Brochure Green Future per web1


Brochure Green Future per web1
The Green Future Srl was born from the experience gained from years in the field of environmental sustainability
and of the studies on the impacts generated by human acvies.
The growing awareness of environmental and sustainable development policies, pursued by the industrialized countries, require soluons that combine the needs of funconality with those of the natural environment in which they
are inserted.
We offer our experience in favor of territorial projects with specific acons and environmentally friendly, inpu#ng
technical soluons with low environmental impact.
Our Mission
We operate since 2003 in the field of environmental consulting through conducting activities in
the public interest, in the fields of nature conservation, biodiversity, ecology and sustainable
Since 2011, we have implemented our services while also offering the sale of technologies for
The a)enon to environmental needs, through sustainable intervenons, makes us
aware of the importance of our work. Our MISSION reflects this important role and
is at the center of a process whose main objecves are the good of the community
and the environment. We have worked with leading companies and public administraons, ge#ng results with extensive customer sasfacon.
Our core values are:
Maximum a)enon for the customer
Muldisciplinary approach
Reliable performance and high quality content
Timing rapid and guaranteed
Quality of products
Renewables Energies
Green building
Environmental Studies
Parks and Gardens
Environmental restoraon
Cerficaon of Management Systems
Applied Ecology
Research and Development
Environmental Communicaon
Renewables Energies
Search suitable sites and feasibility studies
Design, Construcon Supervision and Safety
Projects development and managment administrave
Service advisor
Technical and environmental due diligence
Plans industrial chain
Control of plant efficiency
Construcon of plants Turnkey
Management, Monitoring and Maintenance of plants
Foeniculum (40x50) -
Green building
Homes and ecological structures
Materials and bio-ecological products
Systems with high energy efficiency
Systems for water reuse and natural purificaon
Insulaon systems
Roofs and green walls
Energy cerficaon of buildings
Energy Consulng
Analysis with infrared camera
Ganzirri (60x80) -
Cerficaon of Management Systems
− ISO 9001, ISO 14001
− OHSAS 18001
Environmental Studies
− Checks subjecon to Environmental Impact Assessments
− Environmental implicaons assessment
− Environmental Impact Assessments
− Landscape relaons
− Integrated Environmental Authorisaons
− Botanical and Studies and Consultaonsns
− Agronomic Studies and Consultaons
− Studies and Consultaons on marine bioc communies
− Acousc Impact Assessments
Il Gruccione (40x50)
Environmental restoraon
− Reforestaon with nave species
− Renaturaon with bioengineering techniques
− Reconstuon of coastal marine
− Constructed wetlands and lagoons
− Environmental restoraon of quarries and landfills
− Environmental restoraon a?er construcon
Eryngium (60x60)
Parks and Gardens
− Design and construcon
− Maintenance of green
Technical Services
Topographic services
Cadastre services
Changes of the crop in soils
Surveys, inspecons, current and historical maps and a)ribuon of cadastral income
− Appraisals environmental and agronomic
Il bruco (30x40)
Applied Ecology
Polluon level expressed by Macrodescriptors (LIM)
Extended Bioc Index (EBI)
Ecological Status of Rivers (SECA)
State Environmental of Rivers (SACA)
Ecological Status of Lakes (SEL)
Analysis of microenvironmental
Characterizaons environmental
Environmental Communicaon
Il Salmpalo (30x40)
Communicaon Plans
Organizing and managing events
Creaon of informaonal and educaonal material
3D rendering and photo simulaons
Research and Development
Il faro - Capo Granitola (40x50)
Mare morto (50x35)
Scienfic research
Technological research
Development of new products
Methodological development
Team and Partners
Giuseppe Filiberto
General Director
mail:[email protected]
Tel.: +39 3398381172
Alessio Furlo
Technical Director
mail: a.furloƫ
Tel.: +39 3284192378
Claudio Palillo
Consultant Internaonal Business
mail: [email protected]
Tel.: +49 1715859338
Valeria Palummeri
Consultant Nature and Agriculture
mail: [email protected]
Tel.: +39 3662599227
Marco Pecorella
Consultant Sales Manager
mail: [email protected]
Tel.: +39 3280314972
We treat well the earth on which we live:
it not been given to us by our fathers,
but there has been paid by our children.
