January/February 2015 - Minnesota Guitar Society


January/February 2015 - Minnesota Guitar Society
MGS Mission Statement
Promote the guitar in all its stylistic and cultural diversity
through sponsorship of public forums, concerts, and workshops.
Serve as an educational and social link between the community
and amateur and professional guitarists of all ages.
A Publication of the Minnesota Guitar Society • P.O. Box 14986 • Minneapolis, MN 55414
VOL. 31 NO. 1
Sundin Music Hall
Concert Series
Saturday, January 24
Guitar Quartet
Saturday, February 21
Miroslav Tadic
– Composer, arranger,
blending classical, folk music of the Balkens, blues and
flamenco into one incredible solo evening.
Also in this issue: Local Artist(s) Spotlight: Reuben Ristrom
& Joan Griffith, & News and Notes
Minnesota Guitar Society—Find us and like us on Facebook!
Sundin Music Hall 2014-15
Concert Series — At a Glance!!
Saturday, January 24
Quaternaglia — Guitar quartet from Brazil
Saturday, February 21
Miroslav Tadic — Composer, multi-cultural guitarist
from Yugoslavia
Saturday, March 28
Jérémy Jouve — Classical guitarist from France
Friday, April 17
Antigoni Goni — Classical guitarist from Greece
Saturday, May 30
Classical Guitarathon — featuring professional
classical guitar players from Minnesota
Tickets: $22 (general admission), $17 (MGS members & seniors)
$10 (students & patrons with limited means)
To reserve tickets for any Sundin Hall concert,
please call 612-677-1151 or visit the
MGS website, <www.mnguitar.org>.
Guitar Society
Board Officers
TREASURER Doug Whorton
Secretary Chris Olson
Board Members
Kris Anderson
Annett Richter
Ben Woolman
Al Norton
Joe Haus
Chris Becknell
Jim Flegel
Jim Campbell
Amy Lytton
Newsletter EDITOR Emily Wright
Tech Guru
From the editor:
We are already halfway through our Sundin Music Hall season, with four concerts already presented and five more to go.
Our January and February artists are coming from milder climes
to brave the Minnesota winter weather. Our community concert
series is heating up with radio time expanding our listening audience and giving our local artists more exposure and opportunities to be heard. We do our best to welcome all of our artists from
near and far and that means you are needed! There is room for
more of us at every concert and you won’t want to miss a note. In
addition to presenting great music, we are holding a raffle this
year for a beautiful Ramirez classical guitar, to benefit the society.
Please see the article in this issue. Here are some winter events to
look for:
Sundin Music Hall, 8 p.m. – January 24 - MGS presents the
Brazilian Guitar Quartet, Quaternaglia. On February 21 we present Miroslav Tadic, playing his unique arrangements for solo
guitar – a blend of classical, blues, flamenco and melodies from
the Balkens.
Community concerts: Sunday morning, January 11 at 9 a.m.
listeners of KFAI radio will be able to hear two of our local artist
series performers, Joan Griffith and Reuben Ristrom playing and
talking about their music for their upcoming concert on January
17th, free and open to the public, 2 p.m. at Hosmer Library in
Open Stage meets on the second Sunday of the month from 2-4
at the Underground Music Café in Falcon Heights.
There is ample free parking for Sundin Hall and Hosmer
Library and both venues are handicap accessible. Please join us.
Thanks as always for your support! Your donations, memberships and support are what keep this organization running. You
can contact the editor at <[email protected]>.
Emily Wright
Sundin Music Hall is on the
Hamline University Campus at
1536 Hewitt Ave. in St. Paul.
Directions: from I-94, head north on
Snelling Ave. in St. Paul, past University Ave. to Hewitt Ave.
Turn right, Sundin Hall is on your left, a half-block east of
Snelling. Free parking is available one block past the hall, in lots
off Hewitt (on your right) or off Pascal (1 block north).
i draw the line, inc.
