_. Monograph Supplement 3, f953 SELECTED ON !_ THE 1 T/._eJam'.a of Speecha d Hc,wlo._ Disordt'rs BIBLIOGRAPHY EFFECTS HIGH.INTENSITY OF NOISE r_ ON MAN J" C, G. Loring 2_ I i_ Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory HarvardUniversity t I_ This blhliuiFa the Ol[icc _hy was _re _'arcd trader Conzr;*ct Nsori-76 bclwcen I lar_'ard o_" Nr, v_l' R_carch, U, S, Navy (I_ro cot NR 14.-.(11_' Report I_}IF{I_ LIC[Jnll for aJt)' _ltlrl:_se ol" tic Univer_ffy PNR-140), U, S, GI_v_C/tIII_II_s [lernllrtct, and THE AMERICAN SPEECII AND I-IEARING ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Prcsitlerlt I'_ec',ltlvu "Vi_-Pru_id_nt Vi_u-PresidcnC _ucrcrarvJi're_surer. Edhnf Pub. SchIs. ,Uarl_arcr ] hll . P,• wcr_. Ph , D., Chlc_Ifim , • . I(rll¢._t II. llc,rdimm, ph,D., Unlv. ql_ Ahlmcs,,ul Ch,rd.n E,, Ph,D., Univ..f ?dlchig_m G¢ilr_v A. KoTIp. Ph.D.. "¢t'_ync Unlvcr_hy f;r;,it FMrha,k_ Ph.D. Unil'er_ffv .f Illill.[s r OFFICERS-ELECT Prcsldcnf-Elet't I'_xUl_llliVuVice-Pros. Ek'cr Vlce-Pri._id_n_-Eleci I]llJiilr-I_lucf I I_ii'lanIlhl,nlcr. lih.I).. Unh'..f .\llchlgall Slafll_v Ahi_ll'linh Ph.I).. Unh'. ill _lleilr_la J:illlU_A+ Ciirrcll. llll.I).. LllllV. ill* /Vii..hJn[_iiin Ih+h_rt lldusl. Ph.I).. Br,lokl)'n Cnllcf_ COUNCIL TIle Officers lind lehc followhl_ Ciitllll2ihll'_;: _lalllul. I I. AillSXl'orlh. Ph.I). 1.¢, I_i. l),urilcr. Ph.I). flllle Jlackli_. Ph.D. I, 1"se m_ . I>h.ll. Jillllet 1%.. Carrdl. llll.I). Fiug.elieT. ,_il¢l)llnilltl. l).l(ll. _I 'falt_l')' E* CIm }nllln. l_|.S. .l'i.Illcluirll _lk'Uprll;lll. Jih.D. Jilllll_ . Cliff I. Ii i.D. ,l_pIIIdC_llDN_ IIIH MI_XIBER_IIII, _IItIL]II lie 3111IHEIMll Ill II41 _I_CIII i IAIllol+_El_iClllll i i THE JOURNAL OF SPEECII AND IIEARING I DISORDERS EDITOR Grant Pllrllanks, Ph.D, ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR ? EIMn_ Pagel Paden. PhD. ASSOCIATE EDITORS Stanley H. Jhiiwurth Ph.D. Cl[ni¢iil and School Prohletnt Claude E, I(_nlncr. Ph.I) [#oi¢¢ and _riiculltion D[lordets _p_nc_f F. _rolvn, _,i,D. PtycDoIoIIcM PraM_nt •ll#dl¢_l Probl¢Itli PbaflCt[¢I I lildrcd _cliudl. Ph+D. OrlltiJ¢ Spee¢_ DiiorAcr; James F'. Curtls. Ph.D. S. Richard $ilvcrnian. Ph.D. _tatiltJ_al Ptycboa_o_rti_t Problcnti ASSISTANT EDITORS Charles R, Ellhl_'+ 31.A, _l_J$ dDd _#lttOltllCClllfflltl /lick Malthew/. _bitr_¢ti Ph,D, Alitfin F, PMnt©r, So,D, ]_##ord$ Kenneth _clltr /Vtirid. Ph.D Book/_ el,/#"dis EUSINESS MANAGER Cteorg¢ A. I(opp. PIt,D. _l AiiUIICI .I _1 _ fle i o , t-. J, It ftl_e t,l_ ( _11 Illrhal_kS I ,lltor Jcnr_*al of _p_'e¢lio_d llCafi.ll Dilolllcvll 321 IIIiiii limb UlilI'_rz.iII' ill IIli/lili_. Illliatia. ltlhlilil* _l_l_ll,lO_l_lillorlcfifor I__l_lllll c _ _ _r ;Ire_lellll _enr_e._l. (oil Illillne_l _%llrlaler JOllrlllil _lf _'lli£¢f*llllllf i'till Ill# _ 5ot'l_-r_¢ I _iprcC I Clinic. IV/lille _llllfrl I¥1 Irtroil, ]_licliKilll. ._lt'i I an _ Ict_rll# ilioilhl Iic Ollllr¢_lcll 1_I Clmrle_ II. I_lllolh Sclln_l uf _ll_<._lh_llflllwrllrrll lJillvtrlh#, l(v,n_iun, lllhlnil. ]_ollcg +r_xl.lilllOll D¢(or_ lllhmllllng illiilllllCfliili flip lilllllt'illlClll _lll]llllll lhoiild ¢1111_11[I Illf¢lPlllalhnl for Clilllrlhilllir_ I0 iI. Joli/ll_ 0 S I¢¢i: lllll [earlnlt lli.orderl. IIIID. 14_194l 93,94.Prolpecllv¢aillhOrl ir¢ lilVlt_ to if 1¢ihf _( lot or LOlllfl of ,I h'o ¢, _llll of s stipple il. I_xlnllll©lo *_[$111illCf iI lorm+ i ,% TABLE OF CONTENTS / FOREWORD 4 PREFACE S DEAFENINGEFFECTSOF NOISE The Effe¢ls of Noha The _ffach I/ :t.i, j, on Antmil= of BlJd 7 I_ IB EFFECTSON COMMUNICATIONS 20 Ill AURAL PROTECTIVE DEVICES ANDPREVENTIVE MEASURES 2Z IV EFFECTSON HUMAN BEHAVIOR 25 It PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS 28 V/ MEASUREMENT AND REDUCTIONOF NOISE; SUGGESTED STANDARDSFOR NOISE CONTROL Bl NOISEFIELDSFROM ENGINES,INCLUDINGJET ENGfNES 36 GENERALREFERENCES ON NOISE,REFERENCE WORKS,MEDICO-LEGALASPECTSAND THOSENOT OTHERWISECLASSIFIABLE 38 VII VIII FOREWORD O_ "I'HI;_UIIjE(.'["Of high-intensity nninc tile hibliography here preseated and the l)il)llograpIdcs that .qL'COllll311nlcd K;Ir] D. 1%r% I_el S "r_._¢ l_]7_,ct$ o1" Noise on Alan_puhIM_ed in 1950 as Monograph Supph'nlellt I t(_gether prohabl*,, ecmsrltute the ni(l_t cxllaustivc SollrEe{Jl" references to* date, As J. C. G, Lorln,J points *mr in the Preface, he compiled this bibliography at the Psych.-Acoustic ' ilndcr il contract witi_ the Office ()f Naval I),cseareh, in response t(_a reqLicst fronl the National Research C_nlnci[ Ci}nlmlttee {m Hearing. It .lay be added that the Committee on Hearing has since heel1 incorporated into tile Armed Forces-Natlonal g.csearch C(mncil Collltnltrc¢ on Hearing and Bio-Acnustics, altd that ti_e new conlnlittee's work is being supported b)' ONR through a contract with the Central Institute fiw the De:if. Executive Secretary of the Cmnlnlttee is Hallowell Davis. Chalrnlall of tile former Committee on Hearing, who also supervised tlie ONR project within which tile Kryter monograph was l)rel}ared ;it the Central Institute for tile Deaf. Tile Editor wishes to acknowledge tile collaboration (_f Associate I_ditor S. Richard Sih'ernlan. He also wants to nlake special nlentim_ of the service_ of Elaine Pagel Paden. Assistant tq_the Editor, and of Juclith Gilberg. who together performed the exacting and dull tasks of verifying citations nlarking tile manuscript for the printer and proofreading. Grant Falrhanks 10 I_ecemher 1953 i r, PREFACE [l_ thg Ii[r,'lge TIIE ,ML_I,TIIq,I: IMPACT sions in the incrcasing power |nCf(:_Sll'_g nOiSe. AS the h*q$ I}CC(IlIIC foIIIld one of its 11111StdrIllllIltic e_;pres- engines. With incteasln_ power goes of Cllcrg) th._t Is released Iiicre.'iscs, the clPcl.'t )hvslological flmcthms, and even operathms, _lllOu[lt of noise upon cmnmunicathms, increases whh it. NOISe has of aircraft _ lll;It_et as well as to those interested Of s_rlotls c()Hcer]l to sciclttists .qlld ctl_il_cel's, and militar,¢ well-hein ]'_':cn tile public has come to v_ew noise ,qs ,1 thre,_t [¢_ its welfare, with tile rcsulr that I oth civilian nnd militar,_ aviariGn have becll faced with a public-relations _roblcm. As rccentlv as 194I) when K. D. Krvter wrote his monogrn _11_ on tl C eta{letS (If I1OlSe Orl Ill;ill, in public, t IC l[C RttlrC more intense than 120 dh sound pre_ure ;I I]urrv of Jlltcrest ill the c|_'_cts of cx industri.fl, 'A';I5 c(Hlecrnc¢ level. The )[IStlFC t(I llOlsc c IICI_V wit mst-wnr'vears iI'i tile i nol_¢ llO wltl|esscd U']traS{lll[C range. But if'has become increasingly clearthatitistileintensity ratherthantilefrequency of tile noise thar has tile greater effect ml man's behavior and pcrf.rm,'lnC_. _n In 1952 tile National I_.esearch Council mended that n sllrv0_' I)t_ co[_dtlcted 'to gather e(l_c '" i • of. ,_nd I)resellt wor]; hi i)rol_rcss on, tile Im I-[carlng reel.u- Conmlittee hlfllrlllathm slll)'cet _ln of the acotlstic })resent tl'illllllil, knowl, , ,' "lqis prelect was mu ul't_lkell )'¢_t le Psvc m-Acoustic _aborator_ t it er its contract with tile Offlt:e of Na{'al Resea'rch, aud in November It552 a set of recolllllleltdations was }'lr_seltted to the NP.C Collllllittee, = The C(lllllldttee thcII pro )osed ......... that 'the ]Jsvcho-Acoustlc Lalmratorv be re( uesced to _rcpare n selected I_d_lmgra _hv on the I_lologlcal effects _ff vd_ranons for llSg 111 planl_ln_" f_lrth_g" res-_r£'h I1_ thl_ _ld. It w,qg in response to tl,s n'op_sal that the present blhli_grald_y _m noise w;Is mulertaken. The Psvclm-Acoustle Lahm';itorv has recentb.' completed th_ compilatlon of a second edithm of ,4 llibllogral;by in Andit)an, _ bringing it up to date thtm_gh 1951, From that list, and from readily available iournals mblished ill 1952 and 1953 the selected bihllogra flw on n'_fisehas heen complIM. Krvter s excellent mnlm_ra _1_has served as a In;_dd, and its bihliogr;_phies have s_.'rl'ed as a starting pmnt fin" the present bihlil_g_phy. The present bibliotrra dw differs fl.{llll the Ifil,liogra dries of Krvter's illon(}gr._ph in several respet}ts, F_rst, iF d_es not inchule them, but c,_hstitmes, in'K, I). 1";ryt_r. The cIl'ut'ts of iloi_eon man. JSlll), 19_0,M.nogr. Suppl. 1. Pp, _>L I I [ _W. A.,hlidh D. E. Wheeler and I1. Smcdal. I_robl_nlsof high-intcmitv n,i_u: a s r c_' .'1 r¢¢1 ¢ 1at t_ll_ _rvtrd el1 ','grs_t)' la:i'clll_-Aclltt'_l[c PNR'I33, 30 I)ucember 1952, fT. hepulfllshed b.v the Ilarl'ard Utfiv_r_ity Press. L_bllratorv, 1_;eport 6 JOURNAL OF SPEECH AND HEARING DJSORDERS stc_lt]. ;in tl i-rn-dllte _u )_lclll_llr. _cclllld, in thc ¢_ln}_ii_ltllln there has i)ccn _rc.ltcl' iJc _(:ndcllCC i)11 _cc_lnd;ll'V ._)llrcc_. _I;inv ;irticrc_ hllv¢ lleell hlcJudcd thlit the ctllll _l]Cr [I._ ll(ir _e¢11;_(llllC h.lvc Jl_n seer1 in ,lh_tr.l,.:c llnJv. | hlrd. In conip.lri_on with ](.rvtcr _ ii1oll_l_r:lilJl tJlcrc arc in_lllV iilllru ret'Cr¢llC¢_ to illtCnSitleS _lEl_l_e I._0 dl_ |_Jlll_rll_ |_l_rel_ l'_n _ _re_e_ h.'l_'e I_¢ei_ _i_e_i_ i'_ seven. Tke ()J'g;lniZ:lri_m _)f the ;z'es_;l_;i fllies t'.]hlws, t.g_.rher with n hrlef cxpJamlrl_)n (if die r)'pe I_f ill;fferl;t[ c_Hihmled in e._¢h ¢_l_e_(ir), i • n;Im_, Ic izlchtde.'