The American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery
The American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery
Volume 29, Number 1,2012 AlurgRrcRx Acnnrvv OF COSMETIC SURGERY The AmericanJournal of Cosmetic Surgery FEATURES, Breast Capsulorrhaphy Revisiled' A Simple Technique Utitizing a Gore-Tex Mesh Use of Urinary Btadder Matrix, a Bioactive, Aceltutar Scaffotd, in Transplant Donor Scars and Androgenetic Alopecia, lnitiat Ctinical Experience Long-Term Cosmetic Benefit of Wound Heating by Betutine The 1540-nm Nonablative Fractional Photothermolysis for Faciat SurgicaI Scars ln Vitro Comparison of Light-Emitting Diodes and Carnosic Acid Effects on Keratinocyte Proliferalion and Wound Healing Temperature Monitoring During Laser-Assisted Liposculpture in Males The American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery Yol.29, No. 1' 2012 TIPS AND TECHNIOUES Technical Considerations Regarding Liposuction of the Mons Pubis Kevin Jovanovic, MD Mons pubis liposuction would seem to be an easy procedure, but procedures in this small area, hidden by clothing most of the time, have generated a great deal of controversy and misconceptions. The goal of this review is to examine the current evidence in the literature and try to dispel some of the mryths sutounding this seemingly simple procedure. paramount to maintain natural smooth transition supe- l\ volunteers aged26 to 53 years with a body mass index (BMD between 18 and 26 and no prior altering operations in the mons area were evaluated. In addition, measurements were performed for 13 female cadavers aged 60 to 95 years. The following lines and angles were measured: (1) umbilicus/pubic hair is the measurement equivalent to the top of mons pubis, (2) top of the mons pubis to the end of the labia majora, (3) lengths of the side segment lines (end of the labia majora along the inguinal crease up to the lateral hairline at the femoral vessels, (4) length of the base of the mons triangle, (5) inguinal crease/pubic hairline angle, and (6) inguinal crease/labia majora angle. Means, medians, and standard deviations were calculated for each measurement (Table). fions pubis is the Latin for '.pubic mound." The IVIu."u'is also known as the as the mons veneris (Latin, mound of Venus). The anatomy of the mons pubis, that is the area that is included when measuring and defining the aesthetically correct mons pubis, is the adipose tissue lying above the pubic bone of adult females, anterior to the symphysis pubis. The mons pubis forms the anterior portion of the vulva. The margins are as follows: the inferior border divides the labia majora, thelateral border encompasses the inguinal ligaments, and the superior border is the anterior abdominal wall (Figure 1). Mons pubis liposuction would seem to be an easy procedure. Although this small area is hidden by clothing most of the time, surgical procedures in this area have generated a gteat deal of controversy and The goal of this review is to examine the current evidence in the literature and to try to dispel some of the myths surrounding this seemingly simple procedure. What Are the Goals of Liposuction of the Mons Pubis? The aesthetic goal for liposuction of the mons pubis is to remove an unsightly bulge in clothing. It is Received for publication April 25,2oll. From the LVRI of New York City, New York, NY. Conesponding author: Kevin Jovanovic, MD, LVRI of New York City, 930 Fifth Ave, Suite 3, New York, NY 10021 (e-mail: drjovanovic@ DOI: 10.5992/AJCS-D- I 1-00020. I riorly from the abdomen and inferiorly to the labia majora and then lateral in a tapered triangle to the inguinal ligaments. A literature review about the aesthetics of the mons pubis revealed one article that tried to define normal dimensions to aid in reconstruction after abdominoplasty. In this study, the mons pubis was measured in 28 female patients.5 Healthy female Recommendations