The use of Teletext Course of Action Science School Advanced


The use of Teletext Course of Action Science School Advanced
The use of Teletext
Course of Action
Science School
Advanced Business Creation
Avans University of Applied Science
Laura Spanjers
Executive Summary
In this report you will find the quantitative research that had to be made in order of Avans
Hogeschool. The research is about the use of Teletext in the Netherland and was chosen because of a
bad experience with Teletext. During my internship I updated Teletext every day and I was
wondering if this wasn’t a waste of time or money. Therefore this research had been set up.
The results of this research could be interesting for large television producers that still uses Teltext. It
could be that they still use Teletext but have no idea why they are using it. Besides that it is
important that I do this research because I’ve never done any quantitative research before or analyse
any data.
The main question of this research is:
‘How intensive do the Dutch people use Teletext, are there any differences between gender, age
groups and type of pages?’
In order to answer this question first the theoretical framework must be created. After that there a
survey will be created, online as well as offline. Because of the fact that the target group for this
research is the Dutch population starting from the age of 15.
In the theoretical framework you may see that there are several quality factors for Teletext, picture
quality, information availability and reliability of transmission. There are also some irritation points
for the usability: the users must wait until their request will be displayed, the users must switch from
channel in order to get the page they want and the users cannot find the exit button.
In the survey several general en specific questions had been asked. It appeared that 50% of all
respondents uses Teletext. There are also more men than women using Teletext. Besides more men
are visiting the sport pages and more women the news pages. Further it appeared that the programinfo and tv-guide pages aren’t visited that often. Therefore channels may consider deleting those
pages and focussing more on the EPG system.
Science School – Laura Spanjers
Table of Content
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Problem indication ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Research Relevance ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Objective ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Research Questions ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
2. Research Design .................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Methods ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Sample taken at random............................................................................................................................... 7
2. Theoretical Framework ....................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Teletext System ............................................................................................................................................ 8
2.2 Problems ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
5. References......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Appendix ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
Survey ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
Science School – Laura Spanjers
1. Introduction
When you ask a human being about Teletext, he would immediately know what you are talking
about. This famous broadcast system was created in the early 1970’s, by engineers from the BBC and
the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA). These engineers wanted to provide all UK homes with
a broadcast information system that would show pages of news, report, graphics, sports etc. It was
Philips Laboratories that came up with the idea of the system we now call Teletext. The engineers
knew of the existence of scan lines, which are signals aired next to the normal signals but are not
displayed. These scan lines were used for test signals but the engineers realised that these lines also
could be used in order to transmit information. (Dixon, z.d) The result of this process was the
Teletext system, as already mentioned, developed in the early 1970’s.
The system is transmitted by using 30 to 625 scan lines. It shows viewers a large number of pages,
which all contain diverse information. The Teletext signal is transmitted along with the normal
television signals but will only be displayed on the scan lines. With this system all UK homes have
access to all types of information, by using Teletext.
However three years were needed, in order to built the fully functional Teletext we know nowadays.
Because of some economical problem the system could not be introduced in 1971, when the
prototype was ready. It was in 1973 that the first test transmissions were made by the BBC.
After the success of Teletext in the UK other European broadcast organisations wanted to add
Teletext to their system. Therefore the European Teletext standards and the ‘World System Teletext’
were formed as base of all Teletext systems build up until nowadays. (Great Britain. 1989)
In the years after the introduction of the UK Teletext, many other countries introduced a similar
system but with different names. In France a system called Antiope was introduced, in Italy
Televideo, in Russia The Russian Federation Teletext System in Canada Telidon and in Germany
Videotext. In Belgium and in the Netherlands the system is called Teletekst. (Loveless, Robinson.
Teletekst was introduced on the Dutch television in 1980, with the NOS in charge. In the Netherland
Teletekst provides subtitles for deaf people. These people were already arguing with the Dutch
Government about the possibilities of subtitles, before Teletekst was introduced. Therefore at the
time that Teletekst was introduced in the Netherlands it was more than welcome. By then 700
homes could display Teletekst on their television. 10 Years later one third of all homes in the
Netherlands had access to Teletekst and by the end of 2000 the system had a reach of 93 percent.