_ the elrecrs .fex iosurc tl) _rillnd, _.ll'ticul.lr_v _llrell_e _litlnd_ on t]lt'_s[l(ll_|_ _Jld ililditllrv filllctiiiils. 'J"w(i _llh-i_l'liH_)_ cin'ur (_,) []le el_cc, r_ or" _lolse_lrl,_ninl,_ls ,_m|(l|)'¢hc ctrecr_.f hl;_sr. " II. I".J]'_'cts _). CmHmunh',ttim_" nr_isc of v:lrimis levels cr)nt._ins recun_ studies _n the inrelli_ihilitv .ll the c/]'ccts ()f speech, Few _f the st.di_ o[ ¢]is(:llS_ err cll_h[(m_, h_Jnlct_, el:c'. ,_Lgnv _lt" th_ );i )cr_ ;Ire _(inCCl';lcd with IiiC;l_;tlrct; ll}r _r(Itec/i(m 111noisy hi{.';lt[()n_, ;ll_{i with s_l-c_ll]_d )r¢(li(:dv_ r_rs. i._.. tc_ls d_si_llcd tl) pro'roll tile _clccri_in nf noJ_e-in_ensitivc indivi(hl:d_, trader 1_'. l_]_'('_'t$ _III ]hi|If, Ill II¢_,t:+i¢)r C(lllt;l[ns Sttldlcs Illl nlcntil] icl'fl)rlll;lllC(_ [Jl_ inl}l]_llcc _( ,lllJ_. imlivlthi;l] Jil_'cl'_ncc_ undur c lu _tI'c_ ill nten_e _i(ILllld srmlics . " IP;'_'cholilOI(I_ ul_'i_iCllt:'¢, lllld irl ,qllilll,q _; ill'C ;t _11i._kldcd, ;111nll_'llllC_ v,qhlo, TWo r_lll*i_lltlltk'_ V. 1"14yxi_h_Kic,d El[cots inclmlc_s_udi_sill tile elfec_s()f n(@e_mIIl._c]¢_. thc ¢_itCII],_'()I'%* _y_;f¢3111, llICl;llillJis111, titlt l.*¢11[r_[ I1CFVOIIS_;VSl'ClI1,(:re, V|. ;ll¢,_st/rw//el/t Cont,'o/includes tlpqn C(]lltl'_] ,I/Id I&'dl.'tia/I studies {m ,_ircr;}t't III¢_lSLIF(_%, .f ,Voi_e; ._ll.E._¢_tcd SMlld(lrd_ rnd indusrri,_l nnise, with VII. Nuix¢ I,'icMs fi.._ E#.Ehh'S, in¢l#di.E /el Engines _ri.q] noise priidltccd by cn_hlCs, ._nd in p._rricul,_r jet cn_'incs VIII, T]Ic G_*ncr, ff llilth{ir Rercrcm'e_ is Jndcli_cd tll o# Noise, ]li*fll'c,_sllr ,_leie_ |il_tlfil_ (If Tcchnohi!_V, l'llr Dorothy Cohen, Tcchnlc ] ]Idl llr Befcr¢.c¢ _Vnllel" for Noise speci,_l _mph._sls dc;lls wldl indlls._nd })rl)pcl]crs. IV_)rD4 _l. tllisenl)lldl, ,tlcdi_-Le_nl ill" ,\liissiichu- hitl v,liliahle ,_dvlc¢ _llll hdp, ;lnd f 7"_i¢ llih 'a,gr ll]_j , ill lltlditimI. fl) MI_ ._ I Part 1, AIJ:_(_:'tlJ}:ll, I Ii_tld(l_ical I l, I'_, ,l_,t) l !. j. cxalnhtaI_qlll ill _trtLetllr_. flllhbll'hl_j _lltl_ fltll_,_, ], ¢ol/! 44, I_SI, 513-524. 2. 3, DEAFENING EFFECTS {;[lllltlt. CqbehlctlL ux iql_lre, h Iby$1o/. I_, ttl iut elis)rl'b¢_l. . Chrtlni¢ effects tff jet engine II()[_e Illl the _trtlCttlr_ _lntl ftlot;.'tlon tl_ _, IL 8, 'prlffes_imtale' Ihtqlaircd he;iring pr_lfessit_ll;d d_aracterl, irtd_Ielu it/ed. 1., t_f [nltlus45, ')52, I4. l'tlrgall_ nil; g_l.?_tEIl},_I _l. I_. ]lllltluntee _,f d¢ctric Itlnuh Cilrtl lll;it2hill_ IH1 the hlllnan tilt. .'lrcb. Otol,_ryug., Chicago, _1, 9_tl, 215-222. ]t_.llq)[I. I AMC S.Ulltlllr..f Aer.ldane L,lueet, 193`) (vol. IA_mn.] Auricular tary avlattlrs..lied. If_98. IAntm._ rol)nl n.ise 1')3') (l'c)l. and 2)_ hruk ii )till Iht_ alh]iltlr._. ' t_rganl, _/lyg._ 11)35, 478. lll:lt_:l_;u_ A. P.icerche sulla ddl'.rccehi. ;tile variazlonl sur .f n4,i_e Rev. $11155J _cnsihillt?, deWhlten- _¢ll_,itility Ill th_ _ar tl) %;ll'ia_itln'; Ill" str_m_ ii_lisu llltellSi_}']..'Jtt_ ,_'ai!, ital. I_rngr, Sri., 11, 1933, 194. 17. _lltt_ IP,d.dog_, ._ ii.i_c ii_ li_.'i.r_l. Kern, Ih_p., Parte, 26. 195[I, 1`)80. Ihl<a;v._th N, P.. I)e_ness title t_= [t_tttl 18. modillca- I_ath.logie du i_n the lks_..N, ulllise; I.,leg., F. Sa_lltlra [R_eare[I 16 iIt_e. 1010, the tlu el_ect sit_l unvrgetlca 1')IT_IA nolt.157_._77,Warfi22,dea/lless. L,IIIgt*? I 19], Al_a_,m'^_ A. A., l. A. I_.I.AA_ anld _., .'_,, tAn=d)'_s.f [The high I)_l ,i deafne!,s, engine IL auditlf of V,II- fillds 2l, 7`)4. dismrl_nees o. _ miLlI_¢c. N. 1'., _)1, 1`)17, DUa/llUt, s frclm K.'ClA_I;_'._. II. I:¢r_.nak" earetrcrc tab',l, _, 1929_ 397-q_. IL_lllt._trlh --. L'illfltlencu Laltcet, 9. 10, II,_l.t.ap A. L'ilulaeusia lid tlt.g'llll_J_+i_an[_. _lllb _'e_ll[ll_lIc ALI.I:_ A. _'_l. The trial th:_fness. Stb. 6. IA..n.I 7. .'_;_1, A, II [l'_llllll;l ;ICll_liC_l II_l_ ILIllt(I d] _ _t_l _ U ;I nict ¢ II;I t u ;l_'q_rl_ Ae_Jtr,- tile trtpchlear a i laratus. ].l'tmlJl..obyth_l. sycbol._ 4!_, 1952, 38L-391. ilalll_. _¢ tltltl¢ hufll_ln e;i/'s whet!, declb_:l _t)tlll_b are heard. 1 t.g-b. Dig. U. S. Air Cpr_ 16, 1_51, 13. I NOISE Ii¢ iraLiitla /rllall rile i_Jirl[ elf VIew elf Ilthl_,Ir a Illut ¢ i1¢ I, I_ _', ,_ it_ i/, Pr,lt._ 3-6. 11151, 57-69. .120-42_. _. OF psychllgeni¢ deal'lleS,i, llJ, 1`)51, Iti*20. l|tllt_cnlt:VsK'¢_ E. J. IThe effect brttit Ugt,sbr. c=f alqa- slillll_"_;ervi_t!ill ,n (Hl_'¢$thuOa-/_o-Lhearill _ Of tile U.S._.I_. I')J8_ N . _. , The I(L effect _)f alreraf_ eel itt)ise golur', _)n titres .f audlt.ry sentsltirity durinlg, _,¢ltllttl hllllltl];lllOII l) varlt)us Ill ellen _'.l Probl. tlzlo/. ..Ikusf., 2, 1')_0, 19-28. file ati_t.r's .real .f hcarlng, ht _V, E. "_Itl%'acilek ut ;d. ed_;, {Transl. I. SI¢]o nl_ul.) l"ttlhlamettt*lls o[ /I_,iatlo/t ,lledi- :_._l_ U'_, Ulttetl_ky, I'rgt Ilencv alld (wltr. t_ne hi rela_i.n _. de:lfute_s, Z. Oto-_ ]_b_no* tt. Lar)'/tg¢_l._ "l"t_k),¢_, 41, I')]J, tritl_,, C;lllada: Nalltln_l Research _¢lllllell, 1_14J, 128-134. IItl,,._l;ll_ 1.._ I I. RF:h'_ ;Ind I I. Snltr;ul_lla_ 1_4. 20. eds, D;mlages of die inner c:w I,_' al.i_t_ ....... - _ _ _ D_AF_NIHG EFFECTS 9 :_I, F_ILRII_rl N* 13. hn _]i¢_irli_rl__I"iFl_lus_ (_, Gi_f_f_ _'_,I_i_Id ill_'_stJ_a_i_Jils _n niiti- _I, l_J_._t15J, c_il_c_:_ _:I_'¢¢:t_ t 11L¢_Llrcnlctlt_ ¢It_r_t _irI_lcnr hl ._ll irld_l_tr_I _l_iil_. _r_l. 67. Go_l_i!c, R, _cr_l_icllcnd_ .;4*_, _u_i_I_l_tri_ /,, _, _951__, _7. l"II._:_l., I:* l-i, l_Tccls _t"nc_i_ _I ¢h_ 19_0. I_ _.._, 5_, l:_:_i._',i_:I_, ' '_V. I)_ _¢ll_d_Ltil_n 9_. 1915_ I_-._14. s_udi_ f_n _[n_ _f ._uclir_3rv_¢LIi_' _l_riI1_ (_t_L_eI, l_Jil. Soc, i_. Ill.l, :pcr,_ _, 19JJ, 1776-1779, ¢._r,/|_ii_r,/./_}_.y_'/o/., I_5, 194._,?_.gO, 70. GOI_R_ A, S_p_ _f 1_r_]_r'n _Ic_, Ifnil_r_,_ I_ rf_ hc_ri_g _rg_Ii_ ¢._l_s_d l_,1_H,'il_,., _Ll_li_)ll1_(, ,,Itch. 71, _. Oto ._ry_,q., C_Jca,q_ 55, l_'_. D_'II¢_ in _lli_,_r_i _'c_rker_, ii1_ [r_m _nluI_ri_n I, tlrc/_, O_r._ N_:.-, _. Keblkl_il_,, 74, I_7, ._l,l-._J_ _,, O_r_'_ls_,il_'., (_J, 1911, 171-_.00. 7_. C_l_z, R, N, II)'pa_c_Ll_i_ d_ to s_u_; _rtJll_r_,_¢n's cI_L_'_c_, /_'. 1'ubi. _I_,, _, 1949, 4_-62. //yg._ _ 19._, 33._-_3_. 75. C_:is_r_. I_, Ca_I11_r_ti_'eiilv*:_r_,_t_il_1_L_ II1_J_h_'re _5 _._rlc_ _r_ _'t _ _44._r_'_ _h,_ il_r_ri_l _,_r hy iii_s_: _x l_rii_Ici_t_1 st_l(l_*J, _. lJa#-, N_t,- _, O_r¢11_'il_.t •f,_, 194._, 47_-49._, _5. _II:_L'_, ,_I, A )r_ _S _'un tr_Iil1_- 77. GI_IF:, _.V, _. N_i_: 79, _L'II:_J_l_131,--, _, w_ll i_ _lan_1_ A¢_lllc_la_i_rl_ _I_l_'- 31, 1905, 63_-6-10, _uiI.D, I_, ACl)II_'_C Ir,_I1r1_ in _rcr_f. _ lll_i_itcrl_r_ce _rnrkers, I. ,,|_t, ._f_*_/., 1951, 477-490, I0 JOURNAL OF SPEECHAND HEARING DISORDERS i tr;iLilll_l..'|rich. 1-_1. t_]. ----.. 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"l'h¢ _xtra-audiIor). scnsatl,ns i, Ihe ear ._rlsinff from stimulatl,n IW ¢xeu¢;i_'ei_,' _reat s()ul)d prcsstlrt_. is./"bol 11dl.. _0. 9JJ. _76. _Ab_traetl ['_. '. A n_w ) for tile irl. :l_2oIl_IJl__*_unl;l Iii ;I I11_11.]* _Oll_t, Sue, tither., 2J, 19$1, 61S. [Ailstrae_] 197. Rl:_Kl_;c;, --. _.ur I:ra_c der I_nlstehul_lJ yon 1l/irselt_di_)urlgell nach laulgdauerrt-. dcr SchaJJelllwIrkull_J I lleatmg darl};l_¢ resulllng from _r()hmged ex)os_r¢ h) u _in th_ audkcwv r¢¢¢ ir.l_.J Obo:r lifO'b,, 1927, 1fi-4_. 2U7. SAI.I'.:_.I_:_¢. M. and M. S. l'_Ji_e:_. TJtrusho]d (ff fe_llng ia file f¢llusrrated ear r rob, Otol ry g, Cb ¢,IWh fi , [9.;0. _67.67 L [Collcerning the hlfltl_llcu of l"atlgtt¢ u _,11_lle u ] ier lhnk ill" h=arlng.] Gi_i¢11,1"_rlld_Ir 192_. 3-11. 2_J. S..v.,l.olr. J. Effect cff pr.l.ilged ¢'.ii)_tlre Io Inrell_C iltlJ_, i)tl Jll_fJn_ _IUU t). dr¢l_. O/oLzry g.. CbteaR.. 8. 195t, 62-80, !10, -_--. OCCUl)atillaid dcilfn¢_, bhletiir, .Ih,d. Snrg,, _-I. [9_2, J38-J40. 211. S,_Cll_o, N. aml O. Sr_:at):_ni_gol'. II:u,cllcnlal m¢chod ==/"sled 'irlg ile.=ring h; nlail.] I' :io. Zb#r. U.._.It.. 211. 19Jfi, 181-190. 2IL ScaJ._. N. P. and E. A. SpI_:,a.. l)ewessit)l) of Jab ,riathln¢ excitabilit ' by _[3, _CII_FI:R_E, Ober (lle F.rnliid,ng des Ohres [Orl Ihe I'ati_uc ()f the e;irJ, I]J_sertaclon, Marl).rg, 191 [, P ). XT. 214, Scll_utl.lx, J. l./irml)eruf trod Ohr ['l'hc effect an tile cal" ()l. wl)rk in iio[s_' occupatlonsJ. Dtscb. n/ell, rl"_'c_)r_, 74, 19_. RII_ET_III.ITII_I)V, ."_. [ihlustrlal r_tl_SCs (itlrclt I'_.rt¢_ClllJ]ll_c I IIII)atrJlleelr ol. al)d in(Itlstri_ll (lent.nest. /. ,llq)l. Phys., Ilearhll; du_: to war faet/)rs]. Jabr¢I]) 19-t_) J(H-J0_, IAb_tract I skttrae ,i_tl. F¢_rlbJlll..) Jl, IIH([, _1-26, 190, . Audltt_ry maskillgnml farlgtu=, 216.._,_JIOW.._l.1):ll) I_. J. tttu(Jlolnulrj¢;i ], d¢ott_t. So_./_lll_,r.) _2) 195[],792-81_P, l.t)lloll'ing cx ).sure n) Ic)w-l"rell,e.cvccn_ered nl)is¢, t/rob, lhl"ll_¢r, II"._,,'_, 2t:O. I¢./_'_:[)1, L. Occtll)ati(mal [niurles of tli¢ cal" 'i" _ o ol r.) g, S oc]¢b_ 41) '152, 19_2, 4_f/-'_J. II_-]3_. 217. _:Jlc,i:_I. K. Hilrcrmfidun_ und li6rd;itler ]llearlng /afigttc and dur_tl;),l]. 201. I{_l!DI; I.. mid "iV, Ft:)tlu:m Al'_ati_))l Z. Hall, N,ts.