June - Lions District 201 C2
June - Lions District 201 C2
What a privilege it has been over the last - almost - 12 months to get around our huge C2 paddock from Pt MacDonnell to Darwin and from Western KI to Broken Hill and Buronga Gol Gol. Because Helen and I have met so many good Lions and their friends doing so many good and often unique things for other people not because you have to, but because you choose to. To all the friends and hard workers on the C2 District Cabinet in 2013/14 - thank you. I think we took some useful small steps during the year to better honour the reason Cabinet exists - to help the 60+ Clubs in the District help their communities by discharging our motto We Serve. To incoming DG Ron Sargent and Kath and your 2014/15 Cabinet - good luck - but I don't think you'll need it. Luck is pretty much a function of how much work you put in - so I reckon you'll be pretty lucky. Governor-General Australia Patron of Lions Governor-General, His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd), has accepted the role of Patron of Lions in Australia. Secretary of the Nairne Club, Les Walker, wasted no time at a 2 June TPI meeting to present the new Lions Patron with the Nairne Club bannerette. A Warm Country Welcome from the People of Keith……….. Lions In Queens Birthday Honours Congratulations to Lion Des Lattin from Mount Gambier Lions, and Frank Tuckwell of the Goolwa Club who received OAMs in the Queens Birthday Honours. Lions Medical Research Foundation (LMRF) Loses its Chairman It is with regret that the Board of our LMRF received notice at its last meeting that the Board’s Chairman, PDG Bob Dewell, will resign from the Board at the C2 Convention later this year. It has been a huge effort on Bob’s part for 16 years. It will be the end of a most successful era of his wise, enthusiastic, inspiring and, at times, necessarily courageous leadership of the LMRF. Nominations for Bob’s position as a C2 Trustee on the Board are looked forward to. It’s a big pair of shoes to fill. Millicent Celebrates its 50th with Enthusiam……. There’s really nothing more to be said, is there……………….. Thank you all for letting Helen and me carry out the role of C2’s District Governor this past year. It has been an honour which can be best summed up by the picture below – Rhys Roberts Governor District 201C2 Nairne................................................................ 7 Contents Hahndorf and Districts ...................................... 7 From the Newsletter Editor ............................... 4 District & Multiple District News ........................ 8 Next Newsletter ............................................ 4 Welcome to new members to the district.......... 8 Winning article for this month ...................... 4 LIONS ANNOUNCES NEW PATRON .......... 9 Club Bulletins ............................................... 4 ACSO and STONIES........................................ 9 Around the Clubs .................................................. 4 YOUR LAST CHANCE FOR STONIES .... 9 Kangaroo Island ................................................ 4 The Association of Community Service Organisations Inc. ............................................. 9 Gambier City..................................................... 4 Mitcham ............................................................ 4 ADVANCE NOTICE to ALL CLUBS ........ 9 McLaren Districts ............................................. 4 EMERGENCY MEDICAL INFORMATION BOOK ............................................................. 10 Berri .................................................................. 5 International News .............................................. 11 Renmark ............................................................ 5 LCIF ................................................................ 11 Upcoming 50th.............................................. 5 Formation of The Penola Districts Leo Club .... 5 How to Keep Members Happy and Coming Back ................................................................ 11 Mount Gambier ................................................. 6 Get Ready for #LCICon Toronto .................... 11 Willunga Lions Ladies Successful Year ........... 7 Beachport-Rivoli Bay ....................................... 