Explanatory Siddur


Explanatory Siddur
¦ lt¦ z§ i¦p £̀ e© xEcq¦
My Prayer
Explanatory Prayer Book
a companion to Siddur Sim Shalom
Compiled by
Rabbi David Ross Senter
with selections from Siddur Hadash, Siddur.org, The Authorized Prayerbook,
Shiur Chadash, Kol Kore, Birnbaum, Kesher, Sim Shalom,
Ber Haitiv, Encyclopedia Judaica and original works.
Inspired by Allan Sugarman & the Marlboro Jewish Center Machzor.
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Psalm 118
available in the rear of
the sanctuary
Table of Contents
Please note that pages listed below correspond to page numbers on the bottom of pages in this book.
Page numbers in upper corner of pages correspond to Siddur Sim Shalom.
An Introduction To Our Synagogue
Friday Night - Ma’ariv Service
Conservative Judaism
Barchu - A Call To Prayer
Our Congregation
The Sh'ma - The Affirmation of Faith
Our Rabbi
The Amidah - The Central Prayer
Congregational Symbols
Amidah - An Alternative Version
The Festival Amidah
Prayer For The Israel Defense Forces
Prayer For The U S Armed Forces
Mourner’s Kaddish
Synagogue Etiquette
Head Coverings
Prayer Shawl
Choreography of Prayer
History of Temple Israel
Shabbat Morning Preliminary Service
An Overview of Our Services
Friday Night Services
Saturday Morning Services
Special Occasions During A Service
Baby Naming
Auf Ruf
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Renewal of Wedding Vows
Modeh Ani -First Morning Prayer
Asher Yatzar - A Private Prayer
Morning Blessings
Mourner’s Kaddish
Shabbat Morning Service
Friday Night - Kabbalat Shabbat
Barchu - A Call To Prayer
The Sh'ma - The Affirmation of Faith
The Amidah - The Central Prayer
Amidah - An Alternative Version
The Festival Amidah
The 4 Species of Sukkot
Psalm 95 - Let Us Sing To Ah-Do-Nai
Psalm 96 - Let The Heavens Rejoice
About The Torah Service
L’cha Dodi - A Poem of Love
About The Torah Scrolls
Psalm 92 - Sabbath Psalm
Receiving A Torah Honor:
A Step By Step Guide
Mourner’s Kaddish
Shalom Ah-Lay-Chem (A Hymn
Welcoming The Angels of Shabbat),
Table of Contents
Please note that pages listed below correspond to page numbers on the bottom of pages in this book.
Page numbers in upper corner of pages correspond to Siddur Sim Shalom.
The Torah Service
The Torah Processional
Prayer For The Israel Defense Forces
Prayer For The U S Armed Forces
Torah Blessings
Me She-Bey-Rach - Petition For Healing
Haftorah Blessings
Birkat Hachodesh
- A Prayer For The New Month
The Torah Recessional
The Musaf Service
T’fillat Geshem- A Prayer For Rain
- Recited On Shmini Atzeret
T’fillat Tal - A Prayer For Dew
- Recited On The First Day of Passover
The Book of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes)
- Recited On Sukkot
“Shir Hashirim” – The Song of Songs
- Recited On Passover
Akdamot - Recited On Shavout
“Al Hanisim”
– A Prayer For Thanksgiving Day
Simchat Bat - The Naming of A Baby
The Amidah - The Central Prayer
Amidah - An Alternative Meditation
Parents’ Prayer
- On The Occasion of Bar / Bat Mitzvah
Ein Ke-Lo-Hey-Nu
Prayer Before A Trip To Israel
Mourner’s Kaddish
(L-R) Magny Mahmud, Imam Mohammad Qatanani, Rabbi David Ross Senter,
Bishop Mark Beckwith and Father Bill Potter.
This Siddur is dedicated to the memory my dear friend
Father William Potter
who served as a relief chaplain at ground zero.
Father Potter died of cancer on May 29, 2011.
It is theorized that his cancer was a direct
result of exposure at ground zero.
Father Potter loved every human being regardless
of their faith, race or social status.
He was the personification of a true
Tzadik (righteous individual).
May his memory serve as an inspiration and a blessing.
dax dcez
The printing of this publication
was made possible through
the generous support of
An Introduction To Our Synagogue
An Introduction to the Synagogue
Thank you for joining us for Shabbat services. We have prepared this introduction to explain our
services and familiarize you with our community.
Our History
The first mention of a Jewish family living in Portsmouth is found in Brewster’s “Rambles About
Portsmouth”. Abraham and Rachel Isaac settled in Portsmouth around 1780. By the late 1880’s, there
was a nucleus of Jewish residents who tried to maintain their Jewish traditions. In order to conduct
religious services, they would meet at various homes. This early group of residents invited friends and
relatives to settle in Portsmouth. At the turn of the century, there were about 30 Jewish families living
in Portsmouth. Several meetings were held and the group formalized as the Temple of Israel.
In 1911, the State Street Methodist Church offered their building for sale. Temple of Israel agreed to
purchase the church building. They occupied the new synagogue in the fall of 1912. In 1967 Temple
Israel, now with a membership of 125 families, expanded by adding a Community Center featuring a
social hall, classrooms, a library, temple office, and rabbi’s office.
Temple Israel has continued to enjoy a steady growth through the settlement of Jewish families in the
Seacoast area. In the 2005 the Temple renovated the entire facility to accommodate a membership of
300 families and a religious school with an enrollment of over 100 children.
For a more complete history of our community please see page 8.
The Synagogue
The synagogue serves as the central gathering place of the Jewish community. The primary function
of a synagogue is to serve as place of worship. It also serves as a place of study, and as a
community center. The Hebrew for synagogue is beit k'neset, literally translated house of assembly.
The word synagogue finds its origins in the Greek word synagogue which also means assembly.
Conservative Judaism
The Conservative Movement is one of three main branches of Judaism. The movement affirms loyalty
to Jewish law and tradition, while developing new responses to our evolving society. Egalitarian in
practice, our synagogue gives equal rights and responsibilities to women and men.
Our Congregation
Temple Israel is an inclusive congregation with members of varied levels of observance; interfaith
families and Jews by choice are an integral part of our synagogue family. We appreciate and
welcome diverse family structures into our community.
Our Rabbi
Rabbi David Ross Senter is a fourth generation rabbi, who maintains a tradition of strong rabbinic
leadership. He brings a unique blend of innovation and tradition to the congregation. Our rabbi has a
hands-on approach which engages people of all ages. Children, adults and seniors relate to him as
their friend and rabbi.
Symbols / Etiquette
Congregational Symbols
Holy Ark: The Holy Ark (Aron Kodesh) in the center of the pulpit (Bimah) contains the Torah Scrolls.
When the doors of the Ark are open, those present stand as a symbol of respect. The Ark is situated
so that when facing the Ark, the congregation is also facing towards Jerusalem.
Eternal Light: This lamp (Ner Tamid) is directly above the Holy Ark. The perpetual light burns
continuously as a symbol of God’s presence and the permanence of the Torah and the Jewish faith.
Torah: The Torah contains the Five Books of Moses. It is handwritten on parchment. The text and
calligraphy of the Torah has not changed for over 3000 years. During Saturday morning services the
Torah is taken from the Ark and a portion (parsha) is read. The entire Torah is read over the course of
3 years.
Bimah: The Bimah is the raised platform area used for conducting the service. In the center of the
Bimah is the Shulchan, a lectern used by those leading the service, and/or reading from the Torah.
Siddur: Our prayer book is known as the Siddur. The word is derived from the Hebrew word meaning
"order". The book contains the order of our service. The numbering of the book is in the Hebrew
traditional order of going from right to left, which causes the front and back of the book to reverse.
Chumash: This book contains the Torah readings (Hebrew Bible), and the Haftorah readings
(selections from the Prophets), along with English translations and explanatory notes. Pages will be
announced so that you will be able to follow the order of the service.
Synagogue Etiquette
Talking during the service: Greeting friends is encouraged, as friends and community are key
components of synagogue life. Please refrain from talking during the service, as it is disruptive to the
prayer experience.
Electronic Communications: The use of beepers and cellular phones during the service is
disruptive to the prayer experience. Please deactivate these devices prior to entering the sanctuary. If
you are expecting an emergency call, please use the vibrate mode. Moreover, in the spirit of Shabbat,
unless it is an emergency, please do not place cell phone calls or use other communication devices in
the building on the Sabbath.
Children: Children are always welcome. We understand that young ones may not behave perfectly
during the service. However, if the noise level is excessive, you may want to use the lobby area
outside the Sanctuary to calm a crying child. Shul sacks containing quiet toys and books for children
are available on the shelf in the rear of the sanctuary..
Photography: Please refrain from using audio or visual recording devices on the Sabbath.
Head Coverings for Men: It is a long-standing tradition to wear a head covering when entering a
synagogue. This is considered essential to show modesty and reverence to God. The typical head
covering used is a small, lightweight cap (of various colors) called a Kippah (Hebrew) or Yarmulka
(Yiddish). All male visitors are asked to cover their heads in deference to our custom.
Head Coverings for Women: In accordance with egalitarian practice women are similarly
encouraged (but not required) to wear a head covering. A thin white lace covering is available for use.
A Kippah may also be used by women.
Synagogue Etiquette
Tallit: (Prayer Shawl) A Tallit is worn during the morning service in fulfillment of a commandment in
the Book of Numbers to have fringes on the corners of our garments. The long strands and knots in
the fringes represent the commandments that tie Jews to God and to our faith. The size and color of
the Tallit is not regulated. The Tallit is worn by members of the congregation who have celebrated
their Bar/Bat Mitzvah (see page 12).
Choreography of Prayer: The idea that body movement can express devotion, appears in the Book
of Psalms: "All my limbs shall say 'Who is like You, Ah-do-nai?'” (35:10). Tradition applies this text
quite literally by incorporating specific actions into our prayer service. This prayer book has several
icons that will help guide you in the choreography of prayer. These icons are pictured and explained
Standing: Several prayers and ritual actions are accentuated by the congregation through
the action of standing.
Standing during prayer is considered an action of respect.
You may be seated.
Bowing: Bowing is considered an act of humility before God. Judaism has a special procedure
for bowing during prayer:
First you bend the knees a bit in,
then you bend forward while straightening the
then you stand straight.
History of Temple Israel
A Brief History of Temple Israel
and the Portsmouth Jewish Community
By George Sherman, Temple Historian
The first mention of a Jewish family living in Portsmouth is found in Brewster’s “Rambles About
Portsmouth”. Abraham and Rachel Isaac settled in Portsmouth around 1780. They came to America
from Prussia. Mr. Isaac become an auctioneer and later started a china shop. The Isaacs were a
religious family, observed the Jewish holidays and kept their shop closed on Saturday. They adopted
a son, who left Portsmouth for New Salem, New Hampshire, where he married a minister’s daughter.
After Mr. Isaac’s death, his wife left the area to live with her adopted son.
The next fifty years provided no official record of Jewish families living in Portsmouth. There were
several families who did come here from Germany, but they did not form or maintain a Jewish
community. The children of these families eventually left the city.
By the late 1880’s, there was a nucleus of Jewish residents who tried to maintain their Jewish
traditions. At this time there were approximately 16 families living in Portsmouth. Religious services
were conducted at various homes.
This early group of residents invited friends and relatives to settle in Portsmouth. At the turn of the
century, there were about 30 Jewish families living in Portsmouth. In 1905, Morris Port moved to
Portsmouth from Newburyport, Massachusetts. He came from an established Jewish community and
decided that the local Portsmouth residents should become organized.
Several meetings were held and a group was formed which elected officers, including a president,
vice president, treasurer, clerk and three trustees. This first organized congregation rented a room
where meetings were held and religious services conducted. They called themselves the Temple of
The temple’s first order of business was to find a religious leader. An advertisement was placed in the
Jewish newspapers of Boston and New York. The ad was answered by Harry Liberson who was
immediately hired. Along with his work as religious leader in conducting services, he also taught
Hebrew school and prepared children for Bar Mitzvah. Among his other attributers, Liberson was an
expert in the laws of kosher meat processing. He opened the first kosher butcher shop in Portsmouth.
History of Temple Israel
The second order of business was to establish a Jewish burial ground. Until that time, Jews were
buried in Somersworth, NH. A committee representing Temple of Israel purchased an acre of land on
Banfield Road in Portsmouth from John Hett. This became Temple Israel Cemetery and the first Jews
were buried there in 1908. The area continues to be used as a Jewish cemetery.
In 1910 Temple of Israel drafted its first set of bylaws which was accepted by the congregation.
Temple of Israel became a legal religious group recognized by the city, county and state.
The third crucial need was to find a proper building to be used as a synagogue. In 1911, the
Methodist Church on State Street offered their building for sale. A committee of the Jewish
congregation negotiated and agreed to buy the church building. They occupied the new synagogue in
the fall of 1912, with elaborate festivities, including a parade and speeches by notables. By this time,
the community had increased to 38 families and was continuing to grow.
The Jewish families settled in an area close to the synagogue. Soon an area near the waterfront
became a large Jewish settlement. This section was referred to as the “Puddledock” area. There were
two kosher butcher stores, a Jewish bakery, and three Jewish grocery stores located there. Today
most of the area has been restored and is better known as the Strawberry Banke area, with historical
houses and museums.
Of the many families who came to Portsmouth in the World War I years, many came to work at the
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard while others opened businesses. After the war, some families left the
area but the Portsmouth Jewish community had then grown to 50 families.
The synagogue was redecorated in 1920. The Cohen vestry was used for social events and a
Hebrew school classroom. The community continued to grow and by World War II the membership
had risen to 75. The name of the congregation was shortened to Temple Israel.
In 1940 an adjacent building was purchased for use as a Hebrew school. In 1967 Temple Israel, now
with a membership of 125 families, expanded by adding a Community Center. In 2005 the Temple
began a process of renovation and renewal. The process resulted in remedial preservation work that
brought the existing structure into the twenty-first century while preserving its historic integrity. The
updated building includes a rejuvenated social hall and Schmoozatorium. Two new centers were
added, The Pamela Shulman Center For Jewish Education and the Nancy Mae Shaines Memorial
Library & Media Center.
Temple Israel has continued to enjoy a steady growth through the settlement of Jewish families in the
Seacoast area. In the past ten years many young professionals have relocated here. Now, in the new
millennium, the membership is over 300 families with over 750 members, and the religious school has
an enrollment of over 100 children.
Overview of Services
An Overview of our Services
Friday Night Services
Communal Singing: We start our Friday night service with some singing. Songs may be taken from
the Siddur (prayer book), or commonly known folk songs.
“Kabbalat Shabbat” (Welcoming the Sabbath) - Approximately 20 minutes
The first portion of the service, the Kabbalat Shabbat, provides a time to redirect one’s focus
from day to day life and to get in the “Shabbat Spirit”. This portion of the service is composed
of selections from Psalms and other poetic readings.
These are the main parts of the Kabbalat Shabbat service:
Shalom ah-lay-chem (a hymn welcoming the angels of Shabbat),
Psalm 95 - Let us sing to Ah-do-nai
Psalm 96 - Let the heavens rejoice
A Poem of Love - L’cha Dodi
Sabbath Psalm
Mourner’s Kaddish - mourners and those observing the yarhtzeit (anniversary of a loved one's
death) rise to recite Mourners' Kaddish, a prayer that reaffirms the sovereignty of God
The Rabbi offers a sermon or D’var Torah (Torah lesson) to us.
“Ma’ariv” (Evening Service) Approximately 20 minutes
The “Ma’ariv” service is the first formal service of the Sabbath. The service officially begins
when we rise and face the Ark and recite the Barchu (call to prayer) responsively. The
Shaliach Tzibor (congregational prayer leader) begins by chanting: Barchu et Ah-do-nai
ham-vo-rach - Praised be the One, to whom our praise is due!. The congregation responds to
the prayer leader: Baruch Ah-do-nai ham-vo-rach leolam vaed - Praised be the One, to whom
our praise is due, now and forever!
The most significant prayers that are recited during this service are as follows: 
Barchu - A call to prayer
The Sh'ma - The Affirmation of Faith.
The Amidah - The central prayer of every service, recited quietly while standing
Me-she-bey-rach - The Rabbi will chant the Me-she-bey-rach, a prayer for the ill. You will be
offered the opportunity to include the name of a friend or loved one (of all traditions of faith).
Aleinu - Prayer of praise and hope
Mourner’s Kaddish
Concluding hymns and announcements.
Kiddush (the sanctification of the day) over wine or grape juice is recited at the
oneg-fellowship reception in the social hall (please join us).
- 10 -
Overview of Services
Saturday Morning Services
P’seukei De-zimra (Preliminary Service) - Approximately 20 minutes
This section contains the morning blessings, Psalms and biblical texts, setting the mood for the
formal morning service that follows
Key prayers:
Morning Blessings (Birkot Hashachar)
Through these blessings we reflect on, and thank God for, the commonplace aspects of life:
breathing, body functions, waking up in the morning, being clothed, etc. Traditionally, the Birkot
Hashachar were said at home and on the way to synagogue
Selected readings
This collection of Psalms and prayers is meant to prepare us for the official beginning of the
Shacharit Service.
Shacharit (Morning Service) - Approximately 25 minutes
The formal morning service begins with the Barchu, or call to prayer. The service includes the
Sh'ma, a proclamation of Judaism's essential beliefs and the Amidah, meaning "standing".
which is the devotional prayer service.
Key prayers:
Barchu - The call to worship.
Sh'ma - The Affirmation of Faith.
Amidah - Silent devotion.
Torah Service - Approximately 60 minutes
The Torah is removed from the Aron Kodesh (“Holy Ark”) and carried around the sanctuary
before being placed on the Reader’s Table. We remain standing until the Torah is placed on
the table.
We read the Parsha (“weekly portion”) from the Torah. Eight people are called to make special
blessings over sections of the Torah reading. This honor is called an Aliyah. Honorees are
called using their Hebrew names.
The Me-she-bey-rach, prayer for the ill, is recited by the Rabbi. You will be offered the
opportunity to include the name of a friend or loved one (of all traditions of faith).
We rise when the Torah is lifted (Hagbah) for all to see. It is tied & dressed (GeliIah).
A related portion from the Prophets, Haftorah, is chanted.
Musaf (Concluding Service) - Approximately 25 minutes
Key prayers
Ashrei - A prayer based on Psalms 145, 84 and 144
Torah Recessional
Amidah - Silent devotion
Mourner’s Kaddish
Concluding hymns and announcements.
Kiddush (the sanctification of the day) over wine or grape juice is recited at the
Kiddush - fellowship reception in the social hall (please join us).
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Special Occasions 12
Special Occasions During a Service
Baby Naming: It is customary to bring baby girls to the synagogue to be named in the presence of
the Congregation. This may occur any time, but usually in the first few months of life. The giving of a
Hebrew name signifies the joining of the girl into the community. The parents are usually given an
Aliyah if the naming takes place at the time of a Torah Service. Boys receive their Hebrew names at
the time of their Brit Milah (circumcision) when they are eight days old.
Auf Ruf: A special ceremony at which the Bride and Groom receive an Aliyah (Torah honor) and a
blessing from the Rabbi. Following this, it is customary to throw candy "at" the couple to wish them a
sweet life together.
Me-she-bey-rach: This is a special prayer said on behalf of someone during the Torah service. It has
various forms such as for those who are sick or celebrating some special occasion.
Bar/Bat Mitzvah: It is traditional for a boy or girl when they reach 13 years of age to become Bar (for
a boy) or Bat (for a girl) Mitzvah (B’nai plural). The term means one responsible for the
Commandments. It recognizes that the youngster is now mature enough to take on responsibility as
an adult in meeting the religious commandments. At the time of a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, the child
accepts the role of being an adult in the Jewish community. This can occur without any type of
ceremony. However, it is customary for the B’nai Mitzvah to be called to the Torah for the first time as
a demonstration of their willingness to participate in the religious life of the Jewish community. The
B’nai Mitzvah may also be called upon to lead a portion of the service. The Haftorah is a lesson from
one of the prophets that is read following the Torah reading. The B’nai Mitzvah normally will chant this
portion of the service.
Renewal of Wedding Vows: The ceremony of renewal of wedding vows is a meaningful, touching,
ceremony in which a married couple affirm the magnitude and strength of their enduring love. The
ceremony takes place under a Chuppah (wedding canopy) and the couple receives a Ketubah
certificate as a memento of the occasion.
Thank you
for sharing Shabbat
with our Temple family.
Kabbalat Shabbat
Esa Einai
(Psalm 121)
i©pi¥r `V̈ ¤̀
Eh-sa ay-nai el he-ha-rim mey-ay-in ya-vo ez-ri:
Ez-ri mey-im Ah-do-nai oh-seh sha-ma-yim va'aretz:
:ix§¦ fr¤ `Ÿaï ,oi¦ `© n¥ mix¦ d̈dÎl
¤ ¤̀ i©pi¥r `V̈ ¤̀
¨ mi¦ n© Ẅ dUŸ
¥ r dF̈di§ mr¦ n¥ ix§¦ fr¤
I lift up my eyes to the mountains, from where, oh from where will my help come?
I lift up my eyes to the mountains, from where, oh from where will my help come?
Ez-ri mey-im Ah-do-nai, oh-seh sha-ma-yim va'aretz
¨ mi¦ n© Ẅ dUŸ
¥ r ,dF̈di§ mr¦ n¥ ix§¦ fr¤
My help comes from Ah-do-nai, maker of the heavens and the earth!
Ez-ri mey-im Ah-do-nai, oh-seh sha-ma-yim va'aretz
¨ mi¦ n© Ẅ dUŸ
¥ r ,dF̈di§ mr¦ n¥ ix§¦ fr¤
About Shalom Aleichem - Welcoming Angels
Shalom Aleichem is traditionally sung at the Shabbat dinner table. Introduced in the sixteenth century by the
Kabbalists, the author is unknown. According to legend two angels, one good and one bad, escort us from synagogue
on Friday night. If the house is messy, the parents are unhappy, the children are fighting, and the atmosphere is not
peaceful, then the Angel of Evil rejoices and says, "May every Shabbat be just like this one," and the Angel of Good is
forced to agree. But if the angels see the house clean, the candles lit, and the family enjoying each other with love,
then the Angel of Good rejoices and says, "May every Shabbat be just like this one," and the Angel of Evil is forced to
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Kabbalat Shabbat 13
¤ l£
¥ r mFlẄ
§ r ik¥ £̀ l§ n© zx¥Üd© ik¥ £̀ l§ n©
mik¦ l̈O§ d© ik¥ l§ n© Kl¤ O¤ n¦
:`Ed KExÄ WFcT̈d©
Shalom ah-lay-chem
mal’a-chey ha-sharet mal’a-chey el-yon
Me-melech mal’a-chey ha-meh-la-chim
ha-ka-dosh ba-ruch hu.
Bo'achem le-shalom mal’a-chey ha-shalom
mal’a-chey el-yon
Me-melech mal’a-chey ha-meh-la-chim
ha-ka-dosh ba-ruch hu.
mFlẄl§ mk¤ £̀ FA
mFlÜd© ik¥ £̀ l§ n©
§ r ik¥ £̀ l§ n©
mik¦ l̈O§ d© ik¥ l§ n© Kl¤ O¤ n¦
:`Ed KExÄ WFcT̈d©
Ba-re-chu-ni le-shalom
mal’a-chey ha-shalom
mal’a-chey el-yon
Me-melech mal’a-chey ha-meh-la-chim
ha-ka-dosh ba-ruch hu.
mFlẄl§ ipEk
¦ x§ Ä
mFlÜd© ik¥ £̀ l§ n©
§ r ik¥ £̀ l§ n©
mik¦ l̈O§ d© ik¥ l§ n© Kl¤ O¤ n¦
:`Ed KExÄ WFcT̈d©
Tzet-chem le-shalom
mal’a-chey ha-shalom
mal’a-chey el-yon
Me-melech mal’a-chey ha-meh-la-chim
ha-ka-dosh ba-ruch hu
mFlẄl§ mk¤ z`
§ v¥
§ r ik¥ £̀ l§ n© mFlÜd© ik¥ £̀ l§ n©
mik¦ l̈O§ d© ik¥ l§ n© Kl¤ O¤ n¦
:`Ed KExÄ WFcT̈d©
Peace to you, helping angels, angels of Ah-do-nai, the ruler of all earthly rulers,
the Blessed Holy One.
May you enter in peace, angels of peace, messengers of Ah-do-nai,
the ruler of all earthly rulers, the Blessed Holy One.
Bless me with peace, angels of peace, messengers of Ah-do-nai,
the ruler of all earthly rulers, the Blessed Holy One.
Leave in peace, angels of peace, messengers of Ah-do-nai,
the ruler of all earthly rulers, the Blessed Holy One.
KABBALAT SHABBAT "Welcoming the Sabbath" is the first part of the service that sets the mood for Shabbat. The
complete text contains six psalms, one for each day of the week, culminating with Psalm 92, a psalm for Shabbat. We
usually chant the first two, Psalms 95 and 96. The love poem, L’cha Dodi was composed by kabbalist Rabbi Solomon
Alkabetz of Safed in 1529. We stand at the last stanza to face the door to welcome symbolically, the shechinah, God’s
presence [the Sabbath bride].
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
15 Kabbalat Shabbat
L'chu n'ra-n'na
(Psalm 95)
dp̈§Px§«©p Ek§l
Psalm 95 tells us that although the essence of God is beyond human comprehension, we can still see God in the divine
way of the world.
L'chu n'ra-n'na [3x ]LaAh-do-nai
L'chu n'ra-n'na, [2x ] Na-ree-a l'tsur
dëŸdil© [3x ] dp̈P§ x«©p§ Ekl§
:Epr«¥ W
§ i¦ xEvl§ dr̈ixp̈
¦ [2x ] ,dp̈P§ x«©p§ Ekl§
Let us sing to Ah-do-nai , let us rejoice in our Creator!
Let us greet God with thanksgiving, singing Psalms of praise.
xEvl§ dr̈ixp̈
«¦ ,dFdi§ l© dp̈P§ x©p§ Ekl§
,dc̈FzA§ eip̈ẗ dn̈C§ w© p§ .Ep«¥rW
§ i¦
lFcB̈ l ¥̀ iM¦ .Fl r© ixp̈
«¦ zFxn§
¦ fA¦
Ah-do-nai is the foundation of all life,
exalted beyond all that is worshiped.
lM̈ l©r lFcB̈ Kl«
¤ nE
¤ ,dFdi§ l©
ix¥w§ g§ n¤ FcïA§ xW
¤ £̀ .midŸl
¦ `
In God’s hand rests the world,
¤ £̀ .Fl mix¦ d̈ zFt£rFze§ ,ux«¨
sea and land,
¤ A©
¤ ie§ ,Ed«Ür̈ `Ede§ mÏd© Fl
abyss and mountain peak,
£ Y© W
§ p¦ E`ŸA« .Ex«v̈ï eic¨ï
all are God’s.
dFdi§ l© i¥pt§ l¦ dk̈x§ a§ p¦ ,dr̈x«¨k§ p¦ e§
Let us worship Ah-do-nai; exalt our Creator; our God.
§ p £̀ e© Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ `Ed iM¦ .Ep«UŸ
We are the flock guided by God;
m`¦ mFId© ,Fcï o`Ÿve§ Fzir¦ x§ n© m©r
help is ours, even today,
EWw§ Y© l`© .Er«n̈W
§ z¦ FlŸwA§
if only we would listen to the divine voice:
dQ̈n© mFiM§ ,däix¦ n§ M¦ mk¤ a§ a© l§
Harden not your heart in the way of your ancestors,
¤ zFa
¥ £̀ ipE
¦ Q« p¦ xW
¤ £̀ .xÄc§ O¦ A©
who tried and tested Me in the wilderness,
even though they had witnessed My miracles.
mir¦ Äx§ `© .il¢
¦ rẗ E`x¨ m©B ipE
¦ p« g̈A§
m©r xnŸ
© `ë ,xFcA§ hEw`¨ dp̈Ẅ
Forty years of contending with that generation
Ercï§ `Ÿl md¥ e§ ,md¥ aäl¥ i¥rŸY
led Me to say:
They are wayward;
,iR¦ `© a§ iY¦ r«©
§ AW
§ p¦ xW
¤ £̀ .ik̈x¨c§
they care not for my ways.
.iz¦ g̈Epn§ l ¤̀ oE`Ÿai§ m`¦
In indignation, therefore did I vow:
Never would they reach My land —
the land of peace, the land of rest.
,xFcA§ hEw`¨ dp̈Ẅ mir¦ Äx§ `©
,md¥ aäl¥ irŸ¥ Y mr© xnŸ© `ë
:i«k̈x¨c§ Erc«ï
§ `Ÿl md¥ e§
,iR¦ `© a§ iY¦ r§ A© W
§ pÎx
¦ W
¤ £̀
«¦ g̈Epn§ l ¤̀ oE`Ÿai§ m`¦
Ar-ba-im sha-na a-kut b'dor,
va-o-mar am to-ey ley-vav heim,
v'heim lo ya-d'u d'ra-chai.
A-sher nish-ba'-ti v'a-pi,
im y'vo-un el m'nu-cha-ti.
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Kabbalat Shabbat 16
Shir Chadash
Wc̈g̈ xiW¦
(Psalm 96)
Psalm 96 frames our service to God in a joyous context. The Psalm expresses God as the author of creation. This Psalm instructs us to bear
witness as we observe the miracles of daily life. We are reminded that God is just and faithful to all of humanity.
Wc̈g̈ xiW
¦ dëŸdil© ExiW
¤`d̈ lM̈ dëŸdil© ExiW
§ Ekx«Ä
£ dëŸdil© ExiW
i§ mFilÎmF«
§ In¦ ExV
§ A©
Shi-ru LaAh-do-nai shir cha-dash,
Shi-ru LaAh-do-nai kol ha-a-rets.
Shi-ru LaAh-do-nai ba-r'chu sh'mo,
Ba-s'ru Me-yom l'yom y'shu-a-to.
Sing a new song to Ah-do-nai!
Acclaim Ah-do-nai, all people on earth.
Sing to Ah-do-nai;
proclaim each day God’s awesome might.
Announce to the world God’s glory and wonders.
For Ah-do-nai is great, deserving of praise;
Ah-do-nai alone is to be revered as God.
All the gods of the nations are nothingness,
but Ah-do-nai created the heavens.
Majesty and might accompany God;
splendor and strength adorn God’s sanctuary.
Acknowledge Ah-do-nai, all families of nations;
acclaim God’s majestic power.
Acknowledge God’s glory, and bring Him tribute.
Worship Ah-do-nai in resplendent reverence;
let the earth tremble in God’s presence.
Declare to the world: Ah-do-nai is sovereign.
God has steadied the world, which stands firm,
and judges all nations with fairness.
Let the heavens rejoice; let the earth be glad.
Let the sea and all it contains exalt.
Let field and forest sing for joy;
Ah-do-nai comes to rule the earth:
To rule the world justly; the nations with faithfulness.
¦ Wc̈g̈ xiW
¦ dëŸdil© ExiW
dëŸdil© ExiW
¦ :ux«¤`¨ d̈ lM̈ dëŸdil©
In¦ ExV
§ A© FnW
§ Ekx«Ä
FcFaM§ miFB
¦ a© ExR§ q©
lFcb̈ iM¦ :eiz̈
« F`l§ t§ p¦ miO©
¦ r «d̈Îlk̈A§
`Ed `xFp
¨ cŸ`n§ lN̈dª nE
§ dF̈di§
¥ `
¡ lM̈ iM¦
«¦ `Îl
¡ M̈Îl©r
mi¦ n© Ẅ dëŸdi«e© mili
¦ l¦ `
¡ miO©
¦ rd̈
fŸr eip̈ẗl§ xc̈d̈e§ cFd«
dëŸdil© Ead̈ :FW
« C̈w§ n¦ A§ zx¤ ¤̀ t§ z¦ e§
cFaM̈ dëŸdil© Ead̈ miO©
¦ r zFgR§ W
§ n¦
§ cFaM§ dëŸdil© Ead̈
« Fxv§ g© l§
E`ŸaE dg̈p§ nÎE
¦ `Ÿ« y
WcŸ¤wÎzx©c§ d© A§ dëŸdil© Ee£gY
«© W
§ d¦
Exn§ `¦
:ux«¤`¨ d̈ÎlM̈ eip̈R̈n¦ Elig¦
la¥ Y¥ oFMYÎs
¦ `© Kl̈n̈ dF̈di§ miFB
¦ a©
:mix«¦ Ẅin¥ A§ miO©
¦ r oicï¦ hFOYÎl
¦ A©
m©rx«¦§ i ux¤`¨ d̈ l¥bz̈e§ mi¦ n© Ẍd© EgnŸ§ y
§ i¦
« nE
lM̈ EpP§ x©i§ f`¨ FAÎxW
¤ £̀ Îlk̈e§
iM¦ `ä iM¦ dF̈di§ i¥pt§ l¦ :x©r«ïÎiv£
la¥ YÎhŸ
¥ R« W
§ i¦ ux¤`¨ d̈ hŸRW
§ l¦ `ä
¡ A¤ miO©
¦ re§ wc¤v¤ A§
:ux¤`¨ d̈ l¥bz̈e§ [3x] ,mi¦ n© Ẍd© EgnŸ§ y
§ i¦
« nE
§ [3x] ,mÏd© m©rx«¦§ i
ux¤`¨ d̈ hŸRW
§ l¦ [`ä iM]
¦ `ä iM¦ dF̈di§ i¥pt§ l¦
¡ A¤ miO©
¦ re§ wc¤v¤ A§ la¥ YÎhŸ
¥ R« W
§ i¦
Yis-m'chu ha-sha-ma-yim, [3x] v'ta-geil ha-a-rets,
Yir-am ha-yam, [3x] um-lo-o.
Lif-nei Ah-do-nai key va, [key va] lish-pot ha-a-rets;
Yish-pot tey-veil b'tse-dek, v'a-mim be-e-mu-na-to.
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
20 Kabbalat Shabbat
Miz-mor L’David
(Psalm 29)
c¦ec̈§l xFn§fn¦
Psalm 29 is sung during the Kabbalat Shabbat service and when the Torah is carried around the sanctuary in the morning. The words describe a
God of infinite power
,ce¦ c̈l§ xFn§fn¦
,mil¦ ¥̀ i¥pA§ dF̈di§ l© Ead̈
.fŸrë cFaM̈ dF̈di§ l© Ead̈
§ cFaM§ dF̈di§ l© Ead̈
.Wc¤Ÿw« zx©c§ d© A§ dF̈di§ l© Ee£gY© W
§ d¦
Miz-mor l'Da-vid:
Ha-vu LaAh-do-nai b'nei ey-lim,
Ha-vu LaAh-do-nai ka-vod va-oz,
Ha-vu LaAh-do-nai k'vod sh'mo,
Hish-ta-cha-vu LaAh-do-nai b'had-rat ko-desh.
¦ d© l©r dF̈di§ lFw
,mir¦ x§ d¦ cFaM̈d© l ¥̀
.miA¦ x© mi«©
¦ n l©r dF̈di§
Kol Ah-do-nai al ha-ma-yim
El ha-ka-vod, hir-im,
Ah-do-nai al ma-yim ra-bim.
,g© ŸM« A© dF̈di§ lFw
.xc̈d̈A¤ dF̈di§ lFw
,mi¦fx¨ £̀ xaŸ
¥ W dF̈di§ lFw
.oFpäN§ d© i¥fx§ `© z ¤̀ dF̈di§ xA¥ W
© i©§ e
Kol Ah-do-nai ba-ko-ach,
Kol Ah-do-nai be-ha-dar.
Kol Ah-do-nai sho-veir a-ra-zim,
Va-y'sha-beir Ah-do-nai et ar-zei ha-L'va-non.
,l¤b«¥r FnM§ mci
¥ w¦ x©§ Ie©
.min¦ ¥̀ x§ oa¤ FnM§ oFix§ U
¦ e§ oFpäl§
Va-yar-key-deim k'mo ey-gel,
L'va-non v'sir-yon k'mo ven r'ey-mim.
.W ¥̀ zFa£dl© avŸ¥ g dF̈di§ lFw
,xÄc§ n¦ ligï
¦ dF̈di§ lFw
.Wc¥ẅ xA© c§ n¦ dF̈di§ ligï
zFlÏ`© llFg
¥ i§ dF̈di§ lFw
Kol Ah-do-nai cho-tseiv la-ha-vot eish.
Kol Ah-do-nai ya-chil mid-bar,
Ya-chil Ah-do-nai mid-bar Ka-desh.
Kol Ah-do-nai y'cho-leil a-ya-lot
,zFxr̈i§ sŸUg
¡ ¤Ie©
.cFaM̈ xnŸ
¥ ` FNMª Flk̈id¥ aE
va-ye-che-sof y'a-rot
uv-hey-cha-lo ku-lo, o-meir ka-vod.
,aẄï lEAO© l© dF̈di§
.ml̈Frl§ Kl«
¤ n¤ dF̈di§ aW«¥
¤ Ie©
,oY¥ i¦ FO©rl§ fŸr dF̈di§
.mFlẌa© FO©r z ¤̀ Kx¥äi§ dF̈di§
Ah-do-nai la-ma-bul ya-shav va-yay-shev
A h-do-nai me-lech l'o-lam.
Ah-do-nai oz l'a-mo yi-tein
Ah-do-nai y'va-reich et a-mo va-sha-lom.
A Psalm of David: Acclaim Ah-do-nai, in majestic glory! Worship Ah-do-nai in sacred splendor. The voice
of Ah-do-nai echoes with majesty and might. The voice of Ah-do-nai shatters the cedars. Ah-do-nai
shatters the cedars of Lebanon making the hills skip like rams, the mountains leap like lambs. Ah-do-nai
commands rock-splitting lightning; the voice of Ah-do-nai stirs the wilderness. The voice of Ah-do-nai
strips the forest bare, while in God’s holy place all chant: “Glory!” Ah-do-nai sat enthroned at the Flood;
Ah-do-nai will sit enthroned forever. May Ah-do-nai bestow strength upon our people; May Ah-do-nai
bless our people with peace.
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Kabbalat Shabbat 21
¦ dk̈l
L’cha Dodi
The love of the Jewish people for the Sabbath is compared to that of a groom for his bride. It is in this spirit that the Jews of the 16th century
gathered at the edge of town every Friday evening to welcome the Sabbath. Their song "L'cha Dodi" has become the centerpiece of our Friday
evening "Kabbalat Shabbat" service. L’cha Dodi was composed by kabbalist Rabbi Solomon Alkabetz of Safed in 1529. We stand at the beginning
of the last stanza to face the door and welcome symbolically, the shechinah, God’s presence [the Sabbath bride].
L’cha dodi lik-rat ka-la
pi-ney Shabbat ne-ka-be-lah
:dl̈A§ w© p§ zÄW
© i¥pR§ .dN̈M© z`x©w§ l¦ icFc
¦ dk̈l
.cg̈ ¤̀ xEAc¦ A§ xFkf̈e§ xFnẄ
.cg̈ªin§ d© l ¥̀ Epr̈in¦ W
§ d¦
.cg̈ ¤̀ FnWE
§ cg̈ ¤̀ dF̈di§
:dN̈d¦ z§ l¦ e§ zx¤ ¤̀ t§ z¦ lE
§ mW
¥ l§
Sha-mor v’zachor b’debur echad
hish-Me-anu el ha-Me-u-chad.
Ah-do-nai echad u-sh-mo echad
l’shem u-l’tif-ert v’lit-he-la:
L’cha dodi lik-rat ka-la
pi-ney Shabbat ne-ka-be-lah
:dl̈A§ w© p§ zÄW
© i¥pR§ .dN̈M© z`x©w§ l¦ icFc
¦ dk̈l
§ pe§ Ekl§ zÄW
© z`x©w§ l¦
.dk̈x¨A§ d© xFwn§ `id¦ iM¦
.dk̈Eqp§ mc¤T¤ n¦ W`Ÿxn¥
:dN̈g¦ Y§ däẄ£gn© A§ dX£
¤ rn© sFq
L’krat Shabbat l’chu v’nel-cha
key he me-kor ha-b-ra-cha.
Mai-rosh me-kedem n’su-cha
sof ma-a-seh b’ma-cha-sha-va t’chi-la.
L’cha dodi lik-rat ka-la
pi-ney Shabbat ne-ka-be-lah
:dl̈A§ w© p§ zÄW
© i¥pR§ .dN̈M© z`x©w§ l¦ icFc
¦ dk̈l
,dk̈Eln§ xir¦ Kl«
¤ n¤ WC©w§ n¦
¥ dd© KFYn¦ i`¦ v§ inE
¦ w«
,`k̈Äd© wn«¥
¤ rA§ za«¤
¤ W Kl̈ ax©
.dl̈n§ g¤ Ki«©
¦ lr̈ lFn£gi© `Ede§
Mik-dash melech ir m’lucha.
ku-me tz’i mitoch ha-ha-fecha.
Rav lach shevet b’eimek habacha.
V’hu yacha-mol alai-yich chem-la.
L’cha dodi lik-rat ka-la
pi-ney Shabbat ne-ka-be-lah
:dl̈A§ w© p§ zÄW
© i¥pR§ .dN̈M© z`x©w§ l¦ icFc
¦ dk̈l
¦ w« xẗr̈n¥ ix£
¦ rp© z§ d¦
¦ r KY¥ x§ `© t§ z¦ ic¥b§ A¦ iW
¦ a§ l¦
,in¦ g§ N© d© ziA¥ iW
© i¦ oA¤ c©i l©r
.Dl̈`¨ b§ iW
¦ t©
§ p l ¤̀ däx§ ẅ
Hit-na-ari may-ah-far ku-me.
Liv-shi biGodei tif-ar-taich ami.
Al yad ben Yee-shai beit ha-lach-me.
Kar-va El naf-she gee-ah-la.
L’cha dodi lik-rat ka-la
pi-ney Shabbat ne-ka-be-lah
:dl̈A§ w© p§ zÄW
© i¥pR§ .dN̈M© z`x©w§ l¦ icFc
¦ dk̈l
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
22 Kabbalat Shabbat
,ix¦ xFr
§ z§ d¦ ix¦ xFr
§ z§ d¦
,ixF¦ `« inE
¦ w« KxF`
¥ `ä iM¦
,ix«¦ A¥ C© xiW
¦ ixE¦ r« ixE¦ r«
.dl̈b§ p¦ Ki«©
¦ lr̈ dF̈di§ cFaM§
Hitor'ri hit-or'ri,
Key va oh-rech ku-me ori,
uri uri shir da-bey-re,
k'vod Ah-do-nai ah-lay-ich nig-lah
L’cha dodi lik-rat ka-la
pi-ney Shabbat ne-ka-be-lah
:dl̈A§ w© p§ zÄW
© i¥pR§ .dN̈M© z`x©w§ l¦ icFc
¦ dk̈l
,in¦ l§ M̈z¦ `Ÿle§ iWF
¦ a« z¥ `Ÿl
¦ dY¤ dnE
© ig£
¦ gFYW
§ Y¦ dn©
¦ r i¥ip£
¦ r Eq¡gi¤ KÄ
.DN̈Y¦ l©r xir¦ dz̈p§ a§ p¦ e§
Lo tay-vo-she v’lo tea-kal’Me.
Ma tish-toe-cha-che u-ma te-heh-me.
Bach yeh-che-su ani-yay ahh-me,
v’niv-n’ta earr al tea-la.
L’cha dodi lik-rat ka-la
pi-ney Shabbat ne-ka-be-lah
:dl̈A§ w© p§ zÄW
© i¥pR§ .dN̈M© z`x©w§ l¦ icFc
¦ dk̈l
¦ W dQ̈W
¦ n§ l¦ Eid̈e§
,Ki«¦ r̈N§ a© n§ lM̈ Ew£gx¨e§
¦ `
¡ Ki«©
¦ lr̈ UiUï
.dN̈M© l©r oz̈g̈ UFUn§ M¦
V’ha-you lim-she-sa show-sa-yich.
V’ra-cha-kew kol m’va-l’a-yich.
Ya-sis ah-la-yich El-oho-ha-yich.
Kim-sos cha-tan al ka-lah.
L’cha dodi lik-rat ka-la
pi-ney Shabbat ne-ka-be-lah
:dl̈A§ w© p§ zÄW
© i¥pR§ .dN̈M© z`x©w§ l¦ icFc
¦ dk̈l
¦ x« t§ Y¦ l`ŸnUE
§ oinï
¦ x£
«¦ rY© dF̈di§ z ¤̀ e§
,iv¦ x§ R© oA¤ Wi`¦ c©i l©r
:dl̈i«¦bp̈e§ dg̈n§ U
§ p¦ e§
Ya-min us-mol tif-ro-tsi,
v'et Ah-do-nai ta-a-ree-tsi,
al yad ish ben par-tsi,
v'nis-m'cha v'na-gi-la.
L’cha dodi lik-rat ka-la
pi-ney Shabbat ne-ka-be-lah
:dl̈A§ w© p§ zÄW
© i¥pR§ .dN̈M© z`x©w§ l¦ icFc
¦ dk̈l
- The congregation rises and faces the entrance to greet the Shabbat bride -
Bo-e v’shalom ah-te-ret ba-lah
gam b’sim-cha u-vi-tza-ha-la
toch e-mu-nai am s'gula
bo-e ka-lah, bo-e ka-lah
.Dl̈r§ A© zx¤h£
¤ r mFlẄa§ i`FA
§ dg̈n§ X
¦ A§ m©B
.dN̈ªbq§ m©r i¥pEn`
dN̈k© i`FA
¦ .dN̈k© i`FA
:dl̈§Aw© §p zÄ©W i¥pR§ .dN̈©M z`x§
©w¦l icFc
¦ dk̈l
L’cha dodi lik-rat ka-la pi-ney Shabbat ne-ka-be-lah
-You may be seated-
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Kabbalat Shabbat 22
Dear friend, come greet the Bride! Let us greet Shabbat!
Speaking both words together Ah-do-nai told us to "Remember" and "Keep" Shabbat.
Ah-do-nai is one, God’s name is one, telling God’s fame, beauty, and praise.
Dear friend, come greet the Bride! Let us greet Shabbat!
Let us greet Shabbat, for she is the source of all blessing.
Before the world was created, Ah-do-nai planned to make her the holiest day.
Dear friend, come greet the Bride! Let us greet Shabbat!
Come in peace, crown of love.
With joy and happiness, come walk among the faithful, beloved people.
Come in, O Bride! Come in, O Bride!
Dear friend, come greet the Bride! Let us greet Shabbat!
Mizmor Shir (Psalm 92)
xiW¦ xFn§fn¦
Psalm 92 is also known as “A Song for Shabbat”. Music is used as a metaphor to describe the spirit of Shabbat as a state of unity between heaven
and earth. This Psalm was a favorite of the Neo- Hasidic folk singer Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach.
Miz'mor [miz'mor] shir, [shir], l’yom hashabat
© d© mFil§ ,[xiW]
¦ ,xiW
¦ [xFn§fn]
¦ xFn§fn¦
Welcome everybody let’s sing a song of Shabbat!!!
Miz'mor [miz'mor] shir, [shir], l’yom hashabat
© d© mFil§ ,[xiW]
¦ ,xiW
¦ [xFn§fn]
¦ xFn§fn¦
The whole world is waiting to sing this song of Shabbat!!!
¡ e ,LC«¤q§ g© xw¤ ŸA« A© ciB¦ d© l§ .oFil¤
§ r Ln§ W
¦ l§ xO©
¥ flE
§ ,ïil© zFcŸdl§ aFh .zÄX
© d© mFil§ xiW
¦ xFn§fn¦
dn© .o¥Px© £̀ Licï
«¤ iU£
¥ rn© A§ ,L«¤l¢rẗA§ dedi ip«©
¦ Yg§ O© U
¦ iM¦ .xFPk¦ A§ oFiB̈d¦ il£
¥ r ,la«p̈
¤ il£
¥ re© xFUr̈ il£
¥ r .zFliN¥ A©
mir¦ Ẅx§ g© Ÿx« t§ A¦ .z`Ÿf z ¤̀ oiaï
¦ `Ÿl liq¦ kE
§ ,rc̈¥i `Ÿl x©rA
«© Wi`¦ .Li«¤zŸaW
§ g§ n© Ewnr̈
§ cŸ`n§ ,dedi Li«¤U£rn© ElcB̈
iM¦ ,dedi ,Li«a¤ iŸ§ ` d¥Pd¦ iM¦ .dedi ml̈Ÿrl§ mFxn̈ dŸ`© e§ .c©r ic£
¥ r mc̈n§ Ẍd¦ l§ ,o¤e`
«¨ il£
¥ rŸR« lM̈ Evi«¦vÏ©e ,aU«¥
¤ r FnM§
¨ A§ ipi¥
¦ r hA¥ Y©
© e .op̈£rx© on«¤
¤ WA§ izŸN
¦ A© ,ip¦ x§ w© mi ¥̀ x§ M¦ mx¤Ÿ
« e© .o¤e`
«¨ il£
¥ rŸR« lM̈ Ecx§ R̈z§ i¦ ,Ec«a`Ÿ
¥ i Li«a¤ iŸ§ ` d¥Pd¦
,dedi zia¥ A§ milEz
¦ W
§ .d¤BU
§ i¦ oFpäN§ A© fx«¤̀
¤ M§ ,gx¨t§ i¦ xn̈ŸM© wiC¦ v© .ip̈§f`¨ dp̈r«©
§ nW
§ Y¦ mir¦ x¥n§ ilr̈
© min¦ T̈A©
`Ÿle§ ixEv
¦ ,dedi xẄï iM¦ ciB¦ d© l§ .Eid§ i¦ miP©
¦ p£rx©e§ mip¦ W
¥ C§ ,däiU
¥ A§ oEaEpi§ cFr .Egix«¦ t©
§ i Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ zFxv§ g© A§
.FA dz̈«l̈e©§ r
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
23 Kabbalat Shabbat
xiW¦ xFn§fn¦
Mizmor Shir (Psalm 92)
Psalm 92 is also known as “A Song for Shabbat”. Music is used as a metaphor to describe the spirit of Shabbat as a state of unity between heaven
and earth. This Psalm was a favorite of the Neo- Hasidic folk singer Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach.
It is good to acclaim Ah-do-nai,
to sing Your praise, exalted God,
To affirm Your love each morning,
and Your faithfulness each night,
to the music of the lute and the melody of the harp.
Your works, Ah-do-nai, make me glad;
I sing with joy of Your creation.
How vast Your works, Ah-do-nai!
Your designs are beyond our grasp.
The thoughtless cannot comprehend;
the foolish cannot fathom this.
The wicked may flourish, springing up like grass,
but their doom is sealed, for You are supreme forever.
Your enemies, Ah-do-nai,
Your enemies shall perish;
all the wicked shall crumble.
But me You have greatly exalted;
I am anointed with fragrant oil.
I have seen the downfall of my foes;
I have heard the despair of my attackers.
The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree;
they shall grow tall like a cedar in Lebanon.
Planted in the house of Ah-do-nai,
they will thrive in the courts of our God.
They shall bear fruit even in old age;
they shall be ever fresh and fragrant,
to proclaim: Ah-do-nai is just
my Rock, in whom there is no flaw.
Tsa-dik ka-ta-mar yif-rach,
k'e-rez ba-l'va-non yis-geh.
Sh'tu-lim b'veit Ah-do-nai,
b'chats-rot E-lo-hey-nu yaf-ree-chu.
Od y'nu-vun b'sey-va,
d'shey-nim v'ra-a-na-nim yi-h'yu,
L'ha-gid key ya-shar Ah-do-nai, Tsu-ri, v'lo av-la-ta bo.
,gx¨t§ i¦ xn̈ŸM© wiC¦ v©
§ i¦ oFpäN§ A© fx«¤̀
¤ M§
,dF̈di§ zia¥ A§ milEz
¦ W
.Egix«¦ t©
§ i Epi«¥dŸl`
¡ zFxv§ g© A§
¥ A§ oEaEpi§ cFr
.Eid§ i¦ miP©
¦ pr£ x©e§ mip¦ W
¥ C§
.FA dz̈«l̈e§ r© `Ÿle§ ixEv
¦ ,dF̈di§ xẄï iM¦ ciB¦ d© l§
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Kabbalat Shabbat 24
God’s Sovereignty
Kl̈n̈ dF̈d§i
(Psalm 93)
Psalm 93 is also known as the “Song of the Universe”. The psalmist affirms that the God is the sovereign of the universe
who authored creation and the forces of nature.
Ah-do-nai is sovereign, crowned with splendor;
Ah-do-nai reigns, robed in strength.
You set the earth on a sure foundation,
You created a world that stands firm.
You have reigned from earliest time,
You are eternal.
The rivers may rise and rage,
the waters may pound and pulsate,
the floods may swirl and storm.
Yet above the crash of the sea and its mighty breakers is
Ah-do-nai our God, supreme.
Wa¥ l̈ ,Wa¥ l̈ zE`¥B Kl̈n̈ dF̈di§
la¥ Y¥ oFMY¦ s`© ,xG̈`© z§ d¦ fŸr dF̈di§
,f`¨ n¥ L £̀ q§ M¦ oFkp̈ .hFOY¦ lA©
zFxd̈p§ E`Up̈
.dŸ«¨` ml̈Frn¥
§ i¦ ,ml̈Fw zFxd̈p§ E`Up̈
§ ,dF̈di§
¦ n zFlŸTn¦ .mïk§ C̈ zFxd̈p§
,mï ix¥A§ W
§ n¦ mixi¦ C¦ `© miA¦ x©
Li«¤zŸcr¥ .dF̈di§ mFxÖA© xiC¦ `©
,Wc¤ŸT« dë £̀ «p̈ Lzi
§ a¥ l§ cŸ`n§ Epn§ ¤̀ p¤
¦ Kx¤Ÿ`« l§ dF̈di§
Your decrees, Ah-do-nai never fail.
Holiness befits Your house for eternity.
[2x] ,mixi¦ C¦ `© miA¦ x© mi«©
¦ n zFlŸTn¦
,mï ix¥A§ W
§ n¦ mixi¦ C¦ `©
.dF̈di§ mFxÖA© xiC¦ `©
cŸ`n§ Epn§ ¤̀ p¤ Li«¤zŸcr¥
[2x] ,Wc¤ŸT« dë £̀ «p̈ Lzi
§ a¥ l§
¦ Kx¤Ÿ`« l§ dF̈di§
Me-ko-lot ma-yim ra-bim A-de-rim, [2x]
A-de-rim mish-b'rei yam,
Adir ba-ma-rom Ah-do-nai.
ey-do-te-cha ne-em-nu m'od,
L'vey-t'cha na-a-va ko-desh, [2x,]
Ah-do-nai, l'o-rech ya-mim
The sun is going down, it's shining through the trees. Another week's gone by, become a memory. So throw away
your worries, there's nothing left to do. Go on home and find the gift that's waiting there for you. It's time to say
Good Shabbos because all your work is done, gonna spend a day together with the Holy One. Say a special
blessing on a cup filled with wine. You and the Creator, it's a very special time.
lyrics by Abie Rotenberg
Shabbat Shalom
mFlẄ zÄW
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
24 Kabbalat Shabbat
Mourners and those observing Yaherzeit
please rise
Mourner’s Kaddish
The Kaddish, an Aramaic prayer that is [almost] 2,000 years old, is recited in slightly different variations at every prayer service. Although one form
of the Kaddish is recited in memory of the dead, the prayer itself says nothing about death; its theme is the greatness of God, reflected in its
opening words: "Yitgadal ve-yitkadash, Shmei rabbah--May God’s name be magnified and made holy…. " The prayer's conclusion speaks of a
future age in which God will redeem the world.
Yit-ga-dal v'yit-ka-dash she-mei ra-ba,
`Äx© Dn¥ W
§ WC¥w© z§ i¦ e§ lC©
¥Bz§ i¦
Be-al-ma di-ve-ra chi-re-u-tei, ve-yam-lich mal-chu-tei.
¥ l§ n© Kil¦ n©
§ ie§ DzEr
¥ x§ k¦ `x¨a§ iC¦ `n̈lr̈
§ A§
¥ aE
§ oFki¥ig© A§
l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ ziA¥ lk̈c§ i¥ig© AE
B'cha-yay-chon u-v'yo-may-chon
u-v'cha-yei de-chol bait Yis’ra-el
Ba-aga-la u-vi-ze-man ka-riv, v'im'ru: A-mein:
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ .aix¦ ẅ on§
© faE
¦ `l̈b̈£rA©
Ye-hey she-mei ra-ba me-va-rach,
le-a-lam u-le-al-mei al-ma-ya.
Kx©än§ `Äx© Dn¥ W
§ `d¥ i§
.`Ïn© lr̈
§ in¥ lr̈
§ lE
§ mlr̈
© l§
gA© Y© W
§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦
¥ pz§ i¦ e§ mnFx
© z§ i¦ e§ x`© R̈z§ i¦ e§
Yit-ba-rach ve-yish-ta-bach,
ve-yit-pa-ar ve-yit-ro-mam, ve-yit-na-say
ve-yit-ha-dar, ve-yit-a-leh, ve-yit-ha-lal
she-mei de-ku-de-sha, be-rich hu
lN̈d© z§ i¦ e§ d¤N©rz§ i¦ e§ xC̈d© z§ i¦ e§
`Ed Kix¦ A§ `Ẅc§ wª C§ Dn¥ W
* L'ey-la min kol bir-cha-ta ve-shi-ra-ta
¦ e§ `z̈k̈x§ A¦ lM̈ on¦ `N̈«¥rl§ *
tush-be-cha-ta ve-ne-che-ma-ta,
,`z̈n̈¡gp¤ e§ `z̈g̈A§ W
§ Yª
daa-Me-ran be-al-ma v'im'ru: A-mein:
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,`n̈lr̈
§ A§ oxi
¨ n¦ £̀ C©
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
* (L'ey-la U’ L'ey-la me kol)
(lM̈n¦ `N̈«r¥ lE
§ `N̈«r¥ l)*
Ye-hey sh'la-ma ra-ba min she-ma-ya
ve-cha-yim A-lay-nu Ve-al kol Yis’ra-el
v'im'ru: A-mein:
,`Ïn© W
§ on¦ `Äx© `n̈l̈W
§ `d¥ i§
,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§ Epi«¥lr̈ mii¦ g© e§
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
O-seh sha-lom bim-ro-mav,
hu ya-a-seh sha-lom a-lay-nu
Ve-al kol Yis’ra-el, v'im'ru: A-mein:
,ein̈Fxn§ A¦ mFlẄ dUŸ
Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri© `Ed
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§
Translation of Kaddish: Glorified and sanctified is God's great name throughout the world created according to Ah-do-nai’s will.
May God’s sovereignty be established in our lifetime and the life of all Israel, and let us say, Amen. May God’s great name be blessed
forever and to all eternity. Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored be the name of the Holy One, source of
blessing, beyond all the blessings and songs, beyond all the tributes spoken in the world; and let us say, Amen. May there be abundant
peace from heaven, and life, for us and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen. May the One who creates peace in the celestial heights,
create peace for us and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen.
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Ma’ariv Service 28
Evening Ma’ariv Service
The “Ma’ariv” service is the first formal service of the Sabbath The service officially begins when we rise and face the Ark and recite
the Barchu responsively. The Shaliach Tzibor (congregational prayer leader) begins by chanting: Barchu et Ah-do-nai Hamevorakh Bless Ah-do-nai, the blessed one. The congregation responds to the prayer leader: Baruch Ah-do-nai Hamevorakh leolam vaed Blessed is Ah-do-nai, the blessed one, forever. In the temple of old the "Kohanim" (priests) would summon the congregation to prayer
using the Barchu proclamation also known as "The Affirmation of Faith".
- Please rise Reader:
:KxŸ¨an§ d© dF̈di§ z ¤̀
et Ah-do-nai ham-vo-rach:
Ekx§ Ä
Praised be the One, to whom our praise is due!
Congregation then reader:
:cr¤ ë ml̈Frl§ KxŸ¨an§ d© dF̈di§
Baruch Ah-do-nai ham-vo-rach l’oh-lam vaed!
Praised be the One, to whom our praise is due, now and forever!
-You may be seated-
mia¦ ẍ£r aix£¦ rn©
The word of God
¤ £̀ ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ ¤̀ ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
¦ W
§ g«¥
© zFR dn̈k§ g̈A§ ,mia¦ ẍ£r aix£
¦ rn© Fxäc§ A¦
,miP¦ n§
© Gd© z ¤̀ sil£
¦ gnE
© ,miY¦ r¦ d¤PW
© n§ dp̈Eaz§ aE
r© iw«¦ x¨Ä mdi
¤ zFx
¥ n§ W
§ n¦ A§ mia¦ k̈FMd© z ¤̀ xC¥q© nE
¤ g« i¥pR§ n¦ xF` llFB
¥ ,dl̈i«l̈ë
§ mFi `xFA
¥ .FpFvx§ M¦
.xF` i¥pR§ n¦ KWŸ
¤ g« e§
Beloved are You, eternal God,
By whose design the evening falls,
By whose command dimensions open up
And pass away and stars spin in their orbits.
You set the rhythms of day and night;
The alternation of light and darkness
Sings Your creating world.
Uma’avir yom umeivi laila,
umav'dil bein yom u’vein laila,
Ah-do-nai tz’vaot shemo.
El chai v’kayam,
tamid yim'loch aleinu l’oh-lam vaed.
Ba-ruch Ah-ta, Ah-do-nai, ha-ma’ariv ah-ra-vim.
§ `ia«¥
¦ nE mFi xia£
¦ rnE
§ oiaE
¥ mFi oiA¥ liC¦ a§ nE
§ zF`äv§ dF̈di§
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ Epi«¥lr̈ KFln§ i¦ cin¦ Ÿ ,mÏw© e§ ig© l ¥̀
.mia¦ ẍ£r aix£
¦ rO© d© ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
In rising sun and in spreading dusk, Creator of all, You are made manifest. Eternal, everlasting
God, may we always be aware of Your dominion. Beloved are You, Ah-do-nai, for this hour of
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
29 Ma’ariv Service
A-ha-vat o-lam beit Yis'ra-el
am'kha a-hav'ta,
To-rah umitz'vot,
chu-kim u-mish'pa-tim,
o-ta-nu lee-mad'ta.
Al kain, Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-nu,
b'shoch'vey-nu uv'ku-may-nu
na-si-akh b'khu-ke-kha,
v'nis'makh b'div'rei to-ra-te-cha
uv'mitz'vo te-kha l'o-lam va-ed.
Key haim cha-yay-nu
v'o-rekh ya-mey-nu,
u-va-hem neh'geh yo-mam va-lai-lah.
l ¥̀ x¨W
§ i¦ ziA¥ ml̈Fr za£
© d`©
§ `¨ LO©
,zFv§ nE
¦ dxFY
,mih¦ R̈W
§ nE
¦ miT¦ gª
§ Ol¦ Epz̈
« F`
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ oM¥ l©r
§ Ep«a¥ k§ ẄA§
,LiT«¤ gª A§ gi
© Up̈
¨ ix¥a§ c¦ A§ gn© U
§ p¦ e§
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ Li«¤zŸev§ n¦ aE
,Epi«¥nï Kx¤Ÿ`« e§ Epi¥ig© md¥ iM¦
§ mn̈Fi d¤Bd¤
§ p md¤ äE
.min¦ l̈Frl§ EP«¤On¦ xiq¦ Ÿ l`© Lz§ ä£d`© e§
.l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ FOr© adF`
¥ ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
V'a-ha-vat'cha al ta-sir me-me-nu l'o-la-mim.
Ba-ruch ah-tah Ah-do-nai, o-heiv ah-mo Yis'ra-el.
Eternal love: Endless is Your love for Your people Israel. You have taught us Torah and mitzvot,
laws and judgement. Therefore, Ah-do-nai our God, when we lie down and when we rise up we
shall speak of Your commandments and rejoice in Your Torah and mitzvot forever. Day and night
we will reflect on them. They are our life and the length of our days. Your love shall never depart
from our hearts. We bless You, Eternal God who loves the people Israel.
The Sh'ma prayer is the oldest and most treasured Jewish prayer. We affirm God's relationship with us as we pledge our love to God. The
full Sh'ma is three separate paragraphs from the Torah. The first paragraph, Deut: 6:4-9 deals with loving God, learning Torah, and
passing on Jewish tradition to our children. The second paragraph, Deut.11:13-21, speaks about the positive rewards of mitzvot.
The third paragraph, Numbers 15:37-41, speaks about the mitzvot to wear tzitzit, and the exodus from Egypt. We are commanded to say
the Sh’ma twice daily, "And you will speak of them …beshohkbekha…when you lie down and uvekumekha… when you rise up" (Deut.6:7)
If a Minyan is not present add:
El Meh-lech Neh-eh-man
¡ p Kl«
¤ n¤ l ¥̀
God, faithfully rules the world!
People commonly cover their eyes with the palm of their hand
while reciting the first verse of Sh'ma to eliminate every
distraction and help concentrate.
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Ma’ariv Service 30
rn© W§
Sh’ma Yis’ra-el Ah-do-nai El-oh-hey-nu, Ah-do-nai Echad
:cg̈ ¤̀ dF̈di§ .Epidl
¥ ¤̀ dF̈di§ .l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ rn© W
Hear, O Israel: Ah-do-nai is our God, Ah-do-nai alone!
Ba-ruch shaim k’vod mal’chu-to l’oh-lam va-ed
:c¤rë ml̈Frl§ FzEkl§ n© cFaM§ mW
¥ KExÄ
Blessed is Ah-do-nai’s majesty forever and ever!
¤ `
¡ dF̈di§ z ¥̀ Ÿa§ d© `¨ e§
:LcŸ¤`n§ lk̈aE
§ LW
§ t©
§ p lk̈aE
§ La§ äl§ lk̈A§
V'ah-hav-ta et Ah-do-nai Elo-heh-cha,
b'clol l’va-vcha, uv'chol naf-sh-cha, uv'chol m'ode-cha.
V'ha-yu ha-d-va-reem ha-ay-leh
ah-sher ano-chie m'tza-vcha ha-yom al l’va-ve-cha
dN¤ ¥̀ d̈ mix¦ äC§ d© Eid̈e§
:La¤ äl§ l©r mFId© LE§ v© n§ ikŸ¦ p`¨ xW
¤ £̀
V'shi-nan-tam l’va-ne-cha v'dee-bar-ta bam
b'shiv-t'cha b'vai-techa, uv'lec-t'cha vah-deh-rech,
uv'shach-b'cha uv’ku-me-cha.
.mÄ Ÿx§ A© c¦ e§ Li¤päl§ mŸp©
§ PW
¦ e§
Kx¤C¤a© LY§ k¤
§ laE
§ Lzi
¤ a¥ A§ LY§ a§ W
¦ A§
¤ aE
§ LA§ k§ ẄaE
¤ l©r zF`l§ mŸx§ W
© wE
:Li¤pi¥r oiA¥ zŸtḧŸhl§ Eid̈e§
uk’shar-tam l'ot al Ya-de-cha,
v'hah-yu l'to-ta-fot bain ay-neh-cha.
Uch'tav-tam all m'zu--zot bai-teh-cha u-vish-a-reh-cha.
¤ W
§ aE
¦ Lzi
¤ A¥ zFfªfn§ l©r mŸa§ z© kE
You shall love Ah-do-nai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might. And
these words which I command you this day, you shall take to heart. Teach them, diligently to your children,
and recite them at home and away, night and day. Bind them as a sign upon your hand, and as a reminder
above your eyes. Inscribe them on the door posts of your homes and upon your gates.
If you will obey the Mitzvot which I command
you this day, to love your God and to serve God
with all your heart and soul, then I will bless
your livelihood in good measure. Do not be
lured to false goals, seeking alien ideals. For then
the image of God will be lost from within you,
and you will decline in holiness, becoming
distant from your heritage. Cherish my words in
your heart and soul. Wear them as proud
reminders on your forehead. Teach them
diligently to your children, review them when
you are at home and when you are away night
and day. Write them on the door posts of your
house and upon your gates. Then your days and
the days of your children will endure on this
good earth, like the days of the heaven on the
earth. This is the promise God made to our
d¤Ev© n§ ikŸ¦ p`¨ xW
¤ £̀ ,izŸ
© ev§ n¦ l ¤̀ Ern§ W
§ Y¦ r© Ÿn« Ẅ m`¦ dïd̈e§
lk̈A§ ,Fcar̈
§ lE
§ mki
¤ dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ z ¤̀ dä£d`© l§ ,mFId© mk¤ z§ ¤̀
¤ ,FYr¦ A§ mk¤ v§ x§ `© xh© n§ iY¦ zp̈
© e§ .mk¤ W
§ t©
§ p lk̈aE
§ mk¤ a§ a© l§
¤ r¥ iY¦ zp̈
© e§ .Lx«¤d̈v§ i¦ e§ LWŸ
§ xiz¦ e§ L«p¤ b̈c§ Ÿt§ q© `¨ e§ ,WFwl§ nE
dY¤ t§ i¦ oR¤ mk¤ l̈ Exn§ Ẍd¦ .Ÿr«ä
§ Üe§ Ÿl§ k© `¨ e§ ,L«¤Yn§ d¤ a§ l¦ Lc§ ÜA§
¤ e£
¦ gY© W
§ d¦ e§ mix¦ g¥ £̀ midŸl
¦ `
¡ mY¤ c§ a£
© re© mY¤ x§ q© e§ ,mk¤ a§ a© l§
d¤id§ i¦ `Ÿle§ mi«©
¦ nẌd© z ¤̀ xvr̈
© e§ ,mk¤ Ä dF̈di§ s`© dx¨g̈e§ .md¤ l̈
l©rn¥ dx¨d¥ n§ mY¤ c§ a© £̀ e© ,Dl̈Eai§ z ¤̀ oY¥ z¦ `Ÿl dn̈c̈ £̀ d̈e§ ,xḧn̈
¤ ix©äC§ z ¤̀ mY¤ n§ U
© e§ .mk¤ l̈ ozŸ
¥ p dF̈di§ xW
¤ £̀ däŸHd© ux«¤`¨ d̈
,mk¤ c¤§ i l©r zF`l§ mz̈Ÿ` mY¤ x§ W
© wE
§ ,mk¤ W
§ t©
§ p l©re§ mk¤ a§ a© l§ l©r
¤ pA§ z ¤̀ mz̈Ÿ` mY¤ c§ O© l¦ e§ .mki¥
¤ pi¥r oiA¥ zŸtḧFhl§ Eid̈e§
,LA§ k§ ẄaE
§ ,Kx¤C«¤a© LY§ k¤
§ laE
§ ,L«¤zia¥ A§ LY§ a§ W
¦ A§ ,mÄ xA¥ c© l§
EAx§ i¦ o©rn
«© l§ .Lixr̈
«¤ W
§ aE
¦ L«¤ziA¥ zFfEfn§ l©r mŸa§ z© kE
§ .L«¤nEwaE
dF̈di§ rA© W
§ p¦ xW
¤ £̀ dn̈c̈ £̀ d̈ l©r mki¥
¤ pa§ ini
¥ e¦ mki
¤ n¥ i§
.ux«¤`¨ d̈ l©r mi«©
¦ nẌd© ini
¥ M¦ ,md¤ l̈ zz¥ l̈ mki
¤ zŸ
¥ a £̀ l©
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
31 Ma’ariv Service
And Ah-do-nai said to Moses
Speak to the Children of Israel and say to them
that they are to make themselves fringes, tzitzit
on the corners of their garments, throughout
their generations. And they are to place upon
the tzitzit of each corner a thread of blue
(techelet). And it shall constitute tzitzit for you,
that you may see it and remember all the
mitzvot of God and perform them; and not
explore after your heart and after your eyes after
which you stray. So that you may remember and
perform all My mitzvot; and be holy to Your
God. I am God, Your God, Who has removed
you from the land of Egypt to be a God to you.
