(Attachment: 3)Item 2 - Dumfries and Galloway Council
(Attachment: 3)Item 2 - Dumfries and Galloway Council
2 NOTICE OF REVIEW REFUSAL OF PLANNING PERMISSION FOR ERECTION OF A SINGLE STOREY DWELLINGHOUSE, INSTALLATION OF SEPTIC TANK AND FORMATION OF VEHICULAR ACCESS AT TORWOOD LODGE, JOHNSFIELD, LOCKERBIE PLANNING REFERENCE NUMBER IO/P/4/0197 NOTICE OF REVIEW REFUSAL OF PLANNING PERMISSION FOR ERECTION OF A SINGLE STOREY DWELLINGHOUSE, INSTALLATION OF SEPTIC TANK AND FORMATION OF VEHICULAR ACCESS AT TORWOOD LODGE, JOHNSFIELD, LOCKERBIE PLANNING REFERENCE NUMBER IO/P/4/0197 List of Documents 1. Applicant's Notice of Review (dated 18 August 2010) and supporting documents (submitted by Mr John Payne, applicant) 2. Report of Handling (copy of Delegated Committee List report sent to members of the Annandale & Eskdale Area Committee on 23 June 2010) [NB the report includes copies of the objections from 2 parties and supporting statement by agent for the planning application] - 3. Observations of the Appointed Officer on the Applicant's Notice of Review 4. Observations received from Interested Parties 5. Planning application form dated 29 April 2010 6. Decision letter from Dumfries & Galloway Council dated 1 July 2010 7. Refused plan date stamped 1 July 2010 Relevant extracts from the Dumfries & Galloway Structure Plan, the 8. Annandale & Eskdale Local Plan, and Supplementary Planning Guidance No 3.1 Small Building Groups - Annandale & Eskdale (Dec 2008) 9. Photos of application site and the locality laApplicant's Notice of Review (dated I 8 August 2010) and supporting documents (submitted by Mr John Payne, applicant) 2 Agent's Details (If form completed by agent) Name .................................................. ......... ............................... Tel ........................................ Email ............................... 0 0 Please tick the box if you wish all correspondence in connection with the review to be sent to your agent Please tick the box if you wish all correspondence regarding your review t o be sent by e-rnail. 4 Application Details Site Address Date of Validation of Planning Date of Decision by the Council Reference Number of the Planning permission in principle Planning permission (inc Iuding hOuseho Ide r a ppIicat io n) c]Further application (developmentwhich has not yet comme imposed; renewal of planning permission; modification, var (Please tick one box IL/I Refused under delegated powers by an appointed officer I 0Granted subject to conditions, which you do not find acceptable a --.- appointed officer I 'uI-*v Not determined by the planning authority within the prescribed period (normally 2 months) tit Dumfries m 1 & Galloway 7 Statement Setting Out Reasons for Review You must state, in full, why you are seeking a review on your application. Your statement must set out all matters you consider require to be taken into account in determining your review. You will only be able t o raise additional matters where the review body request further written evidence or where requested as part of the hearing session. These requirements are intended t o ensure fairness and openess in that key items of information are provided efficiently a t the s t a r t of the review process rather than varying points throughout the process. State clearly and concisely in the box below the issues you wish the Local Reviw Body to consider. This can be continued or provided in full in a separate document as necessary. 8 New Matters Lshe I- T ~-~ b t = . 3 i p > X*illujfiE -U - Please tick box if you have raised any matters which were not before the appointed officer a t 7 3 2 time the determination on your application was made. If this i s the case you should explain in the box below, why you are raising new material, why it was not raised with the appointed officer before your application was determined and why you consider it should now be considered in the review. / 9 Review Procedure (Please tick at least one box) The Dumfries and Galloway Local Review Body is a committee of the planning authority comprising at least 3 elected councillors drawn on a rota basis from a larger panel, but from outwith the Area Committee covering the application site. The review will held be in public and consideration will be based on the information available when the original decision was made The Local Review Body will decide if it has sufficient information t o determine the review without further representation or procedure on the day of the committee meeting. No representations will be heard a t this meeting. The committee may decide to continue the case for further written submissions, a site visit, a hearing session or a combination of these before reaching a decision. It i s expected that the majority of cases will be determined with no further procedure. The planning adviser to the Local Review Body will be independent of the planning application determination process t o ensure impartiality. The Local Review Body may wish t o hold a pre-examination meeting, perhaps for a complex case where there are a wide range of issues t o be examined and/or interested parties, to consider the manner in which the review or any stage of the review is to be handled. If a hearing session i s held, those entitled t o appear are expected t o provide an outline of the case they intend to put forward. Any hearing will take the form of a discussion lead by the Local Review Body, which will set out in writing the matters t o be considered a t the hearing. The Local Review Body can appoint an assessor t o advise the committee on specialist or technical matters. Please indicate what procedure or combination of procedures you think is most appropriate for handling your review. You should note that the requested method of determination i s not binding on the Local Review Body. I wish the review to be dealt with: xc d I. On the basis of an assessment of the review documents only, with no further procedure 0 On the basis of further written submissions 2. 3. I" Y O L i C On the basis of one or more hearing sessions c]By means of an inspection of the land which is subject of the review 4. +-%%-4- cc.i4 L If you have ticked either box 2 or 3 above, please justify in the box below which matters you believe ought t o be subject of that procedure, and why you consider further submissions or a hearing are necessary. I I Site Inspection (If you have ticked box 4 above please complete boxes below as appropriate) The Local Review Body may a t any time decide to make an inspection of the land subject of the review. This may be unaccompanied or accompanied. Where accompanied, reasonable notice will be given t o the applicant and any interested party. 0 The site can be clearly seen from a road or public land The site can be accessed safely without barriers t o entry If there are any reasons why you think the Local Review Body would be @ 7 2 7 5 F f i E ean not present a t the appointed time. ...--- . , a - -.- - 10 Supporting Documents Checklist All documents, material and evidence you intend t o rely on must accompany your Notice of Review You will only be able to submit additional documents, where the Local Review Body so request. The following documents must either be enclosed or completed as part of the review form otherwise your review will be delayed. Please tick the appropriate boxes to confirm you have provided all supporting documents and evidence relevant to your review: Full completion of all parts of this form Statement of your reasons for requiring a review A copy of the application to the planning authority (including the certificate relating to notification ers etc. which accompanied it) & (c.gl C+i %S. iL of c __ k * . i L Q16 > 23 4&CC&. &T@W c7&w~G&iAQG p;A*la; BEu$ 63,f S - k ” ) r L II drawings, documents and any other illustrative material which form the subject of this M review A (please list these on a separate sheet) [41 A copy of the planning authority‘s decision, if any If the review relates to a further application e.g. renewal of planning permission or modification variation or removal of a planning condition or where it relates t o an application for approval of matters specified in conditions: [3 A copy of the original application, approved plans and decision notice from the earlier consent Note: A copy of the Notice of Review and any related documents will be made available for inspection a t the area office that processed the planning application, until such time as the review is determined. 