7 From the Newsletter Editor Next Newsletter Date for inclusion in the Next Newsletter is 27 Jun 2013. Winning article for this month Berri – for keeping kids warm this winter Thank you all clubs that continue to send contributions to make our district newsletter a great read. Club Bulletins Please place your club name in the file name as bulletins with just either Newsletter, bulletin with date and month sometimes get written over by other clubs doing the same thing. Thank you for your continuing contributions Theresa Andrew District Newsletter Editor Around the Clubs Kangaroo Island Attendees at the zone meeting held on Kangaroo Island with guest speaker District Peace Poster chairperson Willy Weidenhofer. Lion Willy reported that each of the Kangaroo Island clubs were enthusiastic to take on the peace poster project. Gambier City At the annual gifting night for Gambier City Lions $33,000 was donated to representatives of community organisations who assist community members. Ac Care, Salvation Army, Meals on Wheels, Boandik Lodge Aged Care Facility, the Australian Red Cross, the Sunset Community Kitchen, St Vincent de Paul, Sew Prem, Royal Flying Doctor, Foodbank, Australian Lions Foundation, the Cancer Lodges Project and Lifeline, as well as other organisations were all thankful for the support of the club. The donations were made available by members and partners fundraising from July 1 2013 to present through catering, Lions Mints, Lions Christmas cakes and other activities. Mitcham Members of Ron Aschberger’s family and work colleagues from Savills joined Mitcham Lions Club representatives at the Renal Unit of the Flinders Medical Centre recently. Following Ron’s death after battling renal failure for 15 years, the Lions Club of Mitcham, of which Ron was a valued member for 9 years, arranged refurbishment of the hospital’s renal unit waiting area using funds contributed by family and friends, business associates and Lions. Pictured are representatives at the handover. McLaren Districts Our Craft Market is held on the first Saturday of each month in the hall at the McLaren Flat Community Club and is well attended by stallholders offering a variety of goods. It is strongly supported by the local community who look forward to the tasty bbq and friendly chat. th On the 4 May, a group of Lions from the Norwood Club spent the day with us and it was a great opportunity to swap ideas on fundraising and increasing membership. A good time was had by all and we would hope to do it again very soon. May is the Lions Recycle for Sight Month. Our Club recently collected another box of used spectacles from Graeme Jenkins Optometrists. This makes more than 3000 pairs of glasses we have sent away for recycling. We could not have achieved this without the fantastic support of the customers of this practice in both locations at Seaford and McLaren Vale, so if you have some lying around not being used, please avail yourselves of this worthwhile service and know you are helping someone less fortunate. Our thanks also to the management and staff of Graeme Jenkins Optometrists for supporting this worthwhile cause. Our guest speaker for May took us on a journey into Geocaching – and upon some internet searching it appears to be the tech-age love-child of orienteering and scavenger hunting. There is a global interest in this adventure and the enthusiast can travel worldwide in search of the caches. As this was “news” to most who attended, it appears we all have a lot to learn. If you care to explore this yourself, you can find it on Google under geocaching. (Pictured are Lions Club President Peter Broadbridge with Deb Sinclair from Graeme Jenkins Optometrists, Seaford) Berri Being May, it's the Berri Lions Kids Pyjama Drive again and Deb’s spare room is full of them. We collect new kids PJ's and distribute them to the needy ones in the Riverland. Members were down at the Riverland Plaza on Thursday’s and Saturday’s, in their pjs, collecting pyjamas and donations that were used to buy the sizes that we didn’t have. So far we have 170 pairs of jammies, 50 pairs of slippers and an extra $200 odd in donations to buy more. It’s about to get really cold, so let’s keep the little ones warm. Great effort, hey. Renmark Upcoming 50th The Renmark Lions club are celebrating their 50th anniversary of its charter on Sept 6th 2014. To all former Members or partners. If you can contact me with your details and contact address, as we have not got the latest contact details of all past members, we wish to send an invitation for our Clubs 50th weekend to you. If you also know of a former member, can you contact them or send their details to me, we would appreciate your help. Chairman Anniversary Committee: Lion Malcolm Weiss Box 83 Renmark 5341 mob 0437 850654 or email. [email protected] Formation of The Penola Districts Leo Club th The Penola Lions Club under the guidance of PP Ray Haynes held the initial meeting on the 14 May to form AN Alpha Leo Club of which the catchment area of will include Penola, Nangwarry, Kalangadoo & Coonawarra plus rural areas within 25klms of Penola. th A second meeting was held on the 24 May and the Lions Club Appointed Lion John Stayte as the Penola Lions Club Leo Club advisor. The Penola Lions Club will finance a “Fun Day” Leo Club Bus excursion to Mount Gambier the present group will be extended an invitation to bring a friend. Training covering the following positions was carried out by the State Leo Coordinator Tony Jimmieson, Leo Advisor, Requirements of the position. President, Secretary, Treasurer, Fundraising Officer, Community Care Officer and Membership Officers covering