(NOS, z.d)
1.1 Problem indication
During my internship at Comedy Central I was assigned every day to update the Swedish and Dutch
Teletext pages. First I liked the idea that all Swedish and Dutch homes could see the stuff I wrote on
Teletext. However as the days went by, I realised that this task was monotonous and boring. My
colleagues and I were joking about Teletext because we were in the opinion that it was an antique
system and we wondered: ‘Do people really use it these days?’
This questions still remains in my head, even after my internship. I always had the feeling that
updating Teletext was a waste of my time. Now I would like to know more about the use of Teletekst
in the Netherlands.
Science School – Laura Spanjers
1.2 Research Relevance
It is important that this research will be done because of two main reasons. Firstly I myself do not
have that much experience with quantitative research and I would like to learn more about it. By
doing a quantitative research by myself, I can learn how to do such a research and how to analyse
the results statistical. After finishing this paper I will own a lot of new information and skills. These
new skills and information can be used in my further career.
Secondly this research will be of high importance for the media branch. Now a day mostly every
television channel has her own Teletext platform. All the big channels like NED 1, NED 2, NED 3, RTL
4, RTL 5, RTL 7, RLT 8, SBS6, NET5 en Veronica use Teletekst as a communication platform. They all
put effort and money in this platform. If it appears that the use of this platform is very low, these
channels can consider whether it is profitable to keep the platform or not. Therefore the results of
this research can be relevant for the Dutch channels.
1.3 Objective
The objective of this research is to gather insight of the amount of Teletext users in the Netherlands,
to research if there are any differences between several categories, to translate these results into
statistical overviews and to analyse these overviews.
1.4 Research Questions
In order to deliver a paper of high quality it is important to have a research questions that will be the
guideline of this paper. Below can be found the main questions of this research.
‘How intensive do the Dutch people use Teletext, are there any differences between gender, age
groups and type of pages?’
This questions cannot be answered directly, first some sub questions need to be answered. These
questions can be find below.
1. Which different channels have a teletekst platform in the Netherlands?
2. What will be the most effective way to formulate the different target groups?
3. What kind of pages can be displayed with Teletext?
Before starting with this research some hypotheses were set up:
More man than woman use Teletext
More older people then younger people use Teletekst
1.5 Scope
As mentioned before it is necessary that the paper is of high quality. In order to achieve this it is
important to have a clear overview of what will be, and what will be not researched. During this
research only Teletekt pages in The Netherlands are researched. There will be no research done to
foreign Teletext platforms. However it can be that in the theoretical framework foreign Teletext
platforms will be discussed. The only reason for this is to compare the systems.
Science School – Laura Spanjers
2. Research Design
The research that needs to be done is a quantitative research. A quantitative research offers readers
an overview over numbers.
2.1 Methods
There are many methods to do a quantitative research. Firstly you can do an observation, this means
that you are going to study the behaviour of people. For example you can observe how many people
wear a fan shirt during a fan day. This method brings one benefit and that is, that with the results
you can anticipate on the needs of the customers. However this method costs a lot of time and
mostly also a lot of money. Besides you will not know the motives of wearing or not wearing the tshirts. Because of the fact that the research questions is about a large part of the Dutch population,
this method will not be used. The duration of observing this much participators is too high.
The second method is the experiment, where the researcher decides what the situation is. They will
investigate what the effect of the situation is on people. This method is mostly used in the medical
branch. The benefit of this method is that you will have total control of the situation and therefore
you know for 100% that you will get the information you want. Besides you do not need that the
same amount of participators as with a survey. The disadvantage of this method is that it cannot be
used for al research questions. This is also the reason why this method will not be chosen for this
The third method the online survey, which means that the participators will be questioned online.
An online question list will be send to participators. The fact that it’s online makes it possible to
gather all the results fast and mostly the website you use will gather the results for you. The
disadvantage of this method is that you cannot get any further insights of the customers. However
for this research no further insights are needed, only numbers are needed. Therefore this method is
very attractive, mostly because the results are gather very fast. For this reason this method will be
used during this research.
An online survey/research can be seen as the combination of surveys by hand or via the telephone.
For this research the target group will be a large part of the Dutch population, including older people.
Most of the older people in the Netherlands do not know how to fill in an online survey. In order to
reach all participants, also these older people, the survey will be spread by two different ways. Firstly
the type where the respondents will receive a form that they may fill in by hand. This type is meant
for the older people that are not familiar with an online survey. Secondly the general online type
where respondents can fill in the form via the internet. Via both types the same question list will be
Science School – Laura Spanjers
2.2 Target Groups
For this research it is important to get a clear picture of the different target groups that are going to
be researched. The target group of this research is complete Dutch population starting from the age
of 15. Off course it is impossible to give this survey to all these people. Therefore groups based on
ages will be made.
