-NEW MEXI"CO LOBO - UNM - University of New Mexico
-NEW MEXI"CO LOBO - UNM - University of New Mexico
',rue~day, December NEW MEXICO LOBO Page Four Victory Bell Given to U.N.M. By Sigma Chi's Well gang, let's ho,pe that we will make good use of out• victory bell~ Now for a little background on the bell. The: idea originated in the heads o£ three Sigma Chi pledges, Dave Kimball, Dick Hil~ len"ty, and Rupe Davies. These :fellom; while op, the coast were impressed by the spitit aud benefit derived by U. C. L.A. and U. S. C. in the use of a victory bell. They presented theh· idea to the Sig chapter and l.'eceiving :full bMklng and co~operation, began the task of locating just the "tight bell, Well, .believe you me, tbat wasn't an easy but finally they located 1 '!;~~ilt-bt•<.-_b·•ll they were looking :for. afte1.· maldng the necessary monetary transactions etc., they loaded tlie future Unive1:s1ty of New Mexico's VictOl'Y Bell into the turtle~baek of Kimball's auto. Go~ ing by way of Albuquerque's nar~ row alleys, they slipped in the dead of night into Hilleary's garage where operations continued under a curtain of darkness. Every spare minute Kimball and Hilleary could be found polishing the bell, Then thei'Je two pledges scoured tho tt~wn for an engraver, Fin~:~,lly with t'he luck of Smoe (or Kilroy if you plea!ie) they found a very civic~ minded mdividual who consented to help them. He engraved a beautiful !iilVer :plaque that is now lo~ cated on the front of the bell. The plaque states: Presented to The University of New Mexico by Beta Xi Chapter of Sigraa Chi November 16, 1946 Meanwhi1e Davies: got every Sig who had a car, to haul him downtown to buy lumbet•, bolts, nuts, and washers. Then with the engineering skill of Erve Balcomb and J nek Gn ffith 1 acart 48"x36" '"as ,, constructed. Davies, not being an engineer and being a pledge, would remark to actives Balcomb and Griffith "Now I thought it would . ., Wh D Iook bette r th IS way. en avies would come to, he would be told, i'The greatest strength lies in doing it this way, Damn tbe looks!' But to be selious, the cart was built and a big vote of thanks goes to Jack and Erve. Then the Cart, Was taken to Dick's garage and the 8" pneumatic tires put on. After dinner Fridny night, lJave and Rupe went up to Hilleary's garage, set up an electric heater, and by the illumination afforded by mirage Grad Section Set ~or ~irst Time There will be a graduate section in the 19~7 MIRAGE, Editot· Edwin Leupold told the LOBO today. Response was not terrific to the grad-w up.te school quest}onnaire sent to all members of the graduate school, however, enough inte1•est has been shown in ordet• to go ahead with the graduate achoolt>age. The :followitlg who have replied favorably may have their p1ctures t&ken at the Pixy studio, 521 East Cent1·al, any afternoon this week except Saturday. Gene Thomson, Hazel Vallevik, Carl Crame1•J Jacqueline Draeb, Mrs. Edith. Brown, David Bancdetti, Mrs. Marie Pope Wallis1 G. E. Martindale, Hattie Dickson, Fred Nelson, Mts, Jessie Headcn1 C. Webb, Elizabath Ann Pete1·s1 and ltudolph Terrazas. Any other graduate. student may have his picture talcen at this time. The :picture fee is one dollar. w. Mirage Sans Dope On Picture Pages Twenty~seven 01ganizations, as .. saciation"' and clubsj one sorority and two fraternities have not yet: reported their wishes regaJ;"ding tha space they desire in the University yearbook, Betty Beals, MIRAGE associate editor, informed the LOBO at press time. These organizations are listed below and must indicate what space they desire before the 15th of this month or forfejt their chances at space in the 1947 year book. No report has been received from AIEE, ASCE, Athletic- Council, AJ]otheca"ties, BowUng League, Canterbury Club, Christian Science Club, Club de Ins Americas 1 Engineering Society, Hiking Club, Hillel Counsellorship, Independent Men (Ed. note: No thanks) Kappa Omi- cron Phi, Khatali, Newman Club, Pan-He11enic Council, Phi Alpha Theta, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Sigma, Pi Gamma Mu, Pi Sigma Alpha, Sigma Tau, Ski Club, Tau Kappa AlphaJ Theta Alpha Phi, and Women's Recreational Association, Pi Kap:pa Alpha, Sigma Chi have yet to repo-rt. Authorized representatives of the above organizations may contact Carolyn Koch, Bill Blanc, activity editors, MIRAGE editors Betty Beals O't Edwin Leupold or Sophomore English Proficiency Exams December 12 and 14 'l1hc Sophomore English profi~ clet1c.y examination which is IC· quh·cd of all aophomorea in the College of Ar:ts and Sciences is to be administered on December 12 and DecembCl' 14. Sophomores, juniors or semora in the College of Arts and Sciences who have neve1• taken the English Proficiency Test or who have taken it and failed to pass tho test should take the test. Fre,shmen lll'e not to talte the test. The test l'equires approximately two and one-half hours. Dean Jay C, Knode has announced that students will not be excused from classes to take the test. Students sho1,1lcl, therefore, l'CPOJ.'t fat• one of the testing se~sions which is scheduled for a time in which they w1ll be f1ee of class or laboratory periods for two and a half hom·s. Three testing pet'iods have been scheduled: (1) Thursday, December 12, 1 to 3:30 p. m. in Room 6, Biology Building; (2) Thursday, December 12, S to 5:30 p. m. in Room 2531 Administration Building; (3) Saturday, Decembe1· 14, 1 to 3:30 p. m., in the Science Lecturo Hall, Students may take the tests at any one of these three sessions. Tho requirement of passing an English profieienc~T test does not apply to students who a1·e em·olled in the Colleges of Engineering, Education, Fme Arts or Pharmacy, unless such students plan to attain a degree from the College of Arts and Sciences, Although the test is a 1equirement of the College of A1:ts and Sciences, the tests are to be administered and scored by the University Counseling and Testing Set'Vices, under the supervision of Dr. W. S. Gregory. Those students who fail to pass the test wiU be rcquucd to take a review course in arldition to meeting the other graduation requirements in the College of Arts and Sciences. The test covers punctuation, spelling, ca:pitalization, sentence structu1·e and vocabulary, Three ~ecieve Kent Awards Willa Gifford of Kirtland high achool, Cecil Brinninstool of Carlsbad, and Del:fino Valero of Pecos have been awarded the Fredoriclc Herbert Kent and Christina Kent scholal'Ships at the University of New Mexico, Mrs. Eliznbcth Simpson1 chairman of the prizes and awards committee and head o£ the home economics department, hn.Sc announced. The scholarslups at·e awarded annually 11 to the high school ::;tudents, residents of the state1 who nrc deemed most worthy by the superintendent of the Albuquerque city h1gh school and the University.'' Scholarships are :Paid in two installments upon 1:ogistration in each of the two terms of thil freshman ycnt•, contingent on en1ollment for n full cout·se of study and sue~ ce.ssful scholastic work, BANDELIER BASH BINGO The Htlton Ballroom was the scene of a fo1•mal dance held by Bandelier Hall Friday night, November 29. Music was :furnished by Marty Baum's Ol'chestra. MODEL A 3523 E, Central I E & F JEWELRY CO. 25:;}<.i E. Central 3 Blocks East of • Tickets ~or mirage Ball Still on Sale u 'l'ickets for the 1947 version of the annual MIRAGE Beauty BaJl scheduled for Friday, December 13 in the Student Union Ballroom went on sale the first part of this week m the Student Union building, and will be on sale the whole of next week, Bill Babb, MIRAGE business manager, infoxmed the LOBO today. Mus1c for the event, which is semi~fo:t:mal, will· be by Ma:rty Baum's popular orchestra. The weaung of a tux or dress suit ill optional where the men are concerned, but the affa1r will be a 41 long dress" one for the coeds on the campus, The deep dark .secret of who will be designated by Earl Carrol as the most beautiful. of ten candidates :for the queenship o! the MIRAGE Beauty Ball, will be revealed by Bilt Babb, who wi11 receive notice of Earl Canoll's choice by mail. Candidates for the bono!.' are Libby Spelts, Kappu•Kappa Gamma; :rtlargaret Ahl, Mesa Vista; H~lcn Wackerbarth, Town Club; Martha.. Stone, Alpha Chi Omega; Fracine kving, Alpha Delta Pi; Beverly Timber1nke, Bandelier; Dorothy Shockey, Ph1:ateres; Lois Reed, Chi Omega; Valri Baker, Ito~ kona Hall; and Nancy Coverdale, Pi Beta. Phi, Decorations emphasizing the theme of the superstitious date will be dreamed up by Hope Kinzer who is in charge of decorations and who will be aided by other members of the MIRAGE stuff including artists H. C. Buchanan, Ruthe Cunningham, and Paul Harris. Tickets will cost $1.20 per cou~ ple and may be purcb.ascd at the MIRAGE table in the SUB. Betty Beat's in charge of ticket sales and is beit1g assisted by Jeannette Hurt and Martha Stone and their ticket selling teams. DIAL 7746 510 WElT CENTRAL 'BETTER GuadalaJara Excursion 3,000 MILES OF ADVENTURE It is with pleasure thnt we offer to a selected group not exceeding 40 persons this special all-expense excursion to Mexico's second city, GUADALAJARA. SPECIAL PULLMAN CARS, the finest hotels, automobiles for side trips, motor launches for Lakn Chnpala, cts., have been arranged for. BETTER ALL WAYS! because_ PARICUTIN, THE ACTIVE VOJ,CANO By Private Car and Horseback tobaccos are Burns Brothers Pharmacy PASTEURIZED! uA Yes, they are better in ev"ry way •• , milder, more gentle, smoother to smoke ••• and so much tastkr, with the good natural flavor of the world's finest tobaccos sealed-in for your complete enjoyment. Here's why • , , J.E .BURNS 1824 EAST CENTRAL, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. PHONE 34442 before and after blending-to insure a CLEAN, FRESH, PURE smoke! 2. The flavor's ALL yours ••• sealed rigltt into the blend by the PHILIP MORRIS Thermo·vi::e process which retains the naturalllavor of fine tobacco • , • juet as pressurecooking retains the natural flavor of line food. Here, then is THE SQUIRM THE WRIGGLE double assurance CALL FOR TIES . UNDIRWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS All popular magazines BETTER , , , BETTER ALL WAYS Thermo·vized for Belter Tmte ancl i=eaturing •.• A complete fountain service PHILIP MORRIS -Pasteurized for Your Protection, ARROW SHIRTS Watch for Our Formal Opening A complete prescription department ALWAYS November Clearance Sale FOR BUSINESS ority. From now on ••• If your s-horts give you rear echelon battle·latigue, switch to a pair of Arrow non~grab, non-chafe shorts. Arrow shorts are Sanfoti:!:ed~labeled (guaranteed less than I% shrinkage) and have G.tippe.r fasteners. Very inexpensive. of PHILIP MoRRIS superi· .NOW OPEN •• One day film developing service Community drug and su11dry needs First aid and sick room supplies. Cosme ties COME IN AND SEE LEWIS ALEXANDER'S DISPLAY OF FINEST QUALITY GENUINE HAND MADE INDIAN JEWELRY • ' Lobos Accept Bid to 1st Harbor Bowl Game • Clement Names Tearn ~or (age Meet In ~awaii Open Letter to Student Body The SUB committee l'ecently purchased $1400.00 worth of new furniture for the SUB and expect to spend that much more on new rugs and more furniture. The SUB is your building and its facilities are for the use of the entire student body, but we need your co-operation in helping to protect and keep clean these furnishings. Some have asked, "Why are same of our facilities kept under lack and key so much of the time?" A sh01•t time ago we purchased six floor lamps; within 10 days after their arrival, twa had disappeared from the ballroom. Students, we will be more than glad to open wide the doors of the SUB, but we need to receive ' * Lobos.Wil Play At San Diego On January I As the opening game, with the In a surprise announcement early Hawaiian All-Stat·s, approaches, thia morning, the Athletic Depart~ the Chet'l'Y and Stiver basketeers ment revealed that the New Mex~ are spe~d1ly rounding into top• ico Lobos have received and ac~ notch condition. The hoopsters' cepted a bid to pJn.y in the newly~ popular coach, Woody Clements, formed Harbor Bowl game in San The Engineers disclaim all credit for the winter cold spells. H{)wever, the first cold wave of the Stated, 4'We'll have a lot stronger more honor and honesty from a small group of individuals Diego, California, on New Year's year is usually coincident with refrigeration tests run by the senior M. E.'s. Here Jeannie Harris, team than we did last season, but or organizations who seem to be cutting off the privileges of Day. The probable opponent wiJI Tom Strome, and Tom Yates take three of the eighteen readings which have to be taken, every fifteen the other teams in the conference the entire student body, In the meantime, the SUB com- be Montana State, Rocky Moun~ •minutes during the twenty-four hour test. -B1ll Wood Photo wlll be much improved, too." mittee would appreciate the return of floor lamps, coffee tain Conference champions. A glance at the first two court tables, folding steel chairs, and a straight back chah·. squads shows that all of the boys The armngements were :formuMAYNARD MEULI, are ex-servicemen. The metnbers lated in a rapid-iil'C series of teteof the starting quintet have all Manager SUB. crams and long-distnnco telephone been previous Lobo lettermen and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - calls which began just two days most of the boys on the second ago. Early Wednesday, tho depart/947 team have played with the Wolfment received n 1'feeler" from the Two MIRAGE staff artists have bowl committee, directed at seeing Tickets for the Univet·sity Spring pack before, . Final date for application for what our attitude would be towa1:ds At one of tl1e stat-ting fol.'Ward NROTC training at the University collaborated to produce the strik~ Concert Series will soon be availw a posstble bid. Aitcr a hasty conof New Mexico is near, Capt. Joel ing effect which the eover of the able to the public, it was an- positions, wearing number 27, we Kay Hafen, who is considered sultation, it was put up to tho playnounced recently by Dean Robb. find Newsom, head of the University 1947 IDRAGE presents. They are ers to vote upon. Their vote was The series tickets, selling :for one of the best fioot'lllen and ball Naval Unit, has announced. AppU.. freshman Paul Harris of Florida $1.80 can be purchased at Dean handlers in the conference. Kay, a overwhelmingly in favor of playing The Unive1·sity of New Mexico B The first annual art exhibition cations should be received hy the and