Trinity Episcopal Cathedral 2013 Annual Report
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral 2013 Annual Report
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral | 1100 Sumter Street | Columbia SC 29201 | 803.771.7300 Trinity Episcopal Cathedral 2013 Annual Report | REPORT FROM THE DEAN The Very Reverend Timothy Jones, Dean 2013 in Review Table of Contents: Report from the Dean.....3 Children’s Ministries.......4 Youth Ministries..............5 In my first year-and-a-half at Trinity, I’ve asked a lot of questions. That’s an important practice for a new leader, especially a leader of Cathedral parish with a heritage and a potential like ours. I like to ask questions like, “What has your experience here been?” Or “Where have you sensed God’s presence and grace?” Or “What do you think could happen or be done better?” Adult Formation.............7 I have also asked questions along the lines of: “Why do we do it that way?” In most cases I ask it to understand better who we are. But sometimes I ask “Why?” in the sense of “Maybe that’s what we have been doing, but there might be a better way.” Pastoral Care..................8 Questions are important for a leader to ask. Here are three. Mission & Outreach ......9 What Are We Doing Now? Young Adult Ministry......6 The Learning Center......10 Music Ministries............11 Men of Trinity................12 Daughters......................13 Trinity Bookstore...........14 Finance Update.............15 Communications...........16 Trinity Foundation.........16 Stewardship...................17 Vestry Nominations.......18 Staff & Vestry Listing......19 “Trinity Episcopal Cathedral invites all to celebrate a joyful relationship with God, share friendship with one another, and make Jesus Christ known in the world.” – Mission Statement Page 2 This has been an exciting year with many accomplishments. Things worked on: • The Lenten series brought nationally known speakers and overflowing attendance. We want to keep that renewed tradition staying strong in coming years. • Our summer “Gospel According to Pixar” Sunday offering drew crowds for an intergenerational and inspiring series. • More than a thousand people attended Sunday in September when the distinguished Archbishop George Carey preached and taught. • We hosted hundreds from around upper South Carolina for our Diocesan Convention. • We transformed parish communications. One of my first “Why?” questions had to do with this. With modest impact on the budget and through creative reassignment of staff duties, we hired a communications director. Our emailed Tidings, printed Tidings, the monthly printed newsletter, and new logo (faithful and classy and yet contemporary) testify to the result. With Foundation support, we gave the website an overhaul (see our dynamic web presence at We oversaw a new, freshly designed pictorial directory. • With many young adults here, I wondered why we didn’t have a clergy with special focus there. We hired a gifted canon, and she has also reinvigorated college ministry. • We have seen the retirement of Charles Davis Sr., who did much visiting with home-bound, so we clergy have been sharing in pastoral care with rotating visits. • We have a world class music program, with both musical excellence and spiritual focus involving scores of children, youth, and adults. • We witness the flourishing of youth ministry, one of the largest Episcopal programs in the country. Classes and Bible studies with youth are changing lives. Children’s formation has young people excited about Bible stories. • Bible studies and small groups and retreats for a variety of ages and settings help people encounter Christ afresh. • Betty Hudgens retired as executive assistant after years of faithful service, and Carole Carter stepped in. What are we doing? Lots. Through it all I sense excitement and a palpable sense of God’s presence. There is a joy here, interwoven with the fondness we have for one another. Where Are We Going? It’s not enough to stay put when it comes to the profound opportunities and challenges opening up to us. Entrusted with such an amazing heritage, we need to be intentional. That has led us to: • Launch a comprehensive and wide-reaching strategic planning process. There were opportunities for every parishioner to give input and insight (see our mission statement on the opposite page). • We are carefully articulating goals and objectives under a strategic plan implementation team. We will be getting specific and measurable! • We will continue to emphasize formation opportunities that help us grow deeper. • We are forming a committee to expand the use of the Trinity Center for Mission and Ministry as recommended by the Trinity Center Task Force in 2012. Watch for much more use of that great facility! • Susan Bartley, after decades of faithful service leading music for Keenan Chapel services will be relinquishing her duties (but staying active at Trinity). Jared Johnson and I will be working to build on the foundation Susan has laid for Keenan Chapel worship. How Will We Get There? • Greater lay involvement. Look for 2014 to be “The Year of Engagement.” Roger Hutchison will provide staff support for more intentional enlisting and coaching of volunteers. • Intensified focus on newcomers. We want anyone who visits to find a pathway into exciting opportunities and our shared life. • A renewed imagination for the role of stewardship. I want us to continue to work at coming out of a ten-year plateau in pledged giving. • More consistent participation and attendance at church and other opportunities for growth, continuing our movement from casual to committed. I envision renewed attention to Scripture and spiritual vitality. • Prayer. Pray for one another. Pray for me and Trinity’s leaders. Pray for the world we are trying to reach. Leadership expert Max Dupree says that a leader (and minister) needs a passion for the faith, a love of people, and a confident sense of the possibilities. I see that here! I certainly aspire to leadership that overflows in love, is faithful to Christ, and looks expectantly to the future. VESTRY NOMINATIONS Cathedral Clergy Mark James, Nominations Chair Nominee Junior Warden: Jack Godbold Insurance Broker – Keenan Suggs Youth Advisor; Sunday Morning Breakfast; Usher; Men of Trinity; Stewardship Committee; Basketball Coach; Trinity Brass Polishers; Youth Committee; Youth