11 Declaration I, the applicant*/-* (delete as appropriate*) hereby serve notice on the planning authority t o review the appiication as set out on this form and in the supporting documents Signature: Date: / f 3 &2i 0 12 Additional Advice and Guidance This form and supporting documents should be lodged to: Local Review Body Administration, Kirkbank, English Street, Dumfries, D G I 2HS A review can be lodged by electronic communication e-mail: pe.nithsda/e.p/[email protected] providing it is complete, including all supporting documents, legible in all material respects and sufficiently permanent to be used for subsequent reference. On receipt, your review will be checked for completeness and you will be advised whether or not it has been found to be valid, and where the related documents can be inspected. Further notification will follow when the date, time and venue for the meeting of the Local Review Body, to which your case will be presented, is known and where the agenda papers can be inspected. Any third party or statutory consultee who made and has not withdrawn representations will be given 14 days to make further representations and you will be given 14 days to respond t o any additional matter raised by that person or body. The Local Review Body may uphold, reverse or vary a determination. The decision notice will include a statement of the terms in which the planning authority decided the case reviewed and the reasons on which the authority based that decision. Upon the outcome of the review, the applicant or a third party could appeal to the Court of Session, but only on a point of law. If a review relating to a non-determination is not conducted within 2 months, it is deemed t o have been refused. In this case, you can appeal to Scottish Ministers. 2. Report of Handling (copy of Delegated Committee List report sent to members of the Annandale & Eskdale Area Committee on 23 June 2010) Steve Rogers - Operations Manager Planning Services Kirkbank, English Street, Dumfries, DGI 2HS Telephone (01387) 260199 - Direct Dial Fax (01387) 260188 & Galloway Delegated Committee List Report ERECTION OF A SINGLE STOREY DWELLINGHOUSE, INSTALLATION OF SEPTIC TANK AND FORMATION OF VEHICULAR ACCESS AT TORWOOD LODGE, JOHNSFIELD, LOCKERBIE Application Type: Full Planning Permission Applicant: Mr & Mrs John Payne Ref. No.: 1O/P/4/0197 - Proposed Decision Refuse - Ward Annandale North - Hierarchy Type (if applicable) Local - Case Officer Tanya Murray I BACKGROUND 1. I The subject site is located at Johnsfield roughly 1km to the west of Lockerbie across the A74. Johnsfield is situated along the U337a road; a junction with Ministers Loaning (a private road) which runs to the north is located opposite another small private road. The settlement comprises a row of traditional cottages located to the south of the U337a and to the west of the private road. A number of other dwellings are also located along the U337a dose to the junction with Ministers Loaning. 1.2 The application site is located on the private road known as Ministers Loaning. There are 3 no. 196Os/l97Os dwellings on the east side of the road. The subject site has been formed by the subdivision of the garden of Torwood Lodge, a dwelling located on the west side of Ministers Loaning and is the last dwelling on this stretch of road. The application site is located to the south of Torwood Lodge, between it and the junction with the U337a. The remainder of the land between the Lodge and the junction is in agricultural use. 1.3 Johnsfield is identified as a Small Building Group within Supplementary Planning Guidance - No 3.1 Small Building Groups - Annandale & Eskdale. A number of sites were identified as suitable for development within Johnsfield and have already been granted permission. The subject site was not identified as suitable for development. Two number dwellings located to the south and east of the settlement along the U337a have recently been constructed. 1.4 The current application is for the erection of a single storey dwellinghouse, installation of septic tank and formation of vehicular access. The subject site is rectangular in shape with a road frontage of roughly 17m and is 22m in depth. The proposed dwelling is a single storey cottage with a pitched roof. It is roughly 7.6m in depth and 12.6m in length and is orientated to face the road. The front elevation comprises a front door and three sets of double windows. The rear elevation comprises a rear door 2 sets of double windows and 2 single windows. The north facing side elevation comprises a double window. Two number chimneys are proposed at each end of the dwelling. The materials proposed are natural slate, wet dash render finish and timber sash and case style windows. Cement render marqins are proposed to all windows and doors. The proposed access is located to the north of the subject site. The driveway extends to the rear of the property and a turning area is also provided. It is proposed to retain the existing hedgerow along the boundaries. 1.5 A previous application Ref: 06/P/4/0172 for outline planning permission for the erection of a single storey dwellinghouse with garage and installation of septic tank and soakaway at Torwood Lodge was refused on the grounds that it would be contrary to Annandale & Eskdale Finalised Local Plan General Policy 16 as the application does not conform with the Small Building Group's form and character or appearance due to its remoteness from the main cluster of development at Johnsfield. 2 CONSULTATIONS Principal Road Services Officer : No objection subject to conditions. Although concern is expressed regarding the suitability of the junction with the U337. A proposed condition requires the first 5m of the private road from the U337a to be surfaced with a bituminous material. Scottish Water: No objection 3 REPRESENTATIONS (Copies of any letters received are attached) Objection (2): Karen E Millar & Bobby Smith, Treetops, Ministers Loaning, Johnsfield, Lockerbie Mr & Mrs R Macleod, Dunvegan, Ministers Loaning, Johnsfield, Lockerbie 3.1 Mr & Mrs Macleod, Dungevan, Ministers Loaning, Johnsfield: a) Proposed property would overlook own property causing loss of privacy. b) A previous application was previously refused because it was outwith the hamlet of Johnsfield and therefore contrary to policy. c) Loss of sunlight d) Increase in traffic along a single track lane for which they have responsibility for upkeep. This would also impact on the safety of those using the track including walkers and cyclists. e) Affect nature conservation i.e. red squirrels, birds, pheasants etc 3.2 Karen E Millar & Bobby Smith, Treetops, Ministers Loaning, Johnsfield: a) The proposal is outwith the Small Building Group and has previously been refused. b) Ministers Loaning is used by walkers and cyclists c) More houses means more dogs and cats which could impact upon the Red Squirrels which is on the Red List of British endangered species. d) Own part of the road and are responsible for its upkeep. It needs constant care especially after rain and frost. e) The beech hedge that runs the length of the proposed front garden of the proposed property may be partly destroyed. REPORT 4 Relevant development plan policies:Dumfries & Galloway Structure Plan 036 Design of Development D4 Housing in the Countryside - - Annandale & Eskdale Local Plan GPI Development Principle GP2 Development Considerations GP7 Siting & Design GP15 Housing in the Countryside GP16 Development within Identified Small - - 4.1 The proposal has been considered with regards to a number of Council policies in particular GP16 for development within small building groups. 4.2 The previous application Ref 06/P/4/0172 was refused on the grounds that the proposed dwellinghouse would be contrary to the Annandale & Eskdale Finalised Local Plan General Policy 16 as the application does not conform with the Small Building Group's form and character or appearance due its remoteness from the main cluster of development at Johnsfield. In the interim period the Local Plan has been adopted and policy GPI 6 remains in place. 4.3 The current proposal is for full planning permission for the erection of a single storey dwelling, septic tank and formation of an access. Notwithstanding the previous refusal of outline permission on the site, the proposal has been the subject of a fresh appraisal of the scheme with regards to Council policies. 4.4 The relevant policy with regards to this proposal is GP16 for development within small building groups. Supplementary Planning Guidance No 3.1 Small Building Groups Annandale & Eskdale Dec 2008 states that Johnsfield is a suitable small building group and outlined 3 no. potential development sites within the settlement. Two number were located on the U337a near the junction with Ministers Loaning, the third was located on Ministers Loaning adjacent to another dwelling and near to the junction with the U337a. However it was also noted in the guidance that the potential sites had all received planning permission. No other sites were identified as being suitable for development. 4.5 The settlement of Johnsfield is centred on the U337a and the junction with Ministers Loaning. The historic core of the settlement are the cottages to the south of the U337a. There is development on the eastern side of Ministers Loaning however Torwood Lodge is the only dwelling on the opposite side of the road and there is approximately 150m of open countryside which is considered to contribute to the form, character and appearance of the main Small Building Group. Siting of a dwelling adjacent to Torwood Lodge is considered to be determined to these factors. 4.6 The proposal has been the subject of 2 no. representations from neighbouring dwellings. These representations raise a number of issues of concern. Ministers Loaning is a private road for which the residents have responsibility for its upkeep. The representors were concerned at the implications of increased traffic along the road and the impacts on the road quality however this is a private matter. The impact on nature conservation and on red squirrels in the area was also raised, however is not substantiated. One representor raised the issue of overlooking, however the proposed dwelling would be roughly 23m distant to the representors dwelling which is considered a sufficient distance to cause no loss of amenity to other dwellings. The representors both mentioned that the site was the subject of a previous refusal. This is noted. 4.7 The applicants agent has submitted supporting information highlighting that a 40,000KV underground electricity supply runs along the boundary of the subject site and continues along Ministers Loaning to the junction with the U337a thus rendering the land between it and the junction unsuitable for development. It is therefore contended that the subject site is the only potential development site along this stretch of road and the Council cannot be concerned that the proposed development would create a precedent for development along this stretch thus contributing to ribbon development and an increase in the small building group size. The above information is noted, however, it does not change the fact that the proposed site is remote from the core of the settlement and it will remain as such if the adjacent land cannot be developed. 4.8 The design and materials proposed for the dwellinghouse are considered acceptable and would be appropriate for this location. However, this would not overcome the principle of the proposal that is at issue. There has been no change of policy in the intervening years and there is no justification for a reinterpretation. It must therefore be concluded that the erection of a dwellinghouse at this location is against Council policy GPI 6 with regards to building within small building groups by virtue of its non-conformity with the building groups form and character in that it is remote from the main cluster of development at Johnsfield. 5 PROPOSED DECISION 5.1 Refuse on the following grounds:1. The proposed dwellinghouse would be contrary to the Annandale & Eskdale Local Plan 2006 General Policy 16 as the application does not conform with the Small Building Group's form and character due to its remoteness from the main cluster of development at Johnsfield. Dunvegan Ministers Loaning Johnsfield Lockerbie DG11 1SS 20105110 Dear Ms Murray PLANNING OBJECTION APPLICATION NUMBER: 10/P/4/0197 We live adjacent to the pro Dumfries & Galloway Coun Mr & Mrs John Payne, Torw Application Number:- 1O/P/4/0197. r Herein are our comments and objections relating to this planning application: 1. The planned property will overlook our property: this will lead to a loss of privacy and will certainly impact on the peaceful enjoyment of our home and garden in the countryside which we have enjoyed for 34 years. 2. An application for a dwelling house on this site has already been refused because it was out with the Hamlet of Johnsfield as this was contrary to local planning policies. 3. The erection of this dwelling house would impact a loss of sunlight. 4. This dwelling would result in an increase in traffic along an under developed single track lane which we are responsible for the upkeep. This will also have a negative impact on the present safety of this track to ourselves and all the walkers and children on bikes which they use this as it is a right of way for walkers etc. 5. This will affect the nature conservation that we have. i.e, red squirrels, birds, pheasants etc who are local wildlife to the area. Our objections are, in our view, substantial and compelling and we would ask for due consideration of these objections. As a final point. It states in the notes at the Planning Department that it is proposed to keep the present hedge which is 2 metres high. If there is any possibility that the application will be approved then we would formally request that the Council must make it a firm condition that any builder or indeed occupier of said property is forbidden from either removing the hedge or reducing the height of the hedge to below the 2 metre height as stated in the planning notes. A failure to make this a firm condition of the proposal could mean a further loss of privacy which would have a dramatic impact on us in this small and peaceful cornmunity. c I Treetops Ministers Loaning Johnsfield Lockerbie DGI? ISS PLANNING BUILQING STANDARDS i I 2 7 MAY 2010 2w05/10 Dear Sir APPLICATION NO: 10/9/4/00197 We would like to register our objection to the application for a house in the garden of Mr & Mrs John Payne, Torwood Lodge, Johnsfield, Lockerbie. We understand that this area is out with the Small Building Group and has already been refused permission to build on these grounds. This is a very environmentally friendly area and the small mad locally known as Ministers Loaning is enjoyed by many walkers and cyclists coming to enjoy what the countryside has to offer. The area is also one of the strongholds of the Red Squirrels. An animal which is on the Red List of British endangered species. More houses offen means more dogs and cats and it is here that they can be very vulnerable, especially the young ones. They also have little mad sense and are frequently killed by traffic. At “Treetops” we own part of the road that runs the length of our property and we are responsible for its upkeep. The road needs constant care especially after rain and frost. There is also a wonderful beech hedge which runs past the prope difficult to foresee how much of it will be destroyed. ~ Karen E Millar & Bobby Smith DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT AT TORWOOD JOHNSFIELD LOCKERBLE MR AND MRS J PAYNE Fig. 1 Front Elevation Laurence T Wilson MSc MRTPI Planning and Development Consultant 23 George Street DUMFRIES DG14EA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Contents 1. Introduction 2. Proposal 3. Location 4. Dumfries and Galloway Council Planning Policies 5. Conclusions APPENDICES Appendix 1 Johnsfield settlement I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. Introduction 1.1 The application site is %<thinthe settlement of Johnsficld. Lockerbic. The area of thc site will accommodate a single storey dwelling of traditional appearance. It will be located at the south of the applicants existing garden. The site is bounded on the east. west and south by a hvo metre beech s unless requested to do so hedge. It is not intended bj the applicant to reduce the height of t h ~ hedge by Dumfries and Galloway Council as Planning author it^ by planning condtion 1.2 The applicants subinitted an outline planning permission in 2006 for a dwelling whch was refused on the grounds that the development &d not conforni to Annandale and Eskdale Finalised Local Plan General Policj 16. The applicants were understandably unaware of the issues surrounding a ‘small bmllng group’. They had a only a brief discussion 131th case officer when visiting the site to consider their planning application. They were, and continue to rightly believe that their dwelling and garden forms part of the settlement of Johnsfield. It is perhaps one of the oldest dwellings in the settlement of Johnsfield. 1.3 Johnsfield is identified as a settlement in the recent Small Buildmg Group Review. T h s application on the ‘south’ side of the applicants existing dwelling is therefore internal to the buillng group and forms part of the settlement of Johnsfield along with the applicants dwelling. It will offer no detriment to the area nor the adjoining dwellings. 2. Proposal 2.1 The applicants dwelling is single storey in height. It will have a slate clad roo€and sash and case windows painted white. The external render will be a wet dash finish. As mentioned earlier in para. 1.2 the appearance is similar to an estate cottage. It is considered that this is an improvement in appearance and style of dwellings along the access road to the site Kith the perhaps exception of the dwellings at the bottom of the access facing the public road to Lockerbie. Thej have a similar more rural appearance as the applicants proposal, they too are considered more acceptable rural design. 2.2 Two houses to the east of Johnsfield Iocated on the public road towards Lockerbie are nearing occupancy standards. They are exceptionally urban in design. Their appearance suggests that as they are almost completed for occupation. The applicants open up the opportuniQ-for a further small dewelling of rural appearance more appropriate in appearance and size at this location. 2.3 General Policy 16 of the Amandale and Eskdale Local Plan 2006 indicates that any development coming under this Policy must conform with or enhance the building group’s existing form, character and appearance. In comparison with the dwellings identified in the previous paragraph 2.2. the applicants meets this requirement in a considerably more appropriate manner. It is dfFicult to comprehend how these two dwellings of urban appearance meet the policy requirement to enhance the existing form and character and appearance of the group however in comparison with the application proposal. In the applicants instance there is no record of the case officer suggesting or requesting from the applicants the type of house design and appearance they had in mind. Simply that their proposal did not conform with General Policy 16. It is clear that this application proposal conforms with and enhances the building group’s existing form. character and appearance. 