12/07/1872 - Atlantic County Library System
12/07/1872 - Atlantic County Library System
......... ___ . Jlr. Editor: When I esmeto/thls eountryj beUig’in the wintersetJon, the_ genera] nJl>0et ot .... _ ,se~f that the soil-wu good for- tnythlug;soils of the samegeneralappe,~r&uee being really good-fornothlog In the_n0rth Brith,h Provinces"fromwhiohI name.After a few months I, however,after the g*nitl ep’ring(whichsets in hers’earlyin the monthof March)hmidisperstd the chilling frosts ~f win~rwhicharenev*r vary se~er6 in shim country, I found"that the’soil with all its study -~ppearanee Wasgoodfor so’meShing i that in fact It very. rot lily respondedto a render’ate shale of cultivation and" manuring;that everything had t . ....................... = iu & ~ Thelaiid in South Jersey is principally ad,.pted for’ freit growingpurposes, .andin avorag o goodyears_morecue be madefromtbesoil-in growiegfruit than in any other way; yet it is ~dap~g.ptirp0ses._-W ith tt oonaidersble-degree~o f~ul~m2-for.t-lizin ¯ - o~u~row-very goodwheat, a-fii’~t qualityrye~goodcorn-atall seasons,potatoesof all varieties. As far sweet potatoesbothin quantityandqualty, I" should think th y wereunsurpassed-the yand-nutrit 8 have been produced to the n~rom 150 to ...... -- VOL, I.-NO.49:- .i ............. - .- ¯ -- ..... "~ H~m~onton,Business " B. ltAlq’DA’V’I,~, HAMMO ’TONv cards. lVl. D,, 8"~Jaxtf ~ ....... . . ¯ .. --¯ HAMMO’~TON, N¯ J.’ 10el9 ly - LL...... PHYSICIAN AND SIIRG~"ON, - - HAMMONTON,-~¯o’* __. __ ...... " -’-’ ............ CenteaniaLOelebra~ion. ...DEALEltIN --At CUMBERLAND ;. .: . ~ . e~IILUI’.V01 or.Iv t][~..-. TOYS, NOTIONS, VAhCY ARTICLES, --1I 0 S[EItY~_GL0},[B~I_&~&~ :at lfis" " O ]~_T)8TAI~T D, Sofitheast sido ot BellevueAve. -GFBF~i.DG,Et’ON, N: d",ff~ i"~I~.JL’~.. ’~ ’l-’}Tt~, (’all Jmhq}cntlt’,~ce. by I.~’;dil,’~ li6it bfAr£~ Of tbc ~,ti[ - TOI~ I~6LiCI:FOit ~ E,Y AT/LAW_ tic moanswhocould br!ng somemoney’withthem,from$2,500 to $4,000 in hand, to purchasea comw " . ¯ fortablehoh~efor them,anda .littleindustry ..... ~ Vnowied ...... eg .... andtact _ ....in larmsn mmfortand e0mpeteney. 2d. Perso~e not wish to improveit. 3d. Persons whowouldregard their health "etherthanth,~ir wealth¯ 4ih. Personswhowonldrather live quiet, easy lives with a compc~ .e"~ ~--|~-tf-Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, ~t7 Ever gi’een~ and Shrltl)s~ ~j~ ’~ - Situate near - BEDDING_, PLAI~ITS, Notmdyllulitha ATSIO1NT STATIO1NTa ll~i.o.r~gi~n~ ..... J.._.llIU’1C3’ EI ~"7~-’~ ;~n-e ai I in F.t h e-nit ........... P--.-~’--o .... ~lllcti ensures dryncs!of ailUOSl}llero tiouof I’I,ANTEIt~I. I~ Inr~. ,i.d ~ moregenial wo:tther and sunshineall tale year round~ 7 ..... ~ilfaahi-to "befuahd,iu m~tiy¯6lh-dr6o~-h’fri~t~. stock nfthO~lhovo-fb~,~s’l~’~ tbiiflim.(e th;n --TI~lhffd’~blug~o-I"~ ~3iii,3~ In th6~.~-7 : .......... owhtg-tothe ~aet fact,rob e cent*on for-p unt tl night"or&l; ,fdy/or t~’en"for~fitys andnightstbg-etl ur~wet]ndm,dst. " ............ growth,’hseonlidel t}y bullcve.~Jhc.t..h will urn allen disappear. Mudend tnuddy roads ~re unknowuIn thls region, although they often im fl,ltdd felly equui to auytlling herutt)l’.re ~" ITI t"t "aT ~fl’vredbyhila, ~ .-I to prevailat certain seasouJtit’ the year in thoselocalities. Whata rich boon[.~ thl~ ,,f it,elf and adjoining the hind of the ~tltst(lltt’(l I’~,~trr.l?e.e~’s. (~ " ’olsnt In other parts of the ’as.rid. L,,ndot, i,,f,,rm"him tllu,u’ii,e --~. ~,. t~’Wow storms are n0ver very sov0,re or of long daratlon In those parts, ned.the welt or gee. c’. f2 trolly is cot so o.hl In winter, but almost over)’ khld of luhor can bo curried on; o.t exceptieg Improvcmant Association.wii be of extra flno queiity, ,8 tee, tilling and ploughing the soil. Ast get oral thing wha’tevursnowt’MIsitntu’ht id nlcitt’d k n~tay hy the warmthof the sun imfora mid-day, ’Of epn~hineweha’vOagreat d.al h~re t, vcu IIEDGING. ~’~ 72 Ill the winteraea,,,n, an,/t~her~Y:wO: theo~l~,i’~lIHug,,n the soil whi,.his sandy,..... n i.au,cs t ~]loso lauds are anxong,tho ’ - ......"g e I~-ttmttall this betolii;r~,Tlif~-/~;]iTf~/p~~ii[ti~-n~ihl AllthePlnnts~ evergfl~i,,-at,I,t,,r.lilt~.u.,-~tiTl............... ~ ~’¯- ~..J~......... "aeather iu winter, Persons/forIn|to,lee, fond et gardening.]’hir]y as tho very tll~j~lllldeg of ~(~t4t tills lho ~,Jtltt(3. liblul’urlhis purpo~l,,o~ul,lq,t of w, riuov,~;zl~ "’" :~ 3telch,Ahey |uay maketito[r hot bed ~, nilt with a view, aa [u maeyother plae*,s, of th’o seed lind hnvobeenrv]leutedlv iraot4t,]ant,,d, f havingall fuctllt]es f.r ]~t°KIt°rnluht furanlohthormurotbutwlthahvlmufltsahntl~tlnnled t~ytlkl grt ,taqd Vt’: ~ . ~ t:rt,whlg rmpJdlyt and gardeningofevery dem,ripti.o eo,mf.2ows Aedthou i)or~,,nl b ve-a 14 .Flooding |lnd ][}l,l|Jl|’|ll~.~ ~’~7.~ l:).faummerufo|leaweattlerbuforethem (wifichatho g prosy iultatt ~es sn/tlnt~eso e’-tllothollN(~ alld ’~]~’intls, l¥ l"Jl,lllN. thou ia lu be.found In tuorn.aerlhern lstitud0s iu th~ mouthuf August)Tkia eliablv~ a garare oasis y’atndClluatdycluorodand donor not only to produceone crop, but two |fdosirablv. Aoextensiveeast}flu,cot,,f r.*r., ,,id ,’h,,l,.o ~"~¯~’-~ Andthen of all places in the worldtide le Ibo ilelde, t ao.I )ilo,t poaeoal,lo AItiulughperADMIRABLY LOCATED, k[od~ athlpte,I It} w[ndt,w IHIl[llt’t,. ~"" s~aeiterg, dill’or tu)n~lderablybothill roLglonand~olil cs~yet t era is Stile nBCthieff peeUlhlr that uuelean so far ruoegnlsesthe civil rlghtdot’ tnnttlter~ th tt oeohlUltyiiti.tly ell uethr [ll~’ tor C0MPANY I)r INDIVII)Ufil, PLIll I)O,%ES LONDON NURNIE~ T.’ 9 .... 9wit v ine.~.n:|.J]g tr~e, t, vuo]nlvJug the p~w~rt makehln~ ar~_..~.[l~ I"h.~[tff_l~’t’v tt In __ Land:t~thu~z~.~d’ --, £[ammonto~t,~ ..T .. t.lsregblnnowfoecatlelr f roe ro~e t elr nrdo s, itisa rara.ocurrtmeo that ruitur lieu givl, n hy ~tytldogsilo is curried, awuy.[ Collldbleotlfv in t ~tt y llJs ce:l po trs a hJ I eat.hot I tl Irt:ee 0,,I, I’,’, I~71. -~. I : ~{EEI" ’Jl’lll~ilLOOD 4 F. I~l I I.I.E~t. ~UiZB aiuegtboveryjlathwaveaudailowodto ctlmul’oalatnrlty, tllun to bu eafvlygathored by their r]IEI,LEVUI,] " " Andthe health of the ny~tonl owner. .,! AVI’:, IIAMMt}NTttN, h v,’ilL fl~lhtw.ThereJt| tt prulntra-. ][anttuuntun, whichIs 29 miles south of Philadollddaeoulallts frtnu 3,000to 4,000 labablt. than el lron anti i~olto It~l. .~.O"Itieharda’’q~ralti,,r’y tall | It~ Cnllltr0" ant| Ju a coulpaettownship.’rhld ~l,u,e at)oBuds witll neat c.tt.tges all,l we I ia d outatreols. SeesI’rco tlr.~cvip*of iP.orec|h.ctnal tliltl| all (Itltnll%,Wtl|l’~ V¢lll rt~t~()Vu frt)n’t ~(~r J0 manyplaces beaatlful y OrllaUloot,,I wllii trots al.ng the ~Ltuwalks.’there are qudte It. 1~3¯lqen~tim Ililpt)rl~ n,ul vitl-ateUl numberofedgihhre,htoncu, wire sin,ill f,lrm, ,,f fru,l l0 t. 20 acres for hie throughoutthe A l’t ,* e and c H ,’hl}l.v .~,Iv, ,e, ,,,. |}lood vch|o]l (’llU~’a,q dthea2tot ttltl~ II ¯ I[ammoatou GERRY VALENTINE, tract ’J’horo n~tll4 i,c h.a~ht .a ruas.nabiotut’ul, St) SU[| Mel*eteveryvariety of P.t tho BillUt3 |lnht bltl|d li t) yotlr ---IIt,,’k, lir, ul, IIl,’l .lltl,bll k’~l! 1’ [ I~ureltasore. ]lsnnmottun,fromlt~ heahhfuhlusSaed uaartmsah* oeo of the i~rhtclpal cities In ilt’od|h tlitli stronl~fli , ]ItsI(.VelP [,,t ltl’* Dt ,tll’l d~ltll ,~1o ,i’~ H,.*1. t ,..~li|Mt|O ~PUrO, if ~’nu |ntvtthe~4tataa~edo’t~ua‘inro~..eqt~bpe‘..eeth~k~ys.tt~ud.Pursun.csn~ndg~udsoo~etyaud ©hurehe,~, Epls.:olmi M~tllodi~t, Presbyteries mid ll~lltl~l ar. |epr~,~enlud. ~ , ~l.q Of Ihu ]l’;yrt OJ~ ,}~ta’tt. er Ner41[ll|ie |U any ~OS*II| t *~ega* aut very tlUly~ W. ~{rawAar. Hasa goodile.r~e attd will sliced t*, clllle |,,, ~, i~ ~{ . Late Mini.¢¢r,,ftA. ~:pi*ool,.l LAurt’A,f//,i,Imu,tuo andW,I it¢,Jbrg. ’,llt|e Nw.,ilila.. 4PE4 . A, G, (~] t (’~,~’,~ ~ 1 .... tm~or*’m. UIt.erm. or lqcrolnle Funeral,tn JhtulOllmton,t,r ill tht, t,,Igb - -" - -" -~’--~ -=- ~ " - ’--- " . Jlammoutou, O,:1. I|i, ’7. t~ ~Y~ b,lltIIRmlllttllnna, * ........... boring townsand vtlhtget. y(|fl CUll rwly" till ihltltl{ t’llrt~d’ with. tlll~ I,r~,pttOe~,lot,f..... yoty/o/’..,;,^.,I,,toA,,,t .,,t,,,,,,,,| ~l~ IIItl¢lB i{l|OWn inl lPr. s’rooit~ JOll~ NClIJI, l~IN~ lieU, E, SIGN AND (]AI{RIAGE |’lllllpOlllld AYrUlSof I’oke q mm ~ llool. ILlaentumUanl. ihsl A.~:~FO. r, ll t~ (:1:~ I!~it’t t: :> Jl~ L f mb** ur llmn~, (~m*l tS~., 1 .Z~ I ~ ~ !" ~ O ! W.rE’-Wlti~U’~ ^~D,:~iUti^.~:W-.~ LHAMMON GR0CDF;! 1.:_ UNDERTAKER, II~ Or,le , for *il’ ~lNiNI, Ir,,In ,t l, . ~..,rtv :.. ,,~,.,y.t ..... 41,. s,t parts *~*~ iv ’Donotuorderandwarrtuttudt. gl,’.sat i|faetlon. SHOP(,N ]’led i~Atttlt)lt A~,kNCi, (adjoiningIIlacksmlth8ha)J,,} BUILDIN O" , orrs }’or saloeheep.A,umlerof de,Saul,Is L,t, ll,l iug*~:*t*e.t :.~c,’s’~.-r.0 ~|,F r- ’~"!~t’*.°*-n: Aoqutra , .SJl~ ul II .A. q’]~F.~:"l ’" .,..a.u,* , . .J, ’ IrlM1 ah,l L’I I I ! , ’,, , ~ ~, ,,I. [ ~x~._.~ ~,l ,t,-ul,,.~ ’, ,p. i .......... r,’ t k ( N ~ |ift I’ t[I ’" ~ll~l ~ ,vtltr,’~’,k.I " ~’’ ...... .I~U~I ~ /, , I’ll I,, ~1’It V~l ~4/itolia bl~tk,rsldowla Ily blcl’Ott~f/It,d ur otticr._ i~)imltl., aro all r/ t’ttr, ql lay tL, }’or Nyphlllm. Ore fN¯~ I~l~ilitlo |alnitt)t.rel~tlotl~TM I~ II ; t"/Li t| tO JL ~. |Tl~[J[ Wi l|eaullly your Complexion. ])i) nI Ltt.ep.t S nt(rlmwder, butgv¢&mm~ ~’ II II "nt t~* Sly U2t’ pur|fytllg yutlr bloodt. ~[ ~1[~ I.v w,tl ,..,,~ i .I,’,, u* , .... ~ ~hl.t P~, I,.trulO,liof Iroll itatd i~kn ile,o/I |U.|t/*, .llt,a~ti~l tt~¢!lM},slgllil~n.llitdlin 14~L~ i ’t I’1’i II , r t,eh,t* ’ k ’ , .t ~ t’h;tll~ ~t tt *L J~ Wt’~) l|Uea|olt to ¢ It~ Ittt , J II Pl. *1 I% .h, t’,.~.[ *l i ~1,’~1,’*,’~%1 t I ’:l/lli. 6~n tl’tlUOVOan "S’-rill~ t Sl’ ~*l’i~*rt~*~OI Ih~hl~l~.~(mpl~¯i*l~ I vliCtl pt~*,r ~r**b. ,e r * , * Itld ~1 , .,.t ..* t,~v -St.-- .|’,., - , ’-+ t’*-I, ¢- r~rrv, eul¯~uil,~s¢ii~=.~/.rla~silnli Jlyoll~l~ ’ ~’~-’:.,’ . ...... ~ .... ""’: ’*"’:j’"%* ’~ ’l%t.¯~ ~thrtl* ~.~dl*r*,,l~t’.’tttv ,,, I~rt’~ I’.. ~ " Ol’kO|tulk’uk ~’att"’ttt~t~Utllpt~uauttyrup ’" .*v. 3!’1. ,7.*~ I~ Itrt’~t .~t.dt~ ":.lJt. e * * *t ~**]. t } . .* ~ <~ ~ "1’~ : I TO BUY PAINT TEIMMIN 8 & NOTIONB, OIL, TURPENTIN]~, -JApANr.-V-AI~NISH I3 AT a b.dy called "The nl;lde t~,,el’y ~t’.ution ntenlol’a[~[c O| otlr at,l last ~au lock at all tllut, witie]y i x~ bcl.re Lheelect US the natltt:i’s Ions 4 bir!h nttttore a. p’;~llt. tht. details ,,i bowgreat will Eo Hie/ii6,ey ha~ bdea asubject of- tii~Shdi.-.= cus.sio’~_aad was carefully-o~msid~ed_b~: heart __ wl~en im reflects upon the tcrntmat|on Congr~s,-[n-Et~r0pe-sueh exhibiti~ms ~bat_th reatened_t ho._t|)tit Congress ddclin6d (b make an apl,roltrt:r been oDp L.-M ’£heclituatootayboanidtob~ahnosttempcrutoallthoyoarround. there are other circum.~taneos In qO.p.l)ee.[ 91_ r~l[l.t .-,.;le.lt*,n¢i,,n lr’c:J t~, " per*l,~ 3|ar.’~ ¢..t..’unto ms~..¯ -~ I, lulls-hTcc tl [lt~ iUi porte tlCe.md-,lig,,u y oF were ll[_-ntict:dunce, tbc prcs~ WaS i)oo- i/i.~ agt!, anal h,kvcs two duu~htet’~. ~[e-a~ AINTS:! [ Ornamental:-a)Xd Pla~fn ._ .~p~,’ch,’s, on Wdduc.-duy, wtLl~ all ti~c h.mors duo a grctl~ end k,t)otl lna|l. Gel|. ~rant ttn~[ -ot hcr-hig h=eith:ers-0 f--tt|e g, mode~f’--ob~erv drethhat)ntv0r.~:try OI the nali!ltl~H bh’tb tt C HOTC E I,atti.tiC Chu’rt~h ar, d ono AI,eroa e fr,mt cac| ~lato attd Territory, u[)nu nonti/t;itll/n [)2," lbe J~ , gago-dn-amanu£aet~rin$ business;’rents and-laborbeing ’cheap, _ ..... :". . ....._ _ .Fruit growingattd farming on a small seals althougk ¯requiring oonetaut attention, have gL~cale.~.But~Lmust_laoL_farget_th at_i t.ml~y_so_ halTen_in¯t h is m~ol’~the enme:-.trritmnd-lah land ~.nd placewhoufruits turn out favorably, not too plenty nor tookoeroe, which nmdhlmIooasidor is , to realize a goodm~.rketprice, thst msnyperson|’havemaden)ld el ill may.i:uko :’little iurtun~ There are manythings to be hall in tile island parts of South Jcr.~ey which altt] ati,m, t’) whichthey I’ivdged ii’-e,-fi)r!uin.. gl) uttlil al]~’qoalo ftwds.bu 1 in.~ure Ihe execution of the )reposed p ae. and honor, lg)]luwing ihc track rd time, Ililms of tl,d= die’ joys and ills "of HAS OPENEDAN OFFICE RENTI~’~OOF LAND’; and the _ TAXBS.__Erompt_ attentioa ’~IONs~ . L);ll’ltd0 the ilk, high|ttiil Itlt%r:eha,id poor,xve~b strca.udtlg thrnlJkhCity ll.dl to.,(ako stank this Bide of meatalways on hand. ~u/plied. ]l[I]italy h’ont rlmrthted oi llor- IOl). L ,~us-9t~mfdes-~nd re~rg 1~ to wnne~s t~h-~idL.Imes i,r,~,~peri!y a)td t),~tt’t.r. The[tl,~nghts el" )" ,rk ~,,tl cqscwhcro,have. ita~.-ed rejoin. ¯~ ,Vcl’y f~:dl’iul "~(tll t¯t2t’~l’l IO ll~o Ir,bh. , ,=:~s 0f-s01r6 W--al|~-c(ih =y--vvha,_ bl,cn.t,rgattized Ibt m~ yea:’, b=57,al,d with much apl)rehehsioo, endured icdustriously~ and aid,d b; the ¯ -lfri vati eras-of- Phitadclrihia= t h~2 AND l.q - CiIA Theclass Thoseof M. II. IiOlIINSON, -tt|lq)o,l£~ .R.R. DeT*e.~ I!*mm,,nton, N.J. .%oed|~Saod &’,l sl~chtoeo(t t,tr Meobin~* ,, ".__ " in tbo 0i!y Ill Pilil,l- could h:, ,. i;hnnhu|tiotls, Tue~u’ied whal lhe [it’~t century el [h.Dn]lliean guvel’nn)ellt has. tide:to tteve,tq; the i’t~<~,llt’Ccs tt[ t]lc coUntly~and-to t]t.l.~lt~l] s’:’atu Ihe w,iD,lcrltll progr,,.-s nlatlt~ ill after’coming h- r~e. I ,,.~ ,i~.,,... t,l,. m.a ~,,, air;It2, power to select a ado url:et Candidandhonest I wish to be, for I wouldhe sorry to misleadany pers6nby N.J. ant.[ appr,~,rt:ai l~:en d.~visl’d. B,,t~fir,.s, stilling HE-O tOEOF ...... H nraee Greeley, tile journa!ist a.d.- : au~l)ic~’~ lug. its prt: ,arati,n uu:t tnarfugloteut have been c,tmnfinrd lo-tl,e rcl)ro-’cnt:lllVe.~ i,|" the lmt~ph:id t}tc .,-cv- eonstilute at reasonablerates. "" GOOd-$t gb I i ~g-fo s’-h orates ¯ .t it. CAt~Ol’t:"tL~. ................................ Hammonton, ~bou~ two humbcd and thfrh the Uutt,:d S!’t’ t’s " -HOUSO~ at-1 "intho~bo~t 0rdor,is-prcpared to gi ,pt~on:for the manyb.~ueflts it has conferred uponme;tad htTcfflVto’~tml ¯ ,,,,,,’. ewina’ Machine Furnhurorepalrud "-~’~. and verni*hml, slid medeto $2.00 PER 187-2. ~ 1~.~" e II~surance 21-tf of both¯ - The illg pr,*mptlyexeoutedinthe bert style, Particular ettentlon givyn t~ OitA[NIN(], OILDIN(i, FLLAZINO, _ A. l) ]872.- A~ ti~ Ihc (me .}l(tlidre,| days, tigt.nts ~iil the Jb/h, tofnf/, a,l,lre.~s, r,’tmrt,’d tO ¯ _..t,’it i;f-i,Jhtmatibn of ~l.S*~Ibe b,,oks, forw;ir,t Ibenl ttI.I be t,I)it:t’ .lCrithtv.eve.,Nnv. I>(Ii’/,¯,’C.-tl;¢IS ItVlflll/" t ]{o,tt’d 0|’ Finality, smekhohh!rstic c.’.mttteoe~d Ibo ladder nt ilk; at its -will meet, clect directdrs, a~td Ihe t]tlttta roared a.d gtrug~[cd }lard witli tbr~_N~vsJ~ns~;~: Cou t,l~- u| ~t ,ok t,lot.lel| to the .~1 t u .t :-tl~- ]ox~;~t tun61or-m:ii0,yen ’~ .:" but in v(~[t~/iiig°-~he lot Vdll be -Watelnffs, Cl~d: Je~. R’A’I:OItS O}’ Tale U. S. CI, -TT:I, uT.: Its ~trnek tim fiend title thfff |ed -FINA-NCL~. Repairing of all knot[s, in hie line, done wi!h nnv 01 tltc Slalo¢. bin] to. nitrate, weahh and power. His . .................. neatness and dispatch. S:disf:totion uiV-cn ~nd ....... Such in biiel is the plan by whieh iil’~.. natuo’was IIto ch:trtn of the ~bltac. _pricecjis roasohuhtoas at_nnyother Td tl, e-l’eopl,#fthe-S:~eteo/,\Yew .lcrsey: trey-is-to be-r;ti.~ed t,| cmnn "" ~eCial attention AGE~T_FOR-TIt l’; to t~-isc%u~ti’yI sufferqd coooidcrnblofrom NEW FA~IILY : amteeti~f--t h il n dict] atlo t vcI .’.a)3" cen’tr:ll or inl~.u_d.~t.~rt of SouthJersey fro scarcely known; and if-brought hottentot; Ma~Z-ca.~o~ro f IL~0 u e--lt3-con sum’ption-have-been-cured here. Very aggravated and long standing eases of asthma have been thoroughly cured..Suf- Wheeler& Wilson|,~ . _b~made withi, the period of o,,e hun- -t-....--.---.-- _ . _. kouse t’ermoX’ly-u~cupi~d by Dr.’ Bo~’l~s¯ hcMthfulnces of oorelimato in-South Jerecyia oearce]) tobc. exceIledanywhere¯..Having abundanceof clear; ~hi’f’~a’~ t%driek, anti a pure b:acing air to breathe, and extremesof hen ~u manyother I~ the mercury m w nter vary’r,xrely g~iag ’~ " - "-~"%"~..-~-.~_-~"~:~-’".:~: ........ ¯ more downto zer, g hntter’~ero an_aammerAl~fir’iX’~,.in_tba~nonth~f~..Ugast-m_ ~ levoryde,orIptionofpLAIN&FANCYPalnt. ATU MBER-7 In ~_ ohtaioed, yet as a permanenttl,in~r, takin;- on~vcitrwith aul there it is thol/gl~th~t b; l~yi-ng portiotvof smell furm~i:~?gLd.~nd clover, whichwouldenable the farm r to kce PonlL* v,’ieler| ........ - plougheddown¯the year before, in order treat the 13 rat crop naayget the benefit of it, hut here. de~’omp6sitio’nis soquickihat it is su~cjent to pl,m~hso.1l~nd. at the time ofe.wingthecrop and the full benefit d~rlvedtber~fr,mis quite available for that crop. * Hithert~~qttl;r~dn_this’regianA~.v g~vcn .t eir-chi~f=att.ontion-to-the-cuttiva~ a - _ IDEVOTED TOTHEtNTEBESTSOF HAMMO TONANDMAKING murIEY. ..... it {rein 20 to 30 bushels of lime per acre, will growgLodclover with rye or any other grain. Andthis. wayin whichlarge portions r,f far.me in this pluo,e oughtto be disposed, ofi betbo land by this methodwould ize itself¯ Inthis more genial climate vegetal !e m~ttcrs ldougheddowndec~o~oin far’less gratefulthcnto the . .... - ¯ 7 ¯~ ; o . soil. and.a~ppalsutlymuchrrore fertile. AS.air ea d s t a~I~ealoi~r~eryJmtdlty~a~i t!lislnff’.. It rcqulresa little’manureofte~ ed in t clayey, heavysoil, to pi’oduce a goodcrop~Andlet it hc alwaysborne in mindthat less than one half the labor nc’¢c.~ssryin w?rking a heavysell js suflleient hero to makeitYield ~-~ . .... in’,ql~ed that tlto Greeley ETectural vote be citer t’tr- itut’a.~-a tribute:of i.c-~peot to UY.)S ~ In (h’,~eiey, ,,s c~rrsiu~ou~th~ ~pirit ef ro~- TheEteet~ral~Coll0gcs of elmBt~os m~t ¯ --. -°JI _ z o . . Weknow.Of : " " methods: th~ree ". - ..... "" 1. The ......... . ...... ~ ~ .... Italian tngsged in Feparing. his bo/Lt at the foot of S~oramehto St. He was- a stalw~t,:braw~y\fellow,-and, with the excepfion’ofii slight lameness, presented a mc~t perfect specimen of his .class. observing that he tgok a " remarked that in Paris by men making it a special ThePau/t~/.~___dr~/~t~hin~s eggs per hen busifi~KTheytake a deep tub, wRh .... Apnreciably less than:this water on the bottom, and a 4ittle eIevasomewhere, .flea in2-the~mfddle-likv:an islafid~ on be unreasonable.to exwhich is only place for j~st one rat td sit 6n. ( The top is covered, and has pect the annual average to reach twelve largd balance Val~e, ot/e’ning downward, dozen at least. E#en this figure would overstrainin On the middle of the vMve a ¯ the evening. There were sxx of thdm, tended with many hardships. The fish~companied by four.’musicians, and ermdn answered that, with all ~ts perils, peveral dome~tlca ~ Their apparatus m- fishing on the California coast was lux-" ,~li~led, among ether’thing% high tri- urious ~>ccupation compared with his several bureaus, and beautiful ow labors _elsewhere./#He had a few months before his arrival here’ becrt wre0kedon the South /m’d. all the japanned ¯boxes of all Genoa were to takv to a raft. with false-bottoms and -secret valve goes the rat into the Price is a delicate thin~ to touch on, it water, back into-p0sition. A varies so with-~-~ns and location, road is madefrom the rat hole to the top- Taking for granted that the majority el of the tub by nlean~ of pieces-of board the eggs are laid in the course Of the rubbed with cheese, so as to make the Fall-and winter’ months, when prices walk attractive for the rats. In.the " " of Yamasta of the-great tern : lt~ A~entlemE Z their , s v--L -’=e~fo-~’~atl~s-~atL-~ ¯ ’ room was near the saloon, vhic~ ; ....... been converted’into a theatre, and both jugglers ¯ from agonizingthirst,he puppe~: island saves O11 a colaparatlvely corn, rice, beans, etc. "."x--~scalp deserve~ iheh~rty are alum, plaster of Paris, Allhooor therelorc, toProfessor E T. adulterationsbones, bone-ash and ~ulphate The microscope is the only TnAIItON :leCOuq)lishcs thisobject. G entldm~.n whose whiskers arc slly e! re:firing their upfor the detection of most l)eameee m fore,c, or tim tlbers el X~llOse incusof the Theyare distinguished taches disclose those "mamlillcent distances" by the size, shape, and mark!ng~ of the for which Washing/on City was ,)nee starch granules, and a high i~o~.qr and LMh~ P~ko’~ Toothaeho Drop~ euro Toothache in one mine USe. Sold by ali Dru~ffisls at tS centt¯ OILS. as to_rot¯ g.omg to nmrket, - - : - of us know the As lea .....:- themcrouches down candlestick, and~ wavinghis fan with rallied, and with:one yigerous one h~nd, seizcs with the other the light- ed the shark on the dry iortion --- to defense: should be able to attend from800to 1,200 fowls in a fitfipg manner. was "a full Addre..t benrln~ and machinery. I.a~ttt six tlmesaslnn diana, ?.5 1 b. an~t 50 Ib.boxes,’l 5 cent ~ per lb. MORS~ BROS., Prep’rE., Canton. Mass. of FUN CLEMON8 - ~b-Pe~o,,,, =anstale’risEr RADWAY’S For Family Use. ,THE HALFORD .