Libation Titillation - Popular/American Culture Association Website
Libation Titillation - Popular/American Culture Association Website
Adrienne Mayor Libation Titillation: Wine Goblets and Women's Breasts warrant 'rr .lil,i #15 :l iX".ll}r", -Sheridan, the glass ! School for Scandal, l7 7 7 Over the rim ofthe glass . . . -*,n"1"/i,ltria"# a*;'trii"J,ft xtrI,,.,,, u To "kick offthe new art season" of faII 1993 in SoHo, the New York Times "Styles" section (19 September 1993) featured photographs of socialites, celebrities, and art patrons attending a series ofgallery openings and parties. In the lead photo, Gwendolyn Fisher wears a "cocktail dress with cutouts resembling champagne glasses" on the bodice just under the bust. Her companion, gallery owner Pablo Van Dijk, pretends to hold the stem of one of the cutouts, grving the impression of cupping Fisher's breast in his goblet (Figure 1). The setting is chic, sophisticated, but the image, as well as its conceit, is an updated, elite version of a clich6 with roots in both low and high culture. The art patron's witty cocktail dress with revealing cutouts that appear to support her breasts echoes a well-known photograph ofanother art-world celebrity taken twenty years earlier by He1mut Newton, renowned for his contrived images of artistic decadence (Figure 2). In the 1973 photo, Paloma Picasso wears a cocktail dress (by designer Karl Lagerfeld) and holds a highbail glass strategically overher exposed breast. Picasso appears to be toasting her own bosom in a composition that is remarkably similar to the pose affected byVan Dijk as he pretends to toast the breast of Gwendolyn Fisher (Figure 1). Picasso's glass is tall and cylindrical, but the visual simile conveys the same erotic conceit of a woman's breast suspended in a wineglass. The austere straight-sided -upqc EJo asoql paqc?Eur,(1pag;ad suorsuorurp osorfv\ lsearq e;a;d uaurallua8 poJn+Inc leq+ (otuaq1 "reddrls sse13 s,e11e"rapulC uo uorler.rel uraporu E ur) prcs sE^\ +r 'e"rg "radde1,{ a{? uI z'(196T saqrod) ,,a1dura;, ,(neq,, s,uoonb aql ul padeldsrp puB +searq s.o+lauroluV-oTTBIAI uro.ry peplotu sdnc urelea"rod sarl-S alqrrt.-asor rnoJJo los snorueJ aql o1pa{ull,(1euoqrpe;1 uooq seq (,,1JDIS-+a11eq papa^ur aq],, palleJ saurqauros) sse13 au8edureqc (drlnl Jo o+ng oql o1 pasoddo se1 adnoc arl+ Jo uplro eq1 's"rnassrouuor aurrrr Suoury 'aay zzeg aq+Jo Ia^ou 9Z6I s.soorl Elruv uo pasBq sB^\ r{crq1l\ ,,'sapuolg eegord uoruolluap,, anbsal.rnq elqeldecce .(lercos aq1 a;ogeq 3uo1 pue '1re 'a.rn1e.ra1q 'e8en5ue1 ur parpoquo 'pelcedsns {e-ru-r1 uer{+ +oEJI+JE JarJEoq uolo sr slseaJq pue sassel8auua uoo.^alaq uorlercosse aq+ +ng '(,,JBrIrruBd s{ooT ssaJg 1eq;, 'aap,, :t66I {crur1) ,,sapuolg JaJaJd uotualluo5,,Jo uoqcnpo;d e8els 6761 eq1 ur sl.rr5,loqs aq1,(q rrJolv\ .<salqqnq urnbes pue ,ftiaqc ur+ES pal E q+I^\ alalduroc 'e"rq sse13 au8edrueqc,, aq1 Suqrc'uorsrar (roll+y(, B r{}yrt a}Iq11\ seltr41.reu8isap orun?soa denpeo;g pa+rparr {cIuIA 'sasse18 auEedureqc pue slseorq uaa^\+aq uoqerrosse eq1 uo pedeld 1eq1 sluarrale+s uoqsBJ rarlrea roJ .