I am Ah-do-nai Your God.
.xŸn`N¥ dW
¤ Ÿn l ¤̀ dF̈di§ xn`«
¤ ŸIe©
md¤ l̈ EUr̈e§ ,md¤ l¥ £̀ Ÿx§ n© `¨ e§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ i¥pA§ l ¤̀ xA¥ C©
¦ v¦ l©r Epzp̈
§ e§ ,mz̈ŸxŸcl§ mdi
¤ c¥b§ a¦ it¥ p§ M© l©r zvi
¦ v¦
¤ `¦ xE§ ,zvi
¦ v¦ l§ mk¤ l̈ dïd̈e§ .zl«¥
¤ kY§ liz¦ R§ sp̈M̈d©
,mz̈Ÿ` mzi
¤ U£
¦ re© ,dF̈di§ zŸev§ n¦ lM̈ z ¤̀ mY¤ x§ k§
© fE FzŸ`
¤ £̀ ,mki¥
¤ pi¥r ix£
¥g`© e§ mk¤ a§ a© l§ ix£
¥g`© ExEz« z̈ `Ÿle§
lM̈ z ¤̀ mzi
¤ U£
¦ re© ExM§
§ fY¦ o©rn
«© l§ .mdi
¤ x£
¥g`© mipŸ¦ f mY¤ `©
dF̈di§ ip¦ £̀ .mki
¤ dŸl`
¥ l¥ miWŸ
¦ cw§ mzi
¤ i¦ d§ e¦ ,iz̈Ÿev§ n¦
,mi¦ x«©v§ n¦ ux«¤̀
¤ n¥ mk¤ z§ ¤̀ iz`«¥
¦ vFd xW
¤ £̀ ,mki
¤ dŸl
¥ `
¤ dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ ip¦ £̀ ,midŸl`
¦ l¥ mk¤ l̈ zFid§ l¦
Ah-do-nai Elo-hey-chem Emet
zn¤ ¤̀ mki
¤ dŸl¡
¥ ` dF̈di§
Ah-do-nai is the true God !
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Ma’ariv Service 32
We affirm the truth that You alone are our God,
and we are Israel Your people. You deliver us from
the hand of oppressors, and save us from tyrants.
You do wonders without number, marvels beyond
count. You give us our life; by Your help we survive
all who seek our destruction. You performed
miracles for us before Pharaoh, signs and wonders
in the land of Egypt; You redeemed Your people
Israel from their midst to true freedom. And Your
children witnessed Your strength and offered praise
and thanks to Your name, and accepted Your rule
upon themselves. Moses and Miriam and all Israel
sang to You with great rejoicing, and all of them
dF̈di§ `Ed iM¦ ,Epi«¥lr̈ mÏw© e§ ,z`Ÿf lM̈ dp̈En`¤
¡ e zn¤ ¤̀
c©In¦ EpcFR
«¥ d© .FO©r l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ Epg«§ p© £̀ e© ,Fzl̈Ef oi ¥̀ e§ Epi«¥dŸl`
l ¥̀ d̈ .mivi
¦ xr̈
¦ d¤ lM̈ sM© n¦ Ep«¥l £̀ FBd© Ep«¥Ml§ n© ,mik¦ l̈n§
§ p ia¥ iŸ§ ` lk̈l§ lEnB§ mN¥ W
© n§ d© e§ ,Epix«¥S̈n¦ Ep«l̈ rx¨t§ P¦ d©
.xR̈q§ n¦ oi ¥̀ c©r zF`l̈t§ p¦ e§ ,xw«¥
¤ g oi ¥̀ c©r zFlFcb§ dUŸ
¤ rd̈
Ep«¥kix¦ c§ O© d© .Ep«¥lb§ x© hFOl© ozp̈
© `Ÿle§ ,mii¦ g© A© Ep«¥Wt©
§ p mV̈d©
¤ Ÿr« d̈ .Epi«¥̀ pFU
§ lM̈ l©r Ep«p¥ x§ w© mx«Ï©
¤ e ,Epi«¥aiF`
§ zFnÄ l©r
zn© c§ `© A§ miz¦ tFnE
zFzF` ,dŸrx§ t© A§ dn̈ẅpE
§ miQ¦ p¦ Ep«N̈
z ¤̀ `vFI©
¥ e ,mi¦ x«¨v§ n¦ ixFk
¥ A§ lM̈ Fzx¨a¤
§ ra§ dM¤ O© d© .mg̈ i¥pA§
oiA¥ eip̈Ä xia£
¦ rO© d© .ml̈Fr zExg¥ l§ mk̈FYn¦ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ FO©r
zFnFdz§ A¦ mdi
¤ ¥̀ pFU
z ¤̀ e§ mdi
¤ t¥ cFx
§ z ¤̀ ,sEq m©i ix§¥fB¦
§ l¦ EcFde§ EgA§ W
¦ ,FzxEa
¨ B§ eip̈ä E`x¨e§ .rA© h¦
¤ l£
¥ r ElA§ w¦ oFvx¨a§ FzEkl§ nE
¦ Epr̈ Ll§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ i¥paE
§ dWŸ
:mN̈kª Exn§ `¨ e§ ,dÄx© dg̈n§ U
¦ A§
U-mal-chu-to v'ra-tson key-b'lu a-ley-hem,
Mo-she u-v'nei Yis’ra-el l'cha a-nu shi-ra,
b'sim'cha ra-ba, v'a-m'ru chu-lam
,dF̈di§ ml¦ ¥̀ Ä dk̈Ÿn« k̈ in¦
,Wc¤ŸT« A© xC̈`¤
§ p dk̈Ÿn« M̈ in¦
¤ t dU
¥ Ÿr« ,zŸNd¦ z§ `xFp
Me cha-mo-cha ba’eilim Ah-do-nai?
Me-ka-mo-cha, Ne’dar bakodesh,
Nora t’hilot, oseh feleh?
Who is like You, Eternal One, among all that is worshipped? Who is like You, majestic in holiness,
awesome in splendor, doing wonders? (Exodus 15:11)
,Li«p¤ ä E`x¨ LzEk
§ l§ n©
¤ n i¥pt§ l¦ mï r© wFA
:Exn§ `¨ e§ Epr̈ il¦ ¥̀ d¤f
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ KFln§ i¦ dF̈di§
Mal-chut-cha ra’u va-neh-cha,
bo-key’a yam lif-ney Mo-sheh;
“Zeh ey-lee!” anu v’am’ru:
“Ah-do-nai yim’loch l’oh-lam va’ed!”
Your children saw Your might displayed as You split the sea before Moses. “This is my God!” they cried.
“The Eternal will reign forever and ever!” (Exodus 15:2,18)
Vne’emar: “key-fa-dah Ah-do-nai et-Ya’akov
ug’alo me-yad cha-zak me-meh-nu.”
Ba-ruch ah-tah Ah-do-nai, ga’al Yis’ra-el.
,aŸw£ri© z ¤̀ dF̈di§ dc̈ẗ iM¦ xn© `¤
¡ pe§
.EP«O¤ n¦ wf̈g̈ c©In¦ Fl`¨ bE
.l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ l`B̈
© ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
And it has been said: The Eternal delivered Jacob and redeemed us from the hand of one stronger
than ourselves (Jeremiah 31:10). Blessed is the Eternal God, Redeemer of Israel.
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
33 Ma’ariv Service
Shelter of Peace
¤ W
§ zM© qª
dv̈¥rA§ Ep«¥pT§ z© e§ ,L«nFl
¤ W
§ zM© qª Epi«¥lr̈ UFxtE
§ ,mii¦ g© l§ Ep«¥Ml§ n© Epci
«¥ n£
¦ rd© e§ ,mFlẄl§ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ Ep«ai
¥ M¦ W
§ d©
xq¥ d̈e§ ,oFbïe§ ,ar̈x¨e§ ,ax«¤g¤ e§ ,xa¤ C«¤ ,a¥iF` Epi«¥lr̈n¥ xq¥ d̈e§ ,Epc£
«¥ rA© o¥bd̈e§ .L«n¤ W
§ o©rn
«© l§ Ep«¥riWFd
¦ e§ ,Li«p¤ ẗN§ n¦ däFh
mEgx©e§ oEPg© Kl«
¤ n¤ l ¥̀ iM¦ ,dŸ«¨` Ep«¥liS¦ nE
© Epx«¥nFW
l ¥̀ iM¦ ,Epxi
«¥ Y¦ q§ Y© Li«¤tp̈M§ lv¥ aE
§ ,Epix£
«¥g`© nE
¥ Epi«¥pẗN§ n¦ oḧÜ
.ml̈Fr c©re§ dŸ©rn¥ ,mFlẄlE
§ mii¦ g© l§ ,Ep«¥̀ FaE Ep«¥z`v¥ xFnWE
§ ,dŸ«¨`
Protect us with Your gift of peace
by helping us to overcome temptation.
When we are weak, sustain us;
when we despair, open our hearts to joy.
Shelter us in Your embrace of peace
when we are caught by conflict or desire.
When we are torn, heal us;
when we are tormented, touch us with tranquility.
Cherish our fragmented lives;
make our lives whole again through integrity.
When we deceive, turn us to You;
when we corrupt, capture our hearts anew.
Protect us from ourselves;
when we falter, help us to conquer the enemy within.
When we blunder, restore us;
with compassion teach us
that peace is based on Your truth.
— Jules Harlow
Uf’ros ah-ley-nu sukat sh’lo-meh-cha.
Ba-ruch ah-tah Ah-do-nai, ha-po-reis sukat shalom
ah-ley-nu, v’al-kol-amo-Yis’ra-el v’al y'ru-sha-la-yim.
¤ W
§ zM© qª Epi«¥lr̈ UFxtE
mFlẄ zM© qª UxFR
¥ d© ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
¦ ẄExi§ l©re§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ FO©r lM̈ l©re§ Epi«¥lr̈
Spread over us the shelter of Your peace. We bless You, Ah-do-nai our God, who spreads the
shelter of peace upon us, upon Israel and upon Jerusalem.
- Please rise -29-
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Ma’ariv Service 34
Exn§ Ẅe§
© d© z ¤̀ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ i¥pa§ Exn§ Ẅe§
.ml̈Fr zix¦ A§ mz̈ŸxŸcl§ zÄX
© d© z ¤̀ zFU£rl©
,ml̈Frl§ `id¦ zF` l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ i¥pA§ oiaE
¥ ipi
¦ A¥
dF̈di§ dÜr̈ minï
¦ zW«
¥ iM¦
¤`d̈ z ¤̀ e§ mi«©
¦ nẌd© z ¤̀
© Ie© za© Ẅ iri
¦ a¦ X
§ d© mFIaE
V’sham’ru v’ney Yis’ra-el et haShabbat,
la’asot et haShabbat l’do-ro-tam b’rit oh-lam.
Bey-ne u’vein b’nei Yis’ra-el ot he l’oh-lam,
key shay-shet yah-mim asah Ah-do-nai
et-ha-sha-ma-yim v’et-ha’aretz,
u’va-yom ha-sh’ve-e sha-vat va-yee-na-fash.
The people of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, observing the
Sabbath in every generation as a covenant for all time. It is a
sign forever between Me and the people of Israel, for in six
days the Eternal One made heaven and earth, but on the
seventh day God rested and was refreshed. (Exodus 31:16-17)
Reader’s Kaddish
Kaddish is commonly known as a mourner's prayer, but in fact, variations on the Kaddish prayer are routinely recited at many other
times, and the prayer itself has nothing to do with death or mourning. Kaddish is a prayer that affirms our faith in God and our hope for
the future. The Reader’s Kaddish separates units of prayer within a service.
Yit-ga-dal v'yit-ka-dash she-mei ra-ba,
`Äx© Dn¥ W
§ WC¥w© z§ i¦ e§ lC©
¥Bz§ i¦
Be-al-ma di-ve-ra chi-re-u-tei, ve-yam-lich mal-chu-tei.
¥ l§ n© Kil¦ n©
§ ie§ DzEr
¥ x§ k¦ `x¨a§ iC¦ `n̈lr̈
§ A§
¥ aE
§ oFki¥ig© A§
l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ ziA¥ lk̈c§ i¥ig© AE
B'cha-yay-chon u-v'yo-may-chon
u-v'cha-yei de-chol bait Yis’ra-el
Ba-aga-la u-vi-ze-man ka-riv, v'im'ru: A-mein:
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ .aix¦ ẅ on§
© faE
¦ `l̈b̈£rA©
Ye-hey she-mei ra-ba me-va-rach,
le-a-lam u-le-al-mei al-ma-ya.
Kx©än§ `Äx© Dn¥ W
§ `d¥ i§
.`Ïn© lr̈
§ in¥ lr̈
§ lE
§ mlr̈
© l§
gA© Y© W
§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦
¥ pz§ i¦ e§ mnFx
© z§ i¦ e§ x`© R̈z§ i¦ e§
Yit-ba-rach ve-yish-ta-bach,
ve-yit-pa-ar ve-yit-ro-mam, ve-yit-na-say
ve-yit-ha-dar, ve-yit-a-leh, ve-yit-ha-lal
she-mei de-ku-de-sha, be-rich hu
lN̈d© z§ i¦ e§ d¤N©rz§ i¦ e§ xC̈d© z§ i¦ e§
`Ed Kix¦ A§ `Ẅc§ wª C§ Dn¥ W
* L'ey-la min kol bir-cha-ta ve-shi-ra-ta
¦ e§ `z̈k̈x§ A¦ lM̈ on¦ `N̈«¥rl§ *
tush-be-cha-ta ve-ne-che-ma-ta,
,`z̈n̈¡gp¤ e§ `z̈g̈A§ W
§ Yª
daa-Me-ran be-al-ma v'im'ru: A-mein:
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,`n̈lr̈
§ A§ oxi
¨ n¦ £̀ C©
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
* (L'ey-la U’ L'ey-la me kol)
(lM̈n¦ `N̈«r¥ lE
§ `N̈«r¥ l)*
For an alternative version of the Amidah continue on page 37
On Festivals continue on page 39
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
35 Ma’ariv Service
Translation of Kaddish
Glorified and sanctified is God's great name throughout the world created according to Ah-do-nai’s will. May God’s
sovereignty be established in our lifetime and the life of all Israel; and let us say, Amen.
May God’s great name be blessed forever and to all eternity.
Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored be the name of the Holy One, source of blessing, beyond
all the blessings and songs, beyond all the tributes spoken in the world; and say, Amen.
The great Chassidic master Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov would pray with intense concentration. According to legend his soul would leave his body,
ascend a spiritual ladder, and pray in front of the heavenly court.
The Amidah is the central prayer of all four services: Shacharit (morning), Mincha (afternoon), Maariv (evening), and Mussaf (additional). The word
Amidah literally means standing, because it is recited while standing. It is also known as Shemoneh Esrei, meaning eighteen, because it originally
consisted of eighteen blessings, and as Tefilah (prayer) because it is the most important Jewish prayer. The Amidah is a person's opportunity to
approach God in private prayer, and should therefore be said quietly.
Kavanah - This prayer of intent is recited prior to the silent Amidah. While reciting this prayer, it is customary to take
three small steps forward as if one is approaching royalty. This custom is derived from the actions of Abraham who
"came forward" to pray for the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:23). Where there is not much
space, it has become the practice to take several tiny steps back before taking the three symbolic steps forward..
For an alternative version of the Amidah continue on page 37
Ah-do-nai, s'fa-tai tif-tach, u’fee ya-gid t'he-la-te-cha.
On Festivals continue on page 39
L¤zl̈¦dz§ ci¦bi© i¦tE gz̈§tz¦ i©zẗ§y ip̈Ÿc £̀
Ah-do-nai, open my lips, that my mouth may proclaim your praise.
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Ma’ariv Service 35
The first blessing of the Amidah refers to God as the God of the avot (“patriarchs and matriarchs”), and extols God as great, mighty,
and awesome (Deut. 10:17); it concludes with ma-gein Av-ra-ham U’foked Sa-ra
We bless You, Ah-do-nai our God and God .EpizFa
¥ £̀ idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e Epidl
¥ ¤̀ dF̈di§ dŸ`©
of our ancestors, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, idŸl
¥ `
¡ .aŸw£ri© idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e ,wg̈v§ i¦ idŸl
¥ `
¡ ,md̈x¨a§ `© idŸl
¥ `
and God of Jacob, God of Sarah, God of Rebecca,
.d`¨ l¥ idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e ,lg¥ x¨ idŸl
¥ `
¡ ,dẅa§ x¦ idŸl
¥ `
¡ ,dx¨Ẍ
God of Rachel and God of Leah.
§ r l ¥̀
¨ d© e§ xFAB¦ d© lFcB̈d© l ¥̀ d̈
Great, strong and awe-inspiring God, lnFB
God who acts with loving kindness and creates all.
.zFa`¨ ic¥q§ g© xkFf
¥ e§ .lŸMd© d¥pFwe§ miaFh
mic¦ q̈£g
God remembers the loving deeds of our ancestors,
and will bring a redeemer to their children's children
.dä£d`© A§ FnW
§ o©rn© l§ mdi¥
¤ pa§ i¥pa§ l¦ l ¥̀ Fb `ia¦ nE
because of Your loving nature.
On the Sabbat Shuva add:—
Remember us that we may live, Eternal, who delights in life, and
inscribe us in the book of life, for Your sake, living God
On the Sabbat Shuva add:—
,mi¦Ig© A© ut¥ g̈ K¤ln
«¤ ,mi¦Ig© l§ Epx«¥kf̈
.mi¦Ig© midŸl¡
¦ ` Lp©
§ rn© l§ ,mi¦Ig© d© xt«
¤ q¥ A§ Ep«a¥ z§ k̈e§
You are a sustaining, saving and shielding ruler.
.o¥bn̈E r© iWFnE
x¥fFr Kl¤ n¤
We bless
Ah-do-nai, shield of .dx¨Ẍ cwFRE
md̈x¨a§ `© o¥bn̈ dF̈di§
Abraham and guardian of Sarah.
The second blessing praises God for deeds of gevurot (“power and might”). Among the manifestations of God's power are providing sustenance
for all living creatures, healing the sick and causing the rain to fall in the rainy season.
ip̈c £̀ ml̈Frl§ xFAb¦ dŸ`©
¦ l§ ax© dŸ`© miz¦ n¥ d¤Ig© n§
You are mighty forever, Ah-do-nai. You give eternal
life to the departed with Your great saving power.
(From Sh’mini Atzeret to Pesach add)
¤ d© cixFnE
¦ gEx
© d̈ aiW
¦ n©
You cause the wind to blow and the rain to fall.
Your love sustains all living things. You
give immortality to the departed with great mercy.
You support the falling, heal the sick and free
captives. You keep faith with those who sleep in
the dust. Who can compare to You? You are the
Ruler of life and death who causes salvation to
bloom. We praise You, ruler of life and death.
.miA¦ x© min£
¦ gx©A§ miz¦ n¥ d¤Ig© n§ .cq¤ g¤ A§ mii¦ g© lM¥ l§ k© n§
m¥Iw© nE
§ .mixEq£̀
xiY¦ nE
© milFg
¦ `tFx
¥ e§ mil¦ tFp
§ KnFq
¦ zFxEaB§ l©rA© LFnk̈ in¦ .xẗr̈ i¥pWi
¥ l¦ Fzp̈En`
.dr̈EWi§ gi
© n¦ v§ nE
© d¤Ig© nE
§ zin¦ n¥ Kl¤ n¤ .Kl̈ dnFc
dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ .miz¦ n¥ zFi£gd© l§ dŸ`© on̈`¤
¡ pe§
.miz¦ O¥ d© d¤Ig© n§
On the Sabbat Shuva add:—
On the Sabbat Shuva add:—
Who can compare to our Merciful Parent?
You remember all creatures with life?
¦ gx©A§ mi¦Ig© l§ eixEv
¨ i§ xkFf
¥ ,min£
¦ gx©d̈ a`© LFnk̈ in¦
You are holy, Your name is holy and the righteous
praise You daily. *We praise You the holy God.
mFi lk̈A§ miWFc
¦ wE
§ .WFcẅ Ln§ W
¦ e§ WFcẅ dŸ`©
:WFcT̈d© l ¥̀ d̈ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ* :dl̈Q¤ LEll§ d© i§
* On the Sabbat Shuva substitute:
* On the Sabbat Shuva subsitute:
:WFcT̈d© K¤ln¤ d© dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
We praise You the holy Sovereign.
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
36 Ma’ariv Service
You made Shabbat holy, the day that finished zil¦ k§ Y
© ,L«n¤ W
§ l¦ iri
¦ a¦ X
§ d© mFi z ¤̀ ŸW
§ C«© w¦ dŸ`©
the creation of heaven and earth. You blessed it FYW
§ C©w¦ e§ ,minÏ
¦ d© lM̈n¦ FYk§ x©aE
¥ ,ux«¨
¤`ë mi«©
¦ nẄ dU£
¥ rn©
more than other days and made it holier than other
¨ A§ aEzM̈ ok¥ e§ ,miP¦ n§
© Gd© lM̈n¦
times, as it is written in Your Torah.
The heavens and earth and all that is in them
were finished. On the seventh day God finished
the work that had been done, and stopped working
on the seventh day. God blessed the seventh day
and made it holy, because God ceased from all the
work of creation. (Genesis 2:1-3)
¦ `
¡ lk© i©§ e .m`¨ äv§ lk̈e§ ux«¨
¤`d̈e§ mi«©
¦ nẌd© ENkª i©
§ Ie© ,dÜr̈ xW
¤ £̀ FYk`
§ l© n§ iri
¦ a¦ X
§ d© mFIA©
¦ `
¡ Kx«ä
¤ i©§ e .dÜr̈ xW
¤ £̀ FYk`
§ l© n§ lM̈n¦ ,iri
¦ a¦ X
§ d©
lM̈n¦ za© Ẅ Fa iM¦ ,FzŸ` WC¥w© i©§ e iri
¦ a¦ X
§ d© mFi z ¤̀
.zFU£rl© midŸl
¦ `
¡ `x¨Ä xy
¤ £̀ ,FYk`
§ l© n§
Our God and God of our ancestors, be pleased
with our Shabbat rest, make us holy with Your
mitzvot and let us share in Your Torah. Satisfy us
with Your goodness and make us happy with Your
help. Purify our hearts so that we can serve You
truly. Ah-do-nai our God, let us receive Your holy
Shabbat with love and favor, so that Your people
Israel, who make Your name holy, who makes the
Shabbat holy will rest on it. We bless You,
Ah-do-nai, who makes the Shabbat holy.
¥ C§ w© .Epz¥ g̈Epn§ a¦ dv¥ x§ .EpizFa
¥ £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e EpidŸl
¥ ¤̀
¤ n¦ Ep¥rA§ X
© .Lz¤ xFz
¨ A§ Epw¥ l§ g¤ oz¥ e§ LizF
¤ v§ n¦ A§
.zn¤ `
¡ a¤ LC§ ar̈
§ l§ EpA¥ l¦ xd¥ h© e§ .Lzr̈EWi
A¦ Epg¥ O© X
© e§
zA© W
© oFvx¨aE
§ dä£d`© A§ Epidl
¥ ¤̀ dF̈di§ Epli
¥ g¦ p§ d© e§
KExÄ :Ln¤ W
§ iW
¥ C§ w© n§ l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ Dä EgEpïe§ .LW
¤ c§ ẅ
© d© WC¥w© n§ .dF̈di§ dŸ`©
Ah-do-nai, be pleased with Your people Israel .mz̈N̈t¦ z§ aE
¦ l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ LO©
§ rA§ Epidl
¥ ¤̀ dF̈di§ dv¥ x§
and with their prayer. Restore worship to Your mz̈N̈t¦ zE
§ .Lzi
¤ A¥ xia¦ c§ l¦ dc̈Fa£rd̈ z ¤̀ aW
¥ d̈e§
Temple. May the prayer of Your people Israel
© r cin¦ Ÿ oFvx¨l§ id¦ zE
§ .oFvx¨A§ lA¥ w© z§ dä£d`© A§
always be accepted with love and favor.
¤ r l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦
On Rosh Chodesh Sh’mini Atzeret, Simchat Torah, Passover, Sukkot, and Shavuot the following is added:
Our God and God of our ancestors, may our remembrance rise
and be accepted before You, with the remembrance of our
ancestors, of Messiah the son of David Your servant, of
Jerusalem Your holy city, and of all Your people the house of
Israel, bringing deliverance and well-being, grace, loving kindness
and mercy, life and peace on this day of
,dv¤ x¥¨ie§ ,d ¤̀ x¥¨ie§ ,©ri«B©
¦ ie§ ,`Ÿaïe§ dl¤ £ri© ,Epi«zFa
¥ £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¥ £̀ oFxk¦
§ fe§ ,Ep«¥pFcw§ tE
¦ Ep«p¥ Fxk¦
§ f xkG̈
¥ i¦ e§ ,cw¥ R̈i¦ e§ ,rn© Ẍi¦ e§
,L«¤Wc§ ẅ xir¦ mi«¦ l© ẄExi§ oFxk¦
§ fe§ ,LC«¤a©
§ r ce¦ C̈ oA¤ gi
© W
«¦ n̈ oFxk¦
§ fe§
og¥ l§ ,däFhl§ ,dḧil¥ t§ l¦ ,Li«p¤ ẗl§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ ziA¥ LO©
§ r lM̈ oFxk¦
§ fe§
mFiA§ ,mFlẄlE
§ mi¦Ig© l§ ,min£
¦ gx©lE
§ cq«¤
¤ glE
Rosh Chodesh the New Moon.
. d¤Gd© Wc¤Ÿg« d© W`Ÿx On Rosh Chodesh
.d¤Gd© zFSO© d© bg© On Passover
.d¤Gd© zFMQª d© bg© On Sukkot
d¤Gd© zFraª Ẅd© bg© On Shavuot
On Sh’mini Atzeret and Simchat Torah
d¤Gd© zx«¤v£
¤ rd̈ bg© ipi
¦ n¦ X
§ d©
the Festival of Passover.
the Festival of Sukkot.
the Festival of Shavuot.
the Festival of Sh’mini Atzeret.
Remember us, Ah-do-nai our God for our well-being; be mindful of ,dk̈x¨a§ l¦ Fa Epc«¥w§ ẗE ,däFhl§ FA ,Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ ,Epx«¥kf̈
us for blessing, and save us with life: by Your promise of salvation
¦ gx©e§ dr̈EWi§ xa© c§ aE
¦ .mi¦Ig© l§ Fa Ep«¥riWFd
¦ e§
and mercy, spare us and be gracious to us; have mercy upon us ,Ep«P¥ g̈e§ qEg ,min£
and save us; for our eyes are bent upon You, because You are a oEPg© Kl¤ n
«¤ l ¥̀ iM¦ ,Epi«¥pi¥r Li«l¤ ¥̀ iM¦ ,Ep«¥riWFd
¦ e§ Epi«¥lr̈ mg¥ x©e§
gracious and merciful God.
.dŸ«`¨ mEgx©e§
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Ma’ariv Service 37
May we see Your merciful return to Zion. We
bless You, Ah-do-nai, who restores Your
presence to Zion.
thank You for being our God and
God of our ancestors forever and ever. You are
the rock of our lives and our saving shield. In
every generation we will thank and praise You
for our lives which are in Your power, for our
souls which are in Your keeping, for Your
miracles which are with us every day, and for
Your wonders and good things that are with us
at all times: evening, morning and noon. Good
One, Your mercies have never stopped.
Merciful One, Your kindness has never stopped.
We have always placed our hope in You.
¦ gx©A§ oFIv¦ l§ LaEW
§ A§ Epi«¥pi¥r dp̈i«¤fg
¡ z¤ e§
.oFIv¦ l§ Fzp̈ik¦ W
§ xi¦fg
£ O© d© ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
dF̈di§ ,`Ed dŸ`© Ẅ ,Kl̈
§ p £̀
,Epi¥ig© xEv ,c¤rë ml̈Frl§ ,Epi«¥zFa £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«dŸl
¥ `
xR¥ q© pE
§ LN§ dcF
¤ p« ,xFcë xFcl§ `Ed dŸ`© ,Ep«¥rW
§ i¦ o¥bn̈
§ p¦ l©re§ ,Lcï
«¤ A§ mixEq
¦ O§ d© Epi¥ig© l©r ,L«¤zN̈d¦ Y§
l©re§ ,Ep«Ör¦ mFi lk̈A§ W
¤ Li«¤Qp¦ l©re§ ,Kl̈ zFcEwR§ d©
xw¤ Ÿa« ë ax«¤
¤ r ,z¥r lk̈A§ W
¤ Li«¤zFaFhe§ Li«¤zF`l§ t§ p¦
iM¦ ,mg¥ x©n§ d© e§ ,Li«n£
¤ gx© Elk̈ `Ÿl iM¦ ,aFHd© ,mi¦ x¢
.Kl̈ Epi«¦Ew¦ ml̈Frn¥ ,Lic«¤q̈£g EO«©z `Ÿl
On Chanukah the following is added:
l©re§ ,zFxEaB§ d© l©re§ ,oẅx§ Rª d© l©re§ ,miQ¦ P¦ d© l©r
Epi«¥zFa £̀ l© z̈iUr̈
«¦ W
¤ ,zFng̈l§ O¦ d© l©re§ ,zFrEWY§ d©
.d¤Gd© on§
© GA© md¥ d̈ minÏ
¦ A©
,eip̈äE i`©pFnW
§ g© ,lFcB̈ odŸ
¥ M op̈g̈Fi oA¤ Ed«ïz§ Y¦ n© ini
¥ A¦
l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ LO©
§ r l©r dr̈Ẅx§ d̈ oëï zEkl§ n© dc̈nr̈
§ W
¤ M§
dŸ`© e§ ,L«p¤ Fvx§ iT¥ gª n¥ mxi
¨ a£
¦ rd© lE
§ ,L«¤zxFY
¨ mg̈iM¦ W
§ d© l§
Ÿa§ x«© ,mz̈x¨v̈ z¥rA§ md¤ l̈ Ÿc«©
§ nr̈ miA¦ x©d̈ Li«n£
¤ gx©A§
,mz̈n̈w§ p¦ z ¤̀ Ÿn§ wp̈
«© ,mp̈iC¦ z ¤̀ Ÿp§ C«© ,mäix¦ z ¤̀
¦ rn§ c©iA§ miA¦ x©e§ ,miW
¦ N̈g© c©iA§ mixFA
¦ B¦ Ÿx«§ q© n̈
mic¥¦ fe§ ,miwi
¦ C¦ v© c©iA§ mir¦ ẄxE§ ,mixFd
¦ h§ c©iA§ mi`¦ n¥ hE
WFcẅe§ lFcB̈ mW
¥ z̈iUr̈
«¦ LlE
§ .L«¤zxFz
¨ iw¥ qFr
dl̈Fcb§ dr̈eWY§ z̈iUr̈
l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ LO©
§ rlE
§ ,L«n¤ l̈FrA§
xia¦ c§ l¦ Li«p¤ ä E`«Ä oM¥ xg© `© e§ .d¤Gd© mFId© M§ oẅx§ tE
,L«¤WC̈w§ n¦ z ¤̀ Ex£dh¦ e§ ,L«¤lk̈id¥ z ¤̀ EPtE
¦ ,L«¤ziA¥
in¥ i§ z©pFnW
§ Era§ ẅe§ ,L«¤Wc§ ẅ zFxv§ g© A§ zFx¥p Ewi«¦lc§ d¦ e§
lFcB̈d© Ln§ W
¦ l§ lN¥ d© lE
§ zFcFdl§ ,EN«¥̀ dM̈ªpg
We thank You for the miracles and for the salvation and
for the mighty deeds and for the victories and for the
battles which You performed for our forefathers in
those days at this time. In the days of Mattityahu, the
son of Yochanan the High Priest, the Hasmonean, and
his sons - when the wicked Greek kingdom rose up
against Your people Israel to make them forget Your
Torah and compel them to stray from the statutes of
Your will - You in Your great mercy stood up for them
in the time of their distress. You took up their grievance,
judged their claim, and avenged their wrong. You
delivered the strong into the hands of the weak, the
many into the hands of the few, the impure into the
hands of the pure, the wicked into the hands of the
righteous, and the wanton into the hands of the diligent
students of Your Torah. For Yourself, You made a great
and holy name in Your world, and for Your people
Israel You worked a great victory and salvation on this
very day. Thereafter, Your children came to the Holy of
Holies of Your House, cleansed Your Temple, purified
the site of Your holiness and kindled lights in the
courtyards of Your sanctuary; and they established these
eight days of Chanukah to express thanks and praise to
Your great name.
For all Your blessings, we shall continually
bless You, forever and ever.
Ep«¥Ml§ n© Ln§ W
¦ mnFx
© z§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦
mN̈Mª l©re§
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ cin¦ Ÿ
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
38 Ma’ariv Service
And everything that lives shall give
Ln§ W
¦ z ¤̀ Ell§ di
© e¦ ,dl̈«¤Q LEcFi
thanks to You forever, and shall praise Your
¡ A¤
name in truth, God, our salvation and our help. dŸ`© KExÄ .dl̈«¤q Ep«¥zx§¨fr¤ e§ Ep«¥zr̈EWi§ l ¥̀ d̈ ,zn¤ `
We bless You Ah-do-nai, whose name is good,
.zFcFdl§ d ¤̀ p̈ LlE
§ Ln§ W
¦ aFHd© ,dF̈di§
and to whom it is good to give thanks.
mi¦ i§ g© d© lŸke§
Source of Peace, let Israel Your people know
enduring peace, for it is good in Your sight
continually to bless Israel and all nations with
Your peace. We praise You, Ah-do-nai, for You
bless Israel with peace.
¦ Ÿ la¤ z¥ ia¥ WFi
§ lk̈e§ LO©
§ r l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ l©r ax¨ mFlẄ
aFhe§ .mFlẄd© lk̈l§ oFc`¨ Kl¤ n¤ `Ed dŸ`© iM¦ ml̈Frl§
§ z¥r lk̈A§ l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ LO©
§ r z ¤̀ Kx¥äl§ Li¤pi¥rA§
FO©r z ¤̀ Kx¥än§ d© .dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ LnFl
¤ W
§ A¦ dr̈Ẅ
mFlÜA© l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦
iA¦ l¦ gz© R§ .d¤id§ Y¦ lŸMl© xẗr̈M¤ iW
¦ t©
§ pe§ ,mŸCz¦ iW
¦ t©
§ p il© l§ w© n§ l¦ e§ ,dn̈x§ n¦ xA¥ C©n¦ iz© ẗUE
§ ,rx¨n¥ ipFW
¦ l§ xFvp§ ,idŸl
© `
¥ r .mŸa§ W£
© gn© lw¥ l§ w© e§ mz̈v̈£r xt¥ d̈ dx¨d¥ n§ ,dr̈x¨ ilr̈
© mia¦ WFg
§ d© lk̈e§ .iW
¦ t©
§ p sFCx§ Y¦ Li«¤zŸev§ n¦ aE
§ ,L«¤zxFz
¨ A§
«¤ c¦ i§ oEvl§ g̈¥i o©rn
«© l§ .L«¤zxFY
¨ o©rn
«© l§ dU£
¥ r ,L«¤zẌcªw§ o©rn
«© l§ dU£
¥ r ,L«p¤ in¦ i§ o©rn
«© l§ dU£
¥ r ,L«n¤ W
§ o©rn
«© l§
.il¦ £̀ Fbe§ ixEv
¦ dF̈di§ ,Li«p¤ ẗl§ iA¦ l¦ oFib§ d¤ e§ it¦ ix¥n§ `¦ oFvx¨l§ Eid§ i¦ .ip«¥
¦ p£re© Lpi
§ n¦ i§
It is customary to take three steps back to signify the conclusion of the Amidah. This practice is recorded in
the Talmud as follows “ Rabbi Alexandri said in the name of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi: One who has
prayed should take three steps backward and afterwards pray for peace.”
,ein̈Fxn§ A¦ mFlẄ dUŸ
,Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri© `Ed
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§
O’seh shalom bim-ro-mav,
hu ya-seh shalom a-lay-nu
v’al kol Yis’ra-el .v’im-ru, Amen.
la¥ z¥ ia¥ yŸ
§ ei lk̈ l©re§ ,Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri©
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
Ya-seh shalom a-lay-nu v’al kol yosh'vei tevel
v’im-ru, Amen.
Maker of harmony in the universe, grant peace to us, to Israel, and to all people everywhere.
And let us say Amen.
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Ma’ariv Service 38
Guard My Tongue
Ah-do-nai, guard my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking falsehood. Help me to
ignore those who slander me, and to be humble and forgiving to all. Open my heart to
Your Torah, that I may know Your teachings and eagerly do Your will. Frustrate the plans
of those who wish me ill, that I may praise Your power, Your holiness, and Your Law. Save
Your loved ones, Ah-do-nai; Answer me with Your redeeming power. May the words of
my mouth and the meditation of my heart find favor before You, my Rock and my
Redeemer. Maker of harmony in the universe, grant peace to us, to Israel, and to all people
And let us say Amen.
Please be seated after you have completed the silent Amidah.
Guard my tongue from evil
and my lips from speaking falsehood.
Help me to ignore those who slander me,
and to be humble and forgiving to all.
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
39 Ma’ariv Service
Rabbi Andre Unger - Adapted
Help me, Ah-do-nai, to pray.
Our ancestors worshiped You. Abraham and Sarah, Rebecca and Isaac, Jacob, Rachel and Leah
stood in awe before You. We too reach for You, infinite, awesome, transcendent God, source of all
being whose truth shines through our ancestors’ lives. We, their distant descendants, draw strength
from their lives and from Your redeeming love. Be our help and our shield, as You were theirs. We
praise You, God, Guardian of Abraham and Sarah.
Your power sustains the universe. You breathe life into dead matter. With compassion You care for
those who live. Your limitless love lets life triumph over death, heals the sick, upholds the exhausted,
frees the enslaved, keeps faith even with the dead. Who is like You, God of splendor and power
incomparable? You govern both life and death, Your presence brings our souls to blossom. We praise
You, God who wrests life from death.
Sacred are You, sacred Your mystery. Seekers of holiness worship You all their lives. We praise You,
God, ultimate sacred mystery.
Culminating the birth of the cosmos You consecrated to Your own glory the day of Shabbat -- blessed
above all days, holiest of times, as it is written in Your Torah: “Heaven and earth and all they contain
were complete. On the seventh day God brought to a halt God’s creative work and rested from all
endeavor. And God blessed the seventh day because on it God desisted from all effort and striving
and creation.”
Add for Festivals: Out of all humanity You chose us, You loved us, You found pleasure in us. Out of all people, through
Your Law, You uplifted us, You consecrated us, You drew us near to serve You, and shared with us your great and holy
Name. Lovingly, Ah-do-nai our God, You gave us Sabbaths for rest, Festivals for joy, Feasts and holy days for delight.
(On Passover add): this Feast of Matzah, season of our liberation,
(On Shavuot add): this Feast of Shavuot, the season when our Torah was given,
(On Sukkot add): this Feast of Sukkot, our joyous season,
(On Sh’mini Atzeret add): this Feast of Sh’mini Atzeret, our joyous season,
a sacred gathering, memento of our Exodus from Egypt.
Ah-do-nai, God of our ancestors, find pleasure in our Shabbat, make us holy with Your mitzvot, give
us a share in Your truth. Sate us with Your goodness, delight us with Your help. Make our hearts
worthy to serve You truly. May we possess Your holy Shabbat with love and eagerness. May the
people Israel, bearer of Your holy name, be blessed with tranquility. We love You, Ah-do-nai whose
Shabbat is sacred.
Would that Your people at prayer gained delight in You. Would that we were aflame with the
passionate piety of our ancestors’ worship. Would that You found our worship acceptable and forever
cherished Your people. If only our eyes could see Your glory perennially renewed in Jerusalem. We
praise You, God whose presence forever radiates from Zion.
You are our God today as You were our ancestors’ God throughout the ages; firm foundation of our
lives, we are Yours in gratitude and love. Our lives are safe in Your hand, our souls entrusted to Your
care. Our sense of wonder and our praise of Your miracles and kindness greet You daily at dawn,
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Ma’ariv Service 40
dusk, and noon. Gentle One, Your caring is endless; Compassionate One, Your love is eternal. You
are forever our hope. Let all life confront You with thankfulness, delight, and truth. Help us, Ah-do-nai;
sustain us. We praise You Ah-do-nai whose touchstone is goodness. To pray to You is joy.
Ah-do-nai, from whom all peace flows, grant serenity to Your Jewish people, with love and mercy, life
and goodness for all. Consider us kindly, bless us with tranquility at all times and all seasons. We
praise You, Ah-do-nai whose blessing is peace.
May my tongue be innocent of malice and my lips free from lies. When confronted by enemies may
my soul stay calm, truly humble to all. Open my heart with Your teachings, that I may be guided by
You. May all who plan evil against me abandon their schemes. Hear my words and help me,
Ah-do-nai, because You are compassionate, because You are almighty, because You are holy,
because You are loving, because You reveal Your Torah. May You find delight in the words of my
mouth and in the emotions of my heart, Ah-do-nai, my strength and my salvation. As You maintain
harmony in the heavens, give peace to us and to the whole Jewish people.
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
41 Festival Amidah
Kavanah - This prayer of intent is recited prior to the silent Amidah. While reciting this prayer, it is customary to take
three small steps forward as if one is approaching royalty. This custom is derived from the actions of Abraham who
"came forward" to pray for the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:23). Where there is not much
space, it has become the practice to take several tiny steps back before taking the three symbolic steps forward..
L¤zl̈¦dz§ ci¦bi© i¦tE gz̈§tz¦ i©zẗ§y ip̈Ÿc £̀
Ah-do-nai, s'fa-tai tif-tach, u’fee ya-gid t'he-la-te-cha.
Ah-do-nai, open my lips, that my mouth may proclaim your praise.
We bless You, Ah-do-nai our God and God .EpizFa
¥ £̀ idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e Epidl
¥ ¤̀ dF̈di§ dŸ`©
of our ancestors, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, idŸl
¥ `
¡ .aŸw£ri© idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e ,wg̈v§ i¦ idŸl
¥ `
¡ ,md̈x¨a§ `© idŸl
¥ `
and God of Jacob, God of Sarah, God of Rebecca,
.d`¨ l¥ idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e ,lg¥ x¨ idŸl
¥ `
¡ ,dẅa§ x¦ idŸl
¥ `
¡ ,dx¨Ẍ
God of Rachel and God of Leah.
§ r l ¥̀
¨ d© e§ xFAB¦ d© lFcB̈d© l ¥̀ d̈
Great, strong and awe-inspiring God, lnFB
God who acts with loving kindness and creates all.
.zFa`¨ ic¥q§ g© xkFf
¥ e§ .lŸMd© d¥pFwe§ miaFh
mic¦ q̈£g
God remembers the loving deeds of our ancestors,
and will bring a redeemer to their children's children
.dä£d`© A§ FnW
§ o©rn© l§ mdi¥
¤ pa§ i¥pa§ l¦ l ¥̀ Fb `ia¦ nE
because of Your loving nature.
You are a sustaining, saving and shielding ruler.
.o¥bn̈E r© iWFnE
x¥fFr Kl¤ n¤
We bless
Ah-do-nai, shield of .dx¨Ẍ cwFRE
md̈x¨a§ `© o¥bn̈ dF̈di§
Abraham and guardian of Sarah.
The second blessing praises God for deeds of gevurot (“power and might”). Among the manifestations of God's power are providing sustenance
for all living creatures, healing the sick and causing the rain to fall in the rainy season.
ax© dŸ`© miz¦ n¥ d¤Ig© n§ ip̈c £̀ ml̈Frl§ xFAb¦ dŸ`©
¦ l§
You are mighty forever, Ah-do-nai. You give
eternal life to the departed with Your great saving
(From Sh’mini Atzeret to Pesach add)
¤ d© cixFnE
¦ gEx
© d̈ aiW
¦ n©
You cause the wind to blow and the rain to fall.
Your love sustains all living things. You
give immortality to the departed with great mercy.
You support the falling, heal the sick and free
captives. You keep faith with those who sleep in
the dust. Who can compare to You? You are the
Ruler of life and death who causes salvation to
bloom. We praise You, ruler of life and death.
.miA¦ x© min£
¦ gx©A§ miz¦ n¥ d¤Ig© n§ .cq¤ g¤ A§ mii¦ g© lM¥ l§ k© n§
m¥Iw© nE
§ .mixEq£̀
xiY¦ nE
© milFg
¦ `tFx
¥ e§ mil¦ tFp
§ KnFq
¦ zFxEaB§ l©rA© LFnk̈ in¦ .xẗr̈ i¥pWi
¥ l¦ Fzp̈En`
.dr̈EWi§ gi
© n¦ v§ nE
© d¤Ig© nE
§ zin¦ n¥ Kl¤ n¤ .Kl̈ dnFc
dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ .miz¦ n¥ zFi£gd© l§ dŸ`© on̈`¤
¡ pe§
.miz¦ O¥ d© d¤Ig© n§
You are holy, Your name is holy and the righteous
praise You daily. *We praise You the holy God.
mFi lk̈A§ miWFc
¦ wE
§ .WFcẅ Ln§ W
¦ e§ WFcẅ dŸ`©
:WFcT̈d© l ¥̀ d̈ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ* :dl̈Q¤ LEll§ d© i§
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Festival Amidah 42
On Sabbath add the words in brackets.
On Sabbath add the words in brackets
Ep«l̈ oY¤ Y©
And You have given us in love, Ah-do-nai our God,
© dä£d`© A§ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§
[Sabbaths for rest,] appointed times for gladness,
© fE miB¦ g© ,dg̈n§ U
¦ l§ mic£
¦ rFn (E dg̈Epn§ l¦
festivals and seasons for joy; [this Sabbath Day, and] this ,oFUÜl§ miP¦ n§
day of—
(mFi z ¤̀ e§ d¤Gd© zÄX
© d)
© mFi z ¤̀
On Pesach:—
On Pesach:—
The Feast of Unleavened Bread, the season of our
Ep«¥zExg¥ on§
© f ,d¤Gd© zFSO© d© bg©
On Shovuot:—
On Shovuot:—
The Feast of Weeks, the season of the Giving of our
¨ oY© n© on§
© f ,d¤Gd© zFraª Ẍd© bg©
On Succot:—
On Succot:—
Ep«¥zg̈n§ U
¦ on§
© f ,d¤Gd© zFMQª d© bg©
The Feast of Tabernacles, the season of our Gladness
On Shemini Atzeres and Simchat Torah:—
On Shemini Atzeres and Simchat Torah:—
The Eighth-day Feast of Solemn Assembly, the season
of our Gladness
[in love]; a holy convocation, as a memorial of the
departure from Egypt.
Ep«¥zg̈n§ U
¦ on§
© f ,d¤Gd© zx«¤
¤v£rd̈ bg© ipi
¦ n¦ X
§ d©
Our God and God of our ancestors, may our
remembrance rise and be accepted before You, with the
remembrance of our ancestors, of Messiah the son of
David Your servant, of Jerusalem Your holy city, and of
all Your people the house of Israel, bringing deliverance
and well-being, grace, loving kindness and mercy, life
and peace on this day of
,d ¤̀ x¥¨ie§ ,©ri«¦B©ie§ ,`Ÿaïe§ d¤l£ri© ,Epi«¥zFa £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«dŸl
¥ `
,Ep«¥pFcw§ tE
¦ Ep«¥pFxk¦
§ f xkG̈
¥ i¦ e§ ,cw¥ R̈i¦ e§ ,rn© Ẍi¦ e§ ,dv¤ x¥¨ie§
§ r ce¦ C̈ oA¤ gi
© W
«¦ n̈ oFxk¦
§ fe§ ,Epi«¥zFa £̀ oFxk¦
§ fe§
ziA¥ LO©
§ r lM̈ oFxk¦
§ fe§ ,L«¤Wc§ ẅ xir¦ mi«©
¦ lẄExi§ oFxk¦
§ fe§
¤ g¤ lE
§ og¥ l§ ,däFhl§ ,dḧil¥ t§ l¦ ,Li«p¤ ẗl§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦
mFiA§ ,mFlẄlE
§ mii¦ g© l§ ,min£
¦ gx©lE
.d¤Gd© Wc¤Ÿg« d© W`Ÿx On Rosh Chodesh
.d¤Gd© zFSO© d© bg© On Passover
.d¤Gd© zFMQª d© bg© On Sukkot
d¤Gd© zFraª Ẅd© bg© On Shavuot
.mi¦ x«¨v§ n¦ z`i
© vi
¦ l¦ xk«¥
¤ f ,WcŸ¤w« `x¨w§ n¦ (dä£d`© A)
--- the New Moon.
On Passover --- the Festival of Passover.
On Sukkot --- the Festival of Tabernacles.
On Shavuot --- the Festival of Shavuot.
On Sh’mini Atzeret and Simchat Torah
On Sh’mini Atzeret and Simchat Torah --d¤Gd© zx«¤
¤v£rd̈ bg© ipi
¦ n¦ X
§ d©
the Festival of Sh’mini Atzeret.
Remember us, Ah-do-nai our God for our well-being;
Fa Epc«¥w§ ẗE ,däFhl§ FA ,Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ ,Epx«¥kf̈
be mindful of us for blessing, and save us with life: by
dr̈EWi§ xa© c§ aE
¦ .mii¦ g© l§ Fa Ep«¥riWFd
¦ e§ ,dk̈x¨a§ l¦
Your promise of salvation and mercy, spare us and be
¦ e§ Epi«¥lr̈ mg¥ x©e§ ,Ep«¥Pg̈e§ qEg ,min£
¦ gx©e§
gracious to us; have mercy upon us and save us; for our iM¦ ,Ep«¥riWFd
.dŸ«¨` mEgx©e§ oEPg© Kl«
¤ n¤ l ¥̀ iM¦ ,Epi«¥pi¥r Li«¤l ¥̀
eyes are bent upon You, because You are a gracious and
merciful God.
On Rosh Chodesh
Ah-do-nai, be pleased
with Your .mz̈N̈t¦ z§ aE
¦ l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ LO©
§ rA§ Epidl
¥ ¤̀ dF̈di§
dv¥ x§
people Israel and with their prayer. Restore worship to mz̈N̈t¦ zE
§ .Lzi
¤ A¥ xia¦ c§ l¦ dc̈Fa£rd̈ z ¤̀ aW
¥ d̈e§
Your Temple. May the prayer of Your people Israel
© r cin¦ Ÿ oFvx¨l§ id¦ zE
§ .oFvx¨A§ lA¥ w© z§ dä£d`© A§
always be accepted with love and favor.
¤ r l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
43 Festival Amidah
May we see Your merciful return to Zion. We
bless You, Ah-do-nai, who restores Your
presence to Zion.
thank You for being our God and
God of our ancestors forever and ever. You are
the rock of our lives and our saving shield. In
every generation we will thank and praise You
for our lives which are in Your power, for our
souls which are in Your keeping, for Your
miracles which are with us every day, and for
Your wonders and good things that are with us
at all times: evening, morning and noon. Good
One, Your mercies have never stopped.
Merciful One, Your kindness has never stopped.
We have always placed our hope in You.
¦ gx©A§ oFIv¦ l§ LaEW
§ A§ Epi«¥pi¥r dp̈i«¤fg
¡ z¤ e§
.oFIv¦ l§ Fzp̈ik¦ W
§ xi¦fg
£ O© d© ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
dF̈di§ ,`Ed dŸ`© Ẅ ,Kl̈
§ p £̀
,Epi¥ig© xEv ,c¤rë ml̈Frl§ ,Epi«¥zFa £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«dŸl
¥ `
xR¥ q© pE
§ LN§ dcF
¤ p« ,xFcë xFcl§ `Ed dŸ`© ,Ep«¥rW
§ i¦ o¥bn̈
§ p¦ l©re§ ,Lcï
«¤ A§ mixEq
¦ O§ d© Epi¥ig© l©r ,L«¤zN̈d¦ Y§
l©re§ ,Ep«Ör¦ mFi lk̈A§ W
¤ Li«¤Qp¦ l©re§ ,Kl̈ zFcEwR§ d©
xw¤ Ÿa« ë ax«¤
¤ r ,z¥r lk̈A§ W
¤ Li«¤zFaFhe§ Li«¤zF`l§ t§ p¦
iM¦ ,mg¥ x©n§ d© e§ ,Li«n£
¤ gx© Elk̈ `Ÿl iM¦ ,aFHd© ,mi¦ x¢
.Kl̈ Epi«¦Ew¦ ml̈Frn¥ ,Lic«¤q̈£g EO«©z `Ÿl
For all Your blessings, we shall continually
bless You, forever and ever.
Ep«¥Ml§ n© Ln§ W
¦ mnFx
© z§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦
mN̈Mª l©re§
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ cin¦ Ÿ
And everything that lives shall give thanks
Ln§ W
¦ z ¤̀ Ell§ di
© e¦ ,dl̈«¤Q LEcFi
to You forever, and shall praise Your name in
¡ A¤
truth, God, our salvation and our help. We bless dŸ`© KExÄ .dl̈«¤q Ep«¥zx§¨fr¤ e§ Ep«¥zr̈EWi§ l ¥̀ d̈ ,zn¤ `
You Ah-do-nai, whose name is good, and to
.zFcFdl§ d ¤̀ p̈ LlE
§ Ln§ W
¦ aFHd© ,dF̈di§
whom it is good to give thanks.
mi¦ i§ g© d© lŸke§
Source of Peace, let Israel Your people know
enduring peace, for it is good in Your sight
continually to bless Israel and all nations with
Your peace. We praise You, Ah-do-nai, for You
bless Israel with peace.
¦ Ÿ la¤ z¥ ia¥ WFi
§ lk̈e§ LO©
§ r l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ l©r ax¨ mFlẄ
aFhe§ .mFlẄd© lk̈l§ oFc`¨ Kl¤ n¤ `Ed dŸ`© iM¦ ml̈Frl§
§ z¥r lk̈A§ l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ LO©
§ r z ¤̀ Kx¥äl§ Li¤pi¥rA§
FO©r z ¤̀ Kx¥än§ d© .dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ LnFl
¤ W
§ A¦ dr̈Ẅ
mFlÜA© l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Festival Amidah 44
iA¦ l¦ gz© R§ .d¤id§ Y¦ lŸMl© xẗr̈M¤ iW
¦ t©
§ pe§ ,mŸCz¦ iW
¦ t©
§ p il© l§ w© n§ l¦ e§ ,dn̈x§ n¦ xA¥ C©n¦ iz© ẗUE
§ ,rx¨n¥ ipFW
¦ l§ xFvp§ ,idŸl
© `
¥ r .mŸa§ W£
© gn© lw¥ l§ w© e§ mz̈v̈£r xt¥ d̈ dx¨d¥ n§ ,dr̈x¨ ilr̈
© mia¦ WFg
§ d© lk̈e§ .iW
¦ t©
§ p sFCx§ Y¦ Li«¤zŸev§ n¦ aE
§ ,L«¤zxFz
¨ A§
«¤ c¦ i§ oEvl§ g̈¥i o©rn
«© l§ .L«¤zxFY
¨ o©rn
«© l§ dU£
¥ r ,L«¤zẌcªw§ o©rn
«© l§ dU£
¥ r ,L«p¤ in¦ i§ o©rn
«© l§ dU£
¥ r ,L«n¤ W
§ o©rn
«© l§
.il¦ £̀ Fbe§ ixEv
¦ dF̈di§ ,Li«p¤ ẗl§ iA¦ l¦ oFib§ d¤ e§ it¦ ix¥n§ `¦ oFvx¨l§ Eid§ i¦ .ip«¥
¦ p£re© Lpi
§ n¦ i§
It is customary to take three steps back to signify the conclusion of the Amidah. This practice is recorded in
the Talmud as follows “ Rabbi Alexandri said in the name of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi: One who has
prayed should take three steps backward and afterwards pray for peace.”
,ein̈Fxn§ A¦ mFlẄ dUŸ
,Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri© `Ed
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§
O’seh shalom bim-ro-mav,
hu ya-seh shalom a-lay-nu
v’al kol Yis’ra-el .v’im-ru, Amen.
la¥ z¥ ia¥ yŸ
§ ei lk̈ l©re§ ,Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri©
Ya-seh shalom a-lay-nu v’al kol yosh'vei tevel
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
v’im-ru, Amen.
Maker of harmony in the universe, grant peace to us, to Israel, and to all people everywhere.
And let us say Amen.
Guard My Tongue
Ah-do-nai, guard my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking falsehood. Help me to
ignore those who slander me, and to be humble and forgiving to all. Open my heart to
Your Torah, that I may know Your teachings and eagerly do Your will. Frustrate the plans
of those who wish me ill, that I may praise Your power, Your holiness, and Your Law. Save
Your loved ones, Ah-do-nai; Answer me with Your redeeming power. May the words of
my mouth and the meditation of my heart find favor before You, my Rock and my
Redeemer. Maker of harmony in the universe, grant peace to us, to Israel, and to all people
And let us say Amen.
Please be seated after you have completed the silent Amidah
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
47 Ma’ariv Service
Blessing The Seventh Day
mi¦ n«© Ẍd© ENkª i§ e©
- Please rise -
Vay'cho-loo ha-sha-ma-yim v'ha-a-retz,
v'chol tz-va-am.
¤`d̈e§ mi«©
¦ nẌd© ENkª i©§ e
.m`¨ äv§ lk̈e§
Va-y'chal El-oh-him ba'yom ha-sh-v-e-ee
m’lach-to asher asa,
¦ a¦ X
§ d© mFIA© midŸl
¦ `
¡ lk© i©§ e
,dÜr̈ xW
¤ £̀ FYk`
§ l© n§
Va-yish-bot ba-yom ha-sh-ve-e-ee
me-kol m’lach-to asher asa.
¦ a¦ X
§ d© mFIA© zŸAW¦
§ Ie©
.dÜr̈ xW
¤ £̀ FYk`
§ l© n§ lM̈n¦
Va-y'va-rech El-oh-him et yom ha-sh've-ee
va-y'ka-desh oto,
¦ a¦ X
§ d© mFi z ¤̀ midŸl
¦ `
¡ Kx«ä
¤ i©§ e
,FzŸ` WC¥w© i©§ e
kee vo sha-vat Me-kol m'l-ach-to
a-sher ba-ra El-oh-him la'asot.
§ l© n§ lM̈n¦ za© Ẅ Fa iM¦
.zFU£rl© midŸl
¦ `
¡ `x¨Ä xy
¤ £̀
The heavens and earth and all that is in them were finished. On the seventh day God finished the
work that had been done, and stopped working on the seventh day. God blessed the seventh day
and made it holy, because God ceased from all the work of creation. (Genesis 2:1-3)
Abbreviated Amidah
dcinr xeviw
The Abbreviated Amidah reiterates the major themes of the silent Amidah. The Abbreviated Amidah is recited aloud for
those who cannot read the Amidah for themselves
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu, v'e-lo-hei a-vo-tey-nu;
E-lo-hei Av-ra-ham, E-lo-hei Yits-chak, vey-lo-hei Ya-a-kov;
E-lo-hei Sa-ra, E-lo-hei Riv-ka, E-lo-hei Ra-ch-el
vey-lo-hei Le-ah.
Ha-el, ha-Ga-dol, ha-Gi-bor, v'ha-No-ra; El El-yon;
ko-nei sha-ma-yim va-a-rets.
¥ £̀ idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e Epidl
¥ ¤̀ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
.aŸw£ri© idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e ,wg̈v§ i¦ idŸl
¥ `
¡ ,md̈x¨a§ `© idŸl
¥ `
,lg¥ x¨ idŸl
¥ `
¡ ,dẅa§ x¦ idŸl
¥ `
¡ ,dx¨Ẍ idŸl
¥ `
d`¨ l¥ idŸl
¥ `¥
§ r l ¥̀ ,`xFP
¨ d© e§ xFAB¦ d© lFcB̈d© l ¥̀ d̈
¤`ë mi«©
¦ nẄ d¥pFw
We bless You, Ah-do-nai our God and God of our ancestors, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and
God of Jacob, God of Sarah, God of Rebecca, God of Rachel and God of Leah the great, strong
and awe-inspiring God, creator of heaven and earth.
You may be seated
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Ma’ariv Service 48
Reader and Cong.
,Fxäc§ A¦ zFa`¨ o¥bn̈
,Fxn̈ £̀ n© A§ miz¦ n¥ d¥Ig© n§
,EdFn« M̈ oi ¥̀ W
¤ WFcT̈d© l ¥̀ d̈
,FWc§ ẅ zA© W
© mFiA§ FO©rl§ gi«¦
© pO¥ d©
.md¤ l̈ gi«¦
© pd̈l§ dv̈x¨ mä iM¦
© të
© d`¨ x§ i¦ A§ cFa£rp© eip̈ẗl§
,cin¦ Ÿ mFi lk̈A§ FnW
§ l¦ dcFp
¤ e§
.zFkx¨A§ d© oi¥rn¥
,mFlẌd© oFc £̀ ,zF`c̈Fdd© l ¥̀
¦ a¦ W
§ Kx¥änE
§ zÄX
© d© WC¥w© n§
,b¤pŸr« i¥pX
§ cªn§ m©rl§ dẌcªw§ A¦ gi«¦
© pnE
¦ x¥a§ dU£
¥ rn© l§ xk«¥
Ma-gein a-vot bid-va-ro,
m'chai-yei may-tim b'ma-a-ma-ro,
ha-El ha-Ka-dosh she-ein ka-mo-hu,
ha-may-ne-ach l'a-mo b'yom sha-bat kad-sho,
key vam ra-tsa l'ha-ne-ach la-hem,
l'fa-nav na-a-vod b'yir-a va-fa-chad,
v'no-deh lish-mo b'chal yom ta-mid
may-ein ha-b'ra-chot.
El ha-ho-da-ot, a-don ha-sha-lom,
m'ka-deish ha-sha-bat um'va-reich sh've-e,
u-may-ne-ach bi-k'du-sha l'am m'du-sh'nei o-neg
zey-cher l'ma-a-say v'rey-shet.
Reader and Cong.
Shield to our ancestors, Guarantor of eternal life; the holy God, beyond comparison; who gives rest to us
on the holy Sabbath day, because God took pleasure in us to grant us rest. We will serve God with fear and
awe, and daily and constantly we will give thanks to Ah-do-nai’s name in the fitting forms of Blessings.
Ah-do-nai is the God to whom thanksgivings are due, Ah-do-nai of peace, who hallows the Sabbath and
blesses the seventh day, and in holiness give rest to a people sated with delights, in remembrance of the
« ¥ Fa £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«¥dŸl`
,Ep«¥zg̈Epn§ a¦ dv¥ x§
,Li«¤zŸev§ n¦ A§ Ep«W
¥ C§ w©
¨ A§ Epw«¥ l§ g¤ oz¥ e§
¤ n¦ Ep«¥rA§ U
,L«¤zr̈EWiA¦ Ep«g¥ O§ U
© e§
,zn¤ `
¡ A¤ LC§ ar̈
§ l§ Ep«A¥ l¦ xd¥ h© e§
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ Ep«¥lig¦ p§ d© e§
,L«¤Wc§ ẅ zA© W
© oFvx¨aE
§ dä£d`© A§
.L«n¤ W
§ iW
¥ C§ w© n§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ Dä EgEpï
« e§
© d© WC¥w© n§ ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
E-lo-hey-nu vey-lo-hei a-vo-tey-nu,
r'tsei vim-nu-cha-tey-nu.
Ka-d'shey-nu b'mitz-vo-te-cha,
v'tein chel-key-nu b'to-ra-te-cha.
Sa-b'ey-nu Me-tu-ve-cha,
v'sa-m'chey-nu bi-shu-a-te-cha,
v'ta-heir lee-bey-nu l'av-d'cha be-e-met,
V'han-che-ley-nu, Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-nu,
b'a-ha-va uv'ra-tson Sha-bat kawd-she-cha,
v'ya-nu-chu va Yis’ra-el m'ka-d'shei sh'me-cha.
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, m'ka-deish ha-Sha-bat.
Reader.—Our God and God of our ancestors, accept our rest; make us holy by Your commandments and
grant our portion in Your Torah; satisfy us with Your goodness, and gladden us with Your salvation;
purify our hearts to serve You in truth; and in Your love and favour, Ah-do-nai our God, let us inherit
Your holy Sabbath; and may Israel, who sanctifies Your name, rest. We bless You, Ah-do-nai, who blesses
the Sabbath.
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
49 Ma’ariv Service
Reader’s Kaddish
Kaddish is commonly known as a mourner's prayer, but in fact, variations on the Kaddish prayer are routinely recited at
many other times, and the prayer itself has nothing to do with death or mourning. Kaddish is a prayer that affirms our faith
in God and our hope for the future. The Reader’s Kaddish separates units of prayer within a service.
Yit-ga-dal v'yit-ka-dash she-mei ra-ba,
`Äx© Dn¥ W
§ WC¥w© z§ i¦ e§ lC©
¥Bz§ i¦
¥ l§ n© Kil¦ n©
§ ie§ DzEr
¥ x§ k¦ `x¨a§ iC¦ `n̈lr̈
§ A§
¥ aE
§ oFki¥ig© A§
l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ ziA¥ lk̈c§ i¥ig© AE
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ .aix¦ ẅ on§
© faE
¦ `l̈b̈£rA©
Be-al-ma di-ve-ra chi-re-u-tei, ve-yam-lich mal-chu-tei.
B'cha-yay-chon u-v'yo-may-chon
u-v'cha-yei de-chol bait Yis’ra-el
Ba-aga-la u-vi-ze-man ka-riv, v'im'ru: A-mein:
Ye-hey she-mei ra-ba me-va-rach,
le-a-lam u-le-al-mei al-ma-ya.
Kx©än§ `Äx© Dn¥ W
§ `d¥ i§
.`Ïn© lr̈
§ in¥ lr̈
§ lE
§ mlr̈
© l§
gA© Y© W
§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦
¥ pz§ i¦ e§ mnFx
© z§ i¦ e§ x`© R̈z§ i¦ e§
lN̈d© z§ i¦ e§ d¤N©rz§ i¦ e§ xC̈d© z§ i¦ e§
`Ed Kix¦ A§ `Ẅc§ wª C§ Dn¥ W
¦ e§ `z̈k̈x§ A¦ lM̈ on¦ `N̈«¥rl§ *
,`z̈n̈¡gp¤ e§ `z̈g̈A§ W
§ Yª
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,`n̈lr̈
§ A§ oxi
¨ n¦ £̀ C©
Yit-ba-rach ve-yish-ta-bach,
ve-yit-pa-ar ve-yit-ro-mam, ve-yit-na-say
ve-yit-ha-dar, ve-yit-a-leh, ve-yit-ha-lal
she-mei de-ku-de-sha, be-rich hu
* L'ey-la min kol bir-cha-ta ve-shi-ra-ta
tush-be-cha-ta ve-ne-che-ma-ta,
daa-Me-ran be-al-ma v'im'ru: A-mein:
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
* (L'ey-la U’ L'ey-la me kol)
(lM̈n¦ `N̈«r¥ lE
§ `N̈«r¥ l)*
Tit-ka-bal ts'lo-t'on u-va-oh-t'on d'chol Yis’ra-el ka-dam
a-vu-hon di vish-ma-ya, v'im'ru: A-mein:
mc̈w¢ l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ lk̈c§ oFdzEr
§ äE oFdzFl
§ v§ lA¥ w© z§ Y¦
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ `Ïn© W
§ a¦ iC¦ oFdEa £̀
,`Ïn© W
§ on¦ `Äx© `n̈l̈W
§ `d¥ i§
,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§ Epi«¥lr̈ mii¦ g© e§
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
Ye-hey sh'la-ma ra-ba min she-ma-ya
ve-cha-yim A-lay-nu Ve-al kol Yis’ra-el
v'im'ru: A-mein:
O-seh sha-lom bim-ro-mav,
hu ya-a-seh sha-lom a-lay-nu
Ve-al kol Yis’ra-el, v'im'ru: A-mein:
,ein̈Fxn§ A¦ mFlẄ dUŸ
Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri© `Ed
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§
la¥ z¥ ia¥ yŸ
§ ei lk̈ l©re§ ,Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri©
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
Ya-seh shalom a-lay-nu v’al kol yosh'vei tevel
v’im-ru, Amen.