H. c. Buchana, native of Bas- Robb's office; at Kurt Frederick's junior, who halls froni. St. Geo1•ge, team, wh1ch had so far this season by Alpha Alpha, local chapter of the game. After more telephoning, Naval Examination Section of tbe College Entrance Examination well, N". M., both fine arts majors. concert next Wednesday mght and Utali, is 22 years old, stands an been playing heads-ur ball, bor- the National Honot·ary Art Frater- it was finally confirmed with the The 194'7 cover, Associate Editor in the Student Union Building. even 6 :feet tall and weighs 1'10 rowed the fumbling habit from the nity, Delta Phi Delta, opened Mon- authorities in San Diego. Board, Princeton, New Jersey, by Dee. 1'7. Betty Beals informed the LOBO The ticket will also entitle the holdw pounds. An ex-Navy man, he Lobos Satu:rday night and went day at the gallery in the FinG Arls $10,';DD Guarantee Particular attention is invited to today is the result of many sugges- er to Frederick's program. One or p]ayed varsity ball here in 1944~ down 13-0 before a strong but out- Building. The early dtsappointmcnt which two additional programs scheduled The other first stnng forWard is gained Army Air Force team at The show, eomposed of oils, wn- followed when the Sun Bowl overtbe fact that eolJege students with- tions and was selected ns the most for Spring will be announced later. Bill Townsend who also saw- service Roawclt. te1cololB and ctnfts including jew- looked us, 1s completely gone from in age limits 17 to 21 yea1•s of age appropriate from a great number This season's series includes Jo~ with the Navy. A native of Santa It was the first loss of tl1e seaelry, sculpture and textiles, is a the Lobo- camp following the an~ as of 1 July 1947 are eligible :for of designs. Depicting the southhanna Harris, pianist, wife of the Rosa, New Mexico, Bill who is now enrollment in the NROTC, and may western architecture which charac- modern composer, Roy Harris; Ed- a senior, lettered in '43. He is son :Cor the Rinkydinks, who beatj joint exhibit by actives ,alumni and nouncement. The facts relating to Los Alamos 19~6 and beat n Santa pledges of Delta Phi Delta. take the competitive examination. terizes the University of New Mexthe game such as we have at this gar Firlie, tenor, member of the 24 years old 6 feet tall and weighs Fe Veterans team 28-0. A colorful presentation o£ cur- time appear to point to the Harbor Competitive examinations will be ico and distinguishes it :from other 1 music faculty, nnd a song group 160 pounds. His jersey bears num~ Plans for the t•est of the season tent and past student work malces Bowl being a better deal for all held Jan. 18 at Albuquerque, Raton, institutions of higher learning, the composed of 12 members from ber 22, .. for tbc. Rinkydinl(S are uncertain, for a well balanced exhibit, cover- concerned. The Memorial Stadium Roswell, Santa Fe and Silver City, color scheme is turquoise blue and Albuquerque. Capably filling th~ center slot Coach Leon Server saidJ but there ing a wide :field of represent:.ativo for high .schoo1 seniors, college stu.. white with letters in ultra lJodoni. in Snn Diego, site of the game, with his 6 foot 3 inches, 190 pound is a possibility of one more game and non-representative art. dents, and other eligible to take it. Many good designs were subseats an approximate 25,000 in bulk,"is ex-Marine, L. C. Cozzens. this season. The program of the exhibit is as comparison to the 15,000 of the Sun During the four years the stu- mitted and the choice was made This 24 yeat• old junior, earned his follows: dents are at UNM, the Navy pays vel'Y difficult because of that fact. Bowl (Kidd Field), varsity letter in 1943, and is gen$50 a month, all college fees and Tho MIRAGE wishes to thank Lorena Anderson, Costume Jew- The business arrangements nlso erally expected to capture high expenses and travel allowance to Caryl Zemek, Rupert :McHarney, elery; Barbara Bailey, Textile De:~ indicate a more favorable situation. honors this season. Origina11y and from their homes, and supplies Melvin Monis for helpful hints sign; Nanelou Blair, ''Ducks" and The deta11s call for a gate receipt from Capitan, New Mexico, he uniforms. • • 11 Cedt·o Canyon i" Jack Boylan, wa- of $10,500 cash or $7,500 with a .k h f and the following ;:for subm1ttmg The long awaited student direc- wears number 21. Dean IB ost WIC as a supp1Y o cover drawings: Virgia Casados, t 1~3 option of total receipts. 1-Iarold Pick, :fo1.·merly vice-pres'II b v '!able iot• sale to A holdovel' from last year's tenm It may be an American, a Span- atercolOl·s; Steve Bristol, "Auident of Hillel Foundation, racently applications. 1£ a New MexicQ boy ory WI e u UI . h h h • Lucille Petronvich, R. P. Jeffries, intereste1l students 11-Ionday morn- is senior Larry Hess. Larry, who ish, or an undeciphembll! design, tumn" and r'Frankie and Johnny;" Rocky 1\lount.nin Champs stepped inta the office of presidency l'.ates hlg enoug on t e examm- Ruthe Cunningham, Pat Hamilton, · B'll Babb bust'ness rna ager of served in the A1·my Air Forces will Betty C h n p m a. n, ' 1Pregnant This is a new bowl, and all indibut it still means "Merry Christof the organization replacing Judy ations he may choose an institution Harold Levine and Betha Young. mg, I ' n Thought" and ''Dancer;" Eleanor cations are that it will develop into th '!!RAGE nounced "he be one of the Lobo starting guards. mas,'J and should you receive one Griesser. :Miss Griesser submitted almost anywhere in the United e J.l ' an as 1. Crocker, Textiles; Bill de Hart, n high spot in the bowl limelight. her resignation November 26, fol~ States, as 51 other institutions parA number of the cover designs 48th anniversary edition of thO He is 25 yeat•s old, stands 6 feet tall of the Christmas enrds: now in the Costume Jcwelery; Rose Mary Its seating capacity exceeds at and tips the scales at 170. Coming lowing a three-month term of office. ticipate in the program. w11l be incorporated into the divi- LOBO went to press. making by Enrique Montenegro's 11 Shalako Dancer" and least 13 of the 21 bowl games which sion pages and introduction of the The 89 page book is the largest all the way :from Brackenridge, Pa., creative design classes, it is :re- Evans:; The ne\V president will officiate "Head;" Doug 1 as Dcnn 1iston1 will be played on or around this at hts second meeting, Tuesday. yearbook. directory which the school has put Larry will wear number 21. quested that those added ink spots l'Bridget and Pups," uLandscape," Quentin Underwood, 23 year old be ignored. NewYear's Day. December 10, at which time Rabbi out in its history and was delayed "Palm Sunday," "Pat" and l,PhiloMontana State, which has been s. E stnrrels of Albert Temple, because of the heavy schedule at ex-sailor from Huntington, CaliforThe cards are being cut on lin- sophical Diety;" Louis Kaiser, Na~ nia, will fill other guard position. given: a bid to play opposite the Albuquerque, will be guest speaker. the University Press, which is exJ oleum blocks and printed on multi~ Jeari'ne Kellogg, ustill He was formerly head of Jewish pected to release the directory this A letterman in 1944, he will wear colored paper. In the process of ture Studies; Lobos, completed a successful sea11 1 Lifc: ' Paul Lh..wrence, Study'' Congregation, London , England. At tlte meeting of the New Mexn.:fte:rnoon. The directory includes number 25.. He weighs 160 po11nds printing a complete set of linger~ and Textde Design; Charles Mon- son, annexing the Rocky Mountain and stands 6 :feet tall. Rl!freshmen£5 will be served after ico Library Association in Rnton n enniS ICS a. complete list of faculty members prints sometimes appears, adding dragon, "RefleM.ion;" Rupert Me- Conference crown, and winding up Smallest man on the squad, Marw with a total of 5 wins, 3 defeats, the meeting. All those interested lllst week Mr. Arthur McAnally and a campus directory and as a personal touch. Harney, "Head," " As One/' and are invited to attend. was elected pre,sident for the comAt the Tennis Club meeting on complete and accurate a student cos Salas, 23 years old, ex-sailot; and 1 tie. They are coached by 11 ustill Life; Helen S. Pearce, Mr. Pick, a native of Chicago, ing year. Mr. McAnally was nc· Tuestlay, Novembet• 26, Jack Evans list as was furnished by the Stu- :from Santa Rosa, New Mexico, will • 11Santa Fe Fiesta·" Maud Sum~ Jiggs Dahlberg. be one of the second string :torIllinois, has previously attended companied to meeting by Miss gave n lecture on court rules and dent Council card file. Barnes, on learning Coach Wjllis mers, Textiles; Willie Warner, the University of Wisconsin, and is Helen Hefting, Miss Theresa Gll- etiquette. Mr. Evans has played Edited by Edwin Leupold with wards. Only- 5 :feet 8 inches, 150 ' 1Earth Harmony;" Dorthea Whit- that the plans were completed, com.. now here majoring in business ad .. lette, and Mrs. Helen Burroughs. against Seymour Greenberg and Lorelei Thorwaldsen and Bettr pounds1 the diminutive Salas, wllo craft, CoJlper Bowl; Caryl Zemck, mented, 41I:f Montana State playsJ ministration. He is a veteran of Max Harris, two o:f the top ten, at :Beals as associate editors, the di- is a senior, lettered in 1944, and "Study in Green" and "Still Life." it. should be a fine game. The boys four years service with the United FOUND Denver tennis tournaments. rectory will be a timesaver .:for or- 1945. He will wear number 15. The. :four foreign women stuare Vel'Y enthusiastic about the State Arrr~.y. On Tuesday, December 3, the' gnnizations and individuals alike. The other 1:eserve forward slot dents of the Umversity of New game, and it will be a nice climax A pair of ear-'tings nenr Chi Club saw a movie on Fundamentals General staff of the book included will be shared by two men, both of Mexico were participants at the Hillel FoUjTJdation was estabNo Spur meeting Tuesday, De- for the Hawaiian trip, and the sea~ lisht:Jd three samesters ago, and has Omega house, Contact Jessamine of Tennis, narrated by Don Budge. Marvil} Meyerson, Patty Wylder, whont have seen service in the Musical Christmas program for the cember 10. son," over sixty members. Similar fol:m· Honey, LOBO office~ The Tennis Ladder !Tournament Phyllies Krell, Maxine Krohn, Len- Navy. Twenty-one year~old Jonh- American Association which was dations are located on every cnmis drawn up. The players will t'!om .. nie Anne Delyle, Rosemary Duke, ny Mayne. is a junior and won his held 1\fondny night at 7:45p.m. at ,p.::u::_s_:l::n.,:t:h:::•:_:•::•::•::n:::tr::Y::·_ _ _ _ _ _ _..:___':..V~a::tc:::h::_f::o::r_:D:_\::V__:e:::ek::__ _.!.:P_•_te_:fo_r_.t_h_e_t:_o:.:p~l:..'U:..n..:g:_on:_t_h_e_la_d_d_e_r. Ramona Fleming, Lenore Peterson, varsity letter il11944. He is 5 feet, the Y. W. C. A. Elsa Sandoval, and Peggy Emmel. 9 inches and weighs only 140 from Cuba; Alice Brill, from Bra~ Price of the book will be twenty- pounds. He is a native of Albu- zll, and Mrs. Wang, from China five cents. The direeto'ty may be querque and will wear Jersey num- talked on Christmas customs in purchased ah the MIRAGE table in bm· 18. Jack Wheeler, also a. na- their respective country. Matilde the SUB where nameplates for the tive Albuqtterquean ts 20 years old Agcaoili, :from the Philippines, 1947 .MIRAGE may be ordered and nnd is n junior. He is 5 f<!et nine played the piano for the occasion. "Om· institution boasts the attendance of one Rough where tickets to the MIRAGE inches tall and weighs 150 ].JOUnds. Mrs. Redmond, from the music deRider, and more like him will be heartily welcomed," says "'When the Albuquerque Civic Towering 6 :feet 4 inches above partment sang a solo. A trio comSoloists who will be heard include School of Princeton, he hns llirected beauty ball may be secured. the 1898 version of The LOBO, then waving under the mastSymphony Orchestra uhdCl' the ba.. Ellen Boldt, soprano; Priscilla choirs in the Fh•st Congregational the basketball court, is substitute posed of Marguerite Clinc.hy, Phyl~ ton o£ Dirl:lctor Kurt Frederick, Robb McDonnelJ alto; Edgle Firlic, Church of Philadelphia, and served ATOMIC 'rEST TO BE SHOWN center, Edwin Wnllnce. Another lis Harris, and Jalle Anderson also head of "The Mirage." The first edition of the Univel.·~.~-~----------- presents the Albuquerque Choral tenor, and Walter Peterson, bass. four years in the United States holdover from the 146 squad. He sang. The sponsors lor this suc11 0perations Crossroads:/' a film Association in Handel's 11Messiah11 Merinm. Douglas will be at the cart- Na,y, is an ex:-Marmc front Albuquerque. cessful event were Dean Clnuve and versity o:f New Mexico papel' was information: 41Professor Hodgln covering the atomic bomb test at Ed is in his senior year at the Uni~ Miss Shelton. at Carlisle gymnasium Sunday eve.. sole of tho orgnn. devoted in part to the girls' basket~ has been suffeiing' front 'la grippe,' Walter Peterson is widely knc.wn Bikini, will be shown on Decembet• ning, December 15th at 8 p, m., bail team, and a picture of the but is now betfer." Mrs. Boldt has appeared many in looal musical and radio eirele:s. 9 and December 12, it was an- vcrsity and is 23 years old. He the musical offerings will be fea- times as concert and raclio artist He was born in Kansas, holds a lasses in their daring '98 basketball will weal' number 28. Following its monthly appeal•tured entirely by Albuquerque vo- throughout the Southwest. She is degree from Cnrtha.ge College nounced today by Cnptain Joel suits appeared. They hnd just ance as the 11Mirage," the paper Rounding out the second tenm in Ne,vsome of the Naval Science Decal and instrumantnl tntent.. added another victory to their rec- was printed in 1f!04 under the banfoundet• of the Job's Daughtet:s where. he was associated in so1o partment. 