their Position Descriptions and required Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly returns plus to reporting to International via My LCI. A Police Clearance is required by all Lions working with the Penola Districts Leo Club and the importance that Parental Consent be given as per the Membership Application The Penola Districts Leo Club will commence on going meetings on 11th June and it is intended that the Chartering of the Club will be in the new Lions Year. Mount Gambier The following article was published in The Border Watch by journalist Sam Dowdy DES Lattin OAM is described by his peers as a "humanitarian who doesn't know the word 'no'". The Mount Gambier man has been recognised for his extensive community service with a prestigious Order of Australia Medal, which he received as part of the Queen's Birthday honours list announced yesterday. Mr Lattin's passion for the community flourished after he joined the Lions Club of Mount Gambier in 1970. "Joining the Lions motivated me to become more involved with the community," he said. "Being a volunteer gives you a purpose in life. "If you've got a talent - use it to help someone else. "I'm tired of hearing people say they don't have time - I ran my own business and had three children and still found time to give back to the community." Mr Lattin is a life member of Lions and has held almost every position within the club, including president. "The biggest project I've been involved in with Lions is putting up the new fence along Rook Walk near the Blue Lake," he said. "There were many weekends spent in the workshop machining and preparing the fence posts and we spent another two weekends erecting the fence." Other organisations to call on Mr Lattin, particularly for maintenance work, include Riding for the Disabled (RDA) and Boandik Lodge. Although recently resigning from the position, Mr Lattin spent eight years as maintenance manager at the RDA. "I attended when they held a crisis meeting and I put my hand up to look after the maintenance," he said. "But it's been a bit more than maintenance - we built two stables and a garage for their horse float." Mr Lattin continues to volunteer at Boandik Lodge. He has also had extensive involvement with the Mount Gambier Netball Association over the years, where he is now a life member. "My first real voluntary job was building the original clubrooms for the Mount Gambier Netball Association," he said. "That was about 50 years ago now." The Mount Gambier City Band has been lucky to have Mr Lattin not only as a participant, but also as a committee member. He has played alongside his son and grandson and is also a life member of the organisation. Mr Lattin is originally from Port MacDonnell, where he attended school until the age of 13. His working life took a range of turns, including wood cutting, pine felling, spud digging and he even spent a couple of seasons working on a lobster boat. It was not until he moved to Mount Gambier at the age of 18 that he found more secure employment. In his early 20s, Mr Lattin began working as a carpenter and he soon moved into the field of cabinet making. Around this time, Mr Lattin married his now long-term wife Jeannie, who he had met before he moved to Mount Gambier. They went on to have three children. Mr Lattin owned possibly the largest cabinet making business in Mount Gambier for about 23 years before transitioning into a construction supervisor position with the Housing Trust. This lasted around 17 years until the Housing Trust ceased building in Mount Gambier and he spent the following seven years again working as an independent cabinet maker. By the age of 65, Mr Lattin entered into retirement and he began pouring all his spare time into assisting the community that had supported his business for so many years. Mr Lattin now has seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Accompanied by his wife, Mr Lattin spent some time travelling after retirement. Now, when he is not at a Lions meeting or volunteering at Boandik Lodge, Mr Lattin can be found playing lawn bowls or down the coast or river fishing. Upon learning he would receive an OAM, Mr Lattin was "over-excited". "I couldn't believe it - I was blown away," he said. "I don't do it for the recognition, but to receive an OAM is a great honour. "Someone must think I've done something right, but I think it all comes from being a Lion because as a Lion I aim to serve the community to the best of my ability, but you need a good partner with you and Jeannie also enjoys giving back to the community." Willunga Lions Ladies Successful Year The volunteers of the Willunga and Districts Lions Club Ladies Auxiliary have raised nearly $100,000 in the financial year 2013/2014. This small group of very hardworking women manage an Op shop in Butterworth Road, Aldinga, known locally as The Boutique, which is open Wednesday and Saturday mornings from 9am to midday. During the year they have donated over $32,000 