annual report 2013 - i-MEET


annual report 2013 - i-MEET
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology
© 2014
Prof. Dr. Christoph J. Brabec
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Wellmann
PD Dr. Miroslaw Batentschuk
Prof. i.R. Dr. rer. nat. Albrecht Winnacker
Lehrstuhl Materialien der Elektronik und Energietechnik
Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Martensstraße 7
91058 Erlangen
Telefon: +49 (0)9131 85-27633
Fax: +49 (0)9131 85-28495
E-Mail: [email protected]
All rights reserved. Without explicit permission of the authors it is not allowed to
copy this publication or parts of it, neither by photocopy nor in electronic media.
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Table of Contents
Preface ...................................................................................... 4
Members of the Chair ............................................................... 8
Bachelor Theses ....................................................................... 25
Master Theses ........................................................................... 26
Doctoral Theses ........................................................................ 28
Awards ..................................................................................... 32
Publications (Full Papers and Conference Proceedings).......... 33
Books & Book Chapters ........................................................... 94
Presentations at Conferences, Workshops, Events................... 97
Seminar Presentations .............................................................. 105
Conferences organized by Members of the Institute................ 111
Cooperation in Committees ...................................................... 112
Research Projects ..................................................................... 114
Teaching ................................................................................... 117
Addresses and Maps ................................................................. 120
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
1. Preface
2013 was i-MEET‘s transition from the set-up phase towards the cruising
mode. Our labs are up and running, and, with new people coming in, new
plans about additional labs and infrastructure are being worked out. Taking
together all colleagues from i-MEET as well as all associated colleagues from
ZAE, headcount in 2013 exceeded 100. With such a large number of persons
coming and going, a well working administration becomes incredibly
important. At this point I want to thank Mrs. Knerr, Mrs. Baumer, Mrs.
Henneberger and Miroslaw Batentschuk for their great and tireless efforts,
and cordially welcome Mrs. Wehlmann, who will support our administrative
team at the EnCN in Nuremberg.
2013 was all in the ban of renewable energies and the energy turnaround. For
the first time since implementation of the feed in tariff (EEG), a highly
emotional and unobjective discussion about the feed in tariff related increase
of electricity costs kept the renewable energy scene in the focus of the
newspapers. Part of this discussion owed to the parliamentary election
campaigns 2013, and part of the discussion owed to the very selective media
and press reporting, which frequently preferred to polarize the public rather
than to inform with carefully inquired facts. All our hope is now on the new
government, which needs to make a series of outstanding essential discussions
within the next 2 – 3 years to secure the energy turnaround as an economical
and ecological success.
i-MEET has further grown, and it is my pleasure to welcome our new or
promoted senior colleagues:
Dr. Stefan Wieder, a very successful and long time veteran from the
photovoltaic industry (Applied, Schott) joined in 2013. Stefan took over the
„Solarfactory @ EnCN“ on behalf of the ZAE Bayern, Erlangen.
Dr. Andreas Vetter became lead of the imaging group. Andreas is
coordinating groups between i-MEET and ZAE and further heads the
MATSOL project at EnCN. Andreas is physicist by training, and spent the last
2 years as Postdoc at the ZAE Bayern in Erlangen.
Dr. Michael Salvador joined i-MEET in late 2013. Michael studied chemistry
in Cologne, finished his doctoral thesis under the supervision of Prof. Klaus
Meerholz and made his Postdoc experience dominantly with Prof. David
Ginger at Univ. Washington, Seattle. Michael will focus on coordinating our
efforts on environmental stability testing and initiate the development of
environmentally stable materials.
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Research on renewable energies is continuously getting momentum and
several major activities were started in 2013.