'rhe film will be shown the guard positions are two recl.'1lits ord. ner of uThe U.N. M:. Weekly/"' nnd Current ticket sales give every choir. and is soloist at Temple AIR concerts with Madame Sc"humann in the Science Lecture Hall, st.'lrt- frCtnt the Lobo football team, end • An ed1torial by Douglas W. JohnM remained such in 1928, when it be~ Virgil Boteler and back Ben Kelly. indication that .Albuquc.rqueans bert. Mr:~. Boldt 1s n member of Heink. In Albuquerque he taught ing at '7:30p.m. It has · been anrtounced by the son) editor of the monthly publica~ came-tlmtts rigbt-The LOBO, 11 Bottles,'' a 21-yem'~old ex-sailor wilt show appreciation o:£ their f1rst Sigma Alpha Iota, honorary m.usl~ voice at the Danfelser School of A1um1\l office that homeccm'!.ing pic- tion, further lauded the girls on post-war hearing of Hnndel;s trndl.. cal Greek letter group nnd of Chi Music, directed the Elks Glee Club, LllJRARY NEEDS EMPLOYEES from Floydndn 1 Te:xas, is a junior, of the Administration Build- their cnge careers. The issues it1~ tures He is tremendous, 6 feet 5 inches tional Christmas oratorio by pack- Ontega, a social sorority. and was local chairman of the Fed:ing lighted with luminaries will eluded about 15 pnges, 8 by 11 LOST tnll nnd weighs 195. He will wear Anyone wishing to work full ing Carlisle gymnaslum to capacity, Mr. Flrlic received his appoint· eratcd Music Clubs. be sold fat' $4.00 each. The pic- inches~ with only the two i11side wm the hombre who took .n Accarding to Dh·ector Frederick, time :in the library a.t the Circula~ numbet• 28~ Ben Kelly served wJth Rav. Clm·cnce li1. Purr, president menh to the faculty o£' the Univei-tures measure 8% b~ l3 and are covers were dovoted to advertising, t.hc Atmy and hails from Roswell, qua1,-l: of oil and. my Spanish 131a tl.on Desk please. contnot Mr. ArR teheal'sals o£ the orchestra and sity immediately after receiving of the Ministerial Alltance1 indicnt.. 1•cndy for framing, They will be Other columtis were filled with book from the bacl~ of my green ed that some churches ).Jlnn to hold his degree o£ Master of Music from chorus are progressing in highly thu1.• McAnally-1 the head librarian. New Mexico. A freshman, he is nta.iled by the office if de!iired • studies being carried ott. in classea, jitney please return the Spanish ho services for Sunday evening irl North Texas State TeMhers Cot.. satisfactory manner. Tickets are Hemrs: will be: alTanged according 22 years oh1 1 stands G:feet 2 Inches and pictul'es o£ science equipment. book, My car doesn't use any oil. nnd weighs 170. He will wear to tho appllcant atld the needs of order that pnriehlonets may gather lege at Denton, Texas. A grndunto on sale at Riedling's and Sasser Watch for D Week The ' 1Scout'1 offe1•ed the. following E. Leupold, MIRAGE office. number 24. the drculatlon manager, Dmg !ltOl'~s. the renowned W cstminster Choir of to hear the performance. ~inal Date Near Completed Cover Yearbook ~or N~OT< ~xam For Two Artists /-lave Concert Tickets On ·Sale Soon Student Directory Available for 25( McAnally Elected President Of library Association Community service" C. E. BURNS, R. PH • 1 Pick [lected ~illel Proxy Make Reservations with EWALD & FULLER Travel Ageney EL FIDEL HOTEL ALBUQUERQUE PWLIP MORRIS I Gala Christmas Eve Party in Guadalajara No. 20 ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1946 Vol. XLIX Cream land Dairies, Inc.. Across (rom Hod&dn Hall on the Corner HARPER'S 1906 E. Central Semi·Weekly, Publication of the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico 11ROM1'1' SERVICE ON ALL REPAIRS WATCHES • DIAMONDS • JEWJilLRY • GIFTS J, PHILIP MoRRIS tobaccos are pasteurized for your protection • , • purified and mellowed by radiant heat, Aetoss from KOdgln SUI'l'S • COATS • DRESSES BlouSt!ll' •nd Ae..saorles lit Greatly ReduCEd Prlceo r~=====::=::~:::::::::::::::::;::::::::::;::::::~ ALWAYS Genuine· Sig Eps Plan Informal Dance, Add 3More FOR SALE ACROSS THE CAMPUS INDIAN TRADING POIT Indian Handmade Jewelry Located at BURNS BROTHERS PHAmiACY 1824 E. Central Ave. Across fmm Hodgin Is your Anatomy at Peace? THE $TRETCH -NEW MEXI"CO LOBO Bowling apd Fountain Service special meteing of the entire 1\IIR~ AGE staff Wednesday at 4 p, min Freshman: I don't know. the MIRAGE office on the Sub Sophomore: I'm not prepared. patio, Edwin Leupo-ld, editor, told the LOBO today. Junior: I don't remember. Definite. t•Jans and deadlines will Senior: I don't believe I can add be announced and assignments anything to wlmt has already been made. Editors will jil.tegrate their staffs and plan the completion of said. tht>ir particular secUons. Every staff member is expected Watch for D Week to be present. Lewis E. Alexander Featuring Finest Quality The sponsors of this victory bell~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~===:;.:::~=~~~~~ sincerely hop13 that all students will :feel a pride in their "Jjen and stand behind it as a symbol of tb.~h- sehool spirit. n. Fm·mnthm. of I\ So~h~t l\'t:n.•\lln The New Mexico Phi Beta Kappa Club hils been t\IUlQUlU!Ud by Ah,hi\ Association will hold 1ts annual ICappn Delta, spOlli!Ol'.nntl'.rhll dcwt.. of fellowship t!XCllt\\l~C Founder$ Day banquet and meeting opment in the Alavrado HoWl at 7:00 p, m. of Ideas botwcoi.l pt!-ri,;Qt\8 1ntt)l"~s\it!d Thursday, December 51 1946, The m &ociology ta tho chicr 1~uson io1• ,speaker of the evening will be Dr. orgnnizntion. Tlto Chlcogo UoUl\tl Sherman E. Smith, head of the Table or n simihu· typo of infonun.l Chemistry Department of the Uni~ discussion will be tho pnttllrn :fol• versity of New Mexico. The sub~ lowed in dJscusaing problems of so~ Ject of his address will be "The ciologicnl sigmfieance, Details of Origins of Atomic Ene1•gy." organization and planning will be Faculty and .students Who are decided upon by members. Infol·membets of Phi Beta Kappa lU'a mnlity Will bo stressed by planning urged to attend this mooting and to meetmgs in the homes of members, bting guests. Reservat10ns for the All Jler.sona interc.sted are cordially banquet may be made with Miss invited to the initial mtileting at the My1•tle Greenfield, secretary of the home of M1•, & Mrs. George La Assocmtion, at the Sti~-te Public BatTe, 1002 West Tijeras on Wed~ Hea1tb Laboratory on the Univer- n~sday1 December 4 at 7:80 p. m. sity campus. The tickets for the banquet are ,2,00 each, including NOTICE tax and tips. Tbere will be a very important HILLTOP BOWLING CLUB EL'I LOBO INDIAN STORE NOTICE: The Alpha Phi Omega story last Week was a mess, but that's how we ll•t it. 11· Alpha Kappa Delta Sponsors Social Forum Roundtable 10 DAYS OF PLEASURE AND FUN the ~one electric light, began to ~d~ro~p~a~n~o~t~e~i~n~c~a~m~p~u~s~m~a~il:.;::;::~~::::::::::::::::::::::::~ paint the catt. Dick soon returned 1 from song practice, and then with the two paint brushes, it wasn 1t Genuine Reservation Chimayo Blankets ]ong before the cart was shining Handmade Jewelry Bead work with brilliant red and gleaming silver. Navajo Rugs Pottery The next day the bell was brought to the stadium after a hard time finding a. pickup truck to carry the h..vY bell. Preceding tbe game these three L. W. SMITHSON, Owner Sig pledges presented the bell to the University of New Mexico to be 504 W. Central 2·4121 used hereafter as a victory bell. Sigma. Phi Epsilon has an~ nounced plans for an informal dance for its pledge class. The date has not yet been set, but the dance will be held sometime in the near future, Thl.'ee names were added to the Sig Ep pledge list last week. The-y are: HarlEm Grabam, Tucumcari, N. M.; Stanly Landrith, Albuquer~ que; :S:orace Sims, Oakland, Califorrda. Phi Beta Kappa Meet Thursday 3, 1946 B-Tearn Loses to Wide ~ield of ~oswell· A.A.B. Art on [xhibit Design Classes Make Christmas Cards Evans 6ives Talk 0 T • Et h• 4University Women Appear In Christmas Musical Lobo Celebrates 48 Years In History of School Paper Civic Symphony Orchestra to Present "Messiah "Directed by Frederick Homecoming Photos To Be Sold at Alumni Office .....r ~~--------------------~) I ' NEW MEXICO LOBO Page Two Friday, December 6, 1946 NEW MEXICO LOBO Friday, December 6 1946 ' GRIFFIN'S GROCER'!:" & MEATS WEEKLY PROGRAM New Mexico Lobo . WEEK OF DECEMBER 9 TO 15, 1946 New Mexico's Leading- College Newspaper " Publisb-ed each Tuesday and Friday of the regular college year, except during hol.lday periods, by the .Associated Students of tbe Uni· versity- of New Mexico. Entereq ;as second class matt:el' -at the port office, Albuqcerque, under the Act of March S, 18'10. Printed by the University Pres,s. Snb.%cription rate, $3.00 per yeal', payable in advance Subscription :rate :for men in armed forcE:s $1.50 Merri~:r :MELVIN MORRIS, Editor .Alice Duff, Associate Editor Doug Benton, Associate Edito"t !Cissoda!ed Cotle6ide Press Editorial and business offices are in room 9 of the Student Union buDding. Telepbc;me 2-6623. JIU!l''fi"$U<T~~ J'l:l/1: JUoT10K.U.. M:><roi'JtTO$!H4 ..,P. G. McHENRY Business Manager National Advertising Smioo, Inc. ~lk~P!U~ ll.t~ia:NEW YQftJC. H. Y. 420 MAQISO,_ AVL c.c.w• • MrlO! I LOI a&::c:u:l ...... ~ " ASSISTAl'o~ EDITORS -~--------------Ruth Oboler, Claud Mann SPORTS EDITOR - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ed Glesez SPORTS STAFF ~--- Glen Wershhlg,. S. Dan Brodie, Marv Meyerson1 • ToDUD.$ Davis. Ken Bernhardt SOCIETY EDITOR ----Stanlibetb Perers EDITOR __________ __Jessamine Honey --.!i.F;jiRA:~TERN!TY ..iOHURlTY EDITOR ------------~---...Jackie Yates SOCIETY REPORTERS _______ Armida De Lyle, Jack Musson, Drew Minteer1 Jean .Johnston, Ramona ler, Carolyn C. Koch, Glenn Mayer, Teresa Hunsaker. EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS __Da"Vld Bolden, Marvin Meyerson, .Ruth Obo!er, Hope Kinser, B. Caperton Phyllis Nilii:en, Murry Schlesinger Barbara Bailey. TYPISTS - - - · - - - - - - G e r r y Green, Mary Beth Pbillips, Lenore Bowling, Maxine Krobo, Phyllis Krell, Lennie Ann DeLyle NEWS REPORTERS _______ _Florence Buell, Alice Doke, Patricia Walker, Jack Goldstein. Ira D. Kizk. Ken. Gilmore, Alice Do.fi', Marilyn Ro!~ Iert Jean .Robicson, Dorothy Lodt.er Carolyn Johnston, Rosemary Robyn Betty Bentle:y, Be-o-tha Young, Betha Young, Fiances Shelton, Joe AMon. Edwin D. Patrick, Suzanne Hodgman, Pat Da-rden, Rose Ellen Yartin. ART EDITOR ---------------------------Caryl Z.mek FEATURE WRITERS ___ ._________ JU.ilieent Miller, Richard Foulk. Francis E. Gaus, Jr. CHIEF PROOF READER ---------------------Joan Tau! PROOF I!'EADERS _________ Bob Rill, Aone Draughon, J~n Starnpfer CIRCULATION MANAGER ----------------------William C<>le CARTOONISTS ________ -Ferris L. Johnson, Charles Mondragon STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER __ Bill Wood BUSINESS SECRETARY ---------------------- Fat Schaeffer Another Year Gone ... MONDAY-•FIRST M'NUAL EXHIBITION by .Alpha .Alpha Chapter n.~nd All!uquergue Alumni A~ociation of Delta Phi Delta, Art u-aterntt)•, will be shown dally, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. in the Fipe Arts Bldg, Gallery until January 9. • '1Master".:; Minority/' a tiqte of devotion, sponsored by- tbe Bapti:st Student Union, Miss Harriet Rogers in charge, 7;39 a. m. DAILY>- MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, in the Student Union lmapel Room. *Noonday Chapel meeting sponsored by the Baptist Student Union, ?.!iss !faJ;Tiett Rogers in charge, 12;39 p. m. DAILY, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, in the Student Union Chapel Room. Fai!U1ty Senate meeting, Dr. R .D. Larsen in charge, 4;30 p. m. in Room 6, Biology Bldg. Phi Alpha Theta meetin~. Mr. Kenneth K. Harms in charge, 4:30 p. m. in the Coronado J.J.brazy. .Khatali meeting, Mr. Edward Balcomb in charge~ 5 p. m, in the Student Union basement lounge. Mortar Board meeting, Miss Jean Hernandez in charge, 5 p. m. in the Student Union north lounge. IndeNnilent Men's meeting, Mr. Doug Benton in charge, 7 p. m. in the Student Union north lounge. Kappa Alpha active meeting, Mr. Glenn .Mayer in charge, 7 p. m. in Room 150, Administration Bldg. Phrateres meeting, Mrs. Marjorie Emmons in charge, 'l _p. m. in the Student. Union basement lounge. Sigma Phi Epsilon meeting, Mr. H. L. C-oJton in charge, 7 p. m. in Room 30, ::S:odgin Hall. Town Club meeting, Miss Ruth Jones in charge, 7 p. m. in the Student Union ::;onth lonnge. ~ •.Motion Picture-"OPEIL.\.TIONS CROSSROADS," ginn by the Naval Science Department, Chief Gunners Mate Jeril'ins, USN, in charge, 7:.30 to 8 p.m.. in Science Lecture Hall. • Sigma Alpha Epsilon active meeting, Mr. C. R. Wyndham in charge, 7:30 :p.m. in Room 217, _o.\dministration Bldg. / - . Taylo1·~ CHAMBERS CURL SHOP , AUTO PART, ACCESSORIES Wholesale, Retail Jobbers to Parts Sale~men , BERG AlJTO PARTS CO•. CLEANING-PRESSING A Complete Cleaning Senrice 3126 East Central 217N. THIRD ' HOBBX SHOP-Everything for the Model Builder Planes - Boats - Motors AU Kinds of Acc:essories: 4141h E. Central Avenue ' Army & Nnvy Diacharges n Specialty Phone.9710 NEW MEXICO TENT & AWNING CO. FINEST MEXICAN FOOD IN ALBUQUERQUE 415 South Fourth Phone 2-4890 COMPLETE HOME OUTFITTERS 517 West Central Phone 8162 ~~~ ,, ._,o'"\ 322 North First Street . RALSTON OIL CO. WhQlesale ' Distributors Retail Shamroek Gas-Oils-Kerosene-Stove & Burner OilS 181& North Fourth Phone 2·0337 'An Orchid to You" 219 North ~ulberry , Flowers for all occasions Phone 7121 JOHNNY'S INN JOHNNY NACOARATO-Owner Mixed Drinks and Dispensary 3704 Nortb Fourth Str.eet HANGER LIQUOR STORE WINE-BEER-LIQUOR--LIQUEUR-MIXERS 624 West Central Avenue Phone 6931 4 'WEDNESD.-\.Y-Umr Dames Club meeting, Mr. Hugh Munn in charge, 3 p. m. in the Student Union basement lounge. Alpha Kappa Delta meeting, Mr. Ronald Smith in charge, 4. p. m. in the Student Union north lounge. There will be a forum in: "Current Social Legislation/' Girl Scout Leaders Club meeting, Miss Mary Adler in charge1 4:45 p. m. in the Student Union south lounge. *UN?tl Current Affairs Forum sponsored by :Mortar Board, Khatali, Dr. C. V. Wicker, and Speech Club, and the Veterans Assoeiation, Mrs. Marjorie Emmons. in charge, 5 p. m. in the Student Union ballroom. Dr. Dorothy Woodward Will be the speaker. The top!c will be "'l'he U. J.".i. Atomic Energy Commission.u Debater Club meeting, Dean H. 0. Ried in charge, 7 p.m. in Room 215, Administration :Bldg. :Meetii!_g of Committee to Rewrite Student Constitution, J.fr. :blel~ vin .Morris in cbaTge, 7 p. m. in tbe Lobo Office. Square and Folk Dancing, sponsored by the Physical Education Department, 1p. m. in Room 15, Gymnasium. Kappa Omicron Phi meeting. Miss Clare VanAtta in charge, '1:30 p. m. in Sara Raynolds Hall. Newman Club meeting, Mr. James Maloney in charge, 7:30p.m. in the Student Union basement lounge. •Final program of the 1946 University Concert Series by Mr. Kurt Frederick, violinist, Dean J. D. Robb in charge, 8:30 p• .m. in the Student Union ballroom. General admission: 1946 -series tickets, Spring series tickets, or $1.00 single admission at the door; Students use activit:; tickets. SAFETX TIRE SERVICE Home Cooking-..Delicious Pies 1904 North Fourth DOHERTX'S KIDDIE SHOP Evc1-ything fol' Tots & Teens-Toys-Novelties, 1So.t V.J East Central Avenue Ready-to~Wear Phone 4711 F. R. KRAUSE "The Gun Man" HOLLYWOOD BAR & DISPENSARX G. G. Pearc~-Package Liquors, Visit Our Bar, Wine, Beer, Etc. 204 Isleta HhrhwfLY Phone 2-0930 . NEWBILL'S GARAGE Experienced :M:cchanics-Pitinting-Dent Work--Motor :Repairing 1702 East Central Avenue Phone 2~4321' RENIE'S BEAUTX SHOP Renie Stewart', Owner. Cold Waves, Hnir Styling Manicuring Phone 2·5783 2114 Oxford Avenue Phone 4832 BROADWAX LUMBER CO. . COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE Phone 2·1150 Permanents-Finger Waves-1\lanicures Pho-ne 2·G331 1319 West TiJeras CIRCLE GRQCERX & MEATS \ : •.