Edmonton (Host) Lions Club
Edmonton (Host) Lions Club
.&/c2&?st!.i<}ede €Z&m&*tfe#, m?/?st&&zrfff ^zsi^rd/ie Ot/e^su/' Edmonton (Host) Lions Club Since 1929 Saturday, October 17, 2009 Central Lions Seniors Recreation Centre 11113 113 Street NW, Edmonton AB Mission Statement To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs. Code of Ethics TO SHOW my faith in the worthiness of my vocation by industrious application to the end that I may merit a reputation for quality of service. TO SEEK success and to demand all fair remuneration or profit as my just due, but to accept no profit or success at the price of my own selfrespect lost because of unfair advantage taken or because of questionable acts on my part. TO REMEMBER that in building up my business it is not necessary to tear down another's; to be loyal to my clients or customers and true to myself. WHENEVER a doubt arises as to the right or ethics of my position of action towards others, to resolve such doubt against myself. TO HOLD friendship as an end and not a means. To hold that true friendship exists not on account of the service performed by one to another, but that true friendship demands nothing but accepts service in the spirit in which it is given. ALWAYS bear in mind my obligations as a citizen to my nation, my state and my community, and to give them my unswerving loyalty in word, act and deed. To give them freely of my time, labor and means. TO AID others by giving my sympathy to those in distress, my aid to the weak, and my substance to the needy. TO BE CAREFUL with my criticism and liberal with my praise; to build up and not destroy. Message from LCI President Mil Mil .v Qran :•• i March 2009 Kdmonton Host ions I'luh Districi $7-1 L'jn.id.i Dear I.ions ( ongratulalions on ihc occasion ol yourclub's Anniversary' Anniversaries olTci theopportunity lo reflect upon where wehave beenand wherewe ait Sinceyoui club's induction, you haveworked together to improve ihc lives"i individuals in youi community and aroundthe world. i oui commilmeni lo providing quality servicehas givenout association ii- distinguished reputation and is a primeexample of what has madeI ionsI lubs International a leader in service, As we celebrate out achievements, wcwillcontinueto look toward the future liwopportunities to improve and expandour projectsof service I(trough your efforts anddrive, you are now able lo celebrateyoui sharedsuccessthrough service with one another I am Mire thaiyou «ill continue 10 encourage membership growth and retention andlo developleadership skills Ihese steps will ensure that you will lu\e quality club members who ire ready lo carry on Ihc I i"iivtradition ol v.'.nn. congratulations on vourarum . Sincerely. / Al Brandel : Message from the Prime Minster Iampleased tooffer my en congratulations to Host! Lions Qui / ions Clubs form the world's largest voluntary community rrviceorgm ttion vill <vei tmillion members serving in ov • 15.000 hindrt Jbrft that ocal andinternational good causet .! . milestone you maytake great satisfaction in tout long history o) servit c to those who are less fortunate. Onbehalfofthe Government ofCanada, please accept my best wishes foi .1 memorable celebration as well asfor .onlinued ••-•.ir$s OTTAWA Message from the Lieutenant Governor A Message from the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta As Her Majestythe Queen's representative in Alberta, it's my pleasure to recognize the 80"' Anniversary of the Edmonton (Host) Lions Club. I'd also like to thank ever)' member who has played a role in building the Club'ssuccess to date. The Lions Club provides extremely valuable services to our Alberta communities. Through their hard work and dedication, Lions raise funds and awareness for great programsthat strengthen the quality of lifewe all enjoy. The positive benefits of Lions Club effortscan be seen in a wide rangeof areas, from increased housing for seniors, to enhanced health care and recreation opportunities for youth, to much-needed assistance and increased independence for the visually impaired. Edmonton is a healthier, happier and more