Family Shabbat Ruach Unplugged - Temple Beth-El


Family Shabbat Ruach Unplugged - Temple Beth-El
January 2016
Tevet/Shevat 5776
2016 Temple Beth-El Men’s Club Kickoff
Family Shabbat Ruach Unplugged
5:45-6:30 pm
January 29, 2016
Featuring the acoustic stylings of Max & Eli
Catering by Tamara Goldis
Start off 2016 on the right note. The TBE Men’s Club
presents a special Family Shabbat Ruach with live
acoustic music, steak and chicken sliders, wine, beer
and family-friendly fun!
Cost: $5 per adult
No cost for children ages 5 and younger
Pay your Men’s Club dues of $36 and your
family eats for free!
Welcome new Men’s Club President Allen
Plus, find out what the Men’s Club has in
store for 2016!
Visit to RSVP.
Jan. 1
Jan. 2
Jan. 8
Jan. 9
Jan. 15
Jan. 16
Jan. 22
Jan. 23
Erev Shabbat
Candle lighting
5:45 pm
4:32 pm
Saturday morning
9:30 am
Shabbat Shemot
Maftir: Barry Dreayer
Shabbat Mincha
4:30 pm
Erev Shabbat
Candle lighting
5:45 pm
4:38 pm
Saturday morning
Shabbat Vaera
Maftir: Naomi Ivker
Shabbat Mincha
9:30 am
Erev Shabbat
Candle lighting
5:45 pm
4:44 pm
4:30 pm
Saturday morning
Parashat Bo
Maftir: Jimmy Krell
Shabbat Mincha
9:30 am
Erev Shabbat
Candle lighting
5:45 pm
4:51 pm
4:30 pm
Saturday morning
9:30 am
Parashat Beshalach
Maftir: Robin Benjamin
Shabbat Mincha
4:30 pm
Jan. 29
Erev Shabbat
Candle lighting
5:45 pm
4:57 pm
Jan. 30
Saturday morning
9:30 am
Parashat Yitro
Maftir: Michael Goldstein
Shabbat Mincha
4:30 pm
Daily Morning Minyan
Sundays & Secular Holidays
Daily Afternoon Minyan
Shabbat B’Yachad (Saturday)
Tot Shabbat (Saturday)
Saturday Afternoon Minyan
7:00 am
8:00 am
5:30 pm
9:30 am
11:00 am
4:30 pm
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Randall J. Konigsburg
[email protected]
Director of Congregational Rabbi Joseph Robinson
[email protected]
Executive Director
Bob Greenberg
[email protected]
Executive Director
Mindy Cohen
[email protected]
Tammy McClellan
[email protected]
Lindsey Herring
[email protected]
Debby Thomas
[email protected]
Emily Gregory
[email protected]
Youth Programs
Taryn Fink
[email protected]
Loraine Reznik
[email protected]
Vice President
Dan Weinrib
[email protected]
Vice President
Jessica Goldstein
[email protected]
Vice President
Eddie Griffith
[email protected]
Vice President
Jacob Halpern
[email protected]
Barbara Brande
[email protected]
Steven Sikora
[email protected]
2015-2016 Board of Directors: Suzanne Bearman, Michelle BearmanWolnek, Danielle Bogart, Steven Corenblum, Tracy Diamond, Todd
Doobrow, Lisa Engel, Arlene Fisher, Shira Goldberg, Allen Halpern,
Naomi Kipp, Ronald Levitt, Sue Lischkoff, Evan Rhodes, Ben
Rosenbaum, Rebecca Rothman, Wendy Rutkoff, Stuart Shiland,
Rhonda Siegel, Matt Swerdlin, Tim Thornton, Alan Weintraub, Melvin
Past Presidents: Karl Friedman, Howard Bearman, J.B. Mazer, Myron
Radwin, Morton Stern, Julian Brook, Norman Berk, Maury Shevin,
Joan Lebow, Ron Froehlich, Ronald Shiland, Gary Gordon, Jack
Schaeffer, Martin Damsky, Jimmy Krell, Steven Corenblum, Barbara
Solomon, Seth Wolnek, Franklin Tessler, Vikki Grodner, Arlene Fisher
to livestream services.
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From Rabbi Konigsburg: FaithCraft
In his book, UhOh, author Robert Fulghum tells the following story:
In the glory days of fur trading in North America during the eighteenth
century, the Hudson’s Bay Company was known for both its willingness
to take adventuresome risks and its careful preparations for those risks.
Trading journeys were habitually begun with vigorous enthusiasm, yet
the frontiersmen always camped the first night a few short miles from
the company headquarters. This allowed the gear and supplies to be sorted and considered, so that
if anything had been left behind in the haste to be under way, it was easy to return to the post to
fetch it. … a thoughtful beginning spared the travelers later difficulties.
To this day it is called a “Hudson Bay Start.”
January represents for the Jewish community, a Hudson Bay Start. Our new year was four months
ago, and we resolved then to review our lives and make the changes we needed to make in order
that we may be proud of who we are and of the things we might yet accomplish. Now it is January
and we can pause in our lives to see what we have chosen to do in our haste to get started with our
personal improvement to see what is working and what is not working and where we might have to
go back and start over.
In January we begin to read the second book of the Torah, Exodus/Shemot, with its history of how
Israel became a nation and the laws that form the constitutional basis of that nation, the Ten
Commandments and the laws that were given alongside them. It is a chance for us to look again at
the Torah, the mirror of our morality, and to see again what we look like when we reflect on what
the Torah requires of us. I am less worried that our reflection will show how we lied, robbed and
committed adultery. But will our reflection show that we were not fully concerned for the safety of
those who live near us? Did we steal ideas and customers from our neighbors? Were we fair in our
business dealings? Have we been kind to the poor, the orphans and widows? Have we passed on
hurtful rumors? Have we shown kindness even to those in our community we don’t like?
Ritual law is easy. You either show up on Shabbat and holidays or not. Ritual law is about how you
live your own personal life in relationship to God. Moral law is different. It is about how we live our
lives in relationship to other people. Everyone can see if we are kind, considerate and fair to others.
In fact, when it comes to morality, it is very hard to judge ourselves. We are always quick to delude
ourselves with excuses about why we “needed” to make the decisions we make. But the Torah is a
solid mirror. It lets us know clearly where we have succeeded and where we have failed. January is
our chance to open the book again and make a Hudson Bay Start. To renew our commitment to God
and Faith and go back and make sure that all we aspire to in life will really work.
I wish everyone a happy and successful secular New Year.
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TBE Foundation Executive Director, Mindy Cohen
I cannot begin to tell you how moved I was by Michael Schwartz’s Dec. 5
presentation on his filmmaking journey. I did not have the pleasure of
growing up with Michael and the TBE family since I am from Atlanta, but I
felt a connection to him, as Schwartz is my maiden name and I also happen
to have a brother named Michael. I am close with Michael’s mother, Lora,
through our work together in Hadassah. It is remarkable how Michael strives
to achieve his goals despite gradually losing his eyesight, and how he is able
to touch the lives of so many through his gift of storytelling. This is just one
of the interesting adult education programs offered at TBE.
