El libro azul Costa Rica. p. 147-160 Temática
El libro azul Costa Rica. p. 147-160 Temática
DOCTOR FEDERICO ZUMBADO Uu· roo·, [topulHt \11 I \'Ridn II~ /1D'1 DOCTOR FEDERICO CA LOS ALVARADO SLlr ~h,tJ!,in Lh~ t:.vLltJlrJ" !I~ hal] 11 l,ril1itllil ('1tT~"r ill (:lu}":, 1£, hl'llil L be lH''lllin... 1I;~ titk uf [1",1;"'1' 't1 n. MA os Spanish Drugstore <l~ ill .TUllIA tIl' fILl" ('oIJ ill ,~(.,r1on'<; ,id 1h.· .<:unil:lI foollT "'~i1'1 t: han DOCTOR FRANCISCO A TURO SEGREDA \!'ol'lWG,\ l"l'o. illelJq~'JI'''I:>'' [l 111 Lor u( 1':s· 111 '" li I., lIJi, m], ro~ po~' ,lei loa n: kloD£: LtC Ibe:: I,...c hI11l~· in E~L::l.Eu, •• 1!>1'1 Ukll(; STuRE 1-17 of III BOT FI \1,h,h l'l\ -I '"n :H7 .. , l'll l'1 local 'I\ll' II' II 1J II uP", sitn:lIJo l:1l la ,{lleCelllral :ur,W, q PS 1'1 punto m£ts c':nlric) ( e la Cillo I. (j (I" Rau Jose, cerca 'I I (TUCL' ,I 10" lnlllYl'lS, ,'S l' 1l1;'S soii ('i co currilli( de su ra n, S11 dual rovit:lario, ,lou Carh>s ,\, Sih':l S11 la riw ,it '\.1 <:1 isnlada y ~~ran Ct 0 II e1 e'l:Tciu" I" ,,11 praf..si,')jJ \' por I ',,('d!eDl~ hoo,I", Y pun,za de los 111 • icam .. nlos LjUt l:"pell. " ,1l: los 'iu i,1'I 11fl inmem;o urti <) contiuurl Iler (' rcllO\,lldtJ, ii' PII ~to Sll htableci, :u;l"nt" a h ",hun • .,. IDS' 11" ~ozan de m:is billa Cll ,[ extcri r, 1~1 PLI ilea 1.. reOOIl(j~ aSl, siC'lldo la boticn lid C ,m r ~(,. I, 11l,is ae 'e,l"liI.la .[e! 1"1<. A DE COM OCTOR JOSE 10 gsl j~\ L'n,)' ."" Tbis I1rllg" ston:, ll~r e crlJ~tiill' he ot th" 'i~y and is lhe 11 nsl Il'equ,'ntecl ill 11..= hn Its owner, Cal'o. A. Si 11011 1>y his i nllll. lry and :(.eal, ~,:I<I e"("l'll"llt qu.'Illty !{. L={ [>Ilrity I)f 11 ns~ 111 0 ,,\I EN.(']()-Exlninr Itl Uill h'r .~UlJlnt'S, The ]Jl.lldic Exl ..rior--,l\ul'lCA Ill>:], "1" eS CirnjllllO ,\SiStl'lIk d"l l,jbllt"l oil' ie,lieo Diret'lor del I\.dlo Naci, nal d" ~ilS lIIerc !les r el ro~ S)I S<:uvl.Lrio c1" Iii P'"cllhad tic i -lllt-'on y 'rllj !D lit" yOI' tIL'! l';;,i~'rcito, he 1.>' 't til he "'11].1.1 t.} ,"I.lh1hl'111I'nl llt'l C ,\dll San J:1<I1I ,Ie Di l, OJJstUlltl.' r"f\.,\\,,'I, h, R rnaut liis st' c.k, rue M,, ,Ir gs so d, of \\ hidl 1,., ',lrri,'s an Ilnm fnllil y Cll.\·a::. ~(°1"10U s en r('collocituiellto de ~l!S l\l({nt K nOll hr~lIll) ur I1llanlllljl rl Prhn12r Vit..·l~-Pr(;"sid 'Ult', ,D,,~<:wp~ii(' dllranl,'; I~(l!l li"mpo el ,'ar~'() ']e tll"O JI ,reDS,' tI,~ S ~n Ju,'c, ., ~ 11., [roll! [til' ll~ediL:tdo lll'::dic , eli hijll de ,'sturhOR en ~Hll oS<..:, " 'Ilr~( la carrent ell los COlegios <J' f"dicilla \' C,nlgl:l ]c l11~'lal" fa y III': asisl<:l1lt: clill.ictl de (:uy'" Ilosl'il' 1 tiL: I,ondres, ', gu 1,91., Ill<' 1101 lJrado I lelp,!.:',,,I,, del Cobil'l"l1o Ill' h R..,puhln ~ )' <Ie Ie 'acllllad d,. Medicina de Costa ~{ica a! Ilriuter COllgTl~SO lH(~dico C~nlrOall1l'rican()J 'I"e SC' r~~lJJlI6 'II Sail Sah'''dor, .. 11 la prillH>ra dl' , mways, e:ll.1 poinl 'n 'Il l 1!1, IlI,U,' IIlla <II till U~I" f,1 1113 Josefina, e huo 5U' prillleros 1 '7-+, is ill 1.1, C,'nlraJ Str' t San situ led 011,' los" (1)]l1l'],:' recn!l'llizes, the Holiea r('ioashcillgLhl' l.clC"'rvdildl !llt DOCTOR) ill Sao J,lSe, N., iI', t'~lt' ion~r, ." , lll<Iio 'n 1'rIt'di"o . 12 Je S..plil'l"bre ,I I'l8 l, (l","[;l I~ic;~) I,>" eSllll~ ] [;;,0 r ilt'r PRINCIPAL. DRU la d,' pri 'It\" i!m claSt:, lue t'slalJlec:ida ell (,I prop;elari".', s,'onrt:s Grillo, Zliopa y Cia, Sll c1n.Sl', l.'lJlre 10$ cOIllerClant",s 11laS prolni This ill'sl class llm.'; House O\Ylll'rs CriU(l, 'L(tniga 'II, priuJt"ra ensCli"lIza ell Snn Jos,\ ellr'il nando)" lmsUl r,'( il,'r eI titt! CIA. BOTICA Pk NC P L aii 1'1 ,'illfla'l dt: I l'~~:ltro prIn1l:r)~ :In, ~ de lil Sl',~·l1Jlda. 4.-'11 1;"1 J,iCLoO <h: C~ :!It:, Ric-a & G ILLO, ZUNI Prl \\,:1."; in 1()12 b,t lh":J tll,,'ll l'SlflO1Jshl' & C(., who:l.r· STO. E (~as~~l LWlflllg 11~ I I ffitllt!nt busille:s mC'll 1'[ llie (,»"'ltr\', l U UllLaJ'li~Jal ';.> t' II.; Hacl i- ' nUll AHa ESCHe tl dl> 10'5, ES::'ldos I lidos, i1 1. '[II i II ,'-:Teso a los ,6 an.,s dl' , jaiL 'I,'nllil d.h '11' L'studios ,il' IIllIl13Ui ":des, ," llI' lrirlll6 n J. 1<;';('I1<'la .1" C _ lllr"','io de Sllrlll''ti,'101, ;-, ',ss" doni}" hizo ,'stndios Ii - ~'OLIl ')"('10 haUlI v l<c "r tl ,I:plollla ,i· I' rit, :\Jlr", It 1. Sll lal nt0.r l,fit-i"JI al 'slwlio 1e 1;'-, y;~rOI1 a rnS' (·:-;ft"ras l:las ~']e\':ttl:l~ d ,) e'llldio \' 'k' IIlCtlri '"I() 'n d Col""j" ,1" ~1 edie-iuol y Cinl.~.dn al F, dt'Hi' \:~t'nlll ntJ :tlli sn Do('lorarlu en ?\I t i ~'I:\. I kSI';lcs,J do,,,; aii Ie !1.;ll'l.lCa I'll l'! Irospi;11 dd m;SlHLJ r';"lai>],-timkr.lo J)Ol't'll t', l'\.;'tJ'n';';1 ;L Cl ~tI Rica L:..1l <..'1 :\iio 1')13 y IIH',l!aJll<- brill" Jti~ill1()1i e",IIlWlll'S dc' pn,\d 'l SL; iliclir r6 :II ('o1,,~o dc ~[t'dIClli;l. S"~uid'L1I1~nte l' It,,; clllct'lli<1a !lila " a~'!>lt'1Ik en el 1!,>'pil.,1 d,,' Sal' J\llIlJ (Ie IJios, lie :::,J)11 Cas3. ell' S"ln'[ , j j',s0, la que :lL1II ,1<:s~lllpo:na con "11l'i,1' _ " C,' ;\"it'rt' "crall l't'l" At'tliHllll~lll~ '8 :'t[~di<:o FOrellSl: de la ,'allj(~I1. ,Rl~C noci,'n,lo sn 1"]0: 110 Y dcse lIdo pn-III;.rlo Cfllll s" III l 1 (,ohlerllo d" ]11 [(,'pu lliea It ofr"ci{, 111 nire("t'jl~n f 1 "\~ilo \ Ern'des, hnspilll dL:. 1el'ro 'o!'j carg i,ll[lortnntlsil1lo, qlll" , d,' su~ 11111"has OCilPilI.:1ClllPS no I, I" sido posiblt- aceptar, hs llllO de los, oelores tJ1:le ~ ,nil de IIHb lIl'Tecill" fan l'aplt"I, plaza dE- sellli,inl i1:x.L ~""':or---B(>'I'IC.\ f'n.n('irn tit'll'- sit'lIll'rp nil COlliI' do ~urlido 01" dro~as 1'1",~t.'. , aL..51llulamt"uk In:seas, las cl1al"s s .. pmp!L-all al pn" ,a tll I, . p"nr com li II 1'1;dcJ t " ..I" '11W s" I" 11t:\'(" lrabajo que h:lccn pt:rsonas 1 c(, ieo, g-rao1uados, nt<,s' 1"a F. 1 ilhlt"o Clll'O!itrar(\ ell esln acredila'la llo1ica, OlL'dicinas 01" pal-nl. ,'e todas chls,-s al i,~ual 'IllC un ""l11pldo slIrlido de perin ri~ y articnlo' para el lOCtHlor, Lo~ l1u:'dic.os enCOlltranill lodos )<..rs iu. nlllH:~lltO:': Ill, CiTtlL,,'"is a:1 ('OlliO refacciolH':-; u ref l1("sto~ para los U]iSnlll~. , u neuva f>rclll..e d"11 J 11IlL:rior-- Pl<JNCTP:\J,--Extcrior sCo i\'lari" Zlliliga, qUIt:: 1 sa la "l'z Illlt) de 10s socio" ltaci(, "11 la pwtor sca Yilla d" HaR ICes t'll d ~ Ill) 1S')!l , RL'cil i6 s er!t,c,u :6n ell "all jIJRC'" :lr]ollo]c Sl' casu COil la el1c"nl,,<1o seiillritJ Isal, 1 ( rltJii" ~" <lt~ la 'iLle liell" dos bijos: T '.."lora y jo"';' .1':1 ,nlf'r %Mii~'a h'm,'ts de lC'ncr t'l litul.. n.l; Pt.