energetic place to be thanks to the contributions of this truly great service organization and its members. I wish the Edmonton (Host) Lions Club continued success for many more years to come. /V^0*~~- 7(xA~y~The Honourable Norman L. Kwong CM AOE Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Message from the Premier ••• ot Alberta Message from Honourable Ed Stclmach Premier of Alberta On behalf nl the Government of Alberta, I .mi pleased n> congratulate the Edmonton (Ilost) Linns Club on 80yearsofinspiring service. Since 1929, this organization has enhanced dielives ofcoundess Albertans through .1 number ot worthwhile community initiatives, /•'nun co-ordinating hotlunches tor theinner cit) to rec) cling c)<• glasses andhearing .mis. the Edmonton (Host) Lions Club continues to providee8Sendal support to those in need. I am proud ofeach member who has helped create wellness opportunities for residents of the Edmonton region. Speciid thanks to the organizers ofthis i ear's milestone c\ cut, and best h ishes to .ill participants for an enjoyable celebration! Ed Stclmach October 17,2009 j&XbexbcKM Message from the Mayor VPwjma Message from His Worship MayorStephen Mandel On behalf of City Council and the peopleof Edmonton. Alberta's CapitalCity, congratulations 10 the Edmonton (Host)I.ionsClub lor celebrating your80 ' anniversary! The service you have provided to our community for over eight decades is outstanding. From participating on Habitat for Humanity projects, to working with local organizations to provide international aid to tsunami victims, the work you have done and continue to do for your fellow community members is unbelievable. The line men and women that comprise your organization are truly ordinary humans participating in extraordinary deeds. I can not thank you enough for your continuous involvement in community projects. Without your support, seniors housing projects, such as Sunset Cottages and Ihc annual Dream Home at Capital Ex. would not be a reality. Enjoy this evening's festivities! It is nice to see that all your hard work is being rewarded tonight. Yours truly. /?/c*<4/ Stephen Mandel Mayor October 17. 2009 Past Presidents 1929-30 1930-31 1931-32 1932-33 1933-34 1934-35 1935-36 1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1940-41 1941-42 1942-43 1943-44 1944-45 1945-46 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 1949-50 G. E. Winkler* A.B.MacDonald* H.B.Burden* H.B.Burden* J.D. Wallace Sr.* J.D. Wallace Sr.* R.SIadden* R.SIadden* G.E.Smeltzer* F.J.Simmonds* J.Kellas* Dr.H.B.Wood* J.H.Knowles* S.Franklin* GAOwen* GAOwen* A. Young* A.G. Kirstine* W.H.Faulder* W.H.Anderton* M.MacNair* and G.F.Pringle* 1950-51 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 E.P.McCall* J.H.Blackburn* C.A.Shuttleworth* J.H.Mjolsnessand T.H.P.Darlington C. Kllllps B. Bain* LS.Pollard* H. Falkenberg* J.J.D.Gagnon* K.D.Taylor* W.I.Davidson* K. Armstrong R. Sills* B. Pasternak* G. Brotherston L. Killips* J. Grotski G. Firth* S. Cross* 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 B. McConnell* J. Clarke* B. Dougan* D. Wheaton J. Prior* S. Bennett G. McLaren* B. Bissonnette K. Carter* R. Henderson* G. Schellenberger M. Munro* K. Lane L. Billings B. Wyatt J. Sanders P. Melnychuk H. Anderson E. Trott R. Campbell* B. Yurko G. Hensel E. Ambrosie E. Ambrosie R. Willis G.Bevan* G. McLaren* H. Anderson Dr. P. Hill R. Kozma T. Kozma H. Grace H. Prior B. Engram C. Henson A. Bissonnette G. Holmes M. Spencer K. Olson C. Clark *Deceased Our Original Charter r~ ftt\onolAs:t0c. «¥** fibns «lub rt «/.'<?. Go All lo Rlhom Sliestfrcocnto Shall (fame: iKIiTOKI® ^lUill' l'r, thai the dnternarional Dissociation ofJ&eas Slab* 9Bnois ari& efatcraaHonal Dissociation ofJOon* €iub»I QcaiaSta Ihove granh&andIp these presents oo grant-to the members whose namesare hereunto afftxccU anb to .<ll regularly electee member* and their successors, this Shartenullv ccnfttirurhvi them .» local 6Iub.un&a the name ar»5 title ot THE LIONS CLUB ^(Edmonton tocarco cir (£imonton. .Aira.