BOOKVICA Russian Antiquarian Books Important Bibliographies of Russian Books 2015 FOREWORD We would like to present to you our first trade catalog on the subject of bibliogaphy. The world of Russian bibliographies is not very well-known in the West. However there are a lot of books written about other books that can be very useful, helpful and interesting for anyone who comes across antiquarian Russian books. We made a selection of 29 books from the areas that we know better: starting with Russian classics and the bibliograhies of first books and appearences of different authors (Okhlopkov, #1); the catalogs of the classical collections of the past which a lot of modern bibliophiles use as role-models for their own collections (Smirnov-Sokolski, #4; Lesman #3). In the first section there are bibliographies of Dostoevsky, Chekhov and Tolstoy. After that we have a selection of books about early-soviet books. Starting with works on avant-garde of the first quarter of XXth century (Polyakov, #10), then we have the qualifier of the monograms of Soviet artists and bookillustrators (Morozov, #14), and the catalogs for exhibitions of famous book designers of the times – Stenberg brothers and Kukryniksy. A very useful group of books are represented in the section ‘The Reception of Foreign Authors in Russia’: guides to translations and works on authors like Shakespeare, Goethe, H.G. Wells, Mark Twain and others can be found there. The section with children's bibliographies concludes the list. We hope you will like our selection and appreciate the work that has been done by Russian bibliographers of different times in the variety of areas. Bookvica team Bookvica is a member of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers and The Guild of Antiquarian Booksellers of Russia. David Agmashenebeli Avenue 17 Tbilisi 0102 Georgia [email protected] +7 985 218 6937, +995 (032) 2430117 2 RUSSIAN CLASSICAL LITERATURE. BIBLIOGRAPHIES [1] [RUSSIAN FIRSTS] OKHLOPKOV, I.Y. Debyuty russkikh pisatelei XIX-XX vekov. Materialy dlya bibliografii [i.e. First Publications by Russian Authors 19-20 c. Bibliography]. Moscow: Zakharov, 2007. 200 pp. 20x13 cm. In original publisher's binding. Fine. $200 The first account of first publications in print and books by not all but the most praised Russian writers and poets like Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Gogol' etc. [2] [BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 20th CENTURY RUSSIAN POETRY] TURCHINSKIY, L.M. Russkiye poety XX veka: Materialy dlya bibliografii [i.e. Russian Poets of the 20th century. Materials for Bibliography]. Moscow: Znak, 2007. xiii, 705 pp. 24,5x17,5 cm. In original publisher's binding. Fine. $130 This is the first and most useful bibliography of Russian poetic books published in 1900-1960. It includes not only original Russian poetry but also translations. This book is very valuable because it reveals a lot of pen names and gives authors' names to annonymos publications. 3 RUSSIAN CLASSICAL LITERATURE. BIBLIOGRAPHIES [3] [LESMAN COLLECTION] Knigi i rukopisi v sobranii M.S. Lesmana. Annotirovannyi katalog / Sost. M.S. Lesman i dr. [i.e. Books and Manuscripts from collection of M.S. Lesman. Annotated catalog / Compiled by M.S. Lesman and others]. Moscow: Kniga, 1989. 462 pp., ill. 25x17 cm. In original publisher's binding. Fine. $200 Catalog of one of the most famous Russian private book collections. Moisey Semenovich Lesman (1902-1985) was a musician from Leningrad. He first started to collect books in 1920s and collected two libraries which included first Russian editions and manuscripts of 19 and 20th centuries. Both collections were almost destroyed during siege of Leningrad. But Lesman started it all over again in 1946 and succeded, his third collection consisted of more than eleven thousand volumes. [4] [THE BEST COLLECTION OF RUSSIAN CLASSICS] SMIRNOV-SOKOLSKY, N.P. Moya biblioteka [i.e. My Library]: [In 2 vols]. Bibliographical catalog. Moscow: Kniga, 1969. 