of Count Cesare Mattei
of Count Cesare Mattei
INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy “Some Lights on Electro-Homoeopathy - Between History and Legend” Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Just outlining your speaker, Fabio Ambrosi, curriculum as: •Doctor of Physiotherapy (Italy) •Herbalist Diploma (Italy) •Medical Herbalist (UK) – Naturopath Diploma (Uk) •Doctor of Naturopathy (Usa) Curriculum as: •Former Lecturer on Storiography of Western Naturopathy at The Universitèe Jean Monnet (Bruxelles) •Now Lecturer of Storiography of Western Naturopathy at The Italian Campus of The College of Naturopathic Medicine (UK) •Chairman, 1st Indian World Congress on E.H. – Meerut University – New Delhi, May 2005. • “Paladino della Rocchetta Mattei” Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy A particular thanks to Prof. Luigi Vernacchia of Viareggio town (Tuscany, Italy), Spagyric and Alchymist operator. For having opened the way to perform some of the following discoveries. New-Dheli – Meerut University E.H. Congress, 2006 Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” (Sonia Gandhi letter of Wishes in our Researches in Electro-Homoeopathy, 1994) Mrs Gianna Fadda Venturoli Mattei letter, 2006 INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Some important premises: • This explanation need a good knowdlege upon Electro Homoeopathy. • We are trying to clearify the Electro-Honoeopathy misteries, not defending or fighthing any possibilities about the true. • We are aware that the Allopathic Medicine often do not believe in Homoeopathy, neither in Electro-Homoeopathy. • We believe that Electro-Homoeopathy of Count Cesare Mattei seems very much to be a great Medicine, and it is potentially still a big possibility for the Mankind. •India E.H. Doctors have bring an important rule since now, in manteining still live both the researches on this method, than defending and upgrading the memory of Count Cesare Mattei and His Medicine. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy So, how we can be sure of the efficacy of a form of Medicine that has more than hundred years of age? Due to the anedoctical rapport of a doctor believed “good Medical Doctor”, such us, Pascucci, S. Kennedy, Rocco Rubini and Others. And Why the Science do not accept this rapports? It is not the She do not accept it, symply She has other system of measurement of the “true” in Medicine. Anedoctal facts are not enough for Her. But we think that the “Medicine of Evidence” is yet valid for having one idea of the E.H., effects at the time of Count Cesare Mattei. We are not discussing them, believing however enough interesting the mentioned rapports to study as much as we can understand the Medicine of Count Mattei. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Since now, the best book on history of Count Cesare Mattei, The Castle “The Rocchetta” and many explanations on Electro-Homoeopathy, is the text of Doctor Mario Facci: “IL CONTE CESARE MATTEI” This book is fundamental to understand what all we are now discussing. Many of the informations that you are here for knowing, are however beyond even this book and they are herewith explaining for the fist time. The property of the following material is of the speaker, but this CD is now delivering to Mr Claudio Carelli, President of the Association “Archivio Museo Mattei”, as it is becoming today also their own property. Any further use of these new notices, requires the mention of the lecturer and the mentioned Association. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy For a general, syntethic overview on E.H. please see also: http://en.wikipedia.org:80/wiki/Electro_Homeopathy (By Dr. D. Kundu) Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy In what E.H. differs from Homoeopathy? • It is not prepared according any National Homoeopathic Pharmacopeia. • Indeed the real method of preparation is still unknown. A note: from now onwards we talk, just for understand ourselves on this topic, about True Electro-Homoeopathic Remedies of Conte Cesare Mattei (as “TEHR”) and any Other Electro-Homoeopathic Remedies (“OEHR”). • We know the general differences between E.H. and Homoeopathy, but now we could gaze our attention in some particulars not before outlined. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy 1st point to consider: •TEHR is described as are not functioning beyond the 7thD (7thX). Why? •Why Count Cesare Mattei didn’t use His remedies beyond the 3thX? From first pages of “Scienza Nuova” – Ed. 1881 INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy A possible explanation is because a “normal” and good Homoeopathic Remedy has just one “information” stored on his veicle (sugar, idroalcool, etc.) – while THER has more bioenergy (Odyle, orgon energy or prana) stored inside. These needs to us to better know some elements of biophysics. For fist thing, we define the information inside a “normal” and good homoeopathic remedy as a frequency. This frequency is very far to be detected by even the most accurate Oscilloscope, due to the electronic “sound” of the Osciplloscope itself. The Great Physic A.F. Popp said that Homoeopathic message is a reality, but a very thin vibration, about as a candle flame watched at 25 km of distance. Above: from the Letter to Dr. Zimpel by Count Mattei of 1869. The rapports of preparation: one essence drop of each TEHR = 1,000 very little globules medicated. Each phial = 50 grains at least. One very little globule in a glass of water = first decimal (1D). Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy For the priciple of “Adley Window” an aminoacid may vibrate at Extremely Low Frequency (ELF), as two diaphasons vibrate each other without touching, when one of the two is stimulated. Please see the work of A. F. Popp “Nuovi Orizzonti in Medicina” by the Press “Nuova Ipsa Editore”, Palermo, and the work of two Physics and Medical Doctors, Prof. Piergiorgio Spaggiari and Doctor Caterina Tribbia “Medicina Quantistica”, by the Press of Tecniche Nuove, IInd Edition, Milano. On right: The Adley Principle Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy • One thing is the information •Another and completely different thing is the energy. It is sure that Count Cesare Mattei has studied a fundamental book of Reichenbach (as stated by Count Cesare and furtherly by His Son Mario Venturoli Mattei in the “vademecum” XI Edition of 1937). You can find this book on www.kessinger.net (a perfect copy re-printed of it). Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy About this Energy, according Dr. Nader Butto, MD Israelian Cardiologyst: it has been called by several names, viz: • Odile or OD (Reichembach) • Orgon Energy (Dr. W. Reich) • Zero Point Energy (ZPE) (Quantic Physics) • Higgs Boson or God’s Boson (Quantic Physics) • Chi (Chinese Medicine) or KI (Japanese Medicine) • Prana (Yoga and Ayurvedic Medicine) • Mana (Polinesian Medicine) • Vis Medicatrix Naturae ( = Healing Force of Nature) (Spagyric Medicine) • Anima Mundi ( = World’ Soul) (Spagyric Medicine) • Dinamis (Hanhemann) - Astral Light (Teosophical & Masonic Schools) • Other Definitions Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy I have tried to explain in more detail the theory of “Life Force” or Odyle in my book “Magnetoterapia a Campo Stabile” (A guide on magnetotherapy by fixed magnetic field), that has been published in 2° Edition by the Press “Tecniche Nuove”, Milan, January 2007. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” The carachterist of this Energy (not yet demonstrated completely by “official Physics”, but not rejected by Her (!): • It is believed existing before The Big Bang • It is primordial, cosmic, filling every atomic space • It cames from anti-matter. A note: from 2006, the hypothized antimatter, the laughting antimatter, it do exist! • The Odile-Orgon Energy has not mass. This is the principal “problem” for orthodox academical Physics, because, there is not any device to take measure of its presence and its mass. • Because it has not a mass, it has not any spin, no oscillation, neither it is under gravity law. Morality: many Physics has hypothized its existence, but none at now have demonstrate it. • It is this that coming from the Pre-Cosmos (anti-matter) gives life to all living beings. • It existence has been descrinbed by all ancient medicine, including Chinese, Tibetan, Ayurvedic, Sidda, Unani, Spagyrism and Alchemy. INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy According doctor Nader Butto: “The laws relating this Energy are governing the Universe and the Divine Counsciousness. The person that synthonizes His/Her Path according these Laws are doing the Will of God. So,even an TEHR bath with 75-150 grains do not overpass, in proportion, about the third decimal (Please consider the rapport of II°nd decimal = 1 liter of water). Why Count Cesare Mattei do not used more than third decimal? Because more diluited, the information remains stored (as in normal homoeopathic medicine), but the “bioenergy quantic package” of Odile was depleted. Therefore, the remedy was make ineffective. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy So a possibility to explaining the so believed strong a deep action of the TEHR, is the metodology followed by Count Cesare Mattei: 2. A good and safe herbal information for the cell, different from one remedy to another, according the result programmed. 