A/R_2008 _COGECO PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FUND _PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE The Cogeco Program Development Fund celebrated its 15th anniversary with an impressive list of achievements: nearly $19 million invested in the creation of Canadian programming for the big and little screens, all written by Canadians and for Canadian audiences. In addition to its original mandate to support the development of Canadian drama, this past year was also the 10th anniversary of two of the Cogeco Fund’s other programs: the Production Program and the Theatrical Feature Film Development Program. These programs were established in recognition of the need for production companies to diversify their development and production activities. Amongst all of the innovations that the Cogeco Fund has undertaken, it is the Theatrical Feature Film Development Program that has created the strongest interest. It obviously has responded to an industrial need for flexible corporate support providing “survival” funds while offering producers the freedom to work with their creative teams as they see fit. The success of this Program has been a model to inspire other organizations across Canada to offer similar corporate support financing. In 2008, the Cogeco Fund supported 27 projects in development and in production as well as 5 feature film companies for a total investment of $1.8 M. Since its creation in 1993, the Cogeco Fund has invested nearly $21 million in the Canadian television and film industry. The Cogeco Fund is the only independent private Canadian fund dedicated specifically to the development of high quality Canadian drama in both official languages. An industry pioneer, the Fund also recently established a new program for the support of the early stages of development of interactive content associated with Canadian television drama. The Fund was also the first of the independent private Funds to publish its Annual Report uniquely in its electronic version! We hope that your virtual visit to our 2008 activities will stimulate your interest in our outstanding Canadian productions and the talents that make them possible. _YVES MAYRAND President 2 _DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM The Cogeco Program Development Fund (“Development Program”) was established by COGECO Inc. and its affiliate Cogeco Cable Inc. to encourage the development of new scripts by Canadian writers for dramatic television programs, to be produced by independent Canadian producers, primarily for private sector broadcasters, in English or French, or preferably in both languages. (i) Series, MOW’s, Mini-series development: (ii) Feature Film development: To be eligible for support, an applicant must be a Canadian producer with a minimum of two years production experience and have produced at least one broadcast Canadian television drama. Eligible projects include dramatic series, movies-of-the-week and two-part mini-series which have received development support from a Canadian broadcaster. Funding is in the form of interest-free advances to be reimbursed according to a written contract duly executed. To be eligible for support, a Canadian independent producer must have produced within the past 5 years, at least three theatrically released or broadcast productions from the following categories: feature film, movie-of-the-week, or mini-series; at least one of these must have been theatrically released. Development funding is available for production companies with a slate of at least three feature films in development. Funding is in the form of interest-free advances of which 50% is to be reimbursed on the first day of principal photography of any one of the projects submitted and the balance to be reimbursed on the first day of principal photography of any other project submitted. Since October 1st 2007, eligible projects in development may qualify for up to $5,000 for the development of a cross-platform proposal to adapt or create original content based on the television projects, for other distribution platforms such as websites, mobile content, interactive television or podcasts _COGECO PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FUND 3 TITLE PRODUCTION COMPANY(IES) PRODUCER(S) SCREENWRITER(S) BROADCASTER(S) Aveux (S) Productions Pixcom inc. André Dupuy Serge Boucher Société Radio-Canada Doug’s Desk (S) Heroic Film Company Inc. John May, Suzanne Bolch Suzanne Bolch TFO Durham County II (S) Back Alley Durham Films