MY FATHER,S TEARS , after miles of empry landscape and empty stomrestaurant, scarcely more than a lean-to, minuscule a achs, advertised itself with a wooden arrow. We stopped the rented Renault and with trepidation walked across the grass, singlefile, feeling again huge, as when we trod deeper into that fragrant bus. We halted when a man emerged from the shack bearing a table, and a boy emerged carrylng chairs. With an arr of amusement all around, this furniture was set on the grassy earth, in a spot we lightly indicated. From the shed were produced in time wine, rice, kebabs, and Cokes, which we consumed in sight of the Atlantic, of beige cliffs, and of vast pasrures grazed by , single donkey. Wb were the only customers, for all we krerr, that this beautiful restaurant by the sea had ever had. sea, where Even on the rough back road to Thfraout, into the stony hills of the Low Atlas, with the gas gauge saying zero and not a house, not a sheep or goat, in sight, z little girl in a dip of the unpaved track held out a handful of flowers. The road here had become one with the rocks of a dry riverbed, so our Renault was moving slowly, so slowly she had time, when she saw we were ffuly not going to stop, to whip our fenders with the flowers and to throw them at the open car window. One or two fetl inside, onto our laps. The rest fell onto the asphalt beside her feet. In the rearview mirror I saw the little girl stamp her foot in rage. Perhaps she cried. She was about the age of Genevieve, who expressed empathy and sadness as the girl diminished behind us and dropped from sight. In Tafraout, Caleb could not stop staring at a man so badly crippled he seemed a kind of spidpr, scuttling across the packed earth on his arms, his little body dragged betrveen them. FIe didn't b.g, indeed, he moved about like a local figure of some importance, with urgent business to conduct. :8: Morocco North of Agadir, we were in our rrrorr minutes to dinnertime crawl b1', and '[, traffic on the road outside had stoppei. quickly, and were talking to the drir-e young man in soft-colored work clothe cab with bowed head, nodding, noddin questiorls. taffic was held up on borh stayed on our side, mere tourists, bur ir cult to see what had happened. Som. eclipsed by a wheel of the truck. Unde when the police fetched the morher. \ and looked. FIe was pale when he rerurned to ou didn't make his comical monker- tace. there was to see. *You don't want to sea "It was a little girl," h. later told us. The mother was short and \4-ore blac raced up and down the bare slopes oir road, splitting the skies with her uncrr lating, while men raced after her, rryrni they failed to catch her, the excited cr train of clumsy bodies her grief in iis trailed behind her. No American coula : she made; all the breath of her chest rr'3 the heavens that had so suddenlr-. poi blow. Ancient modes of lamentarion su formance was so naked and pure \\-e rri We had not been meant to witness m When two men caught her at last an arms, she collapsed in a faint. We found the climate we had hope beach there was a wide beach but. rhc i9: :6: Bas Pu8 uns :\: eqt qEnoqr 'tng qrBeq apF\ e sE-r\ erar.p rlsBeq eqJ, '-rrpe8y ru roJ padoq pBq a/K etErurlr arp punoJ aA\ rs,r,r'ffiffiIr"#*':tr';:ffi eqr dq raq pauurd p,, 'oJJoJow ur auass slqt sseull1K o] ]ueeru uaeq ]ou pBr{ eA\ l{vryyr spuer.