Fox Ridge Printing
Joe Haus Chris Becknell Doug Wright
Al Norton
Chris Olson
Jim Falbo Doug Whorton
Classical Guitar Instruction
beginning /advanced
University of River Falls, WI Faculty Member
Sundin Music Hall Concerts
Sundin Artist Series:
Quaternaglia, January 24
uaternaglia Guitar
Quartet (QGQ) is
widely acclaimed
as one of the top contemporary classical guitar ensembles. QGQ is known for their
artistic excellence, enthusiasm
and for their contributions to
the expansion of the guitar
quartet repertoire. Over the
past twenty plus years, the
ensemble of Brazilian guitarists Chrystian Dozza, Fabio
Ramazzina, Thiago Abdalla and Sidney Molina, has established a broad canon of original pieces and bold arrangements, in
which various Brazilian composers, including Egberto Gismonti,
Almeida Prado, Paulo Bellinati, Sérgio Molina and Marco Pereira,
have collaborated with the quartet. The quartet’s performance first attracted the attention of international critics in 1998, after it was awarded the Ensemble Prize
at the International Guitar Contest of Havana. The group’s inaugural album - which includes the most important quartet works
by Cuban composer Leo Brouwer- marked the beginning of a
long and productive collaboration with the composer, which
culminated in the Brazilian premieres of Concerto Itálico and
Gismontiana. Brouwer himself also conducted the group in performances of his works at MASP’s Grande Auditório (São Paulo),
at Theatro da Paz (Belém do Pará), and at Theatro Nacional de
Havana (Cuba). Quaternaglia Program for January 2015
Ronaldo Miranda (1948) Suíte n. 3 (1973)
arrangement: Chrystian Dozza
I-Allegro / II-Allegretto / III-Lento / IV-Allegro gracioso)
Almeida Prado (1943-2010) XIV Variações sobre o Tema de Xangô (1961-2003)
Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959) Bachianas Brasileiras n. 9 (1945)
arrangement: Thiago Tavares
(I-Prelúdio / II- Fuga)
Marco Pereira (1950)
Dança dos Quatro Ventos (2006)
Chrystian Dozza (1983) Sobre um tema de Gismonti (2012)* Since the group’s international debut, at the “First Abel
Carlevaro Festival” (Uruguai, 1996), Quaternaglia has performed
in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington D.C., Dallas,
Lisbon, Porto, Coimbra, Buenos Aires, Caracas,
Havana, and in more than fifteen Brazilian
states. Quaternaglia has also been the featured
soloist of many orchestras in Brazil, Cuba, and
the United States, including performing The
Journey of the Weary Souls and Forrobodó, concertos composed by Sérgio Molina and Egberto
Gismonti for Quaternaglia’s performance at the
“First International Guitar Festival of Round
Top” (USA, 2005). Quaternaglia’s discography includes the
albums Quaternaglia, Antique, Forrobodó,
Presença, Estampas and Jequibau as well as
Quaternaglia’s DVD recorded live. In 2008 Quaternaglia made
the Brazilian premiere of Gismontiana, a concerto for four guitars
and orchestra written by Leo Brouwer and conducted by the composer himself in his first visit to the country. The musicians of Quaternaglia Guitar Quartet use four guitars
custom-made by renowned Brazilian luthier Sérgio Abreu.
Miroslav Tadic, February 21
iroslav Tadic was born in Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina (in
the former Yugoslavia).
He left his home at age
19 to study guitar at California
Institute of the Arts, where he now
teaches. During his student days
he learned how to improvise continuo on guitar and worked on an
ambitious project of arranging and transcribing The Well
Tempered Clavier for two
guitars (in original keys). Eventually he had to make a decision whether to switch to lute or to stay with guitar and play
repertoire that is directly meant for that instrument. He opted to stay with guitar and started developing his own compositions and improvisations that utilize his classical technique. In its Jan/Feb 1994 issue, the editors of Acoustic Guitar
Magazine voted his recording, Window Mirror, which includes
J.S. Bach’s Suite for lute in G minor, BWV 995 one of the five
essential classical guitar recordings of the 1990’s. He has writcontinued on p. 4
Stephen Kakos
Classic Guitars
ancient & modern
João Luiz (1979) Kirsten (2004)*
Paulo Bellinati (1950) Maracatu da Pipa (2004)*
Sérgio Molina (1967) Sonata Cravo e Canela* * pieces dedicated to Quaternaglia january / february
952 . 472. 4732
Sundin Music Hall Concerts
Sundin Music Hall Concert,
continued from p. 3
ten music for a number of award-winning experimental film,
theater, and dance works. In their January 1997 issue, the editors of Guitar Player magazine voted him one of the world’s
thirty most radical and individual guitarists. In addition to his musical offerings (which includes a 26
cd discography, dvds, published guitar works, a full time
faculty position at California Institute of the Arts, multiple
tours and performances), Miroslav makes his own guitars.