Did you know many of the adult education programs are made possible
through the generous family funds of the TBE Foundation? The most recent
program, “Confronting Health Care Accessibility in America,” was funded by
The Goldie and Sidney Ziff Education Fund and The Dorothy and Meyer Shiland Adult Program
Enrichment Fund. We thank them for their ongoing support of the Temple Beth-El Foundation.
What are your New Year’s Resolutions for 2016?
Please keep us in mind when you are planning your New Year’s resolutions. Common resolutions we
hear are exercise more, eat healthier, learn something new, and spend more time with family and
friends. What about your charitable goals? There are many ways you can help the Temple now by
starting your own family fund, contributing to the General Fund or developing a plan for a legacy gift
to the Foundation.
Please contact Mindy Cohen, TBEF Executive Director, to discuss giving options, at
[email protected] or (205) 933-2794.
The following donations have been received since the last bulletin:
Mira & Eddie Griffith made a double Chai donation to the Margy and Albert Rosenbaum
Fund in honor of Margy Rosenbaum’s birthday.
Ilene & Sandy Axelroth made a Chai donation to the Laufman Family Kiddush Fund in
loving memory of Michael and Amy Saag’s mother, Elaine Koppel Saag.
Charlotte Corenblum made a donation to the J.B. and Lynette Mazer Temple
Beautification Fund in honor of Lynette Mazer’s special birthday.
Natalie & Eric Asman made a Chai donation to the General Fund in honor of the special
anniversary of their parents, Marsha and Harry Asman.
Laurie & Craig Elmets made a Chai donation to the General Fund in loving memory of
Lanny and Ricki Kline’s father, David Kline.
Bettie & Merv Torme made a most generous donation to the General Fund.
A donation was made by Barbara Bonfield to the J.B. and Lynette Mazer Temple
Beautification Fund in honor of Lynette Mazer’s birthday.
Lisa & Alan Kianoff made a most generous donation to the Kianoff and Katz Family
Youth Fund in honor of the first Yahrzeit of Roberta Katz.
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Send us your good news and we’ll be happy to share it in the next Connection!
Mazal Tov to Jamie & Greg Odrezin, who are delighted to announce the engagement of their son,
Daniel, to Meredith Averbuch, daughter of Dana and Scott Averbuch of Huntsville. A December 2017
wedding is planned in Savannah.
Mazal Tov to the following on their Special Birthdays:
Faye Bernstein, Penny Gordon, Hannah Helman,
Pat Miller, Andi Preston, Lynette Slaughter, Sandy Stern,
Yos Vaysbroyt and Phyllis Weinstein
*Special Birthdays are published in the bulletin beginning with age 50 and every 5 years thereafter.
January Anniversaries
Cheryl & Richard Azrin (23)
Basya & Leonid Bolshinskiy (47)
Lisa & Jim Bor (13)
Sherry & Jerry Cherner (57)
Mary & Jay Cohen (15)
Gayle & Jack Gordon (36)
Deborah & Phillip Gross (25)
Amanda & Layne Held (2)
Debra & Jeff Lindy (13)
With sympathy, we wish the following families peace and love during their time of sorrow:
Gilbert Routman
Husband of Harriet Routman, father of Donald Routman (Amy) and Robyn Feingold (Andy),
and brother of Jerry Routman and Stanley Routman
Sarah Edythe Staff
Mother of Michael Staff (Elinor), Donna Swedarsky (Sheldon)
and Ronnie Staff
Brian Cohen
Husband of Stacy, father of Blake and Drew, son of Joy and Roy Cohen, son-in-law of Ellen & Jerry
Sokol and brother of Scott Cohen (Shannon), Jeff Cohen (Amy) and Kevin Sokol (Amanda)
May the families be comforted among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
If you or someone close to you is hospitalized or becomes ill, please contact the TBE office as soon as
possible. The rabbis regularly visit and contact congregants who are hospitalized or ill, and it is very
important that the Temple be notified in the event a hospitalization occurs. Thank you!
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Message From Director of Congregational Learning, Rabbi Joseph
What does it mean to “celebrate” Shabbat? As with so many rich
traditions in Jewish Life, there is not one definition or formula.
Shabbat invites experimentation. It doesn’t happen all at once.
Sometimes, the way we choose to spend Shabbat, be it at home,
in the synagogue or as a part of the larger community gathering,
brings us closer to fulfilling its purpose. Other times, there are
snags along the way, detours and even steps away from it.
Finding a meaningful way to celebrate Shabbat is a very
personal journey. But it should never be a lonely one. Shabbat is
meant to create community in a special and sacred way. 1
Figure 1:
At Temple Beth-El, we are always striving to create
opportunities and experiences in which our extended
family can take the personal journey to celebrate
Shabbat. Yet at the same time we foster occasions to
travel with other community members seeking similar goals. If you have not tried our B’Yachad
Service, resolve to attend at least three times. Looking for the guidance in Jewish practical tot
moments, look no further than our Tot Shabbat service.
Shabbat Afternoon/Evening Minyan is an intimate event
where everyone counts. See all these opportunities and
more listed both on the inside cover of this bulletin as well
as the adjacent calendar.
Likewise, to be a part of something special and unique please join us for these evenings of
• Dinner and Havdala led by our 1-2 Grade Religious School students. January 23, 5-6 pm.
• Shabbat dinner orchestrated by our Kindergarten class following Family Shabbat Ruach.
January 29, 6:30 pm.
They say that the lights of the Shabbat candles reflect the divine
spark in each of us. Discover how your spark joined with so many
others can illuminate even the darkest corners of the world!
Figure 2:
“It Takes a Community to Celebrate Shabbat,” by Judy Elkin found in The Magic of Shabbat.
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January Religious School Calendar
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Mega-Mega Challah Bake - January 10, 6 pm - We will be participating in what
promises to be a fun and joyous evening where each of us will prepare our own,
personal challah. We will be joining the other Sisterhoods in Birmingham as well as
Hadassah and Chabad. Michelle Bearman-Wolnek and Tracy Diamond are
spearheading Sisterhood’s efforts. Stay tuned for more details.
Sisterhood Shabbat - February 6, 2016
Sharon Kahn is chairing this year’s Sisterhood Shabbat - “You Are the Heart of
Sisterhood!” We would like to involve as many women as possible - Englishspeaking part, Torah reading, Service Leader - please email Sharon,
[email protected], and volunteer to take a part.
Chanukah - R - Us
This year’s Chanukah Lunch was the most successful yet! Thank you to Hannah
Helman who organized the food prep along with Shirley Froehlich. Blintzes were
prepared by Shirley Froehlich, Eva Wilensky, Susan Padove, Joy Fleisher, Eileen Levin;
kugels were prepared by Shirley Froehlich and Shirley Hasson; potato latkes were
prepared by Shirley Froehlich, Hannah Helman, and Eileen Levin.