Minister Search Committee; Vestry; Trinity Reaches In; Adult Sunday School Leader; Youth Sunday School Teacher; Liturgy Preparation Teacher; Nursery Co-chair Nominees for Vestry: April Allen Government and Manufacturing Consultant EYC Leader; Daughters of the Holy Cross Board; DHC Treasurer; Bazaar Booth Chair and grants committee; Stewardship co-chair Allison Cox Trinity All Read conveyor; Art Chair for Vacation Bible School; Bazaar Co-Chair; Bicentennial Youth Committee; Costa Rican Youth Mission Team Member; Trinity Brownie Troop Leader Norah Grimball Educator Eucharistic Minister Chair; Worship Leader; Eucharistic Visitor; past: Diocesan Convention Delegate; Pastoral Care Team Chair; Covenant/Study Group Facilitator, Diocese: Commission on Ministry (Chair 2012-2014); Commission on the The Episcopal Church and National Concerns; Deputy to General Convention 2015; past: Diocesan Executive Committee ; Bishop’s Interview and Discernment Committee Chair; Communications Chair of Bishop Search Committee Rocky Hughey Attorney – McAngus Goudelock & Courie Youth basketball coach (2-3 grade girls); Sunday School teacher; W.A. Perry afterschool partnership; usher; Men of Trinity; Haiti (April 2013) Bill Matthews Page 18 Regional Director Provider Health Services Men of Trinity; Mission & Outreach Committee; EYC Crew Leader; Sunday school teacher; Cursillo 125; Chris Ray CEO – Receivables Management Corporation Men of Trinity; Usher; Verger; Bazaar volunteer; Diocesan Delegate; Sunday Morning Breakfast Nominees for Diocesan Delegates: Walter Chastain Funeral Usher Director; Usher Team Captain; Stewardship Campaign CoChairman; Mission & Outreach Grants Committee; Investment Committee for Diocese of Upper SC; Assistant to Treasurer with Investments of short-term Funds; Stewardship Campaign Solicitor; Sunday School Program Helper; Lenten Meditation Booklet Contributor Ben Grimsley (one-year term) Attorney Youth Formation Crew leader; Men of Trinity (President 2012 / VP 2011); Hospitality Committee; Mission and Outreach Committee; Vacation Bible School volunteer; Usher (Ben will serve the one-year remaining term for Brett Frantz) Beth Yon Sunday school teacher; St. Lawrence Place volunteer; W. A. Perry Partnership Nominee for Trinity Foundation Commission: Gus Brabham Insurance Agent – Regions Insurance Vestry; Finance Committee; Foundation Commission (Current Vice President); Youth Advisor and Formation Leader; Youth Basketball coach; Usher; lector; Stewardship Campaign Co-Chair Kirby Shealy Attorney Vestry, Warden, Trinity Foundation Commission (Current President), Christian Education teacher, Junior High Youth Advisor, past Stewardship Campaign Co-Chair, usher, lector The Very Reverend Timothy Jones Dean The Reverend Charles M. Davis, Jr. Canon Pastor/Canon to the Dean The Reverend Emily R. Hylden Canon for Young Adult Ministries The Reverend Susan B. Heath Interim Canon for Adult Christian Formation The Reverend Patricia C. Malanuk Interim Canon for Mission & Outreach Lay Canon Staff Donald W. Benson Roger W. Hutchison Jared Johnson Brian J. Silldorff Canon for Administration Canon for Children’s Ministries Canon Organist & Choirmaster Canon for Youth Ministries Cathedral Staff Troy Brabham Sexton Andrella Brunson Kitchen Coordinator Carole Carter Executive Assistant to the Dean Fay Folline Newcomer Coordinator Allison Fowler Receptionist & Membership Secretary Julie Fulmer Accounting Associate Carrie Graves Director, Cathedral Bookstore Ryan Headley Accounting/ IT Associate Dido Heath Music Administrator Christopher Jacobson Associate Organist & Choirmaster Jean Knowlton Director, Trinity Learning Center Tony Smoak Sexton Addie Thompson Director of Communications Edgar White Sexton Lee Willetts Facilities Manager Doak Wolfe Associate for Liturgy, Music & Administration 2013 Lay Leadership Lee Ayers Dan Fritze Howard Duvall Curtis Ott Kirby Shealy Anne Runge Mark James Senior Warden Junior Warden Treasurer Chancellor President, Trinity Foundation President, Daughters of the Holy Cross Immediate Past Senior Warden 2013 Vestry Members John Cloyd Mahalie Davies William Haselden Lucas Moorman Sam Sammataro Elizabeth Reames David Danforth Phil Johnston Amanda Malanuk Lura Folline Lisa Vipperman Walker Williams Bob Davis Karen Dukes Tommy Little Wade Stinnette Liz Summers Rick Umbach | [email protected] 803.771.7300 1100 Sumter Street | Columbia, SC 29201 Page 3 Page 19 STEWARDSHIP REPORT CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES Phil and Susan Johnston, Stewardship Chairs Roger Hutchison, Canon for Children Ministries Ministry Highlights • Children’s Sunday School: 38+ teachers, 125+ children each week • Liturgy Preparation continues to grow especially during the 11:15am service. We have had as many as 23 at 11:15am. This is a significant jump! • Sunday Morning Parenting Class Involvement • Wednesday evening programs have high level of participation. 20+ children each week. • Canon Roger Hutchison serves as Trinity Learning Center Chaplain – leads weekly Chapel for the TLC children and teachers. He is also available to families as needed. • Active involvement with Elsie Lamar Chapter of the Daughters of the Holy Cross Summer Activities at Trinity • Lego My Bible (grades 1-3) • The Painting Table (grades 3-5) • Story Time in the Cathedral Bookstore (ages 3-5) • Back to School Farm Party at the Buckeye Farms (The Cate Family Farm) Trinity Cathedral Vacation Bible School: • • • 100+ volunteers of all ages 200+ children Special highlights – Sam Hensley as musician, Opening and closing each day in the Cathedral, Outreach project: providing supplies for parents who have children in the hospital. As of January 21st, we finished stewardship program with 707 pledges for a total of $2,591,383. Our average pledge was $3,665.00. From the folks that pledged last year, 42.72% increased their pledge, 34.37% remained at the same amount, 12.16% decreased their pledge, and 10.75% started a new pledge. For those that increased their pledge (Increase Group), they did so an average of 18.54%. The new average pledge amount for this specific Increase Group was $4,975.00 For stewardship, this year’s program results provided a small, positive increase. Pledges 2013 No Change 243 $715,662.00 Decrease 86 $309,321.96 Increase 302 $1,267,629.71 New 76 $0.00 707 $2,292,613.67 2014 $715,662.00 $235,232.95 $1,502,658.90 $137,830.00 $2,591,383.85 $0.00 0.00% ($74,089.01)-23.95% $235,029.19 18.54% $137,830.00 100.00% $298,770.18 2013 Recap: Our approach for the 2013 stewardship season was to invite our members to get God involved in their finances. We were reminded of the truth from St. Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians, Chapter 9, verses 6-11 also known as “The Law of the Harvest”. The 2013 stewardship focus had three core components: • A multi-year effort focusing on cultural change. This involves programs and messages focused on an increased level of generosity. This supports core themes from Tim Jones on: hospitality, spirituality, and generosity. • A direct contact component allowing our clergy leadership the ability to discuss Trinity’s vision, listen to any concerns, and share our vision for generosity. • Our standard process of sending letters, reminders, and follow-up calls. Advent Activities for Children: • Sunday, November 17, 2013 - Chrismon ornaments for Trinity’s tree. This activity was for children of all ages. • Sunday, November 24, 2013 – 5:30-7:00 at the home of Kris and Sterling Davies – children in Grades 3-5 gathered together for a meal and special Advent project. • Sunday, December 1, 2013 - Advent Wreath Making. • Wednesday, December 4, 2013 – 6:30-7:00 – Advent Program on Angels - for children ages 3-Grade 5 • Sunday, December 8, 2013 – 2:00-3:30 at the home of Maryanne and Freeman Belser. Children ages 3-Grade 2 and their families came together for a special Advent activity. There was singing, crafts, and a special visit from St. Nicholas. • Sunday, December 8, 2013 – 5:30-7:00 at the home of Katie and Dan Fritze – children in Grades 3-5 gathered together for a meal and an outreach project of writing people on Trinity’s prayer list. • Wednesday, December 11, 2013 – 6:30-7:00 – Advent Program on Angels - for children ages 3-Grade 5. • Sunday, December 15, 2013 - 2:30-4:00 at Trinity – Children in Grades 3-5 gathered together for a “Baby Shower” to benefit St. Lawrence Place. Children also decorated cookies with Andrella Brunson and her team of volunteers • December 24, 2013 - Christmas Pageant – 200+ children and adults involved. Page 4 We also started discussions to change the perspective on giving. We did this through testimonials to the Parish and specific messages targeted to our existing faith groups (Sunday Christian formation classes, existing Bible studies, Men of Trinity, and other groups). These were presented through volunteers. Our leadership read the book: Fearless Church Fundraising, by Charles LaFond and modeled many of the suggestions and timelines mentioned in this book. We propose starting 2014 off with the guidelines in this program. Over the course of the season, several recommendations were made that proved very helpful: • • • • The Vestry was directly asked to lead and participate at a 10% giving level Tim asked us to pray daily for our Church and stewardship The Vestry introduced the 1,000 pledge goal to the parish A recommendation was made to appoint two Vestry members with a focus on stewardship to provide a multi-year, consistent program with appropriate support for the selected stewardship campaign team [typically a husband and wife team]. • As part of our year-round, multi-year approach we should reinstate the Dave Ramsey, Financial Peace offering at Trinity. The suggestions offered here will help all of us better manage the gifts God has already provided us. Susan and I were humbled by the quiet and sincere generosity of many of our faithful members. We hope through greater involvement, our parish can live into the vision that was set before us in our parish-wide strategic planning. Page 17 COMMUNICATIONS YOUTH MINISTRIES Sally McKay, Communications Committee Chair Brian Silldorff, Canon for Youth Ministries 2013 Youth Highlights • We hired a full-time Director of Communications (Addie Thompson) in July 2013. • Susan Craig redesigned our Trinity’s logo and branding (new colors, fonts, etc.). Trinity’s new look is a blend of traditional and contemporary, representing both our rich history and current vitality. The fleur-de-lis, symbol of the Holy Trinity found in our stained glass and pew cushions and sanctuary floor, is an ancient spiritual symbol that reminds us of our name. The Gothic arch, which shares our architectural style with that of many cathedrals, reflects Trinity’s spiritual heritage and physical beauty. The horizontal beams inside the arch hint at both Christ’s cross and human arms open in invitation. The white space and angled lines convey Trinity’s aspiration to be a parish that reaches upward, inward, and outward. • Created a new monthly printed newsletter to keep members informed of upcoming events, stories and more. Trinity continues to send the weekly newsletter, Tidings. This weekly newsletter is distributed both electronically and mailed, depending on the recipient’s preference. • a 32 Youth Confirmed and 1 Youth Baptized a Over 4,000 hours of service performed: • • • • • a 30 Hour Famine Middle School Mission Trip to Augusta Georgia Episcopal Outreach Camp John’s Island High School Mission Trip Home Works Blitz Days Over $29,000 raised and given away • Souper Bowl of Caring • 30 Hr. Famine EYC Breakdown of Numbers 381 Weekly Participants Represents • 214 different youth • 61% males and 39% females • 77% members of trinity and 23% non-members • 58% middle school students 42% high school students Trinity Cathedral’s new website was launched in December 2013. Keystone from Nashville was hired to create and design the new interactive website that is more intuitive, streamlined, congregant-focused, and easy to navigate. A new mobile friendly website was also designed for mobile users. TRINITY FOUNDATION COMMISSION Kirby Shealy, Trinity Foundation President The Cathedral’s bylaws require all “Endowment Funds” of the parish to be handled by the Trinity Foundation Commission. According to long-standing Vestry policy, all memorials and honoria are remitted to the Commission. These gifts are the primary sources of the Foundation’s revenue. The Foundation is not a stand-alone entity. It is the “Endowment Committee” for the parish, operating under such bylaws. In addition to the Commission’s bylaws and the Cathedral’s bylaws, the Commission’s activities must comply with the Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina, which has