Contents - Young Irish Writers
Contents - Young Irish Writers
Contents Opposites by Keava Roche 6th Class ...................................................................................................... 14 My Sea Adventure by Naomi Robinson 5th class................................................................................... 15 Disaster author Jodie Clinton ................................................................................................................ 16 The mixed up fairy tales By Tara Collins ............................................................................................... 18 Leaving Home by Isabelle Boileau .................................................................................................... 19 My dog Lucky by Saoirse Mulligan 6th class ......................................................................................... 22 Red squirrel ........................................................................................................................................... 23 My school by Chloe Collins ................................................................................................................... 24 My funny thoughts by Emma Byrne ..................................................................................................... 25 Politics by Eve Moore ............................................................................................................................ 26 Wisdom Woman by Sarah Hoey ........................................................................................................... 27 Carries War by Sophie O'Donoghue ..................................................................................................... 28 Unfortunate by Tracey Coulter ..................................................................................................... 29 Wintertime by Julia Spagnoletti ............................................................................................................ 30 Leaving Ireland by Ciara Gough ............................................................................................................ 31 Leaving by Gillian Weston ..................................................................................................................... 32 My Winter Time Poem by Georgia Reynolds ........................................................................................ 33 Lunatics Abroad by Kate Hanratty ........................................................................................................ 34 Wintertime by Beth Kirwan .................................................................................................................. 34 The Beach by Lainey Gruben................................................................................................................ 35 Dublin Zoo 5th class Emma Smyth ......................................................................................................... 36 Hope you liked it !!! by Abbie Brennan................................................................................................. 37 Stranded Island by Jessica Arkins 5th Class .......................................................................................... 38 Treehouse makeover by Jodie Clinton .................................................................................................. 40 Princess Rose Neamh McKevitt 5th class ............................................................................................... 41 Christmas Time by Ellen Matthews 5th ................................................................................................. 42 Britney by Shauna O’B .......................................................................................................................... 43 Pixie Luck by Caoimhe Brennan 5th ...................................................................................................... 43 Avalanche! Kate Culleton 5th class ....................................................................................................... 45 Cinderella by Jodie Kenny and Isabelle ................................................................................................. 45 The ending of snow white! by Isabelle Dunne ...................................................................................... 46 THE ADVENTURE BY CIARA BEHAN ....................................................................................................... 47 My Dream Farm by Eve Fortune 5th class ............................................................................................ 47 Bad Luck 5th Class by Aisling Reidy ....................................................................................................... 48 Sleeping Beauty by Heather Mc Gaughran 5th Class ............................................................................. 49 The Gardening 5th class by Aoife O' Donoghue ................................................................................... 50 AN OTHTER WORLD BY MAYA HANLEY 5th class.................................................................................. 51 The Great Girl By Asia Willett ............................................................................................................... 53 Clara by Clara Foley ............................................................................................................................... 53 The Horse by Clodagh O' Dea ............................................................................................................... 54 Poem for my Grandparents by Clodagh O' Dea .................................................................................... 54 Horses!? By Lily O’Shoughnessy ........................................................................................................... 54 Sisters by Sarah Minto .......................................................................................................................... 55 FUN BY CIARA THIEL 4TH CLASS ............................................................................................................ 55 River Shannon by Anastasia Berdnikova 4th Class ............................................................................... 56 About my life By Jessica Brehony 4th class ........................................................................................... 57 A Sea Adventure by Gillian O’Toole 4th class........................................................................................ 58 Christmas By Laura Masterson 4th class.............................................................................................. 59 Our Weekend Cruising On the River Shannon by Siun O’Connor ..................................................... 60 Greedy Dog By: Sarah Morris 4th class ................................................................................................. 61 The Niagara Falls by Sinatt Badmus 4th class ........................................................................................ 62 A Sea Adventure by Moira Jones 4th class. .......................................................................................... 62 CUPCAKES!!!! by Saoirse Jones ....................................................................................................... 63 My Adventure on Island Wara Wara by Kayleigh Stewart 4th class ..................................................... 64 Christmas Story 4th Tara Lydon ............................................................................................................. 65 Snowball by Ali Kelly and friend ............................................................................................................ 66 THE TALKING PICKLE ............................................................................................................................. 66 MR PICKLE by Ali Kelly and friend ......................................................................................................... 67 THE LOST DOG by Jessica Murphy ....................................................................................................... 67 PANCAKE TUESDAY By Ella O'Neill ........................................................................................................ 68 The Funny Parrotby Isobelle place 3rd class Ms.Ingoldsby .................................................................. 69 Ms. Dragon by Cara Ryan ...................................................................................................................... 70 CHRISTMAS, OH, CHRISTMAS! By Chloe Byrne x ............................................................................... 71 My Christmas list BY Caoimhe Byrne .................................................................................................... 72 The Lost Dog by Aoife Kelly ................................................................................................................... 72 Birthdays By Grace Hanifan .................................................................................................................. 73 Mr Squiggles Learns To Exercise!!!!! By Ella Jinks 3rd .......................................................................... 73 THE RABBIT By Jessica Mc Quaid 3rd class......................................................................................... 74 Cherry the kitten by Sarah Diggin. 3rd. ................................................................................................. 74 A funny poem By Ella O’Keeffe ............................................................................................................. 75 A Birthday by Zikora Okafor 3rd ............................................................................................................. 75 Snow is falling by Charlotte Boileau 3rd class ....................................................................................... 76 EASTER BY Aoife Farley 3rd .................................................................................................................... 77 THE EASTER TEACHER by Alexandra 3rd class ...................................................................................... 78 My strange discovery by 6th, Emily Forkin .......................................................................................... 79 I’m going to the zoo zoo zoo By Rebecca.............................................................................................. 80 Hunger by Sophie Kavanagh ............................................................................................................. 81 Off To the moon By Katie Jones ............................................................................................................ 83 Mary Had A Little Beef...By Amy Collins & Zara Molloy........................................................................ 84 LEAVING IRELAND by Chloe Collins ....................................................................................................... 85 Leaving Ireland. BY ABI O'DONNELL 6th CLASS..................................................................................... 86 Dear Granny 6th Emma-Jane Power ..................................................................................................... 88 Am I a know it all? ................................................................................................................................. 89 The New Girl by Katie Jones .................................................................................................................. 91 A windy day By Jennifer ........................................................................................................................ 92 Leaving Ireland the Famine 1845 Shona Byrne 6th class...................................................................... 93 Yellow, multicolour polka dots with black stripsBy Zoe Lonergan ....................................................... 95 The Jumble Sale by Zara Molloy 6th class ............................................................................................. 96 RISK 6th Alana my story ........................................................................................................................ 97 Something Fishy BY Alison Cullen....................................................................................................... 98 Snarkapup by Libby Harris .................................................................................................................... 99 A Funny Sight Georgia Reynolds ......................................................................................................... 100 If Animals Could Talk By Laura Burke.................................................................................................. 100 Super Summer Days by Shauna Markey ............................................................................................. 101 My Voyage by Anna Power ............................................................................................................... 102 Leaving Donabate by Julia Spagnoletti ............................................................................................... 103 Dear Mr Hazell Jemima Byrne............................................................................................................. 104 Leaving Ireland by E.N. MILNE ............................................................................................................ 105 The Creature by Emma Story.............................................................................................................. 106 The Diary of Nicole by Ciara Gough .................................................................................................... 106 The strange creature By Aoife Cooke .............................................................................................. 112 Sweets By Julia Spagnoletti ................................................................................................................. 112 Cows In A Bubble By Sinead Kearns .................................................................................................... 113 Journey to Earth .................................................................................................................................. 114 Communion Day ................................................................................................................................. 116 Winter Time by Sinead Kearns ............................................................................................................ 116 Leaving Ireland by Sophie O’Donoghue .............................................................................................. 117 Things that irritate me by Eve Moore ................................................................................................. 118 Leaving Donabate by Gillian Weston .................................................................................................. 119 Dear Grandma Anya ............................................................................................................................ 120 The Kidnapper by Claire Byrne 5th Class.............................................................................................. 121 My unicorn and me By Emmanuella Adele-Karim 5th class ............................................................... 123 The Time Capsule by Caitlin Penrose 5th Class .................................................................................... 124 September 1st by Lainey Gruben ...................................................................................................... 125 My Holiday in Portugal 5th Class Laura McGrath ............................................................................... 127 THE BIG BEAST by Leanne Murphy.................................................................................................. 128 Ellen’s DeGeneres by Jodie Clinton..................................................................................................... 129 My Flight to Lanzarote Lara Carroll 5th Class....................................................................................... 130 Girls in Black! By Kate Culleton 5th Class ............................................................................................ 132 BFF’S Caoimhe Davis 5th class ............................................................................................................. 132 MY SECERT LAND Hannah Hogan 5th Class ......................................................................................... 133 Candy Land! By Jodie Binns 5th class .................................................................................................. 135 Sharing by Aoife Boyle 5th class ......................................................................................................... 136 Not Here Anymore by Shauna O B fifth class ..................................................................................... 137 Fairy Taes All Over Again By Maria Byrne ........................................................................................... 138 THE GIRL W ITH THE MONEY PART ONE 5TH CLASS BY ELLIE MURPHY ............................................. 139 The Big Sea by Isabelle Dunne ............................................................................................................ 140 SURPRISE! SURPRISE by Elle Delaney Ms.Meade ............................................................................... 141 Odd Behaviour .................................................................................................................................... 142 Drunk Rudolph by Amalia Mihalec 4th ............................................................................................... 142 Irish dancing By Amalia Mihalec 4th class .......................................................................................... 144 BORED By Emma Chi 4th class ............................................................................................................ 145 CHEERLEADING By Anna Lee .............................................................................................................. 145 Candy by Ella Davis 4th class............................................................................................................... 146 Flowers by Anastasia Berdnikova 4th class......................................................................................... 146 The River Shannon by Anastasia Berdnikova 4th Class ...................................................................... 147 Dance BY CIARA THIEL 4TH CLASS...................................................................................................... 147 Katie by Erin Boland Ms Meade 4th class ........................................................................................... 148 Cara By Erin Boland 4th class Ms Meade ............................................................................................ 148 Animals by Katie Lambe ................................................................................................................... 148 Dancing By Olivia McGrath ................................................................................................................. 149 My Dog. By Cara Spagnoletti 4th class ............................................................................................... 149 Figure Skating By Jodie D Daly............................................................................................................ 150 The Horse by Clodagh O' Dea ............................................................................................................. 151 Acting .................................................................................................................................................. 151 Lunaquilla ............................................................................................................................................ 152 Carl the Ninja Squirrel By Ciara Kavanagh.......................................................................................... 153 The Market Isabella Nolan .............................................................................................................. 154 LEAH .................................................................................................................................................... 155 My Day at the Niagara Falls ................................................................................................................ 155 The River Shannon by Lara Browne 4th Class ..................................................................................... 156 A Sea Adventure by Sarah Morris 4th Class ........................................................................................ 157 The Sea Adventure BY OLIVIA ENNIS 4th Class .................................................................................. 158 My Grandparents ................................................................................................................................ 159 Sea Adventure Katelyn Tomsin ........................................................................................................... 160 Sea Adventure by Sophie Dolan 4th class. .......................................................................................... 161 The Ghost Car by Lia Mucahy ............................................................................................................. 162 The Messy Rocky Road by Caoimhe Byrne......................................................................................... 163 PANCAKE TUESDAY by Ella O'Neill ...................................................................................................... 164 Jingle Bells ........................................................................................................................................... 165 Friends 3rd class Miss Ingoldsbys by Lauren Kane ............................................................................. 166 THE SCARED TURTLE By Sarah Byrne 3rd class ................................................................................... 166 Ms Ingo and Superman! By ANNA COUGHLAN .................................................................................. 167 Secret Santa by Emily Malone ............................................................................................................ 167 My Birthday Sarah Canty 3rd class ..................................................................................................... 168 Horse race By Celine Mailaparampil ................................................................................................... 168 Coco the bunny rabbit!!!!! By Kailey Berrigan 3rd Class..................................................................... 169 EASTER BY; EMMA WILLIAMS 3rd ...................................................................................................... 170 The Easter Bunny By: Emma Williams ................................................................................................ 170 The Fun Year!!! By Ella O'Keeffe! ........................................................................................................ 171 The Scary Girl Rovile Zaltauskaite 3rd class ......................................................................................... 173 The Smelly Man!!! By Ailbhe Horan .................................................................................................... 174 Santa Claus VS the Easter Bunny!!!! By Robyn Lawlor 3rd Class ......................................................... 175 My Birthday by Tara Clerkin 3rd Class ................................................................................................ 176 The Easter Bunny By: Sophie Virgoe .................................................................................................. 177 One Easter by Aoife Farley 3rd ........................................................................................................... 178 THE EASTER BUNNY V.S SANTA CLAUSBY Grace Hanifan 3RD ............................................................. 179 Leaving Ireland Emily Forkin ............................................................................................................... 180 The Fire Emily Forkin ........................................................................................................................... 182 JENNY!!! By Jodie Clinton .................................................................................................................... 183 The Birthday Surprise by Lara Carroll ................................................................................................. 185 KILLER 2 by Saoirse Mulligan............................................................................................................... 189 Leaving Ireland by Katie Jones ............................................................................................................ 191 The Unknown by Harmony Halpin ...................................................................................................... 193 MODESTY...By Amy Collins .................................................................................................................. 194 The mystical adventure of Libby and Eimear by Jennifer Banayo ...................................................... 195 The fish......By Amy Collins! ................................................................................................................. 197 THE BIG GESTURE by Sophie Curran ................................................................................................... 198 Leaving Ireland...By Amy Collins ......................................................................................................... 199 The Wave Sophie Kavanagh 6th class................................................................................................. 200 The Police Man by Kate Hanratty ....................................................................................................... 201 Poems by Eden Milne.......................................................................................................................... 202 The Creature by E. N. Milne ................................................................................................................ 203 Internet by E. N. Milne ........................................................................................................................ 204 A trip to Earth. By Aoife Cooke ........................................................................................................... 205 A Holiday gone wrong! By Aoife Cooke .............................................................................................. 206 Journey to Earth .................................................................................................................................. 207 Love at First Christmas Party by Ellen Dunne ..................................................................................... 209 Communion Day ................................................................................................................................. 209 My Diary by Shauna ............................................................................................................................ 210 Brake A Leg!! Tracey Coulter .......................................................................................................... 211 A Fishy Escape by Rebecca .................................................................................................................. 213 Eve by Gillian Weston ......................................................................................................................... 214 The Willow Tree by Beth Kirwan ......................................................................................................... 215 A Cindabella Story Amy Johnston.................................................................................................... 215 Grandma by Amy Johnston ................................................................................................................. 217 Me by Kate Hanratty ........................................................................................................................... 217 My Life by Anna Power ....................................................................................................................... 218 A Big Dream by Georgina Reynolds .................................................................................................... 222 The hamster who could talk by Emma................................................................................................ 223 If I Left By Kate Hanratty .................................................................................................................. 225 Winter Time by Orla Doyle.................................................................................................................. 225 Donabate by Beth Kirwan ................................................................................................................... 226 The Day by Orla Doyle ......................................................................................................................... 227 Wintertime .......................................................................................................................................... 227 The Race to the South Pole by Sophie O'Donoghue ........................................................................... 228 Winnie, when she was just a Minnie! By Eve Moore's ....................................................................... 229 My Holiday 5th Abbie Brennan ........................................................................................................... 230 Bad Luck 5th Class by Aisling Reidy ..................................................................................................... 233 My sister Isabelle 5th class by Jodie Bins Ms.Coffey .......................................................................... 234 The Water Park 5th class By Aoife O Donoghue ................................................................................. 236 THE E.T.'S ARE COMING By Caoimhe Brennan ................................................................................... 237 The Year It Snowed 5th Class – Naomi Robinson ................................................................................. 238 Carl the Ninja Squirrel Ciara Kavanagh 4th ........................................................................................ 239 Ciara by Ciara Thiel 4th class............................................................................................................... 239 A Reflection by Angela Gunko............................................................................................................. 240 Crazy mind By Sarah Minto 4th class .................................................................................................. 240 The Crazy girl By Sarah Minto 4th class .............................................................................................. 241 My Dog by Olivia McGrath .................................................................................................................. 241 GRANDMOTHER NATURE by Divena Rawl 4th class ........................................................................... 242 A Sea Adventure Sinatt Badmus 4th Class ........................................................................................... 243 I love my puppy By Laura Masterson 4th class ................................................................................... 244 A Sea Adventure.................................................................................................................................. 244 A Sea Adventure.................................................................................................................................. 245 THE REAL STORY OF SANTA CLAUS AND THE EASTER BUNNY by Zikora Okafor 3rd ........................... 246 The Girls Who Found the Tooth Fairy. By Ava Barry 3rd Class ........................................................... 246 ENDLESS By Ella O’Neill ....................................................................................................................... 247 My Dogs by Anna Coughlan 3rd class ................................................................................................. 248 The MISSING CUPCAKE Written by Lia Mulcahy ................................................................................. 248 The Fun Ball by Chloe Byrne. .............................................................................................................. 249 Cats by Caitlin O’Reilly 3rd class ......................................................................................................... 249 EASTER v CHRISTMAS By: Beth Power 3rd Class................................................................................. 250 They’re Coming! 5th Class, by Aisling Reidy......................................................................................... 251 The Lifeboat by Lara Browne 4th Class ................................................................................................ 260 A Sea Adventure Niamh Cullen 4th Class............................................................................................ 261 Leaving Ireland..By Amy Collins .......................................................................................................... 262 RISK by Alana....................................................................................................................................... 263 Jim Larkin By Harmony Halpin ............................................................................................................ 264 THE BIG GESTURE by Sophie Curran ................................................................................................... 265 Jim Larkins Speech Alison Cullen ........................................................................................................ 266 Anya's letter to Grandmother. By Abi O’Donnell 6th class .................................................................. 267 How the End Came About? By Grainne Honer ................................................................................... 268 Autumn pathway By Jennifer Banayo ................................................................................................. 269 The unknown creature ........................................................................................................................ 271 Jim Larkin’s Speech Zara Molloy ......................................................................................................... 272 My school By Chloe Collins ................................................................................................................. 273 Jim Larkin Shona Byrne .................................................................................................................... 274 The fish......By Amy Collins! ................................................................................................................. 275 The Friends Flite by Sarah Williams .................................................................................................... 276 The Life of Jessie by Sarah-Jane Moroney .......................................................................................... 277 FUN Diaries BY SARAH HOEY............................................................................................................... 280 Diary of a tsunami girl By Elaine Murphy............................................................................................ 281 And they all lived happily ever after..... NOT by Gillian Weston ....................................................... 284 XOXO I Know It All By Shauna Markey ................................................................................................ 286 Oh George! Abbie Hurley ............................................................................................................... 287 The Witch in the Attic ......................................................................................................................... 289 Curious By Rebecca Lawler, 6th .......................................................................................................... 291 World War 2 (1945) By Ellen Dunne ................................................................................................... 295 Moving? By Keava Roche 6th .............................................................................................................. 296 The True Story of Humpty Dumpty by Orla Doyle .............................................................................. 297 The true story of Little Red Riding Hood by Orla Doyle ...................................................................... 297 Mighty Mandy ..................................................................................................................................... 298 Dragons Cave by Sinead Kearns 6th.................................................................................................... 300 Florida by Sophie O'Donoghue ........................................................................................................... 302 New life By E. N. Milne ........................................................................................................................ 304 My 11th Birthday by Caitlin Penrose 5th Class ..................................................................................... 307 Jenny! By Jodie Clinton ...................................................................................................................... 308 A day at the zoo By Lainey Gruben .................................................................................................. 310 Diary of a Drama Queen Aoife O'Hanlon 5th class ............................................................................. 311 Life in the Military Fifth class Isabelle Dunne ..................................................................................... 313 PURPLE AND YELLOW LAND by JOSIE O’REILLY 5th ....................................................................... 315 The magical log by Sadhbh Dalton 5th class ....................................................................................... 316 Monday Morning Shaking- By Aisling Reidy 5th class......................................................................... 318 The fallen angel Fifth class Shauna o 'b .............................................................................................. 335 Grounded! 5th class by Aoife O Donoghue ........................................................................................ 336 My Magic Laptop! Kate Culleton 5th class.......................................................................................... 337 Snow White by Caoimhe Davis 5th class ............................................................................................ 338 The Lost Dog by Ciara Theil 4th Class.................................................................................................. 339 Why Weren't You at School? Ciara 4th ............................................................................................... 339 The Sea Adventure by Lara Browne 4th ............................................................................................. 340 A Sea Adventure By: Leah Brogan 4th class ........................................................................................ 341 A Sea Adventure.................................................................................................................................. 342 POP-Corn Written by Ella O'Neill ........................................................................................................ 343 Sarah's Easter by Sarah Canty 3rd class .............................................................................................. 344 Snowball By Sarah Keon 3rd Class ...................................................................................................... 344 The Easter Bunny Tara Clerkin 3rd Class ............................................................................................. 345 Shrek Goes To super market by Aoife Farley 3rd ............................................................................... 345 The great escape route ....................................................................................................................... 346 Bruno the big brown bear By M Dunne 5th ........................................................................................ 347 The Avenue by Alison Sheridan .......................................................................................................... 348 Letters of World War Two by Amy Johnston .................................................................................. 350 Trip to Earth by Keava 6th Class ........................................................................................................... 352 Red Riding Hood by Naomi Robinson 5th Class ................................................................................... 354 What Really Happened This is what the wolf said .............................................................................. 355 Smartie Boy and Popcorn Girl! By Kate Culleton ................................................................................ 356 What Happened After…Voldemort Died By Aisling Reidy 5th Class .................................................... 357 SWEETS!! By Anna Lee ........................................................................................................................ 362 The Lost Dog by Aoife Kelly ................................................................................................................. 363 My big surprise!!!!!!! By Emma Higgins 4th class ............................................................................... 363 The Gardening 5th class by Aoife O' Donoghue ................................................................................. 364 Kidnapped Naomi Robinson 5th class................................................................................................. 365 My Holiday Diary Hannah Foley 5th Class............................................................................................ 367 Jim Larkin ............................................................................................................................................ 372 A Christmas Special By Leah Roarty 3rd Class Ms’ Ingoldsby ............................................................. 373 A day in my life .................................................................................................................................... 374 A Fishy Escape by Rebecca Lawlor ...................................................................................................... 375 Consequences by Francine Banez 5th class ........................................................................................ 376 A lion By Emma Chi ............................................................................................................................. 378 A Poem by Moira Jones 4th class ........................................................................................................ 378 My Holiday to France. By Abi O'Donnell ............................................................................................. 379 The Irish Salmon.................................................................................................................................. 380 Carrie's War by Alison Cullen .............................................................................................................. 381 Leaving Ireland Alison Cullen 6th class ............................................................................................... 382 All about me By Grace Hanifan 3rd ...................................................................................................... 384 My Birthday By Aoife Farley 3rd .......................................................................................................... 384 Breeze Ciara Kavanagh ........................................................................................................................ 385 SCHOOL by Caitlin Pepper 3rd Class Ms Ingoldsby ............................................................................. 385 Easter by Caitlin o Reilly 3rd class ....................................................................................................... 386 Dogs by Cara Spagnoletti 4th class ..................................................................................................... 386 MY DOG By Carla Crosbie 3rd class..................................................................................................... 387 Carrie's War by Anna Power .............................................................................................................. 388 The Best Day Ever by Charlotte Keva Feeney ..................................................................................... 389 Christmas by Laura Masterson 4th class .............................................................................................. 389 Chuck gets chucked! By Ava Oakes ..................................................................................................... 390 The Incident of The Boy At Night By Ciara Kavanagh ......................................................................... 391 Cray Cray Poem by Gillian Weston ..................................................................................................... 392 The Robots by Danielle ....................................................................................................................... 393 Dublin by Kate Hanratty ...................................................................................................................... 393 What a life Emma-Jane Power 6th Class............................................................................................. 394 Evil Doesn't Take a Holiday by Sinead Kearns ..................................................................................... 395 Friends by Beth Kirwan ....................................................................................................................... 397 Gone by Rachael Mc Grath 5th class .................................................................................................. 398 HARES! By Abi O'Donnell 6th class Ms.Higgins ................................................................................... 401 Heading Off By Julia Spagnoletti ......................................................................................................... 402 HOPE by Laura Burke .......................................................................................................................... 403 If I Was A…By Sarah-Jane Moroney .................................................................................................... 404 MODERN FAIRYTALE!!!!! BY ISOBEL SUTTON .................................................................................... 405 MODERN FAIRYTALE PART 2 BY ISOBEL SUTTON ............................................................................... 406 My puppies and me Janet Fitzpatrick 5th ............................................................................................ 407 Jim Larkin By Jen2 ............................................................................................................................... 408 CRAZY LIFE Jessica Arkins 5th ............................................................................................................... 409 Just a thought...................................................................................................................................... 410 Factory Fire by Katie Jones.................................................................................................................. 411 Dogs .................................................................................................................................................... 412 A Katy Perry Poem by Sinead Kearns .................................................................................................. 412 Leaving Home By Keava Roche ........................................................................................................... 413 Leaving Ireland By Sinead Moloney .................................................................................................... 415 Letter ................................................................................................................................................... 417 Healthybreak By Lorraine Adamolekun 4th class ............................................................................... 418 Scared of Lucy By Margaret Balinga ................................................................................................... 418 Letter ................................................................................................................................................... 419 My Best Friends by Anna Coughlan .................................................................................................... 420 My Candle By Angela Gunko 4th class ................................................................................................ 420 My Dream by Kate Hanratty ............................................................................................................... 421 My New Best Friend.By Jodie Daly...................................................................................................... 422 MY PET RABBIT AOIFE Daly 5th class ................................................................................................... 423 My Rabbit by Jessica Murphy ............................................................................................................. 424 The Easter Hunt by Natalie Gray ......................................................................................................... 424 My surprise Neamh McKevitt 5th class................................................................................................ 425 Olden Days by Beth Kirwin .................................................................................................................. 426 MY GRANDPARENTS POEM by Olivia Ennis 4th Class ......................................................................... 427 Carries War by Orla Doyle ................................................................................................................... 428 Dora V Orla by Orla Doyle ................................................................................................................... 429 Journey to Earth by Orla Doyle ........................................................................................................... 430 School by Aisling Reidy........................................................................................................................ 431 POEMS by Emma Chi........................................................................................................................... 432 The Racing Day by Ciara Thiel 4th Class .............................................................................................. 432 Rainbow by Jessica Brehony ............................................................................................................... 433 RAPUNZEL by Rachel O'Hanlon ........................................................................................................... 434 Crunchy Chilled Chocolate Fingers Sarah Morris 4th class .................................................................. 436 Greedy Dog ......................................................................................................................................... 437 Sarah Canty ......................................................................................................................................... 437 School Out By Amy Johnston .............................................................................................................. 438 Factory Fire by Shona Byrne ............................................................................................................... 439 The Lost Boy by Sinead Hand .............................................................................................................. 440 There’s Something Fishy Going on Here! By Anna Power .................................................................. 441 My summer holiday Sophie Curran .................................................................................................... 442 THE BIG GESTURE Sophie Curran ........................................................................................................ 444 A Day in Spain by Shauna Markey....................................................................................................... 445 Spike Up! By Zoe Lonergan 6th Class ................................................................................................... 446 Spring Niamh Cullen 4th Class.............................................................................................................. 447 Surprize!!!! BY EVE DOORLEY.............................................................................................................. 448 The Easter Bunny by Tara Clerkin ....................................................................................................... 449 THE BIG GESTURE!!!!!!! By Kelsey Carroll ........................................................................................... 451 The Factory Fire BY AMY COLLINS 6TH CLASS .................................................................................... 452 The Great Famine by Aoife Cooke ...................................................................................................... 453 THERE IS A NEW SUPER HERO IN TOWN! BY Sinatt Badmus .......................................................... 454 THE NIAGARA FALLS ............................................................................................................................ 455 The River Shannon by Lara Browne .................................................................................................... 455 The River Shannon Niamh Cullen........................................................................................................ 456 The Robin by Emily Forking ................................................................................................................. 457 The Sea Adventure by Roisin Gorman 4th class ................................................................................. 458 The Starving Life by Sarah-Jane .......................................................................................................... 459 The Teaching lesson By Amy Johnston ............................................................................................... 461 Twitch by Keava Roche ....................................................................................................................... 462 EARTH BY EIMEAR MULLIGAN ............................................................................................................ 463 Valentine! By Jodie Kenny................................................................................................................... 464 Victoria V. By Elaine Murphy .............................................................................................................. 465 What a life Emma-Jane Power 6th Class............................................................................................. 466 What if I ran for President?................................................................................................................. 468 White Angel Elaine Murphy ................................................................................................................ 469 Why? By Gillian Weston ...................................................................................................................... 471 Winter Time! By Aoife Cooke .............................................................................................................. 472 Wintertime by Anna Power ................................................................................................................ 473 Wintertime by Keava Roche ............................................................................................................... 474 W’s Diary by Anna Power.................................................................................................................... 475 CANDY FLOSS!!! BY Zikora Okafor 3rd ................................................................................................ 477 The Unusual Hamster.......................................................................................................................... 478 Opposites by Keava Roche 6th Class In, out Thin, stout Up, down Smile, frown Small, tall Stand, fall Real, fake Shovel, rake More, less Clean, mess Ground, sky Walk, fly Old, new Person, crew Mean, nice Whole, sliced. Opposite are what these are, But my favourite opposite by far, Is the opposite of opposite. My Sea Adventure by Naomi Robinson 5th class I was on my holidays and we woke up one morning and decided to go swimming in the pool. So we got ready to go I got my bikini on and put my clothes on over it. We got to the pool and got changed into our swimsuits and went out to the pool. When we got to the pool there were millions of people there. We decided it wasn’t a good idea to go to the pool because there were too many people there. So we decided to go to the sea to go swimming there. We went back to our apartment to get our beach towels and a ball that could float. We went to the beach and lay down our beach towels. I went in to the water with my two sisters to play with the ball. My sister Katie threw the ball to me. I didn’t catch it and it went out to sea. I went to get it but when I turned around I wasn’t touching the ground and my sisters went onto the beach. I tried to swim in but I wasn’t getting anywhere. I got pulled out to sea I didn’t know what to do. I screamed for help but no one answered. I managed to swim over to some rocks. I was so scared because I thought I kept on seeing shark fins coming up out of the water. I realized that they were just dolphin fins when a dolphin came up to me. When I was there I saw lots of seaweed and I collected it to make a bed. When I was sleeping I heard a loud noise that sounded like a helicopter. I woke up and it was a helicopter it came to save me I was so glad. They brought me to the hospital to see if I had anything wrong with me but then they brought me home. Everyone was so glad to see me and I was glad to see them. I had a hot dinner because I was freezing. That was a very scary day for me and my family. Disaster author Jodie Clinton Hi I am Aoife. I am 14 turning 15 this Saturday. My parents are very wealthy and rich so they are going to throw me a big birthday party since I have moved schools my parents want me to make friends. I just want to say that I really don’t like being spoiled but my parents just can’t help it. We live in a 9 story house and 2 stories of that are my bedroom. 1 more story of that is just a chill kind of room. So today I and my mum went shopping for the perfect dress. We looked in Guess, and in River Island and lots more designer stores. But we could not find anything so then we took it to the next level, we went to a dressmakers. I asked for a knee length purple dress that was strapless. After the dress was ordered we went into Jimmy Choo to get me a pair of shoes luckily we found the perfect pair. They were perfect purple stilettos. Then we went to a jewellers. I was shocked to see everyone standing there smiling at me. Then a man walked up to me and handed me a large gift wrapped box. I opened it to see a €50, 0000 necklace and it was 50 karat gold. Matching that was a pair of €24,0000 earrings which were 24 karat gold. It was my birthday present from Mum and Dad, but that wasn't all they got me. You will see what else I got in the middle of the story. It is now Saturday morning and Mum has revealed yet another birthday present. I was getting my hair, makeup and my nails done by a professional. I am used to this so it wasn't anything big to me. When she was done it was 5:00pm and the party starts at 6:00pm. So I got into my dress and shoes, and put on my necklace and earrings. Since I have not seen the party room yet I went to have a look at it. It was beautiful. Purple drapes on the long extension to the house and a big stage with a big screen at the background of it with pictures of Justin Bieber, Cody Simpon, Carly Rae Jepson, Flo Rida, One Direction and Pink. So it is now the party!!!! Everyone is buzzing as the first ring of the doorbell sounds. It is a girl called Mandy. She is popular. After about 10 minutes everyone was here and they were having a great time. Near the end of the party the present table was absolutely packed with presents. Mum called everyone outside. She said it was time for one of my presents. Then out of the blue pulled up a gorgeous big black with a giant Bow on it. After that a Lambourginie with a bow and a convertible with a bow. I was totally gobsmacked!!!!!!! Then Mum handed me an iPhone 5 as another present, I really was so grateful. When I went back to school the next Monday, a week after my party (if you’re wondering why it was a week after my birthday, is because my mum bought me a trip to Disneyland as another present) I was so popular. Except Mandy and her gang didn't think so. I didn't care she was just an old bat with plastic surgery anyway. I am popular and no one can say I amn't yes I am a little bit rude but if you don’t like me you are going down. Catch the next series to follow on from here next week, Has a lot more books. The mixed up fairy tales By Tara Collins Once upon a time there was a boy called Joe he lived in a fairy tale, snow white and the seven goblins, the goblins were rude, nasty, smelly, slimy, gross, nobody liked them if you even looked at them you would die in pain, the goblins did everything the witch said if they didn't they would be thrown out a bedroom window. Snow white she was a young, kind, generous, warm hearted girl. She lived with the wildest witch of the west her name was Jade. She was super cruel no one liked her at all not even her husband Bill. Bill was a funny, kind, caring, generous man, don’t ask how he married that thing, snow white never asked about her dad she hoped he would come back from the war, but her mother got a letter from the war saying he died but never told snow white, witch was really mean, but the witch didn't care all she cared about was the money she was getting. Let’s get back to Joe, the next day Joe was walking through the woods and he saw snow white crying, she was crying about her rabbit it got hit by a bus, Jade didn't care because she was driving the bus. Joe told her he would buy her a new one, she was he normally comes home for his birthday, but we will see soon what happens when she finds out... so happy cause she loved her rabbit his name was twinkle toes, he was the best rabbit in the world, good thing she still has her dad to believe in but not for long, she will soon find out when it comes up to his birthday cause? Leaving Home by Isabelle Boileau I looked back fogging up the window with my breath, trying to get one last glimpse of the train station behind me. I leaned back against the rough texture of the material on my chair it filled my head with thoughts, trying to bring myself to admit that all that has happened is true. Visions of what I just saw, memories flashed in my head. I saw mothers hugging children, already suffering from the loss of their husbands at war. Crying girls and stiff standing boys had filled the platform. I remembered my mama and how she had smiled as she waved goodbye and told me that whatever happened we would always be together, inside. I remember when she told me to stand in line with all of the other children ready to board the train. I remember how, when I had boarded the train, that she told me to be brave. I remember when the train had almost left the station; she brought her hand down from waving and covered her shaking chin. I looked around the cramped carriage at all the children. Some were crying, some were sitting still with shock and some, like me, were still trying to come to reality. Not believing what was true, what was happening, what we could never change, what, we all knew, would never leave our memories. Ever. I looked around the carriage I was in and saw about eight other children. Some were crying silently, others sobbing as if their heart would break. One boy, who looked my age was staring straight ahead of him. I looked at the wall trying to see what he could. I saw nothing and lost interest in what he was looking at and I focused on what he looked like. He had a strong jaw and rough hands the size of shovels and kind eyes. He caught me looking at him and I looked away but I could still feel his gaze on me and I was determined to keep my eyes on the tag around my bag. I looked out my window and saw a cottage with smoke bellowing out of the chimney. This reminded me of home. I could see mum walking across the front yard, a big bag of seed ready for the chickens. I shook my head quickly as I felt tears spring into my eyes. I didn't want anyone here to see me cry. 