XXXV-A Pride - Lions of Florida


XXXV-A Pride - Lions of Florida
XXXV-A Pride
Governor’s Communiqué
Edgar E. Roa
District 35-A Governor
Miami Managua Lions Club
Greetings Fellow Lions,!
Honoring the memory of men and women
who have fought to defend our nation and
liberty, 35-A Lions marched in the 48th annual
Veteran's Day Parade in Homestead. We
thank Lions from Miami Managua, Miami Lautaro, and Miami Kendall West for sharing with
me this two-mile walk event, making Lions
more visible in the community.
It is my sincere hope that each of you enjoyed a most wonderful
Thanksgiving celebration with family, and with remembrance of the
one who made it possible for us all. We want to thank the Florida eLions, Sunny Isles Beach, Aventura/North Miami Beach, Miami
Buena Vista Biltmore and Miami Lautaro Lions Club for sponsoring
schools to participate in the Peace Poster Contest this year. This
year’s theme, The Power of Peace", produced works earning
Katerina Fernandez First Place, Juan Benitez Second Place and Ana
Gonzalez Third Place. Thanks Lions Betty Barrera and Mireya
Quintana, Chair and Co-Chair respectively!
We are now in December, a special month when Lions are extra
busy providing toys for children, holiday parties, food baskets, visiting
nursing homes and hospitals. By the way, this year we'll be again at
the Miami Children's Hospital, Division of Hematology/Oncology,
where Lions will be bringing gifts to terminally ill children. Thank you
Lion Maria Mercedes Rawlings for having the vision to initiate and
follow through with this project since 2003. As Christmas is upon
us., Lion Fatima and I wish you and your family a wonderful holiday
season and best wishes for the New Year to come.
District Governor
Edgar E. Roa
Imm. Past District Governor
Colleen Pinkerton
1st Vice District Governor
Alec Hernandez
2nd Vice District Governor
Diana M. Castillo
Cabinet Secretary
Luis Olarte
Cabinet Treasurer
George E. Letakis
Sunshine Chair
PDG Laynee Riedinger
Hola Hermanos Leones! Les agradecemos las múltiples invitaciones
de los clubes para participar en las celebraciones de Navidad. Fátima
y yo les enviamos los mejores deseos a cada uno de ustedes y a sus
familias en esta Navidad . Les deseamos en la voluntad del Todopoderoso un saludable y próspero Año
Nuevo 2010.
Edgar E. Roa
District Governor
Inside this issue:
Secretary / Treasurer
Sunshine Posting
Convention 2010
A Holiday Tradition
Club of the Month
Page 2
Greetings Fellow Lions of District 35-A:
December is especially a month to reflect and to give thanks to our Lord for all the
blessings received during this year. We must remember to most of all be thankful for
having the strength, time and willingness to reach out to those less fortunate in our
community. Through our continued service, as well as in bringing a smile to those in
need, we make evident in our daily lives our motto “We Serve”. Let us not forget to
do something special to bring a smile to a child’s face during this holiday season.
On behalf of Blanca and myself, we would like to wish each and everyone of you and
your families a very joyful holiday season, as well as a prosperous and very healthy
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Lion Alec Hernandez
1st Vice District Governor
My Fellow Lions,
Warmest Thoughts and Best Wishes for a Wonderful Holiday
And A Very Happy New Year.
Lion Diana M. Castillo, 2nd VDG
Five stars of Service
Page 3
We hope that everyone had a fulfilling Thanksgiving.
I would like to welcome all the new members of District 35-A and this wonderful world of Lionism.
Congratulations to the sponsors of these new Lions. Your new journey is just beginning to start as the
New Year approaches. As your Orientation Chair, I would like to invite all new members and their
sponsors to an Orientation workshop to be held after the first of the year, so stay tuned and watch for
the information to come your way.
And speaking of the New Year and all it brings, like the resolutions we all like to try and keep. Well, here
is one of your resolutions that you all have made and kept. You are members of the world’s largest
service organization. As part of that resolution we all try to help and teach all the members in Lionism to
become better Leaders and knowledgeable about our organization. Should anyone like a program or
have any questions please feel free to contact me by
Phone; 305-623-0424 or
E-mail : [email protected].
From the Graham’s house to your house: we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Respectfully submitted,
Lion Linda Graham
Orientation Chair 2009/2010
[email protected]
Fellow Lions,
Here’s wishing each of you a safe and joyous
Holiday Season.
Happy 2010!
Yours in Lionism,
Lion George Letakis CT District 35A
[email protected]
Cell: (786) 303-7447
Please review your club's roster and
ensure that your report is received
by International by December 31,
2009. Your club will be billed
based on the numbers recorded as
of this date.
Happy Holidays!
Luis Olarte
District 35-A Cabinet Secretary
Page 4
Sunshine Chair’s Postings
Hello my fellow Lions and friends:
We have one Lions club chartered in December and it is the Big Pine Key Lions Club,
Chartered on December 5, 1957. This club and its great Lions have been giving 52
years of tremendous service to their community in the Keys and this District. Keep up
the great work, Lions.
Elaine (Laynee) Riedinger, PDG
Sunshine Chair
Featuring … District 35-A On The Move
Miami-Dade County Commissioner Joe A. Martinez
hosted a street-naming dedication ceremony honoring
Lions Clubs International and District 35-A, unveiling SW
147 Avenue from SW 72nd Street to SW 88th Street as:
Lions Clubs Avenue.
Honoring the memory of men and women who have fought to
defend our nation and liberty, District 35-A Lions marched in
the 48th Annual Veteran's Day Parade in Homestead, Florida.
