Pompion Chapel News 2007


Pompion Chapel News 2007
Spring ServiceBrings a Full Congregation
Exterior o{ Chapel shows off its original colors
A large number of friends came to the Chapel on a lovely day in
ln{ay-,70C7,to celebratethe Spring Service.This rnay have been the first
opportunity for many to seethe restoredexteriorwith the unique coloring of the shutters and cornices.Experts from Colonial \Ullliamsburg
have authenticatedthe color schemeand feel lt is very unusual to see
this hlghly decorativeexterior painting at a chapel in the low country.
The Rev. Philip Bryant, Pastorof the French Huguenot Church in
Charleston,was the presidingminister for the service.The Rev.Bryant,
who is an old friend of the Chapel,
told the congregationof some of his
earliestrecollectionsof Pompion Hill
when he first visited there many years
After the service the congrega'
tion went to the nearby Cedar Hill
Plantation for the traditional picnic.
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Pompion Hill Chap
P.O.Box 727
Charleston,SC 29402
Mr. ScottR. Gabrielson
P .O.B o x 513
Sauing Pompion Hill Chapel
Tur Fnn SnnvrcE
Rnvsar e RnsroRED
Work on ceiling and walls ltas
been completed.
Mark your calendarsfor October
ZI for the Fall Serviceat Pompion Hill
\7e anticipate that work on the interior to restorethe ceiling, the cornice, and
the walls will be completedbV October. The pewsand woodwork will be restored to
their original SpanishBrown finish also.
will notify you who will be the guestminister at this servicelater, and there
will alsobe a picnic after the serviceat a nearbylocation to be announcedl
Come join us for the 12:00noon service,and bring your family and friends.
Left: Glenn Keyes, Architect for the res.
Right: Thomas (Tommy) W. Graham,
General Contractor
GnouP FRou BrnxnLEY
VrsrrsrHE CHepnr
Leadership Group enjoys a trip to
Pompion Hill Cltapel
On May 17th a group of about trvo
dozen young professionalswere honored
by the Chamber of Commerce of Berke.
l"y County as the Leadership Class of
2007. They visited Pompion Hill Chapel
and other sitesas part of a specialitinerary to learn more about the history of
their Counw.
Aduantages in giuing
appreciated stock
In most casesa gift of appreciated
securitiesentitles the donor to deduct the
current fair market value of the securities
as a charitable deduction on the effective
date of the gift. The donor thereby avoids
the capital gains tax that would be due if
he/she sold the securitiesand made eift
of cash.
\7hen making a gift of securities,
the donor should transfer ownership of
the securities directly to Pompion Hill
Chapel. Pleasecall (843) 577.7783 for
more information on how to do this eas.
TnusrrEs VISITCrnprl- To
Backrow: Arthur M. \Uilcox, Richard E. Coen
Front Row: KeatingL. Simons,VereenH. Coen,
RobertM. Prioleau
Yisitors Welcowre
The Chapel is delighted to encourage special groups, college stu.
dents, museum tours, and all residents of the surrounding area to
make arrangements to see this won
derful eighteenth century masterpiece of vernacular church architec.
'We have had visiting groups
from the Museum of Early Southern
Decorative Arts (MESDA), the Inter.
national Council on Monuments &
Sites (ICOMAS), Yeaman's Hall, and
the National Society of the Colonial
Dames of America, Region III.
Pleasecall (843) 577.7783
to arrange a visit if you are interested.