This year, we brought back our Bake Sale, and all our Sisterhood Sweets were
snapped up quickly: Hannah Helman - almond tortes; Phyllis Weinstein (assisted by
Mary Kimerling) - mint chocolate brownies; Roz Bloomston - coconut cake; Susan
Greene - chocolate chip cookies with a peanut butter surprise; Karen Weinrib - brownie and pumpkin spice
bars; Natalie Sikora - mandel bread; Betzy Lynch - cappuccino bars and Chanukah bars; Ilene Axelroth - Aunt
Polly’s toffee bars; Lora Schwartz - cinnamon pecan bars; Marilyn Kleiman - apple pies; Maurine Halpern Chanukah Olive Oil Lime Mini Loaves; Joy Fleisher - chocolate chip banana pound cakes; Vicki Lewis - chocolate
pound cakes; Sherrie Grunfeld - chocolate covered strawberries. Thank you to Natalie Sikora, Hannah Helman,
Michelle Konigsburg, and Sue Lischkoff, who wrapped all the delicious goodies in preparation for the Sale.
Julie Bernstein chaired the Chanukah Raffle. She and her committees gathered over 70 prizes; we raised the
most money EVER! Thank you to: Prize Solicitors: Julie Ceitlin, Freda Centor, Kim Mirelman, Esther Schuster,
Debbie Sher, Ellen Sokol, Shea Halpern, Jan Jaffe, Ellen Bernstein, Renee Singer, Nita Gaynor and Charlotte
Corenblum; Mailing Ladies: Marlene Shapiro, Adrienne Brook, Mary Kimerling, Lindsay Raymond, Janet
Reagan, Joyce Stein, Ruth Siegler, Ann Cohen, Natalie Sikora, Debbie Tuck, and Ella Rosen. Thanks to Shirley
Hasson, Judy Luks and Melissa Zivitz who assisted the day of the raffle.
Thank you Natalie Sikora and Marlene Shapiro who served as Lunch Cashiers; thank you to Maurine Halpern
and Tracy Diamond who were Bake Sale cashiers; thank you to Toby Klein and Eleanor Binderman who handed
out TBE Congregational Directories; thank you to Shira Goldberg, Barbara Finkelstein, Lynette Mazer, Ella
Rosen, Vicki Lewis, and Susan Schwartz who so graciously served at the Lunch.
NEW SISTERHOOD MEMBER - We welcome Carolyn Feigelson to Sisterhood!
Women’s League Book Selection: Geraldine Brooks’ The Secret Chord. The discussion will start
on January 2, 2016, and there will be a special live discussion planned for January 14, 2016.
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A Double Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to
Lynette Mazer on her special birthday
From: Shirley & Ron Froehlich
A Double Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to
Lynette Mazer on her special birthday
A Chai donation in loving memory of Gilbert
From: Hannah & Colin Helman
A Double Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to
Bertha Luks on her special birthday
A Double Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to
Lynette Mazer on her special birthday
A Chai donation in loving memory of Gilbert
From: Pam Ruttenberg & Arnold Shiland
Wishing a speedy recovery and continued good
health to Pam Ruttenberg
In loving memory of Gilbert Routman
From: Natalie & Albert Sikora
Bertha Luks: Best wishes and a happy 95th special birthday
Sylvia Gouse: Mazal Tov on your November birthday
Malcolm Sokol: Mazal Tov on your November birthday
Welcome and best wishes on becoming a member of our Temple Beth-El Sisterhood to:
Shira Goldberg and Jan Niedenthal
Sandy Koplon: In appreciation of your service as chairperson of the Sisterhood directory
Susan & Billy Lapidus: Mazal Tov on the occasion of Clara’s upcoming Bat Mitzvah
In appreciation to the following for your work on the Chanukah raffle:
Ellen Bernstein, Faye Bernstein, Ann Cohen and Ellen Sokol
In recognition and appreciation of your support as benefactors of the Torah Fund of Temple Beth-El
Vicki Denaburg and Joyce Serwitz
Happy anniversary to all of you and a lifetime of happy tomorrows
Barbara & Keith Bernstein and Ellen & Jerry Sokol
Sam Tenenbaum, Jr.: Congratulations and best wishes on the release of your memoir, “The Singing
Karen Weinrib: Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery and continued good health
In loving memory of the following on the occasion of their Yahrzeits:
Robert Spielberger Herman Aronov
Morris Gouse
Albert “Buddy” Sokol
Marcia Cohen
From: Ralph Sokol
Harriett Routman: In loving memory of your beloved husband, Gilbert Routman
Ed Goldberg: In loving memory of your mother-in-law, Betty Ann Jacobson
Michael Saag: In loving memory of your beloved mother, Elaine Koppel Saag
Larry Brook: Congratulations as editor of Southern Jewish Life on the 25th anniversary of your
publications. Mazal Tov on your successful upward climb!
From: Phyllis Weinstein
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Thanks to everyone who supported the Sisterhood raffle.
Here’s a list of all our Chanukah raffle winners:
GRAND PRIZE: LG 32” TV donated by Jacob
Shevin – Helen Green
Coconut cake/Roz Bloomston – Melba Epsman
Flower Buds Florist G/C – Susan Goldstein
Red Wing Shoes G/C – Sikora Family – Paul
Villager Yoga pass – Carol Filler
Invitation Place G/C – Nan Unkenholz
G/C Invitation Place G/C – Joyce Serwitz
Taco Mama G/C – Stanley Vicigilo
Taco Mama G/C – Sarah Krantz
McWane Center tickets – Sue Lischkoff
Dermatology and Laser of Alabama G/C – Ed
Leaf n’ Petal gift – Ed Goldberg
Leaf n’ Petal gift – Joyce Serwitz
Nail Envy mani/pedi – Cheryl Azrin
Sprouts market G/C – Jacob Halpern
Massage by Adrian Ward, JCC – Margy
Teeth whitening by Dr. Jeff Weissman – Judy
Otey’s Restaurant gift – Lynn Cohen
Children’s book - Michalove Family – Sue
Scarf – Betsy Prince – Tobie Axel
Gus Mayer Shoe Salon purse – Maxine Sklute
Boxing bootcamps – Juarez Boxing – Elaine May
Summit G/C – Sandy Seigel
Summit G/C – Sharon Cook
Chickadee keepsake box – Michelle BearmanWolnek
Suite Dreams Fine Linens Shop frame – Brenda
Avo Restaurant G/C – Naomi Davis
Table Matters tray – Ed Goldberg
Smith’s Variety G/C – Joy Fleisher
Richard Tubb magnifier – Shea Halpern
O’Carr’s Restaurant gift – Jodi Benck
GiGi’s G/C – Dodie Sokol
Lili Pad G/C – Len Levin
JCC membership – Sol Kimerling
Learning Express gift – Faye Bernstein
Learning Express gift – Susan Padove
Esther Levy art notecards – Randy Bernstein
Esther Levy art notecards – Sylvia Berman
Sisterhood Gift Shop G/C – Mervyn Epsman
Facial – Rita Feldman, Rita’s Touch – Marjie
Oak Street gift – Mike Slive
Toby Klein artwork – Ricki Kline
AAA Plastics display box – Shira Goldberg
Total Fitness package – Bert Bloomston
Majestic Nails manicure – DJ Bernstein
Majestic Nails manicure – Sylvia Berman
Schaeffer Eye Center sunglasses – Shea Halpern
Louise Abroms necklace – Cheryl Azrin
Dr. Barry Ginsburg treatments – Lynette Mazer
Publix G/C from Brenda & Fred Friedman –
Rochelle Bloomston
Oak Street Hair Group products – Susan Crayne
OLI.O, olive oils – Loraine Reznik
The Blue Willow travel bags – Randy Bernstein
Nail Couture manicure – Mike Bogart
Magic Muffins G/C – Shirley Hasson
A Little Something Gift Boutique wine glasses –
Judy Michaelson
Town and Country scarf – Maxine Sklute
JCC Theater tickets – Jerry Cherner
Snoozy’s doll – Peggy Clarke
Snoozy’s doll – Bert Bloomston
Stephanie Bostwick jewelry – Lori Weil
Total Skin and Beauty Dermatology facial – Ellen
Party City G/C – Shea Halpern
Jazzercise pass – Susan Staff
Plaza Dry Cleaners G/C – Joel Mendler
Chuy’s dinner – Lindsay Raymond
Roz Feigelson Knitting Group scarf – Phyllis
Teach Me Beauty gift – Sue Lischkoff
Angel Hair Salon gift – Nan Unkenholz
Rustic serving tray – Kim Mirelman
Chabad of Alabama Challah gift – Brenda
Fusion glass bowl/spreader – Norma Long
Belk G/C – Jodi Benck
Belk G/C – Pat Geldzahler
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Jewish Community News
Please join our discussion of Joy Ladin’s book, Through the Door of Life, A Jewish
Journey Between Genders, a memoir by the first openly transgender employee of an
Orthodox Jewish institution. The talk will occur at 6 pm on Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016,
at the Emmet O’Neal Library in the community meeting room. The discussion is
moderated by clinical psychologist Beth Jacobs, PhD, and Jewish educator Michelle
Konigsburg. The program includes a taped interview with the book’s author.
