Newsletter May 2015


Newsletter May 2015
Silver Star
Star Newsletter
(BOOKING ESSENTIAL £10 per table)
Please find raffle tickets enclosed. As usual we have some generously donated prizes. Our twice yearly raffles are a
VITAL fundraiser for us and we ask you to take part if you possibly can. Fill in the stubs and return with payment to
Maggie in the envelope provided or bring on the day. Please make cheques out to ‘Silver Star Society’ and if you need
any more tickets contact Maggie or Clare at the Silver Star office. Thank you.
Offering special care to mothers with medical complications in pregnancy
Silver Star Newsletter Issue 60 May 2015
Contacts &
For Your Hospital Charity
100 ft at the JR,
Oxford, for our
hospital causes
See inside for details
14th June
Join the Silver Star Society
To become a member and receive the
newsletter free of charge, please e mail Maggie
or Clare on [email protected]. Please
be sure to inform us if you would like your
baby’s name to be included in the newsletter as
this does not automatically happen.
20th September
Contact Details
Maggie Findlay & Clare Edwards
Silver Star Society Office, Level 6, Women’s
Centre, John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington,
Oxford OX3 9DU.
Midwives, Amanda and Aletha,
celebrate after their abseil.
e: [email protected]
t: 01865 743444
Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Charitable Funds (registered charity no 1057295)
supports the work of the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
The abseil for Silver Star is on Sunday September 20th at 11-12 noon.
We are appealing for brave volunteers. Why not pair up with a friend
and get double the Fun AND Funds?! It costs £20 to enter and we
ask that you raise a minimum of £100 for charity. To enter, please
contact the phone number, or e mail at the bottom of the poster.
Many thanks.
Tel. 01865 221718
E-mail: [email protected]
Twitter: @SilverstarStar
Donations from October 2014
Mrs Harvey knitted beautiful cardigans for
our baby clothes stall. Her Grandchildren
Charlie & Any were born in the Unit.
Mrs Gant
Kate Fletcher
Mrs Lyn Trinder
Green Biologics Limited Christmas raffle
INCA Financial Services.
Cathryn Higgins For her Abseil
Wheatley W.I.
Mr & Mrs Harvey, in thanks for their care
and safe delivery of their twin boys, James
and Fraser.
Granny Ali in appreciation for the safe
arrival of granddaughter Ailish
Barclays Bank, Cornmarket Oxford
Mrs Odia, in memory of Henry Odia
Mr & Mrs Hamilton, in memory of baby boy
Zach Thomas Hamilton
Mrs C Quainton
The Parish of St. Andrew, Headington,
Mr & Mrs Pickering
Mr & Mrs Lunn
Laura Reynolds knitted baby clothes and
Donations to our Just Giving page from:
Marine Davies and proud grandparents,
Barbara and Malcolm Davies for the safe
arrival of baby Emma.
Elsevier Customer Service Team
Toby Lockyer
Offering special care to mothers with medical complications in pregnancy
Natasha Quigley
Sarah Smith in memory of her two nephews
Samantha Steele
Tom, Steve & Johnny for completing the
Tough Mudder Challenge
Debbie Rendell from Tesco Distribution
Didcot – knitted items
Silver Star Newsletter Issue 60 May 2015
London Marathon 2015
We had seven sensational Marathon runners this year. Huge thanks to all of you for your achievements; we are very
impressed and grateful to each of you! Here are your stories:
Marisha Stimpson
‘It was a fantastic day, the weather was perfect for
running. It was the culmination of 4 months hard
training, over 350 training miles completed before
the big day. It takes immense discipline to get out
on cold, dark, wet January evenings, after a long day
at work, but the reward from the crowds and when
Buckingham palace appears in your sights on race
day makes it all worth it. Pain is only temporary, the
experience of The London Marathon stays with you
“During”- The organisation of the event was second to none. Despite being
at the start line by myself I certainly never felt alone. There was a fantastic
sense of mutual support between runners at all stages. The training runs
may have prepared my body, and to a certain extent my mind, to complete
the course, but they certainly didn’t prepare me for the overwhelming crowd
support and noise that comes at every step. At points the noise was almost
suffocating. As for the most emotional points - well turning the corner to
cross Tower Bridge. Maybe the thought of almost being half way, or possibly
the immense size of the first tower in front of you, either way there was still
a lump in the throat. However that was tiny in comparison to the emotions
that overwhelm you as you turn the final corner, seeing the finish line and the
realisation that “I’VE DONE IT!”
