Congratulations Theta New Members
Congratulations Theta New Members
awo awo A publication of the Omicron Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity at the University of Southern California FALL 2015 IN THIS ISSUE LEADING WOMEN 2 LEADING WOMEN SPOTLIGHT 3 THETA NEW MEMBERS 4-5 THETA ACHIEVEMENTS 6-7 THETA NEWS 8-9 ANNOUNCEMENTS 10 Download the current newsletter online at:! Congratulations Theta New Members Omicron Welcomes New Members After a Week of Recruitment Fall semester began with Theta’s active m emb er s excite dly preparing for Recruitment. As Assistant Recruitment Director, I was blown away by the unwavering enthusiasm and energy that each member brought to the events. Everyone’s hard work paid off when our outstanding bid list was read aloud. As the new members arrived at the Theta house on Bid Day, they saw a sea of shiny gold balloons, yellow kites, and their new sisters singing at the top of their lungs! Each girl received lots of Theta goodies including the classic Theta backpack, baseball c a p s , a n d t- s h i r t s p a s s e d d o w n f ro m active members. New members put on their Bid Day shirts—white tanks with gold and pink lettering reading “Thought Theta.” Then, they went out to the parking lot where the real party began. Chief Education Officer Katie Woods and New M e m b e r D i r e c to r s Amelia Thomas and Avery Barth spent months planning this special night and it looked amazing! The parking lot was covered in blue, pink, and gold decorations. Many Thetas showed off their quirky side on the dance floor. The airbrush and temporary tattoo station was a hit. Some members (myself included) got carried away at the tattoo station and ended up put ting gold Theta t e m p o r a r y t a t to o s all over their faces. There was a blow-up Velcro wall to jump up against, which resulted in a competition to determine who could stay stuck upside-down the longest. By the end of Bid Day, it was as if the new members had been a part of the house for years. My favorite part of the day was when the new member class gathered to sing their first ever Theta song, called “I am a T.” They sung so enthusiastically that every active joined in. You could hear how happy each and every one of them was to be a part of Theta’s sisterhood. We are so lucky to have them all! by Sophie Faude Leaders of Theta PAGE 2 awo awo What Next Semester Brings Executive Board 2015 Brittany Hope, New CEO, Shares Her Journey and Goals Chief Executive Officer -Katherine Flynn I remember Recruitment as if it were yesterday. As a f re s h m a n from the San Fernando Valley, I knew that I was close to home; yet, USC felt worlds away from my family and friends. Upon receiving my Bid Card from my Recruitment Counselor— whom I discovered was also a Theta!—I ran to the Row with my new sisters and instantly felt that ‘gut feeling.’ I was home. Chief Administrative Officer -Mia Pfluger Chief Operating Officer -Fanny Anderson Chief Financial Officer -Margail DiBuono Chief Marketing Officer -Hannah Roberts Chief Education Officer -Katie Woods Chief Panhellenic Officer -Larke Nimocks Executive Board 2016 Chief Executive Officer -Brittany Hope Chief Administrative Officer -Krista Jamgotchian Chief Operating Officer -Kelley Sheets Chief Financial Officer -Kristi Sakai Chief Marketing Officer -Amelia Thomas Chief Education Officer -Kaitlyn Murray Chief Panhellenic Officer -Morgan Schumacher As a part of Theta’s Fall 2014 new member class, I was eager to get involved in the house and to make an impact within the Panhellenic community. I was slated Assistant Director of Sisterhood and Human Resources at the end of my first semester and couldn’t wait to take on the position. It was our primary goal to fill Theta’s calendar with events that would help members in all grades spend more time together. With spa days, movie nights, shopping trips, Dodgers games, and ice skating in Pershing Square, the Spring 2015 and Fall 2015 semesters were a total success! We raised the standards for both the quality and quantity of events for our sisters to enjoy. When slating season began this fall for new positions, I knew that being a member of the Executive Board would continue to make my experience at Theta even more incredible. I wanted to help craft the future of Omicron Theta, not only through new initiatives, but also by making sure that each member felt comfortable, welcome, and at home