THE KOO WEE RUP - Koo Wee Rup Blackfish


THE KOO WEE RUP - Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
Council elections are being held across Victoria this month. You will receive a postal
ballot this month which will need to be returned by 27 October. Port Ward is
geographically the largest Ward in Cardinia Shire and encompasses the towns of Koo
Wee Rup, Bunyip, Nar Nar Goon, Tonimbuk, Pakenham South and Lang Lang and
surrounding districts. This ward will be represented by two councillors.
Four candidates have nominated to stand in Port Ward. Each of them has provided
a profile to help you to make a decision about who you feel would best represent
your interests at Council. I have put these profiles in alphabetical order starting on
page 7.
(Edited Extracts)
The Township held its monthly meeting on Wednesday, 5 September. Township
Meetings are open to anyone who would like to attend. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 3 October at 7:30
pm at the Community Centre.
At this month’s meeting Edward O’Donohue, MLC will update the committee, on gas for Koo Wee Rup and on
other issues, including the pedestrian crossing at Woolworths.
As in past elections, Candidates for Port Ward in this month’s Council elections will address the meeting and take
questions from the floor.
The president told the meeting that he had spoken to Wendy Abbott, Parks and Gardens Co-ordinator, Cardinia Shire
Council, about funding for the Cochrane Park project. She has said that funding is available now.
Ldg. Snr. Const. Brendon Dixon presented the Police Report this evening. He said that August had been a good month
with a reduction in crime. However there had been two burglaries reported. One was a break in, in Rossiter Road,
where a lap top and alcohol had been taken. At the other burglary a musical instrument was stolen. There was also the
theft of a number plate removed from a vehicle in Henry Street. In Lang Lang there had been the theft of a four
wheeled motor bike and beach boxes had been broken into.
There has been an arrest of a person possessing dangerous articles near Woolworths’ store in Koo-Wee-Rup and the
Caltex service station on the South Gippsland Highway has been ram-raided. The offenders there were seeking money
and cigarettes.
Brendon commented on the latest publicity about the increase of 40% in family violence incidents. He said the police
now have to report all occurrences, regardless of the wishes of the family or family members; even if they do not want a
report made, hence the reason for some of this increase.
He commented on the installation of “Stop” signs at the junction of Rossiter Road and the South Gippsland Highway.
The old “Give Way” signs have been removed. The police will be specifically observing traffic behaviour at this junction
for a while. Brendon also said that the police had received a complaint about trucks parking overnight in Rossiter Road.
Warnings have been given to the offenders.
Gus Moore complained about motor bikes speeding along the walking track; specifically behind Bailey Boulevard.
Brendon said he would note that information and take the necessary action.
The president introduced our guest for this evening, Ms. Claudia Barker, Musical Director, Koo-Wee-Rup Secondary
College. Claudia recounted her trip to Europe, leading the Secondary College Band to play in Westminster Abbey and at
the village of Fromelles on the WWI battlefields of France.
Continued Page 4
Items printed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the thoughts or beliefs of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to edit any items, where necessary.
All work associated with the production of The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish is done on a voluntary basis.
Edited by C Roff email: [email protected] PO Box 64, Koo Wee Rup 3981, Tel 5997 2333
Printed by KWR Township Committee
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
‘Creative Cakes’ presents a …
at Bayles Hall
 Saturday 1st or 8th December
 Morning classes for children = 9:3011:30am
 Afternoon classes for adults = 1-3pm
1. Guided and step by step teaching from qualified pastry chef and
cake decorator.
2. Freshly home-made quality, large A-frame gingerbread house kit,
to assemble in class with royal icing using a piping bag. House sits
on a 9” square board.
3. Quality lollies and decorations to put on house.
4. Cellophane wrap and gift tag included, house ideal Xmas pressie.
5. For the children, a chef’s hat to decorate before class or to finish
after class and to take home.
6. Prizes to win and a bag of lollies included for each child.
‘Creative Cakes’ is a local business, specializing in decorated cakes
for all occasions. Check out our display and photo album at
Chandelier Café in Koo Wee Rup. Facebook page to come.
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The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
The Kooweerup Mens Shed
and volunteer gardeners
recently went on a visit to
Herronswood-Diggers Seeds in
Dromana. The group were
very lucky as the weather was
beautiful and they were able
to explore the garden and pick
up some lovely heritage
Community Garden.
We invite the community to
come down to the Health
Service and see what’s going
on with all the various groups
Volunteer gardeners visit Herronswood-Diggers Seeds at Dromana
and activities.
As part of
Seniors week on Thursday 11th Oct at 9.00am, we will
be hosting a community walk followed by morning
tea, with representatives from various community
groups will be held in Killara hostel.
Nutritionist Heike with participants of the Fresh super foods
Koowee Walk n Talk Walking group walk in Wilson Botanic
The Koo Wee Rup and District Lions Club would like
to note the passing of past club member Mr Lindsay
Lindsay served the club in various ways including
president in the 1983-84 year and club treasurer.
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The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
With the aid of some wonderful photographic images she told of her own parent’s musical background prior to WWII
in Singapore and Malaya and onwards to wartime Australia as political internees. This experience of her parents, and
their collective knowledge from other internees, similarly gifted fellow musicians, profoundly influenced her own
musical destiny.
Joining Koo-Wee-Rup High School in 1965 Claudia has become the icon of all things musical at the school. An
association with the legendary 39th Battalion members ensured that the school band became the Battalion’s preferred
marching band at ANZAC Day ceremonies in Melbourne. Following on from this, after hearing about the discovery of an
unmarked mass grave of lost Australian and British soldiers at Fromelles, the idea was born that the band should visit
Fromelles to pay homage to our fallen soldiers. In the meantime Peter Bottomley Assistant Principal at the school, had
been contacted by a Sir Peter Bottomley MP of the UK, and this association led to the band being asked to perform in
Westminster Abbey. A work by an Australian composer was commissioned and this composition was widely lauded on
its first performance in the Abbey by the band.
The band’s subsequent visit to Fromelles was very successful but extremely emotional as the hard facts of that brutal
day in battle all those years ago became apparent. Some 140 of the 240 soldiers found in the mass grave have now
been given a proper burial at the Pheasant Wood cemetery; identified with family DNA. The band soon realised that the
residents of Fromelles have never forgotten the sacrifices of those Australian diggers and the interaction between the
band and the residents forged yet another bond, especially the singing of their mutual National Anthems. Claudia
showed photographs of the band playing at the cemetery, and of the members clustered around the graves of the
fallen, pondering the fact that these soldiers were mostly not much older than them. There were not many dry eyes in
the room by now. Claudia concluded her story by thanking the Township Committee and others for their financial and
strong moral support of the band in their ‘memory of a life time’ visit to Europe.