&uidJa with.ill rh< riohls onfc privileges givenlomen bets of rite Snrcrnorional Dissociation efilon* Clubs icTUinots arfcinternational Dissociation of $ons clubs cau.i.Li. according to rhe rules arte reaukiHonscf the Constitution onftSBy-Caws ol international ^4sscciaHon el tioas Skbs Jllinow and dntemaKonal Dissociation ot lions Stubs catiaaa now In foree 01 hereinafter enacreo ii lik- vi'lnuti-r shall In m fullforce one effect from the Xiv of Ihc bob heraeCarfifarauA time a:1 rlx- members ol the Cecal Sink shall conform to Ihc Iowa acts reaulartoi s of" the international i.'lasociaHon ol Lions €iubs ?Umois an&Jntemattonalc^ssocia. Hon of Dons (Stubs Qanaia otherwise iU~ (Shatter shall be revoked. >n llMtiir-.-.-''. • HHn g| .1.-1. flub . njiwiul.(sKViaimi e(f?wn> flu!» i?.iim.1.i lun JiiUuriu.t : (.'.'."vv tl'.'ir ._ii-^(..(». uii? ..iiL*.'th.-,**.i' «-lh< ii.-(x.tov .•f.M"H.i!i.n>* "^ iuu . "-X.-itUih-j - * • • i.i h>-:o xyg&£ si ^ • (Oiarrcr lllcmbcrs 5Butwll,Ai41mt5lP. ^ut»p%. ®wmi«i tHfcdUu»,J-JQ. ^ouWlt>j, ©ritoardift ©jgtbfo &uat*$L 3Uifcbe*, -St. A. &atvr*liafc.Antb*tt> flrWrjg.fl#m. J8m& Bt«$Hw%fflX gyd^,£fop$. ^etkft)alkt*3t 5it)ood, £lt\ 5tamait Program Piano Styling by Maureen Shelton Call to Order- MC, Past International Director Bill Webber O Canada Welcome - Club President, Lion Gerry Haythorne The Missing Lion -District Governor Tom Hodgson Invocation - Lion James Holland Dinner Introduction of Head Table Toasts - The Queen - Lion Ron Kasha Lions Clubs International - Lion Kathy Medd Companions in Service - Lion Harry Anderson Introductions of Lions and Attending Clubs Our Legacy -Past District Governor Bill Bissonnette Introduction of Community Organizations Introduction of Guest Speaker- Lion Claire Clark Guest Speaker- Past International Director Dr. Patti Hill Response and Closing Remarks - President, Lion Gerry Haythorne Guest Speaker Lion Dr. Patti Hilljoined the Edmonton (Host) Lions Club in 1990. She has served in many capacities at the club, zone and district level. Dr. Hill has been a repeat presenter at USA Canada Lions Leadership Forums, International Conventions, and Lions Leadership Institutes. As the Campaign SightFirst II National/ Multi-national Coordinator for British Columbia, the Yukon, Alberta, and Northwest Territories, Patti provided leadership for our CSFII team. Lion Patti has served as a Director for the Lions Eye Bank (Alberta) Society. Dr. Patti Hill is a registered psychologist, a certified teacher, and teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing. She has taught at Red Deer College, the University of Alberta, and Pembina Consortium. Lion Patti is a past President of the Alberta Association of School Psychologists. As DG during 2001 -2002, Lion Patti raised funds to support the expansion of the Lions Quest program for affiliate trainers. This initiative continued during 2002-2003 when Lion Patti served as Council Chair. During the two year period of Lionistic years 2007-2009, Lion Patti was International Director for Canada for Lions Clubs International. Using her unique brand of leadership skills and as a powerful public speaker, she has served the Canadian and Global Communites to make a difference for us all. Lion Dr. Patti Hill is married to Lion Greg. She has two children, Pieter and Jessica. Our Members Eli AMBROSE Al JOHNSTON Harry ANDERSON OrnalJORGENSEN Ken ARMSTRONG Walter BARTKO Betty JORGENSEN AndyBELOIN Larry BILLINGS Marshall KACHMAR Ron KASHA Richard KOLODZIEJ Alan BISSONNETTE Terry KOZMA Bill BISSONNETTE MichaelaBLAHUTOVA Karen WEIS BRIDGES Jane CHEVALIER Blair CHING DonCHISHOLM Claire CLARK Deborah LEGROVE Karon McGRATH Isabella EASTON Diane ELLERBECK Shirley ENGRAM Hildegarde McLAREN Joy MCMILLAN Gordon McTAVISH Kathy MEDD Larry MEDD Clint MELLORS Peter MELNYCHUK Bill MERCER Bill ENGRAM Darryl MILLS Greg FARYNA Chuck MOORE Karen OLSON Ben FEHST Lauri GILCHRIST Emily PANCHISHIN BenGLEIBERMAN Bessie GOLDSTICK Harold GRACE Warren GROSS JohnGROTSKI JohnHARASYMUK Joan PATON Don PATTIE Judith PAWL Carole PICKERING DalePITTMAN Anthony HARYCHAN ElkeSIEBELS Marlene SPENCER Irene SWAB Ed HAY Gerry HAYTHORNE Audrey SHONN Gordon HENSEL Carole HENSON