There is a terrific, thoughtful interview with the artist from
2012 with Scott Collins from Guitar-Muse that is published
on Miroslav’s website, <www.miroslavtadic.com>. For
those readers who are interested in learning more about this
eclectic, fascinating musician, I highly recommend the reading the entire piece.
Below are some of Miroslav’s thoughts from that article
on his repertoire, on how to choose repertoire, and on being
“[In my music] you have a combination of classical music which
is structured and fixed. Then you have some improvisation that’s
completely open. Then you have some traditional folk music and
then the Flamenco, which is also a highly structured music. So it’s
just a weird combination of things that (because I know them fairly
well) I can combine even though there’s apparent distance between
them. They are connected. That’s why I’m able to make
instruments. That’s why I can cook. I really feel that
ultimately it’s all connected. What you do is a reflection
of who you are as a person. The way you relate to people
you know or don’t know, how you drive or how you do
anything. It’s connected. It has to do with you as a person and with your bottom line and your aesthetic. Your
aesthetic is your understanding of what is good, what is
beautiful and what life is.” … “One thing is that we need
to feel and understand what we’re really connected to
and to pick a few things [to focus on]. You have to pick a
few things because you really can’t be in command of all
of the other stuff.”… “To me, being original just means
being true to yourself. Some people waste a lot of time trying intentionally to be original through weird repertoire
or instruments or appearance and I don’t think that’s
really where it’s at. Where it’s at is just trying to find who
you are and that will reflect in the things you do. That’s
the hardest thing in life – finding out who you are.”
Specializing in Classical, Acoustic, and Archtop guitars
- Kakos
- Kenny Hill
- New World
- Santa Cruz
- Huss & Dalton
- Bourgeois
- Goodall
- Hoffman
- Kopp
- Kronbauer
- Ison Archtops
- Heinonen
Also, check out our selection
- Stelling
of used instruments!
- Pisgah
- Rickard
Want to sell something? We
- Enoch
- J. Bovier
Now located at:
- Rivera
4151 Minnehaha Ave
- Quilter
Minneapolis, MN 55406
- Henriksen
[email protected]
(612) 767-2800
MGS T-Shirts
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota
through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board and the
Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative
appropriation from the arts and
cultural heritage fund.
Minnesota Guitar Society
t-shirt, Fernandosaur—
designed by our own artistic
director, Joe Hagedorn—
come in sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL
and shirt colors: black, green,
or blue. Available for $20 each
at MGS Sundin Music Hall concerts, or e-mail
Joe at: [email protected].
Local Artist(s) Spotlight
2014-2015 Community Concerts Series
The 2014-2015 Community Concerts Series presents local
musicians offering great music, free to the public. MGS is
delighted to partner with Hosmer Library in Minneapolis to
offer four community concerts this year. These concerts feature
just a few of the many excellent guitarists we enjoy in the Twin
Cities, and represent the musical diversity that we love about the
guitar. Tune in to KFAI radio the Sunday morning before each
concert for an interview and on air performance with the artists.
Reuben Ristrom and Joan Griffith
Perform Saturday, January 17, 2 p.m.
Hosmer Library, 347 E 36th St., Minneapolis,
Live radio interview on KFAI, Sunday, January 11, 9 a.m.
Reuben Ristrom
Reuben Ristrom has been
a major figure in jazz guitar
on the Twin Cities music
scene for nearly 50
years. His career spans all
facets of the music business:
night clubs, concerts, recording work, industrial shows
and jazz festivals locally
and all over the country and
Hawaii, a few sessions with
the Minnesota Orchestra, and all sorts of jobbing – solo and with
small groups. He also entertains seniors with his banjo and singing. His style ranges from Dixieland to main-stream jazz and he
has played with and recorded with some of the best in the business—locally and nationally. He records on his own label, T.C.
