Tucson Guitar - School of Music


Tucson Guitar - School of Music
David Russell (Scotland/Spain)
Saturday, February 20, 7:00 p.m. & Sunday, February 21, 2:30 p.m.
Holsclaw Hall, $30, 25, 15
34th Annual Sholin Guitar Competition
Student Competition – Sunday, March 6, 2:30 p.m.
Holsclaw Hall, $10, 7, 5
Roberto Aussel (Argentina)
Thursday, March 31, 7:00 p.m., Holsclaw Hall, $25, students $10
A Tucson Guitar Society Event – Tickets: tucsonguitarsociety.org
Schaeffer Memorial Guitar Competition
Student Competition
Sunday, April 3, 2:30 p.m.
Holsclaw Hall, $10, 7, 5
Arizona Guitar Orchestra
April 17, Sunday, 4:00 p.m.
Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (2331 East Adams Street), $Free
The Tucson Guitar Society creates an all-Arizona guitar ensemble for community
and student players from throughout Arizona, including the University
of Arizona Bolton Guitar Studies Program, Arizona State University,
Glendale Community College and Grand Canyon Guitar Society in Flagstaff.
Tucson Guitar
F e sti va l
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Holsclaw Hall, 7:00 p.m.
College of Fine Ar ts
Fred Fox School of Music
Sérgio & Odair Assad
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Holsclaw Hall, 7:00 p.m.
Ocho valses poéticos......................................................... Enrique Granados
Vivace molto and Melodico
Tempo de Vals noble
Tempo de Vals lento
Allegro humoristico
Allegretto (elegante)
Quasi ad libitum (sentimental)
Two selections from “Iberia”.................................................... Isaac Albéniz
El Puerto
Tonadilla, para dos guitarras..............................................Joaquín Rodrigo
Allegro ma non troppo(1901-1999)
Minueto pomposo
Allegro vivace
Interrogando.........................................................................João Pernambuco
Abismo de Rosas............................................Américo Jacomino “Canhoto”
Bandoneón................................................................................Ástor Piazzolla
Tempo Feliz................................................................................. Baden Powell
Baiao malandro................................................................... Egberto Gismonti
(b. 1947)
Jongo...........................................................................................Paulo Bellinati
(b. 1950)
Please join us for the following
Guitar Recitals & Events:
Guitar in the Woods
Monthly, First Thursday of the Month, 6:30 p.m.
Exception: Thursday, November 12 (due to Guitar Festival)
Woods Memorial Library, $Free
A Tucson Guitar Society Event
A monthly meeting of guitar aficionados to share
what they are working on, or just to listen.
Tucson Guitar Society Orchestra – Holiday Concert
Saturday, December 5, 4:00 p.m.
Holsclaw Hall, $Free
Kathy Acosta Zavala, Master’s Recital
Saturday, December 5, 7:00 p.m.
Holsclaw Hall, $Free
William Wolfe Guitar Award Recital
Student Competition
Sunday, December 6, 2:30 p.m.
Holsclaw Hall, $10, 7, 5
José Luis Puerta, Doctoral Solo Recital
Tuesday, December 8, 7:00 p.m.
Holsclaw Hall, $Free
Zoran Dukic (Croatia)
Thurday, January 14, 7:00 p.m., Holsclaw Hall, $25, students $10
A Tucson Guitar Society Event – Tickets: tucsonguitarsociety.org
Bernardo Bermudez, baritone (USA) & Adam del Monte, guitar (Israel)
with Ballet Tucson – “Rhythms of the Americas”
Friday, February 5, 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, February 6, 2:00 & 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, February 7, 2:00 p.m.
$40 Stevie Eller Dance Theatre, The University of Arizona
A Tucson Guitar Society/Tucson Desert Song Festival Event
Tickets: tucsonguitarsociety.org
Exclusive Management:
Second Annual David Russell Bach Prize Finalists Recital
Student Competition – Sunday, February 14, 2:30 p.m.
Holsclaw Hall, $10, 7, 5
Opus 3 Artists – 470 Park Avenue South - New York NY 10016
Duo Assad
The seventh International Guitar Festival is co-sponsored by
We thank the
John & Joan D’Addario Foundation
for generously sponsoring this concert!