For more information or to RSVP, contact [email protected] or
[email protected]. The program is sponsored by SOJOURN, Southern
Jewish Resource Network for Gender and Sexual Diversity.
January 10: Free guest programs all day. Live Up! at the J and kick off your new year with a day of wellness for
your mind and body. Start your day with our group fitness launch. There will be TRX demo, senior fitness
classes, a personal training challenge, vendors, a kids’ fun zone with activities and games and much more! There
will also be a super special membership promotion for any guest that joins this day. Contact Monika Singletary,
M.O.R.E. Director, at [email protected] or 205.510.9027 for more information.
January 24: At 10:30 am, you and your 3- and 4-year-olds are invited to celebrate with the N.E. Miles Jewish
Day School Kids Club. Join us for a morning of Tu B’Shevat-themed crafts, singing, and more! We hope to see
you on January 24 at 10:30 am at the N.E. Miles Jewish Day School!
January 26: The meeting will be held at 5:30 pm at the Friedman Center for Jewish Life with a reception at 6 pm.
January 31: The Birmingham Chapter of Hadassah presents “Benchin’ for Boobs,” on Sunday, Jan. 31, at the
LJCC. This event benefits breast cancer research for the BRCA gene mutation that significantly increases a
woman’s risk of developing breast cancer. The day’s events begin at 8 am with a weigh-in, followed by a power
breakfast. Then the BFB Benchpress Contest starts at 10 am, with an award ceremony occurring at 1 pm.
Spectators are welcome at no charge. See below for participation rates.
Register before Jan. 15 and the rates below apply:
 Teen participants (13-18): $18
 Adults (19+): $36
 Non-benchin’ supporter: $18
Register after Jan. 15 and the rates below apply:
 Teen participants (13-18): $28
 Adults (19+): $46
 Non-benchin’ supporter: $18
T-Shirt included!
To register for “Benchin’ for Boobs,” visit today!
See p. 16 for more Jewish Community News!
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Wishing Mazal Tov to Suzanne &
Rosemore/Goldstein Food
Howard Bearman on the Bar Mitzvah of
for the Needy Fund
their grandson
A Very Generous donation wishing
From: Arlene Fisher
A Generous donation in loving memory
Mazal Tov to Bertha Luks on her 95th
of Fredric Rosemore, beloved husband,
Wishing Mazal Tov to Lisa & Alan Engel on his Yahrzeit
From: Roslyn & Charles Clark
on the birth of their granddaughter,
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Hadassah Rosalyn Haines
Morris Solinsky, beloved grandfather,
A Most Generous donation in honor of
Wishing Mazal Tov to Vikki & Ken
on his Yahrzeit
Naomi Ivker and her efforts in
Grodner on the birth of their grandson, A Chai donation in loving memory of
organizing the High Holiday choir
Bryant Levi Grodner
Raymond Thaler on his Yahrzeit
A Most Generous donation in support of Wishing Mazal Tov to Emily Hausman & From: Marion Rosemore
Temple Beth-El
Rabbi Joseph on the birth of their son,
From: Geri & Bob Stone
Simcha Shabbat Fund
Wishing Mazal Tov to Amanda & Kevin
A Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to
Sokol on the birth of their daughter,
A Generous donation in honor of our
Frieda & Eph Mazer on their
Evelyn Joan Sokol
Wishing Mazal Tov to Hannah & Colin
From: Micky & Stanley Rubenstein
A Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to
Helman on the B’nai Mitzvot of their
Lynette & J.B. Mazer on their
grandsons, Evan and Zach
A Double Chai donation in honor of our
Wishing Mazal Tov to Arlene & Milton
wedding anniversary
From: Jerry Brown
Goldstein on the B’nai Mitzvot of their From: Hannah & Kenneth Tichansky
grandsons, Abe Lebovitz and Noah
A Chai donation in honor of Bertha Luks’ Goldstein
Chico Bomchel Memorial
95th birthday and remembering the days Wishing Mazal Tov to Maurine & Jacob
Social Action Fund
when she was Rabbi Mesch’s secretary Halpern on the Bat Mitzvah of their
From: Nissah Mesch Mattenson
daughter, Hannah
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Wishing Mazal Tov to Marian & Myron
Bert Biel, beloved mother, on her
A Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to
Radwin on their 60th wedding
Jamie & Greg Odrezin on Daniel’s
From: Adrienne & Julian Brook
engagement to Meredith Averbuch
Wishing Mazal Tov to Pam Ruttenberg
A Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to
on her special birthday
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Daniel Odrezin & Meredith Averbuch
Wishing a warm welcome to new
Frank Brook, beloved father, on his
on their engagement
Temple members, Ami & Kirk Epstein
A Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to
and Family
From: Adrienne & Julian Brook
Bertha Luks on her special birthday
Wishing a warm welcome to new
From: Shirley & Ron Froehlich
Temple member, Debra Abolafia
A Chai donation in loving memory of
From: Carol & Jimmy Filler
Max Weintrob, beloved father, on his
A Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to
Margy Rosenbaum on her birthday
Wishing Mazal Tov to Suzanne &
From: Howard Weintrob and Family
From: Wendy, Jonathan, Ida Rose &
Howard Bearman on the Bar Mitzvah of
Bobby Rutkoff
their grandson
In loving memory of Eleanor Bornstein,
From: Sue & Albert Tuck
beloved aunt, on her Yahrzeit
Wishing Mazal Tov to Bertha Luks on
In loving memory of Hyman Tishler,
her special birthday
Bill Bernstein Memorial Fund
beloved grandfather and greatFrom: Arlene & Milton Goldstein
grandfather, on his Yahrzeit
A Chai donation in loving memory of
In loving memory of Reuben Cohen,
Wishing Mazal Tov to Sylvia Gouse on
Scott “Blue” Bernstein, beloved son, on beloved grandfather and greather special birthday
his Yahrzeit
grandfather, on his Yahrzeit
Wishing Mazal Tov to Margy
A Chai donation in loving memory of Bill In loving memory of David Kline
Rosenbaum on her special birthday
Bernstein, beloved husband, on his
In loving memory of Robert Anfanger
From: Doris & Fred Kanter
Wishing Mazal Tov to Susan & Barry
In loving memory of Robert Anfanger
Koretzky on the birth of their twin
Wishing Mazal Tov to Marsha & Harry
From: Thelma Bernstein
Asman on their 60th wedding
From: Karen & Dan Weinrib
Robert Spielberger Memorial Fund
Wishing Mazal Tov to Margy
Men’s Club Children’s Fund
Rosenbaum on her birthday
In loving memory of Murray Rotenberg,
From: Ilse Nathan
beloved former husband, on his
In loving memory of Nathan Koss
From: Sandra Jaffe & Barry Dreayer
From: Joan S. Langer
Good Fortune Fund
Library Fund
A Chai donation wishing Ron Froehlich
a speedy recovery and continued good
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Barbara Jaffe
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Robert Anfanger