The first group will be young adult / students with the ages of < 25
The second group will be the working Dutch population with the ages of 26 - 60
The third group will be older people with the ages of 61 >
From each group a number of people will be asked to fill in the survey. The older people (beginning
from the age of 61) will be asked to fill in the printed version of the question list.
2.3 Sample taken at random
The target group of this research is the whole population of the Netherland beginning from the age
of 15. According to the stats of CBS (2013) this part of the population contains 13901653 people.1 It
would be impossible to question all these people and therefore a sample will be taken.
The error rate of this sample will be 5%, which means that the confidence level is 95%. With the
following formula it can be calculated how many respondents are necessary to make the research
n>= N x z ² x p(1-p)
z ² x p(1-p) + (N-1) x F ²
With the error rate, the confidence level and the population size known, the formula can be filled in.
This gives the result of a sample of 385 people.
So to make the research representative 385 people must fill in the question list. However you can’t
assume that every person of this amount fills in the form. Because of the fact that the question list
also will be spread printed, it can be assumed that 40% of all people will fill in the list. This means
that the question list should be spread under 963 people.
Please see appendix table 2
Science School – Laura Spanjers
3. Theoretical Framework
There are many kinds of theory, some are formed by people with great world knowledge and other
are formed by people with a lot of science knowledge. All these theories are based on facts and
research. It is in a theoretical framework where different theories, with the same subject, are
compared to each other. For this research it is very hard to find any theories about the subject that
can be used. There are no theories about the Teletext system, only theories about the information
systems. Therefore in this theoretical framework to focus will be put on scientifically papers about
Teletext and new articles.
3.1 Teletext System
The Teletext system is a data broadcast system. By using scan lines, all kinds of information will be
provided to homes. The system is, like other broadcast systems, a one-way push system that can not
send explicit requests to the clients. It also can’t receive any feedback from clients. (Kim, Kim, 2003)
These days there are more one-way push data broadcast systems. For example the EPG guide only
displays the information on the server and isn’t able to display any other information. This fact
should not be a problem if the reliability of the system is good.
In short the Teletext system cycle looks like this: The user requests a page on which the user terminal
examines the stream of data until the requested page is found. This page will be taken, saved and
displayed. After the page is displayed it will not be propagate by the user terminal. That is also the
reason why professors Ammar and Wong of the University of Waterloo (1985) are talking about
Teletext as an pseudo-interactive system. This confirms the fact that the Teletext system indeed is a
one-way broadcast system. It contains an enormous database which constantly will be updated by
service-providers. However according to Ammar and Wong this does not mean that the quality of
Teletext is good. The quality depends on factors as: picture quality, information availability and
reliability of transmission. If the information is good but the reliability of transmission is not, then the
request of the users can not be fulfilled. So the question can be asked if the reliability of the whole
system is okay.
3.2 Problems
According to Kim & Kim the main problem with the Teletext system is that the users should wait until
the provider displays the requested information. This problem can be confirmed by the research of
the NOS. (Ster, 2010) In this research 65% of the users state that Teletext should work fast. In the
article Response Time Analysis in a Data Broadcast System with User Cache, Kim & Kim explain that
there are two ways to resolve this problem. Firstly you can create a broadcast schedule on the server
to decrease the main response time. Second you can use a local memory to temporarily save the
users information by using caches. In the past engineers used the Flat Data Model, which did not
show any relation between the information and there was no structure.2 By using the Linked Data
Model of Kim & Kim (2013) the information was structured and linked to each other. 1 You can
compare this with a hyperlink that immediately refers to other information. The EPG guide also uses
this model, mostly if you wish more information of a program you just click on the programs title and
the system will show you further information. Therefore the information in the guide and the
program information are linked to each other. This system is not yet added to the Teletext system.
But now that we know more about the whole system the real questions, and interesting for this
paper, is what this means for the users.
