Memorandum No. 101, s. 2015 - DepED, Division of Tangub City
Memorandum No. 101, s. 2015 - DepED, Division of Tangub City
Republic of the Philippines Deparfment of Education RegionX Dl!'lSlorr- OF TANGtTB CITY Anecito Siete St., Tangub City Telefax: {088) 395-3372 p! : Email : tangub. city@deped. gov. q:T. f) ,l ilir-r DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 101, s.2015 Principals, Head Teachers, TICs Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools This Division To: /. vrcroR From: rA W, ^ro,Ph.D., Schools Divi{ion Superintendent c ESo v Subject: llTH ECHO DANCE WORKSHOP ON PHILIPPINE FOLK DANCES AND RIGODON DE AMOR Date: July 13,2015 1. The Philippine Folk Dance Socieff, Tangub Ci5, Chapter in coordination with flre Local Govemment Unit of Tangub Ciy, Sinanduloy Cultural Troupe, NMPESSA and Division of Tangub City will conduct the llth Echo Dance Workshop on Philippine Fotk Dances and Rigodon de Honor to be held at Sinanduloy Cultural Ceirter, Tangub City on July 17 -19. 2015. 7. Participants of this seminar workshop are Grade 5 to Grade I MAPEH Teachers from Public and Private Schools. Each small school is encoruaged to send one (1) MAPEH teacher. Big elementary and secondary schools may sen{ tw,o (2) teachers. I\iIAPEH Supervisors are also invited to this activity. J- A registration fee of One Thousand Three Hundred Pesos (Php 1,300) is charged per participant to cover expenses for workshop kit (handouts and CDs), T-shirt, cerrificates, honoraria and accommodation of resource speakers and trainers, facilitators and working staft 4. Traveling expenses and registration fee of the participants shall be charged against local/schooyPTA firnds subject to the usual accounting and auditing policies, rules and regulations. 5. Attached is the Program of Activities for information and gtridance. 6. Names of participants must be submiued to this Office on July 14,2015, to Mr. RogerF Duhaylungsod, Division Education Supervisor in MAPEH. n Immediate dissernination of this memorandum is hereby desired. YYG/jbr/7ll3l20ls Rcpridic of ifi e Ptilippftns Deprtn*rd of&lucadon RAGION X . NOR]IIERN MINDANAO or€0sir a" 8rl@2, St, udEial s!6 Cmt VCe Sds6, CSiFndo &o City psfurn RBGIONAL ADVISORY l+o. 6 , s.2015 The Schools Division Superintendena This To Region \ ArrY.r*"*r#ffio From OIC, Office ofthe Regional Director July 7,2015 ttrn ECHy DANCE wounsrrop oN Purrf,PPI^IE AND MGODONDE HONOR Subject: FILK DAIvcEs I The Philippine Folk Dance Society, Tangub City Chaper in coordination with the Local Government {Jnit of Tangub City, Sinanaduloy Cuttral Troupe and Division of Tangub City shatl conduct ttre l1t Echo Seminar Workshop on Philippine Folk Dances and Rigodon de Honor on July 1?-19, 2015 at Sinanduloy Cultrral Centeq Tangub City. 2 The Dance Workshop aims to: . o c Equip and update teachers in all lcvels, dance tainers, and choreographers on "clsssics" of the Philippine Folk Dance; Upgrade the knowledge, skills and understanding of the tcachers in teaching of folk danses to supplement the K to 12 Prograri; Provide teachen wi& resource materials such as workshop kits, CD's, etc. 3 Invit€d as participants to this workshop are MAPEH Teachers from Elementary, Secondary Public and Private Schools, Choreographers and Dance Enthusiast. MAPEII Supervisors are also invited to this activity. '4 htached is Program of Activities forinfoitnation and guidaince. 5 A registration fee of One Thousand Three Hundred Pesos (Php 1,300.00) is charged per participant to cover expenses for the workshop kit, t-shirg certificates and honorarium of relource speakers, frcilitatorg dance models, and other incidEntal expenses' For dissemination and information. Ilth Echo Workshop on Philippine Folk Dances PFDS, Tangub City . Chapter July t7-19,201S Sfnanduloy Cuhural Center, Tangub City PROGRAM OF ACTIVITIES Tlme - 7dE 8:30 Day {JULY 17.2015} (s, Dav2{JULY 18,2015} WARI|I UPrrnexm DANCE Dav 3fiULY 19.2015) u. ynr.lrslrnd RE\IIBW OF 4 DANCE 10 Rlgodon De Honor E:30 - DAIYCF"ST sAuDslD 9:45 (ANNqUE} FftAT{CA:M. rEI.AS TEEISURER, PFOS NATIONAL ALMAY F. OCO 9:45 - BREAT 10:fi1 DANCE 5 'l0:iffl- 11:=(E PAMDE OF DSIEGATES (Street Dunclng) RE}IEARSAL PASTORCITLO {cE8ul - EMADYL EONIE DALDE ll:fl}- DANCE 6 12:dl - PAD.UM OPENING PROGRAM (ANTIQUE/AKtAN) Workshop Showccse Street Dancing DOGER Q. DAI",,GNII LU NCII 1ll:00-1:{D FUTDAMEI{TAT DAITC€ STEPS A'{D MorEmEmr/Heuns or 1:00 1:30 - 7 wo&op oAr{cEs JOTA PALOAI{A & {uYrEl WORKSHOP Elnora G, Nngohuro EMADYL BONIE DA'.DE sHowcAsE DANCE 1 and 2 DANCE 8 CLOSING PROGRAM 1:30 2:30 BREAK DANCE PIT{OYAEROBICS PIHATAIIATO CU TAFUTU CAO (cr6AYAN) 2;30- 3;30 *MAY SAAD F. OCO ,.ADI'I DAEYLMAECORTES 3:30-3:45 DANCE 3 DITEDTIfTC r Yraratv- 3:tl5-S:fi) IAN ROYINU DELEGTTTES ]{TGII" and Jxw|9$u)aur,fr/,rsfr'(afl,@ 6:30-9:(E {ufiwry Activitv Center Cc a$l 'dtfr C,ttet NORIELE. EAAP BREAK DANCE 9 lrlN utlrl.t{a at6tt_att^rt9h (rLocos suRl {quEzoN} stlbu llon of Han&ub BA.IN6LEs trroffissuRl DI NN NOYT.TIU CT'UTURAI, NIGHT S*a&fot Cu{arat w ,t$Jylfi, s-wrwr rtwt$ IM