- It. O];rqlll3g_l_%,$1) l,_t.t_ deafllt'ss. Ill I i. G. ¢%.rnlslrclng. utL, Prlnclples .)rid I'ractlg¢ or _h.Lltion 19. IledlHne. llaidln_we: V_qiliams and 2[1_. SCllUI_I:I:II6 I I. F. Clinical study iff au(liror_' il;lllt;l_e _ollowiIi • hll)ws Io Wilklns, 1939, Pp. J49-J67, t ll,* IC;I{• ? 1111.010 ,) ¢'1C* I St l*otti_ 201. , I)a_ ;llett_tls¢l]e Tratl;lla _9, 1951_,$31-_58. [Acoustic ll_Ullla I, Pr_lct. ota*rblnt_. 2[9. SCJIUI£_¢£1_IIIt H, F., '_V. D. NI!FIe ;Irltl L;ryltg. 8, 19-t6. I I. 11.I)I!IILMhN*/_.ll CX)erlmental snulv 21)1. --, Special klml (d ac()tlstle rraui)l"audlrory danlag¢ follc)wi. • hh)ws _) ana pr.dtlced b). iet engines, dreb. Oto. tl e I earl. el . Otol., e c,, _S l.mtt_, I.iryng_ _b ¢ago_ 54, 195 , $14-$41. ¢_1. 1951. 271-_.t_9. 20_, S,%IIlNI:,lI. ]'_. Tim )rnblenl ()f h_dusIRi]_c. _'_]ltc/'. }. fltthl, Illtb, 34. 2211. Scllul.zr:, F. A. I'-'rn_/idung ties Ohrus 1944,26S.270. _Audlt.r" l.atigueb S.IL C:es. _,._. 20L S,_J_o_sl.;l_ G. I'_.%'[writ_t©'tlteJl¢UttterNatttmu, _11arbttrg, 1911, 76. tttcbttngetl fiber die Er_nihl.b,trkelt des 221, SCIIWEISIII:IMJ:II,_1,I, Noise i_liuries t. Gebf_rorgant I'.'x)¢rJllle,lls oil the farlliners..llin..I/ag.) Lend., 74, I'H6, rigaMllty cff the audill)ry ()rgall[. Bres156-1S7. lau: Vater, [9J7. Pp. 40. 222. SrreTual^, II. 11, I learhlg ¢ilanges dur- DEAFEN)NG EFFECTS 15 ' in_ pilot traililllg. 20.T'-_0_+ I _. _11}llt.Stlrg,, IO5, 1949, 2_. Suc;r, li, S. C, Nills_ atlcl llearln_ ill rcfall;Ill rll r11¢ llrllhlelli5 _if the |_.¢i_';il 22.1. - .... , The inflli_rice ill illr il_lile ti_llse nn ;1111 tot')' I i_'_ l(i t s./Ill#l. 01{ii., t'tc., St L#tti_, _I. 1952, _I-14_. 224. S_:_'Ai+I,,I'.'. llelr_ r zllr l+¢hr_ _'iprl il_r l':rlliiidung tlcs Gc_ilrorgatls IC_311trlburi+_nrt+ the theory, ill ;iuillrm"*' flltlguc[. Z. SJlii;_+Sli_,ysi#l.,4_, 19f)7, I15-12,;. 225. _;liloi', --, and --. l(ci_i_i+A_T(i_'. _Transl, from Russlall.) Oller |fell |_in_ilSS Fief .'_ila ]t_ti+irl auf ill_: _.Icr_lIi]Crllngen nl irlli_r_n Ohr |el Scla)fezlirlgen [The _'I_'¢cti+f ad;i |fail,ill ulltln eli,_ngcs In life IrlilVr c:_rilti_ rll ._cotlstlc stlnliiI_ti_nl. ZD#. ll+tls-, N,;t.- _I. Ol:r_.#:_+,il_,._27, 1926, 562. 226. SrIA_lli_L'f;It, G+ I_., Jil, |'_ff¢cts <_[tlolse q_nrli¢ ear a¢i_lhcarlllg, lleari_#J'_N¢_$, N.I_... llrlr. _11_.d. Bt_ll., _, I_7, 55_7. 2.17. "l+r_l_,_i'.%p N* I'_:_icr_lliVllt¢il_ Ullt_'rsil¢hiln_,¢rl iili_r, di_ llrlIfc_i°tlelle Scli_v¢_¢irlgl_elt il,.x|+¢rlmeli_;il research _in i_¢clill;iti_itl;il d_af_essJ..11_'d, _l_,i,l. K_ttJ, 12, 1914, 92]-_'2; alJslr;icr ill _. OltJ., Rbi#;o. u. Lary#_ol., To_'y_, 40, 19J4,79-8i+ ._I_4,'I'_:A, I_. Cilrr_J_rllln l)cr_i'eell tlili_l _,lcrlllsi_ ,'In_i ]es_t)il:_(if tllC iilncr ear caused li_, slitiJid sillllu11, }+ ato-rbi_s_lar_r_tg.S_e,_ l+Ipa#;, 5_, 1952, 5_, 677. _Jg. "J•,A_;o_ i L. _llr l_s lil_'alt_ lhl llrli_t lllarlllflll effects +if ili_isel, lltill. .'I¢,;+/. ,i5_+I.,l++iris, 120, J91_, JT?.J_1). 2411._l'J_Igi_, J., i:T ai.. Arli¢iteil aLi_ ll¢Itl Ottilar),rl _It) i_chell Institut fiir 2._++.SJ_:,_:_,_I,_P.'P¢,I:. _ntl IJ. Yilslll_. Dcm- 241. [I'E_fKt_I_, '_V. Cc_ntr]lml:it}n _t I'+_Iude _ll_ft _.*ll_d_llr1_ll ()c +2¢rtahlse,r+sI_esur*llr_ _JL'g_¢lliir()g_n_ 22_. Slr_^v.,_. U. AA_a_ * iiljurics Cclalrr l_r _m Jrl tflc crltllog_,, i_f certain daJl_agc: rr_tile (_rg_n _lf Iil_ar_Jl_. [reel+. t_ tll_ ¢;_r alibi ¢._s¢_++_f I_++,1933, IF-22. 1_-'4:_,S_r _p'l, 74, 141-144, " .+30. ----. Stud c_ ,_f _'ar ,l_a_l=ess. :lct*_ s*_lle_rdir;_ prof_i_nali r{)_-cu _ntlurlal ,rl,,+fncss . Z. Flails., Na_.- l_. Diary. 2J2. Sl_ll)_ltl_, ttlr ' [ari_llt_ ]rl irl_k'iih;*_l, _iCll Jit_rlll;ll K, ,'_l, I ]¢;lrln_ _f a_J'lille 211+ItM+.+, 4_H-429. r:XhstJ_iCt transr, f_C_ilt IJ++td*+rslJ_elr,+r dl_Ji_ur _ar _xcir=_hil_t,_a,d_ri_'e (A laxiIIIUITI;it/c_Jl)i]ll_< _lld );lill frtllll atltl_r_+r_' I,#r+'_l,l+'rig IJtJs_t#j,lrl_t,j, lt're ( I#,te_'er+'J. C(_ i_!Jl_l;l_¢ll! :_.lllll]¢_*_a;Ird, ll)J'l, P 1, 19.15, I*6, 525-_37. l:Xhstract_ ._4114;i:j<,__, l_hc r d_ )l,¢t/i_%_dlg1_][t_ 2+_5, T(]+¢P+rlo;/I_ J, .*+,u(l_t()rv )¢r(+'cltilin _ii Scl_'erlllirlgkeir +l_r "Fcxtilarl_elt_r iOn _t_,i_,. /+ ,+_',_r,.lied,, _2, 105 , 491-_+Xl, +)¢CLJ _+_r_+)llaJdcal'll_s_ _rl lext_r_ Wc_rk_21J' er_r.ll,'oli+; t_t++.l,_r.x,_l._,.,20, 19;0. 3r_1- 246, , Coml>_rlcd efft,cr _f i_t+is¢ a_¢l j_.l, hy )()XI,Ill_i¢]ll,th0 ;ltr_l]t(_r_',I)lr_sJlt_ ;1, I_a_ld_+hh l'tclct: USAI' Sch. a_'_;_r, 235. I_ SiiL'I_._s. llrll r _r--.1_; "/'rillllll=_ %'iirlir ¢111_ irll_'=_qu_s c ariel cs lallCS liar _l_l_,. IU¢l_i. I, 2j4, ,111d ia I_ll¢ _11li)liP[_ lind ii _tlilk' ill _lrlil_ rile=lls ill _r<l_¢lillnl, Tr+l_'. 2 C_n_.r. t¢l'_+. _t,l#. _It¢, H)',_* "lr.iI'.. 1951. 2_0262, 2_, hearln£4..Randol +ll Fi¢I(I: USAI: Sch, avlar..Xl_ll. Acrt_ ,_l_ll. Gas+: .g-J, I epr, 2, 1_50. .Shl)rt-llurarilllliiudlll_r_,/+ltlguv after _vhlr_-ill*i_ stilillll:lt[+*ll; I)c_'cll+ll- 16 ,JOURNALOF SPEECHAND HEARING DISORDERS 11112111 tlI .q l'tlLltilIC t_2St Irt)ccdtlrc, Rand.Iph Field: US+M: .%h. arlar..',led., lie I_' _' 19SL I' _. 14. 249. l'_lJ_',--, anc --. C_lou. '_ a. fusr;irhms m]rigulaires cr I][lriLStlllS [Aurlcular .laniEesratimls and ultra-emits I. .'Imh Olo-lar,,vt;g,p 69, 19S2, _7]-_76. 2f0. L:rr_:_oHl_l:, II. IDhL,r _lb Wirkun.lg wm l.ufrdru_kschwa,dlungcn mul glcidlzcitig_r l.llrnlbcla_ru.g _uf d_s .icnschlichc Ohr [Th_ effect .n tile hum._u car, ._ alll;(is_hcrib. _rm,stlre, ,2hallg,_s Obr.-, Nat,-, u. Keblklh.ilk,, $68-.q_L Opbtl_l. Oto*l.lryttg,, 262, . Fiehl inv_stlgatio,ts: Research in the iudustrial plato. Nni_c: causes, I_lrL_lll_tIIl_tlrcnll2n_ cllsl_ t_llllTrllL Sch. Publ. I-I]th, In,t, Ind,str. IIIth, Univ. 31ich._ 1952. PI, 9]-98. .'6L VOl._o_, C. P. N_i_sc and huariJIg. Nlnew_,l_da Cevlt., ]of, 192% _70-378. 264. WJl._o_, J. G. Ear and fl)'i.g. Olt.m. fluff. North.. Univ. reed, Sob., 17, 19_-_,89-96, IJ5, I'S49, ce _dhility m Mal(mual _uditl_ry l.alig.c. *'#1;. Otol., etc., St f.eui_, 59, IQ_I, '|'raunla rAclm_t[¢ traullla]. S._. I_es. ges. Nalur_. Marburg, 61, 19._6_112IIS. .I_2 V.'*_ DISlIO_:c_, IL A. E. Masking, fadg.u, ad_ _ration _nd recruitment as srhnu]at[nll Ihcnmuella _lf lhg inner car. • c a o _ ary g, S ockb, 4L 9_L 1";717S. ._66. W_._g, S. A, Gehiirerm(idung bd ]_.gerer Einwirkung des l.aur_ IAudltot 7 fadguc after prolonged expt_stlr_ lu a loud stmndl. Vestn, OIo-RilloLarlngol., U._.S.R. L 19J8, L 267, WrrrM_^c_, K. Ober Sch_idigun, des Gehibs d.rch Sehalleiltwirku.g IJ_)atllage r. the organ .f hearing hy h,.d ne_s and its prl_ph).lax s. St,emka I.dkartldn,, 36, 19_9, 900901, _?ANIII_CIIII f_. O[)cr rile B_ziehungen zwi_cll_n den _chLidig,ngen dcr G_hiir. .rgane d,rch Sch_lIr_iz und Luftdruck ] Rclali_m_ between illiurics .f the au. dir.ry _r,_ng, caused b_' s.,nd a.d _ressureI,Z, Oto-, Rblm/n. Lar_ngol., 'lokyo,|9. 1924, 6. 2_L "_Vl:tm_:_, A. P. 1 ligh allkud_ velocity flying with spccial reference m th_ llt_man fag/ors: 1. Oudlne of human pr.bIcm_, ], _rlat. _lled,_ 21, 1950, i_2-84. 2_6, 'O,5!l.(s, W, A. The influ¢ll_e al. mumk of ditTerent )itcll, d.ratlon ,_ml inr_nsity in the pro_lucdon cJ audit.rv fatigue, I.ary_goscope, 2;, 191 _, 91_9.998. _._7. XVEvE_, E, C]. and K, g, Sslnll. The CI_cctS t)_ Jotld tlt_llritl_ II IOU tile car: • , ] _9, V.XVg,211-220. 26_, _t/u_ar "_V. [Nais_ rcacdon tiln_. In Pby_hdogische I'sychologie. l.ei _zig: W. ]ql.gehllann, Ifl9J. Vo]... _ 269. "-_1 s, ?,. L. Sudden deal" ess. Ca a,I. m,'d. ,'ls_*/., SL ]9.14, 2411-24L 270, Za_nl_, J, Bcitrag zur l_athologi¢ tier m,fcsslon_lleu Schwerh6rigkcjt [The I_tllol<_gy of occupational deahwss]. .. tel:. Obr.-, N,m-, u. Keblkllegk.. 86, 191[, 162-174. 271. _]_IMJ:II31ANN_ C#. Diu Alckammudatlon |el ()hr IA¢comulildarlon in lhc carl, .'itch. Iq;_iol., 190_1,2_1-4. _. 272. Zwtst_:_l, J. lndustriell¢ L_rlnschwerlllirigkelr l llcaring h_s due to industrial n.ls_], hi,hint. Organic,Ilion, 195l, _-6. ' cbo_ogist I I, 1946, 2_-]$6, _l.I)stract :_. _.Ve:'¢_^ucll, F. Zur gr,_g_ dcr Sch_dlichkeit. &'s L_irms in gewcrblichen. . Betrlcben Ilarmful effects .f nmse tit ind.str),l. Dtscl.,. me,l. IV_rhr., 65 19_9, IH2-1_t. ._JQ. '_Vllt:L:I_:R_ D, l{. Ntfise-i.duced hearing lass. rlrcb, Otolaryng,, CI_]" go, 51, 1950, J44.HL ad;lllta/hlll , faligtle ;Ind _ousri¢ tratltlta .f the u:lr, Evperlemia, 8, 19JZ, 279-284, _"_, ] .'liner, ,-|cad. 1951, 596-S97. ,.gh_,.'sicaJ. alld I_hysial° dc_l. g "161)*V;li'i_i)II:5 Ili l_t]l_it_.l_ltltlCed]l_,_rlflg Joss, .'lrcb. Otolaryng,, Chicago, _4, 1951, 267-272, 27_. _Wltq_lC_l_J. iHld E* _)ll/¢)1)1)_. ()ll The EffeeLs of Noise 274, :_.l.l:x_Sm:ll_ ]. E. The eIT_crs of c¢ c.chJear r_sponsc ] co II pby_io |hC 011 Anilllal_g. and It. J, Glrlllaql. crl ,[ne ..[se on the o}gills guinea pig. f's_¢b.l., 42, 949, SI74:L ._7_, . EI_'ect_ i)l. itl_CllSe lllte ttln¢ _tinluli whcn m;_ nitude of initial iniury is ¢0ntrolie_ g,1. exp. Psycbol,, 4L PEAFENING EFFECTS 276, C_ussj::.R. and P, CIiAv._ss,!. Kecherches _ur les ImtentiEls cochl&drcs., du c,lbaye rt_s '_. 5[lllllilaTIOrt [_tudles on _ oill e '1. • gg_ alldltll*t_ coc]llear _r II1TClISE p_lrendals J{I|cns_. _llilg'i)r_ * [{1 I]ry It _{i i_lrl{lll_ _ ear_ by [n_cn_ uiathm deafness in file gMn_a pig...In1. OraL, t'tc. St I.oult, 44, 19H, 232-259. 