>l'ito .. :1C'rGil1lil, lit lie el e li HrmeC';'l1tll: L ]lO'l'IC,\ J Rr:-''Cll',\l,- The Holiel Princi] 1 ""rries a kinds and mak(; a sp("("ialt.y Inl,'rior 1111 line' I Ir"sll Drngs (If of their ['lIll'loyiJlg- onl~' "',\"'1'1 and gr~rlulJted Ph" ",I Pr'scril'lion Tkp: rllll' I, le('i~tq j I' c '(JfnpollIH~' CLINICA DE CIRUGIA jllg, [ the Doctors l'rL'scription", y Th,- clIslomer ,,,ill also lilld 1 l'ompl<'!" ~lv k oj l'att-lll ~It.lll'cinl'~ of HI 1 fIrst c1a!>~ ll1ark~, CASA as \\ ell as 'roil d ,,\ "tic ,l'S, P,'r ltllnery, Smogical InSlrnlll '11 s anfl S ppli .. s, el,', The adi,' mallJIR':J', part 11 l:r', \\,as I ro in \1 in San Jose' and by Jl' 'u 're ha~ 1.\\'(1 ~Jr. luiligll is > ,1011 Jnse :\[aria !,lllliga, 1 - J11rtrrkd til .. cha.rlllill~ 'IIi, s 15:1 k lo j,~ also a 1 Orllloo Q, ['llildrl'l1, 1'l'ocloru' Dol Jos(" , le-c"llil' hoeing a Gra' ll~t\" Pharmccisl. 'I'll' "Bo,t, (rul:l of tlie M \ villi,,· " of J3a.'-.'R '(Os ;111890 lllHl \\':lS l'll11eal"': :1 l,isl'lWvd ,ill S,W 1'):,. TIlt> 1'1 to l'rilldpll" i" Si~lI, Lell ill pd h.as a yt:T)' a D;r..<.:tor ." T knL·J. I'ropi..tal'ill, ::,'llj'"11in U-rn'llH!<-z, d .. la "Ie ti, \cvmUl" III in "\ [,liti E SALUD ,,1 Doelor b,ew '1.1 rIe ie:lla de' l'ari , l'irlljaJlo ,1<-1 Hospital Sail JlIa!l tiL lJi"s, d(" Cosla l~ica, \' ;lli .. llllnu d,~ \' ,I" Hi,~i':Jl" la SOf'j",j"d d" Tropical, do:' Ie: lL"lll<t 'ar1" DOCTOR JO,SE MA "MERCIO Tid" rlrtt~ sture, founded in 18i4, is situated ,)n S<JlILh, Jos~, nea.r the cn'~sing c~llltal Ute lJIost C'eul.ral Street San of tlw t.nUlI\\"f1. J S, p"jnl ill lhe city am is LLIc me,sl freCItlt:1l1",1 ill its Ii ue, Its o\\"ner, (loll Carlos .\. SiiYll R, 'y his iudllstry aud zt:i1I, Bnil frolJl tl", e~cdlellt qnalily l-lld !'Urily of ·h" drngs sold, "f \\"hieh ll,' ~lrril'~ an illJl]wrlse ,;lock, constantly rent:\\ed, lta5 made ltis l'shblislnn..nl "..q na] [OJ lhe h""t to 1ll' ]o;sLe .!o\·cn )' yil UJn~' ac.rcuit:lllo lIl':dico. t'S hijo ,Ie t1i"tilJ,L,cuirla f:lUlilia josef-illa, P hil.O sns priUleros L"!IlUt}jos ,'n 8an los,', Cnrs6 111 carrcra ell los Coleg-ios lllO lI-fl'cJiciua y CinlJ~ril (l~ Ioglaterra.r lu(: asistcnh: cllI1ico rl~ Cuy's, IIOSP1LaI <lL' Loudres, j';n 1911 I'll': uOlJlLnlllo D<:I"g-:Hlo cld (;ohh:l"J1o de 101 RI'Pllblica. y <I,' h\ FaclIllad (11 lIIcdiciua ,1" Cush Itica n1 PrlL11cr C()ngTl~.$n ~Il:dko CenlrO:lllh:rtc.1.lIO, qlt( <C' !'l'unit'. I'Ll :-;"11 Sah'adur, l'n la pril1lera <I.. cuy::t:-. ~;.. ~iollvS )' en ITr()1I0cillJi\~1]tode sus tJlE~'ntos flll~ Lloll1hr:lil.. !lor Ill.lanilltidad J'l"i'lll:r Vice President", J)e,_CII11',.jju ';lIranlt- a1!-:l'lI tienl])o .. 1 car,t;"o de Ml: ,liell l'OI"t'II"" ,it' :'iOin J"s<-, _\ctutlll1t'nl\: e,; Cinljano ,\sislclltl: dl'l Hospilal ,Ie. San juau 1(" Diol, l\I",1icu Dil"l.'clor ,1,,1 Adlo Nu.cio lIal ,.e la, l\ler('ed"s (leprosos), S,'I'l"emrio (It, 1a ParnlL:1I1 ,k i\Il'dicina )" Cirujanu i\(~yol" d ... l F,j,'rcilu, A BARRIONUEVO '],1Ii" )"olln,l(' and nitullly noLed I'lt)"si6an is till' sou u( a di"lirlg'uishl'r1 San Jo;;e (aUJily, H" sl(l<lied firSl iu Sau Jose, went t1lrol1,,-:11 a ('01 ]eg(~ of Mediciuc aIHl Sllr.~· ... r.r in Eugland, (\lld ""as clillic~L1 assisl:Ull ill Guy's, l[()~pi.nl J[l'l,OlHlon, III 1911 hI' \I",ls appointe,l Ddl'~atl' uf LIII' Co\,erD nwnt of 11le Relml>lic an,1 of tt" ]ldC"nlty 01 ~1",<IiClrh' of Custa Itka Lo the FirsL Celllm.l-AtlJl'ricall Medical Cong-ress whieh I1Id ;11 San ~al""lClor, :Ulrl which, ill :ll:l<lIo"'}.,,lgl"l1lt:nt of llis Iltcrils !l1:lllJill'.l ,r! him 1111 alli mUll"Il' First \'icc-l'resi,lulL For S()til~ time Itl' JIeltl1l1l' positi"~1 III Publi"lluctHr of San .lose, ;\[ Lhe prcsl'lIt lime 1,,- llolls L1le pllsi liotls of Assist.ant Sllrg-t:OU o[ the Hospital dl: San JlIan ,It- Dios, Medical .'\ IVl'l:r of tlle "'aLiollal '\SyIUIII uf "I,as lIIercC;',!<,,", (for I,'pers), SU'I"llary of L1Il' FaCilIty of l\kdiciue 'lllrt ('hid SllrgHJll "r thr' Artll)', Ltc.a iOlllld in otl\('r ""ulltri~·", Thl: [lllblic (t'':Ol!II[zes, Ill" ll'llif;< ':el C~men'ill as hei n,": rQ-I~~I':ri()r iu :)au "jA & tut IIln;:[ ~H'.:rcr1ik<l CIA. PRINC1PAL DRUG STORE is I,r"l elas~ DOCTOR A TONIO A. FACIO Jo"':, Drllg' lJouse was ,'slalllhlJ<;,1 ttl FI12 by I l ;rilln, Z(1I1iga ,'\: Co" \\"h" un' d'l~w.1 Ib~ :'Il.:IlI,.l "tllon,:'; till> I'fOllIlf\l'nl ',; LlICI] of lhl' cUll1llry, ""i6 l,,,tt, i.,,'..,n y ""llldio,,, M~dil.'() E-'n 1a cimla'i de Carlag!) (C'bl,l Ric" "I 12 lit' St:opl;('J[!ht.:: dt= 1~81), IIi:to los estlHllU' ,i(, pl'-itIJera "1l5t:iinuza en Sail J"s,', Cl>rsalHlo Ie»; cllaLro l'ri1u'···rt;J... aitnF. dt~ l.t Sq~llI,dd. l'Tl ,')! Lic('1) d\' l.'r.j~ta Ric<'l, tvrnd 1I:lll<lola lUI:'lta rl'cihir el I il...,l" d,' Hach;II.-r t>UHlIl.lll\lIid,'ldc;; ell \.11.1\. 1\lln 1'.SCtlc!n ,I.. loS E~1;lrlos T nidus, a I.n ttLI!: illl-:TCS<', it 10< 16 silos, 1.: (,dJl'1. \'rnuDll,IIlS nlS ,,'studio;; ,1(' Hlllll~lli, <t,des, !lC' llI.f11ricll16 ,'n In l~<cm'l" fi,e Co mer";,, ,I" Sprillg1;.,jtl, Ma,s" c1()lllk hiz<> ':sllld;I" (I, C"11l1'n·1t~ 11",1., ,,{,t.-lIt'r d diplouI(J 01" p..'rilo 1I1<-1"(:""1'\lil. Sll l~l""!'J \' ;tficiuu al ~slll,liu J" 11,, \";1rOI1 Cl ulrN..S ~·~ft:nl:-' uuis ~l~\';:lIb,~ <kl ~LIl<1iQ , .;.: IIl<.ltri"II10 <'1.1 el Col~~iu dl l\Il'didti-l) t'iru:.,ria de I'd,nu"lfu ," lC'I'I11; lI(1 ailf 5.11 DoctoradQ en l\Jl:dicin:\. l)"~pul!