'World War two will be the end of us all'. I heard the words that Mam used clearly in my head. To this I thought. Why did Hitler want so much power? Why could he not see the pain he was conflicting on so many families? Was he so power hungry as to continue? Why couldn't the people decide for themselves what they wanted to do? Questions whizzed around my head like bullets. I remembered the horror and hopeless look on Mama’s face when she first saw the yellow enveloped telegram. I remembered how she sat down on the couch and closed her eyes and, with shaky fingers, opened the telegram. It was a year ago, I was only six years old it doesn’t seem fair. I remembered the scrawled handwriting and the words, ‘KILLED IN ACTION' written across the top in capitals. I was the eejit of the family and I didn't understand until Aoife explained in simple Irish that dad was dead. I, at first, thought she was being sarcastic but I saw Mama, shell shocked, frozen on the seat, staring into space and Peggy, who had been picked up off the floor by Seamus and was resting on his lap. I realized she was telling the truth. I shook my head, coming back to the present time, sitting in the cabin staring out the window. Out of all the questions in my head at that moment, only one swam to the surface. Was I ever going to get home to my family? My dog Lucky by Saoirse Mulligan 6th class I have a puppy who is named Lucky He is very fluffy. When he comes back in from his walk he is very mucky. Because he likes to pretend he is a monkey. When he goes to bed, He always bangs his head of the top of his shed. I love my dog and he loves me, and that is the way that it should be. Red squirrel A red squirrel eats fruit, nuts, seeds, bark, pinecones, insects, young birds, mice & other small animals. They eat just about everything! Their life span is up to 7 years. If they get infected, they die 14 days later. They weigh 250g 300g & are 20-22cm tall. The red squirrels scientific name is 'Scurius vulgaris' In Ireland & Britain, the red squirrels are nearly extinct, due to habitat loss and competition with the American grey squirrel, which is bigger & stronger than the red squirrel, & is able to eat fruit before its ripe. The grey squirrels also carry a virus which red squirrels can catch quite easily. So as the grey squirrel increases their population, there are less red squirrels. To increase their population, some red squirrels have been moved to safe areas of some forests in the west, where there are currently no grey squirrels. My school by Chloe Collins Once there was a girl called Emma. She went to school in Donabate. She was in fifth class. She had lots of friends but she had one best friend call Mollie. She is in a mixed school. It is coming up to the summer holidays. Mollie and Emma are going to Disney land in Paris. They have been best friends since first class. They are going for five weeks. But then Mollie and Emma had this fight about why did Mollie push Emma off the swing yesterday. They were so close till then. Emma’s arm was broken black and dark blue all over her arm. It was about eight days till their summer holidays. Emma had to go for her scan today she was so nervous for it. She got out and they said she would be fine in three days. She was so happy! In school the next day Mollie went up to Emma and said I’m so sorry it’s ok said Emma. Are you still coming to Disney land with me your mam and my mam Emma said yes I’m going to the hospital today to get the cast off. They went to Disney land and had the best time ever THE END My funny thoughts by Emma Byrne When I lay in bed at night and can't go to sleep, I try and think of something funny instead of counting sheep. Just last week while in my bed, A funny thought came into my head. I had a flying unicorn, And his name was norm. He was very pink, And he gave all the ladies a wink. He lived in my room, And sometimes we went to the moon. I would fly him everywhere, Where we went I didn't care. My unicorns is just like me, He would love steak and chips for his tea. But how could I forget about my brother’s unipig, And his bushy wig. The unipig on the couch, My dad sat on him and he went ouch. I miss that unicorn and the unipig, But not as much as that silly pig. Politics by Eve Moore Politics is so rich, Brian Cowen made a glitch. Enda Kenny has lots of power, Joan Burton’s face is always sour. Now that the recession is on, Nobody has time to sing a song. Fine Gael will soon fail, Sinn Fein will tell a tale, The IMF will give us a bail, The shops will have no more sales. People will go on strike, It really won’t be nice. Maybe in one hundred years, When Michael Noonan stops drinking beers, When Ireland is sorted out, Nobody on the news will have to shout. Wisdom Woman by Sarah Hoey I went on board the SS Quick Silver on June 11th which was operated by The Galaxy Line. I saw people enjoying themselves by the outdoor pool as I made my way to my cabin. Later we sailed out to Dolphin Straights, there was a fresh breeze. Suddenly from our starboard side a huge wave closed in fast, there were screams as everybody ran inside, the ship turned to face the big wave but did not make it and tossed us half way up in the air. When we landed the nose of the ship was under the sea. Robyn my trusty sidekick arrived with my super hero costume and we dressed in one of the life boats. We sprang out in our red and black costumes" look "someone said Wisdom Woman has come to save us, there were cheers all around us. We flew around the ship to see the damage. We both looked at each other and knew the situation was hopeless. We spoke to the Captain Simon Smith and agreed that the ship was going to sink. ”Don’t" sound abandoned ship until I return," two ticks" I said My self and Robyn flew back to the port. Using my laser beam I started up the other shipping the port and gave it full power and from behind I pushed it out to sea after Robyn removed the ropes and anchor. Robyn guided me to come alongside the Quicksilver. Where Captain Smith let people board it and we sailed back to port. Robyn had saved Litty our transformer and we picked up some passengers that flew into the sea during the evacuation. We arrived in port and let off our load to great cheers. We flew home to our cave to relax. No holiday again this year, it was like the titanic all over again! "Yes", said Robyn "but we saved the day yet again!" Carries War by Sophie O'Donoghue Hi there my name is Carrie and I will be telling you about my train trip from London to Wales. It was during World War 2, my brother Nick and I were getting on a train and we were going to the countryside. We could see a mountain, it was brown and purple on the top and green lower down with some sheep on it. In our carriage there were some very comfortable seats and we had it all to ourselves. The train journey only took 2 hours but I expected it to be longer. We then got off the train, we collected our luggage and then we went to the parish hall where someone would choose us. I was feeling quite anxious and nervous. Nick was worried and he clung to my sleeve. I saw a woman who looked very sophisticated and strict, I didn't want her. The other children looked quite scared and nervous. There was about ten families there and it was time for people to pick us. One woman called Miss Evans came over to me and said she could only take two girls. I told Miss Evans that she could take my brother because Nick has bad dreams. Miss Evans took both of us. Miss Evans wasn't much taller than me and she had red hair. We arrived outside a shop called Samuel Isaac Evans. We went inside and it led to the house. The house was very nice and cosy. We had forgotten our slippers and when it came to the stairs we were only allowed walk on the white drugget. We went into our room, it had two beds, a wardrobe, a wicker chair and a framed notice on the wall saying The Eye of the Lord Is upon You. Nick and I knew that we were going to have a good time here and everybody was very nice to us. Unfortunate by Tracey Coulter Mom I’m home! Oh hi how was work? It was ok I guess, Dave is taking me out for dinner. Ok you better get ready. Yeah I’m going to have a shower and get dressed call me when Dave gets here. Okay!! Amanda got ready and her mom called her to say that Dave was there he had a box of chocolates and flowers. They're lovely Dave, let’s go. They got in the car. So how was work Dave asked oh you know just the usual what about you? Eh noting really I just got a new office. Oh that’s great. They arrived at the Chinese restaurant chi cha cho. So what are you getting? Well the chicken satay sounds good. What are you getting ?? Humm I think I’m going to get the chicken curry. They ordered their food and ate it then the fortune cookies came. Each of them opened one and Dave said you will get a promotion at your work. Amanda got one that said your life is in danger leave the city and do not tell anyone Repeat do not tell any....Amanda started to panic but then she remembered that fortunes never come true so she enjoyed the rest of her night. Her phone rang and she left the restaurant for some quite, she was going to go around the corner but as she stepped out onto the road a bus went zooming past and nearly knocked her over but Dave saw it coming and ran out and pulled her away. Maybe her fortune was true or was it just unlucky??? She asked Dave to drop her home and when she got home she said mom I’m going to Dads house in LA I don’t know when I’ll be back but ill ring you lots. The next morning she was on a flight to LA. When she got there she went to her dad’s house. As she was opening the door a knife flew about one inch from her face because he dad was practicing his act he was a magician there was a girl spinning on a wheel and he was throwing knives at her. Amanda was shocked her dad brought her in and said maybe I shouldn’t practice at the door. Amanda said daddy I got a bad fortune and I have nearly died twice already. OH god you should go to a fortune teller and ask her to undo your fortune. Can you do that.? Well yeah I guess there’s one by the beach in a van called madam Lulu. Ok Dad I’ll go Wintertime by Julia Spagnoletti Winter is finally here, Time to sing and cheer. Even though it’s cold and grey, It can be fun to play all day. There is one thing in winter, That everybody loves. And that day is called Christmas, The day our savour, Jesus was born. Leaving Ireland by Ciara Gough This is a story of a 12 year old girl who had no choice but to leave Ireland forever. I still remember the day I left Ireland. It was the 14th of July 1847, the worst year of the famine. The potatoes had caught a disease called blight the year before. Many people had to immigrate to America. I was one of them. Many people had already died because most people ate potatoes for every meal. The morning of the 14th of July was very hard. We had to say goodbye to all of our friends. Then we set off to travel the 3 mile walk to the port. We just about had enough money to buy a family ticket to New York. Our Landlord paid us to emigrate because he needed the land for planting crops and rearing cattle. I was excited to be going to a different country but also scared because I had heard that many people died on board the ship because the conditions were awful. When we arrived at the ship we were shown to our rooms by a very rude crew member. We had a very small space to put our belongings and a bunk bed. I had to share a bed with my sister Katie. There was a family beside us called the Quinn’s. They had a daughter around my age and we used to talk a lot about our life in Ireland. Her granny had refused to leave her house and was back in Ireland struggling to survive. There were no toilets on board but it didn’t bother me because we didn’t have one at home. Mr Quinn brought a fiddle on board and he was quite good at playing it and every night we would have a little dance to cheer us up. The food we got was just about enough to survive on. On windy days many of the passengers managed to keep their small bit of food down because of sea sickness. On sunny days each family were aloud up on deck for 10 minutes. One of the days I and Katie saw a dolphin swim by! When we arrived in New York I was so happy. The buildings were so tall. The country was nothing like Ireland. When we got off the ship a nurse came over and explained that we had to have a medical test to make sure that we weren’t bringing the famine fever into New York. Our family passed but the Quinn’s didn’t and they had to stay in quarantine for 2 weeks. We used the money we had left to go and find a small house big enough for 3 people. We found one near the coast and we have been leaving here ever since. Leaving by Gillian Weston Leaving the city To live in the country My mamas crying I’m not coming home, The busy streets of Dublin All of the people screaming and shouting it’s too much to take, there’s nothing to do in Dublin not a field anywhere but in the country you would never get bored., you can be a farmer working on the grass you don’t need planning permission to build anything, I’m leaving the city to live in the country my mamas crying Im not coming home. My Winter Time Poem by Georgia Reynolds Winter time is here time to scream and cheer, snow is falling all around us, people every where. It's Christmas Time!!! Lunatics Abroad by Kate Hanratty One day I was going to Florida when I was little and when we were going through security. I was holding my brother and I put him down to put bag on the conveyer belt to go through the security system. When I turned around I couldn’t see my brother. My parents were in a state with worry. Then all you could see was my little brother coming out the other end of the security system!!! One time my friend went to France and they had just come back from the beach and they were playing outside. The hotel had big iron gates at the front and they were usually closed but not knowing they were open my friend went back to her hotel room to make a sandwich and when she came out her sister had disappeared. They found her an hour later at the beach, one mile from the hotel. Wintertime by Beth Kirwan Hot chocolate and tea, That would make me jump with glee. Not outdoors but indoors, With real bad cold sores. You'll cough and you'll sneeze, And you might even wheeze. But Santa is on his way, And we will all shout hurray! The Beach by Lainey Gruben It was a Saturday and my Dad decided to go to the beach. I was so annoyed I shouted “you know that I hate the beach”. He just ignored me it was like he didn’t care less (well he probably didn’t but still). I repeated “Dad you know I hate the beach” and of course he ignored me again. He didn’t care he just told me to jump in the car because he had a surprise for me so I did. And when I jumped out of the car what did I see the beach! Now I was really annoyed. I stepped 0ut of the car and I could feel sand going into my shoes. I hated it. I ran over to my Mom and sat on the b each towel with her I was so bored. I just sat there glazing at other people who were having fun and playing games on the sand. I ran over to my dad and he was playing football on the sand with my dog Cleo. He kicked the ball over towards direction. I kicked it back to him and then we started playing. He accidently kicked it into the water so I went in to get it. It went in to far so I wasn’t able to get it. Then I decided that this was officially the worst day ever! Finally we went home. I was relived. And that was my day at the beach. Dublin Zoo 5th class Emma Smyth One day I was in Dublin zoo with my family and my little niece Sophia. First we looked at the lions and tigers. Then we looked at the penguins and seals. Then we saw elephants and giraffes. Then we looked at the snakes and spiders. Then we got something to eat in a little eat. After that I wanted to see spider monkeys so we went see them. When we got there the spider monkeys were doing a show. When the show was over we took pictures of them. Sophia saw a sign. The sign said “DO NOT FEED THE SPIDER MONKEYS PLEASE”. She though it said “PLEASE FEED THE SPIDER MONKEYS” and she gave them lemon ice-cream thinking it was banana. The spider monkeys went crazy and then Sophia let them out, everyone ran out of Dublin zoo. I stayed because Sophia is only two. Then she let out the lions and tigers, then I ran out of the zoo. Then she let out the penguins and the seals. Then the elephants and giraffes. Then the snakes and spiders. I had to come and get her, when I got there it was a mess and Sophia was on an elephant. The zookeeper tried to get her down from the elephant but Sophia wouldn’t get off the elephant. Finally she got off the elephant. Then we went home all happy and the poor Zookeeper had to clean up the mess Sophia made, the poor man. The end !!!! Hope you liked it !!! by Abbie Brennan A day in my life I wake up at about 7:30 and I play on my iPad until 8:00. I run into the bathroom and wash my hands and my face. Then I get dressed into my uniform. I run into the kitchen and make my breakfast (which most of the time is cheerios). After that I make my healthy lunch. I run back into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and tie up my hair. That’s when I jump into the car and my mam drives me to school. When I reach the school yard I talk to my friends for about 5 or 10 minutes. Then it’s time to go into our classrooms. We do LOADS of work. At break time we play chasing on the yard. Then we go back inside for more work. After hours of working we say our prayers and go home. I get on the bus with some of my best friends. When I get home I do my homework. Then my mam makes me something to eat while I get changed. After that I call for my friends. I play with them for a while and then it’s time to go home for my dinner. I eat my dinner and then I play on my iPad. A while later it’s time for me to go to bed. Then I fall asleep after my long long day. Stranded Island by Jessica Arkins 5th Class Hi my name is Rebecca. I 'm 10 years old. I live in Ireland with my Mom and Dad. I have also have a maid named Lilly-Ann. She is very nice. We are on a boat going in to England but my Mum is nearly falling off the boat getting sick. We're finally hear. It very sunny (for now).'Taxi' my Mum shouted We pulled up at a huge hotel, named The Hilton. It was beautiful. When I walked in I saw a beautiful giant bow cay of flowers on a table, they were white roses. My favourite. We when up to the deck the man looked up our name ‘white is it’ the man exclaimed. ‘Yes’ my Dad said. ‘The bell boy will get your bags’. The man shouted. Meanwhile I’ll show you to your room. When we got into the room, I dropped my bag and my mouth opened. It was so astonishing. There was a soft cushiony sofa in the middle of the white sitting room. I went into the bedroom and put my stuff away. When it was 6:00 we went down stairs to the restraint to get dinner. When we were done we went back up to the room to go to bed. In the morning we went down to the harbour. There were lots of ships there. I saw just one ship in the distances a pirate ship. It looked so cool. BOOM a bomb exploded. There was pandemonium throughout the village. All you could hear was shouting and screaming. All you could smell was smoke. My family and I got under a bridge and hoped. BOOM another bomb went off. The bridge exploded I got knocked out. When I woke up I was on a ship. The pirate ship. I saw my Mum and Dad tied up too. I saw the pirates talking let’s throw them off. I grabbed a piece of broken glass on the floor. And cut the rope. I scrambled over to my Dad and cut the rope then I walked over to my Mum and cut her rope. ‘Their getting away’ the captain screeched ‘get them’ the pirates screamed. We jumped off the boat and fell into the water. We swam to an island it was deserted. My dad told me to find some food. I was looking for ever when a cocoanut fell on my head. I picked it up and a monkey jumped into my arms. He was so cute. He led me to a ship rack. I showed my dad it ‘we can fix it can’t we’ yes my dad exclaimed. Throughout the week we started to fix the boat. At the end of the week the boat was finished. We set seal to England on the boat. When we saw the pirate ship that had kidnapped us. This was war. I picked up a sword….. Treehouse makeover by Jodie Clinton Hi my name is Rebecca. I am 7 years old. My best friend is Ivy. So today we went out to our secret base where no one can find us ( In the forest In a big wooden treehouse my father built me ) So today we went there and there was a whole difference to it, it was about 5x bigger and it was painted pink with flowers all over. When we went inside we saw all new couches a TV and even two pink double beds!!! In the middle there was a pink table sitting on top of a pink furry rug. There were six pink chairs. On the table there was a giant princess castle cake and loads of cupcakes. But who could have done this. I ran over where the curtains were placed and opened them it was a patio with a trampoline and a swing set. This was the best birthday present ever!!!! Later that evening I was at home and my mum was smiling. ‘’Was it you, Mum?’’ ‘’ Was what me, Darling?’’ The treehouse, the cake everything. I knew it couldn’t have been Dad because he was working overseas. Dad works in the army. He won’t be back till next year at the least. Suddenly, I heard the door slam and I gave a leap. Mum laughed. Then I knew why she was laughing, out walked Dad!!!!! I jumped into his arms. ‘’So did you notice the treehouse???’’ he asked. I did why, how , what ………. How did you make my dream treehouse come to life??? Well I just took a sneak peak at your little doodles and I just you know invented it. Oh thank you Daddy. I love you and that’s the end of my treehouse makeover. Princess Rose Neamh McKevitt 5th class Hello my name is princess rose I am the princess of Spain. I speak 12 different languages (English). I have two sisters Gracie and Beth and two brothers John and Edward. I am 10 years old. My dad died 3 years ago. It’s my birthday next week I wish my dad would be there. My two sisters think that since I am the youngest they can boss me around. My brothers are older than me and my sisters but they are so annoying (maybe even more than my sisters).My maids are getting everything ready for my birthday party I am going to invite every princess I know. I am going to have the biggest party ever I will have music and dancing. My sisters will be in their rooms for the whole party. I must go to sleep now. What was that noise I heard my sister Beth announce. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs Gracie screamed. Suddenly it was quiet I am so scared I think I will run into my sisters room on the count of three one, two, three. Gracie can I sleep in your bed tonight .Gracie. Your room is wrecked what happened. GRACIE ASWER ME. Where are you? Beth, Gracie is gone help me find her. Oh no Beth is gone too. JOHN, EDWARD. Gracie and Beth are gone help me find them. Ahhhhhh who are you get out mmmmmmmmmmmmmm (Translation: somebody gets this duct tape off my mouth). Happy birthday rose .That sounds like my sister. Surprise rose I heard a lot of voices say. It’s my birthday party. Hi I yelled I am ready to dance people. I am finally 11 years old. For the rest of the night I am going to kill my brother and sisters for almost giving me a heart attack. Christmas Time by Ellen Matthews 5th Hi, I hope you enjoy it It was Christmas Night. All the little boys and girls were almost fast asleep. Santa was getting ready to do his job he had all the boys and girls toys in the back of the sleigh all the Reindeer were ready to go but Santa forgot the magic words. So the elves had to sing it to Santa. Santa got back into his sleigh. Santa was ready to go. Santa did not want to see all the little boys and girls up set. Santa was at London he had only five hours to go and all the little boys and girls were waking up all around the world Santa was going into Dublin he had five thousand boys and girls to go to. Santa was running late. In china, Japan, franc the children were waking up he was a bit late. He got to Dublin he had done four thousand children already. He Got to The Links he did all 158 boys and girls he was glad then he went to Cars mill off he went down the road 4 hours later he got back to the north pole. Santa was so happy he went home and had a nice cup of tea and Miss Claus had baked cupcakes, 2 cakes and Miss Claus baked 9 carrot cakes for each and every one reindeer. I hope you enjoyed it ----I HOPE you like the follow on? WHAT!! Britney by Shauna O’B When Britney was dancing in the club all eyes on her all eyes all eyes on HER!! Britney Dalton woke up. MAAAAAM!!!! I had one of those dreams again Britney shouted! Mrs. Dalton ran up the stairs. What celebrity were you this time! Britney spears! Britney Dalton had dreams at night that she was a celebrity. This happened every night. Sometimes when she ate M&M'S she started to rap for no reason like em-en-em the rapper. Pixie Luck by Caoimhe Brennan 5th In a faraway land called Flemington, I know I know the name sounds yuck but once you get past that part this story quiet good! Let me start again. In a faraway Land called Flemington, there were hundreds of pixies. I know what you’re thinking right now beautiful cheerie pixies helping one another like what you see in 'Tinker Belle'. Well first of all these are pixies not fairies, this kind of pixie folk are vicious violent Smurf blood sucking creatures! What do they wear you ask well they were black and red bad leather clothes. Enough chit chat let’s get to the story! One sunny calm day in the Smurf village the Smurfs were preparing for a festival that was happening in two days’ time. It was called ballab day, this celebration marks the day that Papa Smurf killed Gargamel with a ballab potion. It made him turn into a black rose that Papa locked away in his secret box that no one knows about! It was ballab day the fifth of April and all the Smurfs were cheering in excitement for the festival at midnight. Baker Smurf was making a giant cake, Jokey Smurf was getting ready for the entertainment (he was telling jokes), Papa was making the fireworks and all the other Smurfs were doing very important things too. Five minutes to midnight all the Smurfs gathered around the Smurficle stone waiting and waiting for midnight. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one 'HAPPY BALLAB DAY' the Smurfs beckoned to one another. Papa Smurf set of the fireworks and the Smurfs sang out loud the song firework, 'baby you’re a fire work come on let your colours work make them go oh oh oh as they shoot across the skkkyyy you don't have to feel like a millionaire or a celebrity with perfect clothes and hair because tonight’s the night to let it shine no one to control the night we are free and were wild baby you're a fire work come on let your colours work make them go ohohoh as they shoot across the sky. Suddenly the Smurf goddess 'Katy Perry' showed up. She pranced around the sky with a big smile on her face clapping her hands. 'I am so proud of you Smurf’s helping one another, I must go back to the cloud castle and make me some popcorn and candy floss. 'Bye' all the Smurfs shouted with joy. Papa ran into his mushroom he turned purple. He started to shake 'pixie luck pixie luck pixie luuuck' papa screamed they’re coming three baby Smurfs were in papa's closet flat with no purple blood in them not even a drop.......................... Avalanche! Kate Culleton 5th class It is a curious thing for a boy to be stuck on a train in an Alpine snowstorm in a bathroom with six homesick lions and huge unidentified saber-toothed creature. The boy looks cold. The lions aren’t aggressive at all. The actually look quite friendly. The creature is really big and crazy. It’s black and white. Maybe it’s Bigfoot? The boy looks as if he is a lion himself. He acts like one. I how they got on the train? Maybe the train broke down, they smelt the people inside, ate them all when BANG! An avalanche covered their way out. The snowstorm is getting worse by the minute. They'll want to get out of there fast, but how? Cinderella by Jodie Kenny and Isabelle Once upon a time there was a girl called Cinderella you probably know of her well anyways one day she was doing none of the work for her step dad and two ugly brothers her two brothers were terribly ugly. They were doing all the work because this was after she married the prince. She was going to her friends snowy house because she was going to the shops to go on a shopping spree with her friend snowy. Cinder got a taxi to snowy house. When she got the friend’s house she could see her friend looking at the taxi. She was very excited because they hadn’t seen each other in a while! They were in Penney’s and there was a man giving out leaflets to the Wright’s venue they loved too party so they bought a ticket. After that that went to but some dresses and they were rushing around the shops because wrights was the next day and they needed to buy a dress get their hair and nails done and get perfect shoes. They were demerit to be perfect. They had a sleepover in cinders house. The next morning they got all pampered for wrights they went to wrights and they lived happily ever after without their men!! By Jodie Kenny and Isabelle The ending of snow white! by Isabelle Dunne Everyone knows about Snow White and the seven Dwarves don't they! Well this is what happened after! She knew that she was married to the prince. But she was tired of having the normal princess life! She wanted to be a single woman! So did her best friend Cindy (also known as Cinderella!) They always went out to parties and always left their husbands at home to do the work! Snow White's husband did love her but Snow White thought different! She basically used her husband as a free maid (and her bank!) One day Snowy was waiting for her friend Cindy! They were going out shopping! Cindy was looking out the window and she saw a yellow taxi with her best friend in it! Cindy and Snow were very excited because they hadn't seen each other in a while! When they reached the shops they went into Penney’s! In pennies there was a man giving out leaflets to the Wright venue. Snow and Cindy loved partying so this was the place for them to be! So they bought a ticket! They were very excited because it was the next day! They were rushing around the shops because it was the next day and they needed to buy a dress get their hair and nails done and get perfect shoes! They were determined to be perfect! That night they had a sleep over in Cindy's house and couldn't sleep because they were so excited! They went to the Wright Venue and meant friends and men and lived happily ever after without their princes! THE ADVENTURE BY CIARA BEHAN Once there were two girls, their names were Ciara & Eve. When they were younger they always wanted to go to Germany. It was Ciara's & Eve’s 21st birthday & they were moving to Germany. They didn't know that there was a war in Germany. When they got to Germany, they were put in prison. When they woke up there was 15 guards outside. They gave them porridge with milk that was gone off & lumpy it was not nice at all & they got out the next day. THE END My Dream Farm by Eve Fortune 5th class I am going to tell you my dream farm. On my dream farm I would like 10 little kune kune piglets called Iggle, Flounder, Pinkie, Winkie, TJ, Della, Daisy, Kettles, Winie, Mango. I would also like 2 ducks call flippers and floppers. I would like a cow called lucky. I would like sheep and dogs and cats and horses. I would grow lots of crops and sell lots of eggs, milk, cream and butter. I would have a bakery to make bread and sell it and make lots of money. I would go to other farms and buy lots of stuff. I would have loads of animals and they would all be happy and looked after very well. I would have a dream house that was very big and it would look so nice. All my dogs would sleep inside in nice puffy beds. All my cats would sleep inside as well would have a Scottish mouse he would be white with brown strips on his back. It would be so fun and I would love it so much. THE END :{) Bad Luck 5th Class by Aisling Reidy Dear Diary, My name is Hannah and I am 11 years old. I hate my family so much because guess what they did to me. They sent me away because my Mum thinks that I am too difficult to manage. I hate her so much because she is too strict and because she loves the new baby way more than me so I can’t help being bold. Dad is even worst, he uses the belt on me! That is against the law but I think he still thinks that he is in the 90’s because he is super old, I think he is 57 but Mum is only 29. Any way they sent me away because I bit the new baby and wrecked the kitchen because I broke all of the glasses and pulled all of the food out of the fridge and spat on it. I only did that because I was hungry, well kind of. Back to the story, they sent me to this awful orphanage. They sent me on yesterday and what a day it was. My own mother wouldn’t even drop me off at the place because Mum was too embarrassed by me because everyone in the neighbourhood knows me from the guards coming to take me. Well any way, Mum left me at the train station and hurried off. I had to find my own way so the first thing I did was go to the shop to get a ticket. When the lady asked me where I wanted to go I had half the mind to go to London but I said the orphanage. She smiled and asked if I was alone but I knew that if I said I was someone might hear me and kidnap me. I also bought a few packets of crisp with the money I stole from home. Before I saw anyone else I ran to the train. I took five hours to get there and when I did it was lashing. A man was there waiting with a sign saying “ Hannah Hogan” . I did think that Mum booked it for me but maybe the owners of the orphanage booked it. The man must have known me because he called me over. I got in to the taxi and we arrived in about 10 minutes. I thought it would look beautiful but to be honest it looked like a prison. Sleeping Beauty by Heather Mc Gaughran 5th Class Once there was a teenager her name was sleeping beauty. She was so beautiful, well she was before her prince left her. Now she was messing, she never had a shower more than once a month and don't get me started on the smell of her breath. No one would go near her, but the troublemaker, ''Snow White''. Once she took her dog, molly. But she never got molly back! But sleeping beauty doesn’t know so you didn’t hear that from me. But let’s get back to the story. So Sleeping Beauty wanted to be a singer someday. But no one wanted to have her because she was so smelly and no one would let her on the singing show “Got To Sing”. But sleeping Beauty had a great singing voice. Her mother “the Queen“was all about herself. All the time when “the Queen” walks by or sees a mirror she stops and looks at self. She think she’s so pretty but she is not. One day there was a knock on the door, sleeping beauty opened the door and a guy said “I have heard your singing voice’’ [you see she sneaked on to the singing show ''got to sing''. I think he was one of the judges] the guy said ''I want you to be on my team on ''Got to Sing''. And the guy pulled out a piece of paper and he said ''If you wanted to be on my team'' sleeping beauty signed it right away. A few months later... Sleeping Beauty won the ''Got to Sing'' One day S.B [Sleeping Beauty] saw her prince waiting in S.B room and he said ''I found you again'' S.B hit him with a frying pan before he could finish and all Sleeping Beauty said is Oops. The End The Gardening 5th class by Aoife O' Donoghue Side by side, the two men stepped on their spades and dug their allotments until it was time for a tea-break. They sat down and had a well-deserved drink and ate all the food that was in their packed lunches. Sean thanked Paul for coming up with the idea of having their own allotments. It was a lovely so there were a lot of people there. Sean planted carrots and onions, while Paul planted cabbage and turnips. Both the men were looking forward to the day they would bring home their vegetables to eat. Some weeks passed and Sean noticed that one of his onions was growing much bigger than the rest. Sean thought he could be in with a chance of winning the annual best grown vegetables of the summer. This could be great. It would make Sean so happy because he had lost his job and the thing that made him happy wad gardening. When Sean came back the next day he noticed that the rather huge onion had disappeared. Sean was so upset. Paul felt so sorry for Sean so he decided to find out where it had gone. Paul searched everywhere. After searching lots of places Paul went to the department where the newspapers get published. When he walked in, there was the onion. Paul was so happy to see it. He called Sean and he came. After talking to the people in the department Sean and Paul got the onion back. Sean won the annual best grown vegatables of the summer. It was the best summer ever! AN OTHTER WORLD BY MAYA HANLEY 5th class When I was young I believed in author world. But no one believed me, so for that I will show them who’s wrong. My name is Lucy. A few years later I went on a journey with a few friends, Andréa, Hannah, Mark and Tom. We hoped on a boat and sailed of, next thing we knew bang! We went in a big whirl pool we were all knocked out! When we woke up we were on an island, on a beach, it was a completely different world! The roses were purple, Bees were pink Animals could talk! It was amazing but the wrong thing was that we were in a maze! It was a huge maze! But we got there. When we came out of the maze we saw trolls with big dogs and they looked hungry! We decided to stay in the bushes until they left. They left an hour later mark and tom fell asleep. We went to this small door on the other side I said it was Munction land, but ever since Hannah watch a movie she said it was Lilliput. One of the small men and women came up and said there name was Alice and Conor, but there was a lot more than that. Alice said we should not be here that there was a war going on with them and the giants. Four more Muncans came out they were Racheal, Kate, Josie and Ella. I could tell that they never saw humans before, because of the way they reacted. I asked them if they liked to come they gave a big scream and then said yes! Alice said yes but quieter Conor said no but we brought him along with us. As we were walking around I could hear here Mark saying this is a dream over and over again. Two thousand miles later and we are so hungry. To think about it I have realised that we are in the forbidden land. When I told my friends, Tom freaked out and had been running around for ages and shouting "NO NO NO!!!!! WHY WHY THE FORBIDEN LAND!!!!!??!!!??!!!??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????? So we had to calm him down. It took ages to calm him down, but when we calmed him down Hannah said we have to come up with a plan. Are plan was to fight the trolls because Ella said that they keep the other portal. She also said that they guard it at the top of the tower in troll land. They said they were looking for something. So I said they could come with us. When we got there the place was full of trolls, we have no idea how to get through the place without getting caught. Later Andrea had an idea she said that she saw a poster two miles ago. So we dressed up as singers for the king and queen. When we arrived at the castle Conor started to shiver with guilt. I told him to calm down, once we've got what the elves wanted they could go back to where they live. When we've finished our number the trolls said we were allowed to have a wonder around. When we've reached the tower the elves stole the magic portal and they said that if they want to get out of war they had to power the trolls, so they would be scared of them. There was another girl on the boat her name was Sam and she fought the elves and got the magic portal. We opened the portal and went home and the person who loves movies which is Hannah said there’s no place like home over and over again. From the wizard of oz. THE END The Great Girl By Asia Willett The girl`s name was Sophie and she was a great girl in a good way she kind + nice very friendly with everybody she does lots of things like cheerleading, swimming and lots of running she has lots of friends her best was Asia and Jessica they were very good friends they were her friends when they were born now they are 10 years old. Her cousin Caoimhe came to see Sophie and Asia and Jessica after they went to the fun park to get Smurf, strawberry and mint ice - cream it was so nice so they ate candy floss after then they went on a roller-coaster and it was called the Plumber you needed to be 1m 27 cm and they were 1m 36 cm so they could go so they did. They were so scared. After they went home and they said to their mam and dad. `They had the best day in their whole life` !!!! Clara by Clara Foley CIS FOR CRAZY LIS FOR LOVELY AIS FOR AMAZING RIS FOR REALLY NCE AIS FOR A Justin Bieber LOVER The Horse by Clodagh O' Dea The horse is grey, the horse loves hay, He likes to play, but not all day, His friend is white, but not very light, He loves to fight, especially at night, I love to cuddle him, and pull him so tight to me My horse is just right for me. Poem for my Grandparents by Clodagh O' Dea Granny, Grandad you're the best, I think you live in the west, You use to play, but not today, You buy the hay, but sometimes lay, How’s the farm? I hope there's no harm, Did you fix Mary's alarm?, I love you, I love you, and Mary too, woo hoo to you, you and you. Horses!? By Lily O’Shoughnessy Horses, horses I love them to bits some people Buy them grooming kits Big or small some tall that cares I love them all! Sisters by Sarah Minto My little sister Alyssa is tall and very funny she like to do ballet and Irish dancing Like me we do Irish dancing together when I am doing acting she wants to do her dancing and I find it really hard to do acting when the music is blaring. Now this always turns in to a fight and when my friends are over she wants to play with us to now when this happens I want to SCREAM. She is so annoying my friends think she is cute but when there not there they don't want to know what happens. Then she always steels my stuff when I am not looking. But at the end of the day I love her because she is my sister and that’s what sisters are for. FUN BY CIARA THIEL 4TH CLASS F N IS FOR FUN U IS FOR U PLAYING IS FOR NICE PEOPLE PLAYING. River Shannon by Anastasia Berdnikova 4th Class One day a girl was packing all the stuff she needed to go to the longest river in Ireland the Shannon. She packed some sweets and some money. When she was on the boat she found out that there are three lakes on the Shannon, Lough Allen, Lough Ree and Lough Derg. She also found out that there are three tributaries that flow into the Shannon, they are the Suck the Inny and the Brosna. On the boat they were selling stuff about the Shannon. The little girl brought her money so she bought two books about the Shannon, a pencil and a pencil case that had a drawing of the Shannon on them. Then someone named Ciara told her that the Shannon flows through Roscommon, Westmeath, Offaly, Limerick, Clare and Galway. Then they let everyone do some activities, the girl started the activities when she had a few sweets. She went fishing and canoeing. When the day was over she went to sleep. She had great fun that day. About my life By Jessica Brehony 4th class My name is Jessica Brehony. I am nine years old I have two baby sisters called Annabell and Ella. Ellas name is Maire. On Christmas my Mum and Dad got engaged it was a big surprise. I am in fourth class my teachers name is Ms Meade she is really nice. There is twenty nine girls in our class my Mums name is Tanya and my Dads name is Alan. In my family there is more than twenty people. Last year I moved house I miss all my friends my BFFs name is Amy she is really nice. I moved from Rush to Carrs Mill I met a girl called Moira her second name is Jones second we are best friends. It is 2013.I really do have a good life:]. THE END A Sea Adventure by Gillian O’Toole 4th class Once there was a girl called Abby. She was young, adventurous and full of spirit and wonder. She grew up listening to tales of famous pirates and couldn't wait until she became one to. She listened to tales about a Poisonous Snake Swamp, Piranha Pools and Deadly Cannibals. In the tales no pirate had ever gotten past Cannibal Village to the unknown lake beyond Piranha Pools. Her adventure started threw the strong currents of the Dead Sea, but she was confident that her ship the seeing of the souls would get her to the island. As Abby and her crew Wooden Eye Will and Bessie the bully stepped onto the island the unfriendly natives were waiting in the fog .There were ten natives and three of them .They charged with bravery and won the battle. The three of them stood by Crocodile Swamp wondering how they would get across Abby stood on the crocs head. She called for the others to follow. They ran from the swamp and when Abby turned around she saw that Bessie had fallen through quick sand. There was no time to save Bessie as the cannibals were on to them the cannibals captured Will. Abby did the Hakka and the cannibals were amazed and will escaped. The cannibals chased them all the way through Snow Capped Mountains. They lost them at Piranha Pools as they were afraid of the great whale. They cut down a tree to climb across the quick sand. A big wave knocked them into Piranha Pools. Just as the piranhas were coming towards them the great whale came and swallowed them up along with will, leaving the way clear for Abby. She stood on the sand, she felt an itch on her ankle .She looked down and saw that she was surrounded by soldier ants. Abby had to think fast, she remembered she had lunch in her backpack, so she threw it as far as she could and the ants ran after it. She kissed the ground and cried with joy that she was the first ever pirate to make it to the lake. She named it Lake Wara Wara but it wasn't over yet she still had to do it all over again to get to the ship...... Christmas By Laura Masterson 4th class Christmas is for loving, Holly everywhere, Rudolph is getting ready, Inns are full in Bethlehem, St. Nick is being so jolly, Tinsel around the Christmas tree, Making Christmas cookies, Around the Christmas tree people sing, Santa ready to give out presents late on Christmas Eve. Our Weekend Cruising On the River Shannon by Siun O’Connor The day I got to Limerick was very exciting. It was Friday morning but I was wide awake! We got on our boat and sailed all the way to Ardnacrusha. At Ardnacrusha we went to the hydro-electric power station, and it was very interesting. At 7:30 pm we stopped at Lough Derg to go fishing in the dark! At 9:30pm we went to sleep in our bunk beds but I could hardly sleep with the rocking of the boat. I woke up on Saturday at 7:45 am, but we were already moving. We stopped in Athlone for lunch, and it was delicious. After that we went for a long walk along the banks of the Shannon. Next we got back on our boat and sailed to Lough Ree, and had a great time swimming in the lake. Soon after we stopped in a near-by restaurant in Roscommon for dinner. It was 10:00p.m. When I went to bed, and I was so tired I went to sleep straight away. On Sunday we sailed up to Lough Boderg and went swimming in the freezing cold water! Next we stopped at Carrik-on Shannon and had lunch. Soon after we sailed to Lough Allen and went fishing for pike. After that we got off our boat and went for a short walk. In the afternoon we gave back our boat and went home. Even though I was scared when I heard we were going boating on the Shannon, I ending up having a great time. Greedy Dog By: Sarah Morris 4th class This dog will eat anything. Cabbage and ketchup mashed together, A rubbed out rubber and a swan's feather. Just when you think he will stop, He will run up the stairs and bite the clock. He will even eat my dad's tie, When he is done he will have a bottle of dye. When he is asleep he'll chew on his paw, When he is done he will eat chicken RAW! Carefully hide your tools, he will chew them up and pee in the pools . This dog will eat anything except for toast. He won’t even eat it on chicken roast. The Niagara Falls by Sinatt Badmus 4th class Dear Diary, Today we went to Niagara Falls. We went on the Maid of the Mist through the Niagara Falls. At night I saw the Niagara Falls lit up in 7 different colours so people could see its lovely colours at night. I saw 12 million tourists visit the Niagara Falls. I found out the Niagara Falls are made up of 3 other waterfalls, the American Falls, the Bridal Veil Falls and the Horseshoe Falls. I had an outstanding time visiting the Niagara Falls. A Sea Adventure by Moira Jones 4th class. I was a little boy born in a fishing village in Africa. My father and his crew came back from an adventure. He and his crew told me some adventurous stories. They told me a story about the four Gyros; strange creatures whose cries could be heard. We were hoisting the anchor, pulling the sail and scrubbing the deck and off the coast of Africa. It was calm but all of the sudden a roaring cry of a beast. This was followed by a thunder storm. The seas were treacherous and the boat was crashing through the hard rough waters. All of a sudden me laddys spotted in the sunlight the Island of Saya Saya. We got on shore. A tribe of unfriendly natives scared us so we took cover in the grasslands. That night we were captured by canibals. They ate some of my crew and put some to death. The Snow-capped Mts were treacherous. Piranha pools were deadly. They were so big they ate some of us. Next we came across huge scary gorillas. We reached Lake Saya Saya. A sudden ROAR came, a five no four headed beast burst out of the water, we were terrified of it. Suddenly a burst with white sparkles appeared, a spirit wolf of the island brought us treasure and killed the beast. I returned to Africa and my story was passed on. THE END OR IS IT? CUPCAKES!!!! by Saoirse Jones Cupcakes are yummy Cupcakes are scrummy Cupcakes are nice I’ll have a slice Cupcakes with sprinkles And icing that twinkles There just so nice My mam makes them twice My Adventure on Island Wara Wara by Kayleigh Stewart 4th class One day I was at the harbour in my hometown. I saw all the men coming back from their adventures with all the treasure they found. Everyone was happy, they were dancing with joy. When I'm 15 I want to be a sailor I said to myself. Now that I'm 15 I can be a sailor. I asked some of my friends, to be my crew and I was the Captain. We were on the sea it was calm for a while then it was stormy we reached the Island. It was magnificent. We started hiking, we bumped in to unfriendly natives, we were all fighting and we had the sharpest weapons. After that we got to Cannibal Village, there was an even bigger fight, two of our crew mates were eaten we had to leave them. Then we reached the Snow Capped Mountains. It was really cold. Later on in the day we got to Alligator River we worked as a team to build a raft. Soon after that we got over the River. Next we saw the poisonous snake swamp we quietly sneaked around it. We noticed deadly solider Ants, we were stepping on them, one of my crew mates got bitten they were poisoned. Finally we got to Lake Wara Wara, there was lots of gold. My other crew mates on the ship came we got on the boat and headed back home. Everyone loved us because we brought so much gold back home. Christmas Story 4th Tara Lydon Abbie is a bully. She is mean, pushy and always telling people what to do. She nags people by saying,” I just got the new iPhone and I went to New York the best place in the world" Abbie is a very demanding child and she wants everything. She is very mean to her little brother Conor. Her parents said she would have to pick up her act because she was a ten year old now. It was nearly Christmas and Abbie wrote her list to Santa. She wanted six very expensive things. The next day Abbie’s mam was talking to her sister which is Abbie’s aunty. Twenty minutes later Abbie heard a knock on the door and it was her auntie Ella. Ella said she was going to bring her to a camp with her. It was a charity camp. They were giving out magazines and Abbie took one. She sat down on the ground and flicked through the pages. She saw very sad pictures of poor people from other countries. Abbie went to Africa the next week. The children there told they were getting nothing from Santa. Then she thought of an idea she was going to send a message to Santa to say bring one to her and the rest to the poor children. Abbie didn’t realise she was causing a lot of trouble at home. She was actually ruining her mam and dads friendship. Abbie started doing chores around the house and for other people. Abbie’s wasn’t bullying anybody else!!! Snowball by Ali Kelly and friend I made myself a snowball as perfect as could be I thought I’d keep it as a pet and let it sleep with me I made it some pyjamas and pillow for its head then I took it inside I put my pyjamas on and climbed into bed I pulled the covers up and started to dream about my snowball and I we roasted marshmallows and then made snores. Then I woke up ran down stairs with my snowball in my hands. I put on my boots and ran outside me and my snowball played in the snow Then we went inside for diner my snowball and me. Then after dinner we went upstairs and I climbed into bed turned off my light I went to bed my snowball and me. THE TALKING PICKLE Today I woke up and I got dressed then I went down stairs for breakfast. My mum said we were going to a water park so I packed my stuff. We all got into the car and left. When we got there I saw a ...a....a.. A PICKLE I am so obsessed with pickles I LOVE pickles sooo much. so I got out of the car and said hello turns out his name was Mr pickle. He said halo earthling I come in cheese. I ate him [duh he is a pickle] I played on the slides for ages then I went home THE END Commented [DD1]: r MR PICKLE by Ali Kelly and friend One day Mr Pickle was walking in the park when he got hit by a baseball a pretty pickle came over and said "sorry are you ok" and he said" ho la lo ya "and then they got ice cream and went to the airport they got on a plane and flew to Paris and ate escargot Then Mr Pickle threw up and then Mr Pickle fell of the Eifel Tower but he did not fall but he found a note. This is what it said: to Mr Pickle you are my best friend love Jim PS I like your girl friend I miss you. Then Mr Pickle started to cry he climbed back up and said "let’s go back to our hotel “ When they got back they went to bed then me and Jim ate them THE END THE LOST DOG by Jessica Murphy Once I saw a lost dog she had a thorn in her paw so I brought her home because my Mom is a vet. My Mom took the thorn out of her paw. One year later the lost dag met a boy dog and got married him. A year later she had six puppys. THE END PANCAKE TUESDAY By Ella O'Neill Today is my absolutely favourite day of the year. Pancake Tuesday! I can almost taste those beautiful homemade pancakes. First one with lemon and sugar (lots of sugar). Then I'll have a pancake with (loads) of chocolate spread. And then I'll finish it off with a chocolate spread and sugar pancake. I cracked the eggs into a bowl. I mixed the flour and water in. Just enough batter to make three pancakes. I poured the batter into the pan. It sizzled and started to turn a wonderful pancake colour. Suddenly I heard my cat meowing delightedly and birds tweeting sacredly. "Not again Lucy!" I groaned, running out the backdoor. When I'd separated Lucy from the birds my fire alarm started beeping. "My pancake!" I gasped, running into the kitchen. Black smoke was everywhere. I opened the windows and thrust a teatowel over my face. "Disgusting" I moaned, as I nibbled a little corner of the burnt pancake. There goes Pancake Number 1. Pancake Number 2 wasn't any better. It didn't burn like Number 1 but it was undercooked. I had been so nervous it would burn again that I'd taken it off the pan too early. "Horrible" I spluttered as I spat out the raw pancake. I prayed Pancake Number 3 would be at least edible. I set the timer for three minutes (just enough time for a pancake to cook). I poured the last of the batter onto the pan. The timer buzzed and I flipped the pancake over. The timer buzzed again and I carefully scraped the pancake off the pan. I buttered the chocolate spread onto the pancake and I sprinkled the sugar. It was delicious! Pancake Number 3 was a success! Yum! Lucy came into the kitchen and mewed sadly. "No, you cannot have any of my pancake you silly cat." Lucy mewed again. "Well..." I smiled. "I suppose I might be able to give you one pancake." I carefully took the burned pancake off a plate. "Here you go Lucy." Lucy sniffed at the pancake indignantly and ran off into the sitting room. "Don't you like your pancake?" I enquired and started giggling. I finished my pancake and went to bed. "Goodnight Lucy" I whispered. Silence. "Are you still mad at me?" "Mew." "I promise I'll make you another one tomorrow" I vowed. "Mew?" Lucy asked. "No it won't be burned. I promise." The Funny Parrotby Isobelle place 3rd class Ms.Ingoldsby One day I was walking by the pet shop. I saw a funny parrot. It had sticky out father’s funny beak and a croaky voice. It said who’s a pretty parrot I’m a pretty parrot. So I went into the pet shop to see him. When I went in. he said Hi! When I went home I told my mum all about my day. I decided to save up for him. It took me weeks but I got there in the end. The morning I went to get him he was there waiting for me. I paid for him and went home. The End Ms. Dragon by Cara Ryan I told my teacher I did not do my Homework because I did not want to! Her face went red, steam came out of her ears and her eyes went red as well. She said “your name is going in my book” I was so scared. Suddenly there was a knock at the door [knock knock] It was the principal. I was scared again. The principal said “What is wrong teacher?” My teacher cried “she is wrong” Two days after I saw the principal she said “oh not you again”. Then I said “That is so mean”. I had to clean the sink as my punishment. The end. CHRISTMAS, OH, CHRISTMAS! By Chloe Byrne x Christmas, Oh, Christmas I love you to bits, If you didn't come It would give me the fits! Christmas, Oh, Christmas When Santa Claus comes, He might even give me A big set of drums! Christmas, Oh, Christmas I love it when you're here, But why do you come Just once every year? Christmas, Oh, Christmas Answer me soon, Otherwise I'll Pop Like a big, giant balloon! Christmas, Oh, Christmas You know I love you to bits, But if you didn't come You’d give me the fits! My Christmas list BY Caoimhe Byrne It was the 2 days before Christmas. I sat down to wright my letter to Santa Claus I said ''Dear Santa I would like An IPad mini an iPad mini case and beats". When I was done I asked my Mum if she could post the letter in Supervalu she said ''ok''. We then want down to Supervalu my Mum asked '' where do you post the letters'' a very nice lady told us you can post it in that post box '' My Mum post it and we left. The next day I went down to Supervalu and there was a letter from Santa. When I went home I read my letter .It was Christmas Eve so it was only a little letter but it did not mater. My Mum told me I have to go to bed or else Santa will not come so I went to bed. The next morning I woke up and it was Christmas morning when I went downstairs and all the presents I asked for where there including a watch I was so happy The Lost Dog by Aoife Kelly One day I found a dog. It had no owner. So I brought it home. I put up posters of it. I didn't know his or her or its name. No one called for a week. I was having lots of fun playing games. One day someone knocked on the door and took the dog. I wanted to make lots of brownies so I called my Mammy over. I asked "Can we make chocolate brownies?" She replied "yes". Yippy! 3rd class Miss Ingoldsby Birthdays By Grace Hanifan Birthdays are cool Birthdays are a game Birthdays have, Cake, yeah Birthdays bring cake everyday!!!!! Hurray!!!!! I wish it was my birthday today Mr Squiggles Learns To Exercise!!!!! By Ella Jinks 3rd There was once a hamster named Mr Squiggles, he was a fat hamster. He had never exercised in his life. He thought that watching TV was great exercise. All the other hamsters said that he should exercise more so he watched TV programs where people exercised , but the other hamsters said that watching TV programs where people exercise does not mean that you are exercising too, 'oh,' said Mr Squiggles 'I didn't know that. He told them that he wanted to go home and watch TV, but the other hamsters would not let him. They said he had to come to the gym with them ''I don't want to go,'' moaned Mr Squiggles, so his friends had to drag him there. When they got to the gym they made him go on the treadmill .When he got on the treadmill he started to run, but since he had never been to the gym before he forgot to turn the treadmill on. The other hamsters told him that he was supposed to turn it on, so he did. He accidentally put at the fastest that it could go THE RABBIT By Jessica Mc Quaid 3rd class Once a rabbit was sleeping all day. Her name was lady. She was pretty nice. To her friends. One Christmas she was putting up her tree. She realised she was having a baby. It was a boy. His name was Ollie. He was playing outside. Santa came and was drinking milk. And left toys. And he was GONE! Ollie was playing with his car. He was having fun. He was going to bed. The next morning he was playing outside. WOW said Ollie. MAM said hi. And they went a SLEEP. The next morning they went to the shop. Cherry the kitten by Sarah Diggin. 3rd. There was once a little girl called Katie. Katie was eating breakfast and she heard a scratch at the door. As she opened the door she saw a little ginger kitten. Katie looked around and brought the kitten in. She called him cherry because he was ginger. Then Katie's mam came and said who do we have here Katie. I called her Cherry .Can we keep her. Well I think she belongs to someone else. Katie started to cry. Then Katie looked out the window and saw posters that looked like Cherry. Katie thought her mam was right after all. The owner saw cherry in the window and took her home. A funny poem By Ella O’Keeffe The rubber ate the parer The pencil ate the rubber The pencil case ate the pencil The dog ate the pencil case The wolf ate the dog The bear ate the wolf The vampire ate the bear The mammoth ate the vampire The dragon ate the mammoth Then the great blue whale ate the dragon THE END A Birthday by Zikora Okafor 3rd A birthday is a special moment, Birthdays are cool and awesome, I love my birthday, Rovile's birthday is on the 9/9/02, Tara's birthday is on the 4/4/04, Happy birthday happy birthday, Dona bate here I come, A birthday for everyone, Yeah happy birthday! Snow is falling by Charlotte Boileau 3rd class Snow is falling all around me children playing having fun it’s the season for love and understanding merry Christmas everyone. Time for parties and celebration people dancing all night long time for presents and exchanging kisses time for singing Christmas songs. We’re going to have a party tonight I’m going to find that girl underneath the mistletoe and kiss by candle light. Room is swaying records playing all the old songs we love to hear all I wish that every day was Christmas what a nice way to spend the year. We’re going to have a party tonight I’m going to find that girl underneath the mistletoe and kiss by candle light. Time for parties and celebrations, people dancing all night time for presents and exchanging kisses time, for singing Christmas songs. We’re going to have a party tonight I’m find that girl underneath the mistletoe and kiss by candle light. Snow is falling all around me children playing having fun it’s the season for love and understanding. Merry Christmas Everyone Merry Christmas Everyone Merry Christmas Everyone. EASTER BY Aoife Farley 3rd I like Easter, I think it’s fun, We get off school, Until Easter is gone, The Easter bunny comes, He leaves lots of chocolate, When it’s Easter Sunday, We see all the chocolate, That we got, When Easter is gone, We go back to school, Because Easter is gone! THE END THE EASTER TEACHER by Alexandra 3rd class Once there was a boy his name was DJ. He loved sweets his mam told him not to eat sweets. One day his mam stopped getting sweets from the shop. Suddenly DJ started to cry his mam saw. Why are you crying said his ma I love sweets cried DJ, that’s it your going to a teacher that teaches people not to eat sweet shouted his ma, I will be looking for one `so you won’t have rotten teeth. One day his ma said I got a teacher NO NO NO! shouted DJ. Yes Yes cried his ma. There the teacher stood her teeth where big long . and white. It all started. Every morning he woke up at 7:00am. One Easter he begged his teacher to have sweets just on Easter. Every Easter he had sweets. His teacher was not so strict however it did not matter. One day he was at home he got mail he read it, it said Dear Dj you have been very good so I want to tell you don’t be surprized if you find some presents at your door. Don’t faint. A week later he got a present at his door full of sweets. He learned that he could eat sweets but not too much. The End My strange discovery by 6th, Emily Forkin August 23rd 2008 Dear diary today over the last week I have discovered something amazing and now because of it I am a billionaire so I will write in my diary entry of when it happened. I was on board a research vessel working at one of their many labs. When one day we found something amazing. I came back from lunch break .Every on the team looked directly at me. They expected me to know exactly what it was but I had no idea. It looked like one of its kind, a new race of species. Its head was like a distorted sphere and was connecting exactly with the rest of the creature’s elongated orange body like a perfect jigsaw .It’s tail was a distinctive silver grey colour. The fish’s eyes were a dark shade of plum purple and a deep shade of black for its gills. Well fish wouldn’t be the right word to call it nor shark perhaps piranha but I can honestly say I don’t have a clue! I imagine the smartest human in the world would know exactly what it was and where it came from .It would be a scientist with a white lab coat. It .He’d be old and have white tuft bits of hair on top and around the sides of his head .He would have wrinkles embedded in his skin like a apple left in the fruit bowl for too long. However he was not me and I was not him .I had to figure out what type of mad fish this was on my own. I told everyone that we would examine carefully if we wanted to know what exactly this creature was. I spent four and a half hours or not more examining its teeth .A couple of its teeth matched up to a dinosaur T-red adult teeth . Eventually I gave up on examining and ran to the computer .My mind was bewildered and frustrated all my answers to my clues were adding up to a last descendant of a dinosaur but I didn’t believe it and I went to bed. When I awoke the next morning the ocean was a bright glass clear blue. Suddenly the idea struck me that it was a dinosaur. Suddenly there was a gunshot sound and the fish was gone. I’m going to the zoo zoo zoo By Rebecca One Sunday I got up the courage to venture forth to the city public transit and head to Dublin zoo which I heard was really good. I looked up the Bus routes of Dublin and took notes on my handy note pad. After 30 minutes on the train I arrived at Connelly station. I saw some of my favourite things some really old buildings amidst some really modern buildings .I had a map in my hand (I love maps if I’m going visiting attractions I always have a map). After an hour walking I finally arrived starving and thirsty at the zoo I planned a rout from the entrance to food seeing animals on the way. Along the way I was reminded that it was spring it was quite warm and very muggy but really lovely. I was surprised by how many kangaroos there are and in fact that koala’s sound like grumpy pigs when they make noise. I spent hours at the zoo and I decided to make my way back to O’Connell Street. On my way back I was lured into a lovely little Italian restaurant. I had pasta with sun dried tomatoes, spinach and mushrooms. There are so many restaurants on O’Connell Street I finished my day with looking at some random photos which mad me really happy. Hunger by Sophie Kavanagh I sit on the hard bed in the crowded cabin & remember two weeks ago. I was out in the small patch of land my dad owned & I was pulling the potatoes up. Black as usual. I covered my nose & walked into the house. 'Still the same,' I told my family & sat down on the floor. So for dinner we had nothing. My stomach grumbled. We all lay down on our straw sacks & went to sleep. I woke up the next morning & went to the well to collect water. It was packed as usual, but after 15 minutes I filled my bucket & began to walk back. As I walked back I saw a patch of wild strawberries. I began picking them until my fingers were stained with the berry’s juice. I ran home, the wind tangling my hair. 'Ma, Da, Liam!' I shouted as I ran. 'What is it Eibhlin?' Dad questioned annoyed. 'Look what I found!' They peered into my pocket. We had rationed them for 2 days. I bit one open & the juice flowed into my mouth. Every day when I went up for the water I brought up two buckets. We sold some as well. One day, when I went to pick the berries, new ones were planted. As black as night & triangle shaped. I felt superior when I brought them home, but Da' said '' Eibhlin! Where did you find these? They are poisonous.'' That’s when disaster struck. When I went down to the secret patch I found with Ma & Da, Liam stayed at home. I told Liam not to eat them, but that only made him more eager to try the mysterious fruit. When we came back, just when he stuffed them in his mouth. We watched him helplessly as his eyes rolled to the back of his head & him choking, but just then, he stopped. "He has gone to a better place," I whispered, but my voice cracked at the word "place". We buried him under his favourite tree, horse chestnut. The next day, my dad went to do some relief work. He said he would be back in about 2 days. I found a new patch, but this time it blossomed raspberries, but was a longer walk. I collected wheat, nettles, seaweed, birds ‘eggs cockles & mussels. My mother is very imaginative plus, she is a great cook, so that night we had boiled nettle with bread. 2 days later.................... Da' still hadn't come. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Ma' opened it slowly. A little kid with a shrunken body stood there and said “Are you Liam Snr's wife?'' “I am." "This is for you," He handed Ma' a piece of scrunched up piece of paper. She thanked him & closed the door. She let out a shout. "Eibhlin, your father is dead. He has joined little Liam. We have to go weibhlin. This place reminds too much of them. We have to go." We paid for the third class fare (50 shillings each) & packed up our tattered, beloved belongings with us. Ma' wanted to bring Liam's body with us but it was not allowed. So now I'm here. I share a bunk with Mother. I am just about to sleep but just ten, a doctor comes racing in with a patient. The patient is covered in bleeding scabs & she throws up. She is choking, sweating & coughing up blood. I feel guilty as I turn my head. Her heartbeat stops and I know it's over. I bury my face into my pillow and soon drift off. 1 month into voyage........ We go into the lunchroom. Salted pork and water. Every day. We are only allowed up here for twenty minutes a day, but I don't want to go back to the packed, disease-ridden cabin, but I have to. I went back & tried to get to sleep. Ellis Island............ We are all disembarking from the boat to get checked on Ellis Island. I think I'll get through, but I'm worried about Ma'. She has thrown up a few times. I'm next in line, Ma' behind me. The doctor checked me & I am good good to go. Ma' is too. It has been a long 2 months but worth it. Worth it to see the smile on Ma's face. Off To the moon By Katie Jones 17th of April 2067 I’m on the rocket to visit my Nan on the moon! My mom, Charlene, let me go on my own! Before I got on I had to fill out a form FIRSTNAME: Willow MIDDLENAME: Brooke LASTNAME: Master D.O.B:21/11/55 MOMSNAME: Charlene Master DADSNAME: John Master GENDER: Female AGE: 12 It looks so weird! When I get off I have to fill out another form but this time my Nan has to sign it. "Excuse me how long does this flight take?" I asked the pilot. "About another two hours pet" she replied. We have landed on the moon!!!. I’m so excited to see my nan............... TO BE CONTINUED Mary Had A Little Beef...By Amy Collins & Zara Molloy One day Mary's mother went off to Supervalu to buy a litre of milk, a loaf of bread and a tonne of beef. When she came back Mary screamed with excitement. Mary ate this beef every day for the rest of her life .But, one day Mary noticed her beef was running out so Mary stopped eating this beef and started to play with it more than Mary's lamb. Mary went to bed with this beef and woke up with the beef. Then the VERY FAMOUS song changed to. .......... Mary had a little beef, Little beef, Little beef, Mary had a little beef its mould as green as grass! And that is why nobody ever sings the song of me, Mary’s lamb..... I’ll just sing it one more time Mary had a little lamb, Little lamb, Little lamb, Mary had a little lamb its fleece as white as snow. THE END LEAVING IRELAND by Chloe Collins Hi my name is Ella. The famine is really bad now. My family is emigrating to America. The famine happened three months ago. We had to emigrate because it is so hard to have energy for anything. We have to work for money to get corn witch was very hard. I was in a difficult place so was my family, we got through it. We are on the boat about three weeks now. My family and I are in third class there is no space I would say it is the smallest space I have been in. All the people are tired and weak with the hunger. It's so hard to sleep at night because the waves are like a hammer hitting glass. Well I hope we survive out here!!!!!!! THE END Leaving Ireland. BY ABI O'DONNELL 6th CLASS My name is Orla. I live in Co. Dublin Ireland. The last two years of my life has been dreadful. My father died two months ago of starvation. I only have my mother and sister now. The Famine is a disgrace. Ever since blight came it's been a disaster! Every day I went to the soup kitchen and got my soup with a small piece of bread. Every day walking to the soup kitchen, I always saw dead bodies on the ground with green grass stains around there mouths. One Saturday coming home from the soup kitchen I found out my Gran had passed away because she caught the famine fever. She left behind her life savings and her very valuable golden necklace. We sold it to one of the rich lady’s. We put our money, Grans money and the money we got for the necklace together and made enough money for some food to emigrate to America. The following Tuesday me, mom, and my sister Annie, got up at 6am and set off to the coffin ship 3miles away on a coffin ship called the 'Jeanie Johnston'. We left at 9am sharp. We were at the bottom of the ship in 3rd class. I didn't mind, not really. The 3rd, 2nd and 1st classes were not allowed on the same deck at the same time. The 1st class didn’t want their children to be scared of the 3rd class if they were on the same deck. When I was on the deck getting some fresh air, I saw two men throwing two dead bodies into, the ocean. I asked what was going on. One of the men said they were throwing the bodies into the ocean because they didn't want any diseases spreading. I was shocked by this! But I did understand. It has been two months on the 'Jeanie Johnston’. I finally saw land and was so glad. We were brought to Statan Island to be checked if we had any diseases. A good few people had diseases, so they were not allowed into America. Me, my sister and mother were checked and were able to go to America. We arrived in New York and stayed in a boarding house. My mother got a job as a cleaner and was so glad. She earned enough money to get food every day. We feel very grateful for our new life in America, and hope this is the start of new wonderful things to come in our lives. THE END. Commented [DD2]: Dear Granny 6th Emma-Jane Power 13 Phillbrug, Dump lane, London, England 12/12/12 Dear Granny, I miss you already the journey was very long from Poland to England. I got a bit sick on the way over on the plane but my ears kept popping when we were landing. Mama brought suck sweets on the plane so they would help them stop. When we got off the plane it was very cold I mean cold .When we arrived at our house it was not what I expected, but at least we had somewhere to sleep dad didn’t tell us we were living in a scruffier old flat above a chip shop called mar yips emporium. It was such a dump I didn’t like it at all. There were chip parkers thrown along the path. My school was not that nice I hated it. Kashia loved her school when I got home from the first day of school Kashia was dancing around the living room singing a song she learned in English. Will you tell granddad that we miss him and we send our love to the family? Am I a know it all? Everybody on the deck of the research vessel was looking straight at me. They expected the hot shot expert to know exactly what the creature was, but I had no idea. I stood there motionless, what was I supposed to tell them? I was red-faced but they didn't seem to notice. A dense wall of flame was upon me as I stood there silently. “So what is it? “Repeated my pale friend Amy. We had been friends ever since we met in playschool. We always adventured together and discovered everything, well I discovered everything! Suddenly I felt a damp and cool trickle racing down my back. Should I respond? Should I change the subject? Would everybody hate me for pestering them to catch the creature when I hadn’t even known what it was? These questions raced through my head. Wondering what to do I was suddenly intruded in my thoughts. My mind was telling me to respond. Should I? I glanced at the creature for the second time and it glared back at me from his solid metal cage. “Are you all right Rose? Questioned my neighbour who I was really jealous of because she was as pretty as a lily garden." Oh, of course I am." I stuttered. I was focusing really hard on the mysterious creature we had found. "So what is it, “repeated my pale friend Amy for the third time. She was starting to sound a little this stage. I stalled for a while and hesitated. I needed to decipher this creature, and quickly! If I said I didn't know my popularity would drop immensely. I was a heroine to my friends and they thought I was crucial to them, I imagined I had collapsed, I wished I could have collapsed. I knew a multitude of fish, of animals, of planets! I couldn't believe that the answer still remained completely hidden. I couldn't even tell what species it was! My mind was engulfed with a memory block. Moments went by. The creature was still glaring at me, my crew were still counting on me yet I hadn't one clue. I gazed at the creature. It was dotted with sky blue and bright yellow. Could I admit the problem to them? I looked at the creature one last time and admitted sorrowfully "I.......I don't know." A salty tear dripped down my face. They all smiled at me instead of scolding me, they all hugged me instead of shouldering as I brushed past. Everything felt different. I stared at the creature for a very long time. My friends understood but I was eager to find out. They went to hug me AGAIN, but I jerked my arm free selfishly. I was scared I would cause a dispute. I waited for them to respond, but they stood there silently. I noticed the silhouette of them mountains behind them. "Yes" they said “we need to decipher this creature". I felt like they were like sheep following each other. The New Girl by Katie Jones A new girl came into my class today. She had long blonde hair and light blue eyes. My teacher put her sitting beside me. "My name is Zarabella" she told us. "Zara what?" said Tom Evans the class bully. "Zarabella" she said. "Hahah that’s such a stupid name no one could ever say that!" laughed Tom. "That’s ok even a fool like you could try" Zarabella replied. We all laughed except for Tom he went bright red. On yard Zarabella was playing with me and my friends Alexandra Ryan, Brian Koughston and Sam Oliver. Just as Zarabella was swinging on the swing Tom came over and pushed Zarabella off the swing!. "Haha stupid Bella fell off the swing!" teased Tom. "Ow Tom that wasn’t very nice!" said Zarabella. "So I don’t care" shouted Tom. Luckily the teacher was right behind Tom when he said that and he got into deep deep trouble!. 