First, FAU succeeded in winning a grant for a new research center from the
Wissenschaftsrat (German Council of Science and Humanities providing
advice to the German Federal Government and the State Governments on the
structure and development of higher education and research). This research
center, the „Interdisciplinary Center for Nanostructured Films - IZNF“ will
directly support and perpetuate the material development of the Excellence
Cluster EAM (Engineering Advanced Materials). A research building with
more than 4000 m2 for a total of 250 researchers will be built across the chair
within the next 4 years. The university asked myself to coordinate the
research center, together with Prof. Peukert and Prof. Wasserscheid.
Second, we celebrated the official opening of the EnCN location in
Nuremberg in March. First labs got ready in late summer, and there is no
doubt that the EnCN location „Auf AEG“ will be a fantastic place to do
applied research on renewable energy. Thanks to the tireless efforts of Jens
Hauch and Wolfgang Arlt, many of the initial teething problems a site of this
size brings along could be overcome, and we are looking forward to running
fully operational labs in 2014.
Third, the Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg (HI-ERN) officially started
in summer 2013 in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centers in Juelich as well
as Berlin. Two topics are in the focus of this new Helmholtz Institute:
Hydrogen and Solar Energy, which will be researched on by 6 new groups
and joint Helmholtz – SIEMENS labs. HI-ERN is a tremendous strengthening
and consolidation of the FAU research community on renewables, and this
success wouldn‘t have been possible without the permanent engagement of
Peter Wasserscheid, who was also nominated as the funding director.
Several highlights remain to be mentioned.
i-MEET and ZAE received an incredible positive response for their public
appearance at the „Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft“. Cordial thanks to all the
colleagues who worked and presented beyond midnight on that Saturday in
October (19 October 2013) – this wouldn’t have been possible without your
selfless engagement.
Congratulations to Peter Wellmann for receiving the award for “Excellence in
Teaching” from the Bavarian Minister for Science, Dr. Heubisch. Only 15
academic teachers across Bavaria received this award.
Congratulations also to Fei Guo and Peter Kubis who won the Gold Award at
the MATERIALICA 2013 in Munich for their “Fully Printed and Laser
Patterned Transparent OPV Modules”. Fei’s work and most recent publication
in Advanced Energy Materials got further promoted by a FAU press release.
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
We all are looking forward to seeing your next developments on transparent
modules in 2014!
Finally, congratulations to Miroslaw Batentschuk for his pioneering work on
enhancing the efficiency of algae and plant reactors for biomass production by
phosphor based light management. These research results were published in
Nature Communications and Optics Express and found enormous interest
from the research community.
Overall, we all feel that 2013 was an excitingly intense year. The rapid
developments challenged us to the best although we may have lost overview
here and there. Nevertheless, 2013 was another great step towards our long
time goal – realizing and implementing a renewable energy scenario which is
economical and eventually even profitable.
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
(Christoph J. Brabec)
(Peter Wellmann)
(Albrecht Winnacker)
(Miroslaw Batentschuk)
Erlangen, September 2014
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
2. Members of the Chair
Head of the chair:
Prof. Dr. Christoph J. Brabec
Manuela Baumer
Elisabeth Henneberger
Ulrike Knerr
Sandra Wehlmann
Academic administration:
PD Dr. Miroslaw Batentschuk
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Prof. Dr.
Christoph J. Brabec
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Peter Wellmann
Professors i.R.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Georg Müller
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Albrecht Winnacker
Associate Professors
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Matthias Bickermann
Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. habil.
