Most Small Arms Review readers are familiar with the MAC family of
Most Small Arms Review readers are familiar with the MAC family of
Most Small Arms Review readers are familiar with the MAC family of submachine guns, designed by the late Gordon Ingram, and originally mass produced by the Military Armament Corporation during the 1970s. The Model 10, aka the MAC 10, was manufactured in 9mm and.45 ACP. The Model 11, aka the MAC 11, was a smaller.380 caliberweapon. Several years after the demise of Military Armament, Wayne Daniel introduced the 9mm M1lA{ine submachine gun. The M11,Nine was offered in both submachine gun and semiautomatic models. The diminutive guns were sold through Mr. Daniel's company SWD, and proved to be very popular. The MACs and Mll,Nine submachine guns, as designed, have a fast cyclic rate from 900 to 1,200 rounds per The MAC-Walther 9mm magazines have metal followers that are silver in color. minute. Despite their RPM, the little guns are amazingly reliable. One key component of any magazine fed weapon's reiiability is its magazine. For the Model i0, Mr. lngram chose existing magazines, which in addition to insuring reliability reduced manufacturing costs. Both the 9mm and .45 caliber magazines were readily available as surplus. The management of MAC decided that they would alter the MAC and magazines, so that as-issued surplus magazines would not readily lock into the weapons, more or less forcing their customers to buy spare magazines from them. Model 10/9mm Magazines For his first 9mm Model 10, Ingram Small Arms Revlep . Vol. 17, No. 2 . Apr., May, Jun., 2013 '(l,!\s tIqZ ''ury 'toq Aq plos osls oro^r \dy. Z 'oN 'll 'lo1. Ma^a[ swv llous asaql 'apurdul/JaJarlJs apuru su^r lq81r aql uo ouo oql puu ,{uudruo3 auIzEBuW IuuoItBN ,{q parnlcu; -nuuru su/a lJaI aql uo oulzeBu,w aq1 'saulzu8uru lo{JururalJu rutu6d0l ly6 'qslug anlq,tlqunb poo8 u a,ruq saupu8uru oql 'un8 aulqc8ruqns TdI i roqllB1!\ aql roJ fuurure3 uI opuru ,{1uu131ro ara,u saulzuSuru aql 'uopurodro3 luaur -srury,{ru1g1q aq} .{q plos sB aulz ruru6'0I Iepohtr 1uq8yo uy -u8uur tuoc'pltoaaqSostu,tollowsu*ir :lb auq uo trVS llsl1 Wsil SAR on line at: www.smallarmsoftheworldcom magazines were modified GI surplus. The others were made by subcon- used surplus 32-round double-stack, single-feed British Sten magazines. A1though the questionable reliability ofthe Sten magazines was known to Ingram, the magazines were chosen due to the request of a customer. The deal never materialized and only a handful of the Model 10 submachine guns, all 9mm prototypes, were made that used the tractor CMP. Sten magazine. .45 Caliber magazines for the MAC 10 (from left) with 4O-round, 30-round and 10-round capacities. Most of the 30-round The next magazines used for the Model 10 were those designed for use with the Swedish 9mm M/45 submachine gun. The 36-round magazines were procured from the Carl Gustav plant in Sweden, and then modified by MAC personnel to fit and function in Ingram's