2H14. w ,sthll _ _(lll_ell s(lund, _ifltllld$* nrgam Viigeln flCoiIst[ ], _ICOtIII* SO¢, _l_llgr,, IIIolog durch gchMlehlwirkung [Experinlemal damage c $;tJllltllilT[O[ I and 284. /raillll8, to tile bet II)' organ ill of_J_r_'ttg, the 5tldi* Ti) _[1 iflI_i1s0, tDnc, II_T{._i" {ff a_nu_J_ i'rauitla ' " S[IHIIIlatI_I1 ofol,tryllg._ 124-1_J. llllt[ trfulll3, " /]¢t,l Sto¢kI.L_ 1949_ Suppl. 7_ 28Y. [Iot:sSl.It [l, WegcrE expcrJulentelle gtt.lien iiber dieakusdsehc Sehlkl{gung des S_ugcdErlabyrinth_s [Further EX)ctJlllE[Ital StthJ[Os Oll aCOllgtiC in urv to the labyrinth in ,namnlaM. Z, Obrellheilk., 64, 1912, 101-146. 286. II0inou G. P, A further remrr], on tire effeCi- of pro[oJlgOi 1 N(ltl[l$ { S_lllltl[i I. ¢iotl on the auditory sensitivity of the gu{nea llg, P_yebol. Bull., 31, 1934, 637.[At)stract] .*87. , An experimental study of stilll- re$1lll_ Msebr, of _Olllltl-)[OdilClllg 84, 19_'0, Obretlbvilk., 292. 260-2,';I. [AIistracr] . Der l£{nfluss chron{seher 1._irmseh_idlgung nut die C_chlearmtent{ale yon Meerschwe{nchen Jhl_tlill ¢11C{1[I]C no]s_ on the cllehle_r _,tentia[ Iff [luinea l){gsJ..'tet,_ oto*ry g., Stacl'l_. 39, 1951, 68-79, 293. l':alsn:_sl:_, IL K. Reehercges sur I'oregle Ill_OrllOlie eobayes ex msgs aux bruits ,)'atellers tIE t{ssage IStudies on tile inner e.ll .f _.h,¢_ fig_ cx _used t,, Clle_ I SID.7_'IJ,_ 194y, SuppL 61. I-g9, I{^:,alm{_c;,l:a,C* A._ IL IIvI)_N are{ G. NIt.sso_. Tile correlation between eymehenlical cflangc_ in tile cl,chlemr ganlion altd funcdonal tests after g * acotlS[l_ : /[Clff I_al ilevicEs]. gearing irl Idrds], Z. Obrt'nbcilk., 62, tOt0, t9-10, 283. lit_,lnl_lU;l:l_, C, A. and II. /I'¢tll_u. C 'toehenllca[ ¢[lattges III tile rdochgzar ganglion caused II), acoustic stgllularion : Oil Beltrag zur bhdo ,[scllen TestllJlg V_lli L_rmhetrJcben J_le effect of tilt.nit S(llllld ill. Lira*' ill1 {ll . ci)ehlcar [mtentlal . Ih¢ gIH{]C.q . . I_Igl a c[]n(riilHtJ/lll .Oll ::_ ', effee_ by lugh-frequencv stlllllds. /boer. 1. I'hyslol., 163, 19fO, 7i0-711. IAhs, raetl 281. I'O_ GIEI_KI_, I l, I':. Sulfllarnmnlc_ gencrated it human aml anhnnl ears by : i eX. pOStII'C _h_v_lll_hell 282, Cu0._ncllc,, K. UntErmchungen gller exlerhuelltelle Sclgidlgung des GEII/{r- i i "p{ic I_syclaol. Bull., ]1, 1934. 752. [Abstract{ 289. l_u_:jci, F, EX )erlnlEnte[le Untcro suehungcn tiber l|orsch[id}gungen dutch Oltril_¢hall [E:¢ler{memal inve_dgafions on Ilcarhlg damage by m_.'lns nf uilra_ound]. C011_,.int, UllraCtltticd ]_O_lla_ 7, gupig. 2t lt3_0, 617619. 2_._), KmUet, F. and il, I{ol_scm:e_. l(at_ll/raulna mid e%SEllke beim Meer_ 22_1910, 675. [Ahstrartl c IL ill guinea p_g: b{oulectric _nd {ij_tol.giE studies I. Pratt, ota.rl_bla*laryllg., 12, 1950, 1-8, 291. . l)er I:-influ_ chroniScll_r IAinnsch_idlgutl' auf d{c nch_,l. Cochlearlolentiale yon _lecrschwE E a illtCllSe 1, t I_:, Wr{ ,ht-Patt¢.rslm Air Force Ilase, O[Ih_, 'l'ec_l. I_e}lr. 6Y61_ P;lr_ 2, 19_2. Pp. vi + 67. 380. I:,:*,_.'_n_:', C, _t al. El_ctri¢._l studies of iniur' ) I)roihlccd {ll gt_inc_ _igs" _ar . ;; ) KEMp for. ) Ihnen Iff die _ .uinea .Pg {. of Pre- of III;lmn I, C. R. See. IItoL, Parts_ 138, 1944, 847. 277. CUI,LI_t¢,E. A, and G, l:l_Cll, Effect ulmn euchlcar function c)E hltensc smnld _thuulaihm. ,4incr. 1. PlaytioL, I I J, 193_', 32. 27,q, D..wls, I'{. _cotlstic [r_llnl_ {ll the _uinea 1_,, _,'itr[gllt-l)atrerson/l.{r Force _a_e, OIl_,, {opt. _3-_8, 19YL 279. I_lJ_l_l:lmli.15). 11. dnd I.V. 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Reicbsarbekshlatt, I939. 41)L l)^¢ls, II, I)r_tectiou of workers against No. 6. noise. "l'rasls.Scr. _ .qsm. Meet. IhdL_ 398. I|AIJ.% A. La )r.tecd.n dc I'ordlle hldustr. I!vg,, l. Jan., 1944. 5-81 1. ittccmtre es bruits: . I r.te¢_i.n of the dustr. Ityg., 27, lt_St J11-57. car against nolscl. Congr. int. S_¢rurit3 4{_. l)tcKsos, E. D. D. and A. _V. G. a_ricnu6 Pari;, 2, 1930,3. Ewl._(_. Tile protection ,ff bearing. ]. Laryng., 5d. 1941.225-242. 399. ]]l!Ct;gl_J. A. llrotectiml a[_-ahlstacoustic,_l shI)ck in radio ear.h.nes,i Nat. 407. Ecoa!s, j. C. and N, C. _MuaaAv.Ear ._. IV. C( nlllh Ac_'(}._ yl2ch. _fl[0 du t$ for 4(J t 19_L 4flO.}t:m__. La nro(eudm des travailbJurs COll¢rC %vorl_rs [_ a_flbls( bruJ[ ll0[_g], [llrotccIiiiii "rr,ltl. {If _ (_ollgr, t,'rb, n,tt. $3_, Hyg. "l'r,)v., 1951, 1')42{)2. 401. CIIM'ASSI! P. Protecdua ties travailleurs {allil_r_ ]_s )ru IS _[ ('$ V )r:l[ OIlS r(lo dc lriltuct[_lll: iratb uus INoi_s CIIt)CIIOI,IJ_ R. L*aiilIllallcc fl talns[ ii(Jl_ alld ill,_ lnll..l;li_lllCIl[ [ r¢l,cnt on (1_ bear- ,1_;al I Oggtlila_[o[l_l di_;o• case.} ;_t,lsskr. norsk¢ I,aegefor_,_., 7., 1952,3II-31L 409. Fox, M. S. Industrial tlolsu and hearbl, progr_lllS, hldllSfr* d_¢',_ S.rg., 22, 195t, 161-164. 410. Fllo._c,, F. Liirnlschwerhbrlgkelt und ibrc Verhiitung auf Grufid eigcncr Untersudlun _n in einem L_/mlbetrid_ I'l'_Ulll_llic _al'nc_s alld iL_ }rcv_tltJl)ll t_ll [hu [):[_]:_ tie 5o/1I¢ ¢_ _crblic;ll_:/ ill ;1 alld vtbr,ltmns--sonle pr:let_cal results of _rotection]. Tray, 2 Congr. tecb. nat, S_c, Myg, "l'r_,t 9J , 208-217. "_ilj. I"OlII_IIYG_I:LSI:_--, COll_Urvat[on rcetkm of workers agahl_t n_)isc alld vlhratb)ns[. Bull hl$l. _hlh d'orieIIt. I'ro[. 19J2, 4(_2, Cn_,v^ssl_,P. and IL I.l:uxl^N.'J.Bruits ¢( v_Ilrati()/lS--MoyctLs { ucIqUcs rcstlJt_ts ql_. )_(][¢_clJ{lu [dast. 8 Umv. .I Sydney Aeou_t. g LM,. l_.e,art 1, 1944, • _;i)llOr_ noisy facloryl. Z. Laryng., 32, 195], 3_9.J3L I 411, vi):a C,t,:cz_:Nl_.'.t::h _. Ober tin neues ][_r:dluIz_cr_ faetcur im )urtant dans la s_e_trit_ du tracai[ Ambient tmlse, an imI_)rtanr 22 [A nee,' ¢ar [}roru(:t/)r]. (ivsun,lb.-Ing., 70, 1949, 281, 412. Gultl_, S. R. Tests UllOn devlces f.r PROTECTIVE DEVICES f ' i i lll_ Ilrevendon of war deafile_:_, dnah Ree,, 14, 191E, J6, IhLl,l_ur_I, 1L A. [Prevention of acoustic iniur¥. ] Tidsskr. norske L,tege[orett., 72, 1952t 301-302. 4]4. Z-lik_l:r_ D. 7.urn Lffrn_nrob]enl in der Indusrrle, Versuehe nut Imlh'iduellea l Ii_rshur-zger_ircn [The _roblem of noise in industry. Expur]nlents wide indh'hlual ear defemle_l. Z, Ilyg. In[ektKr._ 133, 19Sh 2(.4-280. 4IS. ]'lol._l_lU_/I L. A surl'eV of tile Will'l_ done hi Swe&'n. A_ta om/aryng., Stockb._ 19.T0_Suppl. 90, 38-40. 416. 1cHoir, G. Los bruits et I'aet[nn prop!lylacti( ue l)reventlv_ tncasur_s against the Effects _ff iloiseI. /'arit m_td., 1934, 7-II, 417. Jor_:s, S, IA new ear defender .f glass wool.] Nard. hyg, TMskr., 1951 (10. 425. IZ), 292-296, ]_.^n'rz_:r_ L. La surdit_ prnfes_ionnelle er sa _reventi,m IOecu _ational dcafiless and its preventinn]. ?'rat,. 2 Caner. t_¢b. nat. S/e. llyg, "l.r_v._ 1951, 241248. -119. Ketw:, G. "_V.C. Pr.tectinn frm_l n,dse, [. Hmer, _ted..4f& 50, 1912, 1094, 420. K_tU_:ltr_ V, P, [Prt)tectiec measures against noises and sonnd ¢ondtletivky.I _tgletla "rrud#, I, 19J7, 13-]1_. 421, L_rs_ B. Inve_tlgarlons of wnfessilmal deafness hi shi _yard ,_nd nlachine (actor), l_honr_rs [Transl. from noise . R,trs. _led. induslr._ 2 , 9_2, I _._. 42V, N^sri:,,r., V. [Con¢_rnhlg hearing dlfflcuhi_s hi w_wlccrs in nnisy gates and bow t_, _rcvent thenl._ So¢,._led. "l'idskr,_ Stockb., 5, 9 _1,234-2;7. 4;0. N^vva_lls_;_v, G, L, _Oecu )ati.nal deafil_ss atld its _rcven[hm. I Zbur, Ushn. Not. Gor. Bo _ez., 17, Iq-10, 127143. 431, NrcKr.r:, 11, aml G. S._ui._.:r, Prm_et[on ges _ravailleur_ cnntre les Iwllhs cr vibradorls [pr.recrlnn of workers against noises aml vibrallons]. 7.rat, Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1919, Pp, 25_[, _lcta otolarytlg., Stoekh., 1939, Suppl. 36, J-2_; ahstract irl J. Lary_tg.. $7, 1942.4042. 422, LII'I_/ARIbl ), La wnrerri.r_ contre lex bru tS ec vibrations dens ties Ineaux pardeugbrement hrut.,ants; Souffleries cr bnnn tl_essals [Pr_rectkhl agalnst noises and vibratltms in es eciall),nols_a Iocatiollsl Wind tunne_ and re_c motmtsb 111Collaq. iur. _¢otlst. archltecttl_al¢, dlarseille_ IPfO. Parisl Coil. 1951, 256-25_, 432. P^lUl^C_, IL O. Noise hazards a.d d_ir preventhm, Chicago: Ned.hal Safer)' Cotnlei], I949. 'l._J, P_'_V_T'd._ClIKI',i_.. |._Jrltlbellarll )l'un_ ill dell (e_selse Illl[ellell, )etltsehe ReJehshahn: II, Die _rzdiehe Grundlage sis Ile,riindmlg flit die Lih'nlhulc_hnpfim , hl_esondere der GehlJrschur._ 'P_.' [Fight a ,ainst mgse hi tile boiler slit, nf tile _ernlan rai[ro_lds: II. Medics basis of tlle fight agahlst nolse, wlth _art[¢ul,'tr em iJlasis on tile P[. ear tlefern er . drb¢ tsscDutz I 2, 19J9. I I 3-1 I_. 434, Pl:vs_r, A. l"heorerlsehe _lntl ex _erJnlenrelle Grundla_en des I_er_iinlicllen Sehallsehutzes [lndlvidual hearing wo. Iecdon front theorelieal and _xper[mental standpoints I, l)tsrb, me,I. I[_sebr._ 4, 19J0, H0; 191-I93. .IlL . Zur Aletbodik ehlcr Ilt,h_gb sehen It)(_ fll)'Jaxls der intlustrlellen L'_rlllSeflwerhlJrl_]_it JOII fire Illetll_,dcJIog, of otologleal Prol_lD'lax_s, nf oecupa _o al de; fileSSl, .'It a otolao'ng., 413. _. .j 418. _: i :' _ : 23 Teeh.134.Se[n C. N. E, T., I952, Pp. 12842J. LOI:II_I.t., 1"1,Verbiitungen v,nl l¢.rlegsscll_dena|n Geb6rorgan IPrevention rd war injuries to tile auditory organ[. ,lied, l_linik, 3E, 1942, 97. 