- >I" ,lQ'" alins dt' pr:idi"'"t ('11 ~I Ilu~I' 1,\1 .Id mislUo Estflhh'f' mi(,l; to Doctor racio "·'IS born in thv cily ol l"~rL~g-(), (I,ql" 'Rin, ill Sepl.,',"l",r of 1HS(), 'I'll!' Jlllblic: schools of ~Llli Jo~" g'a"l' !tim llts lihel In L1, .. Lic:c'o ell' Cosl" Ril'il Ite \\'\:'"l]l lJJrflU,-.;h of the COttnlc, .It:\\'inc: [ll'rior EellIrnLlnll in iI Tr;,~11 S,,!tIJL,1 ill lIw l'nit,.,d Sl~le;:s, ",It",r.. lie obtai l.1L'd I \i l' n "~rl'" 1,)( Fl.J.dwlur iu 1J UIllJlIl i Li "s' at lilt' DlAe of ~ixl":l~n. Follllwill'-: lIi3 J<TRdllaL.ioll ill tlll.' 1-li.I.:'h Sc!luollt'" "'UlL r:r1 t I]>: :-ipnp.,,,IIl'l r1, 1I1.15S" ClllJ1111 t'l"I:ial SdlOOi aud lltis jnslillltioll ill' WOll hi" jlipltllll" Itlr p.~pe. liccouol.aJtl. His I.I::1Lurttl cr;H ill~' f, r !r'arlliH:I: ,,:In-i.,l hill1 1ll:,,1 lu a lugl,,', I'h\ll., "t _';'ll' ,lli.',t" atHl enlHcd lli .. (',,11"1-:"'· 01 1Il1:',liQne :iU<! Surg"l''')" of Philal\.'lpllifl, wh"re alter 11h'ritoriol1s coHr l':" ul ·.tll,1il"'S ht: "'<..1::; a honored lI'ith n d ;.;n't' "I \J D, DO(,l'lJl~, rt.. ~n..'F'O n C()~tn Ril':". l'tl t'l HOt> For lwo yt'iLI"S Ill: [lrncli~""'ll in tltl: 11)J.) " ;n~.ji;llll~ In i-I 111 ,]t i<i 111", l'",:'tth"II.·S I [osplt...l ~uu"x to thal .n<Litll'ioll alld ,It- pi-lI~l" ~ .. incurpur6 al Cuh'do ,!t: rdllrncd l.u Costa Ric~ ill 1')13, P,b"illg" ?lIetlidLILl. wi lit hdllianc)' lh,' Jrc'luir"d t''' "I]ina SC,l't1lrlllmeul~ Jl.. Illl: cOIIC'l'.li'!n una li\111S hd"r" iiI<- 1,'ca' ;\J"rlic:ll F•• <:ulty, pl:tza II, sl?ll1i-ilJlerno y asistl."lltp en el 11,- \,'a<; lllCI';'I)"ml~ I it! 1 10: )~'ll'ull~' ~f ll"~J>il.1 .l., Sa u JU:lI\ de ni",;, d" Sail :O:-itu RiCi1 "iitlfl iJPll(~lflh~~ll ht::-,,;l:-.Lant Io:l:';JlH CaSl rk Sal ltd - ])R, A:'i'!'OXIO ,\, FACIU • Sill1it:lrilllll Jos,:, h QUt' n(ln ,It>'''''Jlpdia ,'011 ,'Ij,'idi,, n:si'lclll l}h~'"iciRU >lUll Sllr;:-c(J[] ,( the hI.- lId"l tn \' "ran ~do, Sal1 juan Il()~p l1ll, ~an Jo<,~. :t P"~t. . \d't"lnll;~l'- es M€:'lit:o ]lort'lI<e <\" ;:1 C:lPit'lJ. thal he has 11,,1<1 luosL s3ti,f~cl()rily and lJIakll1,< :til t'u\'i"I,I" l{"l:<lD<Jaen<!o Sit lalo:=uto " dl"seallllo )Jh:U1i~rlo como 6(' 11Il'r,:c,', fi.::conl i II ~"cr\' W:\ \'. • ,,1 Lo1Jilrrun oil: I" R<"l'uh!iC'a Ie nlrt'ciiS !a J)irC'cci('l\1 d('\ .\silo dll l,as _\l Ih ... p-rcsc';t til11" ht' is Alh'n HH:'; r Ilul'ia.l Ph,' Stciall ?lkrc,'rlL'S, ul1spltal de lepro5(l'; "!Ir,'-:o II.I.IpDrtaulisimo, (jlll' a l'al1.~a ,'~11 Ju~" :u:,1 l!\\'ller o[ " pri"aL<- 0:111;1.11';11111. til: StU:. illDt,hIk..::; O('up:.\cione:s ]JO Ie IUl ~jtlo pnsibl'l.: acepl.:Lr. SOil"': tim\"' :t,t.:'U tlie (;"'·~II.III1(·m oJl.,rt'd him Lhe i',,~t .,1 M~ln'"t1 1':" []flO d .. Ill!; dndnreR que quz.an l1e mns me.rl'cida ('una "n llirt:!dor of 11If' f,,'5l\f~rco:,lps J"uzardlo fo" JepL'fS, hut Ille 'lltlllliliU I" I':anilnl to') his prj,'ale palic:'lJls Illf"Lc 1Iim J1~clill~ lllt= honor, i., J ntl'rlor--- HO"rrc.\ "RIKCTI''\ 1.,-Tllh nor e 111,1[1'" Prineip,.l can-I'-,S a ful'l !llte d lJIak .., :1 ,pcrialLy "I,d of their In'sit ]Irlll;s Ilf all 1'1 "sl'1'iI,'I,)I, ]),'[)ouLuu:ul. lng- onl,' "XPl'l"l ltlJl] grc,dn"lpd Phartlll"l'l-l, ror lhl: ("()mj!ol.fllll l ] Ul'· f1odors I' CLJNICA DE CIRUGIA l'rl'SI'ripti(Jn~, y AND (n"lolJJ('r \\"ill alM' j-ilJiI a l'olJlplt=k "Lock 01 P"l"lJl :\fl'.hl'iIH'S ir~L cla!'-< rluLrks, ,I!> \\"ell "" Toild A"ticlt"a, )J,'r(Utlll,'ry, Sur,,-:ical nc.-nt~ CASA DE SALUD PR:VATE HOSPIT _ud Suppli,'s, ell', 'I(.:li\'l: 1I1alla,~I>r, W:l' don jo"e i\Iari:l l.11iH~,l. \\"h" is ,,1.-0 :l Ioorn ilJ Ill(' \'illint{e of BaL,'llct:~ iul1'9(1 111" \\-,~ .duc.'lle< Din dor y Iknj ltllil l'r0l'[t:l.,riu, II'rlHiulkz, <it' cl DucLor i\kdil'il1ll h.'r 1",-; two childrcn, T"odoru a',,1 jos", ,!c' Sat] IrI.Il ,It- lJios, 01[' Co:<La Rica, y ZufilKll is :t 1,I!;I'l\L'"rl Merc:ltllih >\"':ollTllllnl in n,l,liti">!1 to rlldllah: l'h:.lcl1Iecisl. "l'lll' "llotica l'rind(JlI! ' 1~ silu"l,'t! il the.- MlIr'-<"t, hi ~'n Jose:, =.1 hu~ r) ~Ii"U1h" DWlled amI 1.. Faclllt"d de jl's,' \\"h,'r" lie married t]ll.: dl,lrJlling i\Jiss Isah"l OrturlO Q, tl~ S(l,'lt'd~cl Y dt.: I [iT~t~11t· Tropil";.l l (h~ ",rJl.l1t'g~d ja 111 ill 11 er:t.-llllI.:Z, I'a,'j". CJrlljwllo .It·1 lJu,;pital •It- 11, c eLI SURCIC o[ till" L b\' Dr, IJLoo JI,'clllt.\' of l\It:,Iic:illc of Paris, al~" Surg-~"" for Ihl HfJ~piL;d Salt Juan ,I", nio, :tIll' "l"Il.],,,r of Ul" Soddy of ~clhl"inL' ElLd 0/ lit" de 111 eel ici na Parl5. 11 igicnc 'l'ropical l of C.IWllld, 149 1'1~ri~. EL ACO R. E. SMYTH & Co. •F. 'TE. ,\ U1 • I\'Ellll UTI lWl .' lilWJ tiBS .\XII (,JiH ,'E"TF, \ 5~ cslal,), iI', os 1, '(I\l\lkSW• FA RICA GE' CALZAfJ 1l I'Ut:1 Ulli R. E. JTTH :. (11. ,.~4. illlPII. 11,,' l'.. ~ r::.ii'ioJ . .'E( Frro rARG' , WII'=-:> 1I'f' 1(,\111;11. CAR INTE IA I ABR CA E MUEBLJ::S SMrros PENOT be.t. E RIQU E RIQUE BE AVIDE AVIDES B F. 1n .\r nhL t..: nl 1 IIr I.. f~ bnca .111 II:, I. g'1'1ll:ill t"11 hOfllla.... fran .-iio rljlj 1.,);111111]'],1<· r,l" Yl'lonlfln,l 0' (,"1)': 1","1'5, hu IO,;,(r<ltll' 1111 cr.... bll' l:uYi,l1ahL., l'r t Il l Ilal~, a r ttl lttll' 11 '11 , In iulcli Ll,th i,l.,el )' ~l(mcl lUllJll1li"'lJtt• IJ ,U "". bl 'cbnirDlo (1, 1~ '1 t' llI11lCriills I . iul.\ Ii tllak~ ~er ..1 111 jar '.I'h~ 1.I\\llt'r, fweb .-' y d • ,h' lin", I d ,>gall t1f . lost .. lI~e(l. lOa 1 J' ,f ladi~~ .1It.". ~rlt" 'Ii 1 r('l1dl ;10.1 • 1'3<[li II ]~,l . ·plfiul!tli, utiLi, k fi~IO, •Ie I.U}hJ '~as)' \uriqll{' 1 f't'~ph !.(al a J .. jcio.!! d 1111' jor call:"" I·,);<id. .I' dB m ,I·· II 11 ~ III< .ri: I s .1s [l1lOS .' ~ giLl 511 'I" ill. i.lart <:5 1 (,'()ul,' ci6n "-.. 011:1::,,10 JXU'l 'II " A. L NOE:.. CREEN lItr l " fi"ras. .RARIA '( CARRUAJES .Tttse. ,110; eI 111'i, 1 ,Trtlll" Y ,Ie mayor dnfaci611, I r> d 1)11 FU HOE-F......r;rOKY ,n J.nncIU, H ll-ll'i,l,--:, :11,plu. ill 'lligen " Lltl'ity, I d IJmle"t~· it. Ii wurk, wlJi 'II. w:llJ Ilis ,!.,~nlkmaDI}' ucporlUl JI 11 II pn)ll,?~m:s ill litllll,,, LJb 0",1 ,1, ~ lyulleJ 111 cD,'iuhl~ ·l.LlI,jill~ I'll hi' "st. hlisll111cnl, and lor hil1l.dt 111' r ]'JIIhltiuD 01 h Ill; the b~B( ho II k",r in he L'Lmtllr~. l;.Id EL & Co. ,'.'i" i~O'~R1U. W~, ~U$StUN .nN1\ AZADO o IENTE BOOT AND SHoE FAGTOR'( fA8RICA, OF. CAL2ADC' I~I LI III • \\',,11 known 6r ACO IIU ,~ CQ. - U ffice s 1\1111 i ti"11 lrl II of nol'r61"11111g d~iriuL: LrJ do 1t1l~illt'~~ Ill~i 0 c};S j C Jl !i"p~.inll~' Ighber~ COrTL"'f'OIl,ll::llCI, "R. L\W;\ JEOFl \lilNe,,' Mf ..