frank zurbano
frank zurbano
Under the Pastoral Care of the Augustinians Worshipping communities of St Clair, Erskine Park and parts of Kemps Creek 15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, Yr C 10 July 2016 FIRST READING Deuteronomy 30:10-14 The law of the Lord is near to you. RESPONSORIAL PSALM Ps 68:14. 17. 30-31. 33-34. 36-37. R. see v.33 Turn to the Lord in your need, and you will live. SECOND READING Christ is God made visible. Colossians 1:15-20 GOSPEL ACCLAMATION See John 6:63. 68 Alleluia, alleluia! Your words, Lord, are spirit and life; you have the words of everlasting life. Alleluia! GOSPEL The Good Samaritan. Luke 10:25-37 The Voice From The Pews Holy Spirit Parish St Clair - Erskine Park (Parish Account) Basicgift (Youth Ministry Account) LITURGY TIMES Saturday Reconciliation, 5-5:45pm Vigil Mass, 6pm t Sunday Mass, 8am, 9.30am and 6pm Youth Mass, 2nd & 4th Sun, 6pm Filipino Mass, 1st Sun, 3.30pm Monday and Wednesday Mass, 7am (except on Public Holidays which changes to 9.05am) Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Mass, 9.05am Anointing Mass, 1st Fri, 9.05am Friday Night Devotions (7.30pm) 1st Fri, Taize & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 2nd Fri, Praise & Worship 3rd Fri, Divine Mercy 4th Fri, Year of Mercy Catechesis Children’s Liturgy Sat 6pm and Sun 9.30am 2nd & 4th Sun of the month (during school term) Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals by appointment Today's gospel is such a familiar one and such an enduring image that the title for the hero has passed into everyday use to describe a stranger who does a good turn for another. Many countries even have what is known as a ‘Good Samaritan Law’ that protects those who may hurt another person when they act in good faith to provide aid. The parable is told in response to the question, ‘And who is my neighbour?’ Anyone hearing Jesus tell the story would have recognised the familiar story structure – things happening in three with the most important element occurring on the third repetition. As three people came upon the injured man on the road, the audience would have known that the hero of the story would be the third one along. But, as Jesus often did with his parables, the pattern is suddenly disrupted. Rather than the hero being an upright, faithful Jewish person, it is none other than a Samaritan who is the one who shows mercy. Samaritans and Jews had a deep-seated mistrust and suspicion towards one another that went back generations. So strong was the ill-feeling between the two peoples that when Jesus finishes his story and asks the lawyer which man proved himself a neigbour, the lawyer cannot even say ‘the Samaritan’ – he says ‘the one who took pity’. The story concludes with the instruction, ‘Go and do the same yourself’. The commandment is to act with compassion towards others – even those you may not like. The priority of compassion over the Law is a major theme of the gospel of Luke. It is often described as the gospel of compassion. The Samaritan acts with compassion, rather than out of ‘patterned’ behaviours and attitudes. Jesus challenges the lawyer – and us – to ‘Go and do the same’. Greg Sunter Creative Ministry Resources, Ltd.. The Holy Spirit Parish pays respect to the Darug People, the traditional custodians of the land on which we gather to celebrate our faith and worship God. We acknowledge with respect the elders past and present. HOLY SPIRIT PARISH | 15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, Yr C CROSSWORD PUZZLE Reflection Historical Context – Priests and Levites The priest and Levite get a pretty bad wrap out of this story. Yet, their behaviour would have been unremarkable to the original audience. In Jewish culture, to touch blood made a person ritually unclean and unable to participate in religious rites. Both characters in the story were heading towards Jerusalem – towards the Temple – to carry out their religious duties. To touch the bloodied man would have meant that they were unable to perform their duties. The audience would have expected nothing different from these two men. Their ‘crime’ was to place duty before compassion and the needs of another. 