Sept 2014 Mighty Knights Gazette


Sept 2014 Mighty Knights Gazette
Volume 4, Issue 1
September, 2014
Mark Your Calendars for
September 2014:
Labor Day
No School
4th grade leads Chapel
2:45 pm
W3 Starts @ 5:45pm
Welcome Back to School!
The 2014-2015 school year is off to a great start. Students and teachers are busy
with their reading, writing and arithmetic. Everyone seems to be learning and having
I am especially excited to be here as Principal of Cross of Hope Elementary school.
I have found the students to be a joy to be around. The parents have all been very helpful and encouraging. I am looking forward to a great school year.
Curriculum Night
Parents of Hope Officers
Meeting 8:15 am
Houses Meet
3rd grade leads Chapel
School Board Meeting
4—6 pm
2nd grade leads Chapel
Dessert Concert and
Silent Auction
With “Angela DiPrima”
Parents of Hope
1st grade Leads Chapel
2:45 pm
7am—1pm Taylor Ranch
Flea Market
CoH parking lot
Kinder Leads Chapel
Costume Swap
12:15-3:00 pm
Harriet Crawford, Principal
Library Corner
Welcome to our Library!
I’m Mrs. Tara, and I am the new librarian! I am looking forward to all the stories I will get to
share with your kids this year. We are keeping last year’s theme for at least one more year:
Dive into Reading. Come by and sneak a peek at our under the sea decorations! Please read
through our rules and procedures so you can have an idea of what your kids are up to every
Friday with me.
Library Policies:
Two books may be checked out at a time. Books can be returned at any time to the Book
Drop by the School Entrance.
Books may be kept for up to 2 weeks. They also may be renewed if the child needs longer
than 2 weeks to finish it. Children must bring the book back in so I can recheck it to them after
the 2 week period.
If one book is returned and one kept, the student may check out 1 more book unless the
book they kept is overdue. No books may be checked out until an overdue book is returned.
Lost/unreturned/seriously damaged books may be replaced by you (purchased by you and
given to us) or you may pay a fine of $20.00 per book.
Reading Rewards: Each time your child checks out a book, he/she will receive a Due Date slip
with 6 pictures on it. Cross off one picture for every 10 minutes read. They will put their name
on the slip and you will need to initial it. Your child should return this slip each week to the yellow box in the library. This will make them eligible for the weekly drawings as well as for the
end of the year drawing for one of our large sea creatures!
Library Time:
Each class has 30 minutes on Friday mornings for Library Time. We read for about half that
time and they have the rest of the time to check out books. We give the classes instruction the
first few weeks about what to look for as far as their reading level goes and where to find those
books. I do my best to help each child pick out age and level appropriate books, but our time
together is very limited. If your child brings home a book that you would rather not have them
read, discuss what you find appropriate with them so they can make different choices next
P a g e
M i g h ty
K n i g h ts
Volunteers: I am the only librarian this year, so library cannot happen without the help of volunteer parents! I need help shelving books, having children pick out books, and sometimes reading out loud as well. I need people to commit to once a month or once
every six weeks, Fridays from 8:00-12:00. If you are interested, give me a call or send me an email! My contact information is below.
Book Donations: If you have books you would like to donate to the Library, we do take books in good condition that are appropriate for Elementary students. If you donate a book that we cannot use, we will include it in our used book sale that we have periodically. We will be having one in a couple of weeks, so we welcome any books!
Summer Reading Program: This summer was our first attempt at a summer reading program! Unfortunately, we did not meet
our goal of 80,000 minutes this time, so I will not get pies thrown in my face this year. Better luck next summer! If you are one of the
four students who turned in your summer reading forms, come and see me for a special prize! You four read almost 8,000 minutes total.
Great work!
Thanks for taking the time to read up on the Library! If you have any questions, please call me at 505-340-5164 or email me
[email protected]
After School Care
After School Care (ASC) still has some room! We are off to a great start this year and have already learned new things and created beautiful art. We meet in the library every day that school is in session, from the minute school gets out until 5:30. The cost for each
day is $8.50 for normal school days and $17 for Fridays and half days, from 12:00-5:30. If your child stays until only 3:15 on Fridays or
half days of school, then the cost is $8.50. Every day, a child enjoys a snack sent from home (or a lunch sent from home on Fridays.) We
also have daily recess, homework time and a teacher-led craft or activity.
