May 2, 2013 - Canterbury Christian School


May 2, 2013 - Canterbury Christian School
The Stunning Green Vine Snake
Canterbury Tales
Now the serpent was
more subtle than any
beast of the field
which the LORD God
had made. And he
said unto the woman,
Yea, hath God said?
Genesis 3:1
May 2, 2013
Training students in the knowledge
of God and the Christian way of life.
Kudos to the Third Grade Class for their enjoyable
rendition of Marco Comes Late in Friday’s Chapel!
Marco Comes Late was written by the late Dr. Seuss in
1950. The presentation was appreciated by everyone!
to Charmaine Mao for her assistance
this afternoon in qualifying Canterbury students in the
third Presidential Fitness Challenge event: the V-Sit Reach!
All that now remains are the Sit-Ups and Push-Ups!! We
thank God for the students’ enthusiasm and enjoyment!
DEEP APPRECIATION is also extended to all who
participated in the class birthday bouquets for Mrs.
Milbank yesterday.
The “finished products” were
beautiful and each class felt so proud to honor
Canterbury’s former principal on her birthday with such
special deliveries. Mrs. Milbank was deeply touched to
receive such a gift of love on her special day!
The tuition payment for
May is due on Wednesday
of next week, May 1. This is
the final payment for the
2012-2013 school year.
When the sun comes out to play, it makes for a delightful day…
Photo by Gabriel Liu
Suffer the little children to come unto
me, and forbid them not: for of such is
the Kingdom of God (St. Mark 10:14).
Greg Cynaumon, Ph. D.
Bible Trivia from Bible
Trivia Quiz Book, by
May 3
Chapel – Penmanship Awards
May 10
Washington DC Chapel Presentation
May 12
Mother’s Day
May 16
Math Olympics (Grades 3-6)
May 17
Chapel Chimes & Bells (Grades 4-6)
Convalescent Program Following (Grades 5-6)
May 22
Last Day to Check Out Books
May 24
Chapel – Choir Presentations
May 27
Memorial Day (No School)
May 29
Library Book Returns
June 2
Hand Bells -- St. Paul’s Anglican Church (10:30 AM)
June 3
Library Book Returns
Parents and family members are cordially invited to attend daily
Chapel services. Upcoming Chapel lessons are as follows:
Monday (5-6)
Ecclesiastes 11:1-2 – Diversification
Tuesday (5-7)
St. Luke 6:43-45 – Good & Bad Fruit Trees
Wednesday (5-8) Ecclesiastes 11:3-6 – Personal Responsibility
Thursday (5-9)
St. Mark 2:17 – The Physician and the Sick
Friday (5-10)
Chapel – Washington, D.C. Presentation (6th Grade)
Dear Parents,
All “past due” tuition and fee payments (and penalties) need
to be paid by the end of the month of May. Report cards and
records cannot be distributed as requested if there are
outstanding bills. The laborer is worthy of his hire (St. Luke
Thank you. The Office.
For peace of mind, resign
as general manager
of the universe.
Cease striving and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10 NASB
Two more asphalt test patches
have been “put down” between
the Chapel and the rectory.
These should allow us to
complete preparations for the
resurfacing of the parking lot
once school is dismissed for the
summer! Feel free to drive over
them without worry of damage to
your vehicle or to the test patch
We still are looking for one more
man or woman to assist with
squeegee” later in June. Please
contact the office if you would be
available to help on selected
Thank you. The Office
Isaac Watts (1674-1748)
Isaac Watts, author of 750 hymns, is considered
the father of English hymnody or hymn writing.
On one occasion later in life a parade in his honor
was held in London. The streets were lined with
admiring people. Watts was a small man with a
large mind. As the parade passed, one woman
cried out in astonished, “What? You’re Isaac
Immediately Watts stood in the carriage and
responded, “Madam, could I in fancy grasp the
poles and hold creation in my hand, Iwould still be
measured by my mind, for the mind is the measure
of a man.”
Let this mind be in you, which was
also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5)
The principal parts of the verb SINK are sink, sank, sunk. The most common
error is that of confusing the past tense (sank) with the past participle (sunk).
INCORRECT: My boat sunk last night.
CORRECT: My boat sank last night.
INCORRECT: My boat has sank.
CORRECT: My boat has sunk.
CAPE Outlook
May 2013
Study Finds Advantages for Students in Faith-Based Schools
Religious schools have higher academic
performance, narrower achievement gaps, and
better behavioral outcomes than traditional
public schools and public charter schools,
according to findings from a meta-analysis of
90 studies on the effects of schools conducted
by William Jeynes, senior fellow at the
Witherspoon Institute in Princeton, NJ, and a
professor at California State University, Long
Jeynes calls religious schools "the best hope
for American education" and says the nation
should "rethink its strategy of espousing
charter schools and overlooking the benefits of
faith-based education."
Find out more in the May issue of Outlook.
Canterbury is
delighted to announce
the addition of Blaze
and Thunderbolt to
the library.
It is one of a larger
series of entertaining
books revolving around
this brave boy and his
special horse!
U P D A T E !!
Dear Parents,
We would like to let you know that Grace (2nd grade & sister to Joseph, 4th
grade) has been diagnosed with Acute Leukemia (ALL). The good news is that
more than 95% of children with newly-diagnosed ALL will achieve complete
remission within the first four weeks of treatment (this means the leukemia
cells are no longer found in bone marrow samples). There are several phases of
treatments. Grace is at the end of the first two weeks of treatment. There are
side effects to the treatments which Grace has received, and they cause her pain,
loss of sleep, and loss of hair. She has several more months of treatment
remaining. Please pray for little Grace so that no other complications, fever, or
infections will occur. Also pray for strength, good health, and courage for her
family in their time of testing. And if one member suffers, all the members
suffer with it (I Corinthians 12:26).
For those who never experienced any of the Burma
Shave signs growing up, here is a quick lesson in the
history of the 1930s and '40s in the USA. Before
there were interstates, when everyone drove the old
2 lane roads, Burma Shave signs would be posted all
across the countryside in farmers' fields. They were
small red signs with white letters. Five signs, about
100 feet apart, each containing 1 line of a 4 line
couplet... and finally the obligatory 5th sign
advertising Burma Shave, a popular shaving cream.
Remember to obey the speed limit signs and take care
when passing other vehicles. Better safe than sorry!
Upward and Onward
for the King!
The Administration