at Theta. Being slated as Omicron’s CEO as a sophomore is a huge honor, and I am so thankful to my sisters who entrusted me with this position. The transition from Assistant Sisterhood Director to CEO has been a big one, but it has been nearly seamless because of the endless help and support I have received from Katherine Flynn (our outgoing CEO), my fellow Executive Board members, and our advisors. I cannot wait to lead the house that has given me more laughter, memories, and happiness than I could have hoped for. Theta has helped me become the best version of myself. The women that I am able to call my sisters continually inspire me. Looking forward, the upcoming spring semester will be extremely eventful. Our seniors will be spending their last semester together, and many of our juniors will be going abroad and traveling the world. The girls will have Kat at Bat, two invites, exchanges, sisterhood events, our bi-annual Scholarship Dinner, and much more. I thank you for your constant support of Kappa Alpha Theta, and I wish you the happiest and healthiest of new years. From our house to yours, Fight On! PAGE 3 awo awo Leading Women Spotlight Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Sammie Yeager Sarah Borland Rosie Youmans Hometown: Newport Beach, California Hometown: La Cañada, California Caroline Brooks Major: Environmental Studies Major: Public Relations Involvement: SC Outfitters, New North Building Government, Theta Service Director (2016) Future goals: “In the future, I hope to work for a non-profit and go to graduate school.” Best part of Theta: “For me. the best part of Theta is the amazing group of friends I’ve been able to make in just a semester.” Words to live by: “Not all those who wander are lost” -J.R.R. Tolkien Involvement: USC Tour Guide, Staff Writer for Neon Tommy, Theta Director of Philanthropy (2015), Kicks for Kids Volunteer Future goals: “I plan to study abroad my junior year so that I can expand my knowledge of the world and meet different people. After I graduate from USC, I want to work for a company that focuses on philanthropy and service.” Best part of Theta: “I have met so many incredible people through Theta and have learned from every single one of them.” Words to live by: “Be the person your dog thinks you are.” Hometown: Kansas City, Missouri Major: BA Fine Arts Involvement: Theta Historian (2014), Theta Event Director (2015), AIGA Student Member Future goals: “I plan to study abroad in London and expand my knowledge of design.” Best part of Theta: “I love how Theta has provided me with the ability to share a lifetime membership of a club with my best friends, my sisters, and my mother. The quinoa burgers and hot chocolate at the house are also a bonus!” Words to live by: “Life’s a beach and I’m just tanning.” Hometown: Westlake Village, California Major: Cognitive Science Involvement: Theta Reference Chair (2015), Membership Development Committee, Nominating Committee, Bylaws Committee Future goals: “I will be working sales for Adobe’s marketing solutions cloud upon graduation. I am so excited for the next chapter in my life.” Best part of Theta: “I have benefited from a group of strong and deeply caring freinds from all different facets of life. Most of all I have loved the spontaneous moments of uncontrollable laughter and pure happiness.” Words to live by: “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard” -Winnie the Pooh PAGE 4 awo awo Congrats Theta Congratulations to... Alexis Austin What made you decide to become a Theta? Jacqueline Baltz Megan Bastian Gracie Beal “ Never having seen the other houses, I came into Recruitment open-minded. However, after meeting all of the active and potential new members of Theta, I instantly felt at home and knew that Theta would be the place for me!” -Brooke Feldman Casey Becker Morgan Begg Monica Brendsel Rachel Brothers Mel Demma Kelly Devine Micaela Duever Lindsay Easom Brooke Feldman Nicole Friedlich Emily Friedman Caroline Galbreath Sam Garnett Kendal Gee Addie Glass Mallory Goldfarb Daisy Gonzalez Genevieve Gorman Deane Kate Greenberg Eliza Guiterrez-Dewar Isabella Haddad Madeleine Hamilton Marissa Hastings Alana Herrera Caitlin Hoversten Sareena Hunt Adelaide Jessup Elizabeth Kalinowski Sarah Kane Lindsay Karle Katrina Kernochan Madeline Kim Sophie Knauf What does Theta mean to you? “ To me, Theta means a lifetime full of memories, new sisters, and best friends. I can truly say that I have made best friends and sisters for life!” -Mallory Goldfarb PAGE 5 awo awo a New Members Why do you love Theta? “ I’m surrounded by girls who make me happy, make me a better person, and bring out the best in me.” -Maddy Kim Congratulations to... Libby Knight Francesca Macrae Claire Manning Vanessa McConville Savanna McCown Kelley McGinnis Kate Menne Mirabel Michelson McKenna Morley Tasha Nasrollahl Rosie Nebel Claire Neville Emily Nixon Claire Nordstrom Carlin Pappas Nikki Parmar Katie Pasichuke Abbey Pickett Claire Purvis Natalia Renard Lauren Sands Brenna Shroer-Lundeen Emma Shafer Emma Shapardson Sophia Shirvanian Celine Shooshani Chloe Siegel Jaclyn Sigmen Erin Silliman What is your favorite Theta memory? “ It is most definitely experiencing initiation with my mom and receiving her pin. It’s so cool that we are both able to look back on that together as Omicron Chapter Thetas!” -Adie Jessup Savannah Sinfield Shannon Skibicki Sophie Spallas Brit Stein Maggie Suszka Jennie Thomson Brooke Upchurch Sammie Yeager PAGE 6 awo awo Smarty KATs! Omicron Holds Biannual Scholarship Dinner to Celebrate Academic Achievement For the Fall Semester Scholarship Dinner, Theta invited Lisa Starr, USC’s Director of Orientation Programs and Omicron Theta alumna, to speak to the chapter. Lisa graduated from USC in 1983 with a BFA in Theatre. As a Theta at USC, she was in charge of Songfest and most of the skits during Recruitment. Santa Monica College. Along with all of her career accomplishments, she is a married mother of three girls. As a guest speaker, she shared her humor as she talked about her experiences in the working world both at USC and in Europe. Prior to her current position as USC’s Director of Orientation Programs, she was an actress, USC Admission counselor, Theta Advisory Board member, and sales rep for Herff Jones Scholastic Supplies. She was also the Associate Director of Admissions for USC, a Regional Director in the Midwest for USC, and an academic counselor at The night was a huge success, celebrating the fact that Omicron Theta once again had the highest GPA of USC’s Greek organizations (3.55 overall), with 17 members earning a 4.0 GPA and another 39 members earning above a 3.75 GPA. This is an incredible accomplishment—the scholarship celebration was well deserved! by Alex Burns Thetas Late Night Omicron Plans New Philanthropy Event to Support CASA and Theta Foundation T heta Late Night, Theta’s newest philanthropy event, was held on November 19th! Theta’s parking lot was transformed into the go-to hangout place for USC students that night, complete with delicious food and re-runs of “Friends” episodes on a big screen. Nearly 600 people attended Theta Late Night during the two-hour long event. The highlight of the night was the Spudnuts Donut-Eating Competition between members from the Greek organizations in attendance. Two representatives from Lambda Chi Alpha won by scarfing down 34 donut holes in 30 seconds, while Theta’s representatives Brooke Upchurch and Caroline Kamerschen came in second place with 26 donut holes. For a $4 general admission ticket, at te n d e e s re ce i ve d S p u dn ut s , Yogurtland, and movie theater popcorn. For an $8 VIP ticket, attendees received In N’ Out, the Grilled Cheese Truck, and Domino’s. There were also t-shirts being sold for $15 each. From ticket and t-shirt sales, Theta raised $7,000 from Theta Late Night, bringing the chapter’s annual philanthropy fundraising total for 2015 to $50,000. All the proceeds from the event went to Theta’s national philanthropy CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) and the Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation. by Alex Burns PAGE 7 awo awo Thetas Giving Back Girls Raise Money to Empower Young Women I n honor of Theta founder Bettie Locke’s birthday, the Omicron chapter held a fundraiser for Girl Up, an organization that strives to motivate women to promote women’s education. Members gathered in the living room of the Theta house for a showing of Girl Rising, a documentary featuring the stories of nine inspiring women across the world as they strive for better education and a better life. To raise money for the cause, active members and alumni joined efforts on Bettie Locke’s birthday, October 19th, asking for donations to Girl Up as a birthday gift. The fundraiser raised approximately $700 for Girl