-Eructations .of thoStomae~ BiliousAttackt ONETOTWENTY ItIII~ITES. and symptoms, arc the off-springs of Dyspepsm One bottle wllPprovo It better guarantee TM ofi~ meri than ti lengthy advertisement,.. " " ’- -’" x .~’~’~ed a~ll one SuIJ~er with I’aD~. Far Female ComplalntstJa yoangcr old,,. .. married , at tbo dawn Of woalanhood, or : " " -the 111’ ~%’A~TIlE YlII~TAND18 TI-IE O~Ii~" P..X.IIW ~IEC~XX~]D~." decide0 an iaaaeuce ~at’trnprovemeat soon and Chronic Itheu~O’-P O~]’~ X-IO[JX~ zrrmt.n~.¢m.xa xaxs avvzn~smtmcr LEICESTEI{SIIIRE lays’Inflammations, aNd-curc~ong~c~;’whut of tho Lunge ~tomach, IIuwele,.or_otherglandgor -organs;by~no-appReat ion~ nomattor ho%~vlolcnt or ’excruciating FOR .... Pints First-class ForSalē by.ill Groce=.’s. har her±land-locked ..... l):thm-?=l!Vso,-Uso t iumble/efwn~rwill lu a Calla, Wind iu the llowcls, aud all internal PaiNs¯ Travoler~ tdlouhl atway, carry a bottle of RAIN ¯ ~WAy: S-IrE A D Y- .R Er J E~,’. wi~i=tlYaha... A.fe ~_;Iro pa ¯ in’water.will .painsfrom change , IOWU..~ CO~h~ Colas are ~~ anon tatlon of the LuNgsor somechronic *] brunt to express his honest opinion of the merDisease. Brown’s Bronchial Troches are au :its of any article without being suspect- this country, where of the tropics were apparent at a glance. not- be~weighed: -The-soil,--which-was-for tit e-iff-the in- BIT- tall OOIU fi,rt. Jo/msoh’_a "--." accurate the US0 of thc~o and Gel|. Afft.% LgtOUN]It| ~[laritoa~SLq.1 ~p, t ’CCI Sq~.’4~% ToothnehO. ~ euralgi*’% l{heumatlim. ~Dol d ChlUa, .Tgun ChHht¯ flication of.the RL¯~.DY ltELlFFtotho * N.Y. illor~ aud l)lseuses Of tile ~khl of Wllatover name ]leadaebe, ]:aih’o,d Bonds are the best back, or side? l[:tve you crampsor pains the stomach or bowels ? Have you bilious e.~ic ~SSLEIt,~’~"~[O. 7 Wall ....Street, Iron- Bilious Diseases. EAS~ not very and the results should always be conflrmed by the microscope you ague m toe race; and is it Iladly the pain the Nf the system tan alters lmflamuuztlo,i oftEn Bladder, ]nllaram~.tlono£tbo I~owel~. _ Bitters. (~’,,tt:=t,-liett oftlho Lump, ~n’at e fltl rChansaltda .q~-=’e Throfltt, Diego.It : . "-Have her _ous.2~ourMgl~, _o~prc)stratc~_a~ltk_dls emsl~_ moy stiffer,- FAmILY-US]E, " -~ even of low TheAmericas A~ricuqurist, speakieg about power. the great merits of CABLEf~CRZ~7WI]IE k trial o[ thesegoods Someof the ~dul~erants of flour and Boo~samt or sevefegrlping OF LIVE CATTI;E.~The A-BOOI~. ..o mg no ripping, th shoe i~ lairly worn_out. On the northern coast of one of the cents a ibwl ought to cover all outlay in ’cost of chicken care West. Indies Islands lies a small rocky After a short time the fight was included above With proper conveniences, one in consequence of.a fancied resemblance and the next weakest is the :--watt, spurt out~6m:it,~hich-he receives¯ T_he21sherman-had leg torn away, and he fainted from loss rat is left. Whqnthis has eaten the in a china bowl. "His comrade, kne61ing before a little Of blood at the’ end of the struggle. His last remains of any of the others, it is ~ the -v~ddn-d--~ittf __~as_~ 6f-dfa;,~6r~, -_COq~6~"~ith~t~cloth flesh that he is ;hen made a ,fthelr cl0thin ~y==~_paper lauber, on carpass c .i each~i~ 3516~h~t-tim-6-th~ sonages ; the are =all-°ther-rafa,-whieh-~dllm°Lc°m~ They made a large back before the cannibal made before ieavin RISL~est.q LUMIIER I’l..’:~cIL.--No and Durable-~u sother ar tich,s s’or Attorney at Law, t~olumbia. Lancaster Co.. Pa. ¯ lass.of" water ; hence,if to articles of fob& Properly used, they are.nu- wheat flour mixed with leguminous seed peas, .... triti6us andhealth but inordinate use of -eltl asa’s Purgative Pills, result is that they sh’un this lodality-corn not alone, but appear to tell all thdrats 25 cents per capita, press the juice out through a coarse -in=theneighbqrhood:about it;and-eve?at= Tunnin’g expenses, _cloth._=-This=mr~ke~-a~-vcr y=mild~Zan d ual!y the house is entirely abandonedby tention. The-equiv~!ent of one bushel pleasant drink, and does not’cause sickand a m’ay. be birds will feqmre a tritto more; and alnmst as good as sugar, preserves Used successfltllyin l~olland$ we have,however, ones, in degree, less. This sup- and apple-butter.". of the nevertriedit. A. numberof rats are ply should not cause-ari outlai a broken oar £tley assu]tdd ~ prat:t(co ]la t~lVOOffroat ¥’aloe to ale advice MUCII o|’ tho un~tcr~h.qle411~:nlv f~,retffn c!vtate~ cla|m. J=F-FRUHAUFF. - -_-- to success~-The_e~ beauty ef the hair, keepluff and dandrulr, preventing It ~frotlt beeomia~ amination of bread presents greater difharsh, dry aud gray--giving it a rich gloss aud fieulties than that of flour, owingto the ,adowtng~it3vithll,..xxbi ity--th:ltTolh:t Chem- change_ produced on the starch c0r= ;~try has ever g~:oh’cd lrom the vegetable king- pusclos during th~process ef manufacdom.~COmo --~’---~ a small For DYSPEPSIA ion, dopressmn sample of the flour’ or bredd in a little .of in their muslin or cambri9 bag, and ltueudin -S cries at the out sot, they becametoo panic cra’wling hungerwill cause themto fi to an air that he hums; then, putting it bahk in ira place, he blows on it and by HAlO PERSUAnEa the IN y~o~x They are pErfect-masters o~ the art of he had chosen legerdemain, putting the whole perform- over anWo~er, the sailor getting ance on .the stage, studying well cos- i~to the mons~g~’s jaws, and thc sharp ~fyt~th~l~ti~th~-f~arfu lly,’~ib~. ~. -~rr~ge~ Atone time the assailant wa~ withinu of furniture, and apparatus, them~el~’es possessing Salon.--- One-of this FLAGG’SINETA~RlgLIEIt hat ~too~ twenty y~ars’ test. Is wt~htod to give fmmedhzta relief to all "For BQau~ afPollsh, 8avlnlz~.abor~GleanIlfle~Ourablllty & Cheapnesat Unequaled: Rheuvmtic. N~uralglc, II~a,l, Ear, all~ Back .kehe~, or BgWAItI~OF W(IRrULt~.q IM|TATION.q. uqder onwr oloucy rc~ndtsl’: NtmeNbut resemblingours In ahapoand color of wr~l, per Intended to deceive, TNRRISlSQ8U.’l POLISH IN Ilt’l,g, f6, qtove dearest" ATE]) ~LIXI1X" OF OALIS.%YA," mad~ by ot~he water; wkieh may’be OAsWEfd,~tL~ZAltD & Co., of New York, poure~ off, the’deposit being examined’ - arid-sold by.all druggist, is the best ton- udder the mica ~c. If a solution con~~pa ton ~ per cent. of c~ustie from -fever-or other_sickness,it has_no to a mixture-of- potato - equal.~Com-: .- =.smm, of potato starch a like num~ to mak6 some experiments to test the tim surface of the. water, instinct for :preservation Causes " will the amply turnin~ and he finds it the proper course - ’ while About midnight he, felt something them to fight for the exclusive possession l~er of earl Iris not often said that the on ~ him by the leg ~and he was drag- of , in the erels at 12’,weeks old will to the lower )ortion of thing._of_a_ma_rginover their rearin ’the proper time to divert the attention water. ~e threw outhis hands an4 felt drowned around him. 2. The NewYork .peases, if sold at $1.25 to $2artpenmg, hence the principle of r body,’ for it was a shark that plan, invented by one of our friends, the last of of the spectators, as well as on certain Th~ floor-n~ar-the-rat-h~l~ ig =-.iss-mazing,-but~the-whole is-as0rt-of~errible struggle~nsued.-~The-fishwas to be-cre uarter-an~.cut the seeds out of _ lind against feVer-anti,ague 1815, --’~bpp-plate to th/ Of a hazel-nut: .-. ’"’ The orchestra was composed of a .samsin, a pair- of wooden , tambourine/.and a large drum. - will venous as a majority of them will openin boiling¯ This i~ most while’the tops are yet green and growing fast. The tubers are then in their then~ stalk bSi~ :the the ....~i’~IN[ngJ[J.l~ext! "’It R/ands"Alone ! " $uelvl~-m~./ewllet of rh~-m~d~eM’world and the ’of llortboundand Tar. Cough~. makestwo bhtdesof --onegrew :ll that ar~ l~ropagated by tub_e~.requir~" -." ’.’; differsnt~treatment from~those propaga ..... ain~that ......... ted, bY~saeds;’LOur~"°rn-and--gr we i~for’~eed we liketo have stand a little longer than the main crop, mfd become perfectly matured. On the sai~ principle our corn is selected from the sold, dozen be had ? probably ; ~pr-very even more rats may go down, and if Adulterations_or Flour ~’heaten flourissometimes~m:~edwith ;-We use too ripe seed~ when = from tubers that have .N’ATI’IIE’S OWN ~’IrALIZINO-AOg~"r---IItON. least S remedial n~ollt tN ~his world that will cnre Fcvcrand Ague,and allothcr IHalalt011B, ]lil|t)US, Ctt. t D,~t.~P, O SllrO vml Scarlet, low, ,hlc~ free." J. P. DINSM01tE. Do-not_lie ..~lceeh,ed-wlth-lmitatlon-eollara the _ . been rece~ttl " -Peer complexions, restore0 and-flood eolnplexhms remiued, by~rsing "Th~ Qaccu’s TERS, a remedy’-’which is noise-in ust had some .knawledge of Iba Ba~uta, the Arabian, whose "marwhichof plumb~lle-line Living 1Hfibgwitk vel0us account has been-more-recently ¯ -with-the the.tail hf~ddr i~art the buttock,androamed-in-numberless-droves. was certain tebe cheap. Of venomous-- r lantorn~ te breakfast. an~ pour.s..~ out a\ full relates thatwhen’ "SEWINGMACI IL";E..Thfs braid andcmbrohlcrlnan,ostsuperiormanner. . --CLEAR ttICIN" &ND BEA-UTIPUL -only,S15. Fullyliconsedand’warrant~Lfor2~veyears. "~oagpLEXION IgEt~lJntEY~ Wowill pay t;1000 ~’or any machrao that will sew ¯ TO-ALL more bcautifoL or more clasec~seam than - - __ ._\__ _ and ~nll the clothcarmot be - _, .... or Hun In the next scone " smoke, forming with __ letters. the appearance,andthe~amlrs~ uatted b0- hero of the shark, have died, and , Comeand show ~m some of. San he took ciseo. Nowhe is and never cares a~3~t~e~n~/in_ggn_bluo Thoseof np less curibus. " , make inches.which. ¯ swallowed a res_pectablo capon and. seven pigeons a~--w-’m~all superficial fee% and I~rom this we learn the foBLof placing 23~the number of pounds our trust inbooks of ~atural hi~torv. )erflcialfoot of eattlemeasuring was wi~h It wasthehottest seems to inat~crllttl~ what the matorla Ofql~6--lm I lilltfg Is, - IL~-e0-nt61t t s-nlol~0 up. and when he nlak~s a fire that erutnbles It to ashes. goes-to-A-rot - tho-great-h elgh t-o f."-t h e~e-plles showthemto the audience, a lightoloud Inakes all at, t~!lg[tl~! ctI1}.do_ttCellLptlny ! g01~l~uet.dfi~Os;" : ..... :.--:-- :: - -,hen:flle~fit~-ha~=gatherotl~full-hcad way. Untlor those, eonditions.it in only by promptness that a-fire depart- In BrillshC01Bmbla. met’it Call holm to prevent eoa/lagrawhen the fire Whilenot a few in California axe corn-tlons,Flvo are IliOro till tbat nnmero~ta_murderera_arc first starts ,, theauthorities in res~lon. ¯ ¯ Columhxa last week earned out ................. ’ .....,.._ the oxtr0nm .onaity of the law npou a man named 11ol], who had committed a .... ~ ..... ~ ,~-s ms., turn v t’~ ,t, ¯ 1,’or mu r~ ~er, am tectod n with which there ,.t ...... bo~-s suldect to thl~ thul,.erous /: Whenthe antnine ~-dmor e "I’Ve Eleat Agrieulturnl N.Y. Sun. 8 pngt~s. Paper.--’] $1ayear. nLt ey of foreaohsuper- ..... possesses the great negative recommendation of containing neither ,e Wevkly EeNdy urDo]lar, , vous origin, Uest Newspaper.--Tho Weekly Now York Sun. 8 pag0s,$1a yt’:Lr,SelldyourDo[lar. apd we are we have reason to know ; assure.d on good authority pro.o, there was " - .... .... ........... .... _ heeoum the hoalo of C Olltl)osetl of soft ~talllly iLecumulating clay. t front rled down hy trihut~try ’ ,rodlh’.nchlai la’//atl,, == ==:~ ~~ ,st. o]. ,s’,ti~ etreanltL and ...... ....... The disilt- tl~grating bier, gray and olive slmals and ,,li,re etttl To,,,, el,,arof the., r0=lily, run a..e.":!,,.,r, n.d.:,f pass,;,,,, los. gray SltUdtttotte, urn eootst art) th~ ][~,hh~rburg Thl) we~terll and northnla(hl np of lintcstone grouli, wllich quirkly the action of the waves. Coa-. hath Mtores eeutttant]y are t~ou- yields ~ ~ when cm alice TAnl exl)ernn( . n~ " t rills. | |lelo |t4 no I neodle WalltOli false lilt throat~h one ’ .,el ]nflitting ~elluently "l~.l=..~n .~n th~w~..ll wi4h .,.v ......... t]~I ...... uha w a lair| 10ire trtett of thtm tt is frma sara to ...... result tu ram ralau tril)uting te fill up the hod of the lake. fit" ~t?t~t~u~on"i~ox" Pn "Calif[,r,li’,[u tcntptat,on for tl~e o, ..I,. ! . ’ I ,itto to the ot~er. Let au assistant tak. ......... ’ ..." I)el.trtmeitt "ag.tt no uguts, At nny I hold of hath ends of the needle and mill ottt p raeuceot.tormg vegetaot=s autumn The work is not rapid, but it ie aaid to be ." . " ...... ¯ ..... t.. _"." ...... ¢~_u~r°~°5~t°aa,_aS~o~:~u°~;¢~o~ntl; rate womusttry ~lQ,., ,t, Ve,qt,st ,!o I ,o = to makua m~kof altar =kinat’the otcet ta.r wane. ¯ ..... ¯ nt ~r~in .afate. pew. ~o t.v¥ sv.. . s; . , 5 longer a]low 0t|I nile . l?lfO l~ellart- I b.a. Tt i. n.dth-~..~al.f.I .t|ith.,It ~t.~. Mut, I1 you Inn~I. ttlt(l WttL~tore veg~¯ .I ~~ ’ .......... ’ ...... t W ............................. dialogue, it it ale, toot p ace m t~ ~a meat to L,t, brought to .aught by the] .or. ml.,I ~.ith I,a~l~’v a t|n.q ,.f hL~l tables nt th0 cellar, at lea~t, do not, uuNover fill ~t stove nl()lXI than half cr o~ of them gentry ~t~ an nonest-t.oolt~ la0k of it si|rq arrangen|cnt for OOlillt, t,t- I~,=Th~2£:’&.7 .-L’~-C,;,’I~h ~;.7~,,~’;’" less the cellar ia very dry and cowl, .tar. two-thirds full of coal, even in the eohltug miner. De~oa ~ eyt~ided thy h,g It with fires, liar by an aparatu. I ?;’ZL".?-=A~"~..;’;JT. "~.’;’.".2;.,-:~Y’.: them before tlmbeghntingof etea,ly eohl ,,~" e~t weather. .V~’llen the fire is low, never bw~ ~ .-....~. *- ~i|l -he slowly slk)ok hit !! het~l ............ ts weather, and thell .... , u,,,t~ _:It..t ............................. ’ WIIlell, =J, ., . ., $11rnoq. ig.orantly anti In r- I , ....._’.~ ...... remember that ttts of * oh,.t.: ,-,,t...~t eh,, ..t~ thu grgto or dietnrb the tmhus, but ..... ........ "’Uome, Wiliitun, gi,ve ~ome,,~tr~, trays v,,usly, may send tire enghlos hi tim I w~.t~. =.,,.y. ",’:V "": the utmost inl~mrt’tnct~ to girt dl the shako from ~U h) ||fteen slaall hinlps of , ’the deacon. "Can t do it, .satd Bill¯ wrongtllret, tlon, its hlt~ bran done at cttt.att°t,~.; cup awaytt!e t t.ntt.t~t tore.tin ventilation ,~oL~hh,’da., and ni,.ht Ten add coal attll set the draft el)cO. Wl|en these " Why notF is not the c,tmso~ a good number of ti~,*e~. a.tnt watt. tne re, am.~ 31tKet toel~t .n*- barrels of fr’uitor g~nlt,n .tuff a~ si’)oiled . . . . " are ]teated throngh, and ~oa|t~wl|at ig~ ^..o’¢-,. ----V,,,. m--~ tVlnt~I enoucrh bu~ I am I nanxmattou ensttes, wmca Is tno oygtutttg t~ , ~--’ -. . tOO lUUea ..... neat anti tits ul)n¢,t~ .. ’ Wllere , nitud, add the aulount .|leeeegar~ for t~ WAItM ~The followmtt trent we take ] together the new surface of the stretvht~l ....... ¯ ,~# .I,1. t~’ =t;v~ =t.v"thi,,. " A,~.k.,,~.,(I drops ....... ¯ ...... uuw tit., hat do net disturb the ’aches "Pooh 1 l~ooh | I kn0w better " ~ol- the C’Ar/at~a~t Mt,tte~maa¯Of Milwau- sk|n. In afi, w day, ¯ ,the old , uffenoe rule Bill to IOL tt|O temlE¯raturn lit tile cenKr " ’ " t~( off, ..... deprtv I of nutrttio., leavtag ,m ...... ........ yet. Let the drafl~bo olu, n httlf au hour. ~l(D00Ohave ’ .... ~roam,,=ttti~m~tt . I~t/~r~o~on thaB k0e’’ Iti~ettn.at~dthat ’ , lair to the treemng l~mt tmtom otosmg NOW drake out the auhea. Th. coal will ;k.~ .,a.,,v. I.mn ex,muded in our -- oitv durtntt J t~ar. If a httle tv,hhth (ltM)~ byellS|tkeWII|tlOWB~ remainsanll ........... ¯ .dam." . ’tV.,l|’~’aw,, "’---, -- ...... tn,~ -- m.,d, ..... ~--’~J, ...... ¯ .... ....the Luoa tO gt~( p IL b. thoroughly ignited, and will kee ~tt.... butldtn- g tee......],oases for[ I of .a euhetding Intlammatton, wet.. the tot near ..32 ,SteErers l) the ] nta|t l~ just imfore I on| gear ,reu~ ) ¯ oe ]m.t ear Y : st. ...t ,. . as po=s*hle.--N. Y. stove at a high heat from’six to twelve that some ell nl mt oc~,uoa.y ~lut coltl water. . reknow " ’,~ut, William, you owe ~]t}tl a brewvrte~¯ We aru atrattt 7’-:~l.,l~. huant, ao~ordiug to the co]dneen of the larger debt than any one~,lte.’ .... rhat’r tke prol,rietort w, ill, oneof tha day.b? l ~. to thu next, andt.ko n~.xt,..~,,.rtaLim: .....I’OTXTOrSroit tdvm~.~Tbo fallowing weather. In very cold weather, after true, ~on, but he ain’t puthing me willing to Sl~=d a larl~r sum thtm tl~t I ~loro a~.ar~at it naty molo-dtt|tgurt~t lt~oe may t~come at ~ M new. arc thu idcas of an old farmer ia Maiao the ik~ i= mode, add coalevery hour. like LKerest of myc=etii+,~m." for "c~,ll~$" p~ /so throat. Mouth,Tumor~, 2Sodas In Ih~ Olaodi and Eyes. fl|rNmoroua from ¯ " . .,.o(n). Consumptives, FoeZqAI,rIIIIl:lrN, EllUI’TN)Sd, aUAI,I)JIt2al,, ttT0, W¢,uhy .......... thai dt.tr.~.,I,,tt(h,.~, ..... II,rh,¢’ ,mr¢’h.vk7 tu..,=, h.v.I.,,q/ Ir,,hl,h,,I I’,,etI,,, la~l thh’ty y,mr~ I,tw.timth,.dlti.yrl;:,,rtiillat,,lypUt.t.dln w ih ~:dtRh,,uol .,, uO’ ham,.,Th,,y hay,, M,eo ~a .t II V,ut~u I t, ¢I¢, I~ t, ,i0hty f r tire y t ~ru ¯ ~aro t tlllltt~ Ihltl [ hltV,’Iwcll ttlltthh~ t,) It~t, lhul~lfor tuly par- w h I., t,,,, lah, ’ -- ,m " .o~,,f,,r w,~,,~, ,h,,vw,,,,,;,,t,, ,,t,,d. I wa,,.Iv,.,,t ,,y l~fllafSWlflt a f " t,I t,f l~iJlio Wh,t had t I’01[ fit,, It, uf th. I1,, h, lty I.,Da&~,~a~ ~ ~m~.e.l~) ,m~.~a~.*~.a.as~ it, I dld~o, ttav,,a.r,i.vv,,n h,dlh,~,nnd h, all o,- In y )t r Itl)O. II I a~ ,,,’ tr t’t Jr,t (tl h/,lll I Rlitll 11~ ~t,ltram!. lily hand, a!~ IV,dl 1’hey i.olc atn! fct!l |tq ¯ villi %,’11(itlavi bO,llPll*,*d’iiIt, ll~, ill fh. Ir ~/¢~(tltl,JP I[ll)ttgh aa qqtl, huly Intw~klll ]tltd I)t,,*n h)rm,’,t. ~l~lYtthHItilivlt’ liltlll.. Io tl~ thai 8t;l~¢,l’lllg ]illlllall[ly i|. I,. I t,l.ltt~al’. i,a I IOlli~theirIWih’llt’**ttfllitl llt’l[,~Vt*.J)tll;’l ox]),)rllllV . n,,,~t.,,~ ..,,.,h S,., It,,,,.. -a" : " Wrtt./%ritrt’tllars bl D; |tallt;nlllT~otl t*,o:,-Inltlltlo i t, t t X L I I ~ It %’attl sr e . I t~ vlr’a , m,w"/or,*, ¯ , b ,,,h .,,~ "’" ,,~,(|tl .r,mo( ’" It,~ f,wh.., ""’ ’ t ii.t ,,¯" ’,. ¯"’"’ t~ K,t, d ,g,’ I ¯ ~at nnu~ I,, g,v~ ~ntt ,.=l.ta I,,,I I,, n l ,’ .,,. ’,f l ,, lltllt|llll~[ |)lx|eCle¢l, e Ol¢lrallt, Jt ha. lit, ,,qtlal, vnlllen,’ A~lilt ]+&[n, Quahlt .,1,1 Ifurh*a has lav,a’,M, u~ ~lth un ’° Anat*my , . " Uns01tcltcd ~vldoneoof lt~ ~I1E bestaollln book in the, markotis ,, , gl,Pf 131 I~l.tglW I I J I ll|~J~J~)’~ k[ . .... r ........ ~.~ i tl011 aRtra !llby . Ulna1 ~AS~ ,thogreat~tofAnN,r|ct, t¯rtlst androNtahlaau ntr,.iucllon Dy |ION Char 1.8 S IlU er, ~gCl a Waitctl fl r I I tilt| otherNoi)ular~ bt)ok0.~dtlrc#t8 I. N..It ch___lm_Jtrd t, IIoe,,,., I-¯.~ ~- an~t~4ta~l.t.I..,o~M~ ..~/~l~o,i .... ]~Isaa.~ ’ " .... t..~...~l eO*,.*.l ~ * ," 11T,,d.Z ;let. ~sT &l~t ¯ I,~l¯ _. .,. ,t ¯ , .~ ~, , ,,~ * ~. ~ , t. aY ’ s’ :)it Ier ao ~ ring w ’ , J th’ ~ ’ at) a ’ .... A t~’~’~,! ,, . .t~ . ~n I" r,at lhh ...... ~b/’’U~"’a"’~"’"’¢. .¯ iil¢,t ’ " ~ ,iwa~ .’, Ptl ,’ w Iforl~ ~Jt AL Ifil IIUI M0rtts:’-~i#:-tel| iqiqq-~’lt " -;’b-6-r.i:f~h;i;i-ii~|:i-’i~," uf (ll.~,,nl the i..htm.ttal i,&&t ..iii t ¯ i i~lt I’llttl, | .if, I’~ in, ,..~ ¢., ¯ ¯ .,..t.¯ ’¯ ...st|t,.. ¯ r Melanch,df." bul tlht)rl.dt t I.onge.I I ph).h.[Jtt~ ,,f the ’ 2%1’ i "i /Ullt/,Tg~t 0,1Ltltgvd01HI,tl .-I.1,,,~o-~111, fallacle~ illld fibs with which kn:t¥,~ trial rite:tries all~*Vhll| ~%’4*ll-ltlt4,~%’lt 1)l’tlff~l~lm ~tt.~f ~,~. lh,ii~uhttl,oo¢,rh,t.,i,hh,lh,.., (’.ll,,rwtll,,. d,,avor to d,dod,, th..loll autt fo01,1vul t hi. gt.ll(:t alien. itt,¢~tt| AIh it’ ",~ I.tlit~.~ I£Atl~lti~t . . " &/II~N’I’M ]LV¯I||@d. %%,,ff,,ar.tllea ,,l.iDh,t,m,,it Uharhdaas, Ihrough th,, tn.W.l,al,,’r prt, s., ite.tulnend J~ I,,t I,II. ¢!lher *t*;, at ~ft ,, thl// ,,, $’~l.Ot)t) ,,,’ SI’ItlNI FIII.I ’rt’..NN., H,, I. tl, D?’£ t,) the ttlrVll;Ithlt,.a vhlllnt .[ dl~ea,tt t’(, ,Vttl~blKtqtr+.at,,u,,.llear’ N,,.