submachine gun. Because of the United States' involvement in the Vietnam War, the Swedish Government refused to allow further exportation of the magazites. With the supply of M/45 Gustav magazines cutoff, the Military Armament Corporation began importing 32-round Walther MPL 9mm submachine gun magazines from Germany. Slight modifications were made to the magazines to adapt them for fit and function in the Model 10. The Walther-type magazines were the primary units MAC supplied with the majority of their 9mm submachine guns. Today, original 32-round magazines for the 9mm MAC l0 can be difficult to find and expensive. The double-stack, double-feed original magazines can be identifled by the "MP 9mm" or "MPL" markings located on the left lower side of the magazine body, a silver-color met- al follower and an indented vertical rib on each side that runs the length of the body. The follower springs are oval or round in shape. The original magazines sold by MAC have a high-quality deep blue finish, and often will be marked with the word "MAC" over a Cobray logo with a number or letter underneath. The markings are generally found on the front edge of the magazine body. According to original MAC documents, the letters and numbers were used as con- trols, while testing magazines of various lots and configurations (feed lips, springs etc.) and finishes that included oxide, blue and phosphated. After the original MAC Corporation a number of magazines were manufactured for the 9mm Model 10 folded. 38 Smull Arms Review . Yol. 17, No. 2 . Apr., May, Jun., 2013 €I0Z "unl'to141 'tdy. Z'oN'4I 'lo1. d4a!^a[ sulyllouts reqrl€c 97' 'S'n er{t roJ peu8rsap .(11eu -rEuo 'seurze8eu punor-g€ Ioels peeJ q >:> -e18urs 11ce1s-elqnop eql esn o1 peu8rsep se.& 0l Iepohl rue.r8ul reqrl€o g?' or{J seugzu8ul4l \- Sr'l0I Iepohtr -u3eu e1,(1s reqUEAA eql esn slrl uorsra^ -uoc ruru6 o1 97 eqJ ';eddn pele.r.req pue lloq'reldepe llelrl'eurze?eru €Jo esn eql \* q8norqt tulu6 ot **-tF' \\\,-._** ;' --.a-."* -/' \_ > > *\ *f ---.\ *--- .4 ---\ { *--- *{ sgl JyI tr reqrlec Sr' uo^uoc ol elqBlre^e s1r{ er€ oJerl}'spunoJ ruru6 erg o1 uorldo eql slu€A\ reu,ro eql 'seurze8eru ..un8 esee;8,, e,usuedxe JI -uI sesn 1eq1 uorlem8guoc reqrl€o St' € ol 0I JVW ruur6 B siloluoc f,11ueu -eurred-rues uorsJeluoc srqJ'pepeeu .(lqruesse lloq pue re,trecer reddn Jeqrlec 97' e 'uors;e^uoc eql eleldruoc oJ 'uorsJeluoc 11el,l^ eutze?eur ..un8 eseer3,, EIN reqrlec St' eql sr uelqo;d esuedxeTe8egoqs eurze8eur eql sseJpp€ o1 un8 eurqc€uqns unu6/0l 3y141 ure;8 -uI u€ Jo \-=* sJeu,^ao .rog uorldo Jeqlouy uolsroauoJ aulzuBu,lq unc asBaro erIJ ___"_ < -a /44 \-_ \ \-\. .JeAreSoJ orll oluo .(lquresse drt? un eql 3urp1e.lo, pu€ ile,&\ aurze?evt leur8uo er{l JJo 3ur11nc serrnb sr uorsro,\uoc eqlJo eprs uraop -eJ 11 eqJ leql 'uorlernEguoc punoJ-Z€ pve SZ e ttloQ u1 olqulre^B oJe l€q1 seurze?eru vJ1 paeJ-elqnop'1ce1s-elqnop e,Lrsuedxeur { \\ < "-{ \--\_ \-\" -{ *,{ ,*, *< P b { { .*.{ ..gsw** '8u1rds IIor punor u puq seulze8uru req11u11 aq1 ,tuu141 '8uur raq11e6 puu (ge1) e8u1upt s0l6l B ;o palquassuslp uaoqs eupu8uru gdg urur6 0I v ^\au ly6 pue lqgr1ue1d egt esn o1 .Q1y1qe eqt uorsJe^uoc uru6/0l cYhtr eql peroJJo eqJ 'pe^recuoc se.&\ uorsJe^uoc -eurze8erlu Vn eql'0I ro; seurze8eu IIo,4A lepohl urur6 eql ed.Q-req11e16 leur8rro go esuedxe pue e8egoqs eq1 sserpp€ oJ uolsra^uo3 aurze8ulq lzn aql 'urelqord eql ol suorlnlos pesrlap o,teg serueduoc elrlulouur ,reJ e uorlenlrs 0I CVru urur6 eql.+o osneceg eurze?evt 'suodee.4,l Jreqt eleq 01 ser{ roJ seurze8eur Jo JOT € Jeul\o un8 eurqceut,fte,Lg ',(poq s,eurze8eru eqlgo e8pe luog eqt uo pedruels o3o1 ..4yq3,, pezr -1f1s e ;o ,(e;qo3 erp e^€q .(gensn pr*r .(uedruo3 slcnpord 1e1e6 lueuodtuo3 eql ,(q epeur seurzeEe;41 'C,,11S pue gdg qloq roJ JolceJluocqns eurzs8eru e se.u AIr{J s€ u,t\oul osle i.(ueduoc eqJ 'Bl -u€llYJo slcnpoJd 1e1ep1 lueuodruo3,{q uoc'pltouaq{ostanoilorus'6t*6t :rb auq uo trVS llsL7 Visit SAR on line ut: for the .45 caliber round used slightly grease gun A new magazine catch has been magazines. M3 modified U.S. MAC 10 submachine guns chambered designed (left) to allow the use of modified or unmodified, and less expensive surplus M3 magazines. M3 and M3A1 submachine guns, better known as the "grease gun." Although the single feed design has often been criticized, the prototype of the M3 was one of the few weapons able to pass the Ordnance Department's grueling mud and dust test, which led to its eventual adoption. For the .45 caliber Model 10, Gordon Ingram chose surplus "grease gun" magazines, but MAC management wanted them modified so that customers would have to purchase spare magazines from the Military Armament Corporation. Unmodified magazines would not lock up in the Model 10. The government surplus magazines were modified and stamped with the Cobray logo on the front edge of the magazine body by MAC workers. At times when the inexpensive surplus "grease gun" magazines this period, CMP produced 40 and l0 round capacity magazites for the .45 caliber Model 10. These magazines have the Cobray on them in varipoints on the front edge of the magous will azine's body. Although they function satisfactorily, the locally manufactured magazines were of a lesser quality than the surplus GI grease gun magazines. CMP magazines were made from thinner gauge sheet metal and have stress lines on them from being formed on a mandrel; the flnish was a dull blue. SWD also used the Component Metal Products to produce magazines and related accessories, marketed and sold by SWD. Products offered by SWD will usually have the word "Cobray" underneath the Cobray snake logo. Model 11/.380 Magazines were not available, the Military Armament Corporation was forced to have the MAC 10 magazines produced locally. This proved to be quite expensive, and few were made. The locally made MAC l0l .45 magazines lacked the thick sleeve around the feed lips fitted on surplus M3 Many magazines for the MACs were manufactured by