• Source of Supply Since 1861 -- Automotive Parts and Equipment HENDRIE & BOLTHOFF Manufacturing and Supply Co. •SANTA FE • ALBUQUERQUE PHONE 7827 MULLINS MATTRESS MFG. . 4500 N. FOURTH . co. VlGEON BUTANE SUP.PLX CO. BUTANE.& PROTANE GAS FOR TANKS,.BOTTLES MOTOR FdEL Phone 9MS 428 N. Sycamore The HILTON HOTEL AERO 1\IAXFLOWER TRANSIT CO. . Phone 5691 Dowling I Phone '" 1101 North Fourth 4~02 "COMPLIMENTS YOUR ANNIVERSARY" 1200 North Fourtlt Phone 6637 GAS APPLIANCE SERVICE CO. - RENT KJV A DISPENSARY 910 East Central WINE- BEER- LIQUOR- PACKAGE GOODS KiMo Theater Bldg. 521 \Vest Central llepairing, Installing, All Kinds Gas Equipment Automatic Controls a. Specialty Phone 2-4914 2526 East Central Avenue MONTEREX MEXICAN RESTAURANT U-DRIVE-IT & SALES CO. • BUILDERS SUPPLIES Phone 18835-36 • LUMBER 1025 North Fourth SCHICK MOTOR CO• . BREECE LUl\IBER & SUPPLX CO. ' G: W. McKIM INSURANCE • Auto, Cns.unlty SAVE 20% 209 South Third MEXICAN & AMERICAN CUISINE 202 North High Street Phone 2-4254 A CAR PHONE 2·3453 PARIS SI-IOE STORE • AccidC!nt, Bonding Phone 2-2568 Albuquerque's Style Center For Nationally Known Shoes WILSON SERVICE STATION TIRES - TOP NOTCH DRIVE IN • T-Bone Steaks-THAT ARE "TOPS" • Fried Chicken 11 Where the Chickens Hnng Outu FOUNTAIN SERVICE 4223 East Central Avenue Phone 2·4306 TUBES - BATTERIES - ACCESSORIES GAS -LUBRICATION 4101 North Fourth Phone 2·3274 FASHION - STANDARD SUPER SERVICE STATION STANDARD PRODUCTS - GAS - OIL TIRES - TUBES - BATTERIES - ACCESSORIES 3123 Enst Central Phone 9770 • Body and Fender Work 512 North Fourth Street • Painting, Color Matching Phone 9710 . Phone 2-4752 907 South Second CONNIE'S BEAUTY" SALON COLD WAVE PERMANENTS- A Complete Beauty Service 1319% West Fruit Ave. Phone 4626 CLEANERS "100 nwc NeVer Close" Steaks - Chops - Chicken - K. C. Sizzling Steak 117 N. FOURTH ST. PHONE 9181 BUSINESS PROPERTIES - RANCHES "We Know the Good Earth' PHONE5466 101 SOUTH TULANE AVE. Phone 2-5231 % for Our University" 63rd Anniversary BALLEW MOTOR CO. ' CHECKER TAXI CAB CO. McKAX REAL ESTATE CO. FIT 307 West Central CAN XON CAFE U11der the Direction of CARL R. SHAW "'The Best Cleaning in Town" Phone '1414 3014 East Central STYLE - • I Miller ;, Rice O'Neill • De Liso Debs • Johansen • Florshiem • Gold Cross CHIORDI BAKING CO. Santa Fe, N. M. PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE - AUTO}IOBILE RENTALS NEW DRIVERLESS CARS PHONE 7771 518 W. COP!'ER AVE. CHRXSLER PLXMOUTH PATTERSON PAINT STORE PREMIER PAINTS AND TREASURE TONES ' ZENITH CLEANERS PHONE 9285 CASH AND CARRY FLEXFOml SIIAPING SERVICE FOR LADIES DRESSES We Cater to the College Trade Phone 6653 1800 E. Central ENJOY AN EVENING AT TilE UAR- DANCING PIIONE 2·3374 911 SOUl'H SECOND STREET GENERAL AUTO REPAIRS -MOTOR TUNE-UP BRAKE SERVICE PHONE 6245 1618 N. ElGH1:'H PRE·IIAR~IONIZED PAINTS 102 S, RICHMOND AVE. DEPENDABLE SALES TONX'S GARAGE A&PN0.1 "Liquor to Take Home" . THAXER-DON DRAPER X SHOP Tie Backs PHONE 48U ' BUILDING MATERIALS J. C. BALDRIDGE LUMBER COl\IPANY - Es~ 18814:i3 SOUTII FIRST STREET SERVICE EX.PERT AUTO RECONDITIONING ON ALL MAKES Body and Fender Work--Painting Color Matching ,• 804·10 E. CENTRAL • EATON METAL PRODUCTS CO. Dependable Service Station Equipment, Eaton Tanks, Tokhetm Pumps, Globe Hoists, Devilbiss Air Compressor 1824 North Second Phone 4406 . Manufacturing All Types of Mattresses under the Latest SciCrttiRc 1\-lcthods - Mattress Rl!novating PHONE 2·3750 201 E. MOUNTAIN RD. ' A Distinctive Drapery Service - Fringes Lamps - Pieturl!s • WHERE FRIENDS MEET Compl~te 105 East Central HOMES - • GALLUP PHONE 2-3016 FINE GROCERIES-VEGETABLES VOGUE JACK'S MAGNOLIA SERVICE STATION Battery Recharging, Tire Repairs, Washing and Polishing ' Lubrication Phone 2-64-52 725 East Central i ' FEATURING MEXICAN DISHES COMPLIMENTS KELLY SERVICE GROCERIES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Phone 2·4.613 807 South Fourth Street ' PROMPT ROAD SERVICE CHOPS - SHORT ORDERS WAFFLES Phone 2·0815 LINCOLN UPHOLSTERING SHOP COMPLIMENTS 842 BRIDGE MODEl, FOOD MARKET ---------~;-:-----------------------~--------------~ • LUBRICATION Phone 8802 Keep Prices Down-Buy Chiordi .Mi1k & Honey Bread, 10c Lon£ BEAUT'!:" INN " • OIL - Covering- & Rebuilding All Types of Furniture MARGARET & IRVING GOODWIN, Props. 440 West Lincoln Ave!., Albuquerque, N. M. Phone 2·0538 PHONE 2·5221 FOR COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE 42S North Broadway lJhone 2~5221 " 312 East Central • Fire, Burglary McCORMICK STANDARD SERVICE GAS - LITTLE CHIEF CAFE NELL'S CAFE 207 'Vest Cop}h'!r Phone 8663 REIN'S FOOD STORE STEAKS-CHOPS-CHICKEN-GOOD COFFEE 903 West Bridge Phone 2-0952 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE GENERAL REPAIRING BODY AND FENDER WORK PAiNTING "Compliments on your Anniversary" LA DELFA'S BEAUT'!:" SHOP Formerly: Dorothy Gray Beauty ShoP-Cold Waves Our Specialty • 2908 East Central CALL 4770 - 4578 CENTRAL STEAK & WAFFLE HOUSE STEAKS - DON'S PHILLIPS 66 SERVICE JACK & JILL NURSERY-Day or Night X-L BEAUT'!:" SALON CHEVRON PRODUCTS 921 East Central c 0. POWELL MOTOR l'h•~· PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Washing-Lubdcntion-Battery Recharging-Tire Recapping "Satisfaction Gh·cn-Not Promised" Fifth and Copper Phone 7221 Modern Equipment, SC!curity, Registered Nut·se, Trained Personnel 411 West Copper Avenue Phone 4603 GAS-OIL--LUBRICATION 3523 East Central Ayenue J. C. PENNEY CO. Short Orders-Sandwiches-Good Coffee 3101 East Central Avenu~ Phone 2·1584 In Old Albuquerque .. Phone 2·4168 Clothes for the Whole Family'' COMPLIMENTS 410 'Vest Central Phone .5156 LA PLACITA DINING ROOl\1 New & Used Guns of all kinds Bought and Sold. Parts & Repairs 305 East Iron A,,.enue Phone 2·5192 . 211 W. ALAMEDA SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO 11 MILDRED CAFE Recapping, Vulcanizing, 24 Hour Service, Used 'rh·es a'1d Tube 2022 West Central Avenue Phone 2-0067 . PHONE 840 GUNN CHEVRON SERVICE STATION ' . Cold Fur Storage A Complete Hardware Service • DIXIE FLORAL CO. CASH AND CARRY ZORK HARDWARE COMPANX OF NEW MEXICO .. 1 Cleaners • Hatters • Dyers WEST'S FURNITURE CO. Betterpur~.: /~~ Living .. • • • '" • • • • ' WHITE SWAN LAUNDRX AND CLEANERS. ' -. .' - -- SANITARX TORTILLA FACTOR'!:" ' Race Cars ...;. Railroads Opposite Public Library Phone 2·5401 IF IT'S FOR • FISHING • HUNTING • CYCLING SEE THE Simonson Cycle & Sporting Goods Co. 207 S. Second, Phone 7647, Albuquerque, N. M. COLU~IBIA Bicycles Bicycle Repairing on All Makes Auto Top and Body Shop, Since 1924 Gale Rader Mgr Tarpauli~s •. Venetian Jninds, Seat Covers, Auto Upholsiering Auto Pamtmg-, Body and Fender Work 415~517 North Fifth Street ' Phone 4198 P. 0. Box 1044., Phocnix1 Arizona PHONlj 2·5789 Phone 6993 ALBUQUERQUE BLUE PRINT CO. PHOTOSTA'J'S. 51~ North Fourth Issue of THE LOBO. Adverlising aolicited by John :M. Phone 2·4431 CADET CLEANERS + + . SEillBINGER FOOD MARKET A Complete Grocery for Your Convenience 4623 North Fourth Phone 2·080'1 PEI;tMANENTS-Expel•ienced Operators 1708 East Central Phone. 9818 It is with Pdde We Submit to ·our readers the 50th Anniversary it LI'L ABNER 50th Anniversary • Our gratitude is expressed b'oth here nnd elsewhere in the Anniversary Issue of the Lobo for those friends and advertisers who have made not only this our students' paper possible, )Jut all through the years our University is in the debt of the good folks of Albuquerque and New Mexico for building the Great Univer~ity we have todaY-;Xour University and Ours. ' TUESDAY-1-lFESTA BRASILEIRA"' ior the students of Pnrtuguese and their guests, sponsored by the Department of Modem Languagez Dr. A. R. Lopes in charge..., 4 to 6 p, m. in the Student Union basemEmt lounge. Rodeo Club meeting, .Mr~ Roy Echols in eharge, 5 p. m. in tbe Student Union south lounge. VigilanW meeting, Mr. Jim Mahoney in charge, 5 p. m. in the Student Cnion north lounge. Baptist Student Union Council meeting-, Mr-. Sam Henly in cbarge, 6:30 p.m. in the Student Union Chapel Room. Psi Ka.p_pa meeting (Professional Pharma.centieal fraternity), Mr. P..uric Mason in charge, 'l p. m. in the Student Union south lounge. Hillel Counselorship meeting, :Mr. Harold Pic:k in charge, '7:30 p. m. in the Student Union basement lounge. *Recorded Concert. Mr. Walter Keller in charge, 7:30p.m. in Room 5, Music. Bldg. Sigma -~Pha Epsilon pledge meeting, Mr. Ken Powers in charge, 7:30p.m. in Room 302, Administration Bldg. Tennis Club meeting, Mr. Scott Adler in charge, '1 :30 p. m. in the Student Up.ion north lounge. *Basketball-University of New Mexico vs. Hawaii All Stars at Carlisle G~tmnasium~ at 8 p. m. The preliminary games will begin at 6:30 p. m. Singing Group_ (Male), Mr. Craig Summers in charge, 7 p. m. in P..oom 9, Music Bldg. Will we look at war as a dangerous but very possible event, *ILLUSTRATED PUBLIC LECTURE: "NEW MEXICO or will we treat it as the'baby who wants a drink and say., uGo SANTOS," by Mr. DeP._artments of Art and Willard Modern Hougland, Languages,sponsored Club de by lasthe Amencas, back to sleep, America,. you've just had one." and the School of Inter~American Affairs, 7:30 p. m. in Room Tc~- d ustri a1 c h aos, and we rea d t hree 150, Administration Bldg, uuaY tb e nat"ton f aces m Mirage Beauty Ball :n.rr. Bill Babb in charge 9 to 12 o'clock in or four headlines of an often biased newspaper and flip to the the Student Unio~ ballroo:p1. lrlr~ and Mrs.' Keen Rafferty and sports for the bowl games. We are greatly perturbed over the Dr. and ~Irs. E. D. Keefer, chaperons. choice of a gown for the holida.ys, but not so greatly perturbed SATURDAY-END OF TWELTH WEEK, LAST DAY FOR REMOVAL OF INCOMPLETE GRADES. over th e unc1oth e d peopI es of E urope. The price of 1iquors Kappa Kappa. Gamma Winter Formal, Miss Lois Lembke in may be high and the contents worthless, but it will flow as charg'l> 9 to 12 o'clock at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. Dr. freely as in the past. and l'lo1rs. Yincent C. Kelley and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Haas, chaperons. Thus we roll .away another year of the New 1\1exico LOBO, Pi Xappa Alpha Dream Girl Formal Dance, Mr. Bill Power jn · if th'IS "b'" ~'- the b1"m d" a tf"tud · h t charge, 9 to 12 o'cloek at the Albuquerque Country Club. Mr, wondermg 'lm d 1eaUUJg 1 e lS W a and Mrs. J. :M. Kuntz and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Barton, chaperons. makes America, or if it is something to be corrected. Sigma Chi Black and White Formal, Mr. Willis Smith in charge, DUFF 9 to - o'clock at the Hilton Hotel. Air. and Mrs . .1ohn Dolza• delli and Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. DoBe11, chaperons. --------~-----,--------------1 Student Body Dance sponso-red by the Student Couneil, Mr. Jimmy KEYS ELECI'ED TREASURER Vietor Keys was elected treasurer Garliep~ in charge, 9 to 12 o'elock in the Student Union ballroom. Mrs. C. L Williams, Mrs. E. R. Lane, Mrs. :Blanche and the next meeting -was set forAubut, and Mrs. Lillian Norvell, chaperons. Psi Kappa, Pharmaceutical :fra- December 10th at 7:00p.m. Memternity', he1d its monthly meeting bers are urged to watch tbe bulle· SUNDAY-*Services in churches thron~hout the city. in the south lounge of the Student t:in boards for announcement of the Luthern Association Mr. Paul Bal1.lhart in 5:30 p. m. to 7 p. m.meetmg, in the Stud9nt Union basement charge, Student Union Building Tuesday evenlng. place of meeting. lounge. Choice Meats-Groceries 3723 North Fourth Street University of New Mexico LOBO another year has ended in the history of the University of New .Mexico LOBO. Time has made many physical changes in the institution, but its mental attitude is the same in many instances. The students of today know the same da.tes in histmy, the same quotations from literature, the same formulas in science, and, unfortunately, possess the same lack of foresight as the first students in the University. Although most of us cannot remember the events in the past 48 years, we can all remember the past decade. In our Sunday paper was the announcement that Benito lllussolini bad attacked Ethiopia with poisonous gasses and driving tanks, and we pitied Haile Selassie and his primitive rusty rifles-with a ho-hum. A young starlet named Shirley Temple was co-starring with Bill Robinson that Sunday, so THURSDAY-Delta meeting, Miss Betty Chapman in chaTge, 4 p. "ln. Phi in theDelta Art Library. we didn't spend much time with foreign affairs~ Deseret Club meeting, ?J.Ir. James R. Barton in charge, 4 p. m. in A· ti on WI"th a 1ong name announce d th a t the Student Chapel :Room. meeting, :Mr. Bill l'tfartin in .t)..u a the ist organtza United StudentUninn Christian Fellowship half of the Russian population was won entirely from religion, charge, 5:30 P~ m. in the Student Union basement lounge. but it was a- boring article and in our way as we searched for Boots Saddle Club meeting. Mr. Wally Parker in charge, '1 p.m.and in the Student Union north lounge. information on the Lindbergh baby. Phi Delta Theta meeting, Mr. Bill :Rice in charge, -'1 p. m. in the . d · · to dr"'t G b Student Union basement lounge. Ad olf mtler announcedb IS eeJston "'" erman oys Speekers Club meeting and Christmas parlf1 Mr. George Brown and girls ages: 10 to 18, to give new blood to National in charge, 7 p. m. in the Student Union ballroom. Socialism, and America bought imported Scotch at vu q:~.50. Christian Science Service, Herb B. Wilson in charge, 7:15 p.m.Organization in the Student Union Mr. Chapel Room. In Germany, boys stndied the territory lost by tbeir *Motion Picture--"OPERATIONS CROSSROADS," given by the fatherland under' the Versailles Trea+-<", In America, boys Naval Science StaffLecture Sgt. Hall. Mason, USMC, in "" charge, 7:30 to 8Department, p. m. in Science studied Mae Westin "Klondike Annie}' The hats wbielt came Kappa Alpha pledge meeting, :M:r. Hilliard Lewis in charge, ?':30 • h d tb t th Fr h b t th p. m. in Room 253, Administration Bldg. out of P ans s owe a e enc were nervous, U e •Recorded Concert, Mr. Walter Keller in charge, 7:3() p. m. in American women simply wore them. Room 5 Music Bldg. =n e were not senous · 1 fi' tad til J k d • •Basketball-University of New Mexico vs. Hardin~Simmons, 8 Y a ec un apan po e us m p. m. in Carlisle Gymnasium. The preliminary games Will the Pearl Harbor. Then the campus turned to military stubegin at 6:30p.m. dents and was enforced with future officers. We got through • FRIDAY--student Publications Board meeting Dr. C. v. Wicker in that war, but it remains to be seen if we learned anything charge, 4 p.m. in the Student Union souih lounge. from Page Thre PHONE 4546 Albuquerque Radio and Appliance Co. SERVICE- SALES- RADIOS -RECORDERS- SUl'PLIES Knowledge, Skill and Enqipment to service all makes and 1\lodcls Ac1'0ss from The Lobo Theater PHONE 2-1439 3016 E. CENTRAL AVE. ' THE ADVERTISING ON THIS PAGE SOLICITED BY JOHN M. TAYLOR, P. 0. BOX 1044, PHOENIX, ARIZONA Carburetor Specialists ~·Electrical Service Phone 2299 218 Montezuma Ave. JUST WEST OF THE CAPITOL - Santa Fe, N. M. c· ,, ' ---;·~·=· .. . - - . 