~ .,,tk.l,~ ~lra./I i|.Ntowe, n,~/I (1’ I I ’ :-N I n. | ,t~*, AI EN*tt eN I 41, tlvv, whhqt, I1’ tak,’,,, st,’,’ ,u,,, h) tun, hi. d,,bll[latud ¢,i1-1~, ~,~lt¢loltrrfftN~f,l#l]~l,¢,l At¢,~. +%$1h~) II#~tlrl ~&~ t tl* ~Yv ~V~li) a iJ I ~ i otrm t * t )ly~tl*ll t )t~i% Ikl 1" t~’llIItt "’’ I r r An ¯ ’ it t ,~ hi &, y ,t ? i rl r, ii v~ ave nrM0malo.,.I ltiMd. ,tltl. alul ~|llk trim hilt, th..th,r-t,t,ra,hl, " " ’ ’ i ":~" t ", II ~’ tIthrd * t , I" I" f ) t tltlll h t~ %~(rl/lltl t I I tl ,t i)ll Iiii t ,, , i miIttlg]ttl.lllt,.~lwe [)J "t,. ~ mu.t d,,I.h..f h,,Iph,t,uv.s aml de~l,,,ittto,toyl }’a- .’¥t’ ~’th alltl~tlJllv,,J4’’t~llllJl ~; yt It’ Jtt~t ~,[lal ~t*’~ y nb~Ht 0 tJ " . "¯ Ixatlr~,,m th,’ .tlwr haad. tt,,tqtro th. l,ro.tral~ palL,ml ma, . %’rly tlLt]y )"’Ill" ~5 ~[~9~ ,,,t ,Iqy, v .v~a.~v w,,rt,,,,= ,.,,, A~o,,(~ d,,, ,,r wanh,d vtl}wrt . AIt,’lt..-~ =, 3tttt,la (,; ttt IIUIt’l ,t ’I’ANNI’:It -’ .J,l, liJlkl itlllrO 11141111’)’ Nt ~¢llk f,,I ii~ .n Ih,.Ir ~ ’all+ . that n,, IO,,,lleln,, ,’ouhdldlm a ,tttr..iv,, .Iht,~,lan! aught Io Ila~h, ht~ lip’,, I f he t.b’cln to |., Kllhlu*] I,~ th,* AK~Irt,,~l ell. ~%t i? t,t, Irt,tt n /)r a~" *t w ,- we. ,tt,tt*l.,,la*t~ ~ll th0t IO*ltaIlbtlt Ata,t~th,,ttl ,,1¯.. J’~ttt,:* (tUl,’,1 I,y tl.,, ,,r the |l~,[.Itlu audt,i}t, t ,,JJn It lntff¢,Jy. UI~,. It.e, Ad,h-.~I|. 14 IIN"ltN.~ (’l, , ]’t~ll [Itll,I, Mall,. adrh,n of tlll[.I.h*rr t ttlld htlnt|h’s, lv! hhuumkohi¯ .Ill I.. t’, (’~,ttr**il. J)rIl~g,M tit Mar’lt,~ (’ITS,. Mh’h,b’R., .... * ..... .o,I at,tar hi. ,:.film : I,.I tf th.,. I. u,I..’h of c,,,,.n.u w,lt,*~ t~,.tt. I~,l~]~J: "1 II#l ottt i,r /tl.t.EN’~ I.I Nil t)l’tb I% I.~ldl/]l I)fI~l~ P~ll~ Wl[l"ll ..,,.,, in I,l. (,.mp(,,.[tlua. I,t tm,tr,,~,rt htbl,eslremllyt~,, ,hi ,nti,rr b~ ,,lit -I iny olht+rItil*tht?itj~ [,t It) BI,,I@, ~OlUC,tl racy/d of Jr) i.,+ltt~ I. lluMeltPl"n ~ltm,rtt’h ]llth, t~, tll,1 m,mt |aam,t of Th. l.tltt, ll~l**U t,.ver Isti. t., d., S~l f.r r th,, ¯ AItdror. IY, IIF.N.|AMIN El, l,t,OIt Me. veg,,lat,h~ t,,oh’¯ ttn,l alh.rulJvv=¯ tl,t’ I,ur,..t mlt,I m,,at aflhch’d wilh a ¢’~tUKIl." . . . ,., ¯ t’ll&Nt’l" I’tlll %i/l¯N’i’S--At~rttt eltllrel)" wh.l,,,,,um ,*1 nwdbat,,d Mhittlints, Th. It la I|arm~t~ss Io Ihe |||o till ) ell©ateChlldl! I~AI~! " ~. ,4.,,,I,¢,r ._: " la ,’Ut’T,. , n /ii uA W,,~Ul ~,,y),,it t,~,~, W.lUI~xI~l t’ut~. ,,f ,I)’~ll.l,da, hllh,..m~.~, rh~tlOlaIl~m nt~/)ulalulll()(llllUu~ hlae~y IPUrIll. I~,l¢lr~Ko I~Ul, IllIf,’l’(’~ .vrr)lll*llghlrnl.d,,,d.ll,I rt~l,."7 ’,el# a’ I .II tA .... (I I rl tl Mt phy hm[ I I....~ [1¼1J "tlrtll ’ I IUtLhL/lali41 ’,.t.r* th,rh Itd, .t 11~ i}lro¢ll,,tt~ actu,otpatl/ c*&~htmttt~ rutt,"~’ p, cllle ha.* rlh,,’l,.,t durt.g tit,, h.l Iw,.,tty.lw,, ’ ’ " (’A t/qrl(IN - Call tor I I ’ . ’ I’ r~ar~ aru liramo.t ¢,.tle|u.l¥. t¢llttt, ~t that ran be " gtvvn h, th. vlt,q,l[.~ t,[ lllttOklllli who,,trcr vulranlc Ill S 9 rlt I l’te~tt,~i,,alt-rla,’t,. J: it. IIItVrl e. ~l. It.. 4atharth’t i.tlt,I,]t’**, ttllti IOth" ml-lakr.tt by[to.st W[;O ........ n tt~l~l& --%’Al.l!.tl|lol: ~ --~--’’" s,’. ) Ihr,,.-c,,.I *l=t,,l~ wut|ht lefu.. *t t(t,,,Ih’h,al ~th.uI.nt I,,a po.t. t,t4)ken- "" "’~ qkIlIIt,rlm’twulr,,*, t)(tllst’N.|tAV,%l~:l<’. d,twll h[’.’alhl, t~h,, h lltutallt~dthtg I,v b.’h., r.r Ih,~ ’ El,, , ....... ’ tPUU s.1 ....... want,,f Judieh)u~ ttlll,Utalh,~. Ttau,arat,t:r.l~rul,~rlr u,t,l,,r.to,,,I,tt,t|tlt,.l(alte~*lie turhfoltyttIt, I,. Th*, CINOINNATI. OlIIO. .=,, hau’ 121ea..tt*t. I,,,’fltaL!,, ~o,k ; I~o rt~k t,r rtl,ital. Blarelaw, vutmt.dI. put d~.th~ =t, hurrela vtc=of __ ......... " ~ , ~flln lu n. |,¯ i|~t~lln~ :. ta LIt~.tll .~t .. ~lot t u~t. M~.~¯. d,,,,,~.,,,,.., IIru~t,[oI,,r thn,ale vf brtml;.*h,.k,. I-0r ~al0 I)y all rae0|m:e .... e h, ,.,. ~,d*th~rlhl,,,,,*a.,,,.dhqn,,¯;.I.thth-..mlult,.nd.d IV YOU%I/AN’IP "IM) AI)%’lCIt’rl~il rite SALE nV I ptp¯, ur i,t. httltdr,,d, mld~v~ W. il. If|L~ON liquorsvftrade,,tv m~-,ptr,l I,pl*tnl,rrautw h’ltl.l.tuts AII.,’holsd (’It r. I’~. ~[~ .., -,,.~,,. ............ Mr.ntu,l[e~..hat euGht Le b2th. ~*u.rtl vetdlel OI J0 r. H~rNRT,-Ilsw York. ¯ C0.. Bmt0u. .~.~ ~) aa~lk ,:~l’a ~t’Kt:~-^ut:.vr.~ w~.wr th, tt~voritttl~ l,tlblle R| Ivj~l.l’dIth* It4.erle=| vt-ffeta~e 0E0. O. GOODWI~ t~an~tltmoff~t/malauttbt~lINIlf~tr~. JOHM60N, HOLAWt.lr ¯ CO., Phtltdsll~la. t.,, ,..? J Wtl|tTIt, ~t |.out,. MmUu. ~t~tf ttllRn .q Lllnfl rl31.,:;3m ,,. ,..,,,,,o,,,.., N. HARRIS & CO., Props, u0aier$. ers i~te aouu~#7/.-- In)’," .u.k,,,r. ,,ou..,......... ,,, ,,,,,, ..............~........ varied tN it~ character : ~pr[gh.tly aU¢1 t, tltortn|ll|aR. gl %’tll ~ttorh,~ofAdventure~lmrlee of’ |lame Lettern or’/’rnv’tlI, .... Nchuml L|fe¢ ieql tier|:, Its ltnoll Cilr-’l’lt lea It aud Riug Worlll, ~tltlUaottm, Eryslpelav, AClIO. ~lack tltiograi IBI,otB, WOrNSi |U the Flooh, ’J’nmote, Ctmcc~r. tit tile ~H, ...... PtIz~le~t I~elllIlottu Artlelea. I,~ltcltl and Ivteitleltlu. Womband all w0akeNltlg and ]laltlfNl tllm’horgl,s. terltl alid. It] %tet4tt~(It’ Iho Mubacrll)|JOlt ][rle,, ¯ ¢ 91.50o Sp,!ohnolt eOl)lat Jy. or thlu ........ t,....,., .t.r .--y,,,, ~,,, .,, it,, ;t= ~,:_"-~,’2":.~"’ i; :’ ’: Yl?’"3’ .....:~’’,; " {s consedinlen$ ear- sonth shore is composedof easily CHALLENCE A11~w,~= T.,,.,r Lake Ihis (day A~ Vlt. I,llS()s AlOe. ~:1, ANI, ItaNKSS by s p~rIs eSlOIhlVd lU I]lll Wt}litl tft p’&Ill t IIq)r*. tbtl pqhl[e ~let,,ut t~tlo~h, lJl. ~lqlllrat ~l~,lik~tl wa~|,~d, all([ all hi. . h,’ll I’¢~ngh ori~llllff rt,ln0dy thAIlA]lleIll ¯ ~lIil~ eltral,hl eOml,lahtt o.htl,ll.hed th,,r,q,y. Dr. Jayml’. llalatt ~riti, I~xDholortoll |a itll t,lh,ettv, r,mwdyh,r (htlll~h~ itn(t (Mhl.. UlllJ IOi.l’It* tt],.llO|J(3[ai oil’.at ontha1 nJaloltary ¥1"ItlLY ¯ 11’ I1,%’i’!I NOI’(~UAI,. u teelaing POlullation. Careful survdys ]lave showI~I . thlt~ whi]a. LMceMioltigau Iia8 an average del,th-of::l,8OO-feb~:l,ako-Superior::: o!’ 900, Lake Ontario of 500" foot. Erie has at* average dupth of 120 feat, which is saidto be constantly deereasing., ’ ’l~h0 bo~om-of the lako-ia qttite h,vcl Juices of airs the IOt[l~’ whole~yd,,a,. wr I I I~ II II~{lI. II~ I I,I I/IIIF Ill I I I l~.J"], IQI ..... ll~ohlIlInn, . __. Prof’*II.’LincoII~. - ........... "--i~ir’~ry drop’el the SARSAI’ARI LLIAI~ it for oitlu r (,! thee will prove to auy I,ers*)u [ortttauf dl’~t.’aaoit~ p,~tcnL-lhiC~tir~to~2aro-thcm.----" =k7 " : L : : __ Who 1Beret Paper in-EvuryJh, sp~ct: "The .Woekl -r~ .... If-the l,atiomtT-, drdty =boc(4rntnR rqthlel.(l" By"flirt" -" SKl’nnY’7"IW’Tqe~l~"Y/il];~;/,-Wh .~H . ......................... I"t ffOt~;’-’$twt"Tr’rtF.--" S eNd -yourDelian-¯ inol’easio~.~]¢~tur........................ Wm~0,S and’ d~ieontt,’oaltlon that i~ coNtitnlally prtl. KANSA3 ANe I’h’XA,~ ItAIf, WAY. Address. TIlE SUN. New York OIty, t lh,*-NA’t ittNAirBUItEAU ~AIDAPAItENT’rOA’~I~II.W;---~" Jllst |oak KL -Uudvr--the ¯ t~ ~pl,’,,~-(,f, ram0F M ltlaATIttN. thNst, Hhoert, ()lib’ |lOtl~ht Jat~t weelt gain| ttB WM. I’. TOML[Nt~ONLocal Agol,t. enlaT’AI)on0’s BXel.~,SloK IIAIS I)Y~ stands llllrivIN’W, all hltl Ill() tO ’it; which arc wore thrlnl:;h. ailed and ah, u,h lt~ rll~lrll8 have boomt.o tnllvor~ally T E AM]’ tleAN’ COLt)NIST ANDIIOME.~’Pt:AD Molls. hr,,w)t array ft,vt wel,.t.okings .otlull, JOUJl~Ab n bl.caa-¢~ a~knowh,d,~t~dth~_tJt ~u~rt)~ttle]l to dot~.t, nttLhdn~ Ina~.. wllh¯lall llart.luular~ ,t~t n|l t[..~’ "werc not -l~lt-|al-i~ippl.1. I th )v’;tttit]/.’~[hli’’[lll’’t:l~h’dtq~tht*l’:ttllI%’l’lrl’tltl’" cant on thlall filly ft/rlhor--ilo|hhnf Call h~tIt’. Parents. tak,i v,.~r c.lloie,~, I eat, genteel .~:tver" "I)00~.tJilolnt,,. %~,ttttt. &%’~|ttq’,el’P., ~I,;N 1’ FItEI;, ,,U apphrt~thm to 8. IP. WKt,l.t4, *See’y N. II. Of MIgl’athnh ’1’* )pod tdllt)l,s ’wllt,’h lluVeF Wt’ttr Olli, ht Lhtl tell~ " T~g]tl,fl(ll’ OWII~ t|g I’lql enlnr Iillnu[f~ %~9IIroadwav. NowY(,rk. I,t’l-hUes wil mat Ti rdgh’tlt] lttlt’a anl| W|IiU[Illoal ]11I]lltl fill]t], alt/t r.lltll[ihla It L ]lq~t.’~_ ~Oll. It tel’ft, fitnutllll Of I~,lh W[llchfftYl’~YIltt[ll tht~ V|lal eJvlllehl ! aa ~~ft~_ive Atoongtl,:,~o arm : Oon- it hasno middle of the palace court). There now to measfire 2 feet girth and -V,’r ae-t.a:-L, ~., o, _t]~-A Cd£t~,.t iA."._ I~’ L~! ~L~t_t a leaf of a shrub between her ..... rmnained only a little of the end of a length, these multiplied together make ~he Best Story lPaper.--Tlm Weakly N.Y:.Sun. ; afterwhich therewas nothing to )tained frontthe-wilds of thong.inthe oo~jurer’s hand, andhe:de_- t feot,-which multiplied-by-eleven--the be donefor herbut--to bury.her,--But................. >’-..... :-" Spage,¯-$It~year, So,,[l your Dullard....... sired one oftbe assisted himto humber allbwcd --for ~eaeh )lants was Whe Be~t I*htshlo lleports [a lh. W.eklv N. Y. extraordi~iRr~y-fAl’6-cts certaifilyW/tfraftt ~.. DOISOnOU8 ]]oar, Sun. ’8 I~’;c.;--~t-a-yen ..t~ t~omi-y.ur-Do}la;L theC o ~-~-1~ 3~i~t-~W.,~t-~blO- --a-g-e t-R~ .PITTSBURGHtP~t. xn g unknown.enter intoits contpowhich grew luxuriantly, with leaves like " qPhe Best M~Lrl[et l{epor~a lit thu We~kly N’Y, hitherto conjurer then D mt,l..~in,-,h..Muzzt~ n~L~:rt,,,.~-t.u, ~hn. Rlaes. Slmt Again, suppose a calf, or sheep, ctc., to the laurel, an4 fruit very iikc tha ~omSUN. 8 ~ages. $I a y,,ar. 8.ml your DMlar. sition.If polmlarity is any criterion, 4|un~ ]{. voh..t~4, tqat’)~M,’£t’., uf averyI(in(lo Io.~me,, to him three times, but getting no an- measure ,l feet 6 inches in girth, and 3 men oap2_~If a man ate of it be wks The BeS/, (’n~tlv lteports In the Weekly N, Y. theree;tn b’e *todoubtof the efiiciency swor,-ha-suatohe, d up a knifb, as if in a feet9 inches’in len ¯ goi~ ~,thT0~fi~lii~,.~Zith~_,fh~i~ Di -n~tnul=htng (~urei quirk, as r(tpld ure the ehaa,tes the lloay uudergoes, under Shetnflueuee~f thII ¯ truly %Vonder/’ul Mediolne, that In "while it qPhe - -- .an bc made; Kddr¢~t 8 Pages. Sun. Indepeodcnt mid l~h[fiil~r: ~-l~,~g~$1 a ybhr. ~ Son,l-your Dollar. ~. -still plain of A~the.way_of_poisonous_herbs.An calous of his mistress, and that he wa,--in upend ............ a Yeai’, SUu. g pages. $1 a year, 8eNd your ~ ,liar. lunchedoff.... -.: ..... one of the fruitst wore lmnish~d, down one of the g-less thatrS.~ith~6~/~h-. b~it-I;y-t~e~otn i @poisenous and more than 3 feet in girth--make"thcolselvos, "" and woe to himwho touched otherfoot,thenthe.trunk,and 256Ibs.The diIfiensions:in ~irthand all, the headlThen hocamcd0ivnhim- lengthof the back of eatt’fe,sheep, them. t~o potcnt was the venbnt of the ’ .mancanilla,that to sicop under itsbou~!,s self, all puffing and punting, and wi~_]L-oalvos,-and-hogs, taken this-w~y,, are as: was- na sure ~a-tliizi-g -its sl/f@ing--iindhr hi~ clothes all bloody, ldssed the ground exact ,s is at all necessary for eomnmn the upas. Deluded mortals who worm b(foro the amir, and said .sbmething to computation or wduation of stock, and thus poisoned could, however, be cured. hku in Chinese. The muir gave willanswerto the fourqtxarters ef the seized b their comrades, the lad’slimbs,laidtho,utogether in nmstbe madefor the auimals halffat,of ¯ No water, no shadewere " places, aild gavoIt Itlck th0tr twentyfrontthosethatare cords. I when,one pottndin thenl, r~heir’angtlish was intoll,rable. the boy, who got up fat; and for a cow thathas hed,e,dves, The body bccaniored as/ire, the tongue. and stood beibr0 us I All’this astonished one pound must’ beallowed in" addition black its ink ; the victim soreltnled ¯ f.r nm be Yoral moasare, u Itpc vet o y watoc to aihty his hnrnill~ . . and I had . au attack, to one for not boatsfa t, thirst. If tlt~s tortures did: not carry/tim off, in lh~n~-days’or~o-htA~fovnr~wmtld abate, ............... " and the effect of tim poison disallpoar, ’ g , tpon loarnin~~ of wrong. Jt it; l|ot $15,000 Ih’o plugs Y g ! ...... _~ . , | " ’ ..... ~’ , In ¯ tilt3/laurie conaP ’ eaves ~llne . &n(la ll~it on his return, he st~trted in imrsutt at that we war|t, which . none ef our ex- a eordlal" , however ,whloh" oured thoitt LAIfE ]~RIE I)~tYIN(I UP.-2-1t is prowas nexttlo expense, as conlpared to ptttulg,thcm the man who h~(l destroyed~is veace, l)0rlenced fireinei~willreconl%~end,tack.%’heKazlAflcharaddin dieted that Lake~rio, now the patltwav of a ndghty commerce,will, in time, tir3r .tii}" ............ ......... " ~l sevoa It The Flro Lesson. water jet outof them, and cause necessity for reaching a fire before it them to run up and down wires or on gets head~vsy. Our progless tends to , of a saber. During the whole pile up va,t materhd for fire beyond ,the reach. We build ...... out from bottom to and worse for tbe t~ars throwsthe pmeos sigh tly architcothe air, ohafiging them with a waw at that when once these great pih ~he.ian ink)birdsandbutterflies. Oneof ¯ ~to " " only ]lie COMPANION alms to bc a t’uvorlto IE over7 ’-looked for eagerly by the ynEll~’foik.% nut[’ rettd trlth Interest by the older. Its pllrp~s0 I$ to’lfit~r-- 41 Tomont PI,ee. Bo’t0n,Mass. -., -=~ ~ ___ . .o . ¯.. ~-:’ t I ....... .... inanaetin:which-the farmer, merchant, --=-i. +, and~h-’~xtent miner are informed £n:+on Ill YaoP’a WLES,M.D.. ,o which they rtreaidcd in their pursuits, ¯ _ ....... _ Tk Commissioner makes one recom" .. SATURDAY~DE0 7. ISTZ" ¯ mcndaiion-rthat measures 15o taken by ,_ , " it :_ . ’"~-- : " ~ ~ Ovngrcssto protect and induc~ the plant"r’--~01tT0~JT!t~TI0:00,, N, ft. _ tugoi Ioroqs, and suegests-that no part ]+ The PreSident’s - ~38~ wholo_nlimher ~f ........ and lied-that he :might do_thetn ...... good.. }/o highermeed of l:,ralse ca-nl e "~heluinul, of the precedingday wer~read Atlgntic County bestowed on ~ny hum,. - Let us hope mot at th;The n-6{Seheol house, Teaehcr’~ ai~d wsBAs~oeiati-d ealied I~o andapproved.’l’ho-flrst--eaereise wasOiam-+ that his ownbelief in the future be true, order by Co. Supetiniendent ?Wright at 2 P:.~I. mar,by ~lr. l~[illigam, ¯whichwastaken up atad and thathe lives, because his Redeemer Openedwith stngi,tg under’the direction of continued until the expiration Of th.e time alliveth, and in the beautiful hereafter he . rof. Oaskill, an.__dpraycr_by_Rev,.iA. Atwood.lotted to it, when the same gentleman road =qui ~-°-aa~’ mii ~l]~ g]i~j ~-e’~-°-n’~l-0~-°lt~has joined the loved one The minutes of the last a~rf ber0 "presentat-roll-oilli_ Teachers’. Association; - 8~txrn’s L~zoxsi; Noy.-18,1572. members enrolled 58 ¯ - ......... 8A’~URDAY;DEC. 7, !S72. TOWN DIRECTORY. rJc res<.rved in timber whereit ef, sts; arid . of his labors. 80 may itbe. Oar .~paee will ncl a|bw us to glve the +h,.r.. it Ices not exist indueementsshould whrd .=_. ~ __ _ _ -~-" messageot the Plesi,Tent ii} full. I. f, et~ be offered for I~lanting it. 3fr, Editor :--.In your issue- el Navy. fe.’~ r,e,,r,l~, ear++ to wnd~thro.~h ~o muF :-Ho.spea~ favorably o! the Centennial ma,ter to tire," and I am glad to hear we have such ~i0~thcm in!" can Independence, a,, of-the ~-~sa~e, which contains members, _Ltho$ollowing_nfcers werc~theh chosen for the cn~uing,year : President, ex-o.//Tc/o--C.Wright. _ St~cretary--J. If. Curl.¯ . As~-istant Secretl~ry--Anna t]¯ C last tour cvenings~-The proceeds.~re t0. be used for the benefit of the 3I:E. Chhrch. The Winslow Corn.ot Band Will - ....... p.sbyterlan.--Rcv. F. Austin. Services at 10t a. it. snd 7 r.i. Sunday"School12 to i. fie Pro.qr.,ie, ,~per~tug~+bt Grain, Flour and Feed Store, ’Go ...... ,11~" Wegive-a-.groat--deal-of-spacethis weel~ to the r.el),,rt of the Tevchers’ fJa+kill.d.. It. Sypber ot Philude!phla-then gave a. the exelusive #9.’s~i~cfi+_ at. the-JU nit ed_ rates[ Ile ree~mtnends a" con’.nit,ion to, a6~joint l~wit h~ono~laa m ed_]~_J,~/ pb), f011u~ved-by mind he eoulcl-"rlof sti}iTiv-6, seeurity,~.nd,_allk’was:(: i]!po,ilion :[or hisand with’drawn~-ILut trati0n s0great, that ~Jli~t~ge,~ind_w.ith wouldbe re-tl, The Alaska and th British Posses.qons. Tile his weakness. <Thcreft wore ¯ imred~ in at measnretJor the sad message &r., showsthe old .... eartnarks" of’ 8tales and the new Dontinion has been. tkat 8aidto us; the Sue of the. ~lkT~rtne ?l¢.ing" are to,, thio. flitu~ and ~e,k ,osed el.. lIo.s,tys our relation with -lucifer tTto decisive ~ui-,~l~Tfliil natJon~ ar 9 nlost .antieable arid ~ls does the N. ]2. " |t’o’~l~2~--°"W6-~ii-o t~tuumumty, a~ld.tu rais~_falsn_i~sues,_by_ ....... -~iiiSiiT-~ilii A’PTeI~’~°°"+I\S~ssx°s’" C,i]led to order :,t 2 P. M.an,l t,u~iness ~irgiug. At r, ll-,,’ltll t9 nmnber~ werepre~eltt.~ ing eyes, " or,. li~’,e holders;M+t~’t.vrs. - --.. ..... Thesu~scriberrespeetfu~ys~ie~tsthepiir~n~ge~fbisfriendssddthbpnb~cingeners~nthis .-" l?ay’s IIl . .--; ....... _+ lXTew Building , P,~ilro~d..A.venue. t~ab-o nil tu (will~ ’.O minsaetthe whidl must b~+o~ed oi’. On m+gek¢:rt~nl~nt was l:~dii up~ ¯ or sale tit liis-new~-~tand. Persons ~Tj~l’i[ii} oxtra et,~tes can obtaiti-them 6t" him-at .the smme price am at~s~ +-+ "t "~~ . ¯ llal;-t C 0 -+ ¯ ¯ 7" "1 JUST JACl~LX El), - -and ~llxud=l ~ htntie]s~I . - =I ". I-EE a New Stock of iilg andShI’--’~" T’i~tn~g~-,-Cil-tto-n,-=X-ll-=~b-oq rllttsrDress-Goo:ts, Towehng- Cotton -- . - ---_ .... , { lltlerslt l.ts,13m~vets, Spool Co ton, E, aee, ..... ¯ ; " ’ I~bT7 ’]I,tlC’S .... Ruflhllg, ;,ltd (,slit s C(llhlrs lind Cuffs,-~Gloves, Hosiery.. . fo ~i’TdTneoof it’ar our Stni’e_ "Wekeg ’~’ariety of SIIOETOOLS, Bdl, USIIES [lerlj;liili’n Stct!Iman, Will P Winslnw :l;iah .’41danls. ~ Ii~tip I lenry 0,ram+’r. .¯ Jlaniluonton,1~’. J. . reht:illlerestt_ ’0~_TI ES. # t, reater Im~t:re~s and prosberity than is Chtrk. " 3.:10 whenhe dosed for rsAtla~lt~e Cou,e~l1%’o.44"0. U~A. M’.meets t’]~ough the neglect r,f its Secretary we ’ -’,lie .Weeks,own ll..t, ad " thi~ is not trfie ; reeorde-d-iii~ II~-u hi~tory-of any other na~ " Ashort discussiououthe "’01,jest .’l,]ethb~lof ees~. .41tt:r reee~ .l%liss Randallgavea reeitaivory Tuesday evening~ at Mechanics’ Hall, did not get {t Uniil Wednesday morning .~,aitroad’avcnue. ’ line, an,l i~r.vj.g a ftirther go?ld im~Po~et,ir, instead ot a special- number 0! per- ’£eaehing/’ was opened~b ~r. l¥idy, at the tiun entitled " TheB.itk=fr_ot~(:lhenJ. to Air " ~tlant;c.Dl’oT-A’o--t~,-8.- of T. meets every Of tbi’s weekTI]e saysThoordered it to " eh,~o uf which :the Ass,+ciati,m adj~,urned to t.g;~t-i~ on our Dr.D. 11. Ingcr,,oll was then .introdueed~ Wednesdayevcnieg, at Uni.n’llall. aboutUAI{DWAItE in tho ItAItD?WARE LINE, the whorei~d’a very-ablo"peper nn-’"Th~"Ih’fi~li~li .... ~ :" " be sent here" if ~o, it rices not exonerate STOREof}lo D. isd~ atJ.l¥; ,l,bnl*le." -I-1~: retcls tO the fire ,ill th,;-eommercial nation~ of the eat thin t, ntit.e bodyel the prollerty.holders, (,, ilh meet at the’Chur,.h at 7 P.M. Mocha.los" L. &PT.xts#uci(It[oli meetat II[erespon~ibilily lind cell,squeal; di~{ht~ .E~"l~.~t : : o-SP..~,.Ix.~." iy--e~’euiug in-eileh- _himJrom_not+actiug in a~cordance~itl{ -DEPUY(corEtJ0--IIAItBOR--ROA-D,&l,e,t fit this road has been .~p,)_oL 4o order at 7P. M..,_aud. opened_with--Mr=tS_’yphbr-t montk. the vote of thn Insti.tute. lamity, with¯ this’ ~:xcei,:i,m, " we have al go,,d teeliog. hen eotIP1u de d-his-exercise--in EELLEVUE AV/~.;.(seeond door from station ltammontoa singing End pri~ycr. ~[r. Wis!y delivered an Fraeti,,n~. 0a m.ti.n Jlr. Crawl’oral w’ts re-3hHiea t0wtlship, who, in their indigos. g tea frerfr.lm-l~estilcnce,--warr-aud caOf (h~eivii service abases he ~a2zs, du,’quested to gi’,’e an exorcise in 1)h on(,gruphy+ iioehanies’ Hall first Thu)’sd!y_evening each__ ahle tci:ture <,u " Cultiwttkn ,.;f the Beautiful," tion, pr,,t,.’st . ’" Dete-6tive"Th~Ts.-’*tlie he etiurdl in the evenlpg. ¯ onrtfed~to meet -- month. Dofull{riB-lowell+n, Danlel E Iszart]_-fotlowed.l,yMr..Kingman on ~’l,¢_l~_l’~s~ a and.speakLin ::,ldcavc~-to so-simply the rul~ as to secure E’lt,eatgr," rfter ~g adjourned Clerk=G.-F. MiUer. Ofl~e the Weeksttiwn l{oad.’.’ No-w,’ I eh-al" EVr.,~XSG ~essno,~. i- nunlcs .... ffpT" nTd-h+F[’With~n’Tt--p r~ ~ .~]ii~ is,+~.d-of the. _so,vice_el the.Governmentl lYffl~-rt~.nsls~e~ o; two ectures an~#ay tuxedos/property, who whereby, the United_b_~tates w t~rc aw0r!!ed !