Jo Aplin
Tony Sturgess
‘I’d like to thank the Silver Star
Society for giving me the opportunity
to run the London marathon. It was
a massive roller coaster of emotions
from training through to the day. I
absolutely loved every moment and
knowing you’re doing it for such a
great cause definitely pulls you through as well as the crowds shouting your
name! Would I do it again? Never say never!’
‘Off I set, in perfect conditions for a
marathon. Again like last year the crowd
were just fantastic cheering everybody
on. I went through the half way stage
at 02:02 feeling really good and virtually
bang on pace for a sub 4 hour finish,
although running near a guy for 5 miles
bouncing a basketball in each hand was a little distracting! How do these
people do it? A few more miles up the road disaster struck! I had to stop for
a couple of comfort breaks, this cost me a considerable amount of time. Also
my left foot started to hurt a bit, an inspection at the finish revealed a loss
of two toenails. I have never suffered anything like this on any training run I
have done.
Justin Lee
‘Where do I start describing what an
amazing personal journey experienced
in being a part of the London Marathon.
It began nervously but passionately in
being able to contribute to a wonderful
charity Silver Star, whilst testingmy own
limits to accomplish such an experience.
What followed on the day was not only
very personal in pushing my own pain
thresholds being determined to complete, but a journey of inspiration fuelled
by meeting so many individuals along the way. I was left breathless not only
in the physical sense! but by the true spirit of people & their kind words
of encouragement & motivation. Various memories of the day will always
stay with me; a lady approached me thanking me as I ran, she herself & her
babies had been supported by Silver Star. I met so many that inspired me
to keep going & was also contacted recently by a man I had met on the day,
sending an e-mail saying I had inspired him to complete, how humbling. I
have been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis today following recent tests,
but this does not prevent my motivation to run again & I would welcome
future opportunities. If anything I also learned that no physical impairment
has control to prevent accomplishment when the passion & will is present. So
many displayed this during the Marathon. ‘
Debbie Canham
‘For me completing the London Marathon was
the most amazing realisation of a wish from
my “bucket list”. Others that had run before
described to me the feelings that I could expect
to have before, during and at the end, but these
comments didn’t fully prepare me for what the
whole experience would mean.
“Before” - The training leading up to the event,
was as hard as I expected, although I was fortunate
enough to avoid some of the harsh weather that
winter training can sometimes throw into the
mix. I certainly had moments of doubt on some of those training runs as they
got longer each week. However I made it through to the longest training run
of 20 miles and still didn’t believe those that said that “the hardest part is
now behind you”. How could that be given that I needed to run another 6.2
miles on the day?
The enthusiastic crowd shouting my name spurred me on to the finish.
Although not getting near my target time was disappointing the amazing
day was magical and a brilliant experience. Thank you Silver Star for giving
me the opportunity and support running in this extraordinary event. I have
entered the ballot for next year’s race and would love to run on your behalf if
Annie Cowen
‘I was absolutely thrilled to finish the London
marathon in one piece. Having raised well
over my original target I was motivated to
keep going, even when the going got tough!
The support on route was amazing and I also
had a message in the morning to say that the
midwives on Level 6 were tracking my progress
live which gave me a real boost. All in all, a
great day out!’
Daniel Mason
‘I would personally like to thank Silver Star for giving me this amazing
opportunity and one that I will remember and treasure for years to come.