(Proverb Masai)
Renewables Energies
Project development Solar Parks - Malta
Project development Solar Parks in Malta:
Project “Nardu” 2,97 MWp
Project “Gozo 1” 2,90 MWp
Project “Kosis” 2,10 MWp
Project financing
Year: Ongoing
Project development Small Wind Parks 1 MWp capillary - Sicily
Project development of Small Wind Parks 1
MWp capillary in Sicily, consis)ng of 20
wind turbines of 50 kW.
Project financing
Year: Ongoing
Realizaon Photovoltaic System 100 kWp - Menfi (AG), Sicily
Construcon of Photovoltaic system on the
ground of 100 kWp to the service of the municipal sewage treatment plant in Menfi
Client: Private
Year: 2013
Administrave management of Photovoltaic System 200 kWp - Palermo, Sicily
Administrave management of Photovoltaic System
200 kWp installed on the roof of an industrial building - Palermo.
Network connecon manager
Authorizaon for the construcon
Code for Electricity Company
Convenon for Retreat Dedicated GSE
Convenon for feed-in tariff GSE
Client: Private
Year: 2013
Maintenance Solar Park 5 MWp - Villalba (CL), Sicily
Ordinary maintenance Solar Park
5 MW Villaba:
• Maintenance of green
• Clean panels
• Analysis with infrared camera
• General monitoring
Client: Private
Year: since 2012
Support for the construcon Solar Park 5 MWp - Villalba (CL), Sicily
Support for the construc'on Solar
Park 5 MWp Villaba:
• Selec'ng contractors
• Site prepara'on
• Managing Permissions
• Stacking
Client: Private
Year: 2010-2012
Project development Solar Parks 1 MWp grid parity - Sicily
Project development Solar Parks 1 MWp (tot. 20 MW) in
Sicily for the grid parity:
Search suitable sites and feasibility studies
Preliminary and final project
Permission to connect to the Local Area Networ
Execuve project of the plant and cable duct
Permissions for the execuon of the works
Support for the sale of the project
Client: Private
Year: 2011-2013
Construcon of renewable energy plants
Construcon of renewable energy plants, residenal and industrial, grid
connected/stand alone:
Supply and installaon of photovoltaic systems, wind and solar
thermal systems.
Supply and installaon of devices for energy saving
Operaons and Maintenance (O&M)
Clients: Privates
Year: since 2011
Environmental Studies
Screening for the Environmental Implicaons Assessment Center for Biotechnology and Biomedical Research - Carini (PA)
Screening for the Environmental Implicaons Assessment in accordance with Arcle 4 of the Decree of the regional
department of the territory and environment of 30/03/07, for Project of the Center for Biotechnology and Biomedical Research - Carini
Year: 2012
Environmental Studies for renewable energy plants - Italy
Environmental Impact Assessments, Landscape relaons and Environmental Implicaons Assessment
148 MW Solar Parks
12 MW Thermodynamic Solar Park
22 MW Wind Farm
55 MW Biomass plant
Clients: Privates
Year: since 2006
Environmental Studies for Marime Works - Sicily
Environmental Impact Assessment (including Monitoring Plan
and Waste Analysis) and Environmental Implicaons Assessment for “Final project of reconstrucon of the beach between
the mouth of the river Achates-Dirillo and Punta Zafaglione in
the territory of the municipalies of Victoria and Achates”.
Proposer: Provincia Regionale di Ragusa
Year: 2011
Environmental Implicaons Assessment for “Final project of
reconstrucon of the beach between the p and Zafaglione and
Scogli0, in the Municipality of Victoria (RG).
Proposer: Provincia Regionale di Ragusa
Year: 2009
Ex Centro R.I.N.G.