~o~uire tits di~et_a ’~on Pr,,f. J. It..":,ypher o/~P]ila~nn "_The-- ~rittl~. J )selLh Scull, H S Steehi,an, " ri~o ~md pro;tress of }~ducatinnin New ¯ ~e.ier ~ i]t~rl, 500.000tin ),v-the-gt,neral tribunt t-of-thtr-sy~t~tfiby 7iT, ging and pr.vcr. ~,linutes of the pro: 9"ee,mre~.--M,L’D@uy.: .... ....... and the other t~ot prt, pert3-blder-~Lat_otte or--t.’..e_othct_ rroved;ires’ B~itain for thes~ttsfaction- -bindie_rupop;t offerodIhe --At~611=Ta3138 u/embei’8-answeT~lor6- th~iF" -" - "- m’~l-LS_-=’-----=----~ _ t iltit=t U-2~X ~ I~i F names. The first ,xercisc--in order being t,} Go |~~y mcrease ot tcnder]TPror. J.- ...... - .................... ~’~’-------------- - Lnuis-l{rtell,__--, alnd the dotes nt l,’n,l~erur of Ger- ~ether with approoriato legislation by -(-From ~Lo~ er-0~ce-) :--Frederiekn°Y’..... Clever..... II. Sypher our thlinks for his intercstingletArithclei]ie, by J. W.~mltb;it was1.~tid over iv their property.._:The "’ much ado’-’ made II(/BS d’c. manyin ~lvin,_, his iuterpre.ttion of thP (Jongress, mayreach a satisfactory soh~. .Arr#e--From Pltiladelphia at 9.4.’2 a..m. and (Jeorg+; C An~lorsotl. Charlus G-odfre "SPOKES .PA’LLOES m. PETIT JURORS. 0t" ~L.tS,5’, p.LI.VT’Sif: OIL~;’fO#DAGE¯ 0.11 secure to Mr..1. V’. Ro~er. ex~ their taxes are so increased. Wheu beliei, lm bl~e-~e rviee-¯t or---ill tim --- ¯ 4_38-p-m; . . ~’.rd~vnot kr ow:"- ~ short discussion +,n the ~ul~ t,f Grnmlnur. elegy. Adoptod¯uvauimosly. Adjournedt¢ +-:Mai~ Road-Olliee-20-minute~" . Friday. ~ul,jet;t of !]uogrnl,by .rlier, and iirrives 20 minuteslater. ’ee~ ........ _ _ _ --+4.,lip t?#.i,,:l ,,,t t}Le .~lahlon R Kirkbrido, ,latile~ B Writtht, . I~rid+~y.-~Z o v~-22r-I~ 7~._ NE"~--Onl arehil,clli, e9 of i>la,lds" lying he’tweenth, at-gr/.JtrA. : .-_ - - .:4- - - --_ - _-_ ;-. ." il calledto tlieii~-fie.’ ¯ .~.°~,0 ~-ill sopport all "the l~oor of" thi.. lnstituts dth a recitatbe entitled " Therl:kicf, atomizersF,r,~etit ;it r,;ll-ea,l Themi0tlles o[ The ~dDead. l~il~nsted ever _ _ ~r~t,]ho mails. " Hiratn A.dt+rson. D_L.pr~.:dJP.g,+.’ ~.--~erL.rendJm:l_.at,pLoved, ............ ~ .......... . ........ to.wn.,hip+ -Wt ar~ told-S800 is-for "in -of Luekn,~w.’~ ......... -.Bat.:--On_.Orders not 6xcceding$20, . 10c Ite,~ry P.t’er, Mr. ~. J. A’d:itns .wad tir..t called "~ r, Itl~d ~r’o..... sit,ee the trcatb was matle-a’nd-le+lve~ tt~ -"Ofi-Frid~{~-~-61h-g.-Nb~.2,~il~ [’lora~e- el,ionia’s," Stlnlelll Sitiith. ¯ but none can tell what is in. A di,.eu~aion o’n the m!jest’of Itcading was eeed~¢~Lt-givol*is_~iew~l~to~he_hestmanner ,% .... +:~0; ...... 15~ ’iVi llialtt :31~lr~an-wt;ck~, i~-ifi~."_lirst limeitHmr_hi-’_!_oDLwithouta ~v~¢.~6~6trotTi~ed o r-teacbi,-g t;e~,g.sphy. eludtrd in this ""lneld " o oral" item; (it is -t--tr remaiu~h ~Vil:iam Stnrtevant, l,.rei z, flail, ..... ~ .... -uselul:hle=-It-was+ ~i’ P~tl.r-r,n, rl,lwt:n. hcj hero and he acknowledges the lirb/17Vt, sptm,a-ace Greeley is dead.¯.’ Si~ little-d.ixl the ’l’(,wnsl~ip Couinli, tee,) and$2,050 ig tbr ¢ ~ " "" ¯ rn-4’ neons-as.ran ~--her~Iaiest;i:~-Gov q~op}c-ktiow-ab0uLhis l:,~)~J~l ¢O0cli~i% thi~ Weekst,,~vnR0g ¯t lie awllrd. "IIer. - ..... - + [ such is p ~-_ " ............. . II #~t. to I.Jiar~"s Prot. Eptsenynl..=Rev. ~anizcd under thename el Llanti~ Sh~-PARLOII. ~ C00K STOVES of, " kll.st~les and" J~ 3I. Wil~ St a il’t’and and needA largegoodsStuekill tlise’mshltltlVlino llllil’m h,lndlhe Ofddvevvarlousa,|dgra,h,.l pr;ee~.~E #IIIP ol’derll.Vhen v, u erie send’hi theme m~ liams officiating. Service at 3 P. lh Snudliychinory-to {.’0., and b~put_in’ordcr, are nowon’~3’ wai!ing+ ms- NAI, LS, II0LTS,TOOLS, EUIh’DERS’ ttrgo totorw:~rk. .~IECItANICS’ and aIt"AB.D"IV.~E~ thou£and and in any w:tVyou please., and the/will hs rareloUvuitendedto ,..I the gocdBpromptlydcli)erod:. -ichoul at 2 e.~M.~ "~. FItEE OFCIIAII.GI,:. U, iioer+,t’l;et +.,d Unltarlau..---,Unien Ilall: The stock is at premiumalready. " %%rhatout thi~gfirhleh you .$~’¯.TER}Ili (_’,A~II. _- Adjourfi¢[ tu meet at 2 P. M. A PTZr~O,!S SESSlO’~ ~y~.~-"it is with ikfillness to the :as a cation, ~’,’ h:lw b~.en blessed /br-thc . last y?ar wi~h.p~:ae_e at heine and _e --Scrvlces arrangt.wen[. 0n motion, Mr.S. It. Mors~was-invited te givt~ I,t.,, expianatino.ofltules of Arithmetio.’a_ ..... set dowll on the pr,,gealnmefor the preceding + day. M. ~Iorsu th0n occupied the.remainder ¯ . ..- h,ow ......... well,~and make verysweet sounds. and hear them and be convinced. ,* m.--~) lt--LRx--lf. %..._ Uu_Nr..I: ......... - ~d fl f-- ’ l%lr.J. B Message. . r------m _--~i~,.l~ti~A lien V_L:~tj_U~T_Opt,:~DqA_I,II~¯ETLt)T~0~~ ............ ad-B0~ Low Prices. 7Sad~~ O-CERIES-A-SP E-CIALIT Y--!Lltrd, Pork, llama: Dried B~ef, ~gd Fish.. Mo.las~esL~c:Tconstii~t]~"owhaud ........ of all kinds. CrackedCorn, Cornand Oat~, Oats, Court" a,d Fine Meal. Nhcrl~, Silipstuff, Bran~Oil Meal,cte.. _ 2kJ..dheral_Dls,eountto purchasersof.. Fivo-nu~dred-Pou tidn. of ten to meetat 2 l~M. - --=’The,remainder.f-the- session, wastak-en+u isnmo -¢littiant-(Joff~ --lVill~am° O~e a t-es; s~t- ifi]]~- - T h ur~d~%v~i~iu g, to L~ll~rl~’l-B~; Isra,’l ,l’Inli,h,---lc’eL" tlo.’tt~e ~a~aet~eek. This will bn strietl); ad. AEi,10m(},rdorv, Am~’rBll] =:" .............. Ibe extrsetk, n of rot,as ntl_d31r. ?wi_el#;.op g-.futurl -- heldi,t. AllanticCity¯ it,g-rc~t~l uiio’u-wtts-offorcd-~ .J.M. Sullivllu : kl anuoupcedf~r the evet~ing. Adjournedto "R~solved,that this Institute recommend tha -rltrers of Ibe- r~sp-e;,livel"6w~..htl,Ty6~-61 ~a " EVE -- JI.’,’cd- .fidxai:r2 "~121~Lthe_Cdiairman.~f_this+ -I Fri~TK~’ r’71-t’6-TIq-’o]n-t-a t e s bh e r in C:+~wfordtitan fawirctl the nudienPewith ~omo , ut’h "]’,,wrl~h who ,#hall liave p,,wer to call a ship In~ll ute. her. Gee.If. Cot, k, Stut~Geologi~t,t.ext cle." t,.ll wi’~g re..elutlen~, which were .doptdIk’erede ver} ktere+.ting leeturoon Thoeduclllicn ef thn in,l~elsi~o ," ~t lho 1’ ’1’ at Wereeozn,r,e in le ~ucl’e~nfulterut wi~iehthe-loll,,tvlng re;elution - wae-offered- ixi; ti li-If ltlr l"<.i’rtil Aniiutil hi.titute a---.+ -h,,l,eflll rruwlhofedueatir;nnl int~rt.si ~n tLe- " by’It6v.A: .At(v(iild : .................... lli.t ol’,lllrt I+i,le of this county. %]’l?.eteas u,j+911"ye,!. _I I.. ’.l’Jiar._tvdtemkr-ta-tho-pe,+ple-of-Fnlith#l ~ ~ve_l)!,+’ t !j.~tt’_n_g..~itit+ t)]elit~ureto the initrnelhtg"I.ltlress nf Ihc Siillc I,;,lidillg nndvit’iliily, our henriylilnnks h)r ll IJo,dogisl, l’r<lf, lieu. If. Ct.,l~. en " Theim thil tillilc, rlll ~2tlnfleliy lil, d bllnlitiful lnlslliililily and ~malq~rol~riation for tile purpose~atttl ~i’J loathes," iis did the death-fit Pr~,si- flieted with ae "itching iiahn" for <;ffieo. a,ltl s6 anxious to vpend and be sl~ent in t_t h,e--.’qt:el~t ary t~iilelieTl+ t I/dt ~,~6-t~i’]ht,t. S]~I<.ized.t’{tit tilt twor/lanai vesta,Is to transp~+rt .the.lm, ukhcarLlike_that_of_t he_Inure _l~ m:(~ld++l+~Jl~Ltllt+_ _hsl!’+ Ito wa+worth, arti,,les Ior exhibitioii -be[7oii our ow., l,inetdii.--rPhtmwhnknnw Ol’eeley- best hn w.nld he rc+h’oted. - Whu, ~ ports------ar, d-~benn,,st cttnvetllt:nt, l~,~"h~ nnhl~di-interestednes~ ! Whatholyde./,) the it,tet’,)7,t9 ofthodcai’-0colih en,,e, " I le .reeottit.ends Itei felt to bo taken t:al-advisers, that tow men could pass Whatli ~llblimo martyr. ~o ~acrifiee hair itnl.editttt.ly tit +ttl~ the dillieul i hroni.,b t ltt~ ’terrible ordeal Imwasoblke<} .i’,l hirzc el4.1[e [Oi)ro~.tre art ,,ffie0, Ills ,’X,,nd<d ,,, n.’!~r!_"~ ihosl~i,,uuf ihe,[nstl~ ir:zrit’tvPs’ot~w htrtv=~rrn hriu¯r: ..... n(.,ew,tnt ~fli~,a~b?;+"~ ~7 III ~]’hel rye ]ielirl .orl/.,rilhillite the peot~,).+,~ee{,t_tev(mJ:r£Rtor_ ...........snivel ........................................................ eotl[d ~eareely have snrvlve(l.t]le~ ................. l",ditk~l~ wh,.’,, a ,,se is so ready to 81+elltl ~ohn+l hl,ll~e ’,rhieh i~ rio heliuliliii lind eomlind iileill, urt! "n will.ei~ling t,e elil’mienl exto thu pallor, eli ths ; th.lt it Is nn ~,rt..nt:lit to the Iduos, shocL tht, u howntuch greater-would h,, sfl ntll~l; br 8(~htth,,. ,~olnethillgi.q rolt01i. in INeilingto lhi~ init, re~ting i.<+oll~ _. hol,cs.t he Spanish Goveruuxentwill adopt t|t,~ del,rbssit g Pff~iets tlpnho-nos o-~l~iti.i: -An~ltlii~ wryft sil’~ t’~i I~flict’~. ~’l~lit,rllle,~, lleri/i,;tits~.nd ................ n..eredit_tn, the .e.mmunil,/.. I.id- furnbhesa-l,,i,m,’o +,f I’r.t’. It. t~. t?ri, wrord,npnot: u ~t,b. , .I,l,, ,.x~mqilolor oilier ~c~tion~of lhe eouut.~ li l.U~:l,l,~itiii.iil I~ ~,,’niindthil~ oiher~ liilly thn al;,,lit.m =aLtif Cht tiiJ~tr), ; lliul i:l+. o, .... .tii ] In-’ t.l h~. g itttluonees that ~urr,~nndt, d ll-iF-]iklJlh-t{lllr.12]x;i,s-~-~ilt]h li t/ill7 ]]7 (lllel, -t,uV fait-t o-ad vancc-the-rectors trim. "l’hc e~rn at)at anxiety in watcltlng,_ (+h#~all.-Oll-4}llt+,r++tlt--tdlUlin is hi,nsel[. ._.l~,,s,+!vud, ,,.t ih0 lh,,!lhs n f tt:is.A.,o~i.ti~n 1 V. _’I l+at-It’Llel~dur-~+ar-lliltl,t,l,o-liilillhS-lli ]ir+H ]g. A, -Apltnr.l’rnt.~-rtTIl=f~,~.k,--AVni. el lleilet~ atttl order," ottd rt’eotittlltltttil# utldtllo terrible grid inthe Ioss ol the Illlii, I giiilly, linll eli,lelivllr,l to <lrliwtli(~ htl unditru Ill, reliv lendt.rell Io tlio di~llnt:.ui.h, d }i’1111.1tn. I,~.1. l’rt,f. It+ P. l?r;tlllh,r,l, lit M "Ntt’h l,,giAtiou as umy be iiroller to i.ft~hih, lutqi, I.r Ihe alltt~ iniiniler In whichthlso lliilllio ati+,ntion from hiniself liy eryiiif llel,.hly iil.I llr , D. II. [nger, oll t.r Ihl,ir lildl. wile, who had been tim .companion it..1 l~iilljeeli4 hiil’u been]lrl’l,l~iiled. I, i’hlre~ iilld ’.’illillll,h+ hi>lrllelleli I rind 1o i lii,+l. dise,mra,.e Amerieaa ciiizun~ Irom holding i I+ 14hil~i>til,iilll’v lir, lilld hi~lrill11~in. ¯ ,iiy und Im+perity, hi~ th.tghtors I,f uliil wi~hPs intorlliilii.n. | will l~tlltlll ), Itli ll,lll~ull .Iwiq~niltiq,. I~ytho elielrlind tl,e or th.aliog in slavm" %’. l’h~li x~llill, weI’l’iO~ilize ihl, Pi:~llitl iihillly di~hllvr*,.ll,diil.+ sr,,~l~il I,y ,I. II. Fypht.r IDu the suldcoi, el taxatlonlio .~ays, he n.ilJtl!rh,ss, tt~l~t,thl,r with the tset, whie]l tllitiicei i l~illiily i’ehttitqi,~,alid Ulilt,i~l,lleiill~ I,en,.dletl~ln I}l. lt~v. A. A,wllod to Ilil.Ol ill II,e e,d I’:.i must huve bdlen like ah’lii.l,.’l’woib.,|lt up.......... ¯ l’il t~i,i.lc’^. I !iloui.hnln~e .l 9 .%;, M. Wetlnl,lldey. I , Ill I,k h,i’liirll i,li ~|’1 nri.llil’y "nVliilil ~ lltl~ ll’iio doust+ot reeomntond any turtht:r rcdu~ on his ~,.,tt.~itive ~itirit, that his e,ttn t,yliPil -|irnflllllldly l~llih, flli lhi reFi,rei yl, l il~ I lie,, 3, 1,~72. I~’ednt’rldnr, .l~iiv. ~’0, 11~7’). . lh.iil tl!llcht, reI lllld (~.ll:ll(+t elidllrl4ii |l.li hlWo+ll. ..... lion unto auttleient-d I t. S. " Dett,<,tive" b ~n,h|,;+4]y ~tl.lto} ".TI;e’A’#~ll;ellilblli lI1{4 i,n|hid tll lirder ll~’ SII nl:ile lit’ ll+ tilltiOrliil, l, ll ill ~ (/i’llellli¢il illld khi’} r’9 o,..l,.ha~_[gti.-/_ ~ -~’i+}l’-h,,rr ortlr ~ Trrhrrt~ll~ll~r--l~ ]*lat i+r-~i~’ht-T I’t’0/"-I}f t,l,.etl.,., all POllt~,’nt I’:t’ tllrll lind nienlnl dl.l:iid’lle. w;Jl havetll ll;iy I,,t’ a lilly ~tlll Ill th,h.t,I illmlll ellrl,llllill~/. iufllt’ient roV01,tie to u~eot the current AI rull-elll 411nlenl’ i+rP,~ li,’g, nl~nn him ’~’lten lib ~y~tenr w’~, itie O.qlilllillt,lt, ~gl~edi,y Why woroill,,,,’ li.l, i.,~ whiph, llUln~,er i’.ru~h’llb.l. Thenl[lltqt~l’lll Iht’ petlvel el the -~,ov,;’rtmnetlt,lltty+thn.i’titor C. ,T. A +l,,in~,,} C{lllh + da),wl,rt, rl,lill llllll +l i,ro,+’e,I. ¯¢~t tat tl+ poblie dt.’l~t," sttd provide’ f;,t t~;orn tm,l fittilrned wlill hls ,,x,,e~,k’,,, ,.v,, thliu/~l~if’lil whimlltl-/ .Hil $SIIll ,raliiht- llrl,l,l.lhi~ P, tt. l{inl:nliln, i iHll nit,d ¢lil bill.., $1’.’ll hlr. diniil,rs, liilll till mutlun, it mlil agi’eo,l thlit I’r.l’, Craw " On I~l.lh.n ,,f J. II. t’iiil, It ws~’ill~rerd th.t el nlhld+ eOllSliil’-. the .it:king ft’tll~l b,~k’hli~hed hy law. tni~]lt ~!tt)’,, t’ltll|l.eff,)m ,i, $’ll},’10I,ir ii li~t,l,,.,- I{ .i , . I,li’d’s’lllt!lllrt~ lh~ l.~l,lh,l, llnn ilr Ih. n Iniill,s iiiill Pnhllllb, l,e o£ 111t ;.el II.~ln i)Ii Ihe I)l’(l~lalllnll:, t,1 t;~ prnl]tnt’~ th,~ re.all, whitltt lit. ttlli+]i, 11,1~ll,,+s ~ ,l,.,’ruti,,ati ,~! ,lh,tt Ihn right,lhll l~.t nlld +lltl }lni+niil tll.ei-Ililil, Ill Imll~l+lilet I~ I,ll.lp.llt.d imlll Ih, evlmll,g I+l i.t, il)ll, f,.lil h.. ih.f.rrl.d, ill’+l.llb~ll I|llil lhe l~l,i’llliYe of eitlz ,as ~h,tll b:t .t’,it~tah ’,1, It,td to on" all. tlntion t+~ |nnn~n. nn,I a tat,line ~l’,s,., ¯ (+ nlllltltl i, tli, Ih~tNil’led In extil+lld ll41t lll.,l+r i~0 .tw I.. pr.v00t]o.tlm,wltole,’ivili~,,,l woi’l,t. -,tVtlli+iruin lillilij/ lil’l+~,ltlil .in b.ili li,~lii, kl~, . ~t,-iJ!,!,! .f l l,#]llltl~ ILt,il,lh~l~ , hy.t,%’,]L,,gl+r~"o f lhe ,Ig,lit~ lll,I,p+, ,rlltlten lieal.~elff for leelur .... lit ovt.,orl i f-I¯|;;-’];;17i-i ,l~i~,ntli +l. f.II w.I I,y ~l’ I,’l,~lliT;-~]i-~{,l~,.l~Tl, I;#-,4; .............. Attio,~tltu~mtto the" ro.stilutioo, all,! d~+l- l’:xl:itot,,~ tat .kellLhh.akli.--h,+lt,?-.,l~t.ind- rl’ad, whi,’Jtrl’e,,it’etl wry’lilllt~t,~lll..imt, I llllll’r ii~t, lit’ Iliil i llllil~.i¥1i <’l,ll~illilllii~i li, I i t, Thi~i’l+uirlnllli re.dlhe f’illhilvln~ allPrllnt. hi.I at;tl ~ t~r~r--ll.pn h.,! fl.~l, tin,| tht, I)ll ittlh,r~l, {,r[ti,.i..lll, liot quetttlou tit. t..,,t~s,ity tllni l.nhltllr.l’ II glint+ vl,r gi’i. r ,l. Tlio illilih’llilii II,i,n i~lil, t, li.lil,. Ihlil ihe nil+illSill ll, lil ill,ill, illillee dniv ii @elllie tii,’.ll I, ]/.PII Ihi’ iilll,ll.llllln.wi.’l, Itl t+lill,qllt’il,II ollct’t N flail t, ntlotuntnll,~. I){ the pllblit’ ’~t,,.t,~ kith xvtts nttt fi!l,,.1 i,Ifrtlili,m ,iliil’ ~ill.ii+’ 1I" ihbI’x,~i++~.c hii,l exl,h’~.l II’~i nlvl,llii/(, uf Iholl,.~;t,er, lu Ilie, dlll©r. , ~l,eli Iht’ ~ ~tll.tiill n~,hlli I t.,r%’nvtl lpro~tr- +ttittlt--titltl---t]t.al h- Wilt I tl l.l’ocd+Io-tteknt,w.t,d~o.+itli,--l,,t il .Stl’iOI qlll+ ‘4.rrr’iUlir.i llllite ’11 rt’rett llf-IPn-ll~lllnlPf |)ll’.ille-n d,,t,nll,t,111, in ~+’hldl¢,’,’,- r!w +ilivl ~hl,,h ,,I,,i.illl.ii +’+t’l-" lilh.i ’l’.wn~hll,--(’ ’ ,I. /~diiini#. I,y ~li.i~ .~lh.A, F~l, Inlttlra~ t~l~nsl,qtlfl, ,ipp. Iilill.lvii,t, ’1-. i,llih+ +,1. V- Illlltt,.-ll. ~lh,, rel,.tt,~ fr ,tit the snl,,,r,li~t,itff..f tit,, vul.imdlli, plli.l.. Mr. D,+w, ~ .I M,l+., ,,<riil,ied Iht, lrniitll;dl, r ill II li .~olli.li. Ih, i.ili+ I~ ’1’, ~l;~hll,--.%lre TI,,. llllli.n llllllll .,.,l, for llllO .f till l.-,’:tl , I",, 1~1.h+iln. ]~,ltltl Otlioe o,mtaht itlt, rt~ti.g hif.lm a. in tile 11,tt.,+, tlt[ert+ll a ta+nt’lllP,,tt, I’t ~l)+tll]ll’ll;llNIk N,141’Nt.lilS, Weyni,,utli’1+.~ i,~hill-- J.lin Enlli~h. lion itt tet~ard to Iheir rosl,~.iv o ,li.tiiets lira1 de.nth,h, nt’,, .tl,I txn.,Itthy, nil Iht, ]l,llllil %"-Iii T¢,~vil~lilll t’. /l. |hlitl. tll,~nl,,I ai 7 P. ~li ~tih.~hl.i., I’r, f I".."~, thont.b I,o h,~ d+l. h~yl,t I~l~i’.k,,Ih. ,TI., dl,alh o: ll,,,ai,,, (]leel ’V, tvhid, tvll,~ nnat;~’~hillle i ’l’,,lt i,.Idli-...t. II, t!ui I. Tht, y u.if~lrnmlly nle,lti,m th. truitfuh.,s. Ai,c’ilr i.iih I hlilll,,I Ihll /It ~,.i, llilll,li illliil 3 ~lli i,il /~ihil,lh. i+ill. ,I. t’, i~hi/21niilh .itt.t lu~lytl.i+lt!,L i. tloth II,,t,,+. ~lill llt’,, el thn l~oil thtrlltg tl,e pasl ~,t!a~ntl, at.I Ihe w,n’,l~ nl’wkh,ntht. ha ttth.rl,,I ill #li I tlyl lltlt,n ~11,+¯~’llll,%/t I’~l.’l: Iliib,,/t’ill- .h hil h~hlider. o , o lit,i+ l|~l ~ks.,tt .~lt~s..t’hitir,t,,,i nrthl, .%hllhllllll’lqll ¯ ¯ r,,,, gt,n,I he |11~#, {](.no tR Ilfl~ | ttrll d Wllh . , ]ll+lU’llllh I, I; I~, I’lllWllirll. int.,t~:l;t,d yi.hl ill ti!l ki.,I, t~r im i1 +. (~O’ltllll+lt~etill F +r,.+gn:X. lhiv~,i,l+, rl,d hi+. I:UIOIIi ~!,,,ri,hill ill I]illi’llltHli. Al,~r+’l*n-- (+, J. I{l+l, rh,, t h:m. II will ihlltl,,.i.o .t tills{nil in .tl I, - In~igllit[l’,lnl tholliln,+ I¯ehi-t’d hi ;tt!t’*’lli ] ¯t ’ It [ S IIt l t 1 ’],,t/r,t~,ro,,, Mi.llt+ill,l.lll I1,,!1 I.’1¢11’i~It I’,,,tt ,tt ,11+I+l, ll+~7., ii ’. Ill tlitislt . .. ~it’-’, Tll~ l,,~lltuk htie llllJiiulneli lu i~arlll, ip,~io tllrl~ ~li’llP. ’[’llnusnn(|s I,nv,, I,h,.~V! hi,,’. il. dl.l.~,/ i,llw0+,lMI,.i.I I, d~Tt,+,/i.,’. wl,lr,+ I.inilit/ J~ tJh’ i.’in,,il,al I,n~it,e,., Ill lira i,i.rl,iiiill *¢ llf ih+db,lillnl~ thl, .i.hool i~nlld~nd ~tt, p i,r Ik, ()nllihll,n, ,~li. l’lull,+ll iwl, r,.i,lt, I,,I I,, I,+i; hi llh[eh i,iir t.l.el, l.liS wtlro i,l,ld. ag’t’. UI’,III,r ilut.t.i hill,’,, i’xi’e,.,h.,i tl,,, nslhnnsnnd~eqlllh. t~p~’likt,r It. lliilli I’;llll+d i~l.i ’lt’lii Ill Ill. ll~.li,I iu llll+ I’lik lililiilit’lil i Iill~ I’: n ,li ill I, rill d,’ttiatld, slid liLral sldlioit, nt~ h~e gr,.It tlOl~arletl. {~hlllr I li~ }{iioA/,’r. jlr. fl,tli I altd hltik IIltl il,i ill i¢,ri ,,,,ll,,I I,, ,.llh~r lit 7 I’ M. ul Fill ’in lile t~l’Plilil’~ ~l, rlq ,11. ASa .h,uruttlk, |., tilln]nl,d en em, l,t. i~Ot:ll nitt,lo to ,li.tat:t l.,itit/ .ll,I li,iil|t~r ii h+l I,,,iii:l!,l ri’ll,arksl nltiili i I] t! ,ilrh i,, ,I lil+i.d ll,lh iuuel’ ~ ,d li I tll,, ,,flh i+L. ll,ti~ i,.. I, r +,1 i+ ~,t’,-’~ g, ,: ~ , ~i ! I Ili3rr I’,l+ I,Im+ ill’r tl’llliili, (l| agriculture, h,, bllyl~: ’l’li,~ retmrt t,l’ hi,, colel,rity, t,ll.:tt}+,d I,~. fe,t’, if’nit),. ]i,; I|l.’ac~.i.iilillll~ Ilill hlid b e. lii:idl, ii~liin.I i ill iliil i ,,ei,I ,l~’l I,,r ilil l~l~llll Ihe illi,I hih’itt.lliil.~ il,.ll,+~i il, ’,,, Ih. a ,. with h+li~ui,+lt~+i,,,,, ,,,I i+,,. ,, ~, rv lil/0i i,t¢l,lt, i,II ’ ’l i P ~,l,liliili lll,.inl~,rs ,il t, tl~e I],l,.oii..4,.,,¯r o! ~ glit’tlltnrl, l/iv,.. fonndell, m,,I n..I,, lhe 7~’d,u.ett I.Iw,,r I,,,t r+ 1" ,, i~ /~,’ .~l,,r+l,, f I,,I,I,.,l"l,i .’ilr,,I, +%1. i4ulllll*i,,,,f lilt [I. .~el’offr~,t-’.’ ,I tlll~’t+i (’,i; ’wt,I .... ill Ihe lantl. T,, .y he w.s’a r.mrk.l,lt, }iiiirll 1;I ,, i,,i i+l d l,i Pi,+, ,,I., , iPhilnlili lit very lull nn,I i.t0,ros?im~ set, *nnt ,Jr Ih. il’’li il/’n" Illlt. t.ltlr,, 71’ +%1 I "’:1; l’°l~ tlil’l"l,l~l ’11 il dtl i " Ill’if I 11’ li.,tnl~.r~ hl+t.l., j I~,. ,t,’,. iillri~l*i~+.,I Ivllh .l,l’l lh, WIIS a grt, nt Inorl IIII i’,~ ~ ~i,~,,’q ~i ,~l. llovurlll divi.io..~ ttl Ihs| deil:lrtnil,nt .. th ulnn is not .l+OlllPl+, l,t~-Ili211te al d ill.i t’ltShiiihn or Ill Ili]’ "i I ¯ lilllV[,’~ I’, t i~I I,i d It .ll’illll n’ill, inilll, r I1.. ill. lho t~’~,lluil, ul t,tlh,,I ’o,,rl v,,i . I’.:,1 ++~,,I i,l,.,,.d.lil a ~hinin g ty Illlt:o a’,’l.i ili~l, bortlouhu--I ..... , i ptr,pUllllrl __. _,. ~. ~1111 .,e ’ ,I ’1,¯ , and he sta,ttls b,,ll r(, the Wor’l " Iri’,’lhili ill I’",1 .’4 II’ Ih-kill. ill ~tl,~eel,li, IIIh.l lllll’n I’llil’r’" , . ., IIt~ht’l,.n t’ w,~ i I, I cl, , ~i h I t ""|~ wI Pil t liili~lll I,y ill0, ,h h ’11,, et,mli,: ~,i. I,iv lll~lliil~i,i,i:,l I,-% I]ilill Ir ~Ollt)l {I I ,i Ik#t’l 1,, ol i’:ll |nil I +l.,ea i.. tl ,II Iiiipal--allll |a ho I~}~ I IIIII NIP|}Plll,P ~ Ii ,, ~ ii.u’ li, li.’l’l~l g, I, tJ , I I’ . , Ihiih,,i i’i I , ’i"" ;..I l I*,llld,lv i~11 ’ k T "r I, (¢’llll lalllO, Ilntlor allll $/relllll~.~. J,.l’e. biaen~lrl I / Xl U~ ~iI~,’1,11 t’ri.d ly i’ll ’li U llll lilt, n,.. I ", ¯ . ’ ¯ ° ~~’iI IinIIII | " ",lit.III i.llilii,tl Itlilli. ..... ¯ ~-I’~, ’ I ’l’b ~.’ll. li,~l Iiih, rl,.I it,,d L’+,,d i i,.. i,r lill’¯ ill ii ii~,,~llfr 4 lilnllf i i, Iti. ’ ’ . lln, iil, b~’t’ ti ,,titles honorand llriil,-e him. All has i rUillllliei+ I Ilet _i ,; " I lii,jt..l .I ’l’~l.i,~ ill.’l,iil,. ’ ~,l I ’ vl, fo ¯- ilLllllt. l+iih.,IIt.,+.i~l,,,lli. i,k, hl Ihlolll,rnllll , I iheli.,:r --I inler~sla 1’11 : ...... OI I~1’+ ¢ouutry. ¯ IL k..~ii.ll..l./ aiid ~ltl L r I~ I li. 12. l-’a-I.r.i-,,i; t;t..ui.i., ~iti~ .... i,¯l..i -1 .... . ’~ -.. . . J jt.i..~A L+.Ci,Llrl+~lt,t~.e,L. II~lllil, nl, m. ’ ’ rtpUll , . lm * a l~ula lore blittory * I lJlttM ’,nil t,o ,,. ilrlt.lll’,+s pie I.rt o||en In I!!O i~lt~iclllig ini) g’[ rl ,’illll ,, n’ bYll.l,l~ ~-*vt. tt ,,I It .... llll. I’ lll~ll~l-rd ltll, iiiliplirtv -t ll,’.ll tilt Otl o 11¢ i luhtOli ’ &noWllOlO i ’ ." " " J. I1. t’l/lJ, l,, hcl’~’. dlk,l~ourliod Io mt.I .t t A. ~ ’i’huild+i)’. . " t I+¢uerll.orrow~.nd o,,1~’ th+ + ~ood, the lit,till., t LI " la14.t[ ST #est. (~helll~est It.cap ygur feet .dry. This you can do by tl~itlg the water-proof p.lisll cold by P. 8, ail¢l +~l,ltlt tn¢ceslflil co11. IlI?.LI, &rallyi~,,l~er ~lu tl~ U.io.," "I -IiliO ........ IM~’J’t,u saw mill,_near ~.lllt llorse ~amdon Co., ow,ed bY Philili ..... _’_.& Brotlter,~, was burned on Friday till I, NOV.29th. P. S, Bi~holl run the ntill, and had iast put ill about $1200 worth ol ~j.inert’. Theh:ss in Inttohitier$’ i and IAllihor wilt e(,v0r tl~l’~ alnoiin[~ 0i+" ................. lil0rc;’4’het of. EUlt ........... ,~, rJ’ablor-Iledstoad~ w° tr~}~.+0-~ ~.. &.(;. IV0 c~5,n6t be fo#.ie-n-i" i.hJ ..... -rrh. Ir.kh i~ ihe ltl,le~t aid must powerful markot,trod if+ ott friends/nousult their bar! illustr, tt~,t It/rlndirill lltihli~hedin ttd.~e.untry, interest, they wil bear lu miud thn C/tSli tls e,Ltt.ril~’l~ aro sehukriyaudt, onvhlt,ing, mid S’rOREnf M. Do&J. W. I~EPUY,llammou. N. " ’+l"¯rY, t ee,,lll.luul21iareWei~:llt’tilt lillllTt~ Illu~.triiti,,n~ ef,.lit Ion, ..... O:RE, E.I’UE & EO0 II~IRIIOR A ;;I?,NUE,.~, ...... I{AMMONTON, a.ertmont ’ .,V+,t/,’,,. .... --------;-~ :’++f #,e "1’+.’--.. } ___= -..-=; N, =*+l~ ..... J. ?! .................................................... _1 ~_. LAB.0J,].AED+C 0 MI’L E’_PEASSORT/IfEI~ T_0F__. co, iiS llll org.iu ,iFT;iiiii: ior.~,lll~, iin,t it~ ... ,~iui,ly_treluendntls, l’il~ II)l’Z:/~dtn!~lil= _ ,ling as +onas pcs~ibl~,. - . ~ ¯ . 1~7-, of i~urt disease, Mr. Robert Wiohm, to all ae,", 63. ¯ Photl~l~ud~r~ I~.I.~PrtosPECTIVE.--The Ifaph .ot M r., - o o. [Iammonton, N. J., Sept., 12, ]87_ " .... " --~ _ i ,i Scieritifc Lectur0S ! ......,..S,,os<,n’s +to i+,t.| tl,o o,,e t,,,,. a,,,,.,ire ,,,’,<,,+,,,++s d+,,,l,,d I’lt’~..il+,’lt lin l.,liih’d itlld MiiPiiii lirldllelnlt.--Lolt . eeur.n,el’ IECTUI~ES side nlihe liultl iu l|llllinionl,on, but il, hal ,.;lie ,t’,,,,l,#e+Jo,,,li.l. _------=_i~tVt liTf~71.cal wa+YF~ tteh-" rP ti ,~ir .. ........... Subsol, iptions--1873, tbort.’? (;o au;~fitid atilt, alid ir yr)u filill Ternlll himin oneor Ills i)lea~ant nionrls youwil c_ a S; + iOo; s ............ of Ilie latona ~lylesl lllwnys willl)o ,lulivered at .. on liaml. Ig (:. (’Ig&ITFOIlD. Atl I,’,xtrli t~,ll~), ,,fi,Ithi.r Ihtl M~.g,~ZlNl¢, b)" I’rol’. bol#l ])lth//eo--h)r I, htl llabli0 g~lod,Tr3’ ti’i:l:l~l,l’, i,r Ih.;~,l.’~ll~,lil i+ ~Ulqilh,d i..inii~ f r F’~t I,el’tur,t, hiai liUd~i~oii’ it i.~nelIt -It IISt...’i~ tClI$’uU’ I~l’ :ly I~hihor ./, li,i, ~k’li/l+¢¯rl’/l¢r I ill $¯l.liii elieti in ’ (ll r TIllS. A’P~IO~I’IIEitE ! .............. Iout TIII~ {211t’MIHT , n’ r lu~’lu+:e, or, ~ik t~epte,~ I’.r $"e, @ll, ill)., hi Iheiilil],’It 01’abt, atil!fal dreltin~ Oni:ri~il t~vt’iliiig (Jt’l. ’-ID. o ,,xirit ,’, I’~*" St’.,,,,I I,IJl, lurl,, recstv. ~l,uelaliittetllton, nitd. Is’lit all limeswell ~tl,,:keld withaveryarthdofl,r f, nilly u. "r~liur,.,lla ~ nilrh!l.ili whit~hli]l thut isgrand S.i,+,r,l,tl ,li~ tn ll^iil’l’.l¢lt }l~li~Zl’~.,Wi;iK CIIEMI,W.TIIT lip lie li’i’AT1.;It WI’] DItlNK olir 12c..iltit[t,._t.t...l~il . II ~’ #. J .......... t IIt I llll0t ’iddl " + J rJ~rtdtl~’rmltnliT, Nor:- 1.~ ......... xili.I;ll tw"l’t’ltsrl"r’s Till I,i,l.lllrl~. Vi’~iOIll llt.’ilb i|ilZZlill~ heauls t)[ ghlti,ltl~ ’.iidlli’Pl-~l I’iirI’%lllllt .%’ellP,$7.!Jll. ~lll,~ltlltlAI, (~.itNl’rl’lll.’,N’l’14<iPOlllt Ftiolll andliiliily eol.rl.d !it4hi., I~e~vi!tll~rl’ig us /.,..,(. N..,f,l,e~i,i~nht, mlq,li,’d,~i I. 7 l~i.o thi l,’rldii21’:Wliillg.N.v.Slh. ’l’l,,, ilniiulll V,dunil+ i,I II^lll.l:il’~ Wnre.l,l’l willl I.llt,ir sllh:ildlll’,itnd ~llllt~t~ti~li’jtiti~ el " }’.’th I,~,’,iir~, i,i .i.lit d.ih I,i,.i.,~, ~111 h,~~l, iit~ I,v rXl.l’+, bewilehillg ilili~ic tillitill ili,~ liir i enlllilinl- , fl’i!.O, ext,,’ii’",i f,,r +7.110i,litlh. , .’l I"lll,¢l,/l’l’e ()XlliATII1N ANll)EliXIllA’I’IONI OIt LIt’I~ All’the dtffm.lit vllr sill+ an,! grit,Is, bythei~.,li!lll,, hul~,!re,!welghti,r bltrrel, ." . . ,.,’,t,,,..q,~i~in i’./.,,-., ,Jill-ll re/ll~ill i)t,?~Tli I" ()ltl’.%Nl(1 lllllllES, ing tlio N211~es, lind t~lt~valilil4 u~iillil reK S/.,.tl,t,n lltOil!lil,]lY ANDI,IAlgTIili,~NIVAIII,~’. t)n l"rl lii)’t:t’l,lilillf. Ni,v. lblh. c ,li,l ,,r i,i.h tit th,, r,,I,~,,f ;’,:, 2,,l,t,r v.hlnit~, ¯ ginn.Ii,l i.iil,l,l, lnil ll[i.~s, weWt,l’tl slill!jt~lt /’,.,,.,~Dt,,t l,’ihl,l,i, hirl,, ,,/1,,++., ,,fthl’llU,’,’/’,,",,’. ’I’III’IlTN’ilI,A I, ]y hrl.ighl kickll) i,llrlh, , lllid di~l,oii~’dtil ’’ , lip Ul4 .... II ll#tlll’l:n’s %ll’l;t,l,I}l’ Itl 211 ller~onilesnuhlahiev,’ryihhig.l!iII,l~ Ilnofruni a eOlul,hlloIctll ill ii ~ingliartlolo. ,.~, N,,v,.’22d. +i),lilr. it hb:h.nitl.~t.[,~2 I~!!!,1!tt tl,e til,Pl’ii . ...... OnI’ 7 ,i ,¢,.,ii ; " " Oiil" Ijli:,..l’nl+tlrt!anl’hy tl-lrl,nit~lldOlil-icrt:itni- +++t,i. 14ih1.,,i,i,,re. " Dolng.~ f4’l’ll It"rh’; 1:^,41Illl,ql .%1I,’,7,’4 1-ai~ i,t/I,~-iT,-.,.-H/t,i; ~l~-,d]",~n~-,*il-pl+-~J’llt.AI o,’. t’ .t ulli ’,~. " .A ..... whl,wi~ht,,buy l’,,re..llail,lgt, tthel.,tl’,nlllg’irll+,aro hlvttt~dto eall lit the lroni sl.t/l: +ltt,~ rll’i/ ¯ ltl"ll" tt.Y, .~hl}atilit’ , 2%l101re t,’ll:ll’lt, I}’%’I’AN L(IrP at ’.’it, Jlill ’1 r ’~ , ¯1 .i ..i t+,, I,+,’id,,v+,mi,+~, N,+..’~Jlt*. NewY,,:I,. . ]u.~tity, ’" xvlt+tt’, tile Inlttttlt+P’’ ()11 t)l+rtl" The Grocery Department ......... ................... ’.......... i,,+ ,,,l+ +..tli. r,,,,., +,,a¯ .o:.t t;: .... ............................. ’:"’/’ ’+’ ’+;",++,.,"’""+""""+.,+;,,+,+;’" ........ ........... ’ +T,}P P+-TONE +TOPd ,-noxt th+-l +ilrom]-Stmtion. Ikllt,a,,,i,~,v.,l:t~,,.,tds w,,r,,rt.,,I,+’tl+a,- IT P ¯X/ANDF~/FFAR +,.oo ’,’l,.,,+,.,’,,.,+~:,,--,.. Illlll , Vt II s I.# i...i-,... .. .| -- " |l /i 2/, i,i.. ..... ilitl till Ilil; lt[r. ~Vul’ltl?l~ll lira t~lll andI,ntk,’d litlt ; iht’ lliVtdtlb’ ~ivItr. Nllt’ld Tho11. tJ, II:ltid bild itivalh.,I .or lift, nil" ses0lliid i,i,slit nllili.r l,ii." itii.hiw. Wilt, lort,lit,s I,k:i 1:. il.,y’ t~’,i’l, ih~l,iilil’..lli# l~oiiit~ ill ihl,ir I,e<~tn, ii~ii,. .~li.l ih:ll w,l~ ,i ivlial.’~.t heilillitt’l. I’ !1 h ’.~+nil I!.,I,l,,I t+ 51NIlhl’:’I’I~:KI/’ Bootsiiiid Sho(, I ,i,, i,,I I""1’’"~+ t,, I,iill ill)’ lllll, I|,.i ~. ’lh,, ,I,II’~ ,1’ ll., ~l*l.ltiii,l~ii ’*liilllJ I ll’il’ ’.~r,l.l+ Till,131. ’i]+*i Ih.,,I. ,,,,+ lil’l:,N I:ltll I,N.~?l,’,l!lllIN, llil,I bill, ii;. l’lll’-II’ :,11,II rl’-, i,liiliviii,ii liilt:lili.lt Iill,’h I-t’l ,q .l;i il lll,~l XVl,ltl~. i.ilii’lil;~4 Ir~illl~l’ilil!3’ IlIo l’i’.li,,--.i) li~ ii thl’)’ Ilild lli’l’li t ikin¢~llliiii!lliill,e.--h,ii i,r cotl’,’t!. ’iVl! h,illt’il tLt’y h;id, l,,ir wt. hid ....................................... ll,lllt’ tl) 12. iVel i, llllh Wi,tllhl Ihl~nl ,~11. (’t).4[li I il’()Al+l ~IVe i0!lili’ilt’d Ihulik~. ’rlil~ lllily tilt~’t~ Io lilid i,,I ih,,rl! t~,’li.t’lil liilill Ii.t+ iil i.,.i q~i,lill., llIHI +hlh,r~,nl ~l~t,. t.,Ih i,.. bt,-i, .lid ,q .hti)ll, ill ,.,,i,.iill,iiy lln I..l,i .rid h,r lalad-,.I, f.r r..hI I,) thei.iii,I ril,ur, t~li.til31 lif i . }llro litil~,~ Iliti)’ t~ill dli pit n,,liii,. ~ lit’ lilt, Ivay,ivl, I~lrglil. i,I ll,~kli,,wild~l,ll i-ililili, I tavor ll¯-iil ll/~ti. Ih~ l.il,tlrl~ Y.u liltl)’ t~,’liktl llatnl u~i nil, ah,+ liii~hh, liii. dl~, ill 41 45 lll,:Ahl’:lt IN I .rd liilJollihill lili ttlll "lillli Hill. ii..,,, Oystl ! ()ysters IANIt f PA CKER’$ lial’llit~ IIt’lltll II il’Pi ,’ III f,,r bn~ingItiPlU ll~ lllrl~.r Ililalitlll:lhllli i+ll+r i,i, hlit,, lti,d rill}- s,l,tl*0’l,l~v I’hl’al’ 11i*,. wllllull II, glv,~ Iny "1 wtll ,lii li I l,i )ilid i,!l ’i’u,..ilt)i.. "l’l iiriduyi I~at i,lll)h ,,lll, r ,1+,.1~ I~iJ ho l, umi iI i ulhlulurl Ih,, l,rll’i lli,ii ill i’-rdtii(i ~ will .’il il,,i~ll’~ t IIl’.¯lt’i"h’’l+r*llWd, llu’rt"ltliillti . ih. i,~l. II),¢ ,ll,,,li ,,r i,u.hel. ,41.,, p~,llk©<l I , ’," I’1 II"llit, ’l¯ti,llilttal I’.r I-.t I,,I ,,t~, a I,l,,.i.I t!t,llU.illl+l , tll ii,.lllO,ilhllly I-I ~h,.li,i...,d, tl, 1’. i4AX’ION. ?),t. 2’-’, 1~72. 43.2m. I }ldt,:,i, ¢,,., l,..;l,.,i t|10 ltlUl: it:i~,’, a, ti[t~’n li~ it Uit)’ I,lt’u~t’ I /’..,,,..~,,,,, .. [ ;}’ou. I i .. ~’. D. |’AeKI.3t, VEGETABLESin Season. 0.:\~1 1; ;’lhitl t;ir ]b~gs Itlttl C;hicltt~lts. Our~,}I[glUl t.lj all ].r.tl’t..i t)f....... thet itVli ’l’tlt,,~dliyTi&~tlturd,lllyl ¯ _. l’lli:’i ~ . ¯ ; I .. ¯ , ¯ = . 1 = - ¯. . . . + " - ’A Straw Candidate.. The ’Art of Telling. .... ~. ¯ ~O.~T.k1~ Gambling in ~tashln~lon. An Unexpeoted Fortune, ". 1 different thing Z~ked Oat, Hens. - x. . _ .- _ all J.tl a~ntl c--CK~t~W--Jer J e ~ .... Henry Ward Beecher on Sunday. told ",How to Live." In and don’t shamg0in| r~ther:not say what at two the mottling, you. \ r+it. - .... "l’oral|thebla~ln~orrourlffet" .-. Theu:the~y~whdare beedlngaadwd~h: . ~lirT.m, ’,Ah I-o.e thlnzryaf-I want--" -:--:-lrig~n’ tbe _q_U:tside~+mark tliem:L~The~.are Theblessingot’mlovlugwlfe:- + . ....... most usofial playerd, the dod~e~; wboselz’e or t~elvo.iuile~ out Of town) lad:fill-I-fine-thatpr~Iou~ ~ft it roilsout from Iean net Idv0 thanks quite tin¢orv." and,l~king araongst the charge~, amlawaywith it across two last Thursdaymorning, " Ah, wicked TomI" the maiden sighed, windows,"I felt for to the opi~osite-gt~l. ’Daey seldom go into "Yonr cue is hopolese, than/I fear 1" the scrmumage. .readuaztem~f-an-~a- o~e- gone,-~rst says : of one D. O:-Harmon,__aLangtmcinghim-- not take a very high order of talent to and are not w~nting ir ma ~elf as an independent candidate for be w--h~the~z~nc~acal]--d r~dtv~,b~t romance. ~-t--Be~r-[~y,~Fn - Y0r~s-hird gamblers of high and low _ " Whois Harmon?" waJthe it isaveryr~resortoftalent. Thelaw England, lived, in.the first quarterof ~nterrogatery, and +it will be of demand-and supply utterly fails fin the century, a man namedThomas-Gra-- degree. There were a doien faro banks-- that many¯ thirsty souls received the matteFof-~ries. To~-the- demand ham~a-cabiuet-maker by tr ~de_-In-t8217 vrrtk~k~ ’enu~in~,t~stone~s-thro~-o~ balmy satisfaction upon that point be- is without limit, the supply very small being t11en mineteen years of age, he Gadsby’s, on-thecorner -of Sixtb street.~ fore :Mr, Harmonretired from the con- Ohik ten stamt like epei~-mouthcd swal- married one Jane Lancaster, by whonl Manyof these establishments had clubtest, which he didin a short cry for stories, he had two sons, William Gt~, ham and rooms attached, where members-of Conlows, with a Pray. ere ~outl~nktul,"l~rgaretasked. wite ¯- " -¯ that we We cannot l appealing to his fellow citizens eonjeeadd to his ttured that the readiest anti-most certain to his laws we e&n to their h~arts’ man is, What are my way of going for his"laws? Let me aim at fulfilli~ them, and I sh~lldo my There are just as many Cousin Sally year 1826, and nothingfur ’:her and for large sums, was eom-. Dillarls-~ ~ve~ ~-] sople- ~ho g~ ofhim at Beverley, but there were ru- men, particialarly emcee Southern and the world to re~h thenext town morn that he ha4 married another we- Western members. -~c6res of them from. who tell d story with all man. In the year 1833 a man named Ohio. Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, and they. can think of stuck to it. Thomn~3raham sMled from LiVerpool uandered their mqchmt at the "" tell Pa ~nlan and He and b betwae~ supreme c-~rt o~mton. Of a certain sortof S. Prefitiss was ref lead to the ¯ wkieh govern h~manaction. "~otives cegnizing this recondite relation the ballot and Bacchus .taculLies: Oold be the tooIn this Harthemotive power.was the desire of quisition. The doetYine of the action oi to whomhe offered cigars without the faculties wa~ intimately connec~d strictionand wine at discretion, or inas the case might be. It was with the whole scheme.of Chri~blan eas- discretion, the trial Of a suit, brough~ by_ Every faculy e of this refectory agai.nst °f-the~anva~7 slaying m It of a month or in the course of sixteen that the candidate out that his running for Congress if- it be in NewYork,. (laughter) turns -will.himself be slain, was what’slan ~ me-neall, We believe, - iris insociety: E, editor’s wast rat husband;.a -" That which you ask. t’ ~hc answered th0~. ""What I’ au’~wored ’lMm. "have you the heart Thus a poor mortal to i’ormko ~" saluted -bV~i--saw TomI" ~at 4 she, "what ~hall I do ?" Tom," I think--indeed I’m sure---" . o to write stdries, and of Grahmn’s family only him- bier" of the day was.Edward love-stories, and stories tbr self and hi.stepson (one ofthoHudsons) He camb from Virginia, where he was But there is not aliterary paper or meg- were owed. They Were. taken. +to Rio, we.ll connected, his family being of the azinff~h ~merlca’that would not be de- w~her_e Graham .~orked :as a cabinet- best blood in the State, and he married lighted tohave more stories, maker, and thence he went to Hobart a most respectable and accomplished ries, as a previbussentencd~frthe did. We wish that wemtght hope it would introduce to us one new write: a world of misery. ~.tioh %Jt~rward. In its infancy it is hates was a matter of Fromthe middle of 1862-~ the last of -e~6i~tiuibS-15ostered-with an obscure whole neighbo-rhoo-d; mined (after waiUng thirty minutes for virulent malady knownas pip ; but in June, 1872, the United- Smtds amount.. *a policeman) to effect an entrance by the its maturity iris a creature of iron con- the sum of $260,000,000., on account bf ,~ s~itu~ion, consumingpebble-stones.withwas forwarded in stMrcase window, laces,I mustmentionthat my houseis one out visil~leemotion;and iatrelydying, articles. ~¢e-is-n-sliout-of passing owl, or meet the "in touch," "our ball." Bow’s your time butcher, baker, and chemist,---each house have Leon driven lock contesting every little ~nch of ground. The school-h6us~ are being peened in their torn, aml m)wthe ball is behind the goal under; the doctor’s wall. Old Brookes kicks out and he "gives the word strongly for touch by the three trees. - Devoutly thankful I shMI be : ~Bat bhSn~ust have--well, let mc think-,Eyes like your own, as soft aud hhle. Amlhalr as golden, llps as red-Iu ~hort,she mu~tresemble you I" " in Congress. Mr. Hudson,. a the two zidesformin deep lmes opposite ~qTOR Y- TELLER. THE F00T-BALL. with the wife of a person gave sumptuous entertainments at. his ~ Crook, employed in the club-house, whiehwere-welLattended-by ~ ~ .... =~---~F-.6o~ eye opposca Pi ~-facultyin~rraan-but~vhen it is right ; and if it is wrong it is because it acted out o~eo_ and out of its own part a r~an IS usa,- uarters were wittily remarked: and a foun~in of free men ; it’s weed, .and the clitoral revelries any men~f:iutelli- Mrs. Graham,-his supposed wife,.applicd i]~=-" Sit still, gentle- mediately epp, of the tongue." sons, .including her-.own dan anen- -- r were poor or having-been alive at msm, and arranged his oqcasion by in- marriage. Whilst the some ~ance Jury ; and .... the aid ", game-with-the . L_. as posmg-~-otiV~l~faculties act in groups. There is nothing so bloats wonderful as the ever varying . sens~tipn~_p_nperinto his hat so¯that min~ it, and yet men make able by stopping and eo~/sidering wh-ether-the aud loafers, who and thin. ton was only "a slip distance that when he got sober hedetermi- ’,well-tired." and said ned to back out, for he "Couldn’t stand ty i,_ " " John-Lancaster-Graha~’ni or-hls-brother William Yorkshire, played together, ahundred dollars , often hem gWhen some one asked The blunderer rode twen~ cabinet-maker dung and h-eat to spoil~ old, and had- ; thathe was now getting [han was dreamed offorty a de: and told the and the him ~o to ~y and a man ~weenthem. The lin~* arc thickest clole to feat, I went round to is alinost as.rare. him. 01d Brooke strikes it straight and Left to themselves, they survive to an said : "I wouldn’t advise you to ;he.house and looked :over the strong and it falls opposite his-hi’other. That Scarcel] had I raised "my head, exceedingly tough ahd stringy old age, law doesn’t compel’ yo/i." .’ nmh has taken it right through the ~hool the world with great Tlm steame.r Francis-Wfigbt has at-+ " ; lO.WOO-WOO !" Went a dog with and contribute-to line and away past the three trees far into whomI h~d some slight daixtance. I ~the the current egg- rived izl Philadelphia ¯from GalVeston~ -bulldogs-ar~-dlose uponit.__The= school the +oyago a flue of~he boiler. name, "Gip." . mere surmise, therefore, of an cxtensive leaddrs rushbackshouting ’Look outin goal-’ ~ram-every-ucrve~to catch_him, butthey The smmd of my voice set the remain- and. perilous: heu-epidemic is fraught )led.d; with a pasarcafterthe fleete~ foot-in Rugby;. Thereder6f-th~ dogs ot~ and in less than a witkalnrm.L_It_c0nfronts_us -- We cbuld cargo.-- : _ grains t,f gallic acid, ton of tincture of Life without its omelettes and whipped iron, hmt one oz¯.of acetic acid. Dissolve " its ,~aute a la ~151rengoand ,b’~t- the gMlio acid in the,tincture of- iron, reme de la l rolaille, wOuldbe a muehlem.an~u a add-the’_ acetic I: a -i~ r and. -ot" if brown th~_E they’re going to try at any" rate. and inconsiderate ima ’ but no one tln’ows himself on the bah forth, regardless.of grammar. . far must be dry. ".Where ar’e--th0 pbliffe?"~continued oz~ :ch-nn~.-and 7 ~ BVoOI~ -h~ word;for’hasn’t old Brooke wonthe toss, the key is not yet threatened, and in any ¯ "’I wondbr what eause~ the eyes of the screech, touehed it right nndor the school goal post. with his.lucky half penny, and got choice of upon the solid The sch0ol leaders comeup I’erlm~.~ .and ,, Precisely what I have been asking cveut we tuight fall.back But r to be so neither of youug men of the _ - g_qals sad kick-off? The new ball you may administer toco to tlie wretchcdfags nearest myself for the last thirty minutes," an- and nutritious wcid~ ?". said a a orang~ that y utilities to which the grim’s Progress in(he smallest At this juncture I attempted a hmgh, In another minute it will be Ohits~vay there, tb~c-sctmol honse., kick--~--g0al-wi tli- the bail _tuodest-hen_a~cLher valuable e --- ---Use ~t ha~-minute-i,v-renrm~mw the tart response, men ,so vl smitten with the pestilence that a:e in.these days placed iu the weakest " on which I the first place tlmt the ~ixth-form boy ~vlm c,~tch and phtcc? Call Crab Jencs. Here his wal]teth iu darkness, the coumnutity part.’ ....... Im.s the charge of goal, bus _ sevo~M-more windows went" :~dll for the first tinte keenl, moutlF, the quccrcst._coolcst_fisl~-h~l~ugby~ " space goal posts, at " .clare its incotuputablo 01d Brooke stands with the ball Under his up. spoiled the other by an nmbrella. )art. A. saf~ and well kept sol back. They are At the chemists appeared something that harmless, diligent, and unobtrusive .One of ~thesc .......... f6wl= Brookeis talking to the captain bulato th(. str0ets with a vicious looking La Sonnaml~ula ’in a ¯ Inspired evidently by the raU Jones. The ball is kicked out.and backward. " "+- " : .... - Whosecraft is fn .qanger, -caugh young dangeffis~st; that was the a shriekv voice put her head out of the is this? dou’t meat, to say that those ¯window "and asked, in a hysterical tone, -- fifty Or sixty boys in white.trowsers, manyof Aednoiv he is thern~dangmrocsof,~od~.~s. close to ¯t11c school gem was there:?_: " them q that he should sit there and_’:lool~grave -before they get to it. Others never get and houses, and established a brew- son, of Kentucky, and Line Boyd, after.4. story is told o£a manwho wan cry in East Collingwood which-gave him ward Speaker of the House, and others and sayas little as:possible." There was to it. another ’ man named ekes. He was a OnJanuar31, i871,this of lesser note were freqUehtly his guests. wore zkoy or. a dead its owner, .scattcring-n~rorc them.. One-efter anotller executk>n, takes declariu’g it exthe Supreme-Judioial.Cour~ i of the annets of ~e ca- ~ companies without’ .any dieti0The richestsanin Melbourne,with s- .. ’. or. It eudurea with yearly income Of a million, hnchesdMly all vicissitudes of climate. ~ed~hes at the chef,mint " to the state of the weath- the hen is yearn ago. ; lover of . their owngoal .and ..t, he body of their o~m not advance. players up (the heavy brigade)¯ ’fllese again "Now!" Crab ’, Matter ?" _shrieked wt damaged. Brooke and the bull-dogs--mark them well; letter, .... -: and says,- "I think I see li -and theytook him-out of the-field. --The wholi~ thin it a desi matters fault who.fail might have gone more who s_:some t~d with in imaKiuation,~ome-who lack Australia as Mrs~ Graham some with haffbc~wllti run well for a season but come ....... Senate. _ A__story_was look-upat-the-spinning-ball.