2 weeks later Tom was expelled after what he said to Zarabella. So everything is all better no more bullies or mean people. Zarabella is my best friend and we always do everything together!. A windy day By Jennifer Windy days aren't your exact cup of tea. Maybe for you, but not for me. I love the windy days, In all sorts of different ways. Blowing the clouds away when it's so dull, Though the wind can be so kind, There are a few problems that I mind. WHOOSH! Whoosh, oh wind you should calm down, Little and calming, without a sound. Although lives have been lost, It makes me sad, but it doesn't make me cross. Unpredictable breeze, knocking down innocent trees. Geez, the wind causing mischief again. But because of the comforting side of wind, It makes me feel at ease. Many wonders, oh so mysterious wind. Leaving Ireland the Famine 1845 Shona Byrne 6th class I have just woken up it is 7 am on the 10th morning of my two month voyage to America. Feeling sick again down here below I don't even have a window to look out I wish I was one of the lucky people up on top travelling 1st class or even 2nd class at least I would have a window to look out. Back in Ireland before we left everything was miserable even before the blight .We were still poor but we had the potatoes to keep us going. In 1843 and 1844 we were actually quite happy we had our own little house and a few crops mainly potatoes. Then in 1845 disaster struck, it was called blight the crops turned black and the potatoes rotted in the ground and they had black spots all over them. We were able to manage because we had been gathering the crop of potatoes so we survived the first winter. It then happened again the next year but worse. The whole crop was destroyed. Many people I knew died not only from starvation but from a contagious disease called Famine fever. The British Government tried to help us by setting up soup kitchens and workhouses for the people who had nowhere to go but the workhouses were not nice places because you had to do an awful amount of work but most of them were too weak and tired to do it. They were really overcrowded and many people died there. Then in 1847 it was the worst, there was nothing left most of the population was dead there was just dead bodies all over the roads and in the field's One night we were all sitting in our kitchen after having some boiled nettles for dinner my father said 'we are leaving Ireland and going to America first thing Friday morning'. I was shocked and really upset that we were leaving but in a small way I was happy that we were going I wondered what it would be liked ,but what if they wouldn't let us in because we were poor and could be sick .Then i asked my father how we would pay to get on the ship. He said '' i have sold our farm and our house and all the things inside the house and the landlords gave us until Friday and extract money because we are going so fast ''. That morning came and we were at the dock ready to Board the ship. We had got checked by a doctor to see if we had famine fever or a different disease but we didn't. So back to our voyage to America i didn't sleep at all last night because of people crying, coughing and being sick. It was awful ten days on this boat I don't know if I am going to be able for another six weeks. My mother was getting very sick and I was very upset because she might die. Even though our food is all tinted I wasn't complaining because we were Lucky to have it at al. l I really hope that we all settle in America and hopefully we will all survive the journey. Yellow, multicolour polka dots with black stripsBy Zoe Lonergan Age 11 6TH Class 18TH of April 2067 A long trip on the flying train but we're here, finally here. As the flying train pulled up outside the train station on earth and I W finally saw my granny. Running as fast as she could to be there at the door of the train when it pulled up. She tried her best make these 3 days the best time. When the train pulled up outside the station my own granny hugged and kissed the first person she saw but that wasn’t me. Can you believe that, how embarrassing is that?? She hugged and kissed a total stranger, {a person she didn't even knew} You wouldn't want to be me at that moment. That lady, my granny kissed and hugged my next door neighbour who was coming to visit her son for a week. I felt so a seamed of myself knowing her, know my mother is crazy, but not as crazy as my granny. As we drove home to her house in her little yellow canary car, with multicolour polka dots and a black strip going down the middle of the car. We saw green fields. As we walked in the door I saw yellow walls, with multicolour polka dots and black strips EVERYWHERE! As I thought to myself for a minute, when my granny was plating up dinner I saw mash potatoes I thought she had them every day but she said to me that she only has them on special occasion. I thought to myself and got 3 question to ask my granny. I got to go now because I'm going to this place call the beach?????? By for now XXXX W. TO BE CONTINUED.................... The Jumble Sale by Zara Molloy 6th class The Jumble Sale was great the preparation was really fun collecting all the toys, books, DVDs, teddies, and jewellery. We went from each class collecting all the stuff. The best bit of collecting it was bringing the stuff back to the class and if it was a lot of stuff then the eyes of my friend in my class would open wide and the teacher would be so pleased. It was brilliant the day before the Jumble Sale seeing all the stuff people brought in. All of the stuff together filled the back of the 26th class rooms and a full storage room. Also on the day before the Jumble sale we decorated the hall fab and I was on the jewellery stand, which was brilliant. We filled 2 tables and a back wall where we hung necklaces and bracelets. After we set it up it looked fantastic. When you went into the hall the bake sale was in the middle of the hall and the stands were all around the sides. It was amazing! The raffle was brilliant as well because of all the donations from all the local business! We got lots of vouchers and hampers and basically everything. After the Jumble Sale we were very tired but satisfied because I knew we did well. We raised over €3200 in it and gave it all too various different charities. I loved the Jumble Sale and I think we did a great job The End RISK 6th Alana my story I tiptoed over to the door, gently stepped out of my house and quickly closed the door after me. I rushed down the road but saw my father in the distance so I hurried and made a right turn onto a dark and dirty alley. There were rusted cans and puddles of dirty water everywhere. There were so many turns I felt like I was in a maze and I'd never get out until I saw a crowd of people. There were people screaming and shouting, but I couldn’t see behind the crowds. I tried pushing and shoving to get by the people but it didn't work the majority of the crowd were men and they didn’t seem to have a lot of money. There was a sudden pause and then a man walked on the stage. Everyone got excited. I couldn’t really hear from where I was standing but I heard him saying but ``hello and welcome members of the transport union, I, your leader am here for the meeting to say we need to keep trying `` said Jim Larkin and then a man interrupted ``how will we pay for food if we don’t have money``. The money we get won`t last forever. People started getting angry and started fighting. There were people pushing and throwing rocks. The police arrived and started grabbing people. I began to get scared so I backed out of the crowd. It wasn’t a pleasant site. I couldn’t find the way I came. I couldn’t move, there were people on the ground and people pushing each other. I really just wanted to get home. Something Fishy BY Alison Cullen Everybody on the deck of the research vessel was looking straight at me. They expected the hotshot expert to know what the creature was but I had no idea. I could feel the sweat running down my back. "Well" Jake said to me. "Do you know what the creature is or not." I just there motionless. "If you could just leave the room for a few minutes." I begged them all. After they all left; I started to get to work. I looked at the clock. It read 4 o'clock. They would be back soon; and I knew everyone would want to know what the creature is. It looked a bit like a squid; but it had a body of an eel. I strolled around the room. All I had to do was run some tests on the creature. '' Wait" I told myself. "What if something went wrong". I couldn't let that happen. I wish a miracle were to blow into the room through the window. All of a sudden the answer came to me. I got someone to summon the other oceanographers. Five minutes later we were all down in the research vessel. “All right what’s the creature called." Everyone sounded and looked serious. “Well" I said my voice wobbled. I told them all to promise themselves to not tell about this. I looked up on line that this creature hasn't been discovered before. So I realised that I have to give it a name. So I am going to name it a seeling fish. Everybody Snarkapup by Libby Harris Everybody on the research vessel was looking at me. But I had no idea... But I do feel like I have seen it before then it hit me like a ton of bricks it is Snarkapup!!! ... It’s a ginormous snail shell with a shark head coming out of it with puppy paws and tail it might sound all cute and cuddly BUT it is highly dangerous. With one swipe of the paw it will rip you to shreds. The book said something about it where scientists where testing on a shark when puppy and snail D.N.A. got mixed up and Snarkapup was BORN... Everyone wanted me to go out and investigate. I said no because it was a living creature And it should not be disturbed in its own habitat. Everybody was just dying for somebody, anybody to go out and investigate so one man did. Something very gory happened that day let’s just say they did not capture the fish and after today, I don't think anyone will try again. I tried to warn them!!! A Funny Sight Georgia Reynolds When I lay in bed at night and can’t go to sleep, I try and think of something funny instead of counting sheep. Just last Week while in my bed, A funny thought came into my head. What would happen if one night all the cows snuggled up tight, Oh that would be a funny sight. To see in the shiny light, Could it be worst when a great big fight. Inspired by strike by Sean O' Laoghaire If Animals Could Talk By Laura Burke When I lay in bed at night and can't go to sleep, I try and think of something funny instead of counting sheep. Just last week while in my bed, A funny thought came into my head. Imagine if animals could speak What would it be like? They'd tell us what they thought of humans And all about their life. What they ate? When they slept? How people treat them? Who are their friends? Just before I could ask these questions, My dream came to an end! Super Summer Days by Shauna Markey It was a hot day in the middle of summer .I was relaxing among many people on The Sweet Cruise liner we were all at the pool and the kids were on the water slides. Suddenly I heard a BANG! And the ship stopped sailing .I ran down the stairs. Who did I see but Bad Man my enemy? When I was there I asked him ‘Why had he pulled out everything that helped the boat sail? He said ‘The captain’s wife had a necklace that he needed for his experiment. I ran back up the stairs to try to get people off the ship. Then everyone started to panic. Some people were running all around with the fright of what was happening. I stretched my arms out and grabbed some people and put them on life boats. When I got everyone on land. I flew back to the ship, I ran back down the stairs and I froze Bad Man “Booyeah”. I brought Bad Man to jail. When I got back on land the Mayer called for me and I was rewarded with a medal. The ship is being repaired!!! My Voyage by Anna Power My name is Jessica O' Dwyer. This is my story about my two month voyage across to America. We were forced to leave Ireland because our potato crop failed. So all my family gathered every last penny to get tickets to New York. The ship was huge, well it had to be to fit over one hundred people. It was made of lovely wood with carvings on the sides. I was travelling with my older brother Conn, my Mom and Dad. I was kind of glad to have got away from Ireland because so many people had died. My family and I could not handle all the deaths. Inside the ship was so crowded. Each family only got one chest for all the families’ clothes and important stuff I just thought that was unfair! There were so many people with fevers, flus, sea sickness and diseases, it was horrible but I felt sorry for them actually but I really didn't want to get a flu, Fever or any diseases so I stayed away from them. Eeach family also got one small space with one bed for them all to share luckily my family only had four people in it I have seen some families with eight and more. It was quite funny seeing them all cramped into the one bed. It was very dark down in steerage with only two oil lamps for light but it was fun in the night because some people brought their fiddles with them onto the ship and we danced all night long sometimes and the men drank beer. We didn't have a toilet though, we had a bucket instead and when we wanted to empty it we had to store it in with our food eww I know. For food we had to cook it ourselves but we have flour wheat and some potatoes. Also on nice days we were allowed to go up to the deck and cook and play, I played mostly with a boy called Saxon we had lots of fun. The bad thing was when people were sick sometimes the sick would leak through the top bunk above us and splash on our faces it was disgusting. There were so many people dying on the ship. It was like Ireland on a ship! But the good thing was my family were doing fine. It would have been devastating if one of my family member died. I remember seeing the harbour packed with people but to get off this ship that I have been on for 2 months I have to pass a medical test to see if I have any flus, fevers or any diseases. I think I will pass! Hopefully I and my family will have a great life here. Leaving Donabate by Julia Spagnoletti If I could leave Donabate, I would go and visit Paris or the States. There's so many places I would love to see, Like the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty. But the only thing that’s stopping me, Is how much I would miss my family? Dear Mr Hazell Jemima Byrne 6 Woodlands Rd, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Ireland, Dear Mr Hazell, My name is Danny Flanagan and I am writing to you because I want to sell the garage and the land it's on. This is a once in a lifetime chance for you to really expand your business! You could build a hotel and you could call it The Woodlands Hotel. I can assure you that you will have hundreds of people lined up outside wanting to stay at the hotel. Between its scenic views and being surrounded by fabulous picnic areas, no wonder people would love it! You could host business meetings, parties, weddings, christenings and whatever else you wish to do! And of course you will be getting the money! As a child myself, I know I would love to stay at this marvellous hotel with large open land to explore and possibly a tour of your brewery! I know I would never get bored! This is a great bargain and I know that a clever business man like you wouldn't let this opportunity pass! So I ask you, Mr Hazell, to look further into this offer. At a cheap price of $500,000, you could be known as a famous business man all over the world. So please consider it. Yours Sincerely, Jemima Byrne Leaving Ireland by E.N. MILNE They don't believe me, my grandchildren, when I tell them about the Famine in Ireland. I lived through that time of great depression. This my story. It was 1846. I was sitting beside my mother, who was knitting, when my father burst into the house, screaming with joy. He picked my mother up and spun her around. He told us how he had gotten tickets for the Jeanie Johnston. We had to move as the blight had effected 90% of our crop. The fields smelled rotten and nasty. The landlord paid for our trip. We were lucky because some families had to turn to workhouses and relief work. We had a family of five, including Grandma, which was very small for back then. We all had to share a bed. We got the top bunk. Father would usually sleep on the floor to give us more room. We shared the room with the O'Conner's. The ship wasn't very big. We got a certain amount of food and water every day. There were places on deck to cook our food but we had to be really careful as it was a wooden ship and if it caught fire it really would be a coffin ship. Worst of all was when you needed to go to the toilet all you had was a bucket. The voyage wasn't too bad. It only took 45 days to get there. We thought my brother had the Famine fever but it turned out he was just sea sick. We found out that when we docked and got examined. We had to get these strange new American surnames. I was given Mary Anderson. The kids were surprised to hear that technically Anderson was not there real surname. They love my stories about the Famine and I hope my stories are passed down! By E.N. MILNE The Creature by Emma Story Everyone on the deck of the research vessel was looking straight at me. They expected the hot shot expert to know exactly what the creature was but I had no idea I looked at my assistant she was exited and curious just like me. Captain Smith was jumping with happiness. The creature was pink, purple, and orange with green and red spots it had blue hair like a mane it was a very strange looking fish The Diary of Nicole by Ciara Gough Friday 12pm I just woke up how am I supposed to get up for school on Monday! I can’t believe the summers nearly over and we’re back to those torture classes on Monday! I better ring Kylie and tell her what she missed last night at the party. 3pm The party was great last night apart from me falling in the pond on the way home! Jessica’s house is huge compared to my box (my house) we had the disco downstairs and she had loads of great food and drink in the kitchen. At the disco Jessica, Kendal and Kim were all dancing with the lads while I went to the kitchen to get a drink because I didn’t really feel well. Shane followed me out and said he'd walk me home because I wasn’t feeling well. When we got to my street I tripped on a rock and landed in my neighbour’s pond (how embarrassing) I am never going to be able to forget that! Saturday 11am I was in Kylies house last night and we had a really girlie chat and how we should have a sleepover because it’s our last weekend before we go back to prison (school) so I said we definitely can’t have it in my house, my house is tiny and my parents are so embarrassing! We are going to have it at Kylies instead. 10 minutes later What pyjamas should I bring my cheetah print or my shorts? Will I bring my makeup and hair straightener? 6pm on my way to Kylies I met all the girls at the corner and we were walking to Kylies when I saw Shane walking towards us! I didn’t know what to do so I just turned the corner and ran and all the girls were so confused but when we were out of sight I explained. They laughed for about 10 minutes (they’re so supportive) The Sleepover We all got into our pjs and watched Titanic and everyone cried at the end. When we had set up where we were sleeping we took out pieces of paper and we played guess the person. We each drew a picture of a person everyone knew and the others had to guess. I drew Mikaela. She’s the bully of our year and she hates me! She made me stay back for extra football and she locked me in so then everyone thought I ditched them and got really annoyed, so that is why I hate her. The girls guessed her straight away ha-ha. Then we gossiped about people for a while. When they asked me what happened after the party I told them nothing happened but of course they didn’t believe me so I quickly changed the subject to school and how we had one day of freedom left so we had to do something fun tomorrow. We decided that we would go to the park and watch the lads play football then go to the ice cream bar. Sunday 1:30pm We had pancakes for breakfast they were to die for! We went to the park to cheer the boys on at their match. I brought my dog pebbles which wasn’t the best idea because we were all sitting in the shade when she yanked the lead out my hand and went flying across the pitch! (How embarrassing) One of the boys, Shane (the one who walked me home from the party) started running after her. I and all the girls started running after them. After about ten minutes he caught her, hew! Anyway to say thank you all of us went for ice cream. Sunday 7pm What way will I wear my hair tomorrow up or down? I’ll try it in the mirror. 10 minutes later Definitely down! Now I have to ring Kylie and see if she’s walking tomorrow. Sunday 8pm She is! Yay! Ugh we have business first thing tomorrow I might just sit down the back and have a quick nap. I’m not tired at all ZZZZZzzzzzz Monday 5pm I met Kylie on the corner and we walked to school. On the way we met Shane and his mates. They started to talk about Pebbles running through the pitch (so embarrassing) but they said it was okay because they still won. We got to the school gates and did a quick hair check. On the way in we bumped into Mikaela she said to me 'Nicole next time you go swimming don’t go in your neighbours pond' How rude is she? Well at least I don’t have sticks for legs. I hate her so much! Friday 5pm I survived my first week back at the torture prison (school) and we were all asked to Shane’s party but it’s not for another two weeks. I better ring Kylie and ask her will I wear my pink top or my white top. 10 minutes later She said I was mad asking because it’s not for two weeks. Ugh I know she’s my best friend but she can be annoying sometimes. Eventually she gave in and said white because it goes better with my jeans. Will I wear my hair up or down? Down definitely. I wonder if Mikaela is going. Hopefully not. I still have to ask my parents if I can go. If I can convince Dad Mum will agree. Friday 10pm It took a lot of persuading but they finally said yes! ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz Saturday 12pm My mam is hoovering the whole house! Sometimes I think she does it to annoy me. Oh no! I completely forgot my mad family are coming over for dinner!! That’s why she hoovering. I’m not really in the mood for sitting at a table with my family and eating burnt food. 1pm I think I’ll wear my new denim shirt with my hair down. Oh no someone’s at the door. 11pm My mad family are still downstairs. I don’t know how I’m related to them! Dinner was a disaster as usual. My mam burnt the chicken but dad said it was just well done so we all had to eat it but after the first bite I pretended that I didn’t feel well and went up to my room. My auntie bought me a horrible bag. Its dark muddy green. I suppose it was kind of nice of her to buy me it. I and the girls are going into town tomorrow to spend my birthday money (it was my birthday in July). I’ve been saving up for these gorgeous boots. I can wear them to Shanes. I can’t wait. ZZZZzzzzzzzzz Sunday 12pm I’m going to wear my jeans and vans because we’re going to be doing a lot of walking in town. Sunday 9pm I got my boots! Whoohoo. Town was great we went to this new restaurant and it was so yummy. I got three new tops. There so nice! I better go to sleep if I want to be able to get up tomorrow. ZZZZZzzzzzz Friday 6pm I didn’t get to write all this week because we had to have a 12 page project on the famine in by today. Oh No Shanes party’s tomorrow and my hair dryer is broken I’ll have to borrow Kylies. I can’t wait for tomorrow it’s going to be great! Saturday 12pm I’m going to wear my new boots! I should probably wear them around the house to break them in. 1pm My boots are so comfy at they look fab! I’m definitely wearing them to Shanes tonight. Will they go with my jeans and white top? Yes they will. Kylie lent me her hair dryer to use so my hair isn’t frizzy. The parties at 6 but you can’t arrive too early or too late. I and the girls and meeting at the end of my street at 6 then it takes about half an hour to walk to Shanes. I hope I will not make a fool of myself again. 1am The party was amazing! His dogs are so cute. He had music playing and everyone was dancing. At about 9 we all sat down and watched a movie and ordered pizza. We watched Paranormal Activity. It was so scary! And guess what? He put his arm around me! I wonder what Machala will say? She will probably be so jealous! I can’t wait to see what she says on Monday. By Ciara Gough The strange creature By Aoife Cooke Everyone on the deck of the research vessel was looking straight at me. They expected the hot-shot expert to know exactly what it was, I had no idea! Everyone was feeling nervous but I was very excited. I wanted to see what it was. The creature was small and round with a pink face. I examined it closely its breath was slowly going and its face was going paler. I knew that it was dying. It was a very rare creature so I had to try and keep it alive. The passengers on the ship all crowded around me. I asked a man to get me a bucket of sea water. It was almost too late! I quickly put it in the bucket, its colour started to return. Everyone cheered. I decided to bring it home. I thought maybe I’d keep it as a pet. Hey I said “I’m going to call you Sebastian” Sweets By Julia Spagnoletti When I lay in bed at night and can't go to sleep, I try and think of something funny instead of counting sheep. Just last week while in my bed, A funny thought came into my head. Imagine what would happen if, The world turned into sweets. With lollipops for traffic lights, On chocolate covered streets. Flowers made of toffee pops that attract gummy bees. Marshmallow Mountains, with ice-cream covered peaks. Houses made of gingerbread that line the chocolate streets. But just as I reached out to taste, I must have fallen asleep Cows In A Bubble By Sinead Kearns When I lay in my bed at night and can't get to sleep, I try and think of something funny instead of counting sheep. Just last week while in my bed, A funny thought came into my head. What if cows took a trip in a bubble? And all they would do would be causing trouble. Would they go to low? Or would they go to high, Or would they easily touch the sky. They would go too fast then too slow, And then they would travel from Dublin to Wicklow. They would go to town for all the sales, But then they would come across a very sharp nail. The bubble would get closer then suddenly stop, All of the sudden the bubble would go pop!!!! The cows are in the field, back where they belong, Maybe someday this poem will be a song. Journey to Earth 17th of April 2067 At last! I've been waiting all my life for today! My first trip back to earth in the mega mix 3000, my ancestral home where all my family have lived beautiful and gigantic earth. I've read all about it and explored all the links and virtually swam in the sea. I've virtually tasted the food grown from the ground but now I will finally get to experience the real thing and best of all I get to meet my grandmother. William. 18th of April 2067 Today my little cousin, Katie was annoying me all day on the spaceship, she was begging me to play with her but I just couldn't because I was so excited to go to Earth. I didn't get any sleep last night. I wonder why we have to live on Mars its so far away from everything like the new shopping centre on Jupiter so now it takes me ages just to go meet my friends. When I went to bed that night I had to share the room with Katie, who snores because our spaceship, the mega mix 3000 looked bigger on the ad than real outer space life. When I woke up I could see Earth from outside my window. 19th of April 2067 Today was a weird day, my grandmother was running up to me with open arms and just like my virtual Karate teacher taught me I pinned her down in 2 seconds which I was very proud of until my dad told me that that’s how people greet each other here. Trying to forget, my grandmother was showing us around. I saw some weird things like moving objects with 4 wheels which I heard was called a car and a small creature with fur which apparently is called a dog? The weirdest thing of all was that there were lines all over grandmothers face which later on I asked my mum about and she said they were called wrinkles which people who get old have but before I could even think of it my mum told me not to point it out to grandma but it’s not like I was going to. W. 20th of April 2067 Today grandmother took us to the aquarium which I was a bit scared of at first because I didn't know what the word meant but when I went I just realise that it was just another word for a place where people walk around looking at fish which is one of the creatures I saw on the virtual net. One of the interesting facts I learned was that you are not allowed to drink the fish tank water even when you’re thirsty but I did try vanilla ice cream which is nice but not as good as chocolate butter squash ice cream you get in Mars. I did think Earth was scary at the start but now I got used to it and I can go more often because we are moving to Jupiter which is closer, it only takes 15 minutes on our mega mix 3000. I was very happy when I heard that we were going to go bowling the next day which apparently is a game involving a bowling ball and pins. I thought the aim of the game was to not knock any of the pins down, I was wrong but I might be a champion someday. W. The End Communion Day If I could go back in time I'd show you my Communion day. I hear my name being called out and I get out of my seat. While walking up to the alter my heart skips a beat. I can see outside the sun of May it’s beautiful on my Communion day. I can see all faces staring up at me, my dress is so long its passed my knee. I’m up on top of the alter and I have my reading with me and three sentences later my heart is back, I’m me. Winter Time by Sinead Kearns Winter time is finally here we're all so happy as we start to cheer. Christmas time has not come yet so technically we're not all set. If it snows we won't be sad but all the parents might be mad. it is November so Christmas is not here but December is so near. So just because it is wet and cold Santa will come soon so don't be bold. Leaving Ireland by Sophie O’Donoghue Hi there, my name is Sophie and I’m going to tell you why my family and I emigrated to America. My family and I were starving, there were no more potatoes. We all decided that it would be better if we emigrated. We packed up some clothes and when we were all ready we left our house. I’ve just got on the ship and it’s very crowded. I just saw our bunk bed and it’s not very nice. We’re now a few days into the journey and lots of people are sea sick. The one thing that I like about this ship is the fact that I made a new friend. My mam and dad aren’t too happy that you only get to wash your clothes once a week. Many people have died and I’m very grateful that I’m still alive. We have to be very careful when we’re cooking our food because if we’re not careful we could set the ship on flames. Many more people have died. We’ve nearly reached America and I can’t wait. I’ve honestly hated being on this ship but we’re just there, so I might as well be happy. I hope the future is bright for my family and me. Things that irritate me by Eve Moore When food goes cold, And kids are bold. Why do people like football so much? It’s not interesting as such! When sun goes in my eyes, And if there’s something I can’t decide. When people talk too loud on the phone, And people sing in the wrong tone Bald cats, Seriously lads! Not being able to find the start of tape People being late for goodness sake! Messy writing And unnecessary fighting These are all things that irritate me, One thing I like is a nice cup of tea!. Leaving Donabate by Gillian Weston If I was to leave Donabate And move to another town That’s a move I would really hate It really would make me frown. I would probably miss my friends And all the fun we have I would still see them on weekends And we would still have a laugh. But Donabate does have its perks Like its lovely beach But I wouldn't miss the roadworks Messing up our streets. Donabate is a beautiful place With lots of things to do Everybody living here thinks it’s great And I hope you do too. Dear Grandma Anya 18th of October O’Boyle Street Liverpool England Dear Grandma, How are you? It is not that good here. It is really hard settling in without speaking English. Mum keeps saying we have waited so long to be a family again but I don’t understand we have always been a family. The trip was the worst bit I had to sit next to this little brat and he lives down the road GRRRR. The area here is a dump with trash everywhere. We are living over Mr. Yips Emporium. You can smell the fish and chip from a mile away. School is hard I haven’t made any friends yet, everyone speaks English and I don’t. There are weeds in our Flower pots it is horrible. Mum and Dad are fine. Mum got a new job being a maid but I don’t understand our house is a dump and messy and she won’t tidy it up but she will tidy up loads of others peoples mess. Dad’s job isn’t going that well. Kazia has made three friends she made a song about them what a weirdo . Can you please come and visit then take me home with you. I miss you loads and tell all my friends I say Hi x Lots of Love Anya The Kidnapper by Claire Byrne 5th Class One Monday morning everything was fine, I was getting ready for school. As I was about to go downstairs I realized there was a car right outside my garden. I went downstairs and told my mum but she just said it was people looking for somewhere to park. I walked to school as usual and thought about the car. When school finished I went home and noticed the car was gone. I felt better that maybe it was what my mum had said. That night I went to bed and I heard a noise outside my back garden, I tried to forget about it but it was really scaring me. About 15 minutes later I heard my front door open I thought it was just my dad coming in from work late, but then I realized there was more than one person. I kept quiet and hid under my duvet. I wanted to tell my mum but I was too afraid to go out of my bedroom. I tried to hear what they were saying but I couldn’t make it out. I hid under my covers for so long I fell asleep, when I woke up I checked my clock it said ‘2:07’. I heard the noise getting louder and louder as if it was coming up the stairs. I got such a fright I didn’t know what to do so I just screamed.MUM!!!!!!! Then I heard someone running down the stairs and out the front door. My mum came running in ‘are you okay are you hurt!!!’ I told her I could hear a noise coming up the stairs and then someone running out the front door. She went into her bedroom and looked out the window she saw a car speeding down the road. It was the car we had seen this morning!! That night I slept feeling very scared. The next morning I woke up to hear my mum on the phone my mum is never on the phone that early. I went downstairs to see who it was. I could hear her saying do you think you’ll catch them? Then I realized she was on the phone to the guards. A while later the guards arrived at our door. They asked us a few questions and left. My mum told me it was going to be okay. Weeks had passed and we heard nothing from the guards until yesterday, they rang up and told us that they think they might have found the kidnappers. I was so happy to think if I was asleep I would have been kidnapped but I wasn’t!!!! As I was watching the news headlines on TV that evening I saw ‘A little girl had tried to be kidnapped by two kidnappers but scared them away by a scream’ I knew they changed the story a bit but it made me the hero so I didn’t mind. The next day in school everybody was asking did I see about the girl nearly kidnapped. I didn’t want to tell them it was me so I just said ‘yeah it was terrible wasn’t it?’ People were talking about it all day until I got so annoyed I told them ‘it was me, it was me nearly kidnapped okay?’ everyone went really quiet and then ran over to me, before I could think I was surrounded by people asking me questions. Were you scared? Did they come into your bedroom? How many of them were there? What did they look like? What did you do? ‘I screamed’ I said. But now we can all look back and say ‘I remember that day well!!!!!” My unicorn and me By Emmanuella Adele-Karim 5th class When I came home from school, my Mom was waiting for me in the garden. She said she had a surprise for me. I got very excited because she said that it was too big to fit inside.When I had changed from my school uniform, I ran downstairs to the garden. My Mom told me to wear the clothes in the bag she was holding. I was pretty surprised because the clothes in the bag were horse riding clothes and we didn't have a horse or a pony. I then understood the whole context of the surprise. My Mom had gotten me a pony or a horse. I was pretty happy about that but I wondered where we would keep it. I then realised that my Mom might not have gotten me a pony or a horse but she might be taking me for horse riding lessons. When I had put on the clothes in the bag my Mom got me I rushed down the stairs and I was right my Mom had gotten me the most magnificent pony ever. My Mom told me that it was a boy which had the name Tomboy. I was delighted. My Mom also explained that Tomboy would have to live in the Watercress stables nearby, as we didn't have enough room in our back garden. I had been dreaming of this day to come since ages. My Mom had been telling me that I could never look after a pony let alone myself. While I was day-dreaming my Mom had made me a baguette for lunch. It was delicious. After that I asked my Mom if I could go riding now and she said yes. I ran up the stairs and got my coat. I also got my riding hat. My dream had come true. The Time Capsule by Caitlin Penrose 5th Class The day we made a time Capsule. It was so exciting on the night of my 11th birthday, eight of my friends slept over and we decided to make a time Capsule, each of them brought something very special to them to put in the time Capsule. Then we said we would take a photo of us all to put in the time Capsule so we can remember the times we had together. When we graduate from school that night at twelve o clock we will all meet up no matter the weather we will hopefully all be there. We are BFF’s and no matter what happens we will always be friends forever. Most of us will be going to the same secondary school that means we can still see each other. We have our own secret language gobble gulp gobble gulp since we were Five. A few years later we met up and brought each other presents. And we took are special things out and we all started to cry. And we hugged and danced around the box in our graduation dresses. We were so happy we couldn’t stop hugging each other and thanking everyone. Friends are for life they make you happy they make you sad but in the end they are the best in the world. Two more days until we meet up for a coffee. We all now have 2 kids. Mine are called Tyler and Rihanna. We are all married and have husbands. I loved my childhood. But we had no Pop Stars such as Taylor Swift and Gagman Style. We just had all the old songs such as Michael Jackson. He was the all-time favourite Pop Star. The time capsule is long dug out of the ground. But if you ever get a chance to make a time capsule with your best friends do it, it’s so fun and exciting. September 1st by Lainey Gruben Today was the first day back at school after the summer holidays. As I walked into the classroom I could smell the newly printed books and sheets the teacher had printed for us. As the teacher was writing sums on the blackboard I could hear the dreadful sound the chalk made as it rubbed against the board. As the teacher walked around the classroom she asked us sums and it was nearly my turn when luckily the bell rang and we went out to yard. When we were out on yard we played skipping for a while and then we played hopscotch and of course as soon as it was my turn it started to rain I was so disappointed. We all walked into the classroom and me with a big frown on my face. When we got back to the classroom teacher hadn’t forgotten that it was my turn and of course she had to ask me the hardest one. She came up to me slyly and asked “Lainey what is 60 x271” I hesitated for a while and then took a guess and said 341 and the teacher shouted “WRONG” I took another guess this time I said 250 and of course she shouted “WRONG” Then she told me the answer and it was 16260. Then I whispered to myself “I’m only in 5th class only 80 year olds like you would know that “. And of course she had to hear me and she screamed “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME” I said “nothing Ms. Bransdon” and after school I got detention and who was minding us? … Ms. Branson and I couldn’t think how this day could get worse oh yeah and I got extra homework. I was so upset I felt like crying. After school I had to go to detention because of my witch of a teacher. I walked in and Ms. Branson started shouting at me for having my hair down I sighed and ignored her. She walked back up to me and repeated in a much louder voice “Lainey tie your hair back up”. I strongly said back “ok ok leave me alone. And of course I got an extra hour of detention for saying that. I started doing my homework and I got one sum wrong by one number and as Ms. Branson was walking by she shouted “WRONG”. Now I had enough I shouted back at her “I did my best ok”. And what did that get me a month full of detention. When my 3 hours of detention was up I walked home. I was afraid of crossing the busy road because I the lollypop lady had just left. I waited and waited for someone to come. Finally someone came and I got up straight away but she was going straight. She asked me if I was waiting for someone but I said no I just needed to cross the road. She was nice and she brought me across the road and I said “thanks” and then I walked back home. As I was walking up the driveway I saw a Garda car then I started to get worried. I ran up and opened the door and I saw two guards and my Mom I asked what’s wrong and she said “there you are” and then the guards went back home and I was in big trouble. My mom asked me where was I and I said I was in detention. And that was my terrible first day back at school. My Holiday in Portugal 5th Class Laura McGrath I’m really excited because I’m going on my holidays today. I went up to my room and got my suitcase that was sitting on my bed. I got ready and I went down stairs. I was really excited but upset at the sometime. The reason why I was upset was because I didn’t want to leave my2 cats Billy and Coco. We got in the taxi to take us to the airport. I was really tired because I was practically awake all night waiting for it to be morning so I could go to Portugal. We got to the airport and got out of the taxi. I walked throw the metal detector. After my whole family were metal detected we gave in our passports and got on the plain. Considering that the taxi came early we were waiting on the plane for 20 minutes. The plane started and we were off to Portugal. We were on the plane for 1 hour and 30 minutes. We finally made it to Portugal. We had to rent a car. It took us a while to rent a car because a lot of people wanted to rent a car. We got in the car and drove off. We got to our villa. There was a big pool as soon as I swathe villa and put my stuff in my room I went to the pool. We were in the pool for a while so we decided to go out for dinner. We got in the car and drove into the town. We found a really nice restaurant and went in. The man asked us for our second names. We sat down at a table and ordered our drinks. The waiter brought us our drinks and we ordered our meal. After we were finished our meal we paid and left the restaurant. We got back to the villa and went in the pool (even thought was 10 O’clock). It was getting late so I went to bed. (A week later). Tomorrow I was going home I was really upset but happy that I would see my pet cats. I spent the day in the pool. We out for lunch and had a really nice meal. We got home to our villa and my Dad made burgers for dinner. I had a great holiday and I think I’m coming back next year! We got on the plane to go home I was sad but I just can’t wait to see my pet cats Billy and Coco. We were on the plane ready to take off. It’s been an hour now and we just landed in Ireland. I couldn’t wait to go next year!! THE BIG BEAST by Leanne Murphy The big beast hated going out. All the people would laugh at him when he walked passed. One day he was walking his small dog a cross the road he saw his Dad. His Dad is small like the all the other people. He saw his sun and then started to run. Then the big beast ran home. When he got home he played with his dog but the dog got killed by him because he sat on him. He went to bed and cut his leg and then said oooooooccccchhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. HE got up and got in to his car he drove to the beach. HE saw a big beast girl. They went swimming together. Then they had a picnic together. When they had their picnic he went home. He got in to his car and drove home. The girl called him and said that people were laughing at her. He said it was okay dont mind them. She rand him again and she was walking to his house because she was scared. He was fed up with her always ringing him. She stayed on the couch in his house. The next day she was having a shower. She got out and got dressed. The big beast went for a shower and the water was gone. He told all the people in the neighbor hood to be nice to the big beast girl. They said okay. He told the big beast girl it was time to move back to her one house. She said okay. She moved home and everybody was nice to the big beast and the big beast girl. AND THEY ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER Ellen’s DeGeneres by Jodie Clinton Ellen DeGeneres is known all across the world for her humour her generosity and most of all her scares. Ellen has been going for more than 1500 shows. Every Christmas she does the twelve days of giveaways. She gives everyone in her audience an enormous amount of goodies for twelve whole days. On her birthday she gives out things to the audience, what a generous person. The funniest thing of all is her scares. Everyday Ellen has a different celebrity. Sitting in the famous ‘’Red Chair’’. She has some of the most famous stars from Justin Bieber who has appeared on her show 7 times to Taylor Swift who has appeared 9 times. She is best known for scaring Taylor Swift all nine times she has been on the show. Some of Ellen’s best scares are Ellen hiding behind the door in the bathroom. She also dresses her staff up in animal costumes and they sneak up behind the celebs. Sometimes for fun she puts an earpiece in celebs ears and sends them to places she talks into the mic and they have to repeat what she says. She has had stars from David Beckham to Paris Hilton do that. Her show is very amusing. She also has games like know or go. It is where she gets three audience members and puts them on a big podium with three circles. Then she asks them questions if they get the question right they stay on the 10 foot tall podium if they get it wrong the circle drops and they drop with it. I love the Ellen Show and I watch it every day on YouTube!!! My Flight to Lanzarote Lara Carroll 5th Class I didn’t really want to go at first but then I looked at our villa and the things we could see and then I got really exited but I didn’t want to leave my dog Hank. So the next day I got packed. On the night that we were going to Lanzarote I got really nervous. Our flight was at 12:30 so we dropped my dog Hank off at his minders at 8:00 O’clock than we got ready and everything was ready and then at 9:45 the taxi came. I was so nervous and excited that I was shaking. There were two taxis because the vans were booked. I and my Dad got in one and my brothers and my Mom got in the other. We beat them there. We were having a cup of tea by the time that they got there. My Mom and my brother Sam just went straight through where they check your passports but since me and my brother Charlie have American passports we had to go to a special place to get them stamped. Then we went through security. I love security because my Dad always gets stopped and we all laugh at him. We had two hours left so we decided to get something to eat, we went to burger king. I had mini pancakes, chips and a burger. Then we had an hour left so we went to get hard sweets to suck. We all boarded on the plane. We were lucky to sit beside each other. I get really scared when we take off. I had my eyes closed and I had my fingers in my ears and I sucked a hard sweet. After what felt like 10 minutes with my eyes closed it turned out that we didn’t even take O ff yet. But when we did take off I couldn’t help but open my eyes and take a little peek out the window. We were up in the air so I opened my eyes fully and calmed down. I was still a little scared up in the air but I played a few games with my brother and then I was alright. I begged my Mom to get something off the lady pushing the cart but she wouldn’t let me. I tried to ask my Dad but my Dad was on the other side of the plane. I was the only one in my family that didn’t sleep and I was so bored! I turned on airplane mode on my iPod and played music and played games. I got so bored after a while! I asked my Mom when we were landing and she said in about an hour and a half. I couldn’t wait any longer! This was torcher! I tried everything to keep me not bored. I even tried sleeping. But it takes me forever to try and get to sleep. I asked my Mom what time we were going to land and she said at around 5ish. It was half 4 now! Only half an hour! WHOOOHOOO!!!!!!! We were about to land and I was so excited! I love landing! Though my Mom hates it! I was shouting WHOOOOWHOOOOO when we landed! It was like a roller coaster! She was telling me and my brother to stop because she was scared. We got off the plane and got into the taxi…. Next chapter coming soon….. Girls in Black! By Kate Culleton 5th Class Dear Queen Victoria My name is unmentionable. I have sent this telegram because I have important information. In the year 1845 there will be a famine in Ireland. It will be because potato blight and the potatoes will go bad, you should donate some supplies. I know this information because I am from the future. I work in a secret government organization called GIB. That stands for Girls in Black. Next time I see you I will have to neutralize you that means erase your memory. Now this does not seem like a problem to you but who do you think is going to pay for all those emigrant ships! BFF’S Caoimhe Davis 5th class I was on my way to my new school. I was so excited my best friend Katie was there as well and Kasey was there. I had all my friends, we were in the same class and always talked. Until one day Kasey moved away, I was so upset but I still had Katie but not for long. Rachel moved to town and joined our club. We were all friends Rachel, Katie and me. We all lived in mansions and one day Kasey moved back and we were all friends. A man came up to the door and asked for some help. We ran out and helped him. He put a big bag in the boot, I asked him is he local? he said No I am not I am just looking for some place to stay, I said try the motel down the street he said fine in an angry voice I said bye and then guards showed up and took him away. We were all a little surprised and scared, we all had coke and sweets and laughed…………… The End… MY SECERT LAND Hannah Hogan 5th Class Hi. My name is Violet. I have one sister and I live in an orphanage. My only friend is my doll. You are probably thinking why I am not friends with my sister. Well my sister and I were separated. My sister still writes to me and I write back but only once a month. I share a room with a girl called Aoife. She was very nice but we didn't really talk. One day I was playing with my doll and I heard a big bang Aoife wasn't in the room so it wasn't her. It was probably just cook cooking the lunch but then I heard it again, so I went down stairs. I saw cook and she wasn't cooking at all. I got a little scared and I never get scared. After, I went back up stairs and I heard little footsteps so I looked around the door and I saw little elves. They were wearing blue and white. They saw me and said ' we have been looking for you for ages. My name is woof and my name is doof'. I stood there in silence not knowing what to say, then I finally came to my senses. Woof and Doof lead me to the attic where we went through a door in the floor. I first saw lots of colours then I saw a little house and then lots of houses I’d say there was a million. They were all so small Woof said they were elf houses. I looked down and I saw a river it was light blue, across the river I saw a huge castle it was beautiful because it was pink and purple with sparkles. I saw a lovely woman in a pink dress. I crossed the river to the woman and she said ' I have been waiting for you my name is Stephanie and I am the good Queen of Canselea " wait what do you mean by the good Queen ' I said and how do you know who I am? " Well said Stephanie ' Your mam was my sister “WHAT MY MAM WAS A QUEEN!!!!!!!!! When I calmed down I had to go back to the orphanage. Woof and Doof told me that I had to banish the bad Queen 'her name is Shuna' said Woof 'we have to go now but we will come back tomorrow' said Doof ' Bye ' I said back. I heard someone coming so I rushed back to my room but it was only Aoife At night I told my dolly all about the secret land. I must have been talking loudly because Aoife said that I was keeping her awake. When Woof and Doof came to get me Aoife saw them so I had to explain to her about my mam and the secret land and Stephanie and Shuna it was a while for her to calm down but when she did we went to the land. I think Aoife was really shocked because she didn't talk for a while. I told her that she could not tell anyone at all. When Stephanie saw her she was abit worried but I said that she could help me make a plan to banish Shuna. Stephanie thought about it for a while and she said yes. Aoife and I spent most of the time in the secret land making a plan. Sometimes we missed lunch and sometimes even dinner. When it was night we always would talk about the plan and we would sometimes stay up all night. Now I am getting kind of nervous because it’s happening tomorrow and now starting to get the shivers because the plan might not work. When Woof and Doof came for us they were worried too, so that made me worry even more. When we got to Stephanie she asked us if we were ready I wasn't quite sure neither was Aoife but we both said yes. We got into place and Stephanie asked Shuna to come to her castle to have tea. I was up on the window and Aoife was at the one opposite me. We both had rope, the plan was to wait until Stephanie brought Shuna into the hall and then we would jump onto her and tie her up then push her into another world. We were waiting awhile before they came into the hall but when they did it was go time. Stephanie gave us the secret sign and we bounced on Shuna and we tied her up and pushed her into a different world. Just as the plan. YYYAAAYYY we all shouted. After all that we had some tea and crackers but then we had to go but everyone said we could come back any time THE END Candy Land! By Jodie Binns 5th class Candy, Candy EVERYWHERE!! How I love my world of candy! Sugar drops, Rainbow drops, I love lollipops! I’m always sick but I still like to lick The lollie on my lollipop stick! I love candy and my best friend is called randy! We’ll see ya later! Sharing by Aoife Boyle 5th class Hi my name is Sydney. I am 11 and the worst thing about me is that I have a twin sister. I have an older brother called Luke but he's not the problem. The problem is my sister Ashely. I'm stuck sharing a bedroom with her. I wonder why we have to share because we're so different. She likes pink, I like blue, she likes flowers and I like to have fun. My Mam knows we're so different but she still won’t move me into the spare room. She says what if your cousins stay over, but that’s not likely. They’ve only stayed over twice before. Besides one of them thinks she's too old to stay over at my house because she's 12 and I'm 11. Anyway back to me. Guess what, my Mam got so sick and tired of me asking her could I move into the spare room she finally said yes, but…. in two weeks. I’m going to start moving boxes right now. The box I'm holding, well trying to hold is so heavy. I’m just going to get my Dad to carry the boxes into my room. Ok I’m going into my new room ready to get to bed. Wow it looks amazing. It’s blue and one of the walls has jigsaw puzzle wall paper. It’s just how I wanted it. But when I was in bed last night water was dripping from the celling onto my face. I tried to ignore it, but when I woke up my mattress was soaked and I was too. Now I know why my cousin doesn't like to stay over here. Then I said to myself sharing isn't so bad!!! Not Here Anymore by Shauna O B fifth class Amy jay walked down the road. It was dark. Nine o'clock to be precise. She had another mile to go until she got home. It was too dark for comfort! She had a strange feeling she was being watched. She started to run but tripped. She felt a tight grip on her ankle, she turned around and saw a black figure. She felt a hard blow. Everything went black. She woke up in a grey room. There was newspaper on the wall. There was red marker circled around some people in a picture. This was the daily moon! Wait was that her! There was a picture of her winning the Easter fashion show with two other girls beside her. All of them were circled....Except Mrs Moon. She had an X right through her.....Mrs Moon hadn't resigned. These people have her. Alive, Amy hoped! This X always meant the bad guys had killed them in movies though. MANNY!! MANNY!! I have kidnapped a girl! She was walking down the road in the dark. I think she is the one we have been looking for! A fat man walked out of the shadows. AMY JAY he boomed! The daughter of the multimillionaire! Yes Manny! The skinny man said. They’ll pay us millions to make sure we won't harm her. Not like that Mrs Moon we thought was married to a millionaire! said the fat man. We should have killed her by now said the skinny man! Then KILL HER boomed the fat man! Amy jay who had heard everything gave a gasp. The last thing she heard the fat man say was....THE POLICE OFF WITH THEM ALL KILL THEM ALL!!! Amy jay felt a sharp pain in her leg then everywhere else. Everything went black. News: They are not here anymore!!! The guards found Amy Jay's body on the 31st of October 2013 R.I.P Fairy Taes All Over Again By Maria Byrne Once upon a time there was a really ugly and mean girl called Cinderella. No one liked her because she was mean. Her mom she is really wonderful and pretty too. But Cinderella she is mean cruel and she smells too. And not nice and ugly cruel vicious terrible when she eats it’s like there is a pig in the house and not nice at all. And we treat her like a big part of the family said her mom. Her mom she is so beautiful. But Cinderella started to be more kind and not mean. Her mom was so happy and Cinderella got a new makeover and she will be home in two hours said her step sister. Cinderella started to call her step sisters SISTER. When she came back from her makeover she looked so beautiful she asked if they would like to come shopping with her they all said yes so off they went to a big shopping centre then Cinderella saw her best friends Snow White Alice and Jasmine and they didn't know who she was so I went over to them I told them who I said Cinderella don’t kill us, don’t eat us, help I said calm down I’m a different person now it’s ok. So they all went shopping The next day Snow didn’t come out so we went and called for her she was tied up on a chair and she was screaming turn around and Alice was gone and Jasmine and Snow what’s going on then the evil witch came and tried to make a deal with me I will give you your friends if you give me your house NO-WAY I will never give my house so give me my friends NOW or else what are you going to do get the Garda after me said the witch yes then Cinderella went to jail and everything was okay in the end. THE GIRL W ITH THE MONEY PART ONE 5TH CLASS BY ELLIE MURPHY One day a girl called Ciara wanted to go shopping. So she said to her mam (I am going shopping).So she went and called Lauren her friend and said (Do you want to come shopping with me) Lauren said yes so Ciara went in her car to collect Lauren after Ciara collected Lauren .Ciara said Lauren can you get my money for me so Lauren looked in her bag but there was no money so Lauren said I think you left your money at home will I ring your mam for you Ciara said please so Lauren rang Ciara mam Lauren said can Ciara use your credit card Ciara mam said ok there is 20,000 on the credit card DO NOT USE IT ALL PLEASE so Ciara said ok bye. First thing they did was go for dinner and it cost 600 euro and after they went to the movies to go see the hunger games. After that they went shopping they went to every shop in the whole shopping centre after they waited for their other friends after they went home and they went to Ciara house to have a sleepover .They went out the next day to a different shopping mall to get some nice thing when they were in the shop she put the card in the missing and it said there was no money left .Ciara said that my other card) Lauren can you get my bag and thick out my purse so Lauren look that the only card !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO BE CONTINUED... The Big Sea by Isabelle Dunne AHHHHH! Big shark is coming! Everyone in Jodibelle reef was going crazy. Not much people know about Jodibelle reef but its there! Everyone very quickly went into their houses. Soon the shark got what he wanted. Food. I don't remember anymore and every time I ask someone about it they have this sad look on their face. So I won't ever know. Anyway I live with my mom. Her name is Jodie. One day when I was going out with my friends something awful happened. A net came down. I was caught and my friends Aoife and Ellie and Jodie were caught in the net as well. We were trying our best to get out but we couldn't we were all very scared. When we were brought out of the water we were put in this round circle full of water. I didn't know what it was. One of the 'men' that were on the boat knocked the clear round circle that we were in. We were all in a big puddle of water. Luckily because Aoife was a year older then us she had more sense. She told us all to grab her fin. She did this flicky thing with her body and we were back in the sea! When we got home we told my mam. She gave us all a nice dinner. The next day word was all over the village! We were in the daily fish! From that day on we were well known in Jodibelle reef and when we grew up we went to classrooms and talks to tell people in our reef! SURPRISE! SURPRISE by Elle Delaney Ms.Meade One warm sunny morning I woke with a surprise because it was my BIRTHDAY today. Today my family and I decided to go out for the day to the cinema. When the movie was over we went to a restaurant. After that we went home and they had a little cake for me. The BIG surprise was a DOG. 'WHATS THAT' shouted Sophie. 'It’s a dog ' said her mum. 'A DOG, WHY DID YOU BY ME A DOG'? said Sophie very angry. 'I thought you liked dogs' said her mum. 'I told you she does not like dogs' said her dad. 'How did you know I did not like dogs' said Sophie.’ Well I checked your diary' said her dad very fast. 'You checked my diary’ said Sophie very surprised. Her brother walked in and did not even notice they were fighting. He got a glass of water and he took a few sweets. 'Mum Darra took a few sweets’ said Sophie.' You can have more than him because it is your birthday' said Sophie's mum. 'Yes' said Sophie. Then we had dinner, my mum made my favourite. All my family came over to give me my presents, my baby cousin came over we had lots of fun, Oh I forgot to tell you what happened to the dog we kept it in the end. My little cousin loves it and when she comes over she feeds it and cuddles it she really loves it. I guess a dog is not the worst after all. Odd Behaviour One day I saw a girl she was kicking a can she decided to go mentally insane I went up to her I said what are you doing she said she was going mentally insane. She didn't seem like she had any friends so I invited her over to tea. I said Mum's making bird’s eye chicken fillet. She said wogawoga which I thought meant yes because she followed me home and started to punch me in the back of the neck. She never left my house. Mum said she had odd behaviour. Drunk Rudolph by Amalia Mihalec 4th Rudolph was at the North Pole. Santa was resting after his long night. Last night was Christmas. Santa spotted Rudolph outside dancing to music from the 60s! Santa ran outside shoved on his Jacket and went to see what on earth Rudolph was doing. Was Santa dreaming or was it real. The elves were sleeping and Miss Clause was making cookies so nobody else could see Rudolph. What on earth are you doing Rudolph? Santa asked. Santa couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw a glass of Guinness on the floor. RUDOLPH he yelled trying to keep calm. This is not allowed. You should be asleep. Rudolph put on a ballet costume and did a little dance. I’m calling Miss Clause Santa said and ran in slamming the door behind him. Miss Clause we have a problem he said. Santa, Santa, Santa you never get over yourself she said. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Honey please come see what Rudolph is doing. Let me guess Miss Clause said. Sleeping like an angel. No Santa said. There is something wrong. You need to see this. Santa I love you and you know it but you NEED to calm down and go and rest. Santa stomped upstairs but the he paused. He heard a noise. It was a noise he heard last night. It was his sleigh Rudolph was riding it in the dark sky. I believe I can fly Rudolph said waking up the elves. Santa, the smallest elf yelled. You can only fly in your sleigh. Otherwise you are powerless. Santa shook his head. Why would nobody believe him? This WASNT fair. He went outside to keep an eye on Rudolph. A big truck full of beer parked in the garden. Santa ran over to talk to the man. I’m sorry sir he said. Wrong house he said. Nope the man said. Some guy named Rudolph ordered some beer. It’s true. Try some the man said and shoved some beer into Santa’s mouth. Yummy Santa said. This is actually nice. Santa could not stop drinking beer and soon he was drunk too. He became disco dancing Santa with Rudolph in the background. Miss Clause came out. Santa you were right there is something wrong but not with Rudolph with you. Santa pretended he didn’t hear that. Try some beer my honey bunch Santa said in a crazy voice. SANTA do you want me to be in the same state as YOU Miss Clause screamed and do I mean screamed because even we children in Ireland could hear her. But what she said was too late because Santa stuffed beer down her mouth. WAHOO Miss Clause shouted. I feel alive. They gave beer to all the elves and reindeer. Be careful because next year you might get WHISKEY AND SANTA STUFFING BEER DOWN YOU. Irish dancing By Amalia Mihalec 4th class Irish Dancing is my life. I do it all day and night. It’s fun and makes me cheerful It makes me a bit gleeful Real’s and Jigs and more Winning and winning galore I do it with my friend Tara Soon enough a girl called Laura Wouldn’t you do the same? But not just for all the fame I hope you understand That dancing makes me glad My hearts like a big balloon I hope you understand That dancing makes me Glad!!!!! BORED By Emma Chi 4th class I am sitting at home all on my own. There is nothing to play, for all of the day. The computer has broken, and my spirit has sunken. I try to read a book but its, Really no use, all I can see is a pond and a goose. I listen to some music but It’s really not helping. All I can Hear is screaming and yelling. CHEERLEADING By Anna Lee Cheerleading is the best It’s better than all the rest Cartwheels, flips, round-offs too These are things I like to do I do it with my best friend She will do it with me with me to the end I also do freestyle dancing On Wednesdays and Sundays They are my fun days Anyways back to cheer I go up in stunts and I have no fear!!! I get thrown in the air Like I don’t care I sometimes fall Because I am so small!!! Candy by Ella Davis 4th class There was a boy called Andy. He really liked candy. Yellow and blue he liked lollypops too. Candyfloss is really sticky and blueberries are icky. In a blink of an eye he will eat a pie. He will eat everything. Even a cat or a rat with a tennis bat. He is very fat. Flowers by Anastasia Berdnikova 4th class Flowers flowers Growing flowing Summer and Winter All are different Roses are the best Mine any way Yours might be different If your birthday is in the Winter Mine is in the Summer So I called the plumber And all they found was a FlOWER!!!!!!!!! In my plunger. The River Shannon by Anastasia Berdnikova 4th Class One day a girl was packing all the stuff she needed to go to the longest river in Ireland the Shannon. She packed some sweets and some money. When she was on the boat she found out that there are three lakes on the Shannon, Lough Allen, Lough Ree and Lough Derg. She also found out that there are three tributaries that flow into the Shannon, they are the Suck the Inny and the Brosna. On the boat they were selling stuff about the Shannon. The little girl brought her money so she bought two books about the Shannon, a pencil and a pencil case that had a drawing of the Shannon on them. Then someone named Ciara told her that the Shannon flows through Roscommon, Westmeath, Offaly, Limerick, Clare and Galway. Then they let everyone do some activities, the girl started the activities when she had a few sweets. She went fishing and canoeing. When the day was over she went to sleep. She had great fun that day. Dance BY CIARA THIEL 4TH CLASS. D IS FOR DANCE. A IS FOR AWARDS. N IS FOR NICE DANCING. C IS FOR COOL DANCING. E IS FOR EXCELLENT Katie by Erin Boland Ms Meade 4th class Katie is really nice and is so sweet. Always is looking out for everyone that's cool. Totally awesome she is so is Cara. I’m so lucky 2 have both of them. Erin is my name. Cara By Erin Boland 4th class Ms Meade Cara is really nice and is my best friend too. Actually I only started to be her best friend this year. Rhona is her sister’s name. And I would not do anything to hurt her. Animals by Katie Lambe A is for all, all the animals N is for night owl I is for igloo were penguins live M is for mouse A is for ant they are so little. L is for lion S is for snake Dancing By Olivia McGrath I do dancing every single day, Stretching and flexing in my own way. It is really, really, super fun, My day is not complete without it being done. Freestyle Disco dancing and cheerleading is what I do, It is very fun for me and you. I do it with my best friend Anna, But everyone calls her Anna Banana! On competitions you wear lots of fake tan, I think it might shorten my lifespan! The bad thing about is that it's a lot of hard work, And some of the moves we do makes me feel like a jerk! But I don't care because it makes me fit, It's so tiring because we don't even get to sit! Dancing and prancing around the floor, And I always want to do more. My Dog. By Cara Spagnoletti 4th class My dogs name is brandy. She is a border collie she loves balloons and food. She is always full of energy. If someone gets hurt and starts to cry she will come over and make sure you are ok . She is the best dog in the whole world Figure Skating By Jodie D Daly There was a little girl named Sophia she loved figure skating. Her mom said you have to go to school first then you can go skating. Sophia said thank you mom I have to catch up with Sophie and Skylar. Her mom said you forgot your lunch. Sophia said thanks. Her mom said no prob. Sophia arrived at school. It was lunch time. Then it was home time. .Skylar and Sophie went home. The other day she went skating. Coach Summer said well-done Sophia oh Gok Wan wants to interview you. Sophia was excited. It was Saturday. Gok Wan said is your name Sophia. Sophia said yes it is. She wore every clothing. A girl said hey it’s that girl who’s on the magazine. It was the figure skating competition. The whole town showed up. Sophia, Sophie and Skylar were there. Sophia did very well. Sophie and Skylar did ok. Sophia was in 1st place. The others was in 3rd and 4th. Everybody was cheering for Sophia. They were chanting Sophia Sophia .They were all happy the end. The Horse by Clodagh O' Dea The horse is grey, the horse loves hay, He likes to play, but not all day, His friend is white, but not very light, He loves to fight, especially at night, I love to cuddle him, and pull him so tight to me My horse is just right for me. Acting A is for amazing actors C is for clothes they wear all really pretty on them T is for talent I is for imaginative which directors have to be N is for Neill a boy a did acting with G is for generous to all in need Lunaquilla Hello my name is Lunaquilla my dream is to be a singer I know it may never come true but I’m going to try to make it happen I know people like my voice. Some people don't like it and that’s about to change I find myself going in front of camera's and singing on stage I like when people encourage it helps me build my confidence. You see I’m really shy so I need courage and confidence to go on stage and sing. The people who doubt that I’m ever going to face my phobia........ My day start's with me wakening up freshening up and then eating getting my bag and I’m off to school. Only on week days. What I normally do on weekends is sleeping eating watching TV shopping and playing sometimes chores, chores I hate doing them. There’s I hate maths and Irish my favourite subject is Music. My birthday is on July the 4th and I am going to be ten. What I want for my birthday is a karaoke machine so I can sing to my favourite songs. Next term there's going to be a talent show winner gets a record deal Months later..... I entered the show I sang Little Things by 1D.The votes are in the winner is.....Lunaqilla! OMG I won never thought I'd win. I got to go tell my mom and dad. The next day she did they were so proud. Outside a helicopter showed up out came a ladder and then out came a man with a contract in his hand he asked are you Di YES I need your signature’s to conform. Ok I'm in a new world. Next he told me do you need your parents. I said NO I DO NOT.I started packing and packing and packing because this was a 10 year contract .I thought that I would be so rich and famous by then and I’d be so popular. After I finished packing and eating I took my bags climbed the ladder and into the heli my pet name for helicopter and we flew off to California, Malibu and my singing career started The next decade my contract ended. I was still known I started writing my own songs and I sang them. My life complete Carl the Ninja Squirrel By Ciara Kavanagh There was a squirrel called Carl who loved nuts. One day he went looking for nuts. A nut fell off a tree and hit him in the head from that moment on he didn't remember anything. He actually thought he was a lion I mean come on there is a big difference later that day he saw a little girl walking by and started to roar at her. The girl started to laugh and picked a nut off of a tree and dropped the nut. The nut hit Carl in the head then he thought he was a ninja there is an even bigger difference.Carl started to chop nuts and trees. Carl was completely nuts and there was no changing him. He actually put five people in hospital and two in a mental hospital because they said they saw a ninja squirrel and people say there is no such thing as a ninja squirrel. But there is ... Carl the Ninja Squirrel. The Market Isabella Nolan It was late morning in Lake Garda as I walked to the market. As I approached the stalls, I could all ready smell the fresh pastry and the fresh pasta. First, I went to a jewellery stall. There were necklaces made of seashells and little pearls. Some bracelets were made with wooden beads pressed flowers. I bought a pair of crystal earrings and a matching bracelet. Next I went to a pasta stall. It had macaroni and spaghetti. I bought a small packet of pasta wheels and I went to a new stall. It was a pastry stall. Freshly made cakes, pies and biscuits galore were laid out on a table. The first thing that caught my eye was a Danish Cream cake with fruit on top. Yum! I bought three Danish Creams and a cupcake. Next to the pastry stall was a t-shirt and scarf stall. There was silk scarves and t-shirts with tourist attractions on it. I bought a teal silky scarf and a t-shirt with the statue of Juliet printed on it. At around 2 'o clock I went to a little cafe for tea. After that I left the market for another year. LEAH L is for loving E is for elegant A is for amazing H is for happy My Day at the Niagara Falls Dear Diary, 28th of September 2012 Today we went to the Niagara Falls. We went on the ferry that took us under The Niagara Falls. The good part was it was at night so it was lit up in every colour of the rainbow. We got soaked when we went under it. My sister thought it was that colour without the lights. When we went under I showed her the amazing lights. We went behind The Falls on a boat trip. The boat was called The Maid of the Mist. After the boat we walked over the bridge and one foot was in Canada and the other was in America. T The River Shannon by Lara Browne 4th Class During the school holidays my Dad, Mom, brother, sister and I decided to rent a boat, and have a little journey down the River Shannon. We arrived at Carrick-on-Shannon and went and got a map. I stepped onto the outstanding boat it looked so cosy. The first part if our trip was to Lough Bouderg, my sister my brother and I decided to get our fishing rods out and get the dinner in. While we were doing that Mam and Dad were planning where to go next. After we went to Lough Ree to visit the River Inny. We departed from the Inny to go to Athlone for something to eat. After a while we went down to Lough Derg to just relax. We docked our boat at a key nearby. We hired bikes to cycle to Kilalloe. We met granny there and she drove us to give the bikes back. That was a day I won’t forget. A Sea Adventure by Sarah Morris 4th Class The minute I got on the ship I knew there would be an adventure. The captain was handing out all the equipment the crew needed because we were going to go on an adventure to find Lake Wara Wara. As we were getting off the ship we looked at our maps and directed ourselves to the Unfriendly Natives. We had to shield our way across because they were trying to attack us. Soon enough we ended up in Cannibal Village, we ran as fast as we could so we could escape danger. Sadly we fell in to Quick Sand, everyone pulled as hard as they could and we all pulled ourselves out. After a few minutes of walking we came across a river called Alligator River. We stood to think, then a plank of wood was floating in the water, we pulled it out and used it as a bridge. Just as we were across we saw an alligator and ran off. Next we came across the Poisonous Snake Swamp, as we were looking, a snake jumped up and hissed. We got frightened and ran to our second last course. We finally reached our next course and then we felt something crawling on our legs so we looked down and saw we were in The Deadly Soldier Ant 's pit .We had had to smack them off and run to our destination . We were finally in Lake Wara Wara , when we opened up the treasure chest all we found was another map to the real treasure. The Sea Adventure BY OLIVIA ENNIS 4th Class Once Upon a time there lived a gruesome bunch of pirates. They lived in a fishing town called Codfish Cove on their boat the skull catcher. Across from the boat was a big big house and in that house lived a rich sea merchant with his three children Ben, Jack and Evan. Ben and EVAN wanted to be merchant seamen like their father but Jack wants to be a PIRATE!!!!! Jack wanted to be exactly like Pirate Black Beard. He wanted to have a seafaring life, be a sailor and sail to foreign lands so he set sail to the south Island of Wara Wara. Black Beard heard of Jacks big story of him looking for the treasure of Wara Wara he wanted Jack in his scurvy crew. When Jack arrived at the island he set off, at that point he met some unfriendly natives so he ran really fast. Next he came to a weird looking village but what he did not know was that it was Cannibal Village so he made a deal with them, he would give the people some of his gold if they did not eat them, and the deal was done. After that he fought off the piranhas at Piranha River and sneaked past the soldier ants. Finally at last he found the treasure. The treasure was another map to an island with a hidden secret so Jack sailed home through treacherous seas. My Grandparents My granddad is nice My granny hates mice They’re like my guardian angles who fly through the sky And make sure I'm not stuck Especially in the muck My granny combs my hair With lots and lots of care My granddad takes care of his cats And makes sure they eat the rats I love my grandparents with all my heart Even though they heard my fart Sea Adventure Katelyn Tomsin Many years ago I was looking for a new job. I saw an advert in local newspaper. They were looking for people to work on a ship and visit many foreign lands. I went down to the fishing village of Skerries to meet the captain He gave me the job of scrubbing the deck, the ship had lots of crew and sailors. We left the coast of Skerries to begin our voyage to Lake Wara Wara. I was so excited. I did not have time to have time to have any sea sickness through the rough seas. This adventure was very very tough for us to get to Lake Wara Wara . We had to fight though treacherous seas which had poisons snakes, crocodile’s swamps and not to mention the unfriendly natives along the way. This caused us to lose many crew members. After many weeks of passing through foreign lands we reached our destination and received a warm welcome from the people at Lake Wara Waraperng. Sea Adventure by Sophie Dolan 4th class. One day as I was walking along the shore I noticed a ship very near to the shore. I was curious so I went over to see what it was all about. I walked on to the ship I saw a crew of sailors. One of them was hoisting the anchor. I also saw the captain of the ship. I continued walking and I asked the captain could I join the crew he said absolutely I was more than welcome. As we set off from the coast I was already scrubbing the deck, as I was scrubbing the deck I could see the ship plunging through the waves, it was exciting. As we finally reached our destination the captain pulled out a big treasure map and gave it to a sailor, we started our journey. First we went past the unfriendly natives we fought our way through. Next we went around snow-capped mountains one of my mates got frost bite and his finger fell off. Next we built a raft and we went through piranha pool, all of my mates made it so we headed towards the deadly soldier ants. Some of the ant’s crawled up most of my mates so they all died from poison. Finally we arrived at Lake Wara Wara, we gathered up the treasure and the captain came around, all of us headed home. Only three of my mates returned. The captain was so happy with all of the treasure. I knew then I wanted to be a sailor forever. The captain was sad as well about losing five of his men. After that we set sail for our next treasure hunt. The Ghost Car by Lia Mucahy I was walking along at HALLOWEEN, And I got a fright, Because I saw something, That was clearly not right, A Ghost car was trundling along, In the dead of night, It was silver and grey, And I cannot say, It was the most pleasant sight, It ran ahead, And I said, "I better get out of here before it is light" WOOOOOOOO! The Messy Rocky Road by Caoimhe Byrne Ingredients 150g of cooking chocolate 100g of marshmallows 50g of chocolate chips 40g of any bar [crunch] 30g of maltesers 2 tablespoons of maple syrup 150g digestive biscuits 100g rich tea biscuits 50g butter How to make it First you melt the cooking chocolate over a boiling pan of water and then put in the maple syrup and the butter then crush the digestives and the rich tea and then put them into the bowl over the boiling water then take it of the boiling water then add the marshmallows and the chocolate chips and the whatever bar that you want (crunch) then you put it in to the freezer for 1/2 an hour and then in to the fridge for 4 hours PANCAKE TUESDAY by Ella O'Neill Today is my absolutely favourite day of the year. Pancake Tuesday! I can almost taste those beautiful homemade pancakes. First one with lemon and sugar (lots of sugar). Then I'll have a pancake with (loads) of chocolate spread. And then I'll finish it off with a chocolate spread and sugar pancake. I cracked the eggs into a bowl. I mixed the flour and water in. Just enough batter to make three pancakes. I poured the batter into the pan. It sizzled and started to turn a wonderful pancake colour. Suddenly I heard my cat meowing delightedly and birds tweeting scaredly. "Not again Lucy!" I groaned, running out the backdoor. When I'd separated Lucy from the birds my fire alarm started beeping. "My pancake!" I gasped, running into the kitchen. Black smoke was everywhere. I opened the windows and thrust a teatowel over my face. "Disgusting" I moaned, as I nibbled a little corner of the burnt pancake. There goes Pancake Number 1. Pancake Number 2 wasn't any better. It didn't burn like Number 1 but it was undercooked. I had been so nervous it would burn again that I'd taken it off the pan too early. "Horrible" I spluttered as I spat out the raw pancake. I prayed Pancake Number 3 would be at least edible. I set the timer for three minutes (just enough time for a pancake to cook). I poured the last of the batter onto the pan. The timer buzzed and I flipped the pancake over. The timer buzzed again and I carefully scraped the pancake off the pan. I buttered the chocolate spread onto the pancake and I sprinkled the sugar. It was delicious! Pancake Number 3 was a success! Yum! Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle all the way O what fun it is to ride on a one horse open sleigh Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle all the way O what fun it is to ride on a one horse open sleigh Dashing though the snow on a one horse open Sleigh Going down the hills bashing in to trees The snow is turning red I think I’m almost dead I woke up in the hospital with stitches in my head O what fun it is to ride on a one horse open sleigh Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle all the way O what fun it is to ride on a one horse open sleigh Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle all the way O what fun it is to ride on a one horse open sleigh The End Friends 3rd class Miss Ingoldsbys by Lauren Kane Friends are funny they all like running. Friends like to chat And they all love that everyone just loves friends. THE SCARED TURTLE By Sarah Byrne 3rd class Once there was a turtle called Marley. Marley was scared of lots of thing like spiders, lions, toilets, ghosts, cats and dogs. One night a ghost came to Marley’s house. Marley was so scared then the ghost got closer, Marley hid under his covers. The ghost said there’s nothing to be scared of, Marley got out from under the covers and said there is nothing to be scared of thank you Mr. Ghost. From that day on Marley was never scared. THE END Ms Ingo and Superman! By ANNA COUGHLAN One day Ms Ingoldsby was in her mansion in the Jacuzzi all relaxed. And a big gooey monster came and was going to wreak Ms Ingoldsby and her Jacuzzi, but something came crashing through the window it was superman coming to save her. He grabbed Ms Ingoldsby and flew away Secret Santa by Emily Malone Once upon a time there was a little girl called Hannah. She was very excited because it was Christmas Eve and Santa was going to come tonight. She was now in bed reading her book because she could not go to sleep. Then she looked at her watch it was eleven o`clock 'whew' said Hannah ' I better go to sleep’. But Hannah could not go to sleep so she kept reading. A few hours later Hannah was still trying to get to sleep but now it was two o’clock in the morning. Hannah slowly crept downstairs and opened the door it was Santa Claus 'wow ' whispered Hannah. Slowly Hannah said ‘do I have a present’, ‘yes ' replied Santa ‘lots’. Hannah quickly ran upstairs and fell fast asleep. Next morning her Mom and Dad had to wake her. As soon as they did they all went downstairs and had the best Christmas ever. THE END. My Birthday Sarah Canty 3rd class It is my birthday on Saturday. I am very excited about it. For my birthday I am going to the Cinema to see Monsters ink in 3D.Then we are going to my house to have a disco and play the Wii. After that we are going to have food. The food is going to be chicken nuggets, chips, pizza, ice-cream and sweets. Ailbhe is going to sleep over and Sophie might sleep over too. These are the people that are coming Ella, Ailbhe, Taylor, Sophie, Lucy, Kailey, Emma, Aoife, and Emma O'C. At the party we played musical statues. The food we had was chicken nuggets, cake, muffins, aero, white buttons, fruit pastels, popcorn. The drinks we also had were fizzy orange. That is all so goodbye. The End Horse race By Celine Mailaparampil One spring morning four horses were born their names were Rose, Celine, Jon, and Jony. One day their mum died it was a sad day. A few days later Celine, Rose, Jon and Jony were getting ready for the race. They were jumping, running, dancing and horse eating. After a few minutes the race started. When the race was over Celine won as the biggest jumper, Rose won as the best dancer, Jon won as the fastest runner and Jony won as the fastest eater. The End Coco the bunny rabbit!!!!! By Kailey Berrigan 3rd Class Once upon a time there lived a little bunny rabbit called Coco. Coco lived in a little hutch in his owner’s back-garden. He had a little gym in his hutch he had little rabbit weights, a little cross-trainer and mats to do press-ups!!!. One day Coco went to his friend’s hutch. His owners name was Holly. Holly was really worried about him because he never normally escapes. "Coco Coco where are you? COCO WHERE ARE YOU!!!?" cried Holly. Holly started to cry "eh eh eh". The next day Coco came back to the garden Holly was still up-set. She went outside he had come back. He had!!! Holly went over and picked up Coco and gave him a big hug!!!!!! THE END!!!! EASTER BY; EMMA WILLIAMS 3rd Easter is fun Always have fun doing the Easter hunt Stop! Don’t take my eggs Treats and sweets Eat sweets and choc Run up to bed and the Easter bunny will come The Easter Bunny By: Emma Williams The Easter bunny Has a lot of work to do for Easter Bunnies getting hungry Under the beds Nice dinner Nice dinner they say You are waiting for him in your bed The Fun Year!!! By Ella O'Keeffe! It was Easter and a little girl called Faren and her little brother Nile were very excited it was Easter. Nile thought that Easter was Halloween because you get candy. (They live in America). Faren was 11 years old and Nile was 8 and they had a little sister called Nora and she was 4. Nora had a pet pig, a turtle and a cat. They went into their mom Gillian but they were complaining. Faren was complaining about Nile putting a stink bomb in her room Nile was complaining about Faren shouting and Nora was running around the bed screaming -Trouble the pig is eating my underwear. The mom got up out of bed and said let’s all go down stairs and look for Easter eggs. So they all ran down stairs went out the back yard and started looking for Easter eggs. Nile and Nora were looking in the bushes for Easter eggs and Faren was texting on her phone. Gillian took the phone from her. Hey I was texting my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP SHOUTING!!!!! Shouted Gillian then Nile and Nora turned around and said you’re shouting Mom. Faren went upstairs and grabbed her phone from Gillian. It was April, and Nile's birthday and he was having a robot birthday party, they all dressed up as robots except Faren, she came down stairs wearing a blue strap top ,skinny jeans, sparkly belt and crimpy hair and she had chewing gum in her mouth Gillian said okay, the outfits fine but spit out the gum! Faren said no you’re not my Mom Gillian. You see Gillian met Faren's dad and they had Faren together and got married but then they split up and Faren doesn’t think Gillian is her mom anymore! That night in Faren's room there’s a sort of roof thing outside her window that she sits on. She thinks it's the only place she can get any privacy ... Any way she was sitting there on the phone talking to her dad..." when are you going to come and get me?' said Faren. Her dad said I don't know I was thinking well because Gillian said she absolutely loves it here maybe she could stay here... NO! I never said I liked it here she probably just said that to make you let me stay here! It will be okay Faren don't worry if anything bad happens you call me and I’ll come and get you! Do you promise me? said Faren I promise said her dad. Okay said Faren!!!! In the end Faren started to like it and she didn’t need to call her dad once, well except when she got in trouble and to say Hello but every time she called him she said that she still wants to stay! Well I think Faren is starting to realise that Gillian is still her mom and they all lived happily ever after!! THE END!!! The Scary Girl Rovile Zaltauskaite 3rd class Once upon a time there lived a girl called Lily. She was very scary, when she comes outside everyone goes home because they are afraid of her. In two days it’s going to be her birthday. She thinks no one will come to her birthday party. But the next day her friend asked her for the invitations. She said I thought no one will come to my birthday party. Her friends were asking and asking. Lily said she is going to make them so she went home to make the invitations and when she was finished she gave them out. Then Lily got very tired Lily went home to sleep .The next day Lily woke up and the first thing she said was “where is my cake” everyone started to laugh. Lily and her friends went to eat the cake and then they gave her the presents and Lily’s friends went home. Lily was so happy she opened her presents and she got a new puppy!!!!!!!!! THE END The Smelly Man!!! By Ailbhe Horan Once upon a time there was a smelly man. He was really nice. But he wanted love. So he met a lot of girls but they thought he was too smelly. One day he went to the park he ran into a girl and she was really tall, pretty and nice .One day he downloaded her down on the computer. “She likes Jedward!"Said the man. The Garda came rushing through the door. “You’re going to jail,” said one of the Garda “Why, asked the smelly man.” Because you can't download in this town, ‘said the Garda. After forty years he found a hole and escaped. After an hour he found the girl and her name was Tststs. And they got married. And the smelly man had a bath. THE END 3RD CLASS Santa Claus VS the Easter Bunny!!!! By Robyn Lawlor 3rd Class Once upon a time there was Santa Claus and his best friend Hoppity the Easter Bunny. The Easter bunny said "All children like me best”. “That is not true” said Santa. “They like me best". "Huh? So not true”. So Hoppity hopped off and they went to war. Santa asked Jack Frost and the elves to help him win. “Can I freeze their buts off? “Said Jack Frost. “Jack its winter but go ahead". "Thanks" said Jack Frost. Hoppity rabbit asked the bunnies and the tooth fairy to help him.'' I don’t want to fight I want to be nice and let my hair flow in the wind" said the tooth fairy. "Really’ ‘said one of the bunnies." yes" she said. “Wow “said Hoppity. "That’s what I said "said one of the bunnies." I’m hungry “said the tooth fairy and flew off. “Wow girls are crazy this time of year" said The Easter bunny. ‘What are we going to do?'' said one of the bunnies ''one of our soldiers just left’ ’A girl can’t be a soldier'' said Hoppity rabbit .The bunny said ''But you made her part of our soldier crew isn’t that right everybody?''. '' Ye he did '' said all of the rest of the bunnies.'' I stand corrected said Hoppity ''but we have to do it ourselves. It was the day of the war. Everybody had guns, pistols which was the same thing and everybody’s back. They got sand man to be the referee. “Bunny winning no Santa winning god this is hard “said sand man. The war was over. “Who won?” said The Easter bunny. “Well it could not be the kangaroo" said Jack. “I’m a bunny “he said angrily. ‘The score was a draw'' said Sand man. What'' said well everybody.” I said draw if you didn’t hear Me" said sand man." Hi guys" said the tooth fairy. ‘I had a burrito it was delicious. Santa went up to Hoppity and said "I’m so sorry'' me too'' said Hoppity and they became best friends forever. The end This is only part one My Birthday by Tara Clerkin 3rd Class I can’t' wait until my birthday I will invite all my friends We will have fun until my party ends I will eat lots of sweets And play lots of games If some people don’t' know each other We will learn each other’s names My birthday will be so much fun Hopefully there will be lots of sun My friends Aoife, Natalie, Zikora, Celine, and Grace Will make my party a better place So everyone will go home And I will be all alone. The End The Easter Bunny By: Sophie Virgoe One day a little girl called Lauren had a dream about the Easter bunny. Since she was a little girl she always wanted to meet the Easter bunny. One day she was out walking her dog she heard a noise in a bush. She went over to it and she looked inside it. She saw a Sign saying follow the path to meet the Easter bunny. So she followed the path. After a while she started to wonder if the sign was only a fake. But at the end she found the Easter bunny’s hutch. She found a door so she went in the door. She saw the Easter bunny so she ran over to him and said are you the real the Easter bunny? The Eater bunny said yes I am the Easter bunny and what is your name? My name is Lauren. The Easter bunny said how did you find me? There was a sign. She had a wonderful time. It was starting to get late. She told the Easter bunny that she had to go home. The End One Easter by Aoife Farley 3rd There once there was a girl called Anna. She wanted to see the Easter bunny. She wanted to see him leave her eggs. She never did though. Every Easter she would sleep down stairs waiting to find him. I will see him this year she thought. On Easter she slept down stairs. It was soon twelve o clock and there was still no Easter bunny. Anna fell asleep for a half an hour. She woke up and heard a noise she took out her torch and hid behind the couch. It was dark in the sitting room. She did not see the Easter bunny. She was going to fall asleep again, but then she heard a noise. Anna looked over the couch and saw the Easter bunny. She would not go out to him though, and she stayed behind the couch in the sitting room where he could not see her. She fell asleep again when she woke up it was bright and the Easter bunny was not there. She went back up to her bed because the Easter bunny was not there anymore. Anna was tired but when she got into bed she could not go to sleep she was very happy that she had seen the Easter. THE END THE EASTER BUNNY V.S SANTA CLAUSBY Grace Hanifan 3RD The Easter bunny came One day and said why are you working so hard you know if you make one little mistake your friend the Easter bunny Will take over and I will be delivering Easter eggs twice a year what do you think about that . your just wasting your time because if you don’t get your eggs ready I will be delivering presents twice a year what do you think of that shouted Santa ha ha very funny this won’t be the last of me the last of me and I promise you that. He never keeps a promise Santa whispered. The next day Santa got a letter saying I won I have all my eggs ready. NO! NO! NO! Screamed Santa but that was not all it also said there would be a war. The day came of course and the war began by accident Santa hit the Easter bunny really hard the Easter bunny ended up in with good news The end Leaving Ireland Emily Forkin The boat was swaying to the side as I entered the room. The atmosphere was low. No one was speaking .The sun shone through the window leaving random shafts of sunlight in. Across the wooden floors. I took a seat behind an elderly man. He was kind and courteous .He wore a tattered old cap with a gaping hole .His clothes were in rags and his smile was kind .Just before him was a lady who had a cause of the flu and hadn’t stopped vomiting all day. To be honest the floor was covered in germs. Everything was on it between coughs, vomit, diarrhoea and so much more you wouldn’t believe! I can’t believe it was only two years ago that Ireland was fine and free from blight and disease. You see my family and I were living our normal life. It all began one day when we in the air from were walking home from school .Suddenly a foul stench lingered from a field nearby .My sister and I knew this smell .It caused great distress. It had once happened to our grandfather with his potatoes. My father said it brought great misery. We rushed home ruining madly .From the corner of my eye I saw more like us running fiercely .By the time we reached home it was too late .The stench had spread rapidly through the air. My Father was sitting down praying, his eyes were raw and red looking from crying. My Mother‘s eyes were closed .She was sitting awkwardly on the earth. Tears streamed from her eyes and down to her chin .Like people evacuating from a burning building. We only had milk that night with one potato. Mother and Father had saved some. The next morning father went in to town to sell granny’s gold ring. He arrived back with some corn and nettles. He kept selling things until we’d nothing left .It was a down wards spiral of doom from then. It was a year after that when I discovered something awful. It had been a rough night I was told to go out and collect some grass, but when I came home to find my mother and father with no pulse and as cold as stone. As for my sister she was never found. If I knew her she probably went out looking for me. There was some money left on the table it was enough for two people to go on a ship. So that is where I am now. I hope in America I will have a fresh start. The Fire Emily Forkin I remember the fourth of November quite distinctively in my mind. It has never left my mind. It has clenched to my mind because this type of event never leaves you. It was a Saturday afternoon when it all happened. I was falling peacefully asleep in front of the roaring fire. The news was on and after that everything blacked out. I can’t quite remember what exactly happened then, but what I do know is when I awoke my thoughts were intruded suddenly by something tugging at my sleeve. At first when I saw this foul scene I thought I was in a nightmare but horribly it was all real. A tingle ran up my spine. The torrents of flames and flames spraying in fragments glided across my face. My eyes bulged my heart plunged to the ground my jaw dropped from the scene of this horrendous mess. Just then the roof collapsed in and the huge majestic blaze increased. I knew I had to get out sooner rather than later. I also knew that every second I wasted meant that the majestic blaze would engulf my bungalow. The shadows looming against the door indicated to me the correct exit. By this time my lungs were wheezing with smoke laden air. The heat felt like it was from an open thrown oven. I ran for the door but tripped over the television remote. As I lay on the ground conscious of only the amount of air left in the capacity of my lungs. A few seconds later my breath stopped and the images of the fire became fuzzy. Suddenly my eyes became tired and closed one eye lid at a time. I remember screaming at the top of my voice and everything went black. When I awoke I found to my surprise I was alive and in a hospital. A nurse with bleached blonde waves approached me with a broad and warm smile. I knew I was in safe hands. JENNY!!! By Jodie Clinton It’s been 10 years I’m living in Birchwood house now. Even though I have been here so long I still don’t know everything about it. I woke up with a sobbing Tina in the bed next to me. ‘’What’s wrong?’’ I asked. ‘’ I was down stairs getting a drink when... I saw Mum’’ Tina said. ‘’ What’s so bad about Mum?’’ I ask again. ’Lisa … Mum is dead.’’ She quietly sobbed. After I heard that I thought it must have been a dream. But no it wasn’t. We went downstairs to the kitchen and there she was our beautiful mother … dead. She had a knife in her head and she was sitting in a pool of blood. I jumped with fright as someone walked in. He was masked. He didn’t see us but we quickly hid. We looked at him and watched him for a while. He was reaching for the light switch so we quickly hid under the table. The man took off his mask and took his knife out of our mother. We looked at his face, I was shocked to see that it was our father. He turned off the light and walked away. I don’t know where he is but he is still in the room. Suddenly, I hear a scream. The lights turned on. It was Tina, Dad had killed her. ‘’I’m coming for you now Lisa’ ’Dad said. I didn’t have time to think but I just ran. I ran until I reached the 24 hour McDonalds. My aunty works there for the night shift. When I got there she looked at me in shock. ’’What are you doing here?’’ she asks. I told her the story. She started crying. Then she rang the police. It was just me and her. I was never allowed to know this but my Aunt told me this morning. This is the story of Birchwood house: It was built 785 years ago. The man that lived there was rich, he was a criminal. He was ‘’Dead leg’’. He was called dead leg because he broke his leg. She told me that when he died everyone was afraid after the first people that moved in after he died they said that they could hear ghosts and they moved out. Nobody lived there since except your family. That got me scared I lived in a haunted house well not anymore. Me and Aunt Jenny went back into the house to get my stuff I also took some possessions of my Mothers and all of her and my father’s money because I wouldn’t want him to have it. So we went the next day to real estate agents and bought a lovely modern apartment on the 48th floor of a really tall block of apartments in New York City!!!! It was a big step for me especially because I didn’t have my Mother of Tina with me. But I was excited at the same time we went out and spent $500 on new toys on me and $500 on new clothes for me. Aunt Jenny was going for a really good job interview today. It was to work for Google. She would get paid lots and we would have a great life. So she sent me to child-minder. After a couple of hours Aunt Jenny came back and collected me. She had a plain face I had a feeling things didn’t go well. But she got the job and she was starting tomorrow .A few months later I had loads of friends but my scary story still scarred me, and that will never change. The Birthday Surprise by Lara Carroll It was the day of my birthday party and we were having so much fun. We were doing the piñata and I was up first. I hit but I missed. Next up was my best friend Robert. I was kind of thirsty so I walked in front of the piñata which was a big mistake! Suddenly all I could see was black. After of what felt like a few minutes, I could see white. I closed my eyes and opened them again and then I began to see shapes. I kept on blinking and then I saw these unfamiliar people. They were calling some guy called Luke. I don’t know why they were staring at me though? Then these old people came over and started to shake me. It hurt a little bit. One guy was calling that Luke guy still. He was saying ‘‘Luke, Luke, Luke???!!! This is Robert, your best friend’’. I was quite confused. They helped me stand up and then I saw myself in someone’s backyard. There were loads of party decorations around. I wonder whose birthday it was. Everyone was surrounding me and I was getting a little freaked out. The two old people grabbed me by the arms and dragged me into the house. It felt like I was being kidnaped. I would have ran but my legs were too weak. The old people put me down on the couch and started talking complete gibberish. They were saying stuff like ‘’Luke, I am your father’’. And other nonsense. And they were showing me pictures of this ugly guy. Ohhhhhh. That’s the Luke guy I think. Wow what a freak! He’s pulling loads of stupid faces. And then there was a picture of those old people with that Luke guy and this young girl. I looked above me and everyone was still staring at me. I mean gosh! They’re acting like they’ve never seen a guy being kidnaped before. The old people said they’ll be right back, they said they’re just going the call the ambulance. Everyone followed them in. This was my chance! My chance to escape from these people! I saw a phone beside me and so I went to pick it up. I looked through the numbers and I saw a number that said ‘’999’’ I clicked a button which had a phone on it and then it started to beep. ‘’Oh no’’ I thought! I pressed the self-destruct button! We’re all doomed! I didn’t know what to do!?! Maybe I should call the guards?! Oh no what if I self-destruct the whole world!?! I had a lot on my mind. Then some man’s voice came out of the phone. It was my chance to warn someone about the horrid thing I did! Wait. What If I get sent to prison?! I’m too young! Then the man said in a sharp voice ‘’Hello?!’’. I replied ‘’Eh excuse me?’’. ‘’Yes?’’ The voice replied. ‘’I think I’ve been kidnaped’’ I whispered so the old people and the others couldn’t hear me. The man sounded shocked when he replied ‘’Oh gosh! Eh what’s your name? ‘’ Eh I don’t know? Do you by any chance know?!’’ ‘’This is no time for games boy! What’s your name?!’’. ’’ I told you I don’t know!’’ Gosh some people never listen! ‘’Listen boy! This is no time for messing around!’’ The voice said sharply and then I could hear the beep again. Who will help me now?! I said softly to myself. I guess no one can. I’m going to have to get away myself! I looked around the room. The coast is was clear. I made a run for the front door but it was locked. ‘’They thought through this well’’ I thought. But they were no match for me! I looked around the room and then saw a window I made a run for it. Luckily it was open. I hopped out the window and then ran for the main road. And then all of a sudden this big black dog jumps out of no-where and starts chasing me around the garden. I jumped in through the window. ‘’Oh no’’ I thought to myself once again. There’s no escape. I heard footsteps coming and then I leaped behind the couch. The old people and the minions were back! They were calling for that Luke guy. Gosh! Can’t they see that he’s not home? Then that girl from the picture came and saw me. I was busted! I few minutes later I could hear sirens. They were probably taking me away for self-destructing the world. I bet those rotten old people ratted me out! I swear once I get my hand on them I’m going to….. Then the old people grabbed me and took me into the van! I’m either being taken to prison or their taking me to their lair… But their minions weren’t coming along with us. This man kept asking me stupid questions like ‘’what’s my name’’ or ‘’how old am I’’ or ‘’what are my parents’ names. They may be stupid but I didn’t know the answer to any of them. The old man kept saying ‘’Luke, I am your father’’. It must be his catchphrase or something because he says it a lot. It sounds like something out of a movie… Hmmmm…. What’s it called? Ugh never mind. Oh ye.. I’m being kidnaped! What do I do? Should I knock them all out conscious and then get a hammer and brake a window then jump out? Nah, too violent. Maybe I could ask them kindly to please stop the car because I don’t want to be kidnaped or sent to jail? Nah, too nicey nice. Ugh I got nothing! Maybe I should just let them kidnap me? Maybe it might be fun getting kidnapped!? Just when I made up my mind I realised that I wasn’t being kidnapped. I was brought to this scary place with people in wheel chairs and people coughing and getting sick and people wearing the same clothes and it smelt really weird. I looked into to a room and I saw a man with his leg all cut and bruised and it looked sore! And then I realised that I was getting my legs chopped off or something?!! They’re probably going to kill me! Why was I following them??! This was my chance to make a run for it! But the old people grabbed my hands and told me there was nothing to worry about and that this was just a little test to see what was wrong with me. Wrong with me!?! Wrong with you! ‘’You’re the crazy kidnapper!’’ I shouted back a little too loud because everyone started to stare. The old person tried explain what was happening but I knew that they were just lying to keep me calm! No-one can fool me! The old people and the man brought me into this really creepy room with this man sitting down on a chair reading a book. He looked like he was glad to see me. But I was so not glad to see him. I let him know with one of my world famous looks. He laughed like it was funny but it wasn’t funny for me! This was serious business. I’m not letting him chop off my legs and get away with it! I karate chopped the old people and then I was about to go for the man that is going to chop off my legs but the old people grabbed me just in time. ‘’You’ll never get away with this! Never!!!’’ I shouted. I kicked and screamed and shouted but nothing would help. I was doomed! They were going to cut off my legs and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Or was there? The old people let go of my arms and now the leg cutter was all mine! Instead of him cutting off my legs I’m going to cut off his! It’s the perfect plan. I looked around the room for a chainsaw but I couldn’t find any. I only had my karate skills and my teeth to use. He was still sitting on a chair so I grabbed his legs and began to chop off his legs with my teeth. But I didn’t get anywhere because those stupid ugly old people got hold of me. The old people said he wasn’t cutting off my legs that he was just giving me a brain scan. They said it was called a cat scan and I like cats so I went along with it. The man said to stay very still. It was kind of a weird scan but cool too. The old people claimed to be my parents so they're going to take care of me. The up side is at least I don’t have to get my legs chopped off! Now that would have been a disaster! KILLER 2 by Saoirse Mulligan One Halloween night came, My Family and I were all having a Halloween party, as we usually do every year. All of my friends were coming to it. After the children stopped coming trick or treating, I got bored so I asked my Grandpa to tell us a scary story (My Friend’s and I), He replied ' Sure Love, Since it's spirit night ' We were all so happy because Grandpa never told us scary story's because my brother and my sister always got scared when my Grandma and Grandpa told us scary story’s. Anyways my Grandpa started telling us the story. He said ' sure love ' no problem. Anyways he started telling the story. He started to talk.... Once upon a time there was a street called ' Ghost Street ' and everybody in the neighbourhood was so narky. The meanest man of the whole neighbourhood is called ' Mr Hacker '. He was only angry because his wife died last year and he missed her so much, the way he always went and bought sweets for her. She passed away and he never spoke about her ever again. He swore that the next person to knock on my door and ask for sweets, I will take them into my house and have a little ' Chat ' so.... One Halloween night a little girl knocked on his door and said ' Trick or Treat ‘Give me some sweets Please. He took the girl in to the house and nobody ever went into the house ever again. But one day a bunch if boys were dared to go into the house, so they did and as they all went in all you could hear is creeks from upstairs as if someone was up there. The boys went up and checked all of the rooms for the little girl there was no sight of her. No one knew where Mr Hacker was but he certainly not in the house for sure. Anyways there was just one room that they did not check, so one of the boys checked the room as the others checked the kitchen and living room again just to make sure that she was not there. So the boy went in and nothing was their so he went and checked the bathroom for her favourite teddy she always carries around with her. He went in and he found a little furry brown bear. He held the bear and as he did he walked into the other room he was in a minute ago. He found another toy with that belonging to her, it was a trail. He walked over and he found the little girl crunched in corner in a little ball crying her eyes out. It was so sad. He called the others boys which were down stairs looking for her. Her shouted ' QUICK BOYS, GET UP HERE I FOUND HER ‘. They all came up and the boy who found her picked her up and brought her down stairs and out the door but as they were coming out of the house Mr Hacker walked and shouted at them I never knew I was expecting company. They took the little girl of the boy and nobody ever heard of them ever again. The End Leaving Ireland by Katie Jones "Ughh mam when will we be getting on the boat?!" moaned my brother Paul. "Paul don’t be so rude were in public!" said mam. Did I not mention that I was getting on a boat about to emigrate to America? Oh well now you know! "Katie get off the ground and stop writing in your diary we’ve moved up in the line!" shouted dad. Hi my name is Katie Murphy and I’m 12 years old. I have 7 brothers (4 older and 3 younger). My brothers are (in age order), Conor, Padraig, James, Ciaran, Carl, John and Paul. My mams name is Mary and my dad’s name is John. This is the reason why I emigrated to America.......... "Kids get up its time for hedge school" shouted mam. "I’m coming" we all shouted at the same time. So we got ready for hedge school and off we went. 4 hours later we returned. I went into mam and dads room and this is what I heard "John of course we are going to emigrate can you smell the potatoes?!" said mam. "Of course I can i work with them everyday" said dad. "It’s not just the smell Mary it’s also blight, the blight has caused many families like ours to emigrate" he also said. "Food will be so scarce here so we better explain to the kids and make it sound exciting" mam said. We started to make plans to leave the following week. Dad tried to make it sound exciting but we were all sad to leave our friends and family, well except Paul because he is only 3. Dad sold as much furniture as he could to raise the money we needed. At last the plans were made and we packed whatever possessions and clothes we had. We had a long journey to the docks but now we are finally here and we can’t believe the size of the boat. There is a lot of rich people here who will be in 1st and 2nd class but we will be in 3rd class We were last to board the ship and we were very tired as it was getting dark. Dad found us a spot where we could all stay together. We gave the little ones the blankets and they soon fell asleep. There were many Irish families in 3rd class but we became friends with one family. We stayed together for the whole journey and we shared food with each other. The sea was very rough and many people became seasick. The journey was very long but when we arrived dad said "this is the start of our new life". We had to wait in line for many hours to get through customs and we all had to have a health check and we had to get our papers stamped. This was the start of our new life in America! The Unknown by Harmony Halpin I thought back to when everybody was on deck of the research vessel was looking straight at me. They expected the hot-shot expert to know exactly what the creature was but I had no idea. It was a very peculiar fish. It looked like a polar bear collided with a shark. It had an orange body dotted with yellow spots. I asked myself “what can it be”. I decided to call it a Polarark. I searched it up on the internet; it said there’s no such thing. So I asked my expert friends. They said something must have gone wrong in the lab and someone let it loose. So I started to think what to do. I’ve got an idea but I don’t like it at all. Its only option I have to kill it, I have to. So I ran to the lab to find that they have developed more and more. What happens next? The fear of the unknown The End MODESTY...By Amy Collins Andy and Joes' mother wouldn't admit that she was very proud of her twin boys. Her sister's daughter Hannah had also been picked for Ireland's Olympic Bobsleigh team and her sister hadn't told anybody. Andy and Joe didn't mind. As far as they were concerned they preferred their mother’s modesty to their Aunt Nelly's immodesty. They were glad she wasn't boastful of their children’s achievements. That way they could get on with their training and they didn't have any extra pressure as they prepared for the games. The opening event was in five weeks’ time in Mexico’s capital. The End... The mystical adventure of Libby and Eimear by Jennifer Banayo. It was such a delightful morning. Warm and quiet, with only little noises caused by the peaceful wind. We focus on a 17 year old girl, by the name of Eimear Mulligan. Sprinting to her best friend's house, Libby Harris. Eimear Mulligan has dark brown hair, blue eyes and a face radiating with beauty like a majestic angel. Libby has red hair, brown eyes and a nice, freckled face. "Libby! Mr Og said we had go to the park to meet up with him and help him find his dog, Minnie" Eimear shouted to Libby, who was looking out of her window. "Get in here! NOW!" Libby shouted back. Eimear was confused, why did she need to go inside? "No, get down here. We have to go help Mr Og, so we can get the cookies he promised to bake us!" Eimear exclaimed at Libby. After some talking, Libby finally came down to Eimear. "gee, what was so important that you told me to go in your house?" Eimear questioned Libby as they made their way to the park. They looked forward to see Jennifer there. She looked rather suspicious, with black eyes as if she's killed someone and her hair was a tad bit messed up. The most suspicious thing of all was that her bag was kind of big and it was shaking as if there was a trapped critter in there. "You okay there?" Eimear asked and Jennifer replied with "Oh, umm nothing! It’s my cell phone. It’s uh... On vibrate!" and with that, she started to jog to the other side of the road "uh. See ya!" she shouted and waved goodbye. "HMMMM. Jennifer looked kind of suspicious. For some reason I wanted to kick her face" Libby roared. Eimear and Libby went inside the gates of the park to meet with a rather. Awkward scene. Mr Og was under a tree and his brother, Yippy Og was stuck on top of the tree with a pink dress on. Libby and Eimear shivered, but still dared to approach the two men. "Hey! You two are here. uhh ignore my brother. Just go find my dog!" he quickly instructed and Libby and Eimear quickly ran out of the park, until they heard a loud 'woofing' "That’s Minnie's voice! It’s coming from that alley! Quick Eimear, let’s go!" Libby shouted at Eimear "could you stop shouting at me? I’m just right beside you!" Eimear exclaimed. The two ran into the alley to find Jennifer with a knife about to kill Minnie. Libby gasped, and Eimear muttered "I knew it!. "Oh, and why might you two be here?" Jennifer pretended to be oblivious to the situation. Libby dashed forward and tried to punch Jennifer but she missed. Jennifer hissed. "True there may be two against one, but a weapon also counts a companion, yeah?" Jennifer lectured in a rather evil tone. It was Eimear's turn to attack. She caught Jennifer by surprise and landed a flying kick in Jennifer's face. "That's what you get for almost killing an innocent, cute dog!" Eimear shouted. Jennifer simply replied a "tch" and walked away into the shadows of the alley leaving a trail of blood behind her. "It’s alright Minnie, you're safe now" Libby assured Minnie with an unusual kind smile. Eimear and Libby, along with Minnie walked back to the park to see that Yippy had been saved and is safely back to the ground. Mr Og thanked the two heroines and rewarded them with cookies. ELSEWHERE.. An evil snicker was heard on top of a rooftop. "It's not over. It’s only the beginning! Mark my words, Eimear Mulligan and Libby Harris!”??? whispered. The fish......By Amy Collins! Hello my name is Sarah and I am a scientist on a research vessel. Let me tell you my story.... I was on the research vessel with my colleagues; Sam, Betty and George .Were out on sea was because we were tracking this very rare fish .I forget what it was called... Everybody on the deck of the research vessel was looking straight at me .They expected the hot-shot expert to know exactly what the creature was, but I had no idea. I thought back to when I was nine years old .My great granddad was watching a documentary about weird looking fish and that there are lots of different kinds of fish, I remember seeing this exact fish on TV. It had a mermaid tail, a unicorn’s horn, panda ears, a platypus' bill, and eight tentacles with piranhas on each tentacle and each piranha has four sharp fangs, the fish also had a lions' mane and a long giraffe’s neck and it only ate jellyfish. It was called the Unijellymerplandapiranhalionadraculagiraffeapus When I told the crew the name they just stopped and laughed at me. They asked what they should do with it and I just said '',it’s very simple, its one and only weakness is ducks,'' so everybody decided to make duck noises and in the speed of light the unijellymerplandapiranhalionadraculagiraffeapus swam away never to be seen again. THE BIG GESTURE by Sophie Curran I sneaked out of the house at the crack of dawn. Nobody saw me well I at least I hope they didn't see me. Anyway I made my way down to the tram. I got my ticket and hopped on the tram. Slowly the tram took off. The sky was a golden crisp colour with splashes of blue. The morning breeze was still but fresh. There were shops, houses, churches as we past. The birds were up tweeting away like little bells. The tram was jammers and when I got off the crowd for Jim Larkin was crazy there were people everywhere. Suddenly the crowd was cheering but all I could think about was do I regret coming? Jim Larkin had arrived, he started to speak. He was talking and talking but I couldn't hear him speak with all the rustling and talking, shouting and cheering. Even though I knew when he was finished speaking. The reason I knew he was finished was because the crowd started to vanish quickly. After he finished speaking there was a bit of fighting, but nothing too serious. The police told the two men to stop but they weren't even listening. ‘That’s it’ ‘said the police, ‘into the car at once''. I didn't pay that much attention to the police anyway, all I was worrying about was getting home, what if my parents catch me? I felt sick in my stomach. I started making my way home. I hopped on the tram and back to my family I went. The journey went so quick and I was back at the station in minutes. I slowly walked back to my house. I opened the door and it creaked. I went inside. OH NO! Leaving Ireland...By Amy Collins Hello my name is Aoife and I am 12 years old. Right now I’m getting on a two month voyage to America. Before we get on we have to be checked for any major illnesses like famine fever I will miss my home but anywhere has to be better than what we felt in county Mayo. The day we found out the potatoes had blight was horrible. The stench of them was horrendous; it would make a grown man cry. Lucky enough the blight came after harvest so we had enough potatoes to do our family of eight for the year ahead. My mother worked in our house and papa worked in the workhouse and sometimes he didn’t get home until late that night. The only food we got was potatoes and corn but that was only sometimes. We didn’t have enough money to pay for my grandmother and grandfather to get on the Jeaniy Johnston with us but sadly they both died of starvation. The price of a ticket to America in a whopping 20p so we were saving for a rainy day ship. It felt as though I was walking down the stairs for a very long time. We have twelve people staying in our cabin with only eight beds. Nights are the worst of all; the noise of the thunderous engines would keep an exhausted man who is hard of hearing awake. I had a dream the other night; it was why we had to emigrate. It was because the year the potatoes failed the whole family was starving and we just couldn’t fight the hunger pains any longer so we set straight out to the harbour. We have been getting more food than we would have gotten at home. It’s horrible, the amount of people who are sick is horrifying .a month and a half has passed and we are finally at Ellis Island. They are checking us to see if they will allow us to come into their country for new life in America. I found a $10 note on the ground here and later I’m going to put it into a bottle and send it off in hope that someone in Ireland will find it because I know how it feels to be starving THE END The Wave Sophie Kavanagh 6th class I shivered and looked around at the ruins of the ship. I must have been unconscious for a long time. I could hardly remember the wave coming towards us. I tried to stand up but I couldn't get my numb limbs to move. I was scratched and bruised and blue as the sea itself. The salt water stung so badly. I could barely hear the scream coming from my right side. I turned my head and saw a three year old underneath planks of wood. He looked so scared. I finally got up and weakly swam out to him. He looked up, his blue eyes so frightened and wide. 'What is your name? I'm here to help.' I rasped, my throat sore from the sea water. 'Andrew' he whispered back. As quick as I could - which wasn't that quick- I grabbed him from under the heap. He had bruised his spine and cut his leg. I brought him back to what was left of the ship. After about fifteen minutes, I saw a group of people heading our way on a few planks of wood. I stood up very carefully and tried to shout to them. They saw us and told us to swim out to them. I paddled towards them while holding Andrew. Not an easy job, but not impossible. We finally got there. They give us new clothes because our clothes got ripped during the wave. They gave us soup next. Beef soup. Greasy and lumpy; not my favourite meal but it kept me warm. I slept on a plank of wood that night. I woke up with more splinters than I could count. In my dream last night, I saw glimpses of the wave and my family screaming as it crashed down....where was my family? The thought of them brought tears to my eyes. Mom, Dad, and little Harry all on their own, or separated like me. 'Look out!' intruded a voice. Everyone stopped talking. I turned around slowly to see a 60- foot wave coming our way. This is the end. We can't do anything about it. The Police Man by Kate Hanratty A police man on duty in Bow Saw the traffic piled up in a row With the traffic lights dead He just stood on his head Shouting on your marks Get set Go! Poems by Eden Milne People write poems I'm writing one now, Well you’re probably wondering How oh how. There's William Shakespeare And Roald Dahl, You should read them You'll like them all. There's famous quotes like "Life is but a thought," But when I'm reading poems I often get lost. If you don't like reading poems Why are you reading this rhyme? But after hearing about Shakespeare and Dahl Mine is not that fine! The Creature by E. N. Milne Everybody on the research vessel was looking straight at me. They expected the hot-shot expert to know exactly what the creature was but I had no idea. I told them the truth, that I didn't have a clue. They looked disappointed so I told them to examine the creature. It was about the same size as a baby giraffe. Actually come to think of it, it looked like one too! It was blue with pink spots. We noticed after a while it turned a sickly green colour. Just then purple goo came out of his/her mouth. We studied it and found out it was sick. He made these horrible wailing sounds. We knew we had to let it back out to sea but we didn't know how to keep track of it. So we put a G.P.S on it. That night I heard that familiar wailing sound but it was louder, much louder. I went out to see the creature escaping. He wasn't the only one of his kind there though. The ship was surrounded. They didn't harm us. It looked beautiful. There were so much colours. It was like a rainbow. We tracked them for years after but we never found out what the creature was. Internet by E. N. Milne Internet is difficult It's very complicated, Elderly get confused Sometimes I really hate it. When it's a nice day. People don't come out, They play games and watch t.v. I really want to shout! So please do not get hypnotised By your internet, Just go outside and play And you will soon forget. A trip to Earth. By Aoife Cooke 17th of April 2067 Oh my alien, I have been stuck in this stupid spaceship for 18 hours and another 18 to go oh joy…. ZeZe has been moaning the whole way because she wants the big chair, how typical! Ah well at least I’m leaving boring Venous for a few days .W. 18th of April 2067 Finally I was on earth! We met Grandmother straight away. When I first saw her I thought she looked a little old, are Grandmothers supposed to be old? She leaned in with her arms out so I pushed her away. ZeZe started to laugh. Then this thing started snapping at me so Grandmother told it to stop .W. 20th of April 2067 Earth is the best. I love it here me and ZeZe started to play this strange game called tennis? I didn’t understand the rules of it so I aliened out! We went to Grandmothers for lunch. I don’t like the food here so I just ate some bugs. I am going to something called a beach tomorrow can’t wait! A Holiday gone wrong! By Aoife Cooke It was July fist I was on a cruise ship relaxing. I was reading while most people were in the spa or pool. I got up to get my sun cream when I saw someone run by with a white cape on. I followed the person to the bottom of the deck to see that it was my arch enemy Mr. Freezo. He was steering the ship and heading for the rocks in the middle of the Aqua Ocean. I went behind him “What are you doing this for Bob” I said quickly. He gasped which turned into an evil laugh. “Because Eva when I was back in Superhero Academy nobody even knew who I was, NO it was all “Eva Eva Eva”. “Eva this Eva that guess what Eva did?” “Don’t worry I’m back to get my revenge”. I quickly transformed into Unstoppable Girl I put on my black zapper boots and pink cape. Boom we hit the rocks; “Haha”laughed Mr Freezo. I zapped Mr Freezo and tied him up with my lip gloss rope. I made an announcement to all of the passengers to all go onto the top deck. They all got into lifeboats. Mr Freezo jumped out of the ship and said “I will return” Everyone was brought to land and the ship sank. I flew off and said. “Better luck next time Bob.” Journey to Earth 17th of April 2067 At last! I've been waiting all my life for today! My first trip back to earth in the megamix 3000, my ancestral home where all my family have lived beautiful and gigantic earth. I've read all about it and explored all the links and virtually swam in the sea. I've virtually tasted the food grown from the ground but now I will finally get to experience the real thing and best of all I get to meet my grandmother. William. 18th of April 2067 Today my little cousin, Katie was annoying me all day on the spaceship, she was begging me to play with her but I just couldn't because I was so excited to go to Earth. I didn't get any sleep last night. I wonder why we have to leave on Mars it’s so far away from everything like the new shopping centre on Jupiter so now it takes me ages just to go met my friends. When I went to bed that night I had to share the room with Katie, who snores because our spaceship the megamix 3000 looked bigger on the ad then real outer space life. When I woke up I could see Earth from outside my window. 19th of April 2067 Today was a weird day, my grandmother was running up to me with open arms and just like my virtual karate teacher taught me I pinned her down in 2 seconds which I was very proud of until my dad told me that that’s how people greet each other here. Trying to forget, my grandmother was showing us around. I saw some weird things like moving objects with 4 wheels which I heard was called a car and a small creature with fur which apparently is called a dog? The weirdest thing of all was that there were lines all over grandmothers face which later on I asked my mum about and she said they were called wrinkles which people who get old have but before I could even think of it my mum told me not to point it out to grandma but it’s not like I was going to. W. 20th of April 2067 Today grandmother took us to the aquarium which I was a bit scared of at first because I didn't know what the word meant but when I went I just realise that it was just another word for a place where people walk around looking at fish which is one of the creatures I saw on the virtual net. One of the interesting facts I learned was that you are not allowed to drink the fish tank water even when you’re thirsty but I did try vanilla ice cream which is nice but not as good as chocolate butter squash ice cream you get in Mars. I did think Earth was scary at the start but now I got used to it and I can go more often because we are moving to Jupiter which is closer, it only takes 15 minutes on our megamix 3000. I was very happy when I heard that we were going to go bowling the next day which apparently is a game involving a bowling ball and pins. I thought the aim of the game was to not knock any of the pins down, I was wrong but I might be a champion someday. . Love at First Christmas Party by Ellen Dunne (1st of December 2013) Dear Sarah (My Diary) AH. I can’t believe it. Justin just invited me to his Christmas Party. So here’s how it all went down. He texted me last night and asked to sit with Eve and I and I obviously said yes. So we sat there waiting for like ever but of course he didn’t show up. So I texted him asking why he didn’t show up and he said he was helping his neighbour with her science project. Ah how sweet, and because he felt so bad he said he'd make up for it and you'll never guess what he said he'd do to make up for it. He invited me to his Christmas party. OMG, I have to find out what I'm going to wear. Talk to you soon Hannahxxx Communion Day If I could go back in time I'd show you my Communion day. I hear my name being called out and I get out of my seat. While walking up to the alter my heart skips a beat. I can see outside the sun of May It’s beautiful on my Communion day. I can see all faces staring up at me, My dress is so long it’s passed my knee. I’m up on top of the alter and I have my reading with me and three sentences later My heart is back, in me. My Diary by Shauna 17th of April 2067 At last! I've been waiting all my life for today! My first trip to Earth, my ancestral home. I’ve read all about it and explored all the links and virtually swam in the sea. I’ve virtually tasted food grown in the grown in the ground but know I will get the chance to experience the real thing! Best of all I will meet my Grandmother! . 17th of April 2067 Right now I'm on my way to Earth on a space-ship. The bad thing is it takes a whole day to get from Mars to Earth. It was lonely my Mom and Dad couldn't come with me. I feel really happy I will finally be able to see my Grandmother for the first time. . 18th of April 2067 I'm walking up to where my Grandmother lives it's a weird place made up of different shapes. My Granny answered the door with white coloured hair and a long flowing thing and something on her eyes. She came towards me I thought she was going to attack me so I pushed her back. I went in, there was square things on the wall and other stuff, and she said sit down. 19th of April 2067 Today we went swimming it was much better then virtual swimming we also went to the park, there were these four legged nice but bitter. I’m not looking forward to be things that were barking at me, I was scared. I like it here on Earth but I like it on Mars better. I had my first green apple it was going back to the park but Granny said she wants to have a picnic. I am looking forward to go to the cinema though, Granny’s calling Willow, got to go. Bye!!!!! Brake A Leg!! Tracey Coulter Dear Diary, 21 of April 2015 Today were the auditions for the school play show. I auditioned and the results will come out tomorrow for who got the parts. I bet I’m not going to get the part because Brittney, my biggest competition is going for the same part as me! She would kill me if I got the part instead of her. I have always been better than her at everything except popularity. She will be so mad if I get the lead and not her. Wish me luck!!! Dear Diary, 22 of April 2015 Today I went into school and everyone was surrounding the clipboard for the parts in the play. When Brittney came late again (obviously), everyone backed away and she screamed she didn’t get the part she marched right over to me and knocked my books out of my hands. I went over to the clipboard everyone staring right at me and i read lead Cat Cooke. I just stared at the paper my mouth open. I turned around and everyone started clapping and shouting, finally someone beat Brittney Woods. The football team lifted me up and everyone was cheering and to ruin my moment of popularity the head teacher came in and gave out to us all. Yay!! i got detention. Dear Diary, 23 of April 2015, Ok so today everyone wanted to sit with me at lunch maybe this is my big chance to have a big group of friends. After math i went to the drama teacher and asked her when i had to see her to practice. She said i had to come back after school, which was a bit of a bummer! I had plans to go bowling with my friends but this has to be done! Dear Diary, 24 of April 2015, So today I had practise and i nailed it!!! Britany is my understudy and she is so jello :) Tomorrow is the big show and I’m ready to shine. I just hope everything goes right!! Dear Diary, Today was the big show and guess what I didn’t get to do it because I got pushed off the stage at the last practise and I broke my leg. I have an idea who pushed me but I’m not sure I think Britany did it she was really good at my part but i was so disappointed!! :( Dear Diary, Today at school people were asking if i was alright and I was still popular and Britany was still jello, so were all happy well I am anyway Byeeeee!!! A Fishy Escape by Rebecca The research vessel was in silence. They were all looking at me. The expected the hot-shot expert to know exactly what it was but I had no idea. I wasn't sure if it was the hot June sun that had me sweating or the nerves. It seemed that the crew had been frozen to the spot, they hadn’t expected to find anything new. Ships like these go out to find new creatures, but they almost never find them, plus this creature didn't even look remotely like a fish. I decided to make the first move. As I walked to my equipment I felt every eye on my back. After I told the crew to get the tracking equipment, I went over to what had to be a fish. It had gills, anyway, and the most colourful scales you ever did see. When I went to touch them, they cut deep enough to draw blood even though I only rubbed off them. I put on my rubber gloves but it didn't make a difference. When the crew came with the micro-chipping equipment it started to do the most peculiar things, increasing and decreasing in size, losing colour and making really strange noises. Panicking we put it into a rope net hoping it would solve the strange problems. Just as they tied the net to the side of the boat I had a sudden realisation. I ripped of my Jacket and shoes and jumped into the ocean. After the instant pain of salt water hitting my eyes, I blurrily saw a gaping hole in the side. About 90 seconds later, against my will, I came up gasping for breath. When the crew asked what had happened, I simply held up my finger and said between breaths "Scales. Stupid. Scales." I have spent my entire life looking for the Multicoloured Knife Fish but I haven’t seen it since. The End Eve by Gillian Weston Eve is crazy But really nice She’s not really like Scary spice. She’s a great poet And really fun And like everybody She LOVES the sun. She has a dog That she calls Winnie She’s not fat She’s actually skinny. She is pretty And loves to share You will never be bored If Eve is there. The Willow Tree by Beth Kirwan Behind the willow tree, Everyone can see, The stars shining bright, Having a great night, Keep on looking at this sight! A Cindabella Story Amy Johnston Once upon a time there lived a girl called Bella for short. She has two ugly step sisters Birdie and Buffy and her step mother Johanna they are all so mean to her. The only person who is nice to her is Friday. Friday has a big crush on her but she didn’t know, she had a crush on Prince alarming. One day Bella was walking in the park taking pictures with her Imad. When she saw Prince Alarming she was daydreaming about their life they would have together, When Prince Alarming saw here she suddenly got an E-mail off him it said 'Would you like to come to my gaff for a Party' she ran home to tell Friday. As soon as she got home her sisters were there jumping up and down screaming we’re going to his Gaff. Bella thought for awhile and then thought that he had invited everyone. Later on that night the two ugly step sisters went to his gaff. She wasn’t able to go because the step sister would kill her. Friday came over in his best clothes and asked her if she was going she said no and told him to go without her so he did as he was told. Later on that night Bella was playing the Xbox when suddenly a taxi pulled up. She went downstairs to see who it was it was her Fairy not mother too save the night, Her Fairy not mother brought a dress and Bella got into it and she said to be home at 12 am Bella left. Walked in everyone looked and the prince said you came, they danced for a while and then it struck 12 she ran to the door but she lost her extensions. Later on that night Bella heard a knock on the door and it was prince alarming looking for who owned the extensions. She was jumping with joy the two ugly step sisters tried on the extensions they weren’t theirs and Bella tried them on and they were hers and they lived happily ever after!!!!! Grandma by Amy Johnston 18th of October O’Boyle Street Liverpool England Dear Grandma, How are you? It is not that good here. It is really hard settling in without speaking English. Mum keeps saying we have waited so long to be a family again but I don’t understand we have always been a family. The trip was the worst bit I had to sit next to this little brat and he lives down the road GRRRR. The area here is a dumb with trash everywhere. We are leaving over Mr Yips Emporium. You can smell the fish and chip from a mile away. School is hard I haven’t made any friends yet everyone speaks English and I don’t. There are weeds in our Flower pots it is horrible. Mum and Dad are fine. Mum got a new job being a maid but I don’t understand are house is a dump and messy and she won’t tidy it up but she will tidy up loads of others peoples mess. Dad’s job isn’t going that well. Kazia has made three friends she made a song about them what a weirdo. Can you please come and visit then take me home with you. I miss you loads and tell all my friends I say Hi x Lots of Love Anya Me by Kate Hanratty Kate is my name And being funny is my game Though it can be annoying Everyone will always love it My Life by Anna Power Thursday 11th of April 2013 On my Bed 7:00am Dear Diary This is my first day back to school ugh don’t think i can start getting back to waking up at this time!! My Mom said she had a diary when she was younger and I read it. Just to say she had an interesting life!! So I will try to write everything into this diary hopefully. Well today in school something interesting did happen our school photos got but on the wall and my gang and me were looking at it and then saw my arch enemy, Joy hahaha somebody had put a geek glasses on her and stupid hair with a marker it was soo funny. The bad thing is she will probably think it’s me! Getting ready for school 7:01am Ugh I’m soo tired I was up all night doing my homework because I had forgot about it and it’s meant to be in today. I have also run out of lip-gloss have to sneak my Mom's today i guess I'll get more this afternoon cause all me and my gang are going out woohoo. My dog Alfie has just came into my room and pounced on me and I think he has been outside because I have mud on my skirt! 30 minutes later Outside Rosie's door cause her Moms at work and she’s not changed yet! In French So bored Mr Wood is just going on about stuff in French and half of us don't even know what he is saying including me. 4:00 pm Walking home having a great time with my friends Rosie Issie and Holly!! Quick stop at the parks toilets to but some makeup on just in case!! 4:30 pm At Home Of course home alone like always ugh I am so bored.... What to do what to do?? I know I'll call Rosie my bestie friend ever. 6:00 pm Just got off the phone to Rosie. Finally my Mom and Dad are home because I am starving. At least they brought pizza yippy!! 9:00 pm Getting ready to go bed. It’s kinda sad that I a 14 year old goes to bed at the same time as her twin sisters that are 4. 9:33 pm In bed I can't wait until Rosie's party next week. It is going to be in a club with a DJ and everything! Just one problem I have no idea what to get her for her gift?? Ah well I won't stress about it and I know being stressed gives you wrinkles and I don't want that who does? I also need my beauty sleep so good night. Friday 12th of April 2013 7:00am Ugh my Dad has just came straight into my room and pulled the covers straight off me (Hasn't he heard of privacy?) Anyway I have to get up don't want to be late for school again haha! 15 minutes later Just came down stairs to get breakfast and of course my two sisters Bobby and Lila have got porridge all over themselves luckily they don't have to go to school (lucky them!) No wonder they do this stuff to them Mum hardly pays any attention to them she just has mom time for herself all the time and she and Dad think they can just stroll into my room any time of any day. Outside Rosie's house Oh my god every day I have to wait outside for her she takes for ever luckily her boyfriend Luke is very patient. I am definitely not patient at ALL!! 8:00 am Just go to school. Oops forgot to pull down my skirt quick!! Oh just made it nobody saw me well I think well at least the principal didn't. Ms Brooke is the meanest person alive she makes our school hours filled with boredom (I think she does it on purpose) Art Class Well we’re in art class and at leased its better than French haha! Spoke too soon we have to do a portrait of ourselves and I can tell you now it will be horrible. At the sleepover At Holly's house. At last I have escaped the hell hole of my home woohoo (at least for a day) we watched some really funny movie as well we couldn't stop laughing!! I don’t think I'll get to sleep tonight Holly snores so loud! Saturday 13th of April Back home Back to my hell of a home but there is a bigger problem Rosie's party is today!! And I have no idea what to wear emm maybe my blue dress with black tights and my fancy coat!! ahh I don't no. Rosie's house Rosie looks stunning she will stand out with her bright bright yellow dress but it’s amazing. The party This party is rocking the music is amazing all the new music unlike what my dad sings around the house its really embarrassing while my friend are over and he bursts into Elvis. Anyway back to the party woohoo all of us are dancing like crazy it’s mad everyone is looking at us but we don't care its Rosie's party. This is amazing... oh my god Louis is looking at me and he is coming over quick. 2 minutes later He asked me to dance it was so awkward at the start but then we started to talk. I found out he likes me and I love him omg and guess what we’re going out woohoo!!! A Big Dream by Georgina Reynolds We are going to America me and my best friend Amy, we are 14 years old. We can't wait were going in 2 days. I am going to have chipper now I can’t wait to go to America. Its 10:30 now I have to go to bed now. 11am the next morning I am packing the final stuff 1:30 I am having my last lunch now at home. Am going to my friend’s house because I am going to America 3:30 am. Her mom is bringing us to the airport as she works there on the airplanes. We are going on the flight now got to go BYE IRELAND I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!! The hamster who could talk by Emma 21 of March Today we got a new hamster. We got him in the pet shop in town he is golden and white it is really cute we called it silly Sam. We got him a cage and food today in the pet shop to when we got home I put him in his cage because my little brother is too small to take care of it so I am its mum really I love it so much it is super cute . 