Up. Given that $13 provides books, a uniform, and school supplies to one girl and $85 supplies all of the educational tools a girl may need for an entire year, our chapter raised enough to sponsor nine incredible young girls’ education for a full year! by Sarahbelle Selig Letter From Omicron’s CEO of 2015 A Message From Katherine Flynn Dear Theta Family, T his pas t se m es te r we welcomed 74 new Thetas to Omicron! I’m so grateful for our Chief Recruitment Officer’s (Maggie Duff’s) dedication and the dedicated team of actives, advisors and parents that made Recruitment a success! Our new members already feel at home and have accomplished so much in their few months as Thetas. Thetas hit the ground running this fall with retreats and new member meetings, football games (including The Weekender in San Francisco), study hours at the house, movie nights, and even directing and starring in their own mini-series. With such a diverse and motivated group of young women, the Theta house is always full of laughter, collaboration, and new ideas. Some of the highlights of fall semester include a night at Dodger Stadium, a scholarship dinner, Twin Star formal invite, KAT in the Hat, and Big/Little Week. We also introduced Theta Late Night in November, a new philanthropy event that we hope becomes a tradition. I’m very proud to report this event raised more money for CASA and Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation than any previous fall philanthropy events. We also welcomed our new House Director, Valerie Murphy. She did not shy away from the challenge of not only managing the house staff, but also overseeing 200+ girls under one roof. Valerie, this semester would not have been the same without you. We are excited to spend many more semesters together in the future. I’m so honored and humbled to have served such an amazing house that I admired from afar for so many years. It’s truly a “pinch-worthy” moment - as a freshman, I never imagined I would be completing my term as Theta CEO as a senior. I’ve learned so much about myself this past year, and I would not trade my experience for anything. Thank you to my amazing Executive Officers for their tireless dedication to the house. Thank you to my advisors for their support, advice, and truly unwavering dedication to Omicron. Thank you to all the members of Theta for letting me take on this role. Even though I sometimes misspoke “Theta Grace” and every time I touched the TV something seemed to go wrong, I hope I left the house a little bit better than it was. I can’t wait to get back to school in January and experience my last semester as a Trojan and a Theta! Theta Love and Mine, Katherine Flynn [email protected] PAGE 8 awo awo Sisterhood Thetas Bond with Fellow Thetas with Sisterhood Activities F all semester included a wide variety of sisterhood events. The first sisterhood event was a Dodger’s game. Thetas excitedly cheered on the Dodgers until it started raining and, in true LA fashion, everyone fled the stands to find cover. Despite the rain, everyone had such a great time! Subsequent sisterhood events emphasized health and well-being, and included a SoulCycle class, Equinox gym days, and a class about staying healthy in college taught by Omicron’s own Hadley Leatherman. Two movie nights were also held at the Theta house over the course of the semester. The second movie night even doubled as a spa night (complete with creepy-looking face masks everyone had a fun time using). Thetas ended the semester with festive sisterhood events including ice skating at Pershing Square and gingerbread house-making during the days leading up to final exams. During ice skating, everyone gathered for a group photo and to watch former figure skater Carina Glastris show off her moves. T hank s so much to Krist a Jamgotchian (Sisterhood Chair and future CAO) and Brittany Hope (Assistant Sisterhood Chair and future CEO) for the great semester of sisterhood activities! by Alex Burns Thetas Meet Their Match Families Continue to Grow with Big/Little Reveal Big/Little Reveal was one of the most highly anticipated events during fall semester. Katie Woods (Chief Education Officer), Amelia Thomas (New Member Director), and Avery Barth (New Member Director) even held “office hours” at campus center to assist members in finding their “perfect match.” September 22nd kicked on the week leading up to Big/Little Reveal, when future