2.4 Regarding General Policy 7 of the Annandale and Eskdale Local Plan 2006 it requests that a development retains important physical features. It is the applicants intention to retain the two metre hgh beech hedge around the site. It contributes to the charaeter of the area and is a rather unique feature of the site. The proposal being located within the applicants garden area and behmd a high hedge indcates clearly that it will have no material adverse effect on the local landscape character of this area. I I I I I I 1 i I I I I I I I I I I I I Page '3 25 The proposal nil1 complies with General P o h q 9 in that the proposal 1s sinipl! mall scale ~nfili The applicants have been rebred for some tmle and then garden IS becomlng to large to manage This proposal is a wa3 in which they can continue to reslde at this locahon and enjoy the m a l area of Johnsfield. jet in a fem nxnutes br, car the) can shop in tockerbre Photo 1 The applicants beech hedge -the dwelling will sit b e h d the hedge to the right of photo Photo.2 Nearbv dwellmg houses recent11 approved p l m n g pemssion on the 'outslurts' of Johnsfield settlement of a more urban design out of scale with the settlement I I I I I I Page 3 3. Location 3.1 The site location is unobtrusive. located behind a large beech hedge. It is within the settlement and will enhance the character of the settlement, It will set a standard of design that is appropriate for this rural settlement. As the settlement is a short distance from Lockerbie and for that reason it is appropriate to encourage growth. 3.2 The applicants have iixhcated that there is an underground 40h. electricic supply around tlieir site and then following the access to the public road. This would explain the lack of infill development on the north side of the access road to Tonvood and the predominant developnient on the south of the access road. This however would not preclude development in the applicants garden. a I I I I I I I I I I I Fig 3 Appearance of applicants proposed dwelbnghouse 4. Dumfries and Galloway Council Planning Policies 4.1 General Policy 16 of the Annandale and Eskdale Local Plan 2006 indicates that any development falling under this policy niust 'conform with or enhance the buildmg group's existing form. character and appearance'. In comparison with the dwellings identified in the previous paragraph 2.2. the applicants proposal meets this requirement in a considerably more appropriate manner. There is no record of the case officer requesting from the applicants the type of house design or appearance they had in mind. simply that their proposal did not conform with General Policy 16. It is clear from this current application under considerationthat as the application site is within the settlement, it cannot be contrary to Council Policy D4. It has therefore been displayed that the application proposal conforms with and enhances the building group's existing form, character and appearance in accordance with policy. . 3.2 Regarding General Policy 7 of the Annandale and Eskdale Local Plan 2006, it requests that any development retains important physical features. It is the applicants intention to retain the two metre h g h beech hedge around the site. It contributes to the character of the area and is a rather unique feature of the site. The proposal being located withm the applicants garden area and behind a high hedge indicates clearly that it will have no material adverse effect on the local landscape character of this area. (Photo 8) 4.3 It is therefore clear that the applicants proposed dwelling can be said without question, is appropriate and meets both of the ab0\7e policies. It is also a fact that it is one of the oldest dwellings in Johnsfield Settlement. The applicants case is sustainable supporting their application. I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 4 5. Conclusions 5 1 It has been shown without question that the applicants dwelling is part of Johnsfield. It is believed by the applicants to be one of the original dwellings in fhe settlement. ( Fig.4) It is clearly shonn at this location as part of the settlement. Its design and construction certainly suggests this to be so. It is therefore for no obvious reason that the applicants existing dwelling is not part of the original settlement. 5.2 Every application is judged on its own individual merits. As the application site has been shown in keeping with the Local Plan and the Structure Plan together, the proposal should therefore be acceptable. This is particularly so, now that it is a detailed application. The appearance of the application proposal meets the policy requirements and its design and appearance can be said to be potentially more in keeping with the vernacular @-le of dwellings in Johnsfield. 5.3 The proposal is also more appropriate in appearance and in accord with council policies than with the few houses that have recently been approved. This displays that the proposal has no effect whatever on the character and appearance of the area and will in fact enhanee the settlement. It is believed that the appearance of the dwelling is substantially more appropriate than others approved in t h s area. and is certainly not remote from the settlement . The applicant is therefore considered appropriate at this location. APPENDIX 1 I I I I Photo 3 Southerh viex facing Johnstown of the applicants garden The application site is behnd the timber fencing in the background Note the modem designed duellm&ouse on the access roadway Photo 4 One of two access points to applicants dwellinghouse I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ph0t0.5 Existing housing adjacent to Tomood Lodge approved by the council in the foreground along with other housmg on the main public road in the background Photo. 6 Area to the front of Torwood Lodge with underground 4 4 , O O O h electricity supply (see application Block Plan) The access road to Tonvmd Lodge left ofphoto. Existing housing out of shot shown in Photo 5 above. I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I Photo 7 Photo 8 Recent11 constructed to %hi& is claimed to conform nith, or enhance, the building group s existing fomL character and appearance a i t l l n Johtisfield settlement and accord mith the provisions of General Polic\ 1od iScttlemcn1 :I? photo 10 i The approach access road to the applicants dwelling ‘TorwoodLodge. The application site is behlnd the beeck hedge on the nght ofphoto It is intended that the hedge w l i remain I I f I I I I I I I I I Phot0.9 The approach access road to the applicants dwelling ‘Tonvood Lodge’. Photo 10 Western approach to Johnsfield with traditional nrral buildings on both sided ofthe road. I I I I I I I I I I I I Fig.4 Johnsfield is a ‘T’ shaped settlement as shown on the above map (Fig. 4) Tonvood Lodge is clearly an onginai buildmg in the settlement. A number of dwellings are not shown withln the settlement on the plan Photo. 11 The photo shows the northern leg of Johnsfield. The applicants house is on the left of the photo. I I I I I I t I I I Photo 12 A near completion dwelllnghouse approved bv Dumfhes and Galloma\ Council 111 2008 Can this be said to conform w t h , or enhance, the building group's existmg form, character and appearance nitnin Johnsfield settlement and accord with the provisions of General Pulic> 15 a) {Settlement evlsting house types m photo 10) It also meet the cntena of General Policy 7 Sitmg and Design - to the character appearance, SCALE, densit), MASSING and matenals of the buildmg . group of buildings or adjacent area of which it forms part 3. Observations of the Appointed Officer on the Applicant's Notice of Review J NOTICE OF REVIEW REFUSAL OF PLANNING PERMISSION FOR THE ERECTION OF A SINGLE STOREY DWELLINGHOUSE, INSTALLATION OF SEPTIC TANK AND FORMATION OF ACCESS AT TORWOOD LODGE, JOHNSFIELD, LOCKERBIE PLANNING REFERENCE NUMBER IO/P/4/0197 Observations of the Appointed Officer on the Applicant’s Notice of Review 1. Johnsfield is designated as a Small Building Group under Supplementary Planning Guidance No 3. I Small Building Groups - Annandale 8, Eskdale. However, all land falling within the mapped area of a building group is not automatically deemed as suitable for housing. Rather, the maps show an area in which a building group is located and potential sites for housing are specifically identified with a diamond symbol. A number of such sites were identified around the crossroads at Johnsfield. The guidance states that where sites come forward which have not been specifically identified it will be up to the applicant to demonstrate that their proposal accords with Annandale & Eskdale Local Plan General Policy 16. 2. It was determined that the proposal did not comply with General Policy 16 in that the development did not conform with or enhance the building group’s existing form, character and appearance. It was considered that the proposed development was remote from the main settlement of Johnsfield, considered to be located around the crossroads. The proposed development site is situated roughly 150m from the junction with the U337a. A previous application (06/P/4/0172) for outline planning permission for the erection of a single storey dwellinghouse with garage and installation of septic tank and soakaway was previously refused by the Annandale & Eskdale Area Committee on the same grounds. The potential development sites identified under the supplementary guidance were located along the main road and close to the crossroads. 