22nd of March When I woke up in the morning I went downstairs and my hamster said hello to me I know you probably don t believe me but I did not believe it either at first I thought I was dreaming I said you can talk and the hamster said please may I have breakfast so I started pinching myself to wake me up but it didn’t work sadly I went and got silly Sam breakfast I went and got my mum and dad they didn’t believe me one bit but I know it was true it was super true 24th of March Today my best friend Ella came to my house I showed her my new hamster she didn’t believe me when I said my hamster could talk she didn’t believe me she said my hamster was super super super cute and this is the best bit silly Sam talked to Ella and me silly Sam must not like adults 25th of June Today I am going to Ella s house to have a sleepover she asked her mum if I could bring silly Sam to her house her mum said yes we are going to see if he talks to us at her house. When I got to Ella’s I had to show silly Sam to her little sister Lucy she was cute then we went up to Ella’s room I love Ella’s room it is pink my favourite colour I put my stuff down and took silly Sam out of his cage he didn’t talk to us at all we went and had pizza it was yummy 26th of June I woke up real late this morning it was 11 o clock Ella said she was up for ages she had silly Sam in her hands and he was talking to her like he was a person he said hello to me we had a real long conversation and then me and Ella had to have breakfast we had pancakes my favourite I had syrup on them they were yummy we went upstairs and I got dressed and fed silly Sam he didn’t talk to me I wonder why 27th of June I love being off school it is the best yesterday when I got home silly Sam didn’t talk to me but today he did talk to me but after 12 o clock he didn’t talk to me I don’t understand why does he not talk after 12 o clock maybe it is some hamster talking rule !!!!!!! any way today my brother heard silly Sam talk he went and told my mam and dad but they didn’t believe him then me and Ella went for ice cream in the e new ice-cream shop I got vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. Ella had mint chocolate ice cream and chocolate sauce they were yummy very yummy Ella came to my house for a sleepover today it is summer holidays. we had take-away pizza and chips and then me and Ella baked brownies yummy when we were waiting for them to cook we set up the dvd we were watching Marely and me we went and took out the brownies and had one we went to watch the movie we both cried very much. Then we fell asleep we both woke up really early this morning and silly Sam talked and told us all about the hamster rule s about talking I FINNLAY UNTERSTAND If I Left By Kate Hanratty If I left little Donabate, I'd really miss it all. From the freezing cold winters, Where it just refuses to snow. To the not so warm summers, When you're shivering in the breeze. Though I'd love to see the world, From Austraila to France. But if I left Donabate, I really would go pants. Winter Time by Orla Doyle Winter time, A long line Of cold and whine, Dull sky Up high, Plants die, No smiles, For winter time. Donabate by Beth Kirwan I miss the town of Donabate, Where the weather is really great. Where the cliff walks are, And you can see out far. I miss the bright blue sea, That would always shout out to me. Then there was all four schools, That had oh so many rules. I miss the town beside the sea, My home it will always be! The Day by Orla Doyle If I could go back in time I'd show you The day I got Rolo, Blue sky all day Not a cloud in the sky, Playing in the back With a good friend of mine, Then my neighbour came out With who in her hands, Rolo, A little walk to her She gave him to me The thought of him tripping Made me want to faint, But now my little Rolo, Is gone from me. Wintertime In wintertime the days aren’t long So no more swallows to sing us their song. The rain pours down And the wind blows around, Leaving the trees bare, With none of their leaves to share. But wintertime brings happiness too And festive cheer for me and you! The Race to the South Pole by Sophie O'Donoghue Monday 18th Of April 1932 Finally our day has come we are going to the South Pole. Hopefully we will get there first. Oh by the way I'm Captain Robert Scott. My troop and I have everything ready. We're finally on our way. When we get to the pole it was freezing but I was all wrapped up and warm. We set up our base and put up our tents. It was getting late so we all got into our sleeping bags and fell asleep. We all woke up and had our breakfast. We knew that Roald Amundsen was moving quickly and we had to hurry up. My team and I said that half of us would stay at the base and the other half would try to get to the South Pole! Tuesday 19th of April 1932 We've set up our tents and there’s now a storm. We're all hungry but we have to keep to our diet. I enjoy writing this diary but we're getting weaker by the day. Roald Amundsen is getting closer but I don’t think we'll be able to make it. Wednesday 20th of April 1932 Oh I'm not feeling confident. My team and I are very weak and we won’t make it back to the base because of the storm. The blizzard is getting worse. I feel like this will be my last time writing in this diary. The weather is still terrible and I feel terrible. I feel too weak to write now I'm starving and I'm too weak. This was a great trip but it’s sad it has to end this way. Robert Scott Winnie, when she was just a Minnie! By Eve Moore's If I could go back in time, I'd show you the day I got my dog; Winnie My sister and I had longed for a pet, until the day we got her, we were upset. It took a while to get to the place, Until I saw the most beautiful face. The dog came over to me, Then unfortunately she did a pee. We took her to the vet, and then she had her name set. She got her shots, and didn't like it a lot. She's black and white, and never fights. Winnie's settled in her home, and now I've written this poem. My Holiday 5th Abbie Brennan Hi my name is Katie, I am 11 years old and today I'm going on holidays. I'm going to Florida. We're leaving in 2 hours. I better finish packing my bags. Now what else to pack I have my clothes, my iPad, my swimsuits and my phone. What else do I need? "Oh sun cream" I said. Mum called me and said the taxi was coming to take us to the airport in 15 minutes. I quickly got grabbed my bag and ran out the door. When I got to the airport I had a look around some shops since my flight wasn't for 1hour. I bought a few things like a purse some makeup and a new bag. Finally it was time to hit the sky. When we were in the air my 4 year old brother Jamie got air-sick. That really grossed me out. The flight was 3 hours long so I decided to go for a sleep. When I woke up it was time to get off. We had arrived in Florida. A taxi was outside waiting for us. The name of the hotel was SUPERTEL I thought it was a kind of strange name. When I got inside I saw someone that I really wasn't expecting it was Flo. Rida. I love his song 'Whistle'. At first I thought I was dreaming but no this wasn't a dream. I ran over to him and asked him for his autograph. When I went into our hotel room I screamed I really couldn't get over the fact that Flo Rida was staying in the same hotel as me. I unpacked my suitcase and then mum told me we were going down to the swimming pool. I got into one of my swimsuits grabbed a towel and ran down the stairs. I spent 2 hours swimming and I met 5 new friends. 'I think this might be the highlight of my holiday' I whispered to myself. Then we went for dinner. When I got back I went to bed because it was 12 o' clock. When I woke up the next morning my mum said we were going to Disneyland. When I heard that I thought to myself this is going to be the best holiday ever. When we arrived at Disneyland I was amazed by the amount of rides. I went on loads of rides it was really fun. There was one ride called the magic carpet that made my dad puke. After a while I got some cotton candy. It was really nice. On our way back to the hotel we stopped off to get something to eat. When we got back to the hotel I watched TV for a while. Then it was time to go to bed. When I woke up the next morning mum explained we were going to SeaWorld. When my brother heard this he screamed because he loves sea animals A LOT! On the journey there my mum told us about the Loch Ness Monster. It really scared my brother but then I told him that it didn't really exist. After a while we arrived there. It looked sooooo cool. I was amazed by all the sea animals and I'm not that big of a fan of sea creatures. I had a great time. I even got to swim with sharks (not man eating ones of course). Then mum told us it was time to go. On our way home we stopped off at this really nice Indian restaurant. The food was scrummdiddlyumptious. When we got home it was time to head to bed. When I woke up I asked mum what we were doing today and she replied "Well as you know it's our last day here so while I pack up dad is going to take you down stairs to the pool. I was so upset I didn't want to leave Florida it was like my dream home. Although I do miss my friends I thought to myself. Anyway I decided to enjoy my last day here. After a while mum told us it was time to go to the airport. When we got to the airport we had to run as fast as our legs could carry us because we were going to be late. When we got on the plane I went straight to sleep because I was exhausted from my holiday. When I woke up we were about to land. When I got hoe I unpacked my bags and went to call for my friends. I gave them their presents and played with them for a while. Then it began to get late when I went home it was bedtime. It was good to be home I whispered softly The name is Roddy by Jodie Clinton Once upon a time there was a girl named Lisa. Lisa was an animal lover and her favourite was a horse. She had begged her dad for one but he said’ ’it’s too much work'' .A few weeks later her mom died. The place was quiet. One day, when Lisa was watching TV her dad came around and said she had a surprise for her .She went out to the garden and saw a beautiful horse. His name was RODDY!! THAT’S ME!!!The name is Roddy. I am a chestnut horse and this story is about me! Oh sorry and Lisa. Lisa loved me (I’m not surprised) and she never left my side. For three weeks she went on like this. I even know what time she got up at to come out to me. She came out at nine o 'clock and went in at half nine for breakfast, she came out at ten o' clock. She went in for dinner at six o' clock and said good night to me at nine o' clock. It was nine o clock one day and she was not out. I waited for an hour and she still was not out. I panicked. An hour later a man came to the door .He was dressed in a black coat and a brown bag. “Hello Richard how is she" fine doctor. "Thank you so much for coming what was he talking about. Then it hit me. It must be Lisa. I ran around in my paddock. I was scared. The door opened again and out ran Lisa .She ran straight for me. I was so happy to see her. Her dad was running after her. She was pale and her eyes didn’t shine. I heard the doctor say she would be fine and she would be better in a week. I was so happy that I jumped up on my back legs. I think I must have frightened the doctor because he jumped but then he laughed. It’s all over now, Lisa is back to normal and visiting me at the normal time and that’s my story. Bad Luck 5th Class by Aisling Reidy Dear Diary, My name is Hannah and I am 11 years old. I hate my family so much because guess what they did to me. They sent me away because my Mum thinks that I am too difficult to manage. I hate her so much because she is too strict and because she loves the new baby way more than me so I can’t help being bold. Dad is even worst, he uses the belt on me! That is against the law but I think he still thinks that he is in the 90’s because he is super old, I think he is 57 but Mum is only 34. Any way they sent me away because I bit the new baby and wrecked the kitchen because I broke all of the glasses and pulled all of the food out of the fridge and spat on it. I only did that because I was hungry, well kind of. Back to the story, they sent me to My sister Isabelle 5th class by Jodie Bins Ms.Coffey Hi my name is Naomi. I’m 12 years old and I have an older sister called Isabelle. My mom is pregnant with a baby sister called Ellie. My parents and I had to move into a new town and school. Me and Isabelle were excited to move into the new house but scared to move to a different school. Our house is kind of big. We’re going to start school on Monday and today is Friday. At the weekend were going shopping for our uniforms and some baby stuff also new things for the house. We were gone for a while. I haven’t got any pets. I’m in 6th class and my sister Isabelle is in 2nd year. I and my sister are very close even though I’m 12 and she’s 14! The weekend past and it was time for the first day of school. When I got into school I actually made a lot of friends for my first day here! Tomorrow I’m already invited to a friend’s house! But since I’m in 6th class I get to mind the young ones in junior infants! And my sister has to go to a primary school tomorrow and talk to 1st class while there teacher is gone! We both got home and told the great new to our parents. They thought it was wonderful news. As time flew by, it was Tuesday. It was after school I went to my friend’s house and then went to Isabelle in the primary school she said that she is trying to convince the young ones that ghost are real. She said that on the New Year’s night she’s bringing them to an old scary castle that ghosts are really in there. I was trying to convince her that she shouldn’t really do that. But she didn’t listen to me. I told my mom and she said to go with her just to be sure that she keeps herself warm and to wrap up that night and also be careful . It was Wednesday. School flew by so I walked home. When I and Isabelle got home and after our homework our mom bring us shopping for clothes, shoes and accessories and stuff like that. Mom said 'why don’t you too go and look for new shoes. I'll give you $40 for both of you. When you've got your shoes I want Isabelle to call me on her cell phone and meet me somewhere. Ok? ‘We replied ' ok ‘. Isabelle was lucky she was allowed a cell phone. I’m not allowed one till I’m her age! It’s really annoying. Isabelle and I went to the shoe shop. And straight away when we got in, Isabelle saw these red high heel shoes. She bought them so fast that my life flashed before my eyes! She put them on when she got them. They were $30! So I didn’t have enough for shoes but I didn’t mind. We got home and decorated the house with signs saying 'IT'S A NEW YEAR!' it was because we were having a party for the New Year. Which is tomorrow. We were off school for the rest of the week! We got everything ready and went to bed. I couldn’t sleep because I was so worried about what Isabelle was going to do to the kids tomorrow. But finally I just dozed off. It was Thursday. And it was the day of the New Year. The family got ready. It was almost midnight so I and Isabelle set of to the castle. Isabelle went into the front window looking like a ghost and the kids were really scared Isabelle was wearing her new shoes and they were a bit big on her she leaned out the window. She was holding on very tight. She stood there for about 2 minutes and then fireworks went off. Isabelle got a fright and let go. She slipped in her new shoes and fell out the tower window. I couldn’t bare to watch. The ambulance took a while to get here. Isabelle wasn’t breathing. I burst into tears. 1 hour later, it was 1:00 am and they arrived with my parents with them they told me to walk home. Isabelle was fine they said but I was too afraid to believe she was alive. Next day I got called into the hospital. Mom had Ellie the new baby. I was very happy but I was more conserved about Isabelle. My dad told me he had terrible news. He said as soon as the baby was born Isabelle past away. I didn’t know what to do. I was in shock. I fell to the ground in tears. But as people say. That’s what life gives you and you have to take it. The Water Park 5th class By Aoife O Donoghue When I was on holidays I was going to a water park that day. I love water parks. The water park had so many new rides. I couldn't wait. When we got there it was so big. My sister and I went to the bigger part of the water park with my dad. My Mam went with my brother to the little part. I loved the lazy river. Also there was a ride and it was called The Black Hole. My sister and I loved it but my dad didn't really like it. I was soaked. I also went on a ride called the flipper. It was so cool. A little while later my family and I went to get something to eat. The place we went to had really nice food. There was a guy who asked my dad and my Mam could my sister, my brother and I hop on a bronco. My Mam and dad said' Ok'. The person worked there. My sister didn't fall off neither did I and when it came to my brothers go he didn't fall off. My brother actually loved it. A little while later I went back on some off the rides with my sister. There was a little ride for little children' for my brothers age. I hopped on it with him and so did my sister. I don't know how many times I got on it with him. I actually loved it to. My brother kept laughing every time we went up and back down again. A little while later we met my Mam and dad. We all decided to go home because we were tired. I had a great day. It was so much fun! THE E.T.'S ARE COMING By Caoimhe Brennan St. Elizabeth’s, Sandy lane, Leitrium bay 5-7-1995 Dear Ms Winifred Bellefonte I am writing to you to inform you that my research has paid off, I have detected a U.F.O., flying through the atmosphere of space. According to my calculations it should be landing on Earth in 16 day's at 9:45 am precisely. I would like you to contact those who have been involved. We must ensure that no other earthlings find out. This very day last year I proceeded to make an Alien pod, it fits up to 30 Extra-terrestrial's. It just might be the Aliens coming back to invade and try take over their old home 'Earth'. But guess what they can try but they won’t be able to tag Earth as their property. As we know E.T.'s are very clever so we need to think of a way to lure them to us. This week I have been investigating the difference between Martians and Aliens. It's like a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square. All Martians are Aliens, not all Aliens are Martians, but Martians would be specifically from Mars, while Aliens could come from anywhere in space. Please reply A.S.A.P. Yours sincerely, Prof. Ronald Mc Moran The Year It Snowed 5th Class – Naomi Robinson Well it was just a normal cold day in the winter at Ireland I was snuggled up in my pyjamas on the couch watching TV. When my mom came in and told me to get ready for bed. So I got my super and went to bed so did my whole family. I fell asleep then my mom came in and woke me up she said it was snowing. I got up straight away and got my warm clothes on. I went outside with the rest of my family at two in the morning. A few minutes later all of my estate was out playing in the snow. It was so fun. We went to sleep again. The next day we got up and played in the snow again it was even more fun because we could see who was out. We went for a walk in new bridge park it was all snowy. I slipped all over the place it was like an ice rink. I was so cold I was freezing. I went home washed my hands but didn't dry them I forgot and went outside, my hands froze. The next day kitties bike was stolen Katie is my sister. We looked all around for it we couldn't find it anywhere .then we saw a teenager riding it we stopped him and asked him where he got the bike. He said he got it off his brother (who is twenty one) for Christmas we called the police. The police said they would come down. We don't know the police did because we didn't hear from them. That was the first white Christmas I remember Carl the Ninja Squirrel Ciara Kavanagh 4th There was a squirrel called Carl who loved nuts. One day he went looking for nuts. A nut fell off a tree and hit him in the head from that moment on he didn't remember anything. He actually thought he was a lion I mean come on there is a big difference. Later that day he saw a little girl walking by and started to roar at her. The girl started to laugh and picked a nut off of a tree and dropped the nut. The nut hit Carl in the head then he thought he was a ninja there is an even bigger difference. Carl started to chop nuts and trees. Carl was completely nuts and there was no changing him. He actually put five people in hospital and two in a mental hospital because they said they saw a ninja squirrel and people say there is no such thing as a ninja squirrel. But there is ... Carl the Ninja Squirrel. But there is ... Carl the Ninja Squirrel. Ciara by Ciara Thiel 4th class C IS FOR CLEVER. I IS FOR IMAGINATIVE. A IS FOR AMAZING. R IS FOR REALLY GOOD. A IS FOR AWSOME PERSON. A Reflection by Angela Gunko From the light of the dark A fox goes out to lark He sees a reflection Some sort of connection But who can it be When there is no one but he He can hide But he thinks he has no pride What is it? Maybe it’s a crow It isn't so low Maybe a human So could it be Now it’s only reflection and me Crazy mind By Sarah Minto 4th class C is for crazy which I really am R is for Rio where I want to go A is for attractive which my old sister thinks she is Z is for zoo where the lions want to eat you Y is for yo yo it always raps my hand M is for mint I am a mint because my surname is Minto I is for intelligent which I am not N is for Niall in One Direction he is Irish like me D is for Dylan he is my boyfriend well at least I think he is ok I never had a boyfriend I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER The Crazy girl By Sarah Minto 4th class Once there was a girl called Alyssa. One day Alyssa went to call for her friends Paige and Faye. When she knocked on the door their mammy answered and said hi Alyssa how are you to day. Good thank you said Alyssa. We are going to the cinema do you want to come with us. Aha .we are going to see Peppa pig THE MOVIE. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I HATE THAT she screamed. But I’ll go for SWEETS. Oh ok then said Paige and Faye’s mammy. Paige and Faye ran down the stairs to see who was screaming. Then Paige said why were you screaming said Paige? Because I hate Peppa pig said Alyssa it even kills me to say the name to even say the word said Alyssa. Ok then so you are not coming said Faye. No no I am coming for the SWEETS said Alyssa. Ok said Paige. Let go My Dog by Olivia McGrath My Dog is very shy, He loves women and hates guys, He doesn't snap or he doesn't bite And when he plays games he uses all of his might. He really, REALLY, loves to eat, That must be why he is almost obese! I play with him ALL the time That dog will ALWAYS be mine GRANDMOTHER NATURE by Divena Rawl 4th class Dear Human's, I would like to say that you are doing very bad things to the environment like littering, killing animals for their fur, cutting down trees, even driving is bad for the environment. This is serious. Pollution is bad for the sea and all the sea animals and birds because over the years some oil spilled in the sea and it has killed all fish and birds that land in it and it took years to get out, We could help the Environment by walking to school or the shops by not littering and by putting rubbish in the bin and not turning on the lights when the sun it out because it wastes electricity. You can do lots of other things that will help too. Well that’s what you do to help the Environment. It is in your interest to look after the planet we live on From Grandmother Nature. A Sea Adventure Sinatt Badmus 4th Class I was a captain a long time ago and I had a crew of thirty men and we sailed on a mighty ship called the Black Shadow. We were on a quest to find Lake Wara Wara. First we met some unfriendly natives that captured us and took us to their cannibal village to eat us for their dinner. Some of us escaped but the half of my crew did not make it. Next we went to the snow-capped mountains. We climbed and climbed for hours finally we got to the top. We made a sled and we slid down the mountain. After we went to Alligator River. It was full of mean, angry vicious teeth clenching alligators. Most of us survived but the others did not. I only had twelve men left. After that we came across the most dangerous deadly soldier ants on the planet who tried to eat and kill us with their stings We finally found Lake Wara Wara. We found an x on the ground and we dug and dug and we found treasure. Then the rest of the crew got our signal and we got the ship to the island where we hopped on the ship to sail the seven seas on another fun adventure. I love my puppy By Laura Masterson 4th class When he wags his tail He is so cute to me He is big and black and loves to chat He loves me and my sister but the next week he was lost I love my puppy. A Sea Adventure Ten long years ago I was a young sailor longing for an adventure. At the age of seven I started listening to old sailing stories and ever since I had wanted to be a sailor. Just my luck, in 1951, when I was 16, my father was travelling to a never seen place called Lake Wara Wara. I begged and begged and begged to go and finally he said yes. On the 21st we set sail, my father told me how windy it would be but I ignored him. Half way a horrible storm began to appear. Everybody hurried up to the helm of the ship. The was rocking side to side, all of our food and water supplies got swept off the ship, after a while as the last faint rays of daylight were gone it started to calm down. Soon we reached land, half of the crew got off the ship. When we got off the ship we were met by some very unfriendly natives. As we ran off two of our men were killed. We ran south but what we didn't notice was that we ran into a big puddle of quick sand. Suddenly nearly ten crocodiles came down from their swamp. A couple of men and I tackled the crocodiles and rode them just north of Poisonous Snake Swamp. When we got off the crocodiles we found that we had lost another 3 men. At this point we only had 13 men left. We got out of the way of Poisonous Snake Swamp, losing 5 men. Still having 8 we squashed the Soldier Ants. After that we found ourselves at Lake Wara Wara. We pulled up the treasure and all the gold in the world was in the chest! Soon after we made our way home. A Sea Adventure We pulled up on an island, but we knew it wasn't abandoned. We saw flashes in the bushes, we heard drums in the distance and we knew this was the cannibal’s village. We waited until dark to pass through the village. We walked all night until we reached the snow-capped mountains. We walked over the mountains. We discovered a pool of quick sand. Jack was crossing the bridge and it broke. He was holding on for his life and he let go. We just walked off. We swam across the water. Christopher was after being eating. We walked over the deadly soldier ants. The rest of my crew was bitten. I was the only one who wasn't bitten I finally reached Lake Warra Warra. I found ANOTHER map. It took me 2 hours to find the X but it was worth it. It was full with Gold, Silver and jewels. I brought it aboard and showed it to my crew. It was our little secret THE REAL STORY OF SANTA CLAUS AND THE EASTER BUNNY by Zikora Okafor 3 rd Once upon a time long ago there was a boy called Santa. He loved making toys. One day he saw a bunny outside. He brought it in. They called him the Easter Bunny. A few years later, the Easter Bunny came to Santa. You see the Easter Bunny hated Santa and he hated Christmas and Santa. ''Sorry'' said the Easter Bunny and gave him a chocolate bar. ''I don’t want one'' said Santa and ran away. Santa was crying. ''What is wrong'' said Mrs Claus. ''Nothing'' said Santa. He ran to a different spot. A few years later they made up and they best brothers ever! The Girls Who Found the Tooth Fairy. By Ava Barry 3rd Class Once upon a time two girls were playing in there garden they went inside to ask their mum could they have a sleepover. The girls mum said yes, but first you may have an apple. So after the apple one of the girls tooth fell out. WOW, the two girls shouted out, it’s a beauty. That night, the girls felt a big bump at the end of their bed. IT’S THE TOOTH FAIRY, they screamed until the tooth fairy said, SSTOPP. The tooth fairy just waved her wand and soon the girls were fast asleep. The next day, the girl found a 2 euro under her pillow. Now everybody knows that you could see the tooth fairy ENDLESS By Ella O’Neill This awful movie is endless, It just goes on and on. And when it feels as if it's stopped, It's back where it's begun. This terrible day is endless, The fun is running out, And when someone talks to me, I feel the need to SHOUT! School seems endless, It never seems to end, All these math problems, Are driving me round the bend. This poem isn't endless, It has come to an end, I hope you enjoyed reading it, Maybe with your friend? Ella O'Neill My Dogs by Anna Coughlan 3rd class I have 2 dogs called Missy and Max. Missy is a black and white border collie, and Max is a wheaten terrier and he is kind like a wheat colour. Missy is 2 years old, and Max is 12, in our years Max would be 84, and Missy would be 14 in our years. I take Max for short walks in my estate with my friend Rebecca. And I take Missy out on the green outside my house. I love my dogs. They are great!!!!! The MISSING CUPCAKE Written by Lia Mulcahy It was a very special evening. It was very tiring day. I had been baking for the whole day. My little sister had been happily spreading flour about the place .I had been not so happily tidying up after her. Now she was sleeping on the sofa. Yes! Now I could take a rest and eat the GIANT cupcake. I had hidden it in the cupboard. I ran over to the cupboard and I opened the door. The cupcake was gone!!! Now I cannot have my tasty cupcake. I wonder where it is. I should check the other cupboard in case I put it there. I opened the door. It wasn't there either! I ran all over the house looking for the cupcake. I looked in the bathroom, the bedrooms and even the living room but it wasn't there. I decided to look in the kitchen it was the one place I hadn't looked. I did not find the cupcake but I had found the bun case I had left it in. I was getting annoyed. I couldn't eat a bun case! And I really wanted that cake. I just have to keep on looking. I looked in the attic, the nursery and finally the dining room. I would never find this cupcake! I guess I'd just go without it. I wonder where it went though. I went down to the sitting room and there was my sister eating my cup cake. Grrr! I'm just going to have to steal hers then!!! The Fun Ball by Chloe Byrne. Once upon a time there was a bear and his name was Snowy Bear. His best friend was Christopher Bear. Christopher and Snowy loved playing together. One day Snowy found a ball in his garden. "Oh look Christopher, I found a ball!" cried Snowy. He was ever so pleased with himself and because of that he even threw a party that night! The next day Snowy went outside to play with his new ball. “Snowy come inside right now, it's freezing out there!" called Christopher from the window. "But I want to play with my new ball!" Snowy called back. "Snowy it's freezing out there. Come on you have to come in soon otherwise you will catch a cold!" "Oh all right have it your way then, but I’m coming back outside tomorrow!" And that was the story of the fun ball! THE END! Cats by Caitlin O’Reilly 3rd class Cats sleep anywhere, any place any chair, on the top window edge, in the middle on the edge, open drawer empty shoe, anybody’s lap will do, cats sleep anywhere, any place any chair. EASTER v CHRISTMAS By: Beth Power 3rd Class Once upon a time there was a little girl called Aoife. Her favourite holidays were Christmas and Easter. The creators of these two holidays Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny were not very happy about this because they wanted her to pick one or the other. Santa and the Easter Bunny went to war. They were trying to prove that their holiday was better. Santa tried giving thousands more presents at Christmas. The Easter Bunny gave thousands more chocolate eggs and sweets at Easter. Still she never picked just one she loved them both equally. Still Santa and the Easter bunny weren't happy but eventually they learned to overcome their differences and stop competing. Still they thought that their holidays were better but they never said it out loud. So the Easter Bunny, Santa and Aoife were all happy. The End They’re Coming! 5th Class, by Aisling Reidy Dear Diary, 30 - 8 – 1939 I am super scared because tomorrow is the day of the big election. My Mum tells me not to worry but how can I! Anyway my name is Jade Evans and I am 10 years old. It is my birthday tomorrow and I will be turning 11. I live in Berlin and I am a Jew but I don’t really mind because I can’t help it. I have a Mother called Paula but we kids call her Mama, I also have a Father called Frank but we call him Papa. I have four brothers and five sisters. The eldest is Rita who is 17 and then John who is 16 then Martha who is 14 and Philip but Phil for short and his twin Marcus are 12 then I am next and I am turning 11 and then Kate who is 8 and then Claudia who is 7 and then Bill who is 4 and the youngest is little Alexandra but we call her Alex and she is only 2. Whoa, I have a very big family, 10 kids and two adults so there are 12 of us in a house. Luckily we have a huge house because my father writes for an important paper. Our house is kind of in the centre of Berlin. Well about my day. Today my family forgot that tomorrow was my birthday and they all thought that it was today. They invited all of my friends and cousins over for a party. I got lots of presents and this diary came from Rita. I really do love it. It has a soft cover that is red and the pages smell like roses. I am so glad that we got this whole week off because of the election. Dear Diary, 1 - 9 – 1939 Today is very special, first because of my birthday and second because of the election. My family HATES Hitler because he doesn’t like any of the Jews even if you are his friend but I guess that he would not have any Jewish friends. Well today being my REAL birthday Mama and Papa bought a delicious cake that we ate while watching the big election on the T.V. Oh no, Hitler was winning the election by 70% so far. He won, Damn it! Suddenly Papa started swearing. Mama took all of us young ones out of the room but she let Rita stay. Claudia started to cry because she was scared because Papa is usually a very calm man and I can tell you that wasn’t calm. Mama called us into the kitchen talking as if nothing had happened. Papa went out so he wasn’t there. Mama wouldn’t tell us where he went but I knew that it must have gone to the newspaper shop to by the paper so he could shred it. Finally he came back and told us that loads of people were lining up out-side the shop. Papa started to say some of the rumours that they were saying on the streets but Mama told us to go even Rita, the eldest. We all went to bed because we were too bored to wait till they were finished talking because we all knew that Mama can talk for hours. Way after midnight I heard Papa and Mama go to sleep so I crept out and stole the newspaper form the kitchen because I really wanted to know what those rumours were. The headline said” Gold Stars” so I read on because the title was interesting. I found out what gold starts meant and I just couldn’t keep reading so I ran back to my room. I kept on have these awful nightmares about Hitler taking me but finally fell asleep. Dear Diary, 2 - 9 – 1939 Today is the day when the world changes and it already did. By time we woke up there was loads of mail. There was a package for everyone in the family even little Alex. When I opened my package there was a golden star that had a sticky side and on the star it said JEW. Papa was astounded and poor Mama started to weep. We kids didn’t know what it was but me because I saw the newspaper last night. Also in the package was a list of things we can’t do! The list said “Jews have to wear a yellow star. Jews are forbidden to use trams, Jews have to turn in their bicycles, Jews are not allowed to use any public sports centres, Jews are not allowed to watch any form of entertainment. Turn sheet over for more”, but before I could turn over the sheet Mama collected them all. She wouldn’t let us read more and then Martha asked such a silly question. She asked Papa if they could stop being Jews and then Papa shouted at her saying that we are Jews and proud. Then poor little Alex burst out crying because she had no idea what was going on. Just then my best friend Katie who lives upstairs knocked on the door. She had a star on too. When she saw mine she looked relieved because she didn’t want to go to a new school without me. NEW SCHOOL, Mama never told me that. Oh no now I will never be able to see my other friend Beth because she is not a Jew. Then Katie’s mother, Jenny, ran in. She threw her arms around Mama and cried. Mama and her are very good friends and Katie’s Papa, John, is my Papa’s good friend. Mama tried to calm Jenny but she was too sad mainly because Katie would move school and because they couldn’t stay in this awful country. Then Mama said something that shocked us all, she said that they could all move to Poland tomorrow and live in Warsaw because that is where her brother lives. Jenny thought about it for a while and finally said yes. All of the kids shouted with joy. Suddenly 6 little kids ran in. It was Katie’s brothers and sisters. Katie had three brothers and three sisters. They were all younger than her. The girls were all triplets who were 7 and Claudia was there best friend and the boys were twins who were 3 and the other one was 9. They were all wearing stars too. Then her brother asked why we were making loads of noise. Claudia said that we were moving to Poland tomorrow. Papa said that we must pack some food and lots of other things. He gave us some money to go shopping. Mama and Jenny came too so they brought loads of money. First we went to get some fruit and veg. There was a sign in the window saying NO Jews wanted. Mama suggested that we go to the market but there was a barrier up saying the same thing NO Jews wanted. We had to go to the special Jewish shop beside the dump in the end. It was awful there. It stank of dead fish and feet. After we got what we wanted we all walked over to the main square. There we saw loads of Nazis and they were shouting” Jews out!” Mama and Jenny made us go home and go to bed because we had an even longer day tomorrow. Dear Diary, 3 - 9 – 1939 I can’t wait till we get out of this country because today we got more mail saying that the whole family is wanted. Papa just ripped it up and spat on it. At about lunch time we met Katie and her family at the airport. Luckily Hitler didn’t ban Jews at the airport. After we dropped our luggage off we went for a quick snack. There was a sign in the window with the stars so we couldn’t go. Mama said it was good because then we wouldn’t eat our dinner later if we did have some. We all knew that she was as sad as us. Just then the sound dinged for our flight so we all rushed to the plane. It only took a little while to get to Poland and when we did it was lashing rain. Papa said that we would have to walk to the flats because we were not allowed to get the bus because of the stars. It took half an hour to get there even though it is really close because Alex was too small to walk far. The flats were on the same level and beside each other. The flats were kind of big but very dull and damp. A few of us had to sleep on the floor but I guess that it is better than being forced into concentration camps. Mama set of cleaning straight away so Papa said we can have a look around if we stick together but only Me, Katie, Martha, Phil, Marcus and Kate went. The town is quite exciting because there were loads of street sellers and entertainment. There was a sign saying circus coming soon so we all couldn’t wait. It was getting dark so we went home and all had dinner in our flat. It was great just if only we weren’t Jews. Dear Diary, 4 - 9 – 1939 Today was super boring because all the kids had to help clean the flats. Mama didn’t let us out again for some reason. Dear Diary, 5 - 9 – 1939 Today Mama started us all at school except little Alex. It was awful because we only lived in Poland for less than a week so we don’t know how to speak Polish. Mama tried to get us all a tutor but she didn’t know where to find one. The only person in both families who knew how to speak Polish was Rita because she took that language in her old school. In school today everyone laughed when the teacher asked Katie and I our names because we got the German- Polish dictionary out and started looking. Then the teacher tried to say what your name in German is so we managed to understand. For the rest of the day I didn’t understand anything so I didn’t bother to even try so when the teacher caught me looking out the window she called me up to the desk and struck me with the ruler and also wrote me a note to bring home to Papa and Mama. To make the matters worse it started to rain hard on the way home from school so I got a cold. Dear Diary,- 9 – 1939 This morning when I knock on Katie’s door to walk to school there was no answer which was pretty strange because usually she wakes up at about 6 and I knocked at 8. I went back to Mama telling her that Katie wasn’t there so Mama made me walk with the twins. The teacher asked me where Katie was so I just shook my head because I still didn’t know how to speak Polish. After school I knocked on the door again but this time Papa came with me to make sure everything was ok. There was still no answer but Papa noticed that the door wasn’t locked. He opened it slowly and saw that there was a mess everywhere. Suddenly I saw something gleaming in the light, it was a speck of blood. I showed Papa and he got very worried. Then a little piece of paper blew over because the door was open. The note said “Dear the wonderful Evans family. We all knew that you all would be the first to notice our disappearance so we address this not to you. The Nazis let us quickly write a note to you because I lied saying that I follow Hitler even though I am a Jew but they believed me. Well anyway we are being taken away to a concentration camp in East Germany so I doubt we will see each other again but I hope for the best. Katie wanted to run in and say goodbye to Jade but the Nazis held her back. We really will miss you and hopefully will see you all in the future. From everyone here. LIVE ON JEWS! Tears were dripping down my cheeks because I cannot believe Katie would think about me in a time like that. Papa and I brought the note back to everyone else. Mama’s face froze when she saw the note. She wouldn’t eat anything else that day but I guess that no one else did really. I don’t know how I will face school without my best friend. Dear Diary, 7 - 9 – 1939 Papa didn’t want any of us go to school because he wanted us all to be here when he announced something. He waited till everyone was sitting down comfortably to say his special announcement. Papa said that this country was unsafe because Hitler took over last night and because of the Thurls family being taken away. Papa said that we were going to move again but movie today without anyone knowing. He said that we would walk to Czechoslovakia. That would be a very long walk. Mama said that she would have to think about it but in the end she decided to go tonight. We packed lots of food because it would take 2 days to get to Czechoslovakia. Mama was running around the flat like crazy making sure that all the kids brought a reasonable amount of things with them in a back pack because we didn’t want anyone to notice we had run away. Finally we were all ready to go. We pretended that we were just going on a family outing but really we were escaping from this horrible place. . Dear Diary, 8 - 9 – 1939 Mama and Papa were wrong because we are here in Czechoslovakia. It didn’t take that long because we practically ran the whole way. When we got to Czechoslovakia Papa booked us 3 hotel rooms because we were a big family of 12. Luckily it was cheap or else we wouldn’t have been able to pay because we were running short on the money. Mama just ordered toast and jam for our dinner because a real dinner would have cost double that. Alex and Bill cried all night so anyone who shared a room with them didn’t sleep. Papa told us that he would go out and explore Czechoslovakia so he could rent us a flat tomorrow. Dear Diary, 9 - 9 – 1939 As I said Papa wasn’t at the hotel this morning. Mama let us look around the hotel because we were all so bored sitting around the rooms. There was a little kids’ area on the ground level so we played there until Papa came to say that he found a flat nearby for us to stay in. He was right about the flat being close because it was around the corner over a shop. He said it was the best he could do because everywhere else was booked out. The flat was even worse than the last one but Mama lied saying that it was lovely. Mama sent us all to bed because we were wrecked. Dear Diary, 10- 9 – 1939 Today was well let me tell you about it. At about lunch time we heard a loud bang on our door. Papa made us stay in the kitchen and he went to answer it. It was the NAZIS! They were here to take us away to one of those awful concentration camps in Frankfurt I heard about in the news. One Nazi said that we were to pack a small back and leave immediately. I packed some clothes, food and most importantly my diary. Mama made us all hold hands and keep our heads held us high when we were walking across the road. We got loads of stares from passer-byes. The Nazis made us walk to the train station and get on the special train to bring you to the concentration camps. On no, I forgot my lucky pen that I need to write in my diary. I started to cry but Martha came over and got me a piece of coal so I could at least write with something. The coal was big so I shaped it into the right size. I brought the coal with me in my pocket all way to Frankfurt. It was an awful journey because we only got one slice of stale bread with a bit of cheap butter but Mama gave us hers because she ate before the Nazis came to our flat. It took a whole day to get to Frankfurt. By the time we got there they shouted female one side and male the other. All we girls tried to give the boys a hug before they left but one of the concentration camp leaders came over and made us break a part. It was only Me, Mama, Rita, Martha, Kate, Claudia and little Alex left together. We were all put together in a cell with 10 other females. Mama shared out some food she had in her pockets. I then checked in my pocket for the piece of coal, it was GONE! Dear Diary, 1945 I didn’t keep track of the date but all I know is that it is 1945 because I turned 17 this year. I know I am getting a bit too old to be writing in this little scrap book but I just couldn’t let it go. Anyway we all survived, even Mama who is getting old. Today the World War II ended. The British and Americans soldiers came and released us, both girls and boys. Mama, Rita, Martha, Kate, Claudia, Alex and I embraced the boys. We hugged for ages. The soldiers brought us to the train station. Guess who we saw. The Thurls family. Katie and I ran to each other. Mama gave Jenny a huge hug. We all talked about our times over the last few years on the journey to Berlin. By the time we got there it was very dark. A solider recommended us stay in a hotel so we did. Next Day… Mama, Papa, Katie’s Mama and Katie’s Papa talked for ages and then called us in. They decided that we were all going to move to England tomorrow. I can’t wait! The Lifeboat by Lara Browne 4th Class I was watching a programme on the television about lifeboat safety. This gave me an idea, so I asked Mam if we could go to the Rescue Centre. She said yes, but she also said I had to wear my waterproofs. I agreed so we could get going. When I was in the car I saw a Rescue crew on the harbour front with their emergency lights flashing furiously When we got there, I saw the crew getting ready to set sail for a mission. They were wearing life jackets and helmets. Mam asked if we could go too, the skipper kindly said yes. This was going to be great fun! I saw dolphins do tricks in the water; mermaids flick their tails, seals splashing in the water and men fishing in all different types of boats. When we got to the capsized boat we zipped over to them, a man called Jamie pulled the girl in. I wrapped her in a blanket she was snug as a bug in a rug. Just by looking at her I felt cold. We got her safely back to land in no time to where she was met by a Doctor. Oh yes it was an exciting day at the Rescue Centre. A Sea Adventure Niamh Cullen 4th Class When I was young I grew up in a fishing village. I really wanted to be a sailor and go on adventures. When I was older I went on the Blacksmith's ship. When we set sail I had to scrub the deck with my fellow sailors. The waves were calm but then came a storm. It went on all night. The boat was shaking. In the morning the waves were calm again. The captain gave us breakfast then told us we were going to Lake Wara Wara. After a while I had to scrub the decks again. One of my fellow sailors told us we were getting close to the island that Lake Wara Wara was on. After a few hours we reached the island. When we put the anchor down ten of the sailors stayed behind on the ship. We got bags and put food, drinks and a first aid kit in. When we were getting off the ship we saw unfriendly natives marching up and down so no one would get on to the island. We told the sailors on the ship to shot a cannon. All the unfriendly natives got a fright and ran away. Next we walked past a cannibal village. Three of the men got captured. Then there was ten of us left. After that we climbed up snow-capped mountains. When we got half way up we went to sleep. It was too dark to see where we were going. In the morning we climbed the rest of the way. Next we all built a raft to get across Alligator River. We had to build an oar to steer. When we got across the Deadly Soldier Ants five sailors were bitten so five sailors were left. When we got to Lake Wara Wara we found the key and the treasure chest. There was gold and jewellery inside. The sailors came back with the ship and then we sailed home. The End. Leaving Ireland..By Amy Collins Hello my name is Aoife and I am 12 years old. Right now I’m getting on a two month voyage to America. Before we get on we have to be checked for any major illnesses like famine fever I will miss my home but anywhere has to be better than what we felt in County Mayo. The day we found out the potatoes had blight was horrible. The stench of them was horrendous, it would make a grown man cry. Lucky enough the blight came after harvest so we had enough potatoes to do our family of eight for the year ahead. My mother worked in our house and papa worked in the workhouse and sometimes he didn’t get home until late that night. The only food we got used to be potatoes and corn but that was only sometimes. We didn’t have enough money to pay for my grandmother and grandfather to get on the Jeeney Johnston with us but sadly they both died of starvation. The price of a ticket to America in a whopping 20p so we were saving for a rainy day for a very long time. We found our cabin in the ship,it felt as though I was walking down the stairs for a very long time. We have twelve people staying in our cabin with only eight beds, nights are the worst of all, and the noise of the thunderous engines would keep an exhausted man who is hard of hearing awake. I had a dream the other night, it was why we had to emigrate. It was because the year the potatoes failed the whole family were starving and we just couldn’t fight the hunger pains any longer so we set straight out to the harbour. We have been getting more food than we would have gotten at home. It’s horrible, the amount of people who are sick is horrifying month and a half has passed and we are finally at Ellis Island. They are checking us to see if they will allow us to come into their country for new life in America. I found a $10 note on the ground here and later I’m going to put it into a bottle and send it off in hope that someone in Ireland will find it because I know how it feels to be starving RISK by Alana I tiptoed over to the door, gently stepped out of my house and quickly closed the door after me. I rushed down the road but saw my father in the distance so I hurried and made a right turn onto a dark and dirty alley. There were rusted cans and puddles of dirty water everywhere. There were so many turns I felt like I was in a maze and I'd never get out until I saw a crowd of people. There were people screaming and shouting, but I couldn’t see behind the crowds. I tried pushing and shoving to get by the people but it didn't work the majority of the crowd were men and they didn’t seem to have a lot of money. There was a sudden pause and then a man walked on the stage. Everyone got excited. I couldn’t really hear from where I was standing but I heard him saying but ``hello and welcome members of the transport union, I, your leader am here for the meeting to say we need to keep trying `` said Jim Larkin and then a man interrupted ``how will we pay for food if we don’t have money``. The money we get won`t last forever People started getting angry and started fighting. There were people pushing and throwing rocks. The police arrived and started grabbing people. I began to get scared so I backed out of the crowd. It wasn’t a pleasant site. I couldn’t find the way I came. I couldn’t move, there were people on the ground and people pushing each other. I really just wanted to get home. Jim Larkin By Harmony Halpin One damp cold morning I woke up at 6 o clock. I got dressed quickly and sneaked down stairs looking back every step of the way think should I do it. I said to myself “I’ve made up my mind I’m going" So I ran out the door and dashed to Sackville Street. When I got there, there were already loads of people there. Every time I blinked more and more people came. I was stuck behind a really tall man so I just listened. Suddenly I heard a loud voice saying "We're free men and women we don't need people to tell us when we're free or when we're not we have the right to have a speech" When the speech was finished. I looked for a way out of the big crowd. I looked right and my heart nearly jumped out of my mouth. It was my dad. He started walking towards me. I stood still. I didn't know what to do. When he got to me he shouted "what are you doing here mister" I answered back sheepishly.” I was here to hear the speech ". He said back to me “your punishment is to have a good time " and we laughed together. The End THE BIG GESTURE by Sophie Curran I sneaked out of the house at the crack of dawn. Nobody saw me well I at least hope they didn't see me. Anyway I made my way down to the tram. I got my ticket and hopped on the tram. Slowly the tram took off. The sky was a golden crisp colour with splashes of blue. The morning breeze was still but fresh. There were shops, houses, churches as we past. The birds were up tweeting away like little bells. The tram was jammers and when I got off the tram the crowd for Jim Larkin was crazy there was people everywhere. Suddenly the crowd was cheering but all I could think about was do I regret coming? Jim Larkin had arrived, he started to speak. He was talking and talking but I couldn't hear him speak with all the rustling and talking, shouting and cheering. Even though I knew when he was finished speaking. The reason I knew he was finished was because the crowd started to vanish quickly. After he finished speaking there was a bit of fighting, but nothing too serious. The police told the two men to stop but they weren't even listening. ‘That’s it’ ‘said the police, ‘into the car at once''. I didn't pay that much attention to the police anyway, all I was worrying about was getting home, what if my parents catch me? I felt sick in my stomach. I started making my way home. I hopped on the tram and back to my family I went. The journey went so quick and I was back at the station in minutes. I slowly walked back to my house. I opened the door and it creaked. I went inside. OH NO! Jim Larkins Speech Alison Cullen I’m just going out Mum I yelled. Ok be back before dinner, came the reply. I pretended to be going outside but I actually wasn’t going out to play. I was sneaking of to see Jim Larkin’s speech. As I was on my way I passed by lots of tall buildings. I came across a bakery. I looked inside the windows there were loads of cakes and biscuits inside I stood there for a minute before I decided to stroll on. I finally got there and was already dozens of people waiting for Jim Larkin’s arrival. By three o clock dozens more people had come to watch Anya's letter to Grandmother. By Abi O’Donnell 6th class 15 Lakers lane Liverpool England 11/12/12 Dear Grandmother, Everything is going well over here in Liverpool. How are things in Poland? How is Granddad? All is well here. I went to school for the first time today! It went ok, I just hated the way everyone asked me questions about where I’m from, what’s my name Where do I live? It just bugged me a little, some of the girls were really nice but others Didn’t want anything to do with me. After school I went shopping in the local shopping centre I got a few nice things. I got a new duvet for my bed, a new sparkly purple top and skinny jeans. Mom got a new job as a cleaner. She was delighted. I have to tell you about flat! I don't really like it. It's a little flat above a smelly, old chipper, called 'Mr. Yip's chip- emporium. I have a small narrow room. With small wooden drawers, a creamy-white wardrobe, a single bed and two shelf’s above my drawers. I hope we find a new better flat or house by the end of the year. Miss you loads, and hope to see/hear from you soon. Anya. How the End Came About? By Grainne Honer By the minute, life gets shorter but by the hour, life gets longer. My life is like that. Up and down, up and down. When you read this, my time will be up. It hurts to say, but it is true. People should know who I am. What I am. This is how the end came about. Two Months Before.... Oh, before I forget, I'll tell you about me. My name is Grace Holmes. Niece to the world-famous detective, Sherlock Holmes. Maybe you know him. I'm 16, well at this time I had just turned 16, actually it was my birthday. My boyfriend, Nico, had just come back from America. We were going shopping with my best-friend, Piper, when Sherlock called. He asked "do you recall anything about your mother?" That was very sudden. My mother died when I was 2. Car-crash. I grew up without parents. Finally, I thought. He was telling me about my mother." One of your Autumn pathway By Jennifer Banayo 6th Class Ms.Higgins St.Patricks Girls School, Donabate. It was a cold, autumn night. I felt the cold, midnight wind blow against my face. Looking down, the cars below looked like little ants, moving about each with a different task fulfil. I looked up and saw the bright, white stars. I looked down on the old, grey railing I was stepping on. I took a step forward and felt my foot step into nothing. That was all I remembered until it went pitch black. ... I found myself in a somewhat familiar area, a long path stretched ahead of me. Many leaves of autumn’s colours were scattered randomly on the path. Simple white fences were at the sides, and beyond laid many trees. I could not see what was on the other sides as the tree's branches and leaves covered my view. I looked up and saw that the view of the sky was covered by trees, I wondered how there was light here. I started walking, taking in the scenery. It was a lovely sight. Ah, the beauty of autumn. The path only seemed to only go straight, no turns of any sort. It felt so normal, as if nothing was wrong. But it is not a good idea to be relieved. I knew a turn was going to appear soon. I wanted to go over the fences, to see what it has to offer but my feet just kept going forward. I started seeing less stress. The way the leaves fell and swayed reminded me of my daughter, dancing gracefully. Back when she still knew me, back when we used to talk and back when I would watch her doing ballet and I would reassure her with a smile. I started to gain memories of my work, my friends and especially my family. I haven't seen them in a while. Fragments of my memory started linking together. Everything was as clear as day. I felt a tear fall down to my cheeks, I put a hand on my face and realised I was crying. It felt like my bottled emotions were gushing out. I've been so preoccupied with my work, that I wish I could've at least died with my family. That was then I noticed that the road started bending. Here it was, the twist. I had the option of either, staying with my family or going off to America to continue my work. Foolishly, I chose the wrong path, I took the work path and had gone astray. Unfortunately, once something had been done, it had been done. And I was ready for the consequences. Feeling guilt fill through me, I walked into the same path. I noticed the road was falling off, crumbling into tiny cookie crumbs. I looked at my arm and saw I was turning into ashes. "Ah, such a waste." I thought. I forced a smile and the wind carried me away. At least I can be with my beloved. The unknown creature.. .... Everybody on the deck of the research vessel was looking straight at me. They expected me, the hot-shot expert, to know exactly what the creature was, but I had no idea. It had tiger print like fur on its? face??? Anyway, it had panda ears, 20 eyes, 8 legs (like an octopus), a fin about 2 feet long, a really small fin about 2cm, its body was like a squirrels and it could live under water!! It looks very strange. I could not detect the odour that was coming off it. It kind of smelled like rotten eggs that were left out in the sun for 12 days. Oh my goodness it’s just after eating my boss!!! This is bad this is bad! What’s even worse is that by eating my boss it’s after growing bigger! It was the strangest thing that I have ever seen in my whole life. Before it could eat anybody else I’ll try and tame it by feeding it my leftover lunch (I had tuna). I called for a cage but suddenly, everything went black. I opened my eyes and there I was laying in my bed 12 again. I was panting like there was no tomorrow. I looked to my left and there was my mom and dad looking at me like I had two heads. I sighed with relief. My mom told me later that day that when she and my dad woke up they came into my room and heard me telling a story in my sleep about a very strange animal and that I was an expert on all kinds of animals. The next day I went into school and told all my friends about my weird, whacky, crazy dream I had the night before.... Jim Larkin’s Speech Zara Molloy I have decided I’m going, because I need to know why father needs to support him so much why he would risk getting arrested for him, I need to what Jim Larkin is all about. So I take my father’s gun just in case I need it and I made sure to take he's old one so he won't notice. I'm on my way there when I notice the amount of people that have turned up, it’s amazing and just then I see him. It’s just a glimpse but I saw him Larkin himself getting ready to go up on stage. I notice that Jim Larkin is being pulled, no, not pulled almost tugged by people who want touch him and ask him questions. All I can think is that man is a hero and will be remembered. My thought is cut off by a crowd of people shoving me and shouting horrible things like "Get out of here, stupid boy!" That’s when I realise that Larkin is getting up on stage. My school By Chloe Collins Once there was a girl called Emma. She went to school in donabate. She was in fifth class. She had lots of friends but she had one best friend call Molly. She is in a mixed school. It is coming up to the summer holidays. Molly and Emma are going to Disney Land in Paris. They have been best friends since first class. They are going for five weeks. But then Molly and Emma had a fight with molly, about Molly sprained Emma's arm, so she could not get on anything in the funfair so Emma was annoyed at Molly. Molly had pushed Emma in the yard she was messing with her and Emma fell but Molly just started laughing at Emma as she was hurt badly. Emma had bad cuts and a broken arm. A few days later Emma went for a check-up for her arm it was a lot better then what it was Emma asked the doctor was she allowed get on stuff in the funfair he said yes but be careful I was so happy. The next day I was two days till summer holidays. When we were all out on yard and molly came up to me and said I’m so sorry I said its ok and guess what she said what I said I’m allowed go to Disney Land we were so happy. She was jumping with joy. The next day we were on a half day. It was the day before summer holidays. We can’t wait to go to Disney Land Paris. Jim Larkin Shona Byrne I spoke to my best friend James last night and we both wanted to go and see Jim Larkin today in Sackville Street .We both told our moms that we were going to play football outside. I went out then front door and there James was waiting for me. As we approached Sackville Street we could see so many people who had already gathered. We couldn't get that close in fear of seeing my dad. Suddenly the crowds went silent and Jim Larkin appeared in his sharp three piece suit and his matching hat. We were so excited about what he was going to say. He started to Speak and the crowd erupted. He explained that we had a right to be in a union and the right to be heard and the right to be free and the right to better wages and not live in the dark and we should be treated the same as the rich. The crowd cheered and screamed and clapped with joy after what he had just said. The police arrested a few people but Jim Larkin got away and so did myself and James. As we were walking back to our houses I bumped into my dad but quite surprisingly he gave me a huge hug and said well-done son. I am so glad I went today I had a great time listening to Jim Larkin speaking to the people and me about our rights. The fish......By Amy Collins! Hello my name is Sarah and I am a scientist on a research vessel. Let me tell you my story.... I was on the research vessel with my colleagues, Sam, Betty and George .Were out on sea was because we were tracking this very rare fish .I forget what it was called... Everybody on the deck of the research vessel was looking straight at me .They expected the hot-shot expert to know exactly what the creature was, but I had no idea. I thought back to when I was nine years old .My great granddad was watching a documentary about weird looking fish and that there are lots of different kinds of fish, I remember seeing this exact fish on TV. It had a mermaid tail, a unicorn’s horn, panda ears, a platypus' bill, and eight tentacles with piranhas on each tentacle and each piranha has four sharp fangs, the fish also had a lions' mane and a long giraffe’s neck and it only ate jellyfish. It was called the Unijellymerplandapiranhalionadraculagiraffeapus When I told the crew the name they just stopped and laughed at me. They asked what they should do with it and I just said ''it’s very simple, its one and only weakness is ducks,'' so everybody decided to make duck noises and in the speed of light the unijellymerplandapiranhalionadraculagiraffeapus swam away never to be seen again. The Friends Flite by Sarah Williams One day there was two girls Susan and Jen. They were best friends. They played with one and other every day. One day Jen went on a holiday. Susan asked her mom could she go on holidays with Jen but she said no so Susan asked her dad and he said no your too young. When Susan told Jen they were sad. They decided that they would have to find a way to sneak Susan on the plane. They decided that Susan would go to Jens house on the day that Jens going and say that Susan was allowed to go on holiday with Jen. When the day came Susan went to Jens house the good thing was Jens mom did not ask Susan’s mom if she was allowed to go on holidays. It all went to plan and they got to Canada. Susan had turned her phone off so if her mom called her Jens mom would not find out about the plan. At the end of the night Jens mom asked if Susan had called her mom to tell her mom that she was ok and that she had gotten in to the hotel. So Susan said no but I have no charge in my phone. So Jens mom said that she could use her phone but luckily my dinner was ready so I said I would call her after dinner. Susan and Jen went in to the bathroom to talk about what they could do. Then after dinner Jens mom told Susan to call her mom so Jen went to the bathroom and I called Jen and pretended I was calling my mom. It worked Jens mom thought I was calling my mom. We went to bed and it the morning we went to the pool and spent the whole day down there. I got a bit of a sun tan. The next day we stayed inside. We watched T.V then the news came on. Susan and Jen did not want to watch the news but Jens mom and dad wanted to. It turns out that Susan’s mom and dad had reported Susan as missing. Jens mom called Susan’s mom and dad. That day they all had to go home. When they got there Susan’s mom and dad were happy to see her but they were angry that she went on holidays even do they told her not to. She got grounded for a mouth. I know because I am Susan. The Life of Jessie by Sarah-Jane Moroney Monday 12th of January 2015 3:45pm I am so excited, my 15th birthday is in two days I actually have no idea what I'm getting I am hoping an iPhone 7 I only have the iPhone 6 and what will my friends think if I only have an iphone6!!!So I’m really hoping I get one, if I don't I will throw a tantrum for 3 days! 5:00pm I and my friends were all in my friend’s Zoey’s house. Zoey is my friend but sometimes she is a spoilt brat if she doesn’t get something she want she will get it within the second God how spoilt is that, if I didn’t get what I wanted I would only get it in at least 2 days!! anyway when I was at her house we were all talking about what we’re going to do for my birthday party I’m not sure if I’ll ask boys because I think I just want it to be me and my girls!! We were all having a great laugh until.... Holly showed up we try stay away from Holly as best we can because she always tries to fit into our group. I don’t get how she’s not getting the message because every time she’s around us we don’t talk about anything! God get the message girl!!! 10pm You have no idea how hard it is to have an older brother a younger brother an older sister and a younger sister, everyday its teasing from my older brother and sister and every night all I hear is "Jessie can you play with me, Jessie can u play with me" God tots annoying. Well I better get to bed because if I don't who knows what they'll ask me to do next and plus I have to get up at 6 in the morning I really only have to get up a seven but you try telling me to pick a cute outfit cute shoes put on my makeup and do my hair not easy!!! Tuesday 6:30am This is sooo annoying I have no cute clothes its either I’ve worn that, that’s last season or why did I even buy that! But I have to wear something so I decided a plume leather skirt and a pink jacket. Now it’s time for my makeup.... I don’t want to make it to noticeable so I just put on a touch of mascara a hint of eyeliner and some foundation...... Oh yeah and some eye shadow lipstick and concealer! 30 mins later Finally makeup done so last thing HAIR!!! Will I wear it messy bun or will I straighten it or will I just leave it in a pony? I think I'll straighten it I don’t the guys in my school will think I'm a slop or I’ll never get a date to my prom in 3 years!!!! 10 mins later In the kitchen I was hoping my Mom wouldn't be the embarrassing type Mom today but I should know that that’s never going to happen, she always tries to look younger than she is today she is wearing this three quarter length skirt with a leather jacket!! Ewwwww! Her and my Dad always act as if their still in High School most nights they bought snuggle up on the coach and watch a movie! Ewwwww! As usual my older sister Elaine is still getting ready and my older brother David is watching TV and my younger brother and sister are watching TV in the other TV room. So at least for once the kitchen is quiet. But I have to go now so that’s the end of that! 12pm In school cafeteria Zoey, Rebecca, Alex and me are all sitting at our table in the cafeteria were such a boring group there is nothing interesting going on in our lives but I guess we still haven't decided on if were having boys at my party or not so I guess that’s something to talk about! 3pm Walking home from school We’ve decided to have boys 1st but then I’ll have another party with JUST MY GIRLS February and the party is tomorrow night aka MY BIRTHDAY!!! We're going to watch Scary movie 2!! AHHHH SCARY(lol)!! 10pm In bed Since I was born at 7am it is my birthday in9 hour’s ahhhhhh!!! I really hope I get the iPhone 7!!! 6am Getting out of bed I am not excited yet because technically it isn't my birthday yet but I only have 1 more hour to go! 2 mins later Ok I can't hold it in I have to FUN Diaries BY SARAH HOEY DEAR DIARY 1th of January Something happened to me at school today I spilled my drink all over my uniform everyone laughted at me It was so embarrassing then I started laughing but people thought I was crying because I was laughing so much After school I got on the bus and went home I got my homework done and got in a bath. After my bath I went to bed. DEAR DIARY 2nd of January Today me and my friends went shopping I got a navy blue dress. Kate got sick at my house so she had to go home, so she couldn’t Stay for a sleep over, but Beth and I had a great time See you tomorrow. DEAR DIARY 3rd of January My dad woke Beth and I at half six so we could go shopping for a dress For my sixteenth birthday in two days. As in America they call it a sweet sixteen. See you tomorrow... Diary of a tsunami girl By Elaine Murphy 31st November 2089 It's my birthday. Though it's not like anybody noticed. I went into school everybody just smiled at me no happy birthday or nothing. I came home my dad was sitting on the couch as usual. Mum was out on one of her nights out. She won't be back for a few days. She promised she won't be any later than eleven but I know better than to believe her. Janet. 1st December 2089 Mum's not back yet. I don't expect her to be back for a few days. Today in school we learnt about the ocean. I'd love to live in the ocean just swimming in the sea with fish and sharks. At least I wouldn't have to worry about Mum going out and not coming back, Dad shouting at me. I hear a knock at the door I'm going to see who it is. Janet. 2nd December 2089 Last night when I went to get the door the worst/best thing happened to me. Mum was at the door with 4 men behind her. Mum told me to pack a suitcase and to go with the men. She told me I had to live with them. They explained that they were social services and I needed to live with them until Mum got back on her feet. I felt a sudden rush of happiness inside me. Then I felt sadness then anger and right now I'm so nervous. We're in the car driving to the big house where they keep us kids. I wonder what it will be like with all those kids. The only good thing about moving is that I’ll be living near the beach. Janet 3rd December 2089 Living here isn’t all that bad. I share a room with three other girls. Tina, Britney and Tara. Tina is 15 she says she’s been here for years, Britney is 12 exactly my age but I can’t stick her but then there’s Tara she’s only 5 but I like her most she cries a lot so I tried to cheer her up by giving her my teddy but I can still here her cry now. I guess I should try sleep. Janet. 