices the crOWds
thr onged to t>eflr the preachln.::- of the Gospel, when Pa~tor Jetl'erys, fllled wllh the
D ' vlne Pow "r. dednrf'd the f uJI rounsel ot
God with vigor and trankness. laying "pee_
tal empha.sls upon the ~mmlnent return o f
our Lore! fOr HIs l'Ialnttl. that b r OUlI"ht heert
" earC'hlng ('"on"lellon. At (lthf'r tlm ell the
tide of :otlllritulli ft·el nil" would run &0 hl .;h
a,. 10 r€mlnd many o f the Grt'at \\'el:oth Hevh·al: tHld when the apllf'al and ('All to
IIllrrpnl1er was lel ve n to !!Ilnner!' and
1'I11r1er". It was Inl'lplrlng to "f'e lit ~h
mr-etlng the pa r nt;"'t rel'lponlle of th e youn8"
mpn and young women, the nlltnber ot the
88'·ed amounting to n ..arly %00.
Thi" m{'et nK hn~ ('re:'llf'd a n.v!'r-tobe rnrgotlen epoch In ~w"n"p:l, 11 "tlr "hleh
h.1~ monoJ)(lI!~I'd mueh of the- ('on\"er .. ,..tlon
or tbe town and dll'ltrlet (.1wllynr 1. }o'rancll'l.
.70&:Al'nrESBVRG. 8
AFBIC.&.. been hpre now 12 ~·t""r ... , 7 mtlnth:ot.
Tbe lI«ht rAd .. tlnJ!" from tht> l(Io'IIIr er .t
Ih.. I ghthOU"'t> rf'J're . en t '" the Ch r llltlan·.
Innuencf' whl('h !:ot ('on-tantl)" 1/"1I1dlna &all
ore on Ihf' '"t-Il o r life e-af('ly 1110 the 11..,.
IX>r or dahl ",·ln1"
81 . .. 64:11:'7 *.. iDeh ••
Cord.d. J>l1ce 18 CUlt • .
j InT
HA\· •
work 11'1 Itolng on
Thl'r6 I", no "lopping;
only tI'e la('k o r fund" IR vI'ry I{rl'·lt. ell" .. ("I:llly "fll('I' our Ill.'!t riot I'lrlk.,. rl!"~I­
lion or WhRlpve>r you \\,II,t In .'nll It
It ..... ag nn .. "perll'n('('- 1I0 Rho["ls Ol'en S
"proplnn!'" hombing anll "\"InR low. a" '1'1'''11
11'1: mlu·t>lnf' ~un nn,1 m"..k.'1 ftrln«. p .... _
pIe talten prIsoner., en nl"'" .C" /l:"ulll\· !Hl"
not guilly. an" the "fllrlt or i"111tr{',1 amnn«
Ood'a n\\11 I e><"Iple .Int! '''''''lr,1 1111 wo"" wnrk
with tilt' nnth·e"l
'''t'n. It \\":\s .1 t me tn
prOH' e ;o,l"l'! wond"rful powt>r to It ... ·fl me
('fi l m in th"! ,·pry holtt>"t pl:H"t' of nil. for
I hlld n room U·"f("
1 do prlll"e> "!m fnr
Pray tor me: my 1I(',o·t i'l nllt "tr'lllll.
nnel t"l'rf' Is mlll'l, that 1 "011101 .10 If 1 w.'r,}
Our nfltt .. ",! II fl' '·!I~I'I· to work
for Ih,> Lord. Th'y rt·;lIlv N·m tIl IIllk!'
I"<I)UI-5.1\"lnl{ their mnln I)I)U'I·t
'1'1-0 y .111<0
:\re \f'ry . Irnn!,:" on dlltue i-I'ailnJ!". Hn.' "I In,1
d.·ar on \.... e lire 10;1\·111,," !>Ir. I!iek"nn
he>fl' In tho (;hllreh of 1-:",;1;11111 n(':ort we,·k
'rhl' I.or<l 11'1 u ... ln.:;- him .... orlllprfully In
I'ellllll).," herC' In South AfrlC'fI
I pro fie Go.l
for hl/4 .'Oming, n8 It rnfo r('e~ whnt wo}
hn\"(' heen t('llchlnK t or l fo yl'<lrl an" It
11'111 open henrtlJ for PentecoHI
In ono ot Our nativ e ,I;:"ltherlnl:!l In Pnrtu_
gese Ii!n'lt Atrlea n In r jife ~na k e .'ntered
And d u rted through the m · d!'!t o f the 0.11Jlernbled Ch ri st ian.....
The " ower of God
came upon them nnd one Ilrolh('r caugh t
It by the neck And throttled It. At anothe r
tim e th ey were going home And h nd t o
pass throu gh a narrow lane. The dliUtifhter
or the c hief was In advR,JI ce.
they lIaw a lion COming townrd the>m. There
wns no way to run a .. lde, T hey bur:ott out
Into tonguell, rebuking him , lIe !!Itoo(i look_
Ing nt thcm awhile. and then turned and
walke '" awoy.
We prnl fle God f or the
ml,lthty BAptl9 m omong th e m . 1'1,1111 fire tl\rrylng In the native hendQUllrterH here for
the p o wer. Please pray thnt the r,oo pounds
owed on that church will co m~ Ill, o r we
will heve to 10"e It. Th ey mnke II \' ery
dlmcult to r ent a place for coin re d p et)ple.
lInle"'15 you h;lve one o f your own . It 18
a lmost mpos81ble to keep Il pln{'(' eo that
the natlvell clln find you: tor they come
from nil ove r the r and,-Emma S . Wic k.
Pale Nio<
SlJi ne
1. I your IlJeht .h nf!'
1 :"1m th" Lh;hl c>f th!"
w"rt ..
TJo:ST .\\lt:\T
All tbe preclo\l'
promIsea prInted 1&
LarKe clear typ __
Size 416 Incbet
Prie(", 1)O"lpald,
GOI1Ml Po.bU.b.1.nI" &:00.". BpdDc1l.1d~
........ ...... "", ......, ...... ....
" .... ,;.-.-...
,I1T<iO\l, lin_i."
...... .....
_.. ---::.-_"_-
Always a louree or blouln • .
The PromiSe! are printed on dilrerent colored art cardil, 'rbM8
boxes contaIn 22 4 prom l1l6s In.lead
or tbe usual 160, :m een t.8 each.
$.1.76 Iter doze n. POlftpal<L
....... _ _ _ _-1
_M._u. ___
w .~."w
.....'..n"'''''''t''''''''''''.''''''-'''''''''L.'''''''''~.''_. _ _ _____ ''''''",___''''_''''I>II_...,---"
O ld folks wit h impaired sight will find t hese blac.kfaced Dihl('.!! can be used with comfort.
Specimen of type.
39 ~ Search tbe Scriptnres; for
in them ye tbiuk yo !Jave eternal
life: and they al'O they which
t.estify of mo.
Evangel V.~O td Folks' "Dible, Sma ll Pica type. bound
in cloth. weighs 52 oz .• limp. burnisllt!d red ('dRes,
Price $3 .50.
Evangel W .-Same as above. bound in Frt':nch Morocco. RaId edl{('s.
Price $4.50.
Springfield. Missouri. ••______ ••_ ....
!.-... ________________________
~III _ __ _
Page Ten.
O(tobcr 28. 1922
.0\ •
w"('k ..
m ...· I I I ' · WIt. r.', f<nllv 1... ld l>fOr,.
4 "'''rl!./H·"<I.,,,I ","ro!'e I d
v. ",,,1. rf. I
nw II
1.1 .. f'd III" chll·
dr"n. "ray f'"lr •
\It,. 'I l
101 ""r6.
I t \
jll I I ' " ,I a
". I,,!, III I"<"f' \,..1 f , I1nly
13 ,I~\ ""
Fi,drit "" hi ,\d 2 t.
,I ,. "umh'r ('Ialm.
...1 !tt
"',1), for 1111
1'.1 lor
II J. ().IQm
The rl"'1\ol ('10'"
ed If'r,· .... t
"",I Inl,"" t
,\lllr filii or
1'01', ~/l III rfO
11\" ,I ,In"
f 11,."
wllh I h,. Iln:y ~l'lrll
IIr'lt f'r
,,,I :::r:1'"ll'r
~Inlmll 'Ild the "r"III('''I/\
Illfl ~ "'011,1, r.
tul 11m. 111 (J". I or,J
tor f~"lo(lrt C"rt
CBO Cll:ETT, TEXAS. Two ..... ,.j.; me,.t.
'Vf'11 Z r(o ,'1'1',1 I ,. ,tllpllo;m n('(Or,hnl' (f) ,\ft ~ I .. t'll'tlz,.,' In wal(or
J I "'111 n III'W 1,1",. ror 1"11" ·OI't. "II "erf'>
' hl'tl"t
A <I II< "11 ""1" IIl1nnJ:" 1'1' •. IVE',l
\\',.. " flo,1 All "lor), -Or.1.
Brl,ooan Htl E'lhllltl, ,\rk
AtJEtTltN, W A S H
!'''aTlk I;. 1"I~h! has
b ,,1!i It WI'I''' 1111 f 1111
J f rl' '"'U~",~ Oet. I
and tI,1' I RtI,'r \(;1 11 1'1 hl(" I'd f'll\ nl{ o.
11'11 t h lr Iv "rolln,1
I'. W'IO' ;m"Ur. ... ' In t'l'
H nh- Hpltll hi f, ,1.+\
urw It 111111111011 " 1I1,'r;
• nft 311111'11",,1 In ~"l"r'
(::HI~' to n,t! tor
whll t Iff' '1 (Ir"lIj,l In Ih,1t "'It.dl .,lar:6--Mr.9
J . A. T1 01U1" ""
raIONA . TEXAS . I 10111 Ihl' only ITol)'
8rrlr: l p ,'ntN""" 1;11 1",rHon hf"T4'. (In,1 1 want
t o ge t thl .. 1'f"lItf'l'o~t'" mnv('1ll0r,t I'!tltrterl
A P l'lltl'l'nH"tl l,rNII'\"'r h.-Ie\ II rln('
ftl f"E' l l n R h"fI' rf'('l'ntly I\llft IArt H lot or
htr n ~ )' f/(IUlfi.
1 r""I''''I'oI t, f" Btlllt"m 11
tew m onth" R({O -Mrl'l
I N'fll,'
XOULTOK, I O WA. (;lIul to report "II".
to ry hf"re' T E' BIIJ'l I't 1"'url"l wn"l t)JH"nNi
to u. : II rOC'~"'(od the H oly S,ltr lt t hE' l ast
.,.. ..e k. A Tlaptl"t mlnlHtf'r I\rnnnl( the num~r
T I,(, rl'vh',,1 t __ 1111 "O'nl!'" on
)sa y • • bend o f !Ii n . ", 8alnt8 h ere a nd t he
bllmher I" In" r l'nH'ntr I r ll. If' J I'RUI<
E va n _
. I hlu , J alll('11 And Nell,' ('lilt
MOt11'rTA.11f GBOVE, MO. -JU Rt c lO8&<l a.
• WH-k _ Rl t'e tln g a t O()()(\vllle, Mo .. 8 m Ile!!
. Olit l! ot he r e
T h('rf' II r t' a t l'''' good
.a lnUl In I hll t p l:t('('
' II.m no w Mo ]d ln g 1\
m ,."tlng At Rlnnfl r !'l lI oJ>(' Ii m11011 l'Iouth_
f rom ('a hOO I, MQ
It Is a n (' w r le] d
t he re Il'I I>Oln l' I nt('n' t . - W. V . Kne isI.y . EV(l n gl' lI " l
W (,fll t
. "d
J'BlIOIID, KO , Our c a mp m eet' ng CI08 _
et1 wi t h gOOd "U C('O!U! nnd It'tt 0 ,It:ood In .
A n umbe r we r e
(ere"' t lImon /!: t h" p('n pl e
"VM II IHI r(, Nllv,..' t "ll hl u!! l n K n il In Ac t s
1 : 4, AI' y R,·l r\t flll" (1 m in " t('r In fel1ow.'hIp Wi t h the ('o un c ll , lind pus' ng th Is
WII V, I" ill" ' I ,,,1 to tnp. 1: \1 11. _ 1;". ehas. P e p .
per. "-nil wit!'.
- -- -
.I11"t ('101' ('11 a S w Ol' k !'
r j\\' lvAI li t ("~n" ('rl''']; ~I" t'ool H OIl8(" t ~
mll"tI 1I0nl-t'a", ot h('re. 10 were ('onvt' r ted
an d r e ('tllv('r'! tt:., "aptl"m In t' e 11 01" ~nl r .
POO r h' I'lm,· U mll('~ t o ",""r ti,e \Y o r d
TI,t' 1 0ttl I<lIrl'l)" ,lIrI h]f''''" Ol1r folrort" and
t o H Im he nil th. J,:lor~
p l' I l orrman
and w rr~
,,'f' jl'''t 1']0"f',1 m('ellng.
In 11 ,.11 ra, Ark II IlI'W (I,'1<l
(1011 hroke In
on thn t 1"\111 In , ,\'o"fl"rfl'] W~\". I:! or
H kI' V(',1
I,r" gOt t h E' Ha luls'm "'-'I ill
.ANII !;~. 'HI.I 1;",1 h::a:('<! "')me of t'l(' wor:1t
CrIN)I!',. 1 1'\,,/ ":.,,
Th\' town 1:0. all on
tlrr for n il"
'\'p "hnll KO ha' h. 11 two
_ e(' k" It t' . · fll 'r L o r d w ill"
.Toin 111
prn},('r r '\r I hlllJl 10 .... n
" . S Mont'!val" r ,
and wl f" nn,1 I,('m \V~' I ,",'n.
01 er,. r"t"
r; t "ur" v (lid
.\t n II III lor <
VI" rl"
1"./,t:I1: .. ,1 In \llIt'"r. a d
I I tt1
fWt>ti"'rn In ttl .. /1(11." FI,L' 't IIlItI Io":fIT thp. Hlble
t'"I,h·n. '" I
~ k n
(r>lllfue ..
f '\' " 2 11.
Thf're I 0 ~ I'TP _, ... r I hIe ...
.. lfl) ,"'aI.',1
.\ I. Slro! kn III I) nd work
WILSON, OKLA. II '\E' 111 t ]0 ('.1 a :t
'I «alllla I /I
1',,' Ah"'lt 21( WI'" ",8"1 I
Al 0 :! w.·,·k
"t I~". ifill Ii mjJ,
\\'11 ,If 'I' I'rC Il .I((\o<lly lIumhf'r w,,,'" fOId,pl!
nnd j); Wl'r
I':I! t
In I (0 11011 ,;" rit
Hfil /1 -\,'1.., :!.~
\-, W"!"f, h.tJ,tlud
nnt:! Qti'er
10 foileH"
IIr ... O"cnr JOI1('
('amf' 110",/. ,,,,,I ~'f I' f' ('hllr,""
l' f'; :\1 I .... ,In<1 w!t
Shl"r Jo '('I,hIT
Ho ..,. of
~n tI
.a~ l"-"Tl \I it
11M f(lr
~ \\,·r,·
"d. G h"I'li&cci .1 I~e
Ho~' ~Jllr.t
.",1 r. '):Lf'liz",1 II w.\t,·r ,,,:.
('O!u 11.1( to 'hltt
J : l , \ I: 'r,t,!!1 "r".I0,,,,.r
In town I N I' 'Iitf',l Sh<t( _ Ho..... hut IIIhe
"r"· ...··11 r t' l,nr.1 "n.1 pr,.;j, hf'ol on, H"'\"eral
re"ch" <l I (on III!
for thE'lr !ootllelll.
tl)r t I "'"1"111
f'Dlhly,-Jo"n narrls.
MUNCIE, MO , We ftr~ l,rnl"lng Goll fOr
the way I if, I
worklllJ{ here.
en' Icc" hn,·" 1)I'('n In prO,lol'rf'SM 2 weeks
Thf' \"01/111{ f\""'III{(,]I"fl L. :s'ankh'''II. has
n "urrlng Ill" "'age.
1,llr$((' I'rOlnl .. ho\"e
1>E'('n In .tltenllllnt"e. Rllul!'! WI'rl' I<uved and
('nnvkllon r('''t('(i upon the 1'('Ople
Wllrk ,~hlllhlLng up I .. tphlt)', tor whl('h we
are /o!"r~tf·rllt.-- J'IIHtor JamclI A. Grlllccl!
APPLETON, WYS. Hro. M Y. I..:.nlllllli
Iwd I h:I\' ,· !'>If.l II f'ocrit-u ot lellt mcetln~.s
Iwrc. nnd Inter \\e heM our m('f'tlng III tl,e
BUflhey B\,!<lnelifil ~oll('~e
(;01\ 1111'< work I'd
80 H'llt Moult! werl' Ha\'N! and ha{·k:o.llder8
returned to 00\1
2 were flllt'{1 wllh tl,O
Hnly :-llllrh. A Ilum~'r of ('hurch pcople
are Inlerelltl'd
Now w e IHl' ready to fI{(lft
th~ Sun,lay Rehool BN. R. $I'arllkk. f orm_
erly llas l o r ot t h o O"hko!lh A.""embly W IIS
with U8 tor a f ew claYfI.-C larcn('e Jonson.
lIOO l'fEVILLE, A&1C. We clol!led a %
w eeks m,.etl n g h e r e Sund ay n h rrht.
Lo rd b les!<ed H ie W ord. Abou t 30 prayed
th ro ugh to g i orloull v ictory.
Some who
bad aought the RllptlNm 2 years receIved.
P rll hlf! t he Lord
T h(' (UHlemhly was r &IW'!,'Unlr. e d , li n d 75 na m06 w('re a(Jlled t o
the ro ll
R. V ('I\r t l' r w nll reelocted pe.JO t nr.
We p r<lY God to u se h im at Boone ville,
B r othl'r Slmmfl lind I did the e va n gell!! t tc
w or k .
Drothnr Slmmll "live so m e BI bl e
lesson s, which w ere ea ~er l y d e v ou r ed b y
t he h u n gry sal nt ... - M rs. Dollie " SJ mm ll,
Ha\' Ark .
80ap of the Oomin .. XlD l'. MOb " .
per d Oli:. tt.7a ; o lo t b eacll ..••. , _ ,
8o ..... u .... ,,~ . .... P uw . r .(,H OJ ry. eac h.' .3l1
I',' r d"z . '3.75; l u u eU lllea . ...•. 2? SO
Jeb ova b'. p ra i ae. ea ch ........ . ...
