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here - Memphys
PhD Meeting
Wednesday – Friday
June 19-21, 2013
Søminestationen, Holbæk, Denmark
This annual meeting gathers PhD students working in (or close to) the research field of molecular bio-
physics, providing each student a platform to present their own research as well as encouraging strong networking between peers across universities. The meeting includes presentations from invited speakers, short
talks from all student participants, and is seasoned with enjoyable social events.
Invited Speakers
Adam Cohen Simonsen, University of Southern Denmark
Himanshu Khandelia, University of Southern Denmark
Lars Iversen, University of Copenhagen
Kasper Kristensen, DTU NanoTech
Tine A. Knudsen, Dupont
Pablo Hervella Lorenzo, University of Southern Denmark
Vikram Bhatia, Novozymes
The course is limited to 30 participants and spots will
be filled on a first come, first served basis.
Register to: [email protected],
deadline for registrations is May 15. When registering
please give the title of your talk. The meeting is FREE
OF CHARGE*. *A fee of 750 dkk (100 €) has to be paid in
case of cancellation after the deadline in order to cover
loss on food expenses.
- Graduate School of Molecular Biophysics
- Center for Biomembranes in Nanomedicine,
University of Copenhagen
- iNano, Aarhus University
- MEMPHYS, Center for Biomembrane Physics,
University of Southern Denmark
- SPSE, Single Particle and Engineering,
University of Southern Denmark
- Novozymes
Morten Christensen, MEMPHYS, University of Southern Denmark
Kirsten Gade Malmos, inSPIN, iNano, Aarhus University
Samuel McEwen Walsh, Bionano Lab, University of Copenhagen
Trine Holst Sørensen, Roskilde University Center
More on :
8th Annual PhD Biophysics Meeting
General Information
The meeting is held to create a network across universities for PhD students working in the field of molecular
biophysics. It is organized in a way which will bring students closer both in science and socially. The student will
leave the course with an overview of research activities within biophysics in Denmark, and have a platform for
collaborations and perspectives for future studies.
The meeting is a combination of talks by invited speakers who represent different fields of molecular biophysics –
theoretical as well as experimental, short 10 minutes talks from all participants, and this seasoned with social
events. The meeting is informal, organized by student – for students.
The meeting has since the beginning had an increasing number of participants each year, now having a steady
number of participants every year. The feedback from participants as well as from invited speakers is always positive, and they find the meeting to be stimulating with lots of great questions and discussion.
Max. 30 PhD students involved in molecular biophysics are allowed. Students are primarily from Danish universities,
and we have a great history of having participants from all six relevant universities most years. We have also had
participants from other European countries in recent years.
Two and a half days, Wednesday-Friday, 19-21st of June.
Course Center RUC, Søminestationen, Dragerup Skovvej 10, Holbæk, (www.sø Located in a
private forest by Isefjorden, Søminestationen is an ideal place for a meeting of this kind.
Speakers: 6 invited speakers from Danish Universities covering different topics and 2 speakers from companies in
Denmark doing biophysical research.
Registration fee:
The meeting has previous years been free of charge for the participants. The meeting has been sponsored by the
Graduate School of Molecular Biophysics and MEMPHYS (both lead by Ole G. Mouritsen), but there is no longer
funding for these kinds of events. Introducing a registration fee will complicate thing for the organizers in an
inconvenient and unnecessary way and will reduce the number of international visitors since most funding for
these only cover travelexpenses. The meeting is therefore now sponsored as a colaboration each year between
relevant biophysics groups in Denmark as well as the industry.
Morten Christensen, MEMPHYS, University of Southern Denmark
Kirsten Gade Malmos, iNano, Aarhus University
Samuel McEwen Walsh, Nano-Science Center, University of Copenhagen
Trine Holst Sørensen, Roskilde University
8th Annual PhD Biophysics Meeting
19th - 21st of June 2013
Participant session 1
Wednesday 19th
13.00 - 13.50
Arrival and Lunch
Lars Iversen
Single molecule analysis of Ras activation by SOS
reveals allosteric regulation via altered fluctuation
14.00 - 15.00
15.10 - 16.00
Participant session 1
Lars Hoegh
Formulation and encapsulation of food ingredients
16.30 - 17.30
17.45 - 18.30
20.00 - 20.30
Participant session 2
Participant session 3
Pablo Hervella
Drug delivery systems under the microscope
Thursday 20th
09.00 - 10.00
10.20 - 11.10
Participant session 4
Kasper Kristensen
Biophysical tools to study antimicrobial peptide pore
11.30 - 12.30
14.00 - 14.50
Participant session 5
Himanshu Khandelia
Lipid Blisters, Gymnastics and the Biophysics of Taste
15.00 - 17.00
17.15 - 18.00
Outdoor event
Participant session 6
Lasse Hildebrandt
Single molecule fluorescence microscopy studies of man-made
DNA nanostructures
Oliver Ries
DNA mediated and controlled fusion of phospholipid vesicles
Sofie Louise Kragh
Insight into G-quadruplex DNA conformations by single
molecule FRET studies
Michael Dalager Jensen
Biomolecular Nanoscale Engineering
Participant session 2
Maria Lindkvist
Stabilization of acidic soft drink concentrates
Kristine Ingrid Marie Blans
Nanolipidparticles in milk - composition and health properties
of membrane fractions
Morten Christensen
High Resolution Microscopy of Individual Casein Micelles and
Rikke Plough Frydenberg
Improvement of texture in milk based products using high
intensity ultrasound
Participant session 3
Glenn Gunner Brink Nielsen
An introduction to impedance spectroscopy applied to
biological system, with special focus on plant tissue
Johan Olsen
Adsorption kinetics of cellulases
Trine Holst Sørensen
Product inhibition of cellulases measured by calorimetry
Participant session 4
Henrike Sasse-Middelhoff
Studies on general and local anesthetics
Sofie Trier
Acylation of therapeutic peptides - What's the point and what
does it have to do with oral drug delivery?
Eva Stephanie Lobbens
Evaluation of aloin as an inhibitor of insulin fibrillation
Kirsten Gade Malmos
Aggregation of Protein Hormones is Modulated by Glycosmaminoglycans
Participant session 5
Philipp Max Gerhardt Löffler
Enzyme-free DNA ligation supported by self-assembled
Chen Shen
External molecular controls of the structure of lipid
monolayers of membrane fractions
Friday 21st
10.00 - 10.50
Samuel McEwen Walsh
Adam Cohen Simonsen
Orientational patterns in biomembranes:
Using model systems to study liquid crystal
textures in single domains
11.10 - 12.00
Vikram Bhatia
Protein biophysics in industry
Lunch and Departure
Single Enzyme Studies Reveal the Existence of Discrete
Functional States for Monomeric Enzymes and How They
Are "Selected" upon Allosteric Regulation
Wojciech Paslawski
Dynamics of aSN characterized by Hydrogen/Deuterium
Exchange Mass Spectroscopy
Participant session 6
Wojciech Kopeć
Molecular Dynamics Studies of the Interactions of
Thioridazine with Lipid Membranes
Weria Pezeshkian
Nano-particle Aggregation and Membrane Invagenation:
Using Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation
Ole Juul Andersen
Simulating Conformational Changes: Intrinsic Bias Leads
the Way
8th Annual PhD Biophysics Meeting
Practical Information
Wednesday - Friday, June 19th-21st
Arrival and registration Wednesday, June 19th, 11.30.
The meeting ends with lunch, Friday, June 21st, 12.30-13.30
Søminestationen, Dragerup Skovvej 10, 4300 Holbæk,
Søminestationen is located by the fjord Isefjorden and is surrounded by a forest with great options for
running. Swimming is possible if you enjoy the fresh and cold water in early summer.
How to get there:
By car: Follow instructions from Google Maps, the address is: Dragerup Skovvej 10, 4300 Holbæk If you come
by car a permit is needed to enter the forest surrounding Søminestationen. You can get this upon arrival.
By train/bus: Take the bus/train to Holbæk station, use e.g. to find the easiest way.
Upon arrival, shuttle cars will run from the train station in Holbæk to Søminestationen. Please let us know
beforehand if you will be arriving to the train station and need a lift
(e-mail: [email protected]).
If you arrive outside the normal arrival time transport will also be arranged. Transport back to the station on
Friday will also be organized.
Lodging will take place in 2-4 pers. rooms at Søminestationen. Please bring your own duvet and pillow cover,
and towels.
All meals are served at Søminestationen. Let us know if you are a vegetarian or have other food preferences
that we should know.
Student presentations:
All participants have to give a presentation about his/her PhD project. This presentation should be 10 minutes
including a few minutes for discussion. The schedule is tight, so keep please to the allocated time! The order of
the presentations is shown in the program.
There is no poster session, but if you have a poster presenting your project please bring it, since it will help to
create a scientific atmosphere in the lecture hall, and will be great for follow-up informal discussions.
Wireless connection is available.
In case of problems during your trip here you can call Morten tel: +45 61 69 83 11.
Things to remember:
- If you arrive by train and want to use the shuttle (email: [email protected])
- Towel, duvet and pillow covers
- 10 minutes scientific presentation about your PhD project
- Poster presenting your project (optional)
- Running shoes, swimming suit (optional)
8th Annual PhD Biophysics Meeting
List of Participants
Chen Shen
Eva Stephanie Lobbens
Glenn Gunner Brink Nielsen
Henrike Sasse-Middelhoff
Johan Olsen
Kristine Ingrid Marie Blans
Lasse Hildebrandt
Maria Lindkvist
Michael Dalager Jensen
Ole Juul Andersen
Oliver Ries
Philipp Max Gerhardt Löffler
Sofie Louise Kragh
Sofie Trier
Weria Pezeshkian
Wojchiech Kopeć
Wojchiech Paslawski
Morten Christensen
Samuel McEwen Walsh
Kirsten Gade Malmos
Trine Holst Sørensen
University of Southern Denmark
University of Copenhagen
University of Southern Denmark
University of Copenhagen
Roskilde University Center
Aarhus University
Aarhus University
University of Southern Denmark
Aarhus University
University of Southern Denmark
University of Southern Denmark
Aarhus University
Technical University of Denmark
University of Southern Denmark
University of Southern Denmark
Aarhus University
[email protected]
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University of Southern Denmark
University of Copenhagen
Aarhus University
Roskilde University Center
[email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected]