
JUNE 2012
The Mad River Lions Club Newsletter
District 13-H Club of the Year for 2010-2011
District 13-H Best Newsletter 2010-2011
Volume 3, Issue 6
Volume 2, Issue 6
June 2012
July 2011
JUNE 2012
The Lion’s Roar
The Mad River Lions Club Newsletter
P.O. Box 31682, Riverside, Ohio 45437
Chartered December 29, 1954
District 13-H!MadRiverLionsClub
MEETING LOCATION: Mad River Local Schools Central Office, 801 Old Harshman
Road, Riverside, Ohio 45431
In this issue:
From the President’s Desk
From the 1st Vice President
Lydia Houser
Mike Hood
Duane Long
Freda Wagner
Dan Stinson
Rick Taylor
Carrie Lemaster
Randy Bosworth
Tracy Hood
Meeting Our New Mad River Lions
From the Immediate Past President
Ronald McDonald House Needs Our Help!
Mother’s Day Flower Sale Update
Komen Columbus Race for the Cure
Calendar of Events
Cover: Lion Ron Coleman is shown at the Komen
Columbus Race for the Cure. Lion Ron served as the race’s
honorary chairman. See the article on page 5.
Curt Steiner
Duane Bennett
Alesha Stringfellow
Bill Hiatt
2 Year
2 Year
1 Year
1 Year
Chuck Huey
Jack Morris
John Tolos
The Lion’s Roar is published each month for members and
friends of the Mad River Lion’s Club.
The deadline for
submissions is typically the last Monday of the month prior to the
month of publication. Articles and photos should be sent to the
editor, Mike Hood, at [email protected], or at 4668 Airway
Rd., Riverside, OH 45431-1368.
The Lion’s Roar, copyright (c) 2012 by the Mad River Lions Club.
Excluding reprinted material and individually copyrighted articles,
permission is granted to other Lions Clubs to reprint material
from this publication, with proper credit given to the author and
The Lion’s Roar. Articles appearing in The Lion’s Roar do not
necessarily represent the official views of the club and/or its
Page 1
From the President’s Desk
Can this year almost be over? Where did the
time go? It is hard to believe that my year as the
Mad River Lions President is coming to an end
and this will be my last President’s letter for our
newsletter! 1VP Lion Mike is gearing up to take
over and I know he is going to do a fabulous job
as our new club president! Also, all the other
Lions that are officers and members of the board
will be doing the same terrific job they always
do! We had a terrific Mother’s Day Flower Sale
and I want to say thank you to Lions Rick,
Duane Long and Holly for taking on the task and
making the sale so successful. We made over
$1500. I also want to thank all of our Lions and
other volunteers who came out to work, to buy
flowers, set up/tear down, water and any of the
many other things it takes to make it a great
event. The weekend was beautiful and it was fun
spending time with our fellow Lions during our
work shifts. If you have not heard, our Lion
Randy Bosworth became a new Grandpa on May
18 to Miss Aubrey Bosworth. You will know
he’s a grandpa as he will be smiling ear to ear
and have the photos available. Congratulations
Lion Randy! Also, on May 18th, Lion Chuck
presented our two Memorial scholarship
recipients with $500 scholarships. The winners
are seniors at Stebbins and they are Jordan
Pearson and Kori Byrd. Both of them have
helped us with Project Share and been involved
with our Leos Club. We want to congratulate
them and wish them much success as they head
off to the next chapter in their lives. We hope
they will be at our Installation Dinner so you can
meet them. Speaking of Installation Dinners, it
is coming up on Jun 7th at Celebrations II and the
cost is $25 for a delicious buffet dinner. I hope
to see all of you there as I know we are going to
have a fabulous evening of socializing, having
fun and installing the new officer’s for the
JUNE 2012
upcoming Lions year. If you have not signed up,
please call me NLT 3 Jun so that we have the
right number for the head count and don’t forget
that if you sign up, you have to pay. PDG Dick
Weimer will be there installing our new officer’s.
Lions Jack, IPDG Freda, and me attended the
Ohio Lions State Convention on 18-19 May in
Dublin, Ohio. It was a very nice weekend and
we got to hear many interesting speakers.
Special guest was 1VP Wayne Madden and he is
going to make a fantastic International President.
We even got to hear a re-enactment Helen Keller
and Melvin Jones speech; both were great! The
state endorsed PID Steve Sherer for International
2nd Vice President. We sent 3000 pair of glasses
to VOSH this month and thanks to all who
counted them especially Lions Buck, Chuck and
Freda who have been using the garage to count
them when they come in. We spent May 21st
enjoying dinner at the annual Lions Eye Bank
(Stakeholder’s Rally) dinner. A delicious dinner
was enjoyed by 32 of our Mad River Lions and
guests. The guest speaker was Walt Ayers who is
a motivational speaker and he was superb! The
evening flew by! It’s hard to believe that we are
almost to the end of my year as President. I have
truly been blessed to have such great Lions
always willing to help with our club activities!