4th December 2089 I got a call off Mum today. She says I’ll be home in no time. I hope I am because I heard on the news that there was going to be a tsunami soon. I don’t really know what a tsunami is but it can’t be good. All the adults here are planning to take us to a town where we will safe. Janet 5th December 2089 We are supposed to moving to the town on Tuesday, it’s only Thursday so we won’t be leaving for quite a long time. Meanwhile I’m going to enjoy my time on the beach. I’m on the beach right now watching the sun go down. I think I’ll do that a little while longer. Janet 6th December 2089 It was horrible absolutely horrible. It was 3 o’ clock in the morning I heard screaming so loud and harsh I jumped out of bed and went to see what the problem was. The tsunami was happening I longed to be back home with Mum. But I was running for my life. I grabbed my diary and ran, ran, ran and ran. Right now I’m in some basement with three adults and my three roommates. I have to try sleep now. Janet 7th December 2089 I looked out of the basement door. Everything was wreaked and horrible and all the houses were in bits the trees have fallen over. The sea the place I always wanted to be. It had ruined my life. I thought it was harmless. Look how wrong I was. I’m on a helicopter on my way to the new town off to start a new life. Janet And they all lived happily ever after..... NOT by Gillian Weston So you probably thought you knew the true story of all those fairy tales. Made up to teach little kids lessons. But if that's what you are looking for than stop reading. In this story were are going to look at the real story of that beautiful Sleeping Beauty. Was she really beautiful? Was she so stubborn that she insisted on doing everything she wanted? If you want answers to those questions than keep reading. One day the King and Queen of a country that made spinning wheels had a little baby girl. She got lots of presents of spinning wheels even though babies can't use them. OK, so we have found out the people in this story are not very smart. You wouldn’t need to be a genius to work that out!! So the little baby was named Aurora and grew up around dipsies that lived in her parent’s country. When she grew old enough she went to school in the pubo Darklic School with all of the other village children. On her 18th birthday her parents went to a foreign country to buy Aurora her presents so Aurora was alone in the castle. She got very bored after a while and went to the town to see her friends. But her friends were planning her surprise party. After a while Aurora got so bored that she dared herself to go into the Deep Dark Forest. The Deep Dark Forest is called deep and dark for a reason. Unfortunately Aurora didn't think before she went in. Aurora had been mooching around the forest for an hour when she heard footprints. She ran and hid in a nearby hollow tree and waited to see who was coming. It was so dark that Aurora see her hand in front of her face. After about 5 seconds she saw her crush Branson come towards her tree. Branson stared at the tree for a second and then kept going. Aurora came out of the tree and tripped over one of tree's roots. She fell unconscious and lay there for the last seconds of her life. To this day no one goes back into the Deep Dark Forest, and Aurora was never found. Oh, and if you happen to be in that country in the future, do yourself a favour and don't go near the forest. THE END XOXO I Know It All By Shauna Markey I was with my friends were at my house when suddenly we all got a text at the same time. It said something about this girl in my school. When we got to school the next day she said it was something nobody knew about but her. The next day we were at my friend’s house and the same thing happened we all got a text, but this time it was about my friend and was signed xoxo I know it all. It’s been going on for weeks now this I know it all person really does know everything about everyone. Everyone keeps saying she or he knows things they have never told anyone about. Know it all just goes after a few of us but sometimes goes after other people. But only people at our school. The people it goes after is me, my four friends and a few other boys at school. Its now been going on for three years. We finish school yesterday it was our last year. Were all off to college in a few months. We thought it might be over but we all got a text saying "I'll never be go it’s to fun to see you pay for what you've done XOXO I know it all" But none of us know what we done and when it will end. Oh George! Abbie Hurley Jeremy is a very bright little boy. He goes to school every day. He always eats healthily and brushes his teeth before going to bed. Jeremy is very smart he love maths and geography. He live with his Mum, Dad and little sister Lola. Lola was hopeless. She never ate healthily, never even brushes her teeth before bed! Jeremy had a problem. There was a little boy who lived under his bed. This boy was only about a foot tall and had sparkling blue eyes just like Jeremy he had jet black hair just like Jeremy. His name was George. George was even worse than Lola! He was always trying to get Jeremy into trouble. He hid Jeremy's school bag, messed up his bed, and ate his lunch. When Jeremy complained to his mother she just laughed and said "you have a brilliant imagination George!" Jeremy tried to get rid of George, he locked his door, and he locked his window. George seemed to get in no matter what. One day Jeremy felt his bag was heavy. He opened it up and had a peek. He jumped back in horror. George had hid in his bag! Now George was at school with Jeremy. Jeremy had no way of bringing him home! What was he going to do? George hurried into the bathroom with his bag, which was now zipped up. Jeremy told George that this was too much and if he caused any trouble he would tell everyone his secret. George was terrified. If Jeremy told George his secret he would have to run from the country. If people found out they would... they would... they would be able to see George. This was too much for George to handle. He ran out of the toilet. Jeremy ran after him but it was too late he couldn't find George anywhere. He went back to his classroom. He couldn't concentrate during maths or Irish. He got caught out a few times, his teacher gave out, asked if he was ok, and told him he was on his last chance, three times! During English Jeremy saw George creep through the door. He looked over and gave him a mischievous smile. No one could see him except Jeremy. Jeremy gave him a stern look. George mouthed to Jeremy "PAYBACK". Oh no Jeremy knew he was in for trouble. Well at least there was only fifteen minutes of school left. Or fifteen minutes of mayhem! George took the paint and splashed it against the wall. He took the toilet roll from the bathroom and wrapped it around the globe. The teacher noticed and gave out to Jeremy because he sat closest to both. George made his way to the teacher. He jumped on her table and danced in front of her! Jeremy couldn't help but laugh. Jeremy was once again given out to! The teacher asked him what he had done with the good boy Jeremy. Jeremy looked at his feet. He was about to answer but he was interrupted by George who was shaking his head. "No no no please" George mouthed. He was scared Jeremy was going to tell everyone how to see him, by saying "squibble squabble I see you!” Jeremy knew that wouldn’t be fair so he just said "I don’t know". Thankfully the bell just rang for home time. Jeremy deliberately left his bag open for George to get in. Once George was safely inside he zipped it up and got on the school bus that was waiting outside. He sat down and sighed "Oh George!" The Witch in the Attic One day Amelia was searching in her attic for her old doll house, She was going to give it away in the yard sale on Saturday She came across a door she has never seen before. 'Amelia dinners ready' shouted her Mum. Amelia rushed downstairs because today was waffle Wednesday her favourite. 'Mum....’ she said 'yes' said her Mum 'Mmmm never mind'. Amelia was in bed when she started to think about the small door she wanted to go up to see it but she couldn’t the attic was locked and Amelia was scared to go up so late. Amelia tried to sleep but couldn’t she started to count sheep it was an hour later when she got up and searched for the key 'Waaaa waaaa waaa' screamed her baby brother William she ran back into bed as fast as she could because she knew what Mum and Dad would be like if they saw her. The following morning Amelia couldn’t wake up she was exhausted. 'Amelia get up at once' snapped Dad. Amelia got up and got dressed she went to school but couldn’t concentrate the small attic door was on her mind all day. Amelia ran home from school because Mum was at work for another half an hour so Amelia had time to spare. She threw her bag on the floor and searched for the key 'gotcha' she said grinning creepily. She went up to the attic and looked at the small door for a minute. She turned the key and went inside. 'Hello there Amelia' AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Shh Shhh dear. 'AHHHHHHHHHHH who are you’ ‘I’m a witch' she said with a creepy grin. 'Iv watching you and your family and let me just say I know how it feels like' 'Huh? Like what? 'Your mother and father work and they don’t spend time with you' I started to think and realised they didn’t. 'I could change that all of it my dear. I looked at her and thought WHAT THE HECK IM TALKING TO A WITCH... 'Clam it my dear shh shh shh'. She pointed her big long fingernails at me. I heard the key go through the door I turned around and the witch was gone. 'Ugh the house is a mess is your homework done what have you been doing Amelia have you even put on the rice as I asked. Said Mum. The rest of the day the witches voice was coming to my head 'I could change that all of it my dear'. That night when I was in bed I couldn’t sleep so I went back up to the attic the witch was gone but there was a note I picked it up quick and ran back to my room I read It, It said: Hello there Amelia as I said I know how it feels I will give you my address to come back to my tower If u want and I will cast you any spell you want. Like making you my prisoner forever!! Was lightly crossed out. I let a shriek out Mum and Dad ran in. The End!! Curious By Rebecca Lawler, 6th Lauren was a normal girl, she didn't go skydiving or scuba diving. She played G.A.A. and piano. She wasn't the outdoor type, she wasn't the indoor type. She didn't worry about the future, or the past. She never disobeyed the rules but she never stuck by them either. She was normal and that was that. But, she was curious. One day Lauren was walking down Old Drivers Road towards the old shop, where you can get anything from frying pans to 99c apples. Her mother had asked her to get a few slices of ham and some bread. She accepted, saying it was a good excuse to get some fresh air. She turned into the small old rickety shop and eyed John suspiciously. He was cleaning like a maniac and he never cleans. "You all right John?" Lauren asked the assistant suspiciously. "What? Yeah 'course" he replied, not looking her in the eye. Lauren had been coming to this shop for five years and in the two years John had worked here he had never been so shaky. Lauren bought the ham and bread off him, still as curious as she had been when she'd walked in. The whole time he had never looked her in the eye. She walked out of the shop wondering what the hell had just happened .She stopped dead in her tracks. What if something serious was going on in there she wouldn't have time to explain everything to her mother besides she could imagine her mother’s eyebrows disappearing into her black fringe if she told her what she thought was going on. So many questions were spinning in her head why wasn't Raphael, the shopkeeper, there? Why was John acting so strangely? Why was he cleaning? Before she knew it she was running down Old Drivers Road and running into the run down shop. And right as she did there was a loud thump, a clang of something falling and muffled whispers coming through the Staff Only door. Panting Lauren turned to John who was standing in the same place he had been only a few seconds ago, though slightly more anxious, if it were possible. "John tell me what's going on now.'' she said softly.”Ummm." The assistant glanced at the milk bottle he was polishing and stammered. “Here have some milk," before she could ask what on earth he meant by that last remark, John shoved the milk carton into her stomach. Lauren moaned doubling over. Why was he polishing a carton anyway? John was too busy looking at the Staff Only door to notice. Ok, so he was freaked. "Lauren," he said, pushing her out the door. "Leave." Lauren couldn't believe what was going on. "Can you please just-" For the first time that day he looked her in the eye. "Don't. Come. Back." He slammed the door in her face before she had any time to react. Well, that was friendly she thought. Curiosity and anxiety got the best of her and she sprinted around to the back of the shop. It was dark, 4 o'clock. Wow, she hated early winter nights. She got to the ally-way, her sweaty hand still clutching the milk bottle and her belt becoming undone. She ripped it out, still running and kept it in her clammy hand. She got to the back of the shop and, seeing a narrow window at the top of the wall, began climbing boxes and crates. She almost slipped once but she got to the window in the end. She peeked through the dirty glass and saw Raphael standing against the wall as sweaty as her hands. She only caught small amounts of what was being said in the room."...we got to get out ‘a here..." said a strained voice "....oh that’s interesting I think I'll keep that for myself if you don't mind..." said another slightly rougher then the first. The first time she heard Raphael speak he had boomed in that wonderful Italian accent of his, but now it was barely more than a squeak "...but that was my grandmother's-" he began, but was cut off by a gruff 'shut it'. He did. Lauren twisted to see if she could catch a glance of the thieves, for they were obviously thieves. As she craned her neck for a good view she slipped and yelped dropping the milk. Rats. It spilled all over in front of the back door, she looked through the window and saw the shocked Italian, eyes wide. The men had obviously heard her. She scrambled down in a frantic rush to get to the bottom of the piledup crates, her heart pounding. Right as she was about to get of the last box, the door flung open, and broad shouldered man jumped out, slipped on the milk and crashed down to the ground, only to be followed by a younger man wearing black leather, his head hit the ground and he fell unconscious within 5 seconds. The other, however, did not. He lifted his head and glared "You little-" The door flew open and knocked him unconscious. She suddenly found herself smiling that was enough adrenaline to last her a lifetime. She felt like saying Well, that's going to hurt in the morning' Raphael grabbed the belt from her hand and tied the burglar's hands together. "Why do that? They are unconscious." Lauren asked and started dialling 999. "I hit the big one with a frying pan, he got up after." She smiled, still looking at the screen, then looked up at the Italian. “Seriously?" He nodded "Si" "Oh" she said looking at the thief "You should probably tie up their feet too, then." Raphael left her to get some rope. She finished the phone call with the Gardaí and stood there smiling to herself. She looked down and realised she was standing in a dark alleyway with two criminals. Oh right When the Gardaí came she met up with John. "Well that was scary," Lauren said starting the conversation. "Scary? Jeez, Lauren your such a scardy-cat" he replied with a smirk on his face. "John, you do realize you were cleaning your store from top to bottom while all this was going on," she retorted, one eyebrow raised. John glanced around to make sure nobody was listening, his smile fading. “Speak of this to no-one." he whispered. Lauren laughed. “John, you were polishing a milk carton, how can I not?” World War 2 (1945) By Ellen Dunne Dear Sophie (My Diary) It was Tuesday the 4th of March and I was in my bed reading my book waiting for my daddy to come up and took me in when I heard 'BANG' I ran downstairs to see what happened when my dad said 'does it matter? We have to hurry there’s no time to waste'. As soon as he said that, I immediately knew what had happened. The Nazis were coming. I mean who wouldn’t see it coming, seriously just two weeks ago it was on the news that talks were going on about attacking somewhere but nobody knew where. But why wouldn’t they come to attack the Jewish. Everybody knows the Germans aren't too fond of the Jewish people. I remember it very clearly because it was only two years ago but all the thoughts running through my head at the time I just couldn’t think straight and I began to feel nauseous and from what I've been told I passed out and my dad had to carry me out to the front garden and try to resuscitate me but that didn’t work so he had to carry me as far as he could and that wasn't far because he had just gotten a foot operation and he wasn't as strong as he usually would be because he was still recovering from the operation. I think he said he carried me up to our friend Julia's house because she had a car and we didn’t so that was handy. We drove up to the airport and tried to find Julia's husband Mark but he wasn’t there so we had to try get the cheapest flight to somewhere as far away as possible from Poland (where we lived) but there only flight within 2 hours was full so we had to stay there and hope they wouldn’t attack the airport!!!!! Talk to you soon Hannah xxx Moving? By Keava Roche 6th 3oth of January 1pm No. No. No. No, this is not happening. I'm not moving house. Underline NOT!!!!!!!! . I have a life here and I'm not losing it! How could Mum do this to me?????? She is soooo soooo soooo mean. I can't go on..... Katie xxx 5 Minutes Later She is just so.... AAAAAHHHHHH. That was me screaming my head off. The reason being, Mum doesn't see the big problem of moving house and says I'm over re-acting. Which I'm not! I'll never be able to see Dixie again and what about Martina. We've had our ups and downs, mostly downs, but she's still my best friend's friend. Well Mum is calling me for "Sinner”, whatever that is??? Katie xxx 31st of January 10am Well.......... turns out" Sinner” was actually Dinner. About moving house that’s a different thing all together. Let me put it this way... Mum was right about me over re-acting and I might have heard a bit wrong but she doesn't know what a strong bond I have with "it" so all along I could have been right but wrong, then again right. In English, we're not getting a new house, we’re getting a new couch. As you can guess I'm super embarrassed. Anyway, you can see where I got confused, can't you??? Moving on, see what I did there!!! I'm going to be extra careful about listening. What did Mum just say??? I'll go find out. Katie xxx The True Story of Humpty Dumpty by Orla Doyle Once upon a time long long ago there was a young lad called Humpty Dumpty or Jack. Jack was playing his yo-yo on a wall when the yo-yo got caught in a gate and Jack fell of the wall. All of Kings and the Kings hola-hoops came to bring him to the hospital. Three Weeks later Jack and Yo-yo went to court. Yo-yo was given six months in plastic prison and Jack fell of another wall. The End! The true story of Little Red Riding Hood by Orla Doyle Once upon a time long long ago there was a little girl named Alice. She lived in little cottage in the middle of the Oak Woods. Everyone in the village know her as Little Blue Riding Hood (She never had a red coat). One day her mother asked her to bring her Grandmothers dinner to her, because she was sick and couldn't make herself dinner. So Alice went along the road, happy to be alone, then she saw the big good wolf (not the big bad wolf).Everyone mixed the big bad wolf with the big good wolf. The big good wolf had made a cake for her Grandmother (he heard she was sick).She took the cake and went along the road again. Then she reached the house. Mighty Mandy I was on a cruise in the Caribbean. I had just taken a walk in the doggy park. Oh yeah, by the way I am a dog. Anyway, I had my walk and I went to relax in the doggy pool. I had a look around me and I saw passengers going into restaurants and relaxing in the other pool. They are lucky they get a slide. I was having a nice time. I had just gotten out of the pool when the whole boat shook, which scared the life out of me. I had looked all around be but I couldn’t see anything wrong. I decided to go down to the bottom of the ship. When I got down there I saw a huge hole in the wall of the ship. Water had come in and it was rising fast. I decided to change into my red cape and turn into... Mighty Mandy. When I had changed into the cape, I used my ears to make me fly. I flew up to the top deck and I was exhausted when I reached it. I cleared my throat and said that the ship had hit a rock and was going to sink. Yes I know that I could have put it a way that didn’t make it sound like we were going to die but I wasn’t in that type of mood. Everyone looked up at me. There was a moment of silence and then everyone started running around screaming. Of course I had made a mistake with my words. I decided to just do what I do best... Be a Superhero! I had to make everyone be quiet so I used my very, very, very loud bark. Everyone was quiet so I took my chance to talk. I said that they should all hold on to my tail. I extended my tail so that everyone could hold on. Yes, I know it’s a weird power but it is useful. Luckily they all believed me and held on. I flew off heading back towards land. It didn’t take long to reach land but it was annoying having lots of people holding on to your tail. I landed where the ship had left and let them all get off my tail. Most of the people were happy to be saved but others were really unhappy because they didn’t get a nice cruise. I was happy that everyone was safe and sound. I am happy that I was there that day to save them! Dragons Cave by Sinead Kearns 6th ‘Charlie where are you going" said his little sister as he was about to go through the open gate of their front garden 'I’m just going exploring in Dark Hill Forest" he said in an excited tone. His little sister, Bonny was not much smaller then him but for a small girl she had a large mouth meaning telling everything that he does to their parents. "Mummy said that were not allowed there because there are dragons lurking all around “she said, " she did but I’m going there to take on the dragons so the forest will be safe and don’t worry mum said I could go" he lied. She looked at him curiously " can I tell mummy then “she said , "no you can’t because if you do I won’t be able to slave the dragons and they will come to our house and take all of your toys" he said trying to frighten her. Not waiting another second Bonny ran as fast as she could into the house and with a sigh of relief Charlie went back out on his way to the forest. When Charlie got to the gate of Dark Hill Forest it looked completely deserted and the sign on top of the gate had gone old and covered with ivy and it looked like it had got burnt. When he walked in he felt a shiver come over him. He explored most of the forest until he stopped at the old entrance. He looked at it carefully then jumped because he thought he just saw red lights flashing almost looking like eyes. He continued his walk and after a few minutes he decided to give up on his adventure. "Ahhhhhh" screamed Bonny after she grabbed all her toys and hid under her blanket. Her mum burst through the door “What’s wrong and where is Charlie" she said. Bonny shivered with fear as she took the blanket off her head 'Charlie said if I told you that he went to Dark Hill Forest the dragons will come and take all my toys" she said in a scared voice and as quick as a flash her mum ran out the door and screamed "I have to stop Charlie before he step upon the 3 steps of doom!" Bonny, very confused took her quilt and threw it back upon her head. Charlie felt very disappointed but he decided to stay in the forest just for a bit longer. There was a gate in his way so he decided to just take the 3 stairs to get to the other side because the last time he climbed a wall he fell right off and had to sit on the bench the entire time at his football match. When he walked upon the first one there was a chime the second one there was another and on the third there was the loudest chime he had every heard and it was so loud he collapsed and was so for very long. "Charlie, Charlie" his mum was very concerned now as she called his name repeatedly. She searched everywhere and then heard a chime and she knew what it was and she ran for the 3 stairs of doom! To find Charlie and every entrance for her to get to Charlie became smaller and smaller so unsure what to do she ran and just at the nick of time she squeezed through the remaining piece of entrance left. When Charlie woke up he felt Florida by Sophie O'Donoghue One day in the middle of summer my family and I were going to Florida. We got to the airport and we checked in our bags. We then went up to get something to eat and we had a look in some shops. After we had something to eat we went up to get onto the plane. When we got up there I showed the man my passport and he let me through. My family and I then got onto the plane and we were showed to our seats. We got into our seats. My sister and I had some sweats and the plane was about to take off. We were in the air. I was looking out my window and everything looked so small. I knew this was going to be a long journey so I had a nap. When I woke up we still had 4 hours to go. My sister and I started to play on our Nintendo’s. Before I knew we had landed. We were in Florida! When we got off the plane we collected our bags and my dad went over to collect our car. We went across the road and got our car. It was only about 20 mins from the airport to our villa. When we got to our villa we were starving so my dad went to the pizza place which was just across the road. While my dad was gone my sister, my mam and I started unpacking our bags. When my dad came back we had finished unpacking our bags. We had got a 16 inch pizza and we ate it all up. After we had eaten our pizza we were all really tired so we went to bed. When we woke up the next morning we were going to a theme park called Sea World. After we had all had our breakfast we were off. We were at Sea World at 12 so we had the whole day ahead of us. At 9pm we left Sea World. I went on loads of the rides. After that we went out for dinner. We went to Applebee’s. My food was so yummy. After that we went home and we all watched a movie. When the movie was finished we all went to bed. The next day we went to Bush Gardens (it’s a theme park). I went on loads of rollercoasters. I loved it. When we had gone on every ride we all wanted to go. We got home at 10pm. We were all really hungry so we got Chinese. Oh it was so yummy. After we had our Chinese we all went to bed. The next day we all wanted to chill out. We all jumped into the pool. We stayed in the pool for an hour. It was so fun. We all got into our clothes and we went out for dinner. We went to The Outback Steakhouse. I ordered a steak and chips. The steak and chips was gorgeous. After that we all wanted to play crazy golf. So we did. It was so much fun. When we finished playing crazy golf we went home because it was getting dark. When we got home we had some goodies and watched a movie. When the movie was over we all went to bed. The next day we were going to Discovery Cove. When we got there we had to get into our wetsuits. When we were all ready we went snorkelling. We then went swimming with stingrays but the sting was taken out of them. I was really scared at first but after a while I wasn’t. After that we went swimming with fish. It was really fun. When we were finished swimming with the fish we then went swimming with the dolphins. I got to feed them and I held onto the dolphins fin. I got to swim with them and I got to kiss it as well. Swimming with the dolphins was so much fun and I'll never forget it. After that we took of our wetsuits and got into our clothes. We got dinner there and dessert as well. The food was yummy. Our day was coming to an end, so after we had our dinner we went home. We were going home the next day. The next day we were all packed up and we were ready to go. I was sad to be leaving because I didn’t want my holiday to come to an end. We got to the airport and we checked our bags in. After that our plane was boarding. So we had to go. We got up to the gate and we got onto the plane. I will never forget my time in Florida. New life By E. N. Milne 01/01/13 Dear Diary, New year, new home, new family. My name's Daisy. This year I decided to start a diary. I thought it would be good to get some things off my chest. I have a lot to tell you. Well to start off me and Mum don't live on our own anymore. She met a guy and they decided why not get married, without even telling me. So we moved in with Snotface, that's what I call him and the twins. Chloe and Zoey are the two meanest girls alive and I have to share a room with them. They're always ganging up on me. If that's not bad enough we have Snotface Junior and when I say like father like son I really, really mean it. So basically this is my life now. I promise to write in you every day and keep you posted! Signed Daisy 02/04/13 Dear Diary, So maybe I don’t keep promises. Maybe I’ll just write to you when something big happens. Well here’s a big thing. I am getting a new little brother or sister! I’m delighted because I always wanted a baby brother or sister but there are some pro’s and con’s. Pro’s 1. I don’t have to be an only child anymore!!! (I don’t consider The Evil Twins and Snotface Junior my brothers and sisters) 2. I’ll get to take care of him/her and all the girls in my class will think I’m such a good big sister so they’ll all gather round when I walk him/her to school. 3. I will finally have someone who can be on my side for a change. Con’s 1. He/She will be half Snotface so I’ll have to train him/her to be a least half decent. 2. He/She might side with the others, then it will be four against one!!! How unfair! 3. I will probably have to look after the baby more than I want, extra chores!!! Ugghhhh So one more thing we have to move again and this time it’s even further away from my friends. That’s another con. I’ll write to you if anything else big happens!!! Signed Daisy 20/07/13 Dear Diary, You’ll never guess where I am at the moment. I’m on a boat escaping from an erupting volcano in Hawaii. I’m in a state. My mascara is running, my cheeks are red and I think I will go into shock any time soon. I brought you with me as a travel diary but obviously I didn’t bother writing in you. A volcano erupted and now there’s a whole load of people on this boat with us trying to escape. I did the most courageous thing ever. When we were running for the boat Chloe tripped and I ran back to save her. She is thanking me every five minutes and so is Zoey because she said she would be nothing without her twin. From now on I think we’ll get along much better. I am convinced that when I die my diary will be a very famous historical diary, like Anne Frank or something but for now I don’t think I’ll write in you for a while. Signed Daisy xoxox My 11th Birthday by Caitlin Penrose 5th Class Today is my 11th birthday. I am very excited. My party starts at 7:00 till 9:00 some of my friends will stay over. I can’t wait. We are going to make our own scrummy tubs yummy! I have 23 people coming to my party. T love having parties and going to them they are so fun! The last party I went to we pulled an all-nighter and we played the Wii at 5:45am we were all so tired. Then the other party I went to we made homemade pizzas and my friend and I made one with extra cheese. Jenny! By Jodie Clinton Hi, my name is Jenny. I am 10 years old. I am an enthusiastic person. In school today we were learning about angles. I hate it! I didn’t even listen because it was so stupid. Then he gave us homework with angles and I don’t know what to do. So my Mom has to write a note to say we went out. Poop! My teachers name is Mr Vaughn. He is so very mean. My best friend is Andy. He is 11. We went to Sandy's. That is a diner. The year 1992 is only here 8 days and it is very exciting. We got chocolate milkshakes with our pocket money YUM!!!!! We started talking to Sandy. She is the owner of the diner obviously. She told us some horrible news. Sandy’s was closing down. She said that it was because there wasn’t enough people working there and she couldn’t afford to hire anyone. Just when she was about to say something else the bell rang and that means that someone was waiting for Sandy to take their order. Then when the person left and went to their table I told Sandy that I would work there and she wouldn’t have to pay me. She was absolutely thrilled and she thanked me so much. She said I could start now. Well that was fine with her not me, I left Andy sitting there all on his own, thankfully Sandy said he could help too. So Andy and I were running up and down that joint like there was no tomorrow. Finally, it was the end of the day. Sandy called us over she told us she wanted to give us 50 pence each because we did such good work. We were so chuffed. So straight after our first day of work (that sounds so weird!!!) We went to Shang Hoi. It is Shang’s newsagent. Shang is Andy’s step father. He is Chinese!! Since we had 50p he let us buy loads. We spent a total of 95p. Shang is really nice. Then we went to our friend Daniel’s house. Well actually he isn’t nice but we pretend to like him because he is rich. Haha take that but I kind of feel sorry for him because we are his only ‘’friends’’. But he thinks that we are all BFF’s. So we went to his house and his mum brought out lovely treats. Well that’s a day in my life. Bye xxx A day at the zoo By Lainey Gruben One sunny morning I went to the zoo with my Mom and Dad. We set off. As soon as we got there I ran to the giraffe habitat (as I love giraffes). I stayed there for a while and then a zookeeper came along and asked me if I would like to feed the giraffes and of course I said yes. I gave the giraffe a carrot she didn’t like it I gave her an apple she didn’t like I asked the zookeeper what giraffes like to eat?. The zookeeper explained to me that giraffes like to eat fruit and vegetables all mixed up together. I was thinking how can they eat that but it looked like a fruit salad. My Mom called me so then I had to go to another section. We went over to the monkey habitat. There was one monkey that was asleep on a tree and suddenly another monkey pushed him off. Everyone was laughing. Then we went to the dolphin and seal show it was great. I went over to the lion habitat. The lion came straight up to the glass everyone ran away but me because I knew he couldn’t hurt me when he was behind the glass. He did a big yawn showing off all his teeth. Then last but not least we went over to the elephants. The elephants were so big and fat (and a bit smelly to). One was eating peanuts that the zookeeper gave him and he was really enjoying them!!! Then we went home and that was my day at the zoo Diary of a Drama Queen Aoife O'Hanlon 5th class Monday Dear DiaryWait, that’s a dumb way to start a diary. I've never wrote a diary. My older sister keeps a diary, but me Don’t think you want to know what she wrote... Anyways, moving on. Today was my first day of school. It was TERRIBLE!! My little sister messed with my alarm clock, so I was LATE!! The most embarrassing thing that happened was AWFUL!! I grabbed my lunch, hopped on the bus, and everyone was a laughing... at me!! I was so confused, but then I looked down. I was still in my 'I luv puppies' pyjamas!! I thought my life was completely over!! I was going to cry, and scream, and shout. I know it's a dumb thing to get upset about, but you try moving to a new neighbourhood, and showing up on the bus in your kiddy pyjamas!! It's almost heart-breaking... Anyways, a girl called Wendy came up to me, and kind of saved my life. 'Hey! You! Don't mind them. Sit with me. I'll be your friend.' she said, making room for me. I felt I was almost going to cry, because she was being so nice to me. I was tearing up again, and she gave me a tissue. 'Hey. Don't cry. What's your name? I'm Wendy.' she said gently. I couldn't even talk, I was so traumatized. I think she could see I was shy, so she gave me a piece of paper and told me to write down my name, to make me feel better. 'Laura. Ok then, Laura. I have some clothes in my locker. You can wear those for the day, and I'll come by to your house after school to pick them up. Ok?' I nodded, and gave her a smile. She smiled back, and gave me a hug. I felt like I was being kind of dramatic, but ah well. I AM a drama queen, after all!! :) Tuesday Dear DiaryOkay, I REALLY got to stop doing that. Anyways yesterday turned out fine. I made a new friend, got a good locker, and, oh yeah... BECAME ENIMIES WITH THE MOST POPULER GIRL IN SCHOOL!!! Everyone looks up to her. I have a feeling it's going to be a long school year... Her name's Chelsea. Her little sidekick is Isabelle. They are perfect friends for each other... Perfect like how sick goes in a toilet!! By Aoife O Hanlon Life in the Military Fifth class Isabelle Dunne Day 1 Dear Diary Today was a rough day. We were training hard. If we didn’t do what we were asked we got no dinner. I did try and I got dinner. Even though I did what I was asked I didn’t get a big dinner. I got a beans and rice in a small bowl and it barely filled me. I think that we are cutting down on food and drinks for the soldiers. After dinner we went back to training and did what we normally do in three days’ work. I'm now sitting here waiting for the sun to rise because I can't sleep. If I'm caught up I will be in trouble because I have to be up at five in the morning for early morning training. We must be going to war soon because we are training like mad. We normally get to sleep till seven but not this week they are being very strict. I have to go know because I hear someone in the corridor. Day 2 Dear Diary I have never worked so hard in my life! Today general told us that we were going to help the Americans in their war of independence. So we were training very hard. That was why We were up at five o clock! I was exhausted when I woke up because I was up for most of the night! Today we were training with fake guns! It was a lot of fun because nobody got hurt! Today for dinner we had chicken curry and rice. Today we got dessert! I hadn’t had dessert in ages and it was my favourite! Cook's famous chocolate cake. It wasn’t the normal chocolate cake it was special! It's not too moist but it was moist enough! It isn’t too chocolaty but it is just right! Tomorrow we are having her melt I’m mouth chocolate chip cookies! I'll tell you about tomorrow! I'm going to go now because I have to be up at six tomorrow! At least it isn’t five like today! Day 3 Dear diary, We have to go to war tomorrow and I won't really get a chance to write in you during war. I'm actually really frightened for war because I don't think I'm ready!! I have only recently joined the war and this will be my first war! I might get a chance if I'm lucky! I hope so!! Sorry I can't write for long today! I have to get my sleep for tomorrow! Day 4 Dear diary, I was really happy I got a chance to write today! The only reason I got to is because I got shot in the leg! So I'm in hospital right now. The food here is amazing but not as nice as the food that cook makes!! I miss not being in pain! I will write in you when I'm better and life is back to normal! Love, Isabelle x PURPLE AND YELLOW LAND by JOSIE O’REILLY 5th There was a land. It was all purple. One time a bunch of yellow people came. First they asked for a bit of land, so the purple people gave them some. But as the years went by they kept taking more and more eventually there was no land left for the purple people THEN....... Me and my dad were offered a trip to space (my dad wasn’t very interested but when I said it was pretty cool he said alright.)The man said we can see loads of planets even purple land. Back at purple land. Dad why are the yellow people on purple land. Help us the purple people cried. There chief told me the story and it took a day in space The magical log by Sadhbh Dalton 5th class One day a rabbit moved into alog called the Magical Log. There was other log's there but this one was particularly Magical but no one knew that. There was lots of other rabbits Sophie’s age and only one was nice to her and the others were really really mean and being a bully. So then the two rabbits with no friends became best friends and they were so happy and they had sleepovers, they shared their stuff, they helped each other with their homework and they even shared secrets but Sophie did not tell here bff one small little secret that will destroy the village. The rain will poor down and the village will flood and all the logs will get so wet that they will just fall. One day they walked to school together and thunder and lightning came and the rain was only coming a small bit. School was cancelled and we all went back home and my friend came to my house and as soon as we stepped in the rain went way heavier and we watched bunny funny TV and we turned on a programme and it was the news. We watched it for a while and it said don't go outside it's going to be raining all week so I told my friend about the rain. I told her something u don't know I said "I am an angle come down from heaven and this flood was meant to happen and 9I wasn’t meant to tell anyone but I told you and I know that you will keep the promise." My word was spoken and I could not take it back but I knew I could trust her. I went on a walk and then I saw it, the storm the waves the DOG what was a dog doing here a dog it's not the cause of the storm, bu bu but.... but it is meant to happen now maybe just maybe it was a myth. That's it just all a myth a big fat lying myth. But it wasn’t so I went out to find the cause of the hold up, but I went the wrong way I was too late and when I got back to the village no one and I mean NO ONE was there. I searched and searched but it was no use all the houses were destroyed except one and that one was mine so I went over to it and I saw through the window my best friend and all the other rabbit's and bunny's and that's when it happened and now I am here telling my story to you in this big black hole yelling for help. I don't know how I got here and how I can get out but all I remember is that story I just told you. "HELP HELP" I continue shouting with fear and tears running down the side of my face. I was as scared as a rabbit is when he sees a car coming towards him but escapes. I did not move or make a sound so I just sat there staying still and nothing happened so I screamed one more time and then someone replied and it sounded no it can't be it it is the angle but they are thanking me but for what. Is it for saving everyone ya it is it will be but is it but they just disappeared what is it were are they. I can hear my friend’s voice and everyone else's I’m alive So that was the story of the magic log by Sadhbh Dalton in 5th class Monday Morning Shaking- By Aisling Reidy 5th class Ringgggggg Ringgggggg. It was my alarm. Wait before I get on with my story, my name is Ashley and I live in California. It took me at least 20 minutes to open my eyes and when I did it was 7 o'clock on a Monday morning! Just then my Mum, Dad, older sister Chloe and little brother Cian walked in singing happy birthday. Oh yeah, I forgot that it was my birthday. I am now eleven years old. Everyone was holding a present. I opened Chloe's present first, new red head-phones. Cian made me a really sparkly card. Dad gave me a really nice black dress but Mum's present was my favourite. A diary and the Now 83 cd. After I said my thanks the doorbell rang. SCHOOL. It was Taylor, my best friend. She was here to see if I was walking to school and then saw my pj's and laughed. Taylor said "You do know that it is 8:30." I quickly threw on my new dress and my red vans, ate a slice of toast and ran out with books in my hands. Monday Afternoon By the time we got to school it was 9:30 and school starts at 9 sharp. The teachers were going bananas but then I told them that it was my birthday so they let me off easily. We did maths for at least 2 hours and it wasn't just any maths it was long division. After maths it was lunch, finally. I saw Cian on yard and gave him a wave because he just started school. Taylor, Katie, Bell, Kelsy, Lynsy, Beth and Anna pulled me over to the bench and gave me birthday bumps. Just then the temperature dropped by about 10 degrees, so it became 1 degree. We all went in because it was so cold. When the school bell rang a few hours later we all left. Taylor and I walked home together and little Cian trailed behind. Moments later the building beside us crashed down and a crack opened in the ground. The ground begun to shake and everything around us was collapsing. The houses, trees, buildings, shops the lot. Taylor saw a cave and we ran in. Oh no, we were stranded in the middle of chaos. Monday Evening It was 6:15 and we were still waiting in a cave. A really dark cave it was. Suddenly Cian burst out crying saying that we will never make it home. I was thinking that but I wouldn't want to frighten him because he was 5 years old. I then saw a dark shape moving towards us. It reached out his hand and... It was only a member of the navy. He was here to help us. Straight away I asked him about my parents because my Dad was the general of the American navy and this man must have known him. The navy solider said he knew nothing about that and he was just here to get us safely away from the city. When we walked out of the cave our eyes hurt from the brightness. It was freezing. It was so cold that when I took a breath it nearly froze. Appearing from nowhere I saw two wrecked looking people, they were Taylor's parents. I looked out for my parents but no luck. Taylor's parents offered to take Cian and myself but the solider would not let them. He said that we had to be taken to a place where the children go for a checkup. Taylor's parents had nothing else to do but agree. Taylor and I hugged like it would be the last time. Tears were rolling down our cheeks and she even gave little Cian a hug even though they hated each other because Cian always kicks her so that showed how bad it might be. That night we were taken to the big hall where everyone was if their house was gone or missing. I saw Katie there but I just couldn't go over, it would be too sad. Cian and I went straight to sleep after dinner. I thought it was just a dream and I was waking up but it was actually a pretty looking lady. She said that she wanted to talk to me in her office. I was about to wake Cian but she said that it would be too much for him to take in because he was only young and I was older. The lady said that her name was Joanna but I had to call her Ms. Wall. She explained about what happened and the most important part the one I was most dreading. My parents, they were sick in hospital and I wasn't allowed to visit and the worst of the worst Cian and I were being sent away! Like, I can look after us fine, but no, she said it was not good to leave me in charge so guess what. We were being sent away to England were our great-aunt lives. She was our mother's aunt and they disliked each tremendously. Tuesday Morning I couldn't write in my diary last night because I was crying all night. She did it, that wicked old Ms. Wall sent us to our great-aunt Elizabeth. Luckily I brought my diary to school with me the day of the earthquake or else I would have nothing to remind me of home. So here we are, Cian and myself in a cab (well these people call them taxis) waiting to arrive in London. Last night was dreadful. Cian kicked and screamed for hours when Ms. Wall told him. (I really wanted to do so myself aswell) Finally he calmed down when he saw a sergeant bring him over a lollipop. Ms. Wall woke us up at 3 o'clock last night and brought us to the airport. She got on the plane to London too. The plane ride was awful and we got to London at about 9:15 today. It was lashing. I never so that much rain in my life. I really can't wait till we get there. I wonder what her house will look like. Tuesday Afternoon At last we got there. Great-aunt just looked down at us in disgust. She asked about our clothes and if we had more but we lost them all. It seemed that she looked down on us so no wonder Mum didn't like her and when I called her Elizabeth she said to call her Madame! She was way too fancy because she was wearing, well it looked like a wedding dress and a huge fancy hat that didn't look good on her because of her double chin but wait till I tell you what her house looks like. It is so big, about double the size of our own house in California. It had a morning room, night room, 5 bed rooms, she had about 7 maids and butler, a cook and a door man. After we had a look around she called us into the morning room for tea. It was great and tasty. The she told us to get down to biasness. Great-aunt said that she didn't have enough money to keep us. The mean old pig, she was probably had triple more money than us and she could just sell some things. All she did was treat us like animals. Then I plucked up the courage to say where we will go if you don't want us. Great-aunt then said that I would be sent to a girl’s boarding school and Cian would be sent to a boy’s boarding school TOMORROW! She said that Clara, her maid, would bring us tomorrow to the boarding schools in Manchester and get everything sorted out so we would have to wake up at 6 to get on the train. Tuesday Night After she shooed us out of the room we were told to go to Clara to let her sew clothes for us. Clara had a strange sort of personality, like when she found something funny she would laugh so loud but normally she just kept to herself. Well, after we got our clothes made for us she sent us to bed. Cian and I shared a room because he was too scared to have his own. I didn't really mind but when he slept he kept on shouting out Mum and Dad. I felt really sorry for him but couldn't help feeling sorry for myself too because I was being sent away to a strange school in a strange country with new people. I was so nerves for tomorrow. Finally, I fell asleep. Wednesday Morning Third day after the earthquake and our lives had changed forever. As she promised Clara woke us up early to get the train to Manchester. Our goodbyes to Great-aunt weren't that special because all she did was shake our hands and wished us look. A taxi then pulled up so we got in. The man who drove the taxi had a funny mustache. He also had a very stern look on his face so we all sat quietly in our seats. It took about 4 hours to get to Manchester but I think it was well worth the wait. There were little shops her and there. It was quite nice. I saw a huge school in the distance. It was Cian's new school. Clara said that we had to get out of the car now because she wanted to walk the rest of the way. It only took ten minutes. The school was really pretty and big. The head came to greet us and then took Clara into a room. Cian and I looked around, it was nice. The Clara came out and said it was time for our goodbyes. It was so hard but I kept on telling him that I would see him really soon and not to worry that he would make friends really soon. I then gave him one final hug and left. It broke my heart to leave him but it had to be done. Now it was my turn and I was thinking that mine would be more or less the same but I wasn't. It was a really huge old castle. There were loads of girls from ages 4-18 playing on the yard. They all looked at me in kind of a mean way like I was an alien from planet Mars so from there on I knew that I wasn't going to fit in. Wednesday Afternoon An old looking lady guided us over to her. She said that she was the head mistress of this school. I then saw a group of girls snigger behind her back so Clara suggested that we go into her office. The heads office wasn't that big but wasn't that small. It a nice looking room with a load of pictures of past students. I guessed that they might be prefects or successful pupils that went to this school. The head master said that I must call her Ms. Finn and bow when I see her. She then said that she doesn't like Americans and doesn't tolerate messing. Like how mean is that, I am American and proud. There was a big loud ring coming from Clara's pocket. She said that it was Madame so she must go. Clara shook my hand and left. Now I truly was alone in the world. Ms. Finn clasped her hand over my shoulder and directed me to the prefect room. There she introduced me to the prefects and told me the rules of the school. We walked back to her office and she made me sit down. Ms. Finn spoke quietly so that no one else could her, she said" I don't care for Americans so no messing and I don't take American in this school but your great-aunt is very wealthy so I did. Not that YOU are special or anything because I just took you because of her. I don't want to hear from you again. The she kicked me out. I am not so sure I like England anymore between the laughing girls, great-aunt Elizabeth and now this old Ms. Finn to add to the list. I didn't know where to go so I just went to the classroom she told me I was to be in. It was a classroom overlooking a lake. I think I was early because no one else came in. A little while later a whole stream of kids aged 10-12 ran in. The older ones took the back seats and the younger ones got the middle rows. I waited till they all got seat for me to take the last remaining seat. It was at the very front beside the toilets. YUCK. Everyone was staring at me like I wasn't in the right classroom. I must have been because the head told me so. I asked the girl beside me who teaches this class and then she just pointed to the door and in walked a young looking man. He was tall and had long brown hair tied back into a ponytail. If you ask me I think he looked like a hippie but maybe that is what the men looked like in England. I notice that he had a badge on saying Mr.Curen and was looking at me. He was addressing me personally. "You over there" he called. I stud up feeling stupid. There was a moment silent. Luckily he asked me my name because if he didn't I think I would have gone red. I said that my name was Ashley and that I was 11 years old and am American. Some people sniggered when they heard my name because Ashley can be a boy’s name. Mr.Curen asked me what part of America I am from. I said California. After I said that he got the class some work in Maths. I didn't understand a bit of it. It was squiggly lines and pies. Like why there are pies in maths why isn't there cookies. Wednesday Evening By the time it was five I was wrecked. I followed a group of girls to a dorm. The last bed had my name on it so I put all of my things away. I didn't have many things but I didn't really care. When I took out my iPhone 5 a prefect walked in. She was kind of a prickly person full of airs and graces. She marched over to my bed while I had earphones in. Then she tapped on my head and snatched the earphones out of my ears. I was about to cheek her but I didn't dare when I saw the look on her face. She asked me what I was doing so I told her that I was listening to music on my phone. All of a sudden she grabbed my arm and brought me to the head girl’s dorm. They whispered for ages and finally decided what to do. They took my phone away from me. I still didn't know why it was taken so I took a risk and asked. The head girl answer rudely, were you listening at all, Are you deaf. We are not allowed phones here or iPods or anything like that. I saw no purpose in arguing so I just slowly walk back to the dorm. Before I knew it, it was dinner time. Every single girl ran downstairs and took their places beside their best friends. I didn't have any friends so I just sat alone. I really wished that Taylor was here so I could talk to her. After dinner I went to bed. I cried all night long wishing to be back home again. Thursday Today was pretty much the same as yesterday so nothing really exiting happened here today except for Jo bulling me. I hate this place so I really do have to get out of here. Friday Morning I decided on it last night while I was sleeping. I was going to escape tomorrow morning because there were no lessons on the weekend. I planned it all out. When I was planning it out on the desk beside my bed a girl in my year called Laura walked over. Laura was one of those people who you would love to be friends with or to share lunch or ever to be asked to sit beside her. She had heaps of clothes because she claimed that her mum was a famous model and she also had millions of sweets because her dad owned a sweet shop. Who wouldn't want to be her friend? She started to come closer so I started to get the butterflies in my tummy. She asked me what I was doing and when I tried to answer my voice only came out as a high scream. I then got really embarrassed and remembered what I was doing. Writing out an escape plan. If she saw I knew that she would tell because she is a teachers' favourite. Just then the school bell rang for lunch and her friends came over so she went away. Friday Night I started to pack all of my things tonight. I put some of my things into a plastic bag but I couldn’t bring everything. Then I hid them under my bed and just hoped that no one would find them. After dinner slipped out of the dining room and ran down to the classroom to get my luck pen. I obviously packed my diary last because I couldn't leave it behind after all I've been through with it. It was twelve o'clock when finished packing. I had a quick look around the dorm and knew that I wouldn't miss anything or anyone. I would be glad to get away. Saturday Morning Finally, I thought that today would never come. I went over my plans once more before setting off. I knew that it would be hard to escape but I had to try. I sneaked past the head mistresses office. I opened the back door with a hair clip and ran out. At last freedom. I hope I never have to go there again. Now what, I know I went through my plans so many times it just feels so real now. I had to get back to the plan. Ok, step one, go to the nearest phone box. Check. I am now standing at it. Step two, call the American hospital. Check. I knew the number because my old teacher made us remember it in case of need. 845 672309. I gave it a call and a man answered with a very deep voice. I asked him if he had any news on my Mum and Dad. He said no, that they are still very ill. I couldn't listen to anymore so I hung up. All of my chances GONE and to make the matters worse a car splashed me so I was soaked. The only choice I had was wait, I then saw a car that looked like great-aunt Elizabeth. It was her. The car pulled over and Clara was in the car telling me to hop in. I jumped in. Saturday Afternoon I was so glad Clara came because I was starting to get worried because I had nowhere to go. Clara said that she was bringing me back to the school... Ahhhh… She told me to let her finish… so I could pack! I was so happy I could scream. We drove back to the school quickly because I wanted to get it over with. Clara went in to Ms. Finn’s office to have a word with her. Clara told me to finish packing all my things. I ran up to my dorm. Luckily the girls were all down stairs. While I was packing Phil, a girl who sleeps in my dorm, quietly slipped into the room. When I turned around I saw her and got a shock. She was smiling? I thought that she HATED me like all the other girls. Phil walked over to me and gave me a huge hug out of nowhere. I was speech less. Phil said that she was sorry for all the mean things she said. She said that she would miss me. Well, maybe I did have a friend here after all. Finally, Clara came to say that it was time to go. I gave Phil one last hug and Clara made me go into the class room to say bye to all of the girls, even though they aren’t my friends at all except Phil, but I had to anyway. When I walked in the class giggled, but I decided just to ignore them. I marched up to the teacher to say goodbyes and then he said that I need to work on my maths! Like seriously, I am leaving and that’s all he says. Clara said it was time to go so I said one more goodbye to Phil and then headed off. Saturday Evening It was late by the time we got back to Great-aunt Elizabeth because we stopped off for lunch. Great-aunt looked at me sadly so I couldn’t help myself but ask why. She said that she was a bit disappointed because I escaped from school that she paid good money for. I asked her how she knew where I was. Great-aunt said that the American emergence called her because she was on your parents’ contacts list. They said that a young girl called and the line went dead. Great-aunt said that she sent Clara over straight away to fetch me. I never really knew that SHE cared! OMG, I forgot about Cian. Then Great-aunt assured me that we would get him tomorrow. Sunday Morning Great-aunt kept her promise about Cian. We went and got him straight away when we woke up. The drive took even longer than usual because there was a parade going on. Eventually we got there and it was really warm. We saw loads of boys around Cian’s age playing on the yard but Cian wasn’t among them. We went inside to the heads office. The heads name was Mr. Morpure. He offered us to sit but Clara pretended that we were in a rush to go somewhere. Mr. Morpure called a boy over and told him to find Cian Dune. The boy only took a second to find him but when we saw him it looked like he was tortured. Clara said that he was in perfect health when he came and look at him now. Mr. Morpure started to smirk. I asked Cian what they did. He told me that Mr. Morpure doesn’t like Americans so he beat me with the whip on his desk. Mr. Morpure’s smirk began to fade. Then we all noticed the whip. Suddenly Clara just took our hands and marched out. Mr. Morpure called her back to sign some papers but she would take none of it. I thanked Clara for standing up for us when we were in the car because I never ever thought of her doing that because I thought that she was shy. Sunday Afternoon Great-aunt wasn’t happy at all the way Cian looked. After she heard what had happen to him so burst out in a rage. Great-aunt started to say that she would sue that school. It took ages for her to calm down and when she did she started to talk reality. Great-aunt said that she would call the hospital to hear an update on our parents. They were improving greatly. We were over joyed so Great-aunt decided to treat us by bringing us for a quick picnic. Cook made a fabulous spread, peanut butter sandwiches with no crust, a lemon tart, a juicy fruit salad, sausage rolls and these little cookies. Great-aunt brought us to this amazing area beside a park called Roses. The food was delicious and afterwards we got to play in the park. It was the first bit of fun we had in ages. Before we knew it, it started to lash rain. Cian and I were getting used to it so it didn’t bother us too much. Sunday Evening Great-aunt got another update on Mum and Dad tonight. The man on the phone said that they would be fit for travel tomorrow! Great-aunt asked if they could travel all the way to London and the man said yes! I couldn’t wait and little Cian was jumping up and down screaming. Clara said that we could make soon Welcome Home signs for their homecoming tomorrow, but I said that they don’t live here but Clara said it didn’t matter. Great-aunt approved of the idea and even helped a little bit with the drawing. I was wrecked by all of the excitement so I fell asleep soon after dinner. Monday Morning A whole week from the earthquake and I can’t even explain how it affected me. Great-aunt told us that she sent her personal body guard last night to collet my parents and bring them to London. I couldn’t wait. The house was decorated beautifully with banners and all sorts of things. Beep, Beep. They were home. Cian and I rushed out of Great-aunt’s house and ran over to the fancy car in the drive way. A little while after that we were all sitting around the fire in Great-aunt’s sitting room. Mum kept on thanking her for all of the support she gave them. Great-aunt said that it was nothing and that there was no need to thank her but I could see that it meant a lot to her. We were all so deep in discussion that I just remembered something very important well not something someone! Chloe. I asked Mum and Dad if she was with them but they said no. Then Mum burst out crying saying that she was a bad parent for forgetting one of her children. Dad tried to reassure her but he couldn’t do anything. Out of nowhere a phone began to ring rather loudly. Dad answered it because Mum was in no fit state to even talk. A big huge grin spread on Dad’s face. I knew it, it was Chloe. We all sat around waiting for the news. Then they hung up so Dad told us where she was. He said that she heard the news that we were out of hospital and on your way to London so she got a ticket and is landing in London as we speak. Monday Afternoon A car pulled up at the drive way and out of the car came Chloe. She was her at last so finally we were all together. Great-aunt’s doorman opened the door for her and brought her in to us. Cian whooped and shouted, Mum cried, Dad did a little dance and me, I don’t know what I did. I think I gave her a hug like a normal person. It took ages for everyone to calm down but when we did Chloe told us that she was staying with The Lit Family who live on the same block as us. We didn’t really care who she stayed with as long as she was safe. I told everyone about my time at the boarding school and Cian told his. Everyone was shocked about how they treated the Americans in Cian’s school. No one was hungry that night or tired but Mum sent Cian and myself to bed but let Chloe stay up because she was 17. I couldn’t get to sleep that night because of all the excitement so I wrote in my diary till 3:15 in the morning! Tuesday Morning Mum and Dad came in to my bedroom and told me that our house was damaged so we would have to stay here for a year. I didn’t really mind as long as I went to a nice school where I could make lots of friends. Great-aunt suggested the Oak school for boys and girls. Mum sent me and Cian there. Next month I love my new school. It is great. I made loads of new friends and everyone including the teacher seems to be interested in my life in America. I also met a girl who I think will be my friend for life. Her name is Jade Edwards. I invited her over to Great-aunts house lots of times because that is where we are living at the moment because she has room for us all. Cian also loves the school and he made really good friends with a boy called Ben who lives beside great-aunt’s house and also is in his class. Chloe is gone into her last year in secondary. Mum and Dad work in an office as accountants. The weather is also getting much better so we go out on lots of picnics. I still really miss America though but this will do as a replacement for a while. A Year Later Today is my 12th birthday. It doesn’t fell like the earthquake was that long ago. Guess what I got for a present... TICKETS TO GO BACK TO AMERICA! Mum and Dad told us that the builders called to say that the house is all fixed and back to normal. Yippee. The flight is booked for tomorrow so Great-aunt organized a huge party for us leaving. She invited all of our friends and neighbours. Oh no, I only have one page left of this diary! It doesn’t really matter because I can get a new one. While I was writing this down in my room Jade came up with a parcel in her hand. She gave it to me and told me to open it tomorrow on the plane. Next Day Today was the day we were going home to America. It didn’t take long to get to the airport and we were to get a direct flight so we just got on because it was time. I waited until we reached the clouds to open the parcel that Jade gave me. Guess what it was! A new multicolored Diary with best friend in the world written on the cover! The fallen angel Fifth class Shauna o 'b 'Hello! Is anybody there?' 'Any one’. Celeste stood up. She looked around. This was NOT where she was from! Her feathers blew in the mild wind. Her silk gown swayed. She looked around. She saw a grey blur, then a black blur. ‘It couldn't be she whispered’. She tried to fly up into a tree, but....she couldn’t. ‘What is going on she stuttered’. Maybe it is this planets unusual magic! The blur came closer and closer until she saw....A rabbit. ‘What is this ‘Not who I thought it was’. She heard talking. ‘I understand this language' it is....HUMAN. Celeste hid in a bush for she could not fly into a tree. She saw a red headed human and a brown headed human. ‘Listen girl or not amber i want my money'! The brown haired human said. 'I..I..I need m..m..more' The red haired human said. Celeste knew this wasn't right. She had to do something. All angels had a human they had to mind, sadly her human had passed away and she was equipped with a new was a girl with amber like hair and this looked like her.......the brown haired teenager knocked over the teenage girl. She fell to the ground. Without thinking celeste jumped out of the bush and hit the teenage boy hard on the head. He fell to the ground unconcious. Amber gave a silent scream. Shhhh celeste hissed I am your guardian angel. I can't get home for my wing is broken. Oh said Amber still a little shaken. What is about this money celeste said? I have to pay back Brandon she said pointing at the unconscious boy.......I owe him 50 euro. WHAT!I was hungry amber whimpered.Yes well you take out that money i know you have Celeste scolded.Amber looked shocked,How did you know?Im an angel celeste retorted.Amber held out the money.Celeste's wing sparkled.she shot back up to heaven. Grounded! 5th class by Aoife O Donoghue It was just an ordinary day when I got grounded. Though it wasn't even my fault. It was all my sister's. She thought it would be funny to play a food fight in the kitchen. It was my brother's birthday that day so my sister said ' We should throw the cake at each other'. I thought it would be funny too. I kind off knew that that my sister was up to something because when I was about to throw it at her she said 'No you're not allowed to throw the cake at me'. So I just started to throw the cake around. About two minutes later my brother walked into the room. He just stood there. I looked around my sister had gone. My mam walked into the room. What has happened? She looked at me and she didn't look to happy. So I stared telling her what had happened. Though she didn't believe. I called my sister and I said ' Didn't you start this'. She said ' Well how come I was upstairs and you’re down here.' My mam said ' I think you sister is right.' My dad came in and my mam told him what had happened. About five minutes later my sister came into me and said 'Hahaha you’re grounded'. I was so unhappy at my sister. At least I was only grounded for three days. On the second day my sister eventually owned up. She told my mam and she was angry at my sister for not telling the truth. My mam said 'I'm so sorry' to me. Now my sister was grounded and I wasn't. I was so happy. My sister was grounded for five days for not telling the truth. When my dad came home he said to my sister ' You should have just told the truth in the first place'. My sister had to say sorry to me and she also said ' That was the last time that she was going to have a food fight without asking.' About two days later I just knew I had to get my sister back so I played a trick. When my sister and I were gone out I called my mam and put on my sister's voice and said ' Mam can you pick me pick now.' My mam replied ok. When my mam came to pick up my sister my sister said, 'what I never called you and I'm with my friends so can you go back home please'. I found it so funny. My sister came back she had an idea it was me who called my mam. So I had to tell my sister that it was me. She wasn't that happy but she knew it was to get her back! My Magic Laptop! Kate Culleton 5th class One day Sadhbh Josie and I were watching YouTube on my laptop. Sadhbh wanted to watch Minecraft style so we turned it on for her. As soon as I clicked it we were being chased by a creeper! When the song was over we were back in my bedroom. 'That was the coolest thing ever' said Sadhbh. 'I know' said Josie. 'OMG lets watch Rita Ora next' said Josie. 'No' I said. 'Let’s watch the wanted or really cute puppies and we can all take one! 'Yeah' said Sadhbh. Even though I just got one on Christmas but two can’t hurt! Any way that afternoon we had visited at least ten different videos. Then we heard my mam coming up stairs we had to go down for lunch but Sadhbh stupidly clicked the button and there was my Mam, Sadhbh, Josie and I were in 'The Adventures of One Direction!' My mam went bananas! After a while she calmed down. She asked could watch nigellissema, so we put it on for her. She baked us lots of cookies! After a while we went home it was six O' clock so Josie and Sadhbh had to go home, but we'll do it again tomorrow. Snow White by Caoimhe Davis 5th class Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom lived a teenager named Snow White she was a trouble maker, like once she went over to where sleeping Beauty lived and found her sleeping she took her prince and her dog . But when her Mum died she was so upset she would not come out of her room for weeks but then her Dad got remarried and her stepmother was an old wrinkly woman who treated Snow White like she did not even exist, one time her wicked stepmother looked in the mirror and said I look so young but Snow White was there and said what age are you and the stepmother said twenty - five but Snow White said maybe in dog years but wow did she get into trouble. Like I said her stepmother wanted revenge so she ordered her huntsman to take Snow White out into the forest to kill her. So the next day he took snowy out into the forest and tried to kill her but she tied his laces together [see trouble maker] she then ran out deep into the forest until she came across a small little cottage she knocked on the door but no one answered so she went in , in there was three little beds and then in walked three little dwarves Snow White could not really pronounce their names so she nicknamed them Shorty, Grabby and she knew this name Daniel she said nice name they said she could stay there if she cleaned the cottage she agreed and went to work. The next day an old woman who a.k.a [as known as the wicked step mum] knocked on the door and said would you like some apples Snow White said I love apples sure she took a bite and fainted a few hours later the dwarves came back and saw Snow White on the ground they lifted her up and got rid of her [that is a little mean] then a prince came, and saw Snow White on the ground he kissed her and at once she awoke and they all lived happily ever after but for the step mum she fell down a well and died. The Lost Dog by Ciara Theil 4th Class One morning a girl called Clodagh woke up with her brother Dylan. Clodagh had brown hair, blue eyes and lots of freckles and Dylan had black hair, blue eyes too and he had a little bit of freckles. That day when they woke up their dog Mindy was at the end of Clodaghs bed ''MINDY' she said (Clodaghs such a girly girl). So Mindy ran off. Then Clodagh and Dylan had breakfast. After it was one o’clock and Clodagh and Dylan went out to play and by mistake Mindy got out. So Clodagh saw Mindy and ran to get the dog. Then Dylan ran too at the end they almost got Mindy but they gave up and walked back because they went back to have lunch. The next day the children went out to look for Mindy they even brought Mindy’s favourite food chicken. After they went to the house were Mindy always goes to. They knocked on the door someone answered 'Hello ‘said Dylan 'HI ‘said the person 'is Mindy there? ‘Said Clodagh 'No' ok thank you ‘they said together. So they went for a walk to search for Mindy. 