Please see appendix table 1
Science School – Laura Spanjers
3.2 Usability
Daly Jones did research on the usability of EPG systems. (2000) Teletext was one of these EPG
systems that was tested. The results showed that there were mostly difficulties with getting in and
out of the system. Users forget to switch from channel in order to display a particular information
page. For example you want to have some information of the film aired on channel 5, but you are
watching channel 10. If that is so, then first you need to switch to channel 5 then open Teletext and
request the page you would like to see.
Another problem is that some users can’t find the exit button and therefore they first have to turn
off the television and turn it back on. In the research users state that they want to switch easily
between different listings of channels. Nowadays there are EPG guides that contains an overview of
all the channels that shows the users which program on which time will be aired. This system can be
the solution for the usability problems. However if that is so, this would mean that the ‘tv-guide’
pages of Teletext aren’t of any use anymore.
In appears that many Dutch people visit the Teletext pages of the public broadcaster (NED).
According to the research of NOS, 81% of the Dutch population visit these Teletext pages. (Ster,
2010) It appears that 4.1 million people visit the Teletext on the internet, but this is only in addition
to the television pages.
The reactions of these numbers were very extreme. Most people do not understand how these
numbers can be right, because they do not know anybody in their environment that uses Teletext.
Besides, these numbers are only for the public broadcaster (NED). Therefore it may be that the
Teletext pages of all other large Dutch channels aren’t visited that much.
Another event that shows us that Teletext is not used that much, is the shutting down of the English
Teletext system. It is a hardly susceptible fact that in the country where it all started, after 38 years, it
all come to an end for Teletext. (Hand, 2012) With the introduction of the internet and digital
television, Ceefax (English Teletext) lost their central position. They saw Ceefax as an needless
information source for UK homes and therefore they decided to pull the plug out of the system. In
the Netherlands there are also, like in the UK, a lot of information sources that provide the same
information as Teletext. Therefore the real question is will the Dutch Teletext also go down like the
English Teletext?
From this theoretical framework you may conclude that the quality of Teletext depends on several
factors. These factors are: picture quality, information availability and reliability of transmission.
However besides these quality factors Kim & Kim also found one main problem with the Teletext
system. This problem is that users should always wait until their request will be displayed. Therefore
the usability of Teletext is still limited. 65% of the Teletext users believe that Teletext should work
fast. Another fact is that users experience difficulties with getting in and out of the system. They
forget to switch to another channel in order to get the right information or they cannot find the exit
button. However still 81% of the Dutch population uses Teletext, which are good results compared to
the English Teletext that was shut down because people in the UK did not use Teletext that often
anymore. In the UK the internet and digital television were the downfall of Ceefax. Therefore the real
question is, for how long will Teletekst survives in the Netherlands with all the upcoming alternative
information systems?
Science School – Laura Spanjers
4. Results
4.1 Sample taken at random
As mentioned in Chapter 2 for this research there are 385 respondent needed. Unfortunately this
number could not be achieved because of the lack of resources. If you are working at a marketing
company, you will have access to the customer files and the database. Then it will be easy to reach
the 963 respondents that were needed.
For this research no such things were available and the survey had been spread on the internet by
using facebook and e-mail. The offline surveys had been spread to supermarkets, elderly
communities and high schools.
For this research there are 162 respondents that filled in the survey. This is not even half of the
amount that was needed in order to make this research valid and solid. However for this sample the
error rate was 5%, which means that the confidence level was 95%. If we change the error rate to 7%
and the confidence level to 93% then the amount of respondents that is needed is 168. Which means
with this error rate the amount of respondents has almost been achieved.
So the error rate and the confidence level that had been set up were unrealistic for this research. The
amount never could have been reached because of the lack of resources and the lack of knowledge
from the researcher. However this is the amount (162) that has been reached and these results will
be analysed the way it should be.
4.2 Subpopulation and Target Group
For this research the men and women will be compared to each other. By doing this it can be
researched whether there is any relation between the use of Teletext by men or by women. As
mentioned before the target group will be split up in three different groups.3 These groups are:
students, working people and elderly. However as you can see in table 4 the group students is a very
large group compared to the other two. This means that no solid conclusion can be taken, because
the groups are not equally dived. Therefore the decision has been -made to continue this analyze
with only the results of the respondents beginning with the age of 20. This means that the total
amount of respondents will be 81. The groups are: 20 – 40 (students and young adults with young
children), 40 – 65 (working people with older children), 65 + (people with retirement). In table 15 you
can see that these groups are almost equally divided. Therefore there can be taken conclusion out of
this respondent group.