specific provisions for the handling of “funds held in trust, endowment or other permanent funds.” The Foundation received an extraordinary number of gifts in 2013, following the deaths of several parishioners in quick succession. Among the efforts that have garnered the Foundation’s financial support this year are the strategic planning process and the rebuilding of Trinity’s website. Funds designated for the Churchyard have also been expended to improve the walkways in the cemetery. The Foundation has overseen the first cycle of Vernon Fund requests and monitored collections of outstanding pledges to the Restoration Campaign. The Foundation constantly looks for ways to increase planned giving among the congregation and hopes for the continuation of a strong working relationship with the Vestry that has resulted in so many positive changes at the Cathedral over the last several years. Page 16 Youth Ministry Weekly Offerings with Average Weekly Attendance Monday 6:30-8pm: High School Girls Bible Study in the Youth Office 8 Monday 7pm: Middle School Bible Study @ The Brabham’s 13 Tuesday 7am: High School Breakfast Club @ Dunkin Donuts 11 Tuesday 6:30-8pm: Praise Band and Tech. Crew Meeting in the Workshop 9 Wednesday 7am: 10th Grade Bible Study @ Emilie Guinard’s12 Wednesday 7am: 9th Grade Girls Breakfast Club @ Brueggers Bagel 19 Wednesday 7pm: High School Bible Study in the Youth Office 14 Thursday 7am: Middle School Breakfast Club at Bojangles 52 Sunday 10:15-11am: Youth Formation (6th-12th grade) in the Workshop 118 Sunday 3pm: Art from the Heart in the Art Studio 7 Sunday: EYC (MS 5-6:30, Dinner 6:30-7, HS 7-8:30) 118 Average Weekly Participation: 381 Basketball Ministry 2012-2013 Season • 24 Teams • 214 Players and 53 Coaches (74% members) 2013/2014 Season • 26 Teams • 238 Players and 58 Coaches (76% Members) During 2013 • A Winter Basketball Camp • Week Long Summer Basketball Camp 76 Youth Serve as Acolytes at Trinity • August 2013: first Trinity Acolyte Manual • Leadership: 12 captains have assumed a great leadership roll by taking responsibility for team attendance, preparation, and training. • Addition of a Senior Thurifer Program in November 2013: 3 acolytes in the first class of thurifers Page 5 TREASURER’S REPORT YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Howard Duvall, Cathedral Treasurer The Rev’d Emily R. Hylden, Canon for Young Adults College Ministry Trinity Cathedral Parish has a rich history of ministry to the students of the University of South Carolina. With a mission to be the Neighborhood Episcopal Church for USC, Trinity Cathedral has become very active in student life since the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year. In cooperation with the Columbia Council for Internationals: • Thanksgiving dinner was provided by 2 Trinity families for 4 USC International students for the first time at Trinity. • Made and delivered 240 sandwiches and 300 cookies, along with fruits, veggies, and chips to International students at USC for the first time at Trinity. Canterbury: • Hosted Canterbury Cola on behalf of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina every Sunday night from 7pm till 8:30pm. Average of 6 participants weekly, more than 20 students throughout the semester attended at least one event. Young Adults – YAMS – Young Adults Married and Single A new focus of Trinity Cathedral was that the first-ever Clergy Canon for Young Adults (The Reverend Emily R. Hylden) was hired in June 2013. This ministry seeks to foster community and spiritual growth amongst young people just starting out in their adult lives. Community Building • Drinks & Discussion – There have been 15 participants since the launch in October 2013. Local seminary professors and local clergy facilitate theological discussion in a casual atmosphere (a pub). • Community Dinners/House Blessing – There have been 4 meals since launch with an average of 20 participants at each event. • New Program Outreach – the Young Adults Married and Single group supplied a Sunday morning breakfast team in June and in November made 12 dozen cookies for college students. Formation • Psalms Course – This Sunday morning Christian formation class focuses on prayer and vocational discernment during moments of life transition. There are an average 25 participants. • Tuesday morning “The Simple Way” Women’s Bible Study – was launched in December 2013. This Bible Study provides an early-morning offering for women to study Scripture together, grow spiritually, and build relationships with one another. There are an average of 14 participants. Page 6 “Courageous and Contagious” At the November Vestry meeting, faced with a budget deficit that had grown to over $245,000, the Vestry accepted a challenge from Dean Jones to pray three times each day for “courageous and contagious generosity” from the Trinity Cathedral Parish. During the month of December we again witnessed the “Trinity Surge” and our prayers were answered! The Operating Fund ended 2013 slightly in the black by strong year-end giving and careful management of expenses. The Contribution Revenue for 2013 was 96.61% of budgeted. This was an increase of $145,000 (5%) over Contribution Revenue for 2012. Total revenue was 97.04% of budgeted with a $40,000 increase over 2012. The generous giving in December allowed the Operating Fund to pay all the internal debts to the Trinity Foundation and the Trinity Restoration Project. This amount of $364,352 was transferred to the Foundation on December 31. On the expense side, we spent 97.02% of the budgeted amount. This was an increase of $171,212 over 2012 but was also $100,000 less than budget due to cutting budgeted expenses to better match projected revenue. We also used restricted funds where possible and appropriate to lessen the impact on the Operating Fund. A bright spot for Trinity finances was the operation of the bookstore. The bookstore had the best results in many years. Thanks to David Danforth, Carrie Graves, Ryan Headley and the volunteer team for this turnaround! Although we are delighted to have ended the year in the black, the Operating Fund continues to be under stress. We were not able to make the planned principal reduction on our Letter of Credit which now stands at $338,063. We are making very small monthly payments to reduce this debt, but would like to retire it in the near future. The $100,000 