424. LiJscner_ E. anti J, ZIVISLO_Kh Ober d_e L_rtn_ebwurhfrJgkc[_ ultll ein neues 116rscbntzger_it hilt vielse[tigen Vetweltdtln_sngiglic[ikehcll [l-/earhlg loss title lo ilOlSt_;_1i1_11,eilr lll'OlecrJ(lll gevice of. wide ap dleabifitV], IIIdltstr. Org,_ttsatlon_ 7, 1948, 308. . Erfabrungen mk dem IHirschulzger;it 'Seleerone' IEx _erience with tile car lrotcctive device 'Seleer.rle . Z. oaf slimed. Beru[skr., 2, 1940, 04-104. 42& McCoy, D, A. b;dusrrial n.lse: it_ ;maJy:;is and [nrer_r_tarhm f.r 1reveatire trean lent. 1. i d r Ily¢, 26, lf..q4, 120-12L 427. ?,la_cml.i, G. Cuntrlbut. :d[o sl.di. dell_ t}rn _tie irafessh}nag; rk:erche aud ollletrlehe _llIjli sbava Hal ][lltltl_trlal ear injuries; audi.nwtrie study .t" Incud buffcrsl* R,tss. Ah'd. ilhlustr., 18, 1949. 233-2._0; /Ircls. Otalar_tg., Ghi¢ _o, 54, 1951, 217. 428. . Su un nunvn mezz. dl w.ilassi [ndivkhlale con rn la s.rdi a d,I rmn.rl [A new ined.}d -f illdivldnal _r.tecri.n a ainst deafile_n dee r. 24 .)OUI_NAL OF 5_EECH AND HEARING DISORDERS St_c_b_ _.N_I_0_ .H3._6_.; Jl_ 194_ 3_[. 3(J_-;3_, 19"I?, _._1-300, _¢1_u¢i_.S_hOl_. J _s_l, ]TR. LI iJ_ll_ :l_]J _'I_T _r_ _ I_l etc., St I._l_ s, _J, 19._. _, 3_9-3_. tll_n_rl l! ('7), 1935, L_-_I, 43f_. ]_._1_, O. I_. L_[_r_:J_ tlJ_l $ch._ tl_ 5i_lrl_r_n_ ]r:l |_.rl_,_ IJ_lTccti_'_l_'_ , ' 27, 19S_1,L6_. _ _ }*_s. r ¢I, _ r3' _;, S_rbb., 7, 1949, _'_7-_-L ._.1_, _V,_I_ ", _. _, I_=' _]_f_ll_r_, /, _¢_Jt_st.S_. _ll_r,, ]4, 19-L _, ]_;, I."_J3- 1075. _f_l_J_r_;. _, Ot_r_,_ |_LI)'_I_II, _Jl_ aJ;_°_r¢_'_(_ . _l_rcs, _ I_ _I'_L_I_, ]_r_nllc],l '1_¢_1_ l_chr, 4_._, _'JI'J'_E_, |_. Uzltcr_LicllllJl_Ji dc_n Jr1 dl_ _rJn_n I. ,_c_r_l, S_./l_l_r., _t_.:_l £il_cr _ - ._, 19_'. _, 7r_-?c;-L P,irt I1." EFFECTS ON HUMAN BEHAVIOR 4jL Acrt:r, II..\1. =ad T. Llollu, lv. "l'h¢ 4+L BI.AL',T. II. Effects of high intcasit)' W_)rkill_cflvlronlllent (ff tjte Fillallci;tl sllLII_L)OI1 =:¢ltililt.II_'cllOl(l_i¢_lVary-. I_rancla,l_ost Office D_rmlenr, II. ahles, pII.D. D,ssertatk,m,pennsylv_ma Machine nolscand its e_cct on )erSt. C,_Ii., 1951, sunneLIndustr. Ilith Lab., l)e _, _ar'l 4_. I|rI_'r_ p. 1,V., R, ]L A_l_to_s and Iea t I and Wdl'ar©, Oltawa, Jan_, C, I ]., Influenceof brle_no_¢ 194_. c)n rotary pui',saltI_rformancc.Motor 456. A_hEl_o.m, E, V_r. Psyehlatric s_,nS_ills Res,Exeb., 3, 19_1, 10-1L dr,mes f_llnwing t)last. ], _ll¢l_t.Sci., 467. BroAm_:._t,D, E. The lavent?dialsand 88, 1942,328-340, twcm)' sightst¢_ undernl_i_ccondl4_7, IA_o_.l Effect of noise on w(_rk, fifths. Med. Re_.Coan_ APPI, p_.chol. ], ._ller. 7,e,I, d_t., t0._, 1934,_21L R_s. Unir. Cambridge U_lh'., 19_I. 45_. jA_os.] F:tudesconccrnarl_l'initucnc¢ Pp. 8. ,I,, Is ,,i.,,. ,ho°ffo¢, of , 10d co,,., Iluc le bruit excree$tlr I¢ rerldern¢llr 46H.--. N¢l_s¢_ Illaced|_g_s.erfurlll;lncc _nd ItI,lsc (in efficiency]. Protecti_11, fi. [ sychu]. ] Unit, (_,_nll)r{dg¢Uni_'., 193'!._ 112-11_. . 19Jl. 4_0. ]Ano_.l The fatigue reaelion .f nlds¢. 469. Cuz.l,l_,M. N(_ise and Ilearillg--studi_d Iltlltl$lr. 1V_lf,, ]_-]6, 19_, 47. from tll_ psych_lh_glcal aspect, Nim,460. [Anon.] Merkbhtt giber Ger_uscllt_'eltth Cent., 10_, 1929__[.%_]. hd_sfi_ul]g ultd _c_gndhcldlehcL_rm- 470. I).,,vl=¢s,F. (3. Noise and lll_ puhilc IIc_:ltadlgLlfl_ It_Ose :_nno...allec and hcahh, l._u_..gauh. I_lsr.,7.1, 19_, 46iabn3' (general informatioa)'l..ffiilwb, _3. _/l_.d.II_schr. 76, 19._9,524, 471. I),',VlS_IJ. ]:.ffecls o[ nolsu im hunlan _l. IA._on.] hehavi_r and eomlnunieati(m, _lreb. Utilisathm de I'_nal_.setlrjill" _.'lnd_ Jlldll$1;',Hyg., 3. 19Jl_ 227-2]1. hint ict_v¢. [Tie l_odgrrl i11c_lsurc- 472, DAvIs_P_,C. Motor effects _f strong Inellt of n=llse.Useof octaveall=l_..zcrs], auditory stimu]i. ]. erp, p;ycl_ol., _s, _dir_ "1'¢¢'b,_Jg._fi, ]952, lJ$-lJ_. ]OqS, 237-27J. 4_Z. [A._o_.l A ,_()ise annoys. _lir Force', 47L I'.'c,a.% _. P. _n"^l.. Effect of _[r])hne J4, lgJl_ II; 4l_. ill)isc l)11huhlarl efficiellCy. 1. _¢olllt. 46L [A_o_,I Reducin_productn_ds=with So¢...l_ller., 19, 1947,292.IAbst_ct re_lls_i¢ materials. Prod. ll.ng_Jg, 2], 474, E..w,_l.t_ F. S, E._lerimcnts'lto detcr19_2, 16.a-1¢'_. tnilll: neighborim_'t reactions t. light 464. II_rru_'r, A. M. Personall{3_ characterair_lanesj with aml withntlt external istics under II1¢srxesso1"hl[lh intcnsiv,, I1(11s_rRductl(_[hN_. l_.dv, Cf)lllfil. _ound.Ph.D. I)issertation,]rennsvvan_a Aerl). Teeh. NI)tc 2721],19s2,PP. 7L St. CO]].,lOIO. 473. I:.snr=nus, 11. F. Noise and its harmful 25 26 JOURNAL OF SPEECH AND HEARING DISORDERS uffccts, No[d, byg, Tids_'r,, 27, l',q6, 361-)74, 476. I:_1<_, C. and M, JA_l.I.. hlflu_nee dc [err.lines ttmal[t_s sur 1¢travail IEffect i_f c_rt*lJlt tHII_LJltJCS I)11 work]. (], R, Soc. Iliol,, I',+ris+ J4, 19tl/+ 90_-906; IDI7-10]2, l._rms JOn thc isvch_h_gy t)f ,1<,is[J, Z, I' )rb_th+.r +'it, I's_ch_ , h 90% 77-X?, 4X9, I,,_iIAlC:HnFI',---. l+'inlhicnce ti_s n'e +id;l¢ii}ll_ illdll_tricllu*; (.t dll }ruff ell g,_n_talsur I_ fat_gu_ des ouvri_rs IThc mfltl_nec nf indus rial vlhra runs a, d I_f 477, FI_,_, J, L,, S, C, FI_A,_ _lnd I,. 13. n,_is_in general u _ml the. fatigue _f I [_111_o._,A rc_'[¢w iI{ r¢ _t[S_llt,_t[_'¢ ,No[J;[st. ])ls_r a i[111.II_rl';_ I9_7, tcst_ us¢lJ flit Ih_ [ u;intltatJ_'¢ mc;isur¢490, ].1_ L, all(I _1+ J I. ,_1'1:17¢, lls_'chi;llri¢ IIiC[It_ (if Iic i,l_•i{+r°lcgr¢llL[nt tltld[r stud_' [1[bJ_;t injuries _lf the c_r, ,11o?1, c, mditions reBI_'d r_) lilt[raft Ilight. IlulL N. d[r. Tb[at. Oper., I (_), 1944, _VrJgh_-])atterson Air l:,+rce l|;isc, 6-7_ IV,lr ,lied,, Chlrag,, 8, 1945, 32U,";AI: T_ch, R_llt. $8_O, IV4V. pp. i_' "F 3_, 25(I, 491. _l_:]:_l_l+, II. A. I[.t_l,_n Farters i_1 47_, I:a^_l:., D. The |+s),ch_h_gi_al cIt'e[t_ _+f _llr "l'r+l/tsportati.ll, Naw Yc)rli: M¢,u,lse. Me,I. ], ,.lust., 37, 19_2, _0-61. Graw-[lill, 195L (_rd ¢d.) Pp. xii -_o 47_. I:m_;_ I1,, M, ]?l<l:_(;sand A. |{l_al'. 830, II_|L_lll+r i;itl(_gll_ (i/ th_ |_ll)or,ltorv 4.92, _h:l:lh 1!. V. ]?gct_+rsilll]¢lcnCill_ rlmtillU iil¢lU_u illlil_r ilLlll][41r',' ,,tru_'_._t/l"igh¢)¢rf.rlll_ncc ilndcr nc_[su.I, +l'hu illo Patt[rs,m Air I_++rceI|asc, USAF Tech, t ucne_ _f 'scr,' ]. Iisycbol,, _, lV_], Re/+[. (K)28, 1954},P ), 23, 28J-29g, 48(1• Gikm:_r, , . an_ G+ C. (;_x_',_l_, 49L MIoi,¢., |1, C;, A stndy iff thu inter_o111¢,11111ll|tr;l!,41111c¢11"¢ct_;(in II)ilz¢ I'_ru¢1¢¢ _:l_'u[t_(if h|gh illt¢ll_,ity _+lulld J[nrn_ll nlld r[t_nt_i)n ill thu ;llhJll+l ()11th¢ re_¢lltlotl ill _'_lla]|y illld ilu¢|irat; I. _ff¢crs _ff high inlerlsity mmnds, to[ill ' learned mate[hi, 1)11,11, l)isserta° ,17._, I'sycl_l._ist_ _', 195II, 243-244, [inn, Unil,. Pclln., 19II. Pp. 127. _Al,s_ract] q_4, Nmn;l_^, I+, N, ITh0 uffect _f int_ns_ 481, Gn_,r BaIT_I_ I)_:l,.urrM_:_r _}1_.%1_:_stimuli ml Mghcr herr+ms activity,] "nl_ic ^_n I_nuslm_l. Rl_sl_m:£+,zl Sur. I"i:Jal. 7,bier. U.S.£,I_., J6, 19_0, _2_;vey .[ N_i_e itt Brltisl., II.mes.$29, d,m; II, M. St;Iti_t_r)' cIIrlee, 194_. 4+,*_, I_^Rl_l_, J, S. I':ffecr of ]d_h |nt[nPI). ]4, _i[)' lll>i_¢|¢_'ul_ 4111 _ltrrllllll¢ll[L_ prcas, 487, I I_l,l_y, T. D. and ]L J, V_tri,l,ll_l_o:_. ]• acetic, S_¢. /Ittr[r,i I], 1_2, 3_?, The effect _f varhms nc_ls_ Icvd_ +_11 [Ahsi_actl fVnshhlgmn, icr f(}rlll;lllCi: 41fl+. t|lr¢Cj,: (j,Itl¢lltal_. _;t _'y+tasks' ,_})_ c_*llP°rt496. Dcv[ces Ccntcr_ TL'eh. Repr• SI)C I_2-21, 195(LPp. 41. =_, JiIIINK[[I?_. J* _I. _(}i_;_ r¢{[tlCt_lill ill -_97, Hdl|!; II1¢¢[s w_rl;cr a }lrm';l], T_'.W. ]l?ot]d, )or•. 19,i4_ 1(l_-IIIT. 498, 41_4, i'_._r.'ll., 1. ].u tl¢_r_ de g¢?lll_¢lillsl_ I;lr |¢'!; |lrll]l?i i|u illilC|llllc_ frlm .'llll(Itln_ iiF:" "" :ili:;" " ":',Z: ' 'I Arhcit [/,c_s mfischL'l/t_r work], ,l[,t_¢'l_llL'lllhltt, l_, 19J4. 2J$-?'_0. 4_6. J_llyrl:g) J_. l), l.oudll_Z*s ;llld antlo'¢ante value of bimds _f rmise, "l'raf/s, $0 rlllll, _llc,_,t, iv_tt'l Fort.l! I)d_l[llcs_ .+_l++'+'cb l+,?tl_¢_l.+:xl;ir¢'[l l+_-.+(I,194_+ 26° 2t¢, 487, --,. Noise ;rod bdlavi.r, Noisy: _illl_+ £?_+g(!(+++ ILIt?;IKIII'@JIICn(+ CIIS[S_ C4HI= Frill, _g|l, PLILII* l[J[]l, _JlS[, ]lldlls[r, Irhh, U,liv, +'ilicl_. I<_$. +, P_, 8l)-H_, 4}K ('). Physlologlca] and _[_.? s.vcP^,Ut^I:K,II. ho]ll_i¢;_l ul_¢¢t !; i_f Iloi_, I+ro_, t, N.ise r|h,iti_/tcllt Symp,_ 2, lq$1, , l':vnlu._ting Hf [ndn_r_a] n¢=_c nil Jlmm ,qrcb,effects in,ittstr, Hy¢,_ _. 1952_4H-4?9. J)l;lll', --, J*¢_ hrLlitS d.ltl_ |_ _'iu III¢ldurll_ _r _c_i {_1]'4_[$ I_ _ lille| its; effects hl clm_cnlporar), Jib'high. Dis- ,,+, ,+,. ,t99. Pnlm[._;l', I:. What n.i_¢ d_ms to hcahh, //?dll$1/, Jl_'_l,,(_'llr,l_ •, I], 1_)41",_J_'_J_' _IR). PL'ImV,J, S, N'_fisc, a nuisance daHgcri)Bs c)r illiurjl_lS [i) JlcJl[Jl, ,lie,d, ]. ,qmt,, 19]?, 46-F). SOL Rll_l_P¢lllllll,"_V. A, *]'JiccU'¢¢t (if II(}[_u u mn Ih¢ l+_lla_'ior i+f lei_|l|u, Proc, _at. Noise ,. b,_t_'/?tetzt Syl.ll+, T, 19_2, 40-48, _(_.1. _MI'IIi+ 1_, R, llll'_4"lll[It4?lll"IiRIJ [ll)l_? Illlii IIICIIt:II1crf(lrlll_lliCC, U_AI ? Acrch +_1¢(|, Lnh, "'cCh. Ilel}t, fi16_+, _'_0, EFFECTS ON HUMAN BEHAVIOR 27 503. S_:',t_z_. |(.R. 