(olg erouaqda [sq] o] 8uI -dJJncs,, '>IcIuIA t;uel 'rapea.r auo luos '9661 ;equeldag 61 maN g66I roqualdag aq1 sau1 qrol ur ssarp s.raqsrdJo qde;8o1oqd eql 'lrB+{aoJ au8edrueqc e ur,(r"raqc e3o uorssa.rdrur Ieulruqqns e Sur,rt8 'acu;rns aql JBou +eog ol s.reedde elddru >IrBp ar{I 'sse13 'saura 111S z1to11o?aN ar{l roJ ureq8uruun3 dq oloqd ..'sasse18 eu8edueqc slnolnr qlrna ssarp IrEl Surlquresa,r -{JoJ E aJo,^A orull 'Jar{srd ur(lopuaAp .(.ra11ep Jo raur\o 'I I'd 8,, '1 e.rn5rg qlurr 'nurepreg uE '{[C UEA olqed aq1 q8no;q1 lseaJq s(ossear4 Surrvrer,r dq paleaJc oJnJSoJBrr{c oq} uI sse13 eu8ed -ureqc ego edeqs dllsoq8 aq1 u.recsrp deu auo'paapul'uo4epedxa sr{l uo,(e1d o1 sse13 "reurunloc 11e? B sasn uop,lalq '; dlueurorvr e so{ola adeqs sse18-.rnoq qr puu Ielsopad e uo lsea"rq e deldsrp laege ur ppo.& sse13 au8edureqc paruuols B SeOJOT{]!\ r'uor}ErcossB Ja{Baq/4seaJq Ieuo4ualuoc eq1 oldlm5rqure snoudSo"rp -ue lredrur o+ uo1./rl.aN Suruvroip 'sse13 au8edrueqc snoocelJnc e 3o elrsoddo aI{+ sI sselF peprs-1q8p"4s e 'sesod"rnd Jno JoJ aJoru lng 'su8rsap luecgru8rs rallrs pue plo8 ;eln8ue 'p1oq .,(rlervref ullo s.ossecrd s?uauolduroc Jalqum+ arnqnC n1ndo1 m salpnls 69 Mayor o.) pagne coupe (personal communications, Josiah Ober, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1977;Robert Wallace, Chapel Hil1, N.C., 1984). In the 1950s, these sentiments were supplanted by Playboy's expanded requirements for bosomy perfection. The magazine's heyday coincided with the preoccupation of the American male with rating a woman's beauty according to her bra cup size (see Stern and Stern 1990, s.v. "breasts, enormous"). Other periodicals in the "men, sophisticated" category are more up front about their frxation; for example,Gent (established in 1960, with a circulation of 150,000 in 1993) calls itself the "Home of the D-Cup." "Crp" (from Latin cuppd and German kopp for drinking vessel) itself is a predictable unit of measurement, in view of the tendency to identify breasts with beverage containers (the word coupe, for the saucer-type champagne glass, also derives from cuppa). Graduated cup sizing for bras originated in the 1930s, shortly after the late 1920s invention of the brassiere with separate cups created by sewn darts (O'Hara 1986, s.v. "brassiere"). Among the items sold in twentieth-century gag and novelty shops is a "big nipple that fits on the top ofbeer cans" (Stern and Stern 1991: 136). This crude metaphor is made aesthetically palatable in "sophisticated" settings by associating bosoms with champagne and wine goblets. The appearance of this timeworn image at elite gallery openings, in elegantly shocking photogr:aphs, and in debonair Broadway shows could be read as an attempt to appropriate and refine longstanding popular coarse expressions comparing breasts to drinking vessels: 'Jrg.," "cream-jugs," "da.rries," "milk bottles," "teacups" (1700s to present, British and U.S. slang, Spears 