budgeted for 2013 but not spent due to the need to keep expenses in line with collected revenue, strains the provision of quality programs for the congregation. Our 2014 budget adopted by the Vestry in December reflects the financial stress. The budget forecast revenue of $2,935,600. In order to manage our expense to match our revenue, the budget reserves 7.9% of some departments that we hope will be released as revenue projections are increased and confirmed. As we move into a new year at Trinity Cathedral Parish, thank you for your support. The Vestry has proven the power of prayer as we closed out a successful 2013. Perhaps all of us need to join with the Vestry as they pray for “courageous and contagious generosity!” Page 15 ADULT CHRISTIAN FORMATION TRINITY BOOKSTORE The Rev’d Susan Heath, Canon for Adult Formation Carrie Graves, Bookstore Director 2013 was a hugely successful year for Trinity Cathedral Bookstore! In 2012, many hours were spent working on researching, purchasing and implementing a computerized inventory control system, as well as putting solid financial procedures in place. This groundwork allowed more time in 2013 for marketing, social media, author events and targeted special events, all of which resulted in an amazing financial turnaround from 2012. The hard work of 2012 paid off in 2013. The installation of our new Dean, Timothy Jones in 2012 made a big difference in 2013. As an author himself, Dean Jones prioritized bringing in authors for such events as the Lenten speakers series. Bookstore Director Carrie Graves also brought in authors for special luncheons and other events, which were successful and supported the bookstore’s primary mission of Christian spiritual formation. The Rev. Susan Heath, Canon for Christian Formation, helped to increase learning and book sales with the continuation of her All Trinity Read series. An exciting end to the year was made by the arrival of Roger Hutchison’s book, The Painting Table. 2013 Highlights: • Lenten Speaker series – three of the speakers are also authors. Book signings accompanied the speakers’ other engagements at Trinity. • Clergy Appreciation Sale – the bookstore began a new tradition of having a Clergy Appreciation Sale on the day of the Renewal of Vows, which took place March 25,2013. • Author Events – Bookstore sponsored author events with Anna Fitch Courie, Pastor Deb Richardson-Moore and T. Felder Dorn, Dean Timothy Jones, and Roger Hutchison provided excellent education opportunities. • Communications – the hiring of a full-time Director of Communications, Addie Thompson, at the Cathedral greatly aided Carrie’s ability to get out information and spread the word about the bookstore in a timely and professional way. With more time for marketing, Carrie has had improved content and results with Facebook and e-newsletters. 2013 Adult Christian Formation Offerings Hundreds of people lead and participate in Adult Formation at Trinity. The combination of fellowship and learning from each other feeds our spirits. We are challenged and encouraged in our faith. In 2013, two terms of Adult Classes were offered on Sundays. One term ran January through May, the other September through December. 2013 Classes • • • • • • • • • • • • • Who Is Jesus (and Why It Matters ) The Apocalypse: A Vision of What Is Coming What Is An Episcopalian? Everything About Old and New: Trinity History Brought to Life Knit Together in Your Will: The Gift of Parenting Faith and Fiction Growing in Christ The Gospel of John A Groundswell of Twelve: Being An Effective Advocate for Your Cause Holy Scripture: The Goodness of Creation, the Faithfulness of God,and the Riches of Salvation Listening to God Through the Psalms: Reflections in Christian Vocation Trinity 101: A Class for Newcomers and the Curious Bridging the Gap Between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected World All of the Cathedral clergy and more than 40 lay people took part in leading the classes listed above. During the summer an intergenerational seminar, “The Bible According to Pixar” was led by Dean Tim Jones and Canon staff. Weekday Bible Studies were offered throughout the year. Classes offered in 2013 included: • Events – Diocesan Convention (held at Trinity in 2013), the Trinity Bazaar and the visit of former Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey provided opportunities for the bookstore to reach new customers. • Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary – Carrie has been working to partner with the seminary (now part of Lenoir-Rhyne University) for several years. In 2013 they announced that Trinity Cathedral Bookstore will be its bookseller for all special author events. • Continuing Financial Groundwork – with the help of David Danforth, head of the Bookstore Advisory Committee, the bookstore continues to study and gather data to implement and fine tune financial and administrative practices. Great effort was put into this area by David Danforth, Ryan Headley, and Carrie Graves. • Inventory and Selection – with the collection of sales data, Carrie continued to reduce buying and fine-tune the books and gift selections according to what customers most demand. • Books – Most importantly, books were the highest-selling category in the bookstore in 2013. The bookstore focused on special titles that our clergy and parishioners stand by and that inspire and educate parishioners, bringing them closer to God and each other. • Summer Events – In the summer, the bookstore sponsored 5 story times for children. Five special titles were selected and the events were open to the public. In addition, children from the TLC made special visits to the bookstore to listen to Mr. Roger read. Page 14 • • • • • • • • • All Trinity Read Several Lectionary based studies The Old Testament Texts for Lent Year C I Corinthians Galatians The Bible and the New York Times The Old Testament Texts for Advent Year A Acts Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossains Daniel Other 2013 Offerings Trinity offered two rounds of Only in Luke, one in Epiphany and one in Eastertide.Fall groups reflected on the Parable of the Lost Son. This offering involved 30 groups of 8 -12 participants. • The Ark Group for Women • The Alpha Course • The Alpha Marriage Course • The Film series Lent, summer, and late Pentecost • Baptism Classes before each Cathedral Baptism • Wednesday