Michael Thoms
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Assistant lecturer
Jochen Friedrich
Stefan Kasperl
Thomas Kunz
Dr. rer. nat
Elke Meißner
Elena Epelbaum
Marwin Falter
Winfried Habel
Leonid Kuper
Jonas Mayerhofer
Edeltraud Völkel
Corina Winkler
Ronald Wirth
Technical staff
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Crystal Growth Lab
(Scientifical staff, doctoral candidates)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Wellmann
Group leader
The research activities in the crystal growth lab of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Wellmann at
the electronic materials and energy technology (i-meet) division of the materials
department (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg) are devoted to modern topics in
semiconductor technology and include crystal growth, epitaxy and characterization of
various electronic materials. In the current focus of research and development are
materials for energy saving: (i) Silicon carbide for power electronic devices is a key
player for energy saving. (ii) The CIGSSe thin film solar cell materials recently have
reached a maturity that allows the realization of commercial solar panels. CZTSSe is
believed to play the role of a succeeding thin film solar cell material. (iii) Printed
electronic layers offer a great potential of a wide range of (opto-)electronic and
photovoltaic device applications. (iv) In the field of characterization a large variety of
electrical, spectroscopic and structural techniques are used which serve the better
understanding of materials processing. Special emphasis is put on topographic
methods. (v) In all fields service for industrial and institutional partners may be
Lars Fahlbusch
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Michl Kaiser
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Ulrike Künecke
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Stefan Möckel
Georg Neubauer
Felix Oehlschläger
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Saskia Schimmel
Martin Wilhelm
André Zweschke
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Imaging and Thermosensorics
(Scientifical staff, doctoral candidates)
Dr. Andreas Vetter
Group leader
The group “Imaging & Thermosensorics” is dedicated to imaging methods and
accelerated life time testing of materials, in particular at high temperature. One
important task of the group is to develop and apply innovative test and measurement
methods. The group has a strong experience in precise infrared imaging methods.
Also, different imaging methods have been extensively applied to characterize PVcells and PV-modules.
Klaus Burlafinger
Amir Hashemi
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Sergej Lohvitki
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Organic Photovoltaics
(Scientifical staff, doctoral candidates)
Dr. Tayebeh Ameri
Group leader
Development of low cost, long lived and highly efficient printed solar cells is the
main vision of Organic Photovoltaic (OPV) group. Research in OPV group is focused
on development of stable and efficient materials, development of a printed tandem
technology, ternary sensitization and controlling microstructure formation. Advanced
organic semiconductors, p-type & n-type interface layers, printed transparent / opaque
electrodes, flexible substrates and low cost barriers are investigated for applications in
Derya Baran
Nusret Sena Güldal
MSc (Hons)
Diana Galli
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Fei Guo
Thomas Heumüller
Lili Ke
Ning Li
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Asli Capan
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Luca Lucera
Florian Machui
Jie Min
George Spyropoulos
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Chaohong Zhang
Hong Zhang
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Phosphors & Light
(Scientifical staff, doctoral candidates)
PD Dr.
Miroslaw Batentschuk
Dr. (Postdoc)
Andres Osvet
Group leader Phosphors
Group leader Phosphors
The research of the „Phosphors“ group is concentrated on the development of new
phosphors, first of all for the light harvesting in solar cells, based on up and down
conversion of the solar emission. In addition, new light-converting luminescent
materials for white light emitting diodes, as well as storage phosphors for the
application as markers in the medical and biological research are developed and
studied. New phosphors for the high temperature thermometry are another part of
activities, in co-operation with EnCN. Our expertize in optical spectroscopy is used in
close cooperation with the Organic and Solution-based Photovaltaics Groups in the
development and optical characterization of solar cell materials.
Ievgen Levchuk
Doctoral candidate
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Dr. rer. nat. (Postdoc)
Karen Forberich
Group leader Light management
The main aim of the 'light management' group is to improve the optical properties of
printed electronic devices, particularly the light harvesting in printed solar cells.
The experimental activities include light conversion, i.e. the transformation of UV
and infrared light into visible light that can be converted by the solar cell, solutionprocessed electrodes, solution-processed dielectric mirrors, and the experimental
investigation of light propagation in particle-matrix systems.
Optical simulations are another important part of the activities. We are using several
different methods like FIT-THIIM, Ray-Tracing, RCWA and the transfer matrix
formalism, and we combine different methods, and we also combine different
techniques for optical modelling. Optical models are verified by experimental
measurements before they can be used for numerical optimization.
For each problem, we will choose the most suitable method, i.e. the one that delivers
the most accