Student Council
Student Council
Edited b y: Th R OSSVILLE e Senior Cl ass RURAL H n·1strict N IGH SC HOOL Ross vill e, Kansas o. 7 Boord of Education Our thanks go to the Board of Education for their loyalty, devotion and intelligent attention to the work of our school. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD ARE: Mr. Scott Kelsey, Mr. H. F. Syring, and Mr. V. D. Jones Administration H. D. Richardson, Principal 2 .......... _ Faculty MR. ROSS CORRELL MISS DOROTHY MILLER Ottawa University Pittsburg State Teachers Kansas University Park College University of Missouri MRS. MARY ROTER MR. IRA WILLIAMS Linderwood C~llege Drake University Kansas University Kansas State College MRS. THEDA BIXBY MRS. SARAH BOONE Emporia Teachers Kansas University Kansas State College Fort Hays State College MR. ROBERT SIGG MRS. JUANITA SIMMERS Kansas State College Emporia State Teachers Emporia State Teachers Kansas State College Fort Hays State Teachers Pittsburg State Teachers College of Emporia ~' .,,, --......= -- SEATED, LEFT TO RIGHT : Ed Tuller, Wayne Dick, Betty Pendleton, Jane Eldridge, Phyllis Parker. STANDING, LEFT TO RIGHT: Keith Cowan, James Vanderblomen, Earl Miller, JoAnn Swenson, Mr. Richardson, Don Miller, Marion Porter, Patty Bixby, Leo Badura, Fred Coffey. STAFF Betty Pendleton JoAnn Swenson Fred Coffey. Keith Cowan Edgar Tuller Leo Badura Phyllis Parker Don Miller . Wayne Dick. James Vanderblomen Jane Eldridge Patty Bixby. Earl Miller . Charles 'Thompson Marion Porter. Editor Assistant Editor Business Manager Assistant Business Manager .Advertising Manager Assistant Advertising Manager .Typist . Sports Editor • Assistant Sports Editor • Assistant Sports Editor Subscription Manager Subscription Manager Assistant &ubscription Manager Assistant Subscription Manager Photographer ...-'0"_ ...__ ~.._.____ -~ .,a:;:r-M ,._- .............. .,.. Seniors BADURA, LEO DALE Student Council 1; Class Vice-President 2; Plays 3, 4; F .F .A. VicePresident 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Boys Double Quartet 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 4; Track 1, 2; Baseball 3, 4. BIXBY, PATRICIA ANN Secretary of Class 2; Band 1, 2 , 3 , 4; Girls Glee 1,2, 3 ,4; Mixed Chorus 1,2,3,4; Pep Club 2,3,4; Y-Teens 1, 2; Kayettes 3, 4; Board of Directors 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Plays 3, 4. / COFFEY, JOHN FREDERICK Student Council President 4; F. F. A. 1,2,3,4; Program Chairman'F.F.A. 4; Plays 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Double Quartet 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Football Co-Captain 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3; Baseball 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Kay Club 1, 2; Homecoming Attendant 4. COWAN, KEITH FRANCIS President of Class 1; Student Council 3; Vice-President of Class 4; Kay Club 1,2; F.F.A. 1,2,3,4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Tr~ck 1, 2; Baseball 3, 4; Homecoming Attendant 4; Plays 3,4; Yearbook Staff 4; Sentinel F. F. A. 3; Secretary of F. F. A. 4. Sponsor PARKER MORTUARY Topeka, Kansas DICK, WAYNE GILBERT Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Kay Club 1, 2; Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 4; Football 1; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 3; Student Council 2, 4; F. F. A. Treasurer 4; President of Class 3; VicePresident of Student Council 4; Vice-President of Class 1; Play 3; Yearbook Staff 4. 5 -- ~ .- ---- Seniors MILLER, DONALD DAVID Treasurer of Class 2, 3; President of Class 4; F.F.A. 1,2,3,4; VicePresident of F. F. A. 3; President of F .F .A. 4; Kay Club 1, 2; Glee Club 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Plays 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2; Baseball 3, 4; Homecoming King 4; Football Co-Captain 4; Basketball Co-Captain 4; State Farmer Degree 4. · ELDRIDGE, MARY JANE Y-Teen 1,2; Y-Teen Cabinet 2; Kayettes 3, 4; Kayettes Vice-President 3; Kayettes Service Chairman 4; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Pep Club Vice President 4; Plays 3, 4; Homecoming Queen 4; Secretary of Class 4; Student Council 3; Yearbook Staff 4; Glee Club 1,2,3,4. MILLER, EARL WALLACE F.F.A. 1,2,3,4; Secretary of F.F.A. 3; Reporter ofF. F. A. 