District Gov ern or`s Messa ge - Lions District 14A Pennsylvania
District Gov ern or`s Messa ge - Lions District 14A Pennsylvania
1 Pen n sy lvan ia’s DISTRICT Th e Mon th lyNew sletterofDistrict 14-R DISTRICT GOVERNOR Mark R. Berch em 708 Norbury Court Pottstown, PA 19464 610-970-0400 [email protected] –––––––––––––––––––– 2nd VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR Albert Brow n 7 East Brown Street Norristown, PA 19401 267-250-2818 [email protected] –––––––––––––––––––– CABINET SECRETARY E. Tim oth yClem m er 43 Highview Drive Telford, PA 18969 215-593-4064 [email protected] –––––––––––––––––––– CABINET TREASURER PDG Brian D. Ham ilton 530 Spruce Street Lansdale, PA 19446 215-260-9960 [email protected] –––––––––––––––––––– DISTRICT 14-R WEBSITE w w w .lion s14r.org –––––––––––––––––––– 14-R REPORTER EDITOR E. Tim oth yClem m er 43 Highview Drive Telford, PA 18969 215-593-4064 [email protected] –––––––––––––––––––– DEADLINE FOR NEWS ARTICLES AND OTHER SUBMISSIONS IS THE 25TH OF EACH MONTH Lion s Club s In tern ation al May 2015 District Gov ern or’ s Messa ge Greetings to all Lions of District 14-R, April was a defining month for the members of both District 14-R and District 14-A. Our joint convention was held at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Plymouth Meeting, PA on Saturday, April 11th. It was such a wonderful event. Attendance at both the luncheon and the evening banquet was tremendous. Our guests, Past International Director Donal Knipp and his wife Lion Betty, spent the weekend with us and provided information and inspiration for those in attendance. Our basket raffle was also a fabulous success. Our annual Melvin Jones Fellowship ceremony was held during the evening banquet, not only D G M ark B erc hem to recognize those Lions who received a Melvin Jones Fellowship this year, but to award new Melvin Jones Fellowships. Congratulations to DG-elect Estella Kristiniak and 1st VDG-elect Jim Beermann and best wishes for a productive Lions year 20152016. I would like to thank DG Jim Davis, the members of the Convention Committee and most especially the Convention Committee Co-Chairmen, IPDG Antonio Mangabat and IPDG Dan Hummel for a job well-done. In addition, I would like to congratulate the District 14-R award winners: ZC Jim Murphy (PA Counsellors Distinguished Service Award), ZC Eric Alexander (International President’s Certificate of Appreciation), Cabinet Secretary Tim Clemmer (International President’s Certificate of Appreciation) and PDG Scott Kane (Lions Clubs International Leadership Award). The District 14-R “Governor’s Homecoming” will be held at the Bay Pony Inn in Lederach, PA on Thursday, May 7th. Our PA Lions State Council Chairman, PDG Mark Kuszma, will be our guest for the evening. Come join us to celebrate our district’s successes during this past Lions year. The 2015 PA Lions State Convention will be held from Thursday, May 14th thru Sunday, May 17th at the Lancaster Host Resort and Conference Center in Lancaster, PA. Come enjoy the fellowship of Lions from throughout the state and meet our special guest, International President Joe Preston. The Bucks County Lions 40th Football Classic (All-Star Game) will be held on Friday, May 29th (rain date Saturday, May 30th) at War Memorial Field (Central Bucks West High School) in Doylestown, PA. Kickoff will be at 7:30 PM. This year’s “All-Star” Banquet will be held on Thursday, May 28th at the German American Sports & Social Club (Vereinigung Erzegebirge [VE]) in Warminster, PA (130 Davisville Road), to honor the players, coaches (past and present), and cheerleaders who will be participating in the game. Also a 7:30 start. Come join our fellow Bucks County Lions and the Buck County “All-Stars” at both the banquet and the game. International President Joe Preston’s ninth (and final) challenge in this year’s theme “Strengthen the Pride” is to “Strengthen the Pride” THROUGH COURAGE AND CONVICTION. President Joe reminds all of us that Lions Clubs International was born of courage and has succeeded due to our conviction to the principle that it is better to serve others, than to serve ourselves. And if we stay focused – that same courage and conviction will carry us into the future. And don’t forget to “Ask 1”. Yours in Lionism, Mark Berchem District Governor THE 14-R REPORTER 2 MAY 2015 FRO M L IO N S C L UB S IN TE RN A TIO N A L ... Fin a n cia l Suspen sion PolicyUpda te The Board of Directors of LCI have amended the suspension policy that affects clubs that have not paid their club balances in a timely manner. The association views club fiscal responsibility as a principal element to encourage membership growth. As a result, the Financial Suspension Policy has been amended as follows: Currently, clubs have 120 days to pay outstanding balances before they are in jeopardy of automatically being placed on suspension. Effectiv e Ju ly1, 2015, clu bs w ill h av e 90 days. Cancellation will continue to occur after the 28th of the month following suspension if full payment is not received. However, clubs canceled more than twice will be ineligible for reactivation. This amended policy has serious consequences for clubs that have traditionally paid their club balances in excess of 90 days. To prepare for this amendment, we recommend all club officers become familiar with the amended policy and prepare to schedule payments as required. Officers should also prepare to review and update membership by visiting www.lionsclubs.org and consider paying online. We trust all clubs will review their statements regularly, and will send the necessary payments to ensure their active status is protected. Please feel free to contact us at should you require additional information, at: Lions Clubs International Accounts Receivable and Club Account Services 300 W. 22nd Street Oakbrook, IL 60523-8842 Or, Email: [email protected] Phone: 630-203-3820 FAX: 630-706-9108 Suspension is the temporary deferment of the charter, rights, privileges and obligations of a Lions club due to an unpaid balance. M A RK YO UR C A L E N D A R... D IS TRIC T 14R D IRE C TO RY Upcom in g District Ev en ts Thursday, May 7 District Gov ern or’s Hom ecom in g Bay Pony Inn, Lederach Thursday-Monday, May 14-18 PA State Lion s Con v en tion Lancaster Sunday, June 14 4th 14-R Cabin et Meetin g Evansburg UMC, Collegeville (2 PM) Clu bs on su spen sion SHALL NOT: (a) Conduct service activities (b) Conduct fund raising activities; (c) Participate in district and multiple district functions or seminars; (d) Participate in any voting procedures outside of the club (e) Endorse or nominate a candidate for district, multiple district and international office; (f) Submit Monthly Membership Report and report forms; (g) Sponsor a Lions club, or organize a Leo or a Lioness club. Clu bs on Su spen sion SHALL: (a) Hold meetings to discuss the future of the club and identify the steps needed to regain an active status. (b) Make payments to clear the existing outstanding balance, or request a payment plan. - Submitted by DG-Elect Estella Kristiniak Upda tes & Correction s Please review the listings for your Club, and report any changes or updates to Lion Tim Clemmer, Editor (contact information is as on cover page of this newsletter). Corrections/changes reported: Pages 13. 16, 24: - New e-mail: PDG Joh n C. Hollan d [email protected] Pages 13, 16, 22, 39: ZC Eric Alexan der - New address: 104 Forrest Avenue Norristown, PA 19401 MAY 2015 THE 14-R REPORTER C A B IN E T P O S ITIO N A VA IL A B L E … Rea din g Action Progra m District Ch airperson DG-Elect Estella Kristiniak is looking for someone to chair a new Cabinet Committee for the 2015-2016 term. Interested parties should contact DG-E Estella at Lion Estella@v erizon .n et or call: 215-757-6442 The Reading Action Program was launched in fiscal year 2012-2013 with a mission to increase reading and literacy rates around the world. Every Lions club is encouraged to organize service projects and activities that underscore the importance of reading and address specific needs related to illiteracy within their own communities. In October 2014, the International Board of Directors established the position of District Reading Action Program (RAP) Chairperson. The RAP chairperson contributes to the success of the district through program promotion and awareness, activity development and collaboration with stakeholders in the community. The district governor shall appoint a qualified Lion to serve as the RAP chairperson for at least a one-year term of office, commencing July 1 and ending June 30. The district governor is encouraged to consider selecting a qualified Lion who may wish to serve for longer than one year, for the purpose of building a more solid and sustainable program for multiple years. The Lion appointed shall be knowledgeable about the importance of education and literacy to overcome poverty, disease and other social issues. The district RAP chairperson should be someone who can bring new energy, inspire fresh ideas, foster community partnerships, and be actively involved with literacy initiatives and projects. He or she shall possess outstanding leadership, motivational skills and be a Lion in good standing. Responsibilities of District RAP Chairperson: Set goals… • Evaluate the effectiveness of current district and club level RAP projects. ֽ• Develop goals and an overall district action plan. • Submit the plan for the district governor's approval. Communicate goals and project ideas… • Inform clubs through the multiple district or district websites, an article in the council chairperson's or district governor's newsletters, e-mails, letters, phone calls or personal visits. Incorporate new project ideas contributed by clubs… • Encourage clubs to share news of their literacy projects for children and adults. • Avoid duplication of local, regional or national programs. • Work with local partners, educators, technology experts, libraries, government officials, schools for children and adults with disabilities, hearing care providers, vision care providers, and other community agencies and organizations to determine community needs and provide appropriate services. Arrange seminars and workshops for club officers or club RAP chairpersons… • Invite educators, potential partners, technology experts and professional representatives from other agencies and stakeholders to provide relevant literacy information and help motivate clubs to participate. • Discuss RAP projects that can improve literacy rates among children, youth and adults. Solicit feedback… • Encourage clubs to conduct community needs assessments. • Find out how the district can further support clubs in planning RAP projects for children and adults. Report RAP service projects to the district cabinet and to the local media… • Encourage clubs to report RAP projects through MyLCI/Service Activity Report. • Share news about projects with the multiple district and district public relations chairpersons. • Submit stories and photos via the Lions Clubs International social media. Become familiar with LCI online resources… • Reading Action Program webpages • List of LCI international RAP partners • Call to action flyer (IAD 550) • Public relations tools • Project idea sheet (IAD 552) • Lions Learning Center • Planning guide (IAD 551) • LCIF grant programs • Press release (MD 103) • Special days and events to promote literacy, • LCI webinars such as International Literacy Day 3 4 THE 14-R REPORTER MAY 2015 MAY 2015 THE 14-R REPORTER 5 6 THE 14-R REPORTER MAY 2015 MAY 2015 THE 14-R REPORTER 7 GetYou rW alking S hoes Read y for the Annual Journey for Sight Walk COME ONE, COME ALL for some fresh air and exercise! TAKE A WALK AND HELP YOUR CLUB EARN MONEY FOR SIGHT-RELATED CAUSES Mark Your Calendar for SATURDAY MAY 2, 2015 Walkers with at least $50 in pledges will be entered in a drawing for gift certificates! MAY FLOWERS ! MAY 2015 Th e Mon th lyNew sletterofDistrict 14-R, Lion s Club s In tern ation al 43 Highview Drive • Telford, PA 18969 RE M IN D E R –D E A D L IN E FO R N E W S ITE M S IS TH E 25th O F E A C H M O N TH First ClassMail
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