JAZZ, and a few releases with John Sheridan’s Dream Band on the
Florida based Arbors Jazz label.
Ristrom is a University of Minnesota graduate with a Bachelor
of Arts and Master of Fine Arts degree in studio art. After graduate school he decided to stay with music for a while and never
pursued an art teaching career.
Concerts are on Saturdays at 2 p.m., and are free and open
to the public. Hosmer Library is located at 347 E. 36th St.,
Minneapolis, 55408.
Jan. 17
Reuben Ristrom and Joan Griffith, jazz and samba
(KFAI, Jan. 11)
March 7 Maja Radovanlija, classical (KFAI, Mar. 1)
May 2
Daniel Volovets, classical and flamenco
(KFAI, Apr. 26)
Her choral composition “Sweet Noel” won the 1998 Christmas
Carol Contest sponsored by the American Composer’s Forum
and Vocalessence. Her performances on mandolin include the
Minnesota Orchestra‘s recording of Mahler’s Das Lied von der
Erde and as soloist with the South Dakota Symphony on their
premiere recording “Journey to the Badlands.” Her mandolin and
bass playing can
be heard on the
many recording of
Ann Reed. She also
teaches jazz improvisation, guitar,
bass and mandolin
at the University
of St. Thomas and
directs the jazz
band at Macalester
College. She is a
roster artist in jazz
for COMPAS and
the Minnesota
State Arts Board.
Joan Griffith
Joan Griffith is known in
the Midwest as a teacher,
performer and composer.
She has toured and recorded
extensively as a classical and
jazz guitarist, a bassist and
a mandolinist. The 2011 CD,
A Girl Named Vincent with
Prudence Johnson; the 2008
jazz CD, Sambanova, with
pianist Laura Caviani; her
2009 CD, Alma Brasileira, with recorder player Clea Galhano; and
CD, Enter You, Enter Love, with Lucia Newell, feature many of her
own compositions. Enter You, Enter Love was chosen as one of
the top ten best recordings for 1996 by jazz radio station KBEM.
january / february
News & Notes
Send Us Your News
Got a CD release planned? New teaching studio or schedule?
Concert coming up in your area? We want to hear about it! We
want to tell the (MGS) world! Send all and any news of a guitaristical nature to <[email protected]>. Nota bene: the deadline
for each issue is the 25th of each odd-numbered month. (So, to get
your items in the March/April issue, send it to us by January 25.)
Minneapolis Guitar Quartet has a busy January/February
schedule planned. See their full schedule at
with concerts in Moorhead, the Twin Cities and Pequot Lakes.
Eva Beneke and Friends—January 16 and February 6 at
the Lowertown Lofts Artist Cooperative, 225 Kellog Blvd., 3rd
floor atrium. See more at <http://evabeneke.com/en>.
Twin Cities Classical Guitar Meetup
The Twin Cities Classical Guitar Meetup is an informal group of
players interested in getting together to perform pieces, attend concerts, or simply enjoy sharing ideas about classical guitar. Whether
you are a rank beginner or a seasoned pro, you are welcome here.
Membership is free and open to all. The only requirement is an
interest in the fascinating world of classical guitar. To find out more
about our group, you can visit us at <www.meetup.com/classicalguitar> (where you can also read about our past gatherings).
Ukulele Corner—a small but mighty
little instrument with neighborhood and community gatherings popping up everywhere. The following are a sampling of activities in the Twin Cities area.
Free with donations suggested.
• T-Cup (Twin Cities Ukulele Players) –1st Monday night at 7
p.m. at St. Jane House in North Minneapolis and the 2nd Sunday
afternoon from 2-4 p.m. at Olivet Congregational Church on
Dewey and Iglehart in St. Paul, <[email protected]>.
• StrumMn Ukulele Players, Mondays at 7 p.m. Corner Coffee,
514 N. 3rd St., Minneapolis, (strummn.shutterfly.com).
• Twin Cities Uke Club, Americana, Bluegrass and Blues, meets
Mondays and Thursdays, <www.bluegrassfun.com>.