I'(' r do~ $3.75: t OO cGple l ...... 27,5-0
K b v oto. 111 Sonl'. ........ ,..
.3 l1
I,.. r d o. 13.75 ; 100 ('ol ll el5
n .50
P .nWOO_W pO",er, ellt"h
•... .
I,.. r d "z 13.75; 100 ('o l' le" .. , ... 2'1 .5C
Bonll'. 0 1 pereuual G l ory, f'adl
p t'r d oa 13.7 5; I IIQ <.'ol, le"
Bo u,.. o f U1. lC1DI'dom, ea<.'h
""r d" z 53.75; l Oll ('''1-11''8
Goepel SODI' M ellen ... r , t'fll'h
tlt' r d nz $3 .75; l Ull ('Ol't....
B "ENS Olf" B S O lfG BOOKS.
aaUl l aJata SOn.... f'>."ldl
1'1" / ·1t,E
•. •.•••• . ..•
Soul S UrTin,. Soul'e, e3ch .
.... .
I''' r <I'\z. 53 00 I)(! r 10. ('oples ... 2400
Glo ry Song". " ,,('h
P t'r doz 15400 ; 1"11 I'o pll"s
Soup or R edempUon, e:l.('I}
(\f'r d o z. $'100; lO ll eople ~
Go ' p el Publ1lb.t.ui' K ou •• , 8 'PTinI'Q.ld , K G
prah'e tht
fI·n "'.1[
III" er('~ I I 1\-(, 10
KOI'e I ro lC
nu,' I,
:: 1 n I
""rk In ou,
ml .... ! nOl<I
tl)' an
'" ,. rpc,'.\" ,I t'le
n I no a· ~dn 10 I
1'('I't~ n"tnl pat·
n I
I. mor an ." .. t,,:
o r rll e (
l\' R Potter
. ". • or', '"
.. .,
STIGLER. OKLA.. \ w, I of I'ral"fO tCl
r,,, I rnr J f
0 d, I
In t
t,le'" Ini~ lIt'r •.
T'", -"lit
I I o n "ltll nod
\"0."10. "·I'''r~· n their f1
~. ~I l':tll~ .. tt
ot F' ~l1"Ilt ~, w II " ':i n'lrtL,y and
~"'H.I_'v nl"ht
nn,! 1111' Ii'
Till' a",-,,('m
bly unanl",ollll]y catle,1 I:rot "r 1~,"leetl
tnr pa t"r Ilrooth"r ~'ar
Pr.IY tl'nt r,od
\l1!1 H 11. nllr ,,!TnT(
en·, "",1 Ihllt "o"lp
, ... illl,.. ~a\('d ;",1 rlll,·,1 wl(l, Ifill IIn'y !';plr.
,\11 Coondl IJr. t' Ten cnm flJ:' Ihlll wa~
ar.-, 1\'I'I('oml' - ~ \ .. <":m:I", Hox ',2~"
Y tory
""n 10,'Nt"
If> j" .. t (']o"ed
a Ull'et n' al \,'hlt"
for 1'1'11:('1'0 t
TI I' Lor,] "'nlll .... th u!!
w"re 1'111\"(',1. IIm"1I1! tt'fm
w"man whO "ad
h('lonl.'"NI to a ('h,1t1'1I for :W ye,lr" Iln,1 hll(li
L""n a .'lrN,t workl'r In th(' ("hur('h nl.~o. 6
r .. ·i·h('iI l P n&I'II!lm 'If'conline to ,\ctl!
TtI(o ('Olllmlllllty IIr,,(,! U!I to com~
hal"·. 0 we I!r:onl",1 tlol"lr 1"1''''I(''t hy makIn
III ,·I'I.o:ntmCllt
\,'e ,11"lre your pra,-,
J.\ ... ~ll'Ii:t>r 1111<1 w~f ..
W ET'OMXA, OXT.Ar \flf'r wnlttng and
thl" wa~' W:l1'! Ol,('n,·,] for n rnl"('t.
Inlii t>(,r{l
\\'f' r"nt".1 Ihr lo\\cr rlJom ot
th~ IIf'W Orhltl'!lo\\'8 Ilall for H two wl"ekt!
Prolrf"r I' r
C1/," ot Me.
Curlnln. Okla
Ihf" mCf'tln,l': ~f'l'l
It W;I .. Ihl' tlr!!t PerltlH'O!!t;1l meetin,
h(o]d In t· t' town
AM Bro. ('ro"'!'!IlO hrOI1t{h t
th,. rne!!Sf\C"e IIndl"r til.' pnwt'r of the Hoi,.
Spirit \ e 1-("111 t"(' l'{l(Jpl(' 1I1"'lIhol1nd
recf'I\"('iI Ihl' I'nro""m ",., In ·\\'1)1 2:4. T w o
reC'rh'('(1 h"1lll,,1C" "t mInor II·onhlc_.. Itnd th"
8nlnl~ W(ore great!)' hl'nctltl'tJ._\V. B. IT/xRon.
pr,,~ In~
FRESNO, CALI?, It III Kim'e Jn n unr,
H'at I CAme In touch with l··" Pcntf'coatAi
_·\ftpr JOf'clnl{ my nN'ft ot tI,e Blip..
Ism In t"e Holy Rl' l r l l. I wnM d,.termlned
to toll\'e 111m, nn(l not 10 prl"af'h agaIn un _
tH I did I," VI' 111m
RI(' .... e,l he H I9 (lear
namc. 1. 100, r 8('elvl'(l thh_ wont'lt'r t ul gift
8.9 It'ey did at tilt' IIm.:;lnnlnlC. H~IJleIIiJa h
My 1<011 1 18 burdf'nf't'l with t"r melJ"age 1
hrl\'e opened 8 w ork In 'lnd('f1\
Ood ttl
bl(,9!OlnK. ~oul~ lire I)('lnK JI:wed nnd bar>
tly.ed In the Holy Splr t
I (10 wi sh t h a t
you all " ould re m e mtJot> r mt' In your pra y ers
1 In ('lof<e II. ILfilt o f n ~mf'S t took 1__ 111
nIght for t he F"A1Hr.. I.-Mnl' le Stake
llAZEL, OrLA. -A hout t he 10th 01 .Au glISt r b ....:lln :, 3 w eekR m eetIng 1 '1 m lee
n<>rth o t V1I1lIa n t , Ok}!! .. w ',e r c I: wert
sn\"ed , l :! w e re hnrtlzed In ' .... ntf' f a.nd !()
o r 21 nr e hun .l!'r y f Or tl,e Bftl.ti sm In t ht
H oly Spir it
t.ntet' , w l'nt to Snble. where
P e n te(,os t hn d n f' ve r h Ol'n pr(w . hf'd.
wa s t he !Ja.rde ... t hattie T 111\\'0 experle11c ed:
'bu t G" d wo r ke d w ontif1r r ull v .
12 we!'e
83'·ed . 1 3 w ('ro b fl trt1 7.rd I n wllt ,. r, and 1\
nu m her nrc h un ~ry ro r t be Hl'lp t lsm kI
ttl(' 1I 0 l y R)"1lrl l . 1 a m j \ll<t j,egn n l n g m eet.InJ:"~ In lf az('1
Pra.~' tor 11/0 t "at Ood w il l
~o till t ht' pf'opll' 1,,.,(· lit thll'. time th a.I
th,. w ork ...·111 IltRnd -A;.:gle J llrnfJ"!'l aoil
n:C][TER, 140 -A 7 wr('k.~ har,' butUt'
has e loMed wlt ll "I(' tor~',
~:t were Jlavoo
and 6 r ere"'ed the PltJ'!erlf'nc!' or A('IM !: .(
Rrotl'('I" KulJman .... AR grf':'It1) u'-ed or thE'
Lor'1 In ",Iv ng r orth thl' \\'or(l
Kullman .. ""I!OIf'<I wllh ",." h,mhl)rlne In
h:eC'Jll n o::- rnUlli(' In 1"(' 1,*\"111, :Iud 01.110 di d
pe r "onlll work
~J .. tM'
I .III!(' I)unn w a.1!
ble"~e'l In playln!!; t··(\
Tha i
a:<;,~embl}" was !"t't In or,ler with :I~ chanet
Lots ....·f're I.urcl U-""d on wlllcb
to ereN n tAberna.('I(' Immo,lhtely.
T h ..
to w n W1\:<; Htrred. ~ nd mftn~' rejoi<'('d the.1
"I"e Old-time 1'01"11,,1" I'ad oome 10 o.'xtl'f"
.\),out ~O ar(' w :IJtlng ror,m1 In W1It(' f .
'W e nre looki n g for gront t l1KS f('l)nl the
Lord tor Oe'l:ler __ F L. OO)'lfO
Jt:CPO & T FltO "tl MAlI.TLAW'D Alfl) WEST
9ul" QUllrlE'rlr ",E'E'tln.: fnl" t' e WIll"kel"'J
of IhE' r'~lrlf't v,',.,. l,pM In "·a~"t"l':"tun.
D, C., tlroon In\'itH,I,m ,'f "I"Olht'I"" ('('>\1 er
an,l J.i:tlnf' ~f'l't
II 1'1
15 ot the
,.,.(,rk"r" i'1"f'~f'nl
T',E' Wa!lhlnl::1C')n "''''I!If>mbl)" I'>IH' ha\"ln~ 1'~I"rHl~('lI~tlt' >ler\'I.'E'~ nlll:ht_
h nro nf'O Rowl,' helnJ.[ Ihf' E\'lIn~f'II"I.
and t l E' I.ord 1\..... 1,lltlOl: " " hlf'Il"lnjt nn
thf' mE'..tltlltl'l
~'ltl'I.,~· Ihf' l';'lh. :\,. "'f're
ho:rll."l Itl 10,11'11"01 Itl Ihp P"tnom(' Rtvf'1"
T e mornlnll: nf I' f' I!tn .... a!'l Ithf'tl n\f'1" 10
h""\l'e"~, n'e nflf'rnflQn!' of !I'e 1::lh nnd
l:\lh 10 lIle'UIII "ell h)' IlI'<lrlt'1 WOl"kf'!"s,
fll,,! t'l{' ntg"1 of t',f' 1:',lh W:I'" 1\ "Phlfol"m
fll.'rvlc!'," ,11\ work"r!'l tIIkln" parI
Th,· .... orkeTA 1',,,,11('(1 A\C'1(l\o,lril\, \'R, ""'_
lIf'mhl\' upon In lll:llioo 01 P,II.tor Pt'ter
n"hon::. ti'e Ilk'lt nt It'r I tIll nnd \,11111 ..,1
M"nll,'om"rr St ~fl,,"I"n
Il:Iltlm,)re. lid
th .. ohtht (If t"(l Ir,lh upon 11I\"ltallon or
l~r/'ll"er Aro. lI,l' It·.lIler
It WRII n lime ot
Ull t\ "001 f.·II<) .... ,.tlp ",!t" IIll.
Our IIe!tt QII"r!"rl)' m~'el n?: will h(' held
Df'(" .-6-6 In lIa ~,'r"town. Md IIp ... n InvltRtlon or I'u"'tor R Jf'lTrr'Y, at w~lch
tilll(, the IIIln1wl el('('llon or th(' Otncers ot
Hlf' Ol"tr\ct ('oun('ll wlll he held
The 111\"~'r '<t<lwn ,·\"ll"'mhl\· h"lrl :t. ~
wt"ekll mf'f'{lllst In "'lllInm!<pOl"t, Md. In>mhl'l" w th nro. nnd ~r. ,Iohn A"',('rot!.
Thl~ 11'1 II new f lf' I ~ 1 fOlr t to
Pf'ntet'o!<tlll mC'~"f1I1:(' . ~lar1y h Nlrts I" .... pond
e<t. Ihe tent W8,' tllle,1 nll,1 m:lny s tood
0", .. 1,1"
w,'re ""vNI. !'om(' ''I"l're
bllPtlp.ed In the Holy Splr t IUHl tll('k bo<Ues
wpre hCIl I,·d.
A t tt-I« wrlthl/o: n tl'nt me"ling III on In
Chf'neY " llle In ('hnrc:c of l'a"ti>1" "'alter
rt WOf' at 11'0 111 pla<'c fI IU'W P('nt .. •
('0"11l1 Church wa!' I"re('tNI. ahont rt-.1dy tor
i'l 1"'1I<'lItlon, wh"l1 the enenH' 1I"f'<I .. ome- one
to Mo w II'e ('I,ur('h Ul' wIth dynamite. Tflto.
J.oro1 Is hlf"""ln,!.:" In the tent mf''''tlnK, and
Jlrf'rlollll llllllls orf" hpln/.!" j.:":ul'("r('(\ In
cl'll l(l ren wcre 1I1"(\I('Ated t o th(' Lnnl lit lhl!l
p ln('c o n ON, 1i:th
Rro.c.. ("onkC', H('I(l cnhac "l
a nd Rurki<:1I"1. J)I;olrl('l wnrker ... Hre hf"lllIng nrothl'r T,ong all much os 1X).c.8·hle ... llb
, he<l(, "'f'rI'lcC'''',
MI ...... lonon' o fTerlns:- for lull', Au!;,u.!lt,
S .. pt cmher. Sr.!;7,1Ir.
Thill I" I"('markr.hle In
t n("" .... r the MIner'" alld Rll\lrl)ad ~ t rlkes
""'c h a l'e he-en havlns:- h .. re
ThE' 1.0 1"01 I.
b lf''' ;qlll n,r: In ~outh Cumherlnnd A Sl'lembty,
:lome l'>eng ~n\"f"d IIno1 bllpti?f"d In Ihe H oly
S p Irit Rn ll llkk ho(l\es healed.-J . E. K I8t4
ler. Ol "tri<'t ('ho lrtnnn,
CLARKSBURG, w. TA._Tt 18 wond el" 4
f \1 1 h ow God III ble"8ng herl". We IItnr!ed
t e ll t me .. tlng .. Jllne Hi. F.\'l'ry n ght 81nco
1>4>ol'le 11I1\'c ('ome for mlle;o from tllp counIry rO ll nd Rnd hR\'(' beell 11(";ol('d o t all mnn_
Do r of d IP('o!'\~e ... , Six ftalln"" h AV(" ("omc 1101 4
10 th e f aith an,\ hove r (>("("lv('(1 the H oly
Slllrl t,
~... o 110\'(' p urct>n;<ll"d I"rec Iota, 90
l r. 4 f et' ! find are no w grfldlng, find eX 4
pM"t 10 put up n h u l1dl ng lOr. x SO t ee t ,
to hold l .r.rlll "'('01'16. PrllY thnt Ood w ill
g Ive IIll \'Irtory All the WAY. Thla 1.'1 nn
o pe n fie ld. \ \ 'e Ar f' a l ;oo tryln&: to rMCh out
t o o th (' r ... In \\'ell t on an d Fairmont. ,y , Va.
" 'e tt. r e In lIympl\thy with tht' ('o uncll,
J\n ~' of floll's peo pl(" fi r e Invited It thf'y ure
hl 1("\l o ..... "h' p with Ihe Gencrnl ('olln('11. fo r
"of' h"I I('\'e It I" God's work 10 ha\' f" n C'oun4
cll. find we are III ,.ym pathy.-J 0, Hough,
n 7 9 hutt l ewo:'~'~h~'~'~._ _ _ __
A.1t.1'TON, ALA.- F o r th(" PfI"t "f'\'prtll
w pekq I hAI'e h(·en (lolnl:' e\'nns:-t"lIl11t!(' w ork
a fe w m leIl out from t h is pla('e
In :l h ruqh Q.rhor me"'ln~ for 10 dtlYR, at
w h ic h 7 "'I.'r{" rll"llrly ('on\,O>I·INI. ow1 6 w{".r e
i)nf' tI 7P\J In \\'oto>r ;l('('or<llng" 10 Matt :!8:19.
T h("n I wl"nt tn tt"t(' Bf'lhf'1 "~"("mhl~', 0 few
m !lf"!< norlh "r Arllon, In r('''pon'l(" tl) an
InntJltl"n trom t', .. l'a"lor. p, .J, I)URo~{".
ThP l'I .. "" ln~ or IhC' ',orli \V,,~ r(>; , I On the
t lr~t f;lIno1,l~' of thf' c:unpa'pi I\e hlHI a
fJl'f'CI;l1 ml"l4lonl\ry "en'lre to arO!1.~e Intere "t In p rayln).! nml L:"1\'ln~ for mIM~lonq.
T I, c I ,o r" 11111 I ll .. :,ppr O\'ol on ollr tl"~'hle
be.t""l nnln~ fdnn~ t"ll> line. all!! th" Spirit
7'(' .• 1('(1 on al! th,' "flint". JI 11\Imher ot whom
we re fro," olh"r lo('alilll.·..
Th ... matl"rlat
r ('l'u\t <;I. a 'O' nn orr,'rln~ nf $ :!I.~O. whIch
IIM ;<I h('~n ~(>III 10 Ihe ("olln .. 11 ~11~!'lonnr~'
T r"nl' u re r
,y(, tru"t t hut thlM II; but the
.... f rltl"'1lon:1ry ;:1\'ln
10 n.,\\
t rom th JII 'hur('h at ~n .' r onl!: T>,pre •••
al!'o a 1""1"\ I"e tor the .1 ...lk81Inn of Ihe
I;\" llh It'e 1111,.1'1110,· I' t mv (, ,)1)".
In, J C. Th"m .. ~. "'«' <'ontlnue,1 Anolher
w('('k .,.llh ml ... h b'.,,,,, 11,1.; tn 1 ro
1 WAIII lIIaled tln,j lIome ""rore healed, 23 w,·r ..
l,nl'liled In ... ,I .. r ,n,1 lill ....·.·re .ldl1 ..,1 I,)
the Churrh
f .l:o fr.lm h('l"e t<l .1 t,ru~h "r_
bur 1nt>l'tlns.: a rf''' ""lell rrom 1'pn\l1h·,
,\18. tor a .... ," o>r 1"11 dAl'~ I",rnrf" 1',111
Jllllirh-I ('olin ,I m,·f'''r.
H 1)"11'0<\>\, \1:1.,
0"1 lA_H
, .... ,)" fur olr IUCCt'U tor Ood.