From: Sandy & Gene Siegal
Wishing Mazal Tov to Ruth Elkin on her
90th birthday
Wishing Mazal Tov to Lynette Mazer on
her special birthday
From: Dorothy Ziff
Wishing Mazal Tov to Sylvia Gouse on
her 90th birthday
From: Marian & Myron Radwin
Wishing Mazal Tov to Bertha Luks on
her special birthday
From: Lynette & J.B. Mazer
J A NU A R Y 2 0 1 6
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Barbara Jaffe
From: Cherie & Bob Greenberg
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Barbara Jaffe
From: Henry S. Fowlkes III
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Barbara Jaffe
From: Carolyn Cain
Prayer Book Fund
Rita Laufman Youth Fund
A Shabbat Sim Shalom Sabbath and
Holiday Prayer Book has been
generously donated in honor of
Lynette Mazer’s birthday
From: Sherry & Jerry Cherner
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
In appreciation of Rabbi Konigsburg for
his support, care and concern during
Beth Gerwin’s recent surgery
From: Beth & John Gerwin
Edie Wilensky Memorial Fund
In loving memory of Jack Stevens
In loving memory of Gilbert Routman
From: Eileen & Len Levin
In loving memory of David Kline
In loving memory of Barbara Jaffe
In loving memory of Robert Anfanger
In loving memory of Jack Stevens
Wishing Barbara Gotlieb a speedy
recovery and continued good health
Wishing Roz Bloomston a speedy
recovery and continued good health
Wishing Mazal Tov to Dorothy
Dubowsky on her 100th birthday
From: Ilene & Allan Wilensky
Keith Altman Camp Ramah
Scholarship Fund
Wishing Mazal Tov to Chuck Altman on
his 90th birthday
From: Marian & Myron Radwin
Chesed Committee Fund
A Chai donation in honor of Lynette
Mazer’s birthday
From: Naomi & Ed Fineberg
In loving memory of Gilbert Routman
From: Sue & Bill Lischkoff
Temple Beth-El General Fund
Wishing a speedy recovery and
continued good health
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Barbara Jaffe
From: Carol Morrison
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Barbara Jaffe
From: Lynda Myer
A Chai donation in loving memory of
A Double Chai donation wishing Naomi Robert Anfanger
Ivker a speedy recovery and continued From: Sheri & Jimmy Krell
good health
From: Geri & Bob Stone
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Robert Anfanger
Wishing a speedy recovery and
From: Jerry Brown
continued good health to Howard
A Chai donation in loving memory of
From: Anne E. Cohn
Robert Anfanger
From: Marian & Myron Radwin
Wishing a speedy recovery and
continued good health to Ruth Siegler A Chai donation in loving memory of
From: Frieda & Eph Mazer
Robert Anfanger
From: Dorothy Shiland and Family
Wishing a speedy recovery and
continued good health to Pam
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Robert Anfanger
From: Arlene Fisher
From: Kim & Dan Mirelman
Wishing a speedy recovery and
continued good health to Albert Tuck
From: Diane & Howard Slaughter
Memorial Fund
In Loving Memory Of
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Robert Anfanger
From: Anne Cohn
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Robert Anfanger
From: Linda Cohn
A Generous donation in loving memory
of Ida Bolshinskaya
A Chai donation in loving memory of
From: FedEx
Robert Anfanger
From: Sharon & Steve Cook
A Most Generous donation in loving
memory of Barbara Jaffe
A Chai donation in loving memory of
From: Bartlet Jones Supernatural
David Kline
Detective Agency
From: Jerry Brown
A Generous donation in loving memory A Chai donation in loving memory of
of Barbara Jaffe
David Kline
From: Mutsuko (Rosie) &
From: Beth & John Gerwin
Glenn N. Foss
A Generous donation in loving memory
of Allen Lewis
From: Melissa & Melvin Zivitz
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Allen Lewis
From: Susan & Stuart Padove
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Allen Lewis
From: Sheri & Jimmy Krell
A Generous donation in loving memory
of Gilbert Routman
From: Leslie & Craig McClure
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Gilbert Routman
From: Charlotte Corenblum &
Karl Friedman
In loving memory of Robert Anfanger
From: Mervyn Epsman
Mayer Cohen
Irene Raymond
Bobbye & Michael Seligman
In loving memory of David Kline
From: Andy & Bob Bernstein
Sue & Albert Tuck
Cheryl Palmer
In loving memory of Donald Kahn
From: Charlotte Corenblum &
Karl Friedman
Marjie & Myron Butler
In loving memory of Nathan Koss
From: Cheryl Palmer
In loving memory of Manuel Mendel
From: Anne E. Cohn
In loving memory of Leonard Ludsky
From: Cheryl Palmer
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Gilbert Routman
From: Judy & Robert Rutstein
In loving memory of Betty Ann
From: Lynette & J.B. Mazer
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Gilbert Routman
From: Shirley & Ron Froehlich
In loving memory of Allen Lewis
From: Mervyn Epsman
Sybil & Larry Michalove
Sherry & Jerry Cherner
Roz Bloomston
Bobbye & Michael Seligman
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Gilbert Routman
From: Sheri & Jimmy Krell
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Max Mutchnick
From: Sylvia Goldberg
In loving memory of Polly Sokol
From: Carol & Jimmy Filler
In loving memory of Rosalie Teninbaum
From: Carol & Jimmy Filler
In loving memory of Marcia Jaffe
From: Carol & Jimmy Filler
In loving memory of Barbara Jaffe
From: Marian & Myron Radwin
Dorothy Shiland
Bill Goldman
Joan & Hunter Gordon
Arlene Fisher
Linda Cohn
In loving memory of Jack Stevens
From: Charlotte Corenblum &
Karl Friedman
In loving memory of Gilbert Routman
From: Mervyn Epsman
Penny Gordon
Pat & Neal Miller
Sherry & Jerry Cherner
Lynette & J.B. Mazer
Mayer Cohen
Hazel & Murray Pizette
On Their Yahrzeits
In loving memory of
A Most Generous donation in loving
memory of Abe Stein, beloved father,
on his Yahrzeit
From: Joyce & Gaston Stein
A Generous donation in loving memory
of Nesche Schattner, beloved aunt, on
her Yahrzeit
From: Ernst Billig
A Double Chai donation in loving
memory of Esther E. Brown, beloved
wife, on her Yahrzeit
From: Jerry Brown
J A NU A R Y 2 0 1 6
A Double Chai donation in loving
memory of Bertha Biel, beloved aunt,
on her Yahrzeit
From: Judy Michaelson
A Double Chai donation in loving
memory of Arnold Royal, beloved
father, on his Yahrzeit
From: Joyce Serwitz
A Double Chai donation in loving
memory of Catherine Lande, beloved
wife, on her Yahrzeit
From: Irv Lande
A Double Chai donation in loving
memory of David Levine, beloved
father on his Yahrzeit
From: Felice Hirsch
A Double Chai donation in loving
memory of Ruth Alys Brown, beloved
cousin, on her Yahrzeit
From: Michael Goldstein
A Double Chai donation in loving
memory of Harold Ruttenberg, beloved
husband, on his Yahrzeit
From: Pam Ruttenberg and Family