worth of goods in kind to needy people in the local Aldinga community and supported many worthwhile charities like the RSPCA with blankets. They also collect, sort and distribute clothing and goods for other community groups like the Salvation Army. The group has recently made a large number of donations totaling over $65,000 to many local charities. Their donations also support a large number of Lions Australian and International Foundations. Some of these include Sight Foundations where monies support the important work of world health eye programs. Also supported are the International measles eradication program through the Lions Club’s International Foundation. Another worthy cause is the Lions Disaster Relief Foundations, the recent Australian bushfire appeals being worthy recipients. Within Australia the Lions Ladies have donated to Blaze Aid as well as the Overseas Surgical Specialist Group which is a group of dedicated doctors and nurses who give freely of their time to perform cranio facial surgery in Timor Leste. Photo is Lions Ladies President Margaret Dorton presenting Dr Mark Moore of OSSA with a cheque for $2000. Beachport-Rivoli Bay The war memorial on the foreshore and ANZAC Day 2014 Nairne The GG visited the TPI Offices on Monday 2 June 2014. As Secretary of the TPI Association [SA Branch], I was able to present The Lions Patron of Australia with a Club bannerette.. Les Walker Hahndorf and Districts Avoiding Nursing Homes as we Age was on the minds of 160 people who attended the launch of the over 50’s exercise programs across the Mount Baker District. Hahndorf Lion’s had initiated one exercise class that has now been extended to 9 classes so far, supported by the Local Council and Community Centre. Peter Mc Ginn, the Community and Recreational Development Officer of the Mount Baker Council in a statement to Lions commended this program and said “it sits at the heart of our Strategic Intent, promoting increased activity and well being in our communities “. There is well documented evidence that frailty is one of the major contributors to older people entering aged care facilities. Without adequate physical activity, muscular strength can fall by 15% each decade after 50 according to COTA’s-Strength for Life publicised research. They also say that strength training can alleviate chronic conditions such as Arthritis, Type 2 Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Chronic Kidney Disease and Heart Disease. Medical research shows that muscle strength can be regained and maintained no matter what the age and physical condition of the participant. Weight bearing exercises cause the muscles and tendons to pull on the bones, which in turn stimulates bone cells to produce more bone and retain calcium in the bones that are bearing the load. It also protects against falls as well as improving balance and strength. Hahndorf Lions have had a lot of interest from other Lions clubs and want to further extend the Strength for Life program across Australia. Our goal is to create independence and longevity. For further information about classes Phone the Community Centre 8391 2747 or speak to Lion John Austin of the Hahndorf Lions Club who instigated the programme. Lion John Austin Chats to a potential ‘Customer’ The launch of the Hahndorf Lions- Strength for Life exercise program has been a great success. The management of the program has been handed over to the Community Centre at Mount Barker. That does not mean that the Lions will have no input. Lions will be meeting with the Centre on a regular basis. The main reason behind them managing the program is that they can provide a bus to pick up and deliver people to classes. Hahndorf Residential Care has also expressed an interest in this idea. It also means that they are now responsible for all insurance. They will take the bookings and answer queries about classes Part of the Audience at the Official Launch in Hahndorf The Poster that was distributed throughout the District. The Audience at the Mt Barker Launch was well over 100. The Hall was crowded District & Multiple District News Welcome to new members to the district Name Club Jeanette Dorian Joy MacDonald Delma Swan Ruth Stewart Sypien Sylvia Wolverson Mhairi Smith Graham Thomas Brighton Brighton Darwin Casuarina Litchfield Noarlunga-Morphett Vale Penola Red Cliffs Name Nathan Barrett Peter Chandler Lia Finocchiaro Natasha Gruggs Corinne Williams Len Duffield Graham Gates Cari Morris Club Darwin Nightcliff Darwin Nightcliff Darwin Nightcliff Darwin Nightcliff Darwin Nightcliff Tintinara Tintinara Tintinara LIONS ANNOUNCES NEW PATRON Lions Australia is honoured to announce the Governor-General, His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd), has accepted the role of Patron following a formal submission made by the Lions Australia National Board. Lions Australia Executive Officer, Rob Oerlemans, said, “We are privileged the Governor-General has accepted our invitation to