report of the broadcast of the total lunar eclipse 2014 - Sky
report of the broadcast of the total lunar eclipse 2014 - Sky
REPORT OF THE BROADCAST OF THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE 2014 CREDITS The Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union (EU, FP7/2007-2013, INFRASTRUCTURES-2011-2, INFRA-2011-1.2.1: e-Science environments) has promoted the broadcast though the GLORIA project – GLObal Robotic telescopes Intelligent Array for e-science” (Grant Agreement –Number 283783). INFRAESTRUCTURE 1.- Portal Web Broadcast. The infrastructure deployed by CanarCloud ( was based on a VMware vSphere Cluster 5 ( based also on an Intel Nehalem architecture interconnected to a centralized RAID storage system capable of supporting the load of the several thousands of requests on the website of the broadcast along with a DNS balancer. This interconnected all web instances, both physical and virtual of all collaborators, ensuring an equitable load sharing of all website visits among all instances. REPORT OF TECHNICAL BROADCAST OF THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE 2014 Report by Alejandro Hernández Galtier on behalf of CanarCloud ( for GLORIA 1 Given the high expectations and in order to reduce the time and rate of transfer of resources included in the website (logos and static images, javascript and style files, etc ...) was implemented a Proxy with cache of static content in a CDN service by The operation of this architecture was as follows: ● Clients made the request to the web portal of the broadcast that should be designed so that the size (in bytes) were minimized. ● A Load Balancing system decided which of all servers that form the cluster served every request that comes in terms of the policy implemented. ● The client was served by the server selected by the load balancing system. ● When the client loads the page directly in his browser, this, asks to load static content through the proxy, which provides a minimum of 3h cache. Web Collaborators Was requested assistance from public or private institutions, associations, foundations, etc. to aid in the dissemination via Internet of gateway of the broadcast ( in an attempt to prevent the collapse of massive confluence requests. Web Basics Collaborators In this type of collaboration, institution, organization, association, etc.. temporarily attached a machine or set of machines to the cluster property proposed. This machine (or machines) that are grouped together, served web portal with all the contents of the broadcast. ● ● The Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya [1 web server] → TOTAL [1 web server] Advanced Web Collaborators Collaborating with one or more machines compatible with VMware vSphere 5 with more than 4 GB of RAM, more than 4 cores, 3 or more IPs and a bandwidth of 100 Mbps or more have collaborated integrating these machines as remote nodes of the cluster. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● CanarCloud [1 cluster vSphere 5 + 2 nodes + 2 VPS] → Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias [1 vSphere 5 node + 1 VPS] → University of Warsaw (Poland) [4 VPS] → INAF IASF of Bologna [1 vSphere 5 node + 2 VPS] → University College Dublin, Ireland [1 VPS] → Extremadura Center for Advanced Technologies [11 VPS] → Czech Technical University (República Checa) [1 VPS] → Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences (República Checa) [4 VPS] → ● Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics (Chile) [1 VPS] → REPORT OF TECHNICAL BROADCAST OF THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE 2014 Report by Alejandro Hernández Galtier on behalf of CanarCloud ( for GLORIA 2 ● TOTAL [26 VPS] Websites with embedded player Besides the previous contributors, we also find websites that requested the addition of a player on their websites consuming our video signal but independently supporting web visits itself. ● SINC Agency → e-los-incas ● ● Canarias 7 → ● El Día → 2.