Waterbury Newsletter


Waterbury Newsletter
The entire yeshiva, rabbinical staff, administration
and board of directors of Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel
of Waterbury would like to thank you for making
this year’s dinner our most successful one
yet. The dedication of the honorees and their
involvement in the planning and preparations for
the dinner was clearly evident.
The names of our International Guests of Honor,
Mr. and Mrs. Akiva Medjuck, have become
synonymous with Waterbury. Their involvement
and love for the yeshiva has taken hold of
their essence, as exemplified by their constant
inquiries of “What can we do for the bachurim?”
This year, the bochurim of the Bais Medrash spent
the last shabbos of the zman in the Medjuck
home. What better way to enhance such a great
zman of shteiging than to end off with a Shabbos
of achdus? To quote Rabbi Kaufman, “The ruach
at the end of the zman was just as high as it was
in the beginning of the zman!”
This year, we were honored to have pillars of the
Monsey community, Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Hertz,
as our Guests of Honor. Their involvement in the
yeshiva in ensuring their children’s success is
Continued on page 4
ver since I entered the workforce, my summers have taken a very different
direction. Whereas in the past, summer had been synonymous with excitement,
vacation and doing something different, it has now become just another period on
the calendar. The exciting summer events we used to have during our yeshiva days
are now few and far between. There is one occasion, however, that I look forward
to each summer. That is the Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel of Waterbury Annual Alumni
Barbeque, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Wolfson.
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfson graciously open their beautiful and charming home to the
alumni to partake in this exhilarating event. The Wolfsons pull out all the stops for
this BBQ, serving everything from sumptious sushi to succulent and mouthwatering
steaks, and everything in between. They make sure to serve everything that is
needed to makes a great barbeque, and then some. The Wolfsons don’t just hostthey are involved in planning the event on every level. The fact that they spend
time with us and make it a point to schmooze with whoever would like is a true
testament to the fine examples they are, and their beautiful middos personify the
lessons that we all learn in yeshiva.
This year, the Wolfsons will be hosting our Fourth Annual BBQ. As usual, we are
anticipating an exciting event with a twist, a manifestation of the Wolfson’s passion
and love for creating the perfect affair. Last year, it was a site to behold to see
100 adult men playing Simple Simon, and all participants had a blast. The Wolfson
BBQ is a highlight for the alumni, as it provides an opportunity for us to come
together in a hassle-free atmosphere, to reminisce about the good ol’ yeshiva days.
Those cherished friendships that were formed in yeshiva are revitalized, and new
friendships are created at each BBQ. It’s such a significant event for us, and the
countdown is on for this highlight of our summer.
Continued from the front cover
Mr. Hertz has previously served as
chairman of the board of Yeshiva
Spring Valley, and is currently on
the board of Ohel and the Adelphia
continues to grow, the demand for a
full time Rav has become critcal, and
the candidate most fitting for this
honorable position is Yossi and his
Our parents of the year, Rabbi and
Mrs. Yechiel Rubin, have a keen
insight into what it means to be
involved with harbotzas hatorah. They
have opened their home and hosted
a shul, and they were intricately
involved in establishing the Wesley
Hills community.
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Yossi
Sonenchien, the Marbitz Torah
Awardees, are one of the founding
families of the Waterbury community.
Since the yeshiva’s inception, R’ Yossi
was the rebbi to whom the bochurim,
as well as many of the town’s
balebatim, were drawn. He played a
pivotal role in shaping the yeshiva
and community. As the community
The Alumnus of the Year Awardees,
Mr.and Mrs.Yisroel Chaifetz have
become indispensable members
of the alumni committee and have
dedicated their time to assure the
success of all of the yeshiva’s alumni
endeavors. Yisroel was blessed with
a melodious voice that the yeshiva
and community have been privileged
to enjoy on numerous occasions. As
one rebbi recently reminisced, “I will
never forget the way he used to sing
and how he was able to get the whole
oilam involved”. The yeshiva truly
appreciates everything he does for
the yeshiva and the klal.
Dear Rebbi,
Oh the memories! My face breaks into a
smile as I reminisce about the incredible
shabbos the Yeshiva spent in Toronto.
From the moment we arrived at the
beautiful lakefront cottages, I knew this
would be a weekend to remember.
Friday was absolutely blissful. Bochurim
spent their time parcipating in a myriad
of activities, everything from jetboating
on the lake to having a catch of football
under the magnificent countryside sun.
It’s no wonder that I overheard a bochur
comment, “This is how a ben Torah
relaxes!” Just when I thought the day
could not get any better, Akiva Medjuck,
our one of a kind host, pulled out all the
stops yet again! Akiva had a BBQ grill
going with endless amounts of food
rolling off for the bochurim to enjoy.
This is just a small sample of the
graciousness that Akiva continued to
display throughout the Shabbos. Akiva
didn’t just open his home to us and make
us comfortable, he made us part of his
family. The connection was palpable from
the start; the ease with which bochurim
approached him to ask for something, or
more often to schmooze, was apparent.
The yeshiva as a whole and the bochurim
in particular are fortunate to have made a
true friend in Akiva Medjuck.