Support Our Friends
We appreciate the support of music stores and schools throughout the metro area who help distribute our newsletter. Wherever
you see copies available, please take a minute and thank the people in charge for helping the MGS!
Have Fun with the MGS—Volunteer!
Our members make it all possible. If you are a friend of the
MGS but haven’t joined, or haven’t renewed your membership,
please do so! If you’d like to get (more) involved with our many
activities—well, we need help! Specifically:
• Distribute our newsletter. Time commitment: 2 to 4 hours every
other month.
• Help in the lobby at Sundin Hall concerts. Be an usher. Bring
refreshments. Time commitment: less than an hour a month.
• Help publicize our concerts. Time commitment: Variable.
To learn more about these and other opportunities, email
<[email protected]>. Thanks!
Minnesota Guitar Society
Members make it happen!
For more information
visit: www.mnguitar.org
The Lute Café
A series of casual lute concerts, held at 7 p.m., on the third
Thursday of the month, is sponsored by the Twin Cities Lute
Cooperative, with the generous donation of the East Lounge
space by Immanuel Lutheran Church, 104 Snelling Ave. S. Doors
open at 7:00 p.m. and performances start at 7:30 p.m. There is no set charge for attending the performances, but a $10
per person donation is suggested to help defray costs and support
our lutenists. OpenStage
Sponsored by the MGS, OpenStage offers an encouraging, casual space at 2-4 p.m., on the second Sunday of the
month—Jan. 11, Feb. 8, Mar. 8, April 12, and May 10—to
perform classical and acoustic solo guitar pieces in front
of supportive peers at The Underground Music Café, 1579
Hamline Ave. N., Falcon Heights, MN. For more info, see
< http://undergroundmusiccafe.com>.
News & Notes
Spring and Summer 2015 Camps & Programs
Warmer days are coming! — If you are interested in intensive
study, now is the time to register, audition and make your plans.
Here is a small sampling of spring and summer 2015 offerings:
Aspen Music Festival—June 24 to August 23, Aspen, CO—
applications due Jan. 2, <http://www.aspenmusicfestival.
Interlochen Center for the Arts High School Classical Guitar
Summer Program —June 27 to August 10, Interlochen, MI—
applications due Feb. 1. <http://camp.interlochen.org/
New Mexico Classical Guitar Festival—June 18-21,
University of New Mexico—<http://www.newmexicoclassicalguitarfestival.org/Pages/default.aspx>.
Minnesota Bluegrass and Old-Time Music Association—
March 6-8, The 2015 Winter Bluegrass Weekend, Crowne
Plaza Minneapolis West, Plymouth MN;
August 13-16, Minnesota Bluegrass and Old-Time Music
Festival, El Rancho Mañana, Richmond, MN—
23rd Annual Mid-America Guitar Ensemble Festival—
March 27 -29, Fort Wayne, Indiana—ensemble applications
due March 1. <http://www.ipfw.edu/dotAsset/039815b8dd55-4067-969f-1184adf57129.pdf>.
Classified Ads
Classified Ads are free to MGS members. Place ad by
mailing (please type or print clearly) to: MGS, PO BOX 14986,
Mpls., MN 55414 or send an email to: <editor@mnguitar.
org>. Please limit ads to a 6-line maximum. Ads will run for a
maximum of 6 issues (1 year) unless renewed. Ads are due
the 15th of each odd-numbered month for the next issue.
LESSONS: Guitar, banjo, Suzuki guitar and violin, piano, elec.
bass, voice, mandolin! Everything from rock to blue grass.
Instruction and instruments. Northern Pine Studios in Lino
Lakes. Call Chris at 651-780-1625.