Environmental Implicaons Assessment for tender for
“execuve planning and execuon of upgrade works of a secon of the quay of the commercial port of Augusta for the docking of mega-container ships and tooling with gantry crane”.
Contract authority: Autorità Portuale Augusta (SR)
Year: 2011
Methodological report for the study of phyto-zoobenthic
communies for tender for “execuve planning and execuon
of the work of marime compleon of the exisng works relang to the extension of the breakwater, of the construcon of
the pier and of the wharf”.
Contract authority: Comune di Sant’Agata di Militello (ME)
Year: 2010
Environmental Studies for producve acvies - Italy
Environmental Impact Assessment and Autorizzazione Integrated Environmental Authorisaons for a breeding of
100,000 laying hens and on egg producon in the municipality
of Misilmeri (PA).
Client: Private
Year: 2010
Checks subjecon to Environmental Impact Assessments for a
"Storage facility for hazardous waste and non-hazardous" in
the town of Nicolosi (CT).
Client: Private
Year: 2009
Consulng and support to the opinion and assessment for
“procedure of environmental impact assessment for the project
of the mining district – Cava San Giuseppe, in the municipality
of Arluno (MI). Proposer: INERTI ECOTER SGA – Milano
(Procedura R.743)” on behalf of the Regional Nature Reserve
Client: Centro RING Ricerche e Proge#
Year: 2009
Scienfic advice on environmental degradaon and on the
plan of invesgaons under the project of "Securing the MSW
landfill of Contrada Maimone - City of Castellana Sicula (PA)"
Client: LAAP
Year: 2009
Environmental Implicaons Assessment and Environmental
Impact Assessments for tender for “execuve planning and
execuon of the work of di integrated intervenon for the cricalies of the towns of Lipari and Vulcano. Lipari Island: desalinaon plant, photovoltaic system and priority acons on water
Contract authority: Commissario Delegato
Year: 2009
Landscape Impact Study SS 121 PA-AG - Sicily
Landscape relaon and study of visibility of the works for the final project of the "Modernizaon works of
the tract Palermo - Lerch Friddi, funconal lot from km 14.4 (km 0.0 of Lot 2) including the connecng poron of the roundabout BologneEa at km 48.0 (km 33.6 Lot 2 - interchange Manganaro included) including
connecons with the current SS 189 and SS 121”
Proposer: ANAS Spa
Year: 2010
Environmental Studies for se6lements tourist-hotel - Sicily
Environmental Implicaons Assessment and Strategic
Environmental Assessment for “Development plan in
Z.T.O. "AL" (seElements tourist-hotel) for the construcon
of houses for holidays in the Municipality of Terrasini
(PA)”, falling within the Natura 2000 site ITA 020009 (Cala
Rossa and Capo Rama).
Client: Private
Year: 2008
Environmental Implicaons Assessment for the creaon
of a "Tourist center for water sports" in Municipality of
Campobello di Mazara (TP), falling within the Natura 2000
PORTO PALO E FOCE DEL BELICE", included in the program PRUSST “Sicilia: Terre d’Occidente”.
Client: Private
Year: 2008
Environmental Studies for projects planning - Sicily
Ecological analysis, design of green and Impact Assessment as part of the final project "Works for the construcon of a mulcultural center-playful-recreaon in Passo
l'Abate: Parco Maimone" in the Municipality of Castellana
Sicula (PA).