If Friday was the most enjoyable day
of gashmius I have ever had, Shabbos
was the most delightful and satisfying
day of ruchnius I have ever experienced.
It started with an outdoor Kabbolas
Shabbos led by the fabulously talented
Sruli Williger, and the ruach carried
right over into the meal. The food was
scrumptious and the presentation was
exquisite. The singing was uplifting and
continued into the oneg and on and
on through the night- no one wanted
it to end. The unbelievable experience
of lail Shabbos was surpassed only by
the Shabbos day seuda, during which
one of the older and most respected
bochurim got up to speak. Avraham
Shmulevitz started off with a nice vort
on the parsha and then transitioned and
did something I have never seen before
and most likely will never see again.
Avraham went around the table and
spoke about each bochur individually.
He praised each one, punctuating his
remarks with descriptions of that which
made him unique, and delineating what
he contirubted to the tzibbur as a whole.
He accomplished this without repeating
himself once, and encapsulated in a ten
minute speech the secret to the success
of Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel of Waterbury.
When you love every bochur as an
individual with his own unique skills,
talents and character traits, and when
the rabbeim work hard to maximize each
bochur’s potential on his own level, you
are guaranteed to create a bochur who is
a true ben Torah and ben aliya. Shabbos
ended as amazingly as it started. From
the Rosh Yeshiva’s seuda shlishis chizuk
drasha, to the kumzitz havdalah that led
right into the motsai shabbos swimming
and sushi melaveh malka, these were
twenty six hours I will never forget.
Sunday was a day of mixed emotions.
We were sad about the conclusion of
our trip, happy for a bochur who was
misayem meseches Kedushin, and
ultimately anxious to return home. The
shabbaton was the perfect way to end
a year of learning and intense growth. I
hope to carry the chizuk I received from
the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Elephant and
Akiva Medjuck throughout the summer
bein hazmanim, until Elul zman. In
particular, on behalf of all the bochurim
we take this opportunity to convey our
heartfelt thanks to Rabbi Elephant for
organizing, arranging and ensuring the
success of the trip. I can only say that I
can’t wait to do it again next year!
Oh the memories!! Signed,
Your Talmid
Being the parent of 3 boys in Mesivta Ateres Shmuel of Waterbury is an unusual and special
privilege. Thus, when my wife and I received an invitation from Rabbi Kalish and Rabbi
Oberlander to join the mesivta for its annual shabbaton, we eagerly accepted. Nevertheless,
we did have some reservations. On the one hand, we would be able to see in person the
amazing work the yeshiva does, yet on the other hand we were quite nervous to see if the
hannhalah is able to control 140 teenagers.
Upon our arrival on Erev Shabbos, our fears were quickly allayed. From the moment we
arrived, we knew that we were about to witness something out of the ordinary- a Shabbos like
no other. We realized the reason for the success that the yeshiva has with its talmidim, and we
were overwhelmed by the warmth that radiated from rebbe to talmid, from administration and
staff to talmid, and from talmid to talmid. A true sense of achdus prevailed.
The excitement was palpable as we prepared to daven. The climax of the davening came
when they started to sing lecha dodi. The entire Mesivta, and I mean the entire mesivta, sang
in unison and started dancing, leaving no one out. Watching the rabbeim get equally involved
in the singing as the bochurim was truly a moment that I will cherish forever. This enthusiasm
and ruach continued throughout the entire seudas shabbos, and then through the oneg,
and again on shabbos day, each time with a renewed koach and spirit that cannot be found
anywhere else but within the halls and walls of Waterbury.
Participating in the shabbaton was an awe-inspiring experience. It was truly moving to see
how the rabbeim not only allow each boy to excel at his own pace, but allow him to be himself
without forcing anything upon him. The love that the Rebbiem show and give to each and
every talmid 24/7 is the reason that the boys are so successful. They teach the boys not only
to love Hashem, but that Hashem loves each bochur for who he is.
The shabbaton was a smashing success, and my wife and I were inspired and enthused
beyond description. It was no wonder that at graduation, my son, the valedictorian of his class,
jumped off the stage in middle of his speech and starting singing and dancing just like at the
shabbaton. This brought back that special feeling we had at the shabbaton.
Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel of Waterbury
47 Buckingham
Waterbury, CT 06710
203-756-1800 | [email protected]
The kollel at Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel of Waterbury is
an innovative yet high-caliber Kollel. A prime feature
of Kollel Ateres Chaya Raizel is the close bonding of
rebbe and talmid, as the chavrei hakollel advance to
the highest levels of limud haTorah and hashkafas
hachaim. Under the devoted leadership and guidance
of HaRav Chaim Cohen, Shlita, the kollel has flourished to
become an attractive option for yungeleit moving back
from Eretz Yisroel. This zman, the kollel has opened its
doors to four new families who will iy”h be strong forces
in the beis hamedrash and the community. In addition
to greatly enhancing and elevating the Torah study
of its members, and by extension, the entire student
body of the Yeshiva, our unique kollel also contributes
immensely to the growth and development of the
Waterbury and greater Connecticut community.
R’ Yitzchok Finkel (son of R’ Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt”l) from Eretz Yisroel delivers a Shiur to the Kollel and community.