Frank Crameri said that he had had good feedback from the meetings with our politicians about our concern with the
dangerous pedestrian crossing outside of Woolworths’ store. He felt reasonably confident that they would achieve a
favourable outcome for us.
Frank said that he had had further complaints about the state of the drains in Boundary Drain Road and Hudson Road.
He has contacted the Shire Council and work is scheduled to be done to rectify the problem.
There is a delay on the completion of the Town Strategy for Koo-Wee-Rup. The Sub-committee report has been put to
the senior management of the Shire Council but the report has to be strengthened with input from the current Urban
Design Study. Hence the continuing delays in the publication.
(continued next page)
This is a boot camp fun for all fitness levels and I encourage all age groups to come along and join in the fun. Let me help you get fit
and provide you with recipes, nutritional tips and advice along the way, to help you achieve your goals.
Something to remember… some people are coming to bootcamps to get fit, have fun, be social and for some, to lose weight, so I
don’t expect everyone to already be fit, at the very start. It’s my job to help you get fit and achieve your goals!!
I’ll be running Brodie’s Booty Camps for the entire period of daylight savings (October 2012 to March 2013) with a few weeks’ break
over Christmas and New Year’s.
I am a qualified personal trainer with certificate 3 and 4 in Fitness and have been keeping fit within the local community myself for a
number of years. I enjoy helping people train to get fit and thrive on helping people achieve their goals. I can measure those who
want to lose weight and monitor their progress throughout the weeks also. My bootcamps are designed for people to come and go as
they please, with no locked in contracts/sessions per week but please make contact with me before you begin, so that I can arrange
my sessions around the number of people attending.
I look forward to seeing many faces at my bootcamps and of course, to have fun and a good laugh along the way. There will a
variety of fitness styles including some boxing, tyres, kettle bells, small
weights, running, ropes and plenty more.
$10 for the hour session.
3 sessions per week.
Tuesday and Thursday nights
from 6.30pm-7.30pm
Saturday morning’s from 7.00am-8.00am
What to bring:
A yoga mat, sweat towel, drink bottle and a
can do attitude 
Kooweerup High School Oval
My contact details: Brodie O’Hehir
Mobile: 0407 342 647
Email: [email protected]
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The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
Frank Worcester brought up the subject of Men’s Shed members carrying out maintenance around the Town and the
need for a wide insurance cover for them. The secretary explained that any volunteer not a member of a section 86
committee needs to be registered with the council in order to be covered by personal and public liability insurance. The
secretary will pass on the necessary registration forms for Men’s Shed members to complete.
Frank James brought up a number of maintenance issues near the railway crossing in Rossiter Road.
 There is an overhanging bush at the railway crossing; it is dead and needs to be taken out.
 There is an old signal cable box that is wrecked. It needs repairing or to be removed.
 There is a deep open drain behind the bushes that needs filling in.
The secretary was asked to write to VicTrack about these problems and also enquire who is responsible for
maintenance in this area. He is to seek a quick rectification of these problems.
Frank James asked that scrub on the left hand side of Rossiter Road between Ponderosa and the entrance to the
walking track be cleared. The president said that this would not happen because the Shire Council is very sensitive to
environmental issues and a request for the removal of vegetation in this area would not be looked on favourably.
Lyn Van Der Hoef asked, who is responsible for the maintenance of the old railway station platform? Can it be
designated for heritage values? It is now rotting away at a fast rate. Again, the secretary was asked to write to VicTrack
for an answer and action.
From the floor came the observation that Icke Road, from the end of the newly laid bitumen past the Senior Citizens
Club, is in a very poor state. Can this short stretch of road be bitumised or graded because it is impossible for people
with walkers or in wheel chairs to cross here. The president, Frank Crameri, said he would talk to Boon Law, the Shire
Community Strengthening Officer, about this problem and request action to be taken.
Finally there are two maintenance issues in Gardner Street. The first is that the road surface between Rossiter Road
and Moody Street is extremely bad – the surface is breaking up and there are many potholes awaiting the unsuspecting
motorist. The second issue is an overhanging tree intruding across the footpath. It is on the north side, west of Moody
Street. Frank Crameri said he will talk to Boon Law about these issues.Catherine Matthys spoke about the walking path
access at the Scout Hall end of Mickle Street. She tabled eleven items of contention that seriously worries her and her
family about the safety aspects of this path/roadway. She told of an incident where she and her son were almost run
down by a vehicle crossing the footpath as they were walking. There followed a lively discussion on the subject and the
outcome of this debate is, that if traffic is allowed to cross over the footpath, then it should be at least made safe for
pedestrians. At the very least there should be appropriate signage to warn traffic that this is also a pedestrian way. Lou
Bucello pointed out that the installation of bollards would prevent the entry of emergency vehicles in the case of fire or
accident etc. The secretary was asked to write to
the Shire Council and ask for a definitive
clarification of this walkway/roadway and, if the
The majestic mystery of mercy overflowing its river’s banks
council wished to keep it open to vehicle traffic,
or that Word made flesh, as God himself divested of glories
press for the installation of appropriate signs.
were never intended to be just a quaint offering from the East
Lisa Van Dord asked if the new walking track,
parallel to Rossiter Road, could be extended to
for indolent interest or thankfulness that finds itself soon spent
Railway Road. This would enable the children of
while love pursued us across eons of time and oceans of space
families in this area to walk to school; even a
just to flounder on our proneness to such lethargy and unbelief
temporary path would help. If the children used
to end waiting like empty churches for praise that never comes
the old railway track then this is considered to be
used to bless newly launched ships that disappear without trace
technically trespassing. The secretary was asked
to write to VicTrack and propose an extension to
to serve polluting industries or steal what is so generously lent
the existing walking track with the knowledge that
to benefit candidates and criminals, drug lords and global banks
VicTrack’s plan is to extend the walking path from
or to engineer rewriting of the beginning and ending of the story.
Cranbourne to Leongatha at some time in the
For it was not for nothing, that the arts served instead of fleeced
Gus Moore, also an RSL member, suggested that
not for nought that the Christ from the very heavenlies was sent.
a monthly ‘country’ market be organised to take
Warren Breninger
place on the Lion’s Park. This suggestion was
taken up by Catherine Matthys who said this idea had been discussed on Facebook group “Koo Wee Rup Community
Noticeboard. No formal proposal was made and therefore no decision was taken.
