Questions and Answers on 2014 Merit Promotions for the
Questions and Answers on 2014 Merit Promotions for the
UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILlPrlNES QUEZON CITY OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT FOR ADMINISTRATION 07 July 2014 Memorandum No. MSVA 14-64 For: The Vice Presidents & Secretary of the University Dr. Gisela P. Concepcion, Academic Affairs (OVPAA) Prof. Joselito G. Florendo, Planning & Finance (OVPPF) Dr. Elvira A. Zamora, Development (OVPD) Dr. J. Prospero De Vera III, Public Affairs (OVPPA) Atty. Hector Danny D. Uy, Legal Affairs (OVPLA) Dr. Lilian S. De Las Uagas, Secretary of the University (OSU) Attention: AVPs, Asst. Secretary, Office Heads I Executive Assistants Subject: The Chancellors Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Michael L Tan, U.P. Diliman Rex Victor O. Cruz, U.P. Los Banos Manuel B. Agulto, U.P. Manila Rommel A. Espinosa, U.~. Visayas Grace Javier Alfonso, U.R Open University I Dr. Sylvia B. Concepcion, U.Ff.Mindanao Dr. Raymundo D. Rovillos, U.P. Baguio 1. Atty. Liza D. Corro, Dean, U.P. Cebu Dr. Jose C. Gonzales, Director, Philippine General Hospital (PGH) Attention: Vice Chancellors for Administration Directors & Heads, U.P. HRDOs Questions and answers (Q & A) on 2014 merit promotions for the regular administrative staff and the REPS I In relation to the guidelines on the 2014 merit promotions for the regular administrative staff and the Research, Extension and Professional Staff (REPS), questions are a~ticipated; the suggested answers are provided for your convenience, through a Q & A format (attached). Thank you for your cooperation. Cc: President Alfredo E. Pascual Attachment: as stated. Quezon Hall, UP Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1101 Tel. No. 925-0984; 981-8500 toe. 2525/2526 Telefax: 925-6721 E-mail: [email protected] University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City Office of the Vice Presidentfor Administration (OVPA) QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (Q & A) 2014 MERIT PROMOTION / STEP INCREASE(S) FOR THE REGULAR ADMINISTRA TIVE STAFF AND THE RESEARCH,EXTENSION AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF (REPS) Merit promotion is a recognition and incentive for the performance of employees, through vertical or horizontal movements in the job and pay structure. Merit pay maybe in thelform of step increases integrated into an employee's basic salary; or granted as a one-time incentive for employees who are in the maximum step in their current salary grade ("sagad" employees). Questions 1. What is the coverage and general procedure for the 2014 round of merit step increases? Answers Verified data on performance ratings from 01 July to I 31 December 2010; and from 01 Jan to 30 June; and 01 July to 31 December for the years 2011, 2012 and 2013 -- or a total of seven rating periods shall be collected and given the equivalent numerical ratings, and the average computed for each empldyee. I Based on average ratings, the recommendations for merit step increase(s) shall be submitted by the Administrative Personnel Committees (APts) of the division, department or unit to the colleg~; and the college to the CU, for consolidation and submission to the UP System. 2. How will questions and appeals be resolved? Questions and appeals are best resolved at the unit, college and CU levels. Changes in the r recommendations made at the System level shall be endorsed back to the CUs for appropriate The "sagad" employees are in the maximum Step 8 of the salary grade of their current job position title. 3. Who are the "sagad" employees? "Sagad" employees need to comply with the qualifications and other requirements for the higher I Page 1 of5 r: job position. I I I 4. What could be done for the "sagad" A transition allowance (one time "Sagad" ~ward") is employees, in terms of pay? being recommended. The amount is still ,eing considered, based on funds that maybe aVjilable. 5. Can "sagad" employees be promoted? 6. How much is the merit step I Yes, if the deserving employee has the required qualifications and the job position items art available. The amounts for merit step increases depehd on the increase? Is it subject to income current salary grade and job position of th1 deserving tax? administrative staff and REPS. As part of compensation income, merit pay is subject to tax. I 7. What happens if the employee is in Step 7, but the recommended step is four (4) steps? Step increases are only up to a maximum or Step 8. 8. Is there a percentage fixed for the The merit promotion budget for 2014 will 10t be faculty and the staff in the merit step increase budget? I based on a percentage allocation for the faculty in relation to the administrative staff and the REPS. I 9. If there are employees with No, they will not qualify. I resolved disciplinary cases who have been found guilty, will they qualify for this round of merit step increases? I 10. Is length of service considered in No. Longevity and merit are separate matters. There addition to performance rating of at is a separate longevity pay. least VS? 11. In case of non-submission of PRs, what happens? An employee may have less than seven (7) rating periods. 12. There are employees who are retiring this year. Since the merit step increases will take effect on 1 January 2014, will these personnel In case of non-submission with no valid reason, the employee is not eligible for step increases. No, they will not be included. 