1981, s.v. "bosom"). Perhaps in an attempt to distance themselves from the r,rrlgar associations of champagne goblets and breasts, one school of elite champagne devotees has long argued that the "tall-stemmed tapering" flute is more "soberly elegant" compared to the d6class6 coupe, which came into middleclass fashion in the early Victorian era. Reasons for preferring the less mammiform flute usually invoke the physical dynamics ofgas bubbles, the bouquet, and other oenological desiderata, but the remarks ofthe literary critic George Saintsbury, in 1920, are revealing. In discussing the correct glass for wine, Saintsbury especially deplores the tumbler because "there is no stem for the finger tips to play with," and "a wine-glass without a stem is as bad as some other creatures without a waist" (Forbes 1967:362,364; Saintsbury 1939:186-87). Saintsbury's sentiments not only participate in the metaphor of wineglass as woman's body, but they enhance the perversity of the aesthetic message of Helmut Newton's 1973 .9267 'xnerquo puB pareq r.{?r^r a+uBqctBg Iec +sBarq ruord 'srnoJ ap oosntrN '.rar1san -rssBIJ BJo Suqured aqf 'ornllnc.{ oI puB qEH q+oq ur crueudp Iassal Sunpup dq 3ur1ure4 ('oJuer{)ceg,, 'g a;n8rg /+suoJq arpJo uorssoJdxa ue se peLres 3uo1 peq'1a1qo8 padeqs-lseerq or{+ sflg +Br{l +ueJrxo+ur oq+ sauocaq +sBaJq-sE-u€uo,r\ r{Jli{r\r u1 'qs11a3 lEcrr{coprauds srq; 'a8ed,,se>1of d+Jed,(oqde14,, aq1 uo sse13 au8edrueqa e eprsurpue punoJe s1"rolec ualJo or.I.^a s8ur4cols >IrBIq ur e11eun;q dlsnq oJnleruru eql sr eldurexa +uoJJncoJ V 'a"rer*sse18 palFolouao qlur saleruoJ polsee"rq-e3.ie1 papr pesodelxnl pue 'suoolrec (sluotu 1eq1 se8erur Jar1lo -as4Jalpe pagrlsnfqcrq,Ll'aur,trt, aug pue uaruo^\ InJrlneaqJo srnos srouuoc dlpl.rorrr ara^r srop€ar s+r +eql uorlou aq1 pelenled -rcd,Coq,h14 '9961 ur uorldecur slr ruord '(Zgg:Lg6D pueq ur ssel8aur.u e qluv\ (ssarp InJr+neoq aq? uT 1"rt3 p;rlneaq er{L porn+BoJ dllualsisuoc s"racnpo"rd au8edrueqc 1ee"r8 orllJo spe ,purza8eurdsso13,, eq1 's6961 pue s096T oq+ q'sa1ou saqrod {crr}Bd sv 'ftAU d;eruqeg 7'uo4ec aUqA4, u\ .gL6I 'uo1.rta1q 'ua1_uoful lnurleg dq qder8oloq4 ,,'g161 'zado.r; lureg 'p1a;re8e1 1;ey dq ssorp E pu€ ;aq dq pau8rsap -J€aal. ossecrd d"r1a,rlet plo8 8ur euoled,, '6 e.rn5rg -runruuoc l€uos"rad;,,elerABJJJo sarueduroc pBoJ pue 'sgeplcoa drur"rqs 's8urpperrr d4ce1 sse13 adnoc aql alercosse ,(11ngurep qlur -srp,, ,,(aq1 :((dcuepuocse ar.I+ ur a"ie d11ue"r -Jnc,, sopeuorcge o+ng'prr4 1ue;d Fadxa ourlu urapou olSurp"roccy'(ggg:196l saqrod) ,,d"t1socue crluerrroJ +sotu B etteq sadnoc 'uorlelcadxa Jo Ilrrql d;elueuoru [roJ] ''' e sacuarredxa ouo 'sesse18-aurrrr d, aq+ aprsaq sadnu saJrlou pue ruoor-Bururp B OluI $ll€./\{ auo uar{la ' ' ' 'depo1 ue^g,, :o^r} -soB8ns oJE spJo^/\t srH'uor1e1nda"r sroa8Jnoq s1t elrdsep 'ueluu adno) B se,/v\ ar{ +Eq} 196l uI pa+lrurpe saqrod {rlr+ed lsrSolou8edueqC 'G e.rn8rg) ralqiun? .reln8ue uE qlrrrt Sursod ueurorvr e go qde"r5oloqd arnqnC "rc1ndo4 ul salpnls t9 65 Mayor