The president congratulated Richard Roach on re-organising the Koo-Wee-Rup Business Association. Richard said he
was very pleased with his revitalised group and that they now had 14 to 15 members.
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The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
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October 2012
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
My name is Ray Brown, I came to Kooweerup in 1970 as the local stationmaster, I am
married to Ellen and we have a grown up family.
In 1990 after 30 years with the railways rising through the ranks to senior
management I resigned to form my own company focussing on developing a computer
assisted operational system. I drove the total development of this system from the
requirements to the finished product including training documentation and rollout.
My company was commissioned by NSW and National Rail to install this system. The
understandable obstacles put in place from staff, unions and some senior management
were at times most confronting, but with perseverance we won the day. The systems
were commissioned on time and within a budget of several million dollars.
Why am I telling you this?
I believe that you as the voter need to know your candidate and some of the
background of what he or she has done in their working life and what skills they offer.
I have negotiated at the highest to the lowest levels, I have experience in big dollar
budgets plus I am determined and I have good people skills.
I retired in 1998 and became immersed in making the local community a better place,
I was the first elected Township chairman a position I held for 12 years, many projects were realised during this time
under my leadership. Community Centre, skate park, streetscape, tower clock, town by pass and natural gas lobby to
name a few. I am currently vice chairman.
On the sporting front I have served as President, secretary, head trainer and trainer of the football club. I have been
the secretary of the recreation reserve for the past 10 years or more, involved in seeking and gaining funding for
For the past 3 years I have been president and recently made life member of the bowling club.
In 2010 I was honoured with Cardinia Shire’s Australia Day award for community service.
The challenge I see for the Port Ward Councillors is to build a good working relationship with not only the other Ward
councillors but more importantly with each other.
The competition for the shire dollar is fierce and a good case needs to be made backed up by the will and
determination to persevere in getting a fair share of it.
Small business and the farming community form a huge part of the Port Ward and care needs to be taken that they
are looked after, a fact often lost amid the urban sprawl of Pakenham.
Issues are the state of roads, drains and other infrastructure maintenance, I will address concerns of small business,
residents and of farmers. I will endeavour to ensure that council decisions are based on hard facts, sound economic and
social principles and will provide value for money.
In concluding, I have heard people say Ray Brown will only look after Kooweerup if elected this is not only untrue, but
to me is offensive.
I am offering my skills, passion and determination to all of Port Ward without fear or favour but more importantly I
Long Service medals awarded
Chairman of Koo Wee Rup Red Cross, Lyn Jewell, was pleased to present Red Cross Long Service Medals to Gwen
Mason (30 years) and Gwen Lengersdorf (10 years)
50th Birthday Celebration
The Koo Wee Rup Red Cross Unit will celebrate its 50th Birthday with an afternoon tea in the Uniting Church Hall,
Rossiter Road Koo Wee Rup, on Tuesday 4th December at 1-30 p.m.
All past and present members are welcome, plus the many folk who help out with our March Red Cross Calling Appeal.
Please bring a plate of afternoon tea.
This is the Koo Wee Rup Unit's "third incarnation". There was a Red Cross Unit during the First World War (not long
after Red Cross began in Australia), another during the
Second World War (when we had 260 members) and the
Have you got some news, or an opinion you want to share
current Unit reformed in November 1962.
with your community? Why not say it in the Blackfish?
Further information: Hon. Secretary Don Jewell [Ph.
Just drop me a line at [email protected]
5998 7734 or Email <[email protected]>
post to PO Box 64, KWR or phone 5997 2333
Caroline Roff, Editor
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The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
A PUBLIC meeting will take place at
the Kooweerup Bowling Club Rossiter
Rd on Monday the 8th of October at
7.30pm with the purpose of forming a
The prime role of this committee will to
be involved, in association with the
Shire, in the implementation of the
Master Plan for the park.
Some of the initiatives in the plan
include a labyrinth and avenue of
The seeking of available grants from
State and Federal governments will be
part of the ongoing role of the
Everyone welcome
Page 8
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
I have lived in Cardinia with my husband and children for over twelve years, and
we love the lifestyle here, particularly its rural feel within close proximity to
regional centres. Our children attend Koo Wee Rup Secondary College and
Cardinia Primary School, and I have enjoyed being an active member of our
community for a number of years.
As a mother and educator presenting workshops on self-esteem and media
literacy, I am passionate about providing opportunities for our young people to
engage in the community, including access to education, recreational facilities and
services. As many more young families move in to the area, creating and securing
local employment and affordable childcare is also a necessity.
Our ward is also lacking in accessible public transport, cutting off those who
don’t drive, particularly some of our senior residents and teenagers. As our
community continues to grow and more pressure is placed on our already failing
roads, I’d like to advocate for better public transport options and safe bike paths
to link our townships.
Over time, our rural and urban residents have faced some major challenges,
including a lengthy drought followed by heavy rainfall and major flooding, particularly affecting the Koo Wee Rup
region. As well as inundating productive farmland and numerous properties, we were left stranded as the neglect of
many of our roads and drains became apparent. Many of us are still feeling the effects of the lack of adequate drainage,
and this needs to be addressed as extreme weather events are predicted to become more frequent.
Our farmers also need the support of council to continue to provide the produce we all depend on. Balancing
population growth while supporting our farmers and protecting our food bowl, is of great importance, particularly for
future generations.
With the strong support of my family, I am standing for council because I am committed to listening to your concerns
and representing our community to ensure that we get value for our rates, and that the distribution of council funding is
fair and equitable. I feel that our ward has been somewhat neglected in the past, and it’s time for that to change. I am
confident that I can help facilitate that, with your vote.
We’ve never had a woman represent our ward on council before. You have an opportunity to change that and give
Port Ward both a male and a female voice. As the other candidates are directing their preferences to each other, if you
want me elected you’ll need to Vote 1 for me (and be sure to number the other three boxes 2- 4 in order of your
preference for your vote to count).
I welcome your views on issues that concern you, and would love to hear from you. You can contact me on
0417355644, email: [email protected] , or find me on Facebook at Catherine Manning for Port Ward –
Cardinia Shire Council 2012.