22x18 cm. In two original green cloth binidngs. Both volumes in original illustrated dust-jackets. Good. Minor tears of dust-jackets. $500 The first and only edition of the catalog of the main Soviet bibliophile. Nikolay Smirnov-Sokolsky (1898-1962) was an artist but became best-known for his book collection. His private library set new standarts for collectors of Russian fiction and first editions. 4 RUSSIAN CLASSICAL LITERATURE. BIBLIOGRAPHY His selection of Pushkin editions became the model for future generations of collectors. Every bibliographical entry comes with the notes on the rarity of the book and the story of its publication. [5] [SELECTED RARITIES OF THE 19th CENTURY] BEREZIN, N.I. Russkiye knizhnyie redkosti [i.e. Russian Rare Books]. Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2004. 180, [1], II, 101 pp. 23x14 cm. In original publisher's binding. Fine. $275 This is reprinted edition of the original reference book (1902) compiled by Nikolay Berezin (1866-1938), Russian bibliographer and bookseller. This reference includes not only detailed descriptions of Russian rare books but also the history of its publishing and size of the run, the cost of the book at that period of time and the value it has to bibliophiles and collectors. The best pre-revolutionary bibliography for estimating the rarity of the book. 5 RUSSIAN CLASSICAL LITERATURE. BIBLIOGRAPHY [6] [TOLSTOY AND MUSIC] Lev Tolstoy i muzyka. Khronika. Notografiya. Bibliografiya / Sost. Z.G. Palyukh, A.V. Prokhorova [i.e. Leo Tolstoy and Music. Chronology. Bibliography]. Moscow: Sovetskiy kompozitor, 1977. 327 pp., 9 ill. 22x13 cm. In original cloth binding. Fine. $190 This edition includes very interesting material connecting Tolstoy and music, for example, the list of musical compositions based on Tolstoy's works, facts of his social musical life, his philosophical views and how they reflected on his musical views. [7] [THE FULLEST BIBLIOGRAPHY OF DOSTOEVSKY] BELOV, SV. F.M. Dostoevskii. Ukazatel' proizvedenii F.M. Dostoevskogo i literatury o nyom na russkom yazyke, 1844-2004 [i.e. F. M. Dostoevsky. Bibliography of works by and about Dostoevsky in Russian, 1844-2004]. Saint-Petersburg: RNB, 2011. 755 pp. 31x19 cm. In original binding. Good condition. Small tear of the spine. $500 This is the very first bibliography that contains among everything else all critical literature on Dostoevsky in 160 years. This major work includes such sections as Dostoevsky and Art, Dostoevsky in memories of his contemporaries, Dostoevsky in fiction, Museums of Dostoevsky, Synopsises of dissertations, referential literature and others. 6 RUSSIAN CLASSICAL LITERATURE. BIBLIOGRAPHY [8] [FIRST CHEKHOV'S BIBLIOGRAPHY] MASANOV, I.F. Bibliografiya sochineniy A.P. Chekhova [i.e. Bibliography of Chekhov's works]. Moscow: Universitetskaya tip., 1906. 28 pp. 25x14 cm. In original wrappers. Very good, previous owner's marks. $700 First edition and first index of Anton Chekhov's works. It includes works published under his name and under his pen names since 1880 to 1906 in periodicals (Strekoza, Budil'nik, Zritel', Mirskiy tolk, Moskva, Severnyi vestnik etc.) and separate editions. [9] [HISTORY OF RUSSIAN LITERATURE] Istoriya russkoi literatury kontsa XIX - nachala XX veka. Bibliograficheskiy ukazatel' / AN SSSR; pod red. K.D. Muratovoi [i.e. The History of Russian Literature in the end of 19th c.-beginning of 20th c. Bibliography / The Academy of Sciences of the USSR; edited by K.D. Muratova]. Moscow; Leningrad: Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1963. 520 pp. In original publisher's binding. Very good. $90 This is the first fundamental bibliography of the main literature works from the end of the nineteenth century to 1962. It consists of more than 20 000 entries including collected works and published letters, biographies, memoirs, critical literature and references on different subjects like history of literature, critics, journalism, censorship, theatre. 7 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF AVANT-GARDE BOOKS AND DESIGNS [10] [BOOKS OF RUSSIAN CUBO-FUTURISM] POLYAKOV, V.V. Knigi russkogo kubofuturizma. S prilozheniem kataloga futuristicheskikh izdaniy [i.e. Books of Russian Cubo-Futurism. With Catalog of Futuristic Editions]. 