coupe goblet is a typical Romantic image (Figure 3). A nymph entwined around or posed inside a wineglass was a respectable Art Nouveau and Art Deco theme in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (Figure 4), and Lalique crystal stemware featured women's forms. MeanwhiIe, illustrations of lingerie-clad women suggestively frlling, holding, or offering wineglasses were favorite icons in "spicy" pulp magazines since the 1930s (Figure 5), and plastic swizzlesticks in the shape of shapely women allow everyman to have a nymph in his glass 6).3 The simile lends itselfto ironic interpretation in the art world and mass culture (Figure alike. Just as Newton's aesthetically erotic photograph (Figure 2) depends for its frisson on subtly subverting the expectations of his cultured audience, so the anonymous photograph from an unidentified men's magazine achieves Figure 4. in a "Woman Glass." Paintingby Leo Putz, 1897. From Rheims, Tlre Flowering of Art Nouueau. $$vsk&t!n [xffi 5. Cover art, Bedtime Stories 4, 10 (August 1936) and Gay Parisienne 7,17 (November 1937). Reprinted by Kitchen Sink Press, "Spicy," 1992. Figure .zz6l Sraqurals ur pa?urJdaU's0l6I'aurzeEeru s.uetu parueuun uroq oloqd .1 arn5rg seq ollrqeqsrp o+Braqrlop s(uoruo.4. oq+ ol++q .^aor{ alou) aJrleqc a{rl-a+eld}sBorq B olur alddru Jaq ssoJce srJE lBr{} our,^a Jo lueaJ+s e 3n[ e luo4 sJnod uEruo.^a ssaldol B 0I arn8rd uI '+alqo8 aql dq polonb .(lpnsra oJE suorsuaurp asor{,4 'urosoq paJeq Jor{ sB aueld aures ar{} uo lalqo8 B sploq uEtuolll, E 6 arn5rd ur pue 'B e;n8rg ur lseaJq auo ;apun 8n[e saceld pue uosoq s(ueruo,ta B JaAo lalqo8 sno"reua8 e sasodulradns 'alduexa JoJ 'ueruury'(uI -^:896I ueuurv o+ uoqcnp -orlur'"rau"ra1y1 pa4TV) sdoq.'(e1d {ue/y\s pue 's"raqde;5o1oqd +JE 'sJou8rsop uor -qse; dq'suorleudo"rdde uroporrr relrurrs o+ spuodsoJJoc sJnossrouuoc alqo JoJ scr -?aqlsae crloJa o+ur.({ue"r rrto1,,;o,,a1doed uor+E^ola srr{Ji 'JorlJBa polou a.Aa uoururoc,, fq padoiua sa8erur ;epdodgo }Er{} suo4rsoddo Jr}oJa-cqaqlsae d.rnluec ar{+ qlyv\ a}euosal lEq} suo4rpuoc ,,,,t1uo1sne puB dluepSue clq+oC,, u€r{? JaqlBJ..salJn, crureudp,, q1r,ta.,,,sasod anqsa85ns ur sasnuo4 -q+arlua,^a+ palsea"rq-e8Jel, JoJ ,(,, Jrar{} -snorlrcsel d1"reeq,, Jo sauaql 1so1. ol paJo}m ueruurv (..ssau ,,1ngde1d,, ur palq8qep oqrrt s;raq8"rnq ?uanUJE pue ,,suerarrled pue slEJJolsrJB,, aJala suo"rled srH 'ueuury .rele;8ua lerluangur d;nluec-qluoolxrs '7961 8uer1g uo"rg 'sse13 Irel1co, ur 1)rlsalzzrl(S rrls€ld '9 a.rn8rg aq1 dq palearc slncpoora Jo sar"ros E ur punoqe 'slesselSuulurJp pue s?seaJq' pue uouro,ta {urT ?eql suorl -rsoduro3 'do"rd e se slalqo8 aur.^ papnlcur .(porutuoc souocs Surlrnoc pue uaruo,ta. apnu s+nrpoona acuBssrBuou .fizgl) Jo tuoTnuy ur'uopng lreqog ,C1oqcuap7,y Jo a1omr,,';req1aEo1 dpounuoc oE,speudru pe1 -losaq a^Bq qrq,&'uotuo,4a pue our6,, '11 a"in5rg) ollloq au8edureqc pepuedn ue Jopun s?seaJqaJBqpadelds aas a.