--There it--flies, --of--North-Oarolina,~and~of were two of the players. It ¯ drank to abouttwo dozenha#e givenany ness of the letterthe Courtrecognized with, and events all ter~ we must not ~reach thingshappening every day, they must are to the end. He does not seem to writbrs ministratrix. A suit in equity was then ping " be weeded there must no " come He had a little-money of_uhi no~ .made,and so’we t~ wait for a whether the Thomas Graham who Saturday, through and " souls, and so one he went into ~d-tliisTie spent freely ; cropto grow. . earefull .weeded’out w"m~-4b=was-gonmhe::pr.~ceeAed_oncred._ ¯ --lllnt s AbSltt Dresses. Evidence was taken by a c~me -exhaust, game was in full,last fondant_in court, while l)et~t;,._K.irwin, . Sleevea-~losely fltted-t0-tho=arm~_like omntissi6n.the case-was argued a short mo:ningtho k=~-~-b~I~c~ B-~fl~ov~d ~-n adjournit a sernmn. line and timg~nce~ and Bickers(aft meanly went back on the sleoves, are more +.coat - ino-oon hout-~f-reali~gcuuine,~joy rings out very muchof it--in the morr~ing-; you -ty iff ~rdS-r-t0-c*t~ - th~ upon the -ducks aud th-hi-hi-hi-hink of thee-eo:ee Call to lunch," lug Thanksgi~’ kick off, you sec a from the school house players ep, a-~d-a-faint- -mean later-in-theday. ground,and ust ~ closff..from+ the said I, laycm.up, each with-_a.boy echo of it-comes over tim -in the=fi~t_hour ! and I went off the palings with another, )orary; it does not seem to have exhattst~ well as Could be expected. l~these fivo-vear~_ pmg ts earnest-ff-ml carefnl as he glances a last-time --Just-before thefinal-dismissal,-says the birds whoso carcasses sort of lookIhope-to sew y committee made a little spoeeh "to the the wash-house. One foot oat’the win- mous discontent u I go ou~ tofight. - " It was the same "few remarks" dew=sill and one haud on the leaden sh6ttld like to print authentic re’ The ache)el side is not organized in the same we how and, nohow. You are oct. If there p; but wtth’ all sovereig’us, that every boy iu America holding the chain gave way, and, wither~, and there he seized me by matter with the cniekeun |dl w weight, it must has a chance at the y, etc., e out a word of d,ls in ............. )laintiffs’ olaim to be the son Graham, the-brewer. Stokes remonstrated, but the sershould show an mtmr lin!v preaching m~ Astheir.mother did not di0 _till 1860, goant-at-arnls" persisted, _and_rose fr6m .... silk, instead of being i’aeed ~ .... +se<h+ii:da~e+--’ " _. in no aspect of the case could Mrs. the table, The Governor grtnnbled an4 " . "._ " the dress. that ---A-very/romantic ease_.is no_w .bei.g ’go is _nsed_~y__t]te._l~e~ti Crook be ConsidiJred -thi~-vide~vof the scolded, but iln~tlly gs;vo it uA~ j swi~aring_. him, tried betbrethe EdiuburghCourt el’ modistes for dress linings An inner ¢~55b-ased~‘-a~d.th-e¥6f~.r~.-slie.h-as-n~-~t]~+~ii~--if~li5-~l~i~siisp~d~ail~w~u~d .... men of all except the Mrs. Robertson, the plaintiff, belt of ordinary belt ribbonis Rhtcedin- to any part of the property. Tim estate hreak up the g’t,no thus prematurdy, guage which the comnmn people do not Sessions. but which Johnson Would have used claims to be the widowof the late Major side all basques, polonais0, and coon is supposed to be worth nearly £100,000. he would have se0n him--any where beS oin back und sitios0ams, is hoo;,ed in front ~er ptayed-,whis ,tT-but--indif~ us soon dmsic (tress guagc unlysh’onld-beA son of the " :Dr:-I~udwig+Buechn-er;the " G0rman ferently-only.-..The +Virginians-were.~ltbiiold tlii~Iif/dT(iii~iilaiJ6: express :the thought in secret. has-died since the comtueneement t~f the .... The fiohu-eollar.is a verystylish tri,,inaturalist, delivered, in Now. York. his dieted to that stupid genie knownas si/i~plest form, ¯ action, which is continued to secure the nting for dri+ss+ waists. T:is is a bias seeoud of a course of felt? lectures on sli0o-m~l~0r loo. Presidcnt"TyJer-Wits .... God -widow’s share in-the estates. The-wid- band of-velvet;-or+any’+tuterial+-wlth-natural-histery.--The-subjeet--~vas the fond+of-loorand on-a-rainy.-day,-when Lg lnon up, ow’e brother, whowas otto of the prindi......... epead a great many years in spitting on p~l- ~itdo~mm ~i’uiimd, declared that whiuh the dress is trinune~ lined with origiu 6f nnul, in connection with the there was no great pressure o’f public ntiff foundation, ttntrimtno,, and slight- theory of the origih and d~vclopnmnt of business, Ire has beerflmowt~to make up what God has made. We may do good tornterly,, Major Btcuart had, when in ly sha[md to fit over the but. It pasture lilb. After explaining the Darwinian a game at tire White House, and pl actions frotu base motives, bul: it is bot~ poor.circunmtanees, resided with his uround the back of the comgcjust be- thc0ry of the origin of life, the lecturer day, having dfimer it~ iris choral)or. tee to do then( from such u notice than )s-liko-a Ehu in frmlt~ oharaott,,rized tim hyyothesis that mun co(up,miens usually were oxhilfitdd some annoyanuo ,, und in fastuned iust ahovu the belt" b is a 1lessen,hull of the nlonhcy und the den, Treasurer of the United States, Ci/ry not stop to analyse his motives, if o,tly had majordechtrcd, with looks und loops. Iris a shplo and st ap. as absurd. The l)igher claesos of lqelden, his brothcr, storo-keolmr at the he be sure that the action is right. We protracted stay,the " I wi|l.~w yotlwhat lish addition to u silk tlO~Ullle! monkeydlml--the g..rilhl, thc cllin|pttnzoe navy-yard, and sometimes Governor Giltears iu his eyes, ..... z,mst not wat~h.ovur.our actions toe ¯ 1 ant U~tde 6f English crape, at[ wornwith t}ur~ollsiI18] can dm~tomhut lUi01de’s filouth’S. aud flrang-outang and thl~l’e wore,’ was nellie he said, satisl’aeonly ntor, dthci" of favorite. Virginia, The with ulnOullt now and playetl then /’or nncaroftflly ; only be sure the trim is right, ¯ )oor lift’W, I1111t 1 cannot n~larry to the n|onrning dresses. and (ben go forward trusting to God, It might of ely prol)er station, hat [ will Velvetbeltsitroworn v,;h dressssOf tidnthattheseuglyanimulswerenot was alwayssmall,lot Mr. Tylerwas as was.~hO:~d ~L~lviaism th~tt it.ll l,.’(~,1 uarry Maggie in:Scotch+ fimhimt." -’x’ha itll-~tylo.~;--evenlmeompilying--short ou~one~mtt,r~,-.-]htteht~ro:was-:no..-doubt much.dcligh~d.+ltt_ttdiing.lt.13~ol_~s~_lta_ .. an ideal of excelhimm bofilro nmti im- major downon cnu knee, drew basques,, ]n ninny cases tl, y are in th, that tlioy tlesceuded from the sttlDe atl- hud wonhundretls. possibh~ for the weak to uttain to. Men a ring thetL.wt~t~t 111½ waistcoat lmck(~t,, atld front of tll~ basque o,lly,,egit.fi,t~ at cestor who was the forefather of man;’ Pitb~io Olfinicn was net so av,’rso to were intl)ert’eot and must make no,he plueet~ front gandJhng " m ’ as "m most of it ,n rote of ~Iurguret’s fingers, the so,rot nnder the ah,m, hld fa.ta,nM The origin of nlan must I., h)olicd.forin " W.shtngt0n " ..... nlistakes. What sort of chihlret~,houhl Maggie, ’you ure lily wifo-1)t~retying...... on tht, !t.ft ,ido by a mnaliptv, or elsu in t~ Ifepical region,l’)rhl;a}fly Houthi+rn the Northern cities.’ l*robab~y the tone I hove (continued tile preacher) if I nev- fore ][ea~ml; ~o licili Inc, God[" Tim front hy a hucklc of jet oalxidized .il- Asia or Africa, thtrit~g tlm Portiere pert- o[ latblie nlorals is no nloro elevuted now er allowed them cut of my sight. They sistt,r of the witness said--" Oh, M,t)or !" ver. If a sanh is udded,it i. nu,rtdy ed. There is a theory tl,lt bet(coon than it was thot,, hut there was th(,nless wouhl be goodY, goody up to scvt, ntmen, put her arms aroulld hie" nee!l, and the and two sire(tel, of diffm’ont Hout]lm.n Asia and Africa there exintod )retonso and ostmltation of’ purily. At and devil, duvii after thaL You cannot two kissed each other. They lived ufterparty given by the wife n/’ a ~gonal en, These ore a now ~unken contint.lt,called Lat,mria, take a ehiM.and tic him up like a brown .wardu_a~r tan_n .~d.wif hnLtl ~ma :rdage fi :-hY~AW,O traces.is.the Jlulnor= l,linl’st~r, Mra. ~ay, chaperon-allew+:htm+to ’ " out islands, where, aeeor(litlg tO some ing a young-lady’l~ivflib N0¥tli.:i~a-~ kept m,cret, ’The cuse is-Jtotcnn-’ side of (lm liack. tames ; you musttrust nn,n ; was Dre,sy wuistcoat~ for tltller toilcttes altthor....+tho oright of ntall was phlced.~ cd through a roonl where gelltlonll!n you must slot beel) telling thtuu of their eluded, ar. of black el,loot,(with tp front fern1- I Im an(a stor ot Inlu| was dtmurlhed its it wore phtying carll., Mr. Clay ttnum~ th. faults ; it is better for thetu to go wrong ed of alternat,~ cressbandbf wint. gtti- hairy, long-hoadt.d a,liend~ with long nuulher. ~than+-for-them-tO-h~)-’ wriggliu L~- a ftor ........ A .hlg-Ilandled Cembatl ’Is thi./~conttcon practice P ipqltircll Irate iilsertio,t and vl,lve~ Th" v,~’v.t ar.m alnl.hert legs, which, by the deright all their liwls. Lot mea tukc sin1 It. ban1| of vehqmltlnt of th. hrain nellits nlora[ lit- the Younglady, A few days ago live or sjm wild We.t- [>uck han the tt.anlsoutliuttlly in the right directiou i/nd then put on guilmre, and a’ rtdllo of ~ ual)m.Ja~e tributes, result,el in thu dev.lolluwnt of " ~res," said Mrs. Olay; "they always steam and go forward, ealliug en God (,re steers stauqmded fl¯oat It drove lit,lie |. ,hal. If the origin M’ luan i, ldaced in play when tlmy get togoth.r. .dg~q the garluent. " i)llt~ of thenl, u h)ng-ht)rned, for hell). Ahn high; do the best you Yullkcrs:" Tll(,I,mt protection fordt~snkirts that the Tertiary period, the lime of the ori- "l)oa’t it distress ybu to haw~ Mr, eh,ldmntino ox, walked into W(,.t Mount Clnl, lind (hell take contfuat. Don’t Inak,s galuble ?" yourselves mistlrable because yell tire not Vernon. Arriving at the lh~rlem Bail- drug en tim ihler is a hox-leating throe gill of nlnll luust be traet, d back hundreds Clay " NI,, lay dour," said the good ohl Now Yorkward in the iuohes wide, made of wigwag ,hnthh,d. of thousand, yours. as good as yea think yon ought to be. road hc ,tecrl,d hldy, Coulpo~edly : 9 |m most ,dway. ~ Clqdro of the down track. Tim nlinutl,s It is ideated into a binllill~tnd i~l bastl,d Don’t Im a hard lulmter with yourself; wi,|s." il|slde the faeing t|t’ the d~s. just at the serve Christ frtmly alld chet+rfully, and, later tim Chathan~ express thund,,red hltho winter of 18.11 ~etlt,ra| Scoll, t, dge, to ke,’p the dross [tilt toucl/ing ItESt:UKel" ~l~’ltl’.’t:l~Kl> AfAIIINF, nt4 " -T[e+Wlll-~i;lwrt)yo~+royal~y with t,-lt-+~ tiiil Mong. The engineer noti01ng that tht; The Cttnard steal||shill lhttavia, reports l~Ir. el!(y, :Mr. Fox, and Mr llodisco Itnilllal had no disposition to leovo the the ground. This ia stl re~ly-tuade that on Novetuhl.r 19, iu latitude .18 dog. p ayed-whist el|co a week for s,.n,,ti,nt,, salvath)n, for 2,’> t’t.nt~. ]?ilte nluslfn leatings are !11 II|ill Irack, gave thu unultl ~iknnt| f.r t’attlt,i hmtritudo I1 (h,~ t. ’)7 .... lnln she the .take, Its usual, being a httndred dol, . nt’ with . , ~mwt¯ook A rt~,,utly ,,mpl-~y~ lo;al’,,ditor :m hut as thu. train wau then on li d0wll phtcod inside .kirta ¯of .e,~ ng tlrt,s~cs, hdl of tim bark tlharl.s lars. Tllt~y played a nlatch gs.nts. Scott graalo hi, mtWthat |m eouhl not stop 11(.Ward, of Newcastlt,, l~]nglantl, frt.ll aud llotlisoo agahlst Clay and Fox. They all lndiFna~oli~ l,tper wire anlh)~h*d by lit)titlES IN (]ItAIN.--J SCllnatiOlt iM (]l|oht~e, houndto ~{undt+rlolld, disnlaete(l Werewell nlutehcd, and for a long Ill|to so~dy-l~ki/,g $clluw who ,at by the fore stri~il,g the dteer, lie thl,rcftn¯e ricund water-h)gged, the vcsst, l having on- the gaam w.s I|rt+tty. eVt+lt. At ]vt|gth ¯ stove one c’uhl night l~nt weekand warm. h, trained to hit .the ox hurd enough to eroah~l amongthe graitll~ eoludored it hurrieant, on thu 18th. "ALl ft|rtune faverud M|..srs. Chty an|l Fol, ed himself, "Sewhere,oldfollow," said throw hilu from the track instead of the by the publication of tl~ ¯ The in Aalgu.t last. iu cede of the afttw part of th. vt, t~t,I l~,l|L b.t,n and they were ten or twelve games he, finally, "hadn’t you I~tter go homeY’ train, and he put Oa all steanl. eaw thu ]ooolegt~l diw2relutncy betw©l waahtnl away I|y tim sea, and th. httr- ah,.ad. " (h,nLhqoen," s|ttd the lilt.hi,tit ’Zhe "Old fallow" glarqd at lille, but mtid ehan>pjon of the l,rairies Inotivo" orlt~lling down npou hilu. lh+ of gr,tia actimily in steel vivorn of the crow were foulld cl 1 ging ’n|inistor, rinin frmu the tabh,. " thc nothingr Aft~wa few mhlutes the edi. i whirled, shook his head. pawt.l the in eirculato the riggiug, wht~rc they had’l|t..a ex- gaol(, humc]gsm~for tlh~ ne|utt|l>. The ,tl,of that city and the rt!ed t~r tool~ the old fclh, why the shouhlers it( ntore !.)t|nt,d to the wind and wave. fort hi to lead him out, remarkittg (hut it we, gravel, and took an attitude of doflont~t,. tion, tbts ntPa.ur0n.,ut o’ propriati<ul r is ~’lhaat*tt, d." Alttl sure . . time eh.,’t.lt rt.of OIl0" O|’ nil ho)lrl¢, durnlg which of I~llllllgh not i11111t~1,1~ galee wouldhe play, no place for loaft.r~. "See hen,, young ’rher~wt~ hut clio round ; It lasted about WMordert~l, the tWO I~’eotltl~ llis ox~hip wna plaot.d the clevatenl hlal pat in a thu craw w~u. wnahed ot’crboard ~nd olueh to tim ,l~.hqt.t and I vexation ot m~4’-: ~1. the old i.llaw, "yea =~’i. horl -de PO//I/~+I/ tlll a ]~atlk thirty fct-~t d;.nutaber of their bins el, a few’fi.t,t drowl|ed. The survivurn, including tht, (.]eBt, ral Scott. wilt,, ofcoorse, wits itOOlldearly don’t ktmw who you’rctaking to tat>t, minus One lmrll, with two legll thmn with nl|~hw, Captain 1". IMl; the first aml front the top au4 oo~r Myn’atae in --. -, and I ant ,)n. ef the Iom,r./ . + ’ ~, brokcn, a batton~l hired, imd Ilundry grtia, tutti they wt, r~ ti~ meMurt*daa at.tend mates, and .ix of the cr.w, wt,rt, .idt~rablc prollriutor= of thht paper." The |mton-’l __ ~ .... ~ other I,ruimm. The loeometive su+tainPd full, making a diffuse mtu=y thou. tmfely transfern.d h)" the slmuncr mad Holte-tlm~Laut trot= will no| fl~trish .. ~ ~lihar ’IilU~8~l heu.li0.g illt~ a ~o damage. I~ of hash~dL brought to Now York. Kna~t " " In ~ho Wl~em St~tm. J ~imm.-- ) ld winning,andso t] Star-Spanglcd Banner, and for they let the. phlyers uli manag?, them- +~rLeaglo. ~elvc~. " " "" But his special point was the glorious ..... But now)ook, there is a slil America. ’l’he/o wan .... ward of-the-school.house-win oitico of Gover~or, if one was takes half a dozen quick steps, and awaygoes the hall sliilming towards the school goal; posed to aitu re(lice low;, and if any unsevchty yards bctore it touches gronnd andat t’ortunato boy happened to miss being dent or 0xovernor_by_some_inexplic~ " ro or fiftee|t-fect-ll he could’then fitll back on 7:----=~md ruah=on, q’ll, melt was full it and tlrivc it backInnoegst the lUle:ses -~liEfi’! h-6 ef iiaa -n~iiff0l-ikqi%iiily~iii -nT6U bSY7 of a kiml of nonsense + ..... sides.chme..aml, vou.catt-scc Jtothhlg_for . ¯ two minutes but t swavit|gcrowd of boys at one eontt violently ag|tated, lhat Is whorethe tl{crcaro the ltecn player, to bc met amt the glo#y and h,ml km)eks to be got Youh’ear the dull thud. thud of th. ball, aud ¯ ~I ’/ "l)owawith. ~’ ~* lll’~VO,’--/ll IS iron r’ m not I’ll The trol~, streugth.- holds,"however, thatthe extrOme rigidi!~ tho explanation of The only tem] railroad in the angels. I held on to the spout, the dog should be known, that Scieu2e may take 1railroad, runni.g from Marietta to held on to me, On0+derisive . laugh.--- rang the hen in hated as it has taken the Ca(abridge, a distance of/lfty+nino mile~ ho.’so, alld iimtit,tto-a ra-tioua) inquiry air. lp_lg~ceof the "’rod¢l ’t porance.man, .and nota.... teer praetitioncrs-~tro-already whielt scorned an hour. fatal ae3idont has ever occurred Every element I expected would be into print, eueh with an in|n t it ninco it was first opened. This is an experimental, restudy. Be nly last, wheli, within reach, I saw a nests and11(.’11 world is threatnned ,with ggestive its far ItS it goes ; an|l it go0s _broom=handla;_to_seizoAt.~u adal~ la ly_fifty, nine miles. lactic | self a fearful blow, wan the work of an tbat’fu[ and inlaginative person, lii~l~;"it’it~"Iititilici~;- t e fortunaLo--1 l, rol~o t do~r; ette -more, and-- I-landed the htiek hohlem 9f ehMtens to dip their heads in ,a wlth and on his hOSt,, i~ a.waythat ’sotmdqd1.il~e tar, paint the’Jr 1e ’~ ’ ¯todme, ¯ hold tlieai ov+~ru sh,wflre-till:tliey, stop cracking an egg-Bh~ll. A dreadfal howl followed ; he let:. go, cackhnL~. ThisvaI,orize~ the iodine, cohltiiize.’the tar, and silenees thochiekett0 Wi.dows egain up--general howling, it curesit or not..T hi.tllo p :. altd a rally MI round. During whether ~ared in at the window, scriber 6el(st(lore k great point gaincd call a "I ’and-density ofThis can be readily deternlined I)y blowing a brtsk ettrrent of air ft:mn the ntouth "" ¯ "t against--tho-~et-o~a-tur.~==It~thetlhro el)one readily, exposing the ¯skit( the view. reject the article; but if the down is so dens.thattht~breathcltnn.t + lletieL~iiti~ it, er ,/t..+iu0~t~ sh6@s-ln/t-a small lmrtion of skin, thoj~rtiolo taay be "Boys, you are fitting you: is what weesll a scrtnlnllagc, gentlemen,aull sided, lift, l)(a’hal,s is. tim fir.t I~CrUlulnTIgc ie It ~c||ool-bonso match for the duties of lii’(:. Youshouhl culYair is ih,ternl t~mdto keep lterIt t|ltt,t not be suppos|~d ]t0eS.USe WC WIUIno j( ltlJ i 1 the con~ulshll) of l’hulcllS, inh~rwtl of tivc nlinutcs. Everytivate the lenin, substantial branches, m:lf befor,~ the l>ul)lio us long as possiblc. have aUu41|d to tim hen with some loviBat see I It has be.ken, tlm ball Is driven because tno~t of .you will pursue plain. thing quiet. fi~Wdays’ago alto’nla(lo It vcty dcntonout ou tlmnehool-heuse side, and a rlt~h of sttbstantial An interval of /leo’more .mitntk!s. A t~ that kvo are tl~m’cfilre untnindful t,f A ocenpations. ~Somo of you thunat,d ou thb Clerk of ths theseho(l earric~ it pasttlm"scheol-housc will have to bmtr the trials, gravity and in|portance uf strative vexations polieenlan I coulposed, unruflh~d, dig- thu intril|si," a tt~_ in - San _Frntminco_for--tho-pistel players Ulf,"I~|||h outtoqtmrters," Brooke’s all-that eouceres its health-and-welt-be- .13 and .disappointmettta of p01itictd an,l ni/lcd. ......................... which hadbeeli a witne,s agai,!,t_h~r.0n .. ~__................ an~-twenty-other velc~wrlngoutv eo treed-to ing. I0’r~hlklin recomnu,nded that, incall, though; thesclmol-hous~ eltpllt|u ill prott’msioital life, but ’th(~ griiat liias~ of lwr tri,d. ]t ~as the iUlldennmt with stead of the ]~r,,thttory Illld ral|acieus will, I trust, enjoy the health and Caught ht llis OwnTrail. qu trtor~ has caught It OIl tl|c bound,th.]gc+ you ear!e, the nsofn| turkey should belt,(aged which ,he slew Mr, Crittendon, a~d shu of carpenters, blt~ck~mith~, "-" tL-b"fi>?t]ih-ff~t-t~l~;<~11¢~)’ff ~vllo’arc Icadtng.the independence l,robably-wiaheaAo kcep t n~ l~_pr~ rush, at(|1 ~ea,ls it back with a good dr ,p mid .other ~killed hdfont~’s; Th¯es~__~aTe A well-known Boston nlcrohant c]oset~[ "il’poi-~jnir tlatioual’ci~ina tttid ensigns. If s~ttvonlr . of thatexploit, ;HI o may also lilt e,iil,l.m Of utiihy instn’ad of toni.sty ¯ khdt well Into th0 0n0my’scountrr;and then ’our truly in|hq~elxdent citizous. "YOU his house at the ~outh Eud during tlle havefurther tts1~fortt in tlmfuture, It fullows rtsb npon ru~’h imd St;lulnnntgc nl)Hn never catch tho,n currying favors er Sunlnler~ i+.1111, being very tlcsirlnts to and potently ha, l 1mot cltoscn~ it shouhl has been given U to ht~r,-and the lnarI) ~erunm~ge, t o hell nowdriven tllrough tim seeking inllttene~. They stand on their guard it scenr,ly ,tgain,t the it|roads of have lit.el| the hare-yard ]nmrather thau ri.d luen of I’]an Francisco wouhl do well schoolh ) so (l,l,|rturs an|l nowinto(he school tlwn two fist, and with their own arnls hurgl,trs, arrat,ged a bear-trap, which the turkey, the rt,ost(~r rather than tlto to be ott their guard. god, for the school house have not lost the ’eomnland the resll.et and suplmrt which rl.