I won’t lie I found the training and the end of the race very challenging
but also inspirational. In the those dark times, particularly the cold, wet
and dark morning and the last 3 or 4 miles I personally drew upon all the
support I have had from family and friends,
including an amazing amount of donations,
totalling over £2,000. This together with the
knowledge of what great work Silver Star
does and how my son was specifically helped
by the John Radcliffe hospital helped me
get through those times and ultimately over
that finish line at 26.2 miles! Disappointing
I was only 5 minutes off my target time of
4hrs and whilst a shame it maybe to Silver
Star’s benefit as I am sure at some time I
will be back to try and get under that elusive
4hrs and hopefully raising even more for this
fantastic charity.’
Offering special care to mothers with medical complications in pregnancy
Silver Star Newsletter Issue 60 May 2015
Silver Star
Patient’s Stories
Emma Walker
Our Silver Star Miracle
During my pregnancy in 2009-10, I was put under the care of the Silver
Star Society, due to ongoing kidney problems classing me as a high risk
‘On Sunday the 9th of March last
year, my husband and I sadly lost
our baby boy at 25 and a half
weeks. I had severe pre-eclampsia
and he had IUGR. He weighed only
430 grams and sadly didn’t make
it. We named him Baby Brown and
sometimes refer to him as BB.
The Consultants, Midwives and other staff involved in Silver Star were all
incredibly supportive and caring during what became a rather difficult,
both emotionally and physically, pregnancy.
I have recently taken up
running and it has been a
long desire of mine to run
the Great North Run.
There is no charity I would
rather raise money for than
the Silver Star Society and I
am delighted to be able to
give something back to this
wonderful service, who give
so much help to so many
Stacey Eccles
Stacey was looked after by Silver
Star during her pregnancy and is
arranging a Charity Ball in aid of
Silver Star at Didcot Football Club
on 12th June.
‘I decided to arrange a charity
summer ball in aid of the silver
star unit as I hope it shows the
appreciation the staff went to
throughout my pregnancy of my daughter with their time and care they
gave me. I also hope it raises more recognition for the charity in order to
help raise more funds for equipment needed.’
Quiz 2015
After a slow start in tickets sales we managed to sell over 100. Beth &
David did a fantastic job with the questions which were based on a St
Patrick’s Day theme.
Needless to say we were absolutely
heart broken and on top of that
seriously worried about my health.
The care we received from Silver
Star was absolutely amazing; we
stayed together in the family room
for just over 2 weeks and were
guided through the hardest time
of our lives by the most incredible
team of people.
One year on and at 26 weeks we were hit again with the news I had preeclampsia and our baby had IUGR. It was all too familiar. I was moved on
to Level 6, given steroid injections and monitored daily once again, as was
our baby girl. Finally on the 24th March after hours of monitoring and
daily scans, at 27 weeks and 5 days it was time for her to come out.
We were taken for an emergency c- section and a few hours after the
decision had been made Isabella Rose Brown arrived! Weighing 1lb 9oz!
We couldn’t believe our baby was safely here.
Isabella is now staying in SCBU until
she is ready to come home with
us. She is doing really well; she is
tiny but perfect. We will never ever
forget the care we received on
Level 6.
We are so proud to have had
both our Silver Star babies and
know that physically and mentally
we couldn’t have got through it
without the care and support of
everyone involved. With thanks
There were different rounds which included music, geography, history,
general knowledge and more.
As the night progressed, the tables started to get very competitive. We
had a break for pizza which went down really well as did the wine! The
eventual winners were……..The Silver Star Society Committee!!! Wow,
how clever are we?
We made a profit of £500 on the evening which was really good. The
general feedback from everyone was that the quiz needs to become an
annual event.
Offering special care to mothers with medical complications in pregnancy
Level 6
Cake Sale
Our lovely midwife, Annie, who also
ran the Marathon, organised this cake
sale to help raise funds.