for Performing a Safe and Effective Liposculpturing of the Mons Pubis Recommendations for the performance of liposculpturing of the mons pubis include the technique that is commonly described as a criss-cross liposuction from both sides of triangle. Focus is on the central portion to allow the edges to be tapered to the surrounding tissues (Figure 2). Carc must be taken to stay to deeper planes to allow for debulking without complete loss of subdermal fat. Special attention should be taken along the inguinal areas to avoid injury to the inguinal ligaments and its contents. Occasionally, scar revision or undermining of scars is needed in conjunction with liposuction to achieve the desired result. 'uoDer^ep pJupuBts seFJrpur 9'Z 8I 6I 9'9 g'9 E'Z L'I VI VI T,I v'r I I'Z E9 (,(, v s6'0 6'L V'E 9L 9L vz9 v9 8 s'r t'z 9L 9L (seer8ep) (fl = e13uer4 suoruJo dr1) e13ue uroluur elqel 01 esuerc leurn8ul v9 99 (seer8ep) (e = ey8uerrl suoruJo reutoc) ey?uu euqrrcq crlqndTeseerc leurn8ul 9I 9I EI (tuc) c = eISu€lJt suour Jo oseq Jo sqfue'I (ruc) (eulpreq I€relel o1 dn eseerc pue) eqi 3uo1u eroluru q = Seurl lueur8es eprs Jo sq13uel BIqBI leurn8ur Jo I 8 €I ,l 8 g'zt 9'I €I TI €.I EI 9'VI IZ T,I *cs uurpetrAl ueel I *cls uErpew uuol (9r = u) (tl = u) ,(pn1g re,r.upe3 cs * (urc) (urqel Jo pue o1 gelc) u.rofuur ulq€l Jo {t8ue1 (urc) rye1c ol oullrrur{ crqnd @:c) 7e + iu - u = (e13uur.r1 go lq8req) roluur erqey;o pue ot ploJuDls/eullrruq crqnd (ruc) plog UDIS/eurTrr€r{ clqnd o1 sncrlrqun sluerueJnsuetrAl tr sJeelunlo^ eleured slueruernsBetrN suol I Jo slFsau tsJU eql q sql u e8pe1.r,rou4 ,(ru o; 'Jecs mlnJJrc IIBrus Surneel 'peleoq uorsel eql ,(1pn1ue,l.g 'uorlcnsodq eqt ,(q perrcdurt servr ,{1r,rr1rsues UDIS oql esneJeq UDIS eql Sururnq sua luerurulsut oql teql ez\eil lou plp eqs 'rolerqr^ e Jo esn pe?uo1o.rd qSnoqt peicrgur-Jles se^\ uorsol eql luql peDrrupE eqs ,(1pug lnq '1n;ssec -cns ueeq lou p€q uorleredo eql leqt perurelc ,(1er1rur luerlud eqJ 'uorsol eql Jo oJnleu eql pu€ ecueqduroc e.,rBeredolsod lnoqe peuorlsenb suzvr lueDud eql pue ue>lel se,4a qe,lls V 'uere crqndurdns eql ur Jecln fl€rus e pecrlou Kep uo dn-.lrlo11o; puoces eql Suunq'sre -11qurcd pu€ scqorqpu? qlr^\ 8urue.r,e etuus eqt euoq pe3.tuqcsrp sem lueqed eqJ 'eJec €rseqlseuu peJolr -uoru Jepun uem eql;o uo4cnsod{ luecse{uru pJepuuls € qll4a peecord oi peprcep 1 'uol1u11nsuoc redord rege 'lunsnun llq u lsenbal oq1 peJeprsuoo I q8noqlle pue 'Jeuu€ur ppcedser puu e1r1od .req fq pesserdrur se,Lr 1 'ueru crqnderdns eql;o ernldlncsodq SurlsenbeJ eru 01 pelueserd lueued eqJ 'srJeuel suotu oql;o uorlcnsodq JoJ uBluoly\ p1o-;uer(-gg e uo eleredo o1 peuedduq 1 I'L leqt sllnseJ cllerusoc '3urpee1q 'uorlce;ur eJe suoll -ecrldruoc 'se8ed qeIA pu€ $looqtxet o1 Surp.roccy slqnd suotrAl oql Jo 8ug.rn1dpcsod11 qlra pelelJossy suollec;1druo3 .sllnssr peJrsep eql sr teqt sselun 'suoru eql Jo ecue;uedde eq1 Sur8uuqc lnoqlrl\ se.rnpeco;d eseql elelduoc ol lueuodtul s1 11 '(g ern8rg) (suorsrcul lertsuerruBJd) s.lucs leuruopq€ pue '(,,1cn17dq,, 'er) u;oleru urqul eql Jo uolcnpeJ 'uorJJnpeJ pooq qll,!\ '$selderqel 'uII q8H] "(lseldoururopqe :sernpecord uorsuel eql Jo ,(ueur sepnlour sil4J 'seJnpec -o;d crlerusoc Jer.lto ,(q pelce;;u sr srqnd suoru eql suorlueqduroJ l€Iluolod Surplo^v roJ suollBpuatutuoJeu puB slqnd suotrAl oql ITaJJV ,{etr411eq1 sernperord rllorusoC 'stqnd suotu to surS"utlytg .1 e.rn81g :suoru eqt Jo uo4cnsodq ol flenbrun pelEler uortucrlduoc f1uo eql peuodeJ 'Jotrpe eql ol JeDeI e 'prlql eql 'eJerl pepnlcur tou ere os suorlecqduoc uodeJ lou prp /'seJnpecord crSoloceur(8 crlerusocJo ,l\erleJ e pu€ nrturolcelncruuud Jo A\erAeJ e 'selcrge o1L; 'selcrue E pelrcAeJ suotu + uorlcnsodrl JO srurel qcJBes Eursn q6g uo qJJees eJnteJelrl eql 'reqgnJ peurtuexe eq IIIA\ pue ernpeJord srql ol enbrun eJB 8el eql Jo eurepeqdurfl pue erune.redsr(q 'esn trlorqrlue pue enbruqcel ulnuueJoJcrru iuecserun1 qlr.lA