be Patron. His patronage is reflective of the work of Lions in diverse areas such as humanitarian service, disaster relief, sight, medical research, and youth programs. The Governor General is an inspiration to all Australians and will similarly inspire Lions in their work within their communities,” Mr Oerlemans said. Prior to taking up his position as Governor-General, His Excellency had a highly distinguished military career. In 1971 he was awarded the Military Cross for his performance and leadership while serving in Vietnam, and came to further national attention when, in 1999 as Commander of the International Task Force East Timor (INTERFET), he was responsible for overseeing that country’s transition to independence. For his leadership in this role he was promoted to Companion in the Military Division of the Order of Australia (AC). Promoted to Lieutenant General, he was appointed Chief of Army in 2000. After further promotion to General, he served as Chief of the Defence Force from 2002-2005. He retired from the Australian Defence Force in 2005. He was sworn-in as Governor-General on 25 March 2014. ACSO and STONIES YOUR LAST CHANCE FOR STONIES Put your projects in for this prestigious award be the first amongst those to gain this award. Open to all clubs in the District yes that does include you (NT,Vic,NSW in C2) put your projects in, even those that have/have not won ACSO Awards, or have been going for years. Send your entries to me Harry Tillyer, 6 Blackwood Court Mt Barker 5251. SA Clubs have a little longer to put in for ACSO Awards – closing date 31/8/2014. PUT IN. Last year was a record for SA Clubs don’t let us down. Send your entries to '[email protected]' The Association of Community Service Organisations Inc. ADVANCE NOTICE to ALL CLUBS The 2014 PREMIER of S.A. AWARDS As part of the celebrations for Service Clubs Week in October 2014, the Association of Community Service Organisations Inc (ACSO) will be presenting the annual Premier’s Community Service Awards at the Premier’s Awards Luncheon on Sunday, 19th October at the Glenelg Golf Club from 12 noon. Substantial prize money is made available by a grant from the Premier’s Community Service Awards 2014, and all clubs are encouraged to nominate for at least one category. Nominating is easy, and guidelines will be made available to assist in the submission of entries. These Awards are open to all Service Clubs and categories include Team, Health, Youth, Social Inclusion, Event, Community Education, Civic Improvement, Natural Environment, plus a Small Club Award and the Premier’s Distinction Award. In addition to the project awards, the Heide Taylor Community Service Medal and the Allan Sloan Young Citizen Community Service Prize are highlights, along with the special Schools Community Service Award. Entries will open on 1 July and close on 31 August 2014, with relevant information and nomination forms being distributed in June. But don’t leave it until then – put on your thinking caps NOW – and be in the running to win one of the many generous cash prizes, at the same time showcasing your club projects! For further information contact Janine Keulen, Events Co-ordinator (08) 8332 6813 or email [email protected] EMERGENCY MEDICAL INFORMATION BOOK LITTLE BOOK OF LIFE While we all live in an advanced technological age, we haven’t quite reached the stage where books are a thing of the past. This is true in particular of one little best seller! Just over one million copies of the Emergency Medical Information Book have been distributed since the inception of the Project (over 175,000 of these have been by Lions Club members). In District 201C2, I am pleased to say that 28 out of 61 Clubs have purchased and distributed books with several of the Clubs placing repeat orders. Unfortunately, many Clubs who placed an initial order back when Lions first took on the Project, have not continued on with it. Perhaps now would be a good time for them to revisit the idea. As for the remaining 33 Clubs, now that you have seen the success of the Project and surely heard of its benefits to the community, why not contact me and let me introduce your Club to the Project? Remember the books help advertise your Club. Since the article appeared in the February - March 2014 edition of The Australian Lion under the heading ‘Best Friend on the Fridge’, I have received a surge of enquiries and orders from many Clubs new to the Project throughout Australia. New ideas for places to distribute books continue to be emailed to me and I would like to pass on to you a few of these for your perusal. My reason for this is that many Lions have said to me that they are having difficulty in placing the books and although they think the Project is great, they have run out of places to distribute the books. Have you thought of approaching your local school, particularly the junior years and having each child issued with a book which is kept at the school or at home where family