Port Phillip and Westernport CMA (PPWCMA) is running a subsidised Farm
Chemical Users Course for Casey, Yarra Ranges, Cardinia and Baw Baw
landowners who wish to learn about the safe use of pest plant and animal
control chemicals. This is a valuable course for residents who are interested in
increasing their capacity to better manage threats to wildlife, agriculture and other natural resources on their property.
For a subsidised rate of $40, the two-day course will allow participants to register to receive an Agricultural Chemical
Users Permit (ACUP) which is required for the use of many farm chemicals.
The event is supported by the PPWCMA as part of the Habitat Protection and Conservation Project and funded by the
Australian Government’s ‘Caring for our Country’.
The Habitat Protection and Conservation Project is supporting landholders in the Yarra and Western Port catchment areas
to protect and increase habitat for threatened species including Helmeted Honeyeaters, Southern Brown Bandicoots
and Leadbeater’s Possums.
When: Saturday 13th and Saturday 27th October 2012
Time: 10am – 5pm
Where: Devon Meadows Community Hall, Worthing Road, Devon Meadows Melway Reference: 138 D7
To enrol: Complete the online registration form by Wednesday 10th October 2012 by going to the events page at
For more information: contact Adam Shalekoff on 8781 7962 or email: [email protected]
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The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
Tuesday Nights
Eyes down 7.30pm
All Welcome
Every player gets a free raffle ticket
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October 2012
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
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The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
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October 2012
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
President of the Cardinia branch of the Victorian Farmers Federation, David Young, has announced his intention to
stand for Port Ward in the Cardinia Shire Council elections this month.
David has lived and worked in the area his entire life and has a good understanding of the needs of the Koo Wee Rup
Township and how these might be different to the growth corridor of Pakenham. He has been a strong supporter of the
Koo Wee Rup Bypass.
He attended Koo Wee Rup Secondary College and continues to support the school through the provision of the
Christine Young Memorial Scholarship which was established forty years ago in memory of his sister. He attends the
Dawn Service at Koo Wee Rup every Anzac Day to
commemorate his father and mothers war service during
World War II.
David is currently involved as a member of the
Stakeholder Reference Group to the Cardinia South
Sewerage Servicing Strategy. This strategy is looking at
upgrading the Koo Wee Rup and Lang Lang Sewerage
Treatment Plants.
Through his years of involvement with the VFF he has
experience in lobbying on behalf of the community with
organisations such as VicRoads, Melbourne Water and
South East Water as well as Cardinia Shire Council.
David has had a strong involvement with a number of
environment groups over the years and he understands
the importance of maintaining a diverse natural habitat.
In the last drought David was instrumental in obtaining
the EC (Exceptional Circumstances) declaration for the
Cardinia Shire.
If elected David would like to see Council improve its
regional road maintenance to cope with increasing traffic
volumes. He understands the pressure of high council
rates on commercial and residential properties and would
aim to keep rate increases to a minimum.
He would also aim to restrict Council spending to the
core business areas of local government.
If successful he looks forward to representing the entire
Port Ward Community.
David can be contacted on 59988293.
Authorised by: D. Young, 110 Wenn Road, Officer South Victoria, 3809.
Cardinia Shire Council has commenced works on sections of
the drainage network that connect with Melbourne Water’s
main drains. Melbourne Water compliant infrastructure like
pits, pipe and floodgates are being constructed and installed
to enhance the existing cut-off drains.
Operations Team Leader Mark Howard said the project
aimed to reduce flood risk throughout the Shire. “These
works highlight our commitment to improving drainage
systems and flood proofing our communities. Approximately
$180,000 has been committed to construct approximately 60
sites over the next few months. A total of 25 sites have been
completed to date.”
For more information on this project, contact the
Operation’s Team Leader on 1300 787 624.
To view the latest drainage, road and footpath works
happening across the Shire visit
Comar Constructions Managing Director Colin Plant with
Cardinia Shire Council’s Operations Leader Mark Howard and
Operations Manager Charles Taveira
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The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
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October 2012
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
It is always a sheer delight to report on the Musical Production. “Kisses” was a truly magical production this year
written by one of our staff and produced by fantastic kids. As usual extremely professional, very funny and very well
produced. Congratulations to all.
The Athletics Sports at Casey Fields worked very well for the students. It was cold but the students got to complete in
a professional and much safer environment. We plan to continue this in future years and no doubt everyone will come
better prepared for the weather.
Plans are now in place for the refitting of the playground into the back of the school. A company from Tasmania will
be coming over in October to install it. This has been a very long awaited project but I would like to thank Chris David, a
parent, for his assistance in getting this done.
The Hockey Oval needs some work. We are looking at a long term fix but if anyone knows of a company which does
Turf Management, please let me know. I would like to get it into a playable area for the students asap without a lot of
work or expense.
The Building project is in planning phase. We are hoping to be funded next year and would also desperately like to get
stage two funded as soon as possible. Stage One will build the new classrooms and Stage Two will build the stadium
and science centres.
Year 12 students only have a few weeks left. It is critical for parents and friends to offer even more support during
coming months leading up to the exams. At the same time to keep gently pushing for study, revision and of course
asking for help.
During the recent stopwork there were about 150 students present at school. Many more were at home. I do hope
that the Government and Union can find a solution to the current problems as soon as possible. At school here, we do
our best to offer the best program we can in times of stopwork.
There are also difficulties in VET and TAFE funding which you have seen in the media. We will always do our best to
offer the best program we can. I believe we do this well. Funding cuts though will affect us in some way. Please be
assured that we are doing what we can.
Kim Bridgford
Hello to everyone again, the sub branch is focused now on
Remembrance Day. This year it will fall on a Sunday, so we
are hoping for a big attendance to remember those who
served their country and, in particular, those who gave their
lives. Details are as follows:
Remembrance Day Ceremony
 At 11 am on Sunday 11th at Cenotaph in Cochrane
 Brief ceremony and laying of wreaths and poppies
 Koo Wee Rup RSL sub branch “ANZAC Awards” to
schools by federal MP Mr Greg Hunt
 Training ship HMAS Tingara drum band will perform
its usual magnificent collection of routines. Come
along and see our magnificent youth in action.
Another feature this month is a 4 day bus trip organised by
driver Geoff Pledge and navigator Ivan Royale, looking forward to a comprehensive report next Blackfish, sure to be a
fun trip. Also had a Koo Wee Rup sub branch secretary’s book given to the club by Barry Cochrane. This book is a
record of letters sent out by the Honorary Secretary SL Cochrane (Barry’s grandfather). This book starts in July 1925 and
features many interesting letters, obviously this was all hand written in beautiful script by Mr Cochrane. The writing
itself is worth preserving. This is a most wonderful addition to our future history museum.