10 July 2016 Love your neighbours as much as yourself 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 Scriptural Context – The ‘Rule of 3’ Jesus was a good storyteller. He used a lot of the ‘tricks of the trade’ of good storytellers. Using a rule of three remains a common device to help storytellers remember the story. (Think of the number of times fairy tales use this device.) In the rule of three, the third repetition of an event or action always holds the key. Jesus used this device to great effect in his parables because he invariably broke the rule! He used the rule to lull his audience into a predictable story and then turned things upside down by having the unexpected occur. Have you thought? – Contemporary Context Being such a famous parable, it is common to see this story retold and acted out in ‘modern’ contexts. However, such attempts invariably lead to a literal retelling of the story and an overemphasis and reinforcement of social prejudices. Who gets cast in the role of the Samaritan? A member of the most socially outcast and hated group in society! Jesus' choice of the Samaritan as the hero was not to highlight the animosity between Jews and Samaritans, but rather to confound the expectations and prejudices of his audience. Let's understand the story in its intended setting before we change it! Questions for Adults Why was it important that Jesus used a Samaritan as the hero of the parable? In what ways has this parable been misunderstood or misinterpreed? How can familiarity with a parable like this get in the way of sound interpretation? Where is the question of ‘Who is my neighbour?’ being ignored in the world today? Where are you challenged to show compassion? 10 11 ACROSS 3: sacred texts 7: bad people who steal things 8: a route for travelling 10: a type of money 11: feeling sorry for someone DOWN 1: for ever 2: the people in our neighbourhood 3: a Samaritan comes from this country 4: someone who manages an inn 5: injuries 6: defeated, bashed up 9: the good Samaritan put the injured man on this animal © 2004 Creative Ministry Resources Pty Ltd AUGUSTINIAN SPIRITUALITY “You who do not see God will, by loving your neighbor, make yourself worthy of seeing Him. By loving your neighbor, you cleanse your eyes so you can see God. Love your neighbor, then, and see within yourself the source of this love of neighbor. There you will see God insofar as you are able.” Saint Augustine of Hippo 354-430 A.D. Sermon on John 17,8 ON A LIGHTER NOTE At Sunday School they were learning how God created everything, including human beings. Johnny was especially intent when the teacher told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam's ribs. Later in the week his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and said, "Johnny, what is the matter?" Johnny responded, "I have pain in my side. I think I'm going to have a wife." © Greg Sunter. Creative Ministry Resources, Ltd.. 2 Worshipping communities of St Clair, Erskine Park and parts of Kemps Creek HOLY SPIRIT PARISH | 15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, Yr C 10 July 2016 PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN OUR COMMUNITY PARISH MEETINGS AND EVENTS SICK Andrew Boulos, Florence Oliveira, Dr Elizabeth Torrance, Nap Yu, Celine Van Den Bosch, Felomena Mendania, Lindsay Kennedy, Sharon Ng, Tony Herbert RECENTLY DECEASED: Lulu Kharim, Jeanette Dazon, John-Joe Grieve, Ceserina Buttita, Roberto Santos Sr, April Malicdem DEATH ANNIVERSARIES: Martha Almaet, Tolomeo Zurbano, Frank Yates, Joaquim Mascarenhas, Nina Rebello, Olive Yeoh, Maria, Ivan, Franica and Frank, Larry Lefeuvre, Martha Almaet, Thomas & Petty Fernandes, Teodorico Aquino, Bienvenido Columna Names submitted to Parish for the sick list will show for 4 weeks at a time. THIS WEEK IN SOCIAL JUSTICE DIARY: Mon 10 Jul: World Population Day Tue 12 Jul: 1971, Aboriginal Flag first flown in Adelaide Thu 14 Jul: 1995, Aboriginal Flag and Torres Strait Islander Flag proclaimed official flags of Australia Mon 11 Jul PPC, Pioneers Room, 7.30pm Tue 12 Jul SVDP, Mercy Room, 7.30pm Cultural Comm, Augustine Rm, 7.30pm Baptism Preparation Session, Pioneers Room, 7.30pm Wed 13 Jul BASIC GIFT, Mercy Room, 7pm Bible Study L3, Pioneers Rm, 7.30pm Thu 14 Jul Bible Study L2, Pioneers Rm, 7.30pm Fri 15 Jul SVDP & the Social Justice Commission’s talk on Housing Affordability, MacKillop Place, 7pm Divine Mercy Devotion, Church, 7.30pm Sat 16 Jul RCIC, Mercy Rm, 9am RCIA, Pioneers Room, 5pm Sun 17 Jul Praise & Worship Workshop for CFC musicians and members WELCOME TO HOLY SPIRIT PARISH Welcome to our Parish. If you are not already an active member of this Community, consider sharing in what we have to offer. We serve the Community through