'Mindy Mindy ‘they said there was no bark or nothing. Then they went home after two hours and had dinner. Five days later they went to find Mindy again and then they went to Portrane and went to the beach at the end of the beach they found Mindy. 'MINDY' they said together. Then they went home and played with MINDY. Why Weren't You at School? Ciara 4th I woke up in the morning to get ready for school ten minutes later the car ran out of fuel and I couldn't get to school so I went home and Started to right it in this poem. The Sea Adventure by Lara Browne 4th The children were very lucky for their father had been a captain of a ship. He very kindly offered to take his two kids Sarah and Tom on a trip to an island off the coast of Spain. A week later they set sail. As soon as they got aboard, Tom hoisted the anchor while Sarah planned the adventure. About three days later they finally arrived at their destination according to the GPS that Sarah had planned. Where she wanted to start she couldn't really think of a name so she decided to call it lost tribes. Her father had split the crew into two separate teams, one would fix the boat after the previous night, and the others would go on the adventure to Lake Wara Ware. Our first encounter was with some unfriendly natives it was very hard to move along because they kept on pushing them around. Soon after they arrived at cannibal is land but there was nobody there. Next they arrived at quick sand, they didn't know where to go, so Tom looked over at the west and saw their ship. They dropped them off at Lake Wara Wara. They arrived but there was no treasure. A Sea Adventure By: Leah Brogan 4th class I was born in an old fisherman’s village. My father died out at sea, while he was hoisting the anchor he didn't see another ship coming towards his ship bang the boats had crashed and unfortunately my father had died. My mother died because she was sick. I survived the rest of my life without them. This is about my trip to Lake Wara Wara. We were sailing along the sea when we arrived at the crocodiles swamp. One of my crew mates thought the crocodiles were stepping stones. The thing was he got eaten so we went around the swamp. We were back on track until we arrived at the poisonous snake island, none of the crew members got hurt or eaten. Finally we arrived at Lake Wara Wara. My crew and I had gone in search of treasure because we were pirates. I didn't plan on telling you this because you would just get scared. Anyway there was no treasure. On the way home our journey was great. We enjoyed going to Lake Wara Wara. A Sea Adventure Hello! My name is Captain Pip the Explorer. This is the story of how I (nearly) died. My father used to be a sailor. He travelled around the land known as 'The Golden Cliffs. There were tales of Eternal Youth, which came from the water of Lake Wara Wara . My dad was about to go until I was born... I went instead, so listen carefully to my story. It was early afternoon as I set of to rent a ship. (Not that it was returned...) The ship was a navy blue with Midnight Crasher written on the side. Next I went to 'Borrow a Crew'. There was crews of all shapes and sizes. Goofy tall and small, I picked group of women and Marty, a tall muscular man. I told them about the lake and its water. After that they were eager to go. We boarded the ship, added some supplies and we were off. At ten 'o clock the next morning we reached The Golden Cliffs. First we ended up by the Unfriendly Natives. (Now, I wonder why they were called that?!) We were still on poop deck, but were caught. Fire, coal and spears were thrown at us. Marty quickly rowed us away into WORSE trouble! A Cannibal Village! You should have seen their faces. Ugh... My life flashed before my eyes. Luckily for me, another girl was captured, We made our way around a monstrous pod of whales, through Piranha Pools, (believe me it wasn't easy...) past the Deadly Soldier Ants and to Wara Wara! Excitedly, we ran off the boat to explore. It was amazing! The water was shining with youth! I took a look gulps of water, but nothing. I decided to take a look at the map. At the bottom, in fine writing it said: "The youth never existed! Please exit south of the island." No youth! POP-Corn Written by Ella O'Neill I love popcorn. I love green popcorn, blue popcorn and yellow popcorn. Today I found a packet of chocolate popcorn in the press. There was instructions on the back. 1. Put three handfuls of popcorn into a pot. 2. Pour olive-oil into the pot. 3. Let the popcorn simmer for six minutes. I went into the living-room, which is next to the kitchen, and flicked on the TV. After six minutes I went back to the kitchen. There was popcorn everywhere! There was popcorn on the cat, the chairs and the window-ledge. Laura, my cat awoke just then and yowled. She had never seen food popping all over the place before. Laura ran out of the kitchen. I picked up the packet of popcorn in a panic. I had followed all of the instructions! In teeny, tiny writing it said: "Put a lid on the pot." Who writes something so important that small? I started scooping up popcorn. I clamped a lid firmly on the pot and turned off the oven. There was still about a handful of popcorn left. I was sitting down that evening with Laura. A bowl of nachos was on my lap. I HATE popcorn. The way it goes POP. The way it looks the way it feels. Even the way it smells. I will never eat popcorn ever again! Sarah's Easter by Sarah Canty 3rd class Once upon a time there was a girl. The girls name was Sarah. For Easter she was going to Killarney with her cousins. The day that Sarah was going to Killarney. Sarah woke up at 8:00 in the morning. It takes 4hours to get to Killarney. When Sarah got to Killarney. Sarah and her family waited for her cousins to come so in the meantime they unpacked the suitcases. Then when her cousins came they went for lunch. Then they went swimming. After a while they went for dinner at the countryside hotel. Suddenly they went to bed. Then in the morning they went to get breakfast. Then they played lots of games they played Water Polo, Tennis, Golf, football, chasing and hide'n' seek. Then they had to go back to Dublin. The end Snowball By Sarah Keon 3rd Class I made myself a snowball as perfect as could be I thought I’d keep it as a pet and let it sleep with me I made it some pyjamas and a pillow for its head Then last night it ran away But first it wet the bed. The Easter Bunny Tara Clerkin 3rd Class. The Easter bunny is great If you met him he would be your mate he leaves chocolate eggs and he jumps on his back legs the Easter bunny is the best he does not leave eggs to the birds in the nest he is not as good as Santa Claus but he does have big fluffy paws so that is the Easter bunny i would say he has a lot of money. Shrek Goes To super market by Aoife Farley 3rd One day Shrek got bored and decided to get his wife a gift from super market. He took the bus to get there. He did not know what to buy her, so he was walking around for two hours. Soon he got a phone call from his wife and she asked him where he was, Shrek just hung up. He was soon there for another hour. Soon he decided that he would leave but then he came to a heart with chocolates in it so he bought them for her. He walked out of the shop without paying. Soon he was home and gave the chocolates to his wife. An hour later the police came in and took him to jail. He had not noticed it but he had destroyed half of the super market. Three months later he got let out of jail. Shrek never went to that super market again. The great escape route It was a fresh crisp morning. The trees were bare and the birds were perched on the branches singing contently. The pedestrian paths were all frosted over. The auburn and brown crunchy leaves fell upon the ground. It was the perfect morning for a walk and that is what one animal intended to do. Since everyone was busy with jobs nobody noticed the old dishevelled dog slip away. He was a short plump little fellow with long floppy ears and his golden coat. Some patches were a darker shade but all together he was a gentle, kind, loving and loyal dog. With all the fuss of this morning’s events no one realised that they made a catastrophic mistake of letting the lethal dog out. So no one went looking for him. Meanwhile the old dog was waddling happily along the frosted grass feeling it crunch beneath his soft padded paws. He was also sniffing the trees for any distinctive scents. Then an eerie shadow came looming close by. It turned out to be a very friendly lady with bleached blonde waves walking quickly with tapping high heels .The sound of her heels was similar to a chef chopping carrots. It seemed as if her mind was focused on her phone as she texted while she walked. While taking out a packet of mints she carelessly dropped a few on the ground. This however gave the dog a tasty breakfast. His breath was clearly visible thanks to the mints and the frosty morning. It was now around eleven o’clock and the old dog decided to make his way home to his nice warm bed! On his way home a cat approached him. When he was a younger pup he would have considered chasing this cheeky cat but now due to his extra few pounds and his stiff hips it was no longer an option. Meanwhile the family still hadn’t noticed the dog’s disappearance but were beginning to wonder. Suddenly there was a scratching noise coming from the door. The owner opened the door to his surprise to find the old waiting for him with a smile on his face. Bruno the big brown bear By M Dunne 5th Once upon a time there was a princess called deride. She lived in the most beautiful castle in the land. One day the guards were out hunting. They captured a big brown bear. They brought him to the dungeons. Deirdre heard a loud noise. She ran down sixteen flights of stairs. To her amazement she found a big brown bear. She dashed over and gave him a big sloppy wet horrible kiss. The bear edged away. He was scared!!!!!!!!! Don’t worry I will call you Bruno. From now on Bruno you will live with me and my family, but my family are terrified of bears!!!! They come up with a plan to disguise Bruno as a stranger. Later they meet the king in the gardens. He says hello Bruno you can stay as long as you like The Avenue by Alison Sheridan Once upon a time in a faraway land there lived a strangely wonderful man .His name was Michael he complimented everyone he saw old, young , poor, rich, strangers , friends ,family and of course every fair lady . He dreamed to wed a beautiful girl with long locks of beautiful hair. His dream was finally coming true when he was walking down an avenue .Her hair was beautiful as he wished though she looked very worried , sad and very emotional .All he wanted to do is give her a nice caring kiss, He stopped her and asked if she was okay she looked very troubled .She replied saying no! I’m not doing well but I won’t express my feelings to a stranger. He was worried she might think badly of him he had never felt so doubted in his life because of his kind heart and his un-vein mind. He replied by saying ask my family I’m not vein or selfish in any shape or form I’m here to listen and give people kind giving words. The fair lady sat on a wall and began to tell her story and this is what is was. When I was just 12 years old my mother and father sadly got brutally injured in a car accident and died a few hours after the crash on this very avenue. I was taking into care by my wicked grandmother called Rosie. She made be like Cinderella basically, expect there was no ugly stepsister’s. I had laundry up to my eyes and dishes that never ended I would have had every plate done and she had about 30 more in front of me. I was up every morning at the sound of the birds chorus though it’s a beautiful sound she dreaded hearing it because it meant she had to get all of her morning chores done in 3 hours’ time and that includes making the breakfast and having the tray prepared and ready to bring up to her grandmother at her rising time. While I gave her her breakfast I had to run her a warm bath with bath salts. While my grandmother was in her bath I had to make and tidy Rosie’s room and lay out her clothes for that day and prep lunch and have it ready for 1pm at the latest. But I was under 18 so I had no say on where I went and what I did. The only day I had not so much work was on a Sunday when I went to mass and the only chores I had was to cook the Sunday roast and have our good Sunday clothes washed , dried and ironed and our good shoes shined and buffed . I still had to do the morning routine though which by the time I got to mass all I wanted to do is fall asleep but I knew that that would of been disrespectful in the house of God so I tried my best not to . After mass the Sunday roast would have to be on the table a half an hour from getting home from Mass. Which was tricky because the roast beef could not be red and juicy for grandma, but I was her servant so I had to what is instructed to do. It was also tricky because I had to set the table, polish the table, sweep the wood , clean the windows and scrub the bath all before the dinner .It was hard but if I didn’t complete it all I would get a good spank with the branch . Then Michael cut in. But I can change all of your past and make you the most beautiful princess in all of the land and all you need to do is take my hand , and I know we've just met and this is very sudden but I won’t find another girl like you truthful , concerning and I want you no not I want I need you to come back with me to my home and I am certain I want to wed you .We can live in my house which is big enough to be a hotel and I will do anything to please you . The girl replied with a big sudden YES! their face's lit up with joy and they both ran towards the big light where they both went away and got married this probably be sounds weird to you but it was ament to be . So that’s their story and obviously in a fairy tale it ends with THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!!! Letters of World War Two by Amy Johnston Once upon a time a little boy lived in Wexford with his Mum. This little boys name was Walter. His dad was fighting in World War 2. Every night Walter would write a letter to send to his dad. The first letter he said read: 20th of August 1940 Dear Dad, I have missed you a lot it is not the same without you. I have to hunt all by myself. Mum said you will be alright and safe. I can’t keep writing because I am running out of ink. Walter Every night after Walter would write him a letter he would go to bed knowing that his dad would be safe. The next morning Walter went out to pick the potatoes and carrots. When Walter came is he had to wash and peel them .Walter would have around 27 potatoes a day. A few night after w the postman came around Walter got a letter of his dad it read: 1st of September Dear Walter, I will be safe I swear. The Major said that I will only be here for a few more months I do miss you. I better go major is calling me David When Walter received his letter his jumping with joy .He didn’t write a letter that night because he knew it wouldn’t get there for a while. After a few nights Walter wrote; 5th of September The next morning when Walter went downstairs he saw his mum crying. He gave her a big hug and asked her what’s wrong. She didn’t know how to break it to her that David dies Trip to Earth by Keava 6th Class 17th of April 2084 Dear diary, I can't believe my luck! I'm going to Earth, my Mum's planet. I've pretended to swim in the sea, and pretended to taste the food grown in the ground. Now I can do it for real, I just can't wait. Most important I'll get to see my Grandmother. I wonder what she looks like.... Kakixxx 20th of April 2084 Dear diary, Worst spaceship ever. It's so tiny, I can’t even open the door to my room fully. Sharing a room with Dad doesn't help, he's a snorer! I'm counting the days that are left (1 day 37mins) I'm so excited I just can't wait. I've got to go, dad is calling me. Kaki xxx 21th of April 2084 Dear diary, This is strange. My Grandmother wears this long robe sort of thing and has vision enhancers that hook on her ears. She travels in a metal box that stays on the ground. She runs at me with open arms. She lives in a hut with sticks growing out of the ground, in the front. This mightn’t be such a good idea after all! Kaki xxx 29th of April 2084 Dear diary, Different. That is the one word I’d use to describe life on Earth. EverythingI do people give me strange looks but they’re the strange ones. My Grandmother took me swimming, it was terrible. I tried potatoes, they were all solid. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I can’t wait till I get back to Pluto!!!!! Kaki xxx Red Riding Hood by Naomi Robinson 5th Class My name is Rachel, I am 12 years old. Today I am going to my grandmothers. I am going to bring her some of my homemade buns and jam. She lives all the way across the woods. I can't wait to go, she is so nice. I said goodbye to my parents and then I left. I was wearing my red hood. I started to walk on a path around the woods but then I saw a bunny going into the woods, so I followed it. It went far into the woods. My mother told me never to go that far into the woods because bad animals lived in that part of the woods. I heard a wolf howl from the bushes. I got quite scared. So I started to go back to the path around the woods. I kept hearing bushes rustle behind me but every time I looked back there was nothing there. What I didn't know was that the wolf was far ahead of me nearly at my grandmother’s house. His plan was to eat my grandmother and then dress up as her and when I arrived he would eat me. I also didn't know that the wolf could talk. I got to my grandmother’s house and opened the door. I put the basket of buns and jam on the window sill. I looked at my grandmother and said “you must be really sick because you look like a wolf” I also said” what a big nose you have " “it is for smelling you" said the wolf. I said what big ears you have" “they are for hearing you" said the wolf. I said "what big eyes you have" “they are for seeing you” said the wolf. I said "what big teeth you have” "they are for eating you" said the wolf. Then he jumped up from the bed and growled. I screamed as high as I could in case someone could hear me. Luckily a woodcutter was near bye and heard me. He ran in the door and saw what had happened straight away. He ran over and scared the wolf with his axe. And then the wolf ran away .We heard my grandmother under the bed. She told us that when she saw the wolf outside her hid under the bed. I was glad she was ok. We took my grandmother to the hospital and my parents met us there. When I saw them I ran up to them and told them all about it. What Really Happened This is what the wolf said Well one day I was walking along minding my own business when a woodcutter saw me and started to chase me with his axe. I ran deep into the woods. I thought I lost him but I didn’t. He chased me to the other side of the woods. I got there and I saw a little cottage. I ran into it but there was noone there. So I got into old lad pyjamas and hid under the covers. Then suddenly a little girl walked in. I sat up she asked me loads of questions. I thought I would scare her off by answering one of her questions with “they are for eating you with”. She screamed in a really high pitch. My ears were hearting for a few seconds after. When I could hear again the woodcutter came in. He tried to kill me with his axe but I got away and ran far far away. Smartie Boy and Popcorn Girl! By Kate Culleton Smartie Boy was just a normal boy who loved smarties. He ate smarties 24/7. He ate them so much that he turned into one. Well half of him did, he still had legs and arms and he still had a face, but his body was round and blue and he could shoot smarties at people. Popcorn Girl was just a normal girl who hated popcorn. When she was at the cinema a man put a curse on her if you don’t eat a popcorn in ten minutes you will turn into one. Of course she didn’t believe him and went home but on the way she turned into one! But she still had legs, arms and a face. She could shoot popcorn at people. She didn’t mind that much because her friend Josie got turned purple jelly last year. So anyway she was walking down the road a couple of days later when she bumped into something blue. It was Smartie Boy. When they met they went into a whole new world and were known as popcorn girl and smartie boy! What Happened After…Voldemort Died By Aisling Reidy 5th Class As you should know by now that Voldemort is dead but that doesn't mean that evil will never come back. There still are a lot of bad things going on but my Dad and Mum will sure be able to stop to it with a little help from Ron and Hermione. Oh I forgot to introduce myself. I am Lily Potter not the Lily Potter as in Harry’s mother but as Harry’s daughter. Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley are my parents and Albus and James are my brothers. I can’t believe that it is my fifth year in Hogwarts. Time went so quick because I even remember going to platform 9 ¾ for my first time and trying on the Sorting Hat, luckily the hat called out Gryffindor because I would HATE to be stuck with those nasty Slytherins. Nothing exciting happened yet but I know for sure that this must be the year. When I was swapping chocolate frogs with Rose on the Hogwarts Express the lights all went off and the train started to stop and swerve. Most people were worried but I wasn’t because Dad says that I have an eye for mysteries. I had a quick investigate but nothing seemed strange. It took longer than usual to get there because of the stop we made, but when we did get there it was well worth the wait because I could smell the glorious feast in the great hall. The next day was just getting our time-tables ready so no real spells were done. I decided to do double Defence against the Dark Arts and double Potions. Time flew by so before I realised it was two months into the term and homework was getting heavier and heavier because the O.W.L.S were coming up. Study, Study, Study seemed like the only thing we did, no more time for Quidditch. Oh wait did I mention that I am the Seeker and captain for the Gryffindor house. Any way Potions didn’t go very well yesterday. Professor said that someone tampered with the ingredients and changed the bottles. Another thing to add to the strange list. Then the Professor got in a huge rage and Professor Longbottom had to leave his lesson across the hallway and dragged him out of the dungeon. After they left Rose and I went up to the desk and saw the label on the potion. It said in clear letters “Deathly Potion, one sip and you’re a goner.” I was shocked. Who would want to kill the professor, surly I wouldn’t have been Professor Flinch. I know he has a grudge on him but not enough to kill him! Our lesson was the talk of Hogwarts for at least a week. Then came and went Halloween and in no time at all it was Christmas. Most of Hogwarts students went home for Christmas but I didn’t go home this year because Rose was staying. There were only 100 pupils that stayed over Christmas but I guess the less the better. On Christmas Eve I could have sworn that I saw someone sneaking around the castle, but I guess that doesn’t matter because it probably was a Slytherin playing a trick on a Hufflepuff. When I woke up on Christmas day I was expecting to see a small bundle of presents at the end of my bed but there was a load of things! I got chocolate frogs from Rose, some joke gadgets from Fred and George (my uncles), and a homemade knitted jumper from Grandma Weasley, homemade buns from home and a new red robe. There was also a letter from my Mum telling me to focus on my studies and do as well as I could. Just then Rose woke up so I gave her a present from me. It was a brand new broomstick kit because her other one was lost. After the feast we all went to bed because the feast was so tasty. At about 3 o’clock in the morning I heard a scream. It was Rose! I looked at the other bed but it was just her covers. I threw on my invisibility cloak and slippers and sneaked out of the dorm. I had Marauders Map with me so I could keep an eye on all of the movement in the castle. I heard some noises coming from the dungeon so I went down to check to see if Rose was there. Then a thought flickered into my head, maybe I was dreaming or maybe I just imagined her gone. No, I couldn’t have. I was so certain. I tried to get that thought out of my head so I could continue looking for Rose. I never went down to the dungeon at night and I don’t think I ever will come down again, well at least I hope I won't. Just then all of the torches flickered on. I heard a huge bang from the Potions room. I didn’t even hesitate, I just ran in. There standing in front of me was…..………. My worst nightmare...........Dark Horn. Dark Horn has a reputation for killing 4 people with one curse. When I walked in I didn’t take a glance around but now that I have the chance I may as well do so. I saw two men covered in cloaks and masks and I saw Rose tied up on a chair behind them. Then I noticed a box they also seemed to be guarding. Then I remembered overhearing Professor Kat saying it must stay hidden and he will find it. The thing in the box must be the object Professor Kat was talking about. “We must hide it back in its original place in the Slytherin house” Dark Horn announced. Just then they disappeared and Rose was left in the room. I quickly ripped off the cloak and untied Rose. I asked her why they wanted her and she said it was something to do with our Granda Weasley. But why and what did it have to do with Granda Weasley. The next day I had a recap about the events of last night. I looked in the library all day because we got Sunday off. I searched in the restricted area for anything that would help me find out what was the object in the box. I found a book called History of Slytherins. After I read at least 200 pages, I gave up. When I lifted the book up to put it back on the shelf a page slipped out. It said clearly – Secret Object made by the founder of the Slytherin House, Salazar Slytherin. This object is called The Light. It kills all muggles and half-bloods and revels magic to the world. I couldn’t keep reading. I have to find The Light or else who knows what will happen. Just then Madame Lonto came in. She is the librarian and quite a strict one too. I grabbed the page and stuffed it into my pocket and scurried out. That evening Rose and I looked at the page. We couldn’t let this happen. If all the muggles die we should too. Just then the last people left the common room so we could stop whispering and make a plan. It only took at less than 1 hour because it was quite a simple plan. It was getting late so we had to start on our homework. I couldn’t wait till the silly O.W.L.S was over. We had to write 2 whole scrolls for Charms and Divination. TWO SCROLLS who do they think we are? It took ages to finish 1 scroll and while I was half way through the next the clock dinged and it was eleven. I took off my robes got into bed but didn’t fall asleep and neither did Rose. The clock dinged twelve times so I got out of bed and put my robes back on. Rose did the same. I brought Marauders Map with me and my wand. Time to plan into action. While I was waiting for it to be midnight I had a think. I found out that the object must be in the Slytherin House and I knew just the place where to look. The Big Dungeon. By the time we found our way it was half 12. We tip toed down all the stairs and there was a room with a light shining out of it. I used the Lumos spell to help me anyway. The door was locked so I tried a few spells, no luck. It was no use unless. I took my hair pin off and put it in the door knob. It worked but you would have thought that they’d put a charm on it. The door flung open. Standing inside again was Dark Horn and the masked men. Dark Horn had the strange looking thing in his hand. It was glowing so hard, no wonder it was called the Light. I made the first move. I used the Accio spell to summon the Light over to me. Dark Horn reacted quite well if I have to say so myself. He shot fire at me but I dodged. The object was still in my hand. He tried to send the killing curse at us but it didn’t work. I didn’t want to kill anyone tonight so I just used a spell to make him faint. The masked men ran up behind him and cot him and then they fell too. I made them all disappear and I sent them to Azkaban. Then Rose and I ran upstairs and knocked on the head masters door. She answered so we gave her the object. The head master let us stay and watch her destroy it. That was it, it went forever. I had the most exciting Christmas ever and the best thing yet, I never heard from Dark Horn again! SWEETS!! By Anna Lee I love sweets I get them as a treat mostly on a Friday some are sweet some are sour but no matter what they taste so fine I would even say they taste DEVINE!! The Lost Dog by Aoife Kelly One day I found a dog. It had no owner. So I brought it home. I put up posters of it. I didn't know his or her or its name. No one called for a week. I was having lots of fun playing games. One day someone knocked on the door and took the dog. I wanted to make lots of brownies so I called my Mammy over. I asked "Can we make chocolate brownies?" She replied "yes". Yippy! My big surprise!!!!!!! By Emma Higgins 4th class I woke up one morning only to find my parents were gone. I thought they were gone to work, but then I remembered they said 'now Emma we have to go shopping tomorrow so we will be gone before you wake up, so be good when we're gone’. So I got up and I got dressed and went downstairs to make my breakfast. Ding Dong went the doorbell, I looked out the window to see who it was. 'Anastasia', I called. I ran down the stairs and opened the door. Oh Anastasia I'm so glad to see you', I cried 'ok what did I miss' Anastasia replied. Anastasia came into my house and we played on our I pods but I didn't know that she knew that there was a surprise coming for me.At two o'clock me and Anastasia heard a knock on the door.It was my parents. “Mam Dad your home I cried. ‘Yes we are and we have a surprise for you’, they said. ‘Open it ‘said Anastasia.'OMG'I said. 'It's a PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Thank you so much' mam and dad. I am going to call her Millie. The End:] The Gardening 5th class by Aoife O' Donoghue Side by side, the two men stepped on their spades and dug their allotments until it was time for a tea-break. They sat down and had a well-deserved drink and ate all the food that was in their packed lunches. Sean thanked Paul for coming up with the idea of having their own allotments. It was lovely there were a lot of people there. Sean planted carrots and onions, while Paul planted cabbage and turnips. Both the men were looking forward to the day they would bring home their vegetables to eat. Some weeks passed and Sean noticed that one of his onions was growing much bigger than the rest. Sean thought he could be in with a chance of winning the annual best grown vegetables of the summer. This could be great. It would make Sean so happy because he had lost his job and the thing that made him happy was gardening. When Sean came back the next day he noticed that the rather huge onion had disappeared. Sean was so upset. Paul felt so sorry for Sean so he decided to find out where it had gone. Paul searched everywhere. After searching lots of places Paul went to the department where the newspapers get published. When he walked in, there was the onion. Paul was so happy to see it. He called Sean and he came. After talking to the people in the department Sean and Paul got the onion back. Sean won the annual best grown vegetables of the summer. It was the best summer ever! Kidnapped Naomi Robinson 5th class My name is Naomi I am twelve years old. My best friends are Jodie B, Jodie K and Rachel. My day started off as an ordinary day when my friend Jodie B asked me to come over to her house. I started to walk up to Donabate where she lives because I live in Portrane I put my earphones in so I could listen to music. I couldn't hear anything. There was one part of the road that no car was on for some reason but I didn't know why. I kept on walking with my earphones in and I didn't see the mysterious man behind me. My earphones fell out and I heard him behind me. The footsteps got closer and closer. The footsteps stopped and so did I. I turn around and he put a bag over my head. I was shoved in to the boot of a car. I was so scared I thought I was going to die. He started to drive; when we stopped he took me out of the car and took me into a room. He took the bag off my head and I noticed that it was............................Rachel's Dad. I asked him why he kidnapped me he said" that my dad gambled with him and my dad owes him lots of money. "But why did you kidnap ME” I asked. He answered that if he kidnapped me my dad would give him all the money that he is owed to get me back .I remembered that my dad’s pen knife that he gave me for my birthday was in my pocket .While I was trying to get my pen knife out Rachel started to call her dad .She was getting closer and closer .Suddenly Rachel opened the door she looked very confused .I was screaming because her dad was creeping up behind her .I could tell that she was wondering why I was screaming .I could tell this by looking at her face .Right after her dad captured her, my pen knife finally cut the rope that was holding my hands together .I jumped up and cut Rachel’s rope off her hands and then got her house phone and called the police .Rachel’s dad ran after me and Rachel but I hid and when he came running I tripped him up . We kept on running when we looked back he was getting arrested by the police .We stopped running but we walked back to my house after we told the police what happened .When we got home I told my dad what happened and he brought Rachel to her mom’s work so she could tell her .After that I brought my pen knife with me everywhere. Also after that I never saw her dad again. My Holiday Diary Hannah Foley 5th Class 1ST JULY Hi I’m in bed this will only be a short entry because I’m going on holiday tomorrow so I have to get asleep but I can’t I’m too excited. We have to wake up at 5a.m and right know its 11p.m I can’t go to sleep. But I have to try. We’re going to Santa Ponsa in the morning. The bags are packed and are down stairs. We’re going to have breakfast on the plane at 7.30 as soon as the airhosts come around with the trolley. I’m going to go to sleep now I’ll write in the morning. 2ND JULY I’m so excited. I’m in the taxi on our way to the airport. My mum and dad woke me up this morning at 5a.m as I said they would I got dressed, ran, down stairs, put my shoes on, did my hair, got my bags and went out to the taxi. We are in the taxi now. Yay we’re at the gonna start to write again when I have time. I’m back our bags and us went through security. Adam was afraid so we did follow the leader I walked trough he followed but he bleeped and he got such a fright as they checked him. God like he is only 3 seriously I’m waiting at our gate for the plane to come. My mam got us a muffin because we were starving I hadn’t eaten since dinner yesterday. Everyone here is dead bored and all the babies are crying. Like WHA WHA WHA and I’m just like BE QUITE (but only in my head!) Our plane should be coming soon. I hope. YAY we are on the plane, its 7.30 and we have been in the air for about half an hour and the airhosts should be coming around soon because I’m thirsty! Oh I can see there getting ready to come round. I'll be back. Ah that is better. I’m just gonna wait till I get to Santa Ponsa. Yay we are finally here. It’s roasting and I’m sitting down beside this cute little toddler and we are talking she is so small. Our bags are here now I can get changed. OMG I was in the bathroom getting changed and the lights turned off and turned back on again. Now were in the taxi going to our hotel called Sun Park. It has a little shop with icecreams and crisps and chocolate and there’s one upstairs too. The one upstairs sells dinners and breakfast aswell. After we explored we went up to our apartment now I’m in my swimming suit ready to go swimming. 3RD JULY Yesterday was so busy I couldn’t write after I went swimming I lay down for a tan. Then we all went out to the town for lunch as it was 1.45 I was hungry. We went to this place called the waterhole it had a swimming pool out the back but I could only put my feet in. For lunch I had a toastie with ham and cheese and crisps. After we went to an Italian Ice-cream shop. They sell big huge chocolate dip ones with really creamy ice cream. Then I went back to the pool and made a friend form Leitrim her name is Kerry. She has a little sister the same age as my brother her little sister's name is Kasie. I love that name. Kerry is the same age as me 10. Kasie and Adam played in the baby pool that is tiny. Kerry and I played in the big pool. We could hardly stand in it. We found out that my little brother and her little sister had the same toddler life jacket but they were not using them so we took them and played life guards. Today I really just did all the same but we went shopping. 4TH JULY I’m down at the pool with Kerry but she had to go for a minute. There is a lifeguard here and Kerry and I were playing with him. We call him bay watch because it says that on his shorts. Today he jumped into the pool to try and get us for calling him bay watch. He forgot he had his top on. He got soaked. Now he calls us tweedledum (ME) and tweedledee (KERRY) he would want to watch out for tomorrow! Yay Kerry’s back I’m gonna keep swimming bye. 5TH JULY Today was so funny. I’m in bed right now because it’s like 2a.m. Oh ye today was so funny because Kerry and I were sitting at the edge of the pool and Baywatch was coming up to us, we were eating an icecreams we just finished it and put it in the bin as soon as we did he came running after us Kerry and I jumped into the pool and then he jumped in to he made the biggest splash ever! He grabbed Kerry’s foot but then he let go. Kerry and I got bored so we got into our clothes and I went to Kerry’s apartment to wait for her to get dressed and she went to my apartment to wait for me to get dressed. When we were both dressed we walked all around Sun Park. Later we met in a kids club witch has something for everyone. For the mammy’s there’s books that they can read. For the daddy’s there’s the bar. For the kids there’s the kids club. It has computer games, movies, colouring pages, painting, play-dough, toys and a bouncy castle. It’s so fun. At like 10 a bunny called Birty comes. (Birtys is the name of the kid’s club/bar/bucky place) He gives out prizes like bouncy balls and lighty up things. At like 11 or 11.30 they do games because were not allowed to make a mess in the kids club after a certain time. I only got home like 1 hour ago. When we were walking back at like 11.45 an Irish girl who worked in this bar was begging us to come in we did but we left at like 12.15. Then we went back to our apartment and Adam went to bed I stayed on the balcony with my mam and dad and ate this chocolate thing. Then I went to bet now I’m in bed and I’m going to go to sleep now. 6TH JULY Today was so so so so fun we went to the beach and we went on a pedal boat we were planning this so I wore my togs. The cool thing was that the pedal boats had a slide coming out of them. That’s why I wore my togs. We got rolls and paid for a ride on the boat. When we got on it was so fun we ate our lunch first and then we or should I say me and my dad jumped in and swam we were chasing the boat Adam was watching us because he was too scared to go in and I was wearing his life jacket. My mam was too scared too but she said that she was going to just stay on the boat and mind Adam! Then after me and my dad had a swim we hopped back onto the boat. Then we went down the slides. My dad said "who wants to go to Ibiza" it was funny. When we got back to the beach we lay on the sand for a while me and my brother buried my dad in the sand. To get it off he had to go for a swim I came too. After all this we went and got an icecream. Still most as the day to come as I’m at the edge of the pool and I’m gonna jump in! 7TH JULY NOOOO I’m going home tomorrow at 8am NOOOO. I don’t want to go home. It’s so fun her but I will make the most of this while it lasts. Today Kerry and I were too bored of the pool so we played pool. My dad helped, we can’t go to birtys tonight like we usually do because we have to get up in the morning at 6am. Kerry and I also played on the computers today. 8TH JULY I’m so tired so this is it it’s over I’m going home this is not a nice time going home. Well this is the end of my dairy bye!!!! School by E. N. Milne Many kids hate school I won't lie, I do too, But everyone's so negative You just have to get through. First there are the teachers Not all of them are mean, Sometimes you get lots of homework But it's very rare indeed! Oh, homework is the worst It's the worst thing about school, But you can use homework vouchers If you don't have something new. Don't get me started on the subjects Maths makes me fall asleep, I can't stand creative writing I'd rather pet domestic sheep! I bet this poem didn't help It probably made you hate school more, But if you’re a parent, And you're reading this Please don't make your children learn Anymore! Jim Larkin When I heard Ma and Da talking about going to Sackville Street I suddenly thought about Jim Larkin.I have heard of him but do not know what he looks like. Then I had an adventurous idea. My idea was to go to Sackville Street by myself and see Jim Larkin myself. My parents would not let me go because I might get hurt. I told my parents that I would be playing football at my friend Conor's house and I will be back in two hours. I set off on my journey but when I touched the dirty narrow pavement with the sole of my worn shoes with holes in them. I remember thinking to myself "where is Sackville Street”. I carried on walking to big signs like Parnell Street or O' Connell Street. I finally got to the main street so I assumed that Sackville Street would be near the main street .I walked and walked until the sole of my shoe was gone until I saw a huge sign saying "SACKVILLE STREET".I was so happy with myself for going this far. I walked forward and I saw a gigantic brick wall with smashed glass on the top. It was like granny's pudding that was burnt and it was nine days old with clear blades as toppings. There was a tiny little hole at the bottom of the giant wall .I got through it and I was so relieved. Then I was in Sackville Street .It was so quiet I could hear owls in the daytime and in the city. I looked at a piece of paper on the ground and I saw that it was on the 11th of March not the 10th of March .I was so upset I started to cry and then I sat down on a bench with dirty and dusty clothes from going under the wall and holes in my shoes from walking so much and me crying for nothing. My head was down by my knees I was crying so much when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and there was a man that said these exact words “Don’t cry boy my name is Larkin Jim Larkin". THE END A Christmas Special By Leah Roarty 3rd Class Ms’ Ingoldsby There once was a girl who woke up on Christmas day. She was so excited to go downstairs to open her presents. She was so so happy that the girl screamed her head off. For Christmas dinner they were having turkey, ham, stuffing and roasted veg. Her cousins, Aunts and Uncles were coming over. Her family was nearly coming over and she was not ready. She still had to Get her clothes on and do her hair. She was wearing a nice pink dress with black pumps. She was going to curl her hair But when she was just about to do it they knocked on the door. She was so angry because she never got to curl her hair today. After about two hours later they had dinner. Then one of the Aunts brought nice chocolate sponge cake for dessert. About a while later they all went. After all of that I went to bed. THE END A day in my life I get up at 7:30. I have my breakfast. I go back upstairs to get changed. Then I brush my teeth and wash my face. I leave the house at around 8:45. School (prison) starts at 9:00. I do boring work until 10:30. Then I go out to yard and talk to my friends. After that I go in eat my snack do more boring work for another hour and then another break. I have my lunch and then do more boring work for another 2 hours and finally its home time at 2:40. I go home have a snack and do my homework. I watch the Simpsons and then take my dog Cleo out for a walk. Then I have my dinner at around 7:00. I go up to bed at 9:00 and play my iPad till 9:30. A Fishy Escape by Rebecca Lawlor The research vessel was in silence. They were all looking at me. The expected the hot-shot expert to know exactly what it was but I had no idea. I wasn't sure if it was the hot June sun that had me sweating or the nerves. It seemed that the crew had been frozen to the spot, they hadn't expected to find anything new. Ships like these go out to find new creatures, but they almost never find them, plus this creature didn't even look remotely like a fish. I decided to make the first move. As I walked to my equipment I felt every eye on my back. After I told the crew to get the tracking equipment, I went over to what had to be a fish. It had gills, anyway, and the most colourful scales you ever did see. When I went to touch them, they cut deep enough to draw blood even though I only rubbed off them. I put on my rubber gloves but it didn't make a difference. When the crew came with the micro-chipping equipment it started to do the most peculiar things, increasing and decreasing in size, losing colour and making really strange noises. Panicking we put it into a rope net hoping it would solve the strange problems. Just as they tied the net to the side of the boat I had a sudden realisation. I ripped of my Jacket and shoes and jumped into the ocean. After the instant pain of salt water hitting my eyes, I blurrily saw a gaping hole in the side. About 90 seconds later, against my will, I came up gasping for breath. When the crew asked what had happened, I simply held up my finger and said between breaths "Scales. Stupid. Scales." I have spent my entire life looking for the Multi-coloured Knife Fish but I haven’t seen it since. The End Consequences by Francine Banez 5th class This story is about a boy who is stubborn and stupid. His name is Danielle. He also has an obnoxious behaviour. He didn't remember who he was after he was being mean to people. So he needs to learn the consequences on his life. His teacher went inside and greeted the students in a delightful tone and they started to frown. His teacher cleared his throat and shook his necktie. Danielle suddenly hit him with his apple. Then his teacher fell on the floor. When Danielle went home from school, His mom just passed on his side holding a plate with mashed potato on it. She asked Danielle how was his school. Danielle was agitated to tell his mom about what happen. But he forced himself. "I threw him directly on his wrinkly bald head with an apple!". "WHAT!!"Her mom shrieked. Her mom sighed and punished him. Danielle went to his room and do his homework. Yet, he paused and listening to the noise that sounds like a person hyperventilating on the yard. He went to his bedroom and take a look at the yard. It was his dad doing yoga. He grabbed a stone and threw it on his dad's head. "OW!" his dad yelled and fell on the ground. Apparently, Danielle got grounded by throwing his dad with a stone. After getting ready to go to school, Danielle forgot to do his homework. His little brother grabbed his book and gave it to his dad. His dad gasped because he is anxious of Danielle for getting low grades. Danielle was off to school. He walked with his friend. His dad noticed that he was gone and used his bike-Danielle didn't know his bike got repair. “Danielle’s dad will get humiliate I suppose “said their neighbour. When the bell rang, His dad was freaking out and threw the notebook to his son but he didn't know that he accidentally hit the boy that sits in front of Danielle. Danielle was running on the corridor and bumped to his dad "Watch where you're walking!!!" said Danielle angrily. He didn't notice that he bumped his dad. Then, a boy name Rowley just blocked the door and told him that his dad went here and acting stupid. He suddenly pushed Rowley. By the time Danielle opened the door, his classmates started to laugh and point at him. “This is embarrassing" he whispered to his friend Rowley, gently walking up to his table, put the bag down, put his head down the table and the silence went on. After the bell rang, he went back home. He ran upstairs and opened his window enemy”. When Danielle crept downstairs he heard his dad having a conversation with his coworker and talking sarcastically. “IRONIC!!!"He exclaimed suddenly. Danielle wants to pull a prank to his dad. He made a snare for his dad in the living room, his dad walked away and Danielle's snare didn't work. Danielle slipped on the peel of the banana that his dad ate and hit his head on the ground and the trap that he made trapped him. Danielle was unconscious and his dad woke him up. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!'He shouted uncontrollably. He ran downstairs and pants. “What’s wrong? “His mom asked. "I promised I will not be mean to people! "You finally learn your lesson. You shouldn’t be mean to people or else" His mom paused. A lion By Emma Chi His tail swishes round and back. Listening for the prey’s track. He scanned the forest for his prey, waiting and purring all for the day. Suddenly there is a clatter, the lion jumps for a matter. There is a deer by the lake, come on go get for goodness sake. The lion pounces and the deer bounces. A minute later he catches the deer he tears it apart, and eats its heart. He crawls back to his home with the deer on its own. His blood red eyes glare at me, listening to the waves of the sea. A Poem by Moira Jones 4th class Grandma and Grandpa You are so nice My daddy He’s so busy You have all the time To share your love You are great grandparents My Holiday to France. By Abi O'Donnell For my holiday I went to France. I have been going to France for three years now. I enjoy going to France because of the journey, fun activities and places I go. When I’m going to France, me and my family drive down to Wexford and we go on a ship to France. On the boat I have to stay overnight. On the boat me and my family get a big cabin with three bunk beds. I like going on the boat because there is a hot-chocolate machine, and there's a cinema. I like going to the gift shop because in it you can buy so many fun things. The most exciting thing about the boat is arriving in France. After we arrive in France we drive to our destination called 'Domaine des Ormes', a man or women who works there would bring us up to our mobile home. We would unpack some of our clothes and maybe go down to the restaurant or take out and get some dinner. In Domaine des Ormes there is so many things there and so many fun activities to do. There is golf, mini golf, swimming in the pools and going down the really big, fun, swirly, slides, there's horse riding, every second night there would be a show on, on the big stage and everybody would be sitting around watching it or in the bar listening to the music and what they’re saying. Every Thursday there would be a market on with some really nice stuff on for sail. In Domaine des Ormes there is also a huge game room. You can go fishing there and loads more. I love going zip-lining across the lake. I absolutely love going to France. When I’m there I pick up a lot of the French language. The worst thing about France is...leaving. And that’s my story about going to France and really enjoy there. THE END. The Irish Salmon The Irish salmon also known as the Atlantic salmon is found off the West of Ireland in the Atlantic Ocean. The Irish salmon is a bright silvery colour with reddish spots. The Irish salmon grows up to one point five meters long. It lives between four to ten years. The salmon starts its life in freshwater. It then moves to the sea before it returns to the river. A picture of the Irish Salmon appears on the old florin coin and it is also found on the ten pence coins. It also features in the famous legend of the Salmon of Knowledge. In the famous legend of the Salmon of Knowledge it was believed the first person to eat the Salmon of Knowledge would know everything there is to know! Carrie's War by Alison Cullen As the train began to rattle away from the station my throat went dry. My younger brother Nick had his face pressed against the window, I think he was trying not to cry. "You better sit down now Nick, I said. I took a long sigh and looked out of the window. 'What if we never see Mum again" Nick sniffed. 'Then we would have to stay with the family we're given to' I told him. I looked out of the window again. I saw green fields with cows and sheep. Next thing I knew me and Nick we're both asleep. We we're woken by Miss Fazackely. "We're here children" she said in her English accent. We we're told to go into a little dark room with circle windows. A welsh lady came in and said," I'll have two girls please." "What about me and Nick' I said. Hoping she'll pick Nick as well. She thought about it for a moment. "I’ll chance it" she said. She told us that we had to obey her brother's rules. She showed us our room. It had two single beds in the middle a wicker chair a rug and a notice board. The notice board read "The eye of the Lord is upon you’. ‘My brother is a very Leaving Ireland Alison Cullen 6th class ''Hello my name is Holly. I am 12 years old. It is 1846 and the famine has struck all over Ireland. The potato blight captured us last year. Thousands of people died because they depended on the potato for their three meals a day. It is a wonder that I'm still alive. We are emigrating to America tomorrow ' because my little sister died last month from starvation.'' My mother said, "I don't want any more of us to die. It is the crack of dawn and we we're walking down to catch the ship. By the time we got down there, there was hundreds of people waiting to catch the big ship to take them to America. We we're waiting in the third class line.'' How long will we be on the ship for?'' I asked my father. "Two months probably" my father replied. "Two months", I gasped. We all started to go aboard the ship now. It was thronged with people pushing and shoving. I held tightly, to my mother’s hand so I wouldn't get lost. We walked the whole way down the ship and at last found three spare beds. We all sat down and took a well-deserved rest. It was two o'clock by the time we got moving. I could hear the splashing of the big waves against the enormous ship. I waved goodbye to my home country for the last time. As I was going to the bed that night, I heard people coughing and sneezing with colds. In the morning I woke to hear someone screaming. "My mother is dead my mother is dead," the girl was only about my age and she is left alone now. I felt so sorry for her. My father, mother and I just sat on our beds that morning. After a few minutes I could smell food. Sausages, eggs and toast. I licked my lips at the thought. My face fell when we got our food. Plain bread only. It was very plain but I ate it anyway. Two weeks later..... Half the people in our class have died due to illness. I am weak with hunger. I asked my father what America was like. He said he didn't know what America was like. So I lay down on my bed and imagined what it was like. I imagined tall buildings, manicured walkways and tons of other things. A crew member came around and said we should arrive in America in a month. I felt a tingle of excitement run up inside me. Two weeks later..... I am going to burst with excitement. We had to take a shorter way because of ice-berg signals from other ships. So now we should be getting there tomorrow! The next day..... I spotted America easily. I took one glance of my new home. All about me By Grace Hanifan 3rd If you met me you’d think I’m cool But that’s not all I love the pool But the 3rd thing is what I like best Watching TV is my home pet. I’ll have you know that’s not all, I like pizza the best of all My Birthday By Aoife Farley 3rd My birthday is in March, I will go to the cinema, With all my friends, It will be fun, I can’t wait, Until my Birthday, I will have a cake, I can’t wait until my Birthday!!!!!!!! Breeze Ciara Kavanagh Sometimes the breeze can be strong sometimes it stays really long sometimes the breeze can be weak sometimes it stays for a week a breeze is not like the wind a breeze is gentle and acts like a friend SCHOOL by Caitlin Pepper 3rd Class Ms Ingoldsby When I go to school I do work. Then I have my lunch and go Out to yard and play With my friends. Then I go in and write down my homework. I have my dinner and go to sleep. THE END ! Easter by Caitlin o Reilly 3rd class E at lots of chocolate eggs. A cute bunny you will seek S some belly ache you will have The smile on your face when you see the Easter bunny E aster is so great R umbling tummy never more Dogs by Cara Spagnoletti 4th class D is for delightful like dogs O is for owners who loves their dog so much G is for dogs that love to be groomed S is for silly all those silly people who treat their dogs badly MY DOG By Carla Crosbie 3rd class One day a girl named Torie was very excited because it was her BIRTHDAY And she was going to get a pet. When she woke up she went down stairs .Mom and Dad were standing in the kitchen holding a big box. She opened the box and inside was a puppy. The puppy had big black eyes and a chocolate coat. But she wanted a cat she said thanks and faked that it was the best thing that ever happened. Her Mam saw her diary and started to cry Torie walked in she said she was sorry .Her Mam said why did you not say after two weeks she loved her dog more than anything. The next day her Mam came in and gave her a box there was a cat in it she said why I love my dog her Mam jumped. Her Mam her and her Dad lived happily Ever after. The End Carrie's War by Anna Power My name is Carrie and this is my story during 1939 about my trip to my new house in the countryside because it was too dangerous for Nick and I to stay in London when the war was going on. I was on a lovely train with my little brother Michael. I remember looking out the window and seeing a big mountain on the far side of the valley. It was brown and purple on the top and lower down it got greener, there were also a few sheep grazing on it. The carriage that we were in was decorated nicely with soft seats and bright paint. I also remember the journey taking forever and ever. When the train stopped Michael and I got off and headed for the church hall. I felt sick with nerves when waiting for someone to pick me and hopefully my brother too. While looking out at all the families, I saw one family that I would have hated to go with. The family had a little boy in it and he was getting smacked across the head by his Mom. The other children had the same nervous sick expression I had. Then a lovely women with red hair and a green jumper came up to the platform, her name was Mrs Evans. I told her that Michael always sleeps in my bed and is no problem at all. Then she chose us. When we arrived at I suppose her or her brothers shop because it was called, SAMUEL ISAAC EVANS she showed us around and told us her brother was a bit strict and particular about things but we would be ok. Michael and I looked around a bit, her house was lovely with green carpet on the stair, and we had to follow some rules like not getting the house in a mess and a few more. Michael and I had a lovely bedroom with a wardrobe, a green chair and two beds. We had a lovely quilt on both bed and also two pairs of fresh slippers. The house was gorgeous it had marble counters and wooden presses in the kitchens. I liked the sitting room the most because if you sat in the chairs you would sink into them. I thought to myself I would have a great life here before I had to go home. The Best Day Ever by Charlotte Keva Feeney I woke up in the morning and my Granny came home from Belfast I was so surprised. My Granny whispered in my ear could you go to bingo and I sighed ok. She was over the moon so we went to bingo soon then they called seven of my numbers and I won a big hamper with 50 euro in it. When we come home I told my Mommy and my Daddy they were shocked. Everybody had nothing to do so I thought we could go to fantasia and I told everyone. Then we went even my Granny. When we got there my Granny went to dancing machine and she did gangnam style it was great fun then we got a little hungry and we went to T.G.I. Friday‘s then we got tired so we went home. Then I shouted BEST DAY EVER. THE END. Christmas by Laura Masterson 4th class Christmas is for loving, Holly everywhere, Rudolph is getting ready, Inns are full in Bethlehem, St. Nick is being so jolly, Tinsel around the Christmas tree, Making Christmas cookies, Around the Christmas tree people sing, Santa ready to give out presents late on Christmas Eve. Chuck gets chucked! By Ava Oakes Chuck is a talking chocolate bar! He has two marshmallow friends called Mork and Mindy! Chuck and his two marshmallow friends live in a darkened corner in a sweet shop never to be seen. It was Friday which meant all the kids were coming today. Chuck, Mork and Mindy hate Fridays because Chuck usually gets crushed and Mork and Mindy usually get squished! ''Uh, Friday,'' moaned Mork. ''The worst,'' explained Mindy. ''Thank crunchie it's Friday, NOT,'' said Chuck sarcastically. The marshmallows started to weep because once again they weren't chosen. ''Don't go all SOFT on me,'' yelled Chuck as he was finally wrenched from the box in the corner. ''There you go Pippa,'' said Mum, as she handed Chuck the chocolate bar to Pippa. ''Uh, this bar is white chocolate, I hate white chocolate,'' explained Pippa to her Mum while chucking poor Chuck on the ground. ''Don't you dare litter Pippa,'' roared Mum. I guess it wasn't Chuck’s lucky day after all! Except for a lucky dog that approached Chuck and gobbled him up! Ooops! The Incident of The Boy At Night By Ciara Kavanagh Wee Woo went the sirens of the ambulance and police as they arrived at the crime scene where a boy had been badly injured. Detective Emma Jones and head Chief Roger Evans arrived at the scene. "We are going to be investigating this crime and trying to solve it" head Chief Evans explained to detective Jones as they walked over to help the nurse put the boy in the ambulance. The only clue to who did the crime was a pitchfork and a glove. Head Chief Evans and detective Jones decided to knock at every house in the little estate. Finally they came across a suspicious man who claimed he just moved in and that the blood on his hand's was just food colouring. They decided to move onto another house. This time they went to the parents of the boy who had been injured. Cray Cray Poem by Gillian Weston Bet not you’ve never seen Something like this before, It’s not the sort of thing That would make you snore. I’m writing this poem To make you see That no one can beat The power of the word me. I’m really not a doctor Or a therapist I’m not going to tell you That you have broken your wrist. I know that this poem Does not make any sense There is a simple reason The writer is very tense. The Robots by Danielle One day I was walking down the street and I saw a robot place so I went in and I said oh my God because there was a lot of robots and I saw my best friend Jessica and then Jessica said laugh out loud because there was a really funny robot that said I am a toy must destroy and I said to Jessica do you want to get an ice-cream with sprinkles and she said yes. We went in and we got an ice-cream Jessica said do I want to come over I said ok at 1. Jessica walked away into the distance and I NEVER SAW HER AGAIN THE END Dublin by Kate Hanratty In Dublin it’s always raining, And now I’m sick of complaining, About the awful weather, And really it’s not getting better, I’m sick of all the puddles, And my umbrella getting all in a muddle, But I love my little Dublin, And I really couldn’t leave it! What a life Emma-Jane Power 6th Class I crept behind the door and flew out. I went to the very back of my master's house, outside the chimney wall of the kitchen. It was a shivery day and there were damp and cool trickles racing down my back. I noticed the brick I hid my secret diary (more like scraps of old paper) was loose. I dashed over there without a sound and pulled the brick from its position. I placed my hand inside and rummaged around. The inside was a touch of winter merged with a rainforest. The diary was missing! As I panicked, I suddenly heard a screeching yell. "WHAT! That dirty slave has been learning. Don't you see how much trouble this is? I could be arrested for treating people this way!" I worried and recognised the voice. IT WAS MY MASTER! I stumbled my way inside. Questions raced through my head. Who found it? How did they find it? What was I going to do? I was frightened. What would I do? I was worrying so much that I had forgotten reality. That was all I remembered before it went black and didn't awake for a long time. I woke to a sound of metal clanging. Evil Doesn't Take a Holiday by Sinead Kearns I was walking along the boat, the SS. Childline with my two cousins because we were going to the pool. On the way we saw loads of adults relaxing in the Spa, they obviously came to get away from their children in other words 'relax" but I don't know why it has the word ' child' in the title. It took us a while to get to the pool because there must have been 16 floors and the ship must have been 67 metres long. Finally we got to the upper deck and went into the pool. A few minutes later there was a thump, so I went up to the top of the ship to investigate. Suddenly I saw my evil villains, Fire Destroyer and Chubby Bubby, so I ran as fast as I could and it was so fast, it froze time and I got changed in my cabin. "So we meet again," said Fire Destroyer when I got back with my black mask and turquoise cape on. 'Why are you doing this?" I said realising he had shot a hole in the side of the boat with his fire gun. 'I’m getting my revenge after all those times you and Mermaid Woman had foiled my plans and sent us to jail" he replied. Remembering Mermaid Women I took out my torch that when you point to the sky you could see 3 lines and a tail on top that she gave me. I pointed it to the sky. While I was distracted Fire Destroyer made a bigger hole in the ship. After he did his annoying, evil laugh, I grabbed out my web gun and shot him. Not long after I heard dolphin clicks and my handy companion’s voice. Luckily for me the dolphins and other sea creatures had supper strength and helped to get the boat to our destination, France. When I turned around I saw Chubby Bubby taking out his stink ray and he shot it at me, but I hold my breath and I took out my water shooter and shot him back [he didn’t see it coming]. He then fell over and I got my plunger gun and tied him up. Not wasting any time I told the passengers to stay calm and put on their life jackets because the boat was still sinking and I didn’t think the animals could push the boat any longer. I realised that the water was already a quarter of the way full on the first floor. As quick as a flash I jumped into my speed boat and drove over to where the hole was. I told Mermaid Woman to stop pushing the boat and to make sure that Fire Destroyer and Chubby Bubby didn’t get away. It took me a while to find out how to fix it I decided that I would had to use my web gun to cover the hole but I knew it wouldn't last long. When we got close enough to France I flew to land with the passengers with help from Mermaid Woman. The sea creatures kept on pushing until we got to France. Luckily all the passengers survived and the company of the ship said that they could fix the hole. When we were on the docks we called the Guards and for another time Fire Destroyer and Chubby Bubby got arrested. The passenger thanked me and Mermaid Woman and the sea creatures. After all that I rode off into the sunset with my companion and our sea friends. Till this day I still remember the scared and the ones that never learn. The End By Sinead Kearns Friends by Beth Kirwan I have great friends, I hope the friendship never ends. They are always so kind to me, And make me ever so happy. I train in G.A.A with one, And another I just have so much fun. One of them is really funny, And another is just so lovely. They are my bestest friends, I hope the friendship never ends! Gone by Rachael Mc Grath 5th class It was a year ago when it happened, I had not expected it. It just came. I was always with my family having fun; I had no brothers or sisters though I loved my mam and dad. Every Sunday we would do something, like a picnic or a boat trip. That all changed when I had my eight birthday July 1970....I woke up feeling very excited, I knew today was going to be great. I jumped out of bed and put my slippers and my dressing gown on and rushed into my mama and dads room. They must have heard me running because they were sitting up on the bed and holding presents. I lunged up onto the bed and they gave me a hug and sang happy birthday. They then gave me a big parcel and a medium one; I opened the medium one first. The wrapping was very pretty with a little bow on the side. I undid the wrapping carefully and say it was two books. One was Heidi and the cover was beautiful with a gold spine. The other book was Cinderella it was one of my favourite stories. I gave my parents a huge hug and they said open the other one, so I did. It was a lovely doll house with a doll family. As I looked at them I saw it was me mama and dad as the dolls, it was then even better! My dad brought it to my room and put it with my other toys, but it stood out the best. I got dressed in my birthday clothes and went down for breakfast. I could smell the pancakes cooking. My mama was flipping them high up in the air. Later was the party, it was birthday tea and a few games. My best friends Hannah and Lucy were coming as well as Violet, Laura, Maize, Lily and Mary Kate. They came at four o' clock. First we played pass the parcel and Mary Kate won a charm bracelet. After we played musical chairs, Lucy won. She got an Alice hair band. We all won a game and got a prize. After we had Victoria sponge cake, fairy buns, jam sandwiches, trifle and jelly with ice-cream. It was delicious and we sang happy birthday and had birthday cake. Someone knocked on the door. My dad answered the door, he was there a while. Finally he came back and he said we have no money left and they are taking our things and house. My mum burst out crying and my dad sobbed a bit. I didn't know what to do. My friends stared at us, but I didn't fully understand what was going on. Suddenly people came through the door, it was everyone's parents. They asked what was wrong but mom cloud only manage saying gone through all her crying. The parents sat my parents down and made them a cup of tea. They calmed down after a bit and dad explained. All the parents were shocked but they acted like fair-weather friends. So they left mumbling a thank you and my friends said good bye to me. Then after they all went dad and mom said they need to talk in private, so I went upstairs and into my room. After about ten minutes they came up to me and said they have to go for a while and I had to stay with some other kid's in a big house. I didn't like the sound of it but I nodded bravely, holding back the tears. I think my mom saw I was very upset, so she gave me a huge bear hug, she whispered 'Be brave a little girl'. When she let go I burst out crying and hugged them both. After I calmed down I asked where they are going, I heard mom whisper jail. Then I had to pack my clothes and things. They drove me to this place and my stomach was doing flips. I knew it was something else than a huge house, maybe a kid jail or an orphanage. When I got there I hugged my parents and cried a bit. When they left I was brought to a very plain long room. There was girls sitting on the beds chatting to each other, they stopped and stared at me as I walked in. I was very sad and felt all alone. My life was now a new one. Ever since that day I was teased and taught to clean and work, it was horrible!!! The older girls used as some type machine to bully on and they took all my favourite clothes, so I was left with the silly uniforms and a tracksuit. Some girls were very nice but I never really talked or bothered to make friends. When I turned eleven I just couldn't stand the place anymore so I packed my bags and escaped. I walked for a few days very hungry and cold, still I wanted to get to goal to see my parents and talk to them. I tried to remember the town when I was eight but it was a bit of a blur. Finally I arrived and I rushed in. A police man stopped me and asked my name I told him and why I was here. Then he said he would check the files and tell me if my parents were still here. A while later he came back shaking his head. ’Sorry kid the file says they went to another jail in Cork and then passed away’ my eyes welled up with tears and I ran out of the station and just kept running. After a while I stopped to catch my breath and noticed I was standing outside my old house. I decided to get a job and earn money for food and try get somewhere to stay but I ended up on the street and that’s where I have lived for three years. I have one wish and it’s to be a family again. HARES! By Abi O'Donnell 6th class Ms.Higgins Hares are wild Irish animals. Hares are larger than bunny rabbits. Hares can jump higher and run faster than bunny rabbits. Hares habitats are in burrows, or in grassy plain areas. Hares look a lot like bunny rabbits but are different in so many ways! Hares like to eat wild berries, grass and plants. Hares stay with their families, and when they travel out to look for food or go for a hop around to get some fresh air they always return to their families. Hares are brown and grey in colour not white like rabbits. Heading Off By Julia Spagnoletti I'm going on a journey, Across the deep blue sea. To find out where I came from, And meet my family. Will they be skinny? or will they be tall, will they even look like me? At all! I wonder if they’re nice, I really hope they are. Do they have any pets? That crawl or walk or fly. I can't wait to meet them, I'm so excited I think, I could die. HOPE by Laura Burke I could barely sleep, we are in third class and at the bottom of the boat. As we are gliding over the waves the boat rocks back and forth. There is very little room, we are all cramped together and the smell of disease and death is sickening. The cries from mother, as tears well from her eyes is endless. She`s devastated since we had to leave father behind. He had a terrible case of famine fever and was banned from travelling. He wanted me and mother to go because there was not much for us in Ireland. The blight had destroyed our potatoes and we were too poor to buy other food. We were evicted from our little mud cabin and there was nowhere else to go. Thought of leaving father makes me cry but this is our only chance of starting a new life in America. Well that’s if we make it. I am in danger of catching famine fever. I try to think of something funny instead of counting sheep. Just last week while in my bed, a funny thought came into my head. Imagine if animals could speak What would it be like? They'd tell us what they thought of humans And all about their life. What they ate? When they slept? How people treat them? Who are their friends? Just before I could ask these questions, My dream came to an end! By Laura Burke If I Was A…By Sarah-Jane Moroney If I was a vet, I’d take care of peoples pets And make sure that they didn’t fret. If I was a rock star, I’d have a red shiny car And it would drive very far. If I was a cook I’d write my own book And everyone would look. If I was a cow, I’s jump over the moon And I’d run after the spoon! MODERN FAIRYTALE!!!!! BY ISOBEL SUTTON ONCE UPON A TIME Cinderella was out shopping in Penneys, when Shrek came up to her she had heard of him before and she didn’t liked him one bit. Said what in the world are u here for? You should be far far far far far far away. He said I know but Princess Fiona told me to go away. Then would you guess who came in the three little pigs they were in here for make-up. Shrek didn’t know who these pigs were he knew they were pigs tough. Shrek asked who are you then they said excuse me we are The Three Little Pigs DUH. Then would you guess who came in goldilocks except her hair was pink and purple. Goldilocks hated Cinderella because she pulls her hair steals her lollipop and it is not fair. Fiona came in for Shrek she gave him a big hug and cheered Shrek up. But what about Cinderella she still wasn’t happy but then would you guess who came in the other prince charming Prince Harry, Cinderella was so happy to see him but he came for Princess Fiona they were getting married that is what Princess Fiona came too tell Shrek. Then Princess Fiona said farewell am going to get married. After about an hour Prince Charming came in with Snow White. Cinderella was sooooooooooo jealous that she screamed NOOOOOOOO. Then the three little pigs did pig style to cheer her up. But that did not work she got more mad and she stormed off. Then after a while of sitting around Cinderella came up with a good idea Shrek and Cinderella could get married. So they did and after a while they had kids they were twins. Well except the three little pigs. BY ISOBEL SUTTON 3RD CLASS MS INGOLDSBY. MODERN FAIRYTALE PART 2 BY ISOBEL SUTTON Later on that year Shrek and Cinderella split up and because they had twins they both took a child Cinderella took the girl she was called Bella Shrek took the boy he was called Tom. They split up because Shrek was so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SO bad at doing house work he makes the bathroom SO messy when he goes you know. So they split up. Cinderella went looking for Prince Harry because she knew that he had split up with Snow White I think or is it Princess Fiona ah well she has to look for him she found him in Buckingham Palace. So she asked him to marry her he said yes so about 4 months later they got married they loved being married they even had five kids THE END My puppies and me Janet Fitzpatrick 5th It is Wednesday. I am going to take my puppies with me to the shop. I have to get dog food, bread, butter. I love my puppies. I love to take them everywhere with me. When I grow up I am hoping they will still alive. I got the stuff that I need so I am coming home now. I told my Mom on the phone. Next day it was school. I was sad because I will miss them very, very, very, very, very, very, very much. We did Math’s and English. It was lunch time. I wanted to go home because I missed my puppies. The bell rang for home. I was so, so happy. When I got home I ran in and I saw that they were gone. I into ask the neighbours .They said they did not know. I got really worried. I just real lased that they were back. There were tears rolling down my face. I was so happy that they were just gone to the shop. They told me that they went walking that’s why it took them so long. Mouse, Pups and Shaba were with them I was so happy. I gave them all a big hug. They kept licking me. I stared to laugh and then my parents laughed to. Suddenly there was a shaking in the ground .It was an earthquake .I stared to scream. My Mum and Dad said there is no point screaming were all going to go together. Then it stopped there was no one hurt or noting damaged. I was so happy. I was so worried about family and dogs too. But it all worked out in t The End Jim Larkin By Jen2 It was finally time to go. The day Liam was so looking forward to. On this fine Summers day as Liam started heading down to this mass meeting, he barely noticed all the shouting from the streets big football game. He was so excited. When he got to the meeting, there was no one there. He was shocked so he looked up at the old clock on the side of the on the side of the local supermarket. It was ten am! He was three hours early! 