3. This information was given at the Homoeopathic level, the only one right to pass the “Adley Window”. 4. This information was reinforced and amplified enormously by adding extra Odile in the grains. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy • Since the third decimal, some active principles are still active in the solution. We do not know if the herb used by Count Cesare Mattei were only “innocent” herbs, or not, also herbs hightly biologically active, such us, Aconitum, Nux Vomica, Canapa Indica, Belladonna, Hyosciamus niger, Gelsemium, Lobelia inflata and many others. As we discuss following, sombody suspected the presence as well of toxic elements (mercury, arsenic, and similars). But the problem is that since that time, no any toxic metals or active heroic principles has been found in the TEHR. • In any case, the only explanation of the active principle appears not enough to better undestand the real action of T.E.H.R., because, according Dr. S. Kennedy, Dr. Pascucci, Dr. Rocco Rubini and thenths of others, E.H.in many cases demonstrates itself superior even to the best other admnistered remedies. • So, we ought to return at the theory of Odyle stored energy in the grains. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” From The Book of Dr. Pascucci: “Specialità Mattei” 1870 INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy The best “Copies” of T.E.H.R. of the time of Mattei, is probably the remedies producted by Spagyric System, as Krauss and Zimpel made. Indeed, as you know, in the Spagyric method great importance is given in extracting and storing in the final medicine exactly the Vital Force. The Coobation has here a very important role. But we have to consider, however, that we have no any guarantee that this system follow, viz: • The real ingredients used by Count Cesare Mattei • The real metodology followed by Him The affirmation: “Complexa Complexis Curèntur” was not of C. Mattei, but of the Krauss/Zimpel School Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy If the Odyle in the remedies is so important, how we can “measure” it? For the moment, it is not easy to perform evaluation in a scientific way. However, many dowser are happy to reach some (subjective) informations by radiesthesia. For any further details, please contact: The British Society of Dowsers, www.britishdowsers.org, or www.radionic.co.uk or (India) [email protected] An example of regulus for measuring Odyle by dowsing ,by the International scale of the degrees of Eng. Bovis (1 Bovis = 1 Amstrong of Physics) Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” • A more scientific test that indirectly may give one idea of the vital force in the living beings, is the BIO-ELECTRONIC of VINCENT. • In internet you will find a lot of information. Dr. Maurizio Scanferla, electronic technician -teacher and N.D., here present, is a master of this method. The Bio-Electronic of Vincent permits to have one idea if the Vital Energy is present in the body, and the direction towards the E.H. Remedies are bringing the patient. A thank of the speaker is also for Dr. Maurizio Scanferla, N.D., for having opened the door of the knowedlege in this field. INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy • Why Count Cesare Mattei used the five TEHR electricities only in liquid form? •Very much probably, because the stored orgone-od inside. This is the reason indeed, because they were not in grains. • What the goal of TEHR electricities? To work on the polarities of the body (Yin and Yang – Minus and Plus). This in turn obtain the effect to recharge correctly the electric force of the cells, and one of the first effects is that pain almost vanish or even disappears. • It has been to outlined that the TEHR Electricities were not for working on consitutional/miasmatic character of the pathologies, as Count Cesare Mattei states on “Scienza Nuova”. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Another thing that differs THER Medicine from Homoeopathy is polarity and the use of Electricities remedies. The polarity of Count Cesare Mattei is identical to Traditional Chinese Medicine (WHO recognized) regarding the polarity of the meridian: • Example: •outside arm and legs: positive (+) • Inside arm and legs: negative (-) Recently has been demonstrate in New Delhi, re-translating the “Sushruta Samitha”, a Vedic Tratise on Ayurveda (1.600 B.C.) that meridians point and Ayurvedic “Siras” (Ayurvedic points inside Marma areas), are practically the same and that the Chinese Law of five Elements, is easily translating in Ayurvedic language of Thridosha (!). Yurveda also has been recognized since 1975 by W.H.O. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy The book Vedic Health Care System is a more recent treatise on Sushruta siravedhana system (marmapuncture).:"Siravedhana and Marma Chikitsa were very prevalent and highly accepted therapies during RgVeda and AtharvaVeda and flourished during Samhita period. Acupuncture, as we understand today is one of the components of age-old Shalya Chikitsa and is the Indian study of the Dhanvantari School ."Dr.H.S.Sharma ( Exdean Gujarat University ) Vedic Health Care System (Clinical Practice of Sushrutokta Marma Chikitsa and Siravedhana-highlighting Acupuncture) Profs.Drs. R.L.Shah, B.K.Joshi, G.Joshi. New Age Books New Delhi . 2005. From FOREWORD: Chinese literature of Acupuncture when decoded answers to it. In fact 24 channels (meridians) of Chinese Acupuncture are nothing else than Sushruta's 24 Dhamanis while points on channels are 700 Siras of Sushruta. In fact, this knowledge has already got passed to the nearby countries around India mainly during 'Buddha' period and got stored as in cold storage. It is not a coincidence that almost all Buddhist countries have this knowledge and it is the Indian fortune that the origin of this knowledge [of acupuncture]is from India ." Profs. Drs. R.L.Shah, B.K.Joshi, G.Joshi. Vedic Health Care System (Clinical Practice of Sushrutokta Marma Chikitsa and Siravedhana-highlighting Acupuncture). New Age Books New Delhi . 2002 You can buy these boks in Delhi or even by www.alibris.com. Where we have called the acupuncture points marmas, this is correct. although marmas also consist of one or more 'heads' called siras according to the above research work. Marmas are the overall area where trauma can be inflicted whereas siras are the pin points of these marmas. Also see: dr. Frank Ross: Ayurvedic Acupuncture, available by http://www.redwingbooks.com. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy The book by Declè and Charazan, that the Count Cesare Mattei approved during the second part of 1800 as coeherent His system of Medicine. Although magnets are used to demonstrate the polarities of the body, we are meaning here, as Physiology teaches, of absolutely subtle energies, of the order of few tenths of millivolts. Indeed a healthy human cell has in its surface, a charge of about -50 millivolt (-70 or even -90 for nervous cells); instead a cancer cell may have a charge of +25 millivolts. The “Gauss” Polarity of the body is so subtle to be not possible to measure in a standard way by official science means, unless for brain and heart.. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy From the book : Note of Count Mattei’s Electro-homoeopathic Remedies, of Dr. S. Kennedy Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, 1890. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy From the book: The controversy of Cancer, by Dr. S. Kennedy, of 1890. Pag 30. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy I hope you are not tired, because now we are entering in other excting hystorical news, until now almost secret… Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy So, has it been exact the definition of the name Electro-Homoeopathy, watched by a today more scientific view? It is believed that the name “Electro” was suggested to Count Mattei by Dr. Coli, MD, that was working with Him. Indeed it is a right definition, altough Count Mattei was meaning with “Electro” the Odic influence of TEHR, as even his son-in-law is stating in the Eleventh Edition of vade-mecum of 1937, (written by the former at 74 year of age, one year before to die). Indeed it is because the quantic information of herbs that they have reached the cells, by the energy stored in the grain, that an electric cellular reaction occurs, even stimulated by the active principles still present in the remedy. This is proved also by bio-physics medicine of magnetic pulsed field: The magnetic wave reach the cell, the cell in turn has an electric reaction and the healing occurs in great or partial form. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy The Orsteed principle, recognized by the Official Physics, states: “Where a magnetic phenomena exist, an electric force manifest ever as well, and viceversa”. But Reinchebach also said, before Orsted: “Odile is present whenever magnetic force and/or electricity manifests, althoug it exists independently from them”. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Luigi Galvani (1737-1798) University lecturer of Physics, L. Galvani (on the right) studying the fogs, believed in the “Fluido-nervéo elettrico”, saying that it was a different form of electricity. Count Cesare Mattei spoke of L. Galvani in His writings. (“Scienza Nuova”, second edition, 1886, p. 59) Luigi Galvani refused to swear to the invasor Napoleon, so he was dismissed from his University role. Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) become the new Bologna Physics lecturer, but he changed the hypothesis of his master, due to the fact that A. Volta discovered the “Pila Elettrica”. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Doctor Pascucci, Dr. Rocco Rubini and Doctor S. Kennedy are most interesting examples among doctors genuinely following the TEHR prescriptions according Count Cesare Mattei. And as well, their written clinical cases are of very interesting pictures for studies. Particularly, I consider Dr. Samul Kennedy very much an example of a “perfect” E. H. Doctor. Because his success in curing cancer, and because His books written upon, He been rejected by a process from to be regularly enrolled and officially authorized to practice the Art of Medicine & Surgery by the UK Royal Lobbies of Medical Doctors. He went therefore to India, to study the cure and healing of Leprosy at the Father Muller Leprosary of Mangalore. Also on this subject, he wrote that the only remedies able to heal Leprosy, were the TEHR. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy On left:a picture of the Mattei’s House in London, programmed by Dr. Samule Kennedy as a new Hospital of Electro-Homoepathy. Unfortunately after the process, He was not authorized to practice E.H. as before, being forbitten to Medical Doctors to use secret remedies. On right: opinion of Dr. S. Kennedy on effectiveness of “Canceroso” TEHR group, on cancer patients. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Just one example… In 1869, S.Teresa Military Hospital of Rome, 33 military heavly sik by “rebel fever”, not responding to all cures, all were cured by one only phial of grain of “Febrifugo”… A question: it has been a placebo for all? Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Another example: The Leprosy healed by TEHR at Mangalore Leprosary of Father Muller, S.J., has been all placebos? And why, documented by Dr. E. Kennedy, only at Father Muller Leprosary of Mangalore were the healing of Leprosy, and not elsewhere? Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” The Accusation of Giordan of 1884. He was a professor of French Language at Bologna High School. He was convicted by Sauter & Collegue of Geneva to work for them. This fact creates a big fight between Count Mattei versus Giordan, also because Giordan wrote a book in which accusates Count Mattei to have copied His method from a doctor of Italy, Dr. Bellotti and from Dr. Finella of France. By the informations reached since now, it exists only two copies of this book, one in Geneva and one at the Archivio Museo Mattei. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” Castle “Rocchetta” of Count Cesare Mattei – Bologna – Italy. 12th-13th January 2007 1st Italian World Congress on Electro-Homoeopathy and Natural Medicines Some example of the Mr Giordan accusation INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Mr Giordan was not an E.H. therapist. HE was a good translator, professor of High Schol of Franch Language, and also a painter. Indeed he was the painter of “Sala delle Visioni”, before that the rapport with Count Mattei was on rupture becasue he decide to reveal many things to Dr. Sauter, a Pharmacists of Geneva. On the Left: Mr Giordan Painting on “Sala delle Visioni” representing the new Medical Science, the Electro-Homoeopathy, winning versus the Allopathic Drug Pharmacologycal Science. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” The Book of Dr. Giuseppe Bellotti Turin - 1864 INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Is Mr Giordan on True? Before answering, we have to evaluate same systems of OEHR 3. Who tried seriously their best in realizing the O.E.H.R.has been: a) Krauss & Zimpell (the only system survived since now by J.S.O. laboratory of Germany, and from which is derived one branch of Indian OEHR) b) Ponzio of Paris. c) Sauter of Geneva (from which probably is derived the onother branch of Indian OEHR). 7. The “Diluitors”. Probably hundreds, and many pharmacists between them. Simply they were diluiting the TEHR, selling grains, so, very probably less effective. 8. Quackers: is the case of Martignoli & C. (G.F. Ghirelli, J. Vignon), as doctor Mario Facci is well describing in His book (see pag. 157 the mentioned text). Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Krauss & Zimpell, as said, they are probably been the more honest and clear imitators. They used inly vegetable sources. They changed the name of their system as “Electro-Complex-Homoeopathy” As stated before, the affirmation: Complexa Complexis Curèntur was not of C. Mattei, but of the Krauss/Zimpel School Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Dr. P. Ponzio published in 1889 in Paris, a Book entitled: “Traité Complete De Medicine Electro-Homèopathique Ou Homèopathie Complexe” Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Some important pages of the book of P. Ponzio “ElectroHomoeopathy” In whcih he repeats the hypothesis of Mr Jordan on the origin of TEHR Ponzo conclusion is that ElectroHomoeopathy is an homoeopathized form of “Idoiatria” Medicine. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy In the Ponzio book re-edition of 1912, the term “Electro-Homoeopathy” changhed as: “Complex Homoeopathy” and the Chapter of Bellotti, Finella and Mattei become: “Aegydi, Bellotti, Finella”. Mattei history and name was cancelled. Since that time, and since now, nobody has presented to the word one only analysis of the toxicity of the TEHR. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” P. Ponzio E.H. Materia Medica, 1889 Mentioned Book INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Like Ponzo OEHR, the Sauter OEHR system was quite spreading everywhere, but survived only since TEHR remedies lived, and also about this (Sauter) system it was not reported all the witnesses of healing as the TEHR (as well Ponzo). It was Dr. Sauter to sponsor Mr Jordan and to convinced him to work for himself and his group of Geneva. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Some evaluation of Bounqueval on the mentioned book of OEHR by Sauter system Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy A book on Mineral Hair trace Analysis and the toxic effect of Mercury Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy So, according Mr Jordan, we can synthetize: Constitutional Remedies Angiotitico = Specifico anticongestivo n°25 Soleri-Bellotti Scrofoloso = Specifico n°22 Soleri-Bellotti Special Remedies Febrifugo = Specifico n° 23 Soleri-Bellotti Canceroso = Specifico materiale n°22 Soleri-Bellotti Pettorale = Specifico n° 12 Soleri-Bellotti Vermifugo = Finella n° 14/bis Venereo = Specifico n° 18 Soleri-Bellotti Electricities (according to Sauter): Red = antiscrofoloso distilled - Blu = angioitico distilled Yellow = febrifugo distilled Green = anticaqnceroso distilled White = scrofoloso & angioitico mixed and distilled Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Another book that Mr Jordan said Count Cesare Mattei has “copied” some recipes. First Edition of Dr. Finella Book is about 1864 Example Vermifugo = Finella n° 14/bis (?) Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy About Scrofoloso. Count Cesare Mattei: unknow recipe and method of preparation. By Giordan: Scrofoloso was the Specifico n°22 Soleri-Bellotti From the Book of Dr. Bellotti, 1864 But this is not the recipe of the declared products of Venturoli –Mattei (From the labels of grains of Venturoli-Mattei laboratories, prob. about 1920-30) Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” Examples of ingredients: SCROFOLOSO Ponzio: Scrofoloso, from the book mentioned book (on the right) Scrofoloso composition according to Sauter, 1885 INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy www.iso-arzneimittel.de Scrofoloso composition Kennedy book 1890: scrofoloso description Kn-Mittelreihe Kn1 Thuja cp JSO Zusammensetzung Die Globuli enthalten als arzneilich wirksame Bestandteile: KnGrundkomplex (= Kn1 Thuja cp) Althaea officinalis e foliis, Althaea, Betula pendula e foliis, Clematis recta, Eucalyptus globulus, Matico, Myrtus communis, Populus tremula, Rosa canina, Sarsaparilla, Solanum dulcamara, Thuja occidentalis, Tilia, Veronica officinalis, Viburnum opulus, Vincaminor jeweils spag. Krauß D4 Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Angioitico The question is: how it can be happened, if the content was only “garden herbs”, and in D1-or maximum D3? Left: from the book of Dr. S. Kennedy: “Notes on Electro-Homoeopathic Remedies” 1890. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy About Angioitico PONZIO, PARIS 1889 SOLERI-BELLOTTI, TURIN, 1864 SAUTER,GENEVA 1885 VENTUROLI MATTEI, BOLOGNA, after 1904 Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Other example: Red Electricity PONZIO, PARIS 1889 (below) SAUTER,GENEVA 1885 (above) Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Dr. A. S. Kennedy: “Notes on Electro-Homoeopathic Remedies” 1890. JSO Recipe Rhododendron cp-Fluid Zusammensetzung Die Lösung enthält als arzneilich wirksame Bestandteile: Aconitum napellus, Rhododendron ferrugineum, Rosa canina, Rosmarinus officinalis, Vitis vinifera jeweils spag. Krauß Dil. D4 Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Obvious now we are quite confusing. Really TEHR were only homoeopathic translation of Soleri-Bellotti and Finella remedies? There are at least two points of doubt on the Giordan accusation: 1) As state by Sauter, at that time toxic substances were discovered by chemical analisys since 30° diluition (example given for Arsenic). Please see slide n° 45. If we consider that Avogadro number is 27 10, afterwards none even atomic particle of matter is analyzable because disappeared, and if we think that at that time diluition by tenth were performed by hand, we can consider that the TEHR, even used in 4rth Decimal, were very far from 2710 (=27D). Therefore, why none analysis laboratory in the World of that time – since now - found any toxic substances in the TEHR? (plase see also previously shown Electricity London Analysys of 1890, in which it is expressly declared that they do not contains any toxic metals). On left, from the book of Mr Giordan, a note on EH remedies. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy So, Ponzo and Sauter OEHR were Allpoathic drug homoeopathized remedies, in which still some particles of toxic metals and active principles of high activity plants were present. As now such homoeopathic medicines in India. But in TEHR, no any part of toxic metals were declared. Why, therefore, no any chemical analysis to show to the public, for destroing in one moment the Count Mattei affirmations, if Mr Giordan, Ponzo, Sauter, Bounqueval and others declared expressly the opposite? 2°) If they said that they have found the key to the Secret of TEHR, why they remedies has not received feedback from Doctors in the world so strong on efficacy of OEHR, like happened for TEHR? Amedeo Avogadro Italian Physic (1776-1856) Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy • We have however a possibility one affordable test to understand the efficacy of E.H.Remedies line: the proof is the efficacy in vanishing the pain. • In this context, they are important the Fluid “Electricities”, the Green in particular Dr. A. S. Kennedy: “Notes on ElectroHomoeopathic Remedies” 1890. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy The composition of an Indian anti-malaric homoeopathic medicine of today; please see the contenent of Arsenicated China, 3rd Decimal This medicine is considereted “poison drug” in Europe (due to Arsenic contenent) and therefore banned Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy Table of the minimum diluitions admitted in in many of the EC Countries, included Italy, for Homoeopathic Remedies (same example) Ingredients 1st dil. admitted Aconitum napellus 3CH (roughtly about 6X) Nux Vomica 4CH (about 8X) Hyosciamus niger 3CH (about 6X) Atropa belladonna 3CH (about 6X) Lobelia inflata 5CH (about 10X) Scilla maritima 1CH (about 2X) Mercurius dulcis 4CH (about 8X) Mercurius solubilis 3CH (about 6X) Iodum Bromatum 3CH (about 6X) Arsenicum (any form) 7X Zincum metallicum 4CH (about 8X) Plumbum metallicum 4CH (about 8X) Please take in consideration that in Italy and in the major CE Countries, a water with only 2 p.p.m. of Mercury or Lead (parti per million = mathematically about 6D = roughtly 3CH) is declared by Sanitary Authorithy NOT DRINKABLE because not only toxic but poisonous. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy A chronological picture for better understand some phases of developing of both TEHR than OEHR – hystorically proved: •1500 A.C.: paracelsus and many alchymist work on system to extract the “OD” force from goods of nature (minerals, plants, animals). •1800, firsts years: Samuel Hanhemann published His first discoveries on Homoeopathy. •11th January 1806: Cesare Mattei birth. •About 1830: Haegely, a Russian Medical Official of the Zar, write to Hanheman about his complex remedies. Hanhemann approves. • 1840: Mattei’s Mother die, due to a breast cancer. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy • 1846: The research of Baron Karl Von Reichenbach on “Vital Force” is published. •1850: first TEHR are realized. Abate Gaudenzio Soleri gives her remedies to sick peolple in Turin, Italy. • 1850-1860: the TEHR are delivered to all free from any charge. • 1864: Dr. Bellotti published: “Idoiatria Nuova Medicina”, upon formulas his own and of 1850 Abate Soleri of Turin. • 1865-1866: more than 20.000 people take consultation at Bologna to Count Cesare Mattei, assisted by some medical doctors. • 1869: first price list of THER, by Zimpel several requests to the Count Cesare. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy We have now to outline that some “hystorical” Writers have not revelaed the true about the Count Cesare Mattei, but distorced His work with untrue reports. The example below is one of the more possible examples… Count Cesare Mattei never affirmed to have helaed 20,000 patients, but within 1865-1866, more than 20.000 people take consultation at Bologna to the Count . He was assisted by some medical doctors. One of them, Dr. Conti-Coli, attested about 180 full recovering from several type of cancers, among these 20,000 people. . Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy • 1884: Mr Giordan publishes in Geneva the book of accusation to Count Mattei. •1885: publication at Geneva of a book of Bounqueval-Sauter on OEHR •1886: the THER have also a “Joke-name”: Cincin, Cu-cu-cu, Marina. etc. •1877-1887: the nephew of the Count Cesare dissipates almost all the money of the Count Cesare, being the former unaware of this; financial crack occurs (1887). May be also for this reason the mind of the Count starts to show some difficults. But the years further, Mario Venturoli replace the damage, another example of the immense market of the TEHR at that time. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy 1890: Ministry of Italy Kingdom forbid any form of “secret remedy”. 1892: In England, great problem for Dr. Kennedy is arriving after the publication in which he states to have cured cancers by TEHR. 1896: the Count die. He wrote six testaments, from 1848 onwards (1848, 1855, 1869, 1887, 1893, 1895). The TEHR Medicine has about 200 official distributors in the World, in every Continent. Also the OHER medicine is still fluorishing, with thenths and tenth of distributors in the world. From the book of Arturo Palmieri: “At The Rocchetta with Cesare Mattei” (Published in Bologna, 1931, pag. 63): “The whole World had recourse to Him, not just a coterie of imbeciles. Every year He sent out around one million of glass phials containing the mysterious granules, as well as the phials of electric liquids”. Note: this is equal about to 5,600 glass phials sent for every working day. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy About the passage of the Secret, any particular in the book of dott. Mario Facci: IL CONTE CESARE MATTEI, already mentioned. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy • 1938: Mario Venturoli Mattei die. His second wife Giovanna Maria Longhi (after the nullity declared by Ecclesiatic Chatolic Tribunal with the first wife Sofia Condescu), continue the production of the E.H. remedies. But the remedies are very much less producted. • 1940-45: Second World War. Several heavy depredation at the Rocchetta Castle, even by Nazists. • 1956: Giovanna Maria Longhi die. • 1959: The erede Iris Boriani sell the Castle to Mr Primo Stefanelli. • 1960: The secret of TEHR is hold by Countess Gianna Fadda Venturoli Mattei. Recently the Castle has been brough by Bologna Bank “Cassa di Risparmio” of which Count Mattei has been one of the founder in 1837, when he was aged 25. Count Cesare Mattei seems to be the last of 100 founders to die (Palmieri, “In Rocchetta con il Conte Cesare Mattei”, pag 125). • 1969: official closure of the Mattei-Venturoli-Fadda Laboratories. • 2005: The Bologna main Bank “CARISBO” buys the Rocchetta. • 2007: it starts the restauration work on the Castle. Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy From the book of Arturo Palmieri: “In The Rocchetta with Count Cesare Mattei”, pag.71 (1931) Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL-CULTURAL CONFERENCE ON COUNT CESARE MATTEI AND ELECTROHOMEOPATHY Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st SEPTEM BER 2008, Porretta Terme(Bologna), Italy In the history of Medicine, ElectroHomoeopathy (TEHR Remedies) is an unique phenomena. • Almost all World King’s Courts had at least one member cured by TEHR •Tenths and Tenths of Doctors all over the world writing about wonderful results, sometimes astonishing. • EH books of Count Cesare Mattei translated in more than a dozen of languages. • Still now the legendary efficacy of TEHR remedies survive… Fabio Ambrosi: “Electro-Homoeopathy: some lights between history and legend” Please permit, just a Wishes…. Year two-thousand and… : • the Peace is definitely restaured in the World. • The Men work in peace and harmony with all beings, all over the Planet and even the Universe. • E.H. methodology is restaured and becomes one important branch of Natural Medicine, requiring less amount of money to be used by the public and highest level of results…