^ ,urosoq ar{+ rapun pece1d.,(len4se88ns ssel8 au8ed -ruBrIJ B pealsur :suorlelcadxa lealue8 Jo pedun qsrlrnr{c arues asoql uo 8uile1d dq arryruC n1ndo4 ul salpnls 99 67 Mayor changed since Amman's day: cf. Figure 7). Refrned gentlemen appear to toast ladies with bumpers ofwine in Figure 11; they lift their cuPs to the level of the women's bustlines. Indeed, traditions about the origins oftoasting also pair women's beauty and wine in ways that commingle refinement and vulgarity. Toasting was supposedly inaugurated when a beau pledged his love to a well-known beauty in the court of Charles II (1630-85) with "a glass of water Figure 8. "Blank escutcheon," woman with taken from her bath."a The anug and wine-bowl, woodcut by Jost Amman, tiquity of the gesture of "toast- 1539-9f ingl' a woman's breast with a wine-cup is suggested by the typical erotic scene painted on a fifth-century B.C. drinking cup from ancient Greece (Figure 12). In Figure 13, Amman places a large "double bumper" between a courting couple. A bumper is a wine chalice fi11ed to the brim, often decorated with bulging bosses, as in Figures 1 1 and 13; "bumper" also refers to something unusually large or abundant ( 1600s on, from bump, to bulge, swell out, or be protuberant). By drawing the viewer's eye to the bumper's two bulging globes placed immediately next to the bod- ice of the elegantly dressed lady, Amman transposes and reveals the woman's bosom in the wine goblet. We should also note that "breast" is one of the dictionary meanings of "bump," and that "bumpers" is British and U. S. slang for breasts (since the mid-1900s).5 The connotations ofthe word "cock- tail" also drawtogetherwomen and Figure 9. Woodcut, bare-breasted woman with goblet. Amman. 'ueurluv 'sradumq qll.&\ sarpEl lsEol uaIII .sln)poola .II aJn5rjl pa^Lrop oABr{ ol posoddns sB1( <.lre+{cor, ,0g6I ,z{oog l?D?tlJoC tioang qcte ar{+ o+ Surp"roccy '(gg-99 .dd ,g96I sl ag) slre}{coc olros o+ spreru_req se sallasruoq+ pesm5sry oq1( sarpel..alrla,, polrcap puB .(ossecrd +uapeaap 8,, o+ {uprp aq} pauequdaq;,,,'4"reds 1no-rrJo.{4. ar{lJo acur,ro.rd,,.re.BInAor{+ ureruaJ ppoqs +Bq^\,,a1qe1epd pue e1qe1cedsaJ,, sa{eru }Bq? (uorle^rlr1,,Eur1e1p1r1 B liel{coc aq1 Suqpc ,uorlelouur aq1 lsure8e palrer scT}IJC ,,.alqqnq plue zzrJ,, ,(lq8neu pue ,,d1r1oru"rg Jr+caq,, s(BJo ar{} q1m. Surdea{ ul (,,'ssaJp IIB+>Iaoc,,'A's,986I BJeH(O) 'ueruruy 'a)r1erlc o1 3n[ uro"rg Eur"rnd ueruo.&\ palsea"rq-a"req'1ncpoo16 . g1 a"rn8rg Surleazre"r d1"re.r.a1c pue,elnurur -aq1-o1-dn '1eru"roJur (sr ruls puB) se.u ssarp Ire+{coc pcrddl aql pue 'luearrqnl Ieraos B sB Jauurp aJoJoq palJos sgrluade +uacsalJaJle .{ueur Jo auo ore slre+{roc auEedueq3 '(Tg-09:Ig6I spunurpg) serl"red IrB+>IJoc pue slreplcoc qlr.^a Euop 's0Z6I aq+ ur palualur sera ssoJp Irel -{roc ar{J '(Z pue 1 se"in8rg) salatJ aq+ pue uo1raN .