Night Supper Series: In 2013, program series included - “What it means to be a Cathedral? The Privilege, Responsibility, and Potential - “Embracing our Role as a Cathedral” - Dean Timothy Jones’ Advent series on Angels Page 7 PASTORAL CARE DAUGHTERS OF THE HOLY CROSS The Rev’d Charles Davis, Canon Pastor/Canon to the Dean The Pastoral Care Committee at Trinity continues to reach out to those who face crisis. The committee operates under the supervision of the Rev’d Charles Davis, Jr., Mopsy Crawford, Nell Chastain, Jane Moorefield, Mary Ellen Saxon and Carole Carter. The committee meets monthly to discuss ways to best serve the Parish Family. The team is always seeking volunteers to add to each of the lay ministries and would welcome you. The team encouraged all parishioners to let the church know about themselves or others who are in need of pastoral care by calling Allison Fowler at 771-7300. Trinity responds well to the needs of its members. The ministries listed below are only part of the way Trinity responds. Countless people also respond to the needs of Trinity’s community of Faith. Clergy • Hospitals: visit sick parishioners using a rotating schedule, Monday through Friday. One clergy is available at all times for emergencies. Appropriate follow-up to discharged patients (calls, notes, casseroles) • Visits to homebound and to nursing homes • Deaths: call and meet with family to arrange funerals • Bereaved care follow-up letters and grief books sent throughout the first year after death of immediate family member • Healing services held each Thursday at 12:15pm and quarterly memorial services held - invitations are sent to family • Counseling offered on an as needed basis Care Teams Anne Runge, 2013 DHC President About the Daughters of the Holy Cross The Daughters of the Holy Cross are the ECW chapter at Trinity Cathedral. We solicit our own donations and have a budget separate from the church’s finances. Outreach • Coordinated and paid for the printing of the Lenten meditations booklet (750 copies printed) • Planned, prepared and hosted over 624 lunches served during the Lenten speaker series. Profit used to buy items for the kitchen • Hosted the annual Valentines Dance at Still Hopes. • Coordinated the United Thank Offering Spring and Fall ingathering. Collected $3,225 for UTO in 2013. • Prepared casseroles for pastoral care to take to families. • Delivered flowers and Easter lilies to homebound. • Coordinated memorials for Easter lilies, poinsettias and Thanksgiving fruit. • Staffed Trinity’s “Lemonade on the Lawn” during the summer months. The Daughters continued their financial support in many areas, including the purchase of Christmas greenery for the Cathedral doors, W.A. Perry Middle School, Bena Dial Scholarship, Seminary Book Fund, Church Women United and the Diocesan Episcopal Church Women • Care teams work includes providing meals, transportation, home cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry, visiting, and other services to enable elderly parishioners to remain in their homes. • After-Care volunteers call on and pay attention to persons recovering from illness. Calls are made after anyone leaves the hospital. • Bereaved Care Volunteers respond to all deaths within the parish with gift bags and visits made to bereaved families, notes, phone calls and funeral receptions The Daughter’s Signature Outreach Event – The Trinity Bazaar New Life Ministries The Daughters hosted many receptions during the year: •70th wedding anniversary of Rev’d and Mrs. George Chassey in January •Assisted with reception following Brett Frantz’s funeral service •Betty Hudgen’s retirement reception in May • Assisted with the Parish Picnic on Trinity Sunday • Provided welcome basket for Emily and Jordon Hylden 2013 General Membership • Reception welcoming Emily and Jordon Hylden in July Meetings • Reception for Former Archbishop George Carey during his visit in September Four meetings open to all women of the church are held each year. DHC Chapters We averaged 100 attendees at each Three DHC chapters meet during the year: Bishop Finlay, Bishop Temple and Elsie meeting. Lunch is served and a Lamar. These chapters offer a chance for a smaller group of women to meet for food business meeting is held with a and fellowship. Some of this year’s speakers included the Rev’d Jill Zook-Jones, featured speaker. Canon Emily Hylden and Rep. James Smith. • Feb 4 2013 - The Reverend Jill Zook-Jones • May 6 2013 - Julianne Sojourner • Sept 9 2013 - Current and Past Other Business Bazaar Celebration with Bazaar • We continue to sell Reflections - the Women of Trinity 1812 -2012, A History of agencies Trinity’s Daughters of the Holy Cross written by Ms. Jeanne Kean. Copies are • Dec 2 2013 - Reverend Canon available in Trinity’s bookstore. Emily Hylden • The Daughters restored four portraits discovered during the Cathedral renovation. Three are hanging in the Daughters room and one is in the children’s story room. • The Daughters participated in the Mother’s Day Bicentennial Celebration with a special flower arrangement in the Page 13 Cathedral to honor the work of the women of the church during the past 200 years. • Hospital visits made to new mothers and special counseling with families with a baby in NICU or having lost a baby • Meal deliveries with Baptism and church nursery information Meals and Casseroles • Members of DHC make casseroles that are used by all of the above teams. These casseroles are taken to people who have been hospitalized or are sick and recovering at home. • Andrella Brunson and her volunteers take leftovers from church suppers and lunches to shut-ins. Eucharistic Visitors • Visits and prepares communion to parishioners in hospitals, nursing homes and homebound after the 9am service. Order of St. Luke • Meet regularly to study and offer intercessory prayer for parishioners who request prayers • Meet with individuals in hospital or home for prayer, as requested • Provide healing prayer during Sunday 9am, 11:15am and 6pm services Parish Nurse • Mary Ellen Saxon, Trinity’s Parish Nurse, has instated new protocols for emergency procedures. She has begun to look at the needs of the parish emergency medical kits and made sure that Trinity’s are up to date. Mary Ellen has brought a new energy to this role within the parish and its common life. Page 8 The 65 Annual Trinity Bazaar was held on November 