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2; Baseball 3, 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Play 4. I PARKER, PHYLLIS MAE Secretary-Treasurer of Class 1; Secretary of Student Council 4; Secretary of Class 3; Triple Trio 2; Nonet 4; Melody Airs 4; Kayette Cabinet 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Operetta 2; Plays 2, 3, 4; Vice-President of Pep Club 3; Cheerleader 3,4; Homecoming Attendant 4; Sweetheart 4; Treasurer of Pep Club 4; Yearbook Staff 4. Sponsor GALE and ANN'S CAFE Rossville, Kansas PENDLETON, ELIZABETH JOAN Glee Club 1,2,3,4; Melodie Airs 4; Nonet 4; Sextette 2, 3; Quartet 1; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Dance Band 4; Y-Teens 1, 2; Y -Teens Cabinet 2; Kayettes 3, 4; Kayette Board of Directors 3; President of Kayettes 4; Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 4; Secretary of Class 1; Student Council 2; Treasurer of Class 4; Girls State 3; Editor of Yearbook 4; Plays 3, 4; Sports Editor 4; Homecoming Attendant 4. Seniors PORTER, MARION ARTHUR Baseball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2, 4; Football 2, 4; Play 3, 4; Secretary of Class 2, Yearbook Staff 4. SWENSON, JO ANN Student Council 1; Class President 2; Y-Teens 1,2; Y-TeensCabinet 2; Kayettes 3, 4; Kayette Board of Directors 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Dance Band 4; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Quartet 1; Sextette 2, 3; Melodie-Airs 4; Nonet 4; Pep Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Club President 4; Cheerleader 3; Plays 3, 4; Managing editor of school notes 4; Sweetheart Attendant 4. THOMPSON, CHARLES EDWARD F.F.A. 1,2,3,4; Basketball3; Football 1; Track 1, 2; Vice-President of Class 3; Yearbook Staff 4. VANDERBLOMEN, JAMES SYLVESTER Basketball 2, 4; Football 2; Band 1, 2, 3,4; F.F.A. 2,3,4. TULLER, EDGAR LEONARD Treasurer of Class 1; F. F. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Sentinel ofF. F .A. 4; Kay Club 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Track 1, 2; Baseball Manager 3; Plays 3, 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Magazine Sales Captain 4. 7 We the 1956 Seniors of Rossville Rural High, being about to leave these halls and say "Goodbye," with plenipotentiary minds and, luckily, hearts still beating, do hereby make, declare, and publish this, our last will and Testament. To dear old Rossville High, we will the dandelion seeds that we have blown about throughout the years. To the Principal and Faculty, we will the peacefulness of our absence, not only in the halls, but by the outer office also. To the Students in future plays, we will one of our most prized possessions, the red divan and chair which we bought. To our parents, we will the wonderful and thankful knowledge that they won't have to try to endure four years of our high school life again. I, Keith, the most mischievous, do hereby will my flat-top to / Mr. Sigg, in hopes that he takes good care of it. I, Leo, the broadest, do hereby will my perfect attendance to James Welch. I, JoAnn, the biggest? teaser, do hereby will the few extra minutes in the morning between my arrival at school and the ring of the bell of Lynda Wilt. I, Earl, the sliest, do hereby will my tall, slender build to Henry Badura. I, Don, the meanest, do hereby will my nose to Mr. Paul Maus, in hopes that it may help him with his skunk hunting. I, Betty, the hungriest, do hereby will my ''booming'' voice to Betty Bixby, so that she can take my place of yelling at our games. I, James, the calmest, do hereby will my dandelion digging duty to anyone whom Mr. Richardson catches roaming around in the halls. I, Wayne, the speediest, do hereby will my "cattin 1 around" to Leroy Carrol. I, Phyllis, the busiest office girl, do hereby will my typewriter to anyone else with long fingernails. I, Fred, the smo-o-othest, do hereby will my ability of not going steady to Sam Zickefoose. I, Marion, the crazyiest, do hereby will the hair on my chest to LeRoy Dick. I, Janie, the fibber, do hereby