-E\·ang. FI~I"hf'r Tt:'lfllea,
lIt1e \IIl1em_
.. III ht'~n I'lslllns: Ihrou ", tr I" an,l
tht, t'llt'nl\ "PI Of<It,~ ('\" 7'~' 111(01' o f
R,lvl\ll('e, nut. 1'I'.II"f' t' " l.orr\. h, 1\111 Inor·
cy :"Inol goo,l n"l'lI If,· IUH' k'l'l a !lltll" hll\,1
In ""Ih('r: .1 1,,1 >onll cr 1('I"u Iy
1\"':' liS a
littl e ("tun"
Ihal Is ulmo 1 tmls'l".1 lind
hi dn l'n~ h'lIt UN ,j Iif,)(.n I'nFI"r, 1'1"0 \"tt
r. :0:. he:1
T I'
l.<'Orrl III ",orklnK 'n 01·
01\,- thl'lJr t "rlc :IUy III ,,'orthy or
mt'nllun, th .. m \·orlt~· of Ol:r lleol'l,'
("oml" ou t for tIlIlIOl:, an,! pr.II",' the Lor.!
fh' I~ lIur{"I~' hl('~ ... I"Jr (' •. Al't ot oh",1 en('"
Ah.o t hf're itav,. 1If"{'n v:\rl"uR 11I.-'t·II1('1'1II or
hC'~III!lg I. IInllw,·r In \l'e "ra~'~'r or talth
.lllce I1rl), 9cheH {"1l,"e. Our Sun,I.IY ntu"!'''·
noon 'I(lrl'lce" have h"f'n d('\'OI(',1 ~o AI'I"('::\I
IInl'~ nr t(>ftchlng In
thf' \'"""r,l. bW( ~ tiS
praYf'r Blld faith , :",,1 IIl(,,:\, han, 1"'('11
tlml''' or hll'lIll 1\';: nn,1 hl'lp. m\l~'h al'I'reeIJtell. hy tholle aU("nd nK
:\llIdl'eol 1. n,lrom,
TTl101'l E , NEW lI(E XIC O .--<:.)d IIlp,,"('''
In tl 'f" me.·thlJt' hf'I"(l. SnlTlE' dlrl lI('t III nt;
It would Ioe w.lrth our Iln1(' 10 ('onl(' 0111
hl"rf' In l o tl,p Burro ~lount;oInll to IIu('ll II.
wl .. k(',1 .. n .... ·mllll t\·
Olle 01<1 I'rosll ..... lor.
. 0 yeal'll old. who ewns S m Ine .... I<ahl Ih:\t
If '\f! I.: nt "?one"' ,'Oll\','r l 1,(" w ntlt.l 1/:1",· IllJ
nTf' not ,,"'lrk,
thl'l he"'t mine I'e 0\\1'"
1I1K tor mlnNI; nor dlel "wc'" I'{'I a sln~le
('on\·('rl. hut thllnk the deo.r ]'''r,1 " 11,'"
got 10 of thf'm.
The COUIlII")' J" "I rr(',t.
and OUI" n"Xl meetlnlr here "'111 Il\' j, :.:::({'r
tI'll n t!'e fll"!'t Pf'Olle lire ('ol1\,ln('"d or Che
"Roptll<m" Rnd Ilre very hunc:ry tor It
Ihlle luJ:lh! T"e T.ord II< al~o warklnst with
the IIkk:-One denr slElll'r IVA" Anointed
I\nd I)rayed ror find WRII healf'd of pel1.1t:"ra;
ahe hall ape-nt much time in the hoqpltal
I\nd WIlS once glve ll lip to die
A lillie hoy
""as a n oI n ted nnd )JI"Il },("d for nnd In"tnnlI)' henled nt 81. Vllull f)nn('e
A dc:tl" mlln
WAll prt\)'OO ror 1A1l1 night who w alt n"orly
dMd with tuberculoql ": he 11M! a tooth.
aCil(" which he did not mention v,'hen fl.nolntM find nf w\' prll\'(',1 "nd felt the heal.
illI' 1011<:11 of t f' hl_t'C~" RavlOllr ",I) throult"h
him Ph'n I:a' tooth-ache left him find he
l"ejolct"1i 1111<.1 Ihl\ lI k(o(l the dCllr l.ord t or
hMilIl/o: )lim,-Jus. l\f Heb.
P&l.lfC E Jl.UP:C:a.-r , B , C ,-Th " trIp tram
Edmonton. vll\ \1.(' Calla,lInn NatiOna l n R.
1.<1 n d Nu"rlbAbb' IHllnd
FOI" -two days Rnd
nlghlll .... 6 "n>l~'" through mo .. t awe 11"14
!"Cent'I"Y' Mllu!lt:lln
Kreat whltf' sheell'i or llllOW on tht'11" III(h~~,
hl"av~' Cn.n!\dlnn fOrl'l<lll
bron.d. b"'flutl t ul
\'[\l1cYI';. :l1Id flo ..... lng "tr("llml!, quaint I n_
V!I1l\ges, w i th tI,(\11" ('urlous totem
po lc!'!. were along- t h ... I'oll le.
P r lncl'l R nl'ert III In Northern B, C, An d 18
(' ... Ilf'd ti'e GOIC wily to ,\In!!kn, It III plC 4
tUl"el!()u{'ly lIilu:n"d on an 1I'II1\nd rrolltln,::
/in pxqul"fle hllrhol" 1<~lId to hf' on(' o r thl'l
f ln f'lItn the world, The city Is on l y about
1 9 \'eul"!'I old, ono1 IIOS It pOl"lllatlon o r Itom.:!
"'Ishlng 1M thl" t:"rent IndUl' t ry: nnd
tl'I'lY pav tl"tll mor(" ti1ll n a ml f !!on TlOtlno,
o r H"lihul n w("'k I" hnndletl Ht thl.' ll\ r gt
""h ('old ~Ior!l';:t' ph ll t. No city, however.
In North Am~rka ..ollld be more n n"",1
of t!'e Gospel. "1,lr:.::., l'f'rCenIHt:"(> ot t'l("
p01'1I1:\tl(l1l are Jill'n.n(,f'e. Rnd [nrlton;o
The whit.· pl."nple II\'~' in ~plf'ndld homf's,
"nd hA\'1" large h\l"IIICIII .. tnt"re~l8
flAherm(ln, who own th('lr fish ns.: bonl~
(\n(1 nrl' on th(' wall'r !fIo .. t or Ih('t lime.
do not. ns a rulC'. Imy mllf'h n\tC'lIllon 10
reUglon. '\n utter Ind1N'l"rcn('(l to 11,1" Ihln~l!
I.("rtnlnlng to t)'elr mmortal lloul" l'~'l"!fIl~
to hf" the ~f'n('rRI trend ef the InhohltnnlS,
1'h(" onl," hrl.:-ht MIlnt In t\1e ml~I.'I1 ot
1111(,1'0 dnrkncss whf'rl'l Kil) In Ihe form of
::1I'r: ItI! fl ;: 1J-.,tlt,~
P.a.ICe Eh'ven.
ahlf'. II reml'nt
8 tne little l'pnt"co.W
I.-h UN'I' PI" u:,j i-lllller
~"h*'l"k .rto I e J.. lor'" _1 hf""" nodI)" I,N)pll!' IIrp 'It ..... II. ..
I" nil; 0 t t elr U""a
t ,lr tto .. <"aU"P .,t (' r 1'1 n I I .. plit.('fI Wall
I' pm III. IlItT" hI!' <It JI or ,IPIOIP,I IIlIIlr" •.
all do ". ti .. lr !:'Ilrt to ,11\'10"" I'f' t\.lnlfdo", (, r IIr I.I'I"! (lo.1 h," K'V"fI 1"""tIl ." me
rrf"~I"1I11 trult.
\'"M ao,1 hOI' a nlC n Ihe
:O:pltJl !'O'I,t' -.ho ...... r· In t'P 1('1'11'011 'If "'"
0"1" men n o , ".q · ) n ! t
" 11111: ' I Q
t'f' J.:m:l~p:<t3 : "'['1". unllpr \f'ry "I", nlte
('tT, umlltsnl"l11
'I l'
" " " t ~n
ror a I r a" r .. 1 -. I h Will
10 ("1m. 0 1'1:
tie ntlla II I)' "n.1 tile mlln I er l"e'I'le.'ltf"d
Ii," nl>l 10 "
n ~ IeI'I If rl1'1
Rn ,I ( ;lrn ..
.nilO"1 l' I \~,. ftr .. hed 011 rJr"l lIe rmon
In I'rln,'f' n'If'l"n
I," lin" on a Illl,I.t64
!lonr III A I"rll(, rln.:
",. h ·11 M"I"\'l<-l'lI n
Ihe 1111 "Ion alllo
n I 0
the "I rt'f'1 II , ....
tr 1;",1 In
; (
I v, ,er"\'(' f ... .
.,- «' annu ,I F,I r 10 II pia,
v,·hll . . . .
.... f're th .. r" and n .. npl,
'm '-: lnrll''' ntlm~
be:s fro
th" "U"r, 111(1 nlf I n"'!l1I
this Urn(' \\11·"e" to' fo.,.dlll nf !'eople
ho'h nn
Ir,'rl$ HII,I In (I,e
On Sm,,1 I)' "llI;hl \\(' 'A,I II mo"t ""0mopollllll1 rro\\.1
Itl O,t' ("nl e-r ot lb.
hull.llilk w.·rp lleHlfl\,j t' (" c"ur<,h l'enJlI ..
rC\'lr,,,, .. "tTng dl rT,'relll .j"r'fl'"ll!nnt!nn". on th e
!'hlE' III I, II w"re 11 I" J<l.i>an~~ .... lth tl1ft:1"
ramlllOIl, w 1If" In Ihe r .. tt ... t t he nat I ...
flYT'II!NI In Ihp'l" " rllllan ! ('0._
tU'1'e", I"nt <'nl<>r 10 lhf' ~{"ene 'n Ihe ml<llJt
ot Ihls ~'I"f)\\" "f'n' IOllll: liftel"" jlllll III
fr,l", t lll"lr " .. hit,/: trll'. mlnl'rl' trom UI' I n
thl' hlHnrh-ni Ynko",. In en tr!>m lI.\moll\
C'\'{'I'Y rank IIno1 rile nf lit, 11':111\' or t"p m
rar al;\AY rrom hOlnf" fln,1 rrlE'n,l~
Thl' J'
ga\'f' U" flf' mn .. , 1"""I'I'I'lt,1\ AIII'nllon Ile
..... e tr ('.1 10 '1ft 111' t',p 1,1 ."NI loC'>rll Jf'!lu .
nno1 lell o f II! " J:"r~:tl I,'\f" ror I' I'm.
"'4' I1n.1 t'r,·p hOI'tll'mnl ""I"\I~'ll durin ,
PH' ,·am r, .• t.::n
Am onK "t .. r!'l wt·o fn\l() ....'~
11'(' r,ort! In h:\I'I:~m '""'r .. 3 .T apnll e"e who
hn.l a ('('el' lf>d ('hI"I"I: a!l Ih .. \' "Rml' out ot
thl" wl\t"r, II"" 111\\\" ~plr1t r,'11 nil lhtm I'Ind
two rN'l',\',~,1 1\ ih-inhlf" h,, .4 .... 111'0 upI trf'1I ",.no1 .. I'In,' ,,"Inlnt: fl r"~ 1"'f'Y !lpll k.
In nti '4' r tonw:" .. q n" II.p "pl tll S:-fl\'e Ih('m
' P r .. "h~·I"rIAn hr')II'el", .... ho I.
blll,'~Aw:e ml\III .. r on ltol' (" N It ,,1,,0 follow.
ed tl,1" T.or.1 n hRl'tlllm, AntI r"<'l'lv ..i1, ror
th .. first t ime In hi" llfe, n mIghty """
olntlnw: o r Ih" HoI~' ~I'lrlt.
Thl'l pow"r lUl'l rlllnf'ri !11\""t1 Rt Ilmt.!! (.
reAl old f""hlone il f~"nll'('o"lnl mallnn l"
Halleluloh! \Vh" not! T',f' ""nl" 1.01",1 d()l'l.ll
like to Iret H " I'eop l" 0111 ot I hf'11" "tl fT nl'l'"
and eonNer\'lItlflnl find Ahn", tI'e m 1'00-" He
N1n hlf"". 1I'f' m. Ir tl,,,)' w ill nub" let H im
There I .. nothlnK \llIl'l PE'nt"('o .. ,
We I"eJoice thllt OOd In HI .. I .. no .. r In\'e- I've-I" 1&4
1111 thlll wny
Pml"e Gn!1 ror Illl' o ld ti m e
power. fin d f nr the 1'111:'1"1" r o\low ng,
TIt"r,. III !lnthlnll" ~ItIR!l holf'.c. 1\" he d a..
the Pentf"('Olltal m~H'em("n t , and hl'l h_
r enROIl"
Tt I" n mOVl"ment l"al II! "maT It I" II Itlorlou" wllrrare.
Ing" All I"lgh!,
and, I'rnl q e God, we 1I1"f' on tl'e "Inning IIl d e
~ome rnlk .. S!"el ~o tIlA~f"o1 u!' hp(,fllI"l'l t h .
H oI\' Rfllrll lII'eak" l"l"olut:h tilt n 10nKue.,
nnd they want t o nrl!"\If". lind Ilr".'ICnt thei r
vlewII lnlltpno1 or 1:1\"ln,; the Lor,1 n ChR n CI'l.
A lovr l y III00y cflme to 11 11, nnd ~ old !llIe 11"1\'
(\ ("ongrel"otlnnni mlnl"I"r. and II. grf\(l ua t e
from Mooo1y'''' !'("'oot, lind helll R p,,"'tol"!l te
"fI:"'ver mind, !;lllt"r." I ""Id "the l.ord will
blll't 1:e you JURI the ~Aml'." "Rut T don ' t
bellevl'l In "1'('l'Iklng In lona-uell"
"Oh. w l'lll
now," w .. "n!d, "11'1'" 1101 tfllk Rhout It..
hut PI"AY"
"'f! t("11 Ul'0ll OUI" kllf'.,.", and
In 1(" .. ,. thon tlft"('n mlnlll"~ IhAt d&'1.r
('olls:-re/rn t lnllnl mlll!."tf'r wa'l talking In
1011(""11(';0 . .11 a I1"r('."l1 r:1ll"
IIhOIlOll1::" n nd
J1r~lIll"\ng (;od .1no1 l'~\\'\n~ II wonll prr"l ti m e.
lIut.:"',j1' ,t .. ,I1'·I"r t l,,, "Aov '>{ ullielan,"
nl',1 "nn I'Ir I .... form "r (''':1lrm~'n or t h.,
""(>Ilt"rl1 AII""mhllf"!'! of r:od. I", one or OUI"
part\', :In.1 III o1Ol hll,' r 11(' wo", (,mon,; th e
yount:" I'{,oplf"
11(' I.. 0 mnr\'t'l I1t Ihe plnno,
nno1 I'oth c'ln"'" IInrt plapi In I'le POWf'1" o r
II>I" IIo l\' ~l'lrlt.
"",, ..... rN·t to h ove him
wllh Uti In """'C'rnl <'nml':Ii"Il"
I'rny ror I"f' ,\'''(''mhl~' In I'rln('e R upe r t
"'.(' c lo .... Ollr millilarr h'r(" 011 ~uIHll\y,
oNIon :'Ilono1a\', (P. \'.) pall 011 tl'e Prlnc.
A lI ... e for A !allka. wI, ("I"" WP l"'(I'f'''1 10 ho ld
:J. ('lunpall1"n In Jllnf'HII, the ('lIpltal city. &nd
at lialnf'II. '""turllin!:" 10 t l' I' St.'I ..... t h"
r 0"1"1.,,.. \ t , ' " "r'r r~ .. '
(1' ",
I",.,,, ..
Missionary Department
Octobu 28, I~
All o rr.rln.8 tOr F'orelp M I"'ona and t or the _lIpen •• ot conductln .. the MI .. lonary
Des-urn_lit. should he lint by Check. Draft, ElI"pre •• or POltal Money Order. made pay.
able to J. Ro .....·.11 Flower. Treasurer.
Weat Paclftc Street. Sprlnl'tteld. Mo_. C. 8. A.,
Recently the olTi('t' of the Missionary
Tn:a 'lUrtr was viloil("d hy a n evanRclist
of intCr'1t3tinnal 11011', a man wbo hai'l been
elpcC'iall :v hnnorC'd of G()( I in praying for
the lIick
I~ctll mir;1dC5 of Iwaling have
follow ed him wh('tl'''('r /li t' has Kone. \Ve
bad not talkrd wilh him long until we
discovered tilt' 1It'C'r('t of his power.
This man of Cod is not reaching out
ah er thinK'! fOi himcdf. but he ha!; put
God (ir!>! in ('\'{rYlhing, The work of
the l.ord i" Ihe rhid conn'rn of hi,; life
H t is Irelll Ildo1l .. lv ('nnnrm'l! th:.! the
Co"Pc:1 he Rivrn tn as many d,'! po~~ible
beforr thl' t.nrd ('OlnCS. fit, "tall'-rI 10 U'I,
"I am nol ron('C'rl1cd ahoul my df, for
01(' I.or" ",;11 I:Lkc ('are of Ill('. But r
will not (,OM<,nl to hold a campaIgn lin.
le ~s J am gh·t'n Ihe priviJC'J.:c of tilking
a tni .~iol1arv olTrling. God ha~ ~!iv('n mC'
a min i!;lry rtf failh and I mllst use it for
th(" glory of Cod."
Somt.' eV;lIu:t'lilit'l IH'rm to think that
miuion s a nrl CV:1I1j:{t·!ism clo not go well
together. ' I' hl'v lie em to f('el that unles'l
evcry effort is mad, to raise money for
the (""pen-u's of the meeting that Ihey
will Dot he mrl and the cam paign will
be a
financial bih.:rt.'.
nut here is an
".angel is! who has provrn that when
Mis.ion s are put to the front. God takes
care of Iht running e::ltpcn.tes Qf the campalRn anti hi'! nwn Il('eds as well, It has
been a rea! in'lpiration to meet such a
man ,
to is Smith
Wigglesworth, who is just now opening
• campaiRn in Ihe Convenlion Hall. in eooperalion wi.h the Assembly of God at
Springfield. M 0,
In the InRt 1" 1'I1t~ of thl'! EVllrul·(11 WI'! told
01 th. new" Just ho'nA" r("{'l"lvel1 of the
lTo&IIt "~11 of nrnthf'r """l!n'H OrJ)hnnnl!"6
at Tatanf\!, knowlI It"l tho nomo of OneRlph_
on,,,,, ~'e trl('fl to I'"ot In tOllrh wlfh Brother Anlflln, nnd flnnlly located him In
N"e.'(II(''WI to !!IllY, he "'Alii very
m uch dlliltllrhod lit tht' t'!ld newlI of the mon_
ey .horta~e IImt I~o Ftarv·IIK children . He
did whAt h(' C'01III1, lind WI;' wl!'re enabled
to add 110m" fllnd~ rll"o lind 1'10 have Cll.bled funda fnr l"mpomry rell('f. Rllt It will
ta!le COn"ldf'rnhly more to !:Inll the home
out on tOTl IIml "rovlde for All the need,
Brother AIIII"II" wrltcs all follows:
"To the <:;",lntM III .1e""1'1 Chrl,,!: Peace!