- Video streaming. The infrastructure deployed by CanarCloud ( was based on 2 instances Wowza responsible for obtaining the streams generated in the 2 connections provided and its distribution in the Youtube’s Gloria channel as in the partners with his own streaming infrastructure. The operation of this architecture was as follows: Streams Generation ● Connection 1: with a total duration of 40 minutes from 6:30 – 7:10 UT (8:30 a 9:10 CEST). We saw the sunrise from Tenerife (the Teide’s shadow) and the beginning of the Total Lunar eclipse from Peru. ○ The final signal was sent to the instance for distribution through the CDN. ● Connection 2: with a total duration of 15 minutes from 8:20-8:35 UT (10:20 a 10:35 CEST) to observe the final of the Total eclipse. ○ The final signal was sent to the instance for distribution through the CDN. ● Additionally: From April 15 at 5:50 UT (7:50 CEST) at 9:40 UT (11:40 CEST), every minute a live image of the Moon was shown on the website (from the partiality to the totally). Live through the portal of the broadcast ● Customers who accessed the broadcast portal ( found a player that obtained the signals from each channel making a request to Live through the collaborators ● Collaborators with his own infrastructure of video broadcast, obtained the signal REPORT OF TECHNICAL BROADCAST OF THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE 2014 Report by Alejandro Hernández Galtier on behalf of CanarCloud ( for GLORIA 3 directly to the reserved instance in the CDN and redistributed it using their own infrastructure so that customers, who wish, could direct access to the broadcast by web portals of this collaborators. ● Those collaborators who did not have their own infrastructure of video broadcast or, for technical reasons, could not connect such infrastructure to ours, could get the signal directly from Youtube channel Video Collaborators Wowza collaborators Contributors with one or more machines compatible with VMware vSphere 5 with more than 4 GB of RAM, more than 4 cores, 3 or more IPs and a bandwidth of 1 Gbps have collaborated integrating these machines as remote nodes of the cluster and enabling deployment of Wowza instances joining to the instances deployed by CanarCloud. ● CanarCloud [Composed CDN by instances m1.large Wowza Amazon EC2] Televisions and Repeaters Contributors with Live-Stream infrastructure have been redeployed our own signal through their web portals or television. ● ● ● ● GLORIA Youtube Canal → CanarCloud Blog → Sky-Live.TV → La Vanguardia→ STATISTICS 1.- Portal Web broadcast To obtain statistics of visits of the web portal of the broadcast ( was enabled a statistics collection service of Google Analytics for global data of the portal and locally the Awstat collector to analyze the individual contribution of each collaborator. The period analyzed includes visits from 14 (0h UT) and 16 (0h UT) of April of 2014. Google Analytics Under this service we can see that in the analyzed period we obtained 146,840 visits and 215,033 pageviews, with a maximum of 25.690 visits and 46.180 pageviews in the moment of maximum occultation, as we can see in the chart below. REPORT OF TECHNICAL BROADCAST OF THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE 2014 Report by Alejandro Hernández Galtier on behalf of CanarCloud ( for GLORIA 4 Top 10 Country of Origin Browser Operating System Mexico 21,27% Chrome 53,68% Windows 54,81% Peru 13,26% Safari 11,02% Android 24,67% Spain 12,09% Android 10,90% iOS 13,11% Colombia 10,07% Firefox 10,85% Macintosh 3,29% Chile 8,71% InternetExplorer 6,38% Linux 1,22% Argentina 5,76% Safari (in-app) 2,92% BlackBerry 1,02% United States 5,53% Opera Mini 1,43% Windows Phone 0,91% Venezuela 4,16% Opera 1,09% (not set) 0,40% Poland 2,82% BlackBerry 0,88% Series40 0,28% Ecuador 2,33% S40 Ovi Browser 0,28% SymbiamOS 0,09% Awstat According to the statistics collection tool, Awstat, locally installed in most instances web partners, we can see the contribution of each one of the contributors to the total percentage of hits, pages and broadcast traffic. REPORT OF TECHNICAL BROADCAST OF THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE 2014 Report by Alejandro Hernández Galtier on behalf of CanarCloud ( for GLORIA 5 Totaling the data obtained from those collaborators with Awstat installed, we see that globally the portal has received 171,850 visits and 456,157 pagesviews, providing 25.82 GBytes of data. Static Proxy Analyzing the data supplier by the static proxy deployed, note that there has been 3,105,866 requests which is equivalent to a traffic of 16.20 GBytes of data with a rate of % of success of 91.59%, which means a saves on data transfer provided by the web collaborators close to 38.46% and a corresponding increase of performance. Websites embedded player (own or loan) If we analyze the data provided