July - Congregation Beth Shalom
July - Congregation Beth Shalom
July 2013 Tammuz-Av 5773 Vol. 83, No. 11 KCUSY Service Day Reaps Fresh Produce Aleck Bratt, Sophie Shapiro, Moriah Abrams, Joel Gutovitz and Grant Sander contributed to J-Serve at the community garden behind B'nai Jehudah. Tisha B'Av Schedule: Monday, July 15 8:05 pm Candle lighting 8:15 pm Minchah The Community Tisha B’Av service will be held Monday, July 15, 8:15 pm, in Goldsmith Hall at CBS. Minchah and Ma’ariv will be followed by Community Rabbinic Teachings and the reading of Eikhah, The Book of Lamentations. The service is sponsored by the Rabbinic Association of Kansas City. Kansas City Kosher Barbeque August 18 About the Hazzan Below is an excerpt from a congregational email by Rabbi William Gershon of Congregation Shearith Israel, Dallas, Texas, who attended the recent ordination ceremony at Jewish Theological Seminary. “Each student was called forward to the Beit Din (a rabbinical court of three rabbis) to be presented by a mentor. Some were presented by rabbis they had worked with in internships during their rabbinical school years, some were presented by the Dean of the School, some were presented by a rabbi they had grown up with, and some by their fathers who are rabbis. For me there were two moving moments that surpassed all others. The first was the ordination of a cantor, Tahl Ben-Yehuda, whose great-grandfather was Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, the founder of the Modern Hebrew Language. Tahl was presented by her father, Rabbi Eliezer Ben-Yehuda. As her father spoke to her in Hebrew with words graced by warmth and love, there was not a dry eye in the audience. We were all witnessing a unique moment in Jewish history and in the continuity of the Jewish people.” Barbeque Champs The Second Annual Kansas City Kosher BBQ Competition and Festival will take place Sunday, August 18, rain or shine, from noon to 4:00 pm in the parking lot of Temple B'nai Jehudah. There is no charge for the event, although food is available for purchase. Table of Contents Rabbi.......................p. 2 Exec. Director..........p.3 Sisterhood...............p. 4 RFECEC/PRS..........p. 5 Summer...................p. 6 Recipe................... p. 10 Calendar............... p. 11 The BBQ contest, which is sponsored by the Vaad Hakashruth of Kansas City, last year attracted teams and guests from across the country. Visit www.kckosherbbq.com or call 913-235-6077 for more information. www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 The Queens of Q are pictured L to R: John Goldberg, Rita Cortés, Carla Grant and Marla Brockman accepting the 1st place brisket award and 3rd place ribs award at the 2012 contest. July 2013 From the Rabbi’s Study Welcome to Hazzan Tahl Ben-Yehuda passion for Jewish spirituality and musical talent. We feel blessed to make the match with Hazzan Tahl. We know that we will all grow from her talents and inspiration, and we hope that this will be a place where Our Pas sion It gives me such pleasure to welcome Hazzan Tahl Ben-Yehuda, and her daughters Eliana and Sarah, into our congregational family. Though she officially begins work on July 1st, her arrival is the culmination of years of planning. Over a year before I was hired, you, the congregants, embarked on a strategic planning initiative that helped identify the core values of Congregation Beth Shalom. Those core values were Community, Education and Spirituality. Hiring Hazzan Tahl BenYehuda as our Director of Congregational Learning is the latest step in this strategic plan. When we were crafting this job description, we didn’t know if it was possible to find just the right combination of educational vision, Jewish Adult Education Opportunities Fall Hebrew Classes— Sign up at Johnson County Community College Fall Semester. Parashat Hashavua Class— July 20 2 July 2013 Voices ...we all y g r ne E The Hazzan will be providing vision for our Polsky Religious School. We will be working toward opportunities for families of all ages to come together to celebrate Jewish moments together. The skills she will bring to our synagogue are the most important ingredients to Hazzan Tahl’s success. The passion, energy and voices we all bring to shul will add to her success. Please add your voice in welcoming Hazzan Tahl and her family. Shalom, bring to Shul will add to her success. she can spread her wings and find spiritual and professional fulfillment. We will be working in partnership to continue building a vibrant spiritual community here at CBS. Rabbi David M. Glickman [email protected] 913-647-7294 Back to Shul Picnic August 11 at 11:30 am Kick off the fall season Sunday, August 11 as we join Rabbi David Glickman, Hazzan Tahl BenYehuda and their families at our “Back to Shul” picnic! The event begins at 11:30 a.m. A bounce house that will include a water feature (wear swimsuits!) will be wet and wild at 11:30 am to entertain the youth! Hot dogs, hamburgers and sides will be served at 12 pm. $10 per person. Please see the link on our website for further details. Reservations are due Monday, August 5. The Men’s Club is cooking for this event and encourages congregants to join our festivities. If you are interested in helping with the event, please let Stefanie know. For more information, contact Stefanie Williams at [email protected] or 913-647-7269. www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 Execut i vel y Speak ing A story for you, Egypt, 1250 BCE The meeting of the Children of Israel is called to order. There will be no D’var Torah because it has not yet been written. The regular business will be dispensed with in favor of a special presentation from Moses, who is new to our community. “Thank you. The Lord, the God of your fathers, has remembered you, and will bring you out of Egypt into the land flowing with milk and honey. I have come to you, the elders of Israel to ask for your support as I go before Pharaoh.” “Wait a minute, Moses. How much will this cost? We don’t have money in our treasury, slave salaries being what they are. How do we know that you won’t go over the budget? Where will we raise the money for the trip to Canaan - assuming we will get out of Egypt?’’ “Have faith, my people. If we are dedicated, if we have a wholehearted commitment, then the money will be found.” “Sorry Moses, we can’t run this organization on pious hopes. We find your budgeting procedures inadequate. The Finance Committee has turned down your project, and we agree. You will just have to wait until we have a budget surplus before you can take us out of here.” And so, Moses went back into the desert and was never heard from again. It is my hope that when you commit your membership to CBS, you will do so knowing that this synagogue will never turn down a request from a present day Moses. We are going forward this year with a balanced budget. Your dues commitment allows us to provide the services that you expect from a full service synagogue 365 days a year and for this we wholeheartedly say thank you. Sisterhood Book Club Reminder Sisterhood Book Club will meet Wednesday, July 10 at 7:00 pm at Gayle Ranen’s home. Discuss the adventures of art restorer and Israeli spy in The Rembrandt Affair by Daniel Silva. For further details or to be added to the email list, contact Rowena Turk at 913-649-7098 or at [email protected]. www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 Executive Director [email protected] 913-647-7293 Membership Renewals Renew your membership in July and take advantage of a 12-month payment plan. Choose the monthly plan that best suits your family. 11-month plan starts August 1. 10-month plan starts September 1. July 2013 3 Sisterhood Linda Lessner, President | [email protected] Why Should I Join Sisterhood? “Why should I join Sisterhood? I don’t have time! Really very busy! OY! The aggravation I get from my kids – all day I wait at home for a call! See? I’m very busy!” Why? Because when you’re sad, they’ll make you laugh; when you’re worried, they’ll sit with you; when you’re ill, Sisterhood will bring you food. They will comfort you, uplift you, and get you involved in helping others. You’ll find lifelong friends. Sisterhood is the backbone of the synagogue! They aid the poor, educate and learn, form book clubs, knit blankets, run our gift shop, provide scholarships, FEED US at programs (or we could faint from hunger!) – We could go on and on. And, you may even find someone who will sit with you while you wait for your children to call! There is a fall membership event on October 13th – brunch with a well-known artist! We want new members, including young people with creative ideas! Dues are $36 (double chai)! We are the best bargain in town! Come! We’ll get to know each other, talk, eat and do some good in the world together! To join Sisterhood, contact Cathy Newman, 913-814-7404, [email protected] or Elaine Levine, 913-647-7293. STEPPIN’ OUT On August 25, come to Steppin’ Out to hear the refreshing clean sound spanning a variety of genres and eras of “Cool Breeze”, husband and wife duo, Chuck Adkins and Vicky Vaughn Adkins. All CBS and Sisterhood members 60 and older are welcome. The evening begins at 6:00 pm with dinner in Goldsmith Hall. Chuck Adkins is an accomplished musician on piano, keyboards, flute and trombone, and he has a unique vocal style. He has performed and recorded with various artists in Nashville and also played in a house band at the Marco Polo Hotel in Miami Beach. Vicky Vaughn Adkins is an accomplished singer who has performed in various nightclubs and country clubs. Her repertoire includes popular songs of the day and music from the past. Chuck Adkins and Vicky Vaughn Adkins Make your reservation with your check, payable to Steppin’ Out. Please mail your check for $12 per person, along with your contact information, to CBS, Attn: Steppin’ Out, 14200 Lamar, Overland Park, KS 66223. Deadline for reservations is August 16. For further information, contact Linda Lessner, 913-897-0122 or [email protected]. Warm Up America PrayerWorks July 3 July 24 PUT A SMILE ON SOMEONE'S FACE- Send a sisterhood Book of Remembrance card to honor a special occasion or to acknowledge a loss of a loved one. Cards may be purchased for as little as $6 a card from Maxine Grossman, Book of Remembrance Chair. She will be happy to receive your call, write your message and mail the card for you. Six cards for $30 may be purchased at the Beth Shalom Gift Shop. The monies received from the cards help support our schools, USY, and the Chesed and Lechem committees. Maxine may be reached at 913-338-2912 or email her at [email protected]. Exec. Board Meeting July 30 4 July 2013 www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 Rose Family Early Childhood Education Center Judy Jacks Berman, Director | [email protected] | 913-647-7287 Summer Reading Activities with Your Kids An enjoyable summer activity is reading with your kids! Remember to read with them as many times a day as is possible. Some reading suggestions are: 1. Underline the words with your finger as you read to your child. 7.Books that are songs work well with younger children. 2. Stop the story and let your child guess the ending or tell you in their own words what will happen in the story. 8.If you go on a vacation or fun day trip, make a book about it with your children dictating to you their interpretation of the adventure! Let them draw a picture of the adventure. 3. Ask your child what is his/her favorite picture in the book? 4. Ask for an alternative ending to the story. 5. Inquire if your child recognizes any letters or words in the story. Can he/she pick out the first letter of his name? 6.Is there an activity you can do around this story? 9.You can never read too much to your children! If they cannot sit long enough it is O. K. Read to them again later. Enjoy helping your child develop literacy skills now! You are helping build a foundation for a love of reading, and good readers are successful in school! Polsky Religious School (PRS) Patti Kroll, Coordinator of Education | [email protected] Preparations for the School Year While many of our PRS students are enjoying their summer vacations at Barney Goodman or Herzl or Ramah, the 2013-14 school year is already beginning for our religious school staff. In the school office, Patti Kroll and Amy Jacobson are busy taking book and school supply inventories, going over staffing needs, classroom numbers and collecting applications and health forms. Teachers are busy planning their upcoming year’s curriculum. This month we will highlight the kitah gimel (3rd grade) level so that our congregants know what is happening in their school. In addition to teaching students to decode Hebrew letters and vowel sounds and learn to blend these sounds into words, kitah gimel will learn to write Hebrew in cursive. Our end-of-year goal is to associate new Hebrew words with their application in our prayer-based program. Other areas of study include tefillot (prayer)—our method of talking to God; Torah—God’s method of talking to us, and Jewish holidays—how we take those conversations and physically insert them into our personal lives. Included in all of our learning is www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279an on-going conversation based on questions that are asked in class throughout the year. Here are some questions to ask your child(ren) over the summer, leading up to Rosh Hashanah and the rest of the High Holy Days: What do you know about God? What do you wonder about God? If you could ask God one question and know it would be answered, what would it be? If you have a child or grandchild entering kitah gimel in September and have a question or two, please feel free to call me in the Ritual Office. Have a great summer. Jill Goldstein, Ritual Office and PRS teacher July 2013 5 C elebrating L ife C ycle E vents Ecclesiastes 3:1 Submit your B’nei Mitzvah announcements to be published. KCUSY Celebrates at T-Bones Game June 4 B-F, Lainie Kaseff, Adena Goldberg, Gabby Cabell, Ben Simon and Jonah Pellegrino watched the game. L-R, Miriam Adler, Jonah Pellegrino, Leah Sosland, and Emma Shapiro enjoyed the baseball festivities. Mazal Tov to our Bat Mitzvah Sarah Rochelle Unterhalter August 3 / 27 Av Sarah’s parents are Janet and Bryan Unterhalter and her grandparents are Michael and Tiby Unterhalter (Houston) and Theodore and Helen Fineman (Florida). Her sister is Mandy. Sarah attends Leawood Middle School and enjoys volleyball, art and baking. For her Bat Mitzvah project she volunteered at the Jewish Family Services Food Pantry. Relatives and friends are invited to worship with the family and attend the Kiddush luncheon following services. Middle: Daniel Goldberg embraces camper Rafael at Herzl Camp in Wisconsin. Jake Sosland plays at camp. Mira Buchbinder explores during camp. 6 July 2013 www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 C elebrating L ife C ycle E vents July Anniversaries July Anniversaries will be honored during services on Shabbat morning, July 20. August Anniversaries will be honored on August 17. To sponsor a Kiddush, contact Norman, 913-647-7283. DayYears 1 Kevin & Debra Jones 6 1 Allan & Nancy Reichman 40 2 Seymour & Marsha Krinsky 15 2 Jeffrey & Wendy Sitzmann 24 3 Peter & Sarah Beren 19 3 Daniel & Jeannie Hodes 8 3 Uriel & Marlene Seiden 58 4 Ariel & Robyn Axelrod 7 4 Matthew & Karen Davis 14 6 Ronald & Denise Coppaken 39 6 Nikolay & Svetlana Danilov 39 6 Morris & Helen Rogozenski 67 8 Michael & Rebecca Braverman 29 8 Stanley & Norine Rosenblum 34 9 Randal & Meg Adler 24 9 James & Fern Badzin 41 9 Henry & Clarice Epstein 46 9 Edward & Magda Haber 53 9 Steven & Susan Hammer 46 9 Jeffrey & Mindy Rosenberg 19 10 Jonathan & Shira Hurst-Sneh 2 11 Rita Cortés & Mary McLean 5 11 Robert & Elissa Goodman 37 12 Edward & Cheryl Alexander 32 13 Arthur & Donna Malcy 10 15 Bernard & Barbara Birnbaum 62 15 Stuart & Sharon Pase 40 19 Ben & Debra Rubin 54 24 David & Lynne Bock 30 26 Samuel & Maurine Agron 60 26 Morris & Linda Zwillenberg 49 27 Michael & Barbara M. Katz 38 28 Jeffrey & Melissa Goldenberg 17 28 Robert & Jean Zeldin 44 30 Ronald & Harryette Cooperman 35 30 Arthur & Kathryn Stoup 65 31 Jonathan & Ellen Chilton 36 www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 Ecclesiastes 3:1 Mazal Tov to... Submit your Mazal Tov to be published Michael Abrams and Alana Muller on being profiled in the Kansas City Jewish Chronicle, The Guide to Jewish Life. Helen Rae Cerier, upon her grandson Michael Cerier's marriage May 25, to Lauren Osdoby in St. Louis. Eileen Cohen on the recent Bar Mitzvah of her grandson, Jake Cohen. Bob and Bette Grossman upon the engagement of their daughter, Abbey Grossman to Rudy Rosen. Rudy’s parents are Larry and Sari Rosen. Grandparents are Maxine Grossman, Jean Brown, Shirley and Lois Libby Juster. Harold and Janet Price on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Nina Gale. Sagi Rudnick on his upcoming Bar Mitzvah in Israel. His parents are Rabbi Jonathan and Marcelle Rudnick. His grandparents are Seymour and Esther Rudnick. Sheila Sonnenschein on being chosen convenor of the Greater Kansas City Interfaith Council. Welcome to New Member Jennifer Moran We want to say... “Mazal Tov” to you! Call the synagogue office, or go online, and tell us about your engagements, weddings, births and other major life cycle events. July 2013 7 Baruch Dayan HaEmet Of Blessed Memory We express condolences to our Beth Shalom Members, their Families and Friends. Annette Rapaport, z”l, May 30 / 22 Sivan Stanley Bernard Rubel, z”l, June 2 / 24 Sivan Pauline Rubin, z”l, June 8 / 30 Sivan Praised is the True Judge July Unveilings July 14, 2013 10:30 am Eleanor Levine July 28, 2013 11:00 am Ben Penner at Mount Carmel Yahrtzeits 23 Tammuz-July 1 Sidney Bender Elaine R. Brown Elizabeth Ginsberg Al Jacobs Frieda Kanter Louis Katz Ethel G. Pack Tillie Pelzerman Sam Schwartz Heda Segal Jake Shabason Philip Spector Dorothy R. Stoup Isadore Stoup Anna Tempofsky Abe Trillin 24 Tammuz-July 2 Jennie Cohn Lewis David Fingersh Joseph Kaufman Fannie Mae Sosland Marder Sidney Pakula Louis J. Pelofsky 25 Tammuz-July 3 Clementine Blumenthal Esther Fox Bushman Bessie Cheifetz Fayge Malkeh Cinnamon Michael Lynn Goodman Sadie Hoffman Lina Neustein Jennie Okonowsky William P. Orlove Anna Passman Diana P. Silverman Samuel Taylor Adele Walker Joseph Zwillenberg 26 Tammuz-July 4 Abe Bess Susan René Birnbaum Joe Bormaster David M. Chambers Fredle Epstein Morris A. Kanter Isadore Morris 8 Join us for morning or evening minyan to say Kaddish for your loved one. See service schedule, page 11. Marion Rosen Aaron Turock Elias Wolarsky 27 Tammuz-July 5 Rebecca Block Dobeh Gurtovnick Mary Cohen Jedel Samuel N. Josephson Milo Minkin Morris Morgan David Overbeck Lena Peltzie Present Leopold Shopmaker Sarah Wengrover 28 Tammuz-July 6 Fanny Alexander Lipman Goldman Molly Goodman Frank Kaple Helen Lefkowitz Mildred Mardiks Seymour Nathan Salvay Bennett H. Walzer Samuel Weinberg 29 Tammuz-July 7 Isidore Bernstein Louis Y. Chernikoff Morris A. Friedman Milton M. Gordon Earl Jacobson Pearl Mann William Marcuwitz Herman Millman Bessie Rothberg Max Rubin David Smolinsky Rosa Solomon Cyrus Spungen Herbert J. Winer Lillian Yeddis Gerald Yukon 1 Av-July 8 Dorothy R. Botwin Jacob J. Greenstein Gittel Hadas Betty Benjamin Heymann Birdie Josephson Retha D. Lisman Gertrude Pasmanik July 2013 Jacob Selichonok Minnie Werby 2 Av-July 9 Morris Boolkin Simon Choikhit Helen Cohn Luba Dean Leon Gelphman Dorothy Dunn Glober Dora Hellman Edward C. Lefkovits Sarah Moskowitz Benjamin Schoen Harold Waxman 3 Av-July 10 Saul Brams Sidney B. Devins Sammy Devins Rebecca Eisen Isadore H. Fleschman Aileen Forman Minnie L. Garfinkle Harry Ginsberg Rose Keen Isie Krockover Abraham Rogers Meyer Rosenberg Bernard Seiden 4 Av-July 11 Sadie Bell Ann Goller Elick Phillip Feingold Bernard Greenberg Fannie Lerner Edith Mendy Bronia Roslawowski Harry Turock 5 Av-July 12 Rahel Bloomgarten Don Herbert Finestone