Patti HILL Tom HODGSON Jim HOLLAND Cec HOLMES Alvin TODD EdTROTT Brian WAGNER DonWHEATON Greg HOLMES BillWYATT Don HOWDEN BillYURKO Stan WILK HlldegardWILLKOMM Board of Directors President Gerry Haythorne Ist Vice President Larry Medd 2nd Vice President Clint Mellors 3RDyjce President Jim Holland Secretary BillEngram Treasurer Chuck Moore 1 Year Directors Al Johnson Ron Kasha 2 Year Directors Karen Olson MembershipChairs Shirley Engram HarryAnderson LionTamer(s) Ben Fehst Irene Swab Tailtwister Patti Hill Past President Claire A. Clark Our Family Tree Edmonton Host 1929 Lacombe 1938 Barrhead & Distrct 1938-1944 Leduc and Andrew 1946 Fort Saskatchewan and Ponoka 1948 Edmonton Jasper Place and Morinville 1949 Edmonton South Edmonton 1954 Grande Prairie 1957 Edmonton East Edmonton 1957-1978 Edmonton Westmount 1958 Sherwood Park 1959 Edmonton Northgate 1966 Edmonton Jolly Fellows 1969 Edmonton Chinese 1979 Wabasca-Desmarais 1998 Edmonton Riverside 2003 Message from the District Governor LIONS CLUBS NTERNATONAL - District 37L October 17, 2009 Edmonton(Host) Lions Club POBox61 Edmonton AB T5J 2P4 Attention: Lion President Gerry Haythorne Dear Presiident Haythorne, fellow Members and Guests, May I extend my congratulations to the Edmonton (Host) Lions Club on the achievement of 80 years of service to your community. From a humble beginning in 1929, with a very small budget and selling peanuts on the street corner, you have risen to be a large contributor to the welfare of this city. No matter how large or small the task you have made a difference. Whether it is donations to the local hospitals, or providing Inner City lunches, or building Lions Villages, or a Central Lions Seniors Recreation Centre or supplying eyeglasses to the needy, you have been there. I wish you continued success in the coming years. I also extend greetings from Lions Clubs International, Multiple District 37 and District 37L to all Lions and guests in attendance. Please enjoy the hospitality and fellowship that is present tonight. All the best for the coming year to everyone, may you continue to serve those less fortunate than ourselves and demonstrate our motto "We Serve". Tom Hodgson Message from the Club President LIONS CLUBS INTERNATONAL - Edmonton (Host) Lions Club October 17, 2009 President's Message We are so proud of our 80 years history .It is my pleasure to welcome you,our guests.to this celebration. We are so pleased that you here.lt is an honor to be a member of the Edmonton (Host) Lions Club at this point in time, to celebrate all our past and present day achievements. As Edmonton's first service club we began the tradition of serving the community in our city. The many thousands of volunteer hours that have gone into our projects.both large and small, over these many years, has been done in the spirit of Lionism and service. Thank you for joining us tonight. Edmonton (Host) Lions Club <^v^ Lion Gerry Haythorne President Our History Lions are volunteer members of the world's largest and most active service club organization. We are proud to have been an active Lions Club since 1929. Some of the projects our club has been able to assist over the years are: Funding for the Creche Society - Edmonton's first day care for single working mothers (1930s) Built Sunset Cottage - first senior's low rental housing (1930s) followed by Lauderdale Cottages (1940s) and then by Kensington Court (1950s) Members started first Lions Dream Home for Klondike Days (1950s) Collected over 100,000 pairs of glasses for distribution in India (1950s) Involved in building our signature facility known as Central Lions Seniors Centre (1960s) and its expansion in (2007/08) Provided funds to purchase Alberta's first dialysis machine (1970s) for the University Hospital in Edmonton Contributed funds for the start of the Lions of Alberta Eye bank (1980s) Donated to start the Dr. Kostiuk Bionic Ear project, a cochlear implant Program allowing many to hear for the very first time (1990s) Further expanded seniors housing starting with Lions Villages Castledowns in 1999, followed by Railtown and Riverside projects. In service to Lions Clubs International, two members have become International Directors, five members were Council Chairman, 13 members Our History - continued During the years since 2000 some recipients include: Inner City Hot Lunch program; Bright Nights Festival; Telus World of Science - High Needs School Program plus Sensory part in the Allard Family Gallery; Lions Quest program; CNIB Library; Camp HeHoHa; Military Family Resource Center Tsunami Relief; McCauley Rink; The first pediatric operating room at Stollery Children's Hospital; Installation of Capital Care Edmonton General Hospital's 10Y Alzheimer Care Facility's Spa/ Lounge, including upgrades and many decorative changes to the entire ward plus the establishment of the Grant McLaren Councelling Ronald McDonald House room; Elves Special Needs Society; Military Family Resouces Centre Greishbach; Ronald McDonald House; Terra Foundation - Centre for Pregnant and Parenting Teens Day Care; Youth Emergency Shelter Society; Canadian Vision Care - Guyana Special Plaque 10Y Edm General f v v* LLVE SpalOY Edm General Our History - continued Canadian Vision Care - Guyana Central Lions Upgrade Canadian Vision Care - Guyana McCauley Clean-Up Lunches ^__ ^ 11929 Cost of Living | Living \ow House 2.i 0 pei •- <-ii Average Income New Car Dedicaton 10Y Edm General S450.00 Average Rent $20.00 per mo:i!h Tuition lo Harvard University 5400.00 per year Movie Ticket 254 each Gasoline \2< per gallon United States Postage Stamp » eat h Food (!ranulated Sugar nner City Lunches 65*for 10pounds Vitamin D Milk "sc per gallon (.round Coffee 4<X per pound Bacon _">•' per pound Bggs 15* pei dozen Fresh Ground Hamburger 12< per pound Fresh Baked Bread 1 1 • loaf The Missing Lion Ceremony As you entered this room, you may have noticed a small table in a place of honour, it is set for one. This table is our way of symbolizing the fact that members of our organization of Lions are missing from our midst, and so we have chosen to remember them all at this time. The table is ROUND - to represent the circle of life The table is WHITE - symbolizing the purity of their service to their communities and their loved ones, and those in need. The candle is LIT - symbolizing the light they have given us by their unconquerable spirit. The pinch of SALT - symbolizes the sweat of their labours, and the tears endured by those left behind. The BREAD - symbolizes the fruit of their efforts. The seed they have planted so we may enjoy the Harvest, they have given to us all. The GLASS inverted - symbolizes that they cannot celebrate with us today. The CHAIR - the chair is empty, they are no longer here. REMEMBER!.. .All of you who served with them, and called them Lions, who depended upon their aid, and relied upon their wisdom, for surely, they have not forsaken you. They chose to be Lions until the day of their passing. It falls upon us to continue the work they started, to protect the legacy they have entrusted to us, and to guide the world to a New Vision of Peace and Service. ELIZABETHAN CATERING SERVICES LTD. Welcome to 80th Anniversary Dinner For the Edmonton Host Lion's Club October 17,2009 MENU Roast Hip ofBeef, PuffPastry Fleuron, Gravy, Horseradish Lightly Herbed Roast Chicken Penne Pasta Dish with Marinara & Alfredo Sauce Herbed Oven Roast Baby Red Potatoes Green Beans Mediterranean (Olive Oil, Oregano, Garlic) Orange Glazed Carrots with Gingered Butter Tossed Garden Salad with Wild Saskatoon Dressing Traditional Caesar Salad Marinated Fresh Vegetable Salad Medley ofBean Salad Banquet Cheese, Pickles & Condiments Fancy Breads & Butter A Variety ofDesserts & Pastries Seasonal Fresh Fruit Elizabethan After Dinner Chocolates Tea & Coffee We trust that you enjoy your meal. Ifyou do require any assistance, please ask one ofour helpful staff. "Thank you for joining us this evening!" Please don 7 drink and drive!!! Elizabethan Catering Sen'ices has nutproducts on the premises. We advise the Client that we cannot guarantee 100% nutfreefood products. Cross contamination is always a possibility. Please adviseyour guests. Thank you!