2nd ed., revised. Moscow: Gileya, 2007. 550 pp., 32 ill., facs., port. 21x13 cm. In original illustrated binding. Fine. $150 The subject of this book is Russian futuristic book, the art of the beginning of the 20th century which united creative minds of different members of Russian avant-garde – poets, artists, publishers like V. Mayakovsky, A. Krutchyonykh, D. Burlyuk, V. Khlebnikov, V. Kamensky, V. Tatlin, N. Goncharova etc. In addition this book is supplied with updated catalog of futuristic books (1909-1916) and valuable illustrations. 8 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF AVANT-GARDE BOOKS AND DESIGNS [11] [RUSSIAN FUTURISTIC BOOK] KOVTUN, E.F. Russkaya futuristicheskaya kniga [i.e. Russian Futuristic Book]. Moscow: Kniga, 1989. 246 pp.: ill. 28x14,5 cm. In publisher's illustrated binding. Fine. $200 This is the first Russian account of 19 Russian futuristic books, particularly litographed editions appeared in 1910s. Those books were experiments of Russian poets and artists like M. Larionov, N. Goncharova, K. Malevich, V. Tatlin, V. Mayakovsky, V. Khlebnikov and others. This monograph includes more than 150 images and a list of illustrations in English. 9 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF AVANT-GARDE BOOKS AND DESIGNS [12] [RODCHENKO DIARIES] RODCHENKO, A.M. Opyty dlya budushchego: Dnevniki. Statyi. Pis'ma. Zapiski [i.e. Experiments for the Future. Diaries. Articles. Letters. Notes]. Moscow: Grant, 1996. 415 pp.: ill., port. 21x14 cm. In original publisher's binding. Fine. $200 This book contains all diaries, programs, essays and major articles written by famous Russian artist and photographer Alexander Rodchenko in 1911-1956. Autobiographical notes, diaries accompanied by his photographs and images of his work. But the main value of this book is in its bibliography: articles by Rodchenko, books about him; it includes book's resume and selected bibliography in English. 10 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF AVANT-GARDE BOOKS AND DESIGNS [13] [STENBERG BROTHERS] 2 STENBERG 2. The catalogue of the exhibition in Moscow art-gallery “Nashi khudozhniki”. Moscow, 2015. 207 p. 31x23 cm. Original wrappers. Dust-jacket. $150 The catalog of the recent exhibition of Stenberg posters. The book is illustrated throughout. The edition contains the bi-lingual preface of Viktoria Stenberg and Chronology of the life of the famous duo. 11 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF AVANT-GARDE BOOKS AND DESIGNS [14] [ARTISTS' MONOGRAMS] Opredelitel' monogram khudozhnikov-oformitelei proizvedenii pechati / Sost. A. Morozov [i.e. Directory to Monograms of Book Illustrators / Compiled by A. Morozov]. Moscow: Kontakt-kultura, 2008. 143 pp.: ill. 22х13,5 cm. In original publisher's binding. Fine. $150 First and very useful handbook of more than 700 artists' monograms (1918-1945) accompanied with name index, index of aliases and examples of book covers and monograms. 12 SOVIET AGITPROP [15] [SOVIET PROPAGANDA IN BOOK ART] KARASIK, M. Paradnaya kniga Strany Sovetov: Al'bom [i.e. The Paradnaya Kniga of the Country of Soviets: Great Stalinist Photographic Book: Album]. Moscow: Kontakt-kultura, 2007. 256 pp.: ill. 31x20 cm. In original publisher's illustrated binding and dust-jacket. Fine. $500 This is the first edition on Soviet photobooks and propaganda album design, it includes a historical essay and descriptions of more than 70 books published during 1920-30s. 'Stalin books' as the author calls them are of great art value. This is the first edition to shed a light on a massive and interesting subject of Soviet pompous books. The edition includes resume in English. 13 SOVIET AGITPROP [16] [KUKRYNIKSY: THE ART OF SOVIET SATIRE] Kukryniksy. Vystavka proizvedeniy [i.e. Exhibition of Works]. Moscow: Izobrazitel'noye iskusstvo, 1977. 