9, 2013. It was a great success with countless Daughters, men and youth involved. The five local charities chosen to be recipients of the 2013 Bazaar were Angel House, The Hearth, Sexual Trauma Services, Turning Pages and United Cerebral Palsy of the Midlands. Hospitality MEN OF TRINITY MISSION AND OUTREACH Curtis Ott, 2013 Men of Trinity President The Rev’d Patsy Malanuk, Canon for Mission and Outreach About the Men of Trinity The purposes and objectives of the Men of Trinity are to provide “opportunities for men to grow in faith and in spiritual maturity; to understand the teachings of Jesus more deeply; and to be strengthened in the unique ways men are called to live as disciples of Jesus.” • 2013 Fall Kick-Off: The Men of Trinity welcomed baseball legend Bobby Richardson as a guest speaker in September. Bobby played second base for the New York Yankees over a 12 year career and was voted MVP of the 1960 World Series. He went on to coach for USC, Coastal Carolina and Liberty University. One hundred fifty attendeed in the Workshop heard Bobby’s inspirational speech as he described his faith and his efforts to share the Gospel. • In-Town Retreat: On October 11 - 12, 2013, the Men of Trinity In-town retreat included an oyster roast and chili supper. Dean Jones presented on “Practical Spirituality for Busy Men,” which is the subtitle of his book, Awake My Soul. The attendees enjoyed listening and actively participating about ways to begin our days and reflect on Jesus amidst a hectic schedule and society. High praise came in the form of attendees’ comments that the retreat was the most significant Men of Trinity event that they had experienced. • Men of Trinity BBQ: On a chilly November 12th, seventy-five men made the annual excursion to Belle Grove to bond around the campfire. The fellowship and the barbecue dinner were heartwarming. • Advent Drop-In: The annual Advent Drop-In on December 17th was well attended and another wonderful fellowship opportunity to celebrate the holiday season. • Fellowship Dinners: In addition to the larger events, the Men of Trinity sponsored regular fellowship dinners at members’ homes with timely presentations and discussions on our relationships with God. These are great opportunities for fellowship and friendship with men of all ages at Trinity. • Bible Studies: 2013 also welcomed the return of the Monday Noon Bible Study in the Stirling Room led by Dean Jones that explored the weekly lectionary with a delicious lunch prepared by Andrella Brunson and her staff. Also, the Men of Trinity Friday morning Bible Study, hosted by Phil and Susan Johnston, provided another spiritual growth opportunity to bookend the week. • Service: The Men of Trinity provided manpower to help the Diocesan Convention and the Trinity Bazaar. We also decided our service project going forward will be facility maintenance and repairs for St. Lawrence Place. Page 12 Each of these ministry areas has sub-groups or projects led by dedicated and outstanding Trinity people. Our outreach involves large numbers of volunteers and more are always needed and welcome. • W.A. Perry Middle School Outreach: Our 11 year partnership is a model for 2013 - A Successful Year of Events The Mission and Outreach Committee, under the leadership of Chairman Tommy Little, continued work and support of its longstanding missions: Trinity Sunday Morning Breakfast, Washington Street Soup Kitchen, W.A. Perry Middle School Partnership, St. Lawrence Place, Camp Bob, Cooperative Ministry, and Trinity’s adopted village of Morne Michel in Haiti. reaching to meet needs. The 2013 offerings at W.A. Perry Middle School included cooking, sewing, golf, tennis, art, geography, exercise & nutrition, and life skills. At the request of W.A. Perry, Trinity began sponsorship of a Backpack program for children identified by the school as needing food on weekends. • Camp Bob at Kanuga: Trinity, W.A. Perry, and St. Lawrence Place joined together to send 47 children and a group of volunteer counselors to Camp Bob. This camp provides a summer experience for children who might not otherwise be able to attend camp. For a number of years, dedicated Trinity parishioners have made this possible through their financial support. • Trinity’s Advent Giving Tree: Over $3,500 was received to support the W.A. Perry weekend Backpack Program. The Giving Tree provided St. Lawrence Place with 14 toaster ovens, 14 coffee makers, 26+ pillows, and large amount of paper products. • Sunday Morning Breakfast: Almost 12,000 meals were served to hungry people in need in 2013. Breakfast costs were $5,000 under the budgeted amount and $7,000 less than 2012 expenses. Fifteen hundred pounds of turkey franks donated by Smithfield Foods helped the effort. The breakfast effort involved more than 3,000 hours of community service. • Christmas Morning Breakfast: In 2013, over 100 volunteers served 258 guests with breakfast and filled backpacks. Great effort was expended in collecting items, organizing and filling the backpacks. Over a period of many years this has become a well-loved Christmas project for many families. • Cooperative Ministry’s Solid Ground Program meets at Trinity Center once a month. This program teaches life skills to parents on public assistance who are also attending college. Of this year’s students, 12 are pursuing associate degrees, 3 pursuing master’s degrees, and two are pursuing doctoral degrees. • Cange, Haiti: With Partners in Health ending its support for education in Cange, our 35 year ministry there has become an even greater focus for Episcopalians in this Diocese. Thanks to the generosity of the Tom Vernon gift to the Trinity Foundation, Trinity’s Mission and Outreach Community Grants Subcommittee was able to award $25,000 to the Diocesan Campaign for Cange, as well as $1,800 to the Family Assistance Program in Cange. • Community Outreach Grants: Prosperity Project (afterschool program) received $3,448 and Family Shelter (only emergency shelter in the midlands that serves families) received $5,000. • Bridging the Gap Between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected World: The class was a scripturally based discussion of poverty in the Columbia community and included information about issues of poverty as well as presentations on Trinity’s Outreach about where action is needed. • Special Projects: - In February, Trinity parishioners