April 2016 Newsletter - Mukwonago Area School District
April 2016 Newsletter - Mukwonago Area School District
SCHOOL: (262) 363-6260 OFFICE: #0 / ATTENDANCE: #1 HEALTH ROOM: #3 OFFICE HOURS: 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM FAX: (262) 363-6341 Distr. Web Site: www.masd.k12.wi.us Section Web Site: www.masd.k12.wi.us/ses FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK 5:00 – Art Show Begins SECTION SHOWCASE: 5:30 – 8:15 – Silent Auction Art Show, Silent Auction, & One Book, One 6:00 – 8:00 – One Book, One School Events School Games & Activities – An incredible evening is scheduled for APRIL 29th. First, the artwork of all of our students will be on display throughout the building for visitors to enjoy. Also, as a culmination of our One Book-One School experience, we will be hosting a series of fun activities. “Masterpiece” paintings made by students will be in a silent auction with the proceeds going to the Town of Mukwonago Police Department. Classrooms will be filled with games and activities for students to enjoy. Finally, students will participate in a mystery “Whodunit” by solving clues to Be ready to volunteer. determine who the suspect is. All of these are related to themes in the book We will need lots of help “Masterpiece”. After returning from break, we will be contacting parents to to run this event. volunteer that evening running activities in the classrooms. REFERENDUM VOTE: TUESDAY, APRIL 5 DON’T FORGET TO LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD (See information about the referendum on next page) - Robert Slane 1 Referendum Website Adds Video Tours The MASD website recently posted referendum video tours of some of the building areas under consideration for renovation. If you are unable to attend an MHS Open House, please take a short virtual tour before the April 5th election at http://ow.ly/ZOXMy. Absentee voting is also open through April 1st. Please vote! 11:35 A.M. EARLY DISMISSAL DAY Your child will be dismissed early on Wednesday, April 20, 2016. Grades K–6 will be dismissed at 11:35 A.M. which is earlier than our normal Wednesday release time. Please be sure your child knows his/her appropriate destination that day & that your Early Dismissal Card is current. UPCOMING APRIL ACTIVITIES April 4 7 7 11 12 13 14 14 15 19 20 22 28 29 Return from Spring Break Code Ninja Ver. 2.0 Starts Club Invention Starts After School Track Club Starts Park View Ice Cream Social for 6th Graders – 6:30 Sports Day School Stores Last Day Open Tornado Drill – 2:30 PVMS F.A.M.E. Night for 6th Graders - 6:30-10:00 Bus Evacuation Drill – 8:15 a.m. Early Dismissal – 11:35 Progress Reports Sent Out / Optional Conference (if needed) Gr. 2 Field trip – First Stage & Art Museum Section Showcase (Art show opens at 5:00 p.m.) 5:00 – Art Show Opens 5:30-8:15 – Silent Auction 6:00-8:00 – One Book, One School Games & Activities 2 UPCOMING ACTIVITIES • May 2 – 2016-17 Kindergarten Screening – 4:00-6:00 p.m. @ Section • May 3- Masterpiece Author Visit – Elise Broach • May 4 – Kiwanis Student of the Year Banquet Dinner • May 5 – Grade 2 – YMCA Swimming Field Trip • May 6 – Gr. 3 Field trip – Museum/Imax – 8:45-2:00 p.m. • May 11 – Gr. 4, 5, 6 Orchestra & Gr. 5&6 Band Concert – Parents-7:00 p.m. • May 12 – Gr. 5 Human Growth & Develop. Presentations • May 16 – Lock Down Drill (on-site only) • May 17 – Gr. 4 Field Trip – Old World Wisconsin • May 18 – Neon/Fashion Disaster Day • May 19 – District Track & Field Event @ MHS Track • May 24 - Section’s Olympic/Games Day • May 26 - Olympic/Games Day (Rain Date) • May 27 – Grade 1 Field Trip – Old World Wisconsin • May 30 – NO SCHOOL – MEMORIAL DAY • Jun. 1 – Gr. 6 Farewell Ceremony – 7:00 p.m. • Jun. 1 – Grade 1 Camp Skeeter • Jun. 2 – Gr. 6 Field Trip – Chicago • Jun. 2 – Kindergarten Field Trip to Zoo • Jun. 7 – End of Year Awards Assembly – 8:45 a.m. • Jun. 8 – Staff vs. 6th Grade Baseball Game – 10:00 a.m. • Jun. 8 – LAST DAY OF SCHOOL – Early Dismissal @ 11:35 for ALL K-6 • Jun. 9 & 10 – Snow Make-up Days if Needed 3 & 4 Year Old Screening Screening for 3 and 4 year olds will take place on Wednesday, August 10, 2016 and Thursday, August 11, 2016, at Rolling Hills Elementary. Developmental areas to be screened include speech and language, pre-readiness skills (short-term memory, ability to attend and follow directions, knowledge of basic colors, etc.), fine and gross motor skills, and vision and hearing. This screening is for Mukwonago Area School District (MASD) residents only. There is no cost for the screening, but registration is necessary. To register, call 262-363-6300 ext. 24203, between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM. The screening process will take approximately 45 minutes. The screening is not a mandatory experience for children, but rather an opportunity for parents to have their child’s general development assessed. Speech therapists will be available to screen for speech concerns and can answer questions prior to the start of 4K. It is a part of the MASD’s Child Find process to identify students with developmental delays. For more information, the MASD Child Find notice may be found on the Pupil Services website at www.masd.k12.wi.us. 3 OPEN ENROLLMENT NON-DISTRICT RESIDENTS – FEBRUARY 1 - APRIL 29, 2016 PLEASE READ CAREFULLY - Wisconsin’s inter-district public school open enrollment program allows parents to apply for their children to attend school districts other than the one in which they live. Applications may be submitted to up to three non-resident school districts. Students in 4K year old kindergarten to grade 12 may apply to participate in open enrollment. The open enrollment application period for the 2016-17 school year is from February 1 – April 29, 2016. The application period closes at 4:00 p.m. on April 29, 2016. Late applications will not be accepted for any reason. Parents must apply On-line at: http://sms.dpi.wi.gov/sms_psctoc. For a complete copy of the enrollment flyer and information go to the DPI website listed above. If you have any question regarding open enrollment, please contact Laura Stroika at [email protected] or 262-363-6300- X24101. INTRADISTRICT TRANSFER REQUESTS Elementary schools will accept intra-district transfer requests for next school year January 1 through May 1. Parents desiring a transfer for their son or daughter must complete a form and submit to the building principal of their current home school. Intra-district transfers are requests for a district resident student to attend a Mukwonago Area School District elementary school other than the one assigned according to where he or she lives. Home school principals will notify the requested school principal of the request to transfer. Transportation to attend a school outside of the home area is the responsibility of the parent. Students who are already attending a school as intra-district transfer students do not need to re-apply, however, new family members would need to do so. Parent notification of acceptance will be made by June 1st. Forms are available at each elementary school or download from the district website under K-12 general student forms/ printable forms www.masd.k12.wi.us. $$ DELINQUENT STUDENT FEES - $$ The Delinquent Student Fee Policy is as follows: “Students with outstanding fees and fines shall be denied participation in extra-curricular programs.” Accordingly, if your child has outstanding delinquent fees or fines for any school year they have been in the Mukwonago Area School District, they will be denied participation in Clubs, Sports, etc., until payment is made or a payment plan has been set up. Fee and fine records will transfer to Park View Middle School and Mukwonago High School as your child advances to these schools. You can obtain a list of delinquent fees for your child by contacting the school office. Please contact the school principal if you have any questions about the policy or if you would like to set up a payment plan. 4 VOLUNTEER CARDS / Background Check Forms Please be sure that if you plan to do any volunteering at school in classrooms, field trips, etc. that you either have on file or fill out an orange volunteer background check form first. Once the background check is complete, make sure you fill out a volunteer card with your name and place it in the volunteer card box located on the office counter where you sign in. Whenever you spend any time helping with school activities be sure to mark the day on your card. This includes volunteer jobs done at home. Please contact the office for a volunteer card to keep at home if you need one. These then should be returned to the office at the end of May so we can be sure to invite all our volunteers to the volunteer breakfast. GIRLS & BOYS FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADE INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL Thank you to our coaches below for a wonderful season. Their efforts allowed our students to participate in a healthy after school program for fitness and fun. We also appreciated the help and efforts from many volunteers, assistants, and parents who gave of their time to help with the basketball program. Coaches: 5th & 6th Grade Girls – Mr. Blei & Mr. Murphy 5th & 6th Grade Boys – Miss Swift, Mr. Calderone & Mr. Dahl Congratulations to the 5/6th Grade Girls (Red) Team for taking 2nd Place and the 5th/6th Grade Boys (White) Team for taking 2nd & (Black) Team 3rd Place. All our teams played hard and had a great season and tournament. IMPORTANT DEADLINE for SPECIAL BUS REQUEST Elementary school students receiving bus transportation from Hanks Transportation (Eagleville, Big Bend, Clarendon, Rolling Hills and Section Elementary) should take note of the following practice and associated deadlines. All students are assumed to be picked up and dropped off at their home bus stop. A “Special Arrangement Request” form must be submitted for any situation different from this (i.e., child care, custody arrangements, etc.). These requests DO NOT CARRY OVER FROM YEAR TO YEAR. Request forms must be resubmitted annually. During the Summer, forms must be mailed to: Hanks Transportation P.O. Box 270 Mukwonago, WI 53149 • Requests received prior to August 1 will go into effect at the start of the year. Parents will receive a confirmation e-mail. If you have not received this e-mail by a week prior to the start of the school year, contact Hanks Transportation at 363-7176. • Requests received August 1st and after will go into effect five business days AFTER the first day of school. Parents will receive a confirmation e-mail indicating when change will take place. 