You make this club into the great club it is. I
want to thank you for allowing me to have this
opportunity to be the President. I am so grateful
and thank you for a wonderful year. All of you
have jumped in to help in whatever project or
task that was presented. I have had an exciting
and enjoyable year and hope you have too!
Thanks for keeping the Mad River Lions looking
and doing good!!!
Lion Lydia Houser
Mad River President
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JUNE 2012
From the 1st Vice President
June 4th. If you sign up to go, you will be
charged the $25 whether you’re there or not.
Well, this is my last article as the 1st Vice
President! Where has this past year gone? I’ve
thoroughly enjoyed my term as vice president,
but am not gearing up for my term as president
that will begin after the installation dinner on
June 7th. I’m really looking forward to my term
and all the great things we’ll do over the coming
Speaking of the installation dinner, have you
made your reservation? The dinner is $25 per
person and will be at Celebrations II, 7615 Poe
Avenue. If you have not yet registered, please
contact Lion Lydia by Friday, June 1st. We’re
required to give them our head count by Monday,
Now, speaking of the newsletter. I’ll be staying
on as the editor, unless PDG Freda, incoming
2nd Vice President, wants some one else to do it!
I’m looking forward to working with the officers
for 2012-2013, as well as all club members.
Let’s get out and spread the word on all the great
things we do and recruit more members!
That’s all for now!
Lion Mike Hood
1st Vice President
Lion Duane Bennett
In the April newsletter, I indicated that we were going to highlight and introduce new members as they
become, Mad River Lions. This month, please meet Frank Browning. Frank will be inducted on June
7th, the 3rd Vice President of the Mad River Lions and the youngest member ever to hold this position
in the club.
Frank was born in Warren Ohio. He graduated from W.E. Stebbins High School, in 2011. His father
retired from the military and the family currently lives in Riverside. Frank attended elementary and
middle school, in our school system. While attending Stebbins, he was a member of the ROTC
program, as will as the LEO club. His hobbies include, computer programing, community service and
Frank is currently, a student at Sinclair Community College, majoring in Business Administration and
plans to attend Wright State, upon graduation. His plan is to major in compute science and accounting.
The Mad River Lions sponsored, one of the first LEO Clubs in District 13H and the state. We can be
proud as a club, that we were a leader in developing young potential lions, through the LEO Club.
Frank Browning appears to be one of those, up and coming leaders. His sponsor was Lion Jack Morris.
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JUNE 2012
From the Immediate Past President
Fellow Lions,
The State Convention is now history, and it was
fun for all three of us who attended (Lions Freda,
Lydia, and me). “Lucky” Lion Lydia managed to
win two big gift baskets in the “silent auction” –
actually, she paid big bucks for these. PDG Lion
Frank Hacker of the Springboro Lions Club will
be our District Governor next year and the year
after that, too. No one was nominated to serve as
his 1VDG, so he will be our District Governor
for two years, which is evidently okay with both
he and his wife, Lion Judy.
Myself and Lion J.R., along with three Leos,
attended the Northmont Lions Club meeting on
Monday, May 14th when their guest speaker was
an instructor from the Northmont Navy Junior
ROTC. Then I also attended a meeting with the
Northmont Principal, Mr. Caras, on Wednesday,
May 16th., accompanying the Northmont Lions
President, PDG Lion Dick Weimer, the
Northmont Lions Membership Chairman, Lion
Tom Petrock, and one of their other members.
At first Mr. Caras was very negative about
“another service organization/club” on his
campus, but by the end of the meeting he
softened a bit and said he would check with the
teachers to see if any of them would volunteer to
be the Leo Club Advisor. He was very protective
of the NJROTC Instructors, stating that they
work there every day from 6:00 am until 6:00 pm
and he wouldn’t be asking them to take on any
more responsibilities. I told him that I was the
former AFJROTC Instructor at Stebbins High
School who had worked those same hours but
still found sufficient time to start a Leo Club and
be their Advisor for five years. He was a little
less “stand-off-ish” after that. However, in my
opinion, the Northmont Lions will have to
become more visible around Northmont High
School if they ever want to start a Leo Club
Because “it’s Gr-r-r-r-reat to be a
Lion” (and they need to convince folks in that
high school of that fact!).
Lion Jack Morris
Immediate Past President
Zone 2 Chairman
Lion Curt Steiner
Ronald McDonald needs our help. Please remember this summer, when you open that can of your
favorite beverage to keep the ring top. Bring them to a meeting or give to me when we are working the
Montgomery County Fair, and I will make sure the tops get to the Ronald McDonald house. We need to
beat our weight from the last contribution.