Translation of Kaddish: Glorified and sanctified is God's great name throughout the world created according to
Ah-do-nai’s will. May God’s sovereignty be established in our lifetime and the life of all Israel; and let us say, Amen. May
God’s great name be blessed forever and to all eternity. Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored be
the name of the Holy One, source of blessing, beyond all the blessings and songs, beyond all the tributes spoken in the
world; and say, Amen. May the prayers of the whole House of Israel be accepted by our Father in Heaven. And let us say:
Amen. May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life, for us and for all Israel; and say, Amen. May the One who
creates peace in the celestial heights, create peace for us and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen.
Beginning with the second night of Passover, concluding immediately prior to Shavuot, the Omer is counted (p. 54-58)
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
- Please rise -
Ma’ariv Service 51
Aleinu, proclaims God as Melech (sovereign) over a united humanity. It has been recited as the closing prayer of the three daily
services ever since the 13th century. According to tradition, Joshua composed it at the time he crossed the Jordan and entered the
Land of Promise. It was first introduced into the daily prayer service by Rav, founder of the Sura Academy (early third century).
Aleinu is also recited as, as an introduction to Malchuyot(verses of sovereignty), part of the Musaf service on the High Holidays.
A-lay-nu l'sha-bey-ach la-a-don ha-kol
la-teit g'du-la l'yo-tseir b'rey-shit
she-lo a-sa-nu k'go-yei ha-a-ra-tzot
v'lo sa-ma-nu k'mish-p'chot ha-a-da-ma
she-lo sam chel-key-nu ka-hem
v'go-ra-ley-nu k'chol ha-mo-nam.
.lŸMd© oFc £̀ l© g© A¥ W
© l§ Epilr̈
¦ x¥A§ xvFi
¥ l§ dN̈cªB§ zz¥ l̈
.zFvx¨ £̀ d̈ i¥iFbM§ EpẌr̈ `ŸNW
.dn̈c̈ £̀ d̈ zFgR§ W
§ n¦ M§ Epn̈Ẍ `Ÿle§
mp̈Fn£d lk̈M§ Epl¥ xFb
¨ e§ md¤ M̈ Epw¥ l§ g¤ mẌ `ŸNW
mir¦ xFM
u-mish-ta-cha-vim u-mo-dim
§ p £̀ e©
¦ gY© W
§ nE
mik¦ l̈O§ d© ik¥ l§ n© Kl¤ n¤ i¥pt§ l¦
`Ed KExÄ WFcT̈d©
.ux¤`¨ cqFi
¥ e§ mi¦ n© Ẅ dhFp
¤ `EdW
.l©rO© n¦ mi¦ n© ÜA© Fxẅi§ aWFnE
¦ n§ id¥ ab̈
§ A§ FGrª z©pik¦ WE
.cFr oi ¥̀ Epidl
¥ ¤̀ `Ed
.Fzl̈Ef qt¤ ¤̀ zEpM¥ l§ n© zn¤ `
¨ A§ aEzM̈M©
.La¤ äl§ l ¤̀ z̈ŸaW£
¥ de© mFId© Ÿr§ cï
© e§
¦ `
¡ d̈ `Ed dF̈di§ iM¦
l©rO© n¦ mi¦ n© ÜA©
:cFr oi ¥̀ ,zg© Ÿn¦ .ux¤`¨ d̈ l©re§
lif-nei me-lech, mal-chei ha-m'la-chim
ha-ka-dosh ba-ruch hu.
She-hu no-teh sha-ma-yim v'yo-seid a-rets,
u-mo-shav y'ka-ro ba-sha-ma-yim Me-ma-al,
ush-che-nat u-zo b'gawv-hei m'ro-mim.
Hu E-lo-hey-nu, ein od. E-met mal-key-nu,
e-fes zu-la-to, Ka-ka-tuv b'to-ra-to:
v'ya-da'ta ha-yom, va-ha-shey-vo-ta el l'va-ve-cha,
key Ah-do-nai hu ha-e-lo-him,
ba-sha-ma-yim Me-ma-al,
v'al ha-a-rets Me-ta-chat, ein od.
It is up to us to thank the Ruler of All, to praise the the author of Creation, who did not make us
like other nations, who created us as a unique people, and set us on a separate path toward a special
destiny. And we bend our knees, and bow down, and give thanks, before the Ruler, the Ruler of
Rulers, the Holy One, who created heaven and earth. Who dwells is in the heavens above, with a
powerful Presence in the highest heights You are our God, there is no other. You are eternal, there
is nothing else. As it is written in Your Torah: “Know this day and take to your heart that
Ah-do-nai is the only God in heaven above and on the earth below—there is none other.”
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
51 Ma’ariv Service
Because We Believe
Because we believe in You, Ah-do-nai, We hope for the day when Your majesty will prevail, When
all false gods will be removed, and all idolatry will be abolished;
When the world will be made a kingdom of God,
When all humanity will invoke Your name, And the wicked will be turned to You.
May all the living fervently acknowledge that to You every knee must bend,
every tongue vow loyalty.
Before You may all bow in reverence,
Proclaiming Your glory, accepting Your sovereignty.
May Your reign come soon and last forever;
For sovereignty is Yours alone, now and evermore.
So is it written in Your Torah:
"Ah-do-nai shall reign forever and ever."
The prophet too, proclaimed this promise:
"Ah-do-nai shall reign over all the earth;
On that day Ah-do-nai shall be One and God’s name One."
zFxM̈ mili
¦ l¦ `
¡ d̈e§ ,ux«¤`¨ d̈ on¦ milEN
¦ B¦ xia£
¦ rd© l§ ,L«G¤ rª zx«¤̀
¤ t§ z¦ A§ dx¨d¥ n§ zF`x§ l¦ ,Epi«¥dŸl`
¡ dF̈di§ LN§ d¤Ew© p§ oM¥ l©re§
lM̈ Erc¥§ ie§ ExiM©
«¦ i .ux«¤`¨ i¥rW
§ x¦ lM̈ Li«¤l ¥̀ zFpt§ d© l§ ,L«¤nW
§ a¦ E`x§ w§ i¦ xÜä i¥pA§ lk̈e§ ,iC© W
© zEkl§ n© A§ ml̈Fr oT¥ z© l§ ,oEzx¥M̈i¦
,Ep«Y¥ i¦ xẅi§ Ln§ W
¦ cFak§ l¦ e§ ,ElŸR« i¦ e§ Erx§ k§ i¦ Epi«¥dŸl`
¡ dF̈di§ Li«p¤ ẗl§ .oFWl̈ lM̈ ra© ẌY¦ ,Kx«¤
¤A lM̈ rx©k§ Y¦ Ll§ iM¦ ,la¥ z¥ ia¥ WFi
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ dx¨d¥ n§ mdi
¤ l£
¥ r KŸln§ z¦ e§ ,L«¤zEkl§ n© lFr z ¤̀ mN̈kª ElA§ wi
© e¦
Key ha-mal-chut she-l'cha he,
,`id¦ LN§ W
¤ zEkl§ O© d© iM¦
ul-o-l'mei ad tim-loch b'cha-vod,
,cFak̈A§ KFln§ Y¦ c©r in¥ lF
§ r« lE
Ka-ka-tuv b'to-ra-te-cha,
¨ A§ aEzM̈M©
Ah-do-nai yim-loch l'o-lam va-ed.
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ KŸln§ i¦ dF̈di§
Ve-ne-e-mar v'ha-ya Ah-do-nai l'me-lech al kol ha-a-retz
ux¤`¨ d̈ lM̈ l©r Kl¤ n¤ l§ dF̈di§ dïd̈e§ ,xn© `¤
¡ pe§
ba-yom ha-hu yi-h'ye Ah-do-nai e-chad, u-sh'mo e-chad:
:cg̈ ¤̀ FnWE
§ cg̈ ¤̀ dF̈di§ d¤id§ i¦ `Edd© mFIA©
Prayers in front of the Ark
- Please remain standing as we open the Ark -
Prayer for the Israel Defense Forces
Ah-ve-nu She-ba-Sha-ma-yim, Heavenly Parent, protector of Israel,
bless the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, who stand watch over
our land and the cities of our God; from the border of Lebanon to the
desert of Egypt and from the great sea to the approach of the
Ah-ra-vah, on land, in the air, and at sea.
May the Holy One, source of all blessing, preserve and rescue our
fighting men and women from every trouble and distress, from every
plague and illness, and send blessing and success to their every
endeavor. May God adorn them with the crown of salvation and
triumph. And may it be fulfilled for them the verse “for it is Ah-do-nai
your God who goes with you to battle for you and to save you”.
Now let us respond ......... Amen
Harachaman hu yitein achavah bein b’nei Sarah
dx¨Ẅ i¥pA§ oiA¥ dëg© `© oz¥ i¦ `Ed on̈£gx©d̈
u’vein b’nei Hagar.
. xb̈d© i¥pA§ oiAE
May the Compassionate One create a caring bond between the children of
Sarah and the children of Hagar.
Petition for Healing
mi§ lFg
¦ d© z ¤̀ Kx¥äi§ `Ed d`¨ l¥ e§ lg¥ x¨ dẅa§ x¦ dx¨Ẍ aŸw£ri© e§ wg̈v§ i¦ md̈x¨a§ `© EpizFa
¥ £̀ Kx©A¥ W
¤ in¦
(insert names here)
on¦ dn̈l¥ W
§ d`Et
¨ x§ dx¨d¥ n§ md¤ l̈ gl© W
§ i¦ e§ mz̈Ÿ`R§ x©lE
§ mn̈il£
¦ gd© l§ mdi
¤ l̈r̈ min£
¦ gx© `N¥ n© i§ `Ed KExÄ WFcT̈d©
`l̈b̈£rA© `ŸW
§ d© ,sEBd© z`Et
© xE§ Wt¤
¤ Pd© z`Et
© x§ ,l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ ilFg
¥ x`¨ W
§ KFzA§ mdi
¤ ci
¥ B¦ e§ mdi
¤ x¥ä ¥̀ lk̈l§ mi¦ n© Üd©
:on¥ `¨ xn`Ÿ
© pe§ .aix¦ ẅ on§
© faE
¥ `¦ Kx©A¥ W
¤ in¦
¥ £̀ l© dk̈x¨Äd© xFwn§
Me she-bey-rach i-mo-tey-nu,
M’kor ha-bra-cha L’a-vo-tey-nu
Bless those in need of healing with r’fu-a sh’ley-ma,
The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit, and let us say Amen.
Prayers in front of the Ark
As long as we live, they too will live,
for they are now a part of us as, we remember them.
El Male Rachamim (God full of compassion) is a memorial prayer that is recited at funerals when visiting the cemetery,
and on the anniversary of the death of a close relative.
¦ O§ A© okFW
¦ gx© `l¥ n̈ l ¥̀
God, full of compassion, grant perfect peace in dg̈Epn§ `v¥ n§ d© ,minFx
Your sheltering embrace, among the holy and miWFc
¦ w§ zFl£rn© A§ ,dp̈ik¦ X
§ d© it¥ p§ M© l©r dp̈Fkp§
the pure who shine to the soul of
zn© W
§ p¦ z ¤̀ ,mixi¦ d§
¦ fn© r© iw«¦ x¨d̈ xdŸ«
© fM§ mixFd
¦ hE
(insert name here)
who has gone to his eternal home. May the l©rA
«© ok¥ l̈ ,Fzg̈Epn§ `d¥ Y§ oc«¥
¤ r o©bA§ ,Fnl̈Frl§ Kl© d̈W
memory of his life inspire acts of love, charity xFxv§ i¦ e§ ,min¦ l̈Frl§ eiẗp̈M§ xz«
¤ q¥ A§ Edxi
«¥ Y¦ q©
§ i min£
¦ gx©d̈
and kindness. May his soul be bound in the
© pï
« e§ ,Fzl̈£gp© `Ed dF̈di§ ,Fzn̈W
§ p¦ z ¤̀ mi¦Ig© d© xFxv§ A¦
bond of life eternal. May he rest in peace. And
.on¥ `¨ xn`Ÿ
© pe§ .FaM̈W
§ n¦ l©r mFlẄA§
let us say: Amen.
¦ O§ A© okFW
¦ gx© `l¥ n̈ l ¥̀
God, full of compassion, grant perfect peace in dg̈Epn§ `v¥ n§ d© ,minFx
Your sheltering embrace, among the holy and miWFc
¦ w§ zFl£rn© A§ ,dp̈ik¦ X
§ d© it¥ p§ M© l©r dp̈Fkp§
the pure who shine to the soul of
zn© W
§ p¦ z ¤̀ ,mixi¦ d§
¦ fn© r© iw«¦ x¨d̈ xdŸ«
© fM§ mixFd
¦ hE
(insert name here)
who has gone to her eternal home. May the ok¥ l̈ ,Dz̈g̈Epn§ `d¥ Y§ oc«¥
¤ r o©bA§ ,Dn̈l̈Frl§ dk̈l§ d̈W
memory of her life inspire acts of love, charity ,min¦ l̈Frl§ eiẗp̈M§ xz«
¤ q¥ A§ d̈xi
«¤ Y¦ q©
§ i min£
¦ gx©d̈ l©rA
and kindness. May her soul be bound in the
`Ed dF̈di§ ,Dz̈n̈W
§ p¦ z ¤̀ mi¦Ig© d© xFxv§ A¦ xFxv§ i¦ e§
bond of life eternal. May she rest in peace. And
.on¥ `¨ xn`Ÿ
© pe§ .DäM̈W
§ n¦ l©r mFlẄA§ gE
© p« z̈e§ ,Dz̈l̈£gp©
let us say: Amen.
May the One who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and
Leah, bless the fighting men and women of the United States Armed Forces who expose their lives
on the fields of battle in defense of freedom and justice. May God cause the enemies who rise up
against us to be struck down before them. Send Your power from on high; may Your right be their
salvation. Return them to their lands, to their homes, and to their loved ones, rejoicing in the
knowledge that tyranny is destroyed, and that doers of evil are no more.
And may it be fulfilled for them the verse “for it is God Your God who goes with you to battle
your enemies, for you and to save you”.
Now let us respond .........Amen
May we see the day when war and bloodshed cease,
When a great peace will embrace the whole world.
Then nation will not threaten nation,
And humanity will not again know war.
For all who live on earth shall realize
We have not come into being to hate or to destroy.
We have come into being to praise, to labor, and to love.
Compassionate God, bless the leaders of all nations
With the power of compassion.
Fulfill the promise conveyed in Scripture:
I will bring peace to the Land,
And you shall lie down, and no one shall terrify you.
I will rid the Land of vicious beasts
And it shall not be ravaged by war.
Let love and justice flow like a mighty stream.
Let peace fill the earth as the waters fill the sea.
And let us say: Amen.
You may be seated
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
52 Ma’ariv Service
(Mourners and those observing Yaherzeit please rise)
Mourner’s Kaddish
The Kaddish, an Aramaic prayer that is [almost] 2,000 years old, is recited in slightly different variations at every prayer service. Although one form
of the Kaddish is recited in memory of the dead, the prayer itself says nothing about death; its theme is the greatness of God, reflected in its
opening words: "Yitgadal ve-yitkadash, Shmei rabbah--May God’s name be magnified and made holy…. " The prayer's conclusion speaks of a
future age in which God will redeem the world.
Yit-ga-dal v'yit-ka-dash she-mei ra-ba,
`Äx© Dn¥ W
§ WC¥w© z§ i¦ e§ lC©
¥Bz§ i¦
Be-al-ma di-ve-ra chi-re-u-tei, ve-yam-lich mal-chu-tei.
¥ l§ n© Kil¦ n©
§ ie§ DzEr
¥ x§ k¦ `x¨a§ iC¦ `n̈lr̈
§ A§
¥ aE
§ oFki¥ig© A§
l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ ziA¥ lk̈c§ i¥ig© AE
B'cha-yay-chon u-v'yo-may-chon
u-v'cha-yei de-chol bait Yis’ra-el
Ba-aga-la u-vi-ze-man ka-riv, v'im'ru: A-mein:
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ .aix¦ ẅ on§
© faE
¦ `l̈b̈£rA©
Ye-hey she-mei ra-ba me-va-rach,
le-a-lam u-le-al-mei al-ma-ya.
Kx©än§ `Äx© Dn¥ W
§ `d¥ i§
.`Ïn© lr̈
§ in¥ lr̈
§ lE
§ mlr̈
© l§
gA© Y© W
§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦
¥ pz§ i¦ e§ mnFx
© z§ i¦ e§ x`© R̈z§ i¦ e§
Yit-ba-rach ve-yish-ta-bach,
ve-yit-pa-ar ve-yit-ro-mam, Ve-yit-na-sei
ve-yit-ha-dar, ve-yit-a-leh, ve-yit-ha-lal
she-mei de-ku-de-sha, be-rich hu
lN̈d© z§ i¦ e§ d¤N©rz§ i¦ e§ xC̈d© z§ i¦ e§
`Ed Kix¦ A§ `Ẅc§ wª C§ Dn¥ W
* L'ey-la min kol bir-cha-ta ve-shi-ra-ta
¦ e§ `z̈k̈x§ A¦ lM̈ on¦ `N̈«¥rl§ *
tush-be-cha-ta ve-ne-che-ma-ta,
,`z̈n̈¡gp¤ e§ `z̈g̈A§ W
§ Yª
daa-Me-ran be-al-ma v'im'ru: A-mein:
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,`n̈lr̈
§ A§ oxi
¨ n¦ £̀ C©
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
* (L'ey-la U’ L'ey-la me kol)
(lM̈n¦ `N̈«r¥ lE
§ `N̈«r¥ l)*
Ye-hey sh'la-ma ra-ba min she-ma-ya
ve-cha-yim A-lay-nu Ve-al kol Yis’ra-el
v'im'ru: A-mein:
,`Ïn© W
§ on¦ `Äx© `n̈l̈W
§ `d¥ i§
,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§ Epi«¥lr̈ mii¦ g© e§
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
O-seh sha-lom bim-ro-mav,
hu ya-a-seh sha-lom a-lay-nu
Ve-al kol Yis’ra-el, v'im'ru: A-mein:
,ein̈Fxn§ A¦ mFlẄ dUŸ
Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri© `Ed
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§
Translation of Kaddish: Glorified and sanctified is God's great name throughout the world created according to
Ah-do-nai’s will. May God’s sovereignty be established in our lifetime and the life of all Israel, and let us say, Amen. May
God’s great name be blessed forever and to all eternity. Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored be
the name of the Holy One, source of blessing, beyond all the blessings and songs, beyond all the tributes spoken in the
world; and let us say, Amen. May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life, for us and for all Israel; and let us say,
Amen. May the One who creates peace in the celestial heights, create peace for us and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen.
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Ma’ariv Service 53
Yigdal is based on the 13 Articles of Faith formulated by the medieval philosopher Moses ben-Maimon,
called Maimonides and also known as Rambam.
Yigdal Elohim chai ve’yishtabach,
nimtza v’ein et el metsiuto.
,gA© Y© W
§ i¦ e§ ig© midŸl
¦ `
¡ lC© b§ i¦
.FzE`iv¦ n§ l ¤̀ z¥r oi ¥̀ e§ ,`v̈n§ p¦
Echad V’ein yachid keyichudo,
ne’elam v’gam ein sof l’achduto.
,FcEgi¦ M§ cigï
¦ oi ¥̀ e§ cg̈ ¤̀
.FzECg§ `© l§ sFq oi ¥̀ m©be§ ,ml̈r¤
Ein lo d’mut haguf v’eino guf,
lo na’aroch eilav kedushato.
,sEb Fpi ¥̀ e§ sEBd© zEnc§ Fl oi ¥̀
.FzẌcªw§ eil̈ ¥̀ KFx£rp© `Ÿl
Kadmon l’chol davar asher nivra,
rishon v’ein reishit l’reishito.
,`x¨a§ p¦ xẄ £̀ xäC̈ lk̈l§ oFnc§ w©
¦ x¥l§ ziW`
¦ x¥ oi ¥̀ e§ oFW`x¦
Hino adon oh-lam l’chol notsar,
yoreh g’dulato umalchuto.
,xv̈Fp lk̈l§ ml̈Fr oFc £̀ FPd¦
.FzEkl§ nE
© FzN̈cªb§ dxFi
Shefa n’vuato netano,
el anshei s’gulato v’tif’arto.
,Fpz̈p§ Fz`Ea
¨ p§ rt«¤
.FYx§ `© t§ z¦ e§ FzN̈ªbq§ iW
¥ p§ `© l ¤̀
Lo kam b’Yis’ra-el k’Moshe od
navi umabeet et temunato.
,cFr dWŸ
¤ nM§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ A§ mẅ `Ÿl
.Fzp̈EnY§ z ¤̀ hiA¦ nE
© `iap̈
Torat emet natan le'amo el,
al yad neveeo ne'eman beito.
,l ¥̀ FO©rl§ ozp̈
© zn¤ `
¡ zxFY
.FziA¥ on© `¤
¡ p F`ia¦ p§ c©i l©r
Lo yachalif ha'el ve'lo yamir dato,
le'olamim, lezulato.
,FzC̈ xinï
¦ `Ÿle§ l ¥̀ d̈ sil£
¦ gi© `Ÿl
.Fzl̈Efl§ ,min¦ l̈Frl§
Tsofeh v’yodea setareinu,
mabeet l’sof davar B'kadmato.
,Epix«¥z̈q§ r© cFi
«¥ e§ dtFv
.Fzn̈c§ w© A§ xäC̈ sFql§ hiA¦ n©
Gomel l’ish chesed k’mif’alo,
notel l’rasha ra kerish’ato.
,Flr̈t§ n¦ M§ cq«¤
¤ g Wi`¦ l§ lnFB
§ x¦ M§ rx¨ rẄx¨l§ ozFp
Yishlach l’ketz yamin meshicheinu,
lifdot m’chakei ketz yeshuato.
¦ n§ oinÏ
¦ d© uw¥ l§ gl© W
§ i¦
.Fzr̈EWi§ uw¥ iM¥ g© n§ zFCt§ l¦
Metim y’chayeh El b’rov chasdo,
baruch adei ad shem t’hilato.
,FCq§ g© aŸxA§ l ¥̀ d¤Ig© i§ miz¦ n¥
.FzN̈d¦ Y§ mW
¥ c©r ic£
¥ r KExÄ
The living God we praise, exalt, adore!
God was, is, and will be evermore!
No unity like unto God can be:
Eternal, inconceivable to see.
At the last will God’s anointed send,
Those to redeem, who hope, and wait the end.
God will the dead to life again restore.
Praised be God’s glorious Name forevermore!
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
54 Ma’ariv Service
ml̈Fr oFc£̀
Adon oh-lam
Adon Olam (Master of the World) is a very old poem. It is attributed to Rabbi Shlomo ben Gabirol, a great poet of 11th
century Spain. The poem is recited to recall the memory of Abraham our Father, who was the first to call God "Ah-do-nai" "My Master".
Adon oh-lam, asher
L'et na'asah v'cheftzo kol,
b'terem kol y'tzir nivra. .`x¨a§ p¦ xiv¦ i§ lM̈ mx«¤
azai melech sh'mo nikra. .`x¨w§ p¦ FnW
§ Kl«¤
¤ n i©f £̀
,Kl© n̈ xW
¤ £̀ ml̈Fr oFc £̀
,lŸM Fvt§ g¤ a§ dÜ£rp© z¥rl§
V'acharey kich-lot hakol,
l'vado yimloch nora. .`xFp
¨ KFln§ i¦ FCa© l§
V'hu haya, v'hu hoveh,
v'hu yih'yeh b'tifara. .dx¨`¨ t§ YA
¦ d¤id¦ i§ `Ede§
,d¤eŸd `Ede§ ,dïd̈ `Ede§
V'hu echad, v'eyn sheni
l'hamshil lo l'hachbira. .dxi
¨ A«¦ g§ d© l§ Fl liW
¦ n§ d© l§
,ip¦ W
¥ oi ¥̀ e§ cg̈ ¤̀ `Ede§
B'lee reishit, b'lee tachleet,
V'hu Eli, v'chai go'ali,
V'hu nisi umanos lee,
v'lo ha'oz v'hamisrah. .dx¨U
§ O¦ d© e§ fŸrd̈ Fle§
v'tzur chevli b'et tzarah. .dx¨v̈ z¥rA§ il¦ a§ g¤ xEve§
,lŸMd© zFlk§ M¦ ix£
¥g`© e§
,zil¦ k§ z© il¦ A§ ziW`
¦ x¥ il¦ A§
,il¦ £̀ ŸB ig© e§ il¦ ¥̀ `Ed
m'nat kosi b'yom ekra. .`x¨w§ ¤̀ mFiA§ iqFM
¦ zp̈n§
,il¦ qFpn̈E iQ¦ p¦ `Ede§
B'yado. afkid ruchi
b'et ishan v'a'irah. .dxi«¦
¨ r`¨ e§ oWi
© `¦ z¥rA§
¦ ciw¦ t§ `© FcïA§
V'im ruchi g'viyati,
Ah-do-nai lee v'lo ira .`xi
¨ `¦ `Ÿle§ il¦ dF̈di§
¦ e¦ B§ igEx
¦ mr¦ e§
Master of the universe, Who reigned before any form was created, at the time when God’s will brought all into
being - then God’s name proclaimed. After all has ceased to be, God, the Awesome One, will reign alone. It is God
Who was, God Who is, and God Who shall remain, in splendor. God is One - there is no second to compare to
Him, to declare as God’s equal. Without beginning, without conclusion - God is the power and dominion. God is
my God, my living Redeemer, Rock of my pain in time of distress. God is my banner, a refuge for me, the portion
in my cup on the day I call. Into Your hand I shall entrust my spirit when I go to sleep - and I shall awaken! With
my spirit shall my body remain. Ah-do-nai is with me, I shall not fear.
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Counting the Omer 55
Counting the Omer
Sefirat Ha Omer
In the days of the Holy Temple, the people would bring a barley offering on the second day of Passover
(Leviticus 23:10). This was called the "Omer" (literally, "sheaf") . According to the Tradition we count the days
of the barley offering, between Passover and Shavuot. Each night, from the second night of Passover to the
night before Shavuot, we recite a blessing and state the count of the Omer. in both weeks and days. Today
the Omer is a time of reflection in which we examine our own personal journeys from slavery to civilization.
Passover represents exodus from slavery. Shavuot represents civilization with the acceptance of the law.
mk¤ l̈ mY¤ x§ t© qE
§ :dxFY
¨ A© aEzM̈W
¤ FnM§ ,xn¤ Ÿr« d̈ zxi
© t¦ q§ lW
¤ dU£
¥ r z©ev§ n¦ m¥Iw© l§ oÖªfnE
§ ok̈En ip¦ p§ d¦
c©r .dp̈¤iid§ Y¦ zŸnin¦ Y§ zFzÄW
© ra«
¤ ,dẗEpY§ d© xn¤ Ÿr« z ¤̀ mk£̀
¤ ia£
¦ d mFIn¦ zÄX
© d© zx¢
m©rŸp« idi
¦ e¦ .dF̈di§ l© dẄc̈£g dg̈p§ n¦ mY¤ a§ x©w§ d¦ e§ ,mFi miX
¦ n£
¦ g ExR§ q§ Y¦ zri
¦ a¦ X
§ d© zÄX
© d© zx¢
.Ed«p¥ pFM
§ Epicï
«¥ dU£
¥ rnE
© ,Epi«lr̈
¥ dp̈pFM
§ Epicï
«¥ dU£
¥ rnE
© ,Epi«lr̈
¥ Epi«dŸl¡
¥ ` ip̈Ÿc £̀
I am ready to fulfill the mitzvah of counting the omer, as it is ordained in the Torah: “You shall
count from the eve of the second day of Pesach, when an omer of grain is to be brought as an
offering, seven complete weeks. The day after the seventh week of your counting will make fifty
days.” (Leviticus 23: 15-16)
,eiz̈Ÿev§ n¦ A§ Ep«ẄC§ w¦ xW
¤ £̀ ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl¤ n
«¤ Epi«¥dŸl¡` dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
.xn¤ Ÿr« d̈ zxi
© t¦ q§ l©r Ep«Ëv¦ e§
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu, Me-lech Ha-oh-lam, a-sher k’d’sha-nu b'mits-vo-tav v'tsi-va-nu al
sefirat ha'omer.
We bless You Ah-do-nai our God, eternal God, who makes us holy
with commandments, and instructed us concerning the counting of the Omer.
- 54 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
56 Counting the Omer
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ zFrEaẄ dr̈Äx§ `© md¥ W
¤ mFi mix¦ U¤
§ re§ dp̈FnW
§ mFId©
mFie§ zFrEaẄ dr̈Äx§ `© md¥ W
¤ mFi mix¦ U¤
§ re§ dr̈W
§ Y¦ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ cg̈ ¤̀
¦ i¥pWE
§ zFrEaẄ dr̈Äx§ `© md¥ W
¤ mFi miWŸl
¦ W
§ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈
§ zFrEaẄ dr̈Äx§ `© md¥ W
¤ mFi miWŸl
¦ WE
§ cg̈ ¤̀ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
zFrEaẄ dr̈Äx§ `© md¥ W
¤ mFi miWŸl
¦ WE
§ mi«¦ p© W
§ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
¦ dr̈Äx§ `© e§
zFrEaẄ dr̈Äx§ `© md¥ W
¤ mFi miWŸl
¦ yE
§ dẄŸlW
§ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
¦ dẌn£
¦ ge©
zFrEaẄ dr̈Äx§ `© md¥ W
¤ mFi miWŸl
¦ WE
§ dr̈Äx§ `© mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
¦ dẌW
¦ e§
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ zFrEaẄ dẌn£
¦ g md¥ W
¤ mFi miWŸl
¦ WE
§ dẌn£
¦ g mFId©
mFie§ zFrEaẄ dẌn£
¦ g md¥ W
¤ mFi miWŸl
¦ WE
§ dẌW
¦ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ cg̈ ¤̀
§ zFrEaẄ dẌn£
¦ g md¥ W
¤ mFi miWŸl
¦ WE
§ dr̈a§ W
¦ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
zFrEaẄ dẌn£
¦ g md¥ W
¤ mFi miWŸl
¦ WE
§ dp̈FnW
§ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
¦ dẄŸlWE
zFrEaẄ dẌn£
¦ g md¥ W
¤ mFi miWŸl
¦ WE
§ dr̈W
§ Y¦ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
¦ dr̈Äx§ `© e§
¦ dẌn£
¦ ge© zFrEaẄ dẌn£
¦ g md¥ W
¤ mFi mir¦ Äx§ `© mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈
¦ e§ zFrEaẄ dẌn£
¦ g md¥ W
¤ mFi mir¦ Äx§ `© e§ cg̈ ¤̀ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ zFrEaẄ dẌW
¦ md¥ W
¤ mFi mir¦ Äx§ `© e§ mi«¦ p© W
§ mFId©
mFie§ zFrEaẄ dẌW
¦ md¥ W
¤ mFi mir¦ Äx§ `© e§ dẄŸlW
§ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ cg̈ ¤̀
§ zFrEaẄ dẌW
¦ md¥ W
¤ mFi mir¦ Äx§ `© e§ dr̈Äx§ `© mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
§ zFrEaẄ dẌW
¦ md¥ W
¤ mFi mir¦ Äx§ `© e§ dẌn£
¦ g mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
dr̈Äx§ `© e§ zFrEaẄ dẌW
¦ md¥ W
¤ mFi mir¦ Äx§ `© e§ dẌW
¦ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
¦ ge© zFrEaÿ dẌW
¦ md¥ W
¤ mFi mir¦ Äx§ `© e§ dr̈a§ W
¦ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
¦ e§ zFrEaẄ dẌW
¦ md¥ W
¤ mFi mir¦ Äx§ `© e§ dp̈FnW
§ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ zFrEaẄ dr̈a§ W
¦ md¥ W
¤ mFi mir¦ Äx§ `© e§ dr̈W
§ Y¦ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ cg̈ ¤̀ mFi mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
¦ i¥pW
§ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
¦ dẄŸlW
§ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
¦ dr̈Äx§ `© mFId©
.xn¥ Ÿr« l̈ minï
¦ dẌn£
¦ g mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
¦ dẌW
¦ mFid©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ cg̈ ¤̀ r© Ea« Ẅ md¥ W
¤ minï
¦ dr̈a§ W
¦ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ cg̈ ¤̀ mFie§ cg̈ ¤̀ r© Ea« Ẅ md¥ W
¤ minï
¦ dp̈FnW
§ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
¦ i¥pWE
§ cg̈ ¤̀ r© Ea« Ẅ md¥ W
¤ minï
¦ dr̈W
§ Y¦ mFId©
¦ dẄŸlWE
§ cg̈ ¤̀ r© Ea« Ẅ md¥ W
¤ minï
¦ dx¨Ü£r mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈
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¤ mFi xÜr̈ cg© `© mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈
¦ dẌn£
¦ ge© cg̈ ¤̀ r© Ea« Ẅ md¥ W
¤ mFi xÜr̈ mi¥pW
§ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈
¦ dẌW
¦ e§ cg̈ ¤̀ r© Ea« Ẅ md¥ W
¤ mFi xÜr̈ dẄŸlW
§ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈
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§ md¥ W
¤ mFi xÜr̈ dr̈Äx§ `© mFId©
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§ md¥ W
¤ mFi xÜr̈ dẌn£
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.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈
¦ i¥pWE
§ zFrEaẄ i¥pW
§ md¥ W
¤ mFi xÜr̈ dẌW
¦ mFId©
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§ md¥ W
¤ mFi xÜr̈ dr̈a§ W
¦ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈
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¤ mFi xÜr̈ dp̈FnW
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¦ dẌn£
¦ ge© zFrEaẄ i¥pW
§ md¥ W
¤ mFi xÜr̈ dr̈W
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.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈
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¦ e§ zFrEaẄ i¥pW
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¤ mFi mix¦ U¤
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¤ mFi mix¦ U¤
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¤ mFi mix¦ U¤
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§ mFId©
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§ md¥ W
¤ mFi mix¦ U¤
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§ mFId©
.xn¤ Ÿr« l̈ minï
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§ md¥ W
¤ mFi mix¦ U¤
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¦ dẄŸlWE
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§ md¥ W
¤ mFi mix¦ U¤
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¦ g mFId©
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¦ ge© zFrEaẄ dẄŸlW
§ md¥ W
¤ mFi mix¦ U¤
§ re§ dẌW
¦ mFId©
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¦ e§ zFrEaẄ dẄŸlW
§ md¥ W
¤ mFi mix¦ U¤
§ re§ dr̈a§ W
¦ mFId©
- 55 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Counting the Omer 57
1 Ha-yom yom e-chad la-omer.
Today is one day of the Omer.
2 Ha-yom sh'nay yah-mim la-omer.
Today is two days of the Omer.
3 Ha-yom sh'losha yah-mim la-omer.
Today is three days of the Omer.
4 Ha-yom arba-a yah-mim la-omer.
Today is four days of the Omer.
5 Ha-yom chami-sha yah-mim la-omer.
Today is five days of the Omer.
6 Ha-yom shi-sha yah-mim la-omer.
Today is six days of the Omer.
7 Ha-yom shiv-a yah-mim, shehaym shavu-a
e-chad la-omer.
Today is seven days, which is one week of the
8 Ha-yom sh'mona yah-mim, shehaym
shavu-a e-chad v'yom e-chad la-omer.
Today is eight days, which is one week and one
day of the Omer.
9 Ha-yom tish-a yah-mim, shehaym shavu-a
e-chad ushnay yah-mim la-omer.
Today is nine days, which is one week and two
days of the Omer.
10 Ha-yom asara yah-mim, shehaym shavu-a
echad ushlosha yah-mim la-omer.
Today is ten days, which is one week and three
days of the Omer.
11 Ha-yom achad asar yom, shehaym
shavu-a echad v'arba-a yah-mim la-omer.
Today is eleven days, which is one week and four
days of the Omer.
12 Ha-yom sh'naym asar yom, shehaym
shavu-a echad vachami-sha yah-mim
Today is twelve days, which is one week and five
days of the Omer.
13 Ha-yom sh'losha asar yom, shehaym
shavu-a echad v'shisha yah-mim la-omer.
Today is thirteen days, which is one week and six
days of the Omer.
14 Ha-yom arba-a asar yom, shehaym sh'nay
shavuot la-omer.
Today is fourteen days, which is two weeks of the
15 Ha-yom chami-sha asar yom, shehaym
sh'nay shavuot v'yom echad la-omer.
Today is fifteen days, which is two weeks and
one day of the Omer.
16 Ha-yom shi-sha asar yom, shehaym
sh'nay shavuot ushnay yah-mim la-omer.
Today is sixteen days, which is two weeks and
two days of the Omer.
17 Ha-yom shiva asar yom, shehaym sh'nay
shavuot ushlosha yah-mim la-omer.
Today is seventeen days, which is two weeks and
three days of the Omer.
18 Ha-yom shemonah asar yom, shehaym
sh'nay shavuot v'arba-a yah-mim la-omer.
Today is eighteen days, which is two weeks and
four days of the Omer.
19 Ha-yom tisha asar yom, shehaym sh'nay
shavuot va'chamisha yah-mim la-omer.
Today is nineteen days, which is two weeks and
five days of the Omer.
20 Ha-yom esrim yom, shehaym sh'nay
shavuot v'shi-sha yah-mim la-omer.
Today is twenty days, which is two weeks and six
days of the Omer.
21 Hayom e-chad v'esrim yom, shehaym
shlosha shavuot la-omer.
Today is twenty-one days, which is three weeks
of the Omer.
22 Ha-yom sh'nayim v'esrim yom, shehaym
shelosha shavuot v'yom echad la-omer.
Today is twenty-two days, which is three weeks
and one day of the Omer.
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58 Counting the Omer
23 Ha-yom sh'losha v'esrim yom, shehaym
shelosha shavuot ushnay yah-mim la-omer.
Today is twenty-three days, which is three week
and two days of the Omer.
24 Ha-yom arba-a v'esrim yom, shehaym
shelosha shavuot u'shelosha yah-mim
Today is twenty-four days, which is three weeks
and three days of the Omer.
25 Ha-yom chami-sha v'esrim yom, shehaym
shelosha shavuot v'arba-a yah-mim la-omer.
Today is twenty-five days, which is three weeks
and four days of the Omer.
26 Ha-yom shi-sha v'esrim yom, shehaym
shelosha shavuot va-chamisha yah-mim
Today is twenty-six days, which is three weeks
and five days of the Omer.
27 Ha-yom shiva v'esrim yom, shehaym
shelosha shavuot v'shi-sha yah-mim la-omer.
Today is twenty-seven days, which is three
weeks and six days of the Omer.
28 Ha-yom shemonah v'esrim yom, shehaym
arba-a shavuot la-omer.
Today is twenty-eight days, which is four weeks
of the Omer.
29 Ha-yom tisha v'esrim yom, shehaym
arba-a shavuot v'yom e-chad la-omer.
Today is twenty-nine days, which is four weeks
and one day of the Omer.
30 Ha-yom shloshim yom, shehaym arba-a
shavuot ushnay yah-mim la-omer.
Today is thirty days, which is four weeks and two
days of the Omer.
31 Hayom e-chad u'sheloshim yom, shehaym
arba-a shavuot u'shelosha yah-mim la-omer.
Today is thirty-one days, which is four weeks and
three days of the Omer.
32 Ha-yom sh'nayim u'sheloshim yom,
shehaym arba-a shavuot v'arba-a yah-mim
Today is thirty-two days, which is four weeks and
four days of the Omer.
33 Ha-yom sh'losha u'sheloshim yom,
shehaym arba-a shavuot vachamisha
yah-mim la-omer.
Today is thirty-three days, which is four weeks
and five days of the Omer.
34 Ha-yom arba-a u'sheloshim yom, shehaym Today is thirty-four days, which is four weeks and
six days of the Omer.
arba-a shavuot v'shi-sha yah-mim la-omer.
35 Ha-yom chami-sha u'sheloshim yom,
shehaym chami-sha shavuot la-omer.
Today is thirty-five days, which is five weeks of
the Omer.
36 Ha-yom shi-sha u'sheloshim yom,
shehaym chami-sha shavuot v'yom echad
Today is thirty-six days, which is five weeks and
one day of the Omer.
37 Ha-yom shiva u'sheloshim yom, shehaym
chami-sha shavuot ushnay yah-mim la-omer.
Today is thirty-seven days, which is five weeks
and two days of the Omer.
38 Ha-yom shemonah u'sheloshim yom,
shehaym chami-sha shavuot u'shelosha
yah-mim la-omer.
Today is thirty-eight days, which is five weeks
and three days of the Omer.
39 Ha-yom tisha u'sheloshim yom, shehaym
chami-sha shavuot va'arba-a yah-mim
Today is thirty-nine days, which is five weeks and
four days of the Omer.
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Counting the Omer 59
40 Ha-yom arba-im yom, shehaym chami-sha
shavuot va'chamisha yah-mim la-omer.
Today is forty days, which is five weeks and five
days of the Omer.
41 Hayom e-chad v'arbaim yom, shehaym
chami-sha shavuot v'shi-sha yah-mim
Today is forty-one days, which is five weeks and
six days of the Omer.
42 Ha-yom sh'nayim v'arbaim yom, shehaym
shi-sha shavuot la-omer.
Today is forty-two days, which is six weeks of the
43 Ha-yom sh'losha v'arbaim yom, shehaym
shi-sha shavuot v'yom e-chad la-omer.
Today is forty-three days, which is six weeks and
one day of the Omer.
44 Ha-yom arba-a v'arbaim yom, shehaym
shi-sha shavuot ushnay yah-mim la-omer.
Today is forty-four days, which is six weeks and
two days of the Omer.
Today is forty-five days, which is six weeks and
45 Ha-yom chami-sha v'arbaim yom,
shehaym shi-sha shavuot u'shelosha yah-mim three days of the Omer.
46 Ha-yom shi-sha v'arbaim yom, shehaym
shi-sha shavuot v'arba-a yah-mim la-omer.
Today is forty-six days, which is six weeks and
four days of the Omer.
47 Ha-yom shiva v'arbaim yom, shehaym
shi-sha shavuot va'chami-sha yah-mim
Today is forty-seven days, which is six weeks and
five days of the Omer.
48 Ha-yom shemonah v'arbaim yom,
shehaym shi-sha shavuot v'shi-sha yah-mim
Today is forty-eight days, which is six weeks and
six days of the Omer.
49 Ha-yom tisha v'arbaim yom, shehaym
shiv-a shavuot la-omer.
Today is forty-nine days, which is seven weeks of
the Omer.
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50 Kiddush
Kiddush is a blessing recited over wine or grape juice stating the holy nature of Shabbat. The Torah refers to two
requirements concerning Shabbat - to "keep it" and to "remember it" (shamor and zakhor). Jewish tradition recogmizes
two aspects of Shabbat observance. One must "keep it" by refraining from forbidden activities, and one must "remember
it" by making the day special. Reciting kiddush before a meal is a way of remembering the Shabbat and making the day
¦ d© mFi x¤wŸa« i¦di§e© ax¤r«¤ i¦di§e©
Va'yehi erev, va'y'he voker yom ha'she-she
.m¨`ä§v lk̈§e ux«¤`¨ d̈§e m¦in«© Ẍ©d ENk§
Va'ye-chu-lu ha'sha-ma-yim ve'ha'ah-retz v'chol tze-va'am.
§ d© mFI©A mi¦dŸl¡` l©ki§e©
Va'ye-chal Elo-him ba'yom ha'sh-ve-ee
,dÜr̈ x¤W £̀ FY§k`©ln§
m'lach-toe ah-sher asa,
§ d© mFI©A zŸAW
§ ¦Ie©
va'yish-boat ba'yom ha'sh-ve-ee
.dÜr̈ x¤W £̀ FY§k`©ln§ lM̈¦n
me-kol m'lach-toe ah-sher asa.
§ d© mFi z¤̀ mi¦dŸl¡` Kx«¤äi§e©
Va'y'va-rech Elo-him et yom ha'sh-ve-ee
va'y'kad-esh oto, w key vo sha-vat me-kol me-lach-toe,
,FY§k`©ln§ lM̈¦n z©aẄ Fa i¦M ,FzŸ` WC©
£l mi¦dŸl¡` `xÄ
¨ x¤y £̀
ah-sher ba-ra Elo-him la'asot.
ix¦ a§ q©
Sav-rei - L’ca-hayim
Ba-ruch ah-tah Ah-do-nai, El-oh-hey-nu Mel-ech Ha'oh-lam,
bo-rey peri ha'ga-fen
,ml̈Frd̈ K¤ln«¤ Epi«d¥Ÿl¡` dF̈d§i dŸ©` KExÄ
.o¤t«B̈d© ix§
¦R `xFA
Ba-ruch ah-tah Ah-do-nai, El-oh-hey-nu Mel-ech Ha'oh-lam
,ml̈Frd̈ K¤ln«¤ Epi«d¥Ÿl¡` dF̈d§i dŸ©` KExÄ
a-sher kid-sha’-nu be-mits-vo-tav ve-ra’-tsah va-nu,
ve-sha-bat kod-sho b'a-ha-va u-v'ra-tson hin-che-la-nu
,Ep«ä dv̈x§
«¨e eiz̈Ÿev§ n¦ A§ Ep«ẄC¦
§w x¤W £̀
Ep«l̈i¦g§pd¦ oFvx§
¨aE dä£d`© A§ FWcẅ
§ z©AW
© e§
¥a d¥Ur©
£n§l oFxM̈¦f
zi-ka-ron le-ma-a-seh ve-re-shit.
,Wc¤Ÿw« i¥̀ ẍ§wn¦ §l dN̈¦gY§ mFi `Ed i¦M
«¨vn¦ z©`i¦vi¦l x¤k«¥f
Key hu yom te-che-lah le-mik-ra-ey ko-desh ,
zey-cher lee-tsi-at mits-ra-yim .
Ÿx«§g© ä Ep«ä i¦M
© lM̈¦n Ÿ§WC¦
«©w Ep«z̈F`§e
Key va’-nu va-char’-ta
ve-o-ta’-nu key-dash’-ta me-kol’ ha-a-mim’,
ve -sha-bat kod-she-cha b'a-ha-vah uv-ra-tson hin-chal-ta’-nu .
Ba-ruch A-tah, Ah-do-nai , me'ka-desh ha-sha-bat.
.Ep«Ÿ§lg© §pd¦ oFvx§
¨aE dä£d`© A§ L§Wcẅ
§ z©AW
© e§
.zÄ©Xd© WC©
¥wn§ ,dF̈d§i dŸ©` KExÄ
And it was evening, and it was morning of the sixth day. The creation of heaven and earth were completed
with all of their array. On the seventh day God completed all of creation and rested on the seventh day
from the creative activity which God had done. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, for on it
- 59 -
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Kiddush / Hamotzi 50
God rested from all the work which God had done. (Genesis 2:1-3)
We bless You, Ah-do-nai, eternal God, who created the fruit of the vine.
We bless You, Ah-do-nai, eternal God, who sanctified us with commandments and desired us, and gave
us the holy Sabbath with love and pleasure, as an inheritance, a remembrance of the act of creation. For
the Sabbath is the first of the holidays, a remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt. For You have chosen
us, and made us holy from all the nations, and You gave us Your holy Sabbath with love and pleasure; We
bless You, Holy Master, who sanctifies the Sabbath.
Hand Washing
N’tilat Ya-dayim
dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
,eiz̈Fv§ n¦ A§ Ep«ẄC§ w¦ xW
¤ £̀
:mi¦ «c̈ï zli
© h¦ p§ l©r EpËv¦ e§
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai,
E-lo-he--nu, Me-lech Ha-oh-lam,
a-sher k’d’sha-nu b'mits-vo-tav,
v'tsi-va-nu al n’ti-lat ya-da-im
We bless You, Ah-do-nai, eternal God, who has sanctified us with the commandments, and
commanded us to wash our hands.
Breaking Bread
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai,
E-lo-he--nu, Me-lech Ha-oh-lam,
a-sher k’d’sha-nu b'mits-vo-tav
ha-motzi lechem min ha-aretz.
dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¤`d̈ on¦ mg«¤
¤ l `ivFO
¦ d©
We praise You, Ah-do-nai, eternal God, who brings forth bread from the earth.
- 60 -
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61 Preliminary Service
Modeh Ani & Asher Yatzar - An Attitude of Gratitude
Our Sages understood human nature and they knew that people do tend to take daily occurrences for granted, no matter
how wonderful they may be. For this reason the Sages instituted prayers that start our day by devoting time to reflect upon
God's kindness to us while reciting Modeh Ani I give thanks before You followed by Asher Yatzar, "Who formed
humanity…”, the blessing affirms the complex nature of the human body.
Mo-deh a-ni
Mo-deh a-ni l'fa-ne-cha,
,Li«p¤ ẗl§ ip£̀
¦ dcFn
me-lech chai v'ka-yam
,mÏw© e§ ig© K¤ln
she-he-che-zar-ta bee nish-ma-ti
iz¦ n̈W
§ p¦ iA¦ Ÿx«§ ©fg
¡ d¤ W
b'chem-la ra-bah e-mu-na-te-cha.
¡ dÄx© dl̈n§ g¤ A§
I give thanks before You, living and eternal God,
who has returned my soul into me in compassion; You are great and faithful.
Asher Yatzar - A private prayer
We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the
universe, who formed humanity with wisdom
and created within us many openings,
arteries, and capillaries. It is obvious and
known before Your glorious throne that if
one of them were to be opened or one of
them were to be blocked it would be
impossible to survive and to stand before
You. We bless You Ah-do-nai, who heals
every living thing and acts wondrously.
- 61 -
,ml̈Frd̈ K¤ln
«¤ Epi«dŸl¡
¥ ` dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
Fa `x¨äE ,dn̈k§ g̈A§ mc̈`¨ d̈ z ¤̀ xvï
© xW
¤ £̀
iElB̈ .milEl£
¦ g milEl£
¦ g ,mia¦ ẅp§ mia¦ ẅp§
© z¥ R̈i¦ m`¦ W
¤ ,LcFa
«¤ k§ `Q¥ k¦ i¥pt§ l¦ r© Ecï« e§
i`¦ ,md¤ n¥ cg̈ ¤̀ mz¥ Q̈i¦ F` ,md¤ n¥ cg̈ ¤̀
KExÄ .Li«p¤ ẗl§ cFn£rl© e§ m¥Iw© z§ d¦ l§ xW
© t§ ¤̀
`il¦ t§ nE
© xÜÄ lk̈ `tFx
,dF̈di§ dŸ`©
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Preliminary Service 61
"Affix fringes to the corners of your garments. Whenever these fringes are seen, you will be
reminded of God's commandments." (Numbers)
Jewish men and some Jewish women wear a Tallit across their shoulders. The Tallit is a shawl with
fringes on each side of its four corners.
The following blessing is recited before placing the Tallit on your shoulders.
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu, Me-lech
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
a-sher kid'sha-nu b'mits-vo-tav,
,eiz̈Ÿev§ n¦ A§ Ep«ẄC§ w¦ xW
¤ £̀
v'tsi-va-nu, l'-hit-a-teif ba-tsi-tsit.
¦ v¦ A© sh©
¥ rz§ d¦ l§ Ep«Ëv¦ e§
We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who gives us opportunities for
holiness with the Mitzvot, and told us to wrap ourselves in the tzitzit -fringes.
In the biblical narrative Bil’am (an evil prophet) is asked by King Balak, to curse the Israelite people. When
Bil’am sees the Israelite camp he has a change of heart and offers this blessing.
May we, as we enter into prayer in this community, find meaning and purpose in our endeavor as a community
so that we too can say, “How lovely are your Tents, O Jacob!”
Ma to-vu o-ha-le-cha, Ya-a-kov;
,aŸw£ri© Lil¤ d̈Ÿ` EaŸH dn©
mish-k'no-te-cha, Yis’ra-el!
:l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ LizŸ
¤ pM§ W
§ n¦
Va-a-nee b'rov chas-d'cha a-vo vey-te-cha,
¤ a¥ `Ÿa`¨ LC§ q§ g© aŸxA§ ip¦ £̀ e©
esh-ta-cha-veh el hey-chal kad-sh'cha b'yir-a-te-cha.
:Lz¤ `¨ x§ i¦ A§ LW
§ c§ ẅ lki
© d¥ l ¤̀ d¤eg
£ Y© W
§ ¤̀
How lovely are your tents, O Jacob, your sanctuary, O Israel! In your lovingness,
Ah-do-nai, let me enter Your house, reverently to worship.
- 62 -
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65 Preliminary Service
Just as one should not begin physical exercise without first warming up, so too, one should not begin davening (prayer) without “warming up". The
early morning prayers, birchot hashahar, give us an opportunity to warm up our voices and spirit. They begin with a series of b’rachot (blessings)
that trace the process of awakening. These b’rachot thank God for the gift of our bodies and souls; they describe God as providing for our physical
needs of sight, strength, clothing, etc. It is no accident that the first and last thing Jews do every day is pray. What could be more appropriate in
these moments of quiet reflection than to thank God for the myriad blessings of each day.
- Please rise -
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam,
a-sher na-tan la-sech-vi vi-na,
l'hav-chin bein yom u-vein lai-la.
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
,dp̈ia¦ ie¦ k§ V
¤ l© ozp̈
© xW
¤ £̀
§ oiaE
¥ mFi oiA¥ oig¦ a§ d© l§
We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who gave the heart for understanding the difference
between day and night.
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam,
she-a-sa-ne b’tz-al-mo.
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
:Fnl§ v© A§ ip«¦ Ur̈
© W
We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, for making me in the divine image.
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam,
she-a-sa-ne Yis-ro-el.
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
:l ¥̀ x¨W
§ i¦ ip«¦ Ur̈
© W
We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, for making me proud to be a Jew.
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam,
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
she-a-sa-ne cho-rin.
¦ ip«¦ Ur̈
© W
We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, for giving me freedom.
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam,
mal-bish ah-ru-mim.
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
:min¦ x£
ª r WiA¦ l§ n©
We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who clothes the naked.
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam,
po-kay-ach iv-rim.
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
:mix¦ e§ r¦ g© wFR
We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who gives sight to the blind.
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam,
xiY¦ n©
ma-tir ah-sue-rim.
We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who releases the bound.
- 63 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Preliminary Service 65
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam,
zo-kef key-fu-fim.
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
¦ M§ swFf
We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who straightens the bent.
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam,
ro-ka ha-ah-retz al ha-ma-yim.
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
¦ d© l©r ux«¨
¤`d̈ rwFx
We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who creates heaven and earth.
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam,
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
she-asa le kol tz-or-kei.
:iM¦ x§ v̈ lM̈ iN¦ dÜ«r̈W
We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who has provided my every need.
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam,
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
ha-may-chin me-tza-dai ga-ver.
¤ ic£
¥ rv§ n¦ oik¦ O¥ d©
We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who guides us on our path.
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam,
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
oh-zer yis-ro-el big-vu-ra.
¨ b§ A¦ l ¥̀ x¨W
§ i¦ x¥fF`
We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who guards Israel with might.
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam,
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
oh-ter yis-ro-el b'tif-ah-ra.
:dx¨`¨ t§ z¦ A§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ xhFr
We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who crowns Israel with splendor.
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu me-lech ha-oh-lam,
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
ha-no-tain la-yo-ef ko-ach.
:g© ŸM« s¥rÏl© ozFP
¥ d©
We bless You Ah-do-nai, eternal God of the universe, who gives the weary strength.
-You may be seated-
May it be Your will, Ah-do-nai our God and God of
our ancestors to make us familiar with Your Torah,
and to help us adhere to Your commandments.
Keep us far from sin and disgrace, let no evil
impulse have mastery over us. Keep us far from an
evil person and a corrupt companion. Help us
cultivate our good and noble inclinations so that we
may perform good deeds; and bend our will to Your
service. Grant us this day and every day, grace, love
and compassion in Your sight and in the sight of all.
Grant us a bountiful measure of loving kindness.
¥ xia£
¦ rO© d© ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«¤
¤ n Epi«¥dŸl`
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
dF̈di§ ,Li«p¤ ẗN§ n¦ oFvx¨ idi
¦ e¦ .iR̈©rt©
§ rn¥ dn̈EpzE
§ ip̈i¥rn¥
Epw«¥ A§ c© e§ ,L«¤zxFz
¨ A§ Ep«¥liB¦ x§ Y© W
¤ ,Epi«zFa
¥ £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«¥dŸl`
¥ l¦ `Ÿle§ ,`h§ g¥ ici
¥ l¦ `Ÿl Ep«¥̀ ia¦ Y§ l`© e§ ,Li«¤zŸev§ n¦ A§
l`© e§ ,oFiG̈a¦ ici
¥ l¦ `Ÿle§ ,oFiQ̈p¦ ici
¥ l¦ `Ÿle§ ,oŸer̈e§ dx¨a£
.rx¨ xa¥ g̈nE
¥ rx¨ mc̈`¨ n¥ Epwi
«¥ g¦ x§ d© e§ .rx¨d̈ xv«¤ i¥ Ep«Ä hl¤ W
§ Y©
Epx«¥v§ i¦ z ¤̀ sFke§ ,miaFh
¦ rn© aE
§ aFHd© xv«¤ i¥A§ Epw«¥ A§ c© e§
¤ glE
§ og¥ l§ ,mFi lk̈aE
§ ,mFId© Ep«p¥ zE
§ .Kl̈ cA¤ r§ Y© W
§ d¦ l§
mic¦ q̈£g Ep«¥ln§ b§ z¦ e§ ,Epi«¥̀ Fx lk̈ i¥pi¥raE
§ ,Li¤pi¥rA§ min£
¦ gx©lE
- 64 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
66 Preliminary Service
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai,
go-mel’ cha-sa-dim’ to-vim’ le-a-mo’ Yis’ra-el’.
,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
.l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ FO©rl§ miaFh
¦ mic¦ q̈£g lnFB
We bless You Ah-do-nai, who bestows loving kindness upon Your people Israel.
The Verses of Praise section was initiated as an optional part of the prayer service and was recited
privately. Today, these verses are recited every day, in private and public prayer. The Verses of
Praise consist of a series of psalms, preceded and followed by a special blessing. The recitation of
these psalms is intended to prepare and uplift the soul, purify our thoughts, and make us clear in our
approach to God and prayer. Following the Verses of Praise, the Kaddish is recited to indicate that a
subsection of the prayer service has now concluded, and we continue with a major section of the
prayer service, namely, the blessings of the Sh'ma and the Sh'ma prayer.
May it be Your will, Ah-do-nai my God and God of my
ancestors, to protect me this day, and every day, from
arrogance of others and from arrogance in myself. Save
me from a bad companion and from a bad neighbour,
and from any mishap or evil; from a harsh judgment,
and from a harsh opponent, be they a child of the
covenant or not.
© £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e idŸl
© `
¡ dF̈di§ ,Li«p¤ ẗN§ n¦ oFvx¨ id¦ i§
,mip¦ R̈ zEG©rnE
¥ mip¦ ẗ i¥Gr© n¥ mFi lk̈aE
§ mFId© ip«¥
¦ liS¦ Y© W
,rx¨ r©bR
«¤ nE
¦ ,rx¨ ok¥ ẌnE
¦ ,rx¨ xa¥ g̈nE
¥ ,rx¨ mc̈`¨ n¥
¤ ẅ oiC¦ l©rA
«© nE
¦ ,dW
¤ ẅ oiC¦ n¦ ,zig¦ W
§ O© d© oḧV̈nE
.zix¦ A§ oa¤ Fpi ¥̀ W
¤ oiaE
¥ ,zix¦ A§ oa¤ `EdW
¤ oiA¥
Personal thoughts and prayers
may be inserted here
We must always revere God in private as in public, dcFnE
© xz«
¤ q¥ A§ mi«©
¦ nẄ `x¥i§ mc̈`¨ `d¥ i§ ml̈Frl§
acknowledge the truth, and speak the truth in our hearts;
© ie§ mM¥ W©
§ ie§ ,Faäl§ A¦ zn¤ `
¡ xaFc
¥ e§ ,zn¤ `
¡ d̈ l©r
and let him rise early and say:
Master of all worlds! Not in the merit of our
righteousness do we bring supplications before You, but
because of Your love. What are we? What is our life?
What is our kindness? What is our righteousness? What
is our salvation? What is our strength? What is our
might? What can we say before You, Ah-do-nai our
God, and the God of our ancestors? Heroes are like
nothing before You, the famous, as if they had never
existed, the wise, as if void of wisdom and the
perceptive, as if void of intelligence. Most of their deeds
are desolate and the days of their lives are empty before
You. Human preeminence over beasts is an illusion, for
all is vain.
§ p £̀ Epi«¥zFwc§ v¦ l©r `Ÿl ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ lM̈ oFAx¦
.miA¦ x©d̈ Li«n£
¤ gx© l©r iM¦ ,Li«p¤ ẗl§ Epi«¥pEp£gY© mili
¦ R¦ n©
,Epi«¥zFwc§ S¦ dn© ,EpC«¥q§ g© dn¤ ,Epi¥ig© dn¤ ,Epg«©
§ p £̀ dn̈
© P dn© .Ep«¥zxEa
¨ B§ dn© ,Ep«gŸ
¥ M dn© ,Ep«¥zr̈EW§I dn©
lM̈ `Ÿl£d ,Epi«¥zFa £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ ,Li«p¤ ẗl§
,Eid̈ `ŸlM§ mX
¥ d© iW
¥ p§ `© e§ ,Li«p¤ ẗl§ oi«©
¦ `M§ mixFA
¦ B¦ d©
aŸx iM¦ .lM¥ U
§ d© il¦ a§ M¦ mipFa
¦ pE
§ ,rC̈n© il¦ a§ M¦ min¦ k̈£ge©
,Li«p¤ ẗl§ la«¤
¤ d mdi¥
¤ ig© ini
¥ e¦ ,EdŸY« mdi
¤ U£
¥ rn©
¤ lŸMd© iM¦ ,oi«¨
¦ ` dn̈d¥ A§ d© on¦ mc̈`¨ d̈
- 65 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Preliminary Service 66
We however, are Your people, the children of Your
covenant, the children of Your beloved Abraham,
to whom You made a pledge on Mount Moriah; the
seed of Isaac, his only son, who was bound upon
the altar; the congregation of Jacob your firstborn
son, whose name You called Israel and Jeshurun
because You loved him. It is therefore, our duty to
thank, praise and glorify You, to bless, to sanctify
and to offer praise and thanksgiving unto Your
Name. Happy are we! how good is our portion, how
pleasant our lot, and how beautiful our heritage!
La§ dŸ
© ` md̈x¨a§ `© i¥pA§ ,L«¤zix¦ a§ i¥pA§ ,LO©
§ r Epg«©
§ p £̀ lä £̀
,Fcig¦ i§ wg̈v§ i¦ rx«¤
© f ,dÏxFO
¦ d© xd© A§ FN Ÿr«©
§ AW
§ P¦ W
«¤ A§ Lp§ A¦ aŸw£ri© zc£
© r ,g«
© A§
¥ fO¦ d© iA©
¥ B l©r cw¡
© rP¤ W
§ nV̈W
¤ Lz§ g̈n§ V
¦ nE
¦ ,FzF` Ÿa«
§ d© `¨ W
¤ Lz§ ä£d`© O¥ W
§ p £̀ Kk̈it¦ l§ .oExWi
ª e¦ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ FnW
§ z ¤̀ z̈`x«¨ẅ ,FA
§ ,Lx§ ¤̀ ẗlE
§ ,L£gA¥ W
© lE
§ ,Ll§ zFcFdl§ miaÏ
¦ g©
dn© ,Epix«¥W
§ `© .L«n¤ W
§ l¦ dïc̈Fde§ ga«¤
© W zz¥ l̈e§ WC¥w© lE
.Ep«¥zẌxªi§ dẗÏ dnE
© ,Ep«¥lxFB
¨ mirP̈
¦ dnE
© ,Epw«¥ l§ g¤ aFH
Ashrey-nu, she-ah-nach-nu mash-key-mim
¦ M¦ W
§ n© Epg«©
§ p £̀ W
¤ Epix«¥W
§ `©
uma-ah-re-vim eh-rev va-vo-ker,
,xw¤ Ÿa« ë ax¤ r«¤ miai
¦ x¦ r£ nE
v’om’rim pa-a-ma-yim b’chol yom:
:mFi lk̈A§ mi«©
¦ nr£ R© mix¦ nF`
§ e§
Happy are we who, early and late, morning and evening, twice every day, declare:
Sh’ma Yis’ra-el Ah-do-nai El-oh-hey-nu,
g̈ ¤̀ dF̈di§ .Epidl
¥ ¤̀ dF̈di§ .l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ n© W
Ah-do-nai Echad
Hear, O Israel: Ah-do-nai is our God, Ah-do-nai alone!
Ba-ruch shaim k’vod mal’chu-to
:c¤rë ml̈Frl§ FzEkl§ n© cFaM§ mW
¥ KExÄ
l’oh-lam va-ed:
Blessed is Ah-do-nai’s majesty forever and ever!
You are eternal, existing before the world was created;
You have been the same since the world was created;
You are the same in this world, and You will be the
same in the world to come. Sanctify Your Name
through those who sanctify it, sanctify Your Name
throughout the world; and through the saving power
raise up and uphold our strength.
`Ed dŸ`© ,ml̈Frd̈ `x¨a§ p¦ `ŸNW
¤ c©r `Ed dŸ`©
dŸ`© e§ ,d¤Gd© ml̈FrÄ `Ed dŸ`© ,ml̈Frd̈ `x¨a§ P¦ X
¤ n¦
¥ C¦ w§ n© l©r Ln§ W
¦ z ¤̀ WC¥w© .`Äd© ml̈Frl̈ `Ed
mix¦ Ÿ Lzr̈EWi
¦ ,L«n¤ l̈FrA§ Ln§ W
¦ z ¤̀ WC¥w© e§ ,L«n¤ W
.Ep«¥px§ w© Di
© A«¦ b§ z© e§
,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
.miA¦ x©Ä Ln§ W
¦ z ¤̀ WC¥w© n§
Ba-ruch ata Ah-do-nai,
meh-kah-desh et shim-cha b'ra-bim.
We bless You Ah-do-nai, who manifests holiness in all humanity
Psalm 30 is the 30th psalm from the Book of Psalms. It is a psalm of thanksgiving, was written to celebrate the occasion
of the dedication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The psalmist thanks God for help and healing when he was at the
brink of death.
- 66 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
81 Preliminary Service
.ce¦ c̈l§ zi«©
¦ Ad© zMª
© pg
£ xiW
¦ xFn§fn¦
Miz-mor Shir Cha-nu-kat Ha-Ba-yit L'David
A Psalm of David. A Song for the Dedication of the
Temple. I will extol you, Ah-do-nai, for you have raised
me up. You did not permit foes to rejoice over me.
Ah-do-nai my God, I cried to you, and you have healed
me. Ah-do-nai, you have brought up my soul from the
pit of death. You have kept me alive, that I should not
go down to the pit. Sing praise to Ah-do-nai, you
faithful. Acclaim God’s holiness. God’s anger lasts for
just a moment. Divine love is everlasting. Tears may stay
for the night, but joy comes in the morning. As for me,
I said in my prosperity, “I shall never be moved.” You,
Ah-do-nai, when you favored me, made my mountain
stand strong; but when you hid your face, I was
troubled. I cried to you, Ah-do-nai, I made my
supplication: “What profit is there in my destruction, if
I go down to the pit? Shall the dust praise you? Shall it
declare your truth? Hear, Ah-do-nai, and have mercy on
me. Ah-do-nai, be my helper.” You have turned my
mourning into dancing, my sackcloth into robes of joy
----- that my heart may sing praise to you, and not be
.il¦ ia© iŸ§ ` Ÿg«©
§ OU
¦ `Ÿle§ ,ip¦ z̈
« iN¦ c¦ iM¦ dF̈di§ Ln§ nFx
¦ £̀
z̈i«¦l¡rd¤ dF̈di§ .ip«¥̀
¦ R̈x§ Y©
¦ e Li«¤l ¥̀ iY¦ r«§ E©W
¦ ,id̈Ÿl`
¡ dF̈di§
dF̈di§ l© ExO©
§ f .xFa ic¦ xϧ n¦ ip«©
¦ zii¦ g¦ ,iW
¦ t©
§ p lF`W
§ on¦
mii¦ g© ,FR`© A§ r©bx«¤ iM¦ .FWc§ ẅ xk«¥
¤ fl§ EcFde§ ,eic̈iq£
iY¦ x«©
§ n`¨ ip¦ £̀ e© .dP̈x¦ xw¤ ŸA« l© e§ ,ik«¦ A¤ oilï
¦ ax«¤
¤ rÄ ,FpFvx§ A¦
§ n¡r LpFv
§ x§ A¦ dF̈di§ .ml̈Frl§ hFO ¤̀ lA© ,ie¦ l§ W
© a§
dF̈di§ Li«¤l ¥̀ .ld̈a§ p¦ izi
¦ i¦ d̈ ,Li«p¤ ẗ Ÿx«©
§ Yq§ d¦ ,fŸr ix¦ x§ d© l§
iY¦ c§ x¦ A§ ,in¦ c̈A§ rv«
© A¤ dn© .oP̈g© z§ ¤̀ ip̈Ÿc £̀ l ¤̀ e§ ,`x¨w§ ¤̀
dF̈di§ rn© W
§ .L«¤Yn¦ £̀ ciB©
¦ id
£ ,xẗr̈ LcFi£
§ d ,zg«Ẅ
© l ¤̀
,il¦ lFgn̈l§ ic¦ R§ q§ n¦ Ÿk«§ t© d̈ .il¦ x¥fŸr d¥id
¡ dF̈di§ ,ip«¥
¦ Pg̈e§
.dg̈n§ U
¦ ip¦ x§
«¥G`© Y©
§ e iT¦ U
© Ÿg«©
§ YR¦
,mŸCi¦ `Ÿle§ cFak̈ Lx§ O©
¤ fi§ or«©
© nl§
L'ma'an y'za-mer-cha cha'vode v'lo yi'd-ome,
Ah-do-nai Elo-hi l'oh-lam oh-deka.
«¤ ml̈Frl§ idŸl
© `
¡ dF̈di§
Ah-do-nai my God, I will give thanks to You forever!
Model of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem
- 67 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
(Mourners and those observing Yaherzeit please rise)
Preliminary Service 82
Mourner’s Kaddish
The Kaddish, an Aramaic prayer that is [almost] 2,000 years old, is recited in slightly different variations at every prayer service. Although one form
of the Kaddish is recited in memory of the dead, the prayer itself says nothing about death; its theme is the greatness of God, reflected in its
opening words: "Yitgadal ve-yitkadash, Shmei rabbah--May God’s name be magnified and made holy…. " The prayer's conclusion speaks of a
future age in which God will redeem the world.
Yit-ga-dal v'yit-ka-dash she-mei ra-ba,
`Äx© Dn¥ W
§ WC¥w© z§ i¦ e§ lC©
¥Bz§ i¦
Be-al-ma di-ve-ra chi-re-u-tei, ve-yam-lich mal-chu-tei.
¥ l§ n© Kil¦ n©
§ ie§ DzEr
¥ x§ k¦ `x¨a§ iC¦ `n̈lr̈
§ A§
¥ aE
§ oFki¥ig© A§
l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ ziA¥ lk̈c§ i¥ig© AE
B'cha-yay-chon u-v'yo-may-chon
u-v'cha-yei de-chol bait Yis’ra-el
Ba-aga-la u-vi-ze-man ka-riv, v'im'ru: A-mein:
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ .aix¦ ẅ on§
© faE
¦ `l̈b̈£rA©
Ye-hey she-mei ra-ba me-va-rach,
le-a-lam u-le-al-mei al-ma-ya.
Kx©än§ `Äx© Dn¥ W
§ `d¥ i§
.`Ïn© lr̈
§ in¥ lr̈
§ lE
§ mlr̈
© l§
gA© Y© W
§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦
¥ pz§ i¦ e§ mnFx
© z§ i¦ e§ x`© R̈z§ i¦ e§
Yit-ba-rach ve-yish-ta-bach,
ve-yit-pa-ar ve-yit-ro-mam, Ve-yit-na-sei
ve-yit-ha-dar, ve-yit-a-leh, ve-yit-ha-lal
she-mei de-ku-de-sha, be-rich hu
lN̈d© z§ i¦ e§ d¤N©rz§ i¦ e§ xC̈d© z§ i¦ e§
`Ed Kix¦ A§ `Ẅc§ wª C§ Dn¥ W
* L'ey-la min kol bir-cha-ta ve-shi-ra-ta
¦ e§ `z̈k̈x§ A¦ lM̈ on¦ `N̈«¥rl§ *
tush-be-cha-ta ve-ne-che-ma-ta,
,`z̈n̈¡gp¤ e§ `z̈g̈A§ W
§ Yª
da-a-Me-ran be-al-ma v'im'ru: A-mein:
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,`n̈lr̈
§ A§ oxi
¨ n¦ £̀ C©
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
* (L'ey-la U’ L'ey-la me kol)
(lM̈n¦ `N̈«r¥ lE
§ `N̈«r¥ l)*
Ye-hey sh'la-ma ra-ba min she-ma-ya
ve-cha-yim A-lay-nu Ve-al kol Yis’ra-el
v'im'ru: A-mein:
,`Ïn© W
§ on¦ `Äx© `n̈l̈W
§ `d¥ i§
,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§ Epi«¥lr̈ mii¦ g© e§
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
O-seh sha-lom bim-ro-mav,
hu ya-a-seh sha-lom a-lay-nu
Ve-al kol Yis’ra-el, v'im'ru: A-mein:
,ein̈Fxn§ A¦ mFlẄ dUŸ
Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri© `Ed
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§
Translation of Kaddish: Glorified and sanctified is God's great name throughout the world created according to Ah-do-nai’s will.
May God’s sovereignty be established in our lifetime and the life of all Israel, and let us say, Amen. May God’s great name be blessed
forever and to all eternity. Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored be the name of the Holy One, source of
blessing, beyond all the blessings and songs, beyond all the tributes spoken in the world; and let us say, Amen. May there be abundant
peace from heaven, and life, for us and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen. May the One who creates peace in the celestial heights,
create peace for us and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen.
- 68 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
83 Preliminary Service
Ba-ruch She'ah-mar
The composition of Baruch She'amar is attributed to the Great Assembly (circa 70CE). Tradition explains that it was revealed from
heaven with 87 words which correspond to the Hebrew word paz, or fine gold. God's commitment to us is as valuable as gold.
Baruch She'amar focuses primarily on the power of communication. God spoke and the entire world came into being. Blessed is the
one who speaks. Baruch She'amar, encourages us to maintain not only our commitment to each other, but to ourselves as well, just
as God made a commitment to us at the time of creation.
- Please rise -
Ba-ruch she-a-mar v'ha-yah ha-o-lam,
,ml̈Frd̈ dïd̈e§ xn© `¨ W
¤ KExÄ
Ba-ruch hu.
.`Ed KExÄ
Ba-ruch o-seh v're-shit,
¦ x¥a§ dUŸ
¤ r KExÄ
Ba-ruch o-mer v'o-seh,
¤ e§ xnF`
¥ KExÄ
Ba-ruch go-zer um'ka-yem,
,m¥Iw© nE
§ x¥fFB KExÄ
Ba-ruch m'ra-chem al ha-a-rets ,
¤`d̈ l©r mg¥ x©n§ KExÄ
Ba-ruch m'ra-chem al hab'ri-yot,
,zFIx¦ A§ d© l©r mg¥ x©n§ KExÄ
Ba-ruch m'sha-lem sa-khar tov lee-re-av,
,ei`¨ xi
¥ l¦ aFh xk̈Ü mN¥ W
© n§ KExÄ
Ba-ruch chai la-ad v'ka-yam la-ne-tsach,
,gv«© p¤ l̈ mÏw© e§ c©rl̈ ig© KExÄ
Ba-ruch po-deh u-matsil,
,liS¦ nE
© dcFR
¤ KExÄ
Ba-ruch sh'mo.
§ KExÄ
l ¥̀ d̈ ,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
Praised is the one whose word created the
What a blessing!
Praised is the author of creation.
What a blessing!
Praised is the one whose word
is action.
What a blessing!
Praised is the one whose decree is fulfilled.
What a blessing!
Praised is the one who has compassion on the
world and all creatures.
What a blessing!
Praised is the one who rewards respect.
What a blessing!
Praised is the one who is eternal.
What a blessing!
Praised is the one who is the source of
What a blessing!
¨ tnE
§ gÄW
ª n§ ,FO©r it¦ A§ lN̈dª n§ d© ,on̈£gx©d̈ a`¨ d̈
§ r ce¦ c̈ ixi
¦ aE
§ ,eic̈ä£re© eic̈iq£
¦ g oFWl§ A¦
¦ faE
¦ zFgäW
§ A¦ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ Ll§ N¤ d© p§
,Ln§ W
¦ fp© e§
Lx§ ¤̀ ẗpE
L£gA¥ W
© pE
Ll§ C©
,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,cigï
¦ ,Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ Ep«¥Ml§ n© ,Lki
§ l¦ n©
§ pe§
.lFcB̈d© FnW
§ c©r ic£
¥ r x`Ÿ
¨ tnE
§ gÄW
ª n§ Kl«
¤ n¤
§ Y¦ A© lN̈dª n§ K¤ln¤ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
Ba-ruch ah-tah Ah-do-nai mel-ekh m'hu-llal
We bless You, Ah-do-nai, eternal God, with
prayer and song.
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Preliminary Service 96
-You may be seatedOriginally, the Jewish prayer service consisted of the Sh'ma and its Blessings; and the Tefillah. That was the entire communal Jewish
service. Gradually, other readings were added. One of the most frequently-recited is Psalm 145, called either Praise of David (Tehilah
L'David) or the Ashrei (because of its first word, Ashrei, Happy). It is an alphabetic poem. It is referred to once in the Talmud, but its
importance is clear: “Eleazar b. Avina says: Whoever recites Ashrei three times daily, is sure to inherit the world to come.” Brachot 4b
.dl̈«¤Q LEl« l§ d© i§ cFr ,L«¤zia¥ ia¥ WFi
§ ix¥W
§ `©
Ash-rei yosh-vei vey-te-cha, od ye-ha-l'-lu-cha se-la.
Ash-rei ha-am she-ka-cha lo,
Ash-rei ha-am she-Ah-do-nai E-lo-hav
¡ dF̈di§ W
¤ mr̈d̈ ix¥W
§ `© ,FN dk̈«M̈W
¤ mr̈d̈ ix¥W
§ `©
T'-hee-la- l'-D-a-veed
A-ro-mem-cha E-lo-hai ha-Me-lech,
Va-a-var-cha sheem-cha l'-o-lam va-ed
,ce¦ c̈l§ dN̈d¦ Y§
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ Ln§ W
¦ dk̈x§ ä £̀ e© ,Kl«
¤ O¤ d© idFl
© `
¡ Ln§ nFx
¦ £̀
B'chol yom a-var-che-ka,
Va-ah-ha-l'-la sheem-cha l'-oh-lam va-ed
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ Ln§ W
¦ dl̈l§ d£̀
© e© ,‚«¤kx§ ä £̀ mFi lk̈A§
Ga-dol Ah-do-nai um-hoo-lal m'-od,
V'-leeGodo-la-to ein che-ker
¤ g¥ oi ¥̀ FzN̈cªb§ l¦ e§ ,cŸ`n§ lN̈dª nE
§ dF̈di§ lFcB̈
Dor l'dor y-sha-bach ma-ah-se-cha,
Ug-vu-ro-te-cha ya-gee-doo
.Eci«¦B©i Li«¤zŸxEabE
§ ,Li«¤U£rn© gA© W
© i§ xFcl§ xFC
Ha-dar k'-vod ho-de-cha,
V'-deev-rei nif-l'-o-te-cha a-see-cha
«¦ `¨ Li«¤zŸ`l§ t§ p¦ ix¥a§ c¦ e§ ,LcFd
«¤ cFaM§ xc£
Ve-e-zuz nor-o-te-cha yo-mey-ru,
UGodu-lat-cha a-sap-re-na
.dP̈x«¤R§ q£̀
© Lz§ N̈cªbE
§ ,Ex«¥n`Ÿi Li«¤zF`xFp
§ fEf¡re¤
Ze-cher rav tuv-cha ya-bee-u,
V'-tzeed-kat-cha y'-ra-ney-nu
.Ep«¥Px©i§ Lz§ ẅc§ v¦ e§ ,EriA©
«¦ i LaEh
§ ax© xk«¤
Cha-nun v'-ra-chum Ah-do-nai,
E-rech a-pa-yim uGodal cha-sed
¤ lc̈bE
§ mi«¦ R© `© Kx«¤̀
¤ ,dF̈di§ mEgx©e§ oEPg©
Tov Ah-do-nai la-kol,
V'-ra-cha-mav al kol ma-a-sav
.eiÜ£rn© lM̈ l©r ein̈£gx©e§ ,lŸMl© dF̈di§ aFh
Yo-du-cha Ah-do-nai kol ma-a-se-cha,
Va-cha-see-de-cha y'-var-chu-cha
,Li«¤U£rn© lM̈ dF̈di§ LEcFi
.dk̈Ek« x§ äi§ Lici
«¤ q£
¦ ge©
K'-vod mal-chut-cha yo-me-ru,
Ug-vu-ro-t'cha y'-da-be-ru
,Ex«¥n`Ÿi LzEk
§ l§ n© cFaM§
.Ex«A¥ c©i§ Lz§ xEa
¨ bE
L'ho-dee-ah liv-nei ha-ah-dam g'-vu-ro-tav,
Uch-vod ha-dar mal-chu-to
,eiz̈ŸxEaB§ mc̈`¨ d̈ i¥pa§ l¦ r© icFd
«¦ l§
.FzEkl§ n© xc£
©d cFakE
Mal-chut'-cha mal-chut kol o-la-mim,
U-mem-shal-te-cha b'-chol dor va-dor
,min¦ l̈Fr lM̈ zEkl§ n© LzEk
§ l§ n©
.xŸcë xŸC lk̈A§ LY§ l§ W
© n§ n¤
- 70 -
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97 Preliminary Service
So-mech Ah-do-nai l'-chol ha-nof-leem,
V'zo-kef l'-chol hak-fu-fim.
,mil¦ tŸ§ Pd© lk̈l§ dF̈di§ KnFq
¦ M§ d© lk̈l§ swFf
¥ e§
ey-nei chol e-ley-cha y'-sa-be-ru,
V'a-ta no-ten la-hem et och-lam b'-ee-to.
,Ex«A¥ U
© i§ Li«¤l ¥̀ lŸk i¥pi«¥r
.FYr¦ A§ ml̈k§ `¨ z ¤̀ md¤ l̈ ozFp
¥ dŸ`© e§
Po-te-ach et ya-de-cha,
U-mas-be-a l-chol chai ra-tzon.
.oFvx¨ ig© lk̈l§ r© iA«¦ U
§ nE
© ,Lcï
«¤ z ¤̀ g«¥
© zFR
Tza-deek Ah-do-nai b'-chol d'-ra-chav,
U-mas-be-a l-chol chai ra-tzon.
,eik̈x¨C§ lk̈A§ dF̈di§ wiC¦ v©
.eiÜ£rn© lk̈A§ ciq¦ g̈e§
Ka-rov Ah-do-nai l'-chol kor-av,
L'chol ah-sher yik-re-u-hu ve-e-met.
,ei`¨ xŸ§ w lk̈l§ dF̈di§ aFxẅ
.zn¤ `
¡ a¤ Ed «ª̀ x¨w§ i¦ xW
¤ £̀ lŸkl§
R'-tzon y'-re-av ya-a-se,
V'-et shav-a-tam yish-ma v'-yo-shi-em
¤ ri© ei`¨ x¥i§ oFvx§
¦ e§ rn© W
§ i¦ mz̈r̈e§ W
© z ¤̀ e§
Sho-mer Ah-do-nai et kol o-ha-vav,
V'-et kol har-sha-im yash-mid.
,eiä£dŸ` lM̈ z ¤̀ dF̈di§ xnFW
.cin¦ W©
§ i mir¦ Ẅx§ d̈ lM̈ z ¥̀ e§
T'-hee-lat Ah-do-nai y'-da-ber pi,
Vi-va-rech kol ba-sar shem kod-sho l'-o-lam va-ed.
Va-a-nach-nu n'-va-rech YahMe-a-ta v''ad o-lam,
Ha-le-lu-yah !
.iR¦ xA¤ c©i§ dF̈di§ zN© d¦ Y§
:c¤rë ml̈Frl§ FWc§ ẅ mW
¥ xẌÄ lM̈ Kx¥äie¦
:DïEll§ d© .ml̈Fr c©re§ dŸ©rn¥ Dï Kx¥äp§ Epg©
§ p £̀ e©
Happy are those
who dwell in Your
Students at the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem
Happy are those who dwell in Your house; they will ever praise You! Happy is the people whose portion is
this, whose God is Ah-do-nai.
A Song of David:
(`) I will exalt You, my God; I will bless Your name forever. (a) Every day I will bless You; I will extol
Your name forever. (b) Great is God and deserving of praise; God’s greatness cannot be fathomed. (c)
Each generation will acclaim You to the next; they shall tell of Your mighty acts. (d) They shall
contemplate Your radiant glory; they shall reflect on Your wondrous works. (e) They shall speak of Your
awesome might, and make known Your greatness. (f) They shall tell all of Your great goodness, and
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Preliminary Service 100
sing of Your righteousness. (g) “Ah-do-nai is gracious and compassionate, endlessly patient, overflowing
with love. (h) Ah-do-nai is good to all; God’s compassion shelters all creatures.” (i) All Your works,
Ah-do-nai, shall praise You; Your faithful shall bless You. (k) They shall speak of the glory of Your
sovereignty, and tell of Your mighty strength, (l) Proclaiming Your power to all people, and the glorious
splendor of Your majesty. (n) Your reign is everlasting, Your dominion endures through all time. (q)
Ah-do-nai, You support the falling; You raise up all who are bowed down. (r) The eyes of all turn to You;
You sustain them in time of want. (t) You open Your hand, satisfying the needs of all creatures. (v) You
are just in all Your ways, gracious in all Your deeds. (w) Ah-do-nai is near to all who cry out, to all who call
out in truth. (x) God will fufill the hope of all the reverent; God will hear their cry and help them. ( y) You
preserve those who love, Ah-do-nai, but the lawless You bring to grief. (z) My lips shall declare the glory
of Ah-do-nai; let all flesh bless God’s holy name forever and ever. We will bless God now and always.
Attributed to King David, The Book of Psalms is divided into 150 Psalms, each of which constitutes a religious
song or chant. In Psalm 150 the psalmist paints a picture of an orchestra that has completed tuning their
instruments and is ready to play in concert. As we read this Psalm we near the conclusion of the PESUKEI
DEZIMRAH (verses of praise section) and prepare to sing as a congregation.
Ha-l'lu-yah! Ha-l'lu-yah, Ha-l'lu-yah, Ha-l'lu-yah! Ha-l'lu,
DïEll§ d©
Ha-l'lu El b'kad-sho,
ha-l'lu-hu, bir-key-a u-zo.
,FWc§ ẅA§ l ¥̀ ÎEll§ d©
:FGrª r© iw¦ x§ A¦ EdEll§ d©
Ha'l'lu-hu big-vu-ro-tav,
ha-l'lu-hu k'rov gud-lo.
,eiz̈ŸxEab§ A¦ EdEll§ d©
§ B aŸxM§ EdEll§ d©
Ha'l'lu-hu b'tey-ka sho-far,
ha-l'lu-hu b'ney-vel v'chi-nor.
,xẗFW rw© z¥ A§ EdEll§ d©
:xFPk¦ e§ la¥
¤ pA§ EdEll§ d©
Ha'l'lu-hu b'tof u-ma-chol,
ha-l'lu-hu b'Me-nim v'u-gav.
zlFgn̈E sŸza§ EdEll§ d©
:ab̈Ere§ miP¦ n¦ A§ EdEll§ d©
Ha'l'lu-hu b'tsil-ts'lei sha-ma,
ha-l'lu-hu b'tsil-ts'lei t'ru-ah.
zrn© ẄÎil¥ v§ l§ v¦ a§ EdEll§ d©
:dr̈Exz§ il¥ v§ l§ v¦ A§ EdEll§ d©
Kol han-sha-ma t'ha-leil Yah, Ha-l'lu-yah, Ha-l'lu-yah.
Kol han-sha-ma t'ha-leil Yah, Ha-l'lu-yah, Ha-l'lu-yah.
:DïEll§ d© Dï lN¥ d© Y§ dn̈ẄP§ d© lŸM
:DïEll§ d© Dï lN¥ d© Y§ dn̈ẄP§ d© lŸM
- 72 -
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101 Preliminary Service
Halleluyah! Praise God in the holy places, praise God’s greatness in the heavens! Praise God for mighty
deeds, praise God who is great beyond all measure. Praise God with trumpet sound, with the lute and harp; Praise
God with the drums and dance, Praise God with the strings and pipe; with the loud cymbals' crash. Let all that live
praise Ah-do-nai. Halleluyah!
Praised be God forevermore. Amen, and Amen. Praised be
the God of Zion, who dwells in Jerusalem. Praised be
Ah-do-nai. Praised be Ah-do-nai, the God of Israel, who does
wondrous things:
,oFIS¦ n¦ dF̈di§ KExÄ .on¥ `¨ e§ on¥ `¨ ,ml̈Frl§ dF̈di§ KExÄ
¥ `
¡ midŸl
¦ `
¡ dF̈di§ KExÄ .DïEll§ d© ,mi«l̈
¦ ẄExi§ okŸ¥ W
. FCa© l§ zF`l̈t§ p¦ dUŸ
¥ r ,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦
Uu'va-ruch sheim k'vo-do l'o-lam,
v'yi-ma-lei ch'vo-do et kol ha-a-rets, a-mein v'a-mein.
,ml̈Frl§ FcFaM§ mW
¥ KExäE
.on¥ `¨ e§ on¥ `¨ ,ux«¨
¤`d̈ lM̈ z ¤̀ FcFak§ `l¥ Öi¦ e§
Praised be God’s glorious name forever; and let the whole earth be filled with glory. Amen, and Amen.
This prayer was composed by King David and recites at the coronation of his son and successor, Solomon. King David
composed this prayer, because he was concerned that with all of the glory and majesty surrounding the coronation, the
people would lose sight of their relationship with God.
- Please rise -
Va-y'va-rech Da-vid et Ah-do-nai
Then David praised Ah-do-nai in the presence of the
whole assembly: “Ah-do-nai, the God of our ancestor
Israel, may You be praised forever and ever! Yours,
Ah-do-nai, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the
victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and
on earth is Yours, Ah-do-nai, and this is Your kingdom.
We adore You as the one who is over all things. Wealth
and dignity come from You alone, for You rule over
everything. Power and might are in Your hand, and at
Your discretion people are made great and given
strength. “Ah-do-nai, we thank You and praise Your
glorious name! You alone are Ah-do-nai. You made the
heavens, even the highest heavens, the earth and all that
is on it, the seas and all that is in them.
¤ Ie© ,ld̈T̈d© lM̈ i¥pi¥rl§ ,dF̈di§ z ¤̀ cie¦ C̈ Kx«ä
¤ i©
,Epia«¦ `¨ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ idŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ ,cie¦ C̈
¨ B§ d© e§ dN̈cªB§ d© dF̈di§ Ll§ .ml̈Fr c©re§ ml̈Frn¥
¤`äE mi«©
¦ nẌA© lŸk iM¦ ,cFdd© e§ gv«¥
© Pd© e§ zx«¤̀
¤ t§ Y¦ d© e§
.W`Ÿxl§ lŸkl§ `V©
¥ pz§ O¦ d© e§ ,dk̈l̈n§ O© d© dF̈di§ Ll§
,lŸMA© lWFn
dŸ`© e§ ,Li«p¤ ẗN§ n¦ cFaM̈d© e§ xW
¤ Ÿr« d̈e§
.lŸMl© w¥Gg© lE
§ lC©
¥bl§ Lcï§ aE
§ ,dxEa
¨ bE
§ g© ŸM« Lcï§ aE
¥ l§ mil¦ l§ d© nE
§ Kl̈ Epg«©
§ p £̀ micFn
¦ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dŸ©re§
«¦ dŸ`© ,LC«¤a© l§ dF̈di§ `Ed dŸ`© .L«¤Yx§ `© t§ Y¦
¤`d̈ ,m`¨ äv§ lk̈e§ ,mi«©
¦ nẌd© in¥ W
§ ,mi«©
¦ nẌd© z ¤̀
dŸ`© e§ ,md¤ Ä xW
¤ £̀ lk̈e§ miO©
¦ Id© ,d̈i«¤lr̈ xW
¤ £̀ lk̈e§
¦ gY© W
§ n¦ Ll§ mi«©
¦ nẌd© `ävE
§ ,ml̈Mª z ¤̀ d¤Ig© n§
A-tah hu Ah-do-nai ha-El-oh-him,
¦ `
¡ d̈ dF̈di§ `Ed dŸ`©
a-sher ba-char-ta b'Av-ram,
,mx¨a§ `© A§ Ÿx«©
§ gÄ xW
¤ £̀
v'ho-tsey-to mey-ur kas-dim,
,miC¦ U
§ M© xE`n¥ Fz`vFd
¥ e§
v'sam-ta sh'mo Av-ra-ham.
.md̈x¨a§ `© FnW
§ Ÿn«©
§ Ue§
U-ma-tsa-ta et l'va-vo ne-e-man l'fa-ne-cha:
:Li«¤pẗl§ on̈`¤
¡ p Faäl§ z ¤̀ z̈`«v̈n̈E
You are Ah-do-nai our God, who chose Abram and brought him out of Ur and named him
Abraham. You found his heart faithful to You.
- 73 -
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Preliminary Service 102
You made a covenant to give to his descendants the
land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites,
Jebusites and Girgashites. You have kept Your
promise because You are righteous. You saw the
suffering of our ancestors in Egypt; You heard their
cry at the Red Sea. You sent miraculous signs and
wonders against Pharaoh, against all his officials and
all the people of his land, for You knew how
arrogantly the Egyptians treated them. You made a
name which remains to this day.
¦ rp© M§ d© ux«¤̀
¤ z ¤̀ zz¥ l̈ zix¦ A§ d© FOr¦ zFxk̈e§
zz¥ l̈ ,iWB̈
¦ x§ B¦ d© e§ ,iqEa
¦ i§ d© e§ ,i¦Gx¦ R§ d© e§ ,ixŸ¦ n`
¡ d̈ ,iY¦ g¦ d©
¤Y©e .dŸ«¨` wiC¦ v© iM¦ ,Lix«¤äC§ z ¤̀ mw¤ Ÿ
« e© ,Frx©§ fl§
§ nẄ mz̈ẅ£r©f z ¤̀ e§ ,mi¦ x«¨v§ n¦ A§ Epi«¥zŸa £̀ ip¢
¦ r z ¤̀
§ ,dŸrx§ t© A§ miz¦ tŸ§ nE zŸzŸ` oY¥ Y©
¦ e .sEq m©i l©r
Eci«¦fd¥ iM¦ Ÿr§ cï
«© iM¦ ,Fvx§ `© m©r lk̈aE
§ ,eic̈ä£r
.d¤Gd© mFId© M§ mW
¥ Ll§ U©rY©
«© e ,mdi
¤ l£
V'ha-yam ba-ka-ta lif-ney-hem, va-ya-av-ru
mÏd© KFzA§ Exa§ r©
© Ie© ,mdi¥
¤ pt§ l¦ Ÿr§ w«© Ä mÏd© e§
v'toch ha-yam ba-ya-ba-sha; v'et ro-d'fey-hem
zŸlFvn§ a¦ Ÿk«©
§ lW
§ d¦ mdi
¤ t¥ cŸ§ x z ¤̀ e§ ,dẄÄ©IA©
hish lach-ta vim-tso-lot, k'mo e-ven b'ma-yim
:mi¦Gr© mi«©
¦ nA§ oa«¤̀
¤ FnM§
You divided the sea before them, so that they passed through it on dry ground, but You hurled
their pursuers into the depths, like a stone into mighty waters.
That is how Ah-do-nai rescued Israel from the hand of ,mi¦ x«¨v§ n¦ c©In¦ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ z ¤̀ `Edd© mFIA© dF̈di§ rWF«
© Ie©
the Egyptians that day. Israel saw the Egyptians defeated
.mÏd© zt© U
§ l©r zn¥ mi¦ x«©v§ n¦ z ¤̀ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ `x©§ Ie©
on the shore of the sea.
dl̈ŸcB§ d© cÏd© z ¤̀ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ `x©§ Ie©
mi¦ x«©v§ n¦ A§ dF̈di§ dÜr̈ xW
¤ £̀
,dF̈di§ z ¤̀ mr̈d̈ E`xi§ i©¦ e
§ r dWŸ
¤ naE
§ dF̈di§ A© Epin«¦ £̀ I© e©
When Israel saw the great power Ah-do-nai had used against the Egyptians, the people feared
Ah-do-nai. They put their faith in Ah-do-nai and Moses the divine servant.
Va-yar Yis’ra-el et ha-yad ha-g'do-lah
a-sher a-sa Ah-do-nai b'Mits-ra-yim,
Va-yi-r'u ha-am et Ah-do-nai,
va-ya-a-Me-nu ba-Ah-do-nai uv-Mo-she av-do.
Az Yashir Moshe is the oldest song known. It commemorates the crossing of the Red Sea and moving from the slavery of
Egypt to the Spiritual heights of Mount Sinai, and Torah.
Az ya-shir-Mo-she u’ve-ney Yis-ra'el
l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ i¥paE
§ dWŸ
¤ n xiWï
¦ f`¨
,dF̈di§ l© z`ŸGd© dxi
¦ d© z ¤̀
,xŸn`l¥ Exn`Ÿ
§ Ie©
¨ dŸ`b̈ iM¦ dF̈di§ l© dxi
¦ `¨
.mÏa© dn̈x¨ FakŸ§ xe§ qEq
Dï zx¨n¦
§ fe§ i¦Gr̈
,dr̈EWil¦ il¦ id¦ i©§ e
,Ed«¥ep§ `© e§ il¦ ¥̀ d ¤f
.Edp«§ n¤ nŸ§ x £̀ e© ia¦ `¨ idŸl
¥ `
,dn̈g̈l§ n¦ Wi`¦ dF̈di§
§ dF̈di§
et-ha-shira ha-zot
va-yom-ru ley-mor
a-shira l'Ah-do-nai key-ga'oh ga'ah
sus v'roch-vo ra-mah va-yam.
Ah-zee v'zim-rat yah
va-ye-he-lee lee-shu'ah
zeh eli ve'an-vey-hu
El-oh-hey ah-vi va'ah- ro-mem-en-hu.
Ah-do-nai ish mil'hha'mah
Ah-do-nai she'mo
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104 Preliminary Service
Then Moses and the people of Israel sang this song to
Ah-do-nai: “I will sing to Ah-do-nai who has triumphed
gloriously. You have hurled both horse and rider into
the sea. Ah-do-nai is my strength and my song; You
have given me victory. You are my God, and I will
praise You, my ancestor’s God, and I will exalt!
Ah-do-nai is a warrior; Ah-do-nai is Your name!
Pharaoh’s chariots and army You hurled into the sea.
The finest of Pharaoh’s officers are drowned in the Red
Sea. The deep waters gushed over them; they sank to the
bottom like a stone. Who is like You among all that is
worshiped, Who is like You glorious in holiness
performing great wonders? Ah-do-nai will reign forever
and ever!”
ErA§ hª eiẄl¦ Ẅ xg© a§ nE
¦ ,mÏa© dxï
¨ Flig¥ e§ dŸrx§ R© zŸaM§ x§ n©
¤ ` FnM§ zŸlFvn§ a¦ Ecxï§ ,En«iªq§ k© i§ zŸnŸdY§ .sEq m©ia§
.a¥iF` u©rx§ Y¦ dF̈di§ Lpi
§ n¦ i§ ,g© ŸM« A© ix¦ C̈`¤
§ p dF̈di§ Lpi
§ n¦ i§
.WT© M© Fn«l¥ k`Ÿ
§ i LpŸ§ xg
£ gN© W
© Y§ ,Li«n¤ ẅ qŸxd
£ Y© LpF`
§ B§ aŸxaE
E`t§ ẅ ,mil§
¦ fŸp c¥p Fnk§ EaS§ p¦ ,mi«¦ n© Enx¤§ r«p¤ Li«R¤ `© gE
© x« aE
,ll̈Ẅ wN¥ g£̀
© biV
¦ `© sŸCx§ ¤̀ a¥iF` xn© `¨ .mï a¤lA§ zŸnŸdz§
Ÿt«§ Wp̈
© .icï¦ Fn«Wi
¥ xFY
,iA¦ x§ g© wix¦ `¨ ,iW
¦ t©
§ p Fn«¥̀ l̈n§ Y¦
in¦ .mixi¦ C¦ `© mi«¦ n© A§ zx¤tFr
¤ M© Ell§ v̈ ,mï Fn«Q̈M¦ L£gExa§
¨ ,Wc¤ŸT« A© xC̈`¤
§ p dk̈Ÿn« M̈ in¦ ,dF̈di§ ml¦ ¥̀ Ä dk̈Ÿn« k̈
«¦ .ux«¨
¤` Fn«r¥ l̈a§ Y¦ ,Lpi
§ n¦ i§ z̈ihp̈
«¦ .`¤lt
« ¤ dU
¥ Ÿr« ,zŸNd¦ z§
iM¦ .L«W
¤ c§ ẅ d¥ep§ l ¤̀ L§Gr̈a§ Ÿl«§ d¥
© p ,Ÿl«¨
§ `B̈ Ef m©r LC§ q§ g© a§
¦ A© lWŸ
¥ nE ,dk̈ElO§ d© dF̈di§ l©
v'a-lu mo-shi-im b'har Tsi-on, lish-pot et har ey-sav,
ha-y'ta LaAh-do-nai ha-m'lu-cha,
v'ha-yah Ah-do-nai l'me-lech al kol ha-a-rets;
ba-yom ha-hu yi-h'yeh, Ah-do-nai e-chad, u-sh'mo e-chad:
,eÜ¥r xd© z ¤̀ hŸRW
§ l¦ oFIv¦ xd© A§ mir¦ WFn
.dk̈ElO§ d© dF̈di§ l© dz̈i§ d̈e§
¤`d̈ lM̈ l©r Kl¤ n
«¤ l§ dF̈di§ dïd̈e§
.cg̈ ¤̀ FnWE
§ cg̈ ¤̀ dF̈di§ d¤id§ i¦ `Edd© mFIA©
Sovereignty belongs to Ah-do-nai, who rules the nations. A redeemer shall come up on Mount Zion to judge the
mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be Ah-do-nai’s. And Ah-do-nai will reign over all the earth; in that day shall
Ah-do-nai be one and the divine name one.
-You may be seatedNishmat is of unknown authorship. It is partially cited in the Talmud as a prayer of thanksgiving for the rainfall that
follows a drought. Nishmat is a song of praise and thanksgiving. Apart from its place in the Jewish liturgy on the Sabbath
and Holidays and at the Passover Seder, Nishmat is considered a powerful prayer believed to bring great blessing to
whomever says this prayer at any time. Nishmat had been chanted by people in need of a livelihood, marriage, children,
health and/or healing. While praying Nishmat a person can keep other people in mind for a blessing or healing as well.
Ln§ W
¦ z ¤̀ Kx¥äY§ ig© lM̈ zn© W
§ p¦
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§
Nish-mat kol chai t'vareich et shim-cha
Ah-do-nai El-oh-hey-nu
The soul of every living being will bless Your name on¦ :cin¦ Ÿ EpM¥ l§ n© Lx§ k¦
§ f mnFx
¥ zE
§ x ¥̀ ẗY§ xẌÄ lM̈ gEx
© e§
Ah-do-nai. The spirit of all mortals glorify and exalt our
Kl¤ n¤ Epl̈ oi ¥̀ Licr̈
¤ l§ A© nE
¦ ,l ¥̀ dŸ`© ml̈Frd̈ c©re§ ml̈Frd̈
eternal God. Who redeems and rescues? Who sustains
§ q¥px§ t© nE
§ liS¦ nE
© dcFR
¤ ,©riWFnE
l ¥̀ FB
and shows mercy? In every time we have no other z¥r lk̈A§ mg¥ x©nE
sovereign but You.
:dŸ`¨ `N̈ ¤̀ Kl¤ n¤ Epl̈ oi ¥̀ ,dẅEve§ dx¨v̈
Could song fill our mouth as water fills the sea and could joy flood our tongue like countless waves —
Could our lips utter praise as limitless as the sky and could our eyes match the splendor of the sun —
Could we soar with arms like an eagles wings and run with gentle grace, as the swiftest deer —
Never could we fully state our gratitude for one ten-thousandth of the lasting love that is Your precious
blessing, dearest God, granted to our ancestors and to us.
From Egypt You redeemed us, from the house of bondage You delivered us. In famine You nourished us; in
prosperity You sustained us. You rescued us from the sword, protected us from pestilence, and saved us from
severe and lingering disease. To this day Your compassion has sustained us; Your kindness has not forsaken us.
Never abandon us, Adonai our God.
- 75 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Preliminary Service 105
Who is like You, Who is equal to You, Who can be lFcB̈d© l ¥̀ d̈ ,Kl̈ Kẍ£ri© inE
¦ ,KN̈ d¤eW
§ i¦ inE
¦ ,KN̈ dn¤ c§ i¦ in¦
compared to You? Great, mighty, and awesome God,
¨ mi¦ n© Ẅ d¥pFw ,oFil¤
§ r l ¥̀ `xFP
¨ d© e§ xFAB¦ d©
the supreme God, Creator of heaven and earth.
N'ha-lel-cha u’n’sha-bey-cha-cha u’n’fa-er-cha
Lx§ ¤̀ ẗpE
§ L£gA¥ W
© pE
§ Ll§ N¤ d© p§
xEn`¨ M̈ LW
¤ c§ ẅ mW
¥ z ¤̀ Kx¥äpE
,dF̈di§ z ¤̀ iW
¦ t©
§ p ik¦ x§ Ä ,ce¦ c̈l§
:FWc§ ẅ mW
¥ z ¤̀ ia© x¨w§ lk̈e§
u’n’va-reich et sheim kad-she-cha, ka-amur:
L'David, bar-che naf-she et Ah-do-nai,
v'chol k'ra-vai et sheim kad-sho.
We will praise, and glorify You and bless Your holy name, as it is said: "of David:
Bless God, and let all my innermost being bless God’s holy name!"
,L¤Grª zFnv£
ª rz© A§ l ¥̀
Ha-el b'ta-tsu-mot u-ze-cha,
ha-ga-dol bich-vod sh'me-cha,
ha-ge-bor la-ne-tsach v'ha-no-ra b'no-r'o-te-cha,
ha-me-lech ha-yo-sheiv al key-say ram v'ne-sa
,Ln¤ W
§ cFak§ A¦ lFcB̈d©
¤ xFp
§ A§ `xFP
¨ d© e§ gv¤
© pl̈ xFAB¦ d©
.`V̈p¦ e§ mx¨ `Q¥ M¦ l©r aWFI
¥ d© Kl«
¤ O¤ d©
God, vast in power and glory, eternal in might,
You are great through majestic deeds; You are on high.
Sho-chein ad ma-rom, v'ka-dosh sh'mo
§ WFcẅe§ mFxn̈ ,c©r okFW
:dN̈d¦ z§ dë`p̈ mix¦ Ẅi§ l© ,dëŸdi§ A© miwi
¦ C¦ v© EpP§ x© ,aEzk̈e§
,lN̈d© z§ Y¦ mix¦ Ẅi§ it¦ A§
,Kx©Äz§ Y¦ miwi
¦ C¦ v© ix¥a§ c¦ aE
,mn̈Fxz§ Y¦ mici¦ q£
¦ g oFWl§ aE
:WC̈w© z§ Y¦ miWFc
¦ w§ ax¤w¤ aE
B'fi Y'sha-rim tit-Ha-lal,
uv-div-ray Tza-de-kim tit-ba-rach,
u-vil-shon Cha-see-dim tit ro-mam,
uv-ke-rev K'do-shim tit-ka-dash:
You who are eternal, magnified and holy isYour name. And it is written, "The righteous rejoice in Ah-do-nai; it
is fitting for the upright to praise God”. By the mouth of the upright You will be praised, by the words of the
righteous You will be blessed, by the tongue of the pious You will be extolled, and in the midst of the holy,
You will be made holy.
Uv-mak-ha-lot ri-v'vot a-m'cha bait Yis’ra-el
,l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ zia¥ LO§ r© zFaa§ x¦ zFl£dw§ n© aE
,xFcë xFC lk̈A§ ,EpM¥ l§ n© ,Ln§ W
¦ x ¥̀ R̈z§ i¦ dP̈x¦ A§
She-kein cho-vat kol ha-y'tsu-rim,
l'fa-ne-cha, Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-nu, Vey-lo-hei a-vo-tey-nu,
l'ho-dot, l'ha-lel l'sha-bey-ach,
l'fa-air, l'ro-meim, l'ha-der, l'va-reich, l'a-lei ul-ka-leis
al kol div-rei shir-ot v'tish-b'chot
Da-vid ben Yi-shai, av-d'cha m'shi-che-cha
- 76 -
¦ i§ d© lM̈ zaFg
© oM¥ W
¥ £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e EpidŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ Li¤pẗl§
g© A¥ W
© l§ lN¥ d© l§ zFcFdl§
,qN¥ w© lE
§ dN¥ r© l§ Kx¥äl§ xC¥d© l§ mnFx
¥ l§ x ¥̀ ẗl§
zFgA§ W
§ z¦ e§ zFxiW
¦ ix¥a§ C¦ lM̈ lr©
¤ W
¦ n§ LC§ a§ r© iW
© i¦ oA¤ ce¦ C̈
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
106 Preliminary Service
In the great assemblies of Your people, the house of Israel, Your name will be glorified with joyous song in
every generation. This is the duty of all creation, Ah-do-nai our God and God of our ancestors, to thank,
praise, glorify, extol, honor, bless, and acclaim You, even beyond all the words of song and adoration of David,
the son of Jesse, Your anointed servant.
- Please rise Yish-ta-bach is the closing blessing of the Pesukei DeZimrah section. It contains fifteen expressions of praise, which
alludes to Psalms 120-134, the fifteen Songs of Ascent composed by David.
Yish-ta-bach shim-cha la-ad, mal-key-nu
Ep¥M§ln© crl̈
© L§nW
¦ g©AY© W
§ i¦
May You be praised forever, the great and holy dF̈d§i d¤̀p̈ L§l i¦M ,ux¨
¤`äE m¦in© Ẅ©A WFcT̈©de§ lFcB̈©d K¤lO¤d© l¥̀ d̈
eternal God, in heaven and on earth. It is good to
fFr ,dx§
¨n¦fe§ l¥Nd© ,dg̈ä§WE xi¦W Epi¥zFa£̀ i¥dŸl`¥e Epi¥dŸl¡`
sing to You Ah-do-nai our God, and God of our
ªw ,zx¤̀
¤ t§ z¦ e§ dN̈¦dY§ ,dxEa§
¨ bE dN̈c§
ªB g©v¤p ,dl̈Ẅ§nn¤E
Ancestors. Blessings and Psalms of thanksgivings dẄc§
:ml̈Fr cr§
©e dŸr¥
©n zF`c̈Fd§e zFkx§
¨A :zEk§ln© E
are Yours from now and forever.
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai,
El me-lech ga-dol ba-tish-ba-chot,
El ha-ho-da-ot, A-don ha-nif-la-ot,
ha-bo-cheir b'shi-rei zim-rah,
Me-lech, El, Chey Ha-oh-la-mim.
,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
§ Y¦ A© lFcB̈ Kl¤ n¤ l ¥̀
,zF`l̈t§ P¦ d© oFc £̀ ,zF`c̈Fdd© l ¥̀
:min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ l ¥̀ Kl¤ n¤ ,dx¨n¦
§ f ixi
¦ A§ xgFA
¥ d©
We bless You, Ah-do-nai, eternal God, great in praises, God of thanksgivings, master of wonders,
who makes choice of song and psalm, eternal God, the life of all worlds.
Everyday miracles keep hope alive!
- 77 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Reader’s Kaddish
Preliminary Service 106
Kaddish is commonly known as a mourner's prayer, but in fact, variations on the Kaddish prayer are routinely recited at
many other times, and the prayer itself has nothing to do with death or mourning. Kaddish is a prayer that affirms our faith
in God and our hope for the future. The Reader’s Kaddish separates units of prayer within a service.
Yit-ga-dal v'yit-ka-dash she-mei ra-ba,
`Äx© Dn¥ W
§ WC¥w© z§ i¦ e§ lC©
¥Bz§ i¦
Be-al-ma di-ve-ra chi-re-u-tei, ve-yam-lich mal-chu-tei.
¥ l§ n© Kil¦ n©
§ ie§ DzEr
¥ x§ k¦ `x¨a§ iC¦ `n̈lr̈
§ A§
¥ aE
§ oFki¥ig© A§
l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ ziA¥ lk̈c§ i¥ig© AE
B'cha-yay-chon u-v'yo-may-chon
u-v'cha-yei de-chol bait Yis’ra-el
Ba-aga-la u-vi-ze-man ka-riv, v'im'ru: A-mein:
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ .aix¦ ẅ on§
© faE
¦ `l̈b̈£rA©
Ye-hey she-mei ra-ba me-va-rach,
le-a-lam u-le-al-mei al-ma-ya.
Kx©än§ `Äx© Dn¥ W
§ `d¥ i§
.`Ïn© lr̈
§ in¥ lr̈
§ lE
§ mlr̈
© l§
gA© Y© W
§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦
¥ pz§ i¦ e§ mnFx
© z§ i¦ e§ x`© R̈z§ i¦ e§
Yit-ba-rach ve-yish-ta-bach,
ve-yit-pa-ar ve-yit-ro-mam, Ve-yit-na-sei
ve-yit-ha-dar, ve-yit-a-leh, ve-yit-ha-lal
she-mei de-ku-de-sha, be-rich hu
lN̈d© z§ i¦ e§ d¤N©rz§ i¦ e§ xC̈d© z§ i¦ e§
`Ed Kix¦ A§ `Ẅc§ wª C§ Dn¥ W
* L'ey-la min kol bir-cha-ta ve-shi-ra-ta
¦ e§ `z̈k̈x§ A¦ lM̈ on¦ `N̈«¥rl§ *
tush-be-cha-ta ve-ne-che-ma-ta,
,`z̈n̈¡gp¤ e§ `z̈g̈A§ W
§ Yª
daa-Me-ran be-al-ma v'im'ru: A-mein:
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,`n̈lr̈
§ A§ oxi
¨ n¦ £̀ C©
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
* (L'ey-la U’ L'ey-la me kol)
(lM̈n¦ `N̈«r¥ lE
§ `N̈«r¥ l)*
Translation of Kaddish Glorified and sanctified is God's great name throughout the world
created according to Ah-do-nai’s will. May God’s sovereignty be established in our lifetime and the
life of all Israel, and let us say, Amen.
May God’s great name be blessed forever and to all eternity.
Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored be the name of the Holy One,
source of blessing, beyond all the blessings and songs, beyond all the tributes spoken in the world;
and say, Amen.
- 78 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
107 Morning Service
Morning Shachrit Service
At one time the morning congregational service began with the Sh’ma. All preliminary prayers were said privately.
Consequently the introduction to the Sh’ma was the call to prayer or Bar’chu. This marked the beginning of the public
prayer service. Although preliminary prayers are now said publicly, Bar’chu still remains the introduction to the Sh’ma.
Since Bar’chu calls the congregation to public prayer, it is not said when praying privately. In the temple of old the
"Kohanim" (priests) would summon the congregation to prayer using the Ba-re-chu proclamation.
et Ah-do-nai ham-vo-rach:
:KxŸ¨an§ d© dF̈di§ z ¤̀ Ekx§ Ä
Praised be the One, to whom our praise is due!
Cogregation then reader:
Baruch Ah-do-nai ham-vo-rach l’oh-lam vaed!
:cr¤ ë ml̈Frl§ KxŸ¨an§ d© dF̈di§
Praised be the One, to whom our praise is due, now and forever!
Ba-uch ata, Ah-do-nai El-oh-hey-nu, meh-lech ha’oh-lam,
yo-tzer or u’vo-rey cho-shech
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl¤ n¤ EpidŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
¤ g `xFaE
¥ xF` xvFi
oh-seh sha-lom u’vo-rey et ha-kol:
:lŸMd© z ¤̀ `xFaE
¥ mFlẄ dXŸ
We bless You, Ah-do-nai, eternal God, who makes light and creates darkness, who ordains peace
of all things.
-You may be seated-
Everyone will thank You, and everyone will praise
You, and all will say, there is no one like God.
Everyone will praise You forever, Creator of all
things, God who opens every day the door of the
gates of the East, bringing the sun from its place,
and the moon from its dwelling, giving light to the
whole world and to its inhabitants, created by the
attribute of mercy. In mercy You give light to the
earth and its inhabitants, and in Your kindness
renew creation every day; sovereign, who alone was
praised from before time, praised and glorified from
days of old. Everlasting God, in Your abundant
mercies, Shield of our salvation, You are our
stronghold! There is no one to be compared to
You, neither is there any beside You; there is no
one but You: who is like You?
WFcẅ oi ¥̀ Exn`Ÿ
§ i lŸMd© e§ ,LEgA§ W
© i§ lŸMd© e§ ,LEcFi lŸMd©
l ¥̀ d̈ :lŸMd© xvFi
dl̈Q¤ LEnnFx
§ i§ lŸMd© :dëŸdiM©
i¥pFNg© r© wFaE
,gx§¨fn¦ ix£
¥ rW
© zFzl§ C© mFi lk̈A§ g© zFR
¥ d©
oFkO§ n¦ dp̈älE
§ ,Dn̈FwO§ n¦ dÖg© `ivFn
,©riw¦ x¨
¤ ,eiäWFi
§ lE
§ FNMª ml̈Frl§ xi`¦ nE
¥ ,DŸa§ W
¤ mix¦ C̈l© e§ ux¤`¨ l̈ xi`¦ O¥ d© :min£
¦ gx© zC©n¦ A§
¥ rn© ,cin¦ Ÿ mFi lk̈A§ WC¥g© n§ FaEhaE
§ ,min£
¦ gx©A§
ª n§ d© ,f`¨ n¥ FCa© l§ mn̈Fxn§ d© Kl¤ O¤ d© :ziW`
¦ x¥a§
,ml̈Fr idŸl`
:ml̈Fr zFnin¦ `V©
¥ pz§ O¦ d© e§ x`Ÿ
¨ tn§ d© e§
xEv ,Ep¥Grª oFc £̀ ,Epilr̈
¥ mg¥ x© miA¦ x©d̈ Lin£
¤ gx©A§
LM§ x¤§ rM§ oi ¥̀ :Epc£
¥ rA© aB̈V
¥ n¦ ,Ep¥rW
§ i¦ o¥bn̈ ,EpA©
¥ BV
¥ n¦
,KN̈ dnFC
¤ inE
¦ LY¤ l§ A¦ qt¤ ¤̀ ,Lz¤ l̈Ef oi ¥̀ e§
Ein k'er-k'cha Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-nu ba-oh-lam ha-zeh,
v'ein zu-la-t'cha mal-key-nu l'cha-yei ha-oh-lam ha-ba.
E-fes bil-t'cha go-A-lay-nu lee-mot ha-ma-shi-ach,
v'ein do-me l'cha mo-shi-ey-nu lit-che-yat ha-may-tim
,d¤Gd© ml̈FrÄ ,EpidŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ LM§ x¤§ rM§ oi ¥̀
,`Äd© ml̈Frd̈ i¥ig© l§ EpM¥ l§ n© Lz§ l̈Ef oi ¥̀ e§
© W
¦ Öd© zFnil¦ Epl¥ £̀ FB LY§ l§ A¦ qt¤ ¤̀
.miz¦ O¥ d© z©Ig¦ z§ l¦ Ep¥riWFn
LN§ dnFC
¤ oi ¥̀ e§
- 79 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Morning Service 108
You are Ah-do-nai our God. Incomparable this world, neither is there any beside You, our sovereign, for
the life of the world to come; there is none but You, our Redeemer, for the days of the Messiah; neither is
there any like to You, our Saviour, assuring immortal life.
Ein k'er-k'cha, v'ein zu-la-te-cha,
,Lz¤ l̈Ef oi ¥̀ e§ LM§ x¤§ rM§ oi ¥̀
e-fes bil-t'cha, u-Me do-meh lach.
,KN̈ dnFC
¤ inE
¦ LY¤ l§ A¦ qt¤ ¤̀
Ein k'er-k'cha ba-oh-lam ha-zeh,
,d¤Gd© ml̈FrÄ ,LM§ x¤§ rM§ oi ¥̀
v'ein zu-la-t'cha ba-oh-lam ha-ba.
,`Äd© ml̈FrÄ Lz§ l̈Ef oi ¥̀ e§
E-fes bil-t'cha lee-mot ha-ma-shi-ach,
© W
¦ Öd© zFnil¦ LY§ l§ A¦ qt¤ ¤̀
v'ein do-me l'cha lit-che-yat ha-may-tim
.miz¦ O¥ d© z©Ig¦ z§ l¦ LN§ dnFC
¤ oi ¥̀ e§
There is no one to be compared to You, neither is there any beside You; there is no one but You: who is
like You? There is no one to be compared to You, Ah-do-nai our God, in this world, neither is there any
beside You, our sovereign, for the life of the world to come; there is none but You, our Redeemer, for the
days of the Messiah; neither is there any like You, our Saviour, assuring immortal life.
El Adon is an alphabetically arranged poem. It is thought that because of the holiness of the Hebrew
alphabet, it shows honor and glory to God to say a prayer which begins each line with the letters in order.
El ah-don al kol-hama’asim,
Ba-ruch umvorakh b’fi kol-n’sha-ma,
God-lo v’tuvo ma-ley oh-lam,
da’at ut-vu-na sov’vim oto:
Ha-mit-ga’eh al cha-yot ha-ko-desh,
V’neh-dar b’kha-vod al ha-mer-kava.
Z’chut u’me-shor lif-ney chi-s’o,
che-sed v’ra-cha-mim lif-ney ch’vodo:
To-vim m’o-rot she-bara El-oh-hey-nu,
y’tz-a-ram b’da’at b’vina uv-has-keil,
Ko’ach ug-vura na-ton ba-hem,
lee-yot mosh’lim b’ke-rev tey-vel:
M’ley’im ziv um-fe-kim no-gah,
na’eh ze-vam b’chol ha’oh-lam,
S’mey-chim b’tzey-tam v’sa-sim
b’vo’am, os-im b’eima r’tzon ko-nam:
,dn̈ẄP§ lM̈ it¦ A§ KxŸ¨anE
§ KExÄ
¦ rO© d© lM̈ l©r oFc`¨ l ¥̀
:FzF` mia¦ aFq
§ dp̈EazE
§ z©rC©
,ml̈Fr `l¥ n̈ FaEhe§ Flc§ B̈
,däM̈x§ O¤ d© l©r cFak̈A§ xC̈d¤
§ pe§
,WcŸ¤Td© zFIg© l©r d ¤̀ B̈z§ O¦ d
:FcFak§ i¥pt§ l¦ min£
¦ gx©e§ cq¤ g
,F`q§ k¦ i¥pt§ l¦ xFWinE
¦ zEkf§
,lM¥ V
§ d© aE
§ dp̈ia¦ A§ z©rc©A§ mx¨v̈i§
¥ `
¡ `x¨ÄW
¤ zFxF`n§ miaF
¦ h
:la¥ Y¥ ax¤w¤ A§ mil¦ WFn
zFid§ l¦
,md¤ Ä ozp̈
© dxEa
¨ bE
§ g© ŸM
,ml̈Frd̈ lk̈A§ mëi¦f d ¤̀ p̈
,D©bFp miwi
¦ t¦ nE
§ ei¦f mi`¦ l¥ n
:mp̈Fw oFvx§ dn̈i ¥̀ A§ miVF
¦ r ,m`Fa
¨ A§ miV
¦ V̈e§ mz̈`v¥ A§ mig¦ n¥ V
P’eir v’cha-vod not’nim lish-mo,
tz-hala v’rina l’zey-cher mal-chuto,
,FzEkl§ n© xk¥
¤ fl§ dP̈x¦ e§ dl̈¢dv̈
§ l¦ mip¦ zFp
§ cFak̈e§ x ¥̀ R
Kara la’she-mesh va’yiz-rach or,
ra’a v’hitkin tzu-rat hal’vana:
:dp̈äN§ d© zxEv
© oiw¦ z§ d¦ e§ d`¨ x¨
,xF` gx§©fI¦ e© Wn¤ U
¤ l© `x¨ẅ
mit¦ x¨V
§ dN̈cªbE
§ zx¤ ¤̀ t§ Y
,mFxn̈ `äv§ lM̈ Fl mip¦ zFp
§ ga© W
She-vach not’nim lo kol-tz’va ma-rom,
tif’eret u’g’dula, s’ra-fim v’o-fapnim
v’cha-yot ha-ko-desh:
:WcŸ¤Td© zFIg© e§ miP¦ tF`
© e§
- 80 -
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109 Morning Service
Translation of El Adon
Creation reflects the rule of God, who is praised by the breath of all life. God's greatness and goodness fill
the universe; knowledge and wisdom encircle God's presence. Exalted is God by creatures celestial;
enhanced and adorned by the mysteries of heaven. God's throne is guarded by truth and purity; God is
surrounded by mercy and love. Good are the lights our God has created, fashioning them with insight and
wisdom. Endowed by God with power and vigor, they maintain dominion amidst the world. Abounding in
splendor, emanating brilliance, their radiant light adorns the universe. Rejoicing in rising, gladly setting,
they rush to obey their Creator's will. God is acclaimed by beauty and glory, God's sovereignty sung by
celebration and praise. God summoned the sun, whose light shone forth, then gave to the moon its cyclical
glow. The stars and planets, all bodies of the heavens acclaim God with praise; celestial creatures give glory
and greatness.
To Ah-do-nai who rested from all works, and on iri
¦ a¦ W
§ d© mFIA© ,miU£
¦ rO© d© lM̈n¦ za© Ẅ xW
¤ £̀ l ¥̀ l̈
the seventh day exalted and sat upon the throne of
© e§ dN̈©rz§ d¦
glory. With beauty did robe the day of rest, and mFil§ dḧr̈ zx¤ ¤̀ t§ Y¦ ,FcFak§ `Q¥ M¦ l©r aWï
called the Shabbat day a delight. This is the great mFi lW
¤ ga© W
¤ d¤f ,zÄU
© d© mFil§ `x¨ẅ b¤pŸr ,dg̈EpO§ d©
distinction of the Shabbat day, that God rested
from all work, when the Shabbat day itself offered mFie§ :FYk`
§ l© n§ lM̈n¦ l ¥̀ za© Ẅ FAW
¤ ,iri
¦ a¦ W
§ d©
praise and said “A Psalm, a song of the Shabbat
© d© mFil§ xiW
¦ xFn§fn¦ ,xnF`
¥ e§ g© A¥ W
© n§ iri
¦ a¦ U
§ d©
day, It is good to give thanks to Ah-do-nai”. Let all ,zÄU
creatures glorify and bless God; let them give praise, lM̈ l ¥̀ l̈ Ekx§ äie¦ Ex £̀ ẗi§ Kk̈it¦ l§ :dëŸdi§ l© zFcFdl§ aFh
honor and greatness to Ah-do-nai who is Creator of
¥ Kl¤ n¤ l ¥̀ l̈ EpY§ i¦ ,dN̈cªbE
§ xẅi§ ga© W
¤ ,eixEv
¨ i§
all things, and who, in holiness, gives an inheritance ,lŸM xvFi
of rest to Ah-do-nai’s people Israel on the holy
zA© W
© mFiA§ FzẄcªw§ A¦ l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ FO©rl§ dg̈Epn§ lig¦ p§ O© d©
Shabbat day. Your name, Ah-do-nai our God, will
be holy, and your name, our eternal God, will be EpM¥ l§ n© Lx§ k¦
§ fe§ ,WC©w© z§ i¦ ,EpidŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ ,Ln§ W
¦ :WcŸ¤w
proclaimed in heaven above and on the earth
beneath. We bless You, our redeemer, for the ,zg© Ÿn¦ ux¤`¨ d̈ l©re§ l©rO© n¦ mi¦ n© ẄA© ,x`© R̈z§ i¦
excellency of Your handiwork, and for the bright l©re§ ,Licï
¤ dU£
¥ rn© ga© W
¤ l©r Ep¥riWFn
Kx¥Äz§ Y¦
luminaries which You have made: they will glorify
:dl̈Q¤ LEx £̀ ẗi§ z̈iU¨r̈
¦ W
¤ xF` ixF`
¥ n§
You forever.
On Festivals falling on weekdays:
On Festivals falling on weekdays:
You give light to the earth and to all-creatures, and in
goodness renew creation every day. How manifold are
your works, Ah-do-nai! In wisdom have you made them
all: the earth is full of your creatures. Eternal, who alone
was exalted from before time, praised, glorified and
extolled from days of old; everlasting God, in your
abundant mercies, have mercy upon us, Lord of our
strength, Rock of our stronghold, Shield of our
salvation, you are our stronghold. We bless you
Ah-do-nai, our God, for the excellency of your
handiwork, and for the bright luminaries which you have
made: they shall glorify you forever.
WC¥g© n§ FaEhaE
§ ,min£
¦ gx©A§ d̈i«¤lr̈ mix¦ C̈l© e§ ux«¤`¨ l̈ xi`¦ O¥ d©
Li«¤U£rn© EAx© dn̈ .ziW`
¦ x¥a§ dU£
¥ rn© cin¦ Ÿ mFi lk̈A§
¤ Od© .L«p¤ ïp§ w¦ ux«¤`¨ d̈ d`¨ l§ n̈ ,z̈iUr̈
«¦ dn̈k§ g̈A§ mN̈Mª ,dF̈di§
¥ pz§ O¦ d© e§ x`Ÿ
¨ tn§ d© e§ gÄW
ª n§ d© ,f`¨ n¥ FCa© l§ mn̈Fxn§ d©
mg¥ x© miA¦ x©d̈ Li«¤n£gx©A§ ,ml̈Fr idŸl
¥ `
¡ .ml̈Fr zFnin¦
§ n¦ Ep«r¥ W
§ i¦ o¥bn̈ ,Ep«¥A©BU
§ n¦ xEv Ep«¥Grª oFc £̀ ,Epi«¥lr̈
,dÖg© ix¢
¥df̈ l©rẗE oik¦ d¥ ,dr̈C¥ lFcB§ KExÄ l ¥̀ .Epc£
«¥ rA©
zFPR¦ ,FGrª zFaia¦ q§ ozp̈
© zFxF`n§ ,FnW
§ l¦ cFaM̈ xvï
© aFh
l ¥̀ cFaM§ mix¦ R§ q© n§ cin¦ Ÿ ,iC© W
© in¥ nFx
§ miWFc
¦ w§ ei`¨ äv§
«¤ dW£
¥ rn© ga«¤
© W l©r Epi«¥dŸl`
¡ dF̈di§ Kx©Äz§ Y¦ .FzẌcªwE
.dl̈«¤Q LEx£̀
« ẗi§ z̈iUr̈
«¦ W
¤ xF` ixF
¥ `« n§ l©re§
- 81 -
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Morning Service 110
Our eternal God Rock and Redeemer, Creator of
holy beings, praised be Your name forever. Creator
of ministering angels, all of whom stand in the
heights of the universe, and proclaim in unison
aloud the words of the living God. All of them are
beloved, pure and mighty; and all of them in dread
and awe do the will of their Master;
gA© Y© W
§ i¦ .miWFc
¦ w§ `xFA
¥ Epl¥ £̀ Fbe§ EpM¥ l§ n© EpxEv
¥ Kx¥Äz§ Y¦
mN̈Mª eiz̈x§ Ẅn§ xW
¤ £̀ e© ,miz¦ x§ Ẅn§ xvFi
¥ ,EpM¥ l§ n© c©rl̈ Ln§ W
,lFwA§ cg©
© i d`¨ x§ i¦ A§ miri
¦ n¦ W
§ nE
© .ml̈Fr mExA§ mic¦ nFr
mN̈Mª .miaEd
¦ £̀ mN̈Mª :ml̈Fr Kl¤ nE
¤ mii¦ g© midŸl`
ix¥a§ C¦
d`¨ x§ i¦ aE
§ dn̈i ¥̀ A§ miUFr
mN̈kª e§ .mixFA
¦ B¦ mN̈Mª .mixEx
¦ A§
:mp̈Fw oFvx§
V'chu-lam po-t'chim et -pe-hem, b'k'du-sha uv'ta-ha-ra.
b'shi-ra uv-zim-ra, um-va-r'chim um-sha-b'chim
§ dẄcªw§ A¦ ,mdi
¤ R¦ z ¤̀ mig¦ zFR
§ mN̈kª e§
mig¦ A§ W
© nE
§ mik¦ x§ änE
§ ,dx¨n¦
§ faE
§ dxi
¦ A§
um-fa-a-rim u-ma-a-ree-tzim,
¦ x£
¦ rnE
© mix¦ £̀ ẗnE
u-mak-de-shim, u-mam-lee-chim.
¦ l¦ n§ nE
© miWi
¦ C¦ w§ nE
All of them open their mouths in holiness and purity, with song and psalm, while they bless and praise,
glorify and reverence, sanctify and ascribe sovereignty to ....
Et Sheim ha-El ha-me-lech ha-ga-dol
lFcB̈d© Kl¤ O¤ d© l ¥̀ d̈ mW
¥ z ¤̀
.`Ed WFcẅ .`xFP
¨ d© e§ xFAB¦ d©
V'chu-lam m'ka-b'lim a-ley-hem
¤ l£
¥ r mil¦ A§ w© n§ mN̈kª e§
ol mal-chut sha-ma-yim zeh Me-zeh,
,d¤Gn¦ d¤f mi¦ n© Ẅ zEkl§ n© lŸr
V'no-t'nim r'shut zeh la-zeh l'hak-dish l'yo-ts'ram,
§ l§ WiC¦ w§ d© l§ d¤fl̈ d¤f zEWx§ mip¦ zFp
§ e§
b'na-chat ru-ach, b'sa-fah v'ru-rah, u-vin-i-mah.
.dn̈ir¦ p§ aE
¦ dxEx
¨ a§ dẗÜA§ .gEx
© zg©
© pA§
k'dew-sha k'du-shah, ku-lam k'e-chad
.cg̈ ¤̀ M§ mN̈Mª dẄEcw§
o-nim v'o-m'rim b'yir-ah:
:d`¨ x§ i¦ A§ mix¦ nF`
§ e§ mipFr
The name of the divine, the great, mighty and revered One, holy is Ah-do-nai; and they all take upon
themselves the yoke of the Glory of heaven one from the other, and give leave one to the other to declare
the holiness of their Creator: in tranquil joy of spirit, with pure speech and holy melody, they all respond in
unison, and exclaim with awe:
ka-dosh ka-dosh ka-dosh Ah-do-nai tz’va’ot,
.zF`äv§ dF̈di§ ,WFcẅ WFcẅ WFcẅ
m’lo khol-ha’aretz k’vodo.
:FcFaM§ ux¤`¨ d̈ lk̈ `Ÿln§
Holy, Holy, Holy is Ah-do-nai of hosts: the whole earth is full of God’s glory.
V'ha-oh-fa-nim v'cha-yot ha-ko-desh
WcŸ¤Td© zFIg© e§ miP¦ tF`
© d̈e§
b'ra-ash gadol mit-na-s'im, l'u-mat s'ra-fim.
.mit¦ x¨W
§ zO© rª l§ mi`¦ V©
§ pz§ n¦ lFcB̈ W©rx©A§
l'u-ma-tam m'sha-b'chim v'o-m'rim:
:mix¦ nF`
§ e§ mig¦ A§ W
© n§ mz̈Örª l§
And the celestial beings, soaring on high, lift their voices saying......
Ba-ruch k'vod Ah-do-nai, mi-m'ko-mo:
:FnFwO§ n¦ dF̈di§ cFaM§ KExÄ
Praise the glory of Ah-do-nai throughout the universe!
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110 Morning Service
To praiseworthy God they sing sweet songs; with
song they celebrate the living God; for God alone
does mighty deeds, and makes new things; master
over struggle, sowing righteousness, and reaping
victory. God is the source of healing, and is
revered in praises. Ah-do-nai of wonders, who in
goodness renews the creation every day
continually; as it is said, give thanks to the One
who makes great lights, for God’s loving kindness
endures forever.
,mÏw© e§ ig© l ¥̀ Kl¤ O¤ l© EpY¥ i¦ zFnir¦ p§ ,KExÄ ,l ¥̀ l̈
FCa© l§ `Ed iM¦ .Erin¦ W©
§ i zFgÄW
§ z¦ e§ Exn`Ÿ
¥ i zFxin§
r© xFf
¥ .zFng̈l§ n¦ l©rA© .zFWc̈£g dUFr
¤ .zFxEaB§ l¥rFR
¨ .zF`Etx§ `xFA
.zFrEWi§ gi
© n¦ v§ n© .zFwc̈v§
mFi lk̈A§ FaEhA§ WC¥g© n§ d© :zF`l̈t§ P¦ d© oFc £̀ .zFNd¦ z§
¥ rl§ :xEn`¨ M̈ .ziW`
¦ x¥a§ dX£
¥ rn© cin¦ Ÿ
Or cha-dash al Tsi-on ta-ir
:FCq§ g© ml̈Frl§ iM¦ .milŸ¦ cB§
xi`¦ Ÿ oFIv¦ l©r Wc̈g̈ xF`
v'niz-keh chu-la-nu m'hey-ra l'o-ro.
.FxF`l§ dx¨d¥ n§ EpN̈kª dM§
¤ fp¦ e§
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, Yo-tseir ha-m'o-rot:
:zFxF`O§ d© xvFi
¥ .dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
Cause a new light to shine upon Zion, and may we all be deserving soon to enjoy its brightness.
We bless You, Ah-do-nai, Creator of light.
Sunrise over Jerusalem
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Morning Service 111
A-ha-vah ra-ba a-hav-ta-nu, Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-nu.
chem-lah g'do-lah vi-tey-rah cha-mal-ta A-lay-nu:
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ ,EpŸa§ d£̀
© dÄx© dä£d`©
¥ Ÿl§ n© g̈ dx¨zi
¥ e¦ dl̈Fcb§ dl̈n§ g¤
A-vi-nu mal-key-nu.
.EpM¥ l§ n© Epia¦ `¨
ba-a-vur a-vo-tey-nu she-ba-t'chu v'cha.
.La§ Egh§ ÄW
¤ EpizFa
¥ £̀ xEa£rA©
va-t'la-m'deim chu-kei cha-yim
mii¦ g© iT¥ gª mc¥O§ l© Y©
kein t'cha-ney-nu ut-la-m'dey-nu:
:Epc¥O§ l© zE
§ Ep¥Pg̈Y§ oM¥
A-vi-nu ha-av ha-ra-cha-man,
,on̈£gx©d̈ a`¨ d̈ Epia¦ `¨
ha-m'ra-cheim, ra-cheim A-lay-nu.