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I_ie (;e_hwllldillkeit dcs Uhra_clmll im illcnschlichcn unt tlerischcn Gewcllcil The vchlciiy tlf lll_r_l_tlllics in Illllllall ihld Illl[nllil t _llc I, Natur'_is_tmeba[tcn, 39, 191f), 491-4_.++. 526. Gulav, K, mul M. Gl_m;sllas. l'.'ffcct of . lyog_ll_, vat. _urcu_. ]+ acatlst, _+_e. :l#Jler., 22, 1950, _I#3. A istracr 5t7. Ki_sl.Ol:, It_ I_. AcK_a_lA_ alld j. J, REnl. Th_ _ffcct _lf ait-g_ncr_t_d stnlnd W_vcs im slllpll_ll_illlls ill Inlcl+cl-¢ll'_Irailisms. Wright-Patter_m Air Eurce llasu, q'ccll, Rcpt. _2-17+_, May, 19_.+. Pp. I- Gtr.. E._p_rh'ntia, _, 19t9, 410-411, _18, KISSl:I.I:I',l_. I'rhu [nflumlce of w.rk _2_, %ll_ _ll_ltKl_l I[* ]_, _(llllld _bsll_[ItiUII ¢(llld[ti/in_i {111 Thl_ llt_l'l'lluti s.s[¢[ll i1_ _ff tile surface +ff tile bud)' tff nlan and b.iler-sho i wtlrkmep._ Stl_,_t_it, Pslk. anhuals. ]. ,wot_tt. Sac, +'|o_er., 21, 1949, hap_ta ,, 19tl (7) 16-27, J$. IAbstr,actl _9. I.alall. D. A. The effect ill ilili_ Inl _2_. . ill the _clmstle the nervmls system. N. 1". St. 1..Ih.d.+ htl[lethlll¢_ and rile _u(lusilc ._hsorpii(nl J2. 1912. 1110-1115. cilefflcl_n of lie surface ill the I I nl_l $40. I._;PES_IIKI._I/I. t, XV. aild I). E. ¢l.t_bmk'. USAF Air .'datcrid Cllnlulantl. _.I^N+ Effects lif tllll_lsnllllll tin ccll Re ft. 6010_ 1910. structure, J, _¢11. rosily, llb_rla]. "I0I _9. I'u#¢ (_lt:lll_t_. . E*, II. 0. P^_a_CK 1952, 18l+197. _lild I)* I_* I(I.llltt:ix;I;. Ile.ithl ! Ill ani541. I.o,t:_z. D. 1)i_ Ih:k_iilipl'ui_t l_uwl:rllnialt tl). _li_otii_d _Oillld i:ill_rg%..], tfll* llchei" l._fnlsch_hl_ll ]The _lll ill_aillS_ Col#Ill. [Ibyllol., J9, 19J21 '187-_0_. harlliful ¢ff¢cis (if irldUstri_al luihe]. Jlf). GOl.ll_.i._lN,11+E. and 1_.I, IV. LI:PJ;5_II_¢rll[ll¢ilostflllebl[t I 6+ 1929, IJ1, m_. lniuryt(I llvill calls in st_ndlng J42. NEII_O_;I _, Slilll¢ I;f_12Cl_ilif hitiittiuilil .ll.lil.12_.]. i-l,_l' Cfll#lp. ll_lwjol+l int_nsit)" iiIlr3flill_ll (111tllll_e_ll iillltlll_ if), 1952. 2J5--lfilt vlrtis. N,lttlrl', I.olld,_ I1.1, 1951, IIII. J11. (_liil_;xol'. P. I_11lcrsllnll_ s i_¢lr.'l ¢lllli18tl. ted b'¢ airllanl_ irllleil_rl and stlr%'c). J4J. NiltsE_ l ll.. _nd J. il;-:l.Zi_iollall:l.. Jll. of p .l'tlilltllicill effects irillhiced Iw. L'JnflucilCC dcl cxcltaiilill_i .'ltidltll'l_ hllilnle of lie I.I _1 . _lilhl'i_l .i f). [cllsl_$ lilt Ill Ir_fliill _n."ridle eliot les 19ll, 141-144. ntlrnlaux et cllcl cs IIIllflt all'filial]. , R_.+lcrliillt _all_llillct _:r Cil. lhiqu_ IThc _ffect +if iilleilsc ilCl/llStle ¢illatoircs plul'llqUl_cl liar lesvihi'atlon_ slilliUl_ltlllll U illll ,m'rlal prt_s_illi'e lit illlrll._.lllllllg_ lrlnsllllSl_$ d_lnt/ Pair nlll'lll;ll illld hard ill + i_i_rillg _lll i _Ii . llhmd lind circulatiir)' rcaciiiif)f (Itlc ]. Nfurol. l+lycbi+it.. ]0. 193f). 47-49. # lit ultr_-tllllC I'illl_lli¢lil_ , I. llb#lJol. _4.1. P._:ylt;l%ltt. 1 _rkl'hr_l_irill illld Cll_illlllll,vtb, ggn,, 44, llJj._, 2J}-219, licit ITrafflc Illilsl_l dlld heillth]. Ill. .+_H,. . _tl. . Vari_ri+m_ of thu rztc of i_+_i;¢+l+lidb,, _fl+ I911, il14-186. san.uineg cllshlophilc_i of nmn slibnlh¢cd $45. _llVhll_ R* S+ S)'ndronle ill" _irhias¢ Ii1 all iliti'il-sllnllrllll_ %'lllrlltlfill Of lie cflilCus_illlll cerelli'ill. ]. dttler. #tied. _mlle characterlstics as tllat prt_dueell _ss., Ill, I_, i01-101. lly curtain turlnl-rmlemrs, ], a1'iat..lied. 541"1.Sll_m:r¢:,l^r;_;_ F, Ober gcsulldhclilichc 24, 19_J. 71-76, Smh_dil_unllen durch L_irill Ihliuri¢_ I. Jl4, [ll:lt;Xlllilllll:l., J., JIl., and II..N'VSSl:_:. health due tti nl)iscl, Hreb, Obr,-, slilllii'6 i_ la dottlcur licClllil lallnmlt Ics cxcrar,ns audltlvcs incellscs IExpurlmenial invu_tlg_thms _ln _cnsifivity t_l laiil acclnll mnyin • illteilse au¢liror)' ex_ilati.lll. I.INeur_), I'syebi+lt., 29, 1929, 181.31_1_ I, _1_. . _'lUde de la douleur aCe,hiimllnan¢ k_ excltllliillls auillrlvcs inien"es IA stud' of paln aecoillpanvlilg lntellse audlr(ir_' exeitatliin$], let='* ataitetiro-t_[tallll,_ 4, 1929, _2_-_3Ji ]. NeurM. psych]at,, 29, 1929, 58J-_9-t. _'_6, l£1ssi+oi_, II. t;T ^l. Effects of high illtCn_i_y sOlllld UpOll Mlcrococcus Nat.._ it. Keblklhqlk. ll4, 191 I, 271, 547. Sul_ll^. M. Ihifluences +if vihratltm; effect u ion inldy weilJhr mid llfe pcr nd of anlula _.l .lit.d. :lkad. Kioro. 21. 1917+ 1701-1701, _'_8, _(;Lll_v t _V.. A, i'llllllll_l:lll:Nl^ lind A. GOLIIIIttltt;.Oiler die %VirkullIJ v(m Liirlll ulld Ei_chihturung mlf den G_satlstausch [Effect ill nt>i_e ;lilt] villratkln inl lias_l nct_llll s r +'lrb.+ittlibV_i°f ogJe_ 9_ 191fi, 3f17-391. +I-19.Vvsi.o_ziz. E. I_llcr die llcehlflussting des Vesiillulara i laratl:s dutch Uhrilsc i_ Oil t it, cl_¢ct ill ullc;ISlllllhl till 30 JOURNAL OF SPEECHAND HEARING DISORDERS lhu vcs[_J_ll[llr a i 311rlltUs l, JlP_L'II._'JilL I Y$chr,_ 61, 1¢_9, 468--169. 550. W^la., P. I). l:r AI. Chailgcs pr.lhlccd ill Ihu I_c[ifr_l II_l%'(Iuss_'_tClll J_ ultrasl3Ulld. _'¢i¢ltcej 114f 195 I, 686-61_7. 551. . "l_h= u_¢ i_f hi,h il_rcnsilr ulrrasuund in experhlleu/a_ ueur.log_. S_._, W^l.l.^_; R. I" _'._r_ducth_n of _IL'q)UMII:I'[[)ril[i_llS, J. ,Tl!!Ht$f. ._¢}l!. .'triter., 22, 1950_ 68]* [AIb_rract_ 55J. Walx:ox, H. H. aml W. I:. Wi_ma:, ,1 ciHwl_illJ¢l]_ILtdy [1_[Jl(_clf¢:c[_ tl ion die hralns Ill" [lllhlC_l I[[JS i_f ullrasonk: wares gcner;LrL'd hy lurlm-]c¢ engines, 1. a_,iat. Ale, I. 21, 1950, I_S.89. s,_lt[c vJbra¢_lms orl ncr_'_ _Jssilc. J'roc, Part 1/I MEASUREMENT SUGGESTED CONTROL _5. _lll I_DU_;IXlI!_ASS_iAFItiN. _[lllfl)rln i_r_etlee_ for the: nlca_llremenr 1_f _Itrcraft rlcllse. A'I'C Rcllt. AII.TC-2. Washingt.n,. I) ....C, 19J_ P[,I 31. 556. American Standartl rest el_de flJr all. ]la_'_ltus iiii[_ illga_:_lr_lllCflt. _l_llgr. Stattdard$ _fss, Ilttll., Nql, 7.24-7. 19511, P'p. 11. b'57. IA_o_.] Noise fi_ure stanldar;t_, Wecb. Nt"ws l/Ill/, U. S. II11#. Stand. 35. 1951, 27-28, 5J_. J_'t-_q_r_,] Nclisc Iltttffler, Nat. Sa_t'ty N_'_$, 63, IgJl, 118. _5').IAs.:_.I l_gI¢"i g_n_3ralt_ al_plleatdes, dans les Inl)orntc)ires et tl_rl_Ja lr_lthjltc /21)L3i'alltg_ ]_ Jllg_iu[_ t g l_l tr_lliNrllSSIIIII 560. 561, $62, $¢15. If_encn'al rules f_r tile iIICas_lre_lent _f lhe tr_lllSlllJ_ion of atrhlll_lle st)tlntJs anti _Jl¢_ck Iltl[S_2_J.Ill Colloqtt_' Jtll. .*ICOIISt. arcbiteetttral_, hlars¢ille_ 19511. l_rls: C_dL Tccll. Sei.. C. N. I_. T., 1952. P_, 16-2h I_'_r¢_.l JStutly elf aet,ustie ct_ntlltlc_t_ i_l textile facl_ric_.] I_¢gl_tl. Tc._rkoch., 19. 1952, 286-288. I]^Rt_/¢_P, La nlesure des bruits I'l'h¢ Zlleasurelllellt of rlnis¢]. R_r. Acattst., I, 19]J, 280-296, . _x,l_thtldeol_icctive tie iiic_ttre des hrtoit_ IOhice¢i_'e itlea_tret_lcnt _,f zlc)iscsl. R¢_'. d¢oust., 2, 1951, 441-471. . I.a nlesuruobiecHve des bruits, S_s i_s_ibilir_ et linlitati_ns Iq'h_ ohjectivc rllc_surement: _f noises: its ic+_._illilities and limitatitlnsl. /|_ln. "_¢_l_co_mll., 4, 1919, 5]0- 40, AND REDUCTION STANDARDS FOR OF NOISE; NOISE 5_._. iIAXlLC3_, C. I. ill1{] F* J_. }JiILiI.I:.lllthLG" rri_l lltli_u: _g_clfuet :intl {:t)lltrtll..'liner. 1, ptll,I. Hltb N,ition's IIItb, 42, IOJ2, 705-710. $6_:. II_IIIIK, _%t. j. I:l _1. lnlves¢ig:ttiqm i_f the iiigastlrelllglll tlf lilting: llgl_lJ rl_1111_. OSI I)-6358. 1_5_ I 19657. _.%a_llngtl.i, I). C,: U. S. Dept, Cc_l_ullerc¢, 1946, }=p. J2. 5(_. I_I!It&NI!K_ L. 1., I)¢qerz:finarlon_ of rl:c Ii)tlt]rle_s (if illli_ frlllll :_illl}lJenlc;l_uruI11¢lllS,]. a_oltsf. St_¢. .._lter., 20, la_qN, 592. IAhsrractJ 567. . .'lc¢_tt_ti_r Aleas;trel_t_.ots, New Y_rl_: _'.lile)', t949, Hi). 914. _¢_. . _'_ )]l;ll"alll%fill" nl)isl_ g31g;tsill'e._ntp., 1, 19_11, , The IllU_lt*Hl'_lll¢_lllIll _lllllttJ. Nl_s¢: eatlscs, ¢1f¢¢_;_ IIit:ilNtlr¢lllell'_. eoMs, ¢_l_tr_d. Sch, l_uhl, Ill,h, lits_. hldu_tr, I lJth, Univ. _,lieh., 10_2. pp. 27-Mi. 570. . S_llllld 311tl its illu:l_urelllent. rlrcb, itldttsrr. Ilyg._ 5, 1952. 97-1B8. 571. . U01s_h'¢d t]lili_:_ry _loise i_r_,1_louis. ]. aer_nst. Sot.._l_er. 24, 1!._2, 7/_9.772. _72. l|l;_t_i_el_, L. I., gq _a.. C_*lrr_d f_,r cight-h),-_ix-f_._t _tlllcr_,lllic wlrld tunncl ] a_oltst SI_¢ -Im_*r., n .4, 1_52. 4-17, [Ahstracr] 573. II_a_, L. L, _lrld l {* _,V. RUI_xlOSE. Air dane qtuicti_llg_,1. _Xlc_stlrcnlellt_ ¢)f slluntl l_vds in flight. II. S_¢eifiea_ions of ae¢cptallle /Itl[_u I_'els. 7rails. .'|_ller, SUe. _ll¢¢b. l_ngrs_ 1947, H9-100. 56_). 32 JOURNAL OF SPEECHAND HEARING DISORDERS Y74. B_IIA_t:K_ L, ],,, J, I.. RI:VNOLU_ a_ld _crt'orlllatlc¢ oJ* llt)isc iIl_(_rs _tl igrn15 I'_, J_, _VII_()N*. A. )_)al_ltll_..alBI, IIr°cu= cd"thu prilllarv t,tn:ldard, I, hlslH _'1_I. dures flit lrcdmtln_ vcnTiJatlm_sysceul K_lgrs_ 81, 19_7, 57.9(), Imi_=. l, a¢oust. Soc. : uI_'r., 2S, 193L _90. CItulcclu:a, D, G,, A, J Kl_;u and ] I, J]3-J21, D_Vli!'_, _UlBllla_iOll ]11¢[h[)d_i11 J1Oi_c 57L [h_l_ANl:_.,L. L. aml R. IL NJ:w_I^_'. pr_bl_nLs. Nature, I.mM., ]J_, I9J3, S _ccl'h int=rfcrcnce I_v¢ls a_ criterla 350, for i_ril1_ llack_rOlllld II1_[S¢][I Ilf_]C¢_;, 31)I* CREIII!_C, l:_,Cllutrol c_f ]BlpaCt I14_. IAhsr_ct] ¢(_srs, c.ntr.L .";¢h. Puld. I[hh, hls_. _76, Dmq_i,%--.L'ins.lmrisafi_md¢sstad_ms hldustr, ]lhh, Uaiv. M[dl. p_2. Pp, d'ess,+d+;d¢ turllor_a_tcurs [The sound117.1_6. Ir(]t}flll_ t]f iCt _2[l_illc [CStsT_tlds_, hl[. 