3, s. 1991 provides that: CSC-DBMCi;rcular No. "Unauthorized pr- retirement promotions and salary increaser [...] shall I Page z of S i ? be included? include the following cases: promotion with increase in salary during the six (6)-month period i~mediatelY preceding the date of retirement of an offlcial or employee to retire under the mandatory ~ode (Section 4.2.1}." 13. What is the basis for evaluation of REPS? In addition to the Performance Evaluation System (PES),the evaluation of REPSincludes the accomplishments/output with respect to t1henumber of publications, number of completed and on-going researches as well as their other scholarly,{creative works or activities. 14. Are those who are drawing salaries from lump sum appropriations eligible for this round of merit step increases? 15. What about consultations with the All UP Workers Union (AUPWU) and the All UP Academic Employees Union (AUPAEU), as provided in the existing Collective Negotiations Agreement (CNA)? No. After this round of merit step increase~, the university will address the lack of items thrFugh the HR plantilla rationalization and imPlementrion plan. Feedback and suggestions from both the A~PWU and I the AUPAEU on merit promotions are acknowledged, I and are part of the consultation process. Specific plans and issues on merit promotion are best discussed at the college and unit levels. Administration I officials are open to furthei consultations and dialogue on merit promotion, based on inputs from the CUs, colleges and units. 16. Is there a difference between merit step increase, and a salary increase? Merit step increases should not be confusJd with general salary increases provided under thr SSL tranches, with the last tranches given in 2911 and 2012. In both houses of Congress, there are pending proposals towards a new schedule of salart increases in the government. Page3 of5 Annex 1. Key definitions related to merit promotions I step increases in UP Pay differentials based on recognized performance achievements, Merit pay either as a one-time incentive, or as incremental step increases through vertical or horizontal movements in the job group or rank. Merit pay recognizes performance through established criteria for salary adjustments; or one time payments for faculty and staff who meet the requirements based on the merit promotion gUidelines. I i r-----------------+--------------------------------------------4------~1 Merit step increases Pay adjustments due to merit are based on the progression f~om Step 1 to Step 8 in the salary scale for each salary grade, as provided in the Salary Standardization Law (SSL). Step promotion I Horizontal movement within the same job position rank or gnade, given increase the number of steps within the rank or grade. Basic pay The fixed salary grades and corresponding step for each job Josition title included in the SSL. Basic pay is fixed compensation pai6 to an (base pay) employee for performing specific job responsibilities; base pay does not include additional payments or allowances. Variable pay Other forms of compensation such as bonuses, overtime pay, premium pay, allowances, awards, etc. which depend on the base pay for calculations. Total compensation Basic plus variable pay of an individual employee Rank or grade Vertical movement in job position rank or grade. The movement could promotion be one grade or rank higher than the faculty and staff's current rank or grade level. Across the board The same amount of pay increases is applied to all job positidn titles, increase regardless of rank or steps. Depending on the budget, an absolute amount, or a percentage increase, or increasing or decreasing ( Page 4 OfS? variations could be adjusted across the pay scale, or to cover specific job groups only. Step increment The difference between a higher step and a lower step. "Sagad" employees; Employees who are in the maximum Step 8 of the salary grade of their current job position title, under the Salary Standardization Laiw(SSL). Plantilla Government employee list as defined by the Department of Budget I and Management (DBM) Personal Services Itemization and ~Iantilla of Personnel (PSIPOP), provided for in the annual General Appropriations Act (GAA) approved by the Philippine Congress. Employees with plantilla items have regular or tenure status and are paid fro~ the Personal Services (PS) budget. I For the regular employees, the DBM issues a Notice of Organization, Staffing and Compensation retion I (NOSCA). For non-itemized positions such as casual or cont~actual positions, DBM issues a letter authorizing their creation and their corresponding classification. Payments for non-regular employees (contractual, temporary or casual employees) are charged tollurnp sum budgets, project funds or other sources. Differentials The difference between pay steps, grades, ranks or job groups: and between the maximum and the minimum amounts. Internal equity The matrix of absolute amounts or percent differentials among steps, grades, ranks or job groups in the job and pay system of the organization. Performance A system for evaluating the results of faculty and staff performance evaluation system with pre-established standards of satisfactory performance 1n quantity, quality and critical factors in the delivery of outputs. /' 1';7> Page 5 of5 I