5 Important Safety Reminder – Always make sure your children know your emergency plan if they arrive back from school and you are not at home. These emergencies should be planned for and discussed ahead of time. DRESS APPROPRIATELY Remember to have your child dress appropriately for our unpredictable Wisconsin weather. Please have your child keep warm clothes in their backpack for weather changes. Given recent style trends, it is sometimes difficult to find clothes that are appropriate for school. However, parents need to work hard to monitor student dress to be certain it is acceptable for school (i.e. No bare midriffs, short skirts or short shorts). Please check that the clothes your child is wearing are appropriate for elementary school. ATTENTION PARENTS OF 6TH GRADERS ICE CREAM SOCIAL & FAME NIGHT All Sixth Grade students are encouraged to participate in the Park View Middle School Social. It is an opportunity to get to know the school before entering as a student. The date of the social is April 12 at 6:30 p.m. @ PVMS. Also, on April 15 there is a PVMS Activity (F.A.M.E.) Night from 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. Tickets for this event will be on sale the night of the Ice Cream Social. Hope to see you there! SCHOOL SPEECH CONTEST WINNERS The School Speech topic for this year was “Hunger in America.” On March 9th the classroom winners of the contest (Riley Wernes, Madeline Murphy, Maddigan DeBoth, Payton Ertl, Alexandria Kokott, Jada Klinkerfues, Rebecca Thornton, Amanda Cowan, Jayden Rather, Hannah Herbst, Paige Bradford, Mitchell Pastorek) presented their speeches to our school audience. What a superb job everyone did! The speeches were magnificent! Three winners were chosen, with the first two places moving on to the district contest on April 17that Section @ 1:30 p.m. The winners at Section were: 1st place Rebecca Thornton (6-Sw), 2nd place Jada Klinkerfues (5-V/M), and 3rd place Maddigan DeBoth (5-R). These students competed in the District contest. Rebecca Thornton won 2nd place qualifying her to go on to state. Congratulations to all fifth and sixth graders for their fine participation. MUKWONAGO TRACK & FIELD DAY The 20th Annual Don Skrepenski Track and Field Day for 4th, 5th, & 6th graders will be held at Mukwonago High School. Mark your calendars for Thursday, May 19th. Registration forms will be distributed in late April by Mrs. Neumann in Physical Education class. We need parent volunteers to help with this event. Please contact Mrs. Neumann or Section office to volunteer. Our Section 5th & 6th grade Track & Field will be held on Mondays from April 11- May 16 and end with the District Track day on May 19th. 6 Gifted/Talented Curriculum Night On Wednesday, April 27th at 6:00 p.m., a Gifted/Talented Curriculum Night will be held at Clarendon Avenue Elementary School. Select students from elementary schools across the district will be showcasing some of the enrichment work they've done over the course of the year. The LIBRARY will be the starting point. From there, a rotation will be set up, so those who attend the event will get to see a variety of presentations. The Learning Shop will also have games set up in the cafeteria. Jennifer Kimminau, Gifted and Talented Resource Teacher Student Council Advisor & SAVE Advisor Big Bend & Section Elementary Schools [email protected] Attention: Parent/Guardian of 5th Grade Students Mukwonago Area School District Human Growth & Development Presentation Parent Information Meeting Date: Wednesday, April 27th, 2016 Time: 7pm - 8pm Location: Park View Middle School Library Presenter: Mukwonago School District Nurse Your child is about to study an important lesson on the early stages of puberty, which many fifthgraders are beginning to experience. The Always Changing Program helps both boys and girls understand the physical and emotional changes during puberty, physiology of their bodies and reproductive system, and the responsibility of personal hygiene. The girls will also have an understanding of the menstrual cycle, what to expect during a period, and how to manage their period during normal activities. A parent meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 27th, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Park View Middle School Library. The parent meeting will be an overview of the Always Changing video, PowerPoint, and teaching aids. If you are unable to attend the parent meeting and would like to review the PowerPoint, please e-mail me at [email protected]. Please make sure that you sign the permission slip that your child brings home and return to school by Monday, May 2nd, 2016. A signed parent permission slip is required for all 5th grade students to either attend or waive attendance for the Human Growth & Development Presentation. Permission slip DUE DATE: Monday, May 2nd, 2016 Sincerely, Laura Heidelmeier RN, BSN, District Nurse 7 Informational Flyers Our black rack located in the main hallway just inside the front doors has