A Double Chai donation in loving
memory of Giza Koenig Horowitz,
beloved mother, and Sam Horowitz,
beloved father, on their Yahrzeits
From: Freda Centor
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Tobi Gerson, beloved mother, on her
From: Esther & Jack Levy
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Julian Levy, beloved father, on his
From: Esther & Jack Levy
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Molly Shiland, beloved mother-in-law,
on her Yahrzeit
From: Dorothy Shiland and Family
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Irvin N. Wolf, beloved husband, on his
From: Helene R. Wolf
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Buzya Vaysbroyt, beloved mother, on
her Yahrzeit
From: Yevgeniya Sheludko
J A NU A R Y 2 0 1 6
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Shirley Randman Heil, beloved
mother, on her Yahrzeit
From: Elaine Pava
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Duby Shapiro, beloved mother, on
her Yahrzeit
From: Sara & Kerry Shapiro
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Mose Zivitz, beloved grandfather, on
his Yahrzeit
From: Melissa & Melvin Zivitz
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Mike Gettinger, beloved father, on his
From: David Gettinger
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Ilia Burtman, beloved father and
grandfather, on his Yahrzeit
From: Dina Zinger and Family
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Rhonda Baker, beloved sister, on her
From: Debra & Jeff Lindy and Family
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Sigmund Rosen, beloved father, on
his Yahrzeit
From: Lisa & Alan Engel
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Sallie Olshan, beloved mother, on her
From: Melvin Olshan
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Diana Nathan Goldstein, beloved
daughter, on her Yahrzeit
From: Ilse Nathan
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Marcia Cohen, beloved mother and
grandmother, on her Yahrzeit
From: Donna & Gary Schiff and Family
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Mildred Goldstein, beloved mother,
and Jake Goldstein, beloved father, on
their Yahrzeits
From: Ann Z. Cohen
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Arnold Royal, beloved friend, on his
From: Anne E. Cohn
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Alik Zinger, beloved son, on his
From: Dina & Boris Zinger
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Sylvia Fineberg, beloved mother, on
her Yahrzeit
From: S. Edwin Fineberg
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Lovey Sokol, beloved mother, on her
From: Faye Rosen
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Beatrice Feinberg Levy, beloved
mother, on her Yahrzeit
From: Peggy L. Cohn
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Leonard Hackman, beloved greatuncle, on his Yahrzeit
From: Michelle Pake
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Murray Fisher, beloved husband, on
his Yahrzeit
From: Arlene Fisher
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Bernard Daitz, beloved brother, on
his Yahrzeit
From: Shirley & Ron Froehlich
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Joy Studin, beloved wife, on her
From: Rob Studin
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Jack Rubin, beloved grandfather, on
his Yahrzeit
From: Richard Toranto
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Sylvia Schwartz, beloved mother, and
Helen Blackwell, beloved aunt, on
their Yahrzeits
From: Kerrie Schwartz
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Fannie K. Mihalovits, beloved mother,
on her Yahrzeit
From: Barbara Randman
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Rabbi Abraham J. Mesch, beloved
father, on his Yahrzeit
From: Nissah Mattenson
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Harry Stein, beloved father, on his
From: Lenora G. Buchalter
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Meyer Koch, beloved grandfather, on
his Yahrzeit
From: Alan Koch
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Florie Krell, beloved mother, on her
From: Sheri & Jimmy Krell
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Bessie Zivitz, beloved mother, on her
From: Melissa & Melvin Zivitz
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Arnold Royal, beloved father, on his
From: Barbara & Stuart Royal
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Louis Budnick, beloved father, on his
From: Barbara & Stuart Royal
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Alton Dreayer, beloved father, on his
From: Barry Dreayer
A Chai donation in loving memory of
Helaine Jacobs, beloved sister, on her
From: Edward Levin
Fanne Cook, sister
From: The Padawer Family
Rebecca Fabian Green, grandmother
From: Ann Goldman
Sadye Greenberg, mother-in-law
From: Dorothy Greenberg
Sidney Mazer, brother
Dave Mazer, father
From: Manon & Rhodes Mazer
Buzya Vaysbroyt, sister
From: Tatyana Shitsel
Joe Stern, father
From: Bernard Stern
Joseph Weintraub, father
From: Bari Page
Henrietta Michalove, mother
From: Sybil & Larry Michalove
Fega-Golda Schuster, mother
From: Riva Hirsch
Morris Slaughter, father
From: Lynette & Alvin Slaughter
Max Senior, grandfather
From: Natalie & Albert Sikora
Estelle Koplon, mother
Joseph Goldstein, grandfather
From: Sherry Koplon Hoffman
Gertrude Grodner, mother
From: Paul Grodner
Grigory Golubov, uncle
Vera Iacubovich, mother
From: Zinaida & Lazar Golubov
Abe “Lige” Epsman, husband
From: Melba Epsman
M.H. Greenberg, grandfather
From: Bruce Greenberg
Yetta Sohn, sister
From: Shirley & Paul Schlaff
J A NU A R Y 2 0 1 6
Gladys Friedman, mother
Shirley Stein, mother
Max & Sid Friedman, grandparents
Gertrude & Aaron Cohen,
Ida Mae & Joe Seligman, aunt & uncle
Clara Mazor, great-aunt
David Louis Schwartz, great-uncle
Elaine & Arnold Royal, aunt & uncle
Cy Steiner
From: Tracy & Gary Stein
Jewish Community News
The Birmingham Chapter of Hadassah is hosting the Latke/Hamentashen debate at 7:30 pm on Saturday,
February 27, 2016, at the Friedman Center for Jewish Life. Look for more details to come on this event!
St Louis, MO, July 31 – Aug 5: open to athletes of all levels ages 13 – 16 (By July 31)
What will you do this summer? Join the Birmingham JCC Maccabi delegation and
compete in the summer experience of a lifetime. From the moment the teens march
into Opening Ceremonies with their delegation they know they are in for something
special… and they get it! A week filled with competition, meeting new friends from all over the world, and
helping others discovering a rich Jewish world unlike anything they’ve ever experienced before.