W. are told In th(' 'Vord of OM to be..1.r
OllIe anot~er'!II hurit,,",. lind thll!! fulfill the
la w of Chrl"t
Th...,. .. for(!, T f ('('1 that I
Wftnt to g·"\"o you It gllmN'e Into the 'nome
of Onelll"horu!<' In China that you may,
by untferMtalldhl 1l Olore fully the condition .. be betler "hIll 10 If.. t tinder the burOen with yOllr J!rfl'ler and !!ymll3thy,
"Retoent word from RI!'Iter Carl8on, one
fd our co-In horN", t .. l1" II~ tlillt she W1l!I
. . ling only (I IImnll porliOn of Chinese
bread each "ny, like Ih .. ehlldren ' n the
H ome were oalln~, he('flll.Re thf\y were not to buy moru. Co ntribution!! have tall_
"0 orT
teadlly till ... Yf'ar, and the hOOle hna
goo.' In tl .. hl. Now conditlolill ha\'e I:>erome
lIurh Ihllt they fir," nOI alii" to ke"p attoat.
They I,avl' hall to Cllt dO"'n On eVf'ry aide,
nlHl now they Dre nOI flblfl t o Klvo the <1.'tl.r
1It11", ch·'drl'n "Umcl.'nl (norl.
"You might wonil('!r whal halO brought
(lhnllt Ihls condition. 1 110m 1I11re tl at 80mft
nt (FOrl'lI pel)l)l", who hflv," mNln" mll"t he
failing H m. Wh"n my wife lind t cnme
hom" In 19%0 w," tr:n.,l1efl In II f. w o f the
AlaI"" nn,I In ."me I'art... o f Canada tf'lllng
U'e 111'01.1,. of tHI aWful nf'('.-t" flf the de..<;tIItlt ... In China: al!lln 1'1>01/1 th" Home of OneIIlph o rulI nnd how (J, .. ,
working In tl,e
Ih,me with thQ"e ,,·ho Irllll" nlo nur midst.
Tht' "1")1,10 Ifavl" 'W< monn" tn ~o ha(';'; to
(,Idnn .. nd '"ly I: no1 aru! pllt up lIome more
hnulle". anll to t ,k,. In IIomf' oth('r drsll_
t1lte rhll.lrf'lI
Mnny ,1"lIr IInlntli ~a\·e U!'l
th.,lr nrlmf'a an" I" 01a-e-f1 to "UT'I'''fI n rhlld
In the Hom ..
"\fy wlf,. nnll I ",·pre v~ry worn In our
hot! f'''' I flvtn~ lIa.-t only nhout tI,rN! ~hort
month" ,·n(':ltlon In tt'n y('nr", hut I went
tl">r"u~h tho trying ordt'nl ot If'l'\vlng my
Wltf' hf'rI' In Amrrkn. 1111" In :"lIar,·". HI:!1
1 I'lurtf'd h;"t('k 10 (,hln I with n IIrNl head
In,' awfull , worn n, rV"JII,
T nrrlvNI In
Clllnn Anti (lad hrlJ!e<l me In a v(lry wonfl<lrrul Wf\y to ~t"t the IIlnd and hOUl'le8
rNuly am'! 1Iu'n J wl'nt UJ! 10 the fAr-nine
, l('t tlnd IlOt the ('hlhlren.
'VI' t ook
In eno\l~h c hlll'r"n to eend a ll!('ture and
TUlm(' of 11 ('hlld to ellch parly here w ho had
pl('rt"'''d 8UI'N'Irt tJ f tJne chlld In t he lIome.
"Thl" work of getting up JI'IUpporters wan
d()ne pu hll('ly In the prellence of p as tore
of ullombllo. and often pAntorn encourag_
ed the congr",tl"tltlon tl) tnke sUJ!port ot
tnfl"e Ch ildren If It cou ld be don I!' _thout
cutting down the re.KUll\r contrlbullone to
mll'lIIn nll.
"After acoorJIpllllhlng Ihe work I "Went to
China to do, 1 felt thAt J mUllt hltve a re.t
trom work for awhile or J wou ld break
down entrely an d not be able tl) work .. t
an. I CAme back to America hu~t October
and my .,fe Joined me In Seattle, from
whence we ""ent o n to Cal1 fornla , where
the Lord enabled me 10 re8 1 my "",orn and
overJlltrAlned nervf'.
"NewlI hrte rome t"rl)m time to time that
mAny of th08e who had plallged "upport
ot children ' n the Rome have dropped o lf
tor one rNlison or anothc r , ond now the dea.r
little children are not getting food enougb
to potlsty their hunger,
"The last new.!! from the Homo tellll of
lIome ot the denr children who huv,", ,lton.
out to .seek food elsewhore, At thlll lIme
of year when harvellt 1111 being gaU,erell
It III pOillllble to 8et tood e l lilewhere, but
oh! whllt w ·n hUnpen to ollr deBr children thlll ""Inter'!"?'
This newlil almost
breakll Qur heartlJ 1118 th:. Home ond work
II! very <lellr to tiS ,
"For J . IIU8' ellke, An" the lcve He hath
given u". we hove 8utT6Ted that thlll "Work
might be planted and hrou!I"ht up to the
preSf'nl atlts-e. 'Ve have come to critical
I!lagM 10 the hlstoT)' of the Home before
this, but prayln .. people have helped UII to
J)l"tIIy through to vlcotory,
"Children ot tho living GOd, w ' ll you &_
rlllle And ttelp Ul! to prey Ihrough to vi c tory?
While you p ra y remember what we Are
told In Jllmee 1:14, Ie
My wife and I
are woltlnK to gO' back to thlll work just
all soon &a God opf'ns the way, All the Lord
moves on your iu-arts to help, lOelld your
contribUtions to J, R , Flower, Tret"llll .. 338
w. Pa.ctlc St., Sprln~fleld, 1'010, and Btate
that It III tor the Home'a prMent er»ergency."
Younl In HII! glad Berylce,
L. M, Anglin.
llUaOW.&..aD:8 BVPP:atnre ..-rr.:
Tn'HOm FJ:'VElI,
This I'allt summer hAI'l heen one ot Ve&t
trial to many of our mlB~ onarle.... , mlln,.
of whom have be,..n down w ith typhoid f&ver and other Herl"lIs Illnelllll
('able!! hay,. be('n rectl\"f'd by Ihe For.IMD
MI!'lIlons nept. a-knit for prayer . Ood hae
wonderfully undf'rtakcn tor nearly all t he_
On OCloher 13th, Frl<lay, It. cable .as rtlceh· .... from Peking, N China, 8tl"l 1ln8 tMt
Rroth('r and fll!'Iter KvammfO were d o wo
with typholr! fe\·('r, ::Ind r'"flUtlltlng pmye,.
tor Ihelr <1l'lIvernnC'l.l.
We Immf'd otel,.
prayed for tl">f'm, lind now solicit t h e pra,..
ers ot all God's chlldr{'n who hovo the
mls~lon:lrltli 011 their hearts,
Oro and sr __
tf'r Kvrtmme fire membere of the A esembl7
at Tacoma. WaHh,
It ,,·atll with mlnglf'<:1 fef'lingll of .~lI r p r ' ..
III.nd !'IOrrow Ihrtt Wf' r,,('('lved 11 co ble from
India on SundfllY, October Ith, Inform !n&,
us of the homegolng of Rrothe r J Am M
Harvey on Ib", I're-\ lou II Thurllday. No de..
tlllil/l were yivf'n ('on('E'rnlnl; the cauPIII of
hi .. d'~lh, but It lUll II bepn known t o u.
tor pevl'"r:11 month .. t1,:\t Brother Harve,.
w:)'" ()\·frworknJ,:: In hi" "ttempt to care
fOr the larl:O mls~lonn.ry work under hi.
Rrnthpr JIflr\"ey WloS one of the plonep r
mlfl~lonar!e8 In Tnma, lind n'''III!IIted Uro th"C'
Ma!'llley In opt'nlng the work "t N"nwi'IIbl;anJ.
thl"' third Pcnl('cosilii m·~IIlnn ~Iat l nn In
the enlted Prnvlncf', India. \Vhe n Brother
Mal'll!>ey r('tllrnNI Ilolnf' to Aml'rlt'II, B rother
JTarn'y look ov('r the '1awali,(,:"anJ work rtnd
ha.l'! been sllccell)ifully ('onducllng worll
there nmong tho tlOnr :lnd t ho outCII$t_.
the orpl'nnR nnd the leperH, uo lll tho da.~
of hi.\! denth.
Brother BflrV6Y Innrrl('(1 MI",s El'lthel'
Bragg, til PentecoI'Illll mhllll&mllry from
Ohio, who join ed him In I ho work At N~ .....
abganj, Borne yenrll ngo, and t.o this \IInloo
were born l'I"veral children.
The larglll
work at Nawabganj will now t811 upon t he
shoulder", o t SllIte r Hflney And tholle rnJ ..
alonarlell who are lI.lIIIoclfllted with her.
About two yeor~ aaro BrOlher Hnry.,.
telt the nece~s lty Gt wlthdraw'ng trom the
Aesemblles o r God, br )ught ftbout IlIIrjtel,.
We rellt"reU'"
t h r ough ml .. under'tAndlng,
this nece8"lly and hnve not l'IJ1ow.d It CO
atrec t our llersooa I reg-arn for Drother Har..
vey. whom w'" have recOgnl.f'd III! a. va luable mllleloneT)' find III man of God, We
undentAnd that jusl before hJe death, he....all mAking arrangement.!! to renJ!J'l ly for
admittance 10 t h e Council fellowBhlJ'l a.a
w'" were IIIwaltlng lettera from Indlll cot_
cern ' ng th l" matter, The cable announ ...
ing his de,1 th snllrlpst'" hili leHer.
Mhlll HOlllel Parker, who h"lJ been homa
on furlough tor the pallt yelu, and ","ho
has been a.eoclated with Brother HArve,
at Nawabg'lnj. Is now makIng planll to get
back to the work at the earlleat p08fllble
date. Sfle w'n be Sl'eaUy needed 1'1 the
reconstrut'tlnn o f the work. Tholte fr lenda
o f BrotbN Harveyl.s who wish to eom m un lM
eate with Miss Parker can odo1r688 her 111
care o f M-1s8 Anna C, Reiff, 3636 Michigan
Ave . Chicago, 111.
A. VACA '.rIO. m
KIa. A , E Laabeth Brown wrltos from
Syria, where Ihe Lord permJtt.ed her to
toke a summer vacDtlon ' n the LebanoD
MOlintalnl!l: "The Lord lIO lovingly and tert.~
derly sent me monoy eSJ!eclally d e" lgntlt~
for vacation ex-pensea.
Brother an,l-SIator Doney and SI.sterll ~tlyer, McConnplr,
and Malick rtre all here, It Is a boautlfwl
place and the air Is 110 pure and rerresh ' ng
that we fill oughl to be well and fit for the
work before UII when It eomeJII time to retu rn to It. We aro In IIlght ot the cedar-.
of Lebanon, alt h ough not withIn casy roao b
of them, All I am vory weary nnd have
come to r08t J mll!:!t not write long leltcre.
The Lord ha.s provided a helpe r to r C11lal o.
In the homo w 'th the glrlll, and to look at*
ter the work Ln Jerusalem durln,s my a.bsence,"
Octobe< %8, 19Z2.
Ha\"c you ever been far from home at
Christmas time, or other limes in the
year when you have been accu~tomcrl. to
hav e family reunions, with their conseQuent joys and blessings.
Then you know
bow one feels when Ihese joys are denied thC:ll1.
There is one time of the year when the
missionary thi nks ahout hOllle and that is
Chri:>tmas til11e. All tht' old memories
of open fircplace~. the family gathered
around in happy reunion, the laughter and
.5houts of ch ildren, !tIlOW on the ground,
.nd the jingle of the sleigh bells, perhaps,
crowd th emselves into the mind, brin~ing
the old scenes back freshly again. Then
hi the time that t he missionary is tc=mpted
to feci homesi ck, and this is particularly
true when fri ends seem 10 forget a nd ev~
tlry'thinl{ about is so different from the
••, thing. are al home.
But you can help to c hee r the heart of
t1w: miulonary this year by just rem'embt:ring them, even if by only a post card .
It i. not the value of the gift that count.s,
it is the conscious ness of being remembered. A word of cheer, a verse of ScripltJre., a littl e token o f love all will help
te make the burden lighter.
But be sure you send your remembran ce
bdore November 15. If you !lend after
tltat date, it is entirely unlikely that it
'Will arrive before Christmas . It take.
trom four to five weeks to reach portion.
af India and Africa and from three to
four weekI! to reach China. The Mis~
Pooary 'rreuurer will furnish the arldreJ.
of any missiona ry to whom you may de• ire 10 send a love token or remembrance.
This is your opportunity to nnd cheer to
1be missionaries .
lrlIW .I.:a1UTALa.
A. belated report 1'1"8 r~ac hed oe that
"!"Other find 81"ter Kelley ot S . Chlnll ~'ere
made ver,. hILPPY by the flrT ' V31 on June
Uth ot a little 80n. Brother Kel1('y writes,
"'We no .... hAVe three It"One
Our lh'es haVe
hen hr lgMened tor many hout.!! by the
preeent'e or the.~f'l little oneil.
The IlreR• nee o r theRe ot>lId~n I" one brllt"ht spot
tn the livelli ot the vlillltorll I'lt Penlel ."
RroOu~ r and .slllter Sugar or Nawabpn1.
Jnd ·a III ....... I'lnnounce t"e birth of a eon
on Au~1Jt. Srd. The eNid hfl.lI been named
.;rOoh", Ja.mee SU!rI'lr. Thill mllll!llonary
'Ont'" be a very IIweet ehlld.
a.AlIIABArti aOlD: 1"03 GUlLS,
Mill. Ella M1I ler ot .south B~lItng"ham ,
WI'''lh. hilS 1T',:{e IIpeclBI roQuest that We
pubtlllh an iI! " . raet trom a r ecent letter
from MI lliS HAstie. MI.'I.~ rraeti e Is now In
Charge ot Romabfl.l'e work, lind he r lette r
epenk" rOor Heelt.
"Our 1099 Ie just unepeAknbl..... but we
look to Him who ma.k CII no ml"tAkes and
week His help to cn rry o n the wnrk In jU!H
the sam e ..... ay on the v('ry same lines. tOr
Jt w n " lIurel,. Ood Il"·ven.
0111' denr on e
(Ramnbal) Iph a "'iiI. and del!l>Jmoterl me
to be h('r SUCC!!RR. r to ('a rry on with th e
Boord of Tru stf'("I!
It III a grf'ot ho n or,
but 1:lIl11o a great r e..~fl()n"lh1lIty_one T would
II1" "('r hove L1kE'n myfOelr
T t(' el like a
"",'orm o r A little gnnt. T would much rath_
eT t.:oke II ba(,k flellt If ~'(' only had an
JndLlln to tnk\' the pint-e. H (lI'\'p " er. It Is
ell In the Lord' s hands and H e knows
that I oniy want to I ve to g lorl ty Hill
name IInft do H Ili 90'111.
''''ve have had two or three month a or
trf'menftOllJ! testlng8.
'Ve could not get
eny ot the money that In Ramabal'lII
aame until the ~,t11 WUI probated. which
took time, and yet all theee hundredJ! ot
&1r18 we... to b. ted,
It Ilu been juat
rare to ·(IIt.a.nd fIOUII' and !lefl 00<1 '-ork. There
ara man,. perplelf tl.8 alHI dlmeuIU". and
we noed your p r .olyera. moNt thl\n eVl'r before
Mu)' the fJOrd fth'e UJI H,)ly Ghoat
"oJedom tu win 11..n(1 train nil tht'll. precloull one .. ror Him anti lila .,"'n·l('e.
r('ly upon GOd and on th,. l'ra),6r. or All
Ood·., l'~I'I&.
CUlte E. .... r:l l' tro~
Qu cile, GaulI·mala.. '·We would like to
e~k all the '·;\'anl;l"l tamll~· to "rfly tflr our
Viork here In Quiche
Gad ,. cra,'t,)ulIl)work!nl{ In Totonlcliloan, Bnd Illlln} lOOuis
are heln" a"'e.1 !hru thf' lnbor/ll or our do!l\r
Brot'ler and Sinler Brad:e).
Th a III ttll'
harveI'Lt re.llull nK trom al.>out (l'U yt'"ars·
hard ..... ork by ae,·entl other t aithrul mllii .
Ilona riel!.
'·Our work hE're In QUIt'he 1/11 In It"
babyhoOd day", but th(' Lord hlU blelll!ed Ull
and "'e are truat lng- HIm for a mlahl)" rl'
.I"al heNt."
B.l:'l'VJlll"8 XISSIOll"ABY lII.OlQ:Y.
Brother T)I,Ow.a.. IrLcode-m h~ round It
tmpoa"'lble to make ar rft n gemanta to get
o tt to Jndl. as he had planned and ~ hilS
dec ·ded to rel~e 11.11 mle810nary mone,.
w hiCh w_ sJvlm to him t or Ollt f lt anti
tare, a. th e tollowln g letter w ill ('][('hlln
"1 have been t h lnklng of wrlUn g you
t or 80me time ",bout the money a ven to
m e by the dear onu t or I ndlL So no"
/lm I!endl ns you thllJ c h eck . " I f eel I
a m not 1!t"0I e g !l.t p resen t and th e money
ehouht be ueed t Ot mls-slone now
J kno",
God CA n Mupply the needs at an ,. time. I
,..ant to k6l"p kl. the Lord' ..... 111 and b .
be found t a ithtul wh~ln He oom . . - Tbom ,
a.e Nlc04em
~, .TUlia :atoUrdaoll. &.nd pa.rty, e.
route tor the Oon8'O, dropped u e a note
t rom Port Said : " [t lleem~ as though
thlnlrl were In Buch .. MlBh la ChlulII"o and
In Ne ... York, a.pla ' n London a.nd even
In Ma.realllM Lft 8"etttng trac. or Our bas.r-a.ce aent OYer I.nd trom Havre that 1
have heell 110 glAd to just M'lftx and !fIve
m,."elt up to t-he e njoyment ot the journey,
ThUll hlr It hal! been an e njoYAble trip to
UB. Oae da,. UPOft thle part ot the j ou rney
..... had . roulfh 8 _, .... hlch Wf\a ha rd up on thoee Inc lined to aea.-II ckneae, but otherwl"e thlnflj/! ha..-e been tint'. I lova tha
BIS"ht of a. n)u«h s_ myeelt. It r e minds
me ot the siorioue (firM In which we ..r ..
and how we go through And over the wave e
uneonquered becAuse of our Ahni,lithty l.ord.