Our next meeting will feature a brief presentation, by Mr Bob Sproule of Lang Lang, of his life experiences including his
time as a prisoner of war and life since. We would love to have anybody interested in listening to Bob along at our next
meeting on the 10th October 2012 at the Bowling Club at 7pm. There will be no charge and supper provided, please
come along.
For now, yours in service, Ron Ingram, President, KWR RSL Sub Branch, 5997 1456
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The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
Bunyip River Meats
Located next to Woolworths
** Don’t forget to check our **
weekly specials board
Friendly service
Lots of variety
Please support your local
TONY 0433 602 601
BOB 0434 253 528
Page 16
Large range of gourmet products
Locally grown beef and lamb
Any needs can be catered for
Spit roast
Bulk packs available
Private bodies cut and packed
Cryovac available
Open 7 days a week
Shop 8, 26-29 Station Street, Koo Wee Rup, Phone 5997 1285
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
Throughout this term the students at St John’s have trained extremely hard and competed in both the District and
Divisional Athletics Carnivals. All of the students involved showed great sportsmanship and should be commended on
their efforts. We are also extremely fortunate in having five children who have made it to the Regional Athletics
Carnival which will take place early next term. Reaching this level of competition is a fantastic achievement.
During the term our students from grades 4-6 competed in the Western Cluster Catholic School Winter Sport
Competitions. These competitions saw students participate in football, newcombe and netball games. At the
conclusion of the term the schools played off for the Lightning Premiership which was held at St Francis Xavier College.
All of the students participated extremely well and all of our teams should be proud of the way they performed and
improved throughout the term. A special thank you to all the teachers and parent helpers who helped to coach and
umpire the games.
A highlight of this term was our annual Father’s Day
Breakfast. The teachers came to school early and prepared
a bacon and egg breakfast for the dads which they could
enjoy with their children before having to go off to work. It
was great to see so many dads come down and enjoy
Our grade 5/6 students have been learning about the
Olympic Games and the many countries that competed
in them. To celebrate the learning they have done
they held an ‘Olympic Expo’ day where they showcased
projects they had completed in pairs on many different
countries. The Olympic Expo was set up in the hall with each country having its own little stall with information, food,
and other fantastic handouts. The many parents, friends, teachers and students who came along and looked at the
Expo were very impressed.
We also enjoyed many activities during
Literacy and Numeracy Week. A highlight of
the week was the dress up day and the visit
from author Adam Wallace. Adam shared
some of the books he has written with the
children and also taught them to draw some
of the characters from his books.
Enrolments are now being taken for the
2013 school year and guided tours are
available with our Principal, Mr Simon
Dell’Oro. Please contact the school office on
5997 1653 to make an appointment.
Justin Greenwood, Deputy Principal
The Rotary Club of Koo wee rup – Lang Lang would like to thank all those that contributed to
our recent wood raffle. Congratulations to our winner,
Margaret Vick of Lang Lang. Delivery of the trailer load to Margaret has been completed.
The raffle raised $680.00 for use within the community. Further loads, starting at $100 for a
ute load to $250 for a large tandem trailer load are excellent value and available for purchase if
anyone would like to stock up the wood shed. Contact Rudy on 5998 8220.
This month the club donated $1,000 to help the KWR Scouts with their recladding program.
Page 17
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
Your local KooWeeRup branch,
October 2012
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Proudly Local Family Business
Page 18
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
Some princesses at the Book Character Parade.
Literacy/Numeracy Week
In the last week of August we celebrated
Literacy/Numeracy Week at the school.
Activities and events for the week included
‘Read for Australia Day’, an open morning for
grandparents and parents as well as a whole school maths games
session and bingo game. The highlight of the week was our Book
Character Parade on the Thursday. Students and teachers came
dressed in all sorts of colourful creations from their favourite books
and paraded proudly inside our main building. Miss Moulton and I
dressed in character to read the popular children’s book ‘Pearl Barley
and Charlie Parsley. It was a fun week in which the importance of
literacy and numeracy was highlighted in many different ways.
Double Delight
Double Delight is a bi-annual event where two quality visiting presenters are
chosen to entertain the students in term three. This year, cartoonist Richard
Galbraith and author Cathy Scollo were chosen to run workshops with all
grades. Richard taught the children how to create cartoons while Cathy
shared her recently published story with the students. Both presenters were
highly engaging and promoted aspects of their story-creating craft.
Athletics Sports
Last month our senior students travelled to Pakenham to compete against
other schools from the LLDSSA. Despite the wind and a brief but heavy Cartoonist Richard enthralled the students
rainfall, the day was a great success. We had many fine performances on the day and the whole team are to be
congratulated. Notable performers were:
1st placings Annie Hone, Liam Taylor, Blake York, Lachlan Taylor, the Boys 11 year relay, the Boys 12 year relay and the
Girls 12 year relay.
2nd placings Liam Taylor, Ryan Smith, Riley Dolan, Tash Ardley, and Angus Hetherington
3rd placings Joanne Etherton, Tori Cachia, Aly Gray, Cory Matthews-Townley. Kylee White, Ashlee Sibly, Ryan Smith,
Madison Dowson, and Ashlee Hameeteman.
At the divisional event, Annie placed first in the 200m and second in the long jump, Lachlan placed second in the
1500m, Blake came third in the 100m sprint, Liam came third in the 800m while the Boys 11 year relay finished third.
JSC Footy Colours Day
The last day of term was our annual Footy Colours Day. As in
past years, Collingwood was the popular choice but most teams
had lots of colourful and vocal support. By the time you read
this I will hopefully be celebrating a premiership for my team!
Trivia Night
Are you a trivia expert? The PFA has organised a Trivia Night
for Friday 26th October. If you are interested in booking a ticket
or forming a table, please contact Maria or Lisa in the office.
Enrolments and Transition
The transition program has now commenced and I encourage
all 2013 Prep families to send their child to Friday afternoon transition sessions in term 4. The dates are 12 th October,
26th October, 9th November and 23rd November (2.15 – 3.00 pm). Statewide Orientation Day is Tuesday 11th December
(9.00am to 1.00pm).
Kind regards, David Payne, Principal
Koo Wee Rup & District Lions Club
The Koo Wee Rup & District Lions Club held a sausage sizzle outside Woolworths in Koo Wee Rup on the
15th Sept. which was very successful and we would like to thank everyone for their patronage and a special
thank you to Woolworths for letting us use their forecourt.