31)2. , "_'(Hlcd=_ltlll'll ntlisc , , * [u11=2_ ."War., 7, 19_2, _(H-31]L u) c__cratlons. Steel, 130, 1_2, 76-77. 377. I|m.'t_ B_:i_x,_l_, _1_ N_:w:.L.._ ll_c. 393, DADSON I _, S, N(] _12inttil_llr¢lll¢lit--;i _OIBC fiil_tlalllCn_l _llrJllCl]lt_ tlf nids_ r_2vit_v of tllt_ lr(dd_.qu, hi /l_Ollytlt.'_ clmtr.I. }E¢ _t. I;8. Augasr. 10S2. Group S_II/pOS [1711. .i}ndDn: I)h),s_=..,ql $7_. I|olq, E, . _ ^t.., }:t_s. am hlmk of Socict),, I_Hg, acousllc luds¢ c.ntrul. V_L I, Physical 394, DAv[5_ A, _L An cdi]_¢_.¢c nil_s¢.InoT¢:r _CI)U_*[[CS. _l_Irl_ht.J)att_oll :X.[r |7(B'(_(_ fo_ g]l_ _11_U_LIrCIII_ITI: (1_ i11odcrat¢ ;tnd lhsc, _,VAI)C _I'e¢ll, Rept. _Z-ZC'L Deloud stcad¢ and imlmlsivc m_iscs. ], cculh_r, 19_2. /ram el¢ct_ I', 83. 1_.138,249. So_. /|mer. 22, 1930, 201-20Y; Pby#. Today, 3, 1950, 26. IAl_str_ct] , Snrscy .f city¢. 7"r,_ls. IlL :Ir,_,L Sci,, 43, lgS0, It1_-188. _81. . [.¢l'cls and. s _et:traj nf trafflc,. indttstrlal, and rcs d_n lal _rca no ¢. 1. arotts#. SO¢, .e/mcr,_ 23_ 19_:1, 4]5-439. $;_2. . The mc:_sur¢n_¢nl _)( industrial noise,/hner, ind, llyg, ,'Isr, Omrt,, 13, 19._2, 136-1Y7. SRL . Us_ of instrtuucnts and hirerDrctati{_n of data lit Ilcd_c tl;CasBreIn_nr, N.ise: caus_s_ cff_c_, nluasur_mcnt. cm_, c_mtrol. Sch. Publ. Ilitk, ln_r. Ind._tr. I IIrlh Unk', Micl_., 1_2. Pp. 37.44. 3114. ll(lV_¢nl_¢. *.V. I). Nuls¢ and' nidse reductlm_: control mcthnd_ applied, :lreb, imlu.r, fly_ 3, 19_2, 129-137. Y85. C._l.l._w^v, D. IL lll_trulll_ntati,n and tc¢'Jtll[(_ll¢_ fill' _[1c nlcasnrcill_tlf arid cvahlatlllll Ill llldtlstl'_al iltiisc+ Proe. .V,_/. Noise /Ibatam'_t Syrup., 2, IQYl. S_. . J{cdBc_ng n(li_¢ iiI i11achillC_i, dl_lck. L)esigll, 23, 1951, 122-i29. _gT, C_LI._W^"G D. B. and I_., [). L_:MMI:aMAN. A ciiglll)ari%(ifl hc(_tccil ill(idol study tcst_ ant] field nicasiirc_iicnts on an aircraft [c_t-ccll I/]ll_llC_l'.1, llCOIlSt. Soc. /liner., 2f, l*.l_), 429-432. tcchnlqucs _11ghc _llal*e'S_ i1_ iiiiitf_r anti machlnt: nc}is¢. I_ ,i¢olt_h Soc. //m_., 22, 19_;0,671. JAhstr,tctl _96. Ft:lUl, R, O., R. J. "W,:_.,_ and T. I.. BKAy, ACOtlStJCdesign of aircraft gas ttlrbltle [cst cons. _. acot/$t.._oc...Iolc, r.} 24, I932, 480-489. 397. Frsge, A, IL, Ja..M¢asuri_ig and eca]uadng noJs¢, _en. l'h.eL l¢ev,, _rL 19_0, 29-31. 39R. Fvl-zp^'camg, II. ,'d, and F.. 1.1_:,,MeasIIrCHIcr$_ {}f Iltdst_ radlatt.d b'/ Sltlt_OUJC air icts. David "iV. "l'ayh_r _fodd Basin Rcpt. 1133,November, 19_2, _'.'L Fz.t:+_lncn,N. Nt_is_ and it:; stt _pr_i,;i(m, Cb¢_n. hid., 6, +)42, 42-14.t, 6110. . indklstrlal ;l/I Ilicaillin (if nid_¢ rcductlon. 1, "le.w, hlst., 40, I049, 6OH, 601. , Reduc[iim .f aircraft nnlse. In _lco_ls_i¢_ Gro,ll Sympo_imu. I.,ndi)ll: Physical SIIc[¢tv, 1949. {,02. i._t(a ERI l I. AIIlerlc_ll _[aluLird l'tii+ measuring iuiJs_. I.L_rallllshcd standard rel'_rcBce ii%._tc[11% hllhlrtr.._M/id. I 7 I 1936, 74. 60L . hltcrnatlmlal ngr¢¢munt deterIlllncs h_lll_dlll_d iio[_.c IIICaMlf¢lilL'n_ units. Industr. Sr,_nd., 9, I,)_R1 1_.20. _(}4. , _Ii)Es¢ Hil_asiirctlii_Bis alld _]1c Irirernational Conference _llt Acoustics. Mca_ul'ciliCn[s l/f Callln [itlis¢ it1 bumher _ircrafu IEc h _ll_lllli. i%lCft).R_ll. Cotlll., Loni.. Jan. I'H2, N'.. 229fi; /Ippl. ,llecla. Roy., 2, 194% 1_.t2. YS_J.Clit'al¢:lll_ll. il. (;. and A. J. bZl_6. Th_ 611L I:H:':E,I_ _. Practica] illl_thlltb; lif lllds¢ [llCiIsBr¢lll¢lIC ], _iCollrl, ,_'OC,/_#lt*r,, _., 1930, IR-29. (_)6. Fum_ A. P. i_lcduMs for the cmltrld of industrhi nols_ hi a ciininluni_'. SS(I. MEASUREMENT AND REDUCTION erl_s_cl)lltrcd. _¢]1, I)uhl, IIl_lh htst. hldmrr, Hlth. Univ. Midl.. 1952. Pp. 142-146. _07, _I:IGITB_ J) Jl, atld J_,. N, 623. jlA_IT_IE, Mctluld_ for reducing the iI._se nf industrial nlnehlnes, Pro¢. Nat. Nols¢ .'Ib,vt('me_lt SyTHlhp 3, 19_2, 19-26. ¢i08. (;RA:'. C. II. G. Huw to measure a )ilaratus noi_e.._t.rltdardzatmh 22. 195 . _R_NI:N_V,_IJITp alld p, _,_RMAI_. 61J. 614. 61L _: i : i ' _'_' II^m)¢, II. C. Noise attd ¢ibratlon red,etion '._eaks f(_r itself.' In.fustr. e. I".;.r. ,'_la)' 1947. . I)csi_n trbar;ictcrlstics for nt)ise conm)l (ff _cr engine tes_ calls. ]. a¢ottsh S_..'Itiler._ 24. 1952. 18_.190. . PrelbBinarv estimate of a hear* _tl d_tlllage rlsk cr]terbm /or :iteadystagte _mlse. ]. aPattst. Sin'. d_ncr._ 24. 1952. 44fi. [Abstraerl • Tenratice cstilllate _lf a hear- ing d._,_agc risk erit_rlnn for s_eadystart* tlt_ise. ].._t!ottst. So¢. /l_llcr._ 24. 195._, 7_6-761. 616.. Ullsoh'_'d basic lh).sical research irt)blcnls I1_ tile fieM of nmse. ]..t¢ottst. So¢. /l_ler.. 24. '152. 767-768. 617. =, N_ISC ¢_g-O_ _a $_Ir_'; for i Ct engine rest instailad,ns. ]..warn't. S,e. .'h_ler.. 25, 1951. 42)'42H. 618. I I&galln, D. ?.J. Aircraft engine noise c r d as v ewed b_',tile engine IllaltU" lecturer. ]..wonrt..%r.._lllCr. I 25, [953, 412-416. 619. I lfllSCllt)M, _l. '_Vbat call we th, abou¢ nlfise.: .Vat. Safety Ntws. Sept.. 1952. 26. 620, H_;I.:s_ R. S. Instrumenls for measur. big ril_rarilln and ntfise. In /Ic:_ltstfcs C_rottp S)'lllpo.citt_lh I.ondon: Pbysleal See;eta' 1949. piI, 1t2-15L 621. "_'V. Zur nhjekdven Me_,ng der I.autst/irke. h_sl_es,ndere v(m Meschblm_gcr_usellen [Tile ot) eetive 11ensure e (ff (itldlleSs_ especially .ff ac err noisel. I"tmb tl. Toti _ 1951. 259-247. 6eL Fhmn_tm. IL It. Smmd measurements f,r _ve shrmlded propellers at static C;Iuscs, effects, iIlcasurcnp'llr_ ctlsts, et)ntrtll. Sch. 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Lotldlm: Ph)'sleal S,eietv 1949. I)p. 64-70. tBL l(a_-rt:,. K. D. N,ise safety criteria. rlrcb, indt_ttr. I-I_g._ 5. 19_2. 117-12o. 6]4. L_IIA'IX.S. S/)IIle data on the perf,rmtrace tlf sound arrenuatlng treatlnenr. ]. acoust. Soc. _f;m.r.. 24. 1952. 447. [Abstraetl fi_. LKMMI:gM^h'_ R. D. Noise e,nrr_)l in aircraft engine testing. ]. a¢oust. Sac. Amcr. 24. 19_2, 116. Abszr;wtl fi3_i.. Materials .and 5trttettlre_ [Irtlblemsmatrcraftt,tseco t st. Sac. Att;er._ 25, 1951. 43g.441. iltT. Lr:us,tt_. P. 1. |Noise control schools.J Giglena i. Sanit.. 10_2 (8), 40-44. 34 , JOURNAL OF SPEECHAND HEARING DISORDEA$ 658. ----. .f smmds in h,)mcs.J 6EL lli,:i:_ F. C. and I+. N. AluJ.i:m ._.n hl= _gh._hl i. Satlit.. 1952 (](])_ 12-16. dtn_trl;d IllllsL' prohl.:m. ]. dcoust. Soc. 6]0, I.lL'L'l:l., S, Cmn_rdlen_k'e gradl for :hm'r,, 2J, IQ51, 14f, [Ah_tra¢cl file culLeetion o_J and villrafion 656, l_l,_Jn:.,A.A.;mdll, lLHenm._m_,F;icdata. /. avi,u. Med., 19, 1948. 27e+286, t.rh atTccdng the d=slgn o _ulet _ro64(I. I.wv_:KI. S. and M..M. M,.u:x. An l_:Ilcr_. _ar. Adv. Comm. ?.¢nl. N.M ;leousficaL comfort index foc alrcraft L7111)L 1947. noi_,e. J. +Tl!011sr.foe. ,'liner,, 2], I(3_1. 657. . .qtatU_;of research on i)rcq)ellet" 478. nl)i_¢ _liltJ It:* redLtctJc)tl+]. ,ii*ollsf. Sol', 641. , A nl_thml of evaLuathlg airdiner., 25, It)SL 39S-404. cnfft acou_d¢_l cmlffor r. J. ,v.'iat..fled.. 658. lI¢iLii;niis.J. P. anld L. L. lh:a._ml::_.Ex-_]+ 1'._521_4"(_6. i_rilIK*JitS ill external JUli_e re¢luct_tHi (.4L Li?m:Kt:, EI [Survey .f the establMled .f a snuali lusller-tylle auTqfllihiatl airiil._?hods of tli_asl]r.:)11_lltof ;ioi_ dliT1ida0¢. _l:_r. i_dv+ Coilltn. i'_cro.. ']'¢eh. nutlon.J :fkuu. Z._ 4. I_]9. 75-II0. _ot¢ 2727. I()$L 64L M(:C_)m8 C. P. and J. D. Gimlle:t.L.The 6_9. Rimi:,s+ O. P.. Nols= level arid its vaHitll_t t_lllCli_(If I]I]ISC,_, +'_IIl#¢'r, reed* .'|$L+ athm• _vlth i)(l$1[ll)gl'4ild._ll + _i)¢¢d ]ii the 125, I_], 476--180, XCG-4 ,]lder+ USA[' Air ._.[aterlcl 644, MCf_RA'JII, R. M. At1 tih ecfivc nlcthod Ctimtll;xnt_ Nn. 29615 AIR, 1+_2, of cla_slf 'trig industrial noise Clivlrcllt660. Rtm_,s, O. R. and R, F, Ctmv:. Acr.d_'IIICnt. +'rob. /;i ttttr. I yg,t J+ 19_. naillle i.isc ar d lie ,:stll attoll +if nc_l_*e 456.+H, ill alrerafr. 1, acoust. So_. .'l;uvr._ 24. (HE* AII:[+I:Ar_,(2. C.nfinclnent of trautsftirzliIQI2+446. JAbstract] er noise. Elect. E/zgllg_ 70. 1951, J2L 661. I{ost;snl.ll'H, x.V.A, v:r at+ Tentative 646+ 3_llbl'l;4,]:, and I:. G+ "I+_I'ZZEIt, IX hinderit_rla f+lr ittli_,c control dcslgn. ]. ilCSS chart flit" octat.'o+b;llld data on *l¢otlst. +_o_. dllller. 24, 1952, +46. Clllll I_g_ Scltlll(15']" a¢OIJlt" SO_:*/filler" [?,bstract] 24, 952, X0-H/. 647. NII_.V YgIIIKNAVM. Slill*'l'Altll,*_Ie%II:IIIAL(162* I{OSt;_ZWl:l(bS* Theory, a )]lllcath)ll otld [l: ell _; of el _ hi: Villl'il LI)IIlso[atltln, I.^tt(m^'toaV. Ilihlk)graphy ft)r tile noise Mar. A_*'ws_ 25.19J8, 2_-26; ]1.]6. redttetlon ilro_l'alll Ill intl?rrla[ Crllll(iU_itlon cnglncs. _Vashingtlln, D. C.: De(if,J, S^ilISI:, II. J. Th_ use <d acoustical )artlllellt t lit the NIIVV. ]lur . .Shl_Is Re})t, ]71-.'_-fi+ July 19_1, PI. f8, 6+18, Ni)IIJII AMF:IIIt_N "_VlATIIN, Isc. No sc ahatemenr. Int. Airport+ Los Angeles, Ca[,, Al>l_' ll.15. _' lip. 41. 6t9. Nt)trtlll<Ul+ Aii_ct:^_l"_ I.'¢e, F-89 gruund n,fi:;e muffler. Rcpt. PD-;0, Mmrch IO. 1951, 11), 57. _i_(I, Nvrr, I). G,. The objective lllcasuremerit. . ol noise, its Jmssihilitles and hi t i a liill_. 11 IIc0lll 11_$Gi.ot I j Sylll. Ilositu/t, Lond(in: Physical Soeict ', 1+-'49.p, 1211. 