4.3 Descriptive
This research contains questions with different levels of measurements. 4According to these levels of
measurements this research will be described.
Firstly the general questions (1&2) will be analysed. These questions are about the respondent.
As mentioned before there were 162 respondents, but no solid conclusion could be taken out of
these respondents. Therefore the target group has been changed to the Dutch population starting
Please see appendix table 4
Please see appendix table 11
Science School – Laura Spanjers
from the age of 20.
After changing the target group 81 respondents are left over. In table 14 you can see that these are
26 men (32%) and 55 women (68%), which is not quite an equal division. But both groups contain
enough respondent to take a solid conclusion.
If we look at the results of the age groups (table 15) we can confirm that most of the respondents
(32) are between the age of 20 – 40 (39%). The group with the age of 40 – 65 represents 28% (23) of
all respondents and the elderly group (27) represents 33% of all respondents.
In table 22 you see that half of all men that response are between the age of 20 – 40. However if you
look at table 23 you see that the age groups of the women respondents are equal divided.
Watching behaviour
In table 16 you can see that most of the respondents are watching channel NED 1. Which is due to
the fact that most people watch the 8 o’clock journal on this channel.
It is remarkable to see that the results of question 4 (table 17) shows that most of the respondents
watch television 5 up till 15 hours per week. So it can be that they watch approximately (max) 2
hours per day. The CBS shows us the same numbers (gemiddeld gezien. z.d)
Use of Teletext
Table 18 displays the amount of respondents that are using Teletext. It is remarkable to see that
roughly half (43) of all respondents visit Teletext. If compare the use between men and women table
24 and 25 shows us that a higher percentage of the men respondents use Teletext than the women
Besides that you can see in table 20 that most of the respondents are watching 0 – 4 pages per
Teletext visit. Only one respondent is visiting 16 or more pages per visit. If we filter on this
respondent we see that he visits mostly the sport pages of Teletext.5
Use of pages
As you can see in table 21 most of the respondents visit the weather page, sport page and news
page. It is remarkable that not that much people visit the program-info page and tv-guide. The
explanation for this could be the use of EPG. People could see the EPG system as a replacement for
the program-info and tv-guid pages on Teletext. There are no other broadcast information systems
for the weather page, sport page and news page. Therefore this may be the reason why these pages
are visited the most. However this is only based on these results. In order to confirm this statement
another research has to be done.
However we still can compare the page visits by men and women. It could be a hypotheses that men
watch more sport pages then women. If you look at the results, this hypotheses could be confirmed.
If you compare table 27 to table 28 you see that the men do visit more sport pages then women. The
women mostly visit the weather page and the news pages.
Pages that are not visit at all by the respondents are the erotic pages and the tell sell pages.
Please see appendix table 26
Science School – Laura Spanjers
4.4 Explanatory Research
For this research it could be interesting to see if some questions are related to one another. For
example are the hours television respondents watch per day in any form related to amout of pages
respondents watch per visit? It could be that the more hours television you watch the higher your
amount of pages per visit it. In order to exanimate this a regression analyse must be made. For this
analyse you need an X value which are the independent variable and the Y value which are the
depended variable.
With the regression analyse of question 4 and 7, question 4 is the X value and question 7 the Y value.
Because not all of the respondents of question 4 also answered question 7, only the respondents
that also answered question 7 will be taken into account. In table 27 you see the results of this
regression analyse. You can see that the R-Square is 0,06 which means that the analyse is not
significant because for that the R-Square must be higher than 0,7. This means that question number
4 does not have that much influence on the answers of question 7.
Again if you look at the P value you can see that it is 0.12 for question number 4. This means that the
influence of this question is not significant.
With the regression analyse you can analyse the relation between two interval questions. In order to
analyse the relation between to nominal questions we need to calculate the correlation. For this
analyse question 2 and 5 will be compared. That means that the correlation will show in what way
the gender of the respondents are related to the use of Teletext.
The correlation between those variable is 0.16, which means that there is hardly any linear relation
between those questions. If the correlation was +1 that meant that with variable one you could
forecast variable two. In this case you cannot forecast the answers on question 5 with the results of
question 2.
Science School – Laura Spanjers
5. Conclusion
For this research the following question had been set up:
‘How intensive do the Dutch people use Teletext, are there any differences between gender, age
groups and type of pages and can the system be called profitable as communication platform?’