Some upcoming themes are: origami, the circus, sports, and architecture. That should get us to fall break!
If you would like more information on ASC, you can get a registration packet from Ms. Kay in the office, or contact me, Mrs.
Tara, at 340-5164, or [email protected]
September 4th
*If you have only one student, you only need to go to the
first session. If you have more than one student you may
attend two sessions.
5:30-5:40 pm—meet in sanctuary
5:45-6:20pm—session one
6:25-7:00pm–session two
See you there!
(This is a parent only informational night.)
Student Council
Is Here!
Are you a 3rd, 4th, or 5th grader?
 Do you like to lead others?
 Are you interested in brainstorming
special events for the students at COHES?
 Do you have creative ideas to share with others?
Then serving on Student Council may be for
you. Mark down these important dates:
September 9
Student Council Informational Assembly at 2:30 pm
September 15 Student Council
Campaigning Begins
September 23 Student Council Speeches
Assembly at 2:30 pm
01 Student Council Election
Winners will be posted on the COH website.
V o l u m e
4 ,
I s s u e
P a g e
Walking in the Way Wednesdays (W )
Cross of Hope Elementary School
Parents of Hope
along with Thrivent Financial
The 9th Annual Dessert Concert
& Silent Auction
Featuring Christian Recording Artist
Angela DiPrima
Friday, September 19, 2014
7:00 pm Auction, Dessert & Coffee
8:30 pm Concert
$15.00 per person
Cross of Hope Church
6104 Taylor Ranch Rd NW
(Adult Only Event )
Tickets may be purchased from
COH parents, or call 897-1832
Checks payable to: COHES
Here’s how we are asking each
COHES family to participate:
Walking in the Way Wednesdays (W3) is Cross of Hope’s mid-week program for
Christian education, faith formation, and fellowship for all ages from birth through
adult. Everyone is invited to attend.
This year we will begin the W3 season with a special kick-off meeting and meal.
This event will be a family fun and instructional time to give you an idea of what
W3 is all about.
Schedule of events:
 5:15 pm: Open recreation time with a jumper outside
 6:00 pm: Meal in the Great Hall (sub sandwiches, potato salad, chips, and
drinks will be available)
 6:30 pm: Orientation in the Sanctuary, and time to visit classrooms and
The regular schedule for W3, beginning September 10, runs from 5:45 pm to 8:00
pm. We use a consistent model each week that is designed to build long-term
positive adult/child relationships and allow adults and children to grow in the
Christian faith. This includes recreation time, a shared family-style meal, worship
and workship skills, and Bible education.
If you would like more information on W 3 please contact Richard at
[email protected] or at the church at 897-0047.
PARENTS OF HOPE Please Join Us For Chapel!
Upcoming Meeting
September 23, 2014
 Fundraising updates
 Future Events
If childcare is needed please
contact Nate Bruch, President.
*Meeting minutes are posted on
the school website
2:45 pm Wednesdays
Sept 3 4th Gr ade Leads
Sept 10 3r d Gr ade Leads
Sept 17 2nd Gr ade Leads
Sept 24 1st Gr ade Leads
Donate one homemade or
gourmet dessert (serves at
least 8)
Donate one item/service for
silent auction or table decorations for one table
Sell at least 4 tickets to the
event ($15.00 each) or donate $60.00 (buy out)
Serve on one committee to
help with the event
Find childcare the evening
Thanks everyone for following our traffic procedures.
of the event
Remember our parking lot is the south lot. We are really work-
Attend the concert! You will
have a great time!
ing to increase the safety and decrease the possibility of any accidents. Do not, for any reason, exit out onto Kachina. Please
exit out of ALL lots onto Taylor Ranch Road. Thank you!
Drop off time is 7:45. No one is on duty before then.
Thanks to everyone who supported our Il Vicino Fundraiser Family Dinner Out in
Remember to talk to one of the Parents of Hope Officers for information about the Script’s program.