6_1, I}I;IEIIMINi ?l. Octave [llglTt[noi_t_ ;111alyzer. Radio Telev. Ne_vt, 48, 11.182, 7-9; 5{L 6_.I* IJi:I'I:RSON+ :'% P* G, illld ],, ]+, BEII^NI!K, I/a/llfbouk o_ Noise _lh'ilxlir¢lth'#tl. Canlbrhlg¢: Qt:nerlll Ralllu Co. 1955. III, k" "t- 102. 6_, IlllLI.Al:l_l L A}llaralllSl :_ll_cili_;lli{llll} ill stmnd-jlrcssure levels, .+$11wr,]. 62, 1949. 412417, 684, PoJ-ll:l<,S. M. and 1L C. I laluly. Quieting lit tilt: jet engine testlng facilities in the Willglms Turbine _aboratllrv. 1. ,IColtiL Sue. /liner., 24, 1952, I 1_7. IAllstr+aetl lltllsg.rilatCr]al_iProc.ilt thcNat,ccmrrOl_ois¢ Ilfd[;Jlt'/tlellllndustPial Sylt/p., 5, 1952, 27-Jr. 6&L Scll_l,.t)l<sr, _,V. F. Mufflilql industrv'_; Ilclise, Nat. Sa[t'ty Ne_s, 1911+ HI-12[ 1':68. Sr¢ow_ Vit, IL and C, J. T. tl'ilusil. +'ifCtllt)dfor quieting ram jet motor test stations. J. acoort. _oC. ,'Drier., 21, I'_Q, 626-6J21 ahstraer in PbyL To-,fay, 2, 1_9_ ]5. (16fl*S4)tR)KA+'iV. W. 'Nols¢ Tatill_ _ ill iiit_chanlc+d etluipnlent. Re[rlg :ngttg, ]4. 1917, 35-54; 118. (_17. SII:RNJ:I¢_ J. I L ¢llrl/we rcatl ' hit _lt_lllit. art[_ in noise? lit, It_tr. Med., 20. 1OfI, +._)-101, 668. , Ntalltlards ill ilOlSc tolcrallt:¢. Noise: CatISCS+CJ[CeCS_Ille;istlrgllIellt+ eilsts, eiintriil. Sell. llubl, IIIth, hist. llltlll_rr. I IIrh, _lik'+ Micli. 19i2. lip. 161.166. t¢_9, SIIIA_;III_Ili; I I¢ll. Criteria for _ltilig • all'll0rlll: Illllsl! lel'_ls Iinllts in shilllllla¢ll _paces._iVasllhigt, ton, I). C.: I]q_ar tJuent .f die Navv, Bur. Shi_s, Re it. 571-N12+ 1952. ll>. 11. 670. Tossll<lxi._ J. SOLUehu IIieatltllls lit the decJlel sea e. I.andll ph idd: USAP MEASUREMENT AND REDUCTiOt4 .e,eh. avi_t. ,_lctl., ._pcc. I{cj_., I_;$9.I_l. ii_ "1-7, 67J. VK_EI_I,A_I_I _). _, ._l_i_e CtbllTrl_l flit Cr_0111dd, I_n[_l_nLl: Cq_llc_c _f Acrlbn_ltlcs, I_._11t.53, 195.'. (_77. "_VI:VI_._UI:II,]_. UJlcr I._irlllLIle_'_tlll_c_ 67-_, V_EI_y, A. W. $o_nd-l_wJ iil_surcII1_11_s 4)f .a LlgJl_alr 11._1_. I ' iilll_i_tl Ii_ r_d_lccn_lsc rc_chlng tile rr_ll_l _._" _Ttl, '_Viu_u_I.n:H, I), I_. _c al_Ic01_cnlr _t_ Ctlnll_I[t)l_ %_t[i Ile_lrlll_. I_rcsl_. .V,II, N_is_' .'_'b,lt¢l_l_'lJt._'.vltstJ, _ I. [_J_l_,I_-Ir_, IJ_'_[(_ltl_cnts _1_ the In','_tt_;!(ilJn antl 67.1. 7_ 1_]5, _91. . (_run_llagcl_ dcr L_rlnallwd_r ll_i_],/"or_c_, l"or_c_r, dts_. Ti_is_., I_, 193_.|2-13. 675, W._L'_ D. Gral_h_c_ll re _r_scll_Ii_i_ _f a cl)nt_nuoLl_ii_lls_ sDcctruull. I_roc. _7_. Wr_n_.Y, R. and C_, _,_.|4tI.Lt_y.An invcst_ at_u_ on _11_noise fic[d fr_nl a snlal_ie_:'and _nethod_for [_src_lucti_l_. r 3S [n_lLisl_r_a[ n_l_s_iIl_astlrelll_n_b._ictlc_ ¢1r ,lrt_ I_r_ ", N_t. N_i_e ._[ll,t_'t01_tl 681. _,%_1_1% C. _. X%_h_c_n_tit_Ltc_c_ces_i_ il_dll_t_i_L tl_i_c. F,_'t. ,l¢._lllr, I(I._, _112. Yo_;, I_. XX_. _1_L1 1_, _1.._l_w_r_. Oii ]_tL_ltil_[_nlli_ IIic_l_.ur_lllcll_, ]. ,u_r_lt_.Soc..-|ltl_,r,, 24, 1!)52_541. r_l_. _l_x.l.n_, "_X v, _ll_l II, I_l.s_u:tt. :_lcs_llt_g _151111ul_tnl_, II I_l¢._Llrc_llcn_ _f r_htc_i_ll _tld ah_r _tJ_n]./lr¢_. .If_'s_e_l,Aug_ 1912, 79o182, ii_sc _¢_b. P_rt VII NOISE FIELDS FROM ENGINES, iNCLUDING ENGINES 6S4. But.r. R, II. The aircraft n_fise mfi_lutn, I, ,wata_t. So¢. :l.wr.p _.$,1953, ¢1_- JET istics _]faircraft noise smtrces. ], at,mr. S.c. r|mer., _.5,1953, 367-37R. 6_. Clu:_lq_ I_..Lc _qJtlct I_ I_ruir ISound i_cld .f _ _url.3-iet _nghlc. 1. ,_rmm. altd nlti_l. 7"l_trt4,I_ ra,ii_l_ 17, 1951J, S_c..'lttl_r._ 24, 19S2, 169-174. 179-11_L ¢_c18. . Ttlrlm-i_r cllg[tl_ nr_i_, ]. ¢f_¢I.DI;5;I_I_A. F, , , N/tl[_. fctlllb I_rllIcJl_r_ ] _t_otlst,S_¢. ,'l_;lcr.,_4, I952, ]ltl, I:M]- 6_7. angl_.'L _r. Adl',C_n.n. :_erc_,T_ch. ._-'lttt:60_I 1937, N_li_c fr_,n pr_q_ell_ts wi_h 697. C;ot,,_T, A. M. I.e hrlti_ d_n_ I_ ¢_n_r_lh:__ht_rmltLIt.'_tl_ nlll'¢¢rlnt: it_. . ,' ' " ! a'nglc. If, N_lt, A,h', C_mm, A_r., _lat. _. Ily!4. "lr,_v.. 19_1, 2_-2.;0. T_ch, _t_e 679, 19|_/. 6_, _m.t_, T. Th_ 'd_mhlc hang' _ff sLip_r. Prup_ll_r r_i_ti_m n_Jiscdu_ _nlc _ir_r_ff.N_ttlre_ Lon,_. I?0, 1952, tq_ ii_rq_le ,'lnd Ihrll_r.J. .lt'ols_l. Stt_-. I_0}_. .-_t_¢r,i12, X940,171.1H. _. 699. _trrt_. L. On the _t_ut_l llcld _f 61;9. E:.._tiK,t,, _. II. Jet _i_iI_c _a_rl._ r_¢_in, propeller. Nat. Ad_'. Cnnnu, s|_c_tr_,USAF A_r. M_d. L_II,,T_ch. A_rl_. _cch. Nc_te 1195, 19-1_. I_.cpr._ft._7,1949.I_p.I_. 6_). El_sllt_sl!_, _V._und and _'i_r_tit_JI 7f_. I_utl_l^llt3,II, II, S_und frl_tll du_l° A_h'. Cmnnt, in _ir_'rMt. In Ci_rlli,Tn .'l_q,ltil_nMedi. _rc_pel_rs. tl_tt. _'_ I_. C,_ O_v_:rnnlunt I_rlnrillg (_)ffi¢c, 19_0.V_I. 1_, (211,"_II-A. 7t)t. timid _,f _rcrafr n.J_. I. ,_r_._t. S_c. .-_m,r,_ ._4,19S2, 772-77_. _gL Fn:t.l_,R.L._'r^t.,Aircrafrn(fi_..'l_rt_phme, 77, 1949. _J. _ p4 _ 4 . A sur_ey _f thv alrcrafr-ncfis_ phy_icM _spec[_. N,_r. Adv. C_,nnl. Acrll. 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Cllnleal surv¢_" of vlbrat_ty influellec of 1-16 et engineon man. LT.S. Nary._..cro. Med. l.:quip. Lab. Re_t.l' TED NAM AE 509024. Dec.. 1947. P_. I1. 710. Mola:s. A. I'byslque et technique de /,'rMt _Phpslcal and technical aspects t)f nnise}. Pari_: Dun,d. 1952. Pp. xll -_- 156. 711, PA,K_.CK. 11. O. al_tJ I). IL i':.llllt:la:c. +1 N'_fise problems ass41cintcd with aircraft maintenance. CdDO Terb. Data Dig., le,, 19Sl, 22-2_; 1. ,Tvi,m .ff,,d._ 22, 1951,470-476. 712. Piusruuv. C. F. and J. IL _V_:sll_, Nuhc of ventilating fails. ]. ,wautt, So¢. //met, 7 _$, 19_J, J22-326. 7IL Pou,J:l.l., A. A Sch]ieren su!dy tff muall M_ale 'air ]t_t$alia _Onll_ Iit)l_ Ill_a_tlrements on twc)-inch diameter air lets. Unlv. Stmtham )tmhi. Decelubcr. 195L 714. . Tile nmsc nf choked jets. 1. acotm'. Soc. diner.. 25. 195L Jill.389, 715. RI!_.IEX,A, A. Effec_ of dieallCC tin a_rcraft noise. Nat. Adr. Ctmlnl. Aero. _CClh Note 13S3. 1947. Noise in aircraft. /lir Surg. Iltlll., 2) 194S, 12-1L 717, VE_KL_SI_. P. S. +'.Ieasurctllenl and analysls, of. the ))hysical. characteristics. of Imlsc'lcr engine not_¢. Amcr. llehcopter Ct). hie.. Rept. 163-K.I. Sept. 19_1. 718. . Noise charactt:ristlcs of pulseiet engines. 1. acoust. So¢. _lmer., 25, 195J. 378-_80. Part WII GENERAL REFERENCES ON NOISE, REFERENCE WORKS, MEDICO-LEGAL ASPECTS AND THOSE NOT OTHERWISE CLASSIFIABLE 71% JA_;o_¢.]JlhlUStria]n(l[_¢;tnd illtl}.zircd 751. _llltlll ._%II:RIC_N AVI,_IIIIN,[_;l:.I/i/J/i. he_rirlg.]. diner. _m'J,_./ss.,150,19L_, o¢¢r,lpb.v _n Nai_v, Parl A, 1949.])1_.)0. 7¢)8. 7J._. Ihl_'_t(:_[_ _0_ci1:1 ;' _,{:l)z:Sll(:_ {;Izot.'p.1_'720. I.._._o_;.I.l_(llllU aspects(Jl"tile lr0[l[¢ln _lJrt ¢_;;t_l_ J_4,_SIl_tnllcrSy/t/po$1zt/ll: _f n(_ise. Ocru/_. I'sycbol.,12. 193_,4z. Noi_¢ ,;;M Sot#;J Tr,.m_ti_sir_l. I.(,172I. I:t._(_'¢.]S(lm¢facts (.I industrial ilolsc, don: Pfl),slcalSocic¢7, p.'49.I)ll. Z(X). S,_f. I_lgll.g,xfi,1=)44,67. 7JL Ros_:_t.,m=, W. A.' of con722. Ct)nl'¢rcllcl_t)ft }rolllerlls {)f ftt)_¢ 1[I f_:rcnc¢ olt iroblclns og nfllS_ [11inhldusrrv. ,'lrcb. }_/dmtr. /Ivg., 5, 19.;2, dusrr7, .. rcb. hzdl_str, Ilyg., 5. 19_.3, _7-16_. 160-1ill 7._3.h)x, ,'d,S, hldusrrialIlCljs¢:its medical, 714. RI}sl:_;I,,illh_-V.A.. D. E. Wil_:l:l.l:llalld r¢¢ a,d s_clal a_l..,crs...l.t_'r, ]. IL S_-II_I)M.. Problrnls (,f Iligh-lnrcnslw _//v,L SrI., 2._},19_2,447.46I). II{lls_: a gLlr*.'12 I and r¢ci3nlttIcllda¢i{l[t;.. 7.'4. (;.<+_1:,'_V.E+The rl<lJ_chazard, hi[larl'ar(] Univ., I_s)'¢h(i-Ac<lustl¢Lab., +/user.+fie+l.18, P.Hg,25.28. Rept. 113, 3{)Dec. 19_._. Pp, il -[- 25. 72L IIo(=1,1,1:, G.. I). 31¢dlca] arid Jcg 01 as- 7]L Scorr, IL IL Noise i. ind,str¢, hl. ICCIS ill II(H_3HIlldilMg )%A dlSCIISSL{}n strmu*'/Itt, 10, 1937, 231. ' ,,[ i;qlers [ire_enred. /_reb. i;;,Itt_tr. 736, SllaaX_% LI. Noise Icgishrhm,.'lct,x omIly.k.. 5, 95._, 1_;7. /,_r.wlq.,Stnckb., 41, 19S2, Ili-117. 7_(I, h.[.INtllSCf)MMjI'r]_Id]_ N(IISI_IS IN.t:S,._. Firsriarcri;n rc _n,'r.N,,v. 19LTM. 7_7. SvM_)_.s,N. "/'he legal as _ccrs ,,f i_cctl[}atiorla]S. tic:If/less. ;_r¢/), i;Idtlxlr. 727.._,l_sst_;I, I . Ru[d(Is cn laD.'l,,,ac i=l_;stria H>'g, _, 9_;2,I]8-1_6, IN_[_C in A, indu_hy]. Mcd. 3 Tr,;h., 14, ll._9,2522-25_0, 73S, --. . A law:,.¢r[lloks at ih¢ [aLh=Srrhl 72a. [,_h;.N:a, G, A.. F. _.L Vi'Esi:t¢ and .(rise prl_hlcm./'roe. Nat. N.i_' AI,,m'S, S. SI'I!_'_:NS. "l'ra/tglll[Ss[_ql and rec¢ __::e_zt Syl:lll., 2, 1952. Pil, 2._. I¢_f__f SIILIItLIs tlIldcr _ziP[llb;l_ COllti- 7_9. UNI_'I:BSlI"¢ O[: _'dli:illr;=.Eq _:lll)QI. OI! ti_ms, St.lmlary Tcch. lie _t. I)iv. 17, PCl_i.l(:Ih:_l,l., N.i_e: (A;ut¢_,Effects, NI)RC, V_], L lV;Ishl.gttm, 19461 .ffeasur_w/e;_l,Costs, CotltroL Lectures Washi_gt(m: U, S. I)e*t. Ct.u*uerce Sch, I).h]. lilth, Inst. Izldu_rr. Iihh, (lq_l, _(_-t51),1946. lh, xl '+ 296, Ann Arhor, 1952. Pll. 192. 7._tLN._Sll_C, S. Noise in hldas_rv; .Medi- 740. %V_:yRAL'ClI, l;', Dj_ZlJirmfr;ig_ [']'h¢ ¢.legal iulpl[cations, _llm, O}ol. cW, iw.hle.i ill n.isc I. A/vlL I¢lini_', 3;, St I.ons, 61 (}), 1952, 747-750. 1937,853, 75(l. N,_tm_;._t. Ni]ls_: 2%15_1l:_*11_NI S_',S[- 741. W_ar, S. K. Enghlccri_tg as_cct_ (_f I*DSIL'_*I, Pracccdi_lgs, CIlic;[g(_:Tcchillds_ stlh its. I)ro_. _ltl'r. _h . ._o¢'. n_h_gy Cent,,r,I, 10511;.', I_I; 5. 1052, 71, 1932,275-21qL ]e i =