members can see the book and decide to get their own? What about Caravan and Car Clubs, bike riders and walkers. Every member in some Bowls Clubs has their book kept in their bowls case, golfers too. These are but a few ideas and I would always like to hear from you as I am keen to receive more. If for some reason, you have not heard of the Project, have a look at the web site www.emib.org.au select the Lion tab and discover the benefits and advantages of having the little Green Book clinging to the front of the refrigerator. Then either discuss the Project with members of your Club or contact me by email [email protected] or by phone (08) 8370 0471. I will be very happy to send you a sample book and flyers. The best way for a Club to purchase books is by ordering 250 books costing $308.00 all inclusive and delivered to your door by courier. An order of 250 books entitles your Club to have its name printed beneath the Lion Logo. Smaller orders are available at $2.00 per book posted to you but although the book is identical, the Club name beneath the Club name beneath the Lion Logo will be that of another Club in 201 C2. Best Regards Lion Bernie Donohue Chairman EMIB committee International News LCIF Dear Lions, The past few weeks have been very exciting for LCIF! We achieved several milestones through our partnerships in vision and health that will help millions of people. Just last week, I had the opportunity to meet with former United States President and Lion Jimmy Carter at The Carter Center's headquarters. And, I am happy to announce the expansion of the Lions-Carter Center SightFirst Initiative to prevent blindness and save sight. LCIF expressed its intent to provide more than US$8 million over a threeyear period to continue focusing on blinding trachoma and onchocerciasis where the needs are greatest. Lions are also making great strides against another disease – measles – thanks to you. We challenged Lions to raise US$1 million as part of our 30-day challenge in April for measles, and you surpassed it! Donations totaled US$870,000 and will be matched with $500,000 from Abhey and Past District Governor Aruna Oswal. I was so pleased to inform the Oswal family that LCIF has surpassed the goal and that with their support, US$1.3 million will be given to secure life-saving vaccinations. Now, many more parents will not have to worry about losing a child to measles, like so many others have. These contributions will be able to help even more people through our partnership with the GAVI Alliance. When we pledged to raise US$30 million for measles through the GAVI Alliance by 2017, GAVI agreed to double LCIF's donations through its matching fund. That means that the US$1.3 million raised in April through LCIF for measles will be doubled to total more than US$2.6 million! What a great accomplishment in such a short period of time. It is through Lions like you and partners like The Carter Center and the GAVI Alliance that our service efforts are enhanced around the world. When we work together, we can help more people than ever before. Sincerely, Wayne A. Madden Chairperson, Lions Clubs International Foundation How to Keep Members Happy and Coming Back There's nothing like the satisfaction of serving others. It's why new members become Lions, and why experienced members remain Lions. Whether seasoned or new, membership satisfaction is the key to keeping all members happy. The Membership Satisfaction Guide can help ensure your club continues to meet the expectations and needs of your Lions. Get tips for planning effective meetings, creating a positive club culture and identifying service projects and activities that match your members' interests. Download the Membership Satisfaction Guide today and keep your members happy and coming back! Get Ready for #LCICon Toronto The 97th Lions International Convention in Toronto is just a few weeks away! If you are flying in, don't forget to book your airport shuttle. Discounted shuttle rates are available for Lions with Airport Express. Pick up your convention materials at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre Level 600 on Thursday, July 3, between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Also visit the Tours Desk and book a day trip or a double-decker bus tour to see the city. The Exhibit Hall at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre is open at 10 a.m. on Friday, July 4. Stop by and visit the exhibitor booths! Workshops and activities throughout the week include "Act Locally, Think Globally: Make a Stronger Impact through Service," the Strides Dance Party for Diabetes Awareness, Social Media for Lions, the Membership Key Awards Ice Cream Social and more. Visit the LCI website for a list of Convention Seminars and Events. Follow LCICon on Facebook for photos, videos and real-time updates during convention week, and share your experience through social media with the hashtag #LCICon. We look forward to seeing you in Toronto!