For lie .... 1'10 eowld be on d eek the roug h d ny
WIUI the k' nd tor the shouts at la u ~hter
a. occA."Iionlllly a
wou ld c o me overboard and give UII a ducking .
'There are II. number ot Ro',an Co tholle
PrI""tII on board who lrolnS" t o dlrre~ n t
parUl ot dark Atrlca. Tt Is r epor te d that
two are goln,," to the Lake KI..-u Distrlot
God. grant thM we not rea.chlnlf !hero
too late."
J, L. Lun writes from Porto Rico, " J_ ..,
a tew Unee to let you know thllt by the
Stftce or our Heavenly P'llth er, T arrived
ht're lit the Porttl R ·oo Heme with
my tamll,. on the tourth ot September.
Really thle II!I a tine plat'e, Tn so IIhort a
time I have notke(! the ehlM,ge. While In
Ponee I could only ellt one m eal a day on
a ccou nt o t the heat
Here r CAn eat three
me"l" 1'1. d ~ y .
Mllny nl fl"hta In Ponce I
cO\lld not "leep at all . but I can " Ieep h" re
all night I .... n ~
Thank G(ld tor H Ili ~oo d ­
neslI t o HIli ch ildren In provldln a thle re8t
" Th e work III ~oln l!:" on f ine all over the
h lnnd
(':od 11'1 bles .. ln/-: In n m n r\·elolla
wa)'. F lftN'l.n WNe
b.1.ptlr.ed In n"ynney,
a p l n~e whE're WI! ha \'e a co n g r l!ll"atlon ot
ahout one hund r ed Rn d twentv f ive ~o od
C hr · Mtlanli. T he work tn Mn YRguez I II
charge ot hr(l th(" r LII('''"n Alld Rrot"er
Alvan'lI! ( a natlvl! mlnllo,t e r) III Rlso III tille
condition. A work wa s IItartt'd In a place
nenr town ahout eight h\Dnths ago and
about fltt,. are well conv e rted and many
ot them are baptized In th e Spirit About a
1T0nth a~o alghteen w ere Immeraed a ccordIn,r; to .,laH. u:n. HAlleluJah! The old
devil Ie IUICTY aad. 00cI ,. ~ .... llD.a ue tbe
.... lct0rJ"."
Pace ThirtCCL
~ J:XJI'W1UlJlI"Cl:
'WYT• •0:11 . . . . . .
China, " I
h"ve ju.t ~turnad from a. trip to 1.0 ~u
where I had gone tur ,. .. ml'l .pN'ia.! m('fl(..
Inge for thl'l Ctlr .~tl.ln... (lOin" t),,,N'I, r ba4
a I-Iollle w hn t elldt nIT ellp.. rten~ hAflI)U"
..·ltI,(lut an)· til re>lult....
Ihllt "'ay Ihl","e
.... "rl'
t"':lr,Il",1 by !I. Kllno; ot robbet-a.
tully armf'd, their h ..nd~ 1111 thf'l trh;:,I(ers
ot tnelr f.:1JnlJ- \ d,Aj)erate loe,klnlC lot or
In (.;IOth among thfl p!U .... nl(e rli
thf'~ was a hhJtn~ ot ",,,,t('hell. ilion.,. AAd
Olt er Htluab " , "rhe rubbt"r" .... f'llt d re<""t1,
to t e ('aPI.\I"
'V,· "",'ere "'aJUnc. "XI'k''-In£ the ",o .... t. t,uI the lord. llfol'l n·· W()Q.
d"rtl,lh (""Aim
Aft,'r a fpl'\ mom III the,.
I',ull'e,j lhru (,fly,n .. no att.ntll," In 11
on thE'ir boat and I"tt UIl. T' f' It'n I .. n .......
brok e n an,1 .. e Ao<'n Ie U'OI'J t
t the ca .....
t:'In or OWl E' r .. t 11;(1 III lav tl,I'm .~ O O ••,
and It W&8 eurely ur ttl" IAH.I tllAt the"
did nol mole~t u."
SUI,,,· t It'·f'll '.ra yet"
WArrior hllI .. 1 11A\ t' h'!{'I, at to 10 I,o"t
"South ("hlna hI IF"! an a", tul IOtat_ft.
I{o' prnmen t no law~lI IIn·lrt'Mll rn., C an _
ton w... t i red on &.lid aorae o r the "'orlle"
tn tl'e nOli I ~1"!lI""n I :10,1 >I. IUlrr'H" • .'"cape.,
Th t' an tl-to rel~n "'t'trlt "v.-r Ithfh Pleaa.e
uH th " 'PMlY(lt"'! H, t~' p lr po.t, Pray Ulai.
t he O .",pei b e not hlnd " rl'll our
Ood' _ o u r time lJI In Rill IUl.nd ll ·'
a , 8peI)Ce wrltu trvm South
) lIenotoe D . pOttorff w ho retura-.d;
to Ll b.r ift r~flnth', writel ... , Ilm ~"lad te
tell yOu the Lord III w o rk ln~ h ere In tM.
trlb. , The peollle' li henri " Ilre o penl_« to
th. Gospe l
Wlh ... n I rf- memhe r th" _rl,
M YII o t t h e worlt In thl t' trlbp, bow te ....
...." had In Sunday m t' etlnS"". and. new "e
e"" them co mln .. rrmn Ih", surrllunttlQa
onlla.«e." -e k no", God It, w ork In..
P t1lI . .
Hi _ neme
One dl\y 11'1. 11 ' w~elt, .!'Ie or
the men w ho ('arne to live a t th e ml.-toa.,
etarll'd to b u ild hi. hou!le
He C&lhe a.4
aakw U8 mleslO rulr leH to coom e- and. eet th e
corn &r poet. We all ...... nt do wn lind., atter readlnK It. Mcrlplure lelUon. knelt 40 .....
an d &liked God' . bl~ln&" upon tit. "eul"
and. the entire millflion Ulwn which tneT
are etartln.- to build a t t he ('Ir~t tire..
We Are needlnlr II n.", hOUAe tor ou,....l ......
here at tt\e e tAtlon
Thfl M u d Muee .....
.. re IIvtn .. In at pre"en t III In a "er" tJ.t.
eo ndltlf\n 'Ve trtwlt th e I .ord will .....dU,.
m .. t the ~ . "
7TUr.1t • • 1"iachu wrltel trom ffllo , Ka
w a I "We "re f inding Iht .. !fumm ... r ahnoet
unbe.r/lbly ...... rm anft 't I II onl ,.. tI,. the
grac e or GOd t hJ\t we k('el) Ko ln.-. The
old reelden ta h0rf\ My II hI the hoUMt
w "at h t'r ' or man)' yenrs. MO .. t 0 ' th e .... 1'111.
tolka here gO to the ml)unt"ln~, e r do"'n t.
the COl\..8t .. ve ry 8ummer, /lnd the d6('"tore
elly t hat no wNte {'f'rllon ... lIould lilt.,.. mo-re
than two YfWltll without II chl\nl{e. DOT
OOD .... ho I. our t>~a l th I~ li t III ltv "I" .nt
..-:-I \,('e II t ren gth aa our da)·.
Pral.e IItll
" We Are d o l n,l( t h e mo",t of ,)IIr 'W'Ork 'a
the plAntatien campa, !:lome ot .... hlcb ...
vlg t regu ln rly and hold l:Iervl('E'1I In thear
hom~a or r e('r "8. t lon hallll.
\V II have a
t o ldln g or.ln\n I\nd the cl'II(lrt' n crowd .....
round IIntll ~e enn hn r dly "ll'\.y. Ood 'e
h on"rtnJ::" HI li \Von1 And l'rfl('l(lu~ 1II0ullll ar.
hYnn,. and rf'oCelvlng the Trut)1 aa It Ie
III ('"ltd HI Jell""
SOlT'e ar(' "t',' klnlC the
BaIlUl-im a.nd ''''h'h (, r ('r/oll/ll tlrlll's 1111 _.
h(we tOgf'th('r In prllyt'r
Somt'l ilnell w.
art' praying In tw e or thrE'e d tT"rent Ian.
l;uat;eH nn.1 make <::Iutte A. nol!'!I·. but
nrt' "ure nod ('al. un.i('rt ..... llft 1\1111 will an13""('r a('\·ortlln" t(1 II
rlcit,·" In g]{)ry b7
Chrt"l Jf'.IIUS
"\\·e I ave nne prN'lou~ C'h'ne'e ml\n .... hoOl
w(" nrt' s: \·In~ "PI'('IAI Ip:(t'''ln;;- M!'I he eJ:pect!! 800 n to go to hi"" rt'ol'l(" anl l M:lve ",II
o r t~11I ,110ft to rorN\t'"ln , tf,e r: ........ Tlt' 1
18 alr('.'ldv " m l "tlionllry to All kinde or
pf'ople, Illi he will !ltop nn,l "renf'll to II.ny_
on", filly- tlmt'. anywh"rt', all,1 "I! l(lnK
th('y ",,111 I I"l en
He III 1\ \"t'ry ('o nvlnf'in,lf
tfllk(' r In hhl hrnkl'n Jo:nl!'"lI"h IIlId Ood haa
gh'en w illdon"l In kn(lv;lng whf'n to quit.
dls ('ern mf'nt
thou gh l ll
'Ve a~ tru !'I ting GOd tor all
outpouring ot HI., Splrtt In tllMt' lelanda,
&8 well as In the r efl t ot t he .... orll1, and ..
re,;val that will .,WflPp thouAa."de of ~
elouB .eula tata tbe K ingdola,"
PaRe Founrcn.
pru,y t or
lllll I '11 \
I.,r 1.\..
tUI ("nJ
Url.· I
a" f·el
I,,, II
my "".k \0011
1-1 L .. r"r
H Ili (lr)
t .u Itll\l nl' (
It" I" In,,·
I'. ra
.. f.r
• fl HII
,. [' ,I
, " I Iii.
. I
'J I . I
j(,~ t,
a t I "I
Alk. !. \
11' Iy SUI,J w fc
.\ 'fl11I."tI'i.( .. t III 1101\ ~llr'l. (Ilr 11110)· ,·har·
It)' allll , , u . r \Ii Ilk
• fur ,;".1 .. l. 1\.' my
t~ ·r.
{', II "I
n. y
r"!11 '., .\- .\
Mu. ,\. P, vpry
\er .. , II j oar
I er. I IJ, l>.o1,IWII
r. 1I1dUII iller of
ot oJl unk"'H 1:1 (. \ \ . 1._ ! '. • r',
c c ot I ;,f'
" 0 kl nl v Irf)U Ie
I 0 mv
w f. J a II I":: thro I '
"In It )f II '
•• nl
ml, II "I,
'.d fll
I I r
c 11110', I"" 'I ,j; 1
, .. nl ' I
" nk 11 d wn
I .. S .• 10 \\
t ey may
"'r tn, f· t/l
n " I It ~t".1
JI IJr"r ,"! _\lrll 11 B, "f f)1.Jm t ,).
E B, ,,!
;o:ern,1 r,f::O )(. rll .I,,,'u,..
my (.,t now th'·,.1 n
my y,h.!
to" ... n
f"d \
h 'Irt
II' ka e
;"11" r 'If :on,·ml.. nerVOll " .. III,
J""r mf'I~'r)
h <It Iher and
ir'Hllol.· '1101 "Ir air, . Ih I" I\()fk
('. !-OI t'l I': .. , and tl)r f, t
to t,k .. I)
ot I .. r ruml 1''' flf Cn I f·!
II rn~ II·
tl'llIpur1l1 an,1 "I' rlt'I<II.- ~lo)l "r "f !\-Ir
I: \\'., ,>t '·I" ... ·r- .1 C; "nd It IIro, f'r
of.\I II" vt T Il.- ;"l~' mill t'r "t I t'a~t
,,",1 "I ,'r Irouhl,. ""d 1 :11 In'"" f:n.-t
.... ork ror olir I'IUT'IOrl I·; I' --\1. 11 l-l a
I'rlll,l,. fllr ;::r, ~"'Hr,; ,n <I W 1', ~ I'hllir
I.. T,.J "Vf' - 'ly hroth,·r. el'\lf'I'llc
ano! IInhBtllll",'d in mintl, J B
,\n E'anl!t'l
r H., lpf. - \ fo"r·ml1I'lh
,,1,1 .,,.j,y ot hiI' ·
.'ou).:iI.-M,· n'I""'(' fI ( "!,Infl! I rouh!f'--.'Ilr
M \'., a !"k, (If pnru]y"I"C. 1'; (' .. of
t!!<tUIA.-A ('r 1'1'1"fl mlln IHI" rnll no! t he
Lord und ,,10k ... I,rft"er- ~Ir G :" of Pilra ly"I ... 1'("'''l l l'lIllon. kidney allil h ~a(hJl'r
Ir nllhle._ D H\1"h tf 'r of Mr .. 1\' .J I I , ot
Mr .. P (' J
o f npllrltll:1 anl'!
attPr p" p(' t .. fir t h e "PIli "-;"lr!< 11 R &
hu .. h:lnll, "lrnO"1 helfl h>~JI from r hpllm;II' .. m,
hr'art troul. lp Iln(1 ot"er Irollhle ...-!\-Ir",
"'. S n
palet! nO(·e. Irollhle fPl u r netl,
Pn r mer Rllltp ~"nnlnr or !\-l ontanll. O. G ,
\\'11I '·1 t. of I,, !' rn ... \' or r, I'pur" l'tan.lIno:::, 18
lonklnK to lioll r(' t ll"lno::: ol)'e r rt'me," ......Mr", n " o1"ln,ll: o t I'a nc-e r -R. J. N Of I:!"neTIIJ t!phllliv Ano! tt'llt .he he C'lo .... r tlrawn
to Ond -F'lllh ,r. Mr", E , R , - F'alh e r and
m o ther , V. L .•_C_._ _ _ _ __
til Ii III-: "! t, t H"ly l-lplr-,r .110, 1 t:,e n l!J1.,lI ,," "f t , "
"r \ t, L "ld to 1-: ~. To' l
In ,.,)" ""Ik h,~tr \tI 111111 HIltI I'e yl<·llj ,·d Iu
H I, "Ill. '1', ,I 1 may he !'II.IIlI,·oj to) lMy
off It mvn"a. e VII ""r lL(}m~' hy 1!l:!3. ~ I r"
C. , ,-.\ 1,1I)t'r ( or my hon,'!. IIml IIL.1l
m(llley I !.ilve 10 t 1I111Y I,.. rellirned to tile
It a " It'r ,, 11<1 I.r 1111"1. Illd tfl halt' 1;\Edr I'Yto,~
01,)PI I(:u l to th l' t ull ,,"o"I'cl
~Iy "olli: I d.m t
W;lut 10 t,1!' 11<''1.1.·01. Ullt \\al1t t o It'a\e tliia
w lrke, 1 \\ orld
T' Ilt I mllY !I!I\"t' n clo- t:r
lI' alk w llh lI ,P I.or!! un,1 ItI.I~· "tan,1 \.rlle.
_ I{ nlinl. i\llnn. A 1'1111111 Il.l< . .. mli ly of , 'J r
8 f, lmlll l'''. :!I mlle~ (rom t .le tall roal l .
t hat 1I0llltl one o! 1111 w ill he anohltml to
ptea('h {I t th ,' 1 11 Mlnl~ter mil}, be "pnt ,u".
-J<'or 11'11 ~O$'1 tl \I) hlJ '" ut t o l'ea <'1.' \ ailey 1101 0_ I nm I e oniy I' .. ntero"ta l Ile r " on.
pra'y th l1\ h(,IH ' " mny I,,~ I(lu ('h ed h e_re o I
would I k ~ 10 , ~II my t .lrm and mo~p to
wh ere I cnn lI \l end (' h u ro- h I\nd S, S. l';mmn
M el)e rm.ltl _ Sufe c li lid deli ve ry: and Ih at
a h u llhand may be br oll~:"I t back to OodM y h uabllnd , I'llt I e f in d work and be
.. ble 10 110Y hili debl"l. -My "Ister. ollce a
Chrl ll lian Sl'lenUIII. now p]Plld !ng t h e oJood
of Je ll ull for hf!rllP if and her ch lldrenMy brother. who I'HI('e lO\' ed J ellll'. no'"
Jov e. m one.\' : II !\-lelhodl lll In nl!!ller .once
ull e d to IlItIl'· In WO <llIIl All nlKht to pray.
DO'" I. alm'o"l an Infldf!l.- I-'or " re vIv al
at RrldKtPOrl . "~br _ " n d tor 2 YOIIIIJlt m e n
recently lIent to I'enitenl lurv f rom IhAt
plA ce: all'o !nr tt' elr ( amll ei"' ,-~ty fl li"'ler
and fam ily. for prol ... CIIo n and del iV eranc e
from thll hondRJCf' IhAI II l'e Ie In ; thai II h e
Inay lIel1 h llr l)rtll'erlY nr trftde It tor "omeUdnlf neAr a I1hlf'e of .... or~h1"l'l with Pente('OALItl penTlI .. - M,· h r ol hp r who e 6~ y ~nrlS
old and w"" nurly killed by a bull: al " o
for hili fAmllv _ A Pel1lel'ostnJ wo rker at
Cedaredge lind' 'El'kert. ('010 _My wife. thAt
ehe may "ee Ihp truth o r l'tnlecO.,t : an
•• . Lulhu'H'I-tl1Ilt a pren ch f!r mAY be "ent
to Apa cl e . Okl" . w h f're are a few ".!ntll
Mr ll Moll le M luw!"ll n . 2,_Perrln, TexAII.
_Baglnaw. MiC'h ror sAne Pent .. co!!t.-N.
Janel VI ('!o rIA . Te'l:!lII,-SI-ter \V .r.
C ' f or Itrftre to "IAnel true, -S, P E . tor
.-\ildan ell,-OOd 10 lIanct ty me wholly . a
rep::~·.e "ray for the IftlV1ltlon of_ The
eh\ldren nt Rr n lher And ~I!lttr T . -!\-ly .. 1" ler lind tum ' h ' In Ru"",'ll 11m. 80 yt'ar ohl
al "ler 68 l,e1i r nld hr(llh"r, ron yl'Hr nld
R j) - My hll lll 'lI l1l\ And :\ chl l,lrpn.