donned aprons at Ebenezer Church to help the Salvation Army serve suppers to homeless people for a week. - In April, Trinity staff took part in OneColumbia CityServe by reorganizing the Homeworks warehouse after its week of home construction. - Another successful St. Lawrence Place Oyster Roast was held in October. Page 9 MUSIC TRINITY LEARNING CENTER Jared Johnson, Canon Organist and Choirmaster Jean Knowlton, Child Care Director About TLC Trinity Learning Center was established 36 years ago as a ministry of Trinity Cathedral to serve church members and the community. Slightly over 50% of families enrolled are members of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. TLC provides care and education for up to 100 young children ages 6 weeks to 6 years plus elementary summer campers through sixth grade. TLC is a licensed, fulltime, early childhood development ministry which is an approved Child and Adult Care Food Provider by the South Carolina Department of Social Services, receiving federal funding for following the USDA nutrition guidelines for our hot breakfast/lunch/snack program Jean Knowlton has been with TLC for the past 10 years. She has a Master’s Degree in Education, is a certified trainer for educators, and serves on several education-related boards. Among the 24 teachers are held 2 MA degrees, 9 Bachelor Degrees, 2 Associate Degree, 5 Early Childhood Certificates and 13 ECD 101 Credentials. 2013 Highlights and Successes The Music Program of Trinity Cathedral is strong and growing each season. Music is at the heart of our life in worship and all musicians are dedicated to serving the church. Those who serve in the choir range from 3rd graders to those in their 80’s. Music also serves as an outreach tool that draws people into worship and into the community of Trinity Cathedral. 2013 Highlights The choirs sing for three services every Sunday during the program year, and the office of Compline on Thursdays during Lent and Advent. There are more than 100 people singing in the Cathedral Choirs. • Recordings of Cathedral services are posted on the website and receive thousands of “hits” each month. In December there were 1,152 “unique visitors” who generated 17,527 “hits”. • 28 boys sing in the Cathedral Boys’ Choir (rehearsing Mondays and Wednesdays) • 35 girls sing in the Cathedral Girls’ Choir (rehearsing Tuesdays and Wednesdays) • 18 girls sing in the Trinity Youth Chorus (rehearsing on Tuesdays) • 40 adults sing the Adult Choir • Fund-raisers: Included fall & spring Strawbridge Photos, fall & spring “Family Fun Night” auctions, Maestro Fund-raiser, and the Scholastic book fair which provided funds for new classroom book shelves and listening centers. The year began with the combined choirs offering Lessons and Carols for Epiphany, followed by an oyster roast. • Grants: Richland County First Steps provided new equipment for our Infant and Toddler classrooms, weekly TA assistance, Monthly DHEC Nurse visits, and 20 hrs of free required DSS approved teacher trainings and seminars. As a member of Richland County First Steps Excel team, TLC classes were assessed by outside early childhood professional assessors and received outstanding scores as compared to other programs in the midlands community. In April, 6 choristers graduated from the choir, averaging nine years of service each. Two choristers received music scholarships to college (Randall White, UNC; Sallie McLeod, Clemson). Fourteen novice choristers were inducted into the choir the same day. • South Carolina First Steps CDEPP program (4-K Expansion Program): Accepted as a provider of high quality preschool education to children in the midlands community who qualify through the SC Department of Education. • TLC Board: continued new committee structure with varied skill sets including, but not limited to the following professions: legal, finance, health care, administrative education, marketing, and sales. TLC Board has also began conducting New Board Member orientations with an annual off-site Retreat. • Collected information from other CDCs to evaluate ways to increase profitability and have now added two new TLC programs which include After-School Care and a Half-Day School for Preschool through K-5 with a Certified Kindergarten Teacher. • TLC will continue in its pursuit of National Accreditation and ABC Enhancement upon completion of our renovation project in the spring of 2014. TLC is a field site for student teacher training for: • USC School of Nursing conducts annual physicals for the children using student nurses who are supervised by Nursing Instructors. • USC Speech and Hearing center conducts annual screening for the children of TLC by supervised students. • Education Students from USC, Benedict College, and Midlands Technical College. • USC Special Needs professionals are an onsite resource for parents of children who have special needs ranging from premature birth, speech, hearing, developmental delay, and/or behavioral concerns. Page 10 In February, the Boys’ Choir sang for four days at Washington National Cathedral, with boy choristers from the National Cathedral; Trinity Church, New Haven, CT; and Christ Church, Grosse Point, MI, led by Canon Michael McCarthy of Washington Cathedral. In March, the Adult Choir offered Bach’s St. John Passion with the South Carolina Philharmonic. In June, the Choir of Men and Girls sang for the principal Sunday Eucharist at St. Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue, New York, staying at the St. Thomas Choir school. In August, choristers spent a week working, praying and bonding at Kanuga. In September, we hosted a weekend of events for choirs and musicians with Former Archbishop George Carey. Lord Carey preached about music and worship, saying “Choirs are the backbone of the Anglican communion.” In October, noted British conductor Paul Spicer spent a week working with our choirs in cooperation with the USC School of Music. In December, the choirs offered Handel’s Messiah at Trinity with the North Carolina Baroque Orchestra. The concert was also given at St. Mary’s Episcopal on St. Andrew’s Road as a joint venture. On Christmas Eve, numerous alumni of the chorister program returned home from school to join in signing for Christmas services. O be joyful in the Lord, all you lands; serve the Lord with gladness, and come before His presence with a song. – Psalm 100:1 Page 11