\ LA/.\ J{ I '0'('-" CARFINTERJA ill y SANTO <)1J .. ~t\' in ul SA PENO'" 10-41a cll:l~e:, ..h 1" CAR-PENT ':s FABRICA DE MUS !r~l.r .ufl/: _,ral! fJOI de Ih~ C!:i ,NAVIDES ENRIQUE FUNERARIA Y CAR SHOF.- rACTORY 'f hi 5 faClur~ is WlOf't, ~)l'tw"cn 1I\!\' <lnd Sth, StT"d' l"HIlh, Tb... l)o"~t s~\\'n Bud ~~,c... l ~'lCi!~ nr.. walle 11\"'''. Li ..~ most degnnt nnd durdbl .. , 0,1,\' LlIl' on"st f,f ,·tllrials h{'iulo: llse'l. I.k-=R a s-pcdallr 01 belie:> nhocs :ip;LlJisll lrl5 The ..." 111'£, 'AJES UNDERTAKER'S ERCREEN A. LAi'lD .IVE l~RY -STABL.E GREEN mluJe no ... fe'"l1 It. hont': and ,lOll EudlJLlI' nl'lI~\'idcs, ,li1.1'tay, ;ntclligccce f11~iyity lUlrl bODe~t:l' ill llh \\ork J whi wiclJ his ~lllem'lnl)' '!'.]lOrhnenl unu Ilrl"llro:n.. ~~ in 6lliDc hi,q ord"rs. has I[Hlilc:d 1111 "lwlBl,le atsll'lilJl-, {6 11[5 "sLalJ1i~blllf'nt, an,] for hifJtl>CII till- n Ilutation of I... ill~ A" 11. • :n{a Tnrs:a .'fiLrr,lIzeo ,R " the best shOItIlLllk..r ill w.n born til S.,..,e,dtlll. Ii; f1d ucauoD I h~t'C! Lhe c'UuulI). 1St EBANI TERIA DO ten Jo~'. ~ lonta l\ c tad s los elemen to-- rn lerno:-, \:~ el 'Jor .Imncen y 'lbrica de wuebl , mar 0::; y cnadro, e la epa liea, par la ca idad de Ta.. mad r ~ empleadas, In wli k 05 In n gl 7, mu~ ~to l'" flrH' ico lIes. 13~ A E ROPES y AGU~ AC'"AS GASE'i;--A Tl.1is Facto y is situated OD sl. Avenue 'lst. San Jose. it is the best store BlId shop of its kind in he Republic, owing to thc extra quality E the lumber employed, and the dm ilit_· and artistic taste of the fllroiture and piet ure frames made there, DOll Jose lJrgclles was horn ill Spain, in lS7+, son of (1011" ua, tian Urgel1~s and dona Maria H.ic, ri. 1Ie \Vas eclllcatul il ] aredona, Estn sitnada n a Av niua 1 n Este, fren a Mini d Fo0, el JOSE URGELLES ,. J':~t' 'm.ta ad en San Jose. calle del Padfico. SI picta '0, elon i tls fn Vives, lJijo cle dOll Agustin }" don~ Franeisca Calasallz. naci6 n H 'palia ell 17 de marzo de 1 ~Xl) Y se e "Ileo en Pam pI 0 11•. Don Jos Crg lles naeia en Es pana ano IH7~, hijP dedoll <';eh s' \\'hcre he married dOi'ia Antonia ian PI es y fi£i. r r' Hcal t, F;ibrica ---J·:x I'J-:I<JU!, _. Factory Ferre, td dose en Dare -10 a. uontie Th yare the ]lappy parents of t\\O cl:iidr It: Rosita COL tra '0 matri onio con doila • ntani; ;l.:rn~, can la que ti ne dol'< 1 j'o 1Il\tt1 1o. I osita y Jo~e . ntollio. and .lose Antonio. lllg"r . do C"n I palS, fun el aiio 11,1." estu bien d6 '11 rllOD ta, a l'ri/)rie' cle '-;iropcs y Al-,lld!'1 (I 'co" s, COD todos Jos ad unt03l lOUtrUos y en camp lencia cou os e~ 31.>1<: ca cimi lt05 ell' lJa lo(~ado -all1 la Republic;). POl' a in.ll erablc ea i d c!l: Sll:-- pro dildos y e1 asco e-crLlpuJo:o dc ella l<;s un vcr .ade.m UUI. . tr en t arte (]e elXlni~terfa; par y lor Sll FOTIl1n 'da 1 com fda!, :it! almacen f: rica IllU bles ha adquirido mer cicla fal11a. S,I"; el1\·:l3<;:S. Don Jose is a Cabinet ake.r of note anel a true Rrtist ill Joinery, which added to hi::; r 'ability in busi e!·;" has given his Estnblishm nt a \n:~l1-carned -epntation. La elir 'ion esl,l 'arg-o Sll 'Iropic(ario. ,!uicn h:ne de ~argos auos '}f;ktica , III .\- en E,paiia, cl is (' -juJo de don Jose Cohel, dou(k~ fue !llatriculado LII F,\HI<ICA la Acac1elllia (k CCl"\'cccros de Austria. Para In fabricaciOl1 de los f)roductos emp!ca [as mn l:'S de superior caliJaci y Sll prodllccion es de U 'otellas l1iari as. 152 I:'ABRlCA DE SlRCPES JOSE URGELLES AGtJAS Gi\SEOS/\S This Factory is situall'd on 1st. SODA-WATER. AGUSTIN VIVES Avenue East, San Jose. It is the best store and shop of its kind in the Repllhlic, owIng to the extra quality or the lumber 011 played , and thc dnrahilitv and artistic taste of the furniture and picture frames made there. Don Jose Frgelles ,ya'l horn in Spain, in 1H74, SOil of dOD Sebastian Urgelles and dona Maria Ricarl. lIe was educatEd in Barcdotla, where he married dona Antonia ~L"1.11ry 'bey Ferre. arc the llUPPY parents of t,,'o el1ilclren: Rosita ose Antonio. MINERAL'NATER f. i'{..J SYRUP FACTOr-. Y "LA NAVARRA" r':sla instalacla en San Jose, calle del .Pacifico. Sll propietario, JUIl Ag1J!Stln Vives, hijo de don Agustin Vi,'cs y dona l"raucisca Calasallz, aci6 ~Il E,pafia ell ] 7 dc This \\'ell knowJ] establishltlent W,lS fOl1llitecl in !lll.3, hy its present owoer and manager, dOll Ag-ustin Vives, expert 13re\\'t:r amI Syrup mixer. 1\1 r. \. i vcs ,,'as born , raised and Lducated in ;-;ipaiu, gradualing from tbe Hre\\'ing Ac.adel1lY of Austria, and COlli pleting his course of practical stud ies II tid er the fam 0 u;; Master Brewer, Jos\: Gohel. The [(La ':-':avarra- Fac. tory has a daily output Qf marzo de 1 'l.')') y se etlllC6 l: n Pamplona, do Ingres:,clo ell el P:JIS, fuu en el ailo 1 () 1.'\ t:sta bien mOlltrLdu Fihrica dc Siropes y AJ.!lltlS Ooseosas, COD todos los adelllll Los 1\l0c!ertlo5 y en cOIn pl:tellda Call los cbtable cimienLos d~ 1a R~p(lhlica, \:a log-rauo fama par la inslI peralll e (,lllirIan de SUl\ pro c1uctos y d ;:5":0 escrl1vuloso c](> lllote thlUl 1"oU hOllies and the ex~eptionlllfinl' grade at' Syrllps a1:(1 \\'alers lllUlJ1lfac. tmed by .\1r. Vi,-cs illsure n S\iS t'11' a~ts. LAll(mA'l'OI<lO - J,Al!OI{A'J'llKY J'W[, OJ-' F,\\"I'OI{\, Jose is a Cabinet Maker of note and a true artist nery, which added to hi3 reliability in busiuess, has )OIl 'rST.\ Gl-, :>F.RA I, - J:-<TERIOR - G-r{NTlR,U, V IEI\' his establishment a well-earned reptllHlion. I,D, direc cion e s l ~i cargo ~ UL' _, propiclario, l]l1iCll tielle largos ~ iios de Ii pnictic:J. '.qlli y en E~J-Ia iill, ) - FACTORY SAI,I\SROO:\i5 'fill.! great dOllc!c fUl: di c est care is ob. serVlrI i t1 n1h· cl!Julo de don Jos6 Col!l-l, Jog' the S~'I F.\HRICA - Io;,,'j'ERIO!{ - F.