This Olympic-style sporting event attracts over 3,000 Jewish teen athletes each summer.
What are you waiting for? For details and to sign up contact Katie Hausman at 205-510-9010 or
[email protected].
20 Tevet – 21 Shevat
Tevet 20 – Pope Paul VI visits Christian sites in Israel in 1964, 60 years after Pope Pius X told Theodore Herzl the
Church was opposed to Jewish control of Jerusalem.
24 Tevet – This is the Yahrzeit of Isaac Klein, rabbi and author of a Guide to Traditional Jewish Practice, the first
collection of Jewish law from the point of view of Conservative Judaism. He died just before it was published.
5 Shevat – Thirty-five members of the Hagana who set out to relieve besieged Gush Etzion were ambushed and
killed in the hills outside of Hebron in 1948.
19 Shevat – Chaim Weizmann was elected as the first president of Israel in 1949.
12 Shevat – This is the Yahrzeit of Joseph Hertz, a graduate of the Jewish Theological Seminary who went on to
become the chief rabbi of the British Empire and the author of a Torah Commentary (the Hertz Commentary)
used by a generation of Jews around the world.
Shabbat Shemot
Jan. 1-2
*Levi Becker
*Arthur Bernstein
Rose Bernstein
Katherine Brande
*Irving Buchalter
Margaret Castell
Dona Cohen
*Israel Coplon
David Feldman
Milton Finkelstein
Sylvan Gershon
Emma Gessow
Roslyn Gilbert
*Ida Goldberg
*Sadie Goldberg
Helen Goldman
Fannie Goldstein
*Lottie Gordon
David Greenberg
James Griffith
*Eleanor Grossman
Lev Gutman
Alfred Jacobs
Pauline Jacobs
Marlene Jason
*Emil Klein
Alice Kleinberg
Sylvia Kravitz
Judith Ladinsky
Fannie Levy
*Morris Levy
*Nathan Lewis
Sarah Libby
*Malcolm Lindy
*Tillie Lischkoff
*Hyman Mayberger
Frank McCay
*Ida Miller
Ethel Mutchnick
George Nadel
*Maurice Nathan
*Irving Nimeroff
Harry Padrusch
*Bernard Randman
Sharon Rice
Sidney Rosenberg
*Aaron Rosenfeld
*Jenifer Beth
*Edwin Rubenstein
*Leon Saroff
*Chaim Schniper
Abraham Schulman
*Annie Seligman
Rubin Serwitz
Harry Simon
*Vitteh Skalet
*Nathan Solomon
Beatrice Stark
Leah Stark
*Lottie Stein
Esther Stelman
Libby Tuck
*Jennie Weber
Lee Weiner
*Bernice Weintraub
Shabbat Vaera
Jan. 8-9
Pauline Alterman
Nathan Boxer
Ida Brown
*Sophie Ceitlin
Darrell Cohen
*B. Dannis
Lena Davis
*B. Dennis
Molka Draluk
*Beila Feigelson
Charles Fleisig
*Max Friedman
Gussie Garry
Sidney Gewant
Marguerite Gingold
*Fannie Goldberg
Stephen Goldman
*Libby Goldner
Harold Goldstein
Philip Grusin
*Alfred Jaffe
*Sadie Jaffe
Shirley Kimel
*Belle Koplon
Roslyn Kutner
*Pauline Levy
*Isadore Lichter
Ernest Marks
Irving May
*Mervyn Mendelsohn
Elizabeth Niren
Mildred Packler
Arthur Perlstein
Rose Perrin
*Aaron Pollock
*Anna Pranikova
*Lucie Reis
*Harry Routman
Isadore Schlaff
Helen Schulman
Etta Shapiro
J. M. Silverstein
Jeffry Sinclair
Sidney Sinclair
*Murray Sokol
*Julius Solomon
Betty Tichansky
Alexander Zeltser
Carl Zion
Shabbat Bo
Jan. 15-16
Gertrude Applebaum
Marjorie Aronov
*Dave Bloomston
*Amon Blumberg
Igor Bolshinskiy
*Pat Botnik
*Ida Cohen
Joseph Cohen
*Max Cohen
Abe Davis
*Rose Davis
Sheila Downs
*Nathan Epstein
Elaine Gessow
*Bessie M. Goldstein
*Jerry Goldstein
*Josephine Goldstein
*Morris B. Goldstein
*Nathan Gray
Donald Hallerman
*Evelyn Hansman
*Bruce Jacobs
*Harry Kamenshine
*Chana “Bertha”
Ester Kishinevskaya
*Frieda “Fanya”
Gregor Kishinevskiy
*Isaak Kishinevskiy
*Jacob Krantz
Gertrude Lassen
*Sylvan Laufman
Helen Leitman
*David Levin
Jessie Levy
*Samuel Lichtenstein
David Masur
Anatoly Peremitin
Leo Reitman
*Yente Reznik
Karlyn Robinson
*Max Roseman
*J. Harold Shevin
*Celia Shugarman
Alex Silverman
Sarah Simon
*Steven Slater
Margarita Vega
*Isadore Warner
*Charles Weinstein
*Harry Witt
*Samuel Zemurry Jr.
Shabbat Beshalach
Jan. 22-23
Rosamond Abrams
Irvin Allen
David Bard
*John Bearman
Annie Berman
Dave Berman
*Rebecca Berman
*Jess Bernstein
Nathan Brande
Genady Bronshteyn
*Rachel Cherner
Therese Clark
Hyme Cohen
*Dave Coplon
*Rebecca Corenblum
*Ida Creidman
Harriet Damson
*Max Davis
*Dave Dimenstein
Bertha Dubbs
J A NU A R Y 2 0 1 6
Anne Fromm
Julius Fromm
Sarah Goldman
*Meyer Goldner
*Arthur Goldstein
*Jean Goldstein
*P.B. (Ben) Goldstein
Raoul Harris
Keith Hewell
*Lillian Jaffe
Adolph Katz
Evelyn Kline
Augusta Labowitz
*Dora Lapidus
*Joseph Levenson
*Edna Kamenshine
Beatrice Levy
*Louis Levy
*Bernard Lewis
*Sadie Lewis
*Joseph Lichter
Anne Litowich
*Ernestine Marx
*Hertz Marx
Alice May
*Ben Mazer
Sylvan Mendlovitz
*Haim Mouyal
Sophie Nathan
Isaac Nelson
*Miriam Newman
Nellie Palmer
*Rusty Radwin
Jake Reznik
William Rich
Alexander RobinovichShohar
Adolph Safer
*Philip Schattner
Sidney Schatz
Harold Schocket
Perry Schwartz
Eva Segal
*Jacob Shiland
Pearle Shiland
*Disel Shugerman
Ida Sidel
Howard Silver
*Linda Speaks
Joseph Stern
Julius Stern
Mor Stern
*Alvin Tenenbaum
Sharna Treyger
Nancy Wager
*Mayme Weinstein
Samuel Weisman
*T. Williams
Mary Witt
*Nathan Zarovsky
*Samuel Zeidman
Shabbat Yitro
Jan. 29-30
*Joseph Applebaum
*Roside Applebaum
*Ben Banks
*Ann Brick
Mel Bruck
*Kaciel Cherner
Daniel Cohen
Abraham Cohn
David Draluk
Celia Eidex
*Reva Engel
*David Epstein
Harry Epstein
*Sam Estroff
*Sheri Feigelson
Nisha Feinblum
*Philip Fisher
*Roberta Gerwin
*Frieda Glazer
*Hyman Goldberg
Esther Goldforb
Alex Goldstein
*Henry Goldstein
*Sarah Goldstein
Moses Golubov
*Rae Green
Nathan Greenberg
Ann Hasler
*Harry Kanter
Marvin Kemeny
*Tillie Kimerling
*Irvin Klein
*Walter Klein
Idel Kogan
Bill Krawitz
*Helen Kurman
Sarah Leaf Lande
Pearl Langer
*Harold Lapidus
*Mamie Levin
*Stanley Levy
*Jake Lipsitz
*Rachel Marlow
*Ethel Mazer
Fannie Mendelsohn
*Charlie Miller
Rae Morewitz
*Ester Morse
Frances Munchgesang
*Mildred Nichols
Arnold Roseman
Lena Rosensky
Ivan Russell
*Rose Schulman
Irving Senior
*Fannie Sherman
Ida Shugerman
Eddie Shweky
Maynard Sickels
Jack Teich
*Minnie Temerson
Milka Vaysbroyt
*Ralph Wilder
Anna Wreschner
Silvia Zion
*Denotes a perpetual
memorial plaque in sanctuary
given by family members.