¥ mg¥ x© ,mg¥ x©n§ d©
§ l¦ ,liM¦ U
§ d© lE
§ oia¦ d̈l§ EpA¥ l¦ A§ oz¥ e§
v'tein b'lee-bey-nu, l'ha-vin ul-has-kil, lish-mo-a.
lil-mod u-l'la-meid, lish-mor, v-la-a-sot
zFŸX£rl© e§ xŸnW
§ l¦ ,cO¥ l© lE
§ cŸnl§ l¦
ul-ka-yeim, et kol div-rei
ix¥a§ C¦ lM̈ z ¤̀ m¥Iw© lE
tal-mud to-ra-te-cha b'a-ha-vah.
.dä£d`© A§ Lz¤ xFY
¨ cEnl§ z©
V'ha-eir ey-ney-nu b'to-ra-te-cha,
,Lz¤ xFz
¨ A§ Epi¥pi¥r x ¥̀ d̈e§
v'da-beik lee-bey-nu b'mits-vo-te-cha.
¤ v§ n¦ A§ EpA¥ l¦ wA¥ c©e§
v'ya-cheid l'va-vey-nu l'a-ha-va ul-yir-a et sh'me-cha,
v'lo ney-vosh l'o-lam va-ed:
.Ln¤ W
§ z ¤̀ d`¨ x§ i¦ lE
§ dä£d`© l§ Epa¥ äl§ cg©
¥ ie§
:c¤rë ml̈Frl§ WFa¥p `Ÿle§
key v'sheim kad-sh'cha ha-ga-dol v'ha-no-ra ba-tach-nu,
na-gi-la v'nis-m'cha bi-shu-a-te-cha:
.Epg§ ḧÄ `xFP
¨ d© e§ lFcB̈d© LW
§ c§ ẅ mW
¥ a§ iM¦
A¦ dg̈n§ X
§ p¦ e§ dl̈ibp̈
Va-ha-vi-ey-nu l'sha-lom may-ar-ba kan-fot ha-a-rets,
v'to-lee-chey-nu m'hey-rah ko-m'me-yut l'ar-tsey-nu:
.ux¤`¨ d̈ zFtp§ M© rA© x§ `© n¥ mFlẄl§ Epi ¥̀ a£
¦ de©
:Epv¥ x§ `© l§ zEIn¦ nFw
§ Epki
¥ lFz
¦ e§
key El po-El y'shu-ot a-ta,
.dŸ`¨ zFrEWi§ l¥rFR l ¥̀ iM¦
u-va-nu va-char-ta me-kol am v'la-shon,
.oFWl̈e§ m©r lM̈n¦ Ÿx§ g© ä EpäE
v'kay-rav-ta-nu l'shim-cha ha-ga-dol se-la be-e-met,
,zn¤ `
¡ A¤ dl̈q¤ ,lFcB̈d© Ln§ W
¦ l§ EpŸa§ x©w¥ e§
l'ho-dot l'cha ul-ya-ched-cha b'a-ha-vah.
.dä£d`© A§ Lc§ g©
¤ ilE
§ Ll§ zFcFdl§
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai,
ha-bo-cheir b'a-mo Yis’ra-el b'a-ha-vah.
.dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
.dä£d`© A§ l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ FO©rA§ xgFA
¥ d©
- 84 -
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111 Morning Service
Deep is Your love for us, boundless is Your tender compassion. We have put our trust in You, and
You have taught us the laws of life. Be gracious to us so that we may understand and follow the
teachings of Your word. Enlighten our eyes in Your Torah, that we may fulfill Your Mitzvot. Unite
our hearts to love and respect Your name. We trust in You and rejoice in Your healing power, for
You are the Source of our help. You have drawn us near to You in faithfulness. We lift up our
voices and proclaim Your oneness. We praise You, Lord who loves God’s people Israel.
key El po’el y’shu’ot Ata,
.dŸ¨` zFrEW§i lrFR
¥ l¥̀ i¦M
u’va-nu ba-char-ta me-kol am v’la-shon.
.oFWl̈§e mr© lM̈¦n Ÿx©
§gä EpäE
,lFcB̈©d L§nW
¦ §l Ep¥M§ln© EpŸ§ax¥
v’kay-rav’tanu mal-kay-nu l’shim-cha ha-ga-dol,
§ z¤̀ ,dä£d`© A§ E z¤n`¡A¤ dl̈¤q
selah be’emet, u’ b’aha-vah et shim-eh-cha:
dF̈d§i dŸ©` KExÄ
Baruch Ata, Ah-do-nai,
.dä£d`© A§ l¥̀ x§
¨Xi¦ FOr§
©A x¥gFA©d
ha-bo-cheir b'amo Yis’ra-el b’ah-ha-vah.
We shall rejoice and be glad in Your salvation, for You, Ah-do-nai, are the source of deliverance. In
love You have chosen us and drawn us near to You to serve You in faithfulness and to proclaim
Your unity. We bless You, Ah-do-nai our God, You have chosen Your people Israel in love.
The Sh'ma prayer is the oldest and most treasured Jewish prayer. We affirm God's relationship with us as we pledge our love to God. The full
Sh'ma is comprised of three separate paragraphs from the Torah. The first paragraph, Deut: 6:4-9 deals with loving God, learning Torah, and
passing on Jewish tradition to our children. The second paragraph, Deut.11:13-21, speaks about the positive rewards of fulfilling the mitzvot.
The third paragraph, Numbers 15:37-41, speaks specifically about the mitzvot to wear tzitzit, and the exodus from Egypt. We are commanded to
say the Sh’ma twice daily, "And you will speak of them …beshohkbekha…when you lie down and uvekumekha… when you rise up" (Deut.6:7).
If a Minyan is not present add:
El Meh-lech Neh-eh-man
¡ p Kl«
¤ n¤ l ¥̀
God, faithfully rules the world!
People commonly cover their eyes with the palm of their hand
while reciting the first verse of Sh'ma to eliminate every
distraction and help concentrate..
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Morning Service 112
rn© W§
Sh’ma Yis’ra-el Ah-do-nai El-oh-hey-nu, Ah-do-nai Echad
:cg̈ ¤̀ dF̈di§ .Epidl
¥ ¤̀ dF̈di§ .l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ rn© W
Hear, O Israel: Ah-do-nai is our God, Ah-do-nai alone!
Ba-ruch shaim k’vod mal’chu-to l’oh-lam va-ed
:c¤rë ml̈Frl§ FzEkl§ n© cFaM§ mW
¥ KExÄ
Blessed is Ah-do-nai’s majesty forever and ever!
V'ah-hav-ta et Ah-do-nai Elo-heh-cha,
b'clol l’va-vcha, uv'chol naf-sh-cha, uv'chol m'ode-cha.
¤ `
¡ dF̈di§ z ¥̀ Ÿa§ d© `¨ e§
:LcŸ¤`n§ lk̈aE
§ LW
§ t©
§ p lk̈aE
§ La§ äl§ lk̈A§
V'ha-yu ha-d-va-reem ha-ay-leh
ah-sher ano-chie m'tza-vcha ha-yom al l’va-ve-cha
dN¤ ¥̀ d̈ mix¦ äC§ d© Eid̈e§
:La¤ äl§ l©r mFId© LE§ v© n§ ikŸ¦ p`¨ xW
¤ £̀
V'shi-nan-tam l’va-ne-cha v'dee-bar-ta bam
b'shiv-t'cha b'vai-techa, uv'lec-t'cha vah-deh-rech,
uv'shach-b'cha uv’ku-me-cha.
.mÄ Ÿx§ A© c¦ e§ Li¤päl§ mŸp©
§ PW
¦ e§
Kx¤C¤a© LY§ k¤
§ laE
§ Lzi
¤ a¥ A§ LY§ a§ W
¦ A§
¤ aE
§ LA§ k§ ẄaE
¤ l©r zF`l§ mŸx§ W
© wE
:Li¤pi¥r oiA¥ zŸtḧŸhl§ Eid̈e§
uk’shar-tam l'ot al Ya-de-cha,
v'hah-yu l'to-ta-fot bain ay-neh-cha.
Uch'tav-tam all m'zu--zot bai-teh-cha u-vish-a-reh-cha.
¤ W
§ aE
¦ Lzi
¤ A¥ zFfªfn§ l©r mŸa§ z© kE
You shall love Ah-do-nai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might. And
these words which I command you this day, you shall take to heart. Teach them, diligently to your children,
and recite them at home and away, night and day. Bind them as a sign upon your hand, and as a reminder
above your eyes. Inscribe them on the door posts of your homes and upon your gates.
If you will obey the Mitzvot which I command
you this day, to love your God and to serve God
with all your heart and soul, then I will bless
your livelihood in good measure. Do not be
lured to false goals, seeking alien ideals. For then
the image of God will be lost from within you,
and you will decline in holiness, becoming
distant from your heritage. Cherish my words in
your heart and soul. Wear them as proud
reminders on your forehead. Teach them
diligently to your children, review them when
you are at home and when you are away night
and day. Write them on the door posts of your
house and upon your gates. Then your days and
the days of your children will endure on this
good earth, like the days of the heaven on the
earth. This is the promise God made to our
d¤Ev© n§ ikŸ¦ p`¨ xW
¤ £̀ ,izŸ
© ev§ n¦ l ¤̀ Ern§ W
§ Y¦ r© Ÿn« Ẅ m`¦ dïd̈e§
lk̈A§ ,Fcar̈
§ lE
§ mki
¤ dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ z ¤̀ dä£d`© l§ ,mFId© mk¤ z§ ¤̀
¤ ,FYr¦ A§ mk¤ v§ x§ `© xh© n§ iY¦ zp̈
© e§ .mk¤ W
§ t©
§ p lk̈aE
§ mk¤ a§ a© l§
¤ r¥ iY¦ zp̈
© e§ .Lx«¤d̈v§ i¦ e§ LWŸ
§ xiz¦ e§ L«p¤ b̈c§ Ÿt§ q© `¨ e§ ,WFwl§ nE
dY¤ t§ i¦ oR¤ mk¤ l̈ Exn§ Ẍd¦ .Ÿr«ä
§ Üe§ Ÿl§ k© `¨ e§ ,L«¤Yn§ d¤ a§ l¦ Lc§ ÜA§
¤ e£
¦ gY© W
§ d¦ e§ mix¦ g¥ £̀ midŸl
¦ `
¡ mY¤ c§ a£
© re© mY¤ x§ q© e§ ,mk¤ a§ a© l§
d¤id§ i¦ `Ÿle§ mi«©
¦ nẌd© z ¤̀ xvr̈
© e§ ,mk¤ Ä dF̈di§ s`© dx¨g̈e§ .md¤ l̈
l©rn¥ dx¨d¥ n§ mY¤ c§ a© £̀ e© ,Dl̈Eai§ z ¤̀ oY¥ z¦ `Ÿl dn̈c̈ £̀ d̈e§ ,xḧn̈
¤ ix©äC§ z ¤̀ mY¤ n§ U
© e§ .mk¤ l̈ ozŸ
¥ p dF̈di§ xW
¤ £̀ däŸHd© ux«¤`¨ d̈
,mk¤ c¤§ i l©r zF`l§ mz̈Ÿ` mY¤ x§ W
© wE
§ ,mk¤ W
§ t©
§ p l©re§ mk¤ a§ a© l§ l©r
¤ pA§ z ¤̀ mz̈Ÿ` mY¤ c§ O© l¦ e§ .mki¥
¤ pi¥r oiA¥ zŸtḧFhl§ Eid̈e§
,LA§ k§ ẄaE
§ ,Kx¤C«¤a© LY§ k¤
§ laE
§ ,L«¤zia¥ A§ LY§ a§ W
¦ A§ ,mÄ xA¥ c© l§
EAx§ i¦ o©rn
«© l§ .Lixr̈
«¤ W
§ aE
¦ L«¤ziA¥ zFfEfn§ l©r mŸa§ z© kE
§ .L«¤nEwaE
dF̈di§ rA© W
§ p¦ xW
¤ £̀ dn̈c̈ £̀ d̈ l©r mki¥
¤ pa§ ini
¥ e¦ mki
¤ n¥ i§
.ux«¤`¨ d̈ l©r mi«©
¦ nẌd© ini
¥ M¦ ,md¤ l̈ zz¥ l̈ mki
¤ zŸ
¥ a £̀ l©
- 86 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
113 Morning Service
And Ah-do-nai said to Moses
Speak to the Children of Israel and say to them
that they are to make themselves fringes, tzitzit
on the corners of their garments, throughout
their generations. And they are to place upon
the tzitzit of each corner a thread of blue
(techelet). And it shall constitute tzitzit for you,
that you may see it and remember all the
mitzvot of God and perform them; and not
explore after your heart and after your eyes after
which you stray. So that you may remember and
perform all My mitzvot; and be holy to Your
God. I am God, Your God, Who has removed
you from the land of Egypt to be a God to you.
I am Ah-do-nai Your God.
.xŸn`N¥ dW
¤ Ÿn l ¤̀ dF̈di§ xn`«
¤ ŸIe©
md¤ l̈ EUr̈e§ ,md¤ l¥ £̀ Ÿx§ n© `¨ e§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ i¥pA§ l ¤̀ xA¥ C©
¦ v¦ l©r Epzp̈
§ e§ ,mz̈ŸxŸcl§ mdi
¤ c¥b§ a¦ it¥ p§ M© l©r zvi
¦ v¦
¤ `¦ xE§ ,zvi
¦ v¦ l§ mk¤ l̈ dïd̈e§ .zl«¥
¤ kY§ liz¦ R§ sp̈M̈d©
,mz̈Ÿ` mzi
¤ U£
¦ re© ,dF̈di§ zŸev§ n¦ lM̈ z ¤̀ mY¤ x§ k§
© fE FzŸ`
¤ £̀ ,mki¥
¤ pi¥r ix£
¥g`© e§ mk¤ a§ a© l§ ix£
¥g`© ExEz« z̈ `Ÿle§
lM̈ z ¤̀ mzi
¤ U£
¦ re© ExM§
§ fY¦ o©rn
«© l§ .mdi
¤ x£
¥g`© mipŸ¦ f mY¤ `©
dF̈di§ ip¦ £̀ .mki
¤ dŸl`
¥ l¥ miWŸ
¦ cw§ mzi
¤ i¦ d§ e¦ ,iz̈Ÿev§ n¦
,mi¦ x«©v§ n¦ ux«¤̀
¤ n¥ mk¤ z§ ¤̀ iz`«¥
¦ vFd xW
¤ £̀ ,mki
¤ dŸl
¥ `
¤ dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ ip¦ £̀ ,midŸl`
¦ l¥ mk¤ l̈ zFid§ l¦
Ah-do-nai Elo-hey-chem Emet
zn¤ ¤̀ mki
¤ dŸl¡
¥ ` dF̈di§
Ah-do-nai is the true God !
- 87 -
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Morning Service 113
¡ pe§ xẄïe§ ,mÏw© e§ oFkp̈e§ ,aiS©
¦ ie§ zn¤ `
right and faithful, aEd`¨ e§ ,on̈`¤
beloved and precious, desirable and pleasant, oT̈zª nE
§ ,xiC¦ `© e§ `xFp
¨ e§ ,mirp̈
¦ e§ cn̈g¤
§ pe§ ,aia¦ g̈e§
revered and mighty, well-ordered and acceptable,
¤ e§ aFhe§ ,lÄwª nE
good and beautiful is this Your word to us forever .c¤rë ml̈Frl§ Epi«¥lr̈ d¤Gd© xäC̈d© dtï
and ever. It is true, the God of the universe is our
§ i¦ o¥bn̈ ,aŸw£ri© xEv ,Ep«¥Ml§ n© ml̈Fr idŸl
¥ `
¡ zn¤ `
eternal God, the Rock of Jacob, the Shield of our
True and enduring,
,mÏw© FnWE
§ ,mÏw© `Ed xŸcë xŸcl§
FzEkl§ nE
© ,oFkp̈ F`q§ k¦ e§
.zn«¤ Ïw© c©rl̈ Fzp̈En`¤
L’dor va-dor who ka-yam u’sh-mo ka-yam
V’che-so na-chon u’mal-chu-toe
veh-eh-mu-na-toe lah-ahd ka-ya-met
From generation to generation, God endures and God’s name endures, The heavenly throne is established,
and God’s majesty, words and faithfulness endure forever.
God’s words live and endure; they are faithful c©rl̈ mic¦ n̈¡
gp¤ e§ mip¦ n̈`¤
¡ p ,minÏ
¦ w© e§ mii¦ g© eix¨äcE§
forever and to all eternity,
.min¦ l̈Fr in¥ lFr
§ lE
Epi«¥pÄ lr© ,Epi«¥lr̈e§ Epi«¥zFa £̀ lr©
,Epi«¥zFxFC lr© e§
.Lic«¤ är£ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ rx«¤
© f zFxFC lM̈ lr© e§
al a-vo-tey-nu v'a-lay-nu, al ba-ney-nu
v'al do-ro-tey-nu,
v'al kol do-rot ze-ra Yis’ra-el a-va-de-cha
As for our ancestors so also for us, our children, our generations, and for all the generations of the seed of
Israel, God’s servant.
mÏw© e§ aFh xäC̈ ,mipFx£
¦ g`© d̈ l©re§ mipFW`
x¦ d̈ lr©
and forever
¡ .xŸa£ri© `Ÿle§ wŸg dp̈En`¤
¡ e zn¤ `
¡ ,c¤rë ml̈Frl§
Your word is good and lasts forever and ever; it is zn¤ `
true and trustworthy. It is true that You are Ep«¥Ml§ n© ,Epi«¥zFa £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ `Ed dŸ`© Ẅ
Ah-do-nai our God, and the God of our
,Epi«¥zFa £̀ Kl«
¤ n¤
Since the beginning
go-ah-lay-nu, go-el a-vo-tey-nu,
yo-ts'rey-nu, tsur y'shu-a-tey-nu,
po-dey-nu u-ma-tsi-ley-nu,
may-oh-lam sh'me-cha, ein e-lo-him zu-la-te-cha.
,Epi«¥zFa £̀ l ¥̀ ŸB Ep«¥l £̀ ŸB
Ep«¥liS¦ nE
© EpcFR
«¥ ,Ep«¥zr̈EWi§ xEv Epx«¥vFi
.L«¤zl̈Ef midŸl
¦ `
¡ oi ¥̀ ,L«¤nW
§ ml̈Frn¥
Redeemer, the Redeemer of our Ancestors, our Maker, the Rock of our salvation; our Deliverer and
Rescuer from everlasting, such is Your name; there is no God but you.
- 88 -
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114 Morning Service
You have been our ancestors’ help a Saviour every
generation: Though You dwell in the heavens; Your
righteousness fills the world. Happy is the one who
keeps Your Mitzvot, and takes Your Torah and Your
word to heart. It is true that You are the first and You
are the last, and beside You, we have no Redeemer and
Saviour. From Egypt You redeemed us, Ah-do-nai our
God, and from the house of bondage You delivered us;
all their first-born You destroy, but Your first-born
You redeemed; You split the Red Sea, and drowned the
proud; but You made the beloved pass through, while
the waters covered their adversaries, not one of whom
was left. Then the beloved praised and extolled God,
and offered hymns, songs, praises, blessings and
thanksgivings to the living and ever-enduring God.
r© iWFnE
o¥bn̈ ,ml̈Frn¥ `Ed dŸ`© Epi«zFa
¥ £̀ zx§©fr¤
ml̈Fr mExA§ .xFcë xFC lk̈A§ mdi
¤ x£
¥g`© mdi¥
¤ pa§ l¦
§ `© .ux«¤`¨ iq¥ t§ `© c©r Lz§ ẅc§ v¦ e§ Li«¤hR̈W
§ nE
¦ ,L«¤aẄFn
l©r miUï
¦ Lx§ äcE§ Lz§ xFz
¨ e§ ,Li«¤zŸev§ n¦ l§ rn© W¦
§ IW
¤ Wi`¦
xFAB¦ Kl«¤
¤ nE ,L«¤O©rl§ oFc`¨ `Ed dŸ`© ,zn¤ `
¡ .FAl¦
`Ed dŸ`© e§ oFW`x¦ `Ed dŸ`© ,zn¤ `
¡ .mäix¦ aix¦ l̈
l ¥̀ FB Kl«¤
¤ n Ep«l̈ oi ¥̀ Licr̈
«¤ l§ A© nE
¦ ,oFx£g`©
mic¦ ä£r ziA¥ nE
¦ ,Epi«¥dŸl`
¡ dF̈di§ ,EpŸ
« l§ `© B§ mi¦ x«©v§ O¦ n¦
m©ie§ ,Ÿl«
§ `B̈
¨ LxFk
§ aE
§ ,Ÿb§ x«¨d̈ mdi
¤ xFk
¥ A§ lM̈ .Epz̈
« ic¦ R§
EQk© i©§ e ,Ÿx«©
§ a¡rd¤ mici¦ ci¦ e¦ ,Ÿr«©
§ Ah¦ mic¥¦ fe§ ,Ÿr§ w«© Ä sEq
EgA§ W
¦ z`Ÿf l©r .xz̈Fp `Ÿl md¤ n¥ cg̈ ¤̀ ,mdi
¤ x¥v̈ mi«©
¦ zFxn§
¦ f mici¦ c¦ i§ Epzp̈
§ e§ ,l ¥̀ EnnFx
§ e§ miaEd
¦ £̀
,mÏw© e§ ig© l ¥̀ Kl«¤
¤ nl§ ,zF`c̈Fde§ zFkx¨A§ ,zFgÄW
§ z¦ e§
Ram v'ni-sa, ga-dol v'no-ra,
¨ e§ lFcB̈ ,`V̈p¦ e§ mx¨
mash-pil gey-im, u-mag-be-aha sh'fa-lim,
,mil¦ ẗW
§ Di
© A«¦ b§ nE
© ,mi`¥
¦ B liR¦ W
§ n©
mo-tsi a-si-rim, u-fo-deh a-na-vim,
¦ r dcFtE
¤ ,mixi¦ q¦ £̀ `ivFn
v'o-zer da-lim, v'o-neh l'a-mo Yis’ra-el b'eit shav-am ey-lav.
T'he-lot l'El el-yon, ba-ruch hu u-m'vo-rach.
.eil̈ ¥̀ mr̈e§ W
© z¥rA§ FO©rl§ d¤pFre§ ,miN¦ C© x¥fFre§
§ `Ed KExÄ ,oFil¤
§ r l ¥̀ l§ zFNd¦ Y§
Mo-she u-v'nei Yis’ra-el l'cha a-nu shi-ra
¦ Epr̈ Ll§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ i¥paE
§ dWŸ
b'sim-cha ra-ba, v'a-m'ru ku-lam:
:mN̈kª Exn§ `¨ e§ ,dÄx© dg̈n§ U
¦ A§
God; who is high and exalted, great and revered; who raises up the lowly, frees the prisoners, delivers the
meek, helps the poor, and answers God’s people when they cry; Moses and the children of Israel sang a
song to You with great joy, saying, all of them:
,dF̈di§ ml¦ ¥̀ Ä dk̈Ÿn« k̈ in¦
,Wc¤ŸT« A© xC̈`¤
§ p dk̈Ÿn« M̈ in¦
¤ t dUŸ«
¥ r ,zŸNd¦ z§ `xFp
Me CHA-MO-CHA ba-ey-lim Ah-do-nai,
Me ka-mo-cha ne-'dar ba-ko-desh,
No-ra t'he-lot o-say fe-le:
Who is like You, Ah-do-nai, among the mighty?
Who is like You, glorious and holy, revered in prayer, working wonders?
¦ b§ EgA§ W
¦ dẄc̈£g dxi
SHI-RA CHA-DA-SHA, shi-b'chu g'u-lim,
,mÏd© zt© U
§ l©r Ln§ W
¦ l§
l'shim-cha al s'fat ha-yam,
:Exn§ `¨ e§ Eki«l¦ n§ d¦ e§ EcFd mN̈Mª cg«© i©
ya-chad ku-lam ho-du v'him-lee-chu, v'a-m'ru:
With a new song the redeemed people offered praise to Your name at the seashore. They all gave thanks in
unison, and proclaimed Your sovereignty, and said:
Ah-do-nai yim-loch l'o-lam va-ed.
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ KŸln§ i¦ dF̈di§
Ah-do-nai will reign forever and ever.
- 89 -
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- Please rise anticipation of the Amidah -
Morning Service114
,l¥̀ x§
¨Ui¦ zx§©fr§
¤A dn̈Ew« ,l¥̀ x§
¨Ui¦ xEv
Tsur Yis’ra-el, ku-ma b'ez-rat Yis’ra-el
.l¥̀ x§
¨Ui¦e§ dc̈Ed§i L«n¤ ª̀§pk¦ dc§
uf-dei kin-u-me-cha Y'hu-dah v'Yis’ra-el.
,Fn§W zF`ä§v dF̈d§i Ep«¥l £̀ŸB
Go-ah-lay-nu Ah-do-nai ts'va-ot Sh'mo,
.l¥̀ x§
¨Ui¦ WFc§w
k'dosh Yis’ra-el.
.l¥̀ x§
¨Ui¦ l©`B̈ ,dF̈d§i dŸ©` KExÄ
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, ga-al Yis’ra-el.
Rock of Israel, arise to the help of Israel, and fulfill Your promise, Judah and Israel. Our Redeemer,
Ah-do-nai of hosts, the Holy One of Israel. We bless You, Ah-do-nai, who has redeemed Israel.
The great Chassidic master Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov would pray with intense concentration. According to legend his soul would leave his body,
ascend a spiritual ladder, and pray in front of the heavenly court.
The Amidah is the central prayer of all four services: Shacharit (morning), Mincha (afternoon), Maariv (evening), and Mussaf (additional). The word
Amidah literally means standing, because it is recited while standing. It is also known as Shemoneh Esrei, meaning eighteen, because it originally
consisted of eighteen blessings, and as Tefilah (prayer) because it is the most important Jewish prayer. The Amidah is a person's opportunity to
approach God in private prayer, and should therefore be said quietly.
For an alternative version of the Amidah continue on page 99
On Festivals continue on page 101
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115 Morning Service
Kavanah - This prayer of intent is recited prior to the silent Amidah. While reciting this prayer, it is customary to take
three small steps forward as if one is approaching royalty. This custom is derived from the actions of Abraham who
"came forward" to pray for the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:23). Where there is not much
space, it has become the practice to take several tiny steps back before taking the three symbolic steps forward..
L¤zl̈¦dz§ ci¦bi© i¦tE gz̈§tz¦ i©zẗ§y ip̈Ÿc £̀
Ah-do-nai, s'fa-tai tif-tach, u’fee ya-gid t'he-la-te-cha.
d ci n r
The first blessing of the Amidah refers to God as the God of the avot (“patriarchs and matriarchs”), and extols God as great, mighty,
and awesome (Deut. 10:17); it concludes with ma-gein Av-ra-ham V’ez-rzat Sa-ra
Elo-hey-nu, Vey-lo-hei a-vo-tey-nu,
E’lo-hey Av-ra-ham, E’lo-hey Yitz-chak, Vey-lo-hei Ya-a-kov,
E’lo-hey Sa-ra, E’lo-hey Riv-ka,
E’lo-hey Ra-chel Vey-lo-hei Leah.
dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
¥ £̀ idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e Epidl
¥ ¤̀
.aŸw£ri© idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e ,wg̈v§ i¦ idŸl
¥ `
¡ ,md̈x¨a§ `© idŸl
¥ `
,dẅa§ x¦ idŸl
¥ `
¡ ,dx¨Ẍ idŸl
¥ `
.d`¨ l¥ idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e ,lg¥ x¨ idŸl
¥ `
We bless You, Ah-do-nai our God and God of our ancestors, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and
God of Jacob, God of Sarah, God of Rebecca, God of Rachel and God of Leah.
§ r l ¥̀ `xFP
¨ d© e§ xFAB¦ d© lFcB̈d© l ¥̀ d̈
.lŸMd© d¥pFwe§ .miaFh
¦ mic¦ q̈£g lnFB
.zFa`¨ ic¥q§ g© xkFf
¥ e§
.dä£d`© A§ FnW
§ o©rn© l§ mdi¥
¤ pa§ i¥pa§ l¦ l ¥̀ Fb `ia¦ nE
Ha-el Ha-Ga-dol Ha-Gi-bor v'Ha-No-rah El El-yon,
go-mail cha-sa-dim to-vim v'ko-ney ha-kol
v'zo-cher chas-dei a-vot
u'mey-vi go-el l’v-nei v'ney-hem l'man sh'mo b'a-ha-va.
The great, strong and awe-inspiring God, God on high. You act with loving kindness and create
everything. God remembers the loving deeds of our ancestors, and will bring a redeemer to their
children's children, because that is God's loving nature.
.o¥bn̈E r© iWFnE
cwŸ¥ RE x¥fFr Kl¤ n¤
Me-lech o-zer u’po-ked u'mo-she-a u-ma-gen,
You are a sustaining, saving and shielding ruler.
dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
.dx¨Ẍ cwŸ¥ RE md̈x¨a§ `© o¥bn̈
ah-ta Ah-do-nai,
ma-gein Av-ra-ham V’ez-rat Sa-ra.
We bless You, Ah-do-nai, shield of Abraham and sustainer of Sarah.
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Morning Service 116
The second blessing praises God for deeds of gevurot (“power and might”). Among the manifestations of God's power are
providing sustenance for all living creatures, healing the sick and causing the rain to fall in the rainy season.
Ah-ta gi-bor l'o-lam, Ah-do-nai
m'cha-yei mey-tim ah-ta rav l'ho-shi-ah
ip̈c £̀ ml̈Frl§ xFAb¦ dŸ`©
¦ l§ ax© dŸ`© miz¦ n¥ d¤Ig© n§
You are mighty forever, Ah-do-nai. You give eternal life to the departed with Your great saving power.
Between Sukkot and Pesach:
¤ d© cixFnE
¦ gEx
© d̈ aiW
¦ n©
You cause the wind to blow and the rain to fall.
ma-shiv ha-ru-ach u-mo-rid ha-ga-shem
M'chal-keil cha-yim b'che-sed,
m'cha-yei mey-tim b'ra-cha-mim ra-bim,
so-meich no-f'lim v'ro-fei cho-lim u-ma-tir a-su-rim,
u-m'kai-yeim e-mu-na-to lee-shey-nei a-far,
Me cha-mo-cha ba-al g'vu-rot u-Me do-meh lach,
me-lech mey-mit u-m'chai-ye u-matz-Me-ach y'shu-a,
v’neh-eh-man ah-tah l’ha-cha-yot mey-tim.
Baruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, m'cha-yei ha-mey-tim
.cq¤ g¤ A§ mii¦ g© lM¥ l§ k© n§
.miA¦ x© min£
¦ gx©A§ miz¦ n¥ d¤Ig© n§
xiY¦ nE
© ,milFg
¦ `tFx
¥ e§ mil¦ tFp
§ KnFq
.xẗr̈ i¥pWi
¥ l¦ Fzp̈En`
¡ m¥Iw© nE
.Kl̈ dnFc
¤ inE
¦ zFxEaB§ l©rA© LFnk̈ in¦
.dr̈EWi§ gi
© n¦ v§ nE
© d¤Ig© nE
§ zin¦ n¥ Kl¤ n¤
.miz¦ n¥ zFi£gd© l§ dŸ`© on̈`¤
¡ pe§
.miz¦ O¥ d© d¤Ig© n§ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
You support the living with kindness. You give eternal life to the departed with great mercy. You support
the fallen, heal the sick and set free those in prison. You keep faith with those who sleep in the dust. Who
is like You, Mighty Ruler, and who can compare to You? You are the Ruler of life and death who causes
salvation to bloom. You are faithful in giving eternal life to the departed. We praise You, who gives
immortality to the departed.
The Kedushah has become known as the centerpiece of communal prayer. It is constructed around the biblical verses "Holy, holy,
holy! Ah-do-nai of Hosts! God’s presence fills all the earth!" (Isa. 6:3) and "Blessed is the Presence of Ah-do-nai, in God’s place"
(Ezek. 3:12).
N'ka-deish et shim-cha ba-oh-lam
k'sheim she-mak-de-shim o-to bish-mei ma-rom.
Ka-ka-tuv, al yad n'vi-eh-cha:
v'ka-ra zeh el zeh, v'a-mar:
,ml̈FrÄ Ln§ W
¦ z ¤̀ WC¥w© p§
,mFxn̈ in¥ W
§ A¦ FzF` miWi
¦ C¦ w§ O© W
¤ mW
¥ M§
:xn© `¨ e§ d¤f l ¤̀ d¤f `x¨ẅe§ ,L«¤̀ ia¦ p§ c©i l©r aEzM̈M©
Let us sanctify Your Name on earth, as it is sanctified in the heavens above.
As it is written by Your prophet;
Lift heels three times
Ka-dosh, Ka-dosh, Ka-dosh,
Ah-do-nai ts'va-ot! M'lo chol ha-a-retz k'vo-do:
,zF`äv§ dF̈di,WFc
ẅ ,WFcẅ ,WFcẅ
:FcFaM§ ux«¨
¤`d̈ lk̈ `Ÿln§
HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is Ah-do-nai of hosts; the whole world is full of God’s glory.
- 92 -
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116 Morning Service
,wf̈g̈e§ xiC¦ `© ,lFcB̈ W©rx«© lFwA§ f`¨
,mit¦ x¨U
§ zO© rª l§ mi`¦ V©
§ pz§ n¦ ,lFw miri
¦ n¦ W
§ n©
:Ex«¥n`Ÿi KExÄ mz̈Örª l§
Az b'kol ra-ash ga-dol, a-dir v'cha-zak,
mash-Me-im kol, mit-na-s'im l'u-mat s'ra-fim,
l'u-ma-tam ba-ruch yo-may-ru:
Then with a noise of great rushing, mighty and strong, they make their voices heard, and, upraising
themselves towards the Seraphim, responding—
Ba-ruch ka-vod Ah-do-nai mi-m'ko-mo.
.FnFwO§ n¦ dF̈di§ cFaM§ KExÄ
Blessed is the glory of Ah-do-nai.
«¦ Ep«¥Ml§ n© LnFw
§ O§ n¦
.Kl̈ Epg«©
§ p £̀ miM¦ g© n§ iM¦ ,Epi«¥lr̈ KŸln§ z¦ e§
,Epi«¥nïA§ aFxẅA§ ,oFIv¦ A§ KŸln§ Y¦ iz© n̈
§ Y¦ c¤rë ml̈Frl§
,Lxi§ r¦ mi«©
¦ lẄExi§ KFzA§ WC©w© z§ z¦ e§ lC©
©Bz§ Y¦
.mig¦ v̈p§ gv«¥
© plE
§ xFcë xFcl§
,L«¤zEkl§ n© dp̈i«¤̀ x§ z¦ Epi«¥pi¥re§
,L«G¤ rª ixi
¦ A§ xEn`¨ d̈ xäC̈M©
:Lw«¤ c§ v¦ gi
© W
«¦ n§ ce¦ c̈ ic¥i§ l©r
Mi-m'kom-cha mal-key-nu to-fi-a,
v'tim-loch A-lay-nu key m'cha-kim a-nach-nu lach.
ma-tai tim-loch b'Tsi-on, b'ka-rov b'ya-may-nu,
l'o-lam va-ed tish-kon.
Tit-ga-dal v'tit-ka-dash b'toch y'ru-sha-la-yim i-r'cha,
l'dor va-dor ul-ney-tsach n'tsa-chim.
v'ey-ney-nu tir-e-na mal-chu-te-cha,
ka-da-var ha-a-mur b'shi-rei u-ze-cha,
al y'dei Da-vid m'shi-ach tsid-ke-cha:
Throughout Your universe shine, and reign over us, for we wait for You. When will You reign in
Zion? Speedily, even in our days, and forever. May You be magnified and sanctified in the midst of
Jerusalem Your city, throughout all generations and to all eternity. Let our eyes behold Your
majesty, according to the word that was spoken in the songs of Your might by David, Your
righteous anointed:
Yim-loch Ah-do-nai l'o-lam e-lo-hai-yich Tsi-on,
,oFIv¦ Ki«¦ dŸl
© `
¡ ,ml̈Frl§ dF̈di§ KŸln§ i¦
l'dor va-dor, ha-l'lu-yah.
.DïEll§ d© ,xŸcë xŸcl§
Ah-do-nai will reign forever, the God of Zion, Halleluyah!
L'dor va-dor, na-gid gad-le-cha.
.Ll¤ cB̈
§ ciB©
¦ p ,xFcë xFcl§
ul-ney-tsach n'tsa-chim, k'du-sha-t'cha nak-dish.
.WiC¦ w©
§ p Lz§ Ücªw§ ,mig¦ v̈p§ gv¥
© plE
v'shiv-cha-cha E-lo-hey-nu Me--pe-nu
EpiR¦ n¦ Epid¥ŸŸl`
¡ L£ga§ W
¦ e§
lo ya-mush lo ya-mush l'o-lam va-ed.
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ WEnï `Ÿl
Key el mel-ech ga-do ga-dol v’ka-dosh, Ata.
,dŸ`© WFcẅe§ lFcB̈ Kl¤ n¤ l ¥̀ iM¦
Ba-ruch Ata Ah-do-nai, ha’el ha-ka-dosh.
:WFcT̈d© l ¥̀ d̈ .dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
All the generations will declare Your greatness, and to all eternity we will proclaim Your holiness, and
Your praise, O our God, will not depart from our mouth forever, for You are a great and holy God. We
bless You Ah-do-nai, the holy God.
- 93 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Silent Amidah continues here
Moses rejoiced at the gift he was given, he
Morning Service 117
on̈¡`p¤ ca«¤ r¤ iM¦ ,Fwl§ g¤ z©pY§ n© A§
¤ n gn© U
§ i¦
was called a faithful servant:, placing a crown of
glory on his head, when he stood before You on l©r Li«p¤ ẗl§ Fcnr̈
§ A§ ,Ÿ«zp̈
© FW`ŸxA§ zx«¤ ¤̀ t§ Y¦ lil¦ M§ .FN z̈`x«¨ẅ
Mount Sinai; and in his hand he brought down two md¤ Ä aEzk̈e§ ,FcïA§ cixFd
¦ mip¦ ä £̀ zFgEl i¥pWE
§ .ip̈iq¦ xd©
tablets of stone, on which are written the
:L«z¤ xFz
¨ A§ aEzM̈ ok¥ e§ ,zÄW
© zxi
© n¦ W
observance of the Sabbath, as it says in Your Torah:
And Israel will keep the Sabbath, to
© d© z ¤̀ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ i¥pa§ Exn§ Ẅe§
observe the Sabbath throughout their generations,
for an everlasting covenant. It is a sign between
God and the children of Israel forever, that in six
days Ah-do-nai made the heavens and the earth, and
on the seventh day rested, and ceased from work.
And You did not give the Sabbath to the other
nations of the earth, nor do the unrighteous dwell in
its rest; but to Your people Israel You did give it in
love, to the children of Jacob whom You chose.
The people that sanctify the seventh day, all of them
will be satiated and delighted with Your goodness,
seeing that You find pleasure in the seventh day,
and made it holy; You called it the desirable of days,
in remembrance of the creation.
¥ ipi
¦ A¥ .ml̈Fr zix¦ A§ mz̈ŸxŸcl§ zÄX
© d© z ¤̀ zFU£rl©
dÜr̈ minï
¦ zW«
¥ iM¦ ,ml̈Ÿrl§ `id¦ zF` l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ i¥pA§
za© Ẅ iri
¦ a¦ X
§ d© mFIaE
© ,ux«¨
¤`d̈ z ¤̀ e§ mi«©
¦ nẌd© z ¤̀ dF̈di§
,zFvx¨ £̀ d̈ i¥iFbl§ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ FYz© p§ `Ÿle§ .WtP̈¦
© Ie©
m©be§ ,mili
¦ q¦ t§ ic¥aFr
§ l§ Ep«¥Ml§ n© FYl§ g© p§ d¦ `Ÿle§
§ r l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ l§ iM¦ .mil¦ x£
¥ r EpM§ W
§ i¦ `Ÿl Fzg̈Epn§ A¦
m©r .Ÿx«g̈
§ Ä mÄ xW
¤ £̀ aŸw£ri© rx«¤
© fl§ ,dä£d`© A§ FYz© p§
¤ n¦ EbP©
§ rz§ i¦ e§ ErA§ U
§ i¦ mN̈Mª ,iri
¦ a¦ W
§ iW
¥ C§ w© n§
FzF` minï
¦ zC©n§ g¤ ,FYW
§ C©w¦ e§ FA z̈i«¦vx¨ iri
¦ a¦ X
§ aE
Our God and God of our ancestors,
¥ £̀
be pleased with our Shabbat rest, make us holy with
mitzvot and let us share in Your Torah. Fill our
lives goodness and make us content. Purify our
hearts so that we can serve You truly. Ah-do-nai
our God, let us receive Your holy Shabbat with
love. We bless You, Ah-do-nai, who makes the
Shabbat holy.
¦ x¥a§ dU£
¥ rn© l§ xk«¥
¤ f ,z̈`x«¨ẅ
¥ e
¥ ¤̀
Epw¥ l§ g¤ oz¥ e§ LizF
¤ v§ n¦ A§ EpW
¥ C§ w© .Epz¥ g̈Epn§ a¦ dv¥ x§
xd¥ h© e§ .Lzr̈EWi
A¦ Epg¥ O§ X
© e§ LaEH
¤ n¦ Ep¥rA§ X
© .Lz¤ xFz
¨ A§
¥ ¤̀ dF̈di§ Epli
¥ g¦ p§ d© e§ .zn¤ `
¡ a¤ LC§ ar̈
§ l§ EpA¥ l¦
l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ Dä EgEpïe§ .LW
¤ c§ ẅ zA© W
© oFvx¨aE
§ dä£d`© A§
© d© WC¥w© n§ .dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ :Ln¤ W
§ iW
¥ C§ w© n§
- 94 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
118 Morning Service
Ah-do-nai, be pleased with Your .mz̈N̈¦tz¦
§ aE l¥̀ x§
¨Xi¦ L§Or§
people Israel and with their prayer. Restore
Epi¥dl¤̀ dF̈d§i d¥vx§
§ .L¤zi¥A xi¦ac¦
§l dc̈Fard̈
£ z¤̀ a¥Wd̈§e
worship to Your Temple. May the prayer of Your l¥Aw© z§ dä£d`© A§ mz̈N̈¦tzE
people Israel always be accepted with love and
:L¤Or© l¥̀ x§
¨Xi¦ zcFa
© r£ ci¦nŸ oFvx§¨l i¦dzE
§ .oFvx§
On Rosh Chodesh Sh’mini Atzeret, Simchat Torah, Passover, Sukkot, and Shavuot the following is added:
Our God and God of our ancestors, may our
remembrance rise and be accepted before You, with the
remembrance of our ancestors, of Messiah the son of
David Your servant, of Jerusalem Your holy city, and of
all Your people the house of Israel, bringing deliverance
and well-being, grace, loving kindness and mercy, life
and peace on this day of
the Festival of Shavuot.
,d ¤̀ x¥¨ie§ ,©ri«¦B©ie§ ,`Ÿaïe§ d¤l£ri© ,Epi«¥zFa £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«dŸl
¥ `
,Ep«¥pFcw§ tE
¦ Ep«¥pFxk¦
§ f xkG̈
¥ i¦ e§ ,cw¥ R̈i¦ e§ ,rn© Ẍi¦ e§ ,dv¤ x¥¨ie§
§ r ce¦ C̈ oA¤ gi
© W
«¦ n̈ oFxk¦
§ fe§ ,Epi«¥zFa £̀ oFxk¦
§ fe§
ziA¥ LO©
§ r lM̈ oFxk¦
§ fe§ ,L«¤Wc§ ẅ xir¦ mi«©
¦ lẄExi§ oFxk¦
§ fe§
¤ g¤ lE
§ og¥ l§ ,däFhl§ ,dḧil¥ t§ l¦ ,Li«p¤ ẗl§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦
mFiA§ ,mFlẄlE
§ mi¦Ig© l§ ,min£
¦ gx©lE
. d¤Gd© Wc¤Ÿg« d© W`Ÿx On Rosh Chodesh
.d¤Gd© zFSO© d© bg© On Passover
.d¤Gd© zFMQª d© bg© On Sukkot
d¤Gd© zFraª Ẅd© bg© On Shavuot
On Sh’mini Atzeret and Simchat Torah
On Sh’mini Atzeret and Simchat Torah
the Festival of Sh’mini Atzeret.
d¤Gd© zx«¤
¤v£rd̈ bg© ipi
¦ n¦ X
§ d©
On Rosh Chodesh
the New Moon.
On Passover
the Festival of Passover.
On Sukkot
the Festival of Tabernacles.
On Shavuot
Remember us, Ah-do-nai our God for our well-being;
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ ,Epx«¥kf̈
be mindful of us for blessing, and save us with life: by Fa Epc«¥w§ ẗE ,däFhl§ FA ,Epi«dŸl
Your promise of salvation and mercy, spare us and be dr̈EWi§ xa
© c§ aE
¦ .mi¦Ig© l§ Fa Ep«¥riWFd
¦ e§ ,dk̈x¨a§ l¦
gracious to us; have mercy upon us and save us; for our
¦ e§ Epi«¥lr̈ mg¥ x©e§ ,Ep«¥Pg̈e§ qEg ,min£
¦ gx©e§
eyes are bent upon You, because You are a gracious and iM¦ ,Ep«¥riWFd
.dŸ«¨` mEgx©e§ oEPg© Kl«
¤ n¤ l ¥̀ iM¦ ,Epi«¥pi¥r Li«¤l ¥̀
merciful God.
May we see Your merciful return to Zion. We
bless You, Ah-do-nai, who restores Your presence
to Zion.
¦ gx©A§ oFIv¦ l§ LaEW
§ A§ Epi«¥pi¥r dp̈i«¤fg
¡ z¤ e§
.oFIv¦ l§ Fzp̈ik¦ W
§ xi¦fg
£ O© d© ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
thank You for being our God and
God of our ancestors forever and ever. You are
the rock of our lives and our saving shield. In
every generation we will thank and praise You for
our lives which are in Your power, for our souls
which are in Your keeping, for Your miracles
which are with us every day, and for Your
wonders and good things that are with us at all
times: evening, morning and noon. Good One,
Your mercies have never stopped. Merciful One,
Your kindness has never stopped. We have
always placed our hope in You.
dF̈di§ ,`Ed dŸ`© Ẅ ,Kl̈
§ p £̀
,Epi¥ig© xEv ,c¤rë ml̈Frl§ ,Epi«¥zFa £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«dŸl
¥ `
xR¥ q© pE
§ LN§ dcF
¤ p« ,xFcë xFcl§ `Ed dŸ`© ,Ep«¥rW
§ i¦ o¥bn̈
§ p¦ l©re§ ,Lcï
«¤ A§ mixEq
¦ O§ d© Epi¥ig© l©r ,L«¤zN̈d¦ Y§
l©re§ ,Ep«Ör¦ mFi lk̈A§ W
¤ Li«¤Qp¦ l©re§ ,Kl̈ zFcEwR§ d©
xw¤ Ÿa« ë ax«¤
¤ r ,z¥r lk̈A§ W
¤ Li«¤zFaFhe§ Li«¤zF`l§ t§ p¦
iM¦ ,mg¥ x©n§ d© e§ ,Li«n£
¤ gx© Elk̈ `Ÿl iM¦ ,aFHd© ,mi¦ x¢
.Kl̈ Epi«¦Ew¦ ml̈Frn¥ ,Lic«¤q̈£g EO«©z `Ÿl
- 95 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
On Chanukah the following is added:
We thank You for the miracles and for the salvation
and for the mighty deeds and for the victories and
for the battles which You performed for our
forefathers in those days at this time. In the days of
Mattityahu, the son of Yochanan the High Priest,
the Hasmonean, and his sons - when the wicked
Greek kingdom rose up against Your people Israel
to make them forget Your Torah and compel them
to stray from the statutes of Your will - You in
Your great mercy stood up for them in the time of
their distress. You took up their grievance, judged
their claim, and avenged their wrong. You delivered
the strong into the hands of the weak, the many
into the hands of the few, the impure into the hands
of the pure, the wicked into the hands of the
righteous, and the wanton into the hands of the
diligent students of Your Torah. For Yourself, You
made a great and holy name in Your world, and for
Your people Israel You worked a great victory and
salvation as this very day. Thereafter, Your children
came to Your House, cleansed Your Temple,
purified the site of Your holiness and kindled lights
in the courtyards of Your sanctuary; and they
established these eight days of Chanukah to express
thanks and praise to Your great name.
Morning Service 119
l©re§ ,zFxEaB§ d© l©re§ ,oẅx§ Rª d© l©re§
,miQ¦ P¦ d© l©r
Epi«¥zFa £̀ l© z̈iUr̈
«¦ W
¤ ,zFng̈l§ O¦ d© l©re§ ,zFrEWY§ d©
.d¤Gd© on§
© GA© md¥ d̈ minÏ
¦ A©
,eip̈äE i`©pFnW
§ g© ,lFcB̈ odŸ
¥ M op̈g̈Fi oA¤ Ed«ïz§ Y¦ n© ini
¥ A¦
l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ LO©
§ r l©r dr̈Ẅx§ d̈ oëï zEkl§ n© dc̈nr̈
§ W
¤ M§
dŸ`© e§ ,L«p¤ Fvx§ iT¥ gª n¥ mxi
¨ a£
¦ rd© lE
§ ,L«¤zxFY
¨ mg̈iM¦ W
§ d© l§
Ÿa§ x«© ,mz̈x¨v̈ z¥rA§ md¤ l̈ Ÿc«©
§ nr̈ miA¦ x©d̈ Li«n£
¤ gx©A§
,mz̈n̈w§ p¦ z ¤̀ Ÿn§ wp̈
«© ,mp̈iC¦ z ¤̀ Ÿp§ C«© ,mäix¦ z ¤̀
¦ rn§ c©iA§ miA¦ x©e§ ,miW
¦ N̈g© c©iA§ mixFA
¦ B¦ Ÿx«§ q© n̈
mic¥¦ fe§ ,miwi
¦ C¦ v© c©iA§ mir¦ ẄxE§ ,mixFd
¦ h§ c©iA§ mi`¦ n¥ hE
WFcẅe§ lFcB̈ mW
¥ z̈iUr̈
«¦ LlE
§ .L«¤zxFz
¨ iw¥ qFr
dl̈Fcb§ dr̈eWY§ z̈iUr̈
l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ LO©
§ rlE
§ ,L«n¤ l̈FrA§
xia¦ c§ l¦ Li«p¤ ä E`«Ä oM¥ xg© `© e§ .d¤Gd© mFId© M§ oẅx§ tE
,L«¤WC̈w§ n¦ z ¤̀ Ex£dh¦ e§ ,L«¤lk̈id¥ z ¤̀ EPtE
¦ ,L«¤ziA¥
in¥ i§ z©pFnW
§ Era§ ẅe§ ,L«¤Wc§ ẅ zFxv§ g© A§ zFx¥p Ewi«¦lc§ d¦ e§
:lFcB̈d© Ln§ W
¦ l§ lN¥ d© lE
§ zFcFdl§ ,EN«¥̀ dM̈ªpg
For all Your blessings, we shall continually cin¦ Ÿ Ep«¥Ml§ n© Ln§ W
¦ mnFx
© z§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦
bless You, forever and ever.
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§
mN̈Mª l©re§
And everything that lives shall give
thanks to You forever, and shall praise Your Ln§ W¦ z ¤̀ Ell§ di
© e¦ ,dl̈«¤Q LEcFi
« mii¦ g
© d© lŸke§
name in truth, God, our salvation and our help.
¡ A¤
We bless You Ah-do-nai, whose name is good, dŸ`© KExÄ .dl̈«¤q Ep«¥zx§¨fr¤ e§ Ep«¥zr̈EWi§ l ¥̀ d̈ ,zn¤ `
and to whom it is good to give thanks.
.zFcFdl§ d ¤̀ p̈ LlE
§ Ln§ W
¦ aFHd© ,dF̈di§
- 96 -
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120 Morning Service
Grant peace, goodness and blessing to the world;
Grace, kindness and mercy to us and to all Your
people. Bless us with the Divine light of Your
presence. For by that Divine light You have revealed
to us Your Torah of life, and love of kindness,
righteousness. blessing. mercy, life and peace. May it
please You to bless Your people Israel at all times
and in every hour with Your peace. We bless You,
Ah-do-nai, who blesses Your people Israel with
peace. *
¤ gë og¥ ,dk̈x¨aE
§ däFh ,ml̈FrA§ mFlẄ miU
*[On the Sabbath of Repentance conclude:—
In the book of life, blessing, peace and good sustenance may
we be remembered and inscribed before You, we and all
Your people the house of Israel, for a happy life and for
peace. We bless You, Ah-do-nai, who makes peace.]
(*On the Sabbath of Repentance conclude)
,Epia«¦ `¨ ,Ep«k¥ x§ Ä .L«O©
¤ r l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§ Epi«lr̈
¥ ,min£
¦ gx©e§
,Ep«N̈ Ÿ«zp̈
© Li«p¤ R̈ xF`a§ iM¦ ,Li«p¤ R̈ xF`A§ cg̈ ¤̀ M§ Ep«N̈Mª
§ ,cq«¤
¤ g za£
© d`
«© e§ mii¦ g© zxFY
© ,Epi«¥dŸl¡` dF̈di§
Kx¥äl§ Li«p¤ i¥rA§ aFhe§ ,mFlẄe§ mii¦ g© e§ min£
¦ gx©e§ dk̈x¨aE
¤ W
§ A¦ dr̈Ẅ lk̈aE
§ z¥r lk̈A§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ LO©
§ r z ¤̀
.mFlẌA© l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ FO©r z ¤̀ Kx¥än§ d© ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
x¥kG̈¦p ,däFh dq̈p̈x§ tE
© ,mFlẄe§ dk̈ẍA§ mii¦ g© x¤tq«¥ A)
mii¦ g© l§ ,l ¥̀ ẍU¦
§ i zi¥A LO©
§ r lk̈e§ Epg«§ p© £̀ ,Li«p¤ ẗl§ az¥ M̈¦pe§
(.mFlẌd© dUFr
¥ ,dF̈d§i dŸ`© KExÄ .mFlẄlE
§ miaFh
iA¦ l¦ gz© R§ .d¤id§ Y¦ lŸMl© xẗr̈M¤ iW
¦ t©
§ pe§ ,mŸCz¦ iW
¦ t©
§ p il© l§ w© n§ l¦ e§ ,dn̈x§ n¦ xA¥ C© n¦ iz© ẗUE
§ ,rx¨n¥ ipFW
¦ l§ xFvp§ ,idŸl
© `
«© l§ dU£
¥ r .mŸa§ W£
© gn© lw¥ l§ w© e§ mz̈v̈£r xt¥ d̈ dx¨d¥ n§ ,dr̈x¨ ilr̈
© mia¦ WFg
§ d© lk̈e§ .iW
¦ t©
§ p sFCx§ Y¦ Li«¤zŸev§ n¦ aE
§ ,L«¤zxFz
¨ A§
.ip«¦ p¥ £re© Lpi
§ n¦ i§ dr̈iWFd
«¤ c¦ i§ oEvl§ g̈¥i o©rn
«© l§ .L«¤zxFY
¨ o©rn
«© l§ dU£
¥ r ,L«¤zẌcªw§ o©rn
«© l§ dU£
¥ r ,L«p¤ in¦ i§ o©rn
«© l§ dU£
¥ r ,L«¤nW
.il¦ £̀ Fbe§ ixEv
¦ dF̈di§ ,Li«p¤ ẗl§ iA¦ l¦ oFib§ d¤ e§ it¦ ix¥n§ `¦ oFvx¨l§ Eid§ i¦
It is customary to take three steps back to signify the conclusion of the Amidah. This practice is recorded in the
Talmud as follows “ Rabbi Alexandri said in the name of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi: One who has prayed should
take three steps backward and afterwards pray for peace.”
,ein̈Fxn§ A¦ mFlẄ dUŸ
,Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri© `Ed
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§
O’seh shalom bim-ro-mav,
hu ya-seh shalom a-lay-nu
v’al kol Yis’ra-el .v’im-ru, Amen.
la¥ z¥ ia¥ yŸ
§ ei lk̈ l©re§ ,Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri©
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
Ya-seh shalom a-lay-nu v’al kol yosh'vei tevel
v’im-ru, Amen.
Maker of harmony in the universe, grant peace to us, to Israel, and to all people everywhere.
And let us say Amen.
Please be seated after you have completed the silent Amidah.
Guard My Tongue
Lord, guard my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking falsehood. Help me to ignore those
who slander me, and to be humble and forgiving to all. Open my heart to Your Torah, that I may
know Your teachings and eagerly do Your will. Frustrate the plans of those who wish me ill, that I
may praise Your power, Your holiness, and Your Law. Save Your loved ones, Lord; Answer me
with Your redeeming power. “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart find
favor before You, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Maker of harmony in the universe, grant peace to
us, to Israel, and to all people everywhere.
- 97 -
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Morning Service120
,ein̈Fxn§ A¦ mFlẄ dUŸ
,Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri© `Ed
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§
O’seh shalom bim-ro-mav,
hu ya-seh shalom a-lay-nu
v’al kol Yis’ra-el .v’im-ru, Amen.
la¥ z¥ ia¥ yŸ
§ ei lk̈ l©re§ ,Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri©
Ya-seh shalom a-lay-nu v’al kol yosh'vei tevel
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
v’im-ru, Amen.
Maker of harmony in the universe, grant peace to us, to Israel, and to all people everywhere.
And let us say Amen.
On Rosh Chodesh and Holidays Hallel is recited (p. 113).
- 98 -
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121Morning Service
Rabbi Andre Unger - Adapted
Help me, Ah-do-nai, to pray.
Our ancestors worshiped You. Abraham and Sarah, Rebecca and Isaac, Jacob, Rachel and Leah
stood in awe before You. We too reach for You, infinite, awesome, transcendent God, source of all
being whose truth shines through our ancestors’ lives. We, their distant descendants, draw strength
from their lives and from Your redeeming love. Be our help and our shield, as You were theirs. We
praise You, God, Guardian of Abraham and Sarah.
Your power sustains the universe. You breathe life into dead matter. With compassion You care for
those who live. Your limitless love lets life triumph over death, heals the sick, upholds the exhausted,
frees the enslaved, keeps faith even with the dead. Who is like You, God of splendor and power
incomparable? You govern both life and death, Your presence brings our souls to blossom. We praise
You, God who wrests life from death.
Sacred are You, sacred Your mystery. Seekers of holiness worship You all their lives. We praise You,
God, ultimate sacred mystery.
Culminating the birth of the cosmos You consecrated to Your own glory the day of Shabbat -- blessed
above all days, holiest of times, as it is written in Your Torah: “Heaven and earth and all they contain
were complete. On the seventh day God brought to a halt God’s creative work and rested from all
endeavor. And God blessed the seventh day because on it God desisted from all effort and striving
and creation.”
Add for Festivals: Out of all humanity You chose us, You loved us, You found pleasure in us. Out of all people, through
Your Law, You uplifted us, You consecrated us, You drew us near to serve You, and shared with us Your great and holy
Name. Lovingly, Adonai Eloheinu, You gave us Sabbaths for rest, Festivals for joy, Feasts and holy days for delight.
(On Passover add): this Feast of Matzah, season of our liberation,
(On Shavuot add): this Feast of Shavuot, the season when our Torah was given,
(On Sukkot add): this Feast of Sukkot, our joyous season,
(On Sh’mini Atzeret add): This Feast of Sh’mini Atzeret, our joyous season,
a sacred gathering, memento of our Exodus from Egypt.
Ah-do-nai, God of our ancestors, find pleasure in our Shabbat, make us holy with Your mitzvot, give
us a share in Your truth. Sate us with Your goodness, delight us with Your help. Make our hearts
worthy to serve You truly. May we possess Your holy Shabbat with love and eagerness. May the
people Israel, bearer of Your holy name, be blessed with tranquility. We love You, Ah-do-nai whose
Shabbat is sacred.
Would that Your people at prayer gained delight in You. Would that we were aflame with the
passionate piety of our ancestors’ worship. Would that You found our worship acceptable and forever
cherished Your people. If only our eyes could see Your glory perennially renewed in Jerusalem. We
praise You, God whose presence forever radiates from Zion.
You are our God today as You were our ancestors’ God throughout the ages; firm foundation of our
lives, we are Yours in gratitude and love. Our lives are safe in Your hand, our souls entrusted to Your
care. Our sense of wonder and our praise of Your miracles and kindness greet You daily at dawn,
- 99 -
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Morning Service 122
dusk, and noon. Gentle One, Your caring is endless; Compassionate One, Your love is eternal. You
are forever our hope. Let all life confront You with thankfulness, delight, and truth. Help us, Ah-do-nai;
sustain us. We praise You Ah-do-nai whose touchstone is goodness. To pray to You is joy.
Ah-do-nai, from whom all peace flows, grant serenity to Your Jewish people, with love and mercy, life
and goodness for all. Consider us kindly, bless us with tranquility at all times and all seasons. We
praise You, Ah-do-nai whose blessing is peace.
May my tongue be innocent of malice and my lips free from lies. When confronted by enemies may
my soul stay calm, truly humble to all. Open my heart with Your teachings, that I may be guided by
You. May all who plan evil against me abandon their schemes. Hear my words and help me,
Ah-do-nai, because You are compassionate, because You are almighty, because You are holy,
because You are loving, because You reveal Your Torah. May You find delight in the words of my
mouth and in the emotions of my heart, Ah-do-nai, my strength and my salvation. As You maintain
harmony in the heavens, give peace to us and to the whole Jewish people.
The Amidah is the central prayer of all four services: Shacharit (morning), Mincha (afternoon), Maariv (evening), and Mussaf (additional). The word
Amidah literally means standing, because it is recited while standing. It is also known as Shemoneh Esrei, meaning eighteen, because it originally
consisted of eighteen blessings, and as Tefilah (prayer) because it is the most important Jewish prayer. The Amidah is a person's opportunity to
approach God in private prayer, and should therefore be said quietly.
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123 Festival Amidah
Kavanah - This prayer of intent is recited prior to the silent Amidah. While reciting this prayer, it is customary to take
three small steps forward as if one is approaching royalty. This custom is derived from the actions of Abraham who
"came forward" to pray for the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:23). Where there is not much
space, it has become the practice to take several tiny steps back before taking the three symbolic steps forward..
L¤zl̈¦dz§ ci¦bi© i¦tE gz̈§tz¦ i©zẗ§y ip̈Ÿc £̀
Ah-do-nai, s'fa-tai tif-tach, u’fee ya-gid t'he-la-te-cha.
Ah-do-nai, open my lips, that my mouth may proclaim your praise.
d ci n r
The first blessing of the Amidah refers to God as the God of the avot (“patriarchs and matriarchs”), and extols God as great, mighty,
and awesome (Deut. 10:17); it concludes with ma-gein Av-ra-ham V’ez-rzat Sa-ra
Elo-hey-nu, Vey-lo-hei a-vo-tey-nu,
E’lo-hey Av-ra-ham, E’lo-hey Yitz-chak, Vey-lo-hei Ya-a-kov,
E’lo-hey Sa-ra, E’lo-hey Riv-ka,
E’lo-hey Ra-chel Vey-lo-hei Leah.
dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
¥ £̀ idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e Epidl
¥ ¤̀
.aŸw£ri© idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e ,wg̈v§ i¦ idŸl
¥ `
¡ ,md̈x¨a§ `© idŸl
¥ `
,dẅa§ x¦ idŸl
¥ `
¡ ,dx¨Ẍ idŸl
¥ `
.d`¨ l¥ idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e ,lg¥ x¨ idŸl
¥ `
We bless You, Ah-do-nai our God and God of our ancestors, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and
God of Jacob, God of Sarah, God of Rebecca, God of Rachel and God of Leah.
§ r l ¥̀ `xFP
¨ d© e§ xFAB¦ d© lFcB̈d© l ¥̀ d̈
.lŸMd© d¥pFwe§ .miaFh
¦ mic¦ q̈£g lnFB
.zFa`¨ ic¥q§ g© xkFf
¥ e§
.dä£d`© A§ FnW
§ o©rn© l§ mdi¥
¤ pa§ i¥pa§ l¦ l ¥̀ Fb `ia¦ nE
Ha-el Ha-Ga-dol Ha-Gi-bor v'Ha-No-rah El El-yon.
go-mail cha-sa-dim to-vim v'ko-ney ha-kol,
v'zo-cher chas-dei a-vot.
u'mey-vi go-el l’v-nei v'ney-hem l'man sh'mo b'a-ha-va.
The great, strong and awe-inspiring God, God on high. You act with loving kindness and create
everything. God remembers the loving deeds of our ancestors, and will bring a redeemer to their
children's children, because that is God's loving nature.
.o¥bn̈E r© iWFnE
cwŸ¥ RE x¥fFr Kl¤ n¤
Me-lech o-zer u’po-ked u'mo-she-a u-ma-gen,
You are a sustaining, saving and shielding ruler.
dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
.dx¨Ẍ cwŸ¥ RE md̈x¨a§ `© o¥bn̈
ah-ta Ah-do-nai,
ma-gein Av-ra-ham V’ez-rat Sa-ra.
We bless You, Ah-do-nai, shield of Abraham and sustainer of Sarah.
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Festival Amidah 124
The second blessing praises God for deeds of gevurot (“power and might”). Among the manifestations of God's power are
providing sustenance for all living creatures, healing the sick and causing the rain to fall in the rainy season.
Ah-ta gi-bor l'o-lam, Ah-do-nai
m'cha-yei mey-tim ah-ta rav l'ho-shi-ah
ip̈c £̀ ml̈Frl§ xFAb¦ dŸ`©
¦ l§ ax© dŸ`© miz¦ n¥ d¤Ig© n§
You are mighty forever, Ah-do-nai. You give eternal life to the departed with Your great saving power.
Between Sukkot and Pesach:
¤ d© cixFnE
¦ gEx
© d̈ aiW
¦ n©
You cause the wind to blow and the rain to fall.
ma-shiv ha-ru-ach u-mo-rid ha-ga-shem
M'chal-keil cha-yim b'che-sed.
m'cha-yei mey-tim b'ra-cha-mim ra-bim.
so-meich no-f'lim v'ro-fei cho-lim u-ma-tir a-su-rim.
u-m'kai-yeim e-mu-na-to lee-shey-nei a-far.
Me cha-mo-cha ba-al g'vu-rot u-Me do-meh lach,
me-lech mey-mit u-m'chai-ye u-matz-Me-ach y'shu-a.
v’neh-eh-man ah-tah l’ha-cha-yot mey-tim.
Baruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, m'cha-yei ha-mey-tim.
.cq¤ g¤ A§ mii¦ g© lM¥ l§ k© n§
.miA¦ x© min£
¦ gx©A§ miz¦ n¥ d¤Ig© n§
xiY¦ nE
© ,milFg
¦ `tFx
¥ e§ mil¦ tFp
§ KnFq
.xẗr̈ i¥pWi
¥ l¦ Fzp̈En`
¡ m¥Iw© nE
.Kl̈ dnFc
¤ inE
¦ zFxEaB§ l©rA© LFnk̈ in¦
.dr̈EWi§ gi
© n¦ v§ nE
© d¤Ig© nE
§ zin¦ n¥ Kl¤ n¤
.miz¦ n¥ zFi£gd© l§ dŸ`© on̈`¤
¡ pe§
.miz¦ O¥ d© d¤Ig© n§ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
You support the living with kindness. You give eternal life to the departed with great mercy. You support
the fallen, heal the sick and set free those in prison. You keep faith with those who sleep in the dust. Who
is like You, Mighty Ruler, and who can compare to You? You are the Ruler of life and death who causes
salvation to bloom. You are faithful in giving eternal life to the departed. We praise You, who gives
immortality to the departed.
The Kedushah has become known as the centerpiece of communal prayer. It is constructed around the biblical verses "Holy, holy,
holy! Ah-do-nai of Hosts! God’s presence fills all the earth!" (Isa. 6:3) and "Blessed is the Presence of Ah-do-nai, in God’s place"
(Ezek. 3:12).
N'ka-deish et shim-cha ba-oh-lam,
k'sheim she-mak-de-shim o-to bish-mei ma-rom,
Ka-ka-tuv, al yad n'vi-eh-cha:
v'ka-ra zeh el zeh, v'a-mar:
,ml̈FrÄ Ln§ W
¦ z ¤̀ WC¥w© p§
,mFxn̈ in¥ W
§ A¦ FzF` miWi
¦ C¦ w§ O© W
¤ mW
¥ M§
:xn© `¨ e§ d¤f l ¤̀ d¤f `x¨ẅe§ ,L«¤̀ ia¦ p§ c©i l©r aEzM̈M©
We will sanctify Your name in the world as they sanctify it in the highest heavens, as it is written by
the hand of Your prophet: And they called one to the other and said,
Lift heels three times
Ka-dosh, Ka-dosh, Ka-dosh,
Ah-do-nai ts'va-ot! M'lo chol ha-a-retz k'vo-do:
,zF`äv§ dF̈di,WFc
ẅ ,WFcẅ ,WFcẅ
:FcFaM§ ux«¨
¤`d̈ lk̈ `Ÿln§
HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is Ah-do-nai of hosts; the whole world is full of God’s glory.
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124 Festival Amidah
,wf̈g̈e§ xiC¦ `© ,lFcB̈ W©rx«© lFwA§ f`¨
,mit¦ x¨U
§ zO© rª l§ mi`¦ V©
§ pz§ n¦ ,lFw miri
¦ n¦ W
§ n©
:Ex«¥n`Ÿi KExÄ mz̈Örª l§
Az b'kol ra-ash ga-dol, a-dir v'cha-zak,
mash-Me-im kol, mit-na-s'im l'u-mat s'ra-fim,
l'u-ma-tam ba-ruch yo-may-ru:
Then with a noise of great rushing, mighty and strong, they make their voices heard, and, upraising
themselves towards the Seraphim, responding—
Ba-ruch ka-vod Ah-do-nai mi-m'ko-mo.
.FnFwO§ n¦ dF̈di§ cFaM§ KExÄ
Blessed is the glory of Ah-do-nai.