{ Jno peuJru e^r oJnd pue pa{Eu os se/r\ oJuBruJoJ -;ed JaII 'Jeq paurulsns uonuluaruel Jo saporu luerouv .rr\olq e raq >lrnrls ,(11ry;arnod '{luappns os pBr{ }Eq} sue^Bar{ eq} olH p"rerndn Pernod sum ]sor{r req Jo q}Barq eq} gu :aperu aqs plnor uBsrrsurv oN .rerl puF{oq polr8r} qr8ua.rls uurunq;adns str ur Jerr8 ;aq serpoq ,&un1r Jo urerl E 'zna;S uleq] Jo plrorr pelrrxe eqt ta.l rlf,tur ot pelluJ dr.{r s\y' 'u/r\op ror{ uld of 8ur&f taq reUE perur ueru ol}t{rla ,8unu1 -n1n rer{ 'Suruaa1 truuurun roq rpp\ ser{s eq} Burrrrlds ,peor eq] Jo apls rer{}o aq} uo sadols aruq aqt u,t\op puu dn pace; eqs llrazr e ]noqll1le 'Tcelq oro/K puB tJor{s sB^\ Jor{}olu ar{J 'sn plo] retul or{ ,,'lrl3 ep}11 B se/r\ ]J,, .oes o] selt\ eJaq] 'Jeltrsuu slq sult\ u'lI oas ol ]uEA ],uop no1, ]Brl/r,\ Iulq p3>lsB eA\ 'e)EJ daluotu lBJrluor slq 3{Eru },uplp eI{ 'pBoJ eq} Jo epls rno o} peuJnteJ erl ueqrlr alud sB/r\ aH esrou aql epBru e^Erl 'Pa>lool PUE taqrou aq} per{rteJ acrlod eq} uer{^\ lpttlnr eq] Jo ro^or repulf ?rnr] aqt Jo Iaoqm e tq pasdrlca sB^\ olpunq Jo puH aruos 'pauaddr.{ per{ }Br{,,r\ ees o1 tlnr -gJIp sB/r\ tI 'palsaJalul ]nq ,slsunot eJe* ,rpls Jno uo pedets peor eql pessorr {rBW 'puor er{r Jo seprs qtoq uo dn pleq se/r\ rSJE.ra 'suorJsanb pa{se acrlod aqt se 'Eu1ppou '8.rppou 'pueq pa^\oq q}l/K qur sry ]surcBe Surdunls seqlolr {ro/h parolor-tJos ur uuru Sunod v (4oru1 /rsnp e Jo raArrp aq] o] 8urryur ara^r puc 'r(p4crnb oruor perl ueruerllod 'peddots perl eprstno puor eq] uo rUJErl 3rp ]BrIt ete/v\e eruBJaq puB 'dq I^aJJ orurlJauup o] selnuFu oql Surqcru^\ sruooJ Ieloru rno ur aro^\ am trpuSvJo rltroNl e711 ocJotow 'tJnPuoJ ot sseulsnq rua;in 'frlr\ ';lu -Eg IBrol E arlll tnoqe pa-\otu eq 'periul uea.r\taq pa88erp -(poq e1ull srq 'stu-.r aqt ssorru Surptnos '-tJptds +o PuH I Clprq os ueru v lE Euuets dors tou pini-,r ( rq8rs tuo{+ paddorp puc sn DU eq] sE sseupes pue ^(qredua passa-id-t; ,-,r aq] ]noqe se,n.r aqs 'palrr aqs sdeq:a4 ';; IJIE epll eqt aBS I roJrltu -\\aLLIEli ?:i rlegdsu aq] oluo IIaJ tser eql 'sde I inrlr r-il euo ' toPuLt\ JEJ uado eql lE Lua-t+ -rtr-,jl qlp\{ sJapual Jno dF{-* ot 'dots ot c--lli.,i: I : aqs ueql,\. 'eulD pct{ eqs -i1-to1s os '-iT u -;'-S Jo slJor aip ii::-rr ! 'sra,/!\ou Jo IryPuEt{ E locr llE PEor eql B 'tq8rs ut 'tEO,-i rr-r aptll ul dlp E IrlE Jo ]ou pue olaz Eurr(es e8neE srE aq: q:-ri ': ,(uots eq] olut 'lnoegel ot PEor Irr,l. { Jno os 'paqJaAIJ &p e dq ruurnBtser lryllnBeq sF{r tEB '-*}--:{ ; dpo at{} ere/h a711 daquop a16uis e ic Jo pue 't#ll, a8raq 1o 'ctluellY 3tfl _:r-, ll r{Jlqlrt 'sa>1o3 PUE 'sqeqal 'act: '3u1-rr lu peqs eqt ruord PelErIPq rpq6r{ }-u, l'lr erp uo ]as sB/t\ eJnflUJry slqf 'Pun{-}-Ir I uE rpl1ysJler{o Surtruec pa8ratua -irlrc E >lJBLIs otl] ruo;; pa8raure ueru e uou-u i -eqler{t o}ur -redeap PoJt o^{. uot{-t Sr ';i -al8urs 'ssur8 agr ssorre Pe{lB,,rl uoIlEPId palual eqt paddols a1y,lrorrc uaPoo-t E 'o]-uea1 e ueq] eJoru ,(1ec-recs 'lue:nels -ruots ,bdue puu adecspuel lrdua +o s; su v g J S.u E H J- \ I