144 pp.: ill., 6 ill. 21x17 cm. In original publisher's wrappers. Fine. Few owner's markings in the text. $200 This catalog includes chronology of Kukrynyksy's art work since 1932 – paintings, posters, graphics, TASS windows, flyers and wrappers for concentrates, political satire, satirical drawings and everyday satire, illustrations, caricatures, theatre and sculpture. The chronology follows by 64 selected works. All three artists have their own account of works in this book as well. 14 SOVIET AGITPROP [17] [SOVIET SATIRICAL JOURNALISM AND ART] STYKALIN, S.I. Sovetskaya satiricheskaya pechat'. 1917-1963 [i.e. Soviet Satirical Print. 1917-1963]. Moscow: Gospolitizdat, 1963. 484 pp.: ill., 16 ill. 22x16 cm. In original cloth binding. Very good. $130 The annotated reference book of Soviet humorous and satirical print with a lot of colorful illustrations and brief bibliography. The book includes not only caricatures from magazines and newspapers since 1917 but also poems and epigrams. Also authors created a few indexes (by alphabet, chronology, places of publication). 15 RECEPTION OF FOREIGN AUTHORS IN RUSSIA [18] [H.G. WELLS IN RUSSIAN] LEVIDOVA, I.M. Herbert George Wells. Bibliografiya russkih perevodov i kriticheskoy literatury na russkom yazike. 1898-1965 [i.e. Bibliography of Translations and Critic Literature in Russia. 1898-1965]. Moscow: Kniga, 1966. 167 p. 22x14 cm. In original illustrated binding. Good condition. $175 The important bibliography of anything translated of Wells or written about Wells in Russian. I.Levidova was a pioneer bibliographer who complied several books on Russian translations of Western authors. H.G. Wells was very influential in Russia during his lifetime and his books were translated very soon after they were published in English. The book has the foreword by Yuri Kovalev with overview of the reception of Wells in Russia. One of 2050 copies printed. [19] [SHAKESPEARE AND RUSSIAN LITERATURE] LEVIN, Y.D. Shekspir i russkaya literatura XIX veka [i.e. Shakespeare and Russian literature of the 19th century]. Leningrad: Nauka, 1988. 326 pp., 1 port. 22x13 cm. In original publisher's binding. Fine. $300 This monograph researches the cross-cultural connection between Shakespeare and the Golden age of Russian literature – how he was received in Russia during the time when his work played very important part in cultural and moral life of Russian society. It contains critical perception of poet's plays, creative mastering of his dramatical system and imageries. Includes history of Russian translations of Shakespeare and bibliography. 16 RECEPTION OF FOREIGN AUTHORS IN RUSSIA [20] [BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SHAKESPEARE IN RUSSIAN] Shekspir. Bibliografiya russkikh perevodov i kriticheskoi literatury na russkom yazyke. 1748-1962 / Sost. I.M. Levidova [i.e. Shakespeare. Bibliography of Russian translations and critical literature in Russian. 1748-1962 / Compiled by I.M. Levidova]. Moscow: Kniga, 1964. 711 pp.: ill., 1 port. 22x15 cm. In original binding. Fine. Very light rubbing to the spine. $500 First major account of Shakespeare's work in Russian. Contents and summary in English. The bibliography is arranged in chronological order and supplied with indexes. A special supplement has been added containing articles and notes on some of the less elaborated problems of Russian Shakespearean studies. [21] [MARK TWAIN IN RUSSIAN] LEVIDOVA, I.M. Mark Tven. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel russkikh perevodov i kriticheskoi literatury na russkom yazyke. 1867-1972 [i.e. Mark Twain. Bibliography of Russian Translations and Critical Literature in Russian, 1867-1972]. Moscow: Kniga, 1974. 175 pp.: ill., 1 port. 22x13 cm. In original publisher's cloth. $190 The first bibliography of Mark Twain's works in Russian. The book consists of two sections: translations into Russian and literature about Twain in Russian. Every section is divided by subjects, translations – by kind of editions and publications, critical literature – by nature of material. It includes more than 1500 entries. 17 RECEPTION OF FOREIGN AUTHORS IN RUSSIA [22] [GEORGE SAND IN RUSSIAN] KAFANOVA, O.B. Zhorzh Sand v Rossii: Bibliografiya russkikh perevodov i kriticheskoi literatury na russkom yazyke, 1832-1900 [i.e. George Sand in Russia: Bibliography of Russian Translations and Critical Literature in Russian, 1832-1900]. Moscow: IMLI RAN, 2005. 