3. The applicant mentioned that a number of dwellings have recently been constructed in Johnsfield. These include 2 dwellinghouses to the south of the U337a located where a potential development site was identified under the supplementary guidance and were therefore considered to accord with General Policy 16. The history of these sites is as follows:Plot I - The dwellinghouse at Plot 1 was originally granted outline planning permission (OO/P/4/0412) by the Annandale & Eskdale Area Committee in October 2001, then an application for renewal of this permission (06/P/4/0496) was also approved by the same Committee in January 2007. An application for the approval of reserved matters for the dwellinghouse (07/P/4/0616) was granted under delegated powers in October 2008. Plot 2 - An application for outline planning permission for Plot 2 (OO/P/4/0413) was refused by the Annandale & Eskdale Area Committee in October 2001, but a further outline planning application (06/P/4/0495) was subsequently granted (contrary to officer recommendation) by the Planning & Environment Committee in January 2007. A subsequent reserved matters application for this dwellinghouse (08/P/4/0176) was then approved under delegated powers in October 2008. Plot 3 - Outline planning permission for a dwellinghouse on Plot 3 (OO/P/4/0414) was refused by the Annandale & Eskdale Area Committee in October 2001. Another dwellinghouse was granted full planning permission (07/P/4/0439) to the north of the U337a, adjacent to West Beckton. This site was also identified as a potential development site in the supplementary guidance. 4. It was therefore determined that since the proposed site was not identified as a potential development site under the supplementary guidance, and as it was considered remote from the main nucleus of development at Johnsfield, being located roughly 150m from the junction with the U337a, the proposed dwelling would not conform or enhance the building group’s existing form, character and appearance. Michael Anderson Area Planning Manager (Annandale & Eskdale) 4. Observations received from Interested Parties Dunvegan Ministers Loaning Johnsfield Lockerbie DGll 1SS 8~ September 20 10 Dear Sir/Madam Notice of Review at Tonvood Lodge. Johnsfield. Lockerbie Reference: 1O/P/4/0I 97 - LRB 10/2010 We would like to confirm that our previous objection letter of 25/05/10 is still valid and the points mentioned still withstand. This Planning Application has been refused twice previously. The first refusal was in 2006 and the second in 2010 on the basis that the proposed site is OUTSIDE the Small Building Group. The regulations covering this have not altered in the last few years, so we can see no reason why the latest refusal can be altered or over ruled. Yours faithfully Mr & Mrs R Macleod ~~~~ & ENVIRONMENT 2k A'$ DIRECTORATE ' -- i Treetops Ministers Loaning Johnsfield Lockerbie DGl1 1SS 8'h September 20 10 Dear Sir / Madam Notice of Review at Torwood Lodge. Johnsfield. Lockerbie Reference: 1 OP/4/0 197 - LRE3 1012010 Further to our letter of May 201 0 - Ref: Planning Application - I 0@/4/0197. I have lived all my life locally and have always understood that the Hamlet of Johnsfield is the houses that are adjacent to the road that runs between Beckton Farm and Dryfesdalegate Farm. Those of us that live up the Ministers Loaning are in the area called Torwood and have no connection with Johnsfield even though it is shown on our postal address. (I have enclosed a copy of a map showing this.) I have been involved in farming and wildlife all my life and created the Applegarth Wildlife Sanctuary which this year reached the hallmark of 10,000 nestling Sand Martins being ringed and consider the Torwood area to be an environmentally sensitive one. Yours faithfully Mrs K Miller& Mr R Smith 5. Planning application form dated 29 April 2010 General Planning Application Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 as amended by the Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 (Please refer to accompanying Notes for Guidance when completing this application) 1 lNve Apply to the Planning Authority for : Please tick relevant box For official us Ref. Planning Permission Planning Permission in Principle 0 NO 0 0 Bw. Ref (If yes, please state who you received the advice from and how the advice was given) Rec no ....................................................................................................................................... Chq no ..... .................................... \7%2‘ J 3- $q rf ................................... Q@cxpA%M&\ Fee paid ...... Taken by ...... Yes Has there been any pre-application advice? Please tick the box if the applicant or any owner of the site is a member of staff within the planning service or an Elected Member of Dumfries and Galloway Council, or is a partnerlciose friendlrelative of either 2 Applicant‘s Details &fl p-SbICG &:.Jt-i &L &q@cl E, Name ................................................................................ 3 Agent‘s Details (If form completed by agent) yx 4 Address . 0 Date rec 9 . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ............................ . ~ ~ . . ~ . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ...............4G.Hh%..Et.S:L.b........................................ .. ................... ................. ?%.@ostcode . ............... \ \ is3 ....................................... .E+Postcode .RA .!.. ..!EA.... Tel ........................................ Email ................................. Tel .Q..!?%?.T::z&%&D. Email . ~ . ~ ~ . ~ - ~ ! b: .) *% 4 Description Of the Proposal (This should accuratelyreflect t- the nature of the development and if this is retrospective) .......~ ~ . ~ ~ . ~ . . ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ~ . ~ ~ . ~ ....kGG*.5 . ~ . . . ~ .* & 2 z $ T b 3 @ . 6 *-$to Q + ; a fg&.f=.-&-i ’T@@ ALb ; \ t q *e( L>c p = f & * . < ? t q ~&&q+! ............................................................................................................................................ %.................................... . Site Address (Include postcode and OS grid reference if known) ‘ ,a .Le5 L.-Li?.!.......:AL*.kk..?.?.E.LD ......k%.+?e%!.&..::....................................................... ............................................... t-34 ize th + f 2: . d 5 Application Involving a Change of Use of Land or Buildings State present use(s) %&...[&%.6.!??..................... Q&&&K’ 7 ” ifrc*k, State proposed use(s).......................................................... (If vacant site, state last known use and date ceased t o be so used, if known) 6 Temporary Permission (If applicable) “/ If permission i s required for a limited period only, state extent of that period ................................................................ *-Reference number .............................................. and expiry date ,””” ....................................... of any previous permission 7 Planning History (If yes, provide details of any previous planning application, i f known) Yes No Don‘t know d 0 8 Proposed Site Area of Development / Propos Hectares or Square Metres ....d m . s L W . (If commercial or industrial development, specify ma & Galloway 9 Demolition Yes Are any buildings or structures on site t o be demolished? 0 No (If yes, clearly identify these on the site plan) 10 External Construction Materials and Boundary Treatment (If building operations proposed) Roof covering (Including colour) .................................................................... A.%.%?? .....: ......... .................................... t3Y-y .A .......... ? ?1........................ External walls (Including finish and colour) ................................................... Windows (Including colour and type of movement e.g. sash and case) .......~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ............... . ~ ~ I ." , Boundary walls or fences (Including height) .................................................. !%.!.E&%.: ..... . . . ~ ~ ~ ' f - f . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ . ~ a , - = % s e - & ' ' C&T* 11 Listing Is the property a listed building? yes 0 Are the premises used or intended t o be used for the sale or consumption of alcohol? Yes c] ,LTrXZ No (If yes, you may also need to apply for Listed Building Consent) 12 Licensed Premises (If yes, application will require to be advertised by Council a t the applicant's expense) 13 Commercial or Industrial Proposal Weekday What are the intended hours of operation? Estimate vehicle type and movements per day Number of employees (Full time equivalent) 14 Finish Additional Existing Access and Parking Arrangements (If applicable) Is a new or altered vehicular access proposed t o or from a public road? yes NO Are you proposing any changes t o pedestrian routes through the site? Yes No Number of on-site parking spaces (Inchding for persons with disabilities) 15 Sun. Sat. Start Existing I ] Additional I ?] \ Water Supply and Drainage Arrangements (If applicable) Is it intended t o connect t o a public water main? Yes Is it intended t o connect wastewater drainage t o a public sewer? Yes (If no, please specify source of any private supply) ........................................................................... &jWLC<\ mc No No If you propose to install a private sewage plant, please specify type of outfall and any additional treatment (If i t is proposed to construct a new septic tank and fina to be accompanied by a percolation test result in acc Is it intended t o make provision for sustainable (e.g. SUDS arrangements) (If yes, submit full detai 16 Trees Are there any trees on or adjacent to the appli (If yes, show on site plan tree positions, any trees to 17 Waste Management Do the proposals incorporate areas for refuse storageke (If yes, illustrate on plans) 18 Contaminated Land Is the site potentially contaminated because of its existing or past use? Yes 0 (If yes, please submit a site investigation report and if necessary a scheme to deal with contamination) No 0 19 Flooding Is the site within an area a t risk of flooding? (If yes, and risk is significant please submit a Flood Risk Assessment and if need be seek advice from SEPA) 20 Hazardous Materials Is the use, storage or manufacture of hazardous materials involved? Yes C] yes c] NO Q (If yes, please provide details of materials and quantities in a covering letter or statement) 21 Functional Need or Special Circumstances Is there a claim of functional need or special circumstances? No E'' (If yes, provide details in a covering letter or statement) Owners and Agricultural Tenants Certificate (The word 'land' includes any buildings thereon) Please tick relevant box Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2008 I hereby certify that: (a) 21 days preceeding the date of this planning application, no person (other than the applicant) was an owner or an agricultural tenant of any of the land t o which this application relates. U (b) Notice has been served on every person (other than the applicant) who, 21 days before the date of this planning application, was the owner or an agricultural tenant of the of land to which this application relates. These persons are: Name of Owner Address Date Notified (c) There are other owners and/or agricultural tenants such person. (You must certify the steps taken to ascertain Declaration (This must be signed and dated) 3 I canfinn that the informationI have given on this form i I understand that anyone who know fine of up to f 1,000. a t l i a b l e m v i c t i o n , to a Signature of applicant or agent: Sqg-4 2 - a Data Protection Act 1998 The information provided by you and other relevant parties will be used for processing and determining your planning application and t o confirm and update the Council's records held for this purpose. Your application will be processed by employees of Dumfries and Galloway Council. Details provided will be recorded in the planning register and will be available for public inspection and may be published on the Council's website w. dumgal.gov.uk or shared with other appropriate professionals or service providers. - Checklist The following is enclosed Application form, including owners and agricultural tenants certificate, signed and dated d Please tick relevant boxes Application fee (If required) z- * * N.B. (Charge for publication of a notice may also be required) 5 sets of the necessary plans and drawings Pre-application consultation report U ICNIRP declaration 0 (One set will be used for displaypurposes) Design statement or design and access statement (If required) f..&iL\ ..... ....i"Q ...... [?/ 0 (Electronic communication apparatus only) 6. Decision letter from Dumfries & Galloway Council dated 1 July 2010 Your Ref: LTW/ACW/JP/I Our Ref: 1O/P/4/0197 01 July 2010 Mr Laurence T Wilson 25 George Street Dumfries DGI IEA __ Planning and Environment Services Development Management Dryfe Road Lockerbie D G l l 2AS Any enquiries please contact Tanya Murray Direct Dial - 01576 205006 Fax -01576204455 E-mail - [email protected] Website - www.dumgal.gov.uk/planning Dear Mr Wilson Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 as amended by the Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2008 ERECTION OF A SINGLE STOREY DWELLINGHOUSE, INSTALLATION OF SEPTIC TANK AND FORMATION OF VEHICULAR ACCESS AT TORWOOD LODGE, JOHNSFIELD, LOCKERBIE I enclose formal notice of refusal for the above which incorporates the decision of the Council as planning authority. A leaflet is also enclosed which sets out your rights of appeal or review, as appropriate. Please read this carefully. Should you have any queries, please contact Tanya Murray at the office above. Yours sincerely 0perations Manager PIanning Services Dumfries & Galloway Planning and Environment Services Steve Rogers Operations Manager Planning Services REFUSAL OF PLANNING PERMISSION Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 as amended by the Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2008 To: Mr Laurence T Wilson 25 George Street Dumfries DGI I E A Dumfries & Galloway Council, having considered the application dated 29/04/2010, reference 1O/P/4/0197, hereby refuses Planning Permission for: Description: ERECTION OF A SINGLE STOREY DWELLINGHOUSE, INSTALLATION OF SEPTIC TANK AND FORMATION OF VEHICULAR ACCESS Location: TORWOOD LODGE, JOHNSFIELD, LOCKERBIE for the following reasons:- 1. The proposed dwellinghouse would be contrary to the Annandale & Eskdale Local Plan 2006 General Policy 16 as the application does not conform with the Small Building Group's form and character due to its remoteness from the main cluster of development at Johnsfield. Signed ..... Steve Rogers Operations Manager Planning Services on behalf of the Council .................................... Dated: 01/07/2010 1O/P/4/0 I97 Hierarctiv Type: Decision Level: Local Delegated (Committee List) Relevant Drawinq Numbers: Location Plan Site Plan 0009-1O/PL/002 Block Plan 0009-1O/PL/003 Dwelling as Proposed 0009-1O/P004 7. Refused plan date stamped IJuly 2010 Ordnance Survey" OS Sitemap@ w A N k? Y 582634m 582600m 582600m 582500m I 582434m A . w w A 2 Y N a 1 9 Produced 04.05.2010 from the Ordnance Survey National Geographic Database and incorporating surveyed revision available at this date. 0 Crown Copyright 2010. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without the prior permission of Ordnance Survey. Metres Ordnance Survey, the OS Symbol and OS Sitemap are registered trademarks of Ordnance Survey, the national mapping agency of Great Britain. The representation of a road, track or path is no evidence of a right of way. The representation of features as lines is no evidence of a property boundary. Part or all of this OS Sitemap is enlarged from mapping produced at one or more of the following scales: 1:1250, 1:2500, 1:10000. I I Supplied by Dumfries and Serial number 00019200 Centre coordinates 312265 25 Further information can be found on the OS Sitemap Information leaflet or the Ordnance Survey web site www ordnancesurvey CO uk -c)(,'(F-qs - - \ 8. Relevant extracts from the Dumfries & Galloway Structure Plan, the Annandale & Eskdale Local Plan, and Supplementary Planning Guidance No 3.1 Small Building Groups Annandale & Eskdale (Dec 2008) D u m f r i e s a n d G a l l o w a y Housing in the Countryside Proposals for new housing development in the countryside must meet one or more of the following requirements:1. the change of use and alteration of traditionally built agricultural or other buildings to a dwelling house without substantial rebuilding or extension of the original building; 2. the replacement of a habitable dwelling house by a new house within the same curtilage unless this would result in the loss of a significant traditional building; 3. it forms part of an existing building group identified in a Local Plan as being suitable for limited small scale housing development; 4. it is within an area which has been identified in a Local Plan as suffering long term depopulation, is remote from other settlements and would not adversely affect natural heritage designations; or 5. the house can be shown to be essential at that location for the needs of agriculture or other uses requiring an appropriate rural location in the countryside which cannot be satisfied by points 1 to 4 above. Proposals for new houses must take into account design, siting, landscape setting, access, site servicing and the natural and built heritage. These matters will be the subject of further policy guidance in Local Plans. 3.12 The maintenance of local communities and services is a core aim of the Plan. The location of housing development in towns and villages rather than the countryside can reduce community development costs by using existing service provision, support essential facilities and reduce travel and transport costs, thereby contributing to sustainable development. Towns and villages can meet most of the anticipated requirement for housing development but, there will continue to be a demand for housing in the countryside to support dispersed rural communities. The policy therefore provides for and supports limited small scale housing development at appropriate locations in the countryside. 