Inc. Durham Productions (Muse) Inc. Janis Lundman, Adrienne Mitchell, Michael Prupas Laurie Finstad-Knizhnik TMN Global Movie Central Grand verglas (Le) (S) Cité Amérique inc. Lorraine Richard Louis Laverdière Jacques Savoie Société Radio-Canada Internal Affairs (S) Back Alley Film Productions Ltd. Janis Lundman, Adrienne Mitchell Wil Zmak CTV Internal Affairs, Phase 2 (S) Back Alley Film Productions Ltd. Janis Lundman, Adrienne Mitchell Wil Zmak CTV Invincibles III (Les) (S) Productions Casablanca inc. Joanne Forgues Christiane Hamelin François Létourneau Jean-François Rivard Société Radio-Canada Je le jure... (S) Sphère Média Plus inc. Sophie Pellerin Mélanie Lamothe Annie Piérard Bernard Dansereau Groupe TVA Margot Show (Le) (S) Les Productions Équinoxe Lyse Lafontaine Michael Mosca Guy-Luc Bouchard Télé-Québec Monde de Walter (Le) (S) Corporation Image Entertainment inc. Sylvain Viau Pierre Huet Société Radio-Canada Oh My Fairy Godmother (S) Amaze Film + Television Michael Souther Terry Saltsman Family Channel Pérusse Cité (S) Oasis Animation inc. Jacques Bilodeau Diane Dallaire François Pérusse Société Radio-Canada Role 3 (S) 1746020 Ontario Limited (Foundry Films Inc.) Daniel Iron Aaron Brindle CTV Rush to Judgment (TF) Seven24 Films Inc. Jordy Randall, Tom Cox Andrew Wreggitt CTV Sœurs Elliot (Les) An III (S) Duo Productions inc. Anne Boyer Michel d’Astous Estelle Bouchard Groupe TVA Thirteen (S) Heroic Film Company John May, Karen Lee Hall, Suzanne Bolch Suzanne Bolch, John May YTV _LEgend : (S) Serie (FF) Feature Film (MOW) Movie-of-the-Week (MS) Mini-Serie (P) Pilot 4 _PRODUCTION PROGRAM Under the terms of CRTC Public Notice 1997-98 regarding contributions to Canadian programming by Broadcasting Distribution Undertakings (BDU’s), the BDU’s controlled by Cogeco Cable Inc. are directing 20% of their requisite funding contributions to a production program. These contributions to the Cogeco Program Development Fund (“Production Program”) are used to encourage the production of prime-time movies-ofthe-week, mini-series and pilots for dramatic series. These productions must be produced by Canadian independent producers for broadcast by either private or public broadcasters. French language theatrical feature films that have received development funding through the Cogeco Fund’s Theatrical Feature Film Development Program, and which have a broadcast licence and meet all of the other conditions of the Production Program, will also be eligible for production funding. Financial support is provided in the form of an equity investment. The Fund will participate in recoupment and profits according to certain conditions set by contract. To be eligible for support, an applicant must be a Canadian producer with a minimum of two years production experience and have produced at least one broadcast Canadian television program. TITLE Abroad (MS) PRODUCTION COMPANY(IES) PRODUCER(S) DIRECTOR(S) BROADCASTER(S) Abroad Productions Inc. Meredith Caplan, Simon Wright Philip John CBC Abroad is about the romantic misadventures of a Canadian woman in London, based on the experiences of Globe and Mail columnist Leah McLaren. Viewers experience the glam-and-gritty UK media scene through the eyes of a young reporter. As she struggles to reconcile her past failings with her current success, she must confront the very essence of who she is and discover how to finally be true to herself. Bridge (The) (MS) Brass Productions Inc. & 990 Multi Media Entertainment Company Inc. Wendy Grean John Fawcett CTV The Bridge is set in a urban police division located in the core of the city. This division links two worlds, one of plenty and one of need. In this cellar of the city, the cops are undermanned, under-represented, and ignored by an uncaring city that criticizes their every move. They are good cops just trying to get by on the beat, but events brings down the wrath of the community and politicians, and threatens the little stability left. Christman Choir (The) (TF) Christmas Choir Productions (Muse) Inc. Michael Prupas Lisa Towers Peter Svatek Global Hallmark This story is about a man who decides to start a choir with a group of homeless men to help them out at Christmas time. Through music and friendship they discover the true meaning of Christmas. This is inspired by a true story that took place in Montreal. The Choir went on to cut six CD’s, perform throughout North America and there was an award winning documentary made about them. Clean (MS) 7016531 Canada Inc. (Four Seasons