the CMP company. Some had the MACCotrray stamp on them. Magazines sold directly from Component Metal Products had their stylized CMP logo on them. (Courtesy Jelf Hooper collection) The .380 caliber Ingram Model 11, aka the MAC 11, manufactured by the Military Armament Corporation used proprietary double-stack, single feed steel magazines. The followers of the magazines were also made of steel. submachine guns and associated acces- Most of the original magazines were marked on the front edge of the magazine body with the Cobray snake logo, with the word "MAC" on top and a number underneath. The MAC I 1/.380 mag- sories. RPB reportedly azines were made magazines. After the Military Armament Corporation bankruptcy, RPB resumed the manufacture of Model l0 and Model l1 subcontracted their magazine work out to the Component Metal Products Company. During in 16- and 32-round configurations, and have a dull blue finish. Like most single-feed designs, Smull Arms Revierp . Vol. 17, No.2 . Apr., May, Jun., 2013 i J .rr € I0Z "unf 'r(ow' adv . Z'oN'lI'lo|. Aaldav statv '0I f,11I{ s8updg rapaod uollcnpord s0f,6l s ouodua,u 1sa1 aql uI sapou cllsruolnu IInJ puu JlluluotnBlrues qloq u1 ,(lssel,lAug pe>IJo.{r eulzu8uur eql 'dfgqElar olnu IInJ eJnsua ol sluorueaoJdurl roulur.&\oJ B sBrI gdg ,uou eql '8uru un8 augqcuurqns adl tr reqlluil\ I€ul apls8uolu (ga1) aupu8uru uru6 0I lv14l ornlruJnuuu fldU luacar V u81sap eulzu8uur uu nDwS .(ueduoc e .(q pesserpp€ ueeq ,(lluece-r arotu seq ruelqord dr1 pee3 eq1 'suel -qord Surpees e8pugec ur peqnsor eturl re^o qcrq.&\ teem o1 elqrldecsns p1s e;errr sdrl peeJ eql 1nq 'urelqord .(poq 3ur11r1ds eqtr e^los ol peuees lerlt pecnp seanze?ert..ocerd euo,, 1e1K7 -o4ur eJo,t,t. Jo uorlereue8 pJIIII y '3u41r1ds lue,rerd o1,{poq eurze?evt eqtgo do1 eg}Jo >lceq pue 1uo4 eql le .,se1dels,, Ielelu 3o JIed Surpesur ,(q 'perrorduu eJe,&r. sourz e 'reqle3ol -e?ewp1K7 C71\S rel€'I penl3 ere,u, (eq1 e-req.t gede Surgrlds ere.& ser -poq euze8eru ecerd-oaa.1 eqtr leql se^\ ruelqo;d Jeqlouv 'eurzu8eur eql aprsur spunoJ eql ursluoc re8uol ou plnoc .(1u -nlueAe pue 1no rea.& 01 gels plnorrt sdrl eql seurze8etu oql ruo+ spuno; 969'1 (leleuuxordde Suug regy'pe^rl-uoqs s€,la. usersnqlue eql 1nq 'ueql {c€q lueru -elrcxe Jo l1q e elrnb posnec sq1 '1ef7 pe11ec crlseld ..eBe-eceds,,,fteuor1n1o,rer aeu e Jo op€w eJe.r seurze8eur peeg e13 -urs '>lcsls-elqnop punoJ-69 le{l '[g6I eurN/I IIN eql uor{l[ ur pecnpoJlur . s€,^d. saulzu8elqpyf,yeuIN/IIhtr .STUJE eulN/IIN CIly\S pu" 0I lepoW eqlqlr.&\ oJe eJeql su suorldo aurze?ew.(ueur se lou eJe eJoql 'parnlc€Jnueru eJe.^ leql sun8 eurqceurqns II IIBrus oql ol enq Iepontr Jo Jeqrunu 'cr1se1d Jo eperu sre -,uolloJ e8pupec e^eq uelJo seurze8eru le{J€uueg€ perqceJnu€u f11uece5 'un8 eurqceurqns B ur esn JoJ peJeprsuoc ueq,lt ,(lrepclged 'seue,t .Qrpqerle.r pue ,!11enb rreql lnq 'pe;nlcegnuuu ueeq ol€q seurz€8eu 1eryeu.reg€ ror{lo 'suorlernEguoc punoJ -ZE pue eq1 -9I ul 'o3o1 4ry3 ere,ra. '41413 -slCI apsru eJe.l.r seurzeSeur pez11,!s € qlra pedruuls Jo uorsrlrp s ''cul '3ur1nqrr1 UTd,(q plos seurzeEeur eleus (erqo3 e .