«¦ Ep«¥Ml§ n© LnFw
§ O§ n¦
.Kl̈ Epg«©
§ p £̀ miM¦ g© n§ iM¦ ,Epi«¥lr̈ KŸln§ z¦ e§
,Epi«¥nïA§ aFxẅA§ ,oFIv¦ A§ KŸln§ Y¦ iz© n̈
§ Y¦ c¤rë ml̈Frl§
,Lxi§ r¦ mi«©
¦ lẄExi§ KFzA§ WC©w© z§ z¦ e§ lC©
©Bz§ Y¦
.mig¦ v̈p§ gv«¥
© plE
§ xFcë xFcl§
,L«¤zEkl§ n© dp̈i«¤̀ x§ z¦ Epi«¥pi¥re§
,L«G¤ rª ixi
¦ A§ xEn`¨ d̈ xäC̈M©
:Lw«¤ c§ v¦ gi
© W
«¦ n§ ce¦ c̈ ic¥i§ l©r
Throughout Your universe shine, and reign over us, for we wait for You. When will You reign in
Zion? Speedily, even in our days, and forever. May You be magnified and sanctified in the midst of
Jerusalem Your city, throughout all generations and to all eternity. Let our eyes behold Your
majesty, according to the word that was spoken in the songs of Your might by David, Your
righteous anointed:
Yim-loch Ah-do-nai l'o-lam e-lo-hai-yich Tsi-on,
,oFIv¦ Ki«¦ dŸl
© `
¡ ,ml̈Frl§ dF̈di§ KŸln§ i¦
l'dor va-dor, ha-l'lu-yah.
.DïEll§ d© ,xŸcë xŸcl§
Ah-do-nai will reign forever, the God of Zion, Halleluyah!
L'dor va-dor, na-gid gad-le-cha.
.Ll¤ cB̈
§ ciB©
¦ p ,xFcë xFcl§
Mi-m'kom-cha mal-key-nu to-fi-a,
v'tim-loch A-lay-nu key m'cha-kim a-nach-nu lach.
ma-tai tim-loch b'Tsi-on, b'ka-rov b'ya-may-nu,
l'o-lam va-ed tish-kon.
Tit-ga-dal v'tit-ka-dash b'toch y'ru-sha-la-yim i-r'cha,
l'dor va-dor ul-ney-tsach n'tsa-chim.
v'ey-ney-nu tir-e-na mal-chu-te-cha,
ka-da-var ha-a-mur b'shi-rei u-ze-cha,
al y'dei Da-vid m'shi-ach tsid-ke-cha:
ul-ney-tsach n'tsa-chim, k'du-sha-t'cha nak-dish.
.WiC¦ w©
§ p Lz§ Ücªw§ ,mig¦ v̈p§ gv¥
© plE
v'shiv-cha-cha E-lo-hey-nu Me--pe-nu
EpiR¦ n¦ Epid¥ŸŸl`
¡ L£ga§ W
¦ e§
lo ya-mush lo ya-mush l'o-lam va-ed.
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ WEnï `Ÿl
Key el mel-ech ga-do ga-dol v’ka-dosh, Ata.
,dŸ`© WFcẅe§ lFcB̈ Kl¤ n¤ l ¥̀ iM¦
:WFcT̈d© l ¥̀ d̈ .dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
Ba-ruch Ata Ah-do-nai, ha’el ha-ka-dosh.
All the generations will declare Your greatness, and to all eternity we will proclaim Your holiness, and
Your praise, O our God, will not depart from our mouth forever, for You are a great and holy God. We
bless You Ah-do-nai, the holy God.
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Festival Amidah 125
On Sabbath add the words in brackets.
On Sabbath add the words in brackets
Ep«l̈ oY¤ Y©
And You have given us in love, Ah-do-nai our God,
© dä£d`© A§ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§
[Sabbaths for rest,] appointed times for gladness,
© fE miB¦ g© ,dg̈n§ U
¦ l§ mic£
¦ rFn (E dg̈Epn§ l¦
festivals and seasons for joy; [this Sabbath Day, and] this ,oFUÜl§ miP¦ n§
day of—
(mFi z ¤̀ e§ d¤Gd© zÄX
© d)
© mFi z ¤̀
On Pesach:—
On Pesach:—
The Feast of Unleavened Bread, the season of our
Ep«¥zExg¥ on§
© f ,d¤Gd© zFSO© d© bg©
On Shovuot:—
On Shovuot:—
The Feast of Weeks, the season of the Giving of our
¨ oY© n© on§
© f ,d¤Gd© zFraª Ẍd© bg©
On Succot:—
On Succot:—
Ep«¥zg̈n§ U
¦ on§
© f ,d¤Gd© zFMQª d© bg©
The Feast of Tabernacles, the season of our Gladness
On Shemini Atzeres and Simchat Torah:—
On Shemini Atzeres and Simchat Torah:—
The Eighth-day Feast of Solemn Assembly, the season
of our Gladness
[in love]; a holy convocation, as a memorial of the
departure from Egypt.
Ep«¥zg̈n§ U
¦ on§
© f ,d¤Gd© zx«¤
¤v£rd̈ bg© ipi
¦ n¦ X
§ d©
Our God and God of our ancestors, may our
remembrance rise and be accepted before You, with the
remembrance of our ancestors, of Messiah the son of
David Your servant, of Jerusalem Your holy city, and of
all Your people the house of Israel, bringing deliverance
and well-being, grace, loving kindness and mercy, life
and peace on this day of
,d ¤̀ x¥¨ie§ ,©ri«¦B©ie§ ,`Ÿaïe§ d¤l£ri© ,Epi«¥zFa £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«dŸl
¥ `
,Ep«¥pFcw§ tE
¦ Ep«¥pFxk¦
§ f xkG̈
¥ i¦ e§ ,cw¥ R̈i¦ e§ ,rn© Ẍi¦ e§ ,dv¤ x¥¨ie§
§ r ce¦ C̈ oA¤ gi
© W
«¦ n̈ oFxk¦
§ fe§ ,Epi«¥zFa £̀ oFxk¦
§ fe§
ziA¥ LO©
§ r lM̈ oFxk¦
§ fe§ ,L«¤Wc§ ẅ xir¦ mi«©
¦ lẄExi§ oFxk¦
§ fe§
¤ g¤ lE
§ og¥ l§ ,däFhl§ ,dḧil¥ t§ l¦ ,Li«p¤ ẗl§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦
mFiA§ ,mFlẄlE
§ mii¦ g© l§ ,min£
¦ gx©lE
.d¤Gd© Wc¤Ÿg« d© W`Ÿx On Rosh Chodesh
.d¤Gd© zFSO© d© bg© On Passover
.d¤Gd© zFMQª d© bg© On Sukkot
d¤Gd© zFraª Ẅd© bg© On Shavuot
On Rosh Chodesh
the New Moon.
On Passover
the Festival of Passover.
On Sukkot
the Festival of Tabernacles.
On Shavuot
the Festival of Shavuot.
.mi¦ x«¨v§ n¦ z`i
© vi
¦ l¦ xk«¥
¤ f ,WcŸ¤w« `x¨w§ n¦ (dä£d`© A)
On Sh’mini Atzeret and Simchat Torah
On Sh’mini Atzeret and Simchat Torah
d¤Gd© zx«¤
¤v£rd̈ bg© ipi
¦ n¦ X
§ d©
the Festival of Sh’mini Atzeret.
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ ,Epx«¥kf̈
Remember us, Ah-do-nai our God for our well-being; Fa Epc«¥w§ ẗE ,däFhl§ FA ,Epi«dŸl
be mindful of us for blessing, and save us with life: by dr̈EWi§ xa
© c§ aE
¦ .mii¦ g© l§ Fa Ep«¥riWFd
¦ e§ ,dk̈x¨a§ l¦
Your promise of salvation and mercy, spare us and be
¦ e§ Epi«¥lr̈ mg¥ x©e§ ,Ep«¥Pg̈e§ qEg ,min£
¦ gx©e§
gracious to us; have mercy upon us and save us; for our iM¦ ,Ep«¥riWFd
eyes are bent upon You, because You are a gracious and
.dŸ«¨` mEgx©e§ oEPg© Kl«
¤ n¤ l ¥̀ iM¦ ,Epi«¥pi¥r Li«¤l ¥̀
merciful God.
Ah-do-nai, be pleased
dv¥ x§
with Your .mz̈N̈t¦ z§ aE
¦ l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ LO©
§ rA§ Epidl
¥ ¤̀ dF̈di§
people Israel and with their prayer. Restore worship to
§ .Lzi
¤ A¥ xia¦ c§ l¦ dc̈Fa£rd̈ z ¤̀ aW
¥ d̈e§
Your Temple. May the prayer of Your people Israel mz̈N̈t¦ zE
always be accepted with love and favor.
© r cin¦ Ÿ oFvx¨l§ id¦ zE
§ .oFvx¨A§ lA¥ w© z§ dä£d`© A§
¤ r l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦
- 104 -
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126 Festival Amidah
May we see Your merciful return to Zion. We
bless You, Ah-do-nai, who restores Your
presence to Zion.
thank You for being our God and
God of our ancestors forever and ever. You are
the rock of our lives and our saving shield. In
every generation we will thank and praise You
for our lives which are in Your power, for our
souls which are in Your keeping, for Your
miracles which are with us every day, and for
Your wonders and good things that are with us
at all times: evening, morning and noon. Good
One, Your mercies have never stopped.
Merciful One, Your kindness has never stopped.
We have always placed our hope in You.
¦ gx©A§ oFIv¦ l§ LaEW
§ A§ Epi«¥pi¥r dp̈i«¤fg
¡ z¤ e§
.oFIv¦ l§ Fzp̈ik¦ W
§ xi¦fg
£ O© d© ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
dF̈di§ ,`Ed dŸ`© Ẅ ,Kl̈
§ p £̀
,Epi¥ig© xEv ,c¤rë ml̈Frl§ ,Epi«¥zFa £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«dŸl
¥ `
xR¥ q© pE
§ LN§ dcF
¤ p« ,xFcë xFcl§ `Ed dŸ`© ,Ep«¥rW
§ i¦ o¥bn̈
§ p¦ l©re§ ,Lcï
«¤ A§ mixEq
¦ O§ d© Epi¥ig© l©r ,L«¤zN̈d¦ Y§
l©re§ ,Ep«Ör¦ mFi lk̈A§ W
¤ Li«¤Qp¦ l©re§ ,Kl̈ zFcEwR§ d©
xw¤ Ÿa« ë ax«¤
¤ r ,z¥r lk̈A§ W
¤ Li«¤zFaFhe§ Li«¤zF`l§ t§ p¦
iM¦ ,mg¥ x©n§ d© e§ ,Li«n£
¤ gx© Elk̈ `Ÿl iM¦ ,aFHd© ,mi¦ x¢
For all Your blessings, we shall continually
bless You, forever and ever.
.Kl̈ Epi«¦Ew¦ ml̈Frn¥ ,Lic«¤q̈£g EO«©z `Ÿl
Ep«¥Ml§ n© Ln§ W
¦ mnFx
© z§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦
mN̈Mª l©re§
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ cin¦ Ÿ
And everything that lives shall give thanks
Ln§ W
¦ z ¤̀ Ell§ di
© e¦ ,dl̈«¤Q LEcFi
to You forever, and shall praise Your name in
¡ A¤
truth, God, our salvation and our help. We bless dŸ`© KExÄ .dl̈«¤q Ep«¥zx§¨fr¤ e§ Ep«¥zr̈EWi§ l ¥̀ d̈ ,zn¤ `
You Ah-do-nai, whose name is good, and to
.zFcFdl§ d ¤̀ p̈ LlE
§ Ln§ W
¦ aFHd© ,dF̈di§
whom it is good to give thanks.
mi¦ i§ g© d© lŸke§
- 105 -
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Festival Amidah 127
Grant peace, goodness and blessing to the world;
Grace, kindness and mercy to us and to all Your
people. Bless us with the Divine light of Your
presence. For by that Divine light You have revealed
to us Your Torah of life, and love of kindness,
righteousness. blessing. mercy, life and peace. May it
please You to bless Your people Israel at all times
and in every hour with Your peace. We bless You,
Ah-do-nai, who blesses Your people Israel with
peace. *
¤ gë og¥ ,dk̈x¨aE
§ däFh ,ml̈FrA§ mFlẄ miU
*[On the Sabbath of Repentance conclude:—
In the book of life, blessing, peace and good sustenance may
we be remembered and inscribed before You, we and all
Your people the house of Israel, for a happy life and for
peace. We bless You, Ah-do-nai, who makes peace.]
(*On the Sabbath of Repentance conclude)
,Epia«¦ `¨ ,Ep«k¥ x§ Ä .L«O©
¤ r l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§ Epi«lr̈
¥ ,min£
¦ gx©e§
,Ep«N̈ Ÿ«zp̈
© Li«p¤ R̈ xF`a§ iM¦ ,Li«p¤ R̈ xF`A§ cg̈ ¤̀ M§ Ep«N̈Mª
§ ,cq«¤
¤ g za£
© d`
«© e§ mii¦ g© zxFY
© ,Epi«¥dŸl¡` dF̈di§
Kx¥äl§ Li«p¤ i¥rA§ aFhe§ ,mFlẄe§ mii¦ g© e§ min£
¦ gx©e§ dk̈x¨aE
¤ W
§ A¦ dr̈Ẅ lk̈aE
§ z¥r lk̈A§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ LO©
§ r z ¤̀
.mFlẌA© l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ FO©r z ¤̀ Kx¥än§ d© ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
x¥kG̈¦p ,däFh dq̈p̈x§ tE
© ,mFlẄe§ dk̈ẍA§ mii¦ g© x¤tq«¥ A)
mii¦ g© l§ ,l ¥̀ ẍU¦
§ i zi¥A LO©
§ r lk̈e§ Epg«§ p© £̀ ,Li«p¤ ẗl§ az¥ M̈¦pe§
(.mFlẌd© dUFr
¥ ,dF̈d§i dŸ`© KExÄ .mFlẄlE
§ miaFh
iA¦ l¦ gz© R§ .d¤id§ Y¦ lŸMl© xẗr̈M¤ iW
¦ t©
§ pe§ ,mŸCz¦ iW
¦ t©
§ p il© l§ w© n§ l¦ e§ ,dn̈x§ n¦ xA¥ C© n¦ iz© ẗUE
§ ,rx¨n¥ ipFW
¦ l§ xFvp§ ,idŸl
© `
«© l§ dU£
¥ r .mŸa§ W£
© gn© lw¥ l§ w© e§ mz̈v̈£r xt¥ d̈ dx¨d¥ n§ ,dr̈x¨ ilr̈
© mia¦ WFg
§ d© lk̈e§ .iW
¦ t©
§ p sFCx§ Y¦ Li«¤zŸev§ n¦ aE
§ ,L«¤zxFz
¨ A§
.ip«¦ p¥ £re© Lpi
§ n¦ i§ dr̈iWFd
«¤ c¦ i§ oEvl§ g̈¥i o©rn
«© l§ .L«¤zxFY
¨ o©rn
«© l§ dU£
¥ r ,L«¤zẌcªw§ o©rn
«© l§ dU£
¥ r ,L«p¤ in¦ i§ o©rn
«© l§ dU£
¥ r ,L«¤nW
.il¦ £̀ Fbe§ ixEv
¦ dF̈di§ ,Li«p¤ ẗl§ iA¦ l¦ oFib§ d¤ e§ it¦ ix¥n§ `¦ oFvx¨l§ Eid§ i¦
It is customary to take three steps back to signify the conclusion of the Amidah. This practice is recorded in the
Talmud as follows “ Rabbi Alexandri said in the name of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi: One who has prayed should
take three steps backward and afterwards pray for peace.”
,ein̈Fxn§ A¦ mFlẄ dUŸ
,Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri© `Ed
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§
O’seh shalom bim-ro-mav,
hu ya-seh shalom a-lay-nu
v’al kol Yis’ra-el .v’im-ru, Amen.
la¥ z¥ ia¥ yŸ
§ ei lk̈ l©re§ ,Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri©
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
Ya-seh shalom a-lay-nu v’al kol yosh'vei tevel
v’im-ru, Amen.
Maker of harmony in the universe, grant peace to us, to Israel, and to all people everywhere.
And let us say Amen.
Please be seated after you have completed the silent Amidah.
Guard My Tongue
Lord, guard my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking falsehood. Help me to ignore those
who slander me, and to be humble and forgiving to all. Open my heart to Your Torah, that I may
know Your teachings and eagerly do Your will. Frustrate the plans of those who wish me ill, that I
may praise Your power, Your holiness, and Your Law. Save Your loved ones, Lord; Answer me
with Your redeeming power. “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart find
favor before You, my Rock and my Redeemer.” Maker of harmony in the universe, grant peace to
us, to Israel, and to all people everywhere.
- 106 -
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131 The 4 Species of Sukkot
“And you shall take the fruit of the beautiful tree, branches of date palms, the branch of the leafy tree, and willows
of the brook, and you shall rejoice before Ah-do-nai seven days.” (Leviticus 23:40)
In Talmudic tradition, the Four Species mentioned in this verse are identified as:
al̈El Lulav
A ripe, green, closed branch from a date palm tree
miq¦ c© d© Hadasim
The twigs with leaves from a myrtle tree
zFax©¨r Aravot
The twigs with leaves from a willow tree
bFxz§ ¤̀ Etrog
The fruit of a citron tree
Stand facing the east (or whatever direction is toward Jerusalem from where you are).
Take the etrog in your left hand with the u’ketz (green tip) up and the pitum (brown tip) down.
Take the lulav (including the palm, myrtle and willow branches bound together) in your right hand.
Bring your hands together and recite the blessing below.
- Please rise -
d¨Ÿedi§ dŸ`© KExÄ
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epid
«¥ Ÿl`
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai
El-oh-hey-nu, mel-ech ha-olam,
ah-sher kid-ish-anu b'mitz'vo-tav,
v'tze-va-nu al n'te-lat lu-lav:
,eiz̈Ÿev§ n¦ A§ Ep«ẄC§ w¦ xW
¤ £̀
:al̈El zli
© h¦ p§ l©r Ep«Ëv¦ e§
We praise You, Ah-do-nai, eternal God, who has sanctified us with the
commandments and instructed us to take the Lulav.
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai
El-oh-hey-nu, mel-ech ha-olam,
d¨Ÿedi§ dŸ`© KExÄ
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ Epid
«¥ Ÿl`
she-heh-che-yanu v'key-im-anu
v'hig-e-anu laz'man ha-zeh:
Ep«n̈§Iw¦ e§ Ep«ï¡gd¤ W
:d¤Gd© on§
© Gl© Ep«r̈iB¦ d¦ e§
We praise You, Ah-do-nai, eternal God, who has sustained us in life, and enabled us to share this
4. After you recite the blessing, turn the etrog so the u’ketz is down and the pitum is up. Be careful not to damage the pitum!
With the lulav and etrog together, gently shake forward (East) three times, then pull the lulav and etrog back in front of
your chest. Repeat this to the right (South), then over your right shoulder (West), then to the left (North), then up, then
- 107 -
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Hallel 133
Hallel (psalms of praise) is recited on on The three pilgrim festivals (Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot), Hanukkah, and Rosh
Chodesh (beginning of the new month). Many communities, recite Hallel on Yom Ha'atzma'ut (Israeli Independence Day). Some also
recite it on Yom Yerushalayim (commemorating the re-unification of Jerusalem in 1967).
- Please rise -
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, El-oh-hey-nu, mel-ech ha-olam,
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«¤
¤ n Epi«¥dŸl`
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
EpËv¦ e§ eiz̈Fv§ n¦ A§ Ep«ẄC§ w¦ xW
¤ £̀
ah-sher kid-ish-anu b'mitz'vo-tav v'tze-va-nu
lik-row et ha-hallel:
:ll¥ d© d© z ¤̀ `Fxw§ l§
We praise You, Ah-do-nai, eternal God, who has sanctified us with the commandments and
instructed us to read Hallel.
PSALM 115 : Sing praises servants of Ah-do-nai,
praise the name of Ah-do-nai now and forever.
From the rising of the sun to its setting,
Ah-do-nai's name is to be praised. High above all
nations is Ah-do-nai;
above the heavens is
Ah-do-nai’s glory. Who is like Ah-do-nai our God,
enthroned so high, looking down upon heaven and
id¦ i§ .dF̈di§ mWÎz
¤̀ Ell§ d© .dF̈di§ ic¥a©
§ r Ell§ d© .DïEll§ d©
c©r Wn«¤
¤ W gx§©fO¦ n¦ :ml̈Fr c©re§ dŸ©rn¥ KxŸ¨an§ dF̈di§ mW
l©r .dF̈di§ miFBÎl
M̈Îl©r mx¨ .dF̈di§ mW
¥ lN̈dª n§ .F`Fan§
¤ l̈ idi
¦ A¦ b§ O© d© .Epi«¥dŸl`
¡ dF̈di§ M© in¦ :FcFaM§ mi«©
¦ nẌd©
Me-key-me may-ah-far, may-ah-far dal.
:ux«¤`¨ äE mi«©
¦ nẌA© zF`x§ l¦ ili
¦ R¦ W
§ O© d©
.lC̈ xẗr̈n¥ ini
¦ w¦ n§
may-ash-pot ya-rim ev-yon.
:oFia§ ¤̀ mixï¦ zŸRW
§ `© n¥
L'ho-shivi im n'de-vim, im n'de-vei amo.
:FOr© iai
¥ c¦ p§ mr¦ .miai
¦ c¦ pÎm
§ r¦ iai
¦ WFd
¦ l§
Mo-shivi ah-keh-ret, ha-ba-yit
¦ Ad© zx¤ w¤ r£ iai
¦ WFn
aim ha-ba-nim, s'may-cha, ha-l'lu-yah.
.DïEll§ d© .dg̈n¥ U
§ mip¦ Äd© m ¥̀
Ah-do-nai raises the poor from dust . Ah-do-nai lifts the needy, to seat them with nobility,
turns the barren wife into a happy mother of children. Halleluyah!
,mi¦ x«¨v§ O¦ n¦ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ z`v¥ A§
B'tzeit Yis’ra-el me-mitz-ra-yim,
bait ya-ah-kov may-am lo-eiz:
:f¥rŸl m©rn¥ aŸw£ri© ziA¥
Hay'tah y'hu-dah l'kod'sho.
.FWc§ ẅl§ dc̈Edi§ dz̈i§ d̈
Yis-ra-el mam-she'lo-tav:
§ n§ n© l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦
Ha-yam ra-ah va-ya-nos,
,qŸpÏ©e d`¨ x¨ mÏd©
ha-yar-dein yi-sov l'ah-chor.
:xFg`¨ l§ aŸQi¦ oC¥x©§ Id©
He-ha-rim ra-k'du ch'eh-ilim.
¦ ¥̀ k§ Ecw§ x¨ mix¦ d̈d¤
g'va-ot kiv-nei tzon:
:o`ŸvÎi¥pa§ M¦ zFräB§
- 108 -
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134 Hallel
Ma l'cha ha-yam
key ta-nus.
.qEpz̈ iM¦
mÏd© LN§ dn©
tea-sov l'ah-chor:
:xFg`¨ l§ aŸQY¦
oC¥x©§ Id©
tirk'du ch'e-ai-lim.
¦ ¥̀ k§ ecw§ x§ Y¦
mix¦ d̈d¤
kiv-nei tzon:
:o`ŸvÎi¥pa§ M¦
Me-lifn-ei adon
chu-lee ah-retz.
.ux¤`¨ ilEg
oFc`¨ i¥pt§ N¦ n¦
el-oh-ha ya-akov:
:aŸw£ri© DF
© l« `
i¥pt§ N¦ n¦
Ha-hof'chee ha-tzur
ah-gam ma-yim.
.mi«¦ n̈Îm©b £̀
xESd© ik¦ tŸ§ dd©
l'may'no mayim:
:mi«¦ n̈ÎFpi§ r§ n© l§
Win¦ N̈g©
PSALM 114 :When Israel went out of Egypt, when the house of Jacob left another people, Judah became
the place of God’s holiness, Israel became God’s seat. The sea looked and fled, the Jordan reversed its
course. Mountains skipped like rams and the hills jumped about like young lambs. What is happening that
you turn back, O sea,Jordan, why do you reverse your course? Mountains, why do you skip like rams and
hills why do you jump like lambs? You are beholding the face of your Creator, before God, before the
God of Jacob, turning rocks into swirling waters and stone into a flowing spring.
This section is not said on Rosh Chodesh or the last six days of Passover
Not for our sake, Ah-do-nai, not for our sake,
because of Your kindness and Your truth. Why
should the nations say: "Where is their God?"
When our God is in the heavens doing the divine
will! Their idols are silver and gold, the work of
human hands.
They have a mouth, but they
cannot speak, they have eyes, but they cannot see.
They have ears, but they cannot hear. They have a
nose, but they cannot smell. They have hands, but
they cannot feel. They have feet, but they cannot
walk. They cannot make a sound with their throat.
Those who make them shall become like them,
whoever trusts in them.
LC§ q§ g© l©r ,cFaM̈ oY¥ Ln§ W
¦ l§ iM¦ Ep«l̈ `Ÿl dF̈di§ Ep«l̈ `Ÿl
¤ dŸl
¥ `
¡ `p̈ d¥I`© ,miFB
¦ d© Exn`Ÿ
§ i dÖ«l̈ .L«¤Yn¦ £̀ l©r
¤ A¥ v£
© r .dÜr̈ ut¥ g̈ xW
¤ £̀ lŸM mi«n̈
¦ Ẍa© Epi«dŸl`¥
¥ e
,Ex«A¥ c©i§ `Ÿle§ md¤ l̈ dR¤ .mc̈`¨ ic¥i§ dU£
¥ rn© ,ad̈f̈e§ sq«¤
s`© ,Er«n̈W
§ i¦ `Ÿle§ md¤ l̈ mi«©¦ pf§ `¨ .e`x§ i¦ `Ÿle§ md¤ l̈ mi«©¦ pi¥r
`Ÿle§ mdi
¤ l¥ b§ x© ,oEWin¦ i§ `Ÿle§ mdi
¤ c¥i§ .oEgix¦ i§ `Ÿle§ md¤ l̈
lŸM ,mdi
¤ UŸ
¥ r Eid§ i¦ mdFn
¤ M§ .mp̈Fxb§ A¦ EBd¤
§ i `Ÿl ,Ek«¥Nd© i§
Yis-ra-el, b'tach ba’ Ah-do-nai,
:md¤ Ä g«
© hŸ
¥ A xW
¤ £̀
,dFdi§ a© gh© A§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦
ez-ram u'ma-ge-nam hu.
.`Ed mP̈b¦ n̈E mx§¨fr¤
Bait ah-ha-ron, bit-chu va'ah-do-nai,
,dFdi§ a© Egh§ A¦ oŸxd
£ `© ziA¥
ez-ram u’ma-ge-nam hu.
.`Ed mP̈b¦ n̈E mx§¨fr¤
Yir-ey Ah-do-nai, bit-chu v'Ah-do-nai,
,dFdi§ a© Egh§ A¦ dF̈di§ i ¥̀ x§ i¦
ez-ram u'ma-ge-nam hu:
:`Ed mP̈b¦ n̈E mx§¨fr¤
Israel, trust in Ah-do-nai, Your help and shield. You who revere Ah-do-nai, trust in Ah-do-nai!
God is their help and shield.
- 109 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Hallel 134
Ah-do-nai z'cha-ray-nu y'va-ray-ch,
y'va-ray-ch et bait Yis’ra-el,
y'va-ray-ch et bait ah-ha-rone.
y'va-ray-ch yir-ey Ah-do-nai,
hak'ta-nim im ha-g'do-lim.
Yo-safe Ah-do-nai ah-lay-chem,
ah-lay-chem v'al b'ney-chem.
B'ru-chim ah-tem l'Ah-do-nai,
oh-seh sha-ma-yim va-retz.
Ha- sha-ma-yim sha-ma-yim l'Ah-do-nai,
v'ha-aretz na-tan liv-nei adam.
Lo ha-may-tim y'hal'lu yah,
v'lo kol yor'dei dumah.
Va-ah-nach-nu n'va-rech yah,
may-ah-tah v'ad oh-lam,
may-ah-tah v'ad oh-lam, ha-l'lu-yah.
,Kx¥äi§ Epx«¨k̈§f dF̈di§
,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ ziA¥ z ¤̀ Kx¥äi§
£ `© ziA¥ z ¤̀ Kx¥äi§
,dF̈di§ i ¥̀ x§ i¦ Kx¥äi§
.milŸ¦ cB§ d© mr¦ miP¦ h© T§
¤ l£
¥ r dF̈di§ sqŸ
¤ pA§ l©re§ mki
¤ l£
,dF̈di§ l© mY¤ `© mikEx
¦ A§
¨ mi«©
¦ nẌ dUŸ
,dF̈di§ l© mi«©
¦ nẌ mi«©
¦ nẌd©
.mc̈`¨ i¥pa§ l¦ ozp̈
© ux«¤`¨ d̈e§
,Dï Ell§ d© i§ miz¦ O¥ d© `Ÿl
.dn̈Ec ic¥xŸ§ i lM̈ `Ÿle§
,Dï Kx¥äp§ Epg«§ p© £̀ e©
:DïEll§ d© ,ml̈Fr c©re§ dŸ©rn¥
Psalm 115:12-18 Ah-do-nai who has remembered us will bless; Ah-do-nai will bless the house of Israel;
Ah-do-nai will bless those who revere Ah-do-nai, the small with Ah-do-nai will bless the house of Aaron;
the great. May Ah-do-nai increase you, you and your children. You are blessed by Ah-do-nai, who made
the heaven and earth. The heaven is Ah-do-nai's heaven, but Ah-do-nai has given the earth to mankind.
The dead cannot praise Ah-do-nai, nor can any who go down into silence. We will bless Ah-do-nai from
this time forth and forever. Halleluyah!
This section is not said on Rosh Chodesh or the last six days of Passover
Psalm 116:1-11 I love that Ah-do-nai hears my
prayers, because Ah-do-nai cares for me, I will call to
Ah-do-nai as long as I live. The pangs of death
encircled me. I found trouble and sorrow, then I
called"Ah-do-nai, save my life!" Gracious is
Ah-do-nai, and righteous and our God is merciful.
Ah-do-nai protects the simple. I was brought low and
Ah-do-nai saved me. Return to your rest, my soul, for
Ah-do-nai has been kind to you. You delivered me
from death, my eyes from tears and my feet from
stumbling. I shall walk before Ah-do-nai in the lands
of the living.
Fp§f`¨ dḦd¦ iM¦ .ip̈Ep£gY© ileŸ
¦ w z ¤̀ ,dF̈di§ rn© W
§ i¦ iM¦ iY¦ a«©
§ d`¨
§ ix¥v̈nE
§ ,z¤en̈
« il¥ a§ g¤ ipE
¦ t« ẗ £̀ :`x¨w§ ¤̀ inï
© aE
§ il¦
dP̈`¨ ,`x¨w§ ¤̀ dF̈di§ mW
¥ aE
§ .`v̈n§ ¤̀ oFbïe§ dx¨v̈ ipE
¦ `« v̈n§
.mg¥ x©n§ Epi«¥dŸl`¥e ,wiC¦ v© e§ dF̈di§ oEPg© .iW
¦ t©
§ p dḧN§ n© dF̈di§
¦ t©
§ p iaEW
«¦ i§ il¦ e§ izFN
¦ C© dF̈di§ mi`¦ z̈R§ xnŸ
« n¦ iW
¦ t©
§ p Ÿv«©
§ Ng¦ iM¦ .ik¦ i«l̈r̈
§ lnB̈
© dF̈di§ iM¦ ,ik¦ i«g̈Ep
§ n§ l¦
i¥pt§ l¦ KN¥ d© z§ ¤̀ .ig¦ C«¤n¦ il¦ b§ x© z ¤̀ ,dr̈n§ C¦ on¦ ipi¥
¦ r z ¤̀
He-eh-man-tea key ah-da-bear,
.mi¦Ig© d© zFvx§ `© A§ ,dF̈di§
,xA¥ c© £̀ iM¦ iY¦ p«©
§ n`
¡ d¤
ah-ne ah-ne-tea me'od.
.cŸ`n§ izi
¦ p«¦ r̈ ip¦ £̀
Ah-nee ah-mar-tea- v'chof'zee,
i¦ft§ g̈a§ iY¦ x«©
§ n`¨ ip¦ £̀
:a¥fŸM mc̈`¨ d̈ lM̈
kol ha-ah-dam ko-zeiv:
I kept faith even when I cried out: "I am greatly afflicted.' I kept faith even when I said in haste
"Humanity is deceitful."
- 110 -
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135 Hallel
Psalm 116:12-19 How can I repay Ah-do-nai for all
the kindness in my life? I will raise the cup of
salvations, and call upon the name of Ah-do-nai.
My vows to Ah-do-nai I will pay in the presence of
all our people. Precious in the sight of Ah-do-nai is
the death of pious followers. Ah-do-nai, I am truly
Your servant; I am Your servant, the son of Your
hand-maid; You have loosened my bonds. To You I
sacrifice a thanksgiving offering, and call upon the
name of Ah-do-nai.
zFrEWi§ qFM .il̈r̈ idF
¦ lEn
« b§ Y© lM̈ ,dF̈di§ l© aiW
¦ `¨ dn̈
,mN¥ W
© £̀ dF̈di§ l© ix©c̈p§ .`x¨w§ ¤̀ dF̈di§ mW
¥ aE
§ ,`V̈ ¤̀
§ d© dF̈di§ i¥pi¥rA§ xẅï .FO©r lk̈l§ `P̈ dc̈b¤
oA¤ ,LC§ a©
§ r ip¦ £̀ LC«¤a©
§ r ip¦ £̀ iM¦ dF̈di§ dP̈`¨ .eic̈iq£
¦ gl©
¥ aE
§ dc̈FY ga«¤
© f gA§
© f ¤̀ Ll§ .ix¨qFn
¥ l§ Ÿg«©
§ YR¦ L«¤zn̈ £̀
.`x¨w§ ¤̀ dF̈di§
Neh-da-rai l'Ah-do-nai ah-sha-leim,
mN¥ W
© £̀ dF̈di§ l© ix©c̈p§
neg-dah na l'chol ah-mo.
.FO©r lk̈l§ `P̈ dc̈b¤
B'cha-ts-rot bait Ah-do-nai,
dF̈di§ ziA¥ zFxv§ g© A§
b'to-che-chi y'ru-sha-lay-im, ha-l'lu-yah
.DïEll§ d© mi«l̈
¦ ẄExi§ ik«¥
¦ kFzA§
My vows to Ah-do-nai I will pay in the presence of all our people, In the courts of Ah-do-nai's
house, in the midst of Jerusalem.
136 Hallel - Psalm 117
Hal'lu et Ah-do-nai, kol goy-im,
¦ lM̈ ,dF̈di§ z ¤̀ Ell§ d©
shab'chu-hu, kol ha-oo-mim.
.miO¦ ª̀ d̈ lM̈ EdEg« A§ W
Key ga-var ah-ley-nu chas-dow,
,FCq§ g© Epi«¥lr̈ xab̈
© iM¦
ve-eh-met Ah-do-nai l’oh-lam, ha-l'lu-yah.
:DïEll§ d© ml̈Frl§ dF̈di§ zn¤ `¤
Psalm 117 May all people praise Ah-do-nai! Ah-do-nai’s kindness overwhelms us, and the truth of
Ah-do-nai is forever, Halleluyah!
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Hallel 136
Ho-du l'Ah-do-nai key tov,
key l’oh-lam chas-dow.
:FCq§ g© ml̈Frl§ iM¦
,aFh iM¦ dF̈di§ l© EcFd
Yo-mar-na Yis’ra-el,
key l’oh-lam chas-dow.
:FCq§ g© ml̈Frl§ iM¦
,l ¥̀ x¨W
§ i¦ `p̈ Exn`Ÿ
§ i
Yom-ru na veit a-ha-ron,
key l’oh-lam chas-dow.
:FCq§ g© ml̈Frl§ iM¦
£ `© zia¥ `p̈ Exn`Ÿ
§ i
Yom-ru na yir-ey Ah-do-nai,
key l’oh-lam chas-dow.
:FCq§ g© ml̈Frl§ iM¦
,dF̈di§ i ¥̀ x§ i¦ `p̈ Exn`Ÿ
§ i
Psalm 118:1-4
Give thanks to Ah-do-nai, for God is good;
Ah-do-nai’s Love endures forever.
Let Israel declare:
Ah-do-nai’s Love endures forever.
Let the house of Aaron declare:
Ah-do-nai’s Love endures forever.
Let those who revere Ah-do-nai declare:
Ah-do-nai’s Love endures forever.
Min ha-may-tzar ka-ra-tea yah, ah-na-ni va-mer-chav yah.
.dï ag̈x§ O¤ a© ip«p̈r̈
¦ ,dï iz`
¦ x«¨ẅ xv© O¥ d© on¦
Psalm 118:5-29 In my distress I called upon Ah-do-nai, Ah-do-nai answered me by setting me free.
With Ah-do-nai at my side, I fear nothing -what can il¦ dF̈di§ .mc̈`¨ il¦ dU£
¤ rI© dn© ,`xi
¨ `¦ `Ÿl il¦ dF̈di§
human beings do to me? With Ah-do-nai as my
,dF̈di§ A© zFq£gl© aFh .i`¨ pU
§ a§ d ¤̀ x§ ¤̀ ip¦ £̀ e© ,ix§¨fŸrA§
help, I will look with triumph at those who oppose
me. It is better to take refuge in Ah-do-nai than to g© Ÿh« A§ n¦ dF̈di§ A© zFq£gl© aFh .mc̈`¨ Ä g© Ÿh« A§ n¦
trust in human beings; better to take refuge in .mli
© n¦ £̀ iM¦ dF̈di§ mW
¥ A§ ipE
¦ a« äq§ miFB
¦ lM̈ .miai
¦ c¦ p§ A¦
Ah-do-nai than to put one's trust in the powerful. ipE
¦ A« q© .mli
© n¦ £̀ iM¦ dF̈di§ mW
¥ A§ ipE
¦ a« äq§ m©b ipE
¦ A« q©
The nations all surrounded me; in the name of
© n¦ £̀ iM¦ dF̈di§ mW
¥ A§ ,mivFw
¦ W ¥̀ M§ Ek£rŸC mixŸ¦ ac§ k¦
Ah-do-nai I overcame them. I was hard-pressed and .mli
§ fe§ i¦Gr̈ .ip¦ xf̈£
«¨ r dF̈di©§ e ,lŸRp§ l¦ ip«©
¦ zig¦ c§ dŸgC̈
tattered , but Ah-do-nai helped me. Ah-do-nai is my ,Dï zx¨n¦
strength and my song, and my salvation. The sound ,miwi
¦ C¦ v© il¢
¥ d`¨ A§ dr̈EWie¦ dP̈x¦ lFw .dr̈EWil¦ il¦ id¦ i©§ e
of rejoicing and victory is heard in the tents of the
dF̈di§ oin¦ i§ ,dn̈nFx
¥ dF̈di§ oin¦ i§ .li«g̈
¦ dÜŸr« dF̈di§ oin¦ i§
righteous: 'Ah-do-nai's right hand struck powerfully!
¦ dÜŸr«
Ah-do-nai's right hand is raised in triumph!'
.dï iU£
¥ rn© xR¥ q£̀
© e© ,d¤ig§ ¤̀ iM¦ zEn`¨ `Ÿl
Lo ah-mut key ech-yeh, va-ah-sa-peir ma-say yah.
¦ z̈p§ `Ÿl z¤eÖl© e§ ,DÏ iP¦ x«©Q§ i¦ xŸQi©
Ya-sor yis'ra-ne yah, v'la-mavet, lo n'ta-nani.
.Dï dcF`
¤ mä `Ÿa`,w
¨ c«¤
¤ v ix£
¥ rW
© il¦ Egz§ R¦
Pit-chu le sha-arei tze-dek, avo vam odeh yah.
Zeh ha-sha-ar l’Ah-do-nai, tza-de-kim ya-vo-u vo.
.Fa E`Ÿa« ï miwi
¦ C¦ v© ,dF̈di§ l© x©rX
«© d© d¤f
Oh-de'cha key ah-nee-ta-nee, a-t'he-lee lee-shu-ah.
.dr̈EWil¦ il¦ id¦ Y©
§ e ,ip¦ z̈
« ip£
¦ r iM¦ LcF`
Eh-ven ma-asu ha-bo-nim, ha-y'tah l'rosh pe-nah.
.dP̈R¦ W`Ÿxl§ dz̈i§ d̈ ,mipFA
¦ d© Eq£̀ n̈ oa«¤̀
May-eit Ah-do-nai hay'tah zot, he nif-la-ot b'ey-ney-nu.
:Epi«¥pi¥rA§ z`l̈t§ p¦ `id¦ ,z`ŸG dz̈i«d̈
§ dF̈di§ z ¥̀ n¥
Zeh ha-yom ah-sah Ah-do-nai,
,dF̈di§ dÜr̈ mFId© d¤f
na-gee-la v'nis-m'cha vo.
.Fa dg̈n§ U
§ p¦ e§ dl̈i«¦bp̈
- 112 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
137 Hallel
I will not die, but live to relate the deeds of Ah-do-nai. Ah-do-nai has surely punished me, but has not left
me to die. Open for me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter and praise Ah-do-nai. This is the gate
of Ah-do-nai; the righteous may enter through it. I thank You for You have answered me, becoming my
salvation. The stone which the builders rejected has become the major cornerstone. This Ah-do-nai's
doing; It is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day which Ah-do-nai has made; We will be glad and rejoice
in it.
Ana Ah-do-nai ho-she-ah na.
Ana Ah-do-nai ho-she-ah na.
Ana Ah-do-nai hatz-le-chah na. Ana Ah-do-nai hatz-le-chah na.
Ah-do-nai, please save us!
:`P̈ dr̈iWFd
dF̈di§ `P̈`¨
:`P̈ dr̈iWFd
dF̈di§ `P̈`¨
:`p̈ dg̈il¦ v§ d© dF̈di§ `P̈`¨ :`p̈ dg̈il¦ v§ d© dF̈di§ `P̈`¨
Ah-do-nai, let us prosper!
Ba-ruch ha-ba b'sheim Ah-do-nai,
,dF̈di§ mW
¥ A§ `Äd© KExÄ
be-rach-nu-chem me-bait Ah-do-nai.
.dF̈di§ ziA¥ n¦ mkEp
¤ k§ x©A¥
Ale Ah-do-nai va'ya-er la-nu,
,Ep«l̈ x ¤̀ «Ïe© dF̈di§ l ¥̀
is-ru chag ba-ah-vo-tim
mizŸ¦ a£rA© bg© Exq§ `¦
ad kar-not ha-miz-bey-ach.
© A§
¥ fO¦ d© zFpx§ w© c©r
Ay-lee ah-tah v'oh-deh-ka, el-oh-hai ah-ro-m'meka.
.‚«n¤ nFx
§ £̀ idŸl
© `
¡ J̈cF`
«¤ e§ dŸ`© il¦ ¥̀
Ho-du l'Ah-do-nai key tov, key l’oh-lam chas-do
:FCq§ g© ml̈Frl§ iM¦ ,aFh iM¦ dF̈di§ l© EcFd
Welcome in the name of Ah-do-nai;
We bless You from the house of Ah-do-nai.
Ah-do-nai is God who has shown us light;
Bind the sacrifice with cords, up to the altar-horns.
You are my God, and I thank You;
You are my God, and I exalt You.
Give thanks to Ah-do-nai who is good;
Ah-do-nai’s kindness lasts forever.
All Your works praise You, Ah-do-nai our God; Your
«¤ q£
¦ ge© ,Li«¤U£rn© lM̈ Epi«¥dŸl`
¡ dF̈di§ LEl« l§ d© i§
followers who perform Your will, and all Your people the l ¥̀ x¨U§ i¦ ziA¥ LO©
§ r lk̈e§ ,L«p¤ Fvx§ iUFr
¦ C¦ v©
house of Israel, praise, thank, bless, glorify, extol, exalt,
§ e¦ Ex£̀ ẗie¦ EgA§ Wi
© e¦ Ekx§ äie¦ EcFi dP̈x¦ A§
revere, sanctify, Your name.
,Ep«¥Ml§ n© Ln§ W
¦ z ¤̀ Eki«l¦ n©
§ ie§ EWiC«¦ w©
§ ie§ Evix£
«¦ ri© e§
key l'cha tov l'ho-dot. u-l’shim-cha na'eh l'za-mer.
¥ fl§ d ¤̀ p̈ Ln§ W
¦ lE
§ zFcFdl§ aFh Ll§ iM¦
key may'oh-lam v'ad oh-lam Ah-tah El.
.l ¥̀ dŸ`© ml̈Fr c©re§ ml̈Frn¥ iM¦
Ba-ruch ah-tah Ah-do-nai mel-ekh m'hu-llal ba-tish-ba-chot.
§ Y¦ A© lN̈dª n§ Kl«
¤ n¤ ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
To You it is fitting to give thanks, and to Your name it is proper to sing praises, for You are God
- 113 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Reader’s Kaddish
Morning Service 138
Kaddish is commonly known as a mourner's prayer, but in fact, variations on the Kaddish prayer are routinely recited at
many other times, and the prayer itself has nothing to do with death or mourning. Kaddish is a prayer that affirms our faith
in God and our hope for the future. The Reader’s Kaddish separates units of prayer within a service.
Yit-ga-dal v'yit-ka-dash she-mei ra-ba,
`Äx© Dn¥ W
§ WC¥w© z§ i¦ e§ lC©
¥Bz§ i¦
¥ l§ n© Kil¦ n©
§ ie§ DzEr
¥ x§ k¦ `x¨a§ iC¦ `n̈lr̈
§ A§
¥ aE
§ oFki¥ig© A§
l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ ziA¥ lk̈c§ i¥ig© AE
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ .aix¦ ẅ on§
© faE
¦ `l̈b̈£rA©
Be-al-ma di-ve-ra chi-re-u-tei, ve-yam-lich mal-chu-tei.
B'cha-yay-chon u-v'yo-may-chon
u-v'cha-yei de-chol bait Yis’ra-el
Ba-aga-la u-vi-ze-man ka-riv, v'im'ru: A-mein:
Ye-hey she-mei ra-ba me-va-rach,
le-a-lam u-le-al-mei al-ma-ya.
Kx©än§ `Äx© Dn¥ W
§ `d¥ i§
.`Ïn© lr̈
§ in¥ lr̈
§ lE
§ mlr̈
© l§
gA© Y© W
§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦
¥ pz§ i¦ e§ mnFx
© z§ i¦ e§ x`© R̈z§ i¦ e§
lN̈d© z§ i¦ e§ d¤N©rz§ i¦ e§ xC̈d© z§ i¦ e§
`Ed Kix¦ A§ `Ẅc§ wª C§ Dn¥ W
¦ e§ `z̈k̈x§ A¦ lM̈ on¦ `N̈«¥rl§ *
,`z̈n̈¡gp¤ e§ `z̈g̈A§ W
§ Yª
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,`n̈lr̈
§ A§ oxi
¨ n¦ £̀ C©
Yit-ba-rach ve-yish-ta-bach,
ve-yit-pa-ar ve-yit-ro-mam, ve-yit-na-say
ve-yit-ha-dar, ve-yit-a-leh, ve-yit-ha-lal
she-mei de-ku-de-sha, be-rich hu
* L'ey-la min kol bir-cha-ta ve-shi-ra-ta
tush-be-cha-ta ve-ne-che-ma-ta,
daa-Me-ran be-al-ma v'im'ru: A-mein:
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
* (L'ey-la U’ L'ey-la me kol)
(lM̈n¦ `N̈«r¥ lE
§ `N̈«r¥ l)*
Tit-ka-bal ts'lo-t'on u-va-oh-t'on d'chol Yis’ra-el ka-dam
a-vu-hon di vish-ma-ya, v'im'ru: A-mein:
mc̈w¢ l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ lk̈c§ oFdzEr
§ äE oFdzFl
§ v§ lA¥ w© z§ Y¦
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ `Ïn© W
§ a¦ iC¦ oFdEa £̀
Ye-hey sh'la-ma ra-ba min she-ma-ya
ve-cha-yim A-lay-nu Ve-al kol Yis’ra-el
v'im'ru: A-mein:
,`Ïn© W
§ on¦ `Äx© `n̈l̈W
§ `d¥ i§
,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§ Epi«¥lr̈ mii¦ g© e§
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
O-seh sha-lom bim-ro-mav,
hu ya-a-seh sha-lom a-lay-nu
Ve-al kol Yis’ra-el, v'im'ru: A-mein:
,ein̈Fxn§ A¦ mFlẄ dUŸ
Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri© `Ed
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§
la¥ z¥ ia¥ yŸ
§ ei lk̈ l©re§ ,Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri©
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
Ya-seh shalom a-lay-nu v’al kol yosh'vei tevel
v’im-ru, Amen.
Translation of Kaddish: Glorified and sanctified is God's great name throughout the world created according to
Ah-do-nai’s will. May God’s sovereignty be established in our lifetime and the life of all Israel; and let us say, Amen. May
God’s great name be blessed forever and to all eternity. Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored be
the name of the Holy One, source of blessing, beyond all the blessings and songs, beyond all the tributes spoken in the
world; and say, Amen. May the prayers of the whole House of Israel be accepted by our Father in Heaven. And let us say:
Amen. May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life, for us and for all Israel; and say, Amen. May the One who
creates peace in the celestial heights, create peace for us and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen.
- 114 -
About the Torah service The Torah service is a unique and sacred moment in the services that
embodies a central Jewish value. After reciting prayers of praise and thanksgiving, we take time out
to study. In Judaism, study is both a privilege and a form of Divine service. It is therefore preceded
with the Torah Processional, a time of rejoicing and song.
As the Sefer Torah (Torah scroll) is removed from the Aron Ha-ko-desh (Holy Ark) and processed
through the congregation we sing verses from the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). The verses, song and
ritual, are designed to remind us of our earliest history as when a portable Ark containing the written
word of God stood in the middle of the Israelite camp. At the same time, these prayers inspire us to
envision the future of our people. As the Torah is processed through the congregation, we follow it
by turning to face it and kissing it with our tzitzit (tallit fringes) or siddur as it passes.
About The Sifrei Torah (Torah scrolls) A Sefer Torah is the written word of God as envisioned by
our ancestors. As such, we express respect to a Sefer Torah, as a representation of our sacred
traditions, the generations that came before us and our bond with God. We treat the Sifrei Torah
with great care and respect and hiddur (esthetic enhancement). The Sifrei Torah generally are
adorned with silver crowns and breast plates and are encased in colorful mantels. To be kosher,
Torah scrolls must be hand-written by a scribe using special ink and special parchment. One
misspelled word or damaged letter in a Sefer Torah invalidates it for use. Because the Hebrew in a
Sefer Torah is written without vowels or musical notation, chanting from the Torah requires special
Receiving a Torah Honor: A Step By Step Guide
7 Steps to the Perfect P’tikhah (Opening the Ark)
1. Come up to the Bimah near the end of Ain Kamokhah (page 117) and stand to the left of the Ark.
2. Open the Ark as the Rabbi begins to chant the next paragraph, Vayehi binsoah (2nd paragraph
on page 117).
Close the Ark before the Reader recites the verses on page 120.
Follow the Torah during the procession.
Return to your seat.
People will bless you with the words “Yasher Koach” (May you be rich in strength).
Shake their hand and respond “Barukh tihyeh” (you should be blessed).
11 Steps to the Perfect Aliyah
Come to the Bimah (pulpit) at the appropriate time.
State your Hebrew name (yours and your parents’) clearly to the Gabbi.
Stand on right-hand side of the Torah Reader.
Allow the Torah Reader to show you the place in the Torah and kiss it with tzitzit or prayer book.
Take hold of the handles (atzei chayim) and say first blessings (Transliterated on Card).
Look on with reader.
At end of reading, kiss the place in the Torah that the reader shows you with tzitzit or prayer
Take hold of the handles (atzei chayim) and recite blessing for after the reading (Transliterated
on Card).
Move to other side of reader (to the left of the Torah).
After the next aliyah, return to your seat. People will bless you with the words “Yasher Koach”
(May you be rich in strength).
Shake their hand and respond “Barukh tihyeh” (you should be blessed).
- 115 -
14 Steps to the Perfect Hagbah (Raising the Torah)
1. Come to the Bimah (pulpit) after the Torah reading is complete.
2. Note the chair where you will be sitting down with the Torah.
3. Roll the scroll to a point where a seam is mid-way between the two atzei chayim (Torah
4. Open the scroll slightly.
5. Pull the Torah down so that the edge of the table is half-way between the bottom and top of the
6. Push down on the bottom handles, so that the Torah begins to be vertical.
7. Bend your knees.
8. Push the Torah up and straighten your legs (you are now standing up and so is the Torah).
9. Turn around so that the congregation can see the words in the Torah.
10. If you feel confident, unroll the Torah slightly so that at least 3 columns are showing.
11. Walk to the chair and lower yourself carefully, with the Torah still vertical.
12. Hold the scroll while it is tied and dressed.
13. Settle the scroll on one of your shoulders and hold it until a Gabbi assists you in placing it
securely on one of the special shelves.
14. People will bless you with the words “Yasher Koach” (May you be rich in strength). Shake their
hand and respond “Barukh tihyeh” (you should be blessed).
9 Steps to the Perfect Gelilah (Rolling and Tying the Scroll)
Come to the Bimah (pulpit) after the Torah reading is complete, along with the Hagbah.
Stand near the chair where the Hagbah will sit.
As the Hagbah sits, grab hold of the upper handles.
Once the Hagbah is seated, roll the scroll tightly together (keep the seam in center).
Place the Gartel—the belt—around the Torah and close it in place.
Place the Mantel—the cover—on the Torah.
Place the yad—the pointer—on the Torah.
People will bless you with the words “Yasher Koach” (May you be rich in strength). Shake their
hand and respond “Barukh tihyeh” (you should be blessed).
Our Hebrew School children learning about a Torah scroll.
- 116 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
139The Torah Service
dxezd z`ixw
Please rise
EIN KA-MO-CHA va-e-lo-him, Ah-do-nai,
,dF̈di§ ,midŸl
¦ `
¡ ä LFn« M̈ oi ¥̀
v'ein k'ma-a-se-cha.
.Li«¤U£rn© M§ oi ¥̀ e§
Mal-chu-t'cha mal-chut kol o-la-mim,
,min¦ l̈Ÿr lM̈ zEkl§ n© LzEk
§ l§ n©
u-mem-shal-t'cha b'chol dor va-dor.
.xŸcë xŸC lk̈A§ LY§ l§ W
© n§ nE
Ah-do-nai me-lech, Ah-do-nai ma-lach,
,Kl̈n̈ dF̈di§ ,Kl«
¤ n¤ dF̈di§
Ah-do-nai yim-loch, l'o-lam va-ed.
.c¤rë ml̈Ÿrl§ KŸln§ i¦ dF̈di§
Ah-do-nai oz l'a-mo yi-tein,
,oY¥ i¦ FO©rl§ fŸr dF̈di§
Ah-do-nai y'va-reich et a-mo va-sha-lom.
.mFlẌa© FO©r z ¤̀ Kx¥äi§ dF̈di§
AV HA-RA-CHA-MIM, hey-ti-va vir-tso-n'cha et Tsi-on,
tiv-nei cho-mot Y'ru-sha-la-yim.
,oFIv¦ z ¤̀ LpFv
§ x§ a¦ däihi
«¦ d¥ ,min£
¦ gx©d̈ a`©
¦ ẄExi§ zFnFg d¤pa§ Y¦
key v'cha l'vad ba-tach-nu, me-lech El ram v'ni-sa,
a-don o-la-mim.
,`V̈p¦ e§ mx¨ l ¥̀ Kl«
¤ n¤ ,Epg«ḧ
§ Ä ca© l§ La§ iM¦
.min¦ l̈Fr oFc £̀
The Ark is opened.
¤ n xn`Ÿ
¤ Ie© oŸx`¨ d̈ r© Ÿqp§ A¦ id¦ i©§ e
Va-y'he bin-so-a ha-a-ron va-yo-mer Mo-she
Ku-ma Ah-do-nai v'ya-fu-tsu o-y've-cha
Lia¤ iŸ§ ` Evtï
ª e§ dF̈di§ dn̈Ew
v'ya-nu-su m'sa-ne-cha Me-pa-ne-cha.
:Li¤pR̈n¦ Li ¤̀ p§ X
© n§ Eqªpïe§
key Me-Tsi-on tey-tsei To-rah
¨ `v¥ Y¥ oFIS¦ n¦ iM¦
u-d'var Ah-do-nai Me-ru-sha-la-yim.
:mi¦ l̈ẄExin¦ dF̈di§ xa© cE§
Ba-ruch she-na-tan To-rah
¨ ozP̈
© W
¤ KExÄ
l'a-mo Yis’ra-el bik-du-sha-to.
:FzÜcªw§ A¦ l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ FO©rl§
- 117 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
The Torah Service 139
There is no one like You among the gods, Ah-do-nai; and there are no works like Yours. Your domination
endures throughout all generations. Ah-do-nai is supreme; Ah-do-nai was supreme; Ah-do-nai will be
supreme forever and ever. Ah-do-nai will give strength to our people; Ah-do-nai will bless our people with
peace. Father of mercies, do good in Your favour to Zion; build You the walls of Jerusalem. For in You
alone do we trust, exalted God ofworlds. When Moshe (Moses) traveled with the Holy Ark, he would say,
"Arise my God let Your enemies be scattered; make those who hate You leave Your sight. For out of
Zion will come the Torah, and the word of God will be heard from Jerusalem.” We bless the One who
gave the Torah to the nation of Israel in holiness.
Prayer for the Israel Defense Forces
Avinu She-ba-Sha-ma-yim, Our Heavenly parent, protector of Israel, bless the soldiers
of the Israel Defense Forces, who stand watch over our land and the cities of our God;
from the border of Lebanon to the desert of Egypt and from the great sea to the
approach of the Aravah, on land, in the air, and at sea. May God cause the enemies who
rise against us to be struck down before them.
May the Holy One preserve and rescue our fighting men and women from every
trouble and distress, from every plague and illness, and send blessing and success to
their every endeavor. May God lead our enemies under their sway and adorn them with
the crown of salvation and triumph. And may it be fulfilled for them the verse “for it is
Ah-do-nai Your God who goes with You to battle your enemies, for you and to save
Harachaman hu yitein achavah bein b’nei Sarah
dx¨Ẅ i¥pA§ oiA¥ dëg© `© oz¥ i¦ `Ed on̈£gx©d̈
u’vein b’nei Hagar.
. xb̈d© i¥pA§ oiAE
May the Compassionate One create a caring bond between the children of
Sarah and the children of Hagar.
Prayer for the United States Armed Forces
May the One who blessed our ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, bless
the fighting men and women of the United States Armed Forces, who expose their lives on the fields of
battle in defense of freedom and justice. May God cause the enemies who rise up against us to be struck
down before them. Send Your power from on high; may Your right be their salvation. Return them to
their lands, to their homes, and to their loved ones, rejoicing in the knowledge that tyranny is destroyed,
and that doers of evil are no more.
And may it be fulfilled for them the verse, “for it is God Your God who goes with you to battle your
enemies, for you and to save you".
Now let us respond......... Amen
- 118 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
140 The Torah Service
Ruler of the universe, praised be Your name and Your
sovereignty. May Your favor abide with Your people
Israel, and may Your redeeming power be revealed to
them in Your sanctuary. Bless us with Your light and
with compassion accept our prayer. May it be Your will
to grant us long life and well-being, to count me among
the righteous and to guard me, my family, and all Your
people Israel with compassion. You nourish and sustain
all life. You rule over all, even royalty, for dominion is
`d¥ i§ .Kx¨z§ `© e§ Kx¨z§ M¦ Kix¦ A§ ,`n̈lr̈
§ `x¥n̈C§ Dn¥ W
§ Kix¦ A§
KÖ©rl§ i¥fg
£ `© Kp̈in§
¦ i ow© x§ tE
ª ,mlr̈
© l§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ KÖ©r mr¦ Kz̈Erx§
lA¥ w© lE
§ ,KxFd
¨ p§ aEHn¦ `p̈«l̈ i¥iEh« n§ `© lE
§ ,KẄC§ w§ n© zia¥ A§
oi¦ig© ol̈ KixFz
¦ C§ Kn̈c̈¢w `ë£rx© `d¥ i§ .oin£
¦ gx©A§ `p̈«z̈Flv§
© mg© x§ n¦ l§ ,`Ïwi
© C¦ v© FbA§ `c̈iw¦ t§ `p̈£̀ i¥ed
¡ l¤ e§ ,`z̈Eaih¦ A§
of̈ `Ed Y§ p§ `© .l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ KÖ©rl§ ic¦ e§ il¦ iC¦ lM̈ z©ie§ izï
¦ xh© p§ n¦ lE
Y§ p§ `© ,`N̈ŸM« l©r hiN¦ W
© `Ed Y§ p§ `© .`N̈Ÿk« l§ q¥px§ t© nE
§ ,`N̈Ÿk« l§
l©r `l̈ .`id¦ Kl̈iC¦ `z̈Ekl§ nE
© ,`Ïk© l§ n© l©r hiN¦ W
© C§ `Ed
`d̈l̈¡`A¤ `N̈ ¤̀ ,`p̈ki
§ n«¦ q̈ oid¦ l̈¡` xA© l©r `l̈e§ ,`p̈vi
§ g«¦ x¨ Wp̈¡`
¦ `i
« a¦ pE
§ ,hFWw§ Dz¥ i§ xF`
© e§ ,hFWw§ `d̈l̈¡` `EdC§ ,`Ïn© W
§ c¦
§ oëa§ h© cA© r§ n¤ l§ `¥Bq§ nE
© ,hFWw§
Bey a-na ra-chetz,
,uig¦ x¨ `p̈£̀ DA¥
v'lish-may ka-de-sha ya-key-ra, a-na ey-mar tush-b'chan.
.og̈A§ W
§ Yª xn© ¥̀ `p̈£̀ `xi
¨ T©
¦ i `ẄiC¦ w© Dn¥ W
§ l¦ e§
Y'hey ra-a-va ka-da-mach d'tif-tach lee-bee b'o-ra-y'ta,
,`z̈i§ xF`
© A§ iA¦ l¦ gY© t§ z¦ C§ Kn̈c̈¢w `ë£rx© `d§
v'tash-lim mish-a-lin d'lee-bee,
,iA¦ l¦ C§ oil£̀
¦ W
§ n¦ mil¦ W
§ z© e§
v'lee-ba d'chol a-mach Yis’ra-el,
,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ KÖ©r lk̈c§ `Äl¦ e§
l'tav ul-cha-yin v'lish-lam. (Amen)
(on¥ `)
¨ .ml̈W
§ l¦ e§ oii¦ g© lE
§ aḧl§
We are the servants of the Holy One, whom we revere and whose Torah we revere at all times. Not on
mortals do we rely, nor upon angels do we depend, but on the God of the Universe, the God of truth,
whose Torah is truth, whose prophets are truth, and who abounds in deeds of goodness and truth. In God
do we place our trust; unto God’s holy, precious being do we utter praise. Open our hearts to Your Torah.
Answer our prayers and the prayers of all Your people Israel for goodness, for life, and for peace. Amen.
On festivals the following is added:
Reader and Congregation (To be said three times.)
,oEP©ge§ mEgx© l¥̀ ,dF̈d§i ,dF̈d§i
Ah-do-nai, Ah-do-nai, El ra-chum v'cha-nun,
.z¤n`¡e¤ c¤q«g¤ ax§
©e m¦iR«© `© Kx«¤¤̀
eh-rech ah-pa-yim v'rav che-sed v'eh-met.
,mi¦tl̈£̀l̈ c¤q«g¤ x¥vŸp
no-tzer che-sed l'ah-la-fim,
no-sei ah-von va-feh-sha v'cha-ta'ah v'na-keh.
.d¥T©pe§ ,d¨`Ḧ©ge§ r©Wt«¤ë oŸer̈ `¥UŸp
Va'ani t'fe-la-tea l'cha, Ah-do-nai, et rah-tzon.
,oFvx¨ zr¥ dF̈d§i L§l i¦zN̈¦tz§ i¦p £̀©e
El-oh-him b'rov chas-deh-cha,
«¤qg© ax§
¨A mi¦dŸl¡`
ah-ney-nee b'emet yee-she-cha.
«¤Wi¦ z¤n`¡A¤ i¦p«¥pr£
- 119 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
The Torah Service 141
Ah-do-nai, the Lord is a merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love and kindness and
truth; keeping love and kindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and forgiving
those who change. As for me my prayer to you, Ah-do-nai, may it be in an acceptable time: God, in the
abundance of your love and kindness, answer me with your sure salvation.
Reader then Congregation
Sh’ma Yis’ra-el Ah-do-nai El-oh-hey-nu, Ah-do-nai Echad:
:cg̈ ¤̀ dF̈di§ .Epidl
¥ ¤̀ dF̈di§ .l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ rn© W
Hear, O Israel: Ah-do-nai is our God, Ah-do-nai alone!
Reader then Congregation
E-chad E-lo-hey-nu, Ga-dol A-do-ney-nu, Ka-dosh Sh'mo:
§ WFcẅ .Epi¥pFc £̀ lFcB̈ .Epid¥ŸŸl`
¡ cg̈ ¤̀
God is One; Ah-do-nai is great; holy is God’s name.
Reader turns to ark and recites
Gad-lu la-Ah-do-nai i-ti u-n'ro-m'ma sh'mo yach-dav:
§ i FnW
§ dn̈nFx
§ pE
§ iY¦ `¦ dëŸdi§ l© ElC©§ B
Praise Ah-do-nai with me, let us speak of God’s greatness.
L’cha, Ah-do-nai, ha’g’dula v’ha’gi-vu-rah v’ha’tif-eh-ret
¤ tY¦ d© e§ dxEa§
¨ Bd© e§ dN̈c§
ªBd© dF̈d§i L§l
v’hanetzach v’hahod, key chol bashamyim u’va’aretz:
¤`äE m¦in© Ẍ©A lŸk i¦M cFd©de§ g©v¥Pd© e§
l’cha Ah-do-nai ha’mamlacha v’ha’mitnaseh l’chol l’rosh:
:W`Ÿx§l lŸk§l `¥V©pz¦
§ Od© e§ dk̈l̈§nO© d© dF̈d§i L§l
Epi¥dŸl¡` dF̈d§i En§nFx
Ro-m'mu, Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-nu
:`Ed WFcẅ eil̈§bx© mŸc£d©l Ee£gY© W
§ d¦ e§
v'hish-ta-cha-vu la-ha-dom rag-lav, ka-dosh hu:
Ro-m'mu, Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-nu, v'hish-ta-cha-vu l'har kad-sho
§ x©d§l Ee£gY© W
§ d¦ e§ Epi¥dŸŸl¡` dF̈d§i En§nFx
:Epi¥dŸŸl¡` dF̈d§i WFcẅ i¦M
key ka-dosh Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-nu:
To You, Ah-do-nai, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty; for all that is
in heaven and earth is Yours. Yours is the sovereignty, Ah-do-nai; You are supreme over all.
-You may be seated- 120 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
142 The Torah Service
Torah Blessings
Before reading of the Torah section
(It is customary to touch the first word of the Aliyah in the Torah with fringe of your Tallit or prayer book)
Ba-ruch-hu et Ah-do-nai ha-m’vo-rach
Praise Ah-do-nai, Source of all blessing
KxŸ¨an§ d© dF̈di§ z ¤̀ Ekx§ Ä
Congregation Then Honoree
Ba-ruch Ah-do-nai ha-m’vo-rach l’o-lam va-ed:
:c¤rë ml̈Frl§ KxŸ¨an§ d© ,dF̈di§ KExÄ
Praised be Ah-do-nai, Source of all blessing, forever
Ba-ruch ah-ta Ah-do-nai,
,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
El-oh-hai-nu meh-lech ha’oh-lam,
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl¤ n¤ EpidŸl
¥ `
ah-sh-er ba-ch-ar ba-nu me-kol ha-ah-mim
min¦ r© d̈ lM̈n¦ EpÄ xg© Ä xW
¤ £̀
v’na-tan la-nu et To-ra-to.
¨ z ¤̀ Epl̈ ozp̈
© e§
Ba-ruch ah-ta ah-do-nai no-tain ha-to-rah.
¨ d© ozFp
¥ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
We bless You, Ah-do-nai our God, eternal God, Who has chosen us of all peoples for Your service
by giving us Your Torah. We bless You, Ah-do-nai, Giver of the Torah.
After the Torah section has been read
(It is customary to touch the fringe of your Tallit to the last word of the Aliyah in the Torah)
Ba-ruch ah-ta Ah-do-nai,
,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
El-oh-hai-nu meh-lech ha’oh-lam,
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl¤ n¤ EpidŸl
¥ `
ah-sh-er na-tan la-nu to-rat e’met
zn¤ ¤̀ zxFY
© Epl̈ ozp̈
© xW
¤ £̀
v’cha-yay oh-lam nah-tah b’to-chai-nu
¥ A§ rhp̈
© ml̈Fr i¥ig© e§
Ba-ruch ah-ta ah-do-nai no-tain ha-to-rah.
¨ d© ozFp
¥ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
We bless You, Ah-do-nai our God, eternal God, who has given us the Torah of truth, planting
within us life eternal. We bless You, Ah-do-nai, Giver of the Torah.