589 pp.: ill., port. 22x13 cm. In original publisher's binding. Fine. $200 The first bibliography of George Sand's works in Russian. It has two sections: translations into Russian and literature about Sand in Russian. All entries of critical articles supplied with short annotation. Also this edition has a significant foreword article named 'Phenomenon of George Sand in XIXth century Russia'. [23] [AMERICAN LITERATURE IN RUSSIAN] LIBMAN, V.A. Amerikanskaya literatura v russkikh perevodakh i kritike. Bibliografiya, 1776-1975 [i.e. American Literature in Russian Translations and Critical Writings. Bibliography, 1776-1975]. Moscow: Nauka, 1977. 451 pp. 30x15 cm. In original binding. Fine. $400 The first major reference in Russian on American literature. It includes critical publications by Russian and foreign authors and works of American writers published in Russian during this period of 200 years. It doesn't include all translations like identical reprints or later editions of earlier translations. 18 RECEPTION OF FOREIGN AUTHORS IN RUSSIA [24] [LATIN AMERICAN LITERATURE IN RUSSIAN] SHUR, L.A. Khudozhestvennaya literatura Latinskoi Ameriki v russkoi pechati [i.e. Latin American Fiction in Russian print]. Moscow: Izd-vo Vsesoyuznoi knizhnoi palaty, 1960. 291 pp.: ill. 22x13 cm. In original binding. Fine. $80 The first annotated bibliography of Russian translations and critical literature in Russian (1765-1959). [25] [RUSSIAN BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF FOREIGN LITERATURE] KANDEL, B.L. Bibliografiya russkikh bibliografii po zarubezhnoi khudozhestvennoi literature i literaturovedeniyu [i.e. Bibliography of Russian Bibliographies of Foreign Literature and Literary Science]. Leningrad, 1962. 180 pp. In publisher's wrappers. Fine. $90 This is the great evidence of that period when Soviet Union was a world leader in publishing translations. One of 1100 copies. 19 RECEPTION OF FOREIGN AUTHORS IN RUSSIA [BALZAC IN RUSSIAN] [26] PAYEVSKAYA, A.V. Onore de Bal'zak. Bibliografiya russkikh perevodov i kriticheskoi literatury na russkom yazyke, 1830-1964 [i.e. Honore de Balzac. Bibliography of Russian Translations and Critical Publications in Russian, 1830-1964]. Moscow: Kniga, 1965. 428 pp.: ill., 1 port. 22x14 cm. In original binding. $90 This is the fullest bibliography of Balzac's works in Russian and works about him in Russian of the period from 1830 to 1964. [GOETHE IN RUSSIAN] [27] ZHITOMIRSKAYA, Z.V. Iogann Volfgang Gyote. Bibliograficheskii ukazatel' russkikh perevodov i kriticheskoi literatury na russkom yazyke, 1780-1971 [i.e. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Bibliography of Russian Translations and Critical Literature in Russian, 1780-1971]. Moscow: Kniga, 1972. 615 pp. 22x14 cm. In original cloth binding. Fine. $90 The fullest bibliography of Goethe's works in Russian. Gathered in this edition materials divided in two main sections: translations of Goethe's works in Russian and literature on his life and works in Russian (6005 entries and also unpublished translations). First section includes all first publications of translations disregarding kind of edition and all reprints. Second section includes books and articles, reviews and theatre productions. With alphabetical and name indexes. 20 CHILDREN'S BOOKS [28] [FOREIGN BOOKS FOR CHILDREN IN RUSSIAN] Knigi dlya detei. Proizvedeniya zarubezhnykh pisatelei v perevodakh na russkiy yazyk, 1918-1978 [i.e. Books for Children. Foreign writers' works in Russian translations, 1918-1978]. Moscow: VGIBL, 1979. 711 pp. 22x15 cm. In original illustrated binding. Very good. Light wear to the binding. $350 This bibliography was compiled in the International year of the child. One of 700 copies. [29] [EARLY CHILDREN'S BOOKS] Izdaniya pervoy poloviny XIX veka dlya detey [i.e. Children's books of the early XIX century]. Collection of Russian Public Historic Library. Moscow, 1993. 68 p. 20x15 cm. In original wrappers. Good condition. $350 Very rare bibliography of 417 of the earliest Russian children's books. Most of the books mentioned don't appear on the market. One of 250 copies printed. 21