(1uo eq1 'o3o1 qtrr.r\ pe>lJeru eJo,{a dh[J eqJ 'slcnpord seurze8eru IBleIAl lueuodruo3 Jolc€Jtruocqns .(q epeu ere,tr s,(ep q6g7g4A eq1 Surrnp perntceJnu€u seurze8eu 088'/II 3vI tr eqlJo lsohtr 'e,trsuedxe elrnb fllensn llncurp eq u€c 08€'/I I ere pue 01€col 01 JVIAtr eq1 roJ seulzeSeur 08-016I Ieu -r8ug repeolaurze?evt un8 eseer8 gy41 reqrlBc a,. eql Jo uorsre^ u.r\op pel€cs € s€,4A 1€r{} elq€lr€A€ s€,r rep€ol eutze?eus V 'lool Surpeol B lnoqlra p€ol otr llnc -UJrp er€ seurze8eut 63E'/II JvI tr oql uoc'p|touaqttosut.tDllDras?,t4rttr :w aul uo trys ,lsul Wsit SAR on line ul: www.smallarmsoftheworldcom that manufactures stainless steel replacement feed lips for the Zytel magazines. The replacement lips are attached to the inside of the lips by epoxy glue. The replacement steel lips will only work on magazines that have not already been damaged by wear. The Zytel magazines have a plastic cartridge follower and most have metal floorplates. The Mll/ Nine magazines all have the SWD-style Cobray logo with a circle and the word Cobray at the bottom. SWD M11-A1/.380 Magazines The M11-41/.380 submachine guns produced by SWD were also designed to use the Zytel magazines. Some of these magazines were marked o'.380" on the back of the body. According to Wayne Daniel, the magazines were exactly the same as the 9mm Zytel mags. Mll/Nine Steel Magazines There have been several entities offering steel magazines for the Ml l,A{ine to replace the original Zytel magazines. Some of these are new manufacture, while others are cohversions of existing magazines. The steel replacement magazines are available in several cartridge capacities. M1l/l{ine Magazine Conversions The problems encountered with SWD's Zytel magazines created a need for a steel replacement. Aperfect candidate was those made for the World War II British Sten submachine gun. Sten magazines are plentiful and inexpensive; however the Sten magazines would not fit into the MllA.iine's magazine well. To solve the problem a larger magazine well was designed. The downside of the conversion was the old magazine well had to be cut off and the new one welded to the receiver, creating a semipermanent alteration. In addition to cutting and welding, the firearm had to be bead blasted and refinished. There are several companies that will perform the conversion and offer the Sten magazine well separately, for those who want to do their own conversion work. However, original Sten magazines have a reputa42 Left is a recent RPB manufacture MAC 11 .380 caliber mzgazine, alongside a 1970s production mag. The new RPB design was made slightly different to improve reliability. The magazine worked perfectly during testing in an RPB MAC 11 submachine sun. SmallArms Review.Yol. 17,No.2. Apn, May, lun,,2013 t I i II il' EN tt|Z kan[ '{ohI'rdv. Z.oN .lI .lo^.,lrar^a[ sutv ql*aurapun,(urqo3 aru*u aql pBrI ftI{S [q pasn duruls .turqo3 ,;f']rXT; -e8uu Bre qil\S u puu ouoglcnpord s6461 luuf;ro ue 6g4g ruor; aupu8uur aql :lJaI eql urord 'II f,yIAI raqIIBJ ggt'aql ro; saupu8utr4l aJnlJBJnuBru ^rau nbMS uor; 3ur1s4 uorlcunJ rog seurze8eru eql Jo oruos pernco-rd UZS '0I Ieporu uru6 eql roJ seurzu8eur olq€rler ecnpo.rd o1 pe -prcep (p1ogo gd1 tcunJep eql ol polulor .