Client: LAAP
Year: 2008
Environmental Implicaons Assessment (Natura 2000
ANTENNAMARE E AREA MARINA DELLO STRETTO DI MESSINA”) as part of the final project “Detailed Plan Execuve
of Capo Peloro” – Messina
Proposer: Comune di Messina
Year: 2008
Environmental Studies for residenal se6lements - Italy
Environmental Implicaons Assessment in Natura 2000
Site ITA090020 as part of the final project for the construcon of a building to be used in civil dwelling in the
territory of Sorno (SR)
Client: Private
Year: 2010
Environmental Implicaons Assessment for the project
“Residence and warehouse in the service of a farm located
in the Municipality of Carini”
Client: Private
Year: 2010
Environmental Implicaons Assessment for the project
Natura 2000 Site IT2050006 “BOSCO DI VANZAGO”
Client: Centro RING Ricerche e Proge#
Year: 2009
Environmental Implicaons Assessment in Natura 2000
Site ITA090020 as part of the final project for the construcon of a building to be used in civil dwelling in the
territory of Sorno (SR)
Client: Private
Year: 2009
Environmental Studies for the safeguard of the Natura 2000 Sites - Italy
Environmental Implicaons Assessment for the project
“Extraordinary maintenance for the renaturaon of the
wetlands of the oasis and wildlife management intervenons for birds” in Natura 2000 Site IT2050006 “BOSCO DI
Proposer: WWF Italia
Anno: 2009
Ex Centro R.I.N.G.
Research project entled "The protecon of the environmental system" implemented through the City of Palermo
- Sector Environment and Territory - Service Environment
and Ecology. Processing of maps relang to the following
themes: natural cavies; Regional reserves; City parks;
Tradional fishing villages in the town of Palermo, analysis and graphical depicon of priority habitats and relave
presence of animal and plant species of Community interest, within Natura 2000 Sites: ITA020006 Capo Gallo,
ITA020012 Valle del Fiume Oreto, ITA020014 Monte Pellegrino, ITA020023 Raffo Rosso, M. Cuccio e Vallone Sagana, ITA020044 M. Grifone, ITA020047 Fondali Isola delle
Femmine-Capo Gallo. Creang a map of the territory of
the marine coast of Palermo.
Proposer: Comune di Palermo
Year: 2008
Ex Centro R.I.N.G.
Management Plans of Natura 2000 Sites - Sicily
Physical descripon of the site (geography, geology, climate, etc.), biological descripon of the site (flora,
vegetaon, fauna, habitats, ecosystems, etc.); agro-forestry descripon of the site (land use, etc.), idenficaon of the cricality environmental and inventory of contaminated sites for the dra?ing of the Management Plan of the Natura 2000 Sites ITA 010005 “Laghe0 di Preola e Gorghi Tondi e Sciare di Mazara”; ITA
010014 “Sciare di Marsala”; ITA 010012 “Marausa: Macchia a Quercus Calliprinos” and ITA 010031
“Laghe0 di Preola e Gorghi Tondi e Sciare di Mazara e Pantano Leone”.
Proposer: WWF Italia
Anno: 2008
Environmental restoraon, Design, implementaon and maintenance of parks and gardens
Environmental restoraon for the construcon site areas SS 121 PA-AG - Sicily
Execuve project of the restoraon environmental works of the site areas for “Modernizaon works of
the tract Palermo - Lerch Friddi, funconal lot from km 14.4 (km 0.0 of Lot 2) including the connecng poron of the roundabout BologneEa at km 48.0 (km 33.6 Lot 2 - interchange Manganaro included) including
connecons with the current SS 189 and SS 121”.
Proposer: ANAS Spa
Year: 2012
Design of the green and of the wildlife crossings SS 121 PA-AG - Siciliy
Design of the green and of the wildlife crossings for “Modernizaon works of the tract Palermo - Lerch
Friddi, funconal lot from km 14.4 (km 0.0 of Lot 2) including the connecng poron of the roundabout BologneEa at km 48.0 (km 33.6 Lot 2 - interchange Manganaro included) including connecons with the current SS 189 and SS 121”
Proposer: ANAS Spa
Year: 2010
Environmental Recovery for a aggregates quarry - Isnello (PA)
Design of "Intervenons Environmental Recovery of the former aggregates quarry located in Contrada
Aculeia in the City of Isnello (PA)"
Client: Private
Year: 2009
Environmental restoraon of the shoreline of Campofelice di Roccella (PA)
Ecological Consultancy and Engineering Naturalisc Intervenons for final project "Environmental restoraon and urban design of the shoreline between the former steelworks AFEM and the medieval village of
Torre Roccella".