50th Anniversary 1515 East _Central . • of< It is with Pride We Submit to Our readers the 50th Anniversary . Issue of THE LOBO. Advcrti~ing WEDDING Phone 8681 DAWSON ELECTRIC CO. COMPLIMENTS FROM A FRIEND Phane 2~4201 LUCAS AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE COMPLIMENTS ON YOUR ANNIVERSARY 112 South Rio Grande Blvd. MILE HI GARAGE A COMPLETE GARAQE SERVICE HALL AUTO & TRUCK SERVICE COMPLIMEN:rS ON YOUR ANNIVERSARY Phone 2-8150 PHILLIP'S HOME GROCERY GROCERIES-MEATS--VEGETABLES ·• A HOME GROCERY Phone 7400 625 Sout.'t Arno FINCHES GROCERY & MEATS FANCY QROCERIES GROCERIES . . 3808 East e~.ntral Cut Flo\vers, Floral Designs, Plants 710 South Broadway BERGER & BRIGGS INSURANCE COMPLIMENTS ON YOUR ANIVERSARY G. D. Wiggins, Qwner MABLE'S BEAUTY SHOP PERMANENTS- FlNGER WAVE - MANICURES PHONE 7424 1020 SOUTH ARNO • Quick Delivery . 308 East Bell Avenue High Quality lileats CLUBHOUSE MARKET Phone 6751 BETTY JOE BAR B)!JER.-WINE--LIQUORS-liiiXED DRINKS 6450 Enst Central Phone 2·0706 . ACME TRANSFER AND STORAGE TRANSFER-STORAGE--!IOVING . A Distinctive Service" PH. 7861 LINE OF THE FINEST WINES, LIQUORS, LIQUEURS. AND Rml .. Owned and operated by TITO CHIORDI PHONE 6171 - 501 E. CENTRAL YUCCA BAKERY WE CATER TO SPECIAL BAKING WEDDINGS -- _PARTIES . - _BIRTHDAYS 411 E. CLEVELAND AVE. PHONE 2-1717 w. J. 'MALSTROM CO Buy Thrifty Phone 6663 ~ BYGEL-CORNELJUS Bob Tt·emaine, Mgr. Always Courteous Service, Gulf Products, Gas, Oil, Washing, Lubrication 301 Narth Second ,, Phone 2-5843 Dorsey Truck Trailers Piano Accompaniment with Lessons- Floor Show and Ptofcssional "We Buy and Sell 'Em" Phone 2-7275 624 E. Central .An. Phone 853> BROADWAY LUMBER CO. COMPLIMENTS ON YOUR Al'fNIVERSARY PHONE 2·5221 Home Owned, Manufacturer$ and Distri~utors of Crealnland Butter and Ice Cream, Pasteurized and Fully Homogenized. 321 N. THIRD PHONE 7746 Phone 9207 Wood - Plastic - . Plastic PJ{ONE 2·2074 DR. PEPPER BOTTLING CO. COMPLIMENTS ON YOUR ANIVERSARY 3424 E. Central Phone 9367 LOWE'S HARDWARE-LUMBER CO. LUMBER ~ ASSOCIATED BUILDING AND REP AIR MATERIALS 852 W. Bridge Phone Free Delivery . 117 N. FOURTH ST. 1910 E. Central nEW mEXICO ALBUQUERQUE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SERVICE For • Wheel Aligning PHONE 691l2 't Across From Hodgin Corsages Party Decorat_ions Wedding Consultations Funeral Designs Cut and Potted Flowars 123 South Second Open Evenings Phone 2~2798 Automotive Generals & Start.rs Rebuilt-Exchanged Armatures Rewound Wholesale-Retail 216 West Roma Avenue Phone 5852 Chicken narbecued~Fried Steaks, Sandwiches Good Food-Reasonable Prices 2700 West Central Avenue Phone 2~0783 1416 North Sixth Phone 7672 GENERAL WELDING AND BOILER WORKS A. L. (Red) Gleasol'i & ltenry Maurin·o, OwnersWelding of All Kinds Complete Portable Equipment "No Job Too Large or Too Small" 410 North Firat S-treet 24 HOur Servi~e PhGne 9877 . THE ADVERTISING ON THIS PAQE SOLlCITEil BY 10HN M. TAYLOR, P, 0. BOX 1044, PHOENIX, ARIZONA ) L TAMARISK I{ENNELS M1•, and Mrs. Dolson Boarding- Grooming- Heated and Non-Heated Kennels 126 S. Atrisco Rd. PHONE 4071 0. K. RUBBER WELDING CO. We Weld D1·enks in Tires-Expert Recapping Good Used '!'ires l~or Sale 1401 East CeiJtral Ave. Telephone 2~3486 SIMON DESCHLER MACHINE SHOP VANDER FORD BROS, .Proprietor,a General Welding-Acetylene-Electric-23 Years Experience 307 North Third Telephone 2~34.07 Complete: Fountain Service Complete: Prescription Dept:. Complete: Line of Magazines SANITARY LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANERS Complete Laundry Service Broadway at Fruit CASH FOR YOUR CAR- USED CARS .ONE DAY FILM DEVELOPING SERVICE C. E. BURNS, R.PH. MODERN BEAUTY SERVICE FRANCES RISLEY J. E. BURNS 1824 EAST CENTRAL ALBUQUERQUE,N.M. PHONE 10% Cash & Cn1•.ry Discount Telephone 5671 We'll. Bend Over Backwards to Trade With You-We have one of the finest selections of ~~Nearly New" cars in the entire state for you to choose fromART SEEFELDT 1717 East Central Phone 8531 2-4442 Ex:pert Lash & Eyebrow Dyeing 1802 East Central Avenue Phone 2~0547 ART ASEPTIC BEAUTY SHOPPE SPORTS~'EAR Helen Edmondson, Dude Bowman, Norma Lee Robertson Albuquerque's Oldest & Finest. Air Conditianed. Individual Permanent Waving & Hnir Styling. Parking Space. 308 East Central PJ1one 2·2210 COME EARLY WHILE THE STOCKS JNSURANCE-For Every Building Owner (Coach) HENRY & (F. L.) PINKSTON ARE COMPLETE 503 North Fourth St. Phone 2-5251 FURNITURE- CLEANED, REPAIRED, REFINISHED ALBUQUERQUE .UPHOLSTERY & FURNITURE CLEANERS Tel. 9895 or 7519 For the Christmas 1-/o/idays KENNY" With Our Skilled Service l;iving Big Car Quality 100, IS A nt Lowest Cost Sania Fe, N. M. SUITS "SISTER Your Present Car . 418 Cerrillos Rd. Phone 644 LIFETIME u!Gkli1liO See our complete collection for the College Miss Srnai"t New Styles. Solid Colors. Plaids and Checks J 1.. ~ J I N I ~·rZl: v ll$1 ' ~ J 0 N Complete pae~c• of mlnd Is yours whe" you hav• . iolned •he BLUE CR. OS~ _PLAN. For a few prtpald et.nh Cl doy you receive o stt\•lce ccntroct that wiU proYicle you and ycur loved onta with hoapite1 car• whtntvlr need•d. Non-Profit ·PHYSICIANS' AND HOSPITAL SERVICE "The Blue Cross Plan" 206 N, Tenth Phone 2·4365 Albuquerque ' $24.95 - $49.95 1881 !fAil RO GERS\\A} Conveyors, Building Block .ft.facltinery & Accessories INDUSTRIAL MFG. & WELDING CO. Vint::yard Rd. and 4Ut St. Fred 'Lint:man Ow her Phone 2~2568 11-IATTRESS Renovating, Sterilizing, Box Springs, Mattresses Hollywood Dcds l\lade to Order and in stock. One of the largest and Best Equipped Bedding Manufacturing Plants in the Southwest. NA:riONAL BEDDING CO. Phone 2-1185-Night Phones 2-14971 2-5132 1021 South 4th BEAR WHEEL & FRAME ALIQNMENT Light and Heavy Duty Wheel Straightened Dynamic Bntaneer-j'Rrom the Lightest Passenger Car t'J the Heaviest Truck." -•ts:pecials in Front End Corrections1' H. & R. A. Haover Phone 7231 STEAKS-CJIOPS-SEA FOOD-COCRTAIL LOUNGE 105 West Central Phone 5835 ' ! EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS BASEMENTS, DITCHES, GRADING BURNS & LAMAR PORKY PIG CARTOON LATEST NEWS ALL WOOL Brown nnd Blue Plaid Now Sh.owing KiMo 2314 E. Central 1'AI Bloeks East of Campus Del Johnson LIBERTY CAFE "'Tr4Jc·m~rh Complete Service for Eigllt in tarnish .,roof chest $42.00 1'710 West Central Ave. 523' West Copper . b11 ONEIDA LTD. True lovel!Ms! depends on a LOf of quolltles, "''ou'll find All of them 11'1 BOTH theut poifcrrfia, There's the flOW flc_wlng Ccntcur Knife, with FORGI:D ble~de, exlrd weight and troe balonce1 on eltlfa Overfdy cf pUro sillier at WIIC.r points. Sot It's ci molter of WHICH polterll h lo be YOUR llfellme (holcel J. WHEEL ALIGNMENT GREYHOUND INTERS'l'ATE RESTAURANTS 24 HOUR SERVICE SANDWICHES OF ALL KINDS A Snack or a Meal "BEST COFFEE IN TOWN' SILVIRIMITHS I 224 North Sixth STEEL FABRICATORS-Structural Steel Girds, Steel Sash. E. R. (NED) WOOD, Pres. CHEVROLET ~ SALES - WAREHIME'S FLOWERS • Wheel Balancing 2033 West Central A Community Service" U.J: East Central Protect WHY. BUY! WE SUPPLY American Linen Supply and Sunshine Laundry 4-DAY SERVICE 510 NORTH THIRD PHONE 8S1S-19 Phone 2-1.707 Phone 2·725"6 • PHONE 9181 Cut- Flowers, Corsages, Wedding Flowers, Table Designs Funeral Sprays, & Wreaths POOLER INSURANCE AGENCY l'IRE - LIFE - CASUALTY INLAND MARINE 114 s. TBII\D PliONE 6303 312 South Tllird AlcGREaOR AND FOSTER I Santa Fe Motor Co. . Phone 9502 E. C. HUGHES ACCOUNTING OFFICE COMPLIMENTS PHONE 9207 OKLAHOMA JOE'S DIXIE GENUINE - P I T - BAR·B-QUE MIKE KEELY TEXACO GAS-FIRESTONE TIRES 1221 West Central Avenue Ideas for Remodeling Your Store 2504 N. FOURTH GRAY'S GARDEN NURSERY 87~~ High School Phone 2-0815 Mobil uE" Prodtlcts-Courtcllns Service 61,7 North Fourth Street Phon13 2-2630 Opposite University • . VEN'I.'-0-LITEl VENETIAN BLIND CO. •VENETIAN BLINDS MADE TO ORDER fl'Oln DISTINCTIVE FLOWERS Floral Designs for All Occasions BEACH BARBECUE CREAMLAND DAIRIES IN C. Ac1•oss 01 0 7227 NORTH FOURTH e Phone 6770 CHOICE JERRY ELLIS SERVICE STATION TEXACO SERVICE&" MARFAK LUBRICATION SLACKS Pbone 4469 All Wool Gabardine MOORE'S GENERATOR EXCHANGE 'rRADE WITH A VE:rERAN 900 E. Central Ave 425 N. BROADWAY • SUPER CHEVROLET SERVICE FLORA POULSEN DANCE STUDIO-All Types of Dancing OPE}'if 24 HOURS 312 East Central Avenue SUITS TOPCOATS McMURTRY MANUFAC'I1JRING CO. COMPLIMENTS LOBO SERVICE STATION CENTRAL STEAl{ WAFFLE HOUSE THICK JUICY STEAKS-PECAN WAFFLES AT ALL HOURS BURNS BROTHERS PHARMACY THE GI BILL. They also have to go ta the cashier and get their -:::::::::::;:::;:::;:::;:::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:::;:::;:::j receipt. ~ Those who belong to the Univer~ ' sity; Ski Club have anot11er alWr~ native. They can buy a book of tickets far 10 instructions for $10, and as far as I know they can use these on the week-end also. Of course ;far the veterans the <~ther way is much batter, as they don't hnve to pay for the instructions at all. While taking lessons unde1• the University Plan, you will be able ' to rent. skis and poles for 50 cents Worsted nnd Gabardine during the week. This is extreme~ ly cheap. They have no decent ' boots to rent, so if you have your • Alb\lquel'que, Lof'l Angeles and Denver Phone 5515 509 We-st Central GET INSTRUCTIONS UNDER co. BARI FLORAL SOUTHWEST DESIGN SERVICE DRAFTING AND TECHNICAL SERVICE Complete I .. ine Poultry tUtd Dniry F«.leds 324 Soutlt Fourth Phone 2~3755 4624 N9rth Fourth Phone 2·8368'- LOS ANGELES-ALBUQUERQUE EXPRESS DAJLY SERVIQ·E 2021 North SecQnd Gabardine and Tweed ...;, ,V. Central Ave. DRIVE· IN SUPPLY CO-TOWER SUPER MARiillT ~ DIAL B. F. Goodrich Tires 1500 N. Second Page Seven ~~~~~~~~~~=~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:=7 Creamland Dairies, Inc. Diamond T. Trucl<s THE FLYING CHICKEN--Call Us for a Delicious Fried Chicken Dinner 1110 thatnbout the sheet be taken down operating the day afterCon~ the that It awas called new to aur attention at 11 a. Wlll m. on the day of will next be snow. The Large T Ba1· possible trailer camp departure, On a Thursday f~r in~ Istam Tow will not be ready till at 5500 East Central would be stance, there are about 70 s1gned the beginning of the year. built giving ;reduced rates to vets. up for lessonS. Only 20 of these _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:_.....::_~-----will be able to ride on the h-uck. 1 You can ei~her get your own trans-~ portation that day, Ol' go up any other day of the week (not Satur~ day or Sunaay for your lessons), I If leSs than 15 sign up for the truck, it wm not leave. To be able to take the lessons you have to have a receipt !ron) the Cashier of~the University for 7746 $10.00 for the season, And here is the best news: VETERANS CAN • - PHONE S322 203¥.. W. GOLD - Phone 2-5035 1st and& Mountain Rd. Routines Arranged far Private Parties -Please Call After 3 p. m. DOGGER MOTOR CO. - Phone 2-2942 THRIFTY LIQUOR STORE BEER-LIQUORS-WINE Too bad someane doesn't start a ferry service for thel!e close in By DICK FOULK camps. There will be an electian of a The meeting ~uesday night got at the next meeting vote on· pur~ .new board member next meeting, oft' to & bad sta.rt. The key_s for chasing some, the bus were misplaced and we As you all know the present gqv~ were unable to bring the fellows enl()r is nearing the end of his stay dawn from. the Field, It will not at the trough and the University KIRTLAND FIELD happen agam. l'equest :for money to .build more IMPERIAL LAUNDRY A 8?ggestian waJ:J made that dorms for mel). was turned d_own, so~ethmg be done about athletic Some s~y that the money set aside BQX 211 equipment for the field. It seems for hig}Jways and institutions of Room 44 that .11;one can be -secured from the lJ.igher learning has been spent an athletic department and some furm highways, some say more • • • on Six-Day Service of recreatio~ is needed at Kirtland, asphalt that is rather expensiVe. It was de~1ded to_ make a survey A motion was brought to either Shirts 10c of the requtred equ1pment n,nd then send delegates to see the governor or see the state legislature which Hours: own bQots you will be much better meets in January. There is hOwMONDAY· FRIDAY oft'. You ep.n buy army surplus ever a committee forp1ed consist-. 6:30-7:00 a. m. boots for ,8.95 at s~me sporting ing of :representative-s of all the 5:30-7:30 p. m. goods ~?tores, I campus organizathms w~o :-"ill see Skiing conditions are :fairly good the governor. The assoc~at10n vot~ SATURDAY at the run but we should have ed tp s1,1pport the committee in any 6:80~7;00 a. m. another sno'w soon. The rope tow .way possible. 