(ltcelp 1ou) seulsnpul gdU Jo $leel11 IIessnU '0I JVI{ ruw6 eq} go urelqo.rd Jo 8ur.,r&otr;1 .Q11rqelrea,e eurze?evt er{l s,{d,aN pooc oql 'sJe,ttolloJ crlseld pu€ serpoq qloous e,teq 'rueql uo s8urryeu ou el€q ,(1lereue8 seurze8eru eseql 'cu1 'eurz -e3ey41 I€uorleN sr 'sged-relunoo crleruol -nslues Jreql puB'eulNUIIhtr'II Iepontr '0I Iopo6 orll JoJ seurze8eu lo>lr€tuJel erou seq leql -J€ poJn1c€Jnueur.{11uecer ,(ueduoc y 'seurze8eru reqllql11 leur8rro eqlJo sprepuels ,Qrlenb eql ol dn lou eJB seurze8eur eseqlJo qstuu pue lg eq1 pu€ seurzeEeur ;eqll€ \ punoJ-7g luur8rro eql ueql re8uol seqcur 9' .(lelerurxordde seurze8eur punor-gg eql'sqrr letruozrJoq o.rl e^Bq se1elfuoog urogoq eql 'opls Uel eql uo pedruels ..vSO eql ur epetu,, osle sr eJerlJ 'eurze?ert eq1 ur se8pugec Jo reqrunu eql Surlecrpur peduels ere 99 pue 0€ 'OZ'Ol sJeqrunu eql Eols er{l Jop -un ,(poq erltr Jo eprs Uel eql uo slols sseulr,tt I€,^.o rnoJ .(q peg4uepr eq uec 0I Iepohtr urur6 eql roJ epBru operdeT peroqos eqJ 'cl1seld Jo epuru ,(11ensn eJe,,lt, seurze8uru esegl Jo sJa,rolloJ e8pugec eq1's8uq-reru s.JeJnlceJnu€u Jeqlo Jo ,(urqo3 .(ue;o Icsl puB qsrug onlq IInp rreql .{q pegrtuepr eq uuc seurz -eEeru eseq; 'II Iepohtr pue 0l Iepohl oq1 JoJ seutze8uur Jo Jeqrunu € peJnl -ceJnueru 'eesseuue; ur pos€q 'eper4e1 Ferogcs pellec (uedruoc eurze8eur y seulzu8ul,X le{JBruJelJy 1l{ uorsre,\uoc eql q}r.{\ uorlcunJ pu€ ]U osle IIr,r un8 eurqceur -qns relsoqcueT r{srlrJg eql JoJ peu8rsep eql'sreJJo eu lzeEert seurze8uur punoJ-g S uels punor-Z€ eql ueql f,ycedec eurz -e3€ru eJoru ue,le Suursep esog] roC 'pernl -csJnu€ru .(11erc;eruruoc Sureq ./(ou eJe reru,(1o4 go epeur seurze8eur uelg'seurz -e8eru a,reu asn JerlleJ plno,!\ leql esoql 'Surpeeg elq€rlor tog el8ue e8pugec eer8ep-g lceJJoc eql ureluretu o1 sdrl peeg rog Jreql o1 ..1uaru1snlpe,, crporred e ernber uago pu€'e1qer1er uerll ssel Eureqgo uorl woc'ppouaqltosunr4puts'dttud.t :ry aun ao vys tlry l h t B4 Itsit SAR on line sl: Russell at the recent Knob Creek shoot. The new magazines appeared to be wellmade and difler slightly in appearance from the original MAC/Walther magazines. Stamped from the original dies, the RPB magazine body is a dull blue color and the follower is blued. The RPB magazines functioned flawlessly in the test weapon, a 1972 manufactured Powder Springs Model 10. The good news for 9mm MAC l0 owners is the new magazines are affordable and they work. More Good News In addition to the 9mm MAC 10 magazines, RPB is now offering magazines for the MAC 11/.380 formed on the The SO-round drum magazine for the .45 caliber MAC 10 offered by the BARRELXCHANGE. original dies. The