Proposer: Comune di Campofelice di Roccella (PA)
Year: 2008
Design of the green for planning of the City of Adwa - Ethiopia
Study and design of green according to the principles of the agroforestry for the planning acvies of the
town of Adwa (Ethiopia) given by FUPCoB Federal Urban Planning Coordinang Bureau of the Ministry of
Public Works - Urban Development in Addis Ababa, and of the Municipality of Adwa.
Proposer: FUPCoB Federal Urban Planning Coordinang Bureau Addis Abeba
Research instuon: A+O ARCHIOPERAIO
Year: 2008
Realizaon of the Green of the Municipal waste collecon center - Cefalù (PA)
Design and Realizaon of the Green of the Center Municipal Separate collecon of MSW of the Municipality of Cefalù (PA)
Proposer: Comune di Cefalù (PA)
Year: 2008
Realizaon of the band of trees for Solar Park 5 MWp - Villalba (CL), Sicily
Design and Realizaon of the band of trees for protecon and separaon for Solar Park 5MW “Villalba di
Gesù” – Villaba (CL).
Client: Private
Year: 2011
Design of the green for Thermodinamic Solar Park 12 MW - Gela (CL), Sicily
Design of the green for Thermodinamic Solar Park from 12 MW in the Municipality of Gela (CL).
Client: Private
Year: 2011
Consultancy for the works of recovery and conservaon of the Roman Villa Piazza Armerina (EN), Sicily
Botanical surveys for the detecon of species suitable for the construcon of historical palisades for the
works of recovery and conservaon of the Imperial Villa of Casale in Piazza Armerina (EN).
Proposer: Assessorato Regionale Beni Culturali Ambientali - Regione Siciliana
Client: Centro RING Ricerche e Proge#
Year: 2008
Design of the Migaon Measures for a Pit Poll Hydrocarbons - Ragusa, Sicily
Census of trees and design of the works of compensaon through Naturalisc Engineering techniques
for migaon of impacts related to the construcon of a Pit Poll Hydrocarbons - Ragusa.
Client: EniMed - Eni Mediterranea Idrocarburi S.p.A.
Year: 2007
Ex Centro R.I.N.G.
Intervenons for the promoon, protecon and enjoyment of the Natura
2000 site ITA020027 - Piana degli Albanesi (PA), Sicily
Botanical study, Monitoring the works of Bioengineering, Reports maintenance of vegetaon, analysis of
areas of stagnaon and chemical-physical and biological dynamics of the lake areas affected by the construcon of ecological corridors. Implementaon and networking of a database on damp environment.
Proposer: Comune di Piana degli Albanesi
Year: 2007-2008
Ex Centro R.I.N.G.
Infrastructural environmental works of the valley of the River Morello and tributaries including the reservoir created by the dam Ferrara - Villarosa (EN), Sicily
Scienfic advice for the project “Infrastructural environmental works of the valley of the River Morello and
tributaries including the reservoir created by the dam
Ferrara” - Villarosa (EN), Sicily
Proposer: Comune di Villarosa (EN)
Year: 2007
Ecological Corridor in the Madonie Park - Geraci Siculo (PA), Sicily
Scienfic advice for the final project “Creaon of an Ecological Corridor between upstream and downstream of the River Giardinello, in the countryside of Geraci Siculo, to promote acvies of monitoring and
scienfic research devoted to tesng of repopulaon of iEofauna and creaon of scienfic laboratories
through the use of tradional heritage ” - Geraci Siculo (PA), Sicilia
Proposer: Ente Parco Regionale delle Madonie
Client: LAAP
Year: 2004
Bathtub for poultry manure with a'ached constructed wetland plant - Belmonte
Mezzagno (PA), Sicily
Project for realization a bathtub for
poultry manure with attached constructed wetland plant.