Sadie Gumowitz Rachel Turk Hurwitz David Kanter Freda Lipsitz Carl Minkin Jacob Poizner Phillip Samuelson Charles Schoen 6 Av-July 13 Morris L. Bigus Anna Cohen Samuel E. Dunn Rose Gastman Samuel A. Katz Leo J. Levinson Bela Lipszyc Anna Naron Sam Rosga Morris Schoen Abraham Vinick Sarah R. Weinstein Sarah Wolfberg 7 Av-July 14 Barry L. Aronson Joseph E. Chambers Samuel Kaufman Gussie Kaufman Lynn Kisluk Betty Ann Koralchik Reltz Lenet Morris J. Levin Anna Dora Peltzman Sam Samberg Jacob Siegelbaum Dora Walker 8 Av-July 15 Fannie Eisen Barney Gershon Naomi Goldstein Nathan Keen Morris Rapschutz Abraham Robinson Sarah Rocher Fannie Shapiro 9 Av-July 16 Alvin Arenson Betty Birman Allan Birman Bessie Bordman Mary Chernikoff Mordecai Crosner Rosa Crosner Barbara Enslein Rebecca Rachel Furman Bessie Goldberg Jennie Himmel Anna Hoffman Henshen Keller David Leibtag Siegfried Loeffler Emma Loeffler William Peltzman Mitchel Rose Anna Tempofsky Pauline Yaskolka 10 Av-July 17 Melvin Ellis Beyer Sarah Golding Neil F. Miller Jennie Millman Mendel Oshry Clara Rothblatt Esther Shapiro 11 Av-July 18 Alfred Aron Morris Balot Ida Baron Barney Cinnamon Abraham Cohen Sophia Cohn Rae Dloogoff Jacob Goldstein Ida Z. Joseph Richard L. Josephson Louis Kiansky Esther Lesser Meyer Peltzman Sarah Scrinopskie Ethel Seider Charlotte Margolin Shafton Philip Wang 12 Av-July 19 Toby Chemel Ida Frank Dorothy Glass Dora Gold Nathan S. Goldberg Serena Hammer Anna Horowitz Samuel Isaak Phillip Katz Hyman J. Levi Hyman Rosen Ben Solomon 13 Av-July 20 Rebecca Barash Bessie Brenner Samuel J. Brown Sigmund Dollman Rose Gould Jack Kahn Harry Levy Jennie Marks Isaac Sackin Harris Segelbohm Samuel Spector Ruth Unger Evelyn Yodler 14 Av-July 21 Norma Bush Abraham Dorfman Rebecca Rachel Greenstein Abe J. Kaplan Minnie Rafiel Kreine Shankman Henry Sosland 15 Av-July 22 Robert Ruby Bernstein Sarah Toby Alport Freshman Samuel L. Greenberg Rose Hyman Benjamin Katz Frieda Shanberg David Steinberg Sadie Tonopolsky 16 Av-July 23 Annette Glaser Sigmund Gundle Freida Mendell Abraham Sidley Benjamin Silverman Roni Smith Louis J. Weintraub 17 Av-July 24 Rebecca Berman Ethel Hudson Cohn Abe Eisen Louis Hyman Forman Jacob Jagoda Bess Merser Lena Morris Rubin Moskovitz Joel Polsky Lewis Leo Sofnas Sarah Wang 18 Av-July 25 Daniel Aranoff Pola Baum Marie Bell Aaron Bloustine Hyman Brand Sylvia Bromberg Benjamin Gastman Kathleen C. Gelphman Peltzman Lillie Lefkovits Gladys Litwin Normand Sidney Osur Jacob J. Taxman Sarah Waxenberg Alex A. Wedlansky Aaron Ziman 19 Av-July 26 Samuel Baum Joshua Cinnamon Maurice Meyer Dubinsky Ruth Milgram Krigel Eisberg Meyer Gordon Anna Halle Jack Kay Rachel Levinson Ruthye Nowick Sarah I. Rose 20 Av-July 27 Bernadine Benjamin Donna Jean Cohen Frank Manuel Coleman Esther Pauline Dubinsky Esther Duni Bess Ginsberg Essie Goodman Max Hecht Joseph Klein Sam Lustig Simon Navran Sam Pasmanik Sarah M. Schere Abe Schuman Goldy Siegel 21 Av-July 28 Pesyl Brand I.J. Cohen Mollie Dashiell Jack Denowitz Anna Bluma Godock Edith Goldstein Reuben Kantor Jacob Levinson Sarah Siegel 22 Av-July 29 Charles Bass Louis Donovitz Robert H. Fichman Maurice Loeffler Jacob Max Esther Millstein Clara OmmermanGilgus Harriet Schoket Samuel Sukon Rosa Witschner 23 Av-July 30 Richard Biederman Sherman Cohen Ed S. Michelson Alana Morris Louis Pinsky Harry Robinson Sam Rosen Morris Mike Ruback Jacob Rubin Joseph Schlosberg Hortense Stern 24 Av-July 31 Frances Franks Libbie Goldberg Reuben Josephson Rena Agron Rosenberg Philip Rosenblatt Abraham L. Snyder Hymie J. Sosland John Spitcaufsky Gedaliah Vigder www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 Todah Rabbah! Ann & Isadore Gale Scholarship Fund Norman Kaplan Herbert Gruenebaum Jerry & Stacey Siegler In Memory of Rose Karbank Yosef Winer Ed & Cheryl Roman & Svetlana Alexander Sorkin Anna Katz Judith Parelman Benjamin Rifka Kraus Ryweck Torah Fund Mary Dagerman Hershel Kraus In Honor of Mary Dagerman Anne Bratt's 85th Leon Kusnetzky BD Melvin & Sibby Janet Salle's BD Cosner Joan March Alan Schwartz In Memory of Neil & Blanche Judge Sidney Sosland Goldstein Mina & Abe Joan March Nisenkier Beth Shalom Danielle & Sam Chesed Levine Committee Melvin Raskin Sandi Raskin Fund Sarah Rogan In Memory of Yakov & Betya Reda Noah Altman Abraham Noah Mildred Sarah Noah Rosenbaum Joseph Noah Judith Parelman Leo Shalinsky Stanley Rubel Ede Bratt Neil & Blanche Beth Shalom Sosland General Fund Ella Rubin In Honor of Melvyn & Frances Marvin & Carol Beiman Goldstein's 50th Florence Schuman ANN Linda Mottaz Marvin & Adelle Ann Schwartz Goldstein Judith Parelman Gloria Schoolman's Boris Segelstein 75th BD Lilly Segelstein Carolyn Glazer Leo Shalinsky Inge Silverman's Chuck & Barbara Speedy Recovery Gorodetzky Sarah Small Ed & Cheryl Carol Yarmo Alexander Receiving the Solomon & Marion Leadership Award Batnitzky Berenice & Roger Melvyn & Frances Haberman Beiman In Memory of Ron & Harryette Jacob David Cooperman Beiman Jerry & Barbara Melvyn & Frances Cosner Beiman