The winner of the $100 gift voucher raffle was Janice Hodgson of Bayles.
Our next sausage sizzle outside Woolworths will be on the 17th Nov.
Page 19
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
Breast Cancer Support Group
Tea, coffee & chat
Last Wednesday of every month
Lang Lang Community Centre
7:30 pm
7 Westernport Road
Lang Lang
Phone Sharon 5997 5072
Or LLCC 5997 5704
Page 20
October 2012
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
It has been a very busy term with lots of exciting activities and events occurring every week.
The District athletics carnival
was held on 6th September and
despite the cold and damp
conditions all our students had a
wonderful time competing against other local primary
schools. There is always a great friendly rivalry
between our schools and I would like to thank the
organising committee from all our schools for creating
this opportunity for our students to perform their best.
Based on the student’s performance at this local level,
we were very pleased to have a small team represent
our school at the Division Athletics Carnival at Casey
Fields on 14th September. I would like to make special
mention of three of our students who will now be
going on to Zone to represent us: Emily Moso (High
District Athletics Winners
Jump), Beau Fielder (200 metres) and Brock Bedwell
Jade Moule, Marley Richardson, Beau Fielder,
(Discus and 200 metres). Good luck to each of you!!
Brock Bedwell
Front: Matthew Foster, Jack Gadsden, Ben Coleman, Meg Oliver
Congratulations to our superkids for term 3 – Daniel
Attewell (Prep), Kayla H (1/2) Jasmine Perrot-Orr (2/3)Lachlan Drysdale (4/5) and Jahmayne Yanez-Rios (5/6). This is a
very special award as it recognises those students who consistently work hard throughout the duration of the term and
strive to uphold our school values at all times. I shared a special McDonalds’ lunch with these students on Thursday and
it was great listening to their conversations about how much they enjoy school and try to do their best. Their photos
are displayed in our office and are also added to the school website.
If you have driven past our school recently, you would have noticed that we have a new large sign board installed
along our front fence. I would like to thank the Bendigo Bank for their sponsorship by providing grant money to
purchase this sign. I look forward to keeping you all informed of up and coming events through this new noticeboard
that I am sure won’t be missed by passing traffic!
Last Tuesday we held our annual footy day which was a wonderful success. The school yard was a sea of bright colours
and the friendly rivalry between all teams was lots of fun. What I really enjoyed watching during the footy parade was
the encouragement given by other teams to those teams that only had one or two supporters. There was no animosity
or “put downs” by the rest of the students as everyone was there to have an enjoyable time. The children of Bayles
Regional Primary School really are a credit to their parents as that genuine acceptance of each other regardless of their
differences is truly remarkable. I would like to thank the Parents Club for supplying the footy day lunch free of charge –
their way of saying thank you to all the parents and children who support the Tuesday Hot Lunch days.
Congratulations to Tom Gadsden (Gr 1 /2) our winner of the Active Wednesday competition for Term 3. Tom was
lucky enough to be drawn out of the raffle box, winning a skateboard and helmet provided by Kate Beveridge of the
Active Schools Program through the Cardinia Shire. This competition ran throughout the term to encourage our
students to be active. Every Wednesday each student was eligible for a raffle ticket if they were active either before or
after school. You may have noticed a regular band of children being dropped off at the General Store and walking to
school from there in order to receive their weekly raffle ticket. This competition will be run again next term with the
prize of a scooter and helmet-thank you to Kate and the Cardinia Shire for sponsoring this competition.
Our school is open for new enrolments and you are welcome to contact the office and arrange a personal school tour
with myself at a convenient time to suit you. Simply call 5997 7261 to arrange a tour or if you would simply like to
enquire about our lovely school and all that we have to offer. Our motto at Bayles Regional Primary School is: Small
School, Big Achievements and we would be very proud to show you around!
Warm Wishes, Mrs Fran Van Lambaart, Principal
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The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
Page 22
October 2012
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
We have gained a new recruit, Richard Bricknall, who after returning from his annual sojourn north,
has transferred from Berwick BC after moving into KooWeeRup. Richard has already played at our
Club so we know he will enjoy his stay with us. Pat Carlin has decided to transfer from Pakenham BC
to KooWeeRup BC. Pat is well known to many of our Lady bowlers and we are certain that she will
enjoy her time with us and also be an asset to the Club. After returning from their annual trip to Queensland Brian
Walker has also decided to join our Club transferring from Yeppoon BC. Qld. and previously a valued member at
Pakenham BC and will be an asset for our Club. Brian follows wife Julie into our ranks and I am certain he will enjoy his
stay with us.
Another recruit to the Club is Alf Buxton who after only a couple of weeks has been “bitten by the bug” and decided to
join the Club and try his hand at bowls. Welcome Alf we are certain that you will enjoy the game.
A very successful opening day was held on 1st September with about 60 members and friends attending with the
weather also turning it on we were able to have a couple of games of bowls after lunch. There were a couple of
prospective players who had a “roll” and enjoyed themselves.
Club members were saddened to hear of the passing of Lindsay Green on 27/8. Lindsay played mainly social bowls at
the Club when he could and was a member for about 4 years. He was well liked and respected by everyone and he was
also involved in a number of organizations in the town for many years. Lindsay’s happy and cheerful demeanour will be
missed by all who knew him.
The Ladies competition committee will be conducting a Mixed Triples competition on the 1 st & 3rd Thursday of each
month during the Summer following their successful Winter Triples this year. For further information please contact the
Club to enter a team or as a single entry. The 1st game will be on Thursday October 4th.
The Saturday Pennant season commences on 6th October with Div. 3 at home to Seaford, Div. 4 visit Mornington and
Div. 7 host Karingal. The Club is still looking for players for
Saturday Pennant, which is open to both Male & Female, and we
need to have 36 players available each week. If you are interested,
please contact the Club. Tuesday Pennant will commence on
Tuesday 25th September with the Club entering in Division 1 of
I came across another interesting match
Ladies only competition and will visit Karingal. We should be more
played on 3rd January 1923. This match was
competitive in this after the struggle last season in open division.
played between Lang Lang and Griffiths Bros at
the Richmond Cricket Ground. M Glasscock
had a great match, scoring 27 runs then taking
9/58 with the ball. M Glasscock, of course, is
the father of Koo Wee Rup legends George and
Cardinia Shire Council’s Environmental Health team would like
to advise residents of some changes to its immunisation
John Glasscock.