Brazilian-born brothers Sérgio and Odair Assad have set the benchmark
for all other guitarists by creating a new standard of guitar innovation,
ingenuity and expression. Their exceptional artistry and uncanny ensemble
playing still astonish even after fifty years of performing. In addition to
setting new standards, the Assads have played a major role in creating
and introducing new music for two guitars. Their virtuosity has inspired
a wide range of composers to write for them including Astor Piazzolla,
Terry Riley, Radamés Gnattali, Marlos Nobre, Nikita Koshkin, Roland
Dyens, Jorge Morel, Edino Krieger and Francisco Mignone. Now,
Sérgio Assad is adding to their repertoire by composing music for the
duo and for various musical partners, including such renowned artists
as Yo-Yo Ma, Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, Fernando Suarez Paz, Paquito
D’Rivera, Gidon Kremer and Dawn Upshaw. He has been nominated for
yet two more Latin Classical Grammys in the Best Classical Composition
Category for his piece for the LA Guitar Quartet and the Delaware
Symphony entitled, Interchange and for Maracaipe for the Beijing
Guitar Duo.
The Assads are also recognized as prolific recording artists, primarily
for the Nonesuch and GHA labels. In 2001, Nonesuch Records released
Sérgio and Odair Assad Play Piazzolla, which later won a Latin Grammy.
In 2003, the Brazilian record Obrigado Brazil was released featuring Rosa
Passos, Egberto Gismonti and Cyro Baptista. Sérgio arranged several of
the works on the disc, which captured a Grammy in 2004. Their seventh
Nonesuch recording, released in the fall 2007, is called Jardim Abandonado
after a piece by Antonio Carlos Jobim. It was nominated for Best Classical
Album, and Sérgio went on to win the Latin Grammy for his composition,
Tahhiyya Li Oussilina. In 2009, the brothers were featured on Yo-Yo Ma’s
chart topping release, Songs of Joy & Peace, which features other guest
artists as diverse as James Taylor and Dave Brubeck. In the piece Família,
Yo-Yo plays Sérgio’s composition featuring mother, Angelina Assad, sister
Badi and children Clarice, Rodrigo and Carolina. The release topped both
the classical and the mainstream Billboard charts and won a Grammy for
Best Classical Crossover. In April 2012, Sérgio and Odair toured North
America with Yo-Yo Ma and pianist Kathryn Stott, in a program of Latin
American works as arranged by Sérgio as well as some of his original
compositions, highlighted by concerts at the new Smith Center in Las
Vegas and Chicago’s Symphony Hall (and Tucson!). In the spring of 2013,
Sérgio and Odair planned another tour of their much loved trio with the
inimitable Paquito D’Rivera as well as a record release of their project,
Dances from the New World” nominated for yet another Latin Grammy,
as Best Instrumental Album.
Odair is based in Brussels where he teaches at Ecole Supérieure des Arts.
Sérgio resides in San Francisco, where he is on the faculty of the San
Francisco Conservatory.
Gratitude Acknowledgments
Norman Douglas Sholin founded and designed the guitar degree
program at the University of Arizona School of Music in 1974. He had a
vision for a world class guitar program. That vision is alive today. Your
support ensures that the guitar program will continue to attract top music
students. With deep gratitude we acknowledge those whose significant
and ongoing gifts have transformed the lives of students and faculty.
Transformational Gifts to the Bolton
Guitar Studies Program at the Fred Fox
School of Music
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Bill Akin
Phyllis* and Sanford* Bolton
The Cypri-Cola Company Limited
Joan and John D’Addario
John and Joan D’Addario Foundation, Inc.
Carol and Donald Eagle
The Edwards Mother Earth Foundation
Karen and David Francis
Karen and Robert Gold
Janela and David Hubka
IBM International Foundation
E. Philip Krider
Patricia MacCorquodale
Julia and Andre Pernet
Clare K. Schaeffer*
Southwest Strings
St. Mark’s Presbyterian
Elizabeth Weiner-Schulman
Rosa L. Liu-Stevens and Ralph F. Stevens
William Wolfe*
Lund Wolfe
Conductor’s Circle
($1,000 to $9,999)
Donald Agthe*
Laura and John Almquist
Bart Antista
Matthew Apostolik
Bank of America
Betty and John Barrowman
Timothy J. Barry
Kathleen and William Burnett
Marilyn Chase
Joanna and Michael Clark
Sevren and Dennis Coon
Davis Selected Advisers, L.P.
Dow Chemical Corp.