Page 5
Fellow Lions,
In compliance with Article VI, Section 2 of the District 35-A Lions of Florida Constitution & ByLaws, I hereby issue the Official Call for the 2010 District 35-A Convention. Our 17th annual
Convention will be held in Miami at the Miccosukee Resort & Convention Center, April 16th
and 17th, 2010.
Miccosukee Resort & Convention Center is a unique resort destination where every detail,
from the impeccable service and amenities, to the relaxing atmosphere and breathtaking
views has been crafted into the ultimate luxury experience. It's a perfect setting for a Lions
During Convention weekend, Lions of Miami Managua will welcome all Lions and guests and
ensure their stay is enjoyable, productive and comfortable. It will be my pleasure to share
with you a year filled of challenges and successes with vision and action in our commitment
of Move to Grow.
Warmest regards,
Edgar E. Roa
District Governor
Lions of Florida & The Bahamas
District 35-A
Page 6
A Holiday Tradition at Miami Children’s Hospital
nce more, on December 6, 2009, the Miami Children’s Hospital
Auditorium was lit up with the hopes and smiles of over 100 precious
patients of the Hematology and Oncology Unit to celebrate their traditional Holiday Party, including toy distributions by Santa (Miami
Dade County Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz). The Hematology and Oncology Division,
including Dr. Enrique A. Escalón, Dr. Athena Pefkarou, Dr. John Fort Dr. Ziad Khatib, Dr.
Guillermo de Angulo , the nursing staff, along with the sponsors and volunteers of this event,
joyfully witnessed the fruits of yet another successful humanitarian effort.
The undersigned humbly acknowledges the coordination of this gratifying affair throughout
the past seven years in our Lionistic family of projects. During the 2003-2004 Lionistic
endeavor, coinciding with the year that our current District Governor was President of the
Miami Managua Lions Club. Then-President Roa wholeheartedly offered to collaborate
closely with this effort. Since its charter and moving forward, the Miami Nicaraguan Lions
Club adopted this project as its own, so as to give continuation to this labor of love. Today,
this worthwile project has grown to incorporate other clubs in District 35-A, as well as to
include other members of our community, with the assistance of friends and other volunteers,
who each year donate gifts for these precious patients.
Throughout the years, we have had the honor of inviting the acting District Governor to
participate in this event. This year was no different. It is fitting to take this opportunity to
thank District Governor Edgar Roa for his invaluable support, as well as to thank each of the
Past District Governors who have shown up annually to lend their support for this noble
cause. In doing so, you have “walked the walk” and have perpetuated our commitment to
serve. We urge each of you to join us in continuing this tradition of bringing smiles to the
lives of these terminally ill children.
May God Bless you all.
Yours in Lionism,
Lion Maria Mercedes Rawlings
Zone IV Chair
Page 7
Say Happy Holidays! In…
French: Joyeuses Fêtes!
Spanish: Felices Fiestas!
Swedish: Trevlig Helg!
Portuguese: Boas Festas!
Turkish: Mutlu Bayramlar!
Romanian: Sarbatori Fericite!
Mandarin: Jie Ri Yu Kuai
Catalan: Bones Festes!
Japanese: Tanoshii kurisumasu wo! (Have a happy Christmas)
Italian: Buone Feste!
South African (Xhose): Ii holide eximnandi
German: Forhe Feiertage
Dutch: Prettige feestdagen
Hawaiian: Hau'oli Lanui (pronounced how-oh-lay la-new-ee)
Gaelic: Beannachtaí na Féile
Slovenian: Vesele Praznike
Indonesian: Selamat Hari Raya!
Croatian: Sretni praznici!
Wishing you and yours a joyous Holiday
Season, and a Healthy, Prosperous New Year!
REMINDER: The Holidays are times when we should
reach out to our families, co-workers, neighbors, and yes,
even the Grinch down the street, who might live alone.
Making one phone call or greeting someone to let them
know they’re thought of can make a world of difference.
February 13, 2010
Bascom Palmer Eve Institute
900 NW 17 street—Miami 33136
Sponsor: Miami Nicaraguan Lions
April 16-17, 2010
Dist. 35-A Convention
Location: TBA
Sponsor: Miami Managua Lions
June 28-July 2, 2010
Sidney, Australia
July 4-8, 2011
Seattle, Washington
June 22-26, 2012
Busan, South Korea
July 5-9, 2013
Hamburg, Germany
July 4-8, 2014
Toronto, Canada
September 23-25, 2010
Milwaukee, WI
September 22-24, 2011
Anchorage, Alaska
September 14-16, 2012
Tampa, FL
Winter Conference
January 8-9, 2010
Florida Lions Camp
Lake Wales, FL
Spring Conference (Open to all Lions)
March 4-7, 2010
Coral Springs, FL
86th MD-35 Florida Lions
& The Bahamas Annual
April 29-May 2, 2010
Daytona Beach, FL
Governor’s Newsletter Chair:
Lion Paola Celpa
[email protected]
Submissions for publication due
by 25th of the month.
Page 8
District 35-A Club of the Month
December, 2009 Club of the Month: MIAMI MANAGUA
• Reinstated Members: 1
• New Inducted Members: 16
• Membership Drop: 0
• Club Net Membership Growth: 17
Congratulations Lion President Cesar Lacayo and ALL members of the Miami Managua Lions Club!
Your club is on its way to the DISTRICT 35-A 2009-2010 Club of the Year Award. Keep up your VISION
through ACTION and with ENTHUSIASM! Congratulations also to Zone-5 Chair Sarita Abadallah!
1st Place: 17,000 Pts - Miami Managua (45)
2nd Place: 10,000 Pts - Florida e-Lions (50)
3rd Place: 7,000 Pts - Miami Nicaraguan (43)
Lions of 35-A, we surpassed the 1000 membership mark!!
Lion Paola Celpa
Governor’s Newsletter chair
100 NE 156 Street
Miami, FL 33162