Productions inc./ House of Film Inc.) Ilana Frank David Wellington Showcase Clean is a dark and comic drama set in rehabilitation centre. The twenty-and thirty-something leads are addiction counselors. Most of them are in recovery themselves. They know the ravenous, calamitous terrain all too well. Beating addiction is defying the odds, not just once but over and over for the rest of their lives. This is a show about people trying to get their lives back. They are being tested daily, and are trying to be together when they barely know who they are themselves. _COGECO PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FUND 5 Diverted (TF) Diverted Productions Inc. Paul Pope, Jan Peter Meyboom, Laura Harbin Alex Chappelle CTV Based on the true events of September 11, 2001, Diverted is the story of passengers on board a flight from the UK that is supposed to land in New York City but is diverted to Gander Newfoundland. As the tragedy in New York unfolds, the people of Gander struggle to feed and house 6000 unexpected guests. Relationships are forged during the tragedy that alters people’s lives. New York is changed forever. Gander, Newfoundland is too. Fins dernières (Les) (aka : La Donation) (TF) Corporation ACPAV inc. Bernadette Payeur Bernard Émond Société Radio-Canada Super Écran An urgent care doctor, Jeanne Dion, replaces an elderly doctor in a village some distance from Abitibi, for a few weeks. When the good doctor dies, she has to decide if she should leave or stay in the village and accept responsibilities that go far beyond the call of duty. Grande bataille (La) ( MS) Films Zingaro 2 inc. Pierre Beaudry Luc Châtelain Alain Chicoine ARTV TFO Dramatic comedy-history series that takes place in New France in 1759. The red tunics of the British General Wolfe are at the gates of Quebec City and are preparing for the BIG BATTLE. Meanwhile, life in Lower Canada continues its daily routines, with family and civic bickering, political and commerical intrigues, struggles for influence, and, crises of identity and faith Incendies ( TF) micro_scope Luc Déry Kim McGraw Denis Villeneuve Société Radio-Canada After the death of their mother, the twins Jeanne and Simon, set out to learn more about her. They discover the horrors of war that marked her tragic destiny, and the hatred and courage of their exceptional mother. Based on an adaptation of a play by Wadji Mouawad, Incendies examines the inevitable cycle of violence and its incredible impact. Kissed by Lightning (MS) Full Regalia Enterprise & Turtle Night Productions Annie Fraizer Henry Shelley Niro Shelley Niro APTN Movie Central TMN Mavis Dogblood, a lesser known, but brilliant Canadian Mohawk artist loses her true love to a quirky accident, leaving her nothing but her paint brush to turn to. Mavis becomes a reclusive artist and tackles her biggest exhibition to date, a twelve-painting series titled, “Peacemaker’s Journey”. When a beautiful, heart-broken Mavis decides to take a chance on love again, she soon finds that the borders of her soul have no boundaries. Sold (P) Sold Pictures Inc. c/o S&S Executive Services Inc. Paul Brown Peter Wellington CTV Sold reveals the fascinating and often cutthroat world of real estate. The series deals with the anguish of agents trying to retain their status in this very competitive high-end market, as well as sellers trying to get their “market price”, and buyers trying to find affordable, but livable housing. SOLD explores all sides of the story in a light, farcical manner, giving the characters humanity even though they are dealing with their own personal dilemmas. _LEgend : (S) Serie (FF) Feature Film (MOW) Movie-of-the-Week (MS) Mini-Serie (P) Pilot 6 _FEATURE FILM DEVELOPMENT The City Man No Clue The Collectors L’Étrangère Country Girls Walking Beauty Occupational Hazards Soundgirl Journée blanche Justice.com Return to Bikini Mountain Pagan Gold Enter the Cipher Une île au coeur King of the Royals Wall of Sound Le Froid modifie la trajectoire des poissons Oma Oniria Housekeeper Under Cover Girls City of Saints Carnets de naufrage _COGECO PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FUND 7 8 EN($) FR($) TOTAL ($) 1999/2000 245 664 104 900 140 764 TOTAL 428 TOTAL ($) 1998/1999 291 540 1993/2008 110 000 181 540 TOTAL ($) 152 699 EN($) FR($) 84 719 EN($) FR($) TOTAL ($) 1997/1998 232 400 67 719 115 260 FR EN FR 117 140 TOTAL ($) 1996/1997 267 366 94 000 173 366 8 EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) 2008 8 TOTAL ($) 1995/1996 164 500 