\C'1'Ol{\' matriculaclo ups, only lh ':1 la AcaJcmia de Cer\'(~ccros de Austria, pl1l'est exlracls and finest grade of sugar heing 11S~·d. whillc Para la rabricm:ion de los prodllctos cmplea los mate tlle general Sanilary arrangements of tIJe entire Factol'~ riales de :;uperior caljdad y Sll Pl'Odllcci6n es de 1800 arc carefully looked after in every c1ctarl. botellas diari as. 1';,> DON AUGUS o MARIN RICO Tills prununcnt lJ1~r h 1111 h s won hiJ . df all po-ilion in e COHI. Jean U' ill ~~ W tI 11, hi I\ill force and one Iy lD bl1~in~" ( ·aling,; ~ 2U • 1 b nrarlez e fUl:ri'o 0 rail 'lcli "id I, aorir'e j,a "0, y '[ 1 Ie 'e Q e liP 'InQ el que at-or vi tl1d COUl rein e • \Te premia a ~11 Ol1S'lue 1 nman.:m 1'1.' an "in 110 SII tmba,io. 0 rULba TIENDA JlI:l{I... ~\n lulen ( 1\vi I It '\'ih'. rl ev' den ernen c 1,1 de (1 011 • 1I~u.., 0 Madn Ric Tl1 li' 1011 1 pal ell PED ;; 'ilUI panoi 11 uri n IlL' a car .U 'j - q II ·"ut Ol'. 'Il~ :e 11er~"Lll 10 110 IJ C tlt.=Lc ~~ , l1H1WicOi:; \' OCi31", t'll I, II qll ~omcl1l':', !oil" rIO ')5 ] o(lerocio tl C~ comerciale:; CI'U 11 , iliad c in Ii :rwi rOll III lie has suce 'n l~ i 1 e'l I1taudo su cariltal qu~ I L'slIl a 0, 101 ~ rill Rico, ~:; en 1 1a. a tllil ulnLl cl senor • UL.: I) Ie lIS II . tielldas de ell ditTLrem T,' Perla 1 "L, J{c- 01'ltl 'I Y eT,a -tona , :,-.;,tl'\h e idns eu ]a ,,\ \'cllidu Cell~ nO\"l",[llc1l::01'1 f[ 11 :-tl, Co,., tI Ri a I.:rcm J se. hlecim ieJJto5 CD{'llel1lra ande nuiado :,urtido (le kuh - r,a. S~10r;:u;, impardin'Ctal I e de Europa y E lallo' 0" COli frec uenci a El (J, f1~rl called \'1 'tori~II, jardl lei I) Ir nle al Donco t1~ In. eu 1 (,,! ~'o[te, Junto 3J I trL "':'all \:£1 ;;tHi 'st, T latlo a 1 'e "ell : } <:~ •• CP"'jollA " aDICll l! por 0 ~on,' 1111 o~. Ati lid pedidos para dell rQ y ftlera d , n ci In capil 1 v cepta r pre. s I cas mlJjera.... 11 • URT o ~ sore .. from 7 • I 1. • [). HI. and an: 01 L:n~ ",'or d an~ with argL:) ie of the I'L:: eOlle of Sau Ju::.e fI'" I U as from thl: Province", \\"ho "j:-.h to ur cha~' oods of q U3 '1.. I odera:. &\'ore 1 11111 f'ro~a or \'en i a r1 I"]lLL ~n -It • e.ncut:ulra tali 10 q II p( ell", ajJdt: r el g-u~lo mas 'eJ' I J ramEn e r li119UO. a 1 "J,,\ r. uri L1 Rico [Icn plli ep ~ en . lion» of forei~n r'llctori . 11 o "al r ' Thc$ lj e" mal-: n. ..pecinlt of sending good i Ilto t be ro\r'll L: atlJ doiu n.rc'lt!ar 1.i1·orrlrr Lm.il1 -~. ,R. BA ISTERIA "( -ABRICA DE MUEBLES AGUST 1ARIN RICO PEDRO J. SA MA IENDA STORE This r,rollllllel1l ll1erclJanL b!l.~ \\ on lIim"df 'lUI erl\'il'lblt': 10n it'! lh~ Co~la Riellli ~lltt\ille!i::; \~.orll1 by IlilS !\CllVll}', oree ilmt hOlle~ty in hllsllless deHlilllS~' rill tI 'fl' lI,jl-)~""F.llJU}{- htu lu~le!>. ,ltJlcriur' 1.,.\ ]>1(:<1-.'." (J rna, ror Horn rai:;;;ed nn • •(J ~ltlr .'lsun,~ ~L' ~('ri,'.111t1 y II ·nr~'k/ C • IIlrtle:-t \Yay ,uf[d bill1sel p;u oiled ~La PerlslI, .-1,'1 Rdllrm:lO anel "La Victoriall. The 1'1 illci")J)l or beadquart~r !'otoreis sill1s1f'd on Celllmi A\,(~lll1l: frouLin !he "Banco de Cm;ta Rica" ill the ;Jeli,'" bLIsilles5 c....· oler lhe Cjt)', 'fhe € I ltire dHlin of !',tore.'l are opeued rom i a. 111. to !:i p. m. ami :11(; with a htrge clie.utd of the people of San Jo~e as well llle J'rovinc6, \\bo wish to pur. r:rood~ of ljlt;{Ul\, alllloder 'I'it Ild:l -1 NT I,H Wit - Sltlr~ or GRAN EBANlSTERJA y AGUS PENON F'AEHICA DE: MUF.BLES ,',NC; FURNITURE FACTORY l 11 "t<!l1 lces~ r. CARPENTER SHOP ~Iarin Ri.. .·o ncC'~~pt~ repre· ;t:1lLatirJ1l!i of rorei~n F actorie:. am' \\·bol~~:\ler'i. Th~~t: Store~ lIulk of sending goOtb il1 1 0 es and tloiDR" a n.1~ Illar JII"i ne;;;!; bl) :.- )IOllr ...'i DO AISON DOR' E CA 80 RDl DE HUESPEDES e. Magnifica casa de h pede:! silltada e.n la 4'\. . Hid )e-te Ii: la iudatl de San Jose, a 50 varas al 0 'ste de la BotiC' France~a. iel1e sen'icio te efonico 1H1l11ero 26 y apar do de co rrea. niimcro 151. Es ins.aladu ell una casa contra tel11blor<.'5, en la qllC hay] ) IJahj acion !> bien alllUl:l>laclas e hiRicuicas en la,.; que Gilletl lIlll' Om dnl1l Ie 3() pasaj'ros; do,.; hermosos patios illl rior " aj.:nlficos lwiios y elt:go, n e y espacioso comeuor. Aliml;ntac'()] .rilllera clase, :ana y Dulri iva, Peu -jon nLcra a DO\'cnlu coloDes al mes 11 luye Ida cl1arlO y comid", :::in nropidario dOll :-;cbasti~l.ll Pnch6u, 11a;o n CololU II el alia 1.'-:5ti y alif recibi() Sll ctlucuciol; e instrl1cci "u. Ii llah a E ailol, Frances e Ingle.. ., dicad e muchos ailos ell cl paIS, y MltlHUllel1te praclico el man '.io (1 ltotelcs y casas de hll(~spe e -, la. 10"':-atlo par .n 11;:1 sian gran f, rna en e1 pals y en c1 c.'lerior, oude'~ I1H CODe j, o y aprec'nno causa Ii 511: j urnerah1l:s' bnenas e1ncioue.; tk an L'ad a1 G OUSE eARNI ERIA "EL C PR ;1' li:; e.' ptio!Jul y C0111 0 table hoarding' bouse is • block at 1 11th. :c Y(~D uc: \" est, San Jose, on • of the B llca 1, ranc I'll. ( [DC 1 Drn.t.:· ' gstn :'illda,]~· y 1 ell I'LTI1 d <"xp' IId'o, 'arlle prccl' 1 11 "1'11, lie s Jilll::as ell' ('lIllllCic1' ton lodo: los ~"'" ' .rerearl" rle esla Ins a(. tltadas 'o}rblalll.:, ,ll, dOli JlJl'Z ;\. ,\,lemas.! I, arne de """, St, "IIL~l1 lra ,'11 rh I"f!)\,r". JL' C"tU", dt: carrll'f", "11' d:a C<Lrll' <."o11Lr~illdo5e con l'SJll:Cj lidarl 1.-). Illit:rcoh':-1, ~4i 1"I<I"s ~. rlOl1lill.~·"S Ja falllo:,a (·',rue l{oa~t Beef. 'Ia)' Si"lll} t'e llln gTil11 L',islenci'l ,1,' salehi dl:ls .. :. IllOn.'!'):: con foliA. acli\'id&Hl sc' ativo. 'len COll eSl'eci:l1idad Pl;1'jL os pnr l",la cl~. , ':(, H\" ....· S . ';1 SI'i'ioT CIl]onJ!''1ri llneW l'll 11alia ell 1, H7, Hx l'!'jt>r 1.\ ISOt. Uul'-l(E- "'.in ti", don PL',lrQ t.;"llllll1>ari y dolia Pas l'lJicoli. ',xtc'rior de IIl1~'; t:dlS :\f.Ji: 11 Do ee 8 c: la lld.~ Bel' diLl!, de cinc1fld, tan 0 POl sus U1irah~es IH 1 'iQn~ l:;j . ~llicas, CO· Ii Ipi za y .reo y snc:ul ~nta comi a. a rClI Post l11(i;; ()rtlC:~ \,"'11 ~an Jos''':. ell I anti lY{'1 I.. lIe..