outreach, education, social activities, sacramental preparation, youth and comfort to the sick and mourning. In addition to our spiritual and outreach organisations, perhaps you have an interest in joining one of our many liturgical ministries as: Minister of Holy Communion, Lector, Usher, Greeter at Mass, or Choir. Persons are formally registered by filling out a form that is then entered into the parish data system (information supplied remains confidential). These forms are available from the parish office or in the church foyer. Parents wishing to have their child baptized are asked to contact the Parish Office prior to attending a preparation evening. Next Baptism Preparation Evening is on Tue 12 July 2016, 7.30pm, Pioneers Room. Presenter is Rick Di Cristoforo. We welcome into our faith community REPORT OF PLANNED GIVING FOR WEEK ENDING 3/07/2016 1st Collection - Augustinians 2nd Loose Planned Giving Envelopes PG by Electronic Fund Transfer Total Collection $ 1,763.50 TOTAL PLEDGED nil $ 1,416.10 nil TOTAL RECEIVED $ 600.80 $ 1,585.10 nil $ 2,185.90 PLEDGES NOT REC’VD nil $ 169.70 nil Thank You. AVERY CRUZ (Daughter of Brian & Maria) QUINN GONZALES (Daughter of Norman & Cybill) LYRA VERGARA (Daughter of Ryan & Jiesel) KAIREN DE LEON (Son of Janelle) BRAX HOWAT (Son of Grant & Amy) who will be baptised this weekend 1ST COLLECTION: for the care of the clergy (Augustinians) 2ND COLLECTION: for the administration & maintenance costs of the parish Under the Pastoral Care of the Augustinians Under the 3 HOLY SPIRIT PARISH | 15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, Yr C 10 July 2016 PARISH NEWS AND OTHER NOTICES Vinnies Winter Appeal SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION FOR FIRST RECONCILIATION Vinnies Winter Appeal will be this weekend - 9/10 July. Table Talk on Affordable Housing We invite parents/ guardians of baptised children in Year 3 to attend an Information Meeting. This is a meeting for parents; you need not bring your child. St. Vincent De Paul and the Social Justice Commission invite you to attend an event called a Table Talk on Friday 15th July at 7pm in the Parish Demountables. The aim is to discuss HOUSING AFFORDABILITY an issue that impacts on the whole community. Please RSVP to Kath Elliott at [email protected] or phone 9670.6658. Light refreshments will be served. All welcome. PARENTS INFORMATION SESSIONS: Mon 25 July, 9.30am, Pioneers Room Wed 27 July, 7.30pm, Holy Spirit Church Wedding Anniversary Couples celebrating their wedding anniversary in the month of July are invited for a special blessing on Sun 24 July at the 9.30am Mass. Sign-on sheet in the foyer. Post-Baptism Blessing We would like to invite the children baptized in the parish this year together with their families for a special blessing on Sun 24 July at the 9.30am Mass. Grandparents Blessing All grandparents are warmly invited for a special blessing on Sun 24 July at the 9.30am Mass. Volunteer English Language Teachers The Mamre House at St Marys urgently requires volunteer teachers to teach English language to the Refugee women. Classes will be held on Tues and Wed from 10am to 2pm during the school terms. For more info, please phone Sr Janet Woods on 0418 690 487. The Voice From The Pews Come along to hear Fr Czar speak on “Transforming Our Work Into Prayer” on Fri 22 July, 7.30pm at Holy Spirit Church, St Clair COFFEE AND TEA PROVIDED Fr Czar Emmanuel Alvarez, OSA was born in Manila, Philippines in 1965 and was ordained as an Augustinian priest in 1996. He has a Licentiate in Biblical Studies from the Pontifical Biblical Institute (Rome) and a Doctorate in Theology and Patristics from the Augustinian Patristical Institute (Augustinianum) in Rome, where he is now regularly asked to lecture. Last year he lectured at the Catholic Institute of Theology, Sydney. He is in demand as a director of seminars and retreats in the Philippines and regularly contributes articles and essays to international theology journals. He is now Dean of Theology Department at the University of San Agustin in Iloilo City, Philippines. With his knowledge of both classical and modern languages he has also been asked to work as a translator and interpreter in various Congregations of the Vatican as well as at international meetings and conventions. SAVE THE DATE: The Sacramental Preparation for CONFIRMATION will be in August 2016. Confirmation Masses will be on Thu 8th and Thu 15th September, 7.30pm. 4 Worshipping communities of St Clair, Erskine Park and parts of Kemps Creek HOLY SPIRIT PARISH | 15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, Yr C 10 July 2016 PARISH NEWS AND NOTICES It’s Fr Myk’s ...SURPRISE... 40th Birthday celebration on 24th of July after the 9.30am Mass If you would like to contribute towards a gift, please contact Sarah Damole – 0405756752 The Children’s Choir celebrated its 1 Year Anniversary on Sun 26 June after the 9:30am Mass We’d like to invite the children to join our parish Children’s Choir. The Choir practice is held every Friday in the Church from 4.30pm to 5.30pm and we sing at the 9.30am Mass every 4th Sunday of the month. PLEASE BRING A PLATE TO SHARE So Come & Join Us SAINT OF THE WEEK FRIENDS OF ST AUGUSTINE LAITY CONGRESS 2016 ST BENEDICT (Patron Saint of Europe and Students) Feast Day : July 11th St Augustine Virgin-Martyr (Patron A B O R I G I NSaint A L of P EChastity) OPLE on Mercy and Justice PRAYER OF Feast Day : July 6 th (For the Pope's visit to Australia in 1986, Aboriginal people composed the following prayer for the ceremony in Alice Springs. This prayer now is prayed by many Catholic Aboriginal groups around the country) Father of all, you gave us the Dreaming. You have spoken to us through our beliefs. You then made your love clear to us in the person of Jesus. We thank you for your care. You own us. You are our hope. Make us strong as we face the problems of change. We ask you to help the people of Australia to listen to us and respect our culture. Make the knowledge of you grow strong in all people, so that you can be at home in us and we can make a home for everyone in our land. Amen. Take advantage of this special Day of Reflection as Fr Czar OSA invites us to an understanding of Mercy and Justice which is the theme Pope Francis has called the Church to celebrate during this Holy Year. Saturday 23 July, 9am to 5pm North Harbour Parish St Kieran’s Parish Centre, 2 King St., Manly Vale Don’t miss this opportunity to be in conversation with our guest presenter who is an International Speaker and Augustinian Scholar Fr Czar Emmanuel Alvarez, OSA Cost: $35 – includes morning tea and lunch Registration Closes: Monday 18 July Bookings: Parish Office North Harbour, 9949 4455 Enquiries: Peter Moriarty, 0452 079 043 “Love Me and by Believing, Run with Me.” (St Augustine) “The presence of the father, and hence his authority, is also impacted by the amount of time given over to the communications and entertainment media. Nowadays authority is often considered suspect and adults treated with impertinence. They themselves become uncertain and so fail to offer sure and solid guidance to their children.” (Pope Francis, The Joy of Love, 176) Under the Pastoral Care of the Augustinians Under the 5 HOLY SPIRIT PARISH | 15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, Yr C 10 July 2016 YOUTH CORNER REFLECTION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE © Lisa-Marie Calderone-Stewart - St Mary's Press Samaritans had a bad reputation among Jews. Jews regarded them as bad examples, people to avoid, people who did not follow God’s law. Yet Jesus made a Samaritan the hero in his story. The priest and the Levite are people Jews were taught to respect and imitate, and yet Jesus made them the selfish and uncaring people in his story. Besides telling us to get involved and help other people, what else do you think Jesus was trying to teach us with this story? If Jesus came to us today, in our modern culture, how would he tell this story to get the same point across? Sometimes we avoid getting involved with strangers because it might be dangerous, and sometimes we avoid it because we might have to spend some time and energy, or because we would feel awkward in doing so. What is an example of a dangerous situation when most people would agree that it would not be a good idea to get involved with a stranger in need? What is an example of a situation when it would not be dangerous for you to get involved with a stranger in need? What is an example of a situation involving a stranger in need that is difficult to decide upon – a situation that isn’t completely dangerous, but isn’t completely safe either? What would you do in that situation? What advice would you give regarding appropriate action to take in that situation? THEMES FOR TEENS • Ask God for help • Jesus is God • God is there when you need help • God is in your heart • Be a good Samaritan DIOCESAN NOTICES 6 Worshipping communities of St Clair, Erskine Park and parts of Kemps Creek HOLY SPIRIT PARISH | 15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, Yr C C H I L D R E N ’ S 10 July 2016 CO R N E R © 2004, Creative Ministry Resources Under the Pastoral Care of the Augustinians Under the 7 HOLY SPIRIT PARISH | 15TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, Yr C 10 July 2016 NEXT WEEKEND ( 17 JULY): 16TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 1st Reading Genesis 18:1-10 Abraham meets the Lord, is promised a son. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 14:2-5. R. v.1 The just will live in the presence of the Lord. 2nd Reading Colossians 1:24-28 Paul finds joy in suffering. Gospel Acclamation Verse See Luke 8:15 Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are they who have kept the word with a generous heart and yield a harvest through perseverance. Alleluia! Gospel Luke 10:38-42 Jesus eats at the home of Martha and Mary. FLOWERS: Group 1 (Green) CLEANERS: Group 2 BANNERS: Group 4 Green 16 JULY, 6PM 17 JULY, 8AM 17 JULY, 9.30AM 17 JULY, 6PM Acolyte/Senior Server Sue Summers Acolyte/Senior Server Rod Pirotta Acolyte/Senior Server Nono Gacis Acolyte/Senior Server Peter Smith Devotional Stall Lorensz Herft Devotional Stall Carmel Zammit Devotional Stall Marilyn Obciana Devotional Stall Volunteer Needed Eucharistic Ministers Fiona Ferreira Gloria Slade Ted Uy Anne Weir Jeanne Appleton Pat Dowd Margaret Herbert Eucharistic Ministers Christine Younes Lou Szymkow Faye Aboghazaleh Annette Brackett Ron Brackett Lisa Brackett Peter Moriarty Eucharistic Ministers Nilo Gajo Jenny Kyd John Shelley Marthese Grima Delia Santos Shirley Croning Lou de Guia Eucharistic Ministers Danny Esguerra Olga Esguerra Bert Llamas Anabel Jader Hazel Bernaldo Romana Cunanan Volunteer Needed Music Anglo-Indian Choir Music Volunteer Needed Music Laudate Choir Music Esther Rose Choir Powerpoint Renee Ansell Powerpoint Carol Vella Powerpoint Volunteer Needed Powerpoint Joseph Valladores Reader 1 Marinella Licuanan Reader 1 Sue Oram Reader 1 Nida Hawley Reader 1 Marty Facciol Reader 2 Moira Rebello Reader 2 Rick Di Cristoforo Reader 2 Luchie Gacis Reader 2 Jenny Sullivan Commentator Fe Uy Commentator Sarah Damole Commentator Joanne Staunton Commentator Olga Esguerra Junior Servers Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Junior Servers Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Junior Servers Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Junior Servers Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Welcomers Anne Weir Margaret Currie David Currie Welcomers Remia Morada Danny Puyat Elvira Puyat Welcomers Eleanor Stuart Jenny Kyd Volunteer Needed Welcomers Romana Cunanan Kriz Florido Holy Spirit Parish St Clair • Erskine Park • Parts of Kemps Creek Under the Pastoral Care of the Augustinians Parish Office Diocese of Parramatta 5 Todd Row (PO Box 103) St Clair NSW 2759 P 02 9670 8222 F 02 9670 4029 E [email protected] W Office Hours 9.00am to 5pm (Monday to Friday) Priory 3 Peter Pan Glen, St Clair Parish Staff Parish Moderator: Fr Michael Belonio, OSA P 9670 8201 E [email protected] Asst Pastor: Fr Peter Tangey, OSA P 9670 8202 E [email protected] Asst Pastor: Fr Sumesh Joseph Illikkaparambil, OSA P 9670 8204 E [email protected] Deacon: Rev Vincent Phu Tran (Phu) P 9670 8222 E [email protected] Parish Secretary: Rosie D’Souza P 9670 8222 E [email protected] Parish Bookkeeper: Mila Llamas P 9670 8205 E [email protected] (Mon and Wed) SRE Coordinator (Catechists): Margaret Currie M 0411 468 921 E [email protected] Parish Youth Contact: Patrice Moriarty M 0423 968 054 E [email protected] Music Coordinator: Luchie Gacis M 0450 921 102 E [email protected] Parish Council Chair: Vasco Gil • Asst Chair: Fleur Mathias • Secretary: Janice Stuart Members: Ken Allen, Joanne Staunton, Dudley Littlewood, Ostonu Vaurasi, Allan Williams, Patrice Moriarty, Nono Gacis, Danny Esguerra, Fr Michael Belonio OSA, Fr Peter Tangey OSA, Fr Sumesh Joseph Illikkaparambil OSA, Bro Vincent Phu Tran OSA P 9834 2527 Schools/College Holy Spirit Primary School (7 Todd Row, St Clair) P 02 9670 5377 W Trinity Primary School (61 Bakers Ln, Kemps Creek) P 02 9834 3212 W Emmaus Catholic College (87 Bakers Ln, Kemps Creek) P 02 9670 4588 W Retirement Vill Emmaus Retirement Village (85 Bakers Ln, Kemps Creek) 8 P 02 8804 0200 Worshipping communities of St Clair, Erskine Park and parts of Kemps Creek