Client: Private
Year: 2011
Redevelopment naturalis"c for archaeological and naturalis"c circuits - Blufi (PA), Sicily
Environmental feasibility study for the preliminary project: naturalistic redevelopment of the area between
the away Nocilla and the river Cat and connection,
through the recovery of the old paths, with the ecological corridor that along the southern Himera River is located between the Roman bridge of Blufi and the mills
Avanelle and Oliva.
Proposer: CANI, Circuito Archeo Naturalistico
Year: 2008
Design, implementation and maintenance of parks and gardens - Sicily
Design, implementation and maintenance of parks
and gardens
Public green
Private homes
Gardens of condominiums
Solar parks
Industrial green areas
Services of:
Phytosanitary treatments
Treatment for palms against red weevil
Pruning and grafting
Bush clearing of fallow land
Preparing of the ground
Analysis of soil
Agronomic analysis
Supply and installation of:
Trees, shrubs and lawns
Irrigation systems
Natural pools
Green Roofs
Vertical walls
Furnishing gardens
Gabion walls
Construction of:
Mediterranean gardens
Exotic gardens
Gardens for educational purposes
Gardens in sharing
Winter Gardens and Greenhouses
Clients: Privates
Year: since 2008
Environmental Communicaon and Educaon
Course "Expert on Renewable Energy"
Training course on Renewable Energy in the company, for 15 students, funded by the European Community.
Client: Accademia Britannica Srl, Campobasso
Year: 2012
Other courses designed
Project training and upda"ng in the field of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental
Implica"ons Assessment in the light of the new "Environmental Energy Plan of the Sicilian Region" for
staff of municipal engineering departments.
Year: 2012
Technician for the management and control of the environment
Year: 2006
Technician for the installa"on, opera"on and maintenance of facili"es for the produc"on of energy from
renewable sources
Year: 20006
Refresher course in the field of Environmental Implica"ons Assessment
Year: 20006
Naturalis"c operator for the Mediterranean marine environment
Year: 2004
Environmental Educa"on Projects funded by the European Community
Project "A walk in nature (Ac"on F-1-FSE-2009-1698)" as part of the Opera8onal Programme Na8onal 2007/2013
Objec8ve "Convergence" (Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sicily) ESF-European Social Fund "Skills for Development
"Annuality 2009-2010.
Client: Is8tuto Comprensivo “Renato GuAtuso”, Villagrazia di Carini (PA).
Year: 2010
Project “We follow a track Recyclable (Ac"on F1-FSE-2008-645)" as part of the Opera8onal Programme Na8onal
Objec8ve "Convergence" (Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sicily) ESF-European Social Fund "Skills for Development
"Annuality 2008-2009.
Client: Circolo DidaCco “E. SALGARI”, Palermo
Year: 2009
Maps of the routes of fauna - Sicily
Consul8ng and development of n.5 maps of the routes of fauna within the pilot project made out by the
Italian Alpine Club - Sicily co-financed by the European Union under the Programme Leader + 2000-2006.
Interven8on 1.2.4. "Integrated Management Exemplary of Natura 2000 sites: Gro'a di Entella" Measure
1.2.. "Increased of the compe88veness, environmental and cultural" - Sec8on I "territorial strategies of rural development" of the PSL Terre del GaAopardo.
Client: Club Alpino Italiano – Sicilia
Year: 2008
Communica"on Plan of the fluvial oasis Valle del Morello - Sicily
Implementa8on of the Communica"on Plan and draIing of the Management Plan of the fluvial oasis
Valle del Morello for the project "Infrastructural environmental works of the valley of the River Morello
and tributaries including the reservoir created by the dam Ferrara” - Villarosa (EN), Sicily
educa8onal signage
video documentary
cd Rom
informa8on material
Proposer: Comune di Villarosa (EN)
Year: 2007
Educaonal signage for WWF OASIS Lake of the Piana degli Albanesi - Sicily
Realizaon of the educaonal signage for the paths of the WWF Oasis "Lago di Piana degli Albanesi" within
the project “Intervenons for the promoon, protecon and enjoyment of the Natura 2000 site ITA020027
- Lago Piana degli Albanesi ”
Proposer: Comune di Piana degli Albanesi
Year: 2007-2008
Video documentary about the Atlan"c Forest - Porto Seguro, Brazil
Produc8on of a video documentary about the Atlan"c Forest in the Porto Seguro, Brazil for tourism promo8on of the Residence Don Corleone.