pezlrururru eq uuJ pu" seJnpecord uorlcnsodq reqlo JoJ esoql ol Jelrurs ,(re,t suorlecrlduros € lsJU eqJ 'Ee1 eqt Jo eluepeqdw(1 pue 'urunerudsfp '(UrT suoru e JoJ peeu eqt sdeqJed pu?) sertrJup8eur ecnpo.rd EL ZI0Z 'I 'oN '62'lo1 .tra3.rng rlleursoJ Jo luuJnof u€J.rreruy eq; The American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery Yol.29, No. 1' 2012 3. Liposuction of mons pubis and scar lift with Pelosi lipo scissors. Figure Figure 2. repofted case Common liposuction technique. of a self-inflicted vibrator burn after suction-assisted lipectomy.8 Is Lymphedema of the Leg Possible as Result of Liposuction? One of the common vulvar medical procedures that has a high incidence of lymphedema of the leg is surgical staging of vulvar cancer. Cancer of the vulva is the fourth most common malignancy of the female genital tract. The American Cancer Society estimates that 3580 women were diagnosed with vulvar cancer in 2009.e Currently, approximately 757o of patients with vulvar carcinomas will be cured, making vulvar carcinoma responsible for approximately 900 deaths annually in the United States. Since the early part of the 20th century, the traditional surgery has been a radical dissection of the primary lesion with a bilateral groin node dissection performed through a single incision. The femoral triangle is bounded by the inguinal ligament superiorly, the adductor longus medially, and the sartorius laterally. The superficial groin nodes lie above the cribriform fascia in the femoral triangle. Careful dissection generally reveals 5 vessels in the femoral triangle above the cribriform fascia, the largest of which is the saphenous vein. The other vessels include the superficial circumflex, the superficial epigastric, and the external pudendal. Below the cribriform fascia are the deep inguinal nodes. The most superior of these is the sentinel node to the pelvic lymphatics, which is known as the node of Cloquet. The saphenous vein is key, and a review of 139 cases of groin node dissection demonstrated that when the saphenous vein was preserved, the incidence of wound cellulitis and acute and chronic lymphedema was significantly Only one patient in this series with saphenous vein preservation developed chronic lymphedema, a patient who received postoperative radiation therapy. The article changes surgical staging from the radical dissection used from the 1900s to the new staging procedures that are being used today for the past 10 years since 2000. Chronic lymphedema has been reported in l0-20%o of women after groin node dissection. This can be a disabling problem and is more common if radiation is required after groin dissection. Limiting groin node dissection in women with early cancers and preserving the saphenous vein decreases the incidence of this problem. A theoretical cause of lymphedema of the leg with aggressive liposuction of the inguinal area would result from sacrificing the saphenous veins or suctioning the lymph nodes below cribriform fascia. Is Dyspareunia Possible as a Result of Liposuction of the Mons Pubis? It is important to understand there many different medical conditions underlie the diagnosis of dyspareunia. The causes of dyspareunia fall into two broad categories: physical causes and psychological causes. Physical causes of dyspareunia are further categorized as dyspareunia on entry or deep dyspareunia. Dyspareunia on entry can result from lubrication (hormones, medication), trauma (circumcision, pelvic surgeryftrysterectomy), inflammation (sexually transmitted disease, eczema), allergic reaction (to lubricants, toys), and vaginismus. Deep dyspareunia can result from illness (pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, fibroids, cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome), infection (sexually transmitted disease), and surgery (pelvic surgery, radiation). 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