Griffith Bros 1st Innings
The hepatitis B vaccine will no longer be administered through
L Miles
M Glasscock
the secondary school immunisation program. Most Year 7
S Lattimer
students or age equivalent in 2013 would have received the
A Taylor
M Glasscock
vaccine as a baby. Those who have not received it can still have
E McDonald b
M Glasscock
two free doses before the end of the year. Residents can make
J Munro
M Glasscock
G Benson
M Glasscock
an appointment with their local medical clinic or attend one of
L Corrigan
not out
the scheduled immunisation sessions listed online at
R Robertson b
M Glasscock
Residents with Year 8 female children have until the end of
H Bryant
run out
the year to finish their doses of the HPV (cervical cancer)
V Roberts
M Glasscock
vaccine from 2011 at no cost. The vaccine is given to 12–13
A Newell
M Glasscock
year old females in three doses over a six-month period. If they
R Long
M Glasscock
do not receive the vaccine within this timeframe, charges will
apply for any subsequent doses at a cost of $150 per dose. The
Environmental Health team encourages residents to take
Lang Lang replied with 168, Dr Appleford 36,
Reverend Watson 32, M Glasscock 27,
advantage of the program while they can.
W Tibballs not out 29. Lang Lang won on 1st
For more information, contact the Environmental Health team
innings by 35 runs.
on 1300 787 624 or visit
Yours in cricket, Ron Ingram
CHANGES TO 2012–13
Page 23
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
44-48 Station St. KooWeeRup
Cnr Station Street and Moody Street (6 Moody Street),
Koo Wee Rup 3981 Phone: 5997 1198
For all your Truck
Spare Parts needs
Fleetguard Filters  Castrol Oil
Valvoline Oil
 Coolant
Brake Parts
 Lights
Electrical Wire
 Globes
Hose Clamps
 Mudflaps
Brass Fittings
 Mudguards
Gates Belts
 Wheel Seals
Wheel Bearings
 Mirrors
Premium Blue
 CB Aerials
Cat Oil & Filters
 Batteries
and much more
We are open from 9 to 5 weekdays and 9 to 12 Saturdays
Page 24
All Stationery Requisites
Post Office & Tattersall’s Agencies
Newspapers and Magazines
Computer Accessories
Agents for Office Smart
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
Page 25
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
Come and join us for a fun
afternoon of
Affordable kids’ clothing
ranging from size 000 to 14
We also have jewellery & bric a brac
Contact: Etelka 0412487990
293 Rossiter Road, Koo Wee Rup.
Monday to Friday 9.00am - 4.30pm
and Satuday 9.30am - 1pm
Page 26
Every Friday, 1-3 pm
at KWR Senior Citizens
$2 entry
Great Prizes
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
At the September meeting we were fortunate to have as a guest Claudia Barker, Music Teacher at KWR Secondary
College. Claudia, with a group of students and some parents, recently visited England and played at Westminster Abbey
and at Fromelles (France). During her presentation she showed slides of the band playing at the above locations which
was pretty moving to all present, in particular at Fromelles.
A meeting was held recently between some members of the KWR Men’s Shed; Township Secretary Geoff Stokes and
me to iron out a few points on the Men’s Shed group taking over the role of minor maintenance duties in the town. It
was pleasing to note that the walking group, for example, will keep an eye out, for example, for branches protruding out
from trees over footpaths, maintenance of rose boxes in the main streets, broken Telstra pit lids, etc. These items will
be listed on a whiteboard at the Shed with some being reported to Council or other authorities for follow up and other
smaller items to be dealt with by Men’s Shed members.
Congratulations to KWR Football Club Third 18s making it to the preliminary finals and the Netball Club F Grade playing
off in the grand final, but unfortunately losing by two goals. Although both teams were disappointed in their losses,
there’s no doubt the experience they have gained competing in finals will be a great advantage in their future sporting
The Australia Day subcommittee of the township committee are seeking nominations from locals within the township
and surrounding areas for persons who they believe have
achieved a lot for the community in general or a role a
person may carry out in a particular organisation. It
would be great to get your feedback for the
subcommittee to consider for awards that will be
presented at the Community Centre on 26 January 2013.
I can be contacted on 0427 564 367 for further
286 Rossiter Road, Koo Wee Rup, 5997 1483
Currently the Shire are carrying out works to improve
the open drain on Boundary Road between Station Street
and Hudson’s Lane. These works are long overdue and,
hopefully, when the works are completed residents will
not have to put up with the stench from the stagnant
harmony lane
at “used to be new”
Incenses, Oils, Soaps,
Crystals and more
water which has been present for many years.
Four candidates have nominated to stand in
the Port Ward of the forthcoming Cardinia
Shire Council elections. All candidates have
been invited to address the October meeting
and time will be put aside for questions from
the floor. It should be noted that only two
counsellors will be elected to represent Port
Ward. Elections take place by postal ballot
closing on 27 October.
Edward O’Donohue MLC will be our guest
speaker at the October meeting. Ed has
always been very supportive of our group’s
endeavours and will give an update to all
present on matters relating to our town and
surrounding areas.
In conclusion, I would like to remind
members of the community that they are most
welcome to attend the monthly meetings to
bring up any issues of concern. Also a
reminder that the St Sofia Festival 40th
Anniversary Celebration will be held in the St
John’s School Grounds on 28 October 2012
and is open for anyone who would like to
Forward Planning
A bloke an’ his Missus, near thirty years wed,
Were readin’ the papers, while tucked up in bed,
“You know”, she said, “I’m not one to complain,
But if I died early, would you marry again?”
The bloke took a breath, an’ his eyes became bright,
“Would I marry again? … yeah, s’pose I just might!”
“Well, if that did happen”, said his curious spouse,
“Would you bring your new wife to live in this house?”
The bloke gave a nod, an’ replied with a groan,
“It goes without saying … it’s the only house I own!”
His Missus sat upright, an’ anxiously said,
“Would you sleep with her … in this very bed?”
The bloke dropped the paper, an’ answered rather bold,
“Why not”, he said sharply, “the bed’s not that old!”
But his Missus, as per usual, found something else to say …
“What about my golf clubs … would you give her those to play?”
“Rest assured my dear”, the bloke replied quite candid,
“I wouldn’t give her those … she only plays left-handed!”
