Sponsorship Package - Festival of Learning


Sponsorship Package - Festival of Learning
Sponsorship Package
Festival of Learning
June 6 – 9, 2 016
Delta Burnaby Hotel & Conference Centre
and at the BCIT Burnaby Campus
Festival of Learning
Celebrating Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
Welcome to
the Festival
of Learning!
The Festival of Learning is a
celebration of teaching and learning
in post-secondary education. It is
an unprecedented collaboration
of existing groups and annual events
hosted together during an exciting
four-day festival experience.
This event includes exciting learning formats
like intensives, studios, showcases and slams.
The Festival schedule includes workshops,
sessions, presentations as well as a variety
of social events and spaces for groups to
connect and network. Participants can join
for one, two, three or all four days of integrated
learning experiences.
As a sponsor, you will reach over 400
participants, including faculty, administrators,
leaders, educational developers, librarians,
educational technologists, and other partners
and support staff. The Festival provides a
special place to exchange ideas and celebrate
teaching and learning in B.C. higher education
and beyond.
Festival of Learning
Celebrating Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
Groups & events involved
in the Festival of Learning
Group/E vent
British Columbia Teaching & Learning Council
•40 leaders (e.g., Directors of Teaching, Learning &
Technology) from all public post-secondary institutions
in B.C., appointed by their Vice Presidents Academic
•this group is comprised of decision makers in
educational technology, learning design, and faculty
•Chairs: Liesel Knaack (VIU), Stephanie Chu (SFU)
• bctlc.ca
Open Textbook Summit
•150 international faculty, students, and staff at last
year’s annual Spring Summit to learn about open
textbook adoption, adaptation and creation
Scholarly Teaching & Learning in
Post-Secondary Education
• 150 faculty at 2015 annual Fall Symposium
•Organizing Committee: Liesel Knaack (VIU), Gary Hunt
(TRU), Maureen Wideman (UFV), Peter Arthur (UBCO),
Grant Gregson (Emily Carr)
• proflearn.bccampus.ca/symposium/
Festival of Learning
Celebrating Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
Groups & E vents involved in the Festival of Learning Continued
group/e vent
Intensive: Scholarly Inquiry into
Teaching & Learning Research Design
•In 2015, this event drew 30 (intended maximum)
faculty members together to design scholarly research
•Facilitated by: Peter Arthur (UBCO), Gary Hunt (TRU),
and Doug Hamilton (RRU)
British Columbia Teaching
& Learning Network (BC-TLN)
•90 educational & faculty developers and instructional
designers from B.C. universities, colleges, & institutes
•Chairs: Isabeau Iqbal (UBC) and Jennifer Jasper (JIBC)
Educational Technology Users Group (ETUG)
•150 attendees at last annual Spring workshop
•For 20+ years, ETUG has brought together
practitioners and faculty interested in technology –
supported learning
•Chairs: Kele Fleming (UBC), Emily Schudel (Camosun)
• etug.ca
Festival of Learning
Celebrating Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
Your participation as a sponsor will help shape the future of post-secondary education in B.C.
In addition to the sponsorship opportunities presented here, we would be happy to work with you
to customize an option that meets your interests and budget. All prices are in $CAD.
$10, 000+
Name/logo on festival website and
other promotional pieces
Recognition at plenary sessions
and email communications to all
Exhibitor table (approx. 6 ft, high
traffic area)
Access to registration table
(info and promo items)
Branded refreshment break
see below)
Complimentary Registration –
two 4-day passes
Customize your sponsorship –
see next page
Festival of Learning
Celebrating Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
Platinum Sponsor Opportunities
Here are some ideas for Platinum Sponsors to consider – we are keen to collaborate on an approach
that works for you!
Breaks & Booth
• Three refreshment breaks (your choice: am or pm. There are 7 scheduled breaks over the 4 days
to choose from). Highly visible tent cards and/or easels with sponsor signage (e.g., “Thanks for the
break!”) throughout all break areas.
• Exhibitor table/booth for 4 days in high traffic area
Lounge + Booth & Swag
• One-of-a-kind lounge/gathering space for all 4 days, incl. charging station, water station,
comfortable seating, in high traffic landing area by elevators. Combine with “vendor table/booth”
for displaying collateral/materials of your choice. This option invites participants to relax and
connect in a comfortable, branded space!
• Branded Swag item (e.g., “sprout pencil”, ear buds, screen cleaners, pens…swag items in the
$4-5 per piece range)
Festival Fun & Games
• Branded Carnival Midway (with games) at the Night Carnival
• Branded “tent” inside the Night Carnival (only 2 available)
• “gobos” (your logo projected in lights at the Night Carnival)
• Photo Booth with instant social media uploading (#yourhashtag #fol16) on Wednesday
at the Night Carnival
• Exhibitor table/booth for 4 days in high traffic area
High Tech Hijinx
• Branded Interactive wall for 2 days (your choice, but suggest Tue/Wed) in pre-function area.
We would provide a staff member to monitor content. These walls display social media activity
associated with your hashtag and the Festival of Learning hashtag.
Festival of Learning
Celebrating Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
Dates & Deadlines
March 30 - signed sponsorship agreements submitted
April 15 - total sponsorship fees
April 15 - sponsor’s high resolution logo (.ai or .eps format)
Christy Foote
BCcampus Events Coordinator
[email protected]
604 412 7659
Tracy Kelly
BCcampus Senior Manager, Professional Learning
[email protected]
250 886 8787
Festival of Learning
Celebrating Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
Agreement form
I/We _________________________________________________________________________________
agree to sponsor the selected category below as part of the Festival of Learning, hosted by
BCcampus on June 6 - 9, 2016.
q Platinum - $10, 000+
q Gold $5,000*
q Silver $2,000
q Bronze $1,000
*Platinum & gold sponsors only: will you be working with us to customize a sponsorship package?
q No
q Yes. Please add details: ___________________________________________________________
In-Kind Sponsor
q Product in the value of $_____________________________________________________________
Brief description of product :_________________________________________________________ q Service in the value of $_____________________________________________________________
Brief description of product :_________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Authorized signature
Contact Name ________________________________________________________________________
Phone ____________________________________ Email_____________________________________
Please return to BCcampus - Fax: 250 405 4014