Arthur & Diane Byron Cohen Federman Shelton & Nancy Robert & Gail Gallas Flacks Ben Endelman Robert & Marilyn Neil & Blanche Goldwasser Sosland Alan & Joan Ben & Sylvia Fagen Jacobson Berenice & Roger Jerry & Sharon Haberman Klopper Jack S. Glazer Judith Parelman Paulette Ramm Neil Planzer Dora Gold Roberta Pollack Ron & Marleen Goller & Sam Gold Goller Natalie Hamburg Howard & Gayle Milton Mann Ranen Sam Hardin Jerry & Stacey Judith Parelman Siegler Helen Jacobs Richard & Beryl Sidney & Rose Carr Silberg Florence & Al Leonard & Jill Jacobson Singer Alan & Joan Sarah Small Jacobson Mildred Silverman David & Lynne Bock Bessie Sokolov Harriett Charno Hal Fogel Paul & Susie Gershon Joseph Smuckler & Marcia Karbank William & Charlotte Kessler Harold & Natalie Klopper Patricia McPherson Blue Valley North High School Staff Dick & Nita Silverstein Dr Robert Tonkens Ross & Candace Tonkens Ruth Unger Rowena Turk Muriel Wildman Danielle & Sam Levine Beth Shalom Lechem Fund In Honor of Marvin & Carol Goldstein's 50th ANN Neil & Blanche Sosland's 55th ANN Dolores Sosnow In Memory of Bernard Eveloff Ken & Sandi Lerner Jennie Himmel Marcia Eveloff Rebecca Kaufman George Kew Leibert Kaufman Leon Kusnetzky Gary & Patti Friedman Sadye Lerner Ken & Sandi Lerner Henry Lowenthal Betty Sender Norbert Sender Evelyn Lowenthal Pauline Rubin Judy Krug Leo Shalinsky Herb & Barbara Simon Bessie Sokolov Hope & Marshall Talbot Beth Shalom Library Fund In Memory of Leon Kusnetzky Gerald Rosenblum Leo Shalinsky Brita Horowitz Gerald Rosenblum Beverly & Harvey Bodker Endowment Fund In Honor of www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 Fred & Cindy Bodker's 23rd ANN Todd Clauer & Mirra Klausner's 18th ANN Gary & Debby Cortés 50th ANN Tiberius & Carla Klausner's 50th ANN Neil & Blanche Sosland's 55th ANN Herb & Alice Stein's 50th ANN Harvey Bodker In Memory of Sama Bodker Ira Friedson Betsy Bodker Fred & Cindy Bodker Leo Shalinsky Fred & Cindy Bodker Cemetery Maintenance Fund In Memory of Harold Berkowitz Marian Berkowitz Max Fox Gerry Goldberg Leon Kusnetzky Mitch & Lisa Hamburg Ruth Lerner Mike & Sharon Milens Eisemann Family Fund In Honor of Abbie Rieber's Bat Mitzvah Gus & Elinor Eisemann In Memory of Leon Kusnetzky Gus & Elinor Eisemann Contributions through June 17, 2013 are listed below. Thank you for thinking of us. Kate Medov Morton & Harriet Mann Bess Sokolov Marian Berkowitz Maxine Grossman George B & Marian Durbin Prayer Book Fund In Honor of Marvin & Carol Goldstein's 50th ANN Bev Newman's Installation as SH President Blanche & Neil Sosland's 55th ANN Stan & Marlene Katz In Memory of Herb Rope Stan & Marlene Katz Hanan Wedlan Family Fund In Memory of Leo Shalinsky Mitch & Lisa Hamburg In Memory of Stuart Gold Natalie Hamburg Muriel Wildman Peter & Bev Newman Joel Polsky USY Fund In Memory of Ben Endelman Larry & Ellen Polsky Judaica & Art Fund In Honor of Steve Sherry's 75th BD Bob & Aletha Simon In Memory of Byron Cohen Bob & Aletha Simon Kaiser Family Bar/ Bat Mitzvah Tutoring Fund In Honor of Bill Kaiser David Gale & Gina Kaiser Karbank Fund In Memory of Harry & Karbank Anita Daniels Rose Karbank & Camp Ramah Marcia Joseph Smuckler Scholarship Kiddush Fund Fund In Memory of Harry Daniels Anita Daniels Helen Rae & Sydney Cerier Teacher Development Fund In Memory of Norman Kaplan Helen Rae Cerier In Honor of Marla Brockman's BD Rhea Salasche & Harold Kaseff In Memory of Nettie Covitz Randy & Joan Covitz Bessie Sokolov Rhea Salasche & Harold Kaseff Leon & Florence & I & R Polsky Miriam Meyer Kaplan Special Events Cohen Torah Sukkot Fund Repair Fund Festival Fund In Memory of In Memory of Norman Kaplan Meyer A. Kaplan Leo Shalinsky Florie Kaplan Frank Schlozman Scholarship Fund In Memory of Rose Alisky Irene Malyn Michael & Wendy Malyn Gale & Maxine Grossman Religious School Fund In Memory of Charles Bass Marty Bass Maxine Grossman In Memory of Pearl Gilgus Larry & Beverly Mallin Marcus Brand Scholarship Fund In Honor of Carl Puritz BD Jordan Brand & Stephen Huley In Memory of Leon Kusnetzky Milton & Marilyn Ozar Prayer Book Fund In Memory of Reda Noah Sarah Noah Betty Shenker Morris Shenker Helen Steinzeig Howard & Sharon Noah Mildred Rosenbaum Leo Shalinsky Berenice & Roger Haberman Hannah Seigal Dennis & Leann Bova Rose S Levine & Doris L Flam Arts & Education Fund In Honor of Barbara Katz's Speedy Recovery Judith Bell In Memory of Natalie Hamburg Paul Lerner & Rosie Lerner Kathleen Gelphman Peltzman Leona Molotsky Leo Shalinsky Mickey & Marge Adler Judith Bell Rabbi Glickman's Discretionary Fund Sarah's Family In Memory of Fund Rose Karbank Marcia Karbank & Joseph Smuckler Fannie Mae Marder Henry & Betty Marder Freida Mendell Larry & Phyllis Kalender Leo Shalinsky Ron & Susie Goldsmith Stephen Karol Romotsky, Price, Cortés Genetic Testing Fund In Honor of Harold Price's BD Gary & Debby Cortés In Honor of Zakaria Abdullahi's Bar Mitzvah Judith Bell Eddie & Rickie Haith's 55th ANN Neil & Blanche Sosland's 55th ANN Marvin & Carol Goldstein Carol