will h-m-m-m, I just will leave. I, Edgar, the wittiest, do hereby will my ability to stay out of seventh hour study hall to Larry Parr, in hopes that it will help him get out of there. I, Patty, the quietest, do hereby will my freckles to Jane Rogers and Betty Tholl, because I have enough for two people. I, Charley, the most absent, do bereby will a dump truck to Dobie, so he can use it around Hallowe'en time. 8 ______ _. - :;;:;: • "* =zrr;c -ew 7 Juniors Larry Hudson Ray Ko v ar Loren Lynde Laiten Marney Janice McClelland Neil McRoberts Jean Nadeau Larry Parr Karen Pressgrove Lucille Reser Arlyn Sage Joe Stockman Betty Tholl Pauline Timmons James Welch Lynda Wilt Larry Zeller Sam Zickefoose Sponsor BERRY IRRIGATION Rossville, Kansas Phone 381 9 Sophomores Judy Atchison Henry Badura Betty Bixby Phyllis Coffey Lois Coleman Mary Dolezilek Laird French Dianne Gideon Linda Hurley James Lacock Edward Lloyd Kenneth Marney Paul Maus Linda McCoy Leonard Mesmer Ellen Miller Kenneth Olson Darrel Rezac Linda Rezac Jane Rogers Kenneth Smith David Stadler Donald Timmons Max Viergever Frank Wood Sponsor HESSE LUMBER CO. Rossville, Kansas Phone 100 Freshmen Bobby Atchison Ruth Boyer Leroy Carrell Patty Coffey Leroy Dick Richard Jackson Connie Johnson Douglas Martinek Betty Setzer Vince Martinek Geraldine Masters Neil McKenzie Betty McMaster Marilene Pendleton Gerald Perry Raymond Rafferty Sharon Rosencutter Frank Ruff Virginia Shannon Helen Stadler Don Stockman Linda Ungeheuer Clifford Van Vleck Sue Viergever Roger Zeller Sponsor RAWLINGS PINT SIZE SUPER MARKET Rossville, Kansas Sponsor SILVER LAKE STATE BANK Silver Lake, Kansas Student Council SEATED, LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. Richardson, Phyllis Parker, Jane Rogers, Helen Stadler, Karen Pressgrove, Ray STANDING, LEFT TO RIGHT: Fred Coffey, Darrel Rezac, Bobby Atchison, Wayne Dick. Kava~· . The school year was started with a bang by the spirited campaign for Student Council President between Fred Coffey, Jane Eldridge and David Stadler. Fred was elected to head the eight member council. Some of their projects have been: concessions at basketball games;. all school dances; Christmas tree; gift exchange; keeping the school grounds clean; sponsoring the painting of the stage steps, sponsoring the student pictures, and publishing a Student Handbook. OFFICERS President Vice -President Secretary Treasurer . Fred Coffey • Wayne Dick Phyllis Parker . Jane Rogers Sponsor SHAWNEE FEDERAL SAVING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Topeka, Kansas 12 Boys' and Girls' State Boys 1 State was held from June 5 to 12 and Girls 1 State from June 12 to 19. Leo Badura and Betty Pendleton were representatives for the year of 1955. Governmental lectures; opportunity to run for state, county and city offices; and voting for these officers were all part of the week 1 s activities. Pins and certificates of attendence were given at the end of the week 1 s session. Jean Nadeau and Larry Hudson will represent Rossville High at Girls and Boys State for 1956. Betty Leo Student Council Election The Student Council election started the school year with a bang. The American Government, American History and the Sophomore Classes had candidates. There were three parties this year. The Nationalist party backed by the American Government Class; the Progressive party was sponsored by the American History Class; and the Topper party was from the Sophomore Cla9s. Janie Eldridge was the Nationalist party 1 s candidate; Fred Coffey was from the Progressive party; and David Stadler was backed by the Topper party. After a close race, the Progressive party came out on top, with Fred Coffey the Student Council president for the year of 1955-56. LEFT TO RIGHT: Fred Coffey, Janie Eldridge, and David Stadler. 13 CHEERLEADERS, LEFT TO RIGHT: Betty Tholl, Betty Pendleton, Phyllis Parker, Jean Nadeau . The Cheerleader's pep and enthusiasm helped boost the morale of the team and spark them to many a victory.- The Cheerleader's costumes consisted of black pullover award sweaters over a white sports blouse, full black circuiar skirts lined in a bright red. To set the outfits off they wore bright red "R" letters and white buck shoes. 