-s 'L·iioril M tria J pr",·'"I.,!t \'ar n~rqller _"'. de a LJllL tiClIC 10" hijo~, j)~ni)o ,. hn. I,a actiYio\acl, OUT "z y "Wlr 'II lrll iJjo u, n ,lL ;n 'lratlo e1 s rillr C(,I"'1J1lI"1 i ILl l'€ c li" 'JUt' ,,- GlJ l- las . i ,pal ias ,"t"n rollc 1.1 I'ez (jnl' li" I, gya I "I> 11\'1 Hila U!c'r~"i'" ,l .-<ll r;! sl1fid L1t~ 'r,,; de H f~1I111 ("'}IlJ~lciill. 1:11, \'i,;illl '1\l~ carnicerr ~ Til. con \ l:.n 1 (:. ttic I) .... ase ell t'lla Sc ul . "ry,. lSI l.'OlllO Ho.· 1:'14. la l:x('eh.:llcia ~til"lllC)s. prop Ie or i,. D.)ll S b -ti'm PaC:wn. He \\'as au ",t. la COll Th~ Ltill.iUL!: 1 00111 11 Se edncl'. I'll Cosla ira, ,\on<1e ("ulIlrajo UUlltillHllil' The lOll 'e ~ earth q l1a kc pro f and c:ontni I1S ,-jxteen \I'ell f rill 'bed and hygienic r0011L, capable of accornmodalil1, 30 per SOilS, '1'here are t \\.:1 handsome "patios", fine llatilroollls. a ml a large and elegant dilling,room. The ;ood IS llrsL class. \\" ltolcsomc [mt 1:l 1 n OllS, Ratl:S are nillt't\' colone; 1;[ month, i dll in board and ro ill, The: Telephone. 1ll111lb~r of the hotl~e i: ::!b. 'swcraclo lis d un 0 de lli6n l! los \'iajeros c1istiDgui 0-, kl L'1l HO" \I],,,rto COllz:il,'z S"to. 'lsi ef111 0 l.(Rnul d" 1. , fi.u,: IS de los sl,jjores . \\', \\·oou.mall y J. (;6 ut: mo por all IJlVllUJtla d~nl .., de gallal () ,l~ a CfInzmla 'eria C"flrlli :"nlos, est:i CSt:l~' cio\:; AUG Cll)'OS pr 4 f c'Q'; 1 ~ IlO ",. 'rJFJL:\lIIJ S.\:"' I !L!c~ted in hi~ nat:re ltlni h. 1-"('11 1 aHd Ell~·li..,lt. 11: lI' Y ars iD C ~La Riea aDd lia;; had llJUC ('.-pc iellce jn n oag-jug' bot<:: S (10 otl..nlin ,'. IOll!eS, i' hOl1se ha~ a g-real re llatioll both i.n tllis cOllHlry and ill Ol er COlllltries, "her' he is \\'cll- k\1O\\ 11 and appre' ciatu1 11)' tl c many !,ood friends I nt lie has 11 Ul: l> tht eXl~ lIenl "er\·i::e e,f his hOlLe aml Iy his own ouricol1.' UlJ.]oers, lis hoardi '-hO)J:il" ,laison Don~c", is ne of th bc·t recOl\lLJlendcd ill the c'ly on aC'Dltnt fits h...' 'iel1i( cOl:JiLiolls, il~ elca 11i I :is and 11', lnes: aDd it. c,','ellen: table. ]t i~ Ill' meeting point 0 he mos di~ in"l1ishe~ tra\'dels \\'ho \'isit Costa Rica. O\','illg Lo bi.· \l'di kn wn industry a cl !lolle,t)' and hi, al1UliralJle s cial qualilies, DOll Se ):\sti n Pf.c]jon i' on goo:: terms \\'itb a 1 clas es au is nppre~'i, i by aU wi 11 \\'~lO::: he haS dealings. ry. Ht: srea .;. EnLra.da -?ITA IS";'; J)oRi':I{-!';nlrancc eliot' Paclt"o debido a SUs condiciones pel"sonwcs c~l- uUlY hi~n r~ladolJado y goza de g-ener ('5 ;-;il lpa las ntre todas las c1 ses socialesl'or su laboriosidad y homadez. ).56 ) !,;"1'J' It ..., , limit II COJllP -l~hr-ill, d,' '£I TILll slIlr" e'!'h" y l'Ol1Ipl!lr-ioio . r ,Ill' _. n:IJ i~ito 11..1 l'on,nll1i(ICtr. "famlri.:11 ,~ Illi u,1.'0 !~·c.lul ~ pOl' d l" g'llbt!' 1 l<'h~f,'u(J uU)J!l'l'O ~ DO 10 BOARDING HOUSE This exceptiollaUy comforlable boarding" - bDtlSe 1~ Aveoue \Vesl. San Jose, one-hal; block of lhl; Rotica f'raocesa. (French Drug' Slore), llL':d On 4th. A GU TO OLOMBARI CARNiCERfA "EL CAPRrCHO" EM~ carlliceda IIlolltad" to, los los THE "CAPRICHO" Ea,, Thi;; well kllOI\'11 l\TL'fll Mllrkl'l :md Tllll"h,:.!' '1IIlLos, \'sw csl.abtecida en ,~! MerclId" de Esl" Shop, ('st;llJli~h~11 i,n the Ran J"'" xlntk" lnndl.'s ....Idy lh~ 1,\::;[ :lDi L'lt"bl'~t M~:'ll~ CClJl rilldnc1 y ,h·fIo' p_lr:l (,I '''f'ell.lio, I'aruc l'l'Cce 'Hlk rIt: ,~atlllc1o <1e priwera. rle la':' "(amntln,, )' hi~JI ('on, 'l.'icms j;~lC3.S .\Iberlo (~'Hl/.,ik/, SOlO, l'ardllily ~IL-ct~<l frOIl1 c',lUe r~i"c:d 011 L11" famolls l'olihlallCo SLOe.. Fum.!;;, 11<:,10nging 10 de I;fllibl'llIC'), d" dou ''''I Mr, :\Iberlo I ;onnucz Solo rtr frol:! lll" "'111'1111' CO'110 gaDa, Iim'as ,l~ l()~ ~"fiores C, \\" \\'oollma.CI Y .I, \',6· \\'\'11 kllOWII ~tn('k FanllS 'JI "ilbe!' Mr. C, Ii'. \\'llO.}IIlHll or Mr. ]. Cont.·z ,I. JIlL'Z " , '\Ih'nci~ ,k ]a elUIH~ d", n:s. S<: <':1I<:lIl~JllrEl en dla carOL d" lerJlLrO_ de ccrc!o, (Ie ('arnern, 1'11 (1)lIldIHlo,';(, r,m "Sll"ci:dirlacl lo!" mi,:rcoks, ,<,I In I\cldilioll to Uw l"hoicc Lut" of H.·.. ! t:lO: cll"lo:llC" will fied H \[.r',-t' of cUi" of Veal, Pork, I,mlll, nlultob as w"ll lI,' d"PSSl,d Fowls aUlI a ).,'TL',1! ,('hTliutl of SI!U",g"~. 1 [anc~, <:lc,. elc, liD" lJ;l,jos y f.lo.nliug.r)s la IaJtlo~a eartH: R()a~l Bee.f. ll,,\' sicmprc UIl'< ,!.trail l:xisleuan .tt- salehi :ita" ,\' jn11101l\ s~' ('0!1 lnlla acliYJrh<1 sO :\ti, 11 '-,t n COli ~~Vt:ci:11 i' k,d p ... li,los p(.lr j'loiA cl:.*' Et F:lenur hijn ,l~ lllicoli . dOli The house is eart11 '['here are two handsollle "ratios". fine bathroolJls, aud a Iarg-e and dcgal;t dillinj{-room. 1'he food. is first class, \I'!1o!esolllc alld 11utritiotls. alL'$ are ninely colone::; p~r month i ucJ udi oc !.Joal c1 find room. 'the'rdephone number of the hOllse is 26, Post Office Box 154. The projJri~tor i::- Don 5eba:.ti,w l'achul1. He \las in Colomhh !ll I XSi-l, lUlU \\'n" eJllC'al0cl ill his tlJti,'e llry, TIL "pcllks SpJnish, FrcncL flud Eug-lblJ, lie Iws Ih'ed many :years in Coshl Ri~H amI 1m_'i hlld 'b l'xperieucc in mallHg'lIlg holds lIud Iloardi"~·l1ouses. His house !las a g-reat (epntrHion hoth in lhis cOllntry in other cUlllllrics, where he i5 \\'cll-klJo\\'lI al1d appre _L1 by the mallY ~oocl friends tbat ;le has maue by the !('Ill sen'ice (f his huu~.(; and hy bis o,\'n courteous Illt"rs, IIis hoardiog-hC1J\se" "faison Don.~(:", is one 01 the recoIDmended til the city on account of its hyl!,ienic lilioDs, I'S clealllillcs:\ and ncntIlC$S, and its l'.'\ct"lJent It is the meeting' poi.nt (If the most di..,tjllgni"hed CJS \d1O "isit Costa Rica. ,',:illg to LLis \I-ell knowlJ industry und hOlle,ty and his lirabl~ sociul qualities, Do05ehasliarl Pr.cbon is on good 15 with nll classes and is IllJprecinted by all \I.j th whom ~11 has two r11ill)rl'TI, and lSi!, ('<lshl Ri ,10lle]" e<>nlrllj" :1I:1Lri1l10nio :11 Sail )0;;\:, eliI:'I :lito 191.3, la elltollces apr~iil')lt: St'iiorila Mart:l H:1rqul'n, \';II' \9\..-U\~' ", rll- JI C/\lL' li,'ne tllb hijos, lJallilo I,a l!