Yarmo Stan & Marlene Katz Marshall & Sylvia LaVine In Memory of Stuart Gold J.D. Mooney Leo Shalinsky Marvin & Carol Goldstein Bob & Aletha Simon Rose Evelyn Sporn Primary Fund Sylvan Siegler In Memory of Craig Citron Scholarship Joe & Anzie Cohen In Memory of Larry & Ellen Edith Berkus Leon & Miriam Fund for Polsky Inez Kaufman Cohen Jewish Jacob H & Arnie & Ruth Rose Camping Rose Levine Cohen Family Early In Memory of Teacher Leo Shalinsky Childhood Norman Kaplan Development Larry Cohen Education Leo Shalinsky Fund Amalie Siegler Louis & Edith Center In Honor of Merna Siegler Pinsky In Honor of Gary & Debby Ella Jerwick Walter & Cortés 50th ANN In Memory of Samantha Jerwick Anita Loeb Charlotte Kessler's Leon Kusnetzky Jack Jerwick Dick & Charlotte Scholarship BD Fran Winstock Brockman Bill Kessler's BD Fund In Memory of Peter & Bev Newman Bev Newman's Installation as SH President Marvin & Adelle Goldstein Berenice & Roger Haberman Evelyn Lowenthal Louis Pinsky Dick & Charlotte Brockman Edith Pinsky Estelle Pinsky Mallin Childhood Enrichment Fund Ben Endelman Randy & Joan Covitz Ben Endelman Frank & Sondra Friedman In Memory of Abe Boresow Judy Friedlander Abe Boresow Leo Shalinsky Anita Loeb July 2013 9 Shabbat in a Pot--Chicken and Rice Ingredients: 1 chicken cut into 6 pieces 1 ½ cups uncooked rice 1 tablespoon of onion soup mix ½-1 tablespoon freshly ground pepper 2 tablespoons dried spice mix of garlic & herb or chicken seasoning 2 tablespoons paprika Water - about ¼ cup less water than the directions on the rice package require for cooking 1 ½ cups rice Preparation: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Spray a shallow baking pan with the cooking spray. 3. Place the uncooked rice in the pan and add the onion soup mix. Mix together and spread out the rice to cover the bottom of the pan. 4. Place the chicken, skin side up, on top of the rice. 5. Sprinkle the chicken with the pepper, dried spice mix and paprika, in that order. 6. Add the water to the pan. 7. Cover tightly with aluminum foil so that the pan is tightly sealed. 8. Place the chicken in the hot oven and cook for about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Check the chicken regularly to make sure that the rice isn't dry. If the rice is dry add some more water a tablespoon at a time. 9. Remove the foil for the last fifteen minutes of cooking in order to brown the chicken. TIP: Make sure the chicken and rice are tightly covered so the steam stays in the pot and keeps the chicken moist. Happy 4th of July Editorial Comments July is a month of new beginnings. Both the congregation and sisterhood begin a new financial year. New congregation, USY and sisterhood officers begin their administrations. As you vacation or just “kick back” and relax over the summer, think about your commitment to our congregation and to our children. Not every commitment means giving more money to CBS. Commitment can also mean volunteering your time to help make our congregation be the best it can be. Think what a great example you can set for your children, grandchildren, friends and family by giving some of your time to our congregation. Comments by Bev Newman, Scroll Editor Community-wide Course: “Judaism for Conversion Candidates” Begins in Fall The Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City will offer a community-wide course, “Judaism for Conversion Candidates” beginning in August. Rabbis from the Reform, Conservative and Orthodox movements will teach classes. Students will need to secure a congregational rabbinic sponsor by November 1 and meet the conversion requirements developed by their rabbinic sponsor. The course covers Jewish holidays, home celebrations, life cycle observances, rituals and prayer, Torah, Judaism’s view of God, and our religion’s movements. Each class will include a 30-minute Hebrew component. Students will take part in Shabbat and Havdalah experiences, holiday celebrations and observances. Classes will be Thursdays from 7:00-9:00 pm with 10 July 2013 the location rotating among the congregations. An orientation session is August 8, 7:30-8:30 pm at the Jewish Community Campus. The fee for the course is $250 per person including course textbooks. For additional information or to register for this course, visit kcrabbis.org or contact Annette Fish, Rabbinical Association Administrator/Program Director, at [email protected] or 913-327-4622. Aaron Nielsenshultz is the course coordinator and Rabbi Mark Levin is the Rabbinic coordinator. Funding for this program is generously provided by The Jewish Heritage Foundation of Greater Kansas City. If you know of anyone interested in attending these classes, please inform them. www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 July 2013 - Tammuz-Av 5773 Congregational-Wide Events - See each department for their activities Sunday Monday Scroll Deadline Volunteer Fair Congregational Meeting 23 Tammuz 7 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 Thursday Shacharit 8 am Offices Closed 