magazines procured for testing fit and functioned perfectly. Like the 9mmmagazines, the .380 mags are flnished in a dull blue color. One slight difference is the new manufacture magazines use a plastic follower. The magazines are for the .380 caliber Powder Springs MAC ll and RPB MAC 11A1. They will not work in an SWD M11-A1 originally designed for the Zytel magazines. For .45 caliber Model 10 owners there is a replacement magazine catch that allows both MAC modified and unmodified M3 grease gun magazines to be used. The old catch is easily replaced by simply removing the rear plastic grip panel and pushing out the retaining pin. R&R Distributinq" lnc. inv .r C!31 **crni. ianr,.qap::g sries rnd intormnlion 1.800-550 4CMP (4?67) VenCss&636'76 faisinllio.&rc4&_&6-7! Drum Magazines for the MAC :n..nlCUP4 ad CMP-tni ilP.&..p. Firing a standard capacity box magazine from a MAC-type submachine gun is a thrilling - but brief - experience. For those desiring more firepower, there have been several high-capacity drums available for the MAC. Over the years there have been several companies offering drum magazines. The MAC drums are conversions of existing drums, originally made for other submachine guns. One of the most popular drums used for the conversions are those made for the 9mm Suomi submachine gun. To adapt the drum to a 9mm MAC, an extension is needed to feed the rounds up through the pistol grip. The reliability and quality ofsuch conversions relied on the skill of the company performing the work. 44 &drA,li F6rC t3F.!l srlo &i e#-fi ".,%.2/, :&-"I1 " ._:,.,_"",_ Yod Prder. *JaariiArbP.blSU! -, $la$ . *95 & litl,&i2altn.bsr*i ... t9!, liir,lflili3li,:"i: : il;5 N:iiraio . illallrrnri 4tro nlnhblo ria4,a'..,.. _- ilil! ... .. ... tarti. ..-...... $lr,L, $:7-!5 tr:!a A il"rswld ndpla..m.ntaacls cU-53?l38md!€!n.h.rt I *i'r,6rsaiJ$a.r. .. ..i134.!t I01ni$., .. ., .,.... y0{ . ..94S *a;r.en.!rd!i.uh.L ll'1lt, .36.s .r.,t,{.t(rtlrrr 3 it6 1ilrJ1g.. .. .....w.$ ltlrs. I ir!1s .. .s4.& .-s" i..,, "*;::il"'":*.".,,,'Illllr:Ii:*i ItB ""iil-l-' .-' ."-''' ;i,".i:';?ir iliilllllilx$li:Il is} ,{13::' r&3dtu** lx - $^"%?'"';\ ,i:5d 9 i] l suarcasas - '-__-----i ardJrittf$.a on.h ltr*nrr!e*'d 'mh {45. 90h. 330 6 Ta..3J I . R.eiracB!en3.6. 16.4, Lir C*An SFirlJe '4rdv.r A-n. 41,'1'tr': ( 3 SE t&6 . .. u.*]aa{ $& .r.r 4n.n. fa.r ... 3[ ifia. .'s'on ( i,..\ I &r4h.,, trryrrrrr& tg.7s ; ir 6 .!J, b i*i. 3!& to rh,iDl!! rl '..a.A. rtr,:*s ,xir'", :ic, .' ii'r. I o*,-; nr tf,r.d !r.€ * .i 6:.. ) \. . ^f . '.., a. I !L-* lL,kr&:,:i.!,o:q..r r.irtrnli.ri. I lrjlrairrut,na"r.r{r.rt!.rjririi!e.,rr..l!r !,r*:r :.,..i I 3lrtra or.r*irh '* r'.r,,1. n.rii: B.: r,1 J. r:r!:...r i d.dnro.rqr F'i3'.r!. Small Arms Review . Yol. 17, No. 2 ' Apn, May, Jun.' 2013 1980s ad from R&R Distributing, Inc., a division of Component Metal Products. The company made a number of items for MACs and firearms. other tL|Z uun.( 'to147 ,tdy . 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