{q sqde"r8oloqd aq+ q se 'sessa"rp l?D?tpoc rrropou Jo socrpoq aql uo "readde ppoqs sa8erur sse18-eu8edrueqc 1eq1 dl"reperlred sr +r os ,.ronbr1 8uT++U arnlruC ntyndo4 u salpnls 89 a Mayor 69 from "Princess Cocktel, daughter ofKingAxolotl VIII ofMexico" (quoted by Bevis 1968, pp. 6364); other versions mention "an Aztec princess Xochitl, who is supposed to have given a drink to the king with romantic results" (Evans 1981, s.v. "cocktail"). On the other hand, "cocktail" was aiso nineteenth-century slang for aharlot (Spears, 1981, s.v. "cocktail"). Once again, popular culture nurtures high culture's tastes. Notably, the notorious knockout Helen of Troy was celebrated in earlier times as the inventor of the "cocktail," since in Homer's Odyssev she originated the idea of serving wine as an aperitif before the meal. Helen, the classical embodiment ofideal feminine beauty, was also famed for shamelessly exposingher splendorous breast to save herlife at a crucial moment (Homer Od. 4.220; Pliny the Elder Nat. Hist. 23.23; Little lliad fragment). Thus "cocktails" and bared breasts have been implicitly linked in literature, art) and legend since Figure 12. Satyr toasting maenad with drinking horn. Painted rhyton,43O B.C. antiquity. Ifthe compelling logic of equatperfectly proportioned bosoms ing and wine goblets is as unavoidable and pervasive as this brief review ofthe history of the clich6 suggests, it should come as no surprise to discover the comparison explicitly expressed in yet another Helen legend. According to Pliny the Elder, writing during the reign of Nero in the first century A.D., tourists visiting the island of Rhodes could admire an exquisite electrumcalix (chalice or wine-cup) in the local temple of Athena. This celebrated silver and gold cup was said to have Figure 13. Woodcut, "Gentleman and lady and man with double bumper." Amman. 70 Studies in Popular Culture been a gift from Helen herself. The vessel's real claim to fame, however, was not its precious metal or its antiquity, but the popular belief that the goblet had been fashioned to perfectly represent Helen's fabled breast (Pliny 23.81). In the 1920s, Maurice des Ombiaux, the prolific French wine enthusiast, elaborated on this legend in "Le Sein d'H6ldne" (The Breast of Helen). In his sensual and risqu6 narrative, Dionysus, Apollo, and Venus "decided to associate Helen with the enchanted juice of the grape . . . by raising to their lips a chalice molded from her breast." They summoned Helen's lover Paris to take a wax impression of her unveiled breast (pink as the dawn, white as milk, with a nipple like a berry, and glowing like an alabaster vase). "As soon llte coupe had been fa'shioned" from the wax form, it was raised to the lips of Helen's suitors, each of whom "experienced the divine illusion that he was drinking from the breast of' the most beautiful woman in the world (translated in Forbes 1967:363). 