Littles are showered with gifts from their Bigs (who remain secretive until Reveal). Littles received posters, candy, shirts, letters, crafts, and clues every day about their Bigs. On Friday during Reveal, each Little found a hat at her poster and put it on, then awaited her turn to meet her Big. Littles went downstairs to the kitchen in small groups, and found their big by their matching hats. Hats ranged from pizza bucket hats (Nicole Bronstein and Libby Knight), to chilli pepper hats (Sydney Lopes and Monica Brendsel). After Reveal, everyone piled onto buses for a night of In-N-Out, laser tag, and bonding. It was definitely one of the best nights of the semester! by Emma Hyams PAGE 9 awo awo Social A Semester of Fun for Omicrons T heta started off the fall semester’s social calendar with the first Fall Invite. It took place at a beautiful venue, and Thetas danced the night away with their handsome dates. Shortly after, Theta had an “Emergency” themed exchange with Sigma Chi. Dressed as firefighters, police officers, and lifeguards, everyone made sure to have a safe and fun night. During Homecoming week, Theta had an exchange with Lambda Chi Alpha, with the theme “Harry Potter and Alma Mater.” Homecoming week finished off with a tailgate on campus with Lambda Chi before USC’s win against Washington. The semester came to a close with the annual “Kat in the Hat” Invite. Each Theta was set up randomly with a date. Thetas then found their dates with the matching hat at the venue, which was much-loved Hard Rock in Hollywood this year. Kat in the Hat is always a great opportunity to meet new people and is popular with everyone who attends! by Katie Gillette Meet Valerie! Omicron Welcomes New House Mom T heta’s new House Director, Valerie Murphy, knows what it’s like to live in a full house. She is the second oldest out of eight children, born and raised in the state of New York. There she raised two sons, Jay and Thomas. Jay, 32, is a Navy Seal based in San Diego but is currently serving in Baghdad with Seal Team 3. In November, Jay raised the American flag in Baghdad in honor of Kappa Alpha Theta USC (pictured). Thomas, 23, is in the Air Force reserves and lives in Hawaii. She will always be a New Yorker at heart, but she was excited at the opportunity to move to California. “The goal was to get me closer to my boys,” she explained. “Though we aren’t living in the same city, I am much more accessible to them.” The opportunity to become Omicron Theta’s House Director evolved out of a suggestion from her friend’s daughter, who told Valerie she would make a great sorority house mom. Indeed, she has been wonderful! She has loved learning about sorority life and sees the importance of providing the young Omicron women in college with a support system. “Theta is a sanctuary and I am happy I can help maintain a place where the girls can be safe and be themselves,” she said. “I love watching the girls interact and keep the balance of their youth while embracing their maturity. One minute they’re dressing up and composing themselves and the next they are hugging and laughing so hard they fall to the ground.” by Alana Victor PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE awo awo PAID c/o Kappa Alpha Theta 653 W. 28th Street Los Angeles, CA 90007 Pasadena, CA PERMIT #740 Address Service Requested HELP US REACH OUR GOAL KAT at Bat 2016 Last year we raised $50,000 for our national philanthropies, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) and the Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation. This year, our annual philanthropy event will be March 26th. Please help us reach our goal by contributing raffle items or monetary dona- awo awo tions. Please go to the following link (http:// and write “Omicron KAT at Bat” in the box that says “note regarding my gift”. Contact Maggie Voelker, KAT at Bat Chair, at [email protected] with any questions. THE CHAIN THAT BINDS US LINKS US HEART TO HEART... Please join the Kappa Alpha Theta Omicron LinkedIn and Facebook pages! Contact Alumnae and Foundation Liaison Adie Jessup with questions [email protected] If you would like to receive future newsletters electronically, please let us know! MADE WITH THETA LOVE This edition of Thetas of Troy was created by: Natalie Mogentale, Editor [email protected] Special thanks to: Ari Uhalde and Hannah Roberts
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