4 Friday 5 Saturday 6 Hazzan Ben-Yehuda's first Shabbat at CBS 9:29 8:29 8 24 Tammuz 9 25 Tammuz 10 26 Tammuz 11 27 Tammuz Shabbat Shalom 12 28 Tammuz 29 Tammuz 1 Av 14 7 Av 21 Erev Tisha B'Av Services 8:15 Goldsmith Hall 8 Av 15 2 Av Tisha B'Av 16 3 Av 17 4 Av 18 5 Av 19 9:27 6 Av Anniversary Shabbat 22 9 Av 23 10 Av PrayerWorks 24 11 Av 25 12 Av 26 13 Av 28 15 Av 29 16 Av 30 17 Av 31 18 Av 19 Av Shabbat Shalom 20 Av 22 Av 23 Av 27 Havdalah Shavuah Tov! Havdalah Shavuah Tov! Shabbat Shalom 24 Av Havdalah Shavuah Tov! 9:11 8:11 21 Av 20 9:18 8:18 14 Av Havdalah Shavuah Tov! 9:23 8:23 Shabbat Shalom 13 Birthday Shabbat 8:27 Shabbat Shalom Havdalah Shavuah Tov! Candle Lighting Blessing /,¨C©J k¤J r¯b eh¦k§s©v§k Ub²U¦m±u uh¨,I§m¦n§C Ub¨J§S¦e r¤J£t o¨kIg¨v Q¤k¤n Ubh¥eO¡t wv v¨T©t QUr¨C Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha'olam, asher kiddeshanu b'mitzvotav vetzivanu lehadlik ner shel Shabbat. July Service Schedule Weekdays Village Shalom Minchah: Sunday-Thursday 6 pm Shacharit: Monday-Friday 7 am 4th of July - Shacharit 8 am Shabbat CBS Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday Main Service: Saturday Library Minyan: Saturday Minchah: July 6 Minchah: July 13 Minchah: July 20 Minchah: July 27 Shacharit: Sunday 6:00 pm 9:30 am 9:30 am 8:29 pm 8:27 pm 8:23 pm 8:18 pm 8:30 am Shabbat Services and Sunday morning Shacharit will be held at CBS, 14200 Lamar. Weekday Minyan will be held at Appleman Synagogue, Village Shalom, 5500 W. 123rd St. www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 July 2013 11 Congregation Beth Shalom 14200 Lamar • Overland Park, KS 66223 www.bethshalomkc.org Office: 913-647-7279 • Fax: 913-647-7277 Back to Shul Picnic August 11 Steppin' Out August 25 Back to Shul Picnic Sunday, August 11 see p. 2 Mt. Carmel Cemetery Hours: Scroll Deadline: August 1 for September September 3 for October Sisterhood Looking Ahead: Gift Shop Hours: Congregation Beth Shalom, an egalitarian Conservative synagogue, is a welcoming community of individuals from diverse backgrounds, strengthening connections with God, Torah and the Jewish people through communal commitment to prayer, study and acts of loving kindness. Office Hours: David M. Glickman, Senior Rabbi Alan L. Cohen, Rabbi Emeritus Hazzan Ben-Yehuda, Director of Congregational Learning Elaine Levine, Executive Director Patti Kroll, Coordinator, PRS Judy Jacks Berman, Director, RFEC Michael Abrams, President Bev Newman, Scroll Editor Martha Hoffman, Scroll Design The Congregation Beth Shalom Scroll (USPS531-420) is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 14200 Lamar Ave., Overland Park, KS 66223. Annual Subscription $24.00. Periodical Postage Paid in Shawnee Mission, KS. DATED MATERIAL POSTMASTER: Send address changes to CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM SCROLL, 14200 Lamar, Overland Park, KS 66223. Scroll Deadline: The 1st of the previous month. Submit articles to the Administrative office before the deadline. Monday - Thursday 8:30 am-5 pm Friday 8:30 am-3 pm Closed on Federal Holidays Monday, Wednesday 8 am-4 pm Tuesday,Thursday Closed Saturday Closed Friday & Sunday 8 am-4 pm National Holidays 9 am-4 pm Exceptions: Thanksgiving, New Year’s Day & Christmas Day Jewish Holidays Closed Phone: 816-361-4495 Hours: 913-647-7298 Sunday 10 am-noon Mon., Tues.,Thurs.: 10 am-2:30 pm Wed. 10 am-6 pm Friday 10 am-noon Make Note of our Staff & Clergy Phone Extensions and Emails Clergy & Staff Name Phone Email Role Hazzan Ben-Yehuda............913-647-7296............hazzantby@bethshalomkc.org............Director, Cong. Learning Judy Jacks Berman...............913-647-7287............jjb@bethshalomkc.org........................RFECEC Director Bob Copeland.....................913-647-7288............bcopeland@bethshalomkc.org............Facilities Manager Pam Fite..............................913-647-7271............pfite@bethshalomkc.org.....................Accounting Systems Manager Rabbi David Glickman.......913-647-7281............dglickman@bethshalomkc.org...........Senior Rabbi Jill Goldstein.......................913-647-7281............jgoldstein@bethshalomkc.org.............Ritual Coordinator Martha Hoffman.................913-647-7282............mhoffman@bethshalomkc.org...........IT Manager Amy Jacobson.....................913-647-7286............ajacobson@bethshalomkc.org............PRS Administrative Assistant Patti Kroll...........................913-647-7290............pkroll@bethshalomkc.org..................PRS Coordinator Elaine Levine.......................913-647-7293............elevine@bethshalomkc.org.................Executive Director Norman Levitan..................913-647-7283............nlevitan@bethshalomkc.org...............Membership Services Manager Deah Rubin........................913-647-7285............drubin@bethshalomkc.org.................RFEC Administrative Assistant Stef Williams.......................913-647-7269............swilliams@bethshalomkc.org..............Dir. Informal Education/Youth