3.13 The Council has always encouraged the renovation andlor conversion of traditionally built properties for housing since this can make a positive contribution to the countryside if the work is undertaken in a sympathetic manner and continues to preserve the area's heritage of traditional buildings. A building survey will normally be required to confirm that the property is capable of being renovated without requiring extensive rebuilding. Any extensions to the building should be limited in size to avoid dominating and adversely affecting the appearance and character of rhe original building. 3.14 There may be a limited number of cases where it is proposed to replace a dwellinghouse. Such proposals will be considered favourably unless it would involve the loss of a significant traditional building where the Council would prefer to see the option of renovation and the addition of a suitable extension pursued. The replacement of non residential buildings 'or uninhabitable dwellings by a new house will not normally be permitted. In all cases any replacement dwellinghouse should be sited within the curtilage of the original building. 24 * H O U S I N G S t r u c t u r e P l a n 3.15 In many rural areas there are sell established small groups of houses which are too small to be considered a village and which inay nor support even basic facilities These locations provide opportunities for limited housing development (one to WO houses). Local Plans will identify such building groups, and provide guidance about siting and design of development. It is important that development of such sites is carefully monitored to ensure that this does nor divert development away from towns and villages. 3.16 In rural areas where long-term depopulation has occurred and which are remote from towns and villages and where there are limited opportunities in terms of small building groups it will be appropriate for Local Plans to explore opportunities to relax the policy guidance further where this would support rural communities and assist in the regeneration of areas. 3.1' There will continue to be a demand for new housing in connection with occupations such as farming and the management of holiday accommodation. The house proposed should be linked with an enterprise or activity with realistic prospects of viability and success and be of a scale to contribute materially to the economic well being of the rural area. Any proposal should demonstrate a clear need for housing at that location which cannot be provided in a nearby settlement or in relation to one of the other housing in the countryside opportunities identified In such cases a Section 75 Agreement or occupancy condition will be applied. 3.18 NPPG 3 and PAN 36 indicate that design, siting, materials used, access and impact on the environment are important considerations when assessing development proposals for housing in the countryside. h4ore detailed policies will be contained in Local Plans to take into account local circumstances. Local Plans will define the requirement for affordable housing taking into account the Local Housing Needs Assessment and the Council's Housing Plan. Pending completion of Local Plans the Council when considering planning applications for housing will consider the need to negotiate with the developer some provision for low cost housing as part of the proposal taking into account the size of the site and existing or planned provision of affordable housing in the locality. 3.19 The operation of the housing market may be unable to meet some important housing needs such as affordable housing. In Dumfries and Galloway, between 19911995 household incomes per head as a percentage of the UK continued to lag behind the average for Scotland and the UK. During the same period the average price of a house In Dumfries and Galloway has fluctuated as shown in Table D2. Table D3: Average Prices of Houses in Dumfries and Galloway (1990-1995) 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 3.20 People earning average or below average incomes may be unable to purchase a house on the open market. To meet the requirement for affordable housing there has been a rise in shared ownership housing developments, which are a combination of part rent, part mortgage. The planning system can play a part in helping to maintain a supply H O U S I N G 25 D u m f r i e s a n d G a l l o w a y DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PRINCIPLES The qual29 of the buzlt environment Dumfries and tn GLZLLOLL~LZJ not only contributes signz$cant(y to the qualiq o f l$e of localpeople, but can also assist the local economy by attracting visitors and investment. The Council expects development proposals to take into account:- 1. siting, scale, form, massing and layout in relation to townscape and landscape setting: 2. local building styles; and 3 . the access needs of all groups. Further policy guidance on the siting and design of development will be provided in Local Plans. 3.80 The importance of design in development and the need to take into account matters such as siting and access to del-elopment is recognised in a number of NPPG’s and PAN’S indicating strong support for the consideration of these matters as an integral part of the preparation of development proposals. The Council will provide design guidance and advice for developers and the public to improve the quality of development proposals, subject to resources being available. 3.81 The Council has produced guidance on the maintenance, alteration and new use of old buildings in its document Caring for the Built Environment. The Council recognises that there are gaps in the provision of design guidance and advice in relation to a number of topic areas, which can be dealt with through the preparation of leaflets, brochures and the inclusion of appropriate guidance on design matters in Local Plans. Contributions from developers will be sought for the provision of infrastructure, community facilities and environmental amenity related to appropriate development. These will accord with the policy and general principles set out in Scottish Office Circular 12/1996. Local Plans will identify sites where developer contributions will be sought to enable deficiencies in infrastructure or other facilities to be overcome. 3.82 The consequences of limited public sector funds for both infrastructure and construction is to place increased emphasis on the private sector. Contributions will be sought from developers towards baslc infrastructure and facilities where this could be linked to the development proposed. It is anticipated such work is likely to be finsnced primarily through reductions in the price paid for land. Environmental Assessments will be required in accordance with Government Regulations. The Council may require the impact of the development to be monitored following its implementation where an Environmental Assessment indicates this would be appropriate. .I 5 * D E V E L O P M E N T CONTROL P R l N C i P C E S * O C T O B E R 2 0 0 nand a1 Eskd a1 AL- P W 'w.d umg a I.g ov.uk A G e n e r a l P o l i c i e s a n d P r o p o s a l s _r ^_--- Justification: The Planning Authority recognises that if limited housing development can be directed to identified Small Building Groups it will meet some of the demand for new houses in the countryside whilst supporting existing rural services and facilities, without causing a loss of amenity, placing undue pressure on servicing resources or contravening national poiicy relative to new housing in the countryside See also Structure Plan Policy 04 and SPP3"Planning for Housing" Justification : The Structure Plan and Local Plan seek to consolidate development within existing settlements thereby supporting existing services It IS acknowledged that there are a significant number of Small Building Groups though not all are suitable for further development, some being unable to accommodate further development in a manner which is acceptable under recent National Planning Policy guidelines and advice Whilst those Small Building Groups identified in the Plan aim to provide sufficient limited opportunities in the short to medium term it IS recognised that towards the end of the life of the Plan additional groups may be considered as existing Small Building Groups become cornj~ lete D u m f r i e s a n d G a 1 1 o u . a ~ -L o c a l P l a n Supplementary Planning Guidance - Small Building Groups - Annandale & Eskdale The ‘suitable’lisk- those locations which have been surveyed and agreed by the Council as part of the Local Plan process as being in accordance with the criteria outlined m General Policy 16a: Identification of small building groups.The list of ‘suitable’ groups along with Introduction In line with Scottish Planning Policy, the D d i e s and Gallow-ay Structure Plan directs the majority of the area’shousing requirementsto tawnsand villages. It also recognises in Structure Plan Policy D4 that in many rural areas there are well established small groups of houses which are too small to be considered a +illage and which may not support even basic fa&ties.These locations may however provide opportunities for limited housing development. maps showing their general extent and potential sites within them are all provided in this guidance. The ‘unsuitable no sites’ list - those locations which meet the fkst two criteria in General Policy 16a but do not have a y suitable sites. The unsuitable no sites list