Client: Private
Year: 2006
Territorial marke"ng projects
Consultancy for the territorial marke8ng project “iMad Le Madonie in un'APP”
Proposer: Private
Year: 2013
Component of the project group "X counts as Y in C" par8cipa8on in the Compe""on of ideas launched
by the Ente Parco Regionale delle Madonie "Feasibility study on the management, redevelopment, use
and sustainable development of the mountain area of Piano Baaglia in rela on with mountain areas of
Mandria del Conte, Piano Zucchi, with the system of the viability and a necessary osmosis with the countries of the park".
Contract authority: Ente Parco Regionale delle Madonie
Group Leader: LAAP
Year: 2007
Consultancy for the territorial marke8ng
project EQUAL-SICILIA “ValoreNatura:
New local economy for areas of high environmental value”
Proposer: WWF Italia
Year: 2005-2006
Other realiza"ons
Realiza8on dvd-rom "Guided prac"ce ac"vi"es - Course
in renatura"on and Bioengineering and Environmental
Faculty of Science MM.FF.NN and Faculty of Engineering - University of Palermo" A.I.P.I.N. Sec8on Sicily
Client: A.I.P.I.N. Sec8on Sicily
Year: 2007
Realiza8on cd-rom “Landscape and Flora of the Sicilian
coasts”, AIPIN Sezione Sicilia.
Client: A.I.P.I.N. Sec8on Sicily
Year: 2005
Layout of the book: "Renatura"on of Wetlands: Case
Studies. Edited by A.Petralia and G.Pirrera. WWF Sicily,
December 2005. "
Client: WWF Italia
Year: 2005
Realiza8on cd-rom for the project LIFE NATURA
(EOLIFE99 “Protec"on of priority plant species of the
Aeolian Islands ”
Client: ECOGESTIONI S.c.a.r.l. , Palermo
Year: 2005
Applied Ecology, Research and Development
Ecological surveys of waterways - Sicily
Advice and assistance to the Technical Consultant in Case:
"Regional Department of Land and Environment Vs Dis8llery
Bertolino". Purpose of the consul8ng: Applica"on of the IFF
(Fluvial Func"oning Index) on the first stretch of the River
Nocella and River Raccuglia in the Municipality of Par"nico
Proposer: Ordinary Court of Palermo
Year: 2008
Applica"on of the Index SECA (Ecological Status of Rivers
and of the index SEL (Ecological Status of Lakes) for the
determina"on of the general ecological status of the rivers
Vanelle and Mastrosilvestro and of the Lake Villarosa within the project "Infrastructural environmental works of the
valley of the River Morello and tributaries including the reservoir created by the dam Ferrara”
Proposer: Comune di Villarosa (EN)
Year: 2007
Applica"on of the IFF (Fluvial Func"oning Index) and of the
IBE (Extended Biotic Index) on the first stretch of the River
Morello and on the rivers Vanelle and Mastrosilvestro within the project "Infrastructural environmental works of the
valley of the River Morello and tributaries including the reservoir created by the dam Ferrara”
Proposer: Comune di Villarosa (EN)
Year: 2007
Effects of coexistence of photovoltaic systems with the agro-ecosystem - Paternò (CT), Sicily
Predic"ve analysis, ecological and economic of the effects of coexistence of photovoltaic systems with
the agro-ecosystem with applica"on of the Emergy analysis for the construc8on of a photovoltaic system
power of 996 kWp.