11:00~2:30 p. m, • • • Dams' 214 Marquette Ave. CITY HALL SERVICE STATION CO~IPLETE - Phone-4290 1611 'Vest Central A&PN0.2 Stores - Restaurants -Bars -Offices -Banks Albnquei"qne;s: Best Used Cars 324 North Fifth Street Irrigation Projects - Veterans Corner JORDANS SURVEYING - LAND LEVELING Dr. Eleanor and Dr. James Leonard "We Do Something About the Wcathcrn NEW MEXICO AIRCRAFT SALES COMPANY BILL EVANS, Mgr. Phone 2-1720 AERONCA AIRPLANES PARTS AND ACCESSORIES - I NIIW MEXICO LOBO It's Christmas at General Engineering Service COLONIC SPECIALIST - DIERKER !IETHOD 41S S. SECOND Phone 2-5400 ROSS-BEYER ENGINEERING CO. LEONARD HEALTH SERVICE 11 4013 N. THIRD First National Bank Building . . CROLLETT MORTUARY 24 HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 8893 JAMES D. STANLEY, General Agent ALBUQUERQUE GLASS & MIRROR WORKS Shatter Proof Auto Glass-AU Cars PLATE ~IIRRORS TeleDhone 4439 WE DESIGN & ~IANUFACTURE FIXTURES OF ALL KINDS West Mesa Airportj Box 1D7J Old Albuquerque Pholle 2~0076 -~ DELIVERED-Open 7 days a week 1920 'Vest Central Phone 2·7148 HOLMEN BROTHERS ALL TYPES HEATING AND COOLING EQUIPMENT -- NQN CANCELLABLE Health- Accident -L';.w Cost Life Insurance Mngnalia. Products-Gas-Oil-Lubrication-Washing-Tires 24 Hour Wrecker Service 200 North Fourth Street Phones 2~3351 or 2~0824 Be Wise SAVAGE & SGANZINI THE HARTFORD CO. All Types Insurance Phone 7563 1732 West Central -Phone 4515 Albuquerque_, New llexico Charles E. Hayes, Owner 601 S. YALE Phone 5275 FLORISTS SALVADORE GROCERY & MARKET PLENTY OF PURE LARD GROCERIES - MEATS Groceries-:Mcats-Knicknacks 708 West Central Domestic: Liquors, Wines, Beer Phone 5770 1702 North First Street PHONE 6491 PAUL REVERE LIFE INSURANCE CO, HARDY'S SERVICE STATION Flowets :for Every Oecnsion-We Telegraph Flowers Hilton Hotel Phone 2-5322 Phone 6623 SERVICE--COURTESY / DISPENSARY 3023 East Central Avenue 206 W. GOLD AVE. Tires-Tpbes-Batteries-Auto Accessories Third and Tijeras Phone 558'7 ' JOE'S ONE STOP SERVICE STATION GAS- OIL- H. P. LUBRICATION . TIRES- TUBES - BATTERIES - ACCESSORIES 1100 South Fourth St. Phone 2·4537 . Phone 2-1675 ~!EATS CORNERS FOOD STORE Phone 2-4602 B. F. GOODRICH STORES BROADWAY FLOWER GARDENS 209 South Fourth Street PhanQ 2-5116 216 South Thil•d Phone 5352 HILTON Phane 2-8513 3806 North Fourth BREAD FIRST DAY COVERAGE WESTERN AMERICAN TITLE INS. CO. COMPLIMENTS LOBO Phone 5378 4330 West Central Avenue - PHONE 7502 Complete Stock of ~attanally Known S!lrgical Suppol;'ts Elastic Stockings, Anklets and Knee Caps, Men's and Women-'s Departments. _Experienced Fitters CHASE FOOD MARKET FANCY GROCERIES We Fill Your Needs Phone 2-0.788 108 North Third 1625 N. FOURTH BLAIR SUIJ,GICAL SUPPLY UNION BAKING CO. BIRTHDAY CAI{ES 1412 East Central SUPER SERVICE STATION & TIRE CO. COMPLIMENTS 401 North F()urth . ' SWELL BAKERY· SPECIAL CAKES for Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries Bread, Pies, Rolls,.C04jtkies- for All Occasions • Revolutionary Phone 8724 UiOl North Second DUKE CITY SERVICE STATION COMPLIMENTS 1524 South Fourth ~ ALBUQUERQUE TRUCK TERMINAL COMPLIMENTS SOUTH BROADWAY SERVICE STATION :riRES-TUBES-BAT.rERIES--ACCESSORIES QAS-OIL SOF'r WATER SERVICE CO. COMPL!MEN:rS ON YOUR ANNIVERSARY PHONE 2·5911 2217 North Fourth Street Phone 2·0607 403 West Fruit Avenue Phone 8881 & • Dependable 313 -South First STAGGS AUTO SERVICE COMPLIMEN:rS Prescription Specialists First National Dank PB:ONE 67S9 CALL 2·2515 FOR ORANQE·CRUSH CARBONATED BEVERAGE BARQ'S BOTTLING CO. Ph~ne 7351 •Beautiful 617 North Foudh ---~ ROSE'S PRESCRIPTION SHOP E. CENTRAL 108 Cornell Ave. BLACK·CRISWELL MOTOR CO. THE NEW FRAZIER CARS solicited by John M. Taylor, P. 0, Box ;1044, Phoenix, Arizona VALLIANT PRINTING CO. COMPLIMENTS ON YOUR ANNIVERSARY "Always 100 Per Cent for Our Unirersity" • Complete Garage Sel'Vice 3601 East Central Throug}l the efforts 9f the offi~ cials of the University Ski Club and especially Erie Brown th~ ne~ president transpm-tation,1 is now a.vail~ble' to the ~ki t•un, A 2% ton truck wil lleave the· mainten~ ance building (just Q.cross the street from the Kappa Kappa Gam.. rna house.) every day at 1 p. m, It will get to the Sid run at 2 p. m. and it will leave between 4 imd 5 p. m., so that. you .ahould be hom'e by 6 p, m. Be prepared for a very cold ride 1 You should dress very warm~ and take a blanket along. Here is what you have to do to get on the truck: A sheet of paper will hang on the bulletin board in the SUB. The truck will ~old 20 people, The flr,st 20 who s1gn the sheet will get the ride on th~ truck for '1.00 return t:ip. I understand - From Men Who Knuw Them Best COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE KNOB HILL SERVICE & GARAGE • Filling Station Service By JOHN SULLIVAN FORD Sales .• Service ~226 CUTTER·CARR FLYING SERVICE Charter & Ambulance Service Rated Pilots and two-way Radio New Mexico Distrihutors for Taylor<:rat:t, Fairchil_d·Stineon· & Howard Airplanes 24 Hour Service West Mesa Ah·port Phone 2~3186 . of< Phone 2·1915 North ll'ourth JONES MOTOR CO. ' • We Pay Highest Prices • We Sell Low • A Dependable Car Lot 1414 North Fourth . ,Phone ~620 • Our gratitude is expressed both here and elsewhere in the Anniversary Issue of the Lobo for those friends and advertisers who have made not only this oul" students' paper possible, but all tht·ough the years our University is in the debt of the good folks of Albuquerque and New Mexico for ,building the Great University we have today-Your University and Ours. SKI NEWS Compliments on Your Anniversary L. L. WHITEHEAD-USED CAR LOT University of New Mexico LOBO . Phone 2·0341 Friday, December 6, 19~6 Pecember 6, 1946 PETERS PURE FOOD MARKET HAMMER'S SINCLAIR SERVICE . SINCLAIR PRODl)C'fS-GAS-OIL-LUBRICATION-TIRES I .. Fr~ay, NEW lviEXICO LOBO ---~ ,_. '' ·--"·- Page Six __ 1 $29.95 ALL WOOL Forest Green- New belled styles $45.00 1 'Where AlbuquerqUe Shops Wiih· Confldence" 301 West Central 3C00 Highland Road Phone 9703 TUT'J.U: SECOND HAI'o'D STORE HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE We Sell Furniture, Radios, Stove!:!, Etc. 315 South FirSt Phone 9247 ' I Friday, December 6, 1946 NEW MEXICO LOBO Page Eight NEW MEXICO LOBO Phi Delta Chapte'r From National Offices Charter Granted • • • Installation Is This Weekend At Country Club Ph1 Delt Installation Plans Are Announced This week end w 11 be the cltmax of all the hopes of the Ph1 Delta group whtch pet~t oned Pht Delta Theta and was graontcd a cha't'teJ last September as the Insta1Iat10n Patty wlll al'])lVe from the natiOnal r,···~- -----.;11\•,es -to msta11 the chapter and llllttate the Pluketas Among those who Will officJa,te at the cer emomes are Mr 0 J Tallman rep01ter of the iratel•mty 1\ir Paul C BGam executtve secretary M1 Don Jos lyn provmce president Mr Geotge S Ward Mr Ge01:ge E Housse1 Mr J H Wilterdmg and Mt Bat rett Hernck Under the directiOn of Mr James Johnson the fratern ty w11l present the Installation Fonnal at the Country Club tomght and a lun cheon tomorrow at the Alvatado Hotel at which members of the vanoua campus orgamzattons Will be present 1mtta£ion IS bemg held all day today at the Counti'Y Club The members of Ph1 Delta Theta wtsh to thanlc all persons and or gamzattons who have been so gen erous m helpmg UE~ m our plans to make ours the best mstallation tbat UNM has eve1: bad Chi O's Entertain Kappa Sigs Tuesday The Chi Omegas he)d an open house for then b other fr~bn~rty tho •mbe:t: Kappa 2'1Sigmas on and ucs the ay 3 Br Uge Nov ' d OmJa bomd co npeted wJth nne and the afternQon s ente:r 11 g t s clnn"xed by a sk t t al mep wa 'I.. the '"" Kappa Sigma presettted "'y pl~!~ preparatums for the Ch1 Wl t Formal 1s be ng Om:ga D 1 t~y Ande1son :;octnl 0 1~a e ~~ 13 named the folio" c auman Ittees Decmat1ons Pat ~~ss~~nmBarbam Batley Peggy Sweeney S..•lly Cailock and .Jean Batty Davenpo1 t fTl.·ansportation .L.J.. Jackson Jeanne Loveall and Lo xelm Thorwaldsen and 1efresh ments Co nue Stevens Marmn M 1tche11 and Marge Men all The :formal wtll be held the seve lth of December at the Country Club Chaperones are Dr and MIS Ecn Jamtn Sacks and Dr and 1\irs Miguel Jorrm Tentative 11laces have been made fot two roundtables one on officer qunll:fications and the othet 0~ nn. ttonnl yns1ung rules A Chns mas K m dness Pa'"'"y has also been l >lanned th Chl Omegas Monday cvenmg d e d dehghted were the s;£;ts~ an Chl Lovmg 10u0 plen~:s~nte: ~ygm~he pledges C P P~ th S Cht Athlettc winners of e Igma Cup The cup wns presented after a serenade by the Stgma Cht chap ter ADp·I'S Present 32 Members In Style Show The rout ne of 'lcacher s Conven ton was reheve d Wl th th e presen tat10n of a style show by th1rty t\vo guls of Alpha Delta P1 and sponso1ed l;ly Towne House Tues day Novemhet 26 The- girls were fitted u dm: the supetVISlOll of Mrs Coolt £1om Towne House stock and aupported the theme Nt~ht and Day .for tne well dressed school teacher A simple sk t was piesented With a backgiOund of pmno music by Betty Lou Schade Mrs Cool-t: made an opemng speech and mtro duced MISS N1kk1 Neuhaus a promment Alpha Delt Alum who acted as commentator and tend de scnptiom; of the costumes as they wete presented ;EmphasiS was placed on good posture as the first wor}\ m natural beauty Patucta Jones gave an example of correct IJOStuie m walk ng followed by :four gnls Jnabcllc Jes sup L o1s Mm·~... m, Steven E vans and Glona Lowe who \-.;ere dressed m grey pedal pushers sweaters and w1cle belts and d1d prncttce cxer c ses to show a comfortable cos 1 Engineers Pitch Semester Ball on Saturday, Dec. 7 The engmeets are preparmg to set nstde then Burrmgton Tnbles and thcJr slide rules to show that 11 they po~sess :t:hythmtc as we as :reasomng potentmhties at the sem1 annua l E ng1neermg Society dance The change from sedulous to sensuous actiVIties wl11 be un der the chan·mt nshtp of Dave Lyons who has announced that the dance this semeste1 wlll be held at the Woman s Club of Albuquer que 618 West Gold Avenue be tween 9 and 12 o clock on Satm: k B ~~ II day Decembet 7 Fran d ~ ar.. e and h1s band Will proVl e tue mus1c f01 the mam socml event of the Engmeenng Society The dance w1ll be sem1 formal w 1th no corsages necessary Ad mission for society members Will be possible upon p1esentat10n of thetr membership cards or non members may 1:1,ttend by paymg an entrance fee of ~150 (The ef faced mnuendo 1s that engmeers tbat are non members should Jom tbe orgamzatton by paymg the $2 acmes1ei d ues to any of th e organ 1zation officers Thus they would cut down their next semester dues as contmued memberships and would be able to attend both se mester dances as well as part1c1 pate m other Engmccr1ng Society functions :for only a nommal cost Gentlemen you cannot lose on the Club Members P.I Kappa AIphd Ph rat eres 1DVI'te Newman Plan Wmter Formal Friday Pledges Take liJin ~~~~~i.,~0 I!~~!t!.Ir T~=e~~;m~~d~~.~:;~~;!~I~;e~n Over AC+illyes Pt Kappa Alpha s pledges came from beh nd last week to beat their act ves 15 13 m a fast mtra fra termty touch football game The scot:mg began m the first per tod when act1ve B1ll Hash passed to Bob Mtkkleson after a long dnve Thetr nttempt.ed con vm smn fntled The pledges added a 2 pomt safety when John Burton caught Hash m the end zone Thelr first touchdown came after the second half started when AI Jones mter cepted an act1ve pass and went 50 yar.d!;i to score Late m the fom th quarter tbe acttves sttuck agam endmg an otb.e1 long drn e when B11l Power::; swept h1s right end for 10 yards and the touchdown The pass to Mikkleson was good and the ac tiVeS Jed 1~8 The wmnmg score came wrth three mmutes of pl<1y left as the pledges Jonea got off a sleeper pass to end Joe McCanna and a 40 yard touchdown Outstand ng fQr the actives were Bill Hash Bob Mtkkleson and Blll Power while Al Jones Geo1ge De Shurley and Joe McCanna stood out for the pledges ]y alumm to renew old memories wtth Ithe SUB lounge Jeannette De new faces at a Christmas party m vme announced that preparat10ns the SUB basement lounge on Mon are now completed £or the fonnal day December 9 at '1 o clock Gtfts dance Frtday, Decembe:t 6 m the wtll be contnbuted by actives for Student Un on ba1lroom All Oath a lntchen :>bower Along With com ohc students are mVltEd The ball radeshtp gaiety and mutual ad room Wlll be decomted w1th a wm mtratiOn refreshments Wlll be ter scene but the snow will prob served All acttves a'l'e requested ably melt With the first few bars of Ftank Bartlett s hot mus1c Dr to be ptesent Christmas cards aie sttll bemg and Mrs T T Castonguay and Dr sold Students who honestly wlsh and Mrs J L R1ebsomel' w1ll act to send home a genume and am,.,. as chapel ones and other mvtted cere souvenn: of the west are urged guests mclude President and Mrs 1 to view these attractive cop;per Wemette nnd the ent 1e facu ty~ as colored greetmg cards Differmg Iwell as patrons of the club from the conventtonal cards they Followmg the short busmess ses are umque and unusual com ph ston J m Maloney mtroduced the rnentmg the _senders good taste P1 Beta Ph1s W1ll Hold Chnstmas Formal Starlight Ball wtll be the theme of the PI Beta Phi Chrt~t mas formal to be held Saturday evenmg from 9 12 m the Alvp.tado ball room The blue and s1lver decotations w1ll centet around the theme of stm'S and moonlight Doug Benton and h s orchestra are fur mshmg the mus1c As P Betn Ph1 was Istalled on the campus m September of this year the ball 111 the first lnrge social functton g1ven by the so rority m then two month 1 fe at tbe Umvertnty of New Mextco tume fot p ay With the mustc of You re as Pretty as n Ptcture mght guls modeled ensembles to be worn from proposttlon ) a teaclnng day through a dmner ------I dale as they admired an art exhibit The g1rls were Bertha Young Mary The first ChrJstmas serenade of o Jo Reed Rosemary Duke Vmnne th• season staked Thmsd•y ,1 Baker Charlotte Sw1sher Betha U The Mtckell P.rovmce of Kap]la Young Montel Greenwell and Pat Ch mght by the Cht Omegas when Alplm Order will hold 1ts btenmal 'l"hc pledge class of Stgma t they sang to all ,;he sorouty and On Sunday November 24 the ' p:t'OVlllCC meetmg at tbe Umver Brown fratermty at a se't"ennde last Man fratermty houses mdependent SAE actiVe chapter defeated the sity of Texas m Austm Te;xas on Carolyn Farnsw01:th as M1sfit day mght awarded the S1gma Cht dorms and the ptestdents home December 13 14 and 15 The and dressed ns tho school teacher lovmg cup to the Ch1 Omegas The guts wore whtte scarves and pledge class m a htghly s_pU'lted Hohday :plans neared completion npresentabves from the J3eta Pht who buys Without thought, entered chosen as their favonte sorar1ty carried candles m keepmg wtth the game of football to the tune of at the Kappa Sig house thls week Cha;pter at thts Umversity will be to the strams of I m Ugly to Look Accordmg to custom tbe wmner Christmas season !27 6 as final arrangements were made Glenn Mayer tbe chapter prest At She was followed by a love of the athletic competltton between Sohgs used were Sllent NIght Tommy Oxnam was the star for fot the annual ChrJ!;tmas dance at dent Howard Shockey the VlCC ly Ruth Rexroad m a blond wool! the actives and pledges chooses the the Hilton Fnday evemng Last prestdent John Bloom Frank Pack &Ult groups favortte soronty Th1s ~ol~It~:gh~:'~~ng~! ==~~~le~~~ th~ the pledges and scored thetr lone touchdown Johnny Keach and ntmute changes m produetlon ard and JacK Corman The