14 / J Homecoming The 1955 Homecoming was held November 2, 1955, and the highlight of the evening ·was the crowning of Jane Eldridge, Queen, and Don Miller, King. The Queens attendants were Phyllis Parker and Betty Pendleton; the Kings attendants were Fred Coffey and Keith Cowan. At the half of the Rossville -Alma Football game the Queen and attendants rode around the field in a 1956 convertible. The Crowning ceremonies took place after the Football game in the gymnasium. Wayne Dick, Vice -President of Student Council, crowned the Queen; Jo Ann Swenson, President of Pep Club, crowned the King. A dance following the cererr.onies was enjoyed by all. 15 , ;•. ,. ·~ FRONT ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Darrel Rezac, Max Viergever, Neil McRoberts, Fred Coffey, Don Miller, Marion Porter, Leo Badura, Keith Cowan, Henry Badura. SECOND ROW: Wayne Dick, David Stadler, Larry Hudson, Kenny Marney, Don Timmons, Sam Zickefoose, Ray Kovar, Douglas Martinek, Arylan Sage. THIRD ROW: Loren Lynde, Frank Woods, Clifford VanVleck, Frank Ruff, Joe Stockman, Don Stockman, Jerry Perry, Leonard Mesmer, Bobby Atchinson, Coach Correll. FOURTH ROW: Laiten Marney, Raymond Rafferty, LeRoy Carrell, Eddie Lloyd, LeRoy Dick, Vince Martinek, James Lacock, Neil McKenzie, Richard Jackson. Football Rossville 7 Rossville 19 Rossville 20 Rossville 14 6 Rossville Rossville 7 Rossville 0 Rossville 15 CO -CAPTAINS Don Miller and Fred Coffey Sponsor THE SPORTMAN'S STORE Topeka, Kansas Carbondale Oskaloosa Silver Lake Alma Alta Vista Eskridge St. Marys Overbrook 7 6 13 46 16 14 12 21 The 1955 Football Team placed sixth in the League with a two win, one tie and five losses for the season. The BULLDOGS were more outstanding than the record shows, always fighting until the game ended. Our boys showed good sportsmanship, good training and lots of fighting spirit which won more games than had been won in previous years. Tliis year was the first time the BULLDOGS have beaten Silver Lake since 1951. The injuries at the mid-way point of the season held the BULLDOGS back at the season ended. The BULLDOGS are looking forward to an even more successful and exciting season next year. Sponsor J. THOMAS LUMBER CO. Silver Lake, Kansas ---- Sponsor HOME APPLIANCE CO, G. E. and Maytag St. Marys, Kansas Sponsor GREEN MUSIC STORE Topeka, Kansas 17 FRONT ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Laiten Marney, Fred Coffey, Sam Zickefoose, David Stadler, Larry Hudson, Ray Kovar, Kenny Marney Coach Correll. BACK ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Darrel Rezac, Marion Porter, Don Miller, Don Timmons, Don Stockman, Wayne Dick, / "A" TEAM SCORES hieS· ,, with "A'' & ""B'' troP & ••Don Co -CaptainS- -·•sarn'' The "A" Team won fifteen and lost only four game this season. The team placed first in the County League, third in the County Tournament, and second in the District tournament. The BULLDOGS went on to the RegionCl.l Tournament but lost to Wathena the first night. After winning just one game last year, the school feels this is a great improvement. The boys worked hard to show the kind of team Rossville really could have. This year's "A" team consists of four Seniors, three Juniors, two Sophomores and one Freshman. Continuing with the good sportsmanship and the desire to win our boys showed this year, we are looking forward to an even more successful season next year. Both the Coach and Team are to be congratulated on the fine job they have done this year. 51 Hoyt 46 Auburn 56 Berryton 60 Dover 58 Silver Lake St. Marys 59 63 St. George 50 Auburn 63 St. Marys 73 Dover 68 Berryton 55 Silver Lake 63 Delia 76 St. George COUNTY TOURNEY Rossville 55 Silver Lake Rossville 64 Lecompton DISTRICT TOURNEY Rossville 88 Silver Lake 58 Rossville Valley Falls REGIONAL TOURNEY Rossville 43 Wathena Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Sponsor NATIONAL BANK OF TOPEKA Topeka, Kansas 3 2 4 3 5 6 6 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 6 6 5 FRONT ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Laiten Marney, Wayne Dick, Don Miller, Don Timmons, Don Stockman, Marion Porter, Coach Correll. SECOND ROW: Darrel Rezac, Douglas Martinek, James Vanderblomen, Henry Badura, Max Viergever. THIRD ROW: Keith Cowan, Aryln Sage, Joe Stockman ,/ Kenneth Smith. BASKETBALL "B" TEAM The "B" Team also had a very successful season by winning 12 games and losing only 4 games. The team placed first in the County League and second in the County Tournament. The "B" Team was composed of five seniors, six juniors, six sophomores, and eleven freshman. Although there were five seniors on the Team, many of the under classman played much of the time. Lots of experience was gained this way and will help the future "A" Team. The "B" Team showed the fight, hustle, and the good sportmanship of a winning team. "B" TEAM SCORES Sponsor FARMERS UNION HARDWARE & IMP. John Deer Sales and Service St. Marys, Kansa::. Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville Rossville 45 39 51 50 49 46 49 41 58 36 41 46 50 41 29 65 Hoyt Auburn Berryton Dover Silver Lake St. Mary's St. George Auburn St. Marys Dover Berryton Silver Lake Delia Dover Silver Lake St. George 27 41 25 30 59 56 46 36 35 31 39 27 25 39 47 45 Sponsor FRANKLIN'S ANTIQUES Silver Lake, Kansas Baseball FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Larry Hudson, Fred Coffey, Keith Cowan, Kenny Marney, Loren Lynde, Doug Martinek, Henry Badura, Leo Badura, Max Viergever, Paul Maus. SECOND ROW: Laiten Marney, Coach Correll, Leroy Dick, Larry Zeller, Don Miller, David Stadler, Sam Zickefoose, Jerry Perry, Ray Kovar, Kenneth Smith, Neil McKenzie. THIRD ROW: Clifford Van Vleck, Frank Wood, Earl Miller, Don Timmons, Joe Stockman, Arlyn Sage, Frank Ruff, and Roger Zeller. The Baseball Team enjoyed a commendable season, this being only the second year of baseball at R. H. S. The Bulldogs tied for first in the Shawnee County Baseball League. The nucleus of the team will be out on the diamond next year, three seniors, from the first nine are graduating, Don Miller, CF, Keith Cowan, SS, Fred Coffey, RF. The team will also lose a second string catcher, Leo Badura and an outfielder, Earl Miller. SCHEDULE Rossville 5 Dover 3 Rossville 8 Silver: Lake 5 Rossville 5 Berryton 8 RossvHle ll Auburn 3 Rossville 10 Rossville 7 St. George 6 Rossville 5 Lecompton 4 Rossville 5 St. George 4 - Silver ' Lake ll Congratulations to Coach Correll on doing such a fine job in all three sports, in his second year here as the Rossville High School coach. Girls' Physical Education Boys' Physical Education Sponsor WEHNER 1 S I. G. A. Rossville, Delia, St. Marys, Kansas Sponsor WALLACE MOTOR CO. St. Marys, Kansas Donee Bond tliili7·,.~ .) LEFT TO RIGHT : Piano, JoAnn Swenson, Vocalist, Lynda Wilt, Drums, Sue Viergever. FRONT ROW: )I. lto Saxaphone, Neil McKenzie, Douglas Martinek, Ginger Shannon, Roger Zeller, Clarinet, Dianne Gideon, Tenor Saxaphone, Janice McClelland, Baritone Saxaphone, Frank Ruff. BACK ROW: Baritone, Betty Penleton, Trombones, Pauline Timmons, Don Miller, Arlyn Sage, Cornets, Linda Rezac, Jane Rogers, Phyllis Coffey. LEFT TO RIGHT: Jo Ann Swenson, Phyllis Parker, Janice McClelland, Pauline Timmons, Lynda Wilt, Linda Rezac, Linda Hurley, Betty Pendleton, Linda Ungeheuer, and Jane Rogers, accompanist. LEFT TO RIGHT: Fred Coffey, Arlyn Sage, Loren Lynde, Badura, Don Miller, Kenny Marney, Larry Hudson, Sam Zickefoose. 22 FRONT ROW: Mrs. Boone, Sponsor. SECOND ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Phyllis Parker, Treasurer; JoAnn Swenson, President. TOP ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Jane Eldridge, Vice-President; Janice McClelland, Secretary. LEFT, BOTTOM TO TOP: Betty Tholl, Betty Pendleton, Judy Atchison, Dianne Gideon, Patty Bixby, Linda McCoy, Jane Rogers, Sue Viergever, Lynda Wilt, Ruth Boyer, Karen Pressgrove. ACROSS, BOTTOM ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Lois Coleman, Connie Johnson, Patty Coffey, Marilene Pendleton, Betty McMasters, Ellen Miller, Ginger Shannon, Geraldine Master. TOP ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Phyllis Coffey, Jane Eldridge, Mrs. Boone, Linda Rezac, Janice McClelland, Pauline Timmons. RIGHT, BOTTOM TO TOP: Jean Nadeau, Phyllis Parker, JoAnn Swenson, Betty Bixby, Lucille Reser, Linda Hurley, Linda Hurley, Linda Ungeheuer, Mary Kay Dolezilek, and Helen Stadler. 23 - - -;- --....-- . ~" ~ BOTTOM ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Ellen Miller, Jane Eldridge, Betty Tholl, Jean Nadeau, Betty Pendleton, Jo Ann Swenson, Phyllis Parker, Linda Rezac, Jane Rogers. SECOND ROW: Mrs. Bixby, Karen Pressgrove, Pauline Timmons, Betty Bixby, Mary Kay Dolezilek, Linda Hurley, Linda McCoy, Patty Bixby. THIRD ROW: Dianne Gideon, Phyllis Coffey, Lynda Wilt, Lucille Reser, Helen Stadler, Ginger Shannon, Sue Viergever, Janice McClelland, Lois Coleman. FOURTH ROW: Linda Ungeheuer, Ge-r aldine Master, Marilene Pendleton, Betty McMasters, Connie Johnson, Ruth Boyer, Judy Atchison, Patty Coffey. Kay eft BOARD OF DIRECTORS, LEFT TO RIGHT: Patty Bixby, Parlimentarian; Karen Pressgrove, Point System; Jane Rogers, Publicity; Phyllis Parker, Social; Linda Rezac, Song Leader; Jean Nadeau, Secretary-Treasurer; Betty Pendleton, President; Pauline Timmons, Worship; Betty Tholl, Vice-President; Jane Eldridge, Service; Jo Ann Swenson, Program; Mrs. ( Bixby, Sponsor; Ellen Miller, Pianist. es LEFT TO RIGHT, FIRST ROW: Don Miller, Keith Cowan, Leo Badura, Wayne Dick, Earl Miller, Edgar Tuller, Fred Coffey, Mr. Williams. SECOND ROW: Leroy Carrell, Leroy Dick, Frank Wood, Max Viergever, James Lacock, Vince Martinek, Don Stockman, Paul Maus. THIRD ROW: Roger Zeller, Henry Badura, Darrel Rezac, Laird French, Jerry Perry, Don Timmons, Clifford Van Vleck, Bobby Atchison, Frank Ruff, Larry Zeller. FOURTH ROW: James Vanderblomen, Leonard Mesmer, Douglas Martinek, Joe Stockman, Sammy Zickefoose, David Stadler, James Welch, Larry Parr, Charles Thompson, Kenny Marney. F.F.A. EDUCATIONAL BOOTH A booth featuring irrigation, which is rapidly gaining popularity in our community, shows three ways of irrigation, flooding of rowcrops, pre-irrigation in blank listed rows, and flooding hay and pasture crops. We are justly proud of our booth as it placed second. I~ \ THE FARM MECHANICS DISPLAY The F. F. A. entered shop projects in the Topeka Free Fair Farm Mechanics Display. These projects were, a four wheel trailer bed by Wayne Dick, a gate of pipe and welded wire by Keith Cowan, a fan stand by Leo Badura, a two wheel ensilage trailer by Laird French, and a post hole auger by Joe Stockman. This display placed tenth in a group of eighteen. Sponsor IRA PRICE CAFE Highway 24 Topeka, Kansas OFFICERS, FIRST ROW: Keith Cowan, Secretary; Wayne Dick, Treasurer; Mr. Williams, Advisor. SECOND ROW: Leo Badura, Vice-President; Earl Miller, Reporter; Edgar Tuller, Sentinel. THIRD ROW: Don Miller, President. 25 ~· .- ~ ~· I . ' ' • ' I BAND MEMBERSHIP: Clarinets: Betty Bixby, Paul Maus, Leroy Carrell, Karen Pressgrove, Patty tnxoy, Jerne Master>, Dianne Gideon, JoAnn Swenson, and Linda Ungeheuer. Director-1st Semester: Mrs. Boone. Percussion: Sue Viergever, Jean Nadeau, Helen Stadler, and Lucille Reser. Cornets and Trumpets: Leonard Mesmer, Loren Lynde, Kenny Marney, Lynda Wilt, Phyllis Coffey, Linda Rezac, and Jane Rogers. Alto: Betty Tholl, Linda Hurley, and Eddie Loyd. BA~~ The R. H. S. band, under the direction of Mrs. Boone the 1st semester and Mrs, Roter the 2nd semester has now grown to 39 members. Showy new band uniforms have added new interest and enthusiasm. The band has appeared on T.V., at Washburn University's Homecoming Parade, at the Thanksgiving Program, at Rossville-Silver Lake Music Festival, and at the District Music Festival. By playing and marching at the football games and by playing at the basketball games, the band served as a pep band. A combo and a brass ensemble also performed. Sponsor OHSE MEAT PRODUCTS CO. 204 Kansas Topeka, Kansas 26 Sponsor PEOPLE'S STATE BANK Rossville, Kansas BAND MEMBERSHIP (continued): Flutes: Mary Kay Dolezilek, Lois Coleman. Saxophones; Douglas Martinek, Roger Zeller, Ginger Shannon, Neil McKenzie, Frank Ruff, Janice McClelland, Bass Horns: Raymond Rafferty, Sam Zickefoose. Baritones: James Vanderblomen, Betty Pendleton. Trombones: Pauline Timmones, Don Miller, Arlyn Sage. Twirlers: Linda McCoy, Ellen Miller. Drum Major: Patty Coffey. / The Girls Glee Club has given performances at the Thanksgiving program, Rossville-Silver Lake Music Festival, the District Music Festival Spring Concert, and Baccalaureate Services. The Nonet has performed at the same school programs as the Mixed Chorus plus singing at W. S.C. S., Music and Litary Clubs, World Day of Prayer, Sadie Hawkins Party, Sweetheart Ball, Mother-Daughter Banquet, and Commencement. The Double Quartet was organized in the last semester and sang at the Senior Play. A Quartet, composed of Larry Hudson, Sam Zickerfoose, Loren Lynde, and Arlyn Sage, sang at the Junior -Senior Prom and the Spring Concert. Sponsor HURLEY FUNERAL HOME Phone 511 Rossv.i lle, Kansas Mixed Chorus FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT : JoAnn Swenson, Judy Atchison, Geraldine Masters, Betty McMa sters, Connie Johnson, Sue Viergever, Linda Ungeheuer, Ruth Boyer, Phyllis Parker, Linda McCoy, Linda Hurley, Patty Coffey, Lucille Reser, Dianne Gideon, Ellen Miller, Marilene Pendleton, Patty Bixby, Betty Bixby. SECOND ROW: Mrs. Rater, Betty Tholl, Jane Rogers, Phyllis Coffey, Ginger Shannon, Sharon Rosencutter, Helen Stadler, Lynda Wilt, Linda Rezac, Janice McClelland, Betty Pendleton, Karen Pressgrove, Pauline Timmons, Jane Eldridge, Jean Nadeau, Lois Coleman, Mary Kay Dolezilek. THIRD ROW : Leroy Carrell, Henry Badura, Loren Lynde, Frank Wood, Leonard Mesmer, Sam Zickefoose, Wayne Dick, Fred Coffey, Frank Ruff, Bobby Atchison, Kenny Marney, Paul Maus. FOURTH ROW: Neil McKenzie, Raymond Rafferty, Joe Stockman, Max Viergever, Larry Hudson, Don Timmons, David Stadler, Jerry Perry, Don Miller, Arlyn Sage, Leo Badura, Roger Zeller, Eddie Lloyd. The Mixed Chorus has performed at the Thanksgiving Program, the RossvilleSilver Lake Music Festival, the District Music Festival and at the Spring Concert. The officers for Mixed Chorus include: President; Wayne Dick, Secretary; JoAnn Swenson, Treasurer; Phyllis Parker. The official uniforms for the group consisted of; white blouses, white shirts, black skirts, black trousers, and black shoes. Sponsor BRENNAN FUNERAL HOME Topeka, Kansas 28 Sponsor BAR-F WESTERN STORE Kansas Avenue and Highway 24 Topeka, Kansas ABOVE: Horne Economics II, Mrs. Bixby BELOW: Vocational Agriculture, Mr. Williams / Sponsor ELMER LYNDE Soil Contractor Rossville, Kansas 29 Sponsor MILLER DEPT. STORE St. Marys Kansas ABOVE: American Government, Mr. Richardson BELOW: Algebra, Miss Miller Sponsor CHRISTOPHER STUDIO Topeka, Kansas 30 EMAHIZER 1 S Kansas Most Complete Furniture Store for 76 years Topeka, Kansas AjjUV 1<..;; jjlOlogy, Mrs. jjlXby BELOW: Physics, Miss Miller (. L Sponsor GIBBS CLOTHING STORE Topeka, Kansas 31 Sponsor LARSON STANDARD SERVICE Ross ville, Kansas ABOVE: Bookkeeping, Mrs. Simmers BELOW: English II, Mr. Sigg 32 ABOVE: Drivers Education, Mr. Correll ' l BELOW: Vocational Agriculture, Shop, / 33 ~~That Brewster Boy'' SEATED, LEFT TO RIGHT: Betty Tholl, Pauline Timmons, Lynda Wilt, Jean Nadeau, Sam Zickefoose , Loren Lynde, Janice McClelland, and Larry Hudson. STANDING, LEFT TO RIGHT: Lucille Reser, Laiten Marney, Arlyn Sage, Larry Zeller, Joe Stockman, Ray Kovar, and Karen Pressgrove. Junior Pl .oy "THAT BREWSTER BOY" Joey Brewster. Pee Wee. Mother Brewster Dad Brewster . Nancy Brewster Phillip Hayworth . Larry Hudson Loren Lynde Karen Pressgrove . Ray Kovar Jean Nadeau Sam Zickerfoose Minerva Mitchell Bonnie Bates Swifty. Elsa Bates Grandma. Officer Girl Sponsor WALL-DIFFENDERFER MORTUARY Topeka, Kansas ::) Janice McClelland . Betty Tholl . Arlyn Sage . Lucille Reser Pauline Timmons Laiten Marney • . Lynda Wilt Football Fever'' I SEATED, LEFT TO RIGHT: JoAnn Swenson, Keith Cowan, Dianne Gideon, Phyllis Parker, Fred Coffey, Betty Pendleton. STANDING, LEFT TO RIGHT :_,.Leo Badura, Wayne Dick, Don Miller, Edgar Tuller, Earl Miller, Jane Eldridge, Patty Bixby, Mrs. Simmers. Senior Ploy "FOOTBALL FEVER" Nancy. Peggy. Bill Jody . Marge Sally . Jack . "Prof" Addison Ted Bob "Beep" Billings ley Miss Mason. Randy Hicks. Phyllis Parker JoAnn Swenson . Donald Miller . Dianne Gideon Betty Pendleton . Jane Eldridge Earl Miller .Leo Badura Fred Coffey Edgar Tuller Keith Cowan Patty Bixby Marion Porter r WOJd / ! Mother- Daughter Banquet / Speech By Miss Betty Holmes 37 Boccoloureote "THE LONGEST WALK" BACCALAUREATE SERVICE Rossville Rural High School, Sunday, May 20, 1956, 8:00p.m., Rossville High School Auditorium Processional "March Pontificale" Jane Rogers Invocation (Gounod) . Ben Duerfeldt Minister Christian Church . (I. B. Sergei) "My God and I" Girls 1 Glee Club Sermon . Reverend C. W. Punter Minister Presbyterian Church "May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You". Arlyn Sage Accompanist: Jo Ann Swenson Benediction. Recessional March from "Aida" Jane Rogers 38 (Meredith Wilson) • Ben Duerfeldt • (Verdi) Commencement CLASS MEMBERSHIP -FRONT ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Fred Coffey, Patty Bixby, Phyllis Parker, Betty Pendleton, Jane Eldridge, JoAnn Swenson, Ke ith Cowan. BACK ROW: Charles Thompson, Wayne Dick, James Vanderblomen, Earl Miller, Edgar Tuller, Don Miller, Marion Porter, Leo Badura. GRADUATION EXERCISES Rossville Rural High School, Tuesday, May 22, 1956, 8:00p.m. Rossville High School Auditorium Processional • (Elgar) "Pomp and Circumstance" . Jane Rogers Invocation . . . . Reverend A. J. Adams, S. J. "Pavan and Galliard" . • • • . . . . . . • . . (Haussman) Brass Sextette: Jane Rogers, Linda Rezac, Betty Tholl, Betty Pendleton, Arlyn Sage, Sam Zickefoose. Salutatory . • Betty Pendleton Valedictory. • . . • Jo Ann Swenson "Dear High School Days" • . . • . • • • • • • . . • (A. Penn) Nonet: Linda Ungeheur, Betty Pendleton, Linda Hurley, Linda Rezac, Pauline Timmons, Lynda Wilt, JoAnn Swenson, Phyllis Parker, Janie McClelland. Address: "I Bet My Life" . . . • . • • • • Roger L. Frederickson Pastor, First Baptist Church, Ottawa, Kansas "Malaquena" (Luceon) Piano Duo: Jo Ann Swenson, Jane Rogers Presentation of Class . . . H. D. Richardson, Principal Presentation of Diplomas • • • . • • • • • .Mr. Scott Kelsey Director, Board of Education Benediction • . . • • • • • Reverend A. J. Adams, S. J. Recessional. "Pomp and Circumstance" • • (Elgar) Jane Rogers . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . .... Sc ch LEFT TO RIGHT: Darrel Rezac, Pauline Timmons, Patty Bixby, Mrs. Rafferty, Lucille Reser, Larry Hudson. / Mr. Strimple and Mr. Richardson. BUS DRIVERS LEFT TO RIGHT: Frank Dolezilek, Guy (Dobie) Strimple, Bill Hesse, and Clyde Strimple. ROSSVILLE FARM STORE ZELLER'S ROYAL TURKEY INC. FARM Rossville, Kansas Rossville, Kansas Phone 20 Phone 51 ROSSVILLE IMPLEMENT COMPANY Rossville, Kansas Phone 610 / THE ROSSVILLE REPORTER SHAWNEE TELEPHONE Covering the School COMPANY news under Rossville-Silver Lake-Delia "The Bulldog Hi - Lites" Ross ville, Kansas Phone 220 Rossville, Kansas THESE PATRONS HAVE MADE THIS BOOK POSSIBLE Al's Barber Shop Rossville, Kansas Longs Jewelry and Gifts St. Marys, Kansas Blue Ribbon Cleaners St. Marys, Kansas Landis Bakery St. Marys, Kansas Bahner Garage Rossville, Kansas Nehi 7up Bottling Co. Topeka, Kansas Coleman's Garage Ross ville, Kansas Pop's Place Ross ville, Kansas Dain's Kiro Store Service Topeka, Kansas Emery Shimer Feeds & Seeds 1012 N. Kansas Topeka, Knasas Farm Bureau Insurance Service Rossville, Kansas Forbes Feed & Seed House 115 West Laurent St. No. Topeka, Kansas Frank Ward's I. G. A. Store Silver Lake, Knasas Hamilton Motors Company St. Marys, Kansas Lowe Hatchery Topeka, Kansas Mobiloil Products Jack Wilt, Rossville, Kansas Kansas Farm Machinery Co, Topeka, Kansas / Rossville Variety Store Ross ville, Kansas Rossville Battery Service Ross ville, Kansas Stiles Land Co. / Rossville, Kansas Steven's Texaco Service Station Rossville, Kansas Sherman's Feed and Seed Topeka, Kansas St. Marys Motors, Inc, St. Marys, Kansas Singer Sewing Topeka, Kansas Jim's Pharmacy St. Marys, Kansas Rossville Cleaners Rossville, Kansas Roach Hardware Topeka, Kansas Topeka Coca-Cola Co. Topeka, Kansas Trinkle-Miller Garage Silver Lake, Kansas VanVleck Oil Company Rossville, Kansas Furniture-Frigdaire Appliance W. F. Youngkamp, St. Marys, Kansas.
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