Proposer: Private
Year: 2009
Product analysis on waste on the beach between the mouth of the river AcateDirillo and Punta Zafaglione - Acate, Vi'oria (RG), Sicily
Product analysis on waste present in the dunes on the beach between the mouth of the river Acate-Dirillo
and Punta Zafaglione - Acate, ViAoria (RG), Sicily
Proposer: Provincia Regionale di Ragusa
Year: 2011
Monitoring on the interac"ons of the fauna and flora in the photovoltaic
plants - Sicily
Monitoring on the interac8ons of the flora and fauna conducted on several photovoltaic plants built in Sicily. The monitoring results have been published as: G. Filiberto, G. Pirrera "Monitoring on the interac"ons of the flora and fauna in the photovoltaic plants". Acts of Congress SIEP-Iale (Società Italiana per
l’Ecologia del Paesaggio – Interna"onal Associa"on for Landscape Ecology) 2008.
Year: 2008
PHYTOS: produc"on and exploita"on of medicinal plants through micropropaga"on techniques and nursery techniques - Sicily
Research on the produc"on of medicinal plants (medicinal and aroma"c), by micropropaga"on techniques and nursery techniques, used in the fields of pharmaceu8cal, cosme8c and herbal, with the aim of
enhancing the environmental and cultural resources, but above all to safeguard biodiversity.
Yaer: 2005
Species subject of research :
Sarcopoterium spinosum
Thymus vulgaris
Malva sylvestris
Calendula arvensis
Hypericum perforatum
Silybum marianum
Research on invasive alien species in the Mediterranean - Sicily
Research on invasive alien species in the Mediterranean. The research results have been published as: : G.
Filiberto “Invasive alien species: a trap for the ecology of the Mediterranean ” in Cornelini P., Federico C.,
Pirrera G. “Mediterranean na ve shrubs” Azienda Regionale Foreste Demaniali Sicilia, 2009.
Yaer: 2009
Green Future House
GREEN FUTURE HOUSE is an ecological house, modular and transportable, capable of providing a complete energy independence, water and sanita8on.
Year: 2013
Green Future Energy Box
ENERGY BOX, is a system of self-generation of electricity, based on hybrid technology
Year: 2013
Cerficaon of Management Systems
The Green Future Srl is authorized CERTIND agency, independent cer"fica"on
body, with private capital, founded in 2003 with headquarters in Bucharest,
Our mission is to increase the level of compe88veness and performance of our customers by helping them
to beAer manage the risks associated with the ac8vi8es carried out, trying to follow, at the same 8me, the
principle of con8nuous improvement.
We provide to any type of organiza8on of the impar8al evalua8ons, credible and professional, for management systems, produc8on flows and intermediate or finished products, while maintaining full confiden8ality of all informa8on obtained.
We carry out our cer8fica8on ac8vi8es across Europe ensuring interna8onal recogni8on, with the following advantages:
Increase the pres8ge and image
Improved rela8ons with the authori8es
Opportuni8es to gain new markets
Quality Management Systems
ISO 9001 - Quality Management
ISO 13485 - Medical Devices
ISO/TS 29001 - Industries of the Petroleum and Gas
ISO 29990 - Educa8onal services and educa8on
EN 15838 - Customer Contact Centers
ISO/TS 16949 – Automo8ve
Environmental Management Systems
ISO 14001 ed EMAS
Management Systems for health and safety at work
OHSAS 18001
Management Systems for Food Safety
HACCP / ISO 22000
FSSC 22000
Energy Management Systems
ISO 50001 / EN16001
Management systems for informa"on security
ISO / IEC 27001
Management systems of services IT Service Management
ISO / IEC 20000
Safety Management Systems of distribu"on channels
ISO 28000
Management systems of social responsibility
Management systems for business con"nuity
BS 25999
Cer"fying compliance of food products
D.O.P. (Denomina8on of Controlled Origin)
I.G.P. (Geographical Indica8on of Product)
Cer"fica"on of conformity of the products with applica"on of the trademark
VAT number: 06004500820
Headquarters : via U.Maddalena, 92 - 90131 Palermo - Italy
Phone +39 091 8776799 Fax1 +39 091 6686166 Fax2 +39 06233207237
email: [email protected]
General Director: DoA. G.Filiberto
Mobile: +39 339 8381172
email:[email protected]