- 121 -
Petition for Healing
mi§ lFg
¦ d© z ¤̀ Kx¥äi§ `Ed d`¨ l¥ e§ lg¥ x¨ dẅa§ x¦ dx¨Ẍ aŸw£ri© e§ wg̈v§ i¦ md̈x¨a§ `© EpizFa
¥ £̀ Kx©A¥ W
¤ in¦
(insert names here)
on¦ dn̈l¥ W
§ d`Et
¨ x§ dx¨d¥ n§ md¤ l̈ gl© W
§ i¦ e§ mz̈Ÿ`R§ x©lE
§ mn̈il£
¦ gd© l§ mdi
¤ l̈r̈ min£
¦ gx© `N¥ n© i§ `Ed KExÄ WFcT̈d©
`l̈b̈£rA© `ŸW
§ d© ,sEBd© z`Et
© xE§ Wt¤
¤ Pd© z`Et
© x§ ,l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ ilFg
¥ x`¨ W
§ KFzA§ mdi
¤ ci
¥ B¦ e§ mdi
¤ x¥ä ¥̀ lk̈l§ mi¦ n© Üd©
:on¥ `¨ xn`Ÿ
© pe§ .aix¦ ẅ on§
© faE
¥ £̀ Kx©A¥ W
¤ in¦
¥ `¦ l§ dk̈x¨Äd© xFwn§
Me she-bey-rach a-vo-tei nu.
M’kor ha-bra-cha l’i-mo-tey-nu
May the source of strength who blessed the ones before us Help us find the courage to make our
life a blessing, and let us say, Amen.
¥ `¦ Kx©A¥ W
¤ in¦
Me she-bey-rach i-mo-tey-nu,
M’kor ha-bra-cha L’a-vo-tey-nu
¥ £̀ l© dk̈x¨Äd© xFwn§
Bless those in need of healing with r’fu-a sh’ley-ma
The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit, and let us say Amen.
The Hagomel blessing (blessing of thanksgiving) is a blessing that is recited after one survives a dangerous circumstance.
Ba-ruch a-tah, Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu, me-lech ha-oh-lam,
K¤l´¤n ÆEpidŸl¡
¥̧ ` dF̈d§i d³Ÿ©` KEx̧Ä
.aŸeh lk̈ i¦p©ln̈§by
¡ ,zŸeaŸeh mi¦aï©g§l l¥nŸeb©d
ha-go-mel le-cha-ya-vim to-vot sheg-mo-la-ni tov.
We bless You, Ah-do-nai our God, eternal God, who shows goodness beyond our merits, who
has bestowed goodness upon me.
Congregation responds:
dl̈¤q ,aŸeh lk̈ ln̈§bi¦ `Ed ,aŸeh ln̈§by
¤ i¦n
Me she-g'mol tov hu yig-mol kol tov sel-ah.
May God who bestowed goodness upon you, bestow every goodness upon you forever.
- 122 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
146 Torah Service
Reader’s Kaddish
Kaddish is commonly known as a mourner's prayer, but in fact, variations on the Kaddish prayer are routinely recited at many other times, and the
prayer itself has nothing to do with death or mourning. Kaddish is a prayer that affirms our faith in God and our hope for the future. The Reader’s
Kaddish separates units of prayer within a service.
Yit-ga-dal v'yit-ka-dash she-mei ra-ba,
Be-al-ma di-ve-ra chi-re-u-tei, ve-yam-lich mal-chu-tei.
B'cha-yay-chon u-v'yo-may-chon
u-v'cha-yei de-chol bait Yis’ra-el
Ba-aga-la u-vi-ze-man ka-riv, v'im'ru: A-mein:
`Äx© Dn¥ W
§ WC¥w© z§ i¦ e§ lC©
¥Bz§ i¦
¥ l§ n© Kil¦ n©
§ ie§ DzEr
¥ x§ k¦ `x¨a§ iC¦ `n̈lr̈
§ A§
¥ aE
§ oFki¥ig© A§
l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ ziA¥ lk̈c§ i¥ig© AE
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ .aix¦ ẅ on§
© faE
¦ `l̈b̈£rA©
Ye-hey she-mei ra-ba me-va-rach,
le-a-lam u-le-al-mei al-ma-ya.
Kx©än§ `Äx© Dn¥ W
§ `d¥ i§
.`Ïn© lr̈
§ in¥ lr̈
§ lE
§ mlr̈
© l§
Yit-ba-rach ve-yish-ta-bach,
ve-yit-pa-ar ve-yit-ro-mam, ve-yit-na-say
gA© Y© W
§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦
¥ pz§ i¦ e§ mnFx
© z§ i¦ e§ x`© R̈z§ i¦ e§
ve-yit-ha-dar, ve-yit-a-leh, ve-yit-ha-lal
she-mei de-ku-de-sha, be-rich hu
* L'ey-la min kol bir-cha-ta ve-shi-ra-ta
tush-be-cha-ta ve-ne-che-ma-ta,
daa-Me-ran be-al-ma v'im'ru: A-mein:
lN̈d© z§ i¦ e§ dN©
¤ rz§ i¦ e§ xC̈d© z§ i¦ e§
`Ed Kix¦ A§ `Ẅc§ wª C§ Dn¥ W
¦ e§ `z̈k̈x§ A¦ lM̈ on¦ `N̈«r¥ l§ *
,`z̈n̈¡gp¤ e§ `z̈g̈A§ W
§ Yª
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,`n̈lr̈
§ A§ oxi
¨ n¦ £̀ C©
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
* (L'ey-la U’ L'ey-la me kol)
(lM̈n¦ `N̈«r¥ lE
§ `N̈«r¥ l)*
Translation of Kaddish: Glorified and sanctified is God's great name throughout the world created according to Ah-do-nai’s will.
May God’s sovereignty be established in our lifetime and the life of all Israel; and let us say, Amen. May God’s great name be blessed
forever and to all eternity. Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored be the name of the Holy One, source of
blessing, beyond all the blessings and songs, beyond all the tributes spoken in the world; and say, Amen.
-Please RiseAfter the Reading, the Scroll is held up, and the Congregation say the following:—
V’zot haTorah asher sam Moshe
¤ n mÜ xW
¤ £̀ dxFY
¨ d© z`Ÿfe§
lif-ney b’nei Yis-ra-el,
,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ i¥pA§ i¥pt§ l¦
al pe Ah-do-nai b’yad Moshe
¤ c©iA§ dëŸdi§ iR¦ l©r
,DÄ miwi¦
¦ fg
£ O© l© `id¦ mi¦Ig© u¥r
Eits cha-yim he la-ma-cha-zee-kim ba
v'to-m'chey-ha m'u-shar.
.xẌ ª̀ n§ d̈i«¤knŸ§ ze§
D'ra-che-ha, dar-chei no-am v'chol n'ti-vo-te-cha sha-lom.
Ha-shi-vey-nu Ah-do-nai ey-le-cha v'na-shu-va
.mFlẄ d̈i«¤zFaiz¦ p§ lk̈e§ ,m©rŸp« ik¥ x§ c© d̈i«¤kx¨C§
« e§ Li«¤l ¥̀ dF̈di§ Ep«ai
¥ W£
¦ d
cha-deish ya-may-nu k'ke-dem
.mc¤w«¤ M§ Epi«¥nï WC¥g©
- 123 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Torah Service 147
This is the Torah which Moses placed before the people of Israel, God’s word through the hand of
Moses. It is a tree of life to those who cling to it, and all of its supporters are happy. Its ways are
ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are peace.
Before Reading the Haftorah the following is said:—
Ba-ruch a-tah, Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu, me-lech ha-oh-lam,
,ml̈½ Frd̈ Kl´¤
¤ n ÆEpidŸl
¥̧ `
¡ dF̈di§ d³Ÿ`© KEx̧Ä
a-sher ba-char bin-vi-im to-vim,
½¦ mi´¦`ia¦ p§ A¦ Æxg© Ä x³¤W £̀
v'ra-tsa v'div-rey-hem, ha-ne-e-ma-rim be-e-met.
¡ A¤ mix´¦ n̈`¤
¡ Pd© m­¤dix¥a§ c¦ a§ d¬v̈x¨e§
Ba-ruch a-tah, Ah-do-nai, ha-bo-cheir ba-To-rah uv-Mo-she av-do
uv Yis’ra-el a-mo, u-vi-n'vi-ey ha'e-met va-tse-dek.
,FC½ a©
§ r d´¤WŸnaE
§ ÆdxFY
¨ A© x³¥gFAd© ,dF̈di§ dY¹̈ `© KEx̧Ä
¤vë z­¤n`
¡ d̈ i¬¥̀ ia¦ p§ aE
¦ ,FO©
½ r l´¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ aE
We bless You, Ah-do-nai our God, eternal God, who has chosen good prophets,and has found
pleasure in their words which are spoken in truth. We bless You, Ah-do-nai, who has chosen the
Torah, and Moses Your servant, and Israel Your people, and prophets of truth and righteousness.
Before Reading the Haftorah the following is said:—
Ba-ruch a-tah, Ah-do-nai, E-lo-hey-nu, me-lech ha-oh-lam,
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl«¤
¤ n Epi«¥dŸl`
¡ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
tsur kol ha-oh-la-mim, tsa-dik b'chol ha-do-rot, .
,zFxFCd© lk̈A§ wiC¦ v© ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ lM̈ xEv
ha-El ha-ne-e-man, ha-oh-meir v'o-seh,
¤ re§ xnF`
¥ d̈ on̈`¤
¡ Pd© l ¥̀ d̈
ha-m'da-beir um-ka-yeim, she-kol d'va-rav e-met va-tse-dek
¤ vë zn¤ `
¡ eix¨äC§ lM̈W
¤ ,m¥Iw© nE
§ xA¥ c© n§ d©
We bless You, Ah-do-nai our God, eternal God, Rock of all worlds, righteous through all
generations, faithful God, who says and acts, who speaks and fulfills, all whose words are truth and
- 124 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
147 Torah Service
Ne-e-man a-tah hu, Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-nu,
¡ dF̈di§ `Ed dŸ`© on̈`¤
v'ne-e-ma-nim d'va-re-cha,
,Lix«¤äC§ mip¦ n̈`¤
¡ pe§
v'da-var e-chad mi-d'va-re-cha, a-chor lo ya-shuv rey-kam,
key El me-lech ne-e-man, v'ra-cha-man a-ta.
,mẅix¥ aEWï `Ÿl xFg`¨ Lix«¤äC§ n¦ cg̈ ¤̀ xäc̈e§
,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ .dŸ«`¨ on̈`¤
¡ p Kl«¤
¤ n l ¥̀ iM¦
Ba-ruch a-tah, Ah-do-nai, ha-El ha-ne-e-man b'chol d'va-rav.
.eix¨äC§ lk̈A§ on̈`¤
¡ Pd© l ¥̀ d̈
Faithful are You, Ah-do-nai our God, and faithful are Your words, and not one of Your words
shall return void, for You are a faithful and merciful God. We bless You, Ah-do-nai, God, who is
faithful in all Your words.
Ra-cheim al Tsi-on, key he bait cha-yay-nu,
,Epi¥ig© ziA¥ `id¦ iM¦ oFIv¦ l©r mg¥ x©
v'la-a-lu-vat ne-fesh to-shi-a, bim-hey-ra v'ya-may-nu.
.Epi«¥nïa§ dx¨d¥ n§ A¦ r© iWFY
Wt«¤ p¤ zaE
© l£
« rl© e§
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, m'sa-may-ach Tsi-on b'va-ne-cha.
.d̈i«p¤ äA§ oFIv¦ g«¥
© OU
© n§ ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
Have mercy upon Zion, for it is the home of our life, and save her that is grieved in spirit speedily,
even in our days. We bless You, Ah-do-nai, who makes Zion joyful through her children.
Sa-m'chey-nu, Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-nu,
¡ dF̈di§ ,Ep«¥gO§ U
b'ey-li-ya-hu ha-Na-vi av-de-cha,
§ r `iaP̈
¦ d© Ed«Ïl¦ ¥̀ A§
uv-mal-chut bait Da-vid m'shi-che-cha.
¦ n§ ce¦ C̈ ziA¥ zEkl§ n© aE
Bim-hey-ra ya-vo, v'ya-geil lee-bey-nu;
,Ep«¥Al¦ l¥bïe§ `Ÿaï dx¨d¥ n§ A¦
Al kis-o lo yey-shev zar,
,xf̈ aW«
¤ i¥ `Ÿl F`q§ M¦ l©r
v'lo yin-cha-lu od a-chey-rim et k'vo-do,
,FcFaM§ z ¤̀ mix¦ g¥ £̀ cFr El£gp§ i¦ `Ÿle§
key v'sheim kawd-sh'cha nish-ba'-ta lo,
FN Ÿr«©
§ AW
§ p¦ LW
§ c§ ẅ mW
¥ a§ iM¦
she-lo yich-beh ney-ro l'o-lam va-ed.
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ Fx¥p dA¤ k§ i¦ `ŸNW
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, ma-gein Da-vid.
.ce¦ C̈ o¥bn̈ ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
Gladden us, Ah-do-nai our God, with Elijah the prophet, Your servant, and with the kingdom of
the house of David, Your annointed. Soon may he come and rejoice our hearts. Suffer not a
stranger to sit upon his throne, nor let others any longer inherit his glory; for by Your holy name
You did swear to him, that his light should not be quenched forever. We bless You, Ah-do-nai, the
Shield of David.
- 125 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Torah Service 147
On Shabbat ( including the intermediate Shabbat of Passover)
Al ha-Torah, v'al ha-a-vo-dah, v'al ha-n'vi-im,
¦ a¦ P§ d© l©re§ ,dc̈Fa£rd̈ l©re§ ,dxFY
¨ d© l©r
v'al yom ha-Sha-bat ha-zeh, she-na-ta-ta la-nu,
,Ep«N̈ Ÿ«zP̈
© W
¤ ,d¤Gd© zÄX
© d© mFi l©re§
Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-nu, lik-du-sha v'lim-nu-cha,
,dg̈Epn§ l¦ e§ dẌcªw§ l¦ ,EpidŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§
l'cha-vod ul-tif-a-ret. Al ha-kol, Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-nu,
¡ dF̈di§ ,lŸMd© l©r .zx«¤`¨ t§ z¦ lE
§ cFak̈l§
a-nach-nu mo-dim lach, um-va-r'chim o-tach.
,Kz̈F` mik¦ x§ änE
§ ,Kl̈ micFn
¦ Epg«§ p© £̀
Yit-ba-rach shim-cha b'fi kol chai, tamid, l'o-lam va-ed.
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ cin¦ Ÿ ig© lM̈ it¦ A§ Ln§ W
¦ Kx©Äz§ i¦
Ba-ruch a-tah, Ah-do-nai, m'ka-deish ha-Sha-bat
© d© WC¥w© n§ ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
For the Torah, for the divine service, for the prophets, and for this Sabbath day, which You, Ah-do-nai our God,
has given us for holiness and for rest, for dignity and for splendor,—for all these we thank and bless You,
Ah-do-nai our God, blessed be Your name by the mouth of every living being continually and forever. We bless
You, Ah-do-nai, who sanctifies the Sabbath.
On Holidays ( including the intermediate Shabbat of Sukkot)
Al ha-Torah, v'al ha-a-vo-dah, v'al ha-n'vi-im,
¦ a¦ P§ d© l©re§ ,dc̈Fa£rd̈ l©re§ ,dxFY
¨ d© l©r
v'al yom ha-Sha-bat ha-zeh,
mFi l©re§ ,(d¤Gd© zÄX
© d© mFi l©re)§
On Sh’mini Atzeret & Simchat Torah
On Shavuot
On Sukkot
On Passover
d¤Gd© zx«¤
¤v£rd̈ bg© ipi
¦ n¦ X
§ d©
d¤Gd© zFraª Ẅd© bg©
.d¤Gd© zFMQª d© bg©
.d¤Gd© zFSO© d© bg©
Ha Sh’nini Chag HaAtzeret Ha-zeh
Chag Sha-vout Ha-zeh
Chag Ha Sukkot Ha-zeh
Chag Ha Matzot Ha-zeh
she-na-ta-ta la-nu, Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-nu,
¥ `
¡ d¨Ÿedi§ Ep«N̈ Ÿ«©zP̈W
(lik-du-sha v'lim-nu-cha) L’Sason u’l’sim-cha
,dg̈n§ U
¦ lE
§ oFUÜl§ (,dg̈Epn§ l¦ e§ dẌcªw§ l)
l'cha-vod ul-tif-a-ret. Al ha-kol, Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-nu,
¥ `
¡ d¨Ÿedi§ lŸMd© l©r .zx«¨
¤`t§ z¦ lE
§ cFak̈l§
a-nach-nu mo-dim lach, um-va-r'chim o-tach.
,Kz̈F` mik¦ x§ änE
§ ,Kl̈ micFn
¦ Epg«©
§ p £̀
Yit-ba-rach shim-cha b'fi kol chai, tamid, l'o-lam va-ed.
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ cin¦ Ÿ ig© lM̈ it¦ A§ Ln§ W
¦ Kx©Äz§ i¦
Ba-ruch a-tah, Ah-do-nai, m'ka-deish
(ha-Sha-bat v’) Yisroel v’ha-z’ma-nim.
WC¥w© n§ ,d¨Ÿedi§ dŸ`© KExÄ
miP¦ n§
© Gd© e§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i(¦ e§ zÄX
© d)
For the Torah, for the divine service, for the prophets, and for (this Sabbath day and) this day of,
On Sh’mini Atzeret & Simchat Torah
On Shavuot
On Sukkot
On Passover
Holiday of Sh’mini Atzeret
Holiday of Shavuot Holiday of Sukkot Holiday of Passover
which You, Ah-do-nai our God, has given us (for holiness and for rest) for joy and gladness, for
dignity and for splendor,—for all these we thank and bless You, Ah-do-nai our God, blessed be
Your name by the mouth of every living being continually and forever. We bless You, Ah-do-nai,
who (sanctifies the Sabbath) Israel and the Festivals.
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148 Torah Service
A prayer for those who serve the community.
May God who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah,
bless this entire congregation, together with all holy congregations: them, their sons and daughters,
their families, and all that is theirs, along with those who unite to establish synagogues for prayer,
and those who enter them to pray, and those who give funds for heat and light, and wine for
Kiddush and Havdalah, bread to the wayfarer and charity to the poor, and all who devotedly
involve themselves with the needs of this community and the Land of Israel. May the Holy One,
reward them; remove sickness from them, heal them, and forgive their sins. May God bless them
by prospering all their worthy endeavors, as well as those of the entire people Israel.
And let us say: Amen.
A prayer for our country
Our God and God of our ancestors: We ask Your blessings for our country, for its government,
for its leader and advisors, and for all who exercise just and rightful authority. Teach them insights
of Your Torah, that they may administer all affairs of state fairly, that peace and security, happiness
and prosperity, justice and freedom may forever abide in our midst.
Creator of all flesh, bless all inhabitants of our country with Your spirit. May citizens of all races
and creeds forge a common bond in true harmony to banish all hatred and bigotry and to safeguard
the ideals and free institutions which are the pride and glory of our country.
May this land under Your Providence be an influence for good throughout the world, uniting all
people in peace and freedom and helping them to fulfill the vision of Your prophet: “Nation shall
not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they experience war anymore.” And let us say: Amen.
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Torah Service149
A prayer for The State of Israel
Avinu She-ba-Sha-ma-yim, Rock and Redeemer of the people Israel: Bless the State of Israel, with
its promise of redemption. Shield it with Your love; spread over it the shelter of Your peace. Guide
its leaders and advisers with Your light and Your truth. Help them with Your good counsel.
Strengthen the hands of those who defend our Holy Land. Deliver them: crown their efforts with
triumph. Bless the land with peace, and its inhabitants with lasting joy.
And let us say: Amen.
A prayer for Peace
May we see the day when war and bloodshed cease
when a great peace will embrace the whole world.
Then nation shall not threaten nation
and mankind will not again know war.
For all who live on earth shall realize
we have not come into being to hate or destroy.
We have come into being to praise, to labor and to love.
Compassionate God, bless all the leaders of all
nations with the power of compassion.
Fulfill the promise conveyed in Scripture:
"I will bring peace to the land,
and you shall lie down and no one shall terrify you.
I will rid the land of vicious beasts
and it shall not be ravaged by war."
Let love and justice flow like a mighty stream.
Let peace fill the earth as the waters fill the sea.
And let us say: Amen
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150 Birkat Hachodesh
Birkat Hachodesh (Blessing the Month): The Jewish calendar is primarily lunar, with each month
beginning on the new moon. In ancient times, the new months used to be declared by Sanhedrin (the court). When the Sanhedrin
heard eyewitness testimony the new moon occurred they would declare the Rosh Chodesh (a minor festival beginning each month)
and send out messengers to notify the community.
In the fourth century, Hillel established a fixed calendar based on mathematical and astronomical calculations. This calendar, still in
use, standardized the length of months and the addition of months over the course of a 19-year cycle, so that the lunar calendar
realigns with the solar years. An additional month (Adar II) is added in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 19th years of the cycle.
The custom known as Birkat Hachodesh (Blessing the Month) is a post-Talmudic Ashkanaz ritual. It was added in an effort to make
the congregation aware that Rosh Chodesh is approaching so that they could attend special festival services on that day.
Please rise
Y’he ra-tson mi-l'fa-ne-cha,
,Li«p¤ ẗN§ n¦ oFvx¨ id¦ i§
A-no-nai E-lo-hei-nu, Vey-lo-hey A-vo-tei-nu,
¥ £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«¥dŸl`
¡ dF̈di§
she-t'cha-deish a-lei-nu et ha-Cho-desh ha-zeh
d¤Gd© Wc¤Ÿg« d© z ¤̀ Epi«¥lr̈ WC¥g© Y§ W
l’v'to-vah v'liv-ra-cha.
,dk̈x¨a§ l¦ e§ däFhl§
V’tea-ten la-nu cha-yim ah-ru-chim, cha-yim shel shalom,
,mFlẄ lW
¤ mi¦Ig© ,mikEx£̀
mi¦Ig© Ep«l̈ oY¤ z¦ e§
cha-yim shel to-va, cha-yim shel bra-cha,
,dk̈x¨A§ lW
¤ mi¦Ig© ,däFh lW
¤ mi¦Ig©
cha-yim shel par-na-sa, cha-yim shel chey-lutz ah-tza-mot,
,zFnv̈£r uENg¦ lW
¤ mi¦Ig© ,dq̈p̈x§ R© lW
¤ mi¦Ig©
cha-yim she-yesh ba-hem ye-rat sha-ma-yim v’ ye-rat chet,
,`h§ g¥ z`© x§ i¦ e§ mi«©
¦ nẄ z`© x§ i¦ md¤ Ä W¥IW
¤ mi¦Ig©
cha-yim she-ain ba-hem boo-sha v’cha-lee-ma,
,dÖl¦ kE
§ dẄEA md¤ Ä oi ¥̀ W
¤ mi¦Ig©
cha-yim shel osher v’cha-vod
,cFak̈e§ xW
¤ Ÿr« lW
¤ mi¦Ig©
cha-yim she-t’hey va-nu ah-ha-vat torah V’ ye-rat sha-ma-yim
cha-yim she-y'ma-loo mish-a-lot li-bei-nu l'to-vah.
A-mein. Se-lah
¦ nẄ z`© x§ i¦ e§ dxFY
¨ za£
© d`© Ep«ä `d¥ Y§ W
¤ mi¦Ig©
,däFhl§ Ep«¥Al¦ zFl £̀ W
§ n¦ E`N§ n̈§IW
¤ mi¦Ig©
.dl̈«¤q on¥ `¨
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Torah Service 151
How shall we greet the new month?
Let us pray for life, sustenance and for health.
Let us ask God’s blessings on those we hold dear.
Yet let us remember that we too can bless this month.
With words and deeds, with dreams and achievements.
With greater wisdom and strengthened resolve.
How shall we greet the month now approaching?
With deepened faith and true humility.
With prayer that we be worthy of God’s blessings.
Rosh Cho-desh _______ yi-h'yeh b'yom _______
___ mFiA§ d¤id§ i¦ ___ ycŸ¤g W`Ÿx
ha-ba a-lei-nu, v'al kol Yis-ra-eil, l'to-vah.
.däFhl§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§ Epi«¥lr̈ `Äd©
The month of _______ will begin on_______ may it be a good month.
Y'cha-d'shei-hu ha-ko-desh ba-ruch hu
`Ed KExÄ WFcT̈d© Ed«W
¥ C§ g© i§
a-lei-nu v'al kol a-mo bait Yisraeil,
,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ ziA¥ FO©r lM̈ l©re§ Epi«¥lr̈
l'cha-yim u-l'shalom,
( A-mein)
(on¥ `)
§ mi¦Ig© l§
L'sa-son u-l'sim-cha,
( A-mein)
(on¥ `)
dg̈n§ U
¦ lE
§ oFUÜl§
( A-mein. )
(on¥ `)
§ dr̈EWil¦
le-shu-a u-l'ne-cha-ma,
v'no-mar: A-mein
.on¥ `¨ xn`Ÿ
© pe§
May God renew us and all the house of Israel, with life and peace, gladness and joy, salvation and
consolation; and let us say, Amen.
-You may be seatedOriginally, the Jewish prayer service consisted of the Sh'ma and its Blessings; and the Tefillah. That was the entire communal Jewish
service. Gradually, other readings were added. One of the most frequently-recited is Psalm 145, called either Praise of David (Tehilah
L'David) or the Ashrei (because of its first word, Ashrei, Happy). It is an alphabetic poem. It is referred to once in the Talmud, but its
importance is clear: “Eleazar b. Avina says: Whoever recites Ashrei three times daily, is sure to inherit the world to come.” Brachot 4b
.dl̈«¤Q LEl« l§ d© i§ cFr ,L«¤zia¥ ia¥ WFi
§ ix¥W
§ `©
Ash-rei yosh-vei vey-te-cha, od ye-ha-l'-lu-cha se-la.
Ash-rei ha-am she-ka-cha lo,
Ash-rei ha-am she-Ah-do-nai E-lo-hav
¡ dF̈di§ W
¤ mr̈d̈ ix¥W
§ `© ,FN dk̈«M̈W
¤ mr̈d̈ ix¥W
§ `©
T'-hee-la- l'-D-a-veed
A-ro-mem-cha E-lo-hai ha-Me-lech,
Va-a-var-cha sheem-cha l'-o-lam va-ed
,ce¦ c̈l§ dN̈d¦ Y§
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ Ln§ W
¦ dk̈x§ ä £̀ e© ,Kl«
¤ O¤ d© idFl
© `
¡ Ln§ nFx
¦ £̀
B'chol yom a-var-che-ka,
Va-ah-ha-l'-la sheem-cha l'-oh-lam va-ed
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ Ln§ W
¦ dl̈l§ d£̀
© e© ,‚«¤kx§ ä £̀ mFi lk̈A§
Ga-dol Ah-do-nai um-hoo-lal m'-od,
V'-leeGodo-la-to ein che-ker
¤ g¥ oi ¥̀ FzN̈cªb§ l¦ e§ ,cŸ`n§ lN̈dª nE
§ dF̈di§ lFcB̈
- 130 -
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152 Torah Service
Dor l'dor y-sha-bach ma-ah-se-cha,
Ug-vu-ro-te-cha ya-gee-doo
.Eci«¦B©i Li«¤zŸxEabE
§ ,Li«¤U£rn© gA© W
© i§ xFcl§ xFC
Ha-dar k'-vod ho-de-cha,
V'-deev-rei nif-l'-o-te-cha a-see-cha
«¦ `¨ Li«¤zŸ`l§ t§ p¦ ix¥a§ c¦ e§ ,LcFd
«¤ cFaM§ xc£
Ve-e-zuz nor-o-te-cha yo-mey-ru,
UGodu-lat-cha a-sap-re-na
.dP̈x«¤R§ q£̀
© Lz§ N̈cªbE
§ ,Ex«¥n`Ÿi Li«¤zF`xFp
§ fEf¡re¤
Ze-cher rav tuv-cha ya-bee-u,
V'-tzeed-kat-cha y'-ra-ney-nu
.Ep«¥Px©i§ Lz§ ẅc§ v¦ e§ ,EriA©
«¦ i LaEh
§ ax© xk«¤
Cha-nun v'-ra-chum Ah-do-nai,
E-rech a-pa-yim uGodal cha-sed
¤ lc̈bE
§ mi«¦ R© `© Kx«¤̀
¤ ,dF̈di§ mEgx©e§ oEPg©
Tov Ah-do-nai la-kol,
V'-ra-cha-mav al kol ma-a-sav
.eiÜ£rn© lM̈ l©r ein̈£gx©e§ ,lŸMl© dF̈di§ aFh
Yo-du-cha Ah-do-nai kol ma-a-se-cha,
Va-cha-see-de-cha y'-var-chu-cha
,Li«¤U£rn© lM̈ dF̈di§ LEcFi
.dk̈Ek« x§ äi§ Lici
«¤ q£
¦ ge©
K'-vod mal-chut-cha yo-me-ru,
Ug-vu-ro-t'cha y'-da-be-ru
,Ex«¥n`Ÿi LzEk
§ l§ n© cFaM§
.Ex«A¥ c©i§ Lz§ xEa
¨ bE
L'ho-dee-ah liv-nei ha-ah-dam g'-vu-ro-tav,
Uch-vod ha-dar mal-chu-to.
,eiz̈ŸxEaB§ mc̈`¨ d̈ i¥pa§ l¦ r© icFd
«¦ l§
.FzEkl§ n© xc£
©d cFakE
Mal-chut'-cha mal-chut kol o-la-mim,
U-mem-shal-te-cha b'-chol dor va-dor.
,min¦ l̈Fr lM̈ zEkl§ n© LzEk
§ l§ n©
.xŸcë xŸC lk̈A§ LY§ l§ W
© n§ n¤
,mil¦ tŸ§ Pd© lk̈l§ dF̈di§ KnFq
¦ M§ d© lk̈l§ swFf
¥ e§
So-mech Ah-do-nai l'-chol ha-nof-leem,
V'zo-kef l'-chol hak-fu-fim.
,Ex«A¥ U
© i§ Li«¤l ¥̀ lŸk i¥pi«¥r
.FYr¦ A§ ml̈k§ `¨ z ¤̀ md¤ l̈ ozFp
¥ dŸ`© e§
ey-nei chol e-ley-cha y'-sa-be-ru,
V'a-ta no-ten la-hem et och-lam b'-ee-to.
«¤ z ¤̀ g«¥
© zFR
Po-te-ach et ya-de-cha,
.oFvx¨ ig© lk̈l§ r© iA«¦ U
§ nE
U-mas-be-a l-chol chai ra-tzon.
,eik̈x¨C§ lk̈A§ dF̈di§ wiC¦ v©
.eiÜ£rn© lk̈A§ ciq¦ g̈e§
Tza-deek Ah-do-nai b'-chol d'-ra-chav,
U-mas-be-a l-chol chai ra-tzon.
,ei`¨ xŸ§ w lk̈l§ dF̈di§ aFxẅ
.zn¤ `
¡ a¤ Ed «ª̀ x¨w§ i¦ xW
¤ £̀ lŸkl§
Ka-rov Ah-do-nai l'-chol kor-av,
L'chol ah-sher yik-re-u-hu ve-e-met.
¤ ri© ei`¨ x¥i§ oFvx§
¦ e§ rn© W
§ i¦ mz̈r̈e§ W
© z ¤̀ e§
R'-tzon y'-re-av ya-a-se,
V'-et shav-a-tam yish-ma v'-yo-shi-em
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Torah Service 152
,eiä£dŸ` lM̈ z ¤̀ dF̈di§ xnFW
.cin¦ W©
§ i mir¦ Ẅx§ d̈ lM̈ z ¥̀ e§
Sho-mer Ah-do-nai et kol o-ha-vav,
V'-et kol har-sha-im yash-mid.
T'-hee-lat Ah-do-nai y'-da-ber pi,
Vi-va-rech kol ba-sar shem kod-sho l'-o-lam va-ed.
Va-a-nach-nu n'-va-rech YahMe-a-ta v''ad o-lam,
Ha-le-lu-yah !
.iR¦ xA¤ c©i§ dF̈di§ zN© d¦ Y§
:c¤rë ml̈Frl§ FWc§ ẅ mW
¥ xẌÄ lM̈ Kx¥äie¦
:DïEll§ d© .ml̈Fr c©re§ dŸ©rn¥ Dï Kx¥äp§ Epg©
§ p £̀ e©
Happy are those
who dwell in Your
Students at the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem
Happy are those who dwell in Your house; they will ever praise You! Happy is the people whose
portion is this, whose God is Ah-do-nai.
A Song of David:
(`) I will exalt You, my God; I will bless Your name forever. (a) Every day I will bless You; I will
extol Your name forever. (b) Great is God and deserving of praise; God’s greatness cannot be
fathomed. (c) Each generation will acclaim You to the next; they shall tell of Your mighty acts. (d)
They shall contemplate Your radiant glory; they shall reflect on Your wondrous works. (e) They
shall speak of Your awesome might, and make known Your greatness. (f) They shall tell all of Your
great goodness, and sing of Your righteousness. (g) “Ah-do-nai is gracious and compassionate,
endlessly patient, overflowing with love. (h) Ah-do-nai is good to all; God’s compassion shelters all
creatures.” (i) All Your works, Ah-do-nai, shall praise You; Your faithful shall bless You. (k) They
shall speak of the glory of Your sovereignty, and tell of Your mighty strength, (l) Proclaiming Your
power to all people, and the glorious splendor of Your majesty. (n) Your reign is everlasting, Your
dominion endures through all time. (q) Ah-do-nai, You support the falling; You raise up all who are
bowed down. (r) The eyes of all turn to You; You sustain them in time of want. (t) You open
Your hand, satisfying the needs of all creatures. (v) You are just in all Your ways, gracious in all
Your deeds. (w) Ah-do-nai is near to all who cry out, to all who call out in truth. (x) God will fufill
the hope of all the reverent; God will hear their cry and help them. ( y) You preserve those who
love, Ah-do-nai, but the lawless You bring to grief. (z) My lips shall declare the glory of Ah-do-nai;
let all flesh bless God’s holy name forever and ever. We will bless God now and always.
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153 Torah Service
Please rise
On returning the Scroll of the Torah to the Ark, the Reader says:—
Y'ha-l'lu et sheim Ah-do-nai, key nis-gav sh'mo l'va-do.
.FCa© l§ FnW
§ aB̈U
§ p¦ iM¦ ,dF̈di§ mW
¥ z ¤̀ Ell§ d© i§
Praise the name of Ah-do-nai; for God alone is exalted:
¦ Ẅe§ ux«¤̀
¤ l©r FcFd
,FO©rl§ ox¤w«¤ mx«¤ Ïe©
¦ g lk̈l§ dN̈d¦ Y§
.DïEll§ d© ,FaFxw§ m©r l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ i¥pa§ l¦
HO-DO AL E-RETS v'sha-ma-yim
va-ya-rem ke-ren l'a-mo
t'he-lah l'chol cha-si-dav
lee-v'nei Yis’ra-el am k'ro-vo Ha-l'lu-Yah.
Let them praise the name of Ah-do-nai; for God alone is exalted:
On Sabbaths and on Festivals occurring on Sabbaths, say:—
Miz-mor l'Da-vid:
Ha-vu LaAh-do-nai b'nei ey-lim,
Ha-vu LaAh-do-nai ka-vod va-oz,
Ha-vu LaAh-do-nai k'vod sh'mo,
Hish-ta-cha-vu LaAh-do-nai b'had-rat ko-desh.
,ce¦ c̈l§ xFn§fn¦
,mil¦ ¥̀ i¥pA§ dF̈di§ l© Ead̈
.fŸrë cFaM̈ dF̈di§ l© Ead̈
§ cFaM§ dF̈di§ l© Ead̈
.Wc¤Ÿw« zx©c§ d© A§ dF̈di§ l© Ee£gY© W
§ d¦
¦ d© l©r dF̈di§ lFw
,mir¦ x§ d¦ cFaM̈d© l ¥̀
.miA¦ x© mi«©
¦ n l©r dF̈di§
Kol Ah-do-nai al ha-ma-yim,
El ha-ka-vod, hir-im,
Ah-do-nai al ma-yim ra-bim.
,g© ŸM« A© dF̈di§ lFw
.xc̈d̈A¤ dF̈di§ lFw
,mi¦fx¨ £̀ xaŸ
¥ W dF̈di§ lFw
.oFpäN§ d© i¥fx§ `© z ¤̀ dF̈di§ xA¥ W
© i©§ e
Kol Ah-do-nai ba-ko-ach,
Kol Ah-do-nai be-ha-dar.
Kol Ah-do-nai sho-veir a-ra-zim,
Va-y'sha-beir Ah-do-nai et ar-zei ha-L'va-non.
,l¤b«¥r FnM§ mci
¥ w¦ x©§ Ie©
.min¦ ¥̀ x§ oa¤ FnM§ oFix§ U
¦ e§ oFpäl§
Va-yar-key-deim k'mo ey-gel,
L'va-non v'sir-yon k'mo ven r'ey-mim.
.W ¥̀ zFa£dl© avŸ¥ g dF̈di§ lFw
,xÄc§ n¦ ligï
¦ dF̈di§ lFw
.Wc¥ẅ xA© c§ n¦ dF̈di§ ligï
zFlÏ`© llFg
¥ i§ dF̈di§ lFw
Kol Ah-do-nai cho-tseiv la-ha-vot eish.
Kol Ah-do-nai ya-chil mid-bar,
Ya-chil Ah-do-nai mid-bar Ka-desh.
Kol Ah-do-nai y'cho-leil a-ya-lot
,zFxr̈i§ sŸUg
¡ ¤Ie©
.cFaM̈ xnŸ
¥ ` FNMª Flk̈id¥ aE
va-ye-che-sof y'a-rot,
uv-hey-cha-lo ku-lo, o-meir ka-vod.
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Torah Service 154
,aẄï lEAO© l© dF̈di§
.ml̈Frl§ Kl«
¤ n¤ dF̈di§ aW«¥
¤ Ie©
,oY¥ i¦ FO©rl§ fŸr dF̈di§
.mFlẌa© FO©r z ¤̀ Kx¥äi§ dF̈di§
A Psalm of David: Acclaim Ah-do-nai, in majestic glory! Worship Ah-do-nai in sacred splendor.
The God of Glory thunders over rushing waters. The voice of Ah-do-nai echoes with majesty and
might. The voice of Ah-do-nai shatters the cedars. Ah-do-nai shatters the cedars of Lebanon
making the hills skip like rams, the mountains leap like lambs. Ah-do-nai commands rock-splitting
lightning; the voice of Ah-do-nai stirs the wilderness. The voice of Ah-do-nai strips the forest bare,
while in God’s holy place all chant: “Glory!” Ah-do-nai sat enthroned at the Flood; Ah-do-nai will
sit enthroned forever. May Ah-do-nai bestow strength upon our people; May Ah-do-nai bless our
people with peace.
Ah-do-nai la-ma-bul ya-shav,
va-yay-shev A h-do-nai me-lech l'o-lam.
Ah-do-nai oz l'a-mo yi-tein ,
Ah-do-nai y'va-reich et a-mo va-sha-lom.
On festivals the following is added:
The earth and everything on it belong to
Ah-do-nai. The world and its people belong to
You. Ah-do-nai placed it all on the oceans and
rivers. Who may climb Ah-do-nai's hill or stand
in the holy temple? Only those who do right for
the right reasons, and don't worship idols or tell
lies under oath. Ah-do-nai our God, who saves
them, will bless and reward them, because they
worship and serve the God of Jacob.
iM¦ .Dä ia¥ WŸ«
§ ie§ la¥ Y¥ ,D`Fl
¨ nE
§ ux«¤`¨ d̈ ïil© ,xFn§fn¦ ce¦ c̈l§
xd© a§ dl£
¤ ri© in¦ .d̈«p¤ pFk
§ i§ zFxd̈p§ l©re§ ,Dc̈q̈i§ miO©
¦ i l©r `Ed
,aäl¥ xaE
© mi«©
¦ Rk© iw¦ p§ .FWc§ ẅ mFwn§ A¦ mEwï inE
¦ ,d¨Ÿedi§
`V̈i¦ .dn̈x§ n¦ l§ rA© W
§ p¦ `Ÿle§ ,iW
¦ t©
§ p `e§ Ẍl© `Üp̈ `Ÿl xW
¤ £̀
xFC d¤f .FrW
§ i¦ idŸl
¥ `
¡ n¥ dẅc̈vE
§ ,d¨Ÿedi§ z ¥̀ n¥ dk̈x¨a§
¦ W
§ E`U
§ .dl̈q¤ aŸw£ri© Li«p¤ ẗ iW
¥ w§ a© n§ ,eiẄxFC
in¦ .cFaM̈d© Kl«¤
¤ n `Faïe§ ,ml̈Fr ig¥ z§ R¦ E`UP̈
§ d¦ e§ ,mki
¤ W`
¥ x¨
.dn̈g̈l§ n¦ xFAB¦ d¨Ÿedi§ ,xFAb¦ e§ fEGr¦ d¨Ÿedi§ ,cFaM̈d© Kl«¤
¤ n d¤f
Se'u s'ah-rim ro'shey -chem u’se'u pit-chey oh-lam
,ml̈Fr ig¥ z§ R¦ E`UE
§ ,mki
¤ W`
¥ x¨ mixr̈
¦ W
§ E`U
v’ya-vo meh-lech, ha-ka-vod.
.cFaM̈d© Kl«
¤ n¤ `Ÿaïe§
Me hu' zeh meh-lech ha-kavod,
,cFaM̈d© Kl«
¤ n¤ d¤f `Ed in¦
.dl̈«¤q cFaM̈d© Kl«
¤ n¤ `Ed ,zF`äv§ d¨Ÿedi§
Open the ancient gates so that the glorious royal may come in. Who is this glorious royal?
Ah-do-nai our God, the All-Powerful!
EWA§ l§ i¦ Li«p¤ d
£ ŸM .L«G¤ rª oFx £̀ e© dŸ`© ,L«¤zg̈Epn§ l¦ dF̈di§ dn̈Ew .l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ it¥ l§ `© zFaa§ x¦ ,dF̈di§ ,däEW xn`Ÿ
© i dŸgpªaE
.Ep«¥Px©i§ Lici
«¤ q£
¦ ge© ,wc«¤
Ah-do-nai tz-va-ot hu' meh-lech ha-kavod sel-ah.
Ba-a-vur Da-vid av-de-cha,
§ r ce¦ C̈ xEa£rA©
al ta-sheiv p'nei m'shi-che-cha.
¤ W
¦ n§ i¥pR§ aW
¥ Ÿ l`©
key le-kach tov na-ta-ti la-chem,
,mk¤ l̈ iY«©
¦ zp̈ aFh gw«¤
© l iM¦
To-ra-ti al ta-a-zo-vu.
.Ea«Ÿf£rY© l`© iz¦ xFY
- 134 -
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155 Torah Service
,DÄ miwi¦
¦ fg
£ O© l© `id¦ mi¦Ig© u¥r
Eits cha-yim he la-ma-cha-zee-kim ba
v'to-m'chey-ha m'u-shar.
.xẌ ª̀ n§ d̈i«¤knŸ§ ze§
D'ra-che-ha, dar-chei no-am v'chol n'ti-vo-te-cha sha-lom.
Ha-shi-vey-nu Ah-do-nai ey-le-cha v'na-shu-va
.mFlẄ d̈i«¤zFaiz¦ p§ lk̈e§ ,m©rŸp« ik¥ x§ c© d̈i«¤kx¨C§
« e§ Li«¤l ¥̀ dF̈di§ Ep«ai
¥ W£
¦ d
cha-deish ya-may-nu k'ke-dem
.mc¤w«¤ M§ Epi«¥nï WC¥g©
And when the ark rested, Moses said, Return Ah-do-nai, to the ten thousands of the families of Israel.
Arise, Ah-do-nai, to Your resting place; You, and the ark of Your strength. Let Your priests be clothed
with righteousness; and let Your loving ones shout for joy. For the sake of David Your servant, do not
turn away the face of Your anointed. For I give You good doctrine; forsake not my Teaching. It is a
tree of life to those who cling to it, and all of its supporters are happy. Its ways are ways of pleasantness, and
all its paths are peace. Turn us to You, Ah-do-nai, and we shall return; renew our days as of old.
Reader’s Kaddish
- Please rise -
Kaddish is commonly known as a mourner's prayer, but in fact, variations on the Kaddish prayer are routinely recited at many other times, and the
prayer itself has nothing to do with death or mourning. Kaddish is a prayer that affirms our faith in God and our hope for the future. The Reader’s
Kaddish separates units of prayer within a service.
Yit-ga-dal v'yit-ka-dash she-mei ra-ba,
`Äx© Dn¥ W
§ WC¥w© z§ i¦ e§ lC©
¥Bz§ i¦
Be-al-ma di-ve-ra chi-re-u-tei, ve-yam-lich mal-chu-tei.
¥ l§ n© Kil¦ n©
§ ie§ DzEr
¥ x§ k¦ `x¨a§ iC¦ `n̈lr̈
§ A§
¥ aE
§ oFki¥ig© A§
l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ ziA¥ lk̈c§ i¥ig© AE
B'cha-yay-chon u-v'yo-may-chon
u-v'cha-yei de-chol bait Yis’ra-el
Ba-aga-la u-vi-ze-man ka-riv, v'im'ru: A-mein:
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ .aix¦ ẅ on§
© faE
¦ `l̈b̈£rA©
Ye-hey she-mei ra-ba me-va-rach,
le-a-lam u-le-al-mei al-ma-ya.
Kx©än§ `Äx© Dn¥ W
§ `d¥ i§
.`Ïn© lr̈
§ in¥ lr̈
§ lE
§ mlr̈
© l§
gA© Y© W
§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦
¥ pz§ i¦ e§ mnFx
© z§ i¦ e§ x`© R̈z§ i¦ e§
Yit-ba-rach ve-yish-ta-bach,
ve-yit-pa-ar ve-yit-ro-mam, ve-yit-na-say
ve-yit-ha-dar, ve-yit-a-leh, ve-yit-ha-lal
she-mei de-ku-de-sha, be-rich hu
lN̈d© z§ i¦ e§ d¤N©rz§ i¦ e§ xC̈d© z§ i¦ e§
`Ed Kix¦ A§ `Ẅc§ wª C§ Dn¥ W
* L'ey-la min kol bir-cha-ta ve-shi-ra-ta
¦ e§ `z̈k̈x§ A¦ lM̈ on¦ `N̈«¥rl§ *
tush-be-cha-ta ve-ne-che-ma-ta,
,`z̈n̈¡gp¤ e§ `z̈g̈A§ W
§ Yª
daa-Me-ran be-al-ma v'im'ru: A-mein:
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,`n̈lr̈
§ A§ oxi
¨ n¦ £̀ C©
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
* (L'ey-la U’ L'ey-la me kol)
(lM̈n¦ `N̈«r¥ lE
§ `N̈«r¥ l)*
- 135 -
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Musaf Service 156
- Please remain standing for the Amidah -
Translation of Kaddish
Glorified and sanctified is God's great name throughout the world created according to Ah-do-nai’s will. May God’s
sovereignty be established in our lifetime and the life of all Israel, and let us say, Amen. May God’s great name be blessed
forever and to all eternity. Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored be the name of the Holy One,
source of blessing, beyond all the blessings and songs, beyond all the tributes spoken in the world; and say, Amen. May the
prayers of the whole House of Israel be accepted by our Father in Heaven. And let us say: Amen. May there be abundant
peace from heaven, and life, for us and for all Israel; and say, Amen. May the One who creates peace in the celestial
heights, create peace for us and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen.
The Musaf Service s©
qEn The Additional Service
The conclusion of our Shabbat morning service is the Musaf (additional) service. Perhaps you're wondering, "Why, after all
the prayers we've said, do we need an additional service?" That's a fair question with an historical answer. Our services
can be traced back to sacrificial services in King Solomon’s Temple. On Shabbat and specific holidays, an additional
(musaf) sacrifice was brought, because of the special nature of the day. To recall that tradition, we today offer an
additional service. Its major content is the Amidah, which begins and ends with the same blessings as the morning
Amidah, but whose middle blessing is different. The Musaf Amidah is similar to the morning Amidah, with the same
opening and closing blessings, but with a different middle blessing. This middle blessing focuses on the sanctification of
the Sabbath day through the special sacrifice which was offered in the Temple. With the destruction of the Temple and the
cessation of sacrifices, we recite the portions of the Torah which deal with these sacrifices.
The Amidah is completed quietly after Kedusha. We conclude by singing Sim Shalom, the prayer for peace together. The
Musaf service is concluded by the Reader’s Kaddish. Following the Musaf service are the concluding prayers, the "cool
down" from the worship services which parallels the opening "warm up" said at the start of the service. This section
includes Ein Ke-loheinu, Aaleinu, Mourners' Kaddish and ends with Adon Olam. The service ends about noon. After the
service is over, the greetings "Shabbat Shalom" or "Good Shabbos" are heard as members wish each other a day of
peace, to begin what is hoped will be a week of peace.
For an alternative version of the Amidah
continue on page 144
d ci n r
The Amidah is the central prayer of all four services: Shacharit (morning), Mincha (afternoon), Maariv (evening), and
Mussaf (additional). The word Amidah literally means standing, because it is recited while standing. It is also known as
Shemoneh Esrei, meaning eighteen, because it originally consisted of eighteen blessings, and as Tefilah (prayer) because
it is the most important Jewish prayer. The Amidah is a person's opportunity to approach God in private prayer, and should
therefore be said quietly.
Kavanah - This prayer of intent is recited prior to the silent Amidah. While reciting this prayer, it is customary to take
three small steps forward as if one is approaching royalty. This custom is derived from the actions of Abraham who
"came forward" to pray for the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:23). Where there is not much
space, it has become the practice to take several tiny steps back before taking the three symbolic steps forward..
Ah-do-nai, s'fa-tai tif-tach, u’fee ya-gid t'he-la-te-cha.
L¤zl̈¦dz§ ci¦bi© i¦tE gz̈§tz¦ i©zẗ§y ip̈Ÿc £̀
Ah-do-nai, open my lips, that my mouth may proclaim your praise.
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156 Musaf Service
d ci n r
The first blessing of the Amidah refers to God as the God of the avot (“patriarchs and matriarchs”), and extols God as great, mighty,
and awesome (Deut. 10:17); it concludes with ma-gein Av-ra-ham V’ez-rzat Sa-ra
Elo-hey-nu, Vey-lo-hei a-vo-tey-nu,
E’lo-hey Av-ra-ham, E’lo-hey Yitz-chak, Vey-lo-hei Ya-a-kov,
E’lo-hey Sa-ra, E’lo-hey Riv-ka,
E’lo-hey Ra-chel Vey-lo-hei Leah.
dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
¥ £̀ idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e Epidl
¥ ¤̀
.aŸw£ri© idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e ,wg̈v§ i¦ idŸl
¥ `
¡ ,md̈x¨a§ `© idŸl
¥ `
,dẅa§ x¦ idŸl
¥ `
¡ ,dx¨Ẍ idŸl
¥ `
.d`¨ l¥ idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e ,lg¥ x¨ idŸl
¥ `
We bless You, Ah-do-nai our God and God of our ancestors, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and
God of Jacob, God of Sarah, God of Rebecca, God of Rachel and God of Leah.
§ r l ¥̀ `xFP
¨ d© e§ xFAB¦ d© lFcB̈d© l ¥̀ d̈
.lŸMd© d¥pFwe§ .miaFh
¦ mic¦ q̈£g lnFB
.zFa`¨ ic¥q§ g© xkFf
¥ e§
.dä£d`© A§ FnW
§ o©rn© l§ mdi¥
¤ pa§ i¥pa§ l¦ l ¥̀ Fb `ia¦ nE
Ha-el Ha-Ga-dol Ha-Gi-bor v'Ha-No-rah El El-yon,
go-mail cha-sa-dim to-vim v'ko-ney ha-kol
v'zo-cher chas-dei a-vot
u'mey-vi go-el l’v-nei v'ney-hem l'man sh'mo b'a-ha-va.
The great, strong and awe-inspiring God, God on high. You act with loving kindness and create
everything. God remembers the loving deeds of our ancestors, and will bring a redeemer to their
children's children, because that is God's loving nature.
Zach’ray’noo l’chayim, me’lech cha’fetz ba’chayim,
,mi¦Ig© A© ut¥ g̈ Kl«
¤ n¤ ,mi¦Ig© l§ Epx«¥kf̈
v’kat’vey’noo b’sai’fer ha’chayim,
,mi¦Ig© d© xt«
¤ q¥ A§ Ep«a¥ z§ k̈e§
l’ma’an’cha Elohim chayim.
.mi¦Ig© midŸl
¦ `
¡ Lp©
§ rn© l§
Remember us for life, God who wants us to live righteously.
Inscribe us in the Book of Life, God of Life.
.o¥bn̈E r© iWFnE
cwŸ¥ RE x¥fFr Kl¤ n¤
Me-lech o-zer u’po-ked u'mo-she-a u-ma-gen,
You are a sustaining, saving and shielding ruler.
dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
.dx¨Ẍ cwŸ¥ RE md̈x¨a§ `© o¥bn̈
ah-ta Ah-do-nai,
ma-gein Av-ra-ham V’ez-rat Sa-ra.
We bless You, Ah-do-nai, shield of Abraham and sustainer of Sarah.
The second blessing praises God for deeds of gevurot (“power and might”). Among the manifestations of God's power are
providing sustenance for all living creatures, healing the sick and causing the rain to fall in the rainy season.
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Musaf Service 157
Ah-ta gi-bor l'o-lam, Ah-do-nai
m'cha-yei mey-tim ah-ta rav l'ho-shi-ah
ip̈c £̀ ml̈Frl§ xFAb¦ dŸ`©
¦ l§ ax© dŸ`© miz¦ n¥ d¤Ig© n§
You are mighty forever, Ah-do-nai. You give eternal life to the departed with Your great saving power.
Between Sukkot and Pesach:
¤ d© cixFnE
¦ gEx
© d̈ aiW
¦ n©
You cause the wind to blow and the rain to fall.
ma-shiv ha-ru-ach u-mo-rid ha-ga-shem
M'chal-keil cha-yim b'che-sed,
m'cha-yei mey-tim b'ra-cha-mim ra-bim,
so-meich no-f'lim v'ro-fei cho-lim u-ma-tir a-su-rim,
u-m'kai-yeim e-mu-na-to lee-shey-nei a-far,
Me cha-mo-cha ba-al g'vu-rot u-Me do-meh lach,
me-lech mey-mit u-m'chai-ye u-matz-Me-ach y'shu-a.
.cq¤ g¤ A§ mii¦ g© lM¥ l§ k© n§
.miA¦ x© min£
¦ gx©A§ miz¦ n¥ d¤Ig© n§
xiY¦ nE
© ,milFg
¦ `tFx
¥ e§ mil¦ tFp
§ KnFq
.xẗr̈ i¥pWi
¥ l¦ Fzp̈En`
¡ m¥Iw© nE
.Kl̈ dnFc
¤ inE
¦ zFxEaB§ l©rA© LFnk̈ in¦
.dr̈EWi§ gi
© n¦ v§ nE
© d¤Ig© nE
§ zin¦ n¥ Kl¤ n¤
You support the living with kindness. You give eternal life to the departed with great mercy. You support
the fallen, heal the sick and set free those in prison. You keep faith with those who sleep in the dust. Who
is like You, Mighty Ruler, and who can compare to You? You are the Ruler of life and death who causes
salvation to bloom.
v’neh-eh-man ah-tah l’ha-cha-yot mey-tim.
.miz¦ n¥ zFi£gd© l§ dŸ`© on̈`¤
¡ pe§
Baruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, m'cha-yei ha-mey-tim
.miz¦ O¥ d© d¤Ig© n§ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
.miz¦ n¥ zFi£gd© l§ dŸ`© on̈`¤
¡ pe§
.miz¦ O¥ d© d¤Ig© n§ dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
v’neh-eh-man ah-tah l’ha-cha-yot mey-tim.
Baruch a-tah Ah-do-nai, m'cha-yei ha-mey-tim
You are faithful in giving eternal life to the departed.
We praise You, who gives immortality to the departed.
The Kedushah has become known as the centerpiece of communal prayer. It is constructed around the biblical verses "Holy, holy,
holy! Ah-do-nai of Hosts! God’s presence fills all the earth!" (Isa. 6:3) and "Blessed is the Presence of Ah-do-nai, in God’s place"
(Ezek. 3:12).
Na-a-re-ts'cha v'nak-de-sh'cha, k'sod si-ach sar-fei ko-desh,
Wc¤Ÿw« it¥ x§ U
© gi
© U
«¦ cFqM§ ,LWi
§ C¦ w©
§ pe§ Lvi
§ x£
¦ rp©
aEzM̈M© ,Wc¤ŸT« A© Ln§ W
¦ miWi
¦ C¦ w§ O© d©
ha-mak-de-shim shim-cha ba-ko-desh, Ka-ka-tuv,
al yad n'vi-e-cha, v'ka-ra zeh el zeh v'a-mar:
:xn© `¨ e§ d¤f l ¤̀ d¤f `x¨ẅe§ ,L«¤̀ ia¦ p§ c©i l©r
We will sanctify and respect You in the world as they sanctify You in the highest heavens, as it sung by the
holy Seraphim, who sanctify Your Name in holiness, as in Your prophet’s vision, And they called one to
the other and said,
[Lift heels three times]
Ka-dosh, Ka-dosh, Ka-dosh,
Ah-do-nai ts'va-ot! M'lo chol ha-a-retz k'vo-do:
,zF`äv§ dF̈di,WFc
ẅ ,WFcẅ ,WFcẅ
:FcFaM§ ux«¨
¤`d̈ lk̈ `Ÿln§
HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is Ah-do-nai of hosts; the whole world is full of God’s glory.
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157 Musaf Service
K'vo-do ma-lei o-lam,
,ml̈Fr `l¥ n̈ FcFaM§
m'sha-r'tav sho-a-lim zeh la-zeh,
,d¤fl̈ d¤f mil¦ £̀ FW eiz̈x§ Ẅn§
a-yei m'kom k'vo-do. L'u-ma-tam ba-ruch yo-may-ru.
:Ex«¥n`Ÿi KExÄ mz̈Örª l§ ,FcFaM§ mFwn§ d¥I`©
God’s glory fills the universe. The ministering angels ask one another, Where is God’s glory? They respond
with praise.
Ba-ruch ka-vod Ah-do-nai Me-m'ko-mo.
.FnFwO§ n¦ dF̈di§ cFaM§ KExÄ
Blessed be the glory of Ah-do-nai.
Mim'ko-mo hu yi-fen b'ra-cha-mim,
¦ gx©A§ ot«¦
¤ i `Ed FnFwO§ n¦
b'ra-cha-mim,v'ya-chon am ha-m'ya-cha-dim sh'mo
§ mic£
¦ gi© n§ d© m©r oŸgïe§
e-rev va-vo-ker, b'chol yom ta-mid,
,cin¦ Ÿ mFi lk̈A§ xwŸ
¤ aë
« ax«¤
pa-a-ma-yim b'a-ha-va sh'ma om-rim:
:mix¦ nF`
§ rn© W
§ dä£d`© A§ mi«©
¦ n£rR©
May God turn in compassion to the people. We turn to You evening and morning, proclaiming the unity
of God with love.
Sh'ma Yis’ra-el, Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-nu, Ah-do-nai e-chad.
.cg̈ ¤̀ dF̈di§ ,Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ rn© W
Hear, O Israel: Ah-do-nai is our God, Ah-do-nai alone!
Hu E-lo-hey-nu, hu A-vi-nu, hu Mal-key-nu,
,Ep«¥Ml§ n© `Ed ,Epia«¦ `¨ `Ed ,Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ `Ed
hu Mo-shi-ey-nu, v'hu yash-Me-ey-nu b'ra-cha-mav shey-nit
zip¦ W
¥ ein̈£gx©A§ Ep«¥rin¦ W©
§ i `Ede§ ,Ep«¥riWFn
l'ey-nei kol chai lee-h'yot la-chem Ley-lo-him,
¦ l¥ mk¤ l̈ zFid§ l¦ ,ig̈ lM̈ i¥pi¥rl§
This is our God; our Parent; our Redeemer; and in mercy God will again tell the world:
A-ne Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-chem.
¤ dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ ip¦ £̀
I am Ah-do-nai Your God
On the first two days of Passover, Sukkot, and Shavout the following is added:
Ah-dear Ah-de-ray-nu, Ah-do-nai Ah-do-nay-nu,
,Epi«¥pŸc £̀ d¨Ÿedi§ ,Epxi
«¥ C¦ `© xiC¦ `©
ma ah-dear shim-cha b’chol ah-aretz.
¤`d̈ lk̈A§ Ln§ W
¦ xiC¦ `© dn̈
V’ha-ya Ah-do-nai l’meh-lech al kol ah-aretz,
¤`d̈ lM̈ l©r Kl«
¤ n¤ l§ d¨Ÿedi§ dïd̈e§
ba-yom ha-who yih-yeh Ah-don-ai eh-chad u’sh-mo eh-chad.
.cg̈ ¤̀ FnWE
§ cg̈ ¤̀ d¨Ÿedi§ d¤id§ i¦ `Edd© mFIA©
Ah-do-nai, eternal, how magnificent Your name in all the world. Ah-do-nai shall be acknowledged Ruler
of all the earth. On that day Ah-do-nai shall be One and God’s name One.
:xŸn`l¥ aEzM̈ LW
§ c§ ẅ ix¥a§ c¦ aE
And in Your Holy Words it is written, saying,
Uv-div-rei kawd-sh'cha ka-tuv ley-mor:
- 139 -
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Musaf Service 157
,oFIv¦ Ki«¦ dŸl
© `
¡ ,ml̈Frl§ dF̈di§ KŸln§ i¦
.DïEll§ d© ,xŸcë xŸcl§
Ah-do-nai will reign forever, the God of Zion, Halleluyah!
L'dor va-dor, na-gid gad-le-cha.
.Ll¤ cB̈
§ ciB©
¦ p ,xFcë xFcl§
Yim-loch Ah-do-nai l'o-lam e-lo-hai-yich Tsi-on,
l'dor va-dor, ha-l'lu-yah.
ul-ney-tsach n'tsa-chim, k'du-sha-t'cha nak-dish.
.WiC¦ w©
§ p Lz§ Ücªw§ ,mig¦ v̈p§ gv¥
© plE
v'shiv-cha-cha E-lo-hey-nu Me--pe-nu
EpiR¦ n¦ Epid¥ŸŸl`
¡ L£ga§ W
¦ e§
lo ya-mush lo ya-mush l'o-lam va-ed.
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ WEnï `Ÿl
Key el mel-ech ga-do ga-dol v’ka-dosh, Ata.
,dŸ`© WFcẅe§ lFcB̈ Kl¤ n¤ l ¥̀ iM¦
:WFcT̈d© l ¥̀ d̈ .dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
Ba-ruch Ata Ah-do-nai, ha’el ha-ka-dosh.
All the generations will declare Your greatness, and to all eternity we will proclaim Your holiness, and
Your praise, O our God, will not depart from our mouth forever, for You are a great and holy God. We
bless You Ah-do-nai, the holy God.
(continue silently) on Shabbat Rosh Chodesh continue below line
Note: for complete text of Rosh Chodesh Amidah please see Siddur Sim Shalom page 168.
For complete text of Holiday Amidah please see Siddur Sim Shalom page 170
zÄ©W Ÿ§pM«© Y¦
You instituted Shabbat
You instituted Shabbat, and looked with favor upon mr¦ d̈i«¤WExR¥ z̈i«¦Ev¦ ,d̈i«¤zẄEcẅ z̈i«¦vx¨ ,zÄW
© Ÿp«§ M© Y¦
the ancient Temple and its offerings. Those who
m©be§ ,El«g̈p§ i¦ cFaM̈ ml̈Frl§ d̈i«b¤ P©
§ rn§ .d̈i«¤kq̈p§ ixEC
¥ q¦
delight in Shabbat have chosen a path of spiritual
:Ex«g̈Ä dN̈cªB§ d̈ix«¤äC§ mia£
¦ dF`d̈
May it be Your will, Ah-do-nai, our God and God ,Epi«¥zFa £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ ,Li«p¤ ẗN§ n¦ oFvx¨ id¦ i§
of our ancestors, that You bring us, in joy, to our
¤ ,Ep«¥lEab§ A¦ Ep«¥rḦz¦ e§ ,Ep«¥vx§ `© l§ dg̈n§ U
¦ a§ Ep«¥l£rY© W
land, establish us within our borders, where our
¦ n¦ Y§ ,Li«p¤ ẗl§ EpizFa
¥ £̀ EUr̈
ancestors served before You, the daily and the mit¦ q̈EnE mx¨c§ q¦ M§ mici
.mz̈k̈l§ d¦ M§
additional order.
on Shabbat Rosh Chodesh continue here
May it be Your will, Ah-do-nai, our God and
the God of our ancestors, that You return us
with joy to our land, establish us within our
borders, where our ancestors served before
You, according to the daily and the additional
order. And the additional order for Shabbat and
Rosh Chodesh they offered lovingly, according
to Your will, as written in Your Torah through
Moses Your servant.
,Epi«¥zFa £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ ,Li«p¤ ẗN§ n¦ oFvx¨ id¦ i§
mẄe§ ,Ep«¥lEab§ A¦ Ep«¥rḦz¦ e§ ,Ep«¥vx§ `© l§ dg̈n§ U
¦ a§ Ep«¥l£rY© W
mx¨c§ q¦ M§ mici¦ n¦ Y§ ,Epi«¥zFaFg z ¤̀ Li«p¤ ẗl§ dU£
¤ rp©
d¤Gd© zÄX
© d© mFi it¥ qEn
z ¤̀ e§ .mz̈k̈l§ d¦ M§ mit¦ q̈EnE
Li«p¤ ẗl§ aix¦ w©
§ pe§ dU£
¤ rp© ,d¤Gd© Wc¤Ÿg« d© W`Ÿx mFie§
Epi«¥lr̈ Ÿa«©
§ zM̈W
¤ FnM§ ,L«p¤ Fvx§ z©ev§ n¦ M§ ,dä£d`© A§
«¤ k§ iR¦ n¦ ,LC«¤a©
§ r dWŸ
¤ n ic¥i§ l©r ,L«¤zxFz
¨ A§
:xEn`¨ M̈
- 140 -
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157 Musaf Service
recited on Shabbat only
Celebrate Shabbat
m©r ,b¤pŸr« i ¥̀ xF§ w« e§ zÄW
© ix¥nFW
§ l§ n© a§ Egn§ U
§ i¦
recited on Shabbat only
Those who celebrate the Sabbath and rejoice in Your
¤ n¦ EbP©
§ rz§ i¦ e§ ErA§ U
§ i¦ mN̈Mª ,iri
¦ a¦ W
§ iW
¥ C§ w© n§
majesty; the people that hallow the seventh day, all of ,L«aEH
them shall enjoy and be delighted with Your goodness, FzF` minï
¦ zC©n§ g¤ ,FYW
§ C©w¦ e§ FA z̈i«¦vx¨ iri
¦ a¦ X
§ aE
seeing that You find pleasure in the seventh day, and call
¦ x¥a§ dU£
¥ rn© l§ xk«¥
¤ f ,z̈`x«¨ẅ
it holy, in remembrance of the creation.
recited on Shabbat only
God of our Ancestors
¥ C§ w© .Epz¥ g̈Epn§ a¦ dv¥ x§ .EpizFa
¥ £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e EpidŸl
¥ ¤̀
recited on Shabbat only
Our God and God of our ancestors, be pleased with our
Shabbat rest, make us holy with Your mitzvot and let us
share in Your Torah. Satisfy us with Your goodness and
make us happy with Your help. Purify our hearts so that
we can serve You truly. Ah-do-nai our God, let us
receive Your holy Shabbat with love and favor, so that
Your people Israel, who make Your name holy, who
makes the Shabbat holy. will rest on it. We bless You,
Ah-do-nai, who makes the Shabbat holy.
¤ n¦ Ep¥rA§ X
© .Lz¤ xFz
¨ A§ Epw¥ l§ g¤ oz¥ e§ LizF
¤ v§ n¦ A§
.zn¤ `
¡ a¤ LC§ ar̈
§ l§ EpA¥ l¦ xd¥ h© e§ .Lzr̈EWi
A¦ Epg¥ O§ X
© e§
zA© W
© oFvx¨aE
§ dä£d`© A§ Epidl
¥ ¤̀ dF̈di§ Epli
¥ g¦ p§ d© e§
KExÄ :Ln¤ W
§ iW
¥ C§ w© n§ l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ Dä EgEpïe§ .LW
¤ c§ ẅ
© d© WC¥w© n§ .dF̈di§ dŸ`©
On Rosh Chodesh Sh’mini Atzeret, Simchat Torah, Passover, Sukkot, and Shavuot the following is added:
Ah-do-nai our God, bestow upon us the blessing of
Your festivals, for life and for peace, for joy and for
gladness, as You have promised. Our God and God of
our ancestors, (accept our Shabbat offering of rest) add
righteousness to our lives with Your mitzvot, and let
Your Torah be our portion. Fill our lives with Your
goodness and gladden us with Your triumph. Cleanse
our hearts and we will serve You faithfully. Ah-do-nai
our God, grant that we inherit Your set-apart gifts so
that all the people Yisrael who speak Your name will
rejoice in You. We bless You, Ah-do-nai, who
hallows (Shabbat) Israel and the Festivals.