Silver Star Newsletter Issue 60 May 2015
Silver Star Unit News
We are happy to report that thanks to the Silver Star Society’s generosity we have
made some wonderful purchases since October 2014. An amazing train table for
our Outpatients department on Level 6 and we have ordered a DVD unit which will
also be situated in Outpatients. We hope these items will keep children happy and
occupied while their Mums are attending appointments. Unfortunately waiting
times can be long and stressful, we’re hoping that by keeping the children happy,
our Mums will be less stressed.
We also have on order a sonic aid and blood pressure monitor, both items are used
daily in the care of patients.We entered 2 staff teams in the quiz this year and all
enjoyed a great night out, competing against each other as well as the other 10
teams. Most of our staff came along and helped at the Christmas Party. Some ran
the wonderful cake sale and others on various other stalls. We know how important
it is to support the charity and we also enjoy catching up with patients and their
children who make up the Silver Star family.
Dr. May Soh
The latest Obstetric Physician to join the Silver Star team tells her story:
‘The last four months with the Silver Star Team have been an exceptional experience. Coming from Auckland, New Zealand (via London for the last
five years), and having travelled a fair bit, I have yet to encounter a more welcoming and inclusive group who are not only kind, but also provide
the women (and their families) with an exceptional service and (actually) ‘Gold Star’ care throughout their pregnancy. The members of the team
have been inspirational in their dedication to our Silver Star women. I feel unbelievably fortunate to have landed this Locum Consultant Obstetric
Medicine position! I have huge shoes to fill with the void left by Dr.Oier Ateka who was much loved by the team.
My pet project has been making the ‘Silver Star Rapid Access Clinic’ a more accessible service for GPs, midwives, obstetricians and other clinicians.
Obstetric Medicine is a wonderful sub-specialty because pregnant women present in a myriad of ways that are often befuddling. I believe it is
important to provide support and reassurance for anyone keen to provide the best possible care for their pregnant women. My door is always open
(and I am usually prompt in replying to emails!) for anyone to pop in with a question - or merely to bounce ideas off! I look forward to meeting
everyone; and am relishing the experience of being a member of the Silver Star team. ‘
Level 6 News from Ward Manager, Alison Wright
The Silver Star Society has paid for 2 wiskaway beds to be fitted into 2 single rooms on Level 6. These beds will enable partners to stay with their
loved ones before & after the birth. This can be so important in many ways, providing emotional as well as practical support. The feedback from the
patients has been excellent, it makes life so much less stressful for Mums if they have their partners next to them and that has to be a good thing.
Helen & I are very grateful to the charity for providing these wonderful beds and send thanks all those who fund raised to help buy them. We also
want to say a huge thanks to Annie Cowen our lovely Midwife here on L6 who recently took part in the London Marathon for the Silver Star Society.
Annie trained really hard alongside working her normal shifts and looking after her 2 sons & husband! She is a SUPERSTAR and we want to thank her
for her hard work.
We entered a team in this year’s Quiz, which was great fun. We didn’t do that well but really enjoyed our night out and the company of our work
colleagues. It is a fun way to raise money for the charity and I know all those who took part on the evening had a lovely time. Thanks again for your
support, the extras you help to buy really help us in our day to day work.
Report from Level 5
Late last year, Level 5 gained funding to convert a 4 bedded
bay into two family rooms to enhance patient’s experience
who are admitted for long term stays. The rooms have
been created so women who require extra support in their
pregnancy now have accommodation for their partner/relative
to stay in hospital with them.
Thanks to funding from the Silver Star Society the rooms
were finished off with flat screen televisions, fridges and
tea and coffee making facilities. The rooms look superb and
with the added extras provided by the charity creates a more
welcoming ‘home from home’ feel.
Level 5 staff are incredibly grateful for the support they receive
from the Silver Star Society and in return have arranged a
cake sale raising nearly £200. A team of 10 staff also attended the
Charity Quiz and had a great night and we are in the process of
putting together a team of brave souls to do the abseil for Silver
Star in September.