~ttires two ,een to spring, in his wood- gobbler. If it be attacked I|y el|idol,lie ........ advantag0whl~h theklekoffat|tla .llghtlrom-thia-:tim~ +llmlgdy; w~ wiUl~ve the widest cirenla- :S_Tllff ,i~IdiiJ f a:~iL.~-lfiyd~0iiiiL y~--GiL; are 0!Lmus(i-in A.mq _fi_c ~i- be ahi]d~ tlir0iigli:i~I/i~:}t iiyL0i fC~Si)J ~ V_P+~: i.ion to ally ilit~;lligeIit itir~Jt:-ttt)ll’-~f6r "it-n to have il. relnliotl I¢oon, and the (YonU~ler~’If/d gav,~their tl eet||dvc, att-lie"0iii~ct sltgl~ly" pe mh|g" r~arlc~. anda~ Yuucan’t I,, }teartily COltcudcd to all the useful in-’ ia order to gainaccessto thehouse,lie relief, and ill all waysllr(.qlltltA~ it, culture eial mtys, tde,luently, UllOnthis mlbject : went ttway and re,|>ained a nlo,|th, when expected to el,priMate the delicate stroke, ef tltt.tl its." atutdit,ratu iLn eol|dltivn to the ex- " It is I,elievell that out of ’t~’enty-ohe Of all the nlon with whom we deal, he cantt~ to the eity for a day, at|dand i)h~y-tl|a turna I,v whMta g,unh Is lo,t and eOUll|ltlfles whoonteredsorvlcotfrolu this l"iwoul,+ go "apand.e~if ili. t~llt+0f OUTpow0r;==N.Y; ’.l’rib.ne. ¯ w0e;it hlltcs |tit ~’|hl I)l/|yer I~ do tl|at; but none ,/rn so strong, sclf-eolttained, ,t,ui thoa’gl|t eo|lnty there are nOWnear .|t)O sllrvi~ving They heum, was all rtgh(. 1Io entered th, Iha br,l(I phil )Sol|l y of feet-ball you call indel|m.hmt as "skilled l.b,,.’¢r.,C’ re.idents, Of those .lflO every one hits a If yet will , Con|u el,rag with me’|( little llaVt~ uv(,rything pretty ntueb th.ir own front door, which he left open, nlade ,.i Falall~ Shot. talc of ~erviee and mtfferl’ng to t~ll. nearer an,I lotus c0nsider It agaht, way. With a few exceptiolm, mlr dec- o~,tnlmation of the variou, allartutents, A l;arty consisting of two hulte., aeTim ball lies j,|st fltllvll agallt wherethe torn and lawyers are eo,nparativldy poor lind finully thoaght he wet(hi ,co that eo,upanh:d hy two young 1111,11 (|anted Wl,at a gath,ring it wouhl he if they two tddcsaro tlllekcst, and they oh,no raphlly and hard pashed. ]t is ~l, tlistrtmsitlg woreall I|ivouack~d around ohl-f, tsltiened t,,f thu back l|rimdm’s weresecnro. F||rg,,tl~lasonhein|er and llt;ss(,n0 were rt, t~rn- caml|-Ilrtm for ,t nigllt, what s,||iles, aroun,IIt In a ~crln|llnl~qe, It lullSL Im tlrlvel| wkat I1|+ calh’d el,on ttl ll,ty rent and grocery ting his ]|reeautiolt ag,tinst hurglars, il,, throl|gh m,wby f.rco or skill, till it IIIcs mlt bills and theu .it dow,t with your m,lall walked rapidly into the wood-nhed, and ing ta~ tlmir ht}llletl 1’1’11111 a’ prltyer.lucct tear,, whatjokes, whut eidtal|hs, what ing iuth(t town of l*’rizzhdlnrg, Garrel hair-hre|l(Ith I~scal,|ts, what gl|,rieus vieon t,nu side or tim ether, bot, k hawdlfft~r- ~(lger and try to lltek out the patrons what was hi, (;on,ternatiott to find hi,|iearly the Imysf we It. I [er|, colno twoef the ?rein when( you can urge l|aynu’~nt withCt,., ¯M,I,, whenl~laslathoituer .tarLod--a " self c,u,glit fast in his own. tnll|’r’ Ilo ClmVt~..ation aheut tlrtParnts. The young tort,,, whatv|trit>as tilemor|t,s wodldba .... hull dogs hurnlhlg throsgl| the t~llt.ltlerel Ill they go stndgl|t to thu heart of I1|o ~ctl|al- mt less of businl,s.. It is so hlnniliuting naturally sto,)lmd iath|, eudeav,)r to exv ladttm Oxl|ress(~d their /oar of weal,on~, rt)vivt~l and rt hoarse4I’ range, bta|t o1> drlvicg that ball ont oil tl|c to i,e oblig.II lo nntintain a certain style, trieste hi,ostdf, and by so doing only whor.|q,|m M,ls|lnht,im|,r, to gi,,va then( Fewarticles of fi~od are so relullly atelq~mltosMe.That I. chat tlmy i||l$tnt toilo, on uccotutt of your being a l)rofesniol|al a(hh.l t<;his |lisconlfort, inn.let(oh ~m tttinabh,, .o attt’aetive ill al|l|ialrance , and scan+, as he allnges, drt, w it n.nall revolver My sons mysbt,., y,a| art, too I|ot; yonhay, nllm,’whon yell know~OU eatgt afford it, could nt,t rt,gain art ttpright ||esltion. so qaieklyco(,ked,ts omtdt,ts. A goo4 gone pa~l. Iho ball allll inlllt slrllggle nov und when yoll aro obhged to turn uway lie shouted f|triuusly, but without avail, front his i~t)ckeL, and/Ired a barrel. ]ly andcet>t|oudcal ontelet is nitric withfour right tl,roagh llm scrummageand get rim||, some horrible ntis|’,llanc(,, l[essou step~mtl the inlportunate tradcsnlau or inarkt~t since all hi. ntdghbors weru absent, and eggs well bcatelt and added to elm cup attd hack agahl to your ownshlc h|.f,,ro you rnan with a "Oan’t pay yea now; you ,I, he was fort:cd to rt+mail> iu that l,osi- withhl range nnd receivt!d thu btuhlt ef (silk, into which han bot, ti stirr~(l cue fairly b(,twt~cn the eyes, and fell, m6rtaloat> I,o ef al|y f|lrther ark.; hero eolut.s y|a|ng nlll.d call agahl." tioa fl:t,nt 1|} in the nlorl|ing until .I ill ly woundt.d, It i. supl~oned that it wan tablenpootfful of ’l>owdered cracker auti Brooke;lie gdc~in ntral~ri|t aa you, but I;et’l,S A good nl.ohinust is a l|rineo among the afh.rnooth wbon hi. sun-hi-law ca,no Ill~ htlual,and bm’ksanll bends, lloldhlg tlhllhis intention to hay(, l|revel>ted ~lason- elle Mnlal[ tva~lmOnlul bt’ flour. Stir the ’W0 hllVl, the honor to know two to the hi,on, tu obtain .mnething for his to.If still I,chh|d I1|o hall .ml tlrlvh|g It ft|rl- II11+11. heiult, r firing tll. pistol, hut we. ton mixturu w,,It together jltst lmfore l~urwilt,. The yonng Inau wltsastonishell to sh)w, T|,o affair is eauHil|g it ~t~nsati(ul. il,g itou the well-buttered get(idle , which nobly wl|el| Ira gct~ a ehaae~t lh.r. (’ClUeS yt tu|g nleu in lh|staln who. with ph,,|ty the husiut.s~ of tiud the doors all t,|,en, Ill|d, on inakillg 141modlc||t,andl,’laslllnau Iho t~.hot,l-Ilo|lSt. t|f nnlnoy, are loarllillg ’Phc aceidol|tal natnre of thu hunlicidc should notbu ta)O !lot, It,st the Omelet bully, wllh eho~lls, an,l great a¢tlou. Wo||’L the nlachi,li.t. They are learning that a tour uf intl.’ellen, beeamueunvttlst,d .hlmld have a strong flavor ut scorched ou two ta~t||e Ul| to young Ilrt.~kc nfler hwk- bushl(’Ss htse’tlllU thtsyknow that evt, ry at flndil>g hi~ father-tit-law in nuch’ au ia t~Lolitted ca all honda. hutt~r. Turn It, as ~)on an. it begins to tg up hy tl e ~:ll<~/-Ilott~e fire wltll "Old inalt ia~nlt have ~Jtau rt;gu~r oCCulmtiuzh ~Itthal,l|y .itu~tioa. IItdignatiott will fill the breast of "tot" around the edge, "with a wldeftdh~w,.w|ma’t that a~l,h’udhl ta’rct|nnage I,y and th.y are dine(rated with tht, n|ttd ewr¥ ~tint when we attic that two men hladed I.ntf~, fold It owr ono~, atul then the threutrff~’¢ ’’-’+-" ~hu klltl~l you, alll| all ~aah intu tim prt,ft..~ions. W~rt,ckon it attll at ono~ lift the gri(ldlo and tlowe, X _L~:: " . "’_’~..~t,tttrd.ve tl|ntout, ef the trnt,~t honors of our lifo that The ntlut|wr Uflmri~dtl)rie=ta in Rtumia w.ro arruetcd ht a’ lumber y~rd th~ otll~m Jgain, loll thro|lgll’~lat la~rllll~lll$~u, "ellant’ing all la abouL31~,0~0, ~ft|caoon~ 12,&lk .~ of daybo~au~, th.y wero susp~tod of a de- turm the omulet ulmn a w~m plat~,It we enjoy the intimat~ friendship of tht~n hurt ft/r the glor~ .f ih~ ~l.~d hoa~., bt|t to will, of co~r~+ I~ ~ rotor thidmm |iglt on WgOd. iafcrmrolcxica 0;},422, la~tu-~ think lhat’s whaty(,u want--a vnat- ~OUlI~lllt~ll+ b t ~t ¯ ¯ "¯ - . - .’, -L+ " ¯ ...... ++~...... ; --?--..:. t __ L_ : ¯ __ _ o _-- -- & Fmw .Fa rs liOnOmmin8Xt, . - o ..... _ .... , . "+ ¯ _ _ - _ , ¯ . ¯ ................. beiug in the wi’nter lesjon,’t~l genl~s] s lpl~t rlldly good for nothhig in the tlorth British Provinels from which I came. After/few’~n~’ .hlid rn_n their eogrse., howerer, ifter the gAniaI opting (which sets in h%rc eart~ iu thlLmpntE of li#areh) had dteperled the chilling frollts0f winter-which-]are never vliry ieverc lii this cotmtry. r found that the soil with aq its mndf’a~tleazanee was good for something; that In fact It very seedily responded to a moderate share soil, sad" Ipl~atently " -- of cultivation an’d m~nuring; that everything ...... "~ - " " " "~-- of :- -- ........ - _. J: : -2 _ + _ L - - - i----- ......... - . 7-- ¯ .¯_ ..+ _ : When I cime t’o th~ coa~try, Mr. Editor -_7+ " .... + .+_. ........ ~. - -- I L. L ’--’’7" . "-- _ .... - -~ - ........ 2 INTERESTS_0_E-HAMM0tltT0 R ANDM A.K-I tt G-tli 0.it EY_. r .._ VOL. L--NO. 50. IYA-11IM-ONTO,.NT .r-J.,--87kTURDA- ECE-]4BER-i-4Ig-7- . -- .... $2,00vPi RYEAR: .... : had ¯ N muchwere i’erfile< As air eta.v_ stated the sell here very_ readily r a~ponds to a a’litlle manhre often, is fairamount of cultlvatlon and, for. ¯ States, cLangeswe mayplace th6 Journalof the ¯ Therewere-in~-1870Cin--the_Uuilod _~_a~_,__Da_ _.i~ll Ba_ugh, EditorandPub- but produce.e tfo~d .irop. .~Aml~let it h 9 alwa 3 s~il is so£ficioc! here tq make’it yield rain ........ montltel Jane, 252,148m.a.nufaetories, hie, from wbiehWemakesome.exedlen.t suecctffull.. 0oe hmse’~vill till as’much luod ie this I "in a different kind of coil ~ith a pair ofhor~es, " .The land ih Sou’ih Jersey is l,rinelllally at upted for fruit growing purposes, and in averag e- . good years more can be made from the ,sit in growing fruit tiles in any Gti’.er way ; :let it !s iiighly adaFted for farming purposes. With n consider&bio degxee of culture an t fort lizing it As for sweat p otat’o’~i both in qunotity am: qoalty’, sing-such 200.bushels I sh,nfld think th-y were unsurpassed as-toTrndnee~hem-dry-anll~nutr it e~n__./~ener~l]fh - __ .......... ~ p 71TtL- :’--~l’f6 of lime per acre, n’ill ~row good And tbi.~ is tb~ way irl which largo portloh~ of farms in tt, io lfl:&e onghfto be dlqmscd of~ becauaejn the.absence nf su0]cie~cy of ~Jth~nurcs,-~.hel~Td by thls method wuuhi ¯o~,n fertilize ilseiL In this m ore g:~miai climale yet healthhllness abundance’of as a permanent tbiog. perature-b~haq in many ether to br¢!atho, imt,.ali.ti~o++o+cir~,um.~iop.eev wlntcr and extremes [ had also we.aklunge, . .. o.~ table. IliSte,id ill’ 4{J,0LItl.0J){J ’ now, ill lieoordaneo witb.’ts nortllfll-in~i-~ thus fal’, au ideaula:,’.bo, hlrnietl nl l.h: irll.m."till, non which ILllinufactllres will :lSSlllll0 in " me to cough almost, ,,;i lit’ ,,. :t’,tl,,’]. ;AT_THE 0-F- iO E*0F: have been :cured m.ni’,g, tim g 8t tit es-is-t o-ill- utah-them-ill acid tie ’e3sg~fllrnilu:w2 ari.] incessant1 i~has-eonferred upon.reel Candldand c,*mitlg__t/e TEe class _, honest l wlsh re. I will therefore of persons to be, briefly whom I eousidcr for£ etkte L. . :ethertbuu tltnlr he m-corn filrt the elas~cs would be chiefly of’pcregns benefited whomI eonslder by coming rliii+Jt,-baay *~bo wish to engage la ii manulacturinit gro~lng-an¢l-farminffon’a small seffle although to:tune~. There are o.lully tilingit to be hall in tile I~ lh,.,<~o d:lysd~ In¢,d0r,I .... tho_._~l 1| < ilel~.ioiis whichIi,tilt},l - l/i..j+l .: :~lthltil-~ --- o 0~ ill0 I)]l]O,~t P~ Ira, at muddy roads eprln~_and antuuin bunine~, ; rent~ anti requiring.constant labor bring inillnd - attcntio paris ot’¯B.uth C ranber ryLa e’~ .. " . El’ergl,4PellN Slid ~ ~J]lP.ll]lllll~ l’~i Situate near Jersey ,n’hi~+h I~1 T .ill.. rl.’~ I-O ~T ¯ - " ’lit tile t}nn,ff.PLAt’ill, ItS I,~ his hlrgo oild yore. ato¯,~k ,if, tile lib,iv% begslt;a;ee to ililiilliile Ih,lt owing to the pllst favurable season for phlu’l "h o-rw. fl,l~bol ie ,~,.--t h tt..a tall, It will lie fou¯id folly equal to ahylhhlg b.rctofllrc ~ .... ¯ offered by him: ....... and adjoining ......................... ~.:/, ~j,~ ~ +"~" 0 C ¢ ~ .~;:-: ~ ~ ¯ ....... ,i~ :-- I~i_: * t-:_’~ " ’~ ¯ ...... . Association. . Advice. fronl wll be of extrli Lotldon in.form lille qnlllJly, him these also MI ___ These lands or0 aniotlg the I’IEI)G1N .... lltM.lll; Ill tht~ . l~’l[tlll~. aa the vcr}’ bol4lliiltllg nf .... ]laVliql all fol’liltle~ For I> (~-. ¯ .All ttl~,+Plst*t~, t*vet.lll~i,i*ldiddul~ldnl~n.q,.l’-’uil. Ilhlll f.r Iliii~ purlmsO,are hept of ..’llrltiUi, .~;zi:i~ illll~ ;,tll’l~ In:ell rellelih.dif Irlilii, illlililt.lt, ~i.’ll~.I~l"~Y ~ " ’ ’ NEW 2, ~ t’&llllll.l" ’l IN,J?IN G.I I~l,.rv ,i.,~Hi,ii,,n ,,f I’l,alS .i I,’.lSt’Y I’ahlibig llrillalill}’ olet, uleul In Ibo I,etq~lth~. l’arlleolllr elimllloo gl’,’v,l I’) UINtl, tII,AZI,’IG, ,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,.,.,.,,. J. " .~’l~ai]elllii Ill a,t,cl.alellll I.r Ma,’hil.~ s::ltliiu i, l°r IOIIl allrlllloo givln hi folio’rio I ~,lu. i . ehlb, :#If Ihe a~,ove m~lke. Ill ti 4 ~ !_I.A. OItAININtt,tlll, o, --"- e,’qeWill H mmonton, ’ WIIorlni0 IIIIOUII llTl*i ;’ i.i,.h’i.~-gti~:~-d 1~Tff-t,ic Improvement. T.¢~o laiid~ - Association; J:urllllaro r,,I,alrl’ll In,lk lik,,I .... ..*Tin are uu~o;+~ the and Shoet-Iron Waro, lltltl i-lS’:/<~t f~viT]~-i] i ~’0.u 1H¯,,lit. ol #2. t,c. ,. ~ l-q+- ";it,d el6:d, ~[,i t r-each i:tiluultal: ill++ IJl/l~lthllloi But, leaving this sugglstion tar what it lb,tut hatt-t{ui;ett ~l,, OF’httslttTbtlll trees, a eq x~ i~crcx el’- iho- i,I so.,,c~=itablo corner or ]oealil 3 price ~,r e!)aracter. ’J.’-.llla I ’t.lc V~Jltlllle t.;+i,nHt iilil ’ ’1’ IJI I1 ellni]~l-I,~t"~ /FeC i+r~(:<i I : uf ~ ~ 7= :l 11 i 1 - ......... th. h:ll+llc-t h:t.-’ ,wi,it:h ., I+t. I{lt, .\i’.~: Cl’fll°’’f’v"~’"lt"f""";’t"l"~°l’"’l’°"lh’""l+ ,41.1, ] W~Wlllltll~’ i, olle tl or,i~r .M .... r.llteli iithil, ltllii, .I’IlIOP ,,,,o.,,,,,,t,I, #,,,’,,.. llI,Uua ltl, KLNIit’4 OF A~D tTAltltlAtil: GN’ .t’;,l,i il.’utliOIt WI)IIK t. girl ~il, ,.I t.Nl:£, (adJ.hitltt~ anll vllrnl.lw,I, illll lllaite Ill 7..................... lih’cl ...... .,+11. , OT8 M. II. Itl,ltlN~uN, o tOlq.,.he !;, :~. [Ir;,,.l ~ lllniniulill,ll, N.J. --i,;.Tr’¯.leehc~,l¯. A nninl ...... f ~,,.ti,it,Ii t,ulhl ........... |D~illll Ul’~l ~I.17 ..!.li.,l., lIBh l r .i’!lt I.’1 !?el’ .~ Ur..,~’~ Ice lii’AIIKiNII Ileal all palls I lrnltilil oi tit" lh~ I~eoi.lt i ,l~uil,,ly lliindeli I,>. 11. A, TIll ’~" "i" " l llsll-! y ltji. ;i t.lll,.+l+ ’ .... :;J. | BUILDllSlG .... ItillILlll l.iiIKt~bullll, llil, l,,il.vl,*llh., .’tLAI, IlllA~lilY0 r~l’%lid, r. I]l,i’,lhiiil. ill Till: il I i. e’l,I e~ liEi,ll" lltlEliILOODg IIJlll~ Ji All,I lho health (if the system ’ will fuliow, ’1 hoyo 1~ i~ prupar~.’ II tilt Jnl’lsallll~llll~ li 1~O I _. "" Ilnil’U (ll~ll’[tful liiilli nil lllliel~ whh’h Will r,,m~lwl fi,ilil your "ll~:t~ [~" Ii.yrill,lll tllil IIIl|Olrlt fllnl vltlatodl ~)" Ili(..I v/hh’hI’£illl+q IIll*t, lll%tI lllll~ Id, Ihlll~lillitllllllO lllllitl ilil-yotir l~l~ y ~l’t %i .. ill’lill |1 nlltl ~il rlqltttll II IIl#tt’¢’~W Ihllll ll!l I’llrP. If y,,U llllVO ~(/i~i lie/. % Ni,rllfllllS lierolulllllN ltl.elm~I~,~ ~} I"1 ’if Ili¢; l:J’i’lt Or IElla’lt. Ol ~i~/’~t{ ~ Pil’rOlllhl ill lilly lllllli I lil’IH~ ~ /IH:~ ~llhllo~IJIE~211 iilU:. Old ~tl~ "7- k<lri’-~: Irli;erli. Ole’lNl.iolillOUi ’ ’ ~/~ i~#,1~ .lllilllSlillnllllltli,% i’ali Irol~" -Uli llelll~ i’urlsl wilh:yell Ihtm ill’~lllt -ll ~’11~ "~l~r ~l~ll~ liililili I{llliWtl ll~ lie. I’l’liolilll i lit I’~kll [l~’t?l I’lllUlltilili~l lillliil illi)ol~ ithlqliniilli~llil. I’&llll ~ tl II #l[,J. hi llllilll,llll Ulliltlli. I’llllmllltlll~ - "1l] ~ll-i~.lltlliilis~lllilUldllili¯llF ~luruu ..... ,i ll~’/iliii or llllil.,r lililMill~i, lirll I~| Jir/ t.iiii,01 IIy IL pier INllllflllll , Oil’ j r.g/ Syphilitic llliiil~lil].i0,i..tlluihlh g i,,lUiii to lk ,Ilk Ilrlill Will i i’ lieu%.¯ 11. #~ lle:llllli’~t, }’clef 12oniplexio-, "l)<l lliil Ii~ill ll,illit ¢ir llowlli,rl illlt i’,l,t Is lllOrll lll+l nllllil’lil Ii, ,lUly hv InirlD, illia .l lille lllo~Kl. I~i’tilt I,ivp 0ru,lt+ll i# la’tlli ll’llll s’%)i01~Ilool Ilill lll,~ ii lllll4ti llii+l i +i! ,ll .%llil lit i~i i 1’1itiill hI I Itll.itll~ t’~lilliltt’l I£+.*t l~ I+uWt’,lliiliit, iloU Ill lillti 0[ ]~10’;+lili,’+tlill,| tl,’ 0Ill1i llll~l liOlilll’<, Ill %’l;rllp~ I1’ i, lll,*l,li~ll.lllll IhlP ~,klli. I*llilllilo~l. llal~ lllll’ll.llllilt.lil~+.lli i,rlillllOlill . II 1 ,oilWlliJlal il.lr. 1~’~"4P Ilip. __ FinestLiqu0x.,q d Cigars, ^,i,,i ,,,,, >,,,,,..i,t,.,, l,,,,,:. A’I llll’:l’¢l~ Ill’at I.~:’ltlisiil ::,: I,:T II ~>I1:1 I, l’ltll I;, o .N " el ’~. .j.l~ll’J(-’,’%lE. A" f ++..d.. ?.. ’:." ::::.. i Y,,, ill exri]nrint~’t.ii e-|,~-i--huIi,hvd.. lii.i’ I.eadi v. -~l~fl~[’clf ~ilal’d..;ltt~ .’:;ellis; tiiJii;liSt (ili/-ir) |1)~-(8 Itii+i ll,ulrds¯ lii’n ll.;ii’t!’l, i,l’ il -iiq;H~.J it-ll 211cbl’llOl’. lllltl .ill]liCit .IOgl,’l[it!l’ ai [liC DIP. ,h:l,i-th,ml~hi,..E’-l;cmi+il.’i):Liiil,~l+ ! l: t,hd Ilill or:ha; i;, llll I y. tile wuy,.,h., l];t~,S li~Ing,lelr ilttt, tllt’i’e tX’:{Itll. I.II¢~OISI.;IVO; tO :;t’ ulll~l~i t¯,l d~!’,’, I.p a: t iln I I’,Jx’~ the week"¯ I!’,lr~ I~," ¯ +’qHl~_j~’;,l’, el; nl+’o.d, . - "+ - ’+ Yx++’¯’+ +¯~,. i ,: ~¯?. ¯¯ IilSE, -TIt~ l-,lll:l]zkrr~ llr,.’-.’!l~h,,/i~-d ;:.tLl,l:’,L I,, II I,,lilii’t" uiil -.~dITiY~ -Ih,".~ .,l the,I,’ ,i ¯ ’" o" I t’l C [** lilI. llll,t(i; [hilt ii,’ilV I:lilig:,: ; I:tl[ti~,att* X%illi C 1’o, itlil[ ii~,;t! ~1%,~x+ I,J Ih,. hij:i.,’.-I lll’ll~ll~’ /.llt’yt’:.:i~ Illllil ;’ [frclillt:’it,~t iipfl’ii ihu Wlllel¯S, ’’ it (il,e i~t. loSt¯ill llllly t!,[*iill lu illiylbillt~ herutulorn ~:l’lUlt.,H t.,i’lltl+tl iiilt’lt;.~ I l, Voidili~ iql0’~ ils ’ " ’ oll’el’Cd tl)’ hllii. lru!i ill ylJUi" l:b,lr,~) will i’t.llllli lit .’titll.;l~h:tvc {., ,,LI.e teliJihar~.,tL ,~ahhpll,~.ol,.lltl,h. ,= ............. lir ill;in3’ ll;)’: i ~l;ih+ ih,, t’ mitt2 j.:t ill.-" (’*q I:: ,,I ,,LQ" ,] ........ l’.ili,llJ .1,,lil llht: nil itllli I:it]l j’t;tt i,h +~..~d,-’lh,: , +’,l’y rhlt+, Iltw::, h,r i,"7’l. I~ill ,~,illiill(illL’(~l.>S’lil" r,J.:(’:O S, I’el.l..llt:,+ I,.ur ~x .]-l.l{ ~. |#;,v+g ihi+li{ill+l,~ llav[nlf rl’p’urvml lln, r{;:.ht Io hllllHIflll’lllre and¯ O. A. l>r<ltL v I,i t!,,’ li Li+ inll,l’ill hinl .Ibt:;tu ltl~u rl,li ,i< I I : I,,’h’IH ,,. i,III :"i ,lUll... ~’~ll~ h’c,~ h’l,in l,l,iJd,,il ,i~ /’,tl’l,I I’l, .I/,I,#,l’ll~ ill Im i,iIIInltes Or ii,~lll~. i ] .... ii 1,1~],t, i,l t.’,llA ..... I’¯H~i,h,ih li:,lHl. ,,.i,. ll,:,’,+ll, ,4{I;inli+> +,*l+/ t’apl " " ..i’l ~., .... r, x~ ¯ ¯ t ; . - tm M!i3’, I. hl, l, 1,1’ ’llr~ htliit’e lhui I hill lilCllilrcd tH 4i,+1ill i L:’ ;I I’*lll,%iill( ilile,t i):t *’ eliltllltlll~ttl. _ .._. -’-Lwlma{(exi.,.IUlil~t! utid stliiull[ re++ ¯ .°’Chri.~Imll.~ l.nlllber jv411qm ................ "1 8 ~. O O. ~’J’77i];,~.v~ ~lwh l, vaRl:,bhl epiroumnt’ the All ti,ol, hl,ls,,,,,or~,~i ~’ii~;7o~,ili~i~iil~:: t#611Ti’liCOl [Oli~ vll<lh:t;l(:l|, is bli}i{’¯lO Illi;,’~T/" g,, Jh,c/,;,,cs ,Iv,. lt’,lr,.,i,,t,,I, i,,/,d it/,e llt~+Si llLIj’JisJ....~.9, tlilhtiTi Will I",iulillillil llllio iur this puri,l,m, lll¯tl hi¯ i[ iif ’,’llriou~ l#~zeli "l"G’;Ti’i;’q’hi7 h~:lri’."d "b Vt h o-n’itmmrh;-u b ~l.r vn -" .ltl:t.tLufl’J .............................. .~l~i.e.. *~0~-/.;¯/-............ -j;17d+¯]i;7 ~U17Gi;-¥’~i;i;Ti~b-dlT’-ii:a.ll~-f,l,ri,i ca; ................ lira HlbH’l}{,i i,,ll~ , f i ll7;-t]’.Ti’lTd~’J’/i-i~’;.:~.]’V"-~;’t~t:li][ii" lit’ i{io 0Hli’lliliwl: ; I0 ;liJl~ lliu,nu~:lu lil.:’~d andlit. l,’~lr luirtieahlrs SOlid fur lllreuhir .... id’thia ~OVClilll(!r lilnl~lllit, ric V,’uvf! Wil~ Ira~i}olii~ t.l"l ill’.’ ALDINI’;t!£ui bu Iliihilnet~i{ t i G. "IV. PltE88EY,=l~ivon¯ii~¯hllig li~o li8 170"1,+ whciil uecill’diiiidII’llido~ IIalz.monttlii .~’g~ J].~= ====l~l’*li t Ot~&~il[a lil’lilillritilnt~thll tiulnlsrical iniarellt~e lr?-iilTrnpl- tlolllioul~e, °O.tf i g II l)uhlo, ihc a r WlL.I ,~evn ~’ ful ’o iiille%% tim lliilllle{lers ill’el ibtto Ii, 1 ll’.o iii 8All oxlonldl’n a~surtJntant nf r~lro and choice i-iil+llll~O ilOllllly l~lirt+l +’ by rs r- ill0 tull(livhig unliu khids ad~tpted to window culture.. elided otll:r Ill .llOrollS hros at ]ea.t~ scorn Io Jill/.’0 gin; oil lihi<’i, this y(;]il’ lit- #t;llt-f+¯ ’tO uh/i/-~il,+~Ptl 1’.’31I tim Ch tl0M0~ FOIl 1"gUt. " " 7 PION£Eg STUIP:PULLr,R ...... ..... - 2_._ t -~. ~..!;t i.~=g’ ’ _ " ’ ’ ehliriliiog liialilil,i:-IU-@h~i]]i-lio f~l,4-’iTf th01nl Inlik0 hi.~ ill)eke uloro illlt’!l;i!:~till~ . tO t;V0r" elliq.~ Of roltth~rs thai! IllOSl. bol)R.,.i .::L])fTr~il\i;ro; ![ is Ihore.