'I have a few hours on my hands, so I might as well take a little nap. Or should I go home? No, I'll stay because I don't want to be late' decided Thomas. "Ladies and Gentleman, my name is Jim Larkin. Leader of the Transport Union; announced Jim. "What, what, what happened? Did I miss it? I hadn't realised I shouted it all out loud until everybody started looking at me! My father was one of them. Even Jim stopped talking to look'. But in that silence all you could hear were police whistles and muttering. The police we’re hear to get Jim. CRAZY LIFE Jessica Arkins 5th Dear diary It’s me Jenny. I’m having the worst day ever. Before lunch at school there was a food fight and I was the one getting hit. To lighten my heart I wrote a poem. Food can be green Some kids are mean Candy is sweet But not if you get beat You are cool If you’re in a pool I don’t like to lie So I guess it goodbye. I feel a bit better so I’m going to bed. Just a thought When I lay in bed at night and can’t go to sleep. I try to think of something funny instead of counting sheep. Just last week when in my bed A funny thought came to my head, What If I could freeze the time? Oh wow! Wouldn’t that be fine? I’d freeze the classroom and ditch my books. Move to Australia to get the tan looks. I could hang out in the beach all day, And by night do a tour of Sydney Bay. I’d go to the zoo, met the wallaby koala and kangaroo. It’s only a thought that’s true But I will get to Oz before I’m 22. By? Factory Fire by Katie Jones. It was a factory fire a bad one. I was in one of the three fire engines dispatched to deal with it. We struggled into our protective gear and breathing apparatus as the engine screeched through the streets with the siren blaring. We raced to the scene of the fire. Luckily we got there without a hassle. The first and second fire trucks were already there so it was only us left to get in the building. Since it was a gun powder factory we needed to hurry up and get inside before it exploded. We were inside and the flames already rose very high luckily it was only the first floor the gun powder was on the second floor. The flames were getting higher and higher. Four other recruits from my team went to find people on the first floor. Me and four other recruits went up to the second floor to see was there anyone upstairs and to get most of the gun powder out of the building. We threw ALOT of gun powder out the window and me and my friend Lizzie went looking for people. Luckily there was no one upstairs so we went to help with the gun powder. Five minutes later all the gun powder that we could find was gone. We got a call to quickly get out of the building because it was almost all gone. We got out and we were told to leave it to the other recruits. The next day we got a call to say everything was ok...... By Katie Jones. Dogs D is for Dalmatian a type of dog O is for Oh so cute G is for greyhounds, another type of dog S is for sweet, sweet and kind By Katie Lambe 4th class A Katy Perry Poem by Sinead Kearns This is a poem about Katy Perry, In one of her vids she ate a berry. She is wide awake every morning, And in her concerts she is never boring. She has 2 sisters and 1 brother, And 1 father and 1 mother. If she ever came to our school I would honestly think that’d be cool. In concerts she's always fun Her home, California has all the sun. She has 2 of her own perfume And when she sings she's always in tune. She has a cat called, Kitty Purry And I think she likes Indian curry. I really likes Katy Perry And Firework is very merry. Leaving Home By Keava Roche 6th class My name is and I'm an only child. I wasn't always an only child. My little brother died on the horrible Coffin Ships. We had to emigrate from Ireland because of the Great Famine. Blight had spread over the potato crops making the food supply very, very low. It was either enter into a workhouse or emigrate. At that time emigration seemed like the best option. Although, the main reason we emigrated was because we were evicted from our small plot of land. It was burnt right in front of our eyes, so we took that as a sign we needed to move along. On the ships you could only bring one bag per family. It didn't bother us that much as we had very little to bring. When we boarded the ship, we were given a ticket that said we were aloud either flour, corn, oats and a drink every day. The ship didn't seem so bad, I had thought to myself. Quite soon after we had gotten on board I regretted even thinking that. We only had a space less than two metres long and two metres wide. Lucky for us there was only four in our family. The O’Connor’s were beside us. They had seven people in their family. There was their Granny Suzan, their Mum Michelle, their Dad Erin, the oldest child Kelly, the middle child Seán, the second youngest child Millie and their baby sister Sinéad. Worse to come were the conditions. They were absolutely terrible. There were only two lamps to light up the whole room. There was a bucket that you had to go toilet in and if the hatch wasn't open, you had to throw it down to where the food was kept. Worst of all, if someone got sick on the upper deck it would come through the floorboards onto us. Everyone was miserable. So we danced to keep our hopes up and some people drank alcohol. Then tragedy struck. My little brother was sick with Famine Fever. Nearly everybody had it by that stage, but my little brother had it the worst. He didn't move or talk, he just lay there like he was dead. Five days went by and he still hadn’t eaten or spoken. He was getting incredibly thin, I could put my arms around him with no problem. Then when we woke up one morning my brother wasn't breathing. His skin colour had turned from pale to a sickening white colour, overnight. My Mum said he was dead, but I wouldn’t believe her. I stood by his side waiting for him to jump up saying it was all a joke, nothing but a joke. I waited and waited and nothing happened. Then that afternoon we, reluctantly, threw him out to sea, with all the other dead bodies. From then on the voyage just seemed to get worse. The days dragged on, I couldn't sleep at night. All I thought about was my little brother. The voyage was over six days after he had died. When we had reached the harbour we had to have a doctor check us in case we had Famine Fever. The Americans weren’t taking any chances. Once I had stepped onto the land were America lay, I had a feeling nothing would ever feel right without my little brother, with me. Soon after we had arrived my Father found a job mining. My Mother went out to search for a place to live and I was swiped up by some rich family and made their maid. My life now is better than it was in Ireland. Although, I'll never forgive God for making Ireland go through such a cruel and starving time because maybe if there wasn’t a Famine we wouldn’t have had to emigrate. Then my little brother might’ve survived. Leaving Ireland By Sinead Moloney 6th Class As I was on the boat leaving to go to America, I actually felt sad about leaving Ireland. I remember when we were happy eating potatoes! I remember when we were sitting around our kitchen table as a family and now we are all split up on this horrible ship when everybody is sick and dying. At least we are getting fed - porridge. I wish our family and everybody didn't depend on potatoes so much. We just had to emigrate. My baby sister was nearly dying with the hunger- well everybody was. My Father was working in the Workhouse and every night he would come home complaining about how bad the Workhouse was and my Mother used to just say everybody knows that so stop complaining. Then my Father got so ill and passed away so now it’s just me, my Mother and my sister. When the blight arrived everybody got so desperate and started eating grass, nettles and hedgehogs. Then The British Government decided to import Indian corn from North America into Ireland to help to help bring relief to the starving people. But that really didn't help. 3 weeks later now...... We are in this ship for 3 weeks now and nothing is getting better. I haven’t seen my Mother or my sister for 3 weeks and I wonder how they are that’s if they're still alive. This ship is known as a coffin ship because lots of people die on the way to America so their bodies are just thrown away. It’s really sad to think that people don't even get to live a happy life. 4 weeks later…… Only 1 more week to go until we are there. I can't believe that I am on this boat for 7 weeks now, I have been living without anybody to talk to, without my family, and I have been sleeping on the ground around people who are dying. I’m so sick and hungry I can't do this for another 7 whole days what if I can't stay alive? Only 2 more days until I’m off this horrible ship and I get to see my family. What if I have no family anymore and the people of America won't let me in to their country? What if I'm too sick? A few days when I was on this ship I could picture all the good things like my family and I happy not hungry, in America holding food while the bright sun shining over us, like the blight never happened, like we were never on this ship and around people sick and dying or that horrible smell of rotting potatoes and now I can't even picture my family alive. What will I do? Suddenly I woke up to everybody was rushing around picking up their children and saying “come on, hurry up". I said to myself today is the day. The ship was stopped and I ran. I had a sore belly not just of hunger but of excitement and sort of worried. There was a big queue. Everybody was walking all over me like I was an ant and they were giant dogs or something. I pushed my way through trying to look for my family but they weren't there. I stood still with my head in my hands as the world went by. Then I lifted my head up quickly and walked slowly. I saw all the other children with their mother and fathers and I was on my own. Then I saw a woman with a clip in hair my mother used to wear she was holding a child and the baby was waving at me. I said to myself it couldn't be could it? I ran over and it was, I stood there for about 10 minutes then I just hugged her so tight and didn't let go. “Mother is that you?” I said. “Yes it is”, she replied. I hugged her tighter. We got into the queue and soon we were in America, we were allowed in so we can start our happy life from here. The End Letter 16 Woodlands Rd, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Ireland, Dear Mr Hazell, My name is Danny Flanagan and I am writing to you because I want to sell the garage and the land it's on. This is a once in a lifetime chance for you to really expand your business! You could build a hotel and you could call it The Woodlands Hotel. I can assure you that you will have hundreds of people lined up outside wanting to stay at the hotel. Between its scenic views and being surrounded by fabulous picnic areas, no wonder people would love it! You could host business meetings, parties, weddings, christenings and whatever else you wish to do! And of course you will be getting the money! As a child myself, I know I would love to stay at this marvellous hotel with large open land to explore and possibly a tour of your brewery! I know I would never get bored! This is a great bargain and I know that a clever business man like you wouldn't let this opportunity pass! So I ask you, Mr Hazell, to look further into this offer. At a cheap price of $500,000 , you could be known as a famous business man all over the world. So please consider it. Yours Sincerely, Jemima Byrne Healthybreak By Lorraine Adamolekun 4th class Healthybreak is a type of cereal. It is very healthy. It has wholewheat/barely/malt/salt/and sugar. Adults/children and teenagers can have this cereal. It tastes lovely. You pour milk on and add the cereal. It can be bought in supermarkets all over the world. It is very common and yummy Nice way to start the day healthy. By Lorraine Adamolekun 4th class. Scared of Lucy By Margaret Balinga Once upon a time there lived a girl called Lucy. The children were scared of Lucy. It was her birthday. Her Mam was getting lots of texts that said no she/he can’t come. Then she started to cry. But a young boy named BillyBobjo from Sligo came to the party. She said “You’re not invited to my birthday party” so her mum said “Come in Bill you are the only one who came to the party”. So the girl was happy. So Billy and Lucy were friends for ever and Billy didn’t mind that she was scary at all. The End By Margaret Balinga 3rd class Ms Ingoldsby Letter Danny Woodland View New Bridge Kildare Dear Mr Hazel, Hello I am Danny I’m writing to you because I would like to sell my garage and land that it’s on. I know that you are a wise man and you might take this deal. I think that you should build a hotel called “Woodlands hotel”. I think you should build a hotel because the woods are nearby so people can go on walks; there is a lot of wildlife as well. Since you own a brewery you can supple your own bear, you could host parties, weddings and meetings. Our land is private and well maintained. There are a few restaurants ands and cafes in the village too, you could put a pool into the hotel you would make a fortune. The price of my land is 5 million euro. This is an offer not to turn down. Since such a rich man you could extend the land. This is a great idea! Yours sincerely Danny My Best Friends by Anna Coughlan I have great friends they’re always nice to me, We never fight, My friends can always keep a secret I love my friends, My best friends are Amy O’ Flaherty, Isobel Sutton, and Cara Ryan By Anna Coughlan 3rd class Ms.Ingoldsby My Candle By Angela Gunko 4th class My candle burns for a lifetime My candle burns for a day My candle burns for a second Just an hour away My Dream by Kate Hanratty When I lay in bed at night and can’t go to sleep I try and think of something funny instead of counting sheep Just last week while in my bed A funny thought came into my head What if canaries could sing and dance Wear a tie and a suit and maybe where pants They could put on shows in the theatre And then be reviewed in the Meteor Oh, if only that could be I’d run around and jump with glee But I’m afraid that’s not true at all So I’ll turn over and stifle a yawn! My New Best Friend.By Jodie Daly my new best friend is really funny even though she has a pet bunny she hates tomatoes but she likes ham we’re related to the lamb we like hanging with each other I love her Her name is Clara .By Jodie Daly MY PET RABBIT AOIFE Daly 5th class I was at the pet shop and I saw a really cute rabbit. He had a white nose and tail and brown fur .I asked my Mom and Dad if I could get him. They said yes so I went to find a shop assistant. When I found one I brought her to the rabbit cage, there was a note on the cage that I hadn’t noticed it said SOLD. The woman said that the people who were meant to buy him hadn’t come to collect him. So she said that I could have him instead. I was so happy, we searched around the shop for a water bottle, a food bowl and food for him, and then the hard part came to look for a hutch for him. All the hutches were either too big or too small. After we had got all our stuff we went to get my new rabbit I still hadn’t picked a name yet. Suddenly I had a perfect name for him Sparkie. So the woman took him out of the cage so I could hold him. He was so soft I knew that he was right for me. The woman gave me a cardboard box to put him in for the journey home. On the journey home my Dad said to take him out. I opened the flap of the cardboard box and out popped his little head. Just then we pulled into our driveway my Dad got out and opened the car boot and took out his hutch. My Mom opened my car door to let me out she took the box that my new rabbit was in. That’s the story about my pet rabbit. My Rabbit by Jessica Murphy My rabbit is eight he is old but he likes to have fun he likes to play with my ball. His best friend is a cat. The End By Jessica Murphy. The Easter Hunt by Natalie Gray ''It's Easter again'' said Buttercup, Rosie” wake up time to get moving”. “I’m too tired” said Chestnut. Bluebell “get up”. Bluebell. ‘Were is she''! Rosie, Chestnut help me find her! “Alright, alright” said Rosie, ‘Maybe she's in the woods, you know. ALRIGHT LET'S GO''! Said Buttercup. So they hopped to the tall eerie fir trees, SUDDENLY there was a rustle. ‘What was that'' said Rosie. ‘I think it was a fox''... SWOOSH ...''Listen. How are we going to find Bluebell if we’re going to be attacked’ ‘whispered chestnut. SUDDENLY out of the bushes shot FREDDY FOX. But as he hungrily zoomed towards them they somehow rose off the leafy ground. ‘It’s the wizard of the forest, run for your life''! Shouted Rosie. They jumped into the air and ran with a fox and a wizard chasing them. ‘Look, there’s Bluebell on the hill'' called chestnut, It looks like she's safe My surprise Neamh McKevitt 5th class Hi I am Neamh. I am going to tell you my surprise. I was going to Jedward for my birthday I was so excited but it was on Sunday so I had to go to school the next day. I was going to have a party and have my friend’s sleepover so I didn’t know what could be better. My Mum and I went into town early. My Mum told me that she was going in a hotel so I went in with her. After a while my Mum told me we were staying in the hotel. But that wasn’t all after Jedward was over I told my Mum that I had to go to school tomorrow but she told me that we were going shopping the next day. So that’s what my surprise was. Olden Days by Beth Kirwin In the olden days, Everybody says, You didn’t have a computer, You only had each other. In the olden days, Everybody says, You didn’t have a lot to eat, And you had no shoes for your feet. In the olden days, Everybody says, That there was no shops, They only had crops! MY GRANDPARENTS POEM by Olivia Ennis 4th Class My nana and I love to cook we even have a special cook book we love to bake chocolate stars and we pretend that they’re from mars!!! Me and my Grandad love to play with his cat sometimes I call him cat in the hat Once his cat climbed up a tree and then he was staring back at me. "Please Granny” Please Grandad" Never leave me I love you do you love me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By Olivia Ennis 4th Class Carries War by Orla Doyle I'm Carrie and I'm going to tell you about my journey to the countryside Wales. It was 1939 at the beginning of the Second World War and they were bringing children from London to Wales for their own safety. My brother Nick was crying because we had to leave Mama. Out the window there was mountains on the far side of the valley, the sheep where like little dots of white and the river was like a blue line on the ground. The carriage had three windows, two over had head storages and two long seats facing each other. We arrived in Wales six hours for our starting point. We got off the train and went to a big hall. I had a lump in my throat and I wanted to cry when I was waiting to get picked. I was worried that I might be separated from Nick. The other children waiting looked scared and upset. All the families looked nice and lovely. A woman called Miss Evans with red hair and bright blue eyes picked us. Then we arrived at Miss Evans house. The house was clean, smelt like polish and the stairs had a white strip of cloth in the middle. One rule was that on Sunday we were not allowed to play game or read books except the Bible. Our room had two beds, a strip of cloth in the middle and a notice on the wall saying The Eye of the Lord Is upon You. I thought my life was going to be different but I would be happy. My life was happy and Miss Evans was a lovely and nice woman. Dora V Orla by Orla Doyle I'm Orla Not Dora, She lives in Spain I live in rain, I don't explore But I eat sausages galore, My pets don't talk They just walk, My bag doesn't sing But my phone rings, So please don't mix me up If you don't I won't shut up, So remember I'm Orla Not Dora. Journey to Earth by Orla Doyle 17th of April 2067 At last! I’ve been waiting all my life for today. I'm going to earth for the first time ever. I can't wait to eat the food, swim in the sea and see my Grandma. I can't wait 1st of May 2067 I'm finally here on Earth. The spaceship was very stuffy with the three of us my mam, my dad and me Wendy. It took fourteen days from Mars to Earth. I'm so happy I can just jump up and down all day. 2nd of May 2067 When I looked out the window of the spaceship people were putting their feet on the ground. My mam said it was called walking. Everyone was wearing shorts and t-shirts but it was freezing. The temperature was 43°. This place was crowded with things 3rd of May 2067 I hate it here on Earth it's tiring walking and I can hardly breathe. My Grandma wants to teach me how to knit, with something called wool. The food here is rotten, ice-cream tastes like mud. When I was knitting with my Grandma she said she was coming back to Mars with us. I was like great but I was really screaming inside my head. School by Aisling Reidy You may think school is gruel But you’re the only one, who is the fool, You always drool, But you think it is cool, Then teacher makes you sit on a stool, And when you go to the swimming pool Even the swimming teacher doesn’t let you play with the tool, At home your family give out, Because all you do is shout, When your mum asked you to do some jobs, You just lounge about, So really if you think you are cool, Think because you are the only real fool. POEMS by Emma Chi There are lots of different kinds of poems. Even some about ancient stones. Some about friendship, some about love. Some about birds and even a dove. They are fun and they are boring Some even make you start snoring Some are short and some are long You can even make it into a song. Some are about holidays and some Are about weekdays. The Racing Day by Ciara Thiel 4th Class One very sunny day a girl called Nicole woke up and Nicole had brown eyes, brown hair and a lot of freckles. During that morning Nicole watched TV and her dad David was a racer and he left at 7:30 because the race was at 9:30. Nicole was really glad that her dad got her and her family tickets for the race today. When Nicole was at the race she had popcorn and then she saw a Redbull car crashed against the wall. After about 2 minutes she realized it was her dad she was shocked. After Nicole and her family met her dad at the hospital and her dad broke his arm and hurt his ankle. A few weeks later her dad was ok but a bit hurt. So on a Saturday Nicole and her family went out to the cinema. Rainbow by Jessica Brehony A drip A drop falls from the sky A spot of sunlight makes it shine clouds so black like coal those three things make A Rainbow RAPUNZEL by Rachel O'Hanlon Once upon a time there lived a man named jack yes its jack who killed the giant and chopped the bean stock and stole all the golden eggs. Jack always wanted to find true love but one day that actually happened. He was walking in the woods and he saw a big tower he climbed up it. When he got up there he saw a bed so he said to himself ' if threes a bed up here there must be a person up here to'. Then he saw something move then he saw a shadow. The shadow came up to him and hit him in the head with frying pan. Then he woke up and saw a girl with really long hair. Then he said to her what’s your name then she replayed Rapunzel and what are you doing here. 'I’m here because I saw this big tower and I thought I would climb up and admire it'. Then Rapunzel said ye right that’s why you’re up here tell me the real reason why your here. jack replayed ' ok the real reason why I’m here is because I robbed the golden eggs off the giant the giants dead now but the guards are chasing after me because I still have the golden eggs so can you help me’. I will help you if you bring me outside'. 'Sure’. So then the prince asked repose why you didn’t just go outside before. Then Rapunzel said because the witch who isn't here now she trapped me in this tower and I could never get out until now! And I really want to see outside I want to smell the fresh air and let all the wind blow my hair. So then they went outside and first they went to the closest bar for something to eat and drink. They saw a bar the name of it is called the little twinkle bar. Then Rapunzel said to herself this looks like a very friendly bar. So when they went in they saw loads of men but they looked like wrestlers jack got very scared 'you’d are probably thinking that Rapunzel would be scared but NO jack got scared'. All the men started to talk to Rapunzel they weren't really talking to Jack but Jack didn't care because he just wanted to get out of the bar right now. When they left the bar they saw the witch walking towards the tower. Rapunzel screamed and the witch saw her she ran after them. Then Rapunzel got caught in a bush and the witch got her and tragedy her back into the tower Jack didn't know because he ran father away from her. When Rapunzel and the witch got to the tower the witch wrapped Rapunzel with a rope and tapped her mouth shoot. Then when Jack turned around he didn't see Rapunzel 'where's Rapunzel I can't lose her I don't want her to hit me in the head with a frying pan again' Jack said to himself. Meanwhile when Rapunzel was trapped in the tower with the witch Jack ran back to the tower and screamed ' Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair’ But Rapunzel didn’t answer. Jack got worried and climbed up the tower by himself. Jack just saw Rapunzel on the floor and he didn’t see the witch but then he heard something in Rapunzel’s room and saw the witch Jack grabbed her and called the police and got her arrested. Oh ya Jack almost forgot about Rapunzel he checked if she was alive or dead. Then jack brought Rapunzel to the hospital to get her checked out if she was ok the said to me she’s ……… alive. The witch just through her on the floor and she got a bad bump. Then Rapunzel woke up and then Jack ran over to her and kissed her. Then a few days later Rapunzel and Jack got married. They lived happily ever after! Crunchy Chilled Chocolate Fingers Sarah Morris 4th class Ingredients: 300g (11oz) digestive biscuits 300g (11oz) milk/dark chocolate 110g (4oz) butter 110g (4oz) caster sugar 110g (4oz) chopped almonds, toasted 50 (2oz) ground almonds 50 (2oz) raisins (optional) 1 tablesp. Brandy, dark rum or sweet sherry (optional) Method: Line a 23cm/9" square tin with foil of baking parchment. Finely crush the biscuits by putting them in a plastic bag and bashing it with a rolling pin. If you prefer, you can use a food processor to crush the biscuit. Be careful not to overdo, as you want the pastry to be crunchy Melt the chocolate, then carefully add in all the other ingredients. Mix well. Spread out your mixture evenly into the tin. Let it set for approx.2-3 hours, then cut into fingers. Serving Suggestions: Can be served with whipped cream. Nice with hot drinks, e.g. hot chocolate. Greedy Dog This dog will eat anything. Cabbage and ketchup mashed together, A rubbed out rubber and a swan's feather. Just when you think he will stop, He will run up the stairs and bite the clock. He will even eat my dad's tie, When he is done he will have a bottle of dye. When he is asleep he'll chew on his paw, When he is done he will eat chicken RAW! Carefully hide your tools, Cause he will chew them up and pee in the pools. This dog will eat anything except for toast. He won't even eat it on chicken roast. Sarah Canty Sarah is a very funny and nice person A person that helps people Rich or poor witch am I A person that loves chocolate Harry styles hair is cool Cute and friendly and looks so pretty A healthy comp we won so eat healthy Nice or bad pick the first one The sun gives you a suntan You and me can be together The End. School Out By Amy Johnston I hate school Irish and lots of drool Its midterm now NO more Maths’s And lots of lazy days Oh I wish this was my everyday I could throw away All my books Because they suck This would be the fun You would NEVER get any work done Having a laugh everyday With my best friend Mary-May But what about my friends Lucy, Jane and Jen I would never have met them Oh no I guess school is GREAT!!!!! Factory Fire by Shona Byrne It was a factory fire, a bad one. I was in one of the three fire engines dispatched to deal with it. We struggled into our protective gear and breathing apparatus as the engine screeched through the streets with the siren blaring. When we arrived outside the factory the first thing we had to do was see how quick the fire was spreading it was going up in flames at the front door so we went around the back. Before we went in we got Sargent Smith to go up on the ladder with the fire hose. We went in the back, we heard a lot of people screaming, and we had to act quickly. The fire was really strong it was so warm and the stairs to the second floor was starting to wobble so we split into teams of two and one team went up and the other team stayed down on the ground floor. I could see a lot of people standing directly in front of me. Then I spotted a door with exit written above it so I ran around the left side of the factory with Sam there was no smoke so we called over more firefighters to help get them out we got them all out but the stairs had collapsed and everybody was stuck on the second floor. Then Sean spotted a crack in the window of the upstairs level. Quick as we could we went up the ladder and smashed through the window and ran to the door where the fire team was and the workers The Lost Boy by Sinead Hand Once upon a time there lived a little boy named Oscar. Oscar lived with his Mum Mary and his sister Chloe .One day Oscar went out to the woods to get some sticks for the fire. Oscar couldn’t find any dry sticks so he looked around and couldn't find his way out. Oscar started to panic. By now Oscar had been in the woods for about an hour. Mary started to get worried so she called the Gardaí. Then it started to rain so Oscar ran under a tree to get some shelter. Chloe at home was on the lookout for Oscar. The rain stopped and so at home Mary had a search party for Oscar. Oscar came out from under the tree and looked again and again for his way out. After a while Oscar fell asleep. When Oscar woke up he wasn’t quite where he was before he was in a house. It wasn’t a very nice house. It was a WITCHES HOUSE. There was lots of spider webs on the wall, with spiders running up them."Ha ha ha"Somewhere in the witches’ house was the witch. You could hear her from a mile away from her wicked laugh. After a year past Oscar had been in the witches’ house for a long long long time. Oscar was the witches slave. Oscars Mum was always crying her eyes out when she would go to sleep. Chloe was missing her brother because they would always play with each other. So that’s how Oscar got his name The Lost Boy. By Sinead Hand There’s Something Fishy Going on Here! By Anna Power Everybody on the deck of the research vessel was looking straight at me. They expected the hot-shot expert to know exactly what the creature was but I had no idea. I looked around and just saw the captain staring straight at the creature with an excited expression. This creature had never been seen before. I brought the creature to my lab. I started to notice the greenish-blue scales on its back. I started to shake while putting on my gloves to examine this odd creature. When I started to examine the scales properly they started to melt away before my eyes. My hands started to tingle and then burn. What was happening? I called for assistance. This creature was definitely not normal! More changes started to happen the outside layer was disappearing, no more greenish-blue scales were left. I squirted some water on the creature to clear away the outside scales. Underneath was inky black jelly like body. I could feel the life leaving this creature. I stopped my research and placed it in a tank of seawater, to see would this help but it didn't. It sank straight to the bottom of the tank. There was nothing more I could do. All I could hope was there would be more to learn once I had dissected it. Hopefully from what I could earn this would stop this from happening again. My scientific mind tells me if there was one there must be more. My search continues. My summer holiday Sophie Curran I hopped on the plane and off it went. At last I thought to myself ''Our summer holidays are here’ ‘I was bursting with excitement. My parents didn't tell me where we were going exactly, all I knew was it was going to be hot. I finally got off the plane and it was like walking out of a freezer into an oven. It was sickening. ‘We were in Spain. We checked out and did all that, then we got a taxi to our hotel. As soon as I went into our hotel room I changed into my swimsuit. I was dying to go swimming. Off we all went down to the pool. We had a magnificent time. Later on that day we walked down to the nearby village to look at the market. The golden sun started to go down so Dad suggested we should walk back to the hotel. ‘Where is Thomas I said, starting to feel a bit anxious. Mum was panicking, and so was Dad. Mum ran up to the well dressed woman at the desk. ‘My son is missing, please help us. The woman replied in a calm gentle voice and said ''where exactly did you go? We were at the local market in the nearest village. As quick as possible Dad called the local police. The police picked us up from the hotel and drove to the village to help look for Thomas. One hour had gone by and the last place we tried was the news agent across the street. We were in luck Thomas was sitting on a chair behind the desk and the shop owner was trying to call Mum and Dads phones. Mum and Dad thanked the owner so many times the woman started to get annoyed. Dad bought Thomas and I a big ice-cream. It was delicious. We walked back to the hotel. We were all so glad Thomas was safe. We put on our good clothes and went to the restaurant. The meal was magnificent and the presentation was superb. A couple of hours later we went up to our room. We got into our pyjamas, and fell fast asleep. We all decided to go on a boat trip. On the notice board for the boat trip it stated (Take pictures of sea life they are great memories to have).Please enjoy the trip. We were on the boat and the notice board was right, the sea life was amazing. We took loads of pictures. After the trip we stopped at a restaurant for a bite to eat, and then we made our way back to the hotel. I started to pack my bags to go home and so did Mum, Dad and Thomas. Then Thomas looked at the clock and said ''its 6:00 already’ ‘Dad checked our tickets for the plane and we had to be in the airport for 7:10. We quickly finished our packing and checked out of the hotel and got a taxi to the airport. Surprisingly we arrived 5 minutes early. Dad paid the the taxi driver and we went into the airport. Mum and I went into a couple of shops and Dad and Thomas sat out in the waiting area. About ten minutes later our plane was waiting so we got on the plane and buckled up. The plane took off in no time. After an hour I fell asleep and then Mum woke me up to say it was time to get off. Got off the plane and it was freezing. We got in a taxi and went home. Sophie Curran THE BIG GESTURE Sophie Curran I sneaked out of the house at the crack of dawn. Nobody saw me well I at least hope they didn't see me. Anyway I made my way down to the tram. I got my ticket and hopped on the tram. Slowly the tram took off. The sky was a golden crisp colour with splashes of blue. The morning breeze was still but fresh. There were shops, houses, churches as we past. The birds were up tweeting away like little bells. The tram was jammers and when I got off the tram the crowd for Jim Larkin was crazy there was people everywhere. Suddenly the crowd was cheering but all I could think about was do I regret coming? Jim Larkin had arrived, he started to speak. He was talking and talking but I couldn't hear him speak with all the rustling and talking, shouting and cheering. Even though I knew when he was finished speaking. The reason I knew he was finished was because the crowd started to vanish quickly. After he finished speaking there was a bit of fighting, but nothing too serious. The police told the two men to stop but they weren't even listening. ‘That’s it’ ‘said the police, ‘into the car at once''. I didn't pay that much attention to the police anyway, all I was worrying about was getting home, what if my parents catch me? I felt sick in my stomach. I started making my way home. I hopped on the tram and back to my family I went. The journey went so quick and I was back at the station in minutes. I slowly walked back to my house. I opened the door and it creaked. I went inside. OH NO! By Sophie Curran A Day in Spain by Shauna Markey If I could go back in time I'd show you a camp site in Spain, It was a lovely Warm evening, As my sister and I Were walking down a pathway, We were passing the pool, I saw my family swimming along After they told us they were not, Going to the pool, My sister and I asked Can we go get our swimming gear? My parents said it was too late But they said we could get in with, Our clothes on my sister said NO But I leaped in to the air, I was up in the air in a ball Next thing I know I was in the water By Shauna Markey Spike Up! By Zoe Lonergan 6th Class Hedgehogs are small and spiny creatures. They mostly sleep in shallow holes or under rocks. They eat insects, frogs, snails and some grass. When they are threatened they roll up into a tight spikey little ball. Hedgehogs prefer to live away from members of their species. Hedgehogs have very sensitive senses of smell and hearing. They also love to be in warm temperatures {43o -53o c.}. Even though they have spikes they can be threatened very easily. The reason why I really like hedgehogs is because they are so cute and adorable. Fun Fact 1. Hedgehogs are also known as urchins, hedge pigs and furezepigs. 2. I had 2 hedgehogs living in my back garden and if there was spare cat food {nuts} they would eat it! The End Spring Niamh Cullen 4th Class Birds are flying, Birds are sailing. Birds are chirping, Sheep are playing, Sheep are running, Lambs being born Lambs are playing. The clouds are gone, The sun’s out, Robins are out, Come out and play. I'm a season, I am spring, Come out and play with me! Surprize!!!! BY EVE DOORLEY One sunny morning a little girl called Elle was sad because she woke up to find her mum and dad was at work again. She felt she would never get family time again. She had to do the normal routine which was making her OWN breakfast and cleaning the HOUSE. Well she did what she had to do, Until BANG!!The wind coming from the window slammed the door. She got a huge fright aaaaaahhhh!! Her dog was woken up by the scream he came running up the hall barking row row row row row. Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh Harvey stop that bold boy.raaaaroooww!!! OH Harves it's ok. So you understand him said a loud voice. Aaaaaaaaahhhhh again was that you Harve row.Ok I believe you BUT! I am watching you. Now Harve you’re not allowed to talk until your 5 years old you are one now so no talking. Ok what were we up to again. Ah yes we were about to watch desperate houswives. Huuuhh I wish mum and dad spent more time with me. Do you know what I mean Harve my birthday is coming up I mean DOUBLE DIGITS woohhooo!!!!!Well all I want is to have some family time. Then in a week it was Elle’s birthday she woke up and then felt happy because it was her birthday and sad because it didn’t seem like her parents were there to celebrate. She let out a great big sigh HUUUH!! I wish they were here she got up and walked down the hall with Harve. That’s weird she thought to herself mum and dad never close the kitchen door at night .Who did that then? Aaaaaaahhhh!!! HARVE STOP!! Talking I mean it I walked into the kitchen for my cheerios when. SUUURRRPPPRRIIZZEE!!!I couldn’t believe it it was mum and dad hey guess what we’re going to America YES! .Are you messing no sweetie we would never. Ok show me the tickets .OMG!!! You are so nice thank you thank you thank you .Your very welcome .Where were you all the time? We were sorting out the holiday. OH but you were gone for so long. Yes we were here sometimes that was me whispering not Harve. Oh and we also got presents for you .Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!! Converse thank you so much short and high top Aaaaaaaaahh!!!!Thank you thank you thank you.THE END BY EVE DOORLEY 4TH CLASS The Easter Bunny by Tara Clerkin One Easter the Easter bunny was delivering eggs. One child called Sarah woke up She saw a fluffy tail. She said I" must be dreaming", But then she saw two big soft ears so she crept down the stairs to have a better look. She saw big fluffy feet so she went in to sitting room. Then the Easter bunny turned around and saw Sarah so amazed that she had her mouth wide open. The Easter bunny said "your dreaming go back to bed”, but Sarah said I’m' not dreaming your real. So the Easter bunny said ok" fine I’m' real", I’m' not allowed to let anyone see me so my job is very hard. Do" not worry" said Sarah I" will not tell anyone”. So” can I deliver eggs with you" said Sarah .Absolutely" not "said The Easter bunny. I" can’t' deliver eggs with a little girl". Please" please please please please please please" said Sarah. Alright alright come with me but we can’t' let my boss know ok. I will not tell your boss. Now" let’s go before it gets too late now get in to the sleigh and before you ask yes I get around the same way as Santa. Up up and away said the Easter bunny but nothing happened. Up up and away he said again but nothing happened. Up up and away he said again but still nothing happened. He said that is it I’m calling the sleigh company and they said press the start button. I pressed the start oh never mind and he hung up. Sorry about that he said. Now let’s go and deliver eggs .Then they were of. We will go next door first .After they had done all the houses they went back to Sara's house .Sarah had to go bed because the Easter bunny did not hide all her eggs yet. When Sarah woke up the Easter bunny was not there but he left her a note it said Dear Sarah I had to leave there was a few houses in England I did not deliver eggs to. I hope I see you next year. See you soon from the Easter bunny. It was morning Sarah was looking for Easter eggs with her mam but she did not tell her mam she saw the Easter bunny because she promised not to tell anyone. Sarah had the best Easter ever. THE END By Tara Clerkin THE BIG GESTURE!!!!!!! By Kelsey Carroll Liam and I were on our way to hear Jim Larkin speak. The road that we were walking along was wet and muddy. From where we were we could still here the crowd chanting and cheering for Jim Larkin. We passed a lot of shops and people selling all different items. The crowd started off with a few people then boom there were hundreds of people Jim Larkin arrived in a horse and carriage. He then started to speak. He talked about Strike, Human rights, Better rates of pay and Quality of employment. He then left in the horse and carriage. The horses were lovely. They were pearl white. After a while Liam started to worry about if his Dad or his Mum saw him here. Luckily they didn’t. I then got Liam home safely. Hopefully next time he won’t have to sneak out!!!!!! The Factory Fire BY AMY COLLINS 6TH CLASS It was a factory fire, a bad one. I was in one of three fire engines dispatched to deal with it. We struggled into our protective gear and breathing apparatus as the engine screeched through the streets with siren blaring. We beeped the horn for citizens to turn in. I looked out the window and there was the blaze so high we could see it from a mile away. We saw the people getting out of their cars to look and then we got to the scene they were all asking questions and I didn’t know what to say, I just froze. One woman said her daughter was in there....... I ran straight into it. I could hear screams and cries so we split up to find the missing people. I saw the door down the corridor and I kicked it open. I had a look around and then I saw her. She was tangled up in some rope. I finally got her out and tried to get out as fast as I could possibly go , knowing it was dangerous because the floor was starting to wobble . Then we saw the beam come down on us. Before I knew it we were trapped. I banged and screamed but it was no use. Then like a miracle John, my manager came calling my name but he went upstairs. Before I knew it I thought our lives were all over. But Then..................... THE END BY AMY COLLINS 6TH CLASS The Great Famine by Aoife Cooke Hello, my name is Eliza I was going on the Jeanie Johnston with my Mam, Dad my two brothers Patrick and Daniel and my twin sister Maeve. We stopped at the harbour to see everyone waiting for the ship to arrive; some people were going to England and others were going to America, I knew the trip would take two months but I was excited to go and get away from the horrible famine. We got onto the big crammy ship. We all had to squash into a big bed about meters wide and when I say all I just mean my family. It was boring I was glad I had my sister to talk to. Mam has caught famine fever. I was afraid she would die, as many people had already died, It is so sad to see the bodies pushed into the water. In the big bedroom there was 108 people at first and now there’s only 64.Mam is feeling better now, she didn’t catch the fever. She was just weak and tired. At night for fun we danced around it was very lively. One morning 18 bodies were thrown into the sea. The kitchen almost caught fire when someone was making porridge one morning. Luckily it didn’t. Finally we are in New York. I am so glad to breathe the fresh air. I can’t wait to start my new life. By Aoife Cooke THERE IS A NEW SUPER HERO IN TOWN! BY Sinatt Badmus By Charlie Mangan 4th class ''WOW!'' said Tom. After he moved, he was in amazement.'' This town is beautiful’ ‘Tom’s sister Kate said. When they got comfortable in their house and Tom and Kate made friends. They started school. After two whole years in the town things changed. It was Tom’s birthday, he was 16. When he blew the birthday candles Tom wished to be a super hero. A couple of days later a women's purse was being stolen. HELP! She screamed at the top of her voice. Tom's body pulled him to the robber, Tom punched him POW BANG BOOM and the robber was caught. Tom had done this several times and people started calling him SUPER TOM. From that day on he always saved people. BY Sinatt Badmus THE NIAGARA FALLS Dear Diary, Today we went to Niagara Falls. We went on the Maid of the Mist through the Niagara Falls. At night I saw the Niagara Falls lit up in 7 different colours so people could see its lovely colours at night. I saw 12 million tourists visit the Niagara Falls. I found out the Niagara Falls are made up of 3 other waterfalls, the American Falls, the Bridal Veil Falls and the Horseshoe Falls. I had an outstanding time visiting to the Niagara Falls. The River Shannon by Lara Browne 4th Class During the school holidays my Dad, Mom, brother, sister and I decided to rent a boat, and have a little journey down the River Shannon. We arrived at Carrick-on-Shannon and went and got a map. I stepped onto the outstanding boat it looked so cosy. The first part of our trip was to Lough Bouderg, my sister my brother and I decided to get our fishing rods out and get the dinner in. While we were doing that Mam and Dad were planning where to go next. After we went to Lough Ree to visit the River Inny. We departed from the Inny to go to Athlone for something to eat. After a while we went down to Lough Derg to just relax. We docked our boat at a key nearby. We hired bikes to cycle to Kilalloe. We met granny there and she drove us to give the bikes back. That was a day I won’t forget. The River Shannon Niamh Cullen 4th Class. A few weeks ago my family hired a boat to go cruising on the River Shannon. We got on the boat on Friday evening. We went in the direction of Lough Allen. We saw the streams that come from the mountain at Lough Allen. We did a circle around the Lake and went back down the River Shannon. Then we parked at the side of the river to go to bed. In the morning we had our breakfast. My dad went fishing while my mum and I went canoeing. Then we got back on the boat and set down the river. Next we stopped in Athlone to get supplies. After we put our supplies in the boat, we rented bikes to cycle around Athlone for an hour. After that we got back on the boat and sailed to lough Ree. Lough Ree is a beautiful Lake. I could see little fish swimming softly. We sailed around Lough Ree for an hour. When we were sailing through Lough Ree we had our lunch. We went canoeing for an hour. Our boat nearly tipped over because my dad stood up. We got back on the boat and we dried off. Then we had our dinner and went to bed. It was a stormy night. I felt sea sick When morning came we had our breakfast. Next we stopped in Portumna to go for a nice walk. Then got back on our boat and sailed to Lough Derg. Lough Derg is the biggest Lake on the River Shannon. We went swimming in the Lake. After a while I went fishing. Then we sailed to Limerick to give the boat back. I had a great time. The Robin by Emily Forking The robin is known by a number of different names such as redbreast, Ruddock, bobrobin, cockrobin, robinet, and reddock, but the most common is the robin. The Irish name for robin is Spideog In scientific terms it is called the Erithacus rubecula .the robin is a member of the thrush family. It is estimated that around 4 million robins live in Ireland. Robins have a special determination to protect their land sometimes they even go as far as attacking a pile of red feathers or their own reflection to keep whatever habitat they possess safe .You may sometimes hear robins sing with their melodious voices. They are actually keeping away intruders. These smart and clever little birds have very distinct features that make them easy to recognise from other birds. These features contain a small beak, a fluffy brown coat and a red, orange, or auburn breast. They would be around the size of a wren if not larger. Robins are the only birds known to keep singing through -out winter. Robins have a number of locations including they can be found such as parts of Africa and Asia, Europe ,United Kingdom, Ireland and I am sure there plenty more. By Emily Forking The Sea Adventure by Roisin Gorman 4th class When I was born a few days after my Father went off to find an island he had heard of and we were very poor at the time. Unfortunately he never returned home. My Mother told me this story when I was eighteen. I then decided I wanted to be a pirate. I volunteered for the ship crew in our village I volunteered and I got the chance. Our captain had found an ancient map to Lake Wara Wara. He told us we would have to pass unfriendly natives, cannibal villages, snow-capped mountains, snake swamps, deadly solider ants, Alligator Lake and we should reach Lake Wara wara. We set off three captains went around the island. First we had to cross unfriendly natives. They were very unfriendly alright but we made it. I thought it was so creepy how they eat their own kind. We passed that but one of our crew members got eaten no one else wanted to be eaten so we had to move on without him Next was snow-capped mountain it was so cold up there. We did survive but one of our crew got bad bad frost bite. We were onto poisonous snake swamp. It smelt so bad. After that went around it. After that we faced deadly solider ants. These boys are huge we had spears to kill them. Next was Alligator Lake there was about ten alligators in the lake. We lost two of our crew. In the end only three of us survived. We reached Lake Wara Wara and found the treasure and returned home. My Mother was very proud of me that day and I was too. By Roisin Gorman 4th class The Starving Life by Sarah-Jane 1945-1950 My name is Jack Kelly and I'm going to tell you about me and my family’s life in the Famine. I was the eldest of three sisters, Mary, Lily & Jane, Mary is four, Lily is seven and Jane is ten. My Papa owns two hectares of land and my Mama just cooks the food. When the Famine hit Ireland my family didn’t know what to do, nobody knew what to do it was all awful, everyday people would be found lying dead or with famine fever in mud cabins it was the most depressing time of my life. We knew the Famine had hit when we were walking down a road passed a potato field and a horrible stench came by, we knew something was wrong, within an hour everyone was going around telling people that the famine had come. As soon as we heard we gathered all our stuff we didn't need and just tried selling it, but nothing worked everyone was to starving, weak and poor to do anything it was a disaster! After about a year of living in the starvation and the depression of the Famine we no longer could fully pay our taxes, so sadly one day the wreckers came to our mud cabin and ruined everything but our clothes. So after that happened we had to live on the road like the others, we had no choice. So somehow we had to come up with the 19:00 we needed to go on a ship to America. If I do go on one of the ships I am not looking forward to it, I've heard that they are crammed, dirty and the crew men are supposed to clean under the deck where we stay but they just give us a bucket and mop and we have to clean the place up ourselves, when we barely have any energy. Anything shiny we saw we would pick it up to see if it was any sort of money. We were DESPERATE!!! Finally about three months later we came up with 19.00 we needed for the ship. We were leaving on the 17th of May, which was 5 days from the time. The voyage was 2 months long if the weather isn't that bad we could be lucky and it would only take about a month and a half! The two month voyage to America was horrible. It turns out that all the stories I'd heard were true. We only had about 4 metres altogether in living space. We had bunk beds, but not all to ourselves. We had a bottom bunk and the O'Connors had the top bunk, the bed was made for 4 people but since there was 6 of us we all had to squish. At first I thought having a bottom bunk would be good, but the O'Connors were sea sick, and the sick dripped down through the creaks in the wood that the beds. It really wasn't nice! I would do anything to cut our journey a couple of days or weeks back. Were finally in America and thankfully it only took us a month and a half but there is so many ships at the dock we can’t get off the ship yet and people are checking us for Famine fever in case the Americans get it off us. We finally got off the boat and thankfully we don't have the fever. We’re going to change our second name to an American name so people don't think we’re Irish and they will give us jobs. My new name is Jack Scott it’s been hard getting used to it, but hopefully we'll have a nice life here! The Teaching lesson By Amy Johnston One day a little girl called Judy went to school and did not have a good day. Her teacher told her she could not make up words (That’s what she always does).Then she went to PE she wanted to do dodge ball (Even though she only threw the ball at her worst enemy Jennifer the most popular girl in school) But she got banned from PE. In Art, she painted Melanies face brown and the teacher gave out to her and then gave her twice the amount of homework than everyone else. When Judy got home she was grounded because she was full of paint. Judy was mad but as she called it outmadess. Her mother hated when she made up words as well as her older brother Mick. Judys mother came upstairs to wash her and Judy would not talk to her. When Judy went to bed she would write in her diary. Judy woke up the next morning and went to school. When Judy was walking in she remembered that it was Wednesday and turned her frown upside down she ran into school and saw Mr.D she was pumped with excitement. When Judy went into the class room they were writing story on the laptops. When computer classes were over she could not wait till next week. They went out to the garden to plant with Mr.M she liked Mr.M a lot he was nice. Judy went home and did her homework and went to bed Twitch by Keava Roche 6th Christmas Day was a big surprise, No one could believe their eyes. Seeing your cage, like a bubble, A small little ball, causing so much trouble. The amount of food you hoard, Running around, you're never bored. If I were you I would gloat, As you’re faster than Usain Bolt. My family’s love for you is endless, With us you’ll never be friendless. You're smaller then my hand, But you're so very grand. So, Twitch, on that note can I say, We'll never forget that Christmas Day. EARTH BY EIMEAR MULLIGAN 19 / 04 / 4967 I can see the giant ball that is earth. It’s funny, our teachers always told us stories about then green landscape and the vast blue oceans, but now it looks like a giant mass of fire. The elders seem scared and very worried. I begin to feel worried myself, so I lock myself in my chamber and climb into my capsule to go to sleep. When I finally awaken, we have landed. I ran out of my chamber, fell down two flights of stairs and crashed through a window and landed miraculously unharmed. I scrambled to my feet and I ran outside. I screamed when I caught sight of what had happened; the earth was nothing more than ash and nothing. There are rumours of a safe place, but can we make it there alive? And if we do what then? We must help them, the humans. We must make it turn, from ash and nothing into flesh and blood. Valentine! By Jodie Kenny Just because you’re special Every single way Just because I think of you each and every day Just because I’m glad that your mine This comes to say I’m glad that You’re my valentine!! By Jodie Kenny Victoria V. By Elaine Murphy Victoria walked down the street staring at the moonlight. Walking towards graveyard where her Dad was buried. Although her Dad was dead he wasn't gone, he still walked, talked and told the stupidest jokes. Victoria was vampire so was her Dad. He had to fake his death to keep Victoria and her Mum safe. They were all he had. Victoria had to go to the graveyard every night to dig her Dad up. It wasn't a hard job, after all she was a vampire. Her eyes twinkled staring at the mucky grave she smiled and started digging. "Thank you, now I've got 6 hours to give that Mr.Pentacost what's coming to him. But will you do me a favour?" asked her Dad "Anything for you Dad, what is it?" Her Dad nodded at her as if to say you know what to do and she did. She knows that nod means take Mum to their place, the underground house. Her Dad wished it off Victoria's Mum. Victoria's Mum was a genie and was trapped in her bottle and only her Dad could take her out but he could not do to their house. Sure that's where the problem started. Their landlord was onto their family so Victoria's dad faked his death. That put him right off the scent. He still came back every so often but he couldn't say anything to Victoria. Victoria ran to her house and grabbed her Mum's bottle then she looked at it her eye's filling with water. She hoped everything would be back to normal when her Dad got rid of Mr.Pentacost. She walked into the kitchen the smell of dried out beef ran through her nose. She made a face that looked so horrible she could have killed a grown man. She opened the lid of the bottle and whispered inside. "Mum I wish we were in the underground house. Please and thanks." With that there was a flash of glooming lights and then darkness then they were in the house. What a life Emma-Jane Power 6th Class I crept behind the door and flew out. I went to the very back of my master's house, outside the chimney wall of the kitchen. It was a shivery day and there were damp and cool trickles racing down my back. I noticed the brick I hid my secret diary (more like scraps of old paper) was loose. I dashed over there without a sound and pulled the brick from its position. I placed my hand inside and rummaged around. The inside was a touch of winter merged with a rainforest. The diary was missing! As I panicked, I suddenly heard a screeching yell. "WHAT! That dirty slave has been learning. Don't you see how much trouble this is? I could be arrested for treating people this way!" I worried and recognized the voice. IT WAS MY MASTER! I stumbled my way inside. Questions raced through my head. Who found it? How did they find it? What was I going to do? I was frightened. What would I do? I was worrying so much that I had forgotten reality. That was all I remembered before it went black and didn't awake for a long time. When I finally awoke, I realized I was surrounded by guards my first impressions were ignorant, careless and robotical. My strict master emerged from a door ahead of me. I noticed in his dirty wrinkled hands was the papers of my diary. I gulped. He glared at me as if I was his long-lost rival. I wondered what to do, how to escape, how to break free. Then suddenly, an idea hit me. Not wanting to be involved in any dispute, I quickly jerked my arm free, snatched my papers (diary), and was off like a bullet. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and didn't stop running for hours until I reached a city. It looked very familiar, as if I saw it in my master's son's geography book when I was fanning him. I walked on a little further and came across a sign. It said “WELCOME TO NEW YORK". I realized where it was, where I was. I walked straight ahead and glanced around. I was overwhelmed, almost in tears of joy. I had my freedom now. I gazed around once more and something magnificent caught my eye. A cake shop, with the most wonderful cakes! Some big, some small, some short, some tall. I daydreamed as I walked. Would I be able to work someday? It was getting dark so I curled up in a ball and lay down in a corner. I was amazed. Almost everything was perfect, except one. Where would I live, where would I work, and what would I eat. These questions put me asleep. I was dreaming about the day ahead. What if I ran for President? When I go to bed at night And can’t go to sleep I try to think of something funny Instead of counting sheep Just last week while in my bed A funny thought came into my head What if I ran for President? And what house would I be resident The white house I think But I would paint it pink It would be silly it would be fun I would sit there blowing bubble gum With these happy thoughts I fell asleep These happy thoughts I’d love to keep! White Angel Elaine Murphy 6th class Hi, I’m Fiona. I’m 16 but I was 13 when it happened. I moved from California to Manhattan. I joined a new school and made a new friend, Angelica. We instantly became best friends. We were inseparable. I said we were inseparable, past tense. When we turned thirteen she moved away. I was devastated. Three months later she came back. But she seemed different, very different. I never went to her new house because she was always in mine. I never thought anything of it. Now I wasn’t crazy or anything my Mum and Dad saw her too. Every afternoon when she would be in my house she would always tell me that once I would be by her side I would be safe. That’s when I started noticing things happening. Everything she touched seemed more alive and beautiful. Once she blew a kiss to a vase of flowers on my Mum’s window and they were drooping but when she blew to them they stood up as if they were just bought. Every step she took set a glow to the room and made everybody happy and at their best. One day I walked up to her and asked her what her secret was, how she had did all those things. She didn’t answer me, she showed me. She grabbed me by the arm and whisked me up onto the roof of my house. My heart was beating so fast, my head was spinning. I fell; I fell of the roof of my house but I didn’t fall onto the ground. All of a sudden white fluffy wings burst out of Angelica’s back; she swooped down and caught me. I didn’t understand any of it. All I could think of was, am I going to die. Angelica told me that she and her parents died on their way to Germany. Then I remembered before she left she said she’d always be there for me. Then she said I was destined to be in a fatal accident and I wouldn’t survive. The Lords of the heavens believe in keeping promises so they sent her down to protect me. I waited and waited but I was just waiting for the pain, the pain that could have killed me but it didn’t. One month after I found out Angelica was an angel my house had caught fire. Angelica tried to get me out after she first sensed it but I wouldn’t let her. I knew when she saved me she’d have to go back up to heavens and I’d never see her again not until I died. I told her to let me die that we could be together forever. But she was persistent she insisted that being up there was life less that her past two months there had been months she’d treasure forever. Luckily I listened to her we got out of the building, she saved me and we said goodbye. I told my parents that she was moving back to Germany. I gave her a bracelet saying love you forever. I don’t know if she still has the bracelet or not. I miss her so much but I know I’ll see her again. I keep a picture of her and me on my bedside table. Sometimes I think I can hear her or see her. But I know it’s my imagination. Every night I look out my window and say goodnight it’s the same every morning. I’ll never forget her or the time we had together. Why? By Gillian Weston Why in the blink of an eye can people make shepherd’s pie? Why did someone invent money supply? have you ever had pumpkin pie? What is a fruit fly? can they even go up to the sky? Why can I never see eye to eye with someone who eats steak and kidney pie? What is a public eye? and who invented hair dye? Is Iron Man from sci fi? I guess now I say goodbye. Winter Time! By Aoife Cooke During the Winter it is very cold, The sky gets grey and very bold Sometimes it might even snow All the Animals are brought inside. Just until the springtime. The fire would be crackling indoors Hot chocolate on the stove and snores The trees are all very bare, Leafs floating in the air But you see I don’t really care Christmas is coming so we get a fair share. By Aoife Cooke Wintertime by Anna Power Winter chills creep up around us, The dark heavy sky surrounds us, Hot bubble baths make me feel cosy, Fluffy pyjamas make me dozy, Fire crackling, watching the dancing flames, Twinkling lights and sugary candy canes, wrapped up warm all safe and snug, With a steaming hot chocolaty mug. Wintertime by Keava Roche 6th Burr Burr, Hats with fur. The sun is gone, Winter’s come along. Ice and snow, Frost bite on my toe. Looking out at mist, I write this list. And all I can say, I can’t wait for a spring day! W’s Diary by Anna Power 17th of April 2067 At Last! I’ve been waiting all my life for today! My first trip to Earth, my ancestral home. I’ve read all about it and explored all links and virtually swam in the sea. I’ve virtually tasted food grown in the ground but now I will get the chance to experience the real thing! Best of all I will meet my Grandmother. W. 16th of April 2067. Later that day I’m on my way to my Grandmothers and I have been on this spaceship for 2 hours already and there is another 2 to go ugh! I am flying with my Mom, Dad and my baby sister and she has been moaning all the way. I’m excited to get off this ship and see Granny! W. 18th of April 2067. That afternoon Just got to Granny’s house. When we arrived she gave me what her people call a hug? She had weird hair that came off and fake teeth! Then a weird creature came out, nothing I have ever seen before on Jupiter, it had four legs and was very hairy! W 20th of April 2067. That afternoon Yesterday we went to the park to have a picnic and the food was disgusting yuck! At least we went swimming and I actually enjoyed it. We had potatoes and chicken for dinner it was amazing I hope we will have it tomorrow! W. CANDY FLOSS!!! BY Zikora Okafor 3rd Candy is yummy! And sweet! Nice and kind, Daddy says that candy is not healthy, Yummy yummy candy, Floss floss floss, Lick lick mmmm, OMG! It is not healthy, So sweet, So sweet. CANDY! The Unusual Hamster Once upon a time there was a hamster named brave pants. He was a great fighter and he lived in a village called Kungfu Land it was a great place, Then the next morning he had his breakfast and. So he went to teach the little hamster. Then some other kungfu fighter tried to steal the ancient symbol. Brave pants he attacked the dark fighter he was too powerful suddenly he got the ancient symbol and brave pants was ashamed then he got angry. Brave Pant he sneaked in his secret den the dark fighter heard something suddenly brave pant appeared he was fighting and fighting brave pants got the ancient symbol he went back to the village everyone clap now brave pants is the master of the village and everyone will know him as a legend of Kungfu village The End. Zindzi