Offering special care to mothers with medical complications in pregnancy
Dates for your
Summer Party
Saturday June 27th 12-3pm
Sunday September 20th 11-12 noon
Christmas Party
Saturday December 5th 12-3pm
Silver Star Newsletter Issue 60 May 2015
Baby Names from May 2014
Jessica Rose Patterson
Rory Robert Cowell
Jaiden Sahota
Harry Haycock
17th October 2014
5lb 3 1/4oz
7th January 2015
4.56 kg
3rd February 2015
4lb 9oz
26th March 2015
8lb 5ozs
Raiya Ashley Devine
Mia Rutter
Sadie Lewis
Aditya Datta
19th October 2014
7th January 2015
7lb 7oz
3rd February 2015
5lb 1oz
30th March 2015
Stanley James Haddrell
Rory Robert Cowell
Fleur Celine Rodger Ashworth
Lacey Mae Rossiter
8th November 2014
8lb 14oz
7th January 2015
4.56 kg
5th February 2015
15th April 2015
4lb 15oz
Amelie Amy Clark
Tehya Roberts
18th November 2014
10lbs 15.5oz
9th January 2015
6lb 1oz
Samuel Robert Hirst
Rosie Kit Roots-Petty
11th November 2014
4lb 8oz
9th January 2015
Mollie Eve Rees
George David Care Forbes
14th November 2014
8lb 111/2 oz
14th January 2015
6lb 1oz
Wynter Lily Milsom-Taylor
Jayden Earnshaw
20th November 2014
8lb 12oz
16th January 2015
Ailish Maisie Colquhoun
Lilly-May Craske
22nd November 2014
5lb 5oz
17th January 2015
Baby Girl Hayward
Mohammed Zafran
28th November 2014
26th January 2015
7lbs 2oz
26th February 2015
7lb 10oz
Finley Carter
Alfie Hackett
Teddy David Peter Lax
6th Dec 2014
7lbs 15ozs
30th January 2015
27th February 2015
6lb 1oz
Joshua Johnathan Michael Ashton
Brooke Anna Braithwaite
Otis Ellis Clarke Iley
12th December 2014
8lb 12oz
31st January 2015
4lb 2oz
15th March 2015
9lb 4oz
Evelyn Louise Farrell
Darcie-Rae Joy Ayers
Teddy Price
31st December 2014
2lb 14oz
31st January 2015
4lb 4oz
18th March 2015
7lbs 14oz
Dominic Forster
Eli Tomos Francis Leeson Brooks
Kyden Byles
5th January 2015
1st February 2015
6lbs 1oz
18th March 2015
9lb 4 ½ ozs
Liyana Al-Hamdi
Baby Sackey
Jack Ikin
6th January 2015
6lb 10oz
2nd February 2015
23rd March 2015
7lbs 4ozs
Lola Dickerson
Felicia Cole
Isabella Rose Brown
6th January 2015
5lb 12oz
3rd February 2015
8lb 61/2oz
Harry Michael O’Sullivan
6th February 2015
6lb 3 ½ oz
Bethan Davies
7th February 2015
6lb 3oz
Dawn Watts
14th April 2015
6 1/2lbs
Niamh Owen
24th April 2015
7lbs 6oz
Ben William Gaskell
8th February 2015
8lb 1oz
Emma Davies
18th February 2015
Names not
previously recorded
Albert Henry Mackenzie-King
1st January 2014
3lb 15oz
Phoebe Szmajduch
23rd February 2015
Clara Ann Atkins
13th March 2014
7lb 10oz
Imogen Lily Mackenzie-King
24th March 2015
1lb 9oz
Offering special care to mothers with medical complications in pregnancy
Hunter Le Tissier
28th March 2014
4lbs 12oz
Hendrix Le Tissier
28th March 2014
5lbs 2oz
Jamie Mitchell-Biswell
15th August 2014
8lb 9oz