[or:~ a wn I:lilliOUnel~ the publication, by I luhlmrd ]~.ot|i0+r,li. ot Philaddllhili, ot li vohlliiO in which the story of .i,ivingstolm’s entire Ilia, Ills boyhood, hl~ earls, exlflorn:ions. ’ills lalerones littd0.r govPrn!!lt~llt lllllr(lll .................... aith A0golher witll his lost I Iha rolmrtlt ( his diiatli. thltl ]iiui, ~lnnlr, y’s i~uclmsMul ,,Xlmll;ihlli, lind I,iviliRSltllliJ s i)Wli iicCOUlll el whri tim t c d ~t ( ts h t.~ . II o I ~- -- lie ~ iliO]N T~ill 1I lil~ IIY WOmen Every sobslril,er to ’nile AI, I)I.,E, wh~, pays bi iilivulll’e fur the yolir 11t7;I, will reel, lye, Hammonton, N J llui~ln plllt lhllt will IS~t3 , " wlthoot alhillitlniil eharge, u pair I,f belitillfili |tom 11,4 to $8 per day, oau be pursued at¯ 7~nt" ,,11 ohrllni(is~ oiler J. d. ilill0 Iho ellihielit lgngOct. 12, 1~71. ll-tf nwn hollit~a I eiid 114 ~trlelly honorabhl, Bcnll II~li pahiter, TIk~ldl’inrtm, ciithloll "’lhb ~il" for salopl~sthat will enable yoo to gu tn work Isgll Ih lie,’ UO1 * L’ro.iq,’lg the ll~[o({rl I are lit once, 1.1 X 20Illl~hl’,~--ilrli l~rhliell tel,in 2[i ilifl’t, rt, I t Trllll.~-.l~12OIilJUIt~t’ ’ IIIMIIIU,I’|IIKIII[~.]I~NI Addreslf J, L,ATIIAM & CO.,’" i,i:ll~];,.-i:l,q’ufrilig %ifiipl’l,~ld;a ii,fd-"/liln;l,i " ................ 21~2V¢;/~i;I/;gt L~l lgi:i Jl{;~t-~i,~ MkifiiT- .............. iblllle lhe iililU l?ltlllT ~ul:rllilE,--No I-OOlll, r i.’.l lille,, frui, | itifc(I o i, ilrllliiiii~ i(fe ’ " uacb I ’ " ¯ ’’ ~lllll ill II lulntlariillt prielt ill hlrgl." I’iih,~t >.ldlor~:lllliOllUlir hi iho/~itrlorev, ~slt[i Iho dclt, i’lnlnnltuli nf 1114411nlhIc lil-ii Io ill,till t|liin.+.lll.ta’e_.+is nit llliniP211i.RI.tt eli ’1’11 E’A I~II.INF. ihit’-dr illtt10~iHf’n f~’~nil;idlil~if I hc Duh. hlil.inl~gi.i il~ ovi,itl ,lie, ]l LA TCll I,F.Y/’I I MI’IiOVBD in tlt’~rj’ deluirtnilalll,_lho.lz~trulnn~t n~li.l;tLfoand 8tlinllay -{ivlill]r~ I;l’(;{iillu~iT{ll~lT~7~lll hiid. +T|llt rl~" i,lil’l’til, llillllilitlly iilil?iii| lit lili~ +bill i’lill btl illl. .... l-= -- IEYl;t I~ 1 / ~Ir1-1 il~l~..... iS llulo ll-ye,-C’{llll;~i .......... whlit bit is goiug to’do, ,u’o ,Ill Illltl ~iih i~, ihlii Illt~ t’rilii siIDIIly ill Ihl~ cllun" ’ h, rl:ii by illhcr I+orl,’+dhulls igt’t.ry I.ill0~eribllr I~l t. %li’l)lID I’Ulili Ohl and very, 51allow,,. "0|i~rolinl{ly, It i~ It quc~lioli w,,clhtn+ Iry h’iH in!vt,r lit,an, liilli i,.4 lilll, likttl,v Ill Taetele,s, lhirabie+ Efilolenl will leel+li’e ii ilel’oilteiil01, llrer Ibli I’l~hlillirtl uf t ¯ lilil| $.1,00 a gallou i $1 i.00 a dolllll hi largo btlltiti." , i tlro:ng,’ntl+:-nrthn l"lllrC[lll~t.rs ¯ will+}in Vt~ Ilei whet it-~.h<uihl.--~l’.hi.~-i.~-alla Che, lh rhu liszt l.nmll liilalilkc. tllll lilihlL~,il,i’~ ~llIll’+lu/r I’ll~/ I I i ’l rl lies -Tim it’uili.+ll |or Ilia leliSl laollayo Atteli. "t|llr UlO.~t to eongrlllltbil, II.e.0.~e[Vc.~ fur ,b. {’,;l:~{l’~-Iil{I}" I,{,IAiiilTl’l;fl]il;i;nlii ;hf/fl r /~ f= . ........ ilioniuilor is,,thnl ilitt lll0ti Y El; LO IV lie A I lill Elttti~--~ -~lip0ollill} iih, ~ll I, ht: Uilii~fll l~lllilOS hitvuiil!l’l!l hl’eu t!ll Ihll IIIgl!lil , or Ills! nl ,ilt,~’ will be rlqlilli{Uil, ’|’be dt~llibsli,ni ctl Idelor0,~ </f Ihln b.~’ilill Irt:e "S lllllVlll Inlilroved . $11.00a Jozuu}li largobottles. lirl,llilrlv L’thii~titt,d tilt Ill lli.o fruil t’iitillg lit Ihc HibH’rili,,li4 Ill li II~,c ill,liar lll.l{lll{[elil, inil blew DrOll Che0k i~ilililhii’ll, ’l’lll~rJ i~4 IItll" It ll’llill ilirl Ih,! I~ill niiirk iiil i,{,uvh lit Ilia, hi,t,0ry i+l’~rl i it{ill, tD{OLI) ltl’Mkl, 1111.4kNi)~, Vulval wlll0~ll can lie with nag .truit I~qll~liili0, Ii’ hi ilii~ t~liiHllry I till Iht, rP+ i,, ,it ~.illl~ I’{ il i~__i !il!_Uli liril~,t,,10.nil~d be withdrawn without rcmoY. ¯ Everyllihill hi thol~ay -Ir’hi,-i]’tl~ Pllt - or r.itl.ggElifi illO/~ sin; a ,loz. ’ which d,,pres~t thai llnltlrltll, g]lllilliy Iliilll Hhllulll ll;;, Thai iTS’ill IIIlitq~C,~ Ill Ihtl ilul~ Ihd .h,0~ h,r iqll,’, AI,illNl,~ li~ell’, I1~,, iilllrvel lng--tho.-Pump-or= dtltnrhtnl [ OF TIIH the J,dnst, Abe, the 0Ullpel of the ]’]iigli~huiau, Ihe. Iniitlr llirw, v~ llll~ hlivll liilllt I}lih, slillll ill ¯ inirllt’lo I oYt, li I,, Illi+~o liesl ~’0t.hl h’Urll that-Irnh bl ill ih hi.i,mdth’oln ihl~ illiliiUiltl~lil~ nr i;lll~ his whlih,HilIH, ~ lilid iililii,i~lu.% illlll Ihnl ii i,lln lil.lliiu,nll!it wllh llio ill, hh, vrliil nla. uf hit i,iilll~i ?J-liOllll’~| ally ,ililt*r. l ( Ily lh’alurs everyil~’l’h{ill~. Olldlf,lJll.l’ed lilt i’llliliil,lll i*l, I, {,illl,l,ll. thr,nttwithil rilZiil’, hi iq’iOillillu~ niill,[it rff, niill uiight hi [itl u-i,d in t.,,i~julil,liun whh II+’.r lllillqrliltillil~ i,I Ilil,lqt i, brilliln. i.t!u No. wllere, I%lld I.r olllal.guo i¯ml price.list. Ciiriliusly onllugh, lllli [?rellt~h nrc Ihc I iih li h+1 inlidi Inliru hillal I~,, Ihilll il i,~, i.e>~ vvnibl,r l~,ul, id" Tit 1’i A I,lll N I’L) AT ’i’ll 1’~ LOWEST|°0HSI lll0E PlaICE, Cllhgo (J, ]ll’ArChl.I Y~ M’fr, II0 Wliil, liiiirii Ihiiu nny tilhl’r~, IIIIIliC} + t.htulh| Iltl t’l~ln’lidl.II for bet f Ilhl] lvery lli,ll ¯ .4’l’ Till:; J.IIW l’~l’~’,l.’ l’Ol41tlllhl", l’ltlCl’:, bllll CllllilUCr~e ~treotl i1 hllado.~ Pn. Till:. I,ITI’:II: lay DEI’AItTMI,LN1’ art~ u,hlit~ted tn Olltl.~oh,,~ liltS| iirt, lioMprllllluilk, lind inllfll |or nllllll!lt, iit,lttlht!l% l~l:. ¯ lll~tl lie"st,IN oil" I~ll.l,~lll’.t.lJNE, .......... IlUl0tile, I~rhull~ ttm lillmt rldit.ufotitt thine ~lq’o dtiiln, lruit luihtiro would b~i ~llll l~liii,hlu~ iltl!li, r the Psro.f ,’llr. Illt;ll,%lill suichloof the eClilllry itt that iit, rliCllah!lll IlI’:NItY fiTOlil)Aitll, i.~t.ied i,y ibu br,i i. liltiillillt.i|~ aliil Ileal lliicnnl ilil!a,~ lit wlih, irt illil| li+*elll or llio ihty I ~l,li will ~lr v~ In lho, othl,r dli’,’~ Ily a rllililllilitl ytillllg 1[..t A, C .VAN _’_’L’:L, i.lii,.~l,llUt, liet, ill’ I ht’141il’ullt,rll,,liulll~l~ ’,vi~iihl ’l’lI E l:tll’ltOWEll ,, IlliVl~ iht, lih’rlllUlo -I TII 1. A I.ll I ’, I’: altii):a Itl ] lolit hqinll who i~liW lira t’iirli.lt ill ii :I ~, +.l ,’"es’.’;=: S;;~f, Jill |li’llui~ht I|liWll Ill ~ll~al.lllialllo Ilt, lllus, llePlliilg wllli ira arlilli*l allrarllnllto lu,uutiltil Ilui unkliOWII girl i. th,, .llorgno. ti’uit hirlil,,r,.t w.uhl lili’l~ui her uilirk0qs lur l+lllla0S nL (ttlell bll~aui~tt pl¯O~l ’ IO lhit wihh’,-I Ih*’ lii’illlill’l ,~ Ill" Ilmir ilrl,horllH ¯ ’r EliMt-l. alid ~,li/ Itliliirl. t’uno| I|iuf I:lli’l,~O, nnll fch Ihul I~ll~i lu.r all’liuni, in n0ivaliee, wllh Chromolfrl, IY.’ ih,n,% itllli 1hewllllh~ llt, llll,e I~;l/iih| Ill, b’eli’rilecell# ’ ll|aeLhla that makesfour dlffelnln| lit;, WIle liill worlh hilvili~ wliih~I~O | 0 iU- i liil0’ll in i,-iiil .I hvuhh hill wt,a th,-Till,’, AI,IIINE ~111, h~rm*fit, r, im .l~hlil.,I Io iilllv hy I.ill,l.elt ilion, i hlle !4 ill In, lilt lvlhiiL tli,,I li i’0rlu’li~ ri.liiniill,l| illalliliini¢. Ih, J.uruld Of flit:/’llr.I. thl,rt,f;,ro iuiinl’ditlll!ly ltrocoedt0d to drliwIi vd i;r t, luh ialv i t’il~li for inilllt, iililiillii elitist bu sth, hu, I l’he Ollly Mllehiae lllat [altenl thll L liulil I*l Ibe Itll|llliQll’rl lllret’l, olr lla.d~<| I,, the Ill him,el, l, in lildl2r el, lit hc luilhi i, iijlly thl, Olilll ef IIIIIlil# ’~[’he uOly J/no#l/ill that w lemmnt~ zta=~t, lel4kt ll,l, al agl, lil wiihubt rl~linllslhliily Ill Ihe ilull. to!icily ~f lying, Lwt.qi in ii, hluo anJ i~wllllcn ]’EACllt:~t AND|ill.It iUSN El.IS-- ~tiln CI move the wolk hi any direction dellrad0 and thl ~ li~lll, i’s~l.I ’viii ill i’aili, a whore Iho t’el’lllll,llill Ii llil. a-~t,llh+ll I}ilit Ma=ati~turwl if ualy M’lcblue t|let hal il aulf.adJul~lhigtollllull. llnle, Oil It ClilitigUliUH ~hibitl the i~hlrKlio be,it)’ lldiYIll/g illlli]l, ll’lilillg tliia /]it’ IlUll/I iIt~lillUlo uf thili Iidd Ilio elir i~tl he hlvt,d vii well. Ill,Ill’hi,r, ~,..’t, rli clll+ducivuIti it I il~tnl+s t,tlll- I~lVrli, Those idsanlagel el,alllhled with Iho J~’uat ,)Aur+s ~qt’rluN ill CO. t ililb,ll el ill. sy.’,h’in. It diililll, ui,~li0+ll ltoll,i,lity and Qu(ehlei. t,f Its molh0ol,, tegethel w.. grulilh+d,ailli II<lW i.Ollle A~I I.:NTS ~V^NTF.IL with the ]hlsuty and quality of lls work. wlllll in rl’gard Ill iliv , ynlllle, |,’rt, nchlnnil, l.trllt.k wilh. ntliulra. IdD’.k’ia., ili;t°l’rl’~liit!d recalls linlilOVelaenll I lender it the moitdlil/ll. ll~lilh-r, r,,piit,,I, " {)it ihu i’.lllr:lll’ i|lvy ¯ ill )’ prrl¢lli+ wililiil~ I,I lll’i petllltOI.llll~ is a ’+ li+i,’l ,,I iii~ rto.|i (;<ilidtiel. 1,01e,’,l nll<l iI,ii0s blo, dalai It aut~ lle.t l"allly l:ilWlU K Wiachllll No. ilia luld ll4~ll llecgud & vlmtl~ I.eal lt~lalil, ltill llt’llWO lull luid pi~,lUldl lliiolivlid.tii .I c’,i~l’o I.il lill.ln i..," ()tit i011iillik’-"i.~, u tu,~]iiilu witl b~ ~’t which Ivill ia the yi’.r;d. by .I,Idihlg Ilui’lUIlii oe JLSli I~l Ilion. I. t’l ¢’elly i t I,I,Iv, .’l,,,I II~ri~of it,, rf~li.’lnli¢ hill~llie~ Io a i-ll I°llil.t’ideit ll~rci..~;Lvlit’ill~ Ihat ol lho inAlittll JAMKb Ihu,,I A41mt i r~.vtu. t;,~"i .+t).; ,i L’O , I’all:}.i.,i~. . l’~il£%V l, (llllt~. d,0c’0’,l. ~r.;’ .-ati-I’actcry t’xtl IP. t’, II4,10,I ,~ i’ltI’il~ 7PA,,k’7:R, ,~l.aa:lU.’l .’.l .ll:lill,12 Iail,’ -Nell lil~. Ill II’l ~TIl’~eil Idlllllie(ll ~ rills s 11;] ~tllll",lsl 1 t. t l’hill lll~ hll, 1’I +I , o in ellis }ttiilnle, iliu SliCed I, reiurn nl th. Rhielltl lice’hid, it WOUldlit,’ nioro .~nlit~ltl¢’,ltll’.t’ il the veietlliSlti wollld IIrogno:lli. Cells an curly rtllUi’ti el It little Val,uruti~ INoVCilib~r warinll,. ’ ....... ho-wa~ dotal ht~twcen:-thwtitnu: thtit world10+~t didit, l,’ hi il t. tl. n. t . t, wheu fi,I]-ml"l~iii/,"il-)~,i;Ih{,;rwiill VAN BEIL’8 ....:ieonr_.Dollar. +lYht!+!~.!~y,...... ¯ ~- iii~(iiMi :......... !;. ......................... :...: .................... : I VALENTINE.’ F Pl T A KF R, Whale]tatII II~lIW,~ll~.#l "++ ~ L: ............ 1 /’+.v:2.,i ,++.tv,O./,,v 1 . 7;~;.--:i.,’t ’~ .1" i fi7 eXi;7;tlliiiiD;-~T~it.ifiit-i-d AD’M’IRA~LY LOCATED, ; ---- Zi’~h~C +"";::,:, ......... i{7!!i!i:’ ,7,:,7 ’ . .- . Improvement ....... ’.’ the land of the ll’loodinl lilld l)rninhil~ ....... grLowhig ralddiy; lind tili,ll:illlltl nf every d~abrii~ti.a soon hlllolvs. Allll llleil por~llne lllive ill ¯ "~oi~n~ffl~rl’-i’ll’RT~llli-W117rl|iCr UIHYiro’lhrlll-(wtltl.h-ntth~,ng.b+prl~tiy-btt~, oa~l-i li}-ni.ro-io aro-eallly and.¢licapl.~ cl~alcll iili~l " Ihaii Is to he foolid In niiire nllrlhorn laliladus Ill the niouth ol’ ,%llAll~,l,) II.IIIllltlU~l~ III!1111 lil’lilittow lahllilN0 Tliil 0nllblos ~ l~nr. duligr It,it only Io i, rollu ...... no er,,i, , , but Iwii lfde.irldllc, ,~’n eXl~lli, i,,’u lt~surlul0111,el r,lr., Itliil t’lll,il’t .~lilll II’len ef all’l+la,,es Ill the werhl this I~ 11 e qu t’i~l nli,I ll~t 1 el eesl le Alib I..h p,’rltllid~ adiilill:ll hi whul.w enllnrll. eelilliere, dill’ore.nMdenlblyboth In lo, ghiluud Imltlh~),eltll, r~l, lit, on. ildi~gl,l,,ul,li’, [or COMPANYur INIIIVIDUAI, PlIltPlI,"I’Lq ...........-¯ ~7;w and a;ll hi forulii ........ . "--ultl~l iallailU g-tr ue°’ln ull~dlltltilg-t h° .Intrll-~’~n:ma kO ~’~l]lit.oUlLmlitLltil.fiUt’+.l:~dgu llut tha. tfl I l Lr ltl ht l¯of aa,db~le,.that ouch iiia¥.Al{lu4ilni.tly-t~ll ,few*Lt p.l?aad°rbll,.s in " lla’ii~]iJ~}lil, llLb.1 li fr¢o+ i; l"i: xl-~14i-~ o......... thl. regl,,o ,ihw f,°m’e liwte forl ..... r ov.,r Ilia.Jr ,.r,h, l s, lts l .lr,Td~.,-FT-~ fl~ViTi3q ,~-r " +’. ~-~mill’o 1o11 l’q’1Ll.I~l ~aiI!~ll~ "llL~. ...... auythhlg el+o Is ~mlriod awe’y, l v.uld hleut fy I. nl,I y ll~l Im,..I mars i I pt, l,hes I Ir,.t +i ]rii- "Fill’till l) ([) ~’l~--’-~lll "1 I,I. I ]IUI.I,EII.’ along the very llathwuy~ nnli u’ll.w.d tu CllllIO IO llolilrtly, lilvn Io bs safi+ly g+llhered l;y I:+uir lil,.’l,l,l’;l’l;l’2 AVL’. |’IA,’qMI)NTI)N~ N..I Oct, I’.’, ISTl, ’ tl tf law nut. z~a~_ lllch!ffll,’ "t;roul,t,r: yau lit+ Uull.r." I hliam.,itol~, whh,ll h’"~ u.",us mu,t~ 7(i i;/’i;i;f~-Ii,ili~’ 7m~’tdli177r].~l ,q.iTtll(-i;/.iT000¯ Ihl, dill .... = "....... ’qelllfrl’elir*’eeilitl~f ...... ’ ...... ~ ............. ....................-----t antehlacouiilaett,+w’isllll, Tll’,, d~l~,ollllot ,S~lll nail, us i~vt lid rtq liltntsr’,e~, ’ ........ Tllll~ ic~,olllilli.T ll, llill) llil~lli.¯+ lie, HI in uiaoy illael~ll bmlulifully Ollilllliiqlled will Irene alll i I Ih. ildelliilk i. ’1 lilll’e are ell ire ii ................................... nunibur,ffui1.111,1, ro.hl<,noet wilh .ill,ill I’ll¯ul~ .f front lit t,i ’2it n,’r,’, hie s,+ ,l Ihrlli :1 .i t t e VAN B1qlL’S JlalaniohhlU I’rlll,t, Therei--liil I li,l lllnl,,lhl lill lua/lolilb|o larlnt tel l~l I I llsl i~vilry y irluly i ( llurl’lla.l’rs. Jlanila,mh,’b. te,,lillt.lbuallhfiilli.ssao,I ileal" ...... I .......... flhul,rilil, I liuiliullo, ¯ [ 1,14)111ill¢)illili" ~lli’h,Nli.¢’T, . Ihh’kly Iwll I+, i’ll ..... ’ Ili l g I uut’c y a d U R D’ I~e,l,ilc¯ iUl.lllle,i i’lll~lllmh~i ore I,Ill~ ll, I i+reshylorhia ........... cil, lche~is l’:pls’olml aiill II,ii,ihl lii’,~ ivprt,~eilh,,l. , I , ’ ,~ I I ryt. vIY ,,P~Tat’AIT. , , , . "I llhiP+ a R.od IIoar~,, an,I will elh, nd at, vail~ Im I~ I’ulv It’~v’ I" I l’t r 1 iHllh"l’ t .Lal. "I/,~l.r.~ I ( h r, ’~l I( II~llllilil , ’ t, f th. .iI I’. **° ’ INtO I llllll I, llterf.rdo ’ L"nlll!rnlsiu iillllilni,etilll llr ill ttIo lit.tKh ..... ,~ ...... ----(’llll--I1Fd -vl,ry l~h,ll* w, s -, l ~" ........................................................ ~ burtllg lllWlla alitl vlliligll. $1,tlil’.l~.lh,i~; $1i,~liil,i,.I,II, i.rla,,i-,ul,,.’,i.l:i.l.ltll, Ni,:,ll0l~lll,:lllii’. At’lf:’T l"OItf ~ llm.-a:q ill- lilt’. , xorli,lii-, el v. ~du I,; IiHill \v.. ~ ;ll.tl IIL"I.I"+I’ I W.Ithu--}l~,,l lu IIOIISI’;, till(IN .~IN’ll C AIHtlA(II+: 9lit’, a,l,P~;iT.~ I bf ¯ LI,II’~ :lli+] r,~,,ar¢,h nil ti lltll, h~i’, - 101¯,~(I ili:;I [~ll.’lll’¯t ’Iv Jill’ I]IC (]11111,’.’~ t,li,’ltHI nl Ihell’.’ rib,ill. 11,ilinil It Wihliil I!il’ <, worhl i~ iit0,,lm:ll -or this t,xieii .iilti Ill il ]~ii+l~,~]vd’-’O. IS .llllil¢. lllhci’ lh:’:i ilm~i’P!ll. ;~lliC,l,i ’irav~.lel’, I),l,.¯id. ].i<i~:;r,l.iil!. wh+,:il" ,li>eovmy hl~.l l. IltlilllLl" Is’ ~.)hil,lt~y, i]i,’ O,m,!l:t-i’Cl lira ll, r:lld ,<+:tit: t:.;tea :cii’:iil, ii I,:,:j~,,!i,i>il, v"l< ,u .... 111!%’It’.,’ li ’l,il"’ ,~,"llt’,l"¢ +- rt’!lll’li, i’lil I-4 _ ..... ~ ~_ nds ’. ,hi,rogbin, rileyerie,, TOWN which are soJ2revalent . . el ,,h|~i,id~.i-" Ornamental and :Plain C ]=i" 0 ]~ C E B,to~r storms are’never vury coyote or nf hlng durathm la thc~e mrl~ a.d the weather ionerl:lly Is tier el:l cold hi ,+vlnlert bill uhtlollt avery khltl Ill labor t’+tlll boeltrr mi I+ ; ot ext~ept(iig evoli tilling aud plo,a t liiag the s,[ : Aa a gel orifl tb Ig whnte¢ir Silt w f dhl tit ll, lliht I. Ineht, d a;vay’ by t bb warnlth tit’ tim son b~f.re nl’Jii-ihlv." .Of Siinldllne we ’bane a gel,lit iIolli bore vrvn thl_~lil,tl~[_!!9!!9_nLa+nd the rare of Ihe i~ili° faille g +ill the sldl wb.h li slind’,’, stilt 1 eli :’~s el very g,’.nlai wurnltli to urTle, li’~7~;i~7i:o~l,i~"*l~ii:~!’!ill-lhltlJllytll.persmls:wh.’aplW¢.~bit~loihl collier in wiliter. Pe’rauns~ rue llilltali!!l~ i..al’deiliiig, l",liri)’ I lllllll’lll leith1 b they Ullly nlahli thuir hilt bml%illlt v,’tlll a view, as In lllltliy other ill.l,;t,s lit’the itmd lyhIK lllirluant hie £l IOlili|b ilr illOre I but with a blili’o ofils ahnost ililUlediot I[y I+l[ilng ru~t a,id JOIIl N(~III, -+’l .... st’{ hejl3:yj, k’in i<~"iJy~Nii,.~-lilU,. with a c.tape- prevail on the outskirts of, tile State and ahnig the Delaware, which causes chills and levee to ln:oi’Ol~t’~trtaln seasons of tile )’ear.ln thnec localities. What n rio}t-bonn is thi,t of Itself to he free -q~naLull~2,Zr_ --- h bcr .~ at iiYdv-tli-tWthuarc ne v c r .ve ry ’i’oV<~te;’Ufit,’tlib’iq+ i@i~6th~-r-tqrcum~tan c as-in- c,,nneetiun.wtt h. tilts r~ wflteh ensures dr.ynelis of atmosph;.re, Inore genial weather uot| i~ullPi]llOO all tile year rln[tldl " :than is to he foand.lu many other eouotrles, ’rh9 land being of a sandy nature Is very absorb- .re,co.dispi,e’=r. ’,.daild,un,ldy .,,+:e ......... would -~o~gAh-~iem~thtL~=itmu~to~Laitd~ah~{-thaLis-imquire-t~--i~L~i-~w-~}:l~ up <:. i ’ ~s to .*lear -land i~nd farm on a- large ecal-o. But I must not’forget that it ln¯ay.6: li’ll phlce whoa fruits turn out fav6’i’abiy, not too l lenty, nor too scarce, which medium I conslllar Is most likely to realize n gm~dIoarket prig’e, that molly ill,r$ooPt ]lave Illado allti still Ilia}’ atake littl, T" ". | and -¢omlleteliey;__2dr_l%r.+o++e_ltof+_enjb~iog_vei.y~good_health._ wealth. 4th, Per..oos ~*’ha wbuhl rather lice bah; ¯ + woulJ~sorr~i~le~d’-a6~’p~is61Vby: ~,,ci,i,i,.. ~heall. ..........Fruit C] anberr3 Lands + money or a y*srl x Income equul to the In,tlcrest of that. This would be suffiei+mitLt t t~oto parches o a cornf6rl ible b-t!le f<n them, and a lltthi-lu-dii~ir’,’, l~no~;:1c,lgo luid taeiYi/l-"f.irtnht~--u-Ii :~-~tll~tll-~+~,,ilo Id\ew+u rc~f~c-t C-,-H-iI I-O - - n snd of tl~u: ~orld ml sentiments. sweot hl:’lged hi wilh f.u’e.t ll’eesiol} eit’bul’,~Jde, t}it; lrel;-~lanting shouldbe olnilled, [ii :Jdarnal, u.",rrersally An Illustrllted’ni,mH;ly "’~ " Ih[s .[!]llillil12 Sliit¢’~ Ihel’C :!l’t; abLqil o;).00’,) l~itieli I’J bc i+,u Ji,ivd~oizl,:~[ lb,rlo<:lHilt’ira! nliles, ~)i. 188,tlU0miic~ul waysi,h,. till ii£ .li.a %~’orld.~ l{.t.lii’dli (,llt.-hail o[ this were_j,lat, tcd to, trte~ciitlitit’,, ’Ill.it ~-".iatl;plon general Ull’xar/Prcdu-!rleT-gr lronTtht~llOS~-itter~+dTt;11~-earmo’, htii to 10eredvothaP. there in grnwing !lp in uur --::: ........... Inidst-.an.. almost ..unli.alitod;.j?.!~.+m+, .... l~rospcrlty between tc, c.trop;cat an~D&e-Etnitel’[-Stato~.Vv’liil~LIma4fle_ia .... znish ~ktnerie~ "we1! in ...... -’artielc~:oLd I-e cite e loomy for the many benefits ;l+] tllis-t;[~-by, "lilJl] :Hli] ,:,,lih,};iu ttl tlP..Jt_,Wn,-]L~L~ ~ {’,-e,~. liiT;~;’{:vl.,r. ’~vhcq’olhl. rLl;it]+illc i:4 labor and.t|le . + - -. ........ : ......................... .._1.. ---- v e~yKU-d-~tb~r IIyi~te h |6~iii~l~e~-,-, - ,grateful then to the ll;nd of my adoption meat of e~duec largely re m,~l:a this l,]nelYbealtti%’.’-’~Iiil/s- whleh caused riches-’ iu-ou .~:IIUI’]0;L all,[ t410. l}l"lzij4 -- ver an ~ crecy ilru ~carce;y klI~rwi~mrd-lf--brou here exist hut a short time. Many eases of persons far gone in constlmptiou thorn e eO Ling s a I ~110 fefings from-rh6uinatlsm ~n greatly tresh ............... 23:2.00 1.01}{.). -¯ ¯ - ~\’h~tl WOCOt;10 I.LI Cr)!r}Ei~:Ar l.[l:lt v,’i_’ld. ’ I awe(It>’ ye;tl’S’t’l’,)iil IIOW iF i< I"ll,~ttl:lt, .-" .i~:~;!-~.: ’:: - "=" i11a~s,~hemerlmry-m keep + raw-nl:m ~gcne of our climate in Soulh Jersey is. ~careel 3 to be clear, pure water, to drink, nod a pure bracing" air will ztures . .l, i~ o,+,. tl~c hed down ~7 ii~order-that all6 ffrit-er, the beuefit of it, decomposition is ~o quick that it is ~ufficient to pb,ugh so,1 l tn at the:time ofcuwiog the cropsn~l tile full benefit d~rivell therefrom is quite ttvnilabli~ for that crop. ¯ Hitherto set’lurs ia this region have given their chief attention to the cultivation of fruit. as0,~[!d dust wet into isdmmediat.e- horse-power c,f 1,215,711~ and " 51,71 1 : " . , ".." I ~’ lJli~ elite WanT iU W!litTli. l:lhited-tllvlil i~ -with a" J ltVlilit sllllll l)O di)lll~ with the t~idbd-,-’,;’iiV{-t~’tc’uallyl’cl.i,ve lit0 hiilll. 416. Th0re were I,tlsyLiil ]u::llut’al~torll,/ inn~rovt’.l Ir;llll]Of Ot oul;,pub]i~ hb’hw:ly.% 2,053.911 6peratives ; 1,515,592 i.,t wl,c, lIi is :{ iltlestiOll (list-It u:.kc, d. and" thd illOSl = {ltj~:!,’li Jlt’ wCte~tnales-n bo’rms~ruet~ ;iill[.llt",lt;liUb ttl’l’ .~ttlll tLl{iAI, C; < l li "--~1,.7~,~ at;77v-g-f~f’t-et-~7~, yvllrs, ~->lG,-s T+~iTWFe.s--7--\~HlllZ,.~c~u: lb:ll-ILl (,}Jq, r~ >.or v., i.~ ,li.:hie rclll+olljt::l.,t D11-q-tO--L]/J;L~A./l~.b~£t21",.~OIAJ. li:2" C.hic.._,. ;H:q .th,i I ,... i’:.’. ¯ --investect wa~ $2.118000.000 i~u-r~ven--as ~ them ¯ out with charcoal ,asto~Plit rid-wliter { IJ.’lt,,~t,~ II I~l i,il~uilut I i~l’l, |l O| I UIXU lk,Olil I ontll0r,_u_t?!i!,,,!i,,,t ,,t’li,i~v,.,lu,,,,: Fin0 t LiquorsnndCligam, wb,,, ,,.v,,r,,r,l.,,s,,, ,,,a,o,,a,,a.l,’ li FLORENCE. 1I~ RZWYORKPIAN0 rol m C O /%{ 3PA N Y. Ilk <l,.’.,ir~ ii ,lu squm Agraffe Plane-Forte& TXho Best Bowing M~ohino m~d~,