OCT 10 `Graphic Arts
OCT 10 `Graphic Arts
Sikorsky Aircraft Graphic design Arts The Master of BLACK HAWK, SEAHAWK , Super Stallion, and Sea Dragon with Old Glory ® in the S-92®À\LQJ over the Great Wall of China Wall Mural of Sikorsky +HOLFRSWHUVÀ\LQJ in formation 7KHSDLQWLQJV VKRZQRQWKLV SDJHDUHIURPWKH DUWLVWLFFUHDWLRQVRI $QGUHZ:K\WH October, 2010 Sikorskyarchives.com Contact us at [email protected] Visit us at (203) 386-4356 I (203) 386-4218 Newsletter © 2006. The Igor I. Sikorsky Historical Archives Inc. All rights reserved. October, 2010 S-21 Grand, nicknamed the “Flying Trolley-Car” I gor Sikorsky’s history has been recorded via various forms of graphics from the Russian years through the $PHULFDQ\HDUV7KHSDLQWLQJVRI6LNRUVN\·VÀUVWODUJH aircraft S-21 called the Grand are examples of the early JUDSKLFV7KHÀUVW6DLUFUDIWKDGWZRHQJLQHV7KH VHFRQGYHUVLRQRIWKH*UDQGZDVWKHÀUVWIRXUHQJLQHDLUFUDIWLQWKHZRUOG7KHVHDLUFUDIWZHUHWKHODUJHVWDLUFUDIW LQWKHZRUOGDWWKHWLPH S-21 Grand Graphics Presentations continued throughout the DPSKLELRXVDQGÁ\LQJERDWHUDFRYHULQJWKH6 through the S-43 aircraft. Paintings, post cards, postal stamps and posters provided the media. S-40 S-38 S-42 Post Card S-43 Joe Keogan’s Creative Painting of the S-42 Flying over the Stratford Lighthouse Visit us at Sikorskyarchives.com 2 October, 2010 3 Recollections of a Pioneer I gor Sikorsky’s accomplishments throughout his pioneering helicopter years have been captured via graphic media, and his legacy continues to be portrayed LQWRWKHIXWXUHYLDWKHQHZGHYHORSHGPHGLDIDFLOLWLHV 1940s to 1970s Andrew Whyte created the paintings of the Sikorsky helicopters produced in the 1940 to 1980 time period, and the 1993 Paris Air Show Wall Mural. Paris Air Show 1993 Contact us at [email protected] October, 2010 4 Andrew Whyte’s Strikehawk painting B ODFN+DZNPDUNHWLQJDQGSRVWHUJUDSKLFVKDYHXWLOL]HGDFRPELQDWLRQRISDLQWLQJV SKRWRJUDSKLFDQGFRPELQDWLRQVRIERWKDVVKRZQLQWKHIROORZLQJH[DPSOHV Army National Guard Navy Combat Search and Rescue International Hawks Composition Visit us at Sikorskyarchives.com Black Hawk Saluting the Statue of Liberty October, 2010 5 N avy and Coast Guard graphics capture the sea DVDEDFNGURSDQGLGHQWLÀHVWKHVTXDGURQVWR KLJKOLJKWWKHDFWLYLWLHVDVVKRZQ SH3 Sea King MH-60 Seahawk RH-53D Salutes the Statue of Liberty SH-60R SH-60 Coast Guard Evolution from the R-4 to the Jayhawk Contact us at [email protected] October, 2010 T he United States Navy/Marines graphics for heavy lift helicopters uses photos, paintings DQGEROGYLVXDOVWRFRQYH\DPHVVDJHDVVKRZQ CH-53E CH-53K MH-53E Visit us at Sikorskyarchives.com 6 October, 2010 7 &RUVDLUV2YHU&RQQHFWLFXW 0HPRULDO'D\:HHNHQG&HOHEUDWLRQ T KH0HPRULDO'D\:HHNHQGZDVFHOHEUDWHG ZLWKDQDLUDQGFDUVKRZDWWKH6LNRUVN\0HPRrial Airport in Stratford, and hosted by the Bridgeport 'LVFRYHU\0XVHXP7KHZHHNHQGDFWLYLWLHVLQFOXGHG YLQWDJHDLUFUDIWDQGFROOHFWRUFDUVVSDFHDQGDLUVKRZ hangar dance, and numerous other events. The Igor Sikorsky Historical Archives volunteers prepared and manned a display of Sikorsky vintage aircraft and historical data highlighting the period of 1928 to 1954. The GLVSOD\LVVKRZQLQWKHIROORZLQJSKRWRVZLWKSDUWLFLSDQWVZKRZHUHDYDLODEOHDWWKHWLPH Sikorsky Aircraft 1938 Vought-Sikorsky-1939-1942 Dan Libertino at the display ready for visitors Sikorsky Aircraft 1943-1954 Corsair with HRS helicopter model in foreground S-58 helicopter model in foreground Joe Keogan at the display ready for visitors Joe Keogan signing his painting for visitors with Bob Brady assisting Contact us at [email protected] October, 2010 8 Join the Sikorsky Archives Igor I. Sikorsky Historical Archives Inc. MS S 578A 6900 Main Street Stratford, CT 06615-9129 Life Membership 3 Year Membership 1 Year Membership $125 $25 $10 Please send a check or money order (do not send cash) payable to The Igor I. Sikorsky Historical Archives, Inc. Name ______________________________________ Address ____________________________________ City ________________________________________ State _______________________ Zip ____________ Phone Number(s) ____________________________ Newsletter designed and edited by Lee Jacobson and Sikorsky Historical Archive members ³,Q$PHULFD,IRXQGWKHFRQ¿U- ³,Q$PHULFD,IRXQGWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQRIP\KRSHV mation of my hopes and came DQGFDPHWRXQGHUVWDQGWKHUHDVRQIRUWKHVXFFHVVRI to understand the reason for the WKLVFRXQWU\QRWKLQJFDQHTXDOIUHHZRUNRIIUHHPHQ success of this country, noth- 7KLVLVWKHIRXQGDWLRQXSRQZKLFKWKHLQGLVSXWDEOH ing can equal free work of free VXFFHVVRIWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVKDVEHHQEXLOW´ men. This is the foundation upon which the indisputable Igor I. Sikorsky success of the United States M/S S578 6900 Main Street, Stratford CT 06615 Visit us at Sikorskyarchives.com
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