This question is combined by several loose questions. Firstly how intensive to the Dutch people use
Teletext? This question had been set up at the beginning of this research. However after analysing
the results it appeared that more younger people responded to the survey then older people.
Therefore no solid conclusions could be taken and the target group was changed to: the Dutch
population starting from the age of 20. However this did not mean that this new target group /
responds group would be large enough to do a solid conclusion. It could be a solid conclusion if the
responds group would only represent one part of the Netherlands, which means that the total
research population would be smaller. However the results of this new target group of 81 people are
analysed. Within this new target group the results showed us that almost 50% of all respondents
were using Teletext. If this was the results of a valid response group you could say that 50% of the
Dutch population starting from the age of 20, uses Teletext.
The second part of the research question is about the differences between gender, age groups and
type of pages. After analysing the results we can conclude that more men than women uses Teletext.
Besides this it appears that more men visit the sport pages then women and the erotic and tell sell
pages aren’t visited at all. However again because of the lack of response no such solid conclusion
can be taken for the Dutch population starting from the age of 20.
Science School – Laura Spanjers
6. Recommendation
As you can see in the results and in the conclusion it appears that the program-info and tv-guide
page are not used that often. As mentioned before the reason for this could be the EPG system.
However no statement can be taken about that. If this research will be continued then it would be an
advice to take the EPG system into account as well as the Teletext on the internet. Because if that
continuing research results that the EPG system and the Teletext on the internet are more profitable
then Teletext on television, channels can consider to focus more on those parts.
In this research you can already see that the program-info and tv-guide aren’t visited that often.
Therefore my advice to the channels would be to see if their program-info pages and tv-guide pages
are still profitable and spend more money on the EPG system.
Science School – Laura Spanjers
5. Afterword
5 Months ago I was assigned to do a quantitative research and write a paper about this. Back then I
was really frustrated because I had to choose my own subject and I didn’t know what to choose.
After some days of struggling I decided to do my research about Teletext. I was full of energy and
handed in my course of action to Arthur. He told me that, back then, I was the farthest in the process
of the class. This was a real good sign for me and I wanted to continue like that. I created a survey
and took this to school. After an afternoon of struggling with the questions I finished the survey and
started to spread it. It was really hard to gather 384 people and I was starting to panic. However then
I had a chat with Teun and he told me not to worry. Because I probably would learn more from
gathering these 162 response then from continuing without knowing what I did. Therefore I quite
with gathering these response.
After coming back from Katowice I was really stressed because I had to write the final report. I had
no idea what to do and how to work with Excel but I tried. Stijn also helped me by telling me what I
should do. This really helped me but still I was doing something and I had no idea what I was doing.
Therefore I know that perhaps this report isn’t valid of solid and it may be a lot of nonsense. But still
I’m proud of what I achieved, because I knew how hard this was for me to write. I didn’t had any
knowledge at all about analysing a survey. I tried my best to analyse it and I think I did quite a good
deal. However it is a pity that I didn’t had enough response.
So coming at the end of this afterword. I would like to say that I really learned a lot during the
Science School. I’ve made a lot of mistakes and it could be that still in this report their will be
mistakes but I learned from those I’ve made and I’m sure that I will learn from those that are coming.
I would like to thanks Stijn because he is the one that opened my eyes and made me think about
what I was doing. I did panicked after talking to him but later on I realised that if he didn’t told me I
still was researching complete nonsense. Now I’m thinking about what I’m doing and being critical.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this paper.
Kind Regards,
Laura Spanjers
Science School – Laura Spanjers
Ammar M.H. Wong J.W.(1985). The Design of Teletext Broadcast Cycles. University of Waterloo.
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. North-Holland
CBS.(2013). Population; sex, age and nationality, 1 January. Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Den
Haag/Heerlen 9-2-2014
Daly-Jones O.(2000). Navigating your TV: The Usability of Electronic Programme Guides. Serco
Experience Lab. London
Dixon, D.F. (1983). A Core Graphics Environment for Teletext Simulations. RCA Laboratories.
Gemiddel Gezien. (z,d). Gemiddeld aantal uur per dag tv kijken. Consult on 27-05-2014.
Great Britain.(1989). World System Teletext and Data Broadcasting System: Technical Specification.
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Computer Science & Engeneering, College of Engineering, Seoul National University. Korea.
Kluwer Academic Publishers. The Netherlands
Loveless, W, Robinson, G. (1980). KSL-TV’s Teletext Testing Shows No Reception Problems.
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NOS. (2005). Een korte geschiedenis van Teletekst. Consult on 07-02-2014.
Ster, S.H.(2010). NOS onderzoek: Elf miljoen Nederlanders gebruiken Teletekst. Consult on 08-022014.
Science School – Laura Spanjers
Table 1: Flat Data Model & Linked Data Model
(Kim & Kim, 2013)
Table 2: Dutch population; sex, age and nationality
(CBS, 2013)
Population; sex, age and nationality, 1
Males and
Total nationalities
15 to 20 years
Total nationalities
20 to 25 years
Total nationalities
25 to 30 years
Total nationalities
30 to 35 years
Total nationalities
35 to 40 years
Total nationalities
40 to 45 years
Total nationalities
45 to 50 years
Total nationalities
50 to 55 years
Total nationalities
55 to 60 years
Total nationalities
60 to 65 years
Total nationalities
65 to 70 years
Total nationalities
70 to 75 years
Total nationalities
75 to 80 years
Total nationalities
80 to 85 years
Total nationalities
85 to 90 years
Total nationalities
90 to 95 years
Total nationalities
95 years and older
Science School – Laura Spanjers
Table 3: Question 1 162 Respondents
Table 4: Question 2 162 Respondents
< 25 Students
26 - 65 Working
66 > Elderly
Table 5: Question 3 162 Respondents
Science School – Laura Spanjers
Table 6: Question 4 162 Respondents
Table 7: Question 5 162 Respondents
Table 8: Question 6 162 Respondents
Table 9: Question 7 162 Respondents
Science School – Laura Spanjers
Table 10: Question 8 162 Respondents
Table 11: Level of Measurements
Level of measurement
Q 1. What is your gender?
U 2. What is your age?
E 3. Which channel do you watch?
S 4. How many hours?
T 5. Do you visit Teltext?
6. How often do you visit?
O 7. How many pages?
N 8. Which pages?
Table 12: Age group men 162 Respondents
< 25 Students
26 - 65 Working
66 > Elderly
Science School – Laura Spanjers
Table 13: Age group women 162 Respondents
< 25 Students
26 - 65 Working
66 > Elderly
Table 14: Question 1 81 Respondents
Table 15: Question 2 81 Respondents
20 - 40
41 - 65
65 >
Science School – Laura Spanjers
Table 16: Question 3 81 Respondents
Table 17: Question 4 81 Respondents
Table 18: Question 5 81 Respondents
Science School – Laura Spanjers
Table 19: Question 6 81 Respondents
Table 20: Question 7 81 Respondents
Table 21: Question 8 81 Respondents
Science School – Laura Spanjers
Table 22: 81 Respondents men age group
20 - 40
41 - 65
66 >
Table 23: 81 Respondents women age group
20 -40
41 -65
Table 24: 81 Respondents use of Teletext men
Table 25: 81 Respondents use of Teletext women
Science School – Laura Spanjers
Table 26: 81 Respondents use of pages of 1 respondents
Table 27: 81 Respondents use of pages of men
Table 28: 81 Respondents use of pages of women
Science School – Laura Spanjers
Table 29: Regression analyse question 4 and 7
This semester I’m following the course Science School, where I’m suppose to do a quantitative
research. After experienced working with Teletext I’ve decided to do my research about the use of
Teletext. In this survey you will find some general questions and questions related to your use of
The results of this research will stay intern and completely anonymous.
Thanks in advance!
Laura Spanjers
1. What is your gender?
a) Male
b) Female
2. What is your age?
3. Which of the following Dutch channels do you watch? (more answers are possible)
a) NED 1
b) NED 2
c) NED 3
d) RLT 4
e) RTL 5
g) RTL 8
Science School – Laura Spanjers
h) SBS 6
4. How many hours do you watch television per week?
5 – 10
10 – 15
15 – 20
20 – 25
25 – 30
5. Do you visit the Teletext pages of the channels you’ve chosen above?
a) Yes (go further to question 6)
b) No (thank you for participating)
6. How often to you visit Teletext of the chosen channels above?
7. If you visit Teletext how many pages do you visit per time?
8 – 12
12 – 16
8. Which of the following pages do you watch and how often?
Science School – Laura Spanjers