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JUNE 2012
Lion Rick Taylor
First, let me thank all the members who put in hours to work the Flower Sale. Through your help, the
project was a success. We raised $1583.25 for the Share Christmas Program this December. A special
thank you to Lion Duane Bennett who worked 4 shifts and Lion Marilyn Steiner who worked 3.75
shifts. Another thank you to Mad River Local Schools who let us used the 24’ paneled truck. It was big
enough to hold a lot of flowers. Our expenses were down as a result of not having to rent another truck.
We closed on Sunday at 12:30 with 25 plants left over. Lions J.R. Bryan and Mike Hood were able to
sell them during the next couple of days. Next year, Lions Duane and Holly Long will be heading up
the project with Lion Rick Taylor as an assistant. Again, thanks to all.
Komen Columbus Race for the Cure | Strength in numbers
Editor’s Note: Lion Ron Coleman sent me this
story from the Columbus Dispatch. It’s a great
story about one of our very own Lions. He
served as the race’s honorary chairman.
Breast-cancer survivors taking part in the Komen
Columbus Race for the Cure yesterday saw it as
an emotional celebration that they are alive —
and that they aren’t alone in their fight.
It also was a day to remember those not so
“I went through chemo, radiation and I’m here
today, and that’s my story,” said Sue Robison, 45,
of Dublin, of her fight with breast cancer.
“We’re still here,” said Ruth Robinson, 67, of
Cambridge, a breast-cancer survivor at the race
along with fellow survivor Jan Zacharias, 59, of
Gahanna, who added, “It’s all about
surviving.”T eresa Haak, 38, of Hilliard, who
discovered she had breast cancer during a selfexam in 2010, raced with a group from work
called Bosom Buddies. She said the group’s team
leader lost her mother to breast cancer.
“You’re going to feed off the energy,” she said of
the crowds.
Among them was Ron Coleman, who didn’t
know men could get breast cancer — until he got
“In October 2006, I felt a lump around my left
nipple. I knew it shouldn’t be there,” Coleman
After a mastectomy of his left breast coupled
with four rounds of chemotherapy, the cancer is
Now a breast-cancer survivor, the 61-year-old
found himself in a sea of pink during yesterday’s
race, where he was this year’s honorary
Coleman and his team of about 30 people called
“Coleman 4 A Cure” were among the estimated
44,000 people who ran, walked, or pushed
strollers or wheelchairs through Downtown
streets, some that had arches of pink balloons
over them.
About 2,000 wore T-shirts designating them as
breast-cancer survivors while others, men and
women, sported pink wigs or pink tutus in
support of those who have suffered from the
disease. Many had small signs on their back that
indicated they were running for their mother,
sister, grandmother or friends.
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JUNE 2012
About 400 motorcyclists also lined part of the
route, creating a Thunder Tunnel to help
encourage those participating to keep going as
they neared the finish.
Coleman is as assistant high-school principal in
Dayton. His son Kurt played football at Ohio
State and now is with the Philadelphia Eagles.
His sister and mother also had breast cancer.
“You’ll see tears later,” Coleman predicted
before the race began.
After his diagnosis, he said he found little
information about breast cancer in men,
something he has sought to change. He said he
gotten more than a few strange looks from
people when they learn he had breast cancer.
But, he added, “There’s just a lot of exuberance.
You don’t see sad faces.”
Attendance was expected to be down from the
50,000 people who participated in the past two
The lower number follows a clash between the
national Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Foundation and Planned Parenthood earlier this
year. Komen had announced a decision to cut off
funding for breast-cancer screenings through
Planned Parenthood clinics, only to reverse
course after a widespread backlash.
The race is the local group’s biggest fundraiser of
the year with proceeds topping $2 million. Last
year’s race raised $3.6 million.
Of the money the group raises from all its
activities, 75 percent stays in a 30-county area of
central and southeast Ohio, where it is used for
educational programs, screening and treatment.
The rest goes to fund research on a national
“Better awareness and understanding that it will
take a unified effort will cure cancer,” he said.
It is unusual for men to get breast cancer. The
American Cancer Society estimates that about
2,200 men will get the disease this year and that
400 will die. Breast cancer among men is about
100 times less common than in women.
Coleman has been cancer-free for more than five
years and has participated in the race for three
“I get choked up talking about it,” he said of the
race as he walked up Front Street, surrounded by
his team of family and friends and thousands of
others who were a part of the activities. “It’s
been a wonderful experience.”
[email protected]
June 7
Installation Dinner at Celebrations II (7615 Poe Ave.,
Dayton OH 45414) - 6:00pm Social, 6:30pm dinner
July 10
Board Meeting - 6:30pm at Donatos Pizza, Page Manor
Shopping Center
August 14
Board Meeting - 6:30pm at Donatos Pizza, Page Manor
Shopping Center
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RIVERSIDE OH 45431-1368