agenda A comedy sktt :(ollowed wtth Lwn yea'£ the pledges won 2 out of 3 Serenade Song Frank 0 Bnen were the outstand schedules provente(J, the attendance of the Counetl meetmg 1ncludcs the Tamet Bunny Cuthp selhng cus events and chose the Chi Omegas of Hoagy CaTmtchael, whose prea elec.tiOJl of the Provmce Command tomer, Joanne McClendon a three as the lucky girls The S1g loVIng mg men .for the actlves Watch for D Week once had been planned as a sur er and a group of panel dtsc.us Shepherd and acc.essories displayed cup properly engraved, was donatprise treat for the Kappa g1gs and s1ons concerning iratermty prcb p1ece smt modeled by Vtrgmta ed at the serenade by pledge pres1 their dates However, a floor show le:rns by three pages, Janyce McDorman dent, Glenn DeKrnker, to the W1th the post-war period dawnmg featurmg local talent wdl be pre Beta Phi Chapter announces the Iona Inman and Jo Ann Rudolph Sweethearts for Semester I 1946 upon us, The Alvarado Hotel w1ll scnted to lend var1cty at mtenms pledg1ng of SIX new men to the A Night Scene mcluded a blnclt Last holders of the cup were the ston fratermty Those pledges are Ken and whtte contrast of mghttes by p 1 Phts soon be returnmg to the same high standards wh1eh have for many 'l;'hts Christmas danco promtse to Clark Bob Dunlap Robert Reay Pat Sauer and Steven Evans and MonQay mght also found the years characterized Fred Harvey be one of the most colorful soc.ml 0 C Gra;,res E Hnscnbiler and a wool housecoat worn by :Marge Stg s serenadmg the ADP1s m food and servJCe When our JOb JS events on the campus thts year and Bob Walker The pledge class now Co~tley Pat Jones 1n a sk1 smt, honor of two new Stg pms m that done we promise you only Harvey one o£ the best dances the l{appa has 29 members Lenore Bowhng m a slack sutt, house The lucky gals and guys hospitality at its very best S1gs have cvet gtven The Hilton Katte Lou Ely m a dancmg dress, are VIrgmm Sheppard and Bob ballroom ·w1ll be decorated m the er Betty Jean Thaxton Jtm Ma Dorothy Luchmt tn a date dress Groman Glorm Gnmmer and Don ALVARADO HOTEL scarlet whtte, and green of the Ioney, l\fa1'JOrJe Thomas Earl AI and Gloria Lowe m a formal ap Hathaway fratexmty: al':tanged m a speeu1l len Joyce Benton WmTen Ruegg peared m one scene Francme. On December 14 the S1gma Cht s Clmstmas theme- A Christmas ].'£atge Holt Barney Thorpe Betty Irv:mg and Pat Paulantta m black wlll hold their annual Black and tree Will occupy a promment spot Chapman Jtm Knox Nancy Hol net formals and Nelhta Walker m Whtte Wmter Formal Right now on the dance- floor to promote the land Wally Pa1ker Topsy Dayton a cha1truse formal of rayon :fmlle several of the campus beauties nrc hohday spmt. Tommy Lyons well Gene Jones Nancy Scott Bob gave the final bow as Martha Rose bemg considered for Sweetheart of known band w11l furnish mustc i'or Wmkler Frances Cochran George Wdson sang Stardust ' Stgma Ch1 Eaeh of these girls ANNOUNCING OUR IAPPOINTMENT AS dancmg Something unusual 111 the Mertz Nikkt Neuhaus Ceetl The show wa!J presented under IS a guest at the house for dmner, hne of tefreshments 1s on the iire, Counts Ruth Balfour, Seth Net the supervision of Mrs Cook of two or three times The candtdates smce tt IS planned to serve hot, baur, Janet Cole John Sheffer Towne House Patricia Jones was are Lots Daulton, Alpha Cht Juhe Sheffer, John Eynon; Kath m charge and Nikki Neuhaus was Omega Vugmta Sheppard, Alpha spxced Cider to the dancers FOR THE HEIGHTS Those who have been Invited leen Greenan, Btll Kmgston Bev responstb1e for the very clever Delta Pt MarJOrie Menaul Cht from other social groups on the erly Xmgslon WhtWy Whelchel, scnpt. The p 1ctures: used •m the Omega, Lmda Parnsh Kappa Kap We wlll carry a full Ime of campus are SAE Tommy Lyons Vug:rnm Kohlhaas, Tommy Nutt, Art E::h btt. .,ccnc -ere works by pa Gamma Patr1cm .SchAefer, P1 Sam Dunlap PJKA .Tmt.my Ryan, Mary Gallagher Bob McCracken, l!,I1ss Jeanne Kellogg an art student Beta Phi Irene Betzner, Town Cameras, Fdm, Papert Chemicals Jack Sm1th~ S1gma Cht Nonnan Yvonne McCracken Roger Wot.. on u N 1\f campus Club Accessories Hodges, W1lhs Sm1th, KA, GJenn kyns Jackte Yates, Paul Patterson; ,.;;;;;;;o;;;;;;~;;;;;;;o;;;;;;~;;;;;;;o;;;;;;~;;;;<;;o;;;o;~;;;;<;;;;<;;o;;;;;;~;;;;;;;o;;;;;;~;;;;;~ Mayer Carl Wdhams 'Pm Delta Maunne Trumblet Jerry Stmner,f@! Theta Jack Musson Arthur Shock liolhe Hennmg Chet Dupree ORCHIDS ley Gwen Parry Clyde Amerson ?tiary! and Kappa Stg's and the1r guests are Lou JUcCatlum Bdl Morrow Dor Ted L1ghton LOIS Sorrell Walt thy Anderson W M Webester CORSAGES $1 50 and up Webster Lorelei Thorwaldson, Frances Webster, J1mmy Aiphm Bhss Bushman1 Bertha Young BtU Shtrley Teutsch Langdon Hnrn Flowers of All Kmd11 McCord Ruth Jones, Herb Eller son Jeanne Cooley Ray McNett, meyer, Laurme Bennett Will .Teveite Clark, Benny G1bson 1rtary Floral Arrangements PU 2 3626 3418 E CENTRAL Heath Helen Heath Art MsGmms Joe Reed B11l DIXon, l'lfartha for Parbes Betty J'ane Ayres, Hank Trew Brown Mark DaVIs Lmda Par h1tt1 Ba-rbara Pal'Ilall Don Moore r1sh Noel :Martut Jean Davertport WE DELIVER Chaperons for the dance will be Jeanne Kellogg llerb Fned Bet. 214 W Central Ph 7825 ty Ruth Bentley George Hart, Dr and Mrs F C H1bben and Dr WE DO EXPERT KODAK FlNISIIING Beverly Beam Paul Gamertsfeld and Mrs S E Snuth Kl}ppa Slgs PI n ~Oil day Dance Kappa AI phaWII Sen d 5to Austin Meetmg Chi Omega's Serenade Sigma Chi Loving Cup Awarded to Chi Omega's w•• Semi Weekly Publication of the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico Vol XLIX ~lays ~ussophobes, In the first of a seueS; of three mformal lecture forums Dr J Phthp Wernette spoke to mter ested students and faculty rnem bets on Must We Fight Russ a He d1dn t thmk so l11s premtse was that Russia ts very aftatd of the Umted States that her belligerent attitude IS only a mamfestatwn of this te mertty that she 1s so far behmd us mdustraally were she stup d enough to preetptt&te any unpleas antness she wouldn t be around long enough to make 1t stick Spealc ng from hts expenences on an economic survey of the U S S R Wernette tllustrated his behef by recountmg several observations he made more or less an the cuff As long as her mtl tary mechan 12atton IS mostly U S Lease Lend and as long as her expertments result man Atomic Dud they wont g1ve us any trouble As ommous as the Slavic Scourge looms Dr Wetnette feels thnt maJor ant m our oatmeal ts John Llc,wellyn Lewts and h1s thteat to labor The aud1ence then was mvd:ed by Dr J H R1ed to questton the speaker Dr Wernette more than adequately acquitted himsell' m thl.S. mfonnal symposiUnL The next lecture wdl be gtven by R Dorothy Woodward Her subJect The Atomtc Bomb date Wednesday December 11 These lectures are the result of p1eparat10n made by several pro grcsstve UNM students led by Richard Ctverolo They are sup }Jotted by every maJor campus or gamzabon Interested students are cordtally mv1ted Hmkels Is ReadyW1th Chr~stmas G1fts For Her Hinkel's - For All of Your Lumber, Pamt and Bmldmg Supply Needs 6 MILES EAS'r ON U S 66 1~ noon on-Monday through Fnday ALL DAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY George Bush and John Barks, Managers Make Class on Time The Sure Way 6 Tokens - 51t ALBUQUERQUE BUS GO. 'Ott T1mc Wllh Safety Ph 5647 423 N. F~rst It JS wJth plens.ure that we Offer to a selected group not exceedmg 40 persons tbm spccral all expense excurswn to MexicO s- second ctty GUADALAJARA SPECIAL PULLMAN CARS the finest hotels automobiles for stde tnps, motor launches for Laka Chapala ets have been arrangGd :£or Gala Christmas Eve PartY, m GuadalaJara LA PLACITA PARICUTIN, THE ACTIVE VOLCANO By Pr~vate Car and Horseback Old Town Plaza 5 to 9 p m Week Days Sunday 12 fo 2 and 5 to 9 MEXICAN AND AMERICAN ~~ake FOODS & EL FIDEL HOTEL Auf.nmCharm $q.BO FULLER Travel Agency Closed nlonday!l these elegant mtcrchange.. Toasts of tho fastuon wtsa • able skirts make o different cost1Jme wtth each dramat1e top you add to them Derngned with swish bustle bnck or draped apron front In a rich sheer wotated wool :fabrlc S1zes 9 16 Reaetvattons With EWALD ALBUQUERQUE Teachers' ~xam Deadline Set Why Should You Buy a Directory? It has been two yeats smce a dm!ctory has been pubhshed at the Umvcrstty of New Mcxtco and many .students do not lcnow JUst what the book liS In addition to a student d1rec tory (as complete us the student counctl cards penmtted) thc1e 1s a complete faculty duectocy g:tv mg tbe name, department office phone and home phone of each faculty member The student dtreetory contams tlte name, address and telephone number of each student and mdt cates which college he belongs to and of what class he 1s a member on the cam_pus To Draft New Constitution Sample Jacket Makes Us Back It By MARVIN MEYERSON Tomglit at 8 00 p m m Car hsle Gymnas urn Coach Woody Clements current ed1t10n of tbe Lobo hoopsters wlll1lny therr first game of the year agamst the speedy Hawauan All Stars Though this tilt 1s not a Border Confer ence atfau 1t promises to be nn mterestmg and colotful contest The All Stars who ate of Hawa1 Ian Chmese and Japanese or1 gms are a short but excepttonally fast-brcalcmg team Thetr captam Bdl Choy froin Chma lS 6 feet tall and plays guard Another of thetr star performers ts 5 feet 6 meh forward Chtco M1ynshno The Hawanans four man Hula band and exotic dancer Lchua. Luna Wtll ptoVlde entertammcnt between the halves In an attempt to mJect he1ght mto the hneup Conch Clements has swttcbed L C Cozzens his p1evi ous chOice fot the center pos1t10n to a forward slot nnd has: brought up towermg 6 foot 4 mch Ned Wallace to take over as ccntet One of the startmg fOl'Wa.rds wlll be Kay Hafen who IS rated m the Border Conference as ono of the top floormQu and ball handlers This ~2 year old JUlllOr from St G~orgc Utah, ts G feet tall and wetghs 170 pounds He lettered here m '44 and wtll went number 27 this season As a result of the recent switch L 0 Cozzens big 6 foot 8 mch ex Marme will till the other startmg forward posthon A JUntor at the Umverstty he earned a vnrs1ty letter here m 1948 He hatls .from Capttan New Mex 1co and Will wear Jersey number Most evecyouc IS ngreed that the cover of the 1947 Mm1gc 1s better Fmal date for fihng apphcabons At long las llh e Sl uden t Counc1 l and more representatlve of the Un to take the National Teache1s has nppomted a commtttee to out 1vers1ty of New !!Iextco than covers Exammations has been set at Jan lme the 1hst draft of tbe new of nny of the precedmg hoolcs 8 Dr J W Dtefendorf of the Um Student ConstttutlOn At a recent A sample cover from the design verstty of New Mexico College of meetmg ptcs dent of Assocmted dreamed U.P by H C :Buchanan and Educat10n has announced St uden I s J ames Garltepp su b Paul Harr1s has been received from The exammatmn wdl be g1ven nutted a hst of ten outstand ng the book bmder and recmves ac clatm from the 1ips of all who see 1t Feb 8 and 15 at the Umverstty and st~::t;r!~~ ~~p;:v:~t as a Steer There is stlll a week to make at the Cathohc Teachers College m Albuquerque the announcement NOTICE Ing Comm1 tt ee an d a.s d es1gners the 1941T Mtrnge a more _personal added fol the new outlme of student gov 1Zed possess ou by vtsttmg the H1kmg Club w11l meet this ernment Mt,:age table m the Student Umon Gtven at the request of educators Thursday Room 15 Gym to ats throughout the country the exam It has been apparent for some butldmg anyf;jma- thts week nnd cuss plans for ncxl h1ke nnd dcc1de mattons are taken voluntarily Dr time that the old charter was botb paymg fifty ~ents fot a nameplate on 1\[IRAGE page DJefendorf said madequate and unWJeldy This was Of gold letter ng, m the case of cspecmlly noticeable when se.vera11 vettehrans or bfy stigdnmtg a ftee cadrd 1 hl b m ecnseo suensno uner oop o es m t e system of student th t t i b ll body electtons were brought to e ve eran ra mng t hgbt 111 lnst years general ballot llfelvm Mot'lls cham tan of the committee and one of the mstiga 21 to1s of the ref01m ptom1ses to ' Th1s lS not a poht.cal electJon' the poster read 'Who IS gomg to be Beauty Queen? ' prmt Wtth hiS bead somewhere near each new section of the work The quest10n was a deep one and so the LOBO staff puddled 1ts tesources and pto as tt ts completed and 1nv1tes any the roo£ of the Gym 6 foot G lnch Walter C Lowdenndk assistant Ned Wallace wlll patrol the shato Tl1e English department calls our to the national chtef of tbe U S cecded to solve the abysmal depths of such a ponderous arrangement At the last mmute crtttCism comment or discussion sphere for the Wolfpack and alse> attention to the fact that several Every student 1s asked to g1ve it was detetmmed to enter a l1ght horse m the race Here 1s how the LOBO hght horse was Soli Conservation Sel'VI.ce 'W11l gtve handle the center slot A nabve h1s opm10n and anyone w1shmg to members of the Enghsh staff have chosen PohbCJans can leatn how to wm a non poht.cal elecbon from th1s of. Albuquerque lte served as a volunteer to serve on the panel been appearmg m pr nt wtthout First we Interviewed the JI.U Manne durmg tbc war He JS a assigned to wnte the first dmft IS any but the 1nore esoteric lmVIng RAGE busmess m:mnger BtU :Bnbb person mterv1ewed He holds some quahfied person for the pos1t on more than welcome semor at the Umvers1ty and won cogmzance Dr T :M: Pearce has and found out; after buy:Ing a JOb or other but at the time was We never let poht1cs preJUdice our Jus varsity letter lnst season Ned Before the fimshed articles D.l'C received the off prmts of th s ar ti Student Directory who was to dtrechng traffic. at Club GG because selection We chose the best qual adopted the Student Dod~ must clc The Enghsh Proverb m New Wh() 1s 28 years old wtll wear num.J JUdge the contest- When we found hts ward had determmed that he 11ied candtdntc m VIew of the fact approve tt m general vote ber 26 1\fex.tco wh1ch apvcarcd m the out that Earl Carroll was to be the needed an extra c1rcular activity that we found tlte only girl who One of the startmg guard as Students named on the. planmng Cahforma Folklore Quarterly for JUdge we knew that our only Who s turn IS It 'I he asbd My came front the same Smerdy (:Rus conumttee were Helen Watson October 1946 and Dr George Probably the only adverttsement s1gnments Will be hmtdled by Btll chance was to subnut our entry matermty wont back her unless sum for Jerk water JUnction tbat .Taneann Brann Fted Doar, Nita. Arms has JUSt received The Sat m Friday s Jiaseo LOBO to brmg Townsend a Navy vet from Santa. to