God’s People
mi¦Ig© l§ ,Lic£
«¤ rFn zM© x§ A¦ z ¤̀ ,Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ d¨Ÿedi§ ,Ep«¥̀ iV
¦ d© e§
§ n`¨ e§ z̈i«¦vx¨ xW
¤ £̀ M© ,oFUÜlE
§ dg̈n§ U
¦ l§ ,mFlẄlE
dv¥ x§ ,Epi«¥zFa £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«dŸl
¥ `)
.Ep«¥kx§ äl§
Epw«¥ l§ g¤ oz¥ e§ ,Li«¤zŸev§ n¦ A§ Ep«W
¥ C§ w© (,Ep«¥zg̈Epn§ a¦
,L«¤zr̈EWiA¦ Ep«g¥ O§ U
© e§ ,L«aEH
¤ n¦ Ep«¥rA§ U
© ,L«¤zxFz
¨ A§
¥ `
¡ d¨Ÿedi§ Ep«¥lig¦ p§ d© e§ ,zn¤ `
¡ A¤ LC§ ar̈
§ l§ Ep«A¥ l¦ xd¥ h© e§
¥ rFn(E zÄW)
© oFUÜaE
§ dg̈n§ U
¦ A§ (oFvx¨aE
§ dä£d`© A)
KExÄ .L«n¤ W
§ iW
¥ C§ w© n§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ La§ Egn§ U
§ i¦ e§ ,L«¤Wc§ ẅ
.miP¦ n§
© Gd© e§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i(¦ e§ zÄX
© d)
© WC¥w© n§ ,d¨Ÿedi§ dŸ`©
.mz̈N̈t¦ z§ aE
¦ l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ LO©
§ rA§ Epidl
¥ ¤̀ dF̈di§
dv¥ x§
Ah-do-nai, be pleased with Your people Israel and with
mz̈N̈t¦ zE
§ .Lzi
¤ A¥ xia¦ c§ l¦ dc̈Fa£rd̈ z ¤̀ aW
¥ d̈e§
their prayer. Restore worship to Your Temple. May the
© r cin¦ Ÿ oFvx¨l§ id¦ zE
§ .oFvx¨A§ lA¥ w© z§ dä£d`© A§
prayer of Your people Israel always be accepted with zcFa£
love and favor.
¤ r l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦
- 141 -
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Musaf Service 159
May we see Your merciful return to Zion.
¦ gx©A§ oFIv¦ l§ LaEW
§ A§ Epi«¥pi¥r dp̈i«¤fg
¡ z¤ e§
We bless You, Ah-do-nai, who restores Your
presence to Zion.
.oFIv¦ l§ Fzp̈ik¦ W
§ xi¦fg
£ O© d© ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
You for being our God and dF̈di§ ,`Ed dŸ`© Ẅ ,Kl̈
God of our ancestors forever and ever. You are the
rock of our lives and our saving shield. In every
generation we will thank and praise You for our lives
which are in Your power, for our souls which are in
Your keeping, for Your miracles which are with us every
day, and for Your wonders and good things that are with
us at all times: evening, morning and noon. Good One,
Your mercies have never stopped. Merciful One, Your
kindness has never stopped. We have always placed our
hope in You.
For all Your blessings,
§ p £̀
,Epi¥ig© xEv ,c¤rë ml̈Frl§ ,Epi«¥zFa £̀ idŸl`¥
¥ e Epi«dŸl
¥ `
xR¥ q© pE
§ LN§ dcF
¤ p« ,xFcë xFcl§ `Ed dŸ`© ,Ep«¥rW
§ i¦ o¥bn̈
§ p¦ l©re§ ,Lcï
«¤ A§ mixEq
¦ O§ d© Epi¥ig© l©r ,L«¤zN̈d¦ Y§
l©re§ ,Ep«Ör¦ mFi lk̈A§ W
¤ Li«¤Qp¦ l©re§ ,Kl̈ zFcEwR§ d©
xw¤ Ÿa« ë ax«¤
¤ r ,z¥r lk̈A§ W
¤ Li«¤zFaFhe§ Li«¤zF`l§ t§ p¦
iM¦ ,mg¥ x©n§ d© e§ ,Li«n£
¤ gx© Elk̈ `Ÿl iM¦ ,aFHd© ,mi¦ x¢
.Kl̈ Epi«¦Ew¦ ml̈Frn¥ ,Lic«¤q̈£g EO«©z `Ÿl
© Ln§ W
¦ mnFx
© z§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦ mN̈Mª l©re§
we shall continually cin¦ Ÿ Ep«¥Ml§ n
bless You, forever and ever.
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§
© e¦ ,dl̈«¤Q LEcFi
« mii¦ g© d© lŸke§
And everything that lives shall give ,zn¤ `¡ A¤ Ln§ W¦ z ¤̀ Ell§ di
thanks to You forever, and shall praise Your ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ .dl̈«¤q Ep«¥zx§¨fr¤ e§ Ep«¥zr̈EWi§ l ¥̀ d̈
name in truth, God, our salvation and our help. We
bless You Ah-do-nai, whose name is good, and to
whom it is good to give thanks.
.zFcFdl§ d ¤̀ p̈ LlE
§ Ln§ W
¦ aFHd©
Grant peace, goodness and blessing to c,Ep«¥q«¤kgë¤x§Ä og¥.L«O©¤,dr k̈xl¨aE¥̀§ x¨U§ di¦ äFhlM̈
the world; Grace, kindness and mercy to us and to all
Israel, Your people. Bless us, our Creator, with the
Divine light of Your presence. For by that Divine light
You have revealed to us Your Torah of life, and love of
kindness, and righteousness and blessing and mercy and
life and peace. May it please You to bless Your people
Israel at all times and in every hour with Your peace.
*We bless You, Ah-do-nai, who blesses Your
people Israel with peace.
(*On the Sabbath of Repentance substitute)
In the book of life, blessing, peace and good sustenance may
we be remembered and inscribed, we and all Your people the
house of Israel, for a happy life and for peace. We bless You,
Ah-do-nai, who makes peace.
,ml̈FrA§ mFlẄ miU
l©re§ Epi«¥lr̈ ,min£
¦ gx©e§
Li«p¤ R̈ xF`a§ iM¦ ,Li«p¤ R̈ xF`A§ cg̈ ¤̀ M§ Ep«N̈Mª ,Epia«¦ `¨
¤ g¤ za£
© d`
«© e§ mii¦ g© zxFY
© ,Epi«dŸl
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ ,Ep«N̈ Ÿ«©zp̈
Li«p¤ i¥rA§ aFhe§ ,mFlẄe§ mii¦ g© e§ min£
¦ gx©e§ dk̈x¨aE
§ dẅc̈vE
dr̈Ẅ lk̈aE
§ z¥r lk̈A§ l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ LO©
§ r z ¤̀ Kx¥äl§
FO©r z ¤̀ Kx¥än§ d© ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ *.L«nFl
¤ W
§ A¦
.mFlẌA© l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦
(*On the Sabbath of Repentance substitute)
az¥ M̈¦pe§ x¥kG̈¦p ,däFh dq̈p̈x§ tE
© ,mFlẄe§ dk̈ẍA§ mi¦ig© x¤tq«¥ A§
mi¦ig© l§ ,l ¥̀ ẍU¦
§ i zi¥A LO©
§ r lk̈e§ Epg«§ p© £̀ ,Li«¤pẗl§
.mFlẌd© dUFr
¥ ,dF̈d§i dŸ`© KExÄ .mFlẄlE
iA¦ l¦ gz© R§ .d¤id§ Y¦ lŸMl© xẗr̈M¤ iW
¦ t©
§ pe§ ,mŸCz¦ iW
¦ t©
§ p il© l§ w© n§ l¦ e§ ,dn̈x§ n¦ xA¥ C©n¦ iz© ẗUE
§ ,rx¨n¥ ipFW
¦ l§ xFvp§ ,idŸl
© `
¥ r .mŸa§ W£
© gn© lw¥ l§ w© e§ mz̈v̈£r xt¥ d̈ dx¨d¥ n§ ,dr̈x¨ ilr̈
© mia¦ WFg
§ d© lk̈e§ .iW
¦ t©
§ p sFCx§ Y¦ Li«¤zŸev§ n¦ aE
§ ,L«¤zxFz
¨ A§
«¤ c¦ i§ oEvl§ g̈¥i o©rn
«© l§ .L«¤zxFY
¨ o©rn
«© l§ dU£
¥ r ,L«¤zẌcªw§ o©rn
«© l§ dU£
¥ r ,L«p¤ in¦ i§ o©rn
«© l§ dU£
¥ r ,L«n¤ W
§ o©rn
«© l§
.il¦ £̀ Fbe§ ixEv
¦ dF̈di§ ,Li«p¤ ẗl§ iA¦ l¦ oFib§ d¤ e§ it¦ ix¥n§ `¦ oFvx¨l§ Eid§ i¦ .ip«¥
¦ p£re© Lpi
§ n¦ i§
- 142 -
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161 Musaf Service
Kavanah - This prayer of intent is recited prior to the silent Amidah. While reciting this prayer, it is customary to take
three small steps forward as if one is approaching royalty. This custom is derived from the actions of Abraham who
"came forward" to pray for the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:23). Where there is not much
space, it has become the practice to take several tiny steps back before taking the three symbolic steps forward..
,ein̈Fxn§ A¦ mFlẄ dUŸ
,Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri© `Ed
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§
O’seh shalom bim-ro-mav,
hu ya-seh shalom a-lay-nu
v’al kol Yis’ra-el .v’im-ru, Amen.
la¥ z¥ ia¥ yŸ
§ ei lk̈ l©re§ ,Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri©
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
Ya-seh shalom a-lay-nu v’al kol yosh'vei tevel
v’im-ru, Amen.
Maker of harmony in the universe, grant peace to us, to Israel, and to all people everywhere.
And let us say Amen.
Guard My Tongue :Ah-do-nai, guard my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking falsehood.
Help me to ignore those who slander me, and to be humble and forgiving to all. Open my heart
to Your Torah, that I may know Your teachings and eagerly do Your will. Frustrate the plans of
those who wish me ill, that I may praise Your power, Your holiness, and Your Law. Save Your
loved ones, Ah-do-nai; Answer me with Your redeeming power. May the words of my mouth and
the meditation of my heart find favor before You, my Rock and my Redeemer. Maker of harmony
in the universe, grant peace to us, to Israel, and to all people everywhere. And let us say Amen.
Please be seated after you have completed the silent Amidah
Sim shalom to-va uv-ra-cha ba-oh-lam,
Chein va-che-sed v'ra-cha-mim,
A-lay-nu v'al kol Yis’ra-el a-me-cha.
Ba-r'chey-nu a-vi-nu, ku-la-nu k'e-chad, b'or pa-ne-cha.
Key v'or pa-ne-cha na-ta-ta la-nu, Ah-do-nai E-lo-hey-nu,
To-rat cha-yim v'a-ha-vat che-sed,
uts-da-ka uv-ra-cha v'ra-cha-mim, v'cha-yim v'sha-lom.
V'tov b'ey-ne-cha l'va-reich et a-m'cha Yis’ra-el
b'chol eit uv-chol sha-ah bish-lo-me-cha.
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai,
ha-m'va-reich et a-mo Yis’ra-el ba-sha-lom.
,ml̈FrA§ dk̈x¨aE
§ däFh mFlẄ miU
¦ gx©e§ cq«
¤ gë
¤ og¥
¤ r l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§ Epi«¥lr̈
,Li«p¤ R̈ xF`A§ cg̈ ¤̀ M§ Ep«N̈Mª ,Epia«¦ `¨ ,Ep«¥kx§ Ä
¥ `
¡ dF̈di§ ,Ep«N̈ Ÿ«©zp̈ Li«p¤ R̈ xF`a§ iM¦
¤ g¤ za£
© d`
«© e§ mii¦ g© zxFY
mFlẄe§ mii¦ g© e§ min£
¦ gx©e§ dk̈x¨aE
§ dẅc̈vE
l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ LO©
§ r z ¤̀ Kx¥äl§ Li«p¤ i¥rA§ aFhe§
¤ W
§ A¦ dr̈Ẅ lk̈aE
§ z¥r lk̈A§
,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
.mFlẌA© l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ FO©r z ¤̀ Kx¥än§ d©
Grant Peace, goodness and blessing to the world; Grace, kindness and mercy to us and to all Israel, Your
people. Bless us, our Creator, with the Divine light of Your presence. For by that Divine light You have
revealed to us Your Torah of life, and love of kindness, and righteousness and blessing and mercy and life and
peace. May it please You to bless Your people Israel at all times and in every hour with Your peace. We bless
You, Ah-do-nai, who blesses Your people Israel with peace.
- 143 -
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Musaf Service 162
Amidah - An Alternative Meditation
zŸedn© `¦ e§ zŸea`©
Patriarchs &
Our ancestors knew you and understood the role you played in their lives.
Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Rachel and Leah
experienced Your hand in an unobscured manner. Help us to know you and
understand the role you play our lives.
You are the Source of blessing, miracles and wonders. Help us to recognize
and appreciate the blessings, miracles and wonders in our life.
You created us in Your Holy image. Help us to appreciate the holiness that
fills our lives. Help us to see Your Holy image in every person we encounter.
dp̈i§ A¦
You have blessed us with the potential for great wisdom and understanding.
Help us to realize our potential through learning, seeking and understanding.
Help us to seek to the wisdom of Your Torah in our quest to achieve
wholeness. Open our eyes that we may look at ourselves honestly and
dk̈Epn§ zA© W
Shabbat Rest
You gave us this Shabbat day to rest and repose in love. Emulating You we
withdraw from the pursuit of the physical. As it is written in Your Torah “In
six days Ah-do-nai created and rested on the seventh day. Therefore
Ah-do-nai blessed the Shabbat day and made it holy”. Help us to reconnect
with You through the spirituality of this Shabbat day.
Prayer of the
Our voices join together in prayer. Help us, inspire us to pray with
compassion. Accept the prayer of our hearts lovingly in the spirit that it is
offered. May our prayers be acceptable to you and inspire us to be better
Bless Your Holy Land with peace, happiness, blessing, tranquility, and
loving-kindness. Inspire the inhabitants of Israel to live in peace and harmony
with each other and their neighbors. You are the Source of Blessing, who
blesses Israel with the divine presence.
dÄx© dc̈FY
You are our God, and the God of our ancestors. We thank You for the
miracles that we experience each and every day. Help us to recognize and
appreciate the blessings, miracles and wonders in our life.
- 144 -
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163 Musaf Service
Help us to achieve true and everlasting peace. Give us the wisdom to
understand that there is no peace until all of God’s children live together in
peace. As it is written “You will judge between the nations and will settle
disputes for all people. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their
spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor
will they train for war anymore”.
May my tongue be innocent of slander and my lips free from lies. When confronted by enemies may
my soul stay calm, truly humble to all. Open my heart with Your teachings, that I may be guided by
You. May all who plan evil against me abandon their schemes. Hear my words and help me,
Ah-do-nai, because You are compassionate, because You are almighty, because You are holy,
because You are loving, because You reveal Your Torah. May You find delight in the words of my
mouth and in the emotions of my heart, Ah-do-nai, my strength and my salvation. As You maintain
harmony in the heavens, give peace to us and to the whole Jewish people.
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Reader’s Kaddish
Musaf Service 181
Kaddish is commonly known as a mourner's prayer, but in fact, variations on the Kaddish prayer are routinely recited at
many other times, and the prayer itself has nothing to do with death or mourning. Kaddish is a prayer that affirms our faith
in God and our hope for the future. The Reader’s Kaddish separates units of prayer within a service.
Yit-ga-dal v'yit-ka-dash she-mei ra-ba,
`Äx© Dn¥ W
§ WC¥w© z§ i¦ e§ lC©
¥Bz§ i¦
¥ l§ n© Kil¦ n©
§ ie§ DzEr
¥ x§ k¦ `x¨a§ iC¦ `n̈lr̈
§ A§
¥ aE
§ oFki¥ig© A§
l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ ziA¥ lk̈c§ i¥ig© AE
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ .aix¦ ẅ on§
© faE
¦ `l̈b̈£rA©
Be-al-ma di-ve-ra chi-re-u-tei, ve-yam-lich mal-chu-tei.
B'cha-yay-chon u-v'yo-may-chon
u-v'cha-yei de-chol bait Yis’ra-el
Ba-aga-la u-vi-ze-man ka-riv, v'im'ru: A-mein:
Ye-hey she-mei ra-ba me-va-rach,
le-a-lam u-le-al-mei al-ma-ya.
Kx©än§ `Äx© Dn¥ W
§ `d¥ i§
.`Ïn© lr̈
§ in¥ lr̈
§ lE
§ mlr̈
© l§
gA© Y© W
§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦
¥ pz§ i¦ e§ mnFx
© z§ i¦ e§ x`© R̈z§ i¦ e§
lN̈d© z§ i¦ e§ d¤N©rz§ i¦ e§ xC̈d© z§ i¦ e§
`Ed Kix¦ A§ `Ẅc§ wª C§ Dn¥ W
¦ e§ `z̈k̈x§ A¦ lM̈ on¦ `N̈«¥rl§ *
,`z̈n̈¡gp¤ e§ `z̈g̈A§ W
§ Yª
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,`n̈lr̈
§ A§ oxi
¨ n¦ £̀ C©
Yit-ba-rach ve-yish-ta-bach,
ve-yit-pa-ar ve-yit-ro-mam, ve-yit-na-say
ve-yit-ha-dar, ve-yit-a-leh, ve-yit-ha-lal
she-mei de-ku-de-sha, be-rich hu
* L'ey-la min kol bir-cha-ta ve-shi-ra-ta
tush-be-cha-ta ve-ne-che-ma-ta,
daa-Me-ran be-al-ma v'im'ru: A-mein:
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
* (L'ey-la U’ L'ey-la me kol)
(lM̈n¦ `N̈«r¥ lE
§ `N̈«r¥ l)*
Tit-ka-bal ts'lo-t'on u-va-oh-t'on d'chol Yis’ra-el ka-dam
a-vu-hon di vish-ma-ya, v'im'ru: A-mein:
mc̈w¢ l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ lk̈c§ oFdzEr
§ äE oFdzFl
§ v§ lA¥ w© z§ Y¦
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ `Ïn© W
§ a¦ iC¦ oFdEa £̀
Ye-hey sh'la-ma ra-ba min she-ma-ya
ve-cha-yim A-lay-nu Ve-al kol Yis’ra-el
v'im'ru: A-mein:
,`Ïn© W
§ on¦ `Äx© `n̈l̈W
§ `d¥ i§
,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§ Epi«¥lr̈ mii¦ g© e§
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
O-seh sha-lom bim-ro-mav,
hu ya-a-seh sha-lom a-lay-nu
Ve-al kol Yis’ra-el, v'im'ru: A-mein:
,ein̈Fxn§ A¦ mFlẄ dUŸ
Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri© `Ed
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§
la¥ z¥ ia¥ yŸ
§ ei lk̈ l©re§ ,Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri©
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
Ya-seh shalom a-lay-nu v’al kol yosh'vei tevel
v’im-ru, Amen.
Translation of Kaddish: Glorified and sanctified is God's great name throughout the world created according to
Ah-do-nai’s will. May God’s sovereignty be established in our lifetime and the life of all Israel; and let us say, Amen. May
God’s great name be blessed forever and to all eternity. Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored be
the name of the Holy One, source of blessing, beyond all the blessings and songs, beyond all the tributes spoken in the
world; and say, Amen. May the prayers of the whole House of Israel be accepted by our Father in Heaven. And let us say:
Amen. May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life, for us and for all Israel; and say, Amen. May the One who
creates peace in the celestial heights, create peace for us and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen.
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182 Musaf Service
- Ein ka-do-ney-nu
Ein k'mal-key-nu - Ein k'mo-shi-ey-nu
Me che-lo-hey-nu - Me cha-do-ney-nu
Me ch'mal-key-nu - Me ch'mo-shi-ey-nu
No-deh ley-lo-hey-nu - No-deh la-do-ney-nu
No-deh ley-lo-hey-nu - No-deh la-do-ney-nu
No-deh l'mal-key-nu - No-deh l'mo-shi-ey-nu
BA-RUCH E-lo-hey-nu - BA-RUCH ah-do-ney-nu BA-RUCH mal-key-nu - BA-RUCH mo-shi-ey-nu
A-TAH hu E-lo-hey-nu -, A-TAH hu a-do-ney-nu
Ein ke-lo-hey-nu Epi«p¥ Fc`M© oi ¥̀
¥ M oi ¥̀
.Ep«r¥ iWFn
¦ M§ oi ¥̀
Ep«M¥ l§ n© M§ oi ¥̀
Epi«p¥ Fc`k© in¦
¥ k in¦
.Ep«r¥ iWFn
¦ k§ in¦
Ep«M¥ l§ n© k§ in¦
Epi«p¥ Fc`©l dcFp
¥ l dcFp
.Ep«r¥ iWFn
¦ l§ dcFp
Ep«M¥ l§ n© l§ dcFp
Epi«p¥ Fc£̀ KExÄ
¥ ` KExÄ
Ep«r¥ iWFn
¦ KExÄ
Ep«M¥ l§ n© KExÄ
Epi«p¥ Fc£̀ `Ed dŸ`©
¥ ` `Ed dŸ`©
Ep«r¥ iWFn
¦ `Ed dŸ`©
Ep«M¥ l§ n© `Ed dŸ`©
A-tah hu she-hik-ti-ru, a-vo-tey-nu, l'fa-ne-cha, et k'to-ret zx¤Ÿh« w§ z ¤̀ Li«p¤ ẗl§ Epi«zFa£̀
Exih«¦ w§ d¦ W¤ `Ed dŸ`©
.miO¦ Q© d©
Who can compare to our God? None is like our Saviour. Who is like our God, who is like our Saviour? We will give
thanks to God, our Saviour. Blessed be our God, You are our God, You are our Saviour. You are the one whom
our ancestors served.
My God
Sister Act
Nothing you could say could tear me away from my God,
Nothing you could do, 'cause I'm stuck like glue to my God,
I'm sticking to my God like a stamp to a letter,
Like birds of a feather we stick together.
I'm tellin' you from the start, I can't be torn apart from my God.
As a matter of opinion I think God's tops. My opinion is God's the cream of the crop.
As a matter of taste, to be exact, God's my ideal, as a matter of fact.
- 147 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
Musaf Service 183
Please rise
Aleinu, proclaims God as Melech (sovereign) over a united humanity. It has been recited as the closing prayer of the three daily
services ever since the 13th century. According to tradition, Joshua composed it at the time he crossed the Jordan and entered the
Land of Promise. It was first introduced into the daily prayer service by Rav, founder of the Sura Academy (early third century). Aleinu
is also recited as, as an introduction to Malchuyot(verses of sovereignty), part of the Musaf service on the High Holidays.
A-lay-nu l'sha-bey-ach la-a-don ha-kol
la-teit g'du-la l'yo-tseir b'rey-shit
she-lo a-sa-nu k'go-yei ha-a-ra-tzot
v'lo sa-ma-nu k'mish-p'chot ha-a-da-ma
she-lo sam chel-key-nu ka-hem
v'go-ra-ley-nu k'chol ha-mo-nam.
.lŸMd© oFc £̀ l© g© A¥ W
© l§ Epilr̈
¦ x¥A§ xvFi
¥ l§ dN̈cªB§ zz¥ l̈
.zFvx¨ £̀ d̈ i¥iFbM§ EpẌr̈ `ŸNW
.dn̈c̈ £̀ d̈ zFgR§ W
§ n¦ M§ Epn̈Ẍ `Ÿle§
mp̈Fn£d lk̈M§ Epl¥ xFb
¨ e§ md¤ M̈ Epw¥ l§ g¤ mẌ `ŸNW
mir¦ xFM
u-mish-ta-cha-vim u-mo-dim
lif-nei me-lech, mal-chei ha-m'la-chim
ha-ka-dosh ba-ruch hu.
She-hu no-teh sha-ma-yim v'yo-seid a-rets,
u-mo-shav y'ka-ro ba-sha-ma-yim Me-ma-al,
ush-che-nat u-zo b'gawv-hei m'ro-mim.
Hu E-lo-hey-nu, ein od. E-met mal-key-nu,
e-fes zu-la-to, Ka-ka-tuv b'to-ra-to:
v'ya-da'ta ha-yom, va-ha-shey-vo-ta el l'va-ve-cha,
key Ah-do-nai hu ha-e-lo-him,
ba-sha-ma-yim Me-ma-al,
v'al ha-a-rets Me-ta-chat, ein od.
§ p £̀ e©
¦ gY© W
§ nE
mik¦ l̈O§ d© ik¥ l§ n© Kl¤ n¤ i¥pt§ l¦
`Ed KExÄ WFcT̈d©
.ux¤`¨ cqFi
¥ e§ mi¦ n© Ẅ dhFp
¤ `EdW
.l©rO© n¦ mi¦ n© ÜA© Fxẅi§ aWFnE
¦ n§ id¥ ab̈
§ A§ FGrª z©pik¦ WE
.cFr oi ¥̀ Epidl
¥ ¤̀ `Ed
.Fzl̈Ef qt¤ ¤̀ zEpM¥ l§ n© zn¤ `
¨ A§ aEzM̈M©
.La¤ äl§ l ¤̀ z̈ŸaW£
¥ de© mFId© Ÿr§ cï
© e§
¦ `
¡ d̈ `Ed dF̈di§ iM¦
l©rO© n¦ mi¦ n© ÜA©
:cFr oi ¥̀ ,zg© Ÿn¦ .ux¤`¨ d̈ l©re§
It is up to us to thank the Ruler of All, to praise the the author of Creation, who did not make us
like other nations, who created us as a unique people, and set us on a separate path toward a special
destiny. And we bend our knees, and bow down, and give thanks, before the Ruler, the Ruler of
Rulers, the Holy One, who created heaven and earth. Who dwells is in the heavens above, with a
powerful Presence in the highest heights You are our God, there is no other. You are eternal, there
is nothing else. As it is written in Your Torah: “Know this day and take to your heart that
Ah-do-nai is the only God in heaven above and on the earth below—there is none other.
- 148 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
183 Musaf Service
Because We Believe
Because we believe in You, Ah-do-nai, We hope for the day when Your majesty will prevail, When
all false gods will be removed, And all idolatry will be abolished;
When the world will turn their hearts to God,
When all humanity will invoke Your name, And the wicked will be turned to You.
May all the living fervently acknowledge that to You every knee must bend,
every tongue vow loyalty.
Before You may all bow in reverence,
Proclaiming Your glory, accepting Your sovereignty.
May Your reign come soon and last forever;
For sovereignty is Yours alone, now and evermore.
So is it written in Your Torah:
"Ah-do-nai shall reign forever and ever."
The prophet too, proclaimed this promise:
"Ah-do-nai shall reign over all the earth;
On that day Ah-do-nai shall be One and God’s name One."
zFxM̈ mili
¦ l¦ `
¡ d̈e§ ,ux«¤`¨ d̈ on¦ milEN
¦ B¦ xia£
¦ rd© l§ ,L«G¤ rª zx«¤̀
¤ t§ z¦ A§ dx¨d¥ n§ zF`x§ l¦ ,Epi«¥dŸl`
¡ dF̈di§ LN§ d¤Ew© p§ oM¥ l©re§
lM̈ Erc¥§ ie§ ExiM©
«¦ i .ux«¤`¨ i¥rW
§ x¦ lM̈ Li«¤l ¥̀ zFpt§ d© l§ ,L«¤nW
§ a¦ E`x§ w§ i¦ xÜä i¥pA§ lk̈e§ ,iC© W
© zEkl§ n© A§ ml̈Fr oT¥ z© l§ ,oEzx¥M̈i¦
,Ep«Y¥ i¦ xẅi§ Ln§ W
¦ cFak§ l¦ e§ ,ElŸR« i¦ e§ Erx§ k§ i¦ Epi«¥dŸl`
¡ dF̈di§ Li«p¤ ẗl§ .oFWl̈ lM̈ ra© ẌY¦ ,Kx«¤
¤A lM̈ rx©k§ Y¦ Ll§ iM¦ ,la¥ z¥ ia¥ WFi
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ dx¨d¥ n§ mdi
¤ l£
¥ r KŸln§ z¦ e§ ,L«¤zEkl§ n© lFr z ¤̀ mN̈kª ElA§ wi
© e¦
Key ha-mal-chut she-l'cha he,
,`id¦ LN§ W
¤ zEkl§ O© d© iM¦
ul-o-l'mei ad tim-loch b'cha-vod,
,cFak̈A§ KFln§ Y¦ c©r in¥ lF
§ r« lE
Ka-ka-tuv b'to-ra-te-cha,
¨ A§ aEzM̈M©
Ah-do-nai yim-loch l'o-lam va-ed.
.c¤rë ml̈Frl§ KŸln§ i¦ dF̈di§
Ve-ne-e-mar v'ha-ya Ah-do-nai l'me-lech al kol ha-a-retz
ux¤`¨ d̈ lM̈ l©r Kl¤ n¤ l§ dF̈di§ dïd̈e§ ,xn© `¤
¡ pe§
ba-yom ha-hu yi-h'ye Ah-do-nai e-chad, u-sh'mo e-chad:
:cg̈ ¤̀ FnWE
§ cg̈ ¤̀ dF̈di§ d¤id§ i¦ `Edd© mFIA©
You may be seated
- 149 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
(Mourners and those observing
Yaherzeit please rise)
Musaf Service 184
Mourner’s Kaddish
The Kaddish, an Aramaic prayer that is [almost] 2,000 years old, is recited in slightly different variations at every prayer service. Although one form
of the Kaddish is recited in memory of the dead, the prayer itself says nothing about death; its theme is the greatness of God, reflected in its
opening words: "Yitgadal ve-yitkadash, Shmei rabbah--May God’s name be magnified and made holy…. " The prayer's conclusion speaks of a
future age in which God will redeem the world.
Yit-ga-dal v'yit-ka-dash she-mei ra-ba,
`Äx© Dn¥ W
§ WC¥w© z§ i¦ e§ lC©
¥Bz§ i¦
Be-al-ma di-ve-ra chi-re-u-tei, ve-yam-lich mal-chu-tei.
¥ l§ n© Kil¦ n©
§ ie§ DzEr
¥ x§ k¦ `x¨a§ iC¦ `n̈lr̈
§ A§
¥ aE
§ oFki¥ig© A§
l ¥̀ x¨X
§ i¦ ziA¥ lk̈c§ i¥ig© AE
B'cha-yay-chon u-v'yo-may-chon
u-v'cha-yei de-chol bait Yis’ra-el
Ba-aga-la u-vi-ze-man ka-riv, v'im'ru: A-mein:
:on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ .aix¦ ẅ on§
© faE
¦ `l̈b̈£rA©
Ye-hey she-mei ra-ba me-va-rach,
le-a-lam u-le-al-mei al-ma-ya.
Kx©än§ `Äx© Dn¥ W
§ `d¥ i§
.`Ïn© lr̈
§ in¥ lr̈
§ lE
§ mlr̈
© l§
gA© Y© W
§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦
¥ pz§ i¦ e§ mnFx
© z§ i¦ e§ x`© R̈z§ i¦ e§
Yit-ba-rach ve-yish-ta-bach,
ve-yit-pa-ar ve-yit-ro-mam, ve-yit-na-say
ve-yit-ha-dar, ve-yit-a-leh, ve-yit-ha-lal
she-mei de-ku-de-sha, be-rich hu
lN̈d© z§ i¦ e§ d¤N©rz§ i¦ e§ xC̈d© z§ i¦ e§
`Ed Kix¦ A§ `Ẅc§ wª C§ Dn¥ W
* L'ey-la min kol bir-cha-ta ve-shi-ra-ta
¦ e§ `z̈k̈x§ A¦ lM̈ on¦ `N̈«¥rl§ *
tush-be-cha-ta ve-ne-che-ma-ta,
,`z̈n̈¡gp¤ e§ `z̈g̈A§ W
§ Yª
daa-Me-ran be-al-ma v'im'ru: A-mein:
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,`n̈lr̈
§ A§ oxi
¨ n¦ £̀ C©
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
Between Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur
* (L'ey-la U’ L'ey-la me kol)
(lM̈n¦ `N̈«r¥ lE
§ `N̈«r¥ l)*
Ye-hey sh'la-ma ra-ba min she-ma-ya
ve-cha-yim A-lay-nu Ve-al kol Yis’ra-el
v'im'ru: A-mein:
,`Ïn© W
§ on¦ `Äx© `n̈l̈W
§ `d¥ i§
,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§ Epi«¥lr̈ mii¦ g© e§
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§
O-seh sha-lom bim-ro-mav,
hu ya-a-seh sha-lom a-lay-nu
Ve-al kol Yis’ra-el, v'im'ru: A-mein:
,ein̈Fxn§ A¦ mFlẄ dUŸ
Epi«¥lr̈ mFlẄ dU£
¤ ri© `Ed
.on¥ `¨ Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U
§ i¦ lM̈ l©re§
Translation of Kaddish: Glorified and sanctified is God's great name throughout the world created according to Ah-do-nai’s will.
May God’s sovereignty be established in our lifetime and the life of all Israel, and let us say, Amen. May God’s great name be blessed
forever and to all eternity. Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored be the name of the Holy One, source of
blessing, beyond all the blessings and songs, beyond all the tributes spoken in the world; and let us say, Amen. May there be abundant
peace from heaven, and life, for us and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen. May the One who creates peace in the celestial heights,
create peace for us and for all Israel; and let us say, Amen.
- 150 -
This page number corresponds to pulpit announcements.
187 Musaf Service
Adon oh-lam
ml̈Fr oFc£̀
Adon Olam (Master of the World) is a very old poem. It is attributed to Rabbi Shlomo ben Gabirol, a great poet of 11th
century Spain. The poem is recited to recall the memory of Abraham our Father, who was the first to call God "Ah-do-nai" "My Master".
Adon oh-lam, asher malach,
L'et na'asah v'cheftzo kol,
b'terem kol y'tzir nivra. .`x¨a§ p¦ xiv¦ i§ lM̈ mx«¤
azai melech sh'mo nikra. .`x¨w§ p¦ FnW
§ Kl«¤
¤ n i©f £̀
,Kl© n̈ xW
¤ £̀ ml̈Fr oFc £̀
,lŸM Fvt§ g¤ a§ dÜ£rp© z¥rl§
V'acharey kich-lot hakol,
l'vado yimloch nora. .`xFp
¨ KFln§ i¦ FCa© l§
V'hu haya, v'hu hoveh,
v'hu yih'yeh b'tifara. .dx¨`¨ t§ YA
¦ d¤id¦ i§ `Ede§
,d¤eŸd `Ede§ ,dïd̈ `Ede§
V'hu echad, v'eyn sheni,
l'hamshil lo l'hachbira. .dxi
¨ A«¦ g§ d© l§ Fl liW
¦ n§ d© l§
,ip¦ W
¥ oi ¥̀ e§ cg̈ ¤̀ `Ede§
B'lee reishit, b'lee tachleet,
v'lo ha'oz v'hamisrah. .dx¨U
§ O¦ d© e§ fŸrd̈ Fle§
V'hu Eli, v'chai go'ali,
V'hu nisi umanos lee,
B'yado. afkid ruchi,
v'tzur chevli b'et tzarah. .dx¨v̈ z¥rA§ il¦ a§ g¤ xEve§
,lŸMd© zFlk§ M¦ ix£
¥g`© e§
,zil¦ k§ z© il¦ A§ ziW`
¦ x¥ il¦ A§
,il¦ £̀ ŸB ig© e§ il¦ ¥̀ `Ed
m'nat kosi b'yom ekra. .`x¨w§ ¤̀ mFiA§ iqFM
¦ zp̈n§
,il¦ qFpn̈E iQ¦ p¦ `Ede§
b'et ishan v'a'irah. .dxi«¦
¨ r`¨ e§ oWi
© `¦ z¥rA§
¦ ciw¦ t§ `© FcïA§
V'im ruchi g'viyati,
Ah-do-nai lee v'lo ira .`xi
¨ `¦ `Ÿle§ il¦ dF̈di§
¦ e¦ B§ igEx
¦ mr¦ e§
Master of the universe, Who reigned before any form was created, at the time when God’s will brought all
into being - then God’s name proclaimed. After all has ceased to be, God, the Awesome One, will reign
alone. It is God Who was, God Who is, and God Who shall remain, in splendor. God is One - there is no
second to compare to Him, to declare as God’s equal. Without beginning, without conclusion - God is the
power and dominion. God is my God, my living Redeemer, Rock of my pain in time of distress. God is my
banner, a refuge for me, the portion in my cup on the day I call. Into Your hand I shall entrust my spirit
when I go to sleep - and I shall awaken! With my spirit shall my body remain. Ah-do-nai is with me, I shall
not fear.
End of Shabbat morning service
- 151 -
May your Shabbat be peaceful.
May your world shine with the spirit of our Torah.
- 152 -
T’fillat Geshem- A Prayer for Rain
T’fillat Geshem - The Prayer for rain is inserted into the Musaf Amidah on on Shmini Atzeret to begin the inclusion of the
Mashiv HaRuach prayer on a daily basis. Mashiv HaRuach is a prayer recognizing that God causes the wind to blow and the
rain to fall. It is recited during Israel’s rainy season (between Sukkot and Passover).
Elo-hey-nu, Vey-lo-hei a-vo-tey-nu
¥ £̀ idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e Epidl
¥ ¤̀
Our God, and God of our ancestors.
B’ge-sha-may oh-ra ta-ear ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ xi`¦ z̈ dxŸ¨e` in¥ W
© b§ A§
B’ge-sha-may b’ra-cha t’va-rech ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ Kx¥äz§ dk̈x¨A§ in¥ W
© b§ A§
B’ge-sha-may ge-la ta-gel ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ lib¦ z̈ dl̈ib¦ in¥ W
© b§ A§
B’ge-sha-may de-tza t’da-shain ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ oy
¥ c©z§ dv̈ic¦ in¥ W
© b§ A§
B’ge-sha-may hod t’ha-der ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ xc¥d© z§ cŸed in¥ W
© b§ A§
B’ge-sha-may vaad tov t’va-aid ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ c¥re©z§ aŸeh c©re© in¥ W
© b§ A§
B’ge-sha-may zim-ra t’za-mer ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ xn©
¥ fz§ dx¨n¦
§ f in¥ W
© b§ A§
B’ge-sha-may chayim t’cha-yeh ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ d¤ig© z§ mii¦ g© in¥ W
© b§ A§
B’ge-sha-may tova tay-tiv ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ aihi
¦ z¥ däŸeh in¥ W
© b§ A§
B’ge-sha-may y’shuah toe-she-ah ah-da-mah:
B’ge-sha-may chal-ka-la t’chal-kale ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ r© iyŸ
¦ eY dr̈EWi§ in¥ W
© b§ A§
:dn̈c̈ £̀ lk¥ l§ k© z§ dl̈k̈l§ k© in¥ W
© b§ A§
With rain drops of ancient light, illuminate the earth.
With rain drops of blessing divine, please bless the earth.
With rain drops of gleeful rejoicing, give joy to the earth.
With rain drops of dancing exultation, enrich the earth.
With rain drops of heavenly splendor, give glory to the earth.
With rain drops of wise assembly, let the earth be gathered.
With rain drops of song and melody, make music through the earth.
With rain drops of healing life, enable earth to live.
With rain drops of timeless good, give goodness to the earth.
With rain drops of Your saving help, redeem the earth.
With rain drops of care and nurturing, nourish the earth.
¥ `
¡ dFŸdi§ `Ed dz̈`© ÿ
sh-eh-ah-ta hu Ah-do-nai Elo-hey-nu
ma-shiv ha-ru-ach u-mo-rid ha-ga-shem
¤ d© cixŸ¦ enE gEx
© d̈ aiy
¦ n©
You are Ah-do-nai our God, who causes the wind to blow and the rain to fall.
For blessing and not for curse. Amen. :on¥ `¨ L’vra-cha v’lo l’k’la-la
.dl̈l̈w§ l¦ `Ÿle§ dk̈x¨a§ l¦
For life and not for death.
Amen. :on¥ `¨ L’chayim v’lo l’ma-vet
.z¤en̈l© `Ÿle§ mii¦ g© l§
For plenty and not for lack.
Amen. :on¥ `¨ L’so-va v’lo l’ra-zone
.oŸefx¨l§ `Ÿle§ raŸ
© eUl§
- 153 -
T’fillat Tal - A Prayer for Dew
T’fillat Tal - The Prayer for dew is inserted into the Musaf Amidah on the first day of Passover to conclude the inclusion of the
Mashiv HaRuach prayer on a daily basis. Mashiv HaRuach is a prayer recognizing that God causes the wind to blow and the
rain to fall. It is recited during Israel’s rainy season (between Sukkot and Passover).
Elo-hey-nu, Vey-lo-hei a-vo-tey-nu
¥ £̀ idŸl
¥ `¥
¡ e Epidl
¥ ¤̀
Our God, and God of our ancestors.
B’te-pot oh-ra ta-ear ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ xi`¦ z̈ dxŸ¨e` zFtih¦ A§
B’te-pot b’ra-cha t’va-rech ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ Kx¥äz§ dk̈x¨A§ zFtih¦ A§
B’te-pot ge-la ta-gel ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ lib¦ z̈ dl̈ib¦ zFtih¦ A§
B’te-pot de-tza t’da-shain ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ oy
¥ c©z§ dv̈ic¦ zFtih¦ A§
B’te-pot hod t’ha-der ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ xc¥d© z§ cŸed zFtih¦ A§
B’te-pot vaad tov t’va-aid ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ c¥re©z§ aŸeh c©re© zFtih¦ A§
B’te-pot zim-ra t’za-mer ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ xn©
¥ fz§ dx¨n¦
§ f zFtih¦ A§
B’te-pot chayim t’cha-yeh ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ d¤ig© z§ mii¦ g© zFtih¦ A§
B’te-pot tova tay-tiv ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ aihi
¦ z¥ däŸeh zFtih¦ A§
B’te-pot y’shuah toe-she-ah ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ r© iyŸ
¦ eY dr̈EWi§ zFtih¦ A§
B’te-pot chal-ka-la t’chal-kale ah-da-mah:
:dn̈c̈ £̀ lk¥ l§ k© z§ dl̈k̈l§ k© zFtih¦ A§
With drops of ancient light, illuminate the earth.
With drops of blessing divine, please bless the earth.
With drops of gleeful rejoicing, give joy to the earth.
With drops of dancing exultation, enrich the earth.
With drops of heavenly splendor, give glory to the earth.
With drops of wise assembly, let the earth be gathered.
With drops of song and melody, make music through the earth.
With drops of healing life, enable earth to live.
With drops of timeless good, give goodness to the earth.
With drops of Your saving help, redeem the earth.
With drops of care and nurturing, nourish the earth.
sh-eh-ah-ta hu Ah-do-nai Elo-hey-nu
¥ `
¡ dFŸdi§ `Ed dz̈`© ÿ
ma-shiv ha-ru-ach u-mo-rid ha-tal
:lḧd© cixŸ¦ enE gEx
© d̈ aiy
¦ n©
You are Ah-do-nai our God, who causes the wind to blow and the dew to fall.
For blessing and not for curse. Amen. :on¥ `¨ L’vra-cha v’lo l’k’la-la
.dl̈l̈w§ l¦ `Ÿle§ dk̈x¨a§ l¦
For life and not for death.
Amen. :on¥ `¨ L’chayim v’lo l’ma-vet
.z¤en̈l© `Ÿle§ mii¦ g© l§
For plenty and not for lack.
Amen. :on¥ `¨ L’so-va v’lo l’ra-zone
.oŸefx¨l§ `Ÿle§ raŸ
© eUl§
- 154 -
The Book of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) - selected verses
The book of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) is one of the five scrolls (megillot). Kohelet, often called “the preacher,” is read in the synagogue
on the holiday of Sukkot. One traditional explanation is that Kohelet, who is writing in the autumn of his life, is comparable to the Fall
harvest. The autumn is a reminder of the winter to come, and the death of plants and trees. Kohelet’s views are those of a mature
individual, closer to the end of life than to the beginning which would be represented by the buds of Spring.
Reprinted from The Jewish Religion: A Companion, Oxford University Press.
,ce¦ C̈ÎoA¤ ,zl¤ dŸ
¤ w ix¥a§ C¦
:ml̈ẄExiA¦ Kl¤ n¤
These are the words of the preacher,
King David’s son, King in Jerusalem:
,Fln̈£rÎlk̈A§ ,mc̈`¨ l̈ oFxz¦
§ I dn©
:Wn¤ Ẍd© zg© Y© lŸn£rI© W
What profit has humanity in all our work,
when we toil under the sun?
,`Ä xFce§ ,KlŸ¥ d xFC
:zc¤n̈Ÿr ml̈Frl§ ux¤`¨ d̈e§
One generation passes away,
and another comes and the Earth exists forever:
,Wn¤ Ẍd© `äE ,Wn¤ X
¤ d© gxf̈
© e§
:mẄ `Ed g© xFf
¥ ,s ¥̀ FW FnFwnÎl
§ ¤̀ e§
The sun arises and the sun sets,
and returns to the place where it arises.
,zl¤ dŸ
¤ w xn© `¨ ,mil¦ ä£d la£
:la¤ d̈ lŸMd© ,mil¦ ä£d la£
Vanity of Vanities says Kohelet,
Vanity of Vanity, all is Vanity:
,mFxC̈Îl ¤̀ KlFd
¥ gEx
,oFtv̈Îl ¤̀ aaFq
¥ e§
© d̈ KlFd
¥ aaŸ
© d̈ aẄ eiz̈Ÿaia¦ qÎl©
§ re§
The wind goes towards the south,
and turns about to the north,
It turns about in its cycle,
the wind returns again to its cycles;
© ¤̀ mik¦ lŸ§ d ,mil¦ g̈P§ dÎl
© M̈
,`l¥ n̈ EP¤pi ¥̀ mÏd© e§
,mik¦ lŸ§ d mil¦ g̈P§ d© W
¤ ,mFwnÎl
§ ¤̀
:zk¤ l̈l̈ mia¦ Ẅ md¥ mẄ
All the rivers run into the sea,
yet the sea is not full,
And to the place where the rivers go,
there shall they go again:
,zl¤ dŸ
¤ w xn© `¨ ,mil¦ ä£d la£
:la¤ d̈ lŸMd© ,mil¦ ä£d la£
Vanity of Vanities says Kohelet,
Vanity of Vanity, all is Vanity:
¦ bi§ mix¦ äC§ dÎl
© M̈
,xA¥ c©l§ Wi`¦ lkEiÎ`Ÿl
,zF`x§ l¦ oi©¦ r rA© U
§ zÎ`Ÿl
§ n¦ o¤fŸ` `l¥ ÖzÎ`Ÿl
All things toil to weariness,
humanity cannot acknowledge this,
The eye is not satisfied with seeing,
the ear is not content with hearing:
That which was will be,
And that which is done is that which shall be done,
There is nothing new under the sun:
- 155 -
§ IW
¤ `Ed dïd̈XÎd
¤ n©
¤ IW
¤ `Ed ,dÜ£rP© XÎd
¤ nE
:Wn¤ Ẍd© zg© Y© Wc̈g̈ oi ¥̀ e§
Vanity of Vanities says Kohelet,
Vanity of Vanity, all is Vanity:
,zl¤ dŸ
¤ w xn© `¨ ,mil¦ ä£d la£
:la¤ d̈ lŸMd© ,mil¦ ä£d la£
To everything there is a season,
And a time to every purpose under heaven:
,z¥re§ on̈§f lŸMl©
,mi¦ n̈Ẍd© zg© Y© ,ut¤ gÎl
¥ k̈l§
A time to be born and a time to die,
A time to plant and a time to gather:
,zEnl̈ z¥re§ ,zc¤l¤ l̈ z¥r
:xFw£rl© z¥re§ ,z©rh© l̈ z¥r
A time to kill and a time to heal,
A time to break down and a time to build:
,`FRx§ l¦ z¥re§ ,bFx£dl© z¥r
:zFpa§ l¦ z¥re§ ,uFxt§ l¦ z¥r
§ l¦ z¥re§ ,zFMa§ l¦ z¥r
:cFwx§ z¥re§ ,cFtq§ z¥r
A time to weep and a time to laugh,
A time to mourn and a time to dance:
,qFpM§ z¥re§ ,Kil¦ W
§ d© l§ z¥r
:wŸgx§ l¦ z¥re§ ,wFa£gl© z¥r
A time to cast away and a time to gather,
A time to embrace and a time to refrain:
,cA¥ `© l§ z¥re§ ,WT¥ a© l§ z¥r
:Kil¦ W
§ d© l§ z¥re§ ,xFnW
§ l¦ z¥r
A time to seek and a time to lose,
A time to keep and a time to cast away:
A time to harvest and a time to plant,
A time for silence and a time to speak out:
,xFRz§ l¦ z¥re§ ,©rFxw§ l¦ z¥r
:xA¥ c©l§ z¥re§ ,zFW£gl© z¥r
A time to love and a time to hate,
A time for war and a time for peace:
§ l¦ z¥re§ ,aŸd`
¡ l¤ z¥r
:mFlẄ z¥re§ ,dn̈g̈l§ n¦ z¥r
“Shir HaShirim” – The Song of Songs
“Shir HaShirim,” The Song of Songs, is one of the five “Megilot,” or Sacred Scrolls. It is a timeless allegory of the relationship
between God and the People of Israel, in terms of the love between a man and a woman. It is recited on “Pesach,” the Holiday that
celebrates the liberation of the Jewish People from slavery in Egypt.
On “Shabbat Chol HaMoed,” the Shabbat that occurs during the Intermediate Days of the Holiday, or on the Seventh Day of that
Holiday when Shabbat coincides with that day, the reading of the “Megilah” of “Shir HaShirim” is incorporated into the Services.
« W
§ l¦ x¬¤W £̀ mixi
­¦ X
¦ d© xi¬¦W `
1:2 The Song of Songs, which is Solomon's.
:o¦i«Ïn¦ Li­¤
cŸC mi¬¦aFhÎiM«¦ EdiR½¦ zFẃiW
¦ P§ n¦ Æip¦ w¥̧ Ẍi a
1:2“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth:
1:4 “The king has brought me into his chambers; we
will be happy and rejoice in you; we will recall your
love more than wine; our sincere and direct love.”
dl̈i³¦bp̈ eixÀ¨c̈£g Kl¤ O¤¹ d© c
ÆLicŸ¸¤c dxi³¦
¨ M§fp© KĽ Ædg̈n§ U
§ p¦ e§
:LEa« d£̀
¥ mix­¦ Ẅin¥ oi½¦ I© n¦
1:8 “If you do not know, O fairest of women, go
forth in the footsteps of the sheep and pasture your
kids beside the dwelling of the shepherds.”
mi®¦WP̈A© d­ẗÏd© Kl̈½ Æir¦ c§ z¥ `ŸlÎm
³ ` g
Æir¦ xE§ o`ŸÀSd© i´¥aw§ r¦ A§ KlÎi
º̈ `«§
:mi«¦rŸxd̈ zF¬pM§ W
§ n¦ l­©r Ki¦ zŸ
©½ Ic¦ BÎz
§ ¤̀
- 156 -
¦ `¸¦ x§ d© db̈½ x¥c§ O© d© Æxz¤ q¥̧ A§ rl© Q¤À d© i´¥eb§ g© A§ izp̈Fi ci
xr̈ K¬¥lFwÎiM¦ K®¥lFwÎz ¤̀ ipi­¦
¦ rin¦ W
§ d© Ki¦ `©½ x§ nÎz
© ¤̀
:d«¤e`p̈ Ki¬¥̀ x§ nE
2:14 “My dove, in the clefts of the rock, show me
your countenance, let me hear your voice; for your
voice is pleasant, and your appearance is comely.”
© A© d­¤rŸxd̈ Fl½ i´¦p £̀ «e© Æil¦ icFC fh
2:16 ”My beloved is mine, and I am his,
who pastures among the roses.”
x®¥r i´¦Al¦ e§ d­p̈W
¥ i§ i¬¦p £̀ a
º¦ g¦ z§ R¦ wtFc
¥À icFC
´¦ | lFẃ
¦ “W
¤ iz½¦ Öz© i´¦zp̈Fi Æizï
¦ r§ x©
§ iqi¬¦
¥ qx§ i­©zFSªEw§ lḧ½ Î`l̈n§ p¦
5:2 “I was sleeping, but my heart was awake. A
sound! My beloved is knocking! Open for me, my
beloved, my dove, my perfect one, for my head is
filled with dew, the locks of my hair, with the rains
of the night.”
iY¦ v¬©
§ gx¨ dP̈®W
¤ Äl§ ¤̀ dk̈­k̈i ¥̀ iY½¦ p§ ŸMÎz
ª ¤̀ ÆiY¦ h§ W
©¸ R̈ b
:m«t¥ P§ h© £̀ dk̈¬k̈i ¥̀ i­©lb§ xÎz
© ¤̀
5:3 “I have removed my garment;
how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet;
how shall I soil them?”
5:4 “My beloved stretched forth his hand from the
hole, and my innards stirred for him.”
:ei«l̈r̈ En¬ d̈ i­©rnE
¥ xŸg½ dÎo
© n¦ ÆFcï g³©lẄ icFC c
5:5 “I arose to open for my beloved, and my hands
were dripping myrrh, and my fingers were flowing
myrrh upon the handles of the lock.”
®¦ l§ gŸÝ
© t§ l¦ i­¦p £̀ iY
«¦ n¬©
§ w d
© rA§ v§ ¤̀ e§ xFnÎEt
§ icï
´© e§
:lEr« p§ O© d© zFR¬ M© l­©r xaŸ
¥½ r xFń
5:6 “I opened for my beloved, but my beloved had
vanished, had gone. My soul went out when he
spoke; I sought him, but found him not.”
x®är̈ w´©ng̈ icFc
­¦ e§ icFc
½¦ l§ Æip¦ £̀ iY
«¦ g³©
§ zR̈ e
½¦ v̈n§ `Ÿl´ e§ ÆEdiY¸¦ W
§ T© A¦ Fx½ A§ c©a§ d´¨`v«ï
§ ÆiW
¦ t©
¦ `¬Ÿle§ ei­¦z`x¨w§
8:14 “Flee, my beloved, and liken yourself to a
gazelle or to a young hart upon mountains of
l­©r milÏ
½¦ `«d̈
© xtŸ
¤ ŕl§ F`µ Æia¦ v§ l¦ L³ lÎd
§ n¥ c§ E« icFC
À¦ | gx´©A§
:min«¦ Üa§ i¬¥
Akdamot- A Shavout reading prior to the 10 Commandments
Akdamot is read in Israel on Shavuot, and on the first day of Shavuot in the Diaspora, after the Kohen is called to the Torah but before
he recites the blessing. The Torah reading itself features the Ten Commandments. This alternate version of Akdamot was
constructed, based on Psalm 119, by Rabbi Noah Golinkin and published by the Schechter Institute. The verse numbers appear in
Happy are those whose way is blameless,
who follow the teaching of Ahdonai: (1)
¤ ni
¥ n«¦ z§ i¬¥
§ `©
:d«ëŸdi§ z¬©
xFzA§ mikÀ¦ lŸ§ dd
«© Œ
We praise you, Ah-do-nai, train me in Your laws. (12)
:LiT«¤ gª ip¬¥
¦ cO§ l© dÀëŸdi§ d¬Ÿ`© KEx­Ä
- 157 -
Open my eyes, that I may perceive the wonders of Your
teaching: (18)
¨ n¦ zF À̀ l̈t§ p¦Œ dḧi®¦A`© e§ i¬©pi¥rÎl©B
Make me understand the way of Your precepts, that I
may study Your wondrous acts: (27)
:Li«¤zF`l§ t§ p¦ A§ dg̈iU
¦À `¨ e§Œ i¦p®¥pia£
¦ d Li¬¤
¦ x¤C«¤
Give me understanding, that I may observe Your
teaching and keep it wholeheartedly: (34)
:a«¥lÎlk̈a§ dP̈¬¤
xn§ W
§ ¤̀ e§ Lz¤À xF¨ z« Œ d¬¨
xS§ ¤̀ e§ ip¥
¦ pia£†
¦ d I will always obey Your teaching, forever and ever: (44)
:c«¤rë m¬l̈F»rl§ cinÀ¦ z̈ L¬ z§ xFz
¨ d­¨
xn§ W
§ ¤̀ e§
Your laws are a source of strength to me wherever I
may dwell: (54)
«¨ n§ zi´¥aA§ LiT¤À gªŒ i¬¦lÎEi«d̈ zFxn§†
Your steadfast love, O Lord, fills the earth, teach me
Your laws: (64)
:ip¦ c«¥O§ l© Li¬¤
Tgª ux¤`À̈ d̈ d¬¨`l§ n̈ dëŸdi§† ĹC§ q§ g ©
I prefer the teaching You proclaimed to thousands of
gold and silver pieces: (72)
¤ k̈ë a´d̈f̈ i­¥tl§ `© n¥ Li®¦R zxF
© ź i¬¦lÎaFh «
May I wholeheartedly follow Your laws so that I do not
come to grief: (80)
:WFa« ¥̀ `Ÿl´ o©rn©À l§ Œ Li®¤
Tgª A§ mi´¦nz̈ i´¦AlÎi
¦ d«¦ i§
Truth is the essence of Your word, Your just rules are
eternal: (160)
:Lw«¤ c§ v¦ h¬©RW
§ nÎl
¦ M̈ mlFr
À̈ l§ EŒ z®¤n`
¡ L¬ x§ äCÎW`Ÿ
Those who love Your teaching enjoy well-being, they
encounter no adversity: (165)
:lFW« k§ n¦ Fn´l̈ oi­¥̀ e§ L®¤zxFz
¨ i´¥a£dŸ`« l§ ax¨† mFĺẄ
Lend Your hand to help me, for I have chosen Your
precepts: (173)
:iY¦ x«g̈
§ ä Li´¤
cETt¦ i­¦M ip®¥
¦ x§fr̈l§ L¬ c«ïÎi
§ d¦ Y§
“Al Hanisim” – A Prayer for Thanksgiving Day
Rabbi Zalman Shachter-Shalomi - Adapted
For all the miracles in our lives we offer our thanks lr© e§ ,zŸexEaB§ d© lr© e§ ,oẅx§ Rª d© lr© e§ ,miq¦ P¦ d© lr©
to you Ah-do-nai our God and in blessing your
§ eil§
z̈i« U
¦ r̈W
¤ ,zŸeng̈l§ O¦ d© lr© e§ ,zŸerEWY§ d©
Name we hope that all of life will bless You too and ia¥ yŸ
especially today because:
.d¤Gd© on§
© GA© md¥ d̈ minÏ
¦ A© ux¤`¨ d̈
In the days of the Pilgrims, the Puritans, when they ux¤ ¤̀ l§ EriB¦ d¦ W
¤ M§ zr© c© d© i¥Iw¦ p§ mix¦ B§ d© nd
in¥ i§ A¦
arrived at these safe shores,
xEvl§ dl̈it¦ Ye
§ dp̈x¦ E`Up̈
§ xŸewe§ ar̈x¨ Ela§ q̈e§ mḧl̈w§ n¦
suffered hunger and cold. They sang and prayed to
: mz̈r̈EWi§
the Rock of their Salvation.
You, standing by them, roused the caring of the zl© n§ g
¤ Ÿx§ xŸ©ere§ mz̈x¨v̈ zr¥ A§ md¤ l̈ Ÿc§ n© r̈ f`¨
Natives for them: who fed them, turkey and corn
,oŸefn̈ ml̈ik¦ `
¡ d¤ e§ mdi
¤ l¥ r£ mip`ï
¦ c¦ pi
§ `¦ d© mia¦ ẄŸeYd©
and other delights. Thus saved You them from
§ r̈x¨n¥ mŸl§ v© d¦ mip¦ c̈r£ n© lŸke§ fxi
© z¦ e§ mixEA
¦ x§ a©
starvation, and they learned the ways of peace with oŸebïea
the inhabitants of the land.
ux¤`¨ d̈ ia¥ WŸ
§ eY. mr¦ mŸelẄ ik¥ x§ C© md¤ l̈ z̈ ¥̀ x§ d̈e§
- 158 -
For all the miracles in our lives we offer our thanks lr© e§ ,zŸexEaB§ d© lr© e§ ,oẅx§ Rª d© lr© e§ ,miq¦ P¦ d© lr©
to you Ah-do-nai our God and in blessing your
§ eil§
z̈i« U
¦ r̈W
¤ ,zŸeng̈l§ O¦ d© lr© e§ ,zŸerEWY§ d©
Name we hope that all of life will bless You too and ia¥ yŸ
especially today because:
.d¤Gd© on§
© GA© md¥ d̈ minÏ
¦ A© ux¤`¨ d̈
Therefore, feeling grateful, they dedicated a day of dp̈Ẅe§ dp̈Ẅ d`¨ c̈Ÿed mŸei Era§ ẅ dc̈ŸeY iW
¥ b§ x¦ A§ ,oM¥ lr©
Thanksgiving each year as a remembrance for future
dïc̈Ÿed zŸecErq§ mili
¦ k¦ £̀ nE
zŸexŸecl§ xk¥
¤ fl§
generations, feeding unfortunates feasts of thanks.
Today, we thank You for all the good in our lives, zŸeaŸeHd© lr© LN§ micŸ¦ en Ep`¨ m©B ok¥ l̈ :mil¦ l̈nE`l
Epi¥Ig© A§
God of kindness, Lord of Peace; Your name is great ,dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ .mŸelẌd© oŸec`¨ zŸe`c̈Ÿedd© l ¥̀
and to you it is beautiful to offer thanksgiving.
.zŸecŸedl§ d ¤̀ p̈ LlE
§ Ln§ y
¦ aŸeHd©
Simchat Bat - The naming of a Baby Girl
B’ru-cha ha-ba b’shem Ah-do-nai
dF̈di§ my
¥ a§ d`¨ äd© dk̈ExA§
We welcome and bless you in Ah-do-nai’s name.
Y’se-mech E’lo-him K’Sa-rah Riv-ka Ra-ch-el V’le-ah
d`¨ l¥ e§ lg¥ x¨ dẅa§ x¦ dx¨ÿk§ mi§ dŸl
¦ ¤̀ jn¥ i§ y
¦ i§
May you be like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah.
May God bless you and protect you:
Y'va-re-ch'cha Ah-do-nai v'yish-m'recha:
May God’s face shine upon you
and be gracious to you:
Ya-er Ah-do-nai pa-nav
eip̈R̈ dF̈di§ x ¥̀ ï
ei-le cha vi-chu-neka:
ª e¦ Lil¤ ¥̀
Yi-sa Ah-do-nai pa-nav ei-le-cha
May God smile upon you
:‚x¤n§ W
§ i¦ e§ dF̈di§ Lk§ x¤äi§
Lil¤ ¥̀ eip̈R̈ dF̈di§ `V̈i¦
and give you peace:
v 'ya-seim I'cha shalom.
:mFlẄ Ll§ mXï
¥ e§
We praise you, Ah-do-nai
Ba-ruch a-tah Ah-do-nai,
dF̈di§ dŸ`© KExÄ
E-lo-he--nu, Me-lech Ha-o-lam,
Eternal God,
she-heh-che-yanu, v'Key-y'manu
for sustaining us in life
bringing us to this special moment:
v'he-ge-anu laz-man ha-zeh.
,ml̈Frd̈ Kl¤ n¤ Epi«dŸl
¥ `
Epn̈§Iw¦ e§ Epï¡gd¤ W
:d¤Gd© on§
© Gl© Epr̈iB¦ d¦ e§
Parents : As we joined together as husband and wife, so now do we stand together as you enter
the circle of our family. As we wrap you in this tallit, so may your life be wrapped in justice and
righteousness. As we embrace you today, so may you embrace your tradition and your people.
The child is wrapped in the Tallit and formally named
Continued on next page
- 159 -
Grandparent's Prayers
As your eyes are filled with wonder when you gaze at the world so, too, may you be filled with
wonder at the everyday miracles of life.
As you startle to the world around you, so may you remain ever open both to the happiness and to
the pain of those you encounter in the world.
As you cry for food and comfort now, so may you one day cry out to correct the injustices of the
world, to help clothe the naked and feed the hungry.
As your hand tightly grasps your mother's finger, so may you grasp hold of learning and grow in
knowledge and in wisdom.
k'shem she'nich-n'sah l'brit
zix¦ A§ l§ dq̈p§ k§ p¦ W
¤ mWM§
As she has entered into the covenant,
so may she enter into a life of Torah,
ken te-ka-nes le' To-rah
loving relationships and good deeds.
ul'chu-pah ul'ma'asim toe-vim
dxŸ¨eYl§ q¥pM̈Y¦ oM¥
miaŸ¦ eh miy£
¦ rn© lE
§ dẗgª lE
Parents’ Prayer on the occasion of Bar / Bat Mitzvah
May be recited by one or both parents immediately prior to their child’s Aliyah.
For a Bar Mitzvah: On this Shabbat when our son becomes a Bar Mitzvah, our hearts are filled
with gratitude and love to God for all the blessings that our child has enjoyed, that we have known,
and for reaching this time of joy. It is our hope and prayer that the Torah, God’s most precious
gift, will always guide and inspire him. May the moral and ethical teachings of our tradition be
precious to him so that he will appreciate his heritage.
Let his eyes sparkle with the light of your Torah. May the love of his religion inspire him to the
performance of mitzvot throughout his life. We pray that your protecting and loving care will
accompany him and that his deeds will reflect the meaning of this day so that he will bring pride to
us, honor to the house of Israel and glory to your name.
For a Bat Mitzvah: On this Shabbat when our daughter becomes a Bat Mitzvah, our hearts are
filled with gratitude and love to God for all the blessings that our child has enjoyed, that we have
known, and for reaching this time of joy. It is our hope and prayer that the Torah, God’s most
precious gift, will always guide and inspire her. May the moral and ethical teachings of our tradition
be precious to her so that she will appreciate her heritage.
Let her eyes sparkle with the light of your Torah. May the love of her religion inspire her to the
performance of mitzvot throughout her life. We pray that your protecting and loving care will
accompany her and that her deeds will reflect the meaning of this day so that she will bring pride to
us, honor to the house of Israel and glory to your name.
- 160 -
Prayers on the occasion of an Aufruf
First Reading: “With all my love, I pledge to revere your person and respect your aspirations. I will
share with you the love of my heart, the substance of my dreams and the fruits of my labors. I will
now and forever work towards the recognition and fulfillment of the promise that together we will
make our lives purposeful. Limitless is my love for you and my devotion is without end. I give
thanks to The Almighty whose gift of life has brought us together."
Second Reading: "Let our lives be intertwined forever. Let our hearts be united in love. Let our
future home be rich with wisdom, reverence and the beauty of Judaism. Let us treasure, nurture,
support and respect each other. Limitless is my love for you and my devotion is without end. I
give thanks to The Almighty whose gift of life has brought us together."
Sim-an tov u’ma-zal tov y'hey la-nu u’lechol yis-ra'el
l ¥̀ x¨y
§ i¦ lk̈lE
§ Epl̈ `d¥ i§ aŸeh l©fnE
© aŸeh on© q¦
May there be a good sign and good fortune for us and for all Israel!
Prayer before a trip to Israel
I / We rejoice that once again I / we can say, “Let us go the House of Ahdonai”
Soon we will be standing within your gates, O Jerusalem,
where the tribes of Israel made regular pilgrimage.
We are taught that all Jews should to go up to Jerusalem and give thanks to Ahdonai.
The thrones of justice were there, the thrones of the house of David.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; may those who love her prosper.
Let there be peace within her borders, prosperity within her homes.
For the welfare of all, we speak only peace on her behalf.
We pray for peace in Israel, and for peace in the world.
May it be Your will, Ahdonai our God, and God of ancestors,
guide our journey in peace. Lead us to your Holy Land in peace.
As you begin your journey, take our prayers with you,
May Ahdonai bless you throughout your journey.
May you go on your way in peace.
Tzait-chem B'sha-lom.
.mFlẄA§ mk¤ z`
§ v¥
May you return in peace.
Bo'ah-chem B'sha-lom.
.,mFlẄA§ mk¤ £̀ FA
May you be blessed as you depart.
Ba-ruch a-tah b'tzey-te-cha.
¤ v¥ A§ dz̈`© KExÄ
May you be blessed as you return.
Ba-ruch a-tah b'vo-eh-cha.
.L ¤̀ ŸaA§ dz̈`© KExÄ
- 161 -
A Personal Kaddish
(when a minyan is not present)
This personal version of the Kaddish was composed to be recited when a minyan (10 Jewish adults) is not present.
Every effort should be made to secure a minyan for the recitation of Kaddish.
Ahl hah-kol Yit-ga-dal v'yit-ka-dash
WC¥ w© z§ i¦ e§ lC©
¥Bz§ i¦ lŸMd© lr©
sh'may d'ku-d'sha b'rich hu
`Ed KExÄ `Ẅc§ wª c§ Dn¥ W
b'al-ma di-v'ra chi-ru-tei:
¥ x§ k¦ `x¨a§ iC¦ `n̈l§ r̈A§
Yit-ba-rach v'yit-ha-dar
xc© d© z§ i¦ e§ Kx©Äz§ i¦
v'yit-pa-ar v'yit-ro-mam
© z§ i¦ e§ x`© R̈z§ i¦ e§
sh'may d'ku-d'sha b'rich hu:
:`Ed Kix¦ A§ `Ẅc§ wª C§ Dn¥ W
Y'hei sh'la-ma ra-ba min sh'ma-ya
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v'cha-yim, a-lay-nu v'al kol Yis-ra-el:
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§ i¦ lM̈ lr© e§ Epi«¥lr̈ mii¦ g© e§
O-seh sha-lom bim-ro-mav
ein̈Fxn§ A¦ mFlẄ dUŸ
hu ya-a-seh sha-lom
mFlẄ dU
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a-lay-nu v'al kol Yis-ra-el:
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§ i¦ lM̈ lr© e§ Epi«¥lr̈
For the unity, for the complexity and for everything contained within.
Great, praised, exalted, and uplifted is the Name of the Holy Blessed One
in all space and time created by design.
Blessed, splendid, adorned, and lauded be the Holy Blessed Name.
May God’s great name be blessed, forever and ever.
Blessed, praised, glorified, exalted, extolled, honored elevated and
praised is the Name of the holy one.
Maker of harmony in the universe, grant peace to us,
to Israel, and to all people everywhere.
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi - Adapted
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Why is this book printed backwards?
Hebrew is read from right to left. Given that this prayer book is a Hebrew text with
english translation, the text follows the Hebrew format.
Why is Hebrew read from right to left?
Rabbinic tradition teaches that the right side symbolizes greater spiritual revelation.
The language of the Torah (Hebrew), the "Holy Tongue" in which Godliness is more
revealed, is therefor read from right to left.
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