('ti\"irl.nrL, ltonraco'l, y '''101' tI tm',ajo Cpll' lin r1~ ll\<l~'.m,1() t:'l ~.,.jior L(lllllllUuri lIa Iltc!lo 'JUl' "" \) ---,-r IlETERI~I\RIO El SERVlCIO ~~ C~RTI.. ICA MUHIOrllL IVID 4 Mr. Culombad Itah ,,'clIl'l',1 l) <:: ,~ /: l:na a 1't'f"C.1. Sl1nt~it:·lItt.:: r~ .. 1;<;" 'Ill" ell $11 :Ul" Honorinca til Sanitlab y cariliccria para ..Ita [omn la nrll'tllns, !It: ~_I i; t'?:!.+":'_+H"~6U.~""'.~"."""" .. !!". btttt'fbt..!··.. ··.k· ......... U.&.~, tit.:- lns prl·l·;o.... 111\.,.. 10 r. Mr. Col'Hn'liln Ims s[)l'('hl 110 1,~:rrJ'I~\DO S,-\..<."'l'rAl<Jrl - S,\:-:l'l':\\{\, CEl,'1'1F1C.\TJ: T,,"'FRI(Il< "dlllill'n comp,-l,'nc:-Lo, .l"jarun ~ali:,f"('h,, y r-onlpLar"illn d .t.:J1stn ,i~l-Dt" .\ ""ljllisilo del cono;lIuJirlor. ml,it".a se aliend .. ll p(.lidos C\:!Ic:n! gtllllit)' of th" -- whld, ;,hould ":llis!)' til" :lIo~l e~acti 11;..., l"ttttt_OI:O .. Obs'cn'lJ. 'I:;; c~ceh'ncia CLh'().S br)' precaution ol,,,,,n'~. the n\\'nl'r-<l~ ".. d} as UIl:' ex l-Jo. tOIl\'l'I1 'llle d exlritto a:;ro S;.!< (o( '''Il to ~C \I <llell will cO.l.l\illl'l' y,'" ot Ih..· strict .-h':lulluess anrt "-.Lui capt" Ill;; llhl~lkf 1111:1 ktuu LClllh:rcial. \'i~ita Cfllllllll-r"iai. ;\\orl,J In,,,,_ Ill< II,. I",..,rlld" Ul"r~dIL, (or him the ~co,h\'ilJ "I Ius numerous Cll8tOlTlH .. "n,T r w",li m .. rile:tl Danle ill 1I1' c.\~. 1:1 lp3lia.; ;":L·Il.·!"3t\·~ a la \ c-:t lli.U1il0 -l'l..ll< 'lclfvil), lmrl"sLy and loye .)1' work ~ho\\'n 1,)' "~p,. OE N UTRfCION Y SA,' COli IJi"ing Room -s dealings_ 1)os ,\:'r;I'_~Tll C()r,()~ln,\[n narqll".r,~~ \'argns nllL1 II)' 1",1' Se ,,<IlIe6 quake pmor and contains ~ixleell wdl Etlfnishn] aud ly,.:icuic rOOllls, CBpable of accommodating- 311 p~rsons. olnmbari oRo6 ,~JI llalill ell li-<~7, f't-tlro C()1()Illh~ri \. clQih l'JlsclIlIJa ,.,It,d.·u The OWllcr and M:ul'l:.,:er of lbis "s1nl'1ish lJIl'nl, Mr, Pedro Co~ottl1Jilri, \I:LS I<orn in Italy in 1~87, SOl] o( duu l"'dro CuJm.llbari alltl ,Ioiia l'a":lIilltl ChicoJi, Ht was l"c1lH'a1.l'd il1 Costa Rica, wher\" 1, .. 1l1l1rti~,1 ,Mi~s II-Ia.ria {\O a\"l'~. Exl~tiQr-71T.\r~[lN l'nln~l';-]':"Ll:rior BUl'CHERSHOP pOl' \-1 ,I"y" '.for - c..-,win ela_'H'" 01 "", I,A C.\R1"ln~Ri.~ 111' !{C0il5t" alld Joints flll,l Il i" \\'L'II (or lhe house-will: to nlake a noll' of ; hL~l! rlay;' ill onler not Lo mi"s the' Oppllrl lIliLy, t<-1a"u'J uumcro ;:r!l. (Ir, LeTS 151 rCl'..:.iw"j and l,rOlupl tl"ll\-cr) assured-Phone 31T. 1,1 IRF,R;A , Ul' tas y aucln', Mah'TI{fico,:; !aUOS ulemfllle . []lil lil, olo~1.lIco· f Vod.nkJ y o-Ern~malllll, III uras oleos y aCllar -·las. T 'et, ...o tal-'~ e t c . 1-' IA LEHMA N LIBR I (S UTER & Co,) 1'£lJERICC A ' NIDA Cr:KTRAL, SArl '~a 1 \-a el nomhre de' undador y prim!.:r du no, e ~ aHero n]-man (0 .. ntOllio Lehmann, sien '0 !>11 DC' uIlles propidario' 10:: 5 fio e: ~a uteI' 8.:. [':1, En su c 1H~ 0, .~ a Ill'-' import' oLe U 1 par y compren e s ig-uie.nll:' !Tun '(" d 1 Mlan ell os: Librerfa, apelerf', 01 j ~1.o~ para el .llho cat 'lice, bjc o' d l'lrle, II lJ tli.a, ElJclladernaci' u, F:ilJrica cl ,Hos de IlUle y FaIJrica luar SE Dt;" .::C, TA T (';.1 [\ 0\\ OWIlC, taJl· Papt::rt> to b • fOUll a ionary Book Slcrt ull 11 e piS 0- Boo 01 tbe world, ~; rin \'I~T~I" I I,H, IJl( T...... /1 II L le • merit::. rOll I al lht \Torld. and in Yariou ,Ian 'Uli';L If!' 1 I1hlicacion lIe llIl orta cia en lao "ellciru!,la e, \' 1a Ii eratuta, aSI como uaato'libros n ateria es .~ rcqt.lieran a en5cii:anza en es uela, y cote ios. En Util . e efcritOlio para toda' la. oficil1os, eJ ill/. , IIi 110m; car il"S be DUlU!:! f j I tier llml iiI'" fr,. I onia ~e llllRHn, bUL the • c nul:m pI 5 t (Mess~s, S,llll" ,,\: Ct,) i :Ire an Incorpor, t Company. ,\-ilh t1 ill I P ,Ap;. tal f 1 ill (l{lIJ- If) awl j j~ :IF.' it' 1he ost impor ant L'Oncc' OiL - clas~ ill 111 Rer.u1Jlic, in~ dh';ll'L1 inLo ,ariolJ De· p: r lllt;r1 " ·ollo \ : oak or and W LIOIn r, 'lig[ou (-II, ho it: ) Su plies, ()rnAlucnts, etc .. : l paT I r1t~nt, Priu 'ng n,1 nindin' D lU'tll el.Il, i additioll Lo 11 ~ la g' as. m tment 01 ord/<,'TI a a:d 1e!i R l ( _ • C\I" _ kr; r fOl1l V .. ' \ 'brer# ,M.iquin.a· de cos riuir '0 j paTti "LllIII 0,. Tielle e' gr nue ~l li ."AUT-::::R. Mill! -.. Ene aderna ion eJ(os e hu : Dom i a en CuaD 0 :l mat iall'.S lis ner, ablecida I Clor "IIi" grand f.! lcia de io i os y rev tas ill: lodo el undo. te ep:u alJleut e e.ncu n an en to os lo~ j '0 las, la ulhm:is rmpren e artmen : • 'HI, Uut Carri~s variou,.. Language ; fr I nl da in' 0 > cienc ,.l\.rb, it raLuft j l: --ida, 11:1<li eo precio. 1 p-al y 1111. I I' tlr.' Vi"" .. eming on y lodos 10', jet para el culo cat6lico: Esta c-asa, mini llauto e" n~cl:-nrio 1 am el culto l'1ltolico co to . a.' SUs , io lnp:u' cit' D Jli· 1L:sla ·ione..~: Camprtna:, Oman .1 tos, Or" nos, \'iuo pl~r on 'ab'Tar, Harina para ho~ ias: te. 'rOMS 1 . jgl iab' d pa,.fs muchas e 'en 0 r\m~rica, I aeen sus e' do' a rOn1fl j 0: de mar o T bj los de a : LSi casa Lehmann, r ib' .n llElf]ro, y b't: O~ II ra r ILlos, las 111timas nOl'edntle' uropc h .~ nOrLt!amcriCflDas. In 'trl1Ill-cnto' 'f i 7.IUi rle muslca para 01' de .'11: trnh"j . con I, I.(,~ - llo, de HI' If! C " n Otio l;tCel1 I a' de III en. 'l OtllQ 111:>lJpemh] , e t p:tta cu, lro', I! a '. ratos, r 1 RI pal • \·idrin. fuhric, tlo'S f'spt:eia menLe pa flue "11 e. t· ramo :lbarque amhV Lodo 41.l:lJa: to: rA L IillM ql1r~tns y hanrlR~, Mllg'nifieo~ pianos alemanc~. CrilD9.rAl; y :HMA N I r nttlarelas 'TurJctas po~tJlk,;. rmpre.nta, Encuadernad6n, Sellos de hule: olWK ~EDEPICO ~QSTA kj nds. Catnaras, Kodaks Ii'i bn" , etc" also a lnTI:;(; as~ortIIH~llt of \'iftws, 1"ostal, Cards, etc. Printing- and Binding Deparlmenf: 'l'hl;; Depltr. nlelll f~ titled willi lhe very h~"t wo lip to ~]atl: machinery of all ki ad!> for the Drintiug" and lli ndillg' htlSiness in till1es fOlografico,; ~'Kodakt y .Erlletn~U1U1f. P)[1tufns para ,0. ) DE &: ('0.) SAUTER. Mi,l! ~t()~ tallerc~ :=.tn CCOIJ0111111 ell cunnto fI MonllllL. 111n.ll::tiale:o v mnqui RrCA his llOl1~e Guries tbe.: name l')f its Foumlc:r alld first er, },ir. Antonio -LtohnHlnn, lluL tbe actual aull presel n l MCbstS, Sauter 0.:. cr.,) are au IncorporateJ Slad,: Company. witb a Paid-up Cap; tal rtf S 170,(1)0 (,10 aDd i L j~ ca,,· ily t.he II}Q"ot important concct of its (;h~~ in the Republi ing di\·jtled into yarious Dc· parlmenb, as folloll's. Book Store and Sl~ Liot1uy. Rcligiot~ H..' u holk )81.1 rplies, (kl1amcnb l d~., Arl Dcpnr~men~, Printillg' au' Binding Department. ill addition to U1.e Inl'g...~L f\l'.Sl'lllnefJl F'orei~l1 Maga:z.in~~ :- :'l'-I.;...:t,"rinr nd and ~e\\5 "Papers to he found itl the Central America, from all parb ot tllc \\' orld, and in various lau.RUaHes. Stationary Department: Carries a printed in vatlOUC, LflTl):,lleg'lS; from al I rdatjnl! to ScieUCE' Arts, Llter~tuT" YN'I'.\ 1' . \JH·I\~. Ill. I.o\ bll'RESTA ri'a, ~Il ttJl'jor recomellclflcii,t1 ~:, la gran c1kntda que por Ell cUlU1lo a los irabajo!'; r/,.':'I'I ·,r. \'11:11 01' {"<IN'r ~ljUl' udillon to having always Oil hand n large ~l(,1ck of Papl!r 1 Card Boanl"', and Prinlers :='llpplic.:; of all ki mlH. he IJest r(!commendlll On is lhe ninny .years 01 holrlin the choi:-.~t trade in the ('IJU11lty. without roml,etition 3. aJ]OS 1o:: f'lyorl:ce Call 5.tl/l (Iroeo,;,:" uta, hasta dedr que \:0 sli va lerg!! \o1dn, nadie podiuo h,1t'c.:rJc.:s com petenl'i~, nl en calidatl lli \!11 precio. HI lkr ele j·:nt.ll:Jderllnci{III, 110 l;eD~ ri\'al en d P:lIS Y ha. r" to sh'!e nnd gr:lcl~ of wOik -l1w work of 1'1 i ~ I)cpartmel' IlI~('rifJr \~re"f "'Ol~(he.-. fIl""\ 1<T,\'( 1\:"1" Lo;. con I'r. F ~l'l;,~ llJlll:-;' C1'IN-IiIl\J'I~;,: fll':r,'R'l'~IIiNT ('oml)(lre~ i,;n dc sus tmh[\jo~ con lOS ule • la (';)"'1 Leb i 11suD~ral ,leo en toda la Re- faYoral.l" \\ illl hops- :'Iud the Rullhet tile COl1l1try as weJ lit.' II Foreii{ll Prlllt is ~he he"'l in fame fac.to de marcos pam clIadro", relrato,;. ceterH. Molclura;;. \' Ja cm;a, haeeD ·\·itlri()~ 'I ue Ell ~·4... iabricallo.. l·aml) ,3 bunt manufacturIng h3IDl:S Abo Mouldin!{s and GIll. arra.nged nnd ordl!rs are all parts of the ~cpllhlic, nlll [J!l~. pecialmEn \.1: prlrll tam1,ien lodo (-\ ritario 11 for f al I ~l) , v:clures, 111BP,. et.... IIome. nre rrolnt11ly rOm and d :=.pntt h l z OR HIJO SA DE ORTIZ JOYERI JI, -c lr IVO~ J,:' 'TE La Joyerfa Orliz e3 la Illas acreditac a las ~n la Re lull ica de Lost em:!s rle Centro America, par In el gntlcia, cali ad y prt:.io RIca yen J)l~ L ..\ , TL" EI nom rc de 0 RTIZ, ell 10 toean le a JOy ri, , es la mejo1' galfHttf. que pllcc1e ienLe de mas refinado 'nsto, can la direcciiin de 1m; m:b repu acios artistas del pais y sus lrabajos son los que ('Ol1stitllYCU ~l 'C:' l'ama y confiallza ahsoluta ell el publico qne 1a favorece desd dac1ero Dlotivo de ailos, l.Hlce'; - Como Representantes de los relojes silizos ZE 1'1' cm~ulall :iempre con com· pleto snrtido de las ultimas creaciones de 1a industria relojera. Ortiz cs en Costa Rica como 'tiff \11 ell :'ii neva V rk. T~d 'n's - l~"'J R10R - SIGmaX'I'I:s C:\: &. A GLO S\\-'I Eslc establecimicnto tienc conslanh:m<.:nle 1.111 variado Hlirliclo de las llilimas lIoveclaclcs ellropeas y americana;;, En la fabricacir'm dto joyas, cnent "'TRO 1 A~I·'.kl s: n' dicos de sus arlfc111 s, obtener el y HE Shops :1 CO ONDRE , E. "'--VE TSED MIL Los. prit1cipales prodllcios d~ sta CompaMa de cr iaIl: , ~on los, i gl1ie te '; Ll:cbe COlldel1sa a NE TLE" ill en NIDO. I.ec Co det1~ada. ESTLE, fife ill silt car ICrel a vaporndll),' , y (ama mUll Leehe l~~lerilizad.a.~ STL: (Na ma!), articulo mel c rccom dRhle pOl' II ureza entidad arJu Lac ~ad.a :r"1'.E, marca NIDO, aliI]] id I I pam 10 nino', nIermos 'c nvalecientes Cho alate:KE TLE, coo leche suiza, exquisi 0 n< mite sl\stitu o. ' C'boeola e - IlL' R, ri u{ 'imo para el U'O C111im I om bones en ajita' de fan ia, area..' l~ 'T KUHL ,P.I.£TER \I C, rL ER. "z ITH' 1), • ~L R ELOJ Pn. CI J'I~r.t.I., \'I A,C ]M E RFECTO ~L u £SO ,'. CiA. Ii Rl E J)J~ LAS ANTJ(; " ..; CAS &. CHAPOTl~l RH,AD lV'm Nl~, p .. US. l'ABRICAN'I'ns DE LAS ~'i:!.RIlRE· Ml!JJICJNA-' API LU de h, poteaut, ap'lllas de Pell .-or ~tl1fat d 'i iDin[, CER ',VI IKA vr IHERRD lr Girard, IT,).r JAR. B ' de D 'ART III Lactol a de enl, ]nmbe ~Dico VI L, Jarahe de ra~ nO yodl ,rj I ret 11 ,Vino e p ptona. C apoteaut, SFi d t .lJ,Ij Jaral,e Lag-a"', \ 100 !t JanaL' d~ \luiua crrul:"ioo, os C 11 a I , tc, etc. r.., "ORTIZ" THE JEWELER '['hc Ortiz Je\\'elcr Store is the largest and best stocked e'l.ablish. f it kin i Costa Riea or in lhe Central America on account t lee e~'ant \\"orkmanship, high quality of aterials used and L' e 'er_ llOderate prices charged for bigh class goods, "Ortiz" be J{;\\'cler carries a large assorlment of Ellrovcan alld • Dl Il l1o\·e!tie.s, watehes, jewels and gift" of all kinds, and the name 'tIz on any a1' icle is, in its.sell' a gllarantee \\'orth remembering, 'fhL fal\lllact.urinR Departments and Repair Sbop~ are under the dir lJl' a ef\'llt of eriellced Jewelers and Ell ravers - and I' a\'e securet.l tll absolute co lfidenee of tlte public in g eral by rloing cart 'ul an Rr is ie ,,"or' uuder absolule '113 i\ntee, or l:. e rasl ,~,~ )ears. ~c ujii Te Representatives of tlte famous S\ 'iss \Vatehes 7. ~ K 1'1'11 Ie' ah\'ays have an exten.siv· slack on hand to selecl "rom - a 1 th latest er a ions in \\'alenes from Ule cheap hays \\'a cit to he finest je\\'eled Cronomeler in other \\' rds OR'l'lZ is the l' Y o[ rCA. EL R LOJ "ZENIT Oc;UI'A, L rR1M _ ""'GA.I" eN LA I, DUc;': R! men' ELj'""",,~;:;:-;- J..,a !ICtlicinas as pl:lras, con lID ~.·ilo de medio hi~ T R Er. Tall .. res·- L I.Rl ll{ - :'h F IVmNNF,. ARJ~ I' . RI"[ :rrSTA r,~ I,A l\eTU. l,rD n Pedol Ie _ E. trllcto!' para el paiiueto. ion P de arroz, Jahoues. Dentr'fico I \ Ua de Coloni , :J. o edad en artlctllos de 'rail lujo, Creador rie ( r perfulle CAMI fAR\ GARDE: i'TU CE \rG R Db. R )SES, 1 1 E A., G 'GORI, RE. JA ALTE: E, L1DILIA. DOLCE .MIA, c., el l.a 'u rr europea 0 h.a influfdo maVOrwell e II 11 clla regulo.f de las as"s representada- pot nosolr \ po mas a eg11ra Ja ejecuci6u rapida y cnmplida de 1 do, que se nos cllcarglltll.