FLAMENCO GUITAR TECHNIQUE. Scott Mateo Davies teaches all-levels group class based on the Canyarotto School of
Madrid, created by Aquilino Jimenez el Entri, in a relaxed
setting that guarantees results. Sundays at 11 am. 2-hr session. Cost: $20. Also helpful to classical players (nylon-string
guitar required). Visit <www.scottmateo.com> or call 612749-2662.
january / february
FLAMENCO GUITAR LESSONS by Diego Rowan-Martin. Come
and learn any of your favorite Palos of the Spanish flamenco
guitar—beginning, intermediate and advanced levels. He
studied with Tony Hauser and continued in Spain with great
maestros such as Manolo Sanlúcar, Juan Manuel Cañizares,
Tomatito, El Entri and Oscar Herrero. Afternoons & evenings,
Mon.-Fri. Private lessons: $25/2hr. Call 612-770-9618 or
e-mail: <[email protected]>.
Prof. Maja Radovanlija, University of Minnesota faculty member. Call 812-391-3860 or email <[email protected]>.
improve technical ease and sound production, reduce tension,
and resolve discomforts. Call Brian McCullough at 612-2675154. Certified teacher and U of MN faculty member. Info at
continued on p. 8
Classified Ads, continued from p. 7
JAY GORDON transcriptions for guitar solo and duets
now available at Strings By Mail <stringsbymail.com>. New
transcriptions faithful to the original piano works include
music of Albeniz and Granados, new unusual transcriptions
for guitar by Berlioz, Ravel, Faure and Polleri. Original solos
available, too. All available as PDF downloads under sheet
music/classical guitar/SBM Exclusive Downloads. Check it
Voice, ukulele and beginning guitar lessons, and
audition/performance preparation for interested learners
of all ages and abilities, with special attention offered to shy
singers. Contact Emily Wright, folk musician, with decades of
teaching experience. Day and evening lesson times available
in S. Minneapolis, $20/half hour: <[email protected]> or
612-275-4701 for text or voice messages.
MUSICIANSHIP: Music Theory Software ear-training, sightreading, instrument study, rhythm at <musicgoals.com>.
Music has 25 instructors on guitar, banjo, voice, fiddle, mandolin, and more. Blues, jazz, folk, bluegrass, traditional, world
roots, and classical. Since 1970. Call 612-333-6651 or visit
FOR SALE: Murata classical guitar rest. Get rid of the footrest!
Give your back a real rest! Compact and portable, it attaches
to the guitar with 4 adjustable rubber feet. The molded plastic
platform rests on your leg and is lined with fabric to prevent
slipping. Height is adjustable. Like new condition. New is $75+.
Buy mine for only $35. Call 651-699-6827 or email <paul@
The Minnesota Guitar Society
PO Box 14986
Minneapolis, MN 55414
GUITAR FOR SALE: 2009 New Masters Landler II, spruce top,
maple back and sides, elevated fingerboard, dual sound ports,
12 hole tie block, $650. Contact Steve Ulliman at 715-7482457 or <[email protected]>.
Travel Case for Sale. New, unused SKB I-series rolling waterproof flight case for accoustic guitar. TSA locks.
Will fit dreadnaught or grand auditorium size guitar. Model
#3i-4217-18T. $225. Contact Fred Jew at 612-532-5179 or
<[email protected]>.
GUITARS FOR SALE: 1980 Stephen Kakos classical guitar.
Cedar top, Brazilian rosewood back & sides, 65.5 cm scale
length. Hard case included. $3,500. 1966 CONDE Flamenco.
Cypress. Machines. French Polish. Excellent condition.
Stephen Kakos 952-472-4732 or <[email protected]>.
GUITAR LESSONS. Any style, any level, at The St. Paul Guitar
Studio! Individualized lessons are taught at comfortable pace.
Studio is located in Lowertown and features individual rooms
and a lounge. For schedules, availability, and pricing, visit the
studio website at <www.stpaulguitarstudio.com>.
GUITAR FOR SALE: 2010 Kevin Aram classical guitar, spruce/
Indian, 20th fret, played in, better-than-new condition! $8,950
or best offer. Call Jeff Lambert at 952-546-1429 or email <jeff
[email protected]>.
BOOKS FOR SALE: Chris Proctor (Travelogue, Fingerstyle
Magic, Runoff), Al Petteway (Whispering Stones), Eric
Schoenberg (Beatles), Joe Spence, Parkening Plays Bach, The
Music of Blind Blake. $5 each (plus shipping). Email: <[email protected]>.