by those collaborators who have publicized the event in their own web pages using, both our own infrastructure player as their own infrastructure, we find the following information: CanarCloud Blog ( Through the Blog de CanarCloud were obtained 599 visits and 1,650 pageviews. Sky-Live.TV ( Through the web portal Sky-Live.TV were obtained 30,597 visits and 52.286 pages views. REPORT OF TECHNICAL BROADCAST OF THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE 2014 Report by Alejandro Hernández Galtier on behalf of CanarCloud ( for GLORIA 6 Agencia SINC ( cas) Through the web portal of the SINC Agency were obtained 3,253 visits and 3,922 pageviews. Canarias 7 ( Through the web portal of 7 were obtained 5,304 visits and 6,222 pageviews. Yahoo( -gravedad-los-hoax-121740703.html) Through the web portal of Yahoo were obtained 1,800 visits and 2,200 pageviews. 2.- Video streaming. We can observe during the 2 connections that a total of 18,849 visitors logged on to direct, which 5,626 visitors of them observed simultaneously the broadcast. Televisions and Repeators CanarCloud Blog ( ) We can observe during the 2 connections that a total of 65 visitors logged on to direct, which 19 visitors of them observed simultaneously the broadcast. La Vanguardia ( a.html) We can observe during the 2 connections that a total of 2,200 visitors logged on to direct Yahoo ( dad-los-hoax-121740703.html) We can observe during the 2 connections that a total of 1,810 visitors logged on to direct TOTAL and COMPARATIVE. REPORT OF TECHNICAL BROADCAST OF THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE 2014 Report by Alejandro Hernández Galtier on behalf of CanarCloud ( for GLORIA 7 Figure: Comparison of visits and viewers to the website and video of the broadcast in the various events, TSE2010 (Total Solar Eclipse, July 11th, 2010, Easter Island), TLE2010 (Total Lunar Eclipse, December 20th, 2010, Teide), TLE2011 (Total Lunar Eclipse, June 15th, 2011, Teide), NL2011 (Northern Lights, in August 2011, Greenland), VT2012 (Transit of Venus, June 6th, 2012, Australia / Japan / Norway ), NL2012 (Northern Lights, in August 2012, Greenland), TSE2012 (Total Solar Eclipse, November 13th, 2012, Australia), NL2013 (Northern Lights, August 2013 Greenland), TSE2013 (Total Solar Eclipse, in November 2013, Kenya), TLE2014 (Total Lunar Eclipse, April 2014, Perú). INCIDENTS. 1.- Web Portal As we can observe in the following chart compiled by the web portal application Awstat, suffered an increase in visitors higher than expected so it collapsed upon reaching 100.00% capacity RAM + SWAP contracted. REPORT OF TECHNICAL BROADCAST OF THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE 2014 Report by Alejandro Hernández Galtier on behalf of CanarCloud ( for GLORIA 8 In percentage terms compared to 1000 daily visitors on average, April 15 there was an increase higher than 4000.00% visitors, resulting in an increase of the traffic higher than 2500.00% . Currently the web portal portal is sharing resources in a VPS server with 5GB of RAM and 6GB of SWAP with 2 instances of Tomcat designed to support the liveray and the new portal of Because Tomcat, by design, requires a Heap of RAM reserved for management, is necessary to reserve 3GB of RAM for both instances, which leaves less than 2GB of RAM available (discounting system consumption) to meet the demands associated to the access of the Wordpress associated to, which, as recommended by Wordpress and our experience gives us a limit of close to 10,000 visitors. RECOMENDATIONS. In order to avoid future collapses, we recommend the following changes: ● Hire more resources and, if possible, isolate on different VPS the portal and Tomcat instances to apply individulized optimization’s criterias to each VPS. REPORT OF TECHNICAL BROADCAST OF THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE 2014 Report by Alejandro Hernández Galtier on behalf of CanarCloud ( for GLORIA 9 ● Optimize the Wordpress configuration through tools of cache and Lazy Load to minimize the load generated by each visit to the site. ● Optimize the size of all CSS + JS from third discarding unnecessary files, as was done with the development of portal. REPORT OF TECHNICAL BROADCAST OF THE TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE 2014 Report by Alejandro Hernández Galtier on behalf of CanarCloud ( for GLORIA 10
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