a person who wouldn t be preJU xt IS her turn ts) as our JUdge Mr De Nusbaum LeHane John Mornson, Steven urday Rev1ew of Literature m such qmck results was a. want ad Rosa New MeXIco BtU ts m hts diced by the other entries so we semor year and preVIously played on the front page A femmmc authonty was sttn Chches--Ex We approached the dehcate dam Johnson James Garhepp Ted Haw whtch hts art1cle chose as our JUdge Mr Cecil B needed Fanno John's other v. ifc sel of our choice nnd found her ley Jo.. n Taul and Suzann Hodge tended and Othetwl"'C, lS prmted Dr C R S :Koch professor of varstty bnsketbalt here m 1943 He De Nusbaum We had chosen our smd My goodness! Why not me pluckmg her ztther With the toes man Dr Wlll s D Jacobs scored Witlt German came to the MillAGE of wtll wear Jersey number 22 He )udge atld so the next step was to :My goodness! Life can be beaub of one foot while she picked grapes nn article m the Bulletm Amertcan fice Saturday afternoon after read lS 24 years old wmghs 160 pounds choose a gul who would wm Th1s ful (Ed Both Time and Liie. re w1th the toes of her other foot and Assocmt10n o:f Umversity Profes mg the ad The story of the m1ss and stands 6 feet tall The other was much fa1rer than the other fused to run) My goodness! I let them drop mto her crimson sors for Autumn 1946 mg Spamsh book and the yehud1 first strmg guard wtll be Quen entnes where the gtrls were chosen hadn t thought about that My mouth She was grotesquely curled Its Just a thought mmd you quart of ml IS pteced together thts tm Underwood a 23 year old JUntor for looks and then sent to the same goodness' What do you thmk" upon her sofa and With her hands but 1f these professors would gwe way Because some car doors arc from Hungbngton Californm He JUdge Waldo left her talkmg about she kmtted httle varmmts anCi us a leetle m1te less work to do easily opened and because some earned a varsity letter m 1944 Graduate students are once agam we might get to read their labors Waldo Q Ma.rb1efnrb the LOBO her vutue or goodness or some picked her teeth w1th her spare httle girls are curiOus fonr year Like Townsend he ts an ex sa lor star reporter (be wrote the story thmg and reported kmttmg needle She was shy a remmded that p1ctwes .£o1 the of love even tf we: probably couldn t old Candy Heard granddaughter of and also ltke Bdl he stnnds 6 feet Walter C Lowdermilk on the meteor1t1c display), was as Once m the life of everyman vcntable v10let (she shrml;:s you graduate sectiOn of thl'!. yearbook undetstand them comprende a1rs? Dr Koch mvesttgated the green tall mid we1ghs 160 Assistant to the Chief still be taken thts week w1tll may stgned to the task o£ findmg JUst comes tbe chanco to 1neet the etn see) The reserves consist of a capable (Lower Slobovmn ed note Jitney and took possessiOn o£ the S Soil Conservation Service group of men who wdl be valuable such a person He started by np tome of all tbe charm that maltcs Wot you tnnk bout dts artcle Friday December 16 set as the two Items proachmg the persons best vetsed the femmme eternal For some Schtunk?) She duln t make up dcadhne date n t-nddress fox the getteral pubhc at Tl e connection between the two m bolstern1g the startmg squad No p ctures except those re Larry Hess s n holdover .£rom m pohtics They would be able to men It comes when they are young, ber mmd rtght off JUSt kept. stt 8 p n1 Dec 16 at Sc ence. Lecture d1d not come to l1ght untll Dr tell h m best how to not wm a poh (too young that ts) and for some tmg there smgmg D U Z D U Z quested to be taken by the pho Hall on the Uh vers ty campus Koclt found the ad but now the tl1e 1946 squad An ex A1r Force beat election Take that procedure It IS wheti they are old (too old; Put Duz Ul your tnfant s soup It tographer may be remade Edwm Re will speak through an nr Items ate with thtnr proper owner man from Brackenrtdge Pennsyl Undet tbe d rectJon of W1lham vnn a he ts 6 feet tall and Weighs and reverse tt and It would seem to that s r1ght) but for you dear Will cme the d aper* droop Twelve Leupold editor tol dtlte LOBO M Kunkel the Umve1~1ty mnrc1 mg rangeme It w th the cultural pto once ngam 170 He will wear number 21 be a certam formula to wm a non reader no she wtll be here rtght full ounces pc.r dmpet too D U Z today Pictures tnay be canceled gram comnuttcc of tl c Um~ers ty band 1s bemg converted mto a con Ho ve~ e1 there s a P S to thts poht1cal electton m the prmte of your all to e]lllem does a lot for you Now we 1f 1t s so de~nrcd but none wtll cert band The tmusttton IS al seuate on meat s of rescutng Anter httle dttty The Cfll stlll doesn t Mat cos Salas Navy vet from Santa The first person to be mtcr etal extstence on thts sord1d :Plane proudly tn csent our candtdate M1ss be retaken Rosn New Mextco Will wear num 1can fan Ilands and wtll dlusttate Students whose ptof copies were most complete and the band hopes h s talk w1tl lanten shdcs sa1d use any ml So for sale cheap ber 15 He IS the sznallest man on VIewed was Mr Ncrv1e Bump'km- ThlS !lnragon of all thmgs beautt Lauren Bagel (She says tt 1s pro to be under way soon This ts the One quart of 011 the team 01 ly 5 :feet: 8 mches a small ttme ward heeler and ful th1s JOY forcvet tsn t; one of nounced Beg AU by friends of tbe not avatlable at the MIRAGE table first yeat s nee before the wrtr tl at D1 Hubett Alexander cbanman mens the lesser galaxy o£ cmema nebu family) from East Tucunnaspltbn 111 Uti! SUB should contact the T vo natiVe Albuquetquenns who prestdent of Khafloote of the eomm ttee the band Will have almost complete are both ex sntlors and both JUn ornery society Hts only remark lae no she ts the one and ottly can Old Mext Bagel county lower~ MIRAGE office to be sure thmr pictures w 11 appear ttl the n mua1 instrumental representation Mr tors at the Umversrty Will share was If she IS a upper lower Slo acme of effenunnte effervescence uppet Slobovu\ and that 1 0 disctepancy m1g1It oc KunKel thmks that th1s tS gmng to one o£ the :reserve for~ ard posi bovmn my wnrd Will back her and the most beaut ful pteve of titilat 0£ course we don t have tlte t1me be the best U nvets1ty con crt bnnd ttons One s 5 foot 9 mch 140 she can t lose wtth that large n mg flesh on the face of the mun to enumerate each of her multttuclc CUI eve1 He has hopes of startmg n pound Johnny Mayne who wdl wear matermty back of her and she can't dane m santhrop1c mess we call of v1rtues (nor space )'OU see we sones of concerts fot the students Wtlham B Runge Instructor m number 18 Jack Whe!eler, the lose With that h11ge a ward vote one world the New Mextco HAVE TO GET THEM DAMN who apptecmte musrc dtsh b 1t1ve educnt on at the Unr other stands 5 feet 9 mchcs Marblefntb left ns Nervte wns LOBO s hght horse cnndtdate for ADS 1N) but I CAN giv• you n The band has sectional rehear Tluee at bcles by Dr M1gl1el vers1ty who was elected eharrman gettmg ready to spht an mfimbve the laurel wreath that- tS bet s by bnef toenntl descr pt an Ft tt1 k L Kmg nn engmeermg sals evety Tuesday and Thursday Jon n of the. Urtiverstty dcpatl: of tl e vocational education section 1Ve1ghs 150 and doesn t have a humber us yet wtt-h the 11ew sharpened pomt of ught anyway the coveted crown Tho feature that first arrests student at the Umversity of New at 11 o clock and combmed H! ment of government lmve been nc of the New Mextco Educabon As 1\vo recrmts from Coach Barnes hts m.atermty pm of the MIRAGE BEAUTY QUEEN your attention 1s tlte fMt that you Mextco was recently awarded the hearsa1s 01 Sntutday nt the sante cepted fo1 publ cabon Two 6f socmt on at the recent meetutg gnd ton gladtator.s coml,)lete the Mntblefarb had determined that In short we entered th1s ltght have rend thts far JUst to find out Distmguished Fill' ng Cross tm e Mr Kunkel IS nnx10us to theln Portugal Pohttca1 Events bet e IS attendmg the National Vo tt would be best to run Lawer hotse candidate not because 1t was that tlus ts one of those damn con 1\ft Kmg was formetly a cn.ptatn I ave new trt<!mbers e:ven if tho.y catt of 1946 and Spam Poht cal catiOn AssoCiation meetmg m St rME!l"V¢ roster They are Ben Kelly :freshman from Roswell upper Slobovmn gtrl of .some shape custottta.ry' fol' tho LOBO to gum tmued arttc.las that w1ll be contm m the 1ur corps o.nd eoJnpleted not attend all tl e rcl1eaisnls For E\ ct'Jts of 194G Will appeat Ill The Louts as dtstrtbutive edueatton New Mextco and VngJl Boteler or other Obviously concluded Mr up nny MIRAGE functton not be ucd ne:-tt ISsUe and nobody not even man;v m1S:stons pdotmg a B 17 tl osc wl1o me mterested but cnn Now Inteu tbo nl Year Book 1947 Mnrbte:farb .m his l'eport Mr cause 1t has been donG :for days for Waldo htmself W1ll know the final lfa was shot- down over Hanover 1 ot attend m:; tehep.tsa1s he hopes 'I'he othCI at t cle The Task of the repicscntative froni Ne\V MexicO £roltl Floydada Texas Kelly 1s Bumpkm was suffermg ftom pett months for years for a l1fctmte ot1tcome unt1l Fnday December Germnny nnd lost h1s rtght leg to start a mght rehearsal If ~ou U 1 vetstt es of Amenca Will ap He Is to _present a tepott to the 6 feet ~ mches htU Weighs 170 n eetmg titled Teacher Trammg pounds and wlil wear Jersey num t1on contntton under waf cr and 5000 feet m tho Thn:teentlt After spendmg fifteen months us nre mterestcd see Mt t<:unkel m pcm: m the quattedy JOUJ:nal of for DtstrJbUttvc Education m 20 her 24 Toweung G foot 5 mch Shameless Gnrhc was the noxt: tur1 but because she was the best *ASOAP a German 1H1sonet of war. Mr lns office m the mUste bUilding Cl1 0 nega Stntcs Boteler has number 28 Several Local Authors Publish Lowdermilk G1ves the Umvers1ty D1rty Talk Kunkel Concentrates On UNM Concert Band 10 DAYS OF PLEASURE AND FUN ALBUQUERQUE LUMBER CO. ·--------------,--------------C·U:-T'-------------"7------------- Who Will she be? Who Will Earl Canol choose 1 Questwns hke thefle are on the lips of many students here at the Umvers1ty some m:c postulatmg the wm 10rs name others are even makmg bets on the outcome of 1\h Canol s de hberatwn over the ]llctUies of ten lovebesfrom the Umverstty of New MexiCO sent him by Mtrnge bust ness manage1 BtU :Bnbb Yes there s conJectuie and spec ulatton about the beauty queen but not a thmg has been even men boned as yet about who tbc LOBO dark horse wlll be or whethe1 she wtll even choose to .1un this year, the odds bemg so great m the .favor of one of the coeds LOBO dark hotses have almost become a trad1tton at nf1rage Beauty Balls and several of the unsuccessful cnndtdntes w1l0 v1ed for the honor of beauty queen tossed then hats m the nng under the momclters o£ Cameha Klutz Petuma Plots and Veromea Snake Two of tbe Ill rated contenders are stlil roammg the campus m a state of d lemma thetr loss too much of a Jolt to them to ever allow then fuUJecovery (They are no\V ed1tors of the LOBO and thn MillAGE) If there be on t 11s campus durmg th1s semester and Doug Benton, we thmk there IS a fellow unaf1md to suffer the consequences, should he meet w1th defeat whtch lS no 1nore than ce1iam lllAybe the LOBO wdl uphold the trad1t10ll o.utl choose a stalwart competlt10r for the MIRAGE Beauty Ball race Kurt Frederick vtohmst wtll be heard m tl e final ptogram of the current U I lVetstty Concert Series tomonow evemng Wednesday m the Student Umon Ballrcom at 8 30 p m He Will be asststcd by Mr George Robel t at the pmno Mr Frederick duector of the Albuquerque CtvJc Symphony Or chestra and a member of the Um ver~:aty mus1c faculty has acb1eved a dtstmguJshed musical reputation here 11 New MeXIco amce he has estabhshed hts :restdence m Albu querque Ortgmally from VIenna he has performed undet such Eu ropean conductors as Wemgartner Furtwanglcr Rtchard Strauss and Bruno Walter Tomorrow evenmg s ptogt'tlm wlll have na tts first selection the Sonata. m E MaJor for Vwlm and P1ano by J S Bach one of the finest exam_pies of the c.omposer s gemus written durmg his most proh1ic pertod between 171'1 and 1728 The s1mple melodtc. 4 Cradle Song by :Reger WJll start the second sectiOn and wlll be followed by Ernest Bloch s Improvtsabon, ' a part of a suite written m 1923 Spamsh Dance from the opera La Vula B1eva by Manuel De Falla and transcrtbed foi vtobn by Fr1t2 Kretsler wdl conclude thts port1on of the program DeFalla who dtcd JUSt a week ago, has been recognized us one of the most ongmal composers of th1s century The featured work of the eve ntng s recital Wdl be Mr Fred ertck a renditton of Tschaikowsky's V1ohn Concerto m D MaJor First pronounced Imposstble to play th1s concerto Is now n stand ard wotk m v1rtuoso concert reper tory Mr Robert wdl play the orchestral secttons S ngle tickets are $1 00 The Sprmg Concert Senes tickets Will be on sale tomorrow evenmg at the door for $1 80 Those ]lersons buymg Sprmg Senes ttckcts Will be adm1tted free to thts concert Further anrtouncement of the Sprmg SeneR will be made Ill fu ture tssues of The LOBO Grads Still Can Get Into M1rage 3,000 MILES OF ADVENTURE SEE $1 00 Per Hour Hours Prbtn I GuadalaJara Exeursion PARADISE VALLEY RIDING ACADEMY to Mirage Beauty BeViolinFinalRecital Program ~awiian Cagers Ball Promises No In Concert Series Bring Own Band Waltz ~lowers ~or Intermission Four Year Old Bandit Pilfers Leupold's 011 II {} a'l•• II • I Surprise, Surprise, Gas Whut You 11 Gung Rid Now,--- Ptui, Schtunk! I Eastman Kodak Dealer No 21 LOBO BASKETBALL SEASON OPENS TONIGHT WITH HULA HOOPSTERS; GRASS SKIRTS • • John L. Lewis ASME Meef Time Changed 16 SHOPPING DAYS 'TIL CHRISTMAS I ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO TUESDAY DECEMEBER 10, 1946 Wernette The next ASME meeting wtll be Tuesday December 10 at 3 p m mstead of the usual time of 4 p m The t me was changed so that Mr E Pr ce Ham11Son could speak to the society on the subJeCt Mme Warfme Tb1s should ptove to be ;m mterestmg meet ng Bes des the time change thet place of meet mg wlll have to be changed from speaker of the evenmg Father ME 3 to ME 4 Refreshments wtll Ftank Fox who dtscussed Card1 be served SAE Actives Defeat Pledges I nal Spellman s recent article m Cosmopohtf!.n Magazme entitled Shall We Have a SoVlet Peace? Father Fox pomted out the dan gers whtcn mtght result should Russia dommate the peace and urged that college students learn what IS gomg on 1n the world and then take theu place as leaders tn the es"tilbhshment of a peace based on the pnnctples of Chrtstiamty and democracy DJStmcttve Ladies' Apparel Second & Coppex H1ghest A1r Corps Medal Dr Miguel Jomn Wr1tes For Current Penod1cals Wilham B Runge Attends Vocational Conference I -I