55 AikenAvenue Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Notes 1 See Edmunds 1981 for a structuralist analysis of the ambivalent meanings of the martini and other popular drinks. A bold, masculine drink like the martini demands a nononsense straight-sided glass, hence the traditional con-shaped martini glass (pp.21,26, 79, 105-107). Edmunds discusses the sexual symbolism ofcocktails in literature from Scott Fitzgerald to James Bond, including the poem used in the second epigraph. conversations with Robert Wallace and Josh Ober first brought the popular associations between champagne classes and breasts to my attention. I thank Josh Ober for helpful comments. 2 where, presumably, the queen liked to dress in the costume of a milkmaid. one of still exists, inthehands oftheAntique companyofNewyork,Inc.: a colorphoto of it appears on the dust-jacket of the third edition (1g77) of Forbes's 1g6T book Champagne.Iamgrateful to FrankPrialforthis informationandreferringmeto Forbes's these cups book. 3 see strang's working women: An Appealing Look at the Appalring [.Jses and Abuses of the Feminine Form (1984) for examples of plastic drink accessories in the shapes of curyaceous women and fine crystal glasses in feminine forms, esp. pp. 18,20, 61. I thank Marcia Mogelonsky for bringing Strang,s book to my attention. a Reported in Tatler, .,o. 24, quoted in Evans 1981, s.v. ,.Toast.,, Cf. the rrrlgar twentieth-century expression, "I'd drink her bath water.,, Mayor 71 5 Whether or not "bumpers" for breasts is related directly to brim-frlled toasting cups, or inspired by the automotive term, the same root is involved: "bump," something that protrudes. See Spears l98l; Webster's Srd; Random House Dictionary; ODE;, s.vv. "bump," "bumpers." Works Cited Amman,Jost. 196S.PictorialArchiueofDecoratiueRenaissanceWoodcuts. Mineola,N.Y.: Dover. Edmunds, Lowell. 1981.The SiluerBullet:TheMartiniinAmericanCiuilizalioz. Conn.: Greenwood Press. Westport, Evans, Ivor H., ed. 1981. Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase andFable. New York: Harper & Row. "Evening Hours: A Chock-Full Block Full of Art." Photos by Bill Cunningham . New York Times,79 September 1993, Styles section, p. 8. Forbes, Patrick. 7967. Champagne: The Wine, the Land and the People. London: Victor Gollancz. Hillier, Bevis. 1968. Art Deco of the 20s and 30s. New York: Dutton. Newton, Helmut. 1976.White Women. New York: Stonehill. O'Hara, G. 1986. The Encyclopedia of Fashion. New York: Abrams. Ombiaux, Maurice des. 1925. Le Gotha des Vins de France. Paris: Payot. Rheims, Maurice. N.d. [ca. 19731. The Flowering of Art Nouueau. New York: Abrams. Saintsbury, George. i19201 1939. Notes on a Cellar-Book London: Macmillan. Spears, Richard. 1981. Slang and Euphemism. Middle Village, N.Y.: Jonathan David. "Spicy: Naughty'30s Pulp Covers." 1992. Princeton, Wisc.: Kitchen Sink Press. Stern, Jane, and Michael Stern. 1990. The Encyclopedia of Bad ?osle. New York: Harper Collins. Sternberg, Jacques. 1972. Kitsch. New York: St. Martin's Press. Strang, Jessica. 1984. Working Women: An Appealing Look at the Appalling [Jses and Abuses of the Feminine Form. New York: Abrams. Vinick, Larry. "Gee, That Dress Looks Familiar." Letter to the Styles Editor. New York Times. 26 September 1993.
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