J A NU A R Y 2 0 1 6
Every Shabbat we are blessed to explore our tradition through the Torah reading of the week. Every
portion has a different message and lesson to be learned. Use the suggested topic of conversation
with your family to spark learning and engagement with the weekly parashah. Be it around your
Shabbat table, through social media, or driving in carpool… grab hold of your sacred text and make it
your own!
Shemot (January 1-2) A Good Name: This Shabbat we start a new book of the Torah. Yet how
does it begin, but by listing the names of our ancestors previously
mentioned in detail in the last book? In fact, names are so significant in
our tradition the book is entitled “Shemot,” names. Rinna Samuel, prolific
editor and author, once said, “For Jews, naming has always been a way of
narrating history, demonstrating continuity, preserving the memory of
those who have died, and celebrating significant events.” (“The Game of
the Name,” in Keeping Posted, October 1972). Share everything you
know about your (Hebrew) name. Explain what it means? Where it
Figure 1
came from? Your thoughts on it?
Vaera (January 8-9) Moving to the Land of Israel: God shares with Moshe that God had made a brit,
covenant with the people of Israel, that they will be gifted the land of Canaan, also known as Israel
(Exodus 6:4). Just because God gave it to us, is it a mitzvah to live there? If we are to live there, what
are we doing to make that a reality? Is it a mitzvah to live outside the land of Israel?
Bo (January 15-16) Tell Your Children: The first Passover Seder took place during the 10th and final
plague on the eve of leaving Egypt. We are told, “You shall explain to your
child on that day, ‘It is because of what God did for us when we went free
from Egypt’ ” (loose translation of Exodus 13:8). As such, it is a mandate
upon us all to teach the history of our people to our children. We hold a
Passover Seder as a formal act of this. Yet, the Seder intentionally is held in
the home, so each family may share their own reflections upon our
narrative. Think of three things that must be shared with future generations
Figure 2
to help perpetuate tradition and identity.
Beshalach (January 22-23) Observing Shabbat: We are told in Exodus
16:29, “Let everyone remain where they are. Let no one leave their place on the seventh day.” If we
are to read this literally, it seems as though we are commanded not to leave our homes on Shabbat. Is
this the essence of Shabbat? What might be meant by this? How does one observe Shabbat by
the commandments as well as personal needs/desires?
Figure 3 http://
Yitro (January 29-30) Belief in God: The Ten Commandments are brought
forth in this parashah. The first is the declaration, “I am the Lord your God
who brought you out of Egypt out of the house of bondage” (Exodus 20:2).
Is that a commandment? What might it be sharing with us? Is it a
mitzvah to believe in God?
J A NU A R Y 2 0 1 6
The following was adapted from an email sent to the congregation in December.
Follow Up to TBE’s Dec. 6 Congregational Meeting
Dear Friends,
Thank you to each of you who were able to attend the congregational meeting last month. More than half of
our membership came to listen, speak, and vote on the proposed bylaws change, which was turned down by
a majority vote of those members in attendance. The very large turnout is an impressive testament to the
continued dedication and deep commitment we have for Temple Beth-El, both of which have sustained us for
108 years.
The last two months have been difficult, but this period has also shown an increased level of congregant
involvement as more of our members chose to become engaged in Temple matters. We often refer to our
shul as a family and, as families do on occasion, we disagree heartily with each other at times. Just as most
families come back together when the anger begins to subside, our hope is that we, too, will reconnect with
each other as one shul family.
Over the next several months, we will simultaneously begin three initiatives to address issues currently facing
our congregation and, in the coming weeks, we will identify a chair person for each initiative so that we can
begin moving forward in the new year.
An ad hoc group of congregants which will consider and propose next steps for this transition period as we
consider our Rabbinic needs. Members will need to be creative, open to listening, and able to address the
varying needs of our congregants.
An ad hoc group of congregants which will carefully and comprehensively review our current bylaws and
suggest appropriate updates. There have been several areas identified which need to be addressed as we go
forward, including absentee/proxy voting, the definition of a quorum, simple versus 2/3 majority for decisionmaking, and tiered decision protocols. Members with experience with bylaws and a willingness to research
best practices among like-sized congregations will be most helpful.
An ad hoc group of congregants who will recommend to the Personnel Committee effective procedures to
ensure that our membership has adequate and timely information with respect to professional contracts and
is encouraged to provide ample feedback prior to decision-making processes. Members should possess
strong communication skills, and experience with human resources and information gathering.
Please let me or Bob Greenberg know if you would like to volunteer for any of these committees and we’ll
share your name with the appropriate committee chair.
Whether or not you are interested in becoming involved with one of these initiatives, we hope you will
continue to help make a positive difference in Temple Beth-El. On Rosh Hashanah, I spoke with you about our
impending visioning initiative to plan for the future of Temple Beth-El. Much of what we learned from you
these past two months, along with the changes we implement in the coming months, will add to our existing
foundation of strength and help us build an even stronger future together.
On behalf of the Executive Committee, I want to thank each of you for enriching Temple Beth-El and to wish
you Happy New Year.
Loraine Reznik, President
Temple Beth-El
2179 Highland Avenue
P.O. Box 550220
Birmingham, AL 35255-0220
(205) 933-2740
Non-Profit Org.
Permit No. 889
Birmingham, AL
Toasting Tu B’Shevat
6 pm, Sunday, Jan. 24, 2016
Levite Jewish Community Center
Save the date for this cooperative community seder featuring four
courses and select wine pairings in celebration of Tu B’Shevat.
Dishes prepared by some of Birmingham’s finest chefs.
Event open to the first 100 registrants.
Participating groups include Knessseth Israel, Chabad of Alabama,
Temple Emanu-El, Temple Beth-El and the Levite
Jewish Community Center.
Contact Monika Singletary at the LJCC for more event details, cost and questions,
at monika@bhamjcc. o rg or 205. 5 10. 9 027.