Mal Function … the Poet Larrikin
Page 27
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
KWR Senior Citizens Club
Icke Road
Celebrating Seniors Week 2012,
Tuesday 9th October, 12 noon
Soup and Sandwich Lunch, Fun and Games,
Raffles and Door Prizes
Free Entry
All Welcome
Saturday 10th November
Cost: $60
($20 non-refundable deposit due by 12 October)
Price includes a 2 course meal, bus travel and a lot of laughs. Get some friends
together and join us for a lot of fun.
Pick up is 7:15am at Bayles Regional P.S.
Some stores we will visit:
Newman’s Chocolates, $19.99 woman’s clothing, Toy store, kitchenware, Natio plus many
For Bookings or enquiries please call
Amanda on 0432 411 500
Working Bee
Next Meeting
Sunday, 7 October
9 am to 12 noon
followed by a sausage sizzle
Monday, 22 October
at 7:30 pm
at the Bayles Hall
All welcome
Page 28
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
Family Physician – Black Fish Medical Clinic Koo Wee Rup
When you have irresistible sneezing, an itchy runny nose and irritating watery eyes – you don’t have to be doctor to
know that you have Hay Fever. It is usually seasonal and mainly due to the body’s reaction to common allergens such as
grass or hay pollens which are in the air during late spring and early summer. Hay Fever can affect daily activities and
quality of life.
Hay Fever does not mean that a person is allergic to hay and Hay Fever is usually not triggered by hay. The cause of
Hay Fever is the allergic reaction to the pollen in the lining mucosa of the nose and eyes, and sometimes of the throat
and sinuses. This contact initiates an allergic inflammatory reaction in the mucosa, which releases a number of
chemicals including histamine and this produces the Hay Fever symptoms. Some people call Hay Fever Seasonal Rhinitis
as it occurs mostly during one season of the year.
Hay Fever tends to run in families and people with asthma and eczema. Hay Fever is common in Australia, affecting
about 15% of Australians or 3.1 million people. It is more common in females than males and in those aged 25 to 44
years of age. People working on farms, where they are exposed to allergens like animal dander are at an increased risk
of suffering from Hay Fever. The highest rate of Hay Fever noted in Australian is in the Australian Capital Territory and
Western Australia. Queensland and New South Wales have the lowest incidence.
Hay Fever may affect sleep at night, reduce the quality of life, and may lead to a worsening of asthma. It also
increases the risk of ear and sinus infections. In Australia, the cost of treating Hay Fever symptoms has doubled from
2001 ($107.8 million) to 2010 ($226.8 million). Human suffering and loss of working hours have also increased by many
A doctor should be consulted if:
 You believe you have Hay Fever;
 You are not better in few days
and it is affecting your daily life;
 Pharmaceuticals
chemist for the treatment of
allergies are not helping;
 You have untoward problems
with anti-allergy medicines;
 You have nasal polyps, asthma or
frequent sinus infections.
Although prevention is better than
cure, it is almost impossible not to
have exposure to pollen if you wish to
enjoy a normal life. However, you can
try and minimise the risks of exposure
 Staying indoors, and keeping
windows and doors shut;
 Avoid cutting grass, going to
large grassy places, and camping;
 Wear wrap-around sunglasses
when out;
 Keep car windows closed and use
an in-car filter for air ventilation,
The best treatment for Hay Fever is
to avoid exposure to the allergens
which causes the Hay Fever symptoms.
However, you may need some form of
treatment in cases where it is not possible to avoid allergens or your normal life is affected. You should have a
discussion with your doctor or pharmacist before you start medication for Hay Fever for your child.
Dr Paul can be contacted by calling Black Fish Medical Clinic on 5997 9700 or email at [email protected]
Page 29
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
A good selection of Native Trees can
be found at
Kooweerup Trees & Shrubs
John & Maria Boekel
10 Bethunes Road, KooWeeRup
Phone 5997 1839
Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Page 30
October 2012
The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
October 2012
By Heather Arnold, on behalf of the Koo-Wee-Rup Swamp Historical Society.
It is seventy five years since the Koo-Wee-Rup Swamp experienced the second largest flood in its history. The largest
flood took place in the first week of December in 1934. The 1937 flood hit Koo-Wee-Rup on October 18 th and water was
60cm (2ft) deep in Rossiter Road and Station Street. The flood peaked at 20,000 cusecs (50,000 megalitres) about half
the 1934 flood volume. There had also been a smaller flood of around 10,000 cusecs in April 1935.
As a result of the 1934
flood, the State Rivers
worked on new drainage
plans for the Swamp and
these plans became
known as the Lupson
complier, E.J Lupson, an
A Royal
Commission was also
established in 1936. Its
role was to investigate
the operation of the
The Royal
Commission report was
critical of the SRWSC’s
“Mallow”, now the Koo-Wee-Rup Swamp Historical Society Museum, during the 1934 floods
operation in the KooWee-Rup Flood Protection District in three areas.
1. That the SRWSC had only provided for a discharge of 9,000 cusecs per day, when as early as 1902 it had been
suggested that discharge could reach 16,000 cusecs.
2. The SRWSC should have predicted the likelihood of increased runoff from the hills and the effect this would have on
the Swamp.
3. Most of the river banks weren’t built to withstand more than 4,000 cusecs even though it had originally been
proposed that they withstand 6,500 cusecs.
The Royal Commission ordered that new plans for drainage improvements needed to be established and presented to
an independent authority. Mr E. G Richie was appointed as the independent authority. The Richie Report essentially
considered that the Lupson Report was “sound and well considered” and should be implemented. Work had just begun
on these recommendations when the 1937 flood hit the area.
Some of the new drainage works included cleaning out and deepening side drains such as Scanlon’s Drain, tidal gates
at Tooradin and the establishment of the Yallock outfall drain which was completed in the 1950s. The spillway at Cora
Lynn was not part of the original recommendations but was built in
1962 at the instigation of local farmers.
More information: From Swampland to Farmland : a History of the
Koo-Wee-Rup Flood Protection District by David Roberts. Available
from the Historical Society.
The Koo-Wee-Rup Swamp Historical Society meets on the second
Wednesday of each month at 8.00pm at Mallow house in Rossiter
Road, corner of Henry Street. New members welcome. The
Museum is open on the second and fourth Sundays of each month
from 1.30pm until 4.30pm.
What would you like to know about KWR history?
Is there something about the history of Koo-Wee-Rup that
has puzzled or interested you? Send an email to
[email protected] or call Blackfish Editor, Caroline Roff,
on 5997 2333, so your historical questions or article
suggestions can be passed on to our local historian.
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The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish
Page 32
October 2012