is also induded within this guidance for reference. Purpose The ‘unsuitable’list:-those locations which have been surveyed and found to be unsuitable in terms of General Policy 1 6 . The unsuitable list is also included within this guidance for reference. The purpose of this supplementaq guidance is to* Provide further information on the lists of small building groups contained in the Annandde & Eskdale Local Plan. This supplernentaty planning guidance updates the guidance produd in December 2006. The determining factor in the review will be whether or not groups meet or continue to meet the criteria set out in General Policy 16a. The information contained in this guidance and subsequent reviews of this guidance will be a material consideration when determining planning applications Lists of Small Building Groups The Annandale & Eskdale Local Plan contains two lists of small building group. However, the survey work carried out to inform this updated guidance showed that the unsuitable list needs to be divided further into an ‘unsuitableno sites’list. 2 Supplementary Planning Guidance - Small Building Groups - Annandale & Eskdale General Policy lfia:Identificationof Small Building have become suitable through a material change in circumstances. This process will commence following the adoption of the iocal plan, and will take the form of supplementary guidance which will also include further detailed information about potential development sites within specific groups. This supplementary guidance will be publishedannually following consideration by the appropriateArea Committee, and will be treated as a 'material consideration" in the assessment of development proposals. It will not in any way alter the statutory provisions of thii local plan, although the cumulative position will be included in the next review of the local plan. Groups Small BuildingCroups will only be considered suitable for limited housing development where they meet all the following - criteria: the group must consist pr-marilyof dwellinghouses forming a clearly identifiable nucleus with strong visual cohesion and sense of place; the group must be physically and visually separate from other settlements; there are suitable sites, the development of which would confarm with and enhance the building group's form, character and appearance and landscape setting; and JustiMon: The Structure Plan and local Plan seek to consolidate development within existing settlements thereby supporting existingservices. It is acknowledgedthat there are a significant number of anall Wading Groups though not all are suitable for further development, some being unable to accommodate further development in a manner which is acceptable under recent National Planning Policy guideris and advice. Whikt those Small Building Groups identified in the Plan aim to provide sufficient limited opportunities in the short to medium term it is recogn-kedthat towards the end of the life of the Plan additional g m u p ~may be considered as existing Small Building Groups become complete. development will not be permitted where it results in the coalescence of settlements or extends a ribbon or development. All known small building groups have been surveyed. Lists of suitable small building groups under GP16 meeting the criteria of GP16a are identified in section 3 of the local plan. and lists of unsuitable small building groups are identified in an appendix to the local plan. During the life of the plan the planning authority will review these lists, identifying suitable small building groups that have reached their capacity, and any currently unsuitable building groups that may 3 Supplementary Planning Guidance - Small Building Groups - Annandale & Eskdale General Policy 16:Development within Identified Small Building Groups There will be a presumption in favour of small scale housing development, normally of one to two dwellings, within the Small Building Groups identified in Section 3 of the Plan subject to all of the following criteria being met: Potential Development within Suitable Small Building Groups The maps contained within this guidance represent the findings of the Council’s initial assessment of small building groups and those added to the “suitable list” as part of the local plan process. The m a p s identify &e general extent of the suitable groups and specifically identify what the Council considers to be potential development sites within these. These sites have been included on the basis of a visual survey and their potential to comply GP16. Whilst some of the sites have previous planning approvals, most have not been subject to any technical assessment in terms of access, water supply, sewerage provision or landownership. It is also ahowledged that sites may come forward which have not been specifically identified. In each case it will be for the applicant to demonstrate that their p+ is in accordance with GP16. h l y discussions with the Council’s Development Management Service are encouraged prior to the submission of an application. Their contact details are listed at the end of this guidance. a) the development would conform with, or enhance, the building group’s existing form, character and appearance; and b) the development accords with the provisions of General Policy 2 (Development considerations); and c) the development accords with the provisions of General Policy 7 (Siting and Design); d) development will not be permitted where it results in the coalescence of settlements or extends a ribbon of development. All development proposals to be considered under this policy should be consistent with the advice contained within PAN 44 (Fitting New Housing Development into the Landscape) and PAN 72 (Housing in the Cowtryside). Applicants will be requiredto demonstrate that their proposals have taken into account an analysis of the existing built form, the landfonn and the local landscape character. Where it is musided appropriateguidance on specific Identified Small Building Groups is given in Section 3 of the Plan. Early consultationwith the PlanningAuthority is also recommendedfor development proposals in Small Euiidii Groups. Jusificalion:The Planning Authority recognises that if limited housing development can be directed to identified Smdl Building Groups it will meet some of the demand for new houses in the countryside whilst supporting existing rural services and facilities, without causing a Iw of amenity, placing undue pressure on serviang resources or contravening national policy relative to new housing in the countryside. See also Structure Plan Policy D4 and SPP3 - “Planning for Housing”. Once sites have been developed the Council will consider whether the p u p has reachedits capacity in terms of further development, and whether it should be moved fmm the suitable list to the unsuitable no sites list. 4 Supplementary Planning Guidance - Small Building Groups - Annandale & Eskdale Suitable S m a l l Building Groups ( Potential development sites shown on the following maps as a +symbol ) Amhencastle* Back of the Hill* Bankssl* Bentpath Berryscaufi Carlesgill Castle O'er Clerkhill Corrie Common Creca Davington Dinwoodie* Dinwoodie Lodge Dormont Gillnockie Station Heck* Hetland South Hollee Johnsfield* Kelhead Kirkpatrick Juxta Lauriesclose* Marchhouse Mollinburn Newton Parkfoot Plantationfoot Quarry Park also known as QuarryYard, Kirklebridge Raffles Road, Carrutherstown Redkirk Rig* Samye Ling Seacroft, Carrutherstown Sibbaldbie Smallholm South Hayripg* St.hS Templand Cottage Twiglees Wamphray Watchil, Lochmaben Yett *The potential development siter have now been granted planning permission. NoJmther dedopment opportunitia exist at Beriycaur and it is included on this list ody on the basis OJ unimplemented extant pmisFions. Unsuitable No Sites S m a l l Building Groups Applegarthtown Battlehill BrecQ€lbeds BIMlhd Byrebdoot Claygate Craigs Dryfebridge Gair Gillshaw>*ew Greenhill HaUeaths (Oakdame) Hetland North Hollowx Irvington Kettleholm Langshaw Farm, Kirtlebridge Millhousebridge New-biebarns Unsuitable Small Building Groups Ashyards Farm,Eaglesfield Blacb-oodridge Brickkin/ Broadmeadows Broadlea of Row1 Browhouses B m - Road BdOOt Capplegill Chapelbrae Co&e Common School Craigelands House Debate Dinwoodie Mains Dunnabie Corner Ewes Five Road Ends Greenbrae Halleahq Hangingshaw Harelawhill/foot Hoddomcross Homefarm (Castlemilk) Hopper titty/Palaceknowe Kennedy 's Corner, Waterbeck Kirkbank Smithy Kirkhill, Dalton Kirkpatrick Juxta House Kirtle Kirtlebridge Station Kirtleton Linnbridgeford Lnchwd Middleshaw 5 Milltown/Tower of Sark Milton of Dryfe North of Prestonhall Farm Old Craighouse Old Craigielands Paddockhole Parkend & Kinninghill Peelhouses Potholm Raehills Rashybriggs, Hightae Redkirk Farm Riggfoot Cottage,Waterbeck Roundstonefoot Sandyford satur Mill Scaleridge ~ o g g s Stapleton Grange SW of Prestonhall Farm Swordswell Swordswellrigg/Hollinlea Tarrasfoot Tathill The Broom Tmdergarth Mains Wamphraygate Wamphrayglen Watcarrick Watchill, Annan Wyseby Old Lodge For further information please contact:Development Management Dtyfe Road, Lockerbie DGll 2AS Tel: 01576 205046 15 9. Photos of application site and the locality 1. (sh tion si NE from ~ i t h i n~ p p l i c a t i o ~ okin along at Loaning on right, ~ o o d l a n d Gate just be