many flyers for sports programs, summer activities, clubs, and community events. The district website (www.masd.k12.wi.us) has a community section with many of the same flyers. ATTENTION 4th GRADE STUDENTS AND FAMILIES! Would you like to learn to play a musical instrument? It’s time to start thinking about joining the 5th Grade Band! Recruitment for beginning band for the 2016-2017 school year will be happening in the spring of 2016. The elementary band teachers will be holding two district-wide instrument fitting nights where students can choose instruments and sign up for 5th grade beginning band. If band is something you are interested in, please make an appointment to attend one of our Spring Recruitment Nights. Please go to http://goo.gl/forms/GPI5zpTWNj to sign-up for a fifteen minute appointment where your child will be able to try and select a band instrument. Who: Any students entering 5th grade in fall of 2016 that are interested in joining 5th grade band. What: Come try out instruments and choose the one that will be best suited for you! Information will be given out regarding the Band program and students will be able to enroll in band. We hope to see you there! When: Make an appointment to attend ONE of the following nights: -Tuesday, May 3rd at Clarendon Or -Thursday, May 5th at Rolling Hills Appointments will run from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. After your instrument fitting, the deadline to turn in the enrollment form is Friday, May 6th If you have any questions, please contact Miss Clements at [email protected] We look forward to creating some beautiful music with your student! 8 9 April 2016 Attention Kindergarten Parents!!! Next year your child will have a wonderful opportunity as a 1st grader to be part of a Section tradition called Camp Skeeter. The 1st grade teachers and the PTG are looking for a current Kindergarten parent to volunteer for next school year. It would involve t-shirt stamping throughout the school year, and organizing the "camp" day at the end of the school year. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Jaime DeBoth at [email protected] Attention 5th grade parents!!! The PTG is looking for parents to volunteer for the next school year for opportunities that will benefit your soon-to-be 6th graders!!! We are looking for parents to help run the School Store (October – April) and Family Movie Night (November). More than 1 parent can chair an event if you would like to work as a team. All proceeds from these events benefit the 6th graders for end-ofthe-year activities and the 6th grade field trip. For more information, please contact Jaime DeBoth at [email protected] ATTENTION ALL PARENTS!!!!! We are still looking for help with some of our PTG activities for next year! If you’re interested in helping out with any of the PTG activities for the 2016-2017 school year, please contact PTG President, Jaime DeBoth, [email protected]! There are several fun events in need of new chairs: • Bake Sales (all concerts; vocal and instrumental) • PTG Smile Club (ongoing) PTG Board Positions Please contact Jaime DeBoth, [email protected], if you’re interested in the following board positions. Each position is for a 2 year term (2016 – 2018). 1. Secretary 2. President 3. Volunteer Coordinator Nominations are held at the April PTG meeting, elections are held during the May PTG meeting, and term will begin immediately following the June PTG meeting. 10 One Book, One School Mark your calendar! "Section Showcase" is on April 29th. Come join in the fun at this new event. It's sure to be a masterpiece! Don't forget to join the Section School PTG to get all of the up to date information on happenings at Section! After 42 years, Labels for Education Program Ending!!! Please read the following release from Campbell’s regarding the ending of their program. The rebate race ends April 22nd, 2016 but we have until July 31, 2016 to turn in any labels for education. The Labels for Education® program will be coming to an end. In the past few years participation in Labels for Education has declined and as a result, Campbell has come to the very difficult decision to wind down the LFE program. The program will continue exactly as is for the remainder of the 2015-2016 LFE program year. There will be changes for next year’s program starting August 1, 2016. That means there’s still time to utilize bonus offers, participate in Book Bonanza and continue to clip and submit UPCs and Beverage/Sauce Caps. Remember, all participating products listed on LabelsForEducation.com are still accepted. In the upcoming school year, Campbell will continue to support American kids through the Grand Stand for Schools SM sweepstakes where last year, Campbell contributed more than $1 million to schools. More information on this program will be coming. For additional details around program changes, please visit the FAQ section on LabelsForEducation.com. Thank you for all of your help and for being a part of the Labels For Education program! Sincerely, Campbell Soup Company The next PTG meeting will be Thursday, April 14th @ 7pm in the Section Library. Come join us! 11 12 13 14
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