2008 TOTAL16 56 000 108 500 EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) TOTAL ($) 1994/1995 149 000 52 000 97 000 ($) 1993/1994 TOTAL 77 000 43 000 34 000 TOTAL ($) 1992/1993 82 150 59 650 22 500 _FINANCING EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) _STATISTICS _APPROVED PROJECTS DEVELOPMENT 261 167 FR EN FR 1 888 199 1 423 662 ($) 1993/2008 3TOTAL 311 861 EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) 101 600 FR($) TOTAL ($) 2007/2008 152 699 84 719 67 980 TOTAL ($) 2006/2007 156 313 70 413 85 900 TOTAL ($) 2005/2006 180 666 82 866 97 800 TOTAL ($) 2004/2005 237 925 107 690 130 235 TOTAL ($) 2003/2004 253 506 93 325 160 181 TOTAL ($) 2002/2003 338 917 135 839 203 078 TOTAL ($) 2001/2002 242 815 141 215 TOTAL ($) 2000/2001 239 400 112 400 127 000 EN($) EN($) FR($) _STATISTICS _COGECO PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FUND 9 10 ($) 2002/2003 1TOTAL 200 000 0 TOTAL ($) 1 205 000 1 200 000 1999/2008 EN($) FR($) 430 000 EN($) FR($) ($) 2001/2002 2TOTAL 209 000 775 000 119 000 3 2 090 000 FR EN FR EN($) FR($) ($) 2000/2001 1TOTAL 682 582 2008 132 582 EN($) FR($) 7 1 550 000 ($) 1999/2000 1TOTAL 775 000 200 000 1 575 000 ($) 1998/1999 1TOTAL 798 000 208 000 1 590 000 _FINANCING 2008 TOTAL10 EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) _STATISTICS PRODUCTION _APPROVED PROJECTS FR TOTAL 102 EN FR 83 19 14 311 212 2 684 582 TOTAL ($) 1993/2008 16 995 794 EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) _COGECO PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FUND ($) 2007/2008 1TOTAL 205 000 430 000 775 000 ($) 2006/2007 1TOTAL 920 000 550 000 1 370 000 ($) 2005/2006 1TOTAL 740 000 250 000 1 490 000 ($) 2004/2005 1TOTAL 646 212 240 000 1 406 212 ($) 2003/2004 1TOTAL 820 000 555 000 1 265 000 _STATISTICS 11 12 TOTAL ($) 2002/2003 120 000 2008TOTAL ($) 175 000 35 000 TOTAL 42 85 000 1999/2008 EN($) FR($) 70 000 EN($) FR($) TOTAL ($) 2001/2002 125 000 105 000 55 000 2 70 000 FR EN FR EN($) FR($) TOTAL ($) 2000/2001 105 000 35 000 EN($) FR($) 3 70 000 TOTAL ($) 1999/2000 99 000 _FINANCING 33 000 66 000 TOTAL ($) 1998/1999 210 000 70 000 140 000 2008 TOTAL 5 EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) _STATISTICS _APPROVED PROJECTS FEATURE FILM DEVELOPMENT FR EN FR 27 15 898 500 498 000 ($) 1993/2008 1TOTAL 396 500 EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) EN($) FR($) _COGECO PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FUND TOTAL ($) 2007/2008 175 000 70 000 105 000 TOTAL ($) 2006/2007 162 000 35 000 127 500 TOTAL ($) 2005/2006 155 000 60 000 95 000 TOTAL ($) 2004/2005 105 000 35 000 70 000 TOTAL ($) 2003/2004 140 000 70 000 70 000 _STATISTICS 13 _MEMBERS 01 03 14 _Board of Directors 02 President Vice-President 01 Yves Mayrand 02 Louis Audet Yves Mayrand holds a law degree from the Université de Montreal and an MBA degree from Concordia University. As a lawyer, he joined the CRTC legal branch in 1975, and subsequently left the CRTC in 1977 to practice law in the field of communications, first in Montréal, and later in the National Capital Region. In 1981, he left private practice to occupy various management positions in the broadcasting industry in Alberta, first in radio, followed by television and pay television in 1983. He joined Cogeco Inc. in 1988, where he presently holds the position of VicePresident, Corporate Affairs. He also holds the position of VicePresident, Corporate Affairs at subsidiary Cogeco Cable Inc., which includes responsibility for regulatory matters and programming service affiliation agreements. He currently serves as a director of Cable Public Affairs Channel Inc. (CPAC), the Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC), and the Cogeco Program Development Fund (CPDF) of which he is also President. Louis Audet, ing., M.B.A., is President and Chief Executive Officer of COGECO Inc. and Cogeco Cable Inc. Mr. Audet worked for four years as an Engineering Project Manager for Bell Canada. After two years in Boston, Mr. Audet joined CF Cable TV as Assistant to the Vice-President and in 1981, Mr. Audet joined COGECO Inc. as National Sales Director, Television Operations. He served as Vice-President, Marketing and Development, and later as Executive VicePresident before becoming President of the Company. Mr. Audet is a member of the boards of directors of Cogeco inc. and its affiliated companies. He also served on many boards of directors between 1997 and 2006: Clarica, the Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association (CCTA), the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, just to name e few. He was much involved in many organizations: as a member of La Corporation de l’École Polytechnique de Montreal, as governor of the Council on Canadian Unity, as President of the Association canadienne de la radio et de la télévision de langue française, as Vice-President of the Television Board of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Association of Broadcaster (CAB). Mr. Audet was also involved in several major fundraising campaigns such as those of Centraide du Grand Montréal in 1997, 1998, 2000 and 2004, the 125th anniversary of l’École Polytechnique de Montreal in 1998, the Fonds de développement du Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf from 1999 to 2001, the Old Brewery Mission from 2003 to 2004, and the Grande Campagne du Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal from 1998 to 2002, and in 2005. He holds a Bachelor of Applied Sciences and an Electrical Engineering Degree (electronics and communication) from École Polytechnique de Montréal (1974) and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Harvard Business School, Boston, Massachusetts (1979). Mr. Audet is a member of the Order of Engineers of Québec and of the Mount-Royal and Saint-James Clubs of Montréal. Board Member 03 Peter Mortimer Peter Mortimer, President of AVA Communications, is a writer/producer and international communications policy consultant. He also sits on the Board of Directors of the Independent Production Fund. 04 06 _Board of Directors 05 Board Member Board Member Board Member 04 Charles Ohayon 05 Suzanne D’Amours 06 Ann Dadson Charles Ohayon has worked in television, public relations and film since 1979. He produced commercials at Films 24 and Cléo 24 where he was President. From 1994 to 1998 he was the Director General of Programming (Television) for the Société Radio-Canada. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Association des producteurs de films et de télévision du Québec and the Canadian Television Fund as well as the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television in Quebec. He is now on the Independent Production Fund Board, as well as the Board of Montreal’s Festival du nouveau cinéma. In 2005-2006, he was the Executive Director of the Institut national de l’image et du son (INIS). Since 1984, Suzanne D’Amours has occupied many functions in the cinema and television industry. At the Société générale du cinéma (SGC), she was responsible for the certification of Québec productions’ eligibility to the tax credits. She also worked at Malofilm inc. and at the National Film Board’s Co-production program before becoming Deputy Director General of the Association des producteurs de films et de télévision du Québec (APFTQ) where she worked particularly in the area of financing. Since 1997, she is Consultant to the independent producers and professional organizations in the field of audiovisual, publishing, music and live entertainment. Her training in administration and experience in the creation and application of fiscal programs in the cultural area has made her contribution in this field unique in Québec. Ann Dadson is the interim president of the Historica Foundation of Canada and a former vice president of the CRB Foundation, a charitable organization established by Andrea and Charles Bronfman. Ms. Dadson, who has held management positions in the public service, currently works as a private consultant. She has degrees from the University of Toronto and Harvard University’s Institute in Arts Administration. She is a member of the board of directors of Canada World Youth/ Jeunesse Canada Monde. _COGECO PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FUND 15 07 _Officers 08 Treasurer Secretary 07 Pierre Gagné 08 Claire Dion Pierre Gagné is the Vice President Finance and Chief Financial Officer of Cogeco inc. and Cogeco Cable inc. since 1995. In addition, Mr. Gagné is responsible for the financial policy of COGECO Inc. and Cogeco Cable Inc. and their relations with the capital markets, acting as a spokesman for both companies. Since he joined the companies, he is responsible for the Administration & Control, Human Resources and Communications departments. Before joining COGECO, Mr. Gagné was Vice President, Finance and Administration, for Disque Améric Inc., 51% owned by Transcontinental Limited where he had the position of Corporate Controller for 5 years. Mr. Gagné is a member of the Québec Order of Chartered Accountant since 1981. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce from l’École des Hautes Études Commerciales of Montréal since 1979 and completed his M.B.A. in 1995 from Concordia University. 16 From 1980 to 1987 Claire Dion held positions at SODEC (IQC, SGCQ, SOGIC) as script advisor and Director of Development and Production. Since 1987 she has served as editor of a healthcare business periodical; she was responsible for teaching a scriptwriting course for television at the Université du Québec; she acted as associate producer for the development of director Robert Favreau’s feature film L’Ange Noir and script editor of the first series Super Sans Plomb. In 1991, she set up the Quebec office of Independent Production Fund , which administers the COGECO Program Development Fund and the Bell Broadcast and New Media Fund. She acted as consultant for Shaw Cablesystems in Quebec for the Shaw Rocket Fund from1997 to 1999 and for the CanWest Promotion of Programming Fund in 2003. Claire Dion received her B.A. in television studies from Concordia University and a Master Degree in Cinéma from USC (University of Southern California). She sat on Boards of healthcare organisations. She is a member of the Canadian Academy of Cinema and Television, Femmes du cinéma, de la télévision et des nouveaux médias de Montréal and vicepresident of the Fondation Marijo. 09 _Consultants 10 Executive Director Financial Director 09 Andra Sheffer 10 Charles Zamaria Andra Sheffer is the Executive Director of three private funds supporting the Canadian new media, television and film industries: the Bell Broadcast and New Media Fund which invests in Canadian television programs and their associated interactive digital projects; the Independent Production Fund which invests in dramatic television series; and, the COGECO Program Development Fund for the development of dramatic series, MOW’s and feature film companies as well as the production of MOW’s. From 1979-89 she was the founding Executive Director of the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television. She lectures on the business and financing of television and new media and is the editor of New Media, New Business: The Producer’s Guide(2001) and Create a Winning Proposal The Handbook for New Media Producers (1999) as well as the co-editor of MAKING IT: the Business of Film and Television Production in Canada (1986 &1995). Previously she served as the Managing Director of the Toronto International Film Festival, and with the federal government as a Certification Officer setting up the original CAVCO office (and Canadian content “point” system), and at the Film Festivals Bureau promoting Canadian films internationally. Charles Zamaria is Financial Director for the Bell Broadcast and New Media Fund, Independent Production Fund, and COGECO Program Development Fund. Concurrently, Professor Zamaria is a full-time tenured faculty member in the School of Radio and Television Arts at Ryerson University, where he specializes in teaching business aspects of producing in various media industry. He has worked for CTV, YTV, CBC, Telefilm Canada and Cambium Productions in various production and management capacities. He has credits on dozens of award-winning independent film and television productions. He is the author of numerous, publications, served as Director for trade missions (Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada) and conducted research analysis and studies internationally. In addition, he serves as Project Director and Principal Co-Investigator on the Canadian Internet Project – an extensive research undertaking which analyzes Internet usage and non-usage patterns in Canada in international perspective. He is a member of: AoIR (Association of Internet Researchers), NMBIA, IMAT, DGC, CFTPA, ACCT, CIPA, UFVA, BEA, BEAC and DOC. _Staff Lisa Baylin Program Manager, Toronto Carly McGowan Project Coordinator, Toronto Joanne Duguay Coordinator, Montréal Huguette Giroux Assistant, Montréal _COGECO PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT FUND 17 MONTRÉAL TORONTO 4200 Saint-Laurent Boulevard, Suite 503 Montreal, Quebec, H2W 2R2 Telephone: 514 845-4334 Fax: 514 845-5498 E-mail: [email protected] 2 Carlton Street, Suite 1709 Toronto, Ontario, M5B 1J3 Telephone: 416 977-8966 Fax: 416 977-0694 E-mail: [email protected] The Cogeco Program Development Fund is administered by the Independent Production Fund.
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