Bruce Fulton
Ruth and Charles* Gold
David Gold
Vicki and Alan Greenstein
Harvey and Rosanne Greenstein
Linda L. Griffin
Sara and Samuel Hauert
Suzanne and Lester Hayt
Leslee and Thomas Hippert
IBM Corporation
Imago Dei Middle School
Jewish Community Foundation
Sara and Matthew Kalos
Lyn Papanikolas and J. David Mackstaller
Elinor Aderton and Robert McIntosh
Roger Funk and Douglas Noffsinger
Tom Patterson
Chancey Pelletier
The Prudential Foundation
Jerome A. Reinstein
D. C. Sholin
Mary Stewart-Pollard and Robert Pollard
Elizabeth Giles and Stephen Simmes
Page and Pearre Williams
Margot Beeston
Kay and Lloyd Bierstaker
Ramona Brown
Eugenia and Taylor Chen
Herman Davis
Raquel and Lawrence Fleischman
Julie Gibson
Mary Hamilton
Nancy Koff
Theodore Koff*
Robert Kritz Associates, Inc.
Charlotte and Michael* Mensh
Michelle and Joseph Millstone
Mary Romaniello
Helen and Richard Ruskin
Charlene Sampson*
Deborah and Marc Sandroff
Richard Seagrave
Gail Gibbons and Ray St. Clair
Duane Waterman
Susan and Erick Weiland
Mireille Algazi
Glenda and Karl Anderson
Richard Apling
Billy Arcila – Los Angeles Classical Guitars
Jean and Charles Ares
Don Arkin
Edith and Steve Auslander
Janice Wezelman and David Bartlett
Carolyne and Jonathan Bass
Pamela and Sidney Batten
Miriam and Charles Blitzer
Bott-Anderson Partners, Inc
Doris and Len Coris
Fletcher Dann
Claire and Mack Dunham
Georgeanna D. Fischetti
Shawnie L. and Stephen L. Ford/
Arizona Cyclist
Lucia Gibson
Carol and Jonathan Howe
Shigeko and Ke Chiang Hsieh
Investment Management Consultants
Robert Kritz
Paul Kritz
Toni Goldstein and Peter I. Lasho
Miriam and David Mallott
Michelle Yauger and Michael Mayer
Sidney J. McDuff
Carolyn and Franklin Meier
Miller Curio Company
Barbara Morehouse and Philip Johnson
Edward Muka
Tamra Myers and Mark Myers
Blanca and Larry Nahmias
Nils Nelson
Northern Trust Company
Margaret B. Rappaport, Ph.D.
Raytheon Company - Matching Gifts
William Ridlinghafer
Doris and Arnold Roland
Elaine W. Rousseau
Paul Schulman
Elmer Scovill
Richard and Jasmine Seagrave
Elizabeth & Grace Sheppard
Ray St. Clair
Ann Stonesifer
Harvey Swedloff
Audrey Tarchine
Patricia and Howard Tuller/Tuller Trophy
Jane and Theodore Turbenson
Merle Turchik
James Vogel
Eileen and Ray Weick
Jim Wezelman
Matthew A. Werber
Elizabeth and Emanuel Wolff
Gifts Up to $100
Thomas Amundsen
Norma J. Anderson
Louise Anthony*
Samuel Arcus
Barbara Atwood and Peter Eisner
Mark Berman/Benjamin Supply
Luise and Eric Betterton
Janice and Jerome Bishop
Carolyn and Paul Crews
Larry Deutsch and William Parker
Ernst & Young
Arthur and Marilyn Felix
Gloria and Rocky Ferrell
Anna M. Friend*
Elizabeth Garigan-Soper and Doyle Soper
David Gladstone*
Marvin and Jean Glassberg
Gloria and Michael Goldman
Marsha and Sidney Hirsh
Steven and Marta Ketchel
Mary and Joel Levin
Louis A. Levinson
Berthold Lippel
Joy Marsalla
Shirley and Stan Matlick
Shaun McManimon
Sharon Megdal
Sarah M Mulholland
Christine* and Harvey* Nelson
George A. Newman
Leslie Nixon and Barry Kirschner
Betty and Bernie Orman
Gwen and Richard Powell
Shu ching Cheng and Edward Reid
Brina Rodin
Abigail Root
Nan* and Leonard* Rosenthal
Sandra and Bernard Ruhl
Dorothy and Julian* Sayre
Sarah and Leonard Schultz
Diana G. Sheldon
Marilyn E. Sheridan
Ronald J. Staub
Lydia and David Streeter
David M. Talamante
Nancy A. Trujillo
M H. Udolph
Kenneth L. Weiss
H. Diane Wright
Samuel O. Zaidenberg*
* deceased
We strive for an accurate listing of all our treasured donors. This list reflects
cumulative gifts from all guitar donors to date. To make corrections, please call
the College of Fine Arts Development Office at 621-9057.