Mrs , M. -a Willi II lui twn II omen - A n H~n
" 'ho "hll " e" hi .. w fp hpl':II'''P .. he I" t:' If" on wll h r. ..ul
11,. I .. A RomAn C'alholll'.
hu..-hAmJ II. ."'mnn -f'n .. •· .. !<!< .. rl "on Ilnd
2 01 ' liT !Onn". ~nll t "1I 1 n 1I111p ~drl mil\' be
r ptiliptl wit h n 'e Rf'lrlt.-Hn\' o ( M 11 - l\1 \' 11II"I>I'nrl nlHI 1-1 .. I'elll rn 10 me: 1 11m
eonn to hc II mfltt ('r /lnrl \\,(111111 111<:(' 10
hAve him hnl'k ,,' Ih " Ilm,. - I.n,'e t! nne'4
ot K R. - ~I\" n l"re 1I1't! h" r ht\"hantl-T'!.~
8al\"Rll on n( a wh n lp (Rmlh': ! n l "pr ,Ir l rl\; •
mnti' .. r In!'l'np :II 11m ..... !m lr C'hlld ren. el "el'l a hOI' n, II ,,-1>0 hA" In cook ftnd CAre
ror th ... ;'I"t _ I"l :-: lln,' ",I f e,
Pra7 for t'll I1aptlrm tor - :\fr". M , " Mr .. R ' t " o "''''I~ tn " p" k for l' erll" lf,-;"lv
"'1I ~hant1·. n . :\1
\lrl" IT n, and t"fll !\~e
mllV 10, mor e fr (I', r ll l - ,11t' y C.-Mv hll "-o~ Mr " n _ :\lr .. .1 , n w nr"lh"r o!
M l-l II n(l h i .. wit ... : h Olh IHe "l!'fOkln~.­
Some ' one In Rrn .. k t nn. MII"-. and a",""~­
."re ,.,,,1 .-tl't<.rv, thAI Jell!!" m l'Y haHe
rl.-tll "r WAV In my lIfe,-Mrll. N . J .
.... '
,. for
• • IIt'DI' of-8l,.ter n.-SI"-
- >lr.
I .. r P _II. "nrfO A"I.:I ... ~Irll '1.-~ n , - A
G ... "r 01" II'r-","moll, ... r. In_" nf ,nwer lImh".
_'-'\'_f'lt. ~'r- . :'11 \V .. (I( Inle"llnfll lr,nl1hle
ot -~ ,· ..,., r- "lnn.III1~ : \Ir!!. ~ :'II.-:--l nf
,"en-I'AI Irn"h1,. "t ; " .. Ir~ IOIAno1lne : ~Irl'l,
N n n .. "rlth"r r>flr:lh I' ". hn,. not h,.pn
hlp i'o ..·,,'k or .. " ........ r ""ntl" fnr !'; ve"rll
~"". " I_t .. r' : m" ",""1. Mr,.. F. H , il'reftt
.u"erer from neurltlll and r heumatIs m ,
1J'tTlf][ER, MO - We hAVe Ju"t clo!'led a
lI"rl"lI of mee t ln 'l'lI ftl Runkt'r. Mo. Won.
u n Iy
nrev" lied
t he
There were 10 l'tll v~d and 4 received the nlll'ltlllm accnrt!lng t n the flll\I"rn (A('t"l %:4)
\V e !nok a ~lI",, 'onllry
otl'l'rln'l' to r Ar n t h er 1..11. ... ""hl1 ... t he re . We
al !Oo mlllfle lin ftl'Tlelll tn~ the F.vaneeJ and
,Il:ot !4 IOubscrlben. For all which we prahle
the I .orlt,
Runrlay, S,.nt. %4. lI' e WfOnl 10 8pe Fork
tOr Iln All dny'" me,.llng ani! hATltl " mal
IOervif'e ' n the afternoon, where In were
baptized In 'fI""ter ac{'orllinar to Mil It. 2'1:
Sunda1 night, the 11'1-'"
"l'rv1cp. the
blelO"ln'l' nt the Lord r e"tei! nn t he I"ervlce
In II. remarkahle -wa),-I'Iome 25 or 30 eh'lnK
their hand tor prayer. We are AI Ellington al nr .... pnl mAking prt'pArRt on~ to
build II tah ... rn"l'le f o r our meetln'l' h ere
Ihll'l FAll . We "e"l r l" the flrftyen ot G od ' s
people.-S. K. 81 " le ani! -wIfe.
SEDALIA, MO - PrA I,,(' Ihe Lord f n r the
hle""ed re\l,'al He hal'l J!:"1\"en In thl" new
tl ... hl.
rt hAlO hpen thr"e ....... f'kl" nr !tr@nt
hl """ln~ 10 mllny h""rl._
n ~prlAl!n , !\-Io.
Tht' fttlen,lan('e I\nrl In lere:OT Int'reAII!",I to
t h(' II'-t
.\1 l Imp .. I he Il>n l wO llli! he filled
Rnd ovprnol\' lne: thirty mln"'e" h"forp l!Tnl'
( n r the ..... rvl ,'e If) ",.~ln
II"tlflrprl .. wnuld
"flllltl pftt1enl1y on Ihp nut"hl(' throu~ h the
enllr,. l'tPfvlr('.
E\'nn~el ' I
,\. R
FllsI\'nr t 'l ' !" lr'e __ A/il'f'I" hrnul!' hl IirTe!tt <, onl·trllon
to the peorle
til" mPl't .. 1H:e:o on Ih ,. RllpIll'lm In n'e H nly S..,lrlt w(>re ver" {'nn,·lnc.
5nmp re"plv,1I And o l h er .. ar e now
J!;,.,klnJ!:" t h l l" e'(fl"rlenf't:'
Aho ll l ; 1 w ere
"A,' ei! nnd "rorpl" wer, h .. "II'I!
Rnml' nf Ihe
h"A] n/il'l'I "er... a" tnllow,.. -lolftn afflicTed
wIth ft rnllrlne In ","(1 for !~ yf'ftrll. In_
IJtAnt]y heAI,.o1
,,'oml'ln .. utl'erl ne: with
1'tlnma C'h trnuhle tnr I! ypar~ and had h"ell
treRI"l'! toy mAny I1hy'<I('llIn8. h,.aled In"l11nt_
Mlln IIml"' .. .., wll h rUIlTlIr, ano1 rheuma_
,I"m ror :I \'ear". eomTllplely h ••",po1 ""h11e
"'oman IImlrll"rI with
hf. · I'ra,," d for ,
femlll!! tro"hl ... tnr 20 ~· ..... rs . h",RI ..d In-"lIInlIy. "'fO lI'''nt tn th .. homll nf • '· ... lIn .. man
who hlld"o ! th .. heArl II~lt hAd not
up In h,.d tor ahn"l !I monlh,.; IIflfOr
rr""fOr "e IIat III' Ant! "hen Wt lefT him h.
" '''!' -Ut!n/il' In a rOf'k t ('hAir,r we
'"'nrnf'tl h,. hnll .. one tn Ihe dlnlnlf room
tor !tupper th,. 1'tllnlP f'\pnlnJ{' . Thf' folln ...'_
In« Sunday he wa • .,· lth U8 In lbe aerv-
28, L022.
n') le"llfl I
w I
lib t.Jt 1
I mot r '" Il' ""th
!I \p,1 t:"ll .. e
(n.' ",)m '1 ,·ttll't,'d
w,th flltln
'n .I'r he
l-" •• r .. •... IS
le,:.·,j IUl!
(Jlh r
l,ll ... 1 ~)f
(] 3fll
. tum .r. bro
n I
a)'1 e' db !lis n I
,-.~ 'II el
fl '1IIlI'B ,. e
peorl· ."..
v n
\\'e n.''\; r
IW!t ',n
'h a r h o
T e rr. I
h.' I t,y
Ill, ~
nl t,
,I (
)r ,( tl .. 1
f 1'101 n lIP Ill". t.
\'1;' a'6 r '11 " "tal ,1"11 , wi I roeh. r. t, f H
I , Y r"r till" \\ nrk
II "'01
I '\;
tnr .'ILlr'nn,
R Elm
P r r
t 'W 'vefOk!'l a ro
WfO "I" !. I ,I :! mn t ' II"lt c H""ah~n
fl.:" r·' III,lkel1l'y 'If Mad dir,. X Y. orr,"'(-<I
hi" !I':,I and
1 ' , " I'
hi" l'r"1 'er .\ A.
PI,tk.'n.'y ot In.1IA w"re \1 II
II,· Ih" fl"st
w k~
·",'{e t 'rroll •. h Ih .. tn I' e
IIna,I'II·erAI.,-j \\·"rd. lin,! m:lOY \\' ·rt. hlp~!'I_
lId ~nrn· lI1an-t'IOIJ" 1':'>tf'1I II' h,·.'\lin~ \\"'r(' I,,·rf',rn, .. <l in I~'e
nol~hly name nf '/" III'.
One IIt;>nr wllmnll
\\':, ... harll:ZNI In Ih" !loly ::illi r I while
w/lllhlnJ;:: lIi"he~ al !lome
.\. J
J l'nl(ln'< fllJluwe,1 tile
RIllkt'r)"Y Hro ... nno1 t'(> rf'vl\'nl C'onlln uell,
Brn \\'m, F"nllx of North Rf'rlten, :-:: Y.
""lth II .. the la"t fpw day .. or the
cAmpnl:o:n. nnrl n .... I!'; tp d li S In or~anl;r.lng,
aliI] a l!';o IIrl'a('h(-'., !';nme d.~"p me"".'l.:es.
Th .. fru tno.::e nt 11,1" ('n mr1(ll~n I ... IHII ull
vb.lhle, hut we "ee n"rmHnf>Tl1 r el'lll lt "
.\ _
hOllt a ypnr a ~o thpr!' wer,. only ~ Ihat
etartf'd I b is w or k. :-:ow there I" [Ill a" .. rtl~t' alt,>nrt an r" ot :l5 to 10,
PTIl~''' r h ftS
a ("('omp l IRI'<,d mo .. t o t This
J<:verv ,'av ' At
3 P. M , l'Ie All enll ('av or to un ltp In prn ye r
In ollr varlouR ho mes
T he Lord tHO" onahlNI us to huy a large lot on M ainS!.
clo"e 10 Ih t' city p r Or)f'r. \\' 1.' h ave e r("'If>(t
a temp n rary lahprnfl{'Ie seating ah OIlI ' H,o,
and mO"1 of t he pxpen"es h ave- been 11'\0'1 •
The rev lvR I IR s t 11 In flro~resa, fI ll rl we
expe(' t It 10 continue till J cs us com~s.Pete r Jepsen. P os lor.
'1'ACOMA, WASK.-Evangellst A, H . II.r_
e-ne Itnd his "on Watllon. accompanlpfl hy
)-lrll. Argue nt \\'Inneppg, Cannda. hav e J Ullt
clo"ed an 8 day me etlng wllh ' II ".
prese nce and power of Gol1 '1'1'11 .. manlf{',"'lNI
In a very !>pec lal way. II. greater numher of
oUlslde pen pie cnmp t h an cnm p In all)' prev ' ous meet i ng we h ave he ld In thl ... 11,,11
Int{'re s t
man! 'o>' le(t
t hroughou t the w {'ek.
T he ,,!tor !>ervl\'Pfl
In {'reR!\ed In p owe r to t he last one, whi c h
""as the best ot all ant! fo und many :"pekIng God; and the)' were n nl d lll:t!lpoit,le(1,
Many " I(' k w p re prayed tnr l'tnd " evf'ral
le!"t1tlf'd afterward to (letln!te heal ln).';. IIIHI
8 l>le~!<ed m e lt n ,lt spirit CAm p on thp I'n o_
gregAllon a .. \\' ell liS o n thnlle who w.' re e !:l_
peclAlIy prny«d for , Qultp a nllmh et rf!cf'II' ed ti'e Bnpll,.m In tl' e H Oly ~fl lt' lt: l'tln_
ners w ere " a ved and salnls "'ere pnrol!n ,~.
ed und mflt!e to re .l nll'e,
Tt WA" II hle .... ed
an t! fruitf ul sPllson and w{> a ll wnilifl I'ave
dp"lrp,1 a 10nJ.:f'r !'Iay trom I he h rf'l hrt' li.
Brol he r Ar1!"(' h1l " ft hlp"sed mlnl~tr\' In
t he <;YOtti nnd {'llTr ll>" wit h h im 11 ,,· r l'A '
!{rftn C'e o f Ih p ~fl l rll n! Gmt and thp hl,· .. ,._
Ing n f It nhl<lel'l
.'Ilrll. A r~ 1!t' W it" Il hl,'",,_
Ing anll In"! ti rallon 10 ('\'e ry n lle \\hn lIIf't
he r
"'e w .... rp t han kt' l l 'nr I'tor rm n II!.!,
Bro t hl>r \\';It'<on 1" p"I' N 'IA lly .o::: trl "'rl In l h e
w orll an d has \\' n nd l' rtlll talenl In t hp m"slc
nnfl ,,In,l:'lng-. w hl('h prove" a .. tro n " fe;""re
III rea (,lll nlt un"avf'd peop le,
,,'t' pr;oy
Gf)fl's blf's~lng on Ihem as t hey gO.-Pastor
Frank Gray,
wanl to I'Irallle nn<l rOT Ih .. ",nnrtprtul
way H@ heft I... .., me durlnlt Ihp re\'lvfll " .. rv.
kea condllt'tel'! hprp by Rro. and Sl ...... r
W. L Sn .. 11 and SI"ler OlIve.
Thad lo.t
Ih@ UII. of my rll:"hl IJrm for ahRul :t
mnnlhll lI'lIh rhf'umnU"m ,
My hand had
iH't'om@ twl ll lfOd "'0 t ('fll1ld n"t rirelOIO my_
... If
t eArn .. to the nrIOt hl'Alln>l" "f'T\' 11'1I
and f'Vpn he rorl!' 1 was Anolnle<1 >lnrt I'tl\Vf'd rOr the rOl\,,.r 0' Ontl t.'11 "n.l J .... ".
h •• I .. o1 mf!. anlt , Am ",Tn l h .. a)~.1
II"" my Ifrm "nd hanri ~. Wf'1I A" I ."er did.
I'rllll"e O"'d tor It all.-J. F. Martin, Peneocola, Fla.
28, 1922.
t .. "
J,..,:.: ... r
P. ,\
E It
1- (
"J 'I
oJ" I'n h':
or ,I
e \\.
n ..::
, "f e. l
,,,,·t ""d,Hl
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J ~f I' I'k " .. ,\. w'f,' I.ttt .. rla •.
A I' I,,,~t ,~. \\' f,', I-:~.'II
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an "I)
"J ill"
Bkl"r.l~on ,.... ,.." \,\,ud... rs,
2" nt)
I! tllie
Ir" I~ Shnk"., !'01 .. rr .• 1'''''nE'
1.1 ,,'I
oJ \\'l1hllr T ,.,·:or f"r ...;".1 .."
31 .. 11'1
11,111. In TrA'" I'r Orc,hanu"", P.1I:\'r>t
:lit nn
t)lr" .\ I'; Til Tt'('.1 ,.;. f.,mll ... Tr.,n,,_
"Mil , :::'"., rl'l """1' I,',.
, ""I
"'I 'rr.\' )1, \\'rl::-"I ,(. wife. SUdan
• Plonf'l'r w"rl, ("'>!II'n
· Pare o f )f(l~~ ml .... I"n:'ry ....•.
J:!r, I
" " , ..
. , '·.·111.
\If'''l.'r /(.
" " , .. ,,,
tAm Iy
;\I"r ~ '''"
· I!"!d,,h "':('i',lhnm \1",,,1'
Mr .. :-:",",, ,. :-:"'hnl ..
.. r M .
n ...", ..
. ..... .
t\· r, P iI'ml"l' /{. r.rnlly .... .
· ;."rlla I I R"~'no'{I" ... , .... .
F'rank 0
..... ,', ...
"'. ". ~lmT'l.nn .'(, :oon , .... . _ ..
r. .. o r "'1,""1' ,~. ""r ...... ... .
J R ~fI"n"" & fllmlh' .. , ....••
lII l1rl .. ~',·"h"n\' I(: w" rker • .. , .•
FIlI" I \: "',,I,h
, ... .
" . n . " ' llll nm"on f nr ('hl na .. .
lIl "" ('1:Ir" JA"(""''' ,,'vn" ..• ,.
It o n" 7.1 .. ,. ..
Pall l .,\ n""r('l'1 ... n
- \ Im,'r" \ ." "'n
. Oll.·· .. ,I .."n
' .... 'n
flllrrl..)1 .'t. f" t,,:ly
rh:u',nlln ..
. ...
r"A',,,,,,n·. 'lV nrkE' r5
!-l,.,."n II r , ~~I .. r
". II .', " "r.1 ,~, f "ml'" ..
t ltn), .. r l F' r'o" k A: t ,. mll .... fll:lrl5
l:ln I
t It·r l ..·r t If ("fl1( & f" no: II'
., .
-I-f(,rhert It , COlC bull,!ln..: tund
· ,1
P',I~' r
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· rr,rrle Anll,.r..,nll
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tL M. ,\n..,tln fnr Orphlln,,>!"..
0' •. M
,'nR l ln 4 ""me E'IUlllment)
tntnn ... hE' R
\pplehy ..... ,', ...
t:\I _I'rt l e B""e}"
... " ..•...
· FrNI nnll;'" ,~ fumlh' , ..... ,.
'IIl"ld rlltrlh ,(, fllllllly ....• , •.
Pf'rf'Y Rrl"IOw 1(. famll ... ", .••
f A,ln R. HII"hwf,lI" r
,.: , .. ,',.
JI.lfl·E'.'· rh('fl"w"lh & tnmfly ..
l\.Ir ..
Rnth n (~onk
tl .IH .... '1 n. C'r"l!.me r ( ·1 :10 nll1lv.
. " ." ..... , ........ ,
F.mmn Po. Pilah ,., . " ...•.. " ..
E . :-" !""'tu\'llI & II'lfe .... ,', ... " .
· ,\I ... E' Jo-: E\,Iln .. & ..... ork ....... .
Clinlnn F:. F'lnf'h ((: wire .•..•..•
P.1I1l !-"n ... h .• ,., ••••.••••• • •• ,.
R ,lnn F· rnn('I ....." ... , .... , ...• , .•
of:I'lIt-('r )1 H'II1"Oon
til Po IIlIn l'll'n I{. "'lfE' I S :!~ worlr)
Oil . P. " " n "l'n f"r Ahrlll1am F'l'ng
t1'/,0"', 11 I milE' & family ... " ...
R S .Jam l.. ",nn & wlf.·
tGl'o. ~I . 1<E'liey .'1.: fllmlly 1,:5
wnrll: I .
. ...• ,. " , .....
·,,,;;,,111'.1', flE'11i \I'nrk .,'
·Fl) r r"lIl' t "f ""('.Iy ml"'JI onlt r!..8
In "nll t h ("hlnH . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
· " "IIi'\" rOlr ""It,'e wnrkE'r ..
(;1'>1('" I''''''nlne: " ' .
t)'''Tfln !..:I'llm",(, S.. Wlf..
. ..
I,' 1!>,rln"ll , f I " I .. r f\' r "mll'y ..
f"","(' 1,,·,lh"'t,'r ,\' \\·"rk
" I "1·:"1,, r ......
O\\' II1H 11 I.n"tht'r'" w"rk 1F.'flng.. 1t~ 1
l 0
"''''!l·'h ,I.,
''''~\" II
°1 1,1'1 .1·.1111>
JloIl\(, '""I< .. r
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~ ;,
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111: 7
1 7'1
:t !> 11ft
1 "II 11.1
!l0 0"1
2f1 ft.00
K •
., ..
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f"r ", r:' .. n
1-:11.1"1,1 ,n :..;,,( \,
"J., ,. I; I·
""lI I~
( • II
"FIr ro! r (If .,,,,,,h' rr.
III I, d
11 II "1'
.\' .. Ita )ol 'O,H m
~u·,r .\
1 ""
.. I .. P
.k.,r .\ f'IT,,!I,'
:' ,.n
T "'" •. ,. ,\ 'lte
!'., OJ
,,' .. 1'\
(" "
""Cl rlE'
° J •• ),n
I '"r"l
t·" ..
J',,·r ...
n .1,; f.lm:ly
.1"""11'11 rl'· ... "",I.
\\' J""H',· .... n ,I,; f1m'l"
\'" JII rll:.'II'.'n" n,.t'~
o"" f'
fllr rf'tllrn
~Ionr .. · .. ""Irk
-:, .-.ft
to, nn
~'I f ..l
(,Ire !!',., n ....
.•, fIn
;\1;11\ T.III"r
°J" , .. I .. \\ .... " , ...
1 til nft
tT"mmy F
II (' nnll fnr "o,l.; .. r .. In :\1"'1(1('0
tForE'''' n Ibrker ,Ii; fAmily, I','rll •
r:"fl P. nll',,".. ' .. 1J It" \\ If ... )1 .. 'O(1~·0 .•
FI ;/;"h .. t" nrn"n
'I.'ru,,"I •• oo
fl 'ltll l Crlll(ln A fumll),. I'erll
,\ "1,,"10
I ' .. III rr/!,
F"rmln F."'·flTl·I.'JfIl. J r & wlff',
) 1,.,1,·1'1
FI'!",k F'!okcnhlnrler k
f amily,
P"no Rkn .. .....
"I"r""k FII"'hf'r ((.: fll m II ... , IIAW.I'1.1
·FIl I" L. GrlE'"t & family , '''"E'I;'
" .. I" .,
... , ....... , ..... .
1' .. ",1 lI(,w'lt. IIl1wnll UO work)
· ~'r" I"lorli 'I nlCltn, Pl'rtl
1I1r ... I.. enn SmIth 11 "\,\,e f or Porlo
.. , ...
.t n "nrlhll r! ~ wit ... I'l'rll .. ,.,
•1 1(. JlIm'e,o:un {I,:, w"rker". 'V, In,I
'·"r .
41'1 00
io 00
U, flO
7\ nft
11 1/1<)
;!'. II ....
An no
l!o n
t .. n n ....
'''I no
:\'1 IOn
~<I ~o
~ "'"
.... I'lft
,,'nrl'''r'' nn h .. "I" r
I.!I"''' ("'lIl1r
I'r P ln r "n,. .. '11''''''11 rA11t '"
IFrn""'''''fl (l'n",t>", .0(' fro ..... II"
III n lT.· r 'n .... ""·Il."n·II"fi r n r ml-:Olnu"rl .... whn .. r.. nn, mE'mt>"r" n f
" ..' (',,,,n"ll hA"" h .... n I,Il'1,·... 1 In
n •• ~ r .. "fi ........ ' II.. ,~II" , I .. .., II. "" .. , .. _
T ........
:\n no
l" nO
n"''''',-,,,,,, "'''r'' r.•r
I"" (fl l 'o .... " .. · ': .. r,'" , .' ... I"h .. nn
Jln · I'II"'.f '_nh, '" '1 .. rllr'" It.,tI _
I,· r"r .I .... n \ " hr , HI'r. F"
" . . . . . ,.,
"' .. ., .. It
"" :
" 'II" ... Rr·.nn flO ' rnn .. 'l'1n.... <:II.,rr"" I~I" , . . . ~,n 1""1", .. "'r"~ .. '· ,"n:
~' r"
F' "'·I,.,...,n ,- ~
\ .h q" , .
I,,, ,'0:
t: -.
WANTEJ) ,_ Tn ff'nt n fnrm 'nr n .. '1I:!
\lu-1 h" n"lIr A Pftn1"",0"1,,1 \1I", ... lnn
or ~no"" ... hllr ... h
("1I'Mn ("""nt ... ~JkIHIt()m!\,
8 I'r ... ff'rr,.fi or nrArhv ... nllnlle'"
Mra, El_
len CamphE'll, I .nwlnn, Ok la,. Ht. A
M . Klln""'n II ... oll\""'TlE'tl .1 .. 1'V. ant'! hi .
.-Ire, " ... on'· ... n .. " C'l'1I"nH C'. "1'11111' I n. l'_
, .. r Mn
nTly rln",.,1 l'1 1l00,1 m .... t1njf
ot'I1'" F:101,,r f" L
nn"IE' In n UU r
S" ..('ln l mlnt-HrV In n:"oulldlnlt the Word •
OOOD llEPOllT 1"ll01l' fJao. II, .. 1100 • ••
~ .. r'·I(' .. ", .. tllrl""
h .. r. In :\1nn1r"lI1. QUe.
f;l " f'1 10: lind rr l'lm 11'1 .. "r .. t " .. rvl"'e. "nl/l.
.... re ""'''e'' ,.nd hllf'tl., ..., In thf' Hnlv "''''r't.
III'''' "om • ..... 1'(' hE'll I ... ' nf I helr 10"rmltleL
Prl'1I .f' (lUr I.or"
The DOWf'r t .. 11 ~und. 7'
a'l "1)"'_l'1 , ... r ... hIYh .Iny In 7.lon; on. w. a
"",,· .. d h .. f nre tl ' e mornlnjl(', l'1n" Ch .. r .... ~r .
fln"II"m:o In th,. ~I'lrlt nil "IIv. "nli
Thf' flo ..... r ",,,1 ... 0 I'I~'''''I Ih~' t' ••
f'nnJl:tt>II'.lflfln .'notl nn,' I'Il'1nl( In th .. ~,.Irlt
lit ."lnp lE'nll:th
.-\I'd Ih,." Ih .. '111"~ .. ""II
-f"e I"nll' rr:l"('r r""m wn. "'11'.1 I" Iia
,·",,',I'lt)· " f :'Iln (lr mor"', 111101 11'1 .. JlOIlII" \loA"
IlkI' 11,(, ~""I1,1 •• f ",'In_v w;.I .. rll
An" the
1",,,1 I .. 1101 "ft'
fnr ",(' ~plrlt I.. "' "'inS'
'" nn 11,. I "<lidf'. II"" III""~' "r ... \\"\kl;,.: 110,
''''''''f' l'om l ne! 1'1111 nr ,,,,, "n .. ,,· 1~~,,~" fif'_
I""."n ( ..... ~ Cnr 11111.',1. ,1,,"E'llflll "'''rkpr ... 1".1 10, "';,",'n' .. ~1I1,tI .. pn" .. r
B"t!1 a
Ihe l".tfl.·~" whn lire r .... I"," .. IIo· ... f"r ch!1
Tlw 1"'''1''l' ""I'm",' ",,'.-,1 Hn,1 .!It
"E'n \\ It" lin rll."I"r nr ,·hurf. 1.11\,' , I: chl'1l1l1:.
.·l Ih,-Ir ,·o!lr!'f'. It.ln ...... 11'.,,, '»), " f ,ll ~n
:OHl r "" f.I'HI.. I ~I).
n"".r r nlln", th E' ~t"r
of HE'1hl .. l .. m nn,l I!I .. 1.. ~ .. h ·III:, AIIO n If)
hf'f'd III" lIe n 'nn 1 John (~ Johr 1 ,3. t-'!).
Y" "" IO"" ,~ n f I hf' fi"l'1r 1Iln ....... 111 " .Inla
to' l 'l colne filiI: .1"'0 11111 .. n ... 10'" I • .,., w ll!
("0",. fI"l o f th .. " "~". I.rl'tl"t' '~hllrf"h d .. ",. '
11'1 .. Jf's .. h .. 1 AllIul1 ... e 4n E'\' 1'1 : 1.1
) nllr .... "e .. frum Ihf' w"rl.., lin" II", .. I" .n,. ...
4t ("nr. 1t. 11 . 1.)
~'''I .. r
\V "nl: 'f!'~
. · rltf"
Ihl'11 . h .. I" ho l" 'n~ II,. , ' r' !n • ""'1:1 n, lloat
n ..... on.:" !I'" ... ",' ..,1 "n,' 'llE'.. t lnll:(J fire 11:0(' 11 ,
Hro.h"'r ~·' .. nn n'lr ""An , .. ,1"1. "" ,. " t ',at
III' "',1 ',l"n
"/I"e,1 ..... ,1 1o"l'1 ... ,1 In ·h .
("'''lnl~7 w ho 'Hul hf'''n .. I,.k r Ot ""ven '·eAr .. •
I'll t J e.'·11 mllol .. him ... ,,41
Trll .'l'1a: "'1,.4
r ',n.:" r ... r a hp". 1 '::'1' "-II In J"j'lan.
,.",1 r "r rnrl:'~ E'IC,
"""r" In til .. r."hl I.
_" n ,_ fI ~ ~Inor ... :\1 """ ".lr\· .,va" •• U",1.,
:1148 D t:l8 nl ce AI· • .• ChI '~IIIt.'o. 111.
r..",.:. ..
tl1 '!
Inhn n
I"m,. ... t, :
f ' ,. 1{ .. " .... ,I .· '-, llI:n r
\\. t .n nl!'_
." Ir, I'"
, .. ,
<t,.,n"",.r ..
. 'n:
It \ <:,. .. " .. , .. I..... , ::n F:",m" " . ' 't.
\, ' , "·""!"r. ,In ' I h .. Ir l l'1 1
l'1m n"nlln!! 10
, 11,1 che ... k •. "nymE'nt r"f ll" .. d
Tl a n· .. . ·
Flor~"~':._ _ _ _ _ __
n,.,. ..
Jfl O_O ~
1 1 ',II
I'" ''''rl
TI' .. "I<-nl1
HI I" Hnl("r R- r ,1mll\' TI''O('''' .,
til ,. Pn ll ,'(, ",'r" 1','''n ..
I.;, I II"; \I'n,",nll"," ,Spnnl .. h O"WII" ",.,.
PR.EACHER. WANTED ·A f('w ~lllnt8,
IIn,1 n widE' rI .. 1<I
Wrltt: -'lr'l. J. :\1 ROJ(erL
- "',,,"1:.1 n ... ,,,rn 1",,-.... Jo~lIn"
. ,' ~"h'n "'1,11"n
I'., ... "'''n,1
° 11,,,, .. \I " .. 'I>wln· F' ,,,,I
°('" 1,, ..,,1 , .. ,n I .. Fr I" .. ~nlll"
911 no
6" 110
Wfl l'1r.
nl "' .. ar"
'r"ln. In
'\" \ .Im I 11 hr m .... (ll'Io(.
, .. ~ .. 1n II I .. "II"
"-.. ••...1 ' I"1r' IIInoJ " k
,"1'1'1'" "f It., I~n ,n 11 "'"rl< .. rll :n Ih(' n,"lht>r" p •• n "f t..
,nn'" I"
t .. ·lr·
/'r.,,· 'hll' _f' ,"~,. h'I'" h.·It. R.
F: II".",", :'1; ;\1.11n \,t!
T"'Il"t H!"er
'1'11 .. 1, .... Okl/\ _.\ r ... w h:'lI'11,.;"tI .lI.ln'"
""",lin, 1' .. '1:""
Mrl'1, '"
Rn"l. J) f\n1( :\3
3 I :,0
50 I'Ift
" .. I. I.nfoCn (I,:, f omll v, I'nrto RI ... n
II -: :\f,.Hrl"t> ,\. rl'1mlll', Ar(ol .. ntln "
· "urnn ... "
\I,, !''' k ~I'rlll
I" A'" C'
on('" ... ,\Iw<kn
· P"TTn IU ... o HI'''I Ho m", f nr ("'ow
11'"rl" UI"';.n wnrlc ,(. "'''rl<('r" .•
""rtn R I",l n " .... , II nm..
· MI .... " .. ~1',lnen .. ~ Pl'rnl'er10n,
( .,r" h"mp
/0..' ,·1", r
"'nr....... l'n. Are"T'lllne ..•
'-"h'p ("' \\'n"'1 'r"'''''IIO''
· "h 1'·Al!1'I \I 1.... "'nAn' H"~ I Ilnm ..
o ~I"'rn.-. (""I"Rlln /I1'''. I!ln"ry He .. t
, .. fll'\
lun .Ift
70~ .U
poa .OMZ &lID
.rOa,EIO. JaaIJIO • ••
hom Oetobu 24 to O ot.Ob.r 13Ua t.D.cluat ....
(Thl. tit..
'Ihl In •• '1111 ,,IT''r lll
tor toll:'
p.en .. ··" "r I' ".
11,21:.48 III
All 1111\
Ph 1... 11,11' II., I'
4:t , til>
• n.l)
1,,1r<.lt M kh
. '. OtJ Itt'11 J ,',ur< h )'1"1 no (".... lIt
1'011110 . .\lr
/Ii ,: \\. hn,,~ ... JI", . T(:f'ln
It I' I'It"n,,\JII. "
2;111 II, I:lu
nd ,\11 .. mhh
('111('''1:11. III
,1;,,:11 (101 p I -rdu 111<1' j " f',' PINtO. ~I
116 Or (i."
A II 1111,11
I' 11\'lelphla.
\II (mt,l.
!~I'uO '
I. .,\
N ,
10 3 ItU A
116 U. I
S14 ~Il
1\ " /'.Rq". Pit
I;,u I'lhlll • • \rk
;.. '''ol!.bh,
A (rut,!
\\ nrr,'lL Ohio
j',OIlrt &. 0'-'1111" l'rnbl", dr. !i
i>nll "H. "
116110 If' ""
"h" toul 11111. I'll
&4 ,, 0 . .\ .\ 1:. ' oul(l kN'I' I.·~ :-. . Y
1000 J 11
J .... kfl. 11'1111,1110(1"". X y. A
L., JAIl! IIltOM, l 'uUt. IIl'lhl:l G""flcl A.
l' w \ <or!. f'lt)
1\" lliioly. (lrllnlte ('It), III
fl. In" I '\11 alill 1;'1, H
1'. .J
II \1
Pa A M
P(!flt' olltal 'rent M('l:"tlnA". I.e. Bello.
H"'ml" ,
I.llke' 41 at
'4 11 1)0
1"',11 f'!lIIrr, .\lIhury Park, N
I loy.
40: Phl,.,.>oh wor""r"
" .. lit
UI,oO: A 100; '·II1IlI),.
1-1 II, (Min III. ; T!'lIl M l"elinK Mer.
rl,.ntvll: .... N J A W ,.'., Fredon"
Sl> (10 A"",,mbly. OIt'ndlll". Call t
I' r.,lrle
P rayer l .eague. T ur
il')('k, ('"lit.
Hi AIl!lrmb ly. (IniOn City. Tnd
a Roulhern {'ullt, Dib le! School. 1.0...
Call t .
I' 00: 11nlly M III" lon. nosto n . M all.,.
70 : AlU1enll, Iy , C r eAl S p rlnKlI, I II
' 0.00: AII'lrmb ly, , 'wo H nrbo r ll, M ' na . ;
ne t hel roof/l lel A IHer n bly, O" k la nd . CaUf.;
)'''''tllllhh', Akro n . Oh io, Mr ll. A. R .. U o·
1011! M IIIII : Alllle m b ly, 1'u lMli O k lo ,
,It.O... : C. I.. I..... Ran Ol e,lt(l, t n llt.
02 800: A""Mnhl y, H t~klOn ('a lit.: )fr. "M u, n. ), JI, Hlllln g ll, Oki ll..
27 2fi: WI,. K , N . J Ackllon Ohio,
!!ISO : Al!lIomhl y. W e llb y. Mo nt.
2~ 00: rrll il
" &Re m!)ly ot OOd.
RIO\j I( ('It)'. ( O W l\.; AIU'IIHl'lbl y, Drownlfur.
'11i' lot r!! (' L , ' . n em ld JI. M' nn.
nit · A Fllf'n<l F ranktort, Tnd ;
A ''''Iemhl y.
8 1)rl nltf leld.
F lr" l P M'"I A8"e mbl y of O od . Endleott,
N. y , "
J .. ("h " "terhtl l Ohio : M . a .•
nOlil t on 1\1 ""41. {I rr . Phlhu.'l f' lphla, Pa. ;
n, P . A J w. n " Ml.' r dln n . MI 8~.: 8 , 8 .•
Rcran t on. Pn: 0 1'1" Tu rl oc k, Callt.
24. 40: !oj R. 1.01'1" 0 1'1 . A rk.
23 7fi, F. W. R
E"c r llloll , \V8-1111.
U 1i0: mk Ht. A!IIBem bl y. E ure ka Sprloltll.
M k
U.fIO, H r. R Or"nl"f' N J ,
n,oo W ,.' 1. .• (l r enorfl., N. l)Q k .
2 1.flfi: 1\ ",,(\m li ly. Ma h '(' r n. Ark
20.114. AA.-I'm. hl ~ , \\' o()ll rh·('r. "I,
2000: J JJ ~ ff R , J a,,() n v llie. Tnd : A&""m illy, OMt t ton. \V
VA.: AII"'emhl,..
).f In ,."
N. f) "k; 01,,1'1 TIl'l ln a-" A "'emhlv,
Ofl khnt'l ('Illlt.: AIlPem h l v, O r o ville, f"al.;
A Illlf' mhl y P lIw h ll fO k l'l Okla,: L. 0 .. H"K'
N "I I'l""n , ~t" : AII"" mi.I, , L lv*, Ollk CaUt.
H1 ,:?ri: "'rll J. W . (", O \lnl'lmnlr, Callt.
('h ... tO I' A. kiln".
l PHi '
1900 :. F ' III (lo":p('1 MI " "lon. r.fllrkllbur~, Ia
18.r.0 : Y o un g Pf\(ll" fI . Orlln ' t e ('lty, UL
111.00 ' AIII"f'm hl v. Tanlll"('1 o'l l'a . Mo.
17 .114 ; R. ~ . YllklTl'lI , " ' ",. h .
1 7 M : (' f~. 1 . f'tlrut~"r"v · lIf'. Mn,: As ..
IJl> mhl~'. P r o'll ""'llnn , NY. : Young Peo·
rl e. Or er,. Ml.dl !'l on . rll .
Il A fin · 1<'"n"'I'I" ("lty . KRn ll.; W . 8 . B ~
MnHtH V4!'l'nnn N , V
111'> 1111: .\!II"f'mhh'. ~flrITl lr(lfI\d , Mo.
(1 1\
A ~ __ F'f\y;r I... I'. ("tl ln
., ~ II ' : .4" ...... mbl~. J ... nn ," 1.11'11'1 Arl!:.
Jl l l r,; '''11 .. 101'1 fit 1~r) n "H" "lm . ("'alit.
• , ~ nn, n I .. C;:rln \ntl'lnln 1'1'-':"'.: A ... ~m­
hly. AIf'1(IInl'l r ll\ Mi nn.: .\.,.rmhl~ "" R R.,
.4 .. hurn. :"-!'hr' J G " ' .. T~ rre Haute.
1 n".
fin rr'I'''''· Arrflde N. Y
1! nn. c;: q. WOI'Hl oclon. Ktln'l.; S, S" 000(1 ·
Inll". TI'I ~n.
, 11 r,t\ r"l,,"r,' ."."I'mhh" C:::,\"'lnAw. Mlch
Jl n .g. PI'''I' ! ' ''''f'mhl'' P"ndleton. O r 4!'
1. t' ('. \ ',,1'1'1 1'1' .... " ..
1(11(1: \ ."I'f"\ h l" <::rirlnta Rn.". rAll t
In no: \Ir ~ \'1" '1 !'I. Rl'lI ... Foureh,., S .
" " " nllr""ll1e ~ Y.: L .
P l l k ' ••
101 Co' "·n .... rt llln" r Al1t · J ,~ !':t J{" nn"' tt,
M C'I ~ A n
Tlned n ... Tn ~'a' X"o rt h Ca n·
• " " C!
, .
. ,
"'rl ... "d In !Il Oenr lltlA:
A...e.mbl, . Orand Prairie. TeX&-l : 1 W
""."' ","1\'
" r.
0 .. !l01.1&, M o" )fr". E. M:. n .. Lyra. Ohio.
J. C. 1. Porten'IHo. cal t, ; Z A.. WlliDI •
P!'I(, Can~da; L O. U"lena. Ohio . .loin
ll. K, OHkllnd, Calif.' A trl~
~/,rln.lftlel<1. Ma,," .. Mr. H. r: .. Brooklyn:
~. 1 . \\- J II Oent4'WI .111 . A"~mbly.
AlellU'r. Ill, A A E
llolW' vill~ I o wa
Mr. (; V. I ", 6.M.lem. Ore
\nUrl«_tn1lln. OhIo
10; A~'I>Dl hly "lJl(lco. 1.10
19.00: J. J. A Ii< Illmll)" Ilon uio 'Ul. HawaII
U,tW Wlw. Mill
",,*,rnIJly, LIlia, AlII., , J
IInrn~)I!"k, r.
I'l If, io're"nO. (~l r
~ H',lerk,., lIl.. I •. 'r. "n'''IIO, o.nt:'
C A I . joJldncy. low lj., Mr &. Mrll. I B
1'. 1""0 itnhl.s ("Illt
8 .31'1 H. ~, &. ,\11 f'mh ly, Hulllvnn )10.
11.00 I.\unlt J. l'. P. &.. wit." 1J1" Moln&ll.
Ill"A. Mrtl. I •. P., Anlllt, Okl"
hi), Mlhm. '1', nn.
'! .IW ASI't'ml,ly I\; H. R., JOt,lIn. Mo
~ 1.,4
H A. "ot t Hmltll Ark.
' , .,,0 l\( H. Fort Wurth 'i'eJ<OM.
"! . ~I J., tt:r S. H., ,", wll ;/1. 'rt'XAa
' ,,00. ,\HHemllly, X 1.lttlc Ho(.·k. Ark \\1\. AI "" '" It6. CHldw"' l. 'rl'XIiH
16 .;,0 .•'t..~f'mhl\'. " j·r(')'. III.
$6 Hi. lihtl Tlrfln~1I 1111 11. Han AnLOnlo. Te1
$!U n' H H M(lnett(>, Ark
U 00: V If., M.lrl on. OhiO, Mrs C. R. B .•
Heli n Fourwlf'-. !:i fJak , Allflemhly. Sm'th.
vlJlp, 'rex,.,,: V, A" \Vl c hlta I;-'RIIII. T!!1:aJII:
J F. 1'., Jo~r(·dnnla. Kanlf., L.. K F" ':!#tm
dAn. N J " AIJHf!mloly. ,\IIUlwort h. N ... br
'6. 711 YiMl. p. W ., HlIAI!. Idaho
' S.60
B. f), ija.h'1811. l{),.
C. & ". C,. "'1"1<1,·r. l o"",a.
S S, .£.rl'adill. l"::nn ll.
fl . B 0., Hooke r , callt.; L. J 0,
I·:urekll. (11; J . R. AlbIOn, Callt.; Al!I·
"",mhlYJ SlInnY!lllde, Wu h ; L \'., 0 ne·
onta, 1'1: Y; Nor t h Ride AMJtO",blv, Wlchl.
tA }o~a llll, TUBI'I'\ Mr •. Q. H.. rn d lanBpalle.
Jlld .; MrH J f. 8, EI 1'0r,~I\) Springs,
&f o.; fl, S, Newpo r t. A r k.; ~. S. dpokane,
\\allh: M n. R N A " Ma rn a r 'Jneck. N .
Y.: MrtI, A. B
8 .. Ingle w OOd. call t .:
Ch~llr Cr~k
Al'Jl'le m bly, Veraallll"lI, K y.;
Mr. I.. H , Tn d la n a llo l hl. I nd
M rs. O. M .
A., l.onK Pine, N e b I'.. T . i '. C .. \ H en.
Ark., C, K &. w i fe. Min neapolis, M in n .:
E. R., For t W ay n .... InJ .: C. H H ., Loul ll~
vllle.l. Ky : P 8 .. SP"llta ne. W &I4 h" M. A.
W. :;prln g t leld . MllBII., Mrll C. W .• ~ Iba..
A la.
4.77. W, 0 8., Lo ul ~v II Il. Ky.
UiO: Mra. M . D F . , S ,,1II' POrt. A rk.: Mu.
A . n., Wlchl l ll. Kalll!.
.4 .44 : Alllto m !)l y, I1 l m o. Mo.
$4 .0 0: MI' II M . '1' , Lulln .;-, 're x:a.: I:. M . C ..
S pri ng If II . TA.: AII"e-mbly, Pue blo. C Ol ,:
A . n . C .. l)o u g latl. .\rlz.: M r. &: Mrs. D
R . tl .• Po ttIJboro, T e xu.
' 3.9 11 . 8 . 8., r· fl.rlllor Avllle, Te'l:a'l.
$3 .' 6: S, S., P lI r lll, Ark
$J ,'O : L. D . W., K a o n . City. Knns.
n .lO : C. n , )f a rl o n , ~I '
$3 .60; P leal'lA n l HJII A "~' mbly . ),It. Ayr, I lL
.$1 33; A Sse m bly , Co\ICll. Mo.
:,JS .80 : M rII. E. B .. Sllll Run, Pa. : Aue m ·
b l y, Ch lnnvlll ~. K y .: C. It., Ma n ak i n , \,a."
W . M . H ,. Full e r to n 1..3.: '; hr I8 t P !l n ' t
Ch urch. H o pe y;r{'11 J,'t~ N . \" : V. K ..
Ma rlo n . O h io: W . F . I •. &. wlte. 0 008t!l
C r ee k . T exa s
s.'! ,5: S. B.. Gary. Ind
$ ~ 0;'_: AfI"e m b l,..
F. n[ll r p r '''fI. A ll : F. 0
Ml salon & Ruby 8 . 8., \Ve llk'in. K a n e.:
M rs. R. W . G., F o rt Wort;" . 'fe J:all.
~ .~~: Mr". J . W . \V .• tr. l b~. Al tl.
! .%li; M . 8., Ru c k"n , Mo.
! . Iri : A J .. T h urlO to '""t. ~,, ~r.
'~.I15: A II"~ mbl y. C I'o ti'ce, MI).
$~.t't : B . W .. C UYllho ~ 1 Fall s, Ohio: S , 8 "
Wrigh t C ltr' Okla.: W . 8 .. Borralo. N .
Y : S . E , Nlnn f' kllh. Okla .; \'. N .• YII " ( ,
Mlc".: Mrs. M . E . If" '~ e t .. , Fla .; J . S .
F .. Tnwner, C('Ilo.; .T . J". H , Cnl r('l rtI ·
MrM. N , R. Splrn. Olrl,,: W . I{ to n.
CI'I s plllna, I .n .; W . 8, Ilurt' llo N Y
$U~~ ; ~ . ~. , T'leher, Okla .
$1 .7 5: E . [l " St. Croullt, \', f. : S . S., Bea u .
mont TeX&8.
'1.66 : Mr". P . D . T . Altlt, I nwa.
1.37 : J . H . M c N .. Thayer. Mo.
10& : M. v , R .. Am ' tv ("'1'110 Mrs "P.: M
p.."e u!>ert, T f' nn : 0 "S" ~. EI .... ~ !·UI IO· "~ x .. .;:
E F.. F... C llft"'n. T e n s: Mr-i. n :. J " r"e y
('II)". S . J ,: :Ur"', D A. J, Plne~ ur .. t . S ,
C~: Mr.ll. O . M . Wilmar. A r k : p , ~ ..
" ejltter n po rt. Md : H H Po. I\" n r t~l Til!':'"
w~ 1I \·a.: Mr.ll. J . ~. RI"'lIx ('Ity. TU",I\;
!\t . R, Su m me rfl !'M
SNlrkjlt. ('11(\0.: S ,\ R. Altnn. I II: C. P ::
Jf'rofl'f'. Mo.' 1. V" O ld F'or~f'. Pa
. ~ 1(1: Tntfll n t "mo'lun t " le,," t lorftn ' 1.00.
T,.,tal 1('". I fil! 5(1. I!mnllnf"l il;1\,.
4!'n dl r pCI tn m'st'l l onar l ~1'I by a ...
. ...•. , , " . . 56,On.GII
1" Tn P"r :' ."·,,, .. h', .. 1" r:"~n"
F n r tull In tn r mAllnn ~·r't... "',1'1
Sowder!!. I!I N . ROwle,. St .. E\'t\nl'lvlJIr .
Ind .
O,tol>., 28. 1921
0EL4a0.... DD'raIO'I' OOVWCD.
..,_~e Mllual 1.1eet1ng I'lf tht' ()kla. DI"trlct
.....,..IIC I .. UI be. h eld , 0. V .. Dt>c. lith to 10tb
19U. at the AK.semhly ot God Chureh ith
"-Dd Peoria 8L. Tulsa., Okla. All tnlnl.ter'
In th e ::OUHe In tellowllhlll with the A.stllI!.'
bile. or Oot! are urgf'd to be pr('l'If'nL .til
e.:II:J\eCt nK to ~ lin-Tilled or ordained mUllt
be th('re. All a.s.sembll(:'", In altillatJon wltb
th e <'ounoU (Ire ('Xpttehd to h" n-,lrC>!ented
by olle or 11II'n d(!Io>.:atea he!!.ldtl. the Pu
Arrangern"nu \0.111 be mud,' to ta k e
en r e ot tl'fI mlnIA(.f'r" ami ,,1t'lrl(ntf'1I
are e xpedl ll K J-:hh'r K S Ilell or'l W
WeiCh ot :-i (,Jr ln$l'tl.·J,J. "In 10 b ... with Ii .. III
tht' Meclln..: lind I: vt' "p""1lI1 Blbll' TenchIng In Iho aflt,' rnouMlI
Thl" tlr"l ,. .....ff.810o
ot the ('oun('1\
"","vt'lle Her, 6th, at
10 :00 A, M
'l'h~f' comlllK, Luke lhe Uell
VI("w ('lfr nn .;" ,1 Ht. /{.'t on nl I"'orl& St..
wlilk one I>loI'k nOrth UI the cl-".ul'ch. Jo""or
turtt' ... r Intorrnnlifln wrltu 1'~\"lOr H. E
llowlt»'.t22 H \' Clnr KI '1'" I'1l- Okla. or
ChnJ rm an " nul II l LaI,.tln: BoX' U· I P.. w ·
hUMkn Ok!11
" 'II
The fifth allnual meetlnllf at t he K&n&~
District COllnc" of t h e AlIl:lprnhlles ot God..
wil l bI' held with the Aa.I'mIJly ot God.
At Seventh lind Hevl e w .
Oroth er 1 W Welch will I.le with aa.
Ther e will be thr~~ m&l:"t n/t"1:I each dA,,- ,
one pe. r t ot the day will ~ df'vote.d to l he
"peeial bUllln68ll; el&ctlon ot officerll Blbl.
School. co oPf'ratlon. and ft.ny other ~u. l.
nee. the bNlthren .... 1.11 to b ri ng t orth n "
otbe r plLt't
th. day w 11 be d evoted to
praY('r and l:Iome de t lnlte Bible le8soo.
tor the ell tying ot l h e body . 'I'he nl,ent
servleefl e VlLOgell RtlIe.
GOd hlUl reeenti3
po u red out H is SpIrit o n th8 Asse mbly 11'1
I{a n .llAR C ity. KanlMl.s and Il bou t 100 ha ve
been baptized In the Holy Bpl rlt. We Il.t'e ....
peeli ng thi s to be "goi n g over lhe t op:
a grea t v ictor y t o!' God , a n d an Irum l rn tlo n
t o r All atle nd inK. 'I' he A"8em b l ,. haa mAde
a.rrlln frf'm e nt l!l to et\r e t or a.1I the m l nlsterIJ
an d del ega l e.'1 whHe t h ere. El\eh Auembl,.
flh ou ld Ornln lZ'e t o . e nd their P&-8tOt alld
t wo m a le d e lept e l'l, Al\d ·t t h e y h a ve I'IC
p&i!l t o r b e 1I 0 r e t o 8e nd at lell.8t one. delep;lue. We hav e rea.C! he.d a pll.oe. when
d &tlnlte work mUl:lt bo don (' 1--8. H . ~t·
te r80 n , Ch airmAn , Io'r oo Vo ,;l e r , 8 ec·T~
The Loul.lliana Dllltric t Collne\.l will 1M
h e ld with Kin g Corner A8IIembl,..
S p rin,. Rill , La.., N ovember 7 ~ 10 . All mt • •
UJte r8 In f ello "",,h1p wit h lhla Counelt ....
urg &d to atten d . an.4 all auembtle.- u. ed t o 8end o ne or m o re delejfate • . W.
extend an In \·!tll tl on to all min i_t en a.4
!l8. lntIJ o f &d Jo l ol n ~ state. to m"et 'IIII1 t h . .
I n t his C.unell.
Th e aH\. ml lly at r{J~
Co r n('r wi ll ta ke ca r e of all W'h o attenC.
I.nd t he tr l'l. lloI IJ wilt be met at C tltro rd, •
nag- station on t lto L . &: A .. on the 7th . . .
I th ot N ovem ber .-E. T . Ta n ner. Sec.,
BO. ALAB£.JrU. £.11'1) w.n
The Mla.l . . lppl, So. AlAbama and W..,.
Florida Olfltrlc t CO un c il ot the A..,emhU . .
at Ood will conv e ne with [he A . ~embty
of God, Oor Itb St. and 41th Ave" MfM1dIan, 1o(1 . . 1.lIl ppl Nov. 6 , 11 Inc1u.I ..... Th.
flret two days will bfl apent In devotloaal
III-ervices and the Counc il proper will ope_
TuelJday, Nov. 7th at 111 A . M . Ever,. ml.~
teter IIJ h e r-eb)' urged to be preflent, an.
Aaeemblle a to aend deleple. al:l there w i D
be Important matter. to be dillpoited of.
All th08fl de.lrlng Lleeose or Ordination an
requested to be present.
Free entertaJa·
meot 111'111 be turn lshed to flU comln«, by
t h e loea.l A8. embl y.
Tholle y;rrlting m.
,.,- h at t rllin t hey .... 1lI come on will be m.t
Ilt t he d e pot by t he en t erulnme. nt c ommit.
tee wi t h conveyan ce . )o""or turth e r Intonu.
atl on a nd roo m r e e e rv a llo n, wr i t e 1 . 0 ,
SAvell. UO· U Ave.., Me r idiA n . M in.-I . 0
Sa ve ll. Cha lrm ll n : D. P. H Ollo w8 F, _8ec., .
I Fell In LO\'e w ith the !>lazarene
Now he r e to lay ~fS' H eAd. H e III My H ldln,
Place.. Daughter ot Je r ulIIl le m , 01'1.1" Hea.rt.
T ake H eart.
The Song o f t ne Brld..
R~8t a
Little While.
The Brida l Ro ne
Behold , I Com. Quic k ly. SpirItu a l lua.l
Co m ing. COml n lr. Co mi ng. W hat H a. t 'rho.
Olea n e(! T Oday,?
T he. C ity or Qu r God..
G od s Triumphant A rmy
Ca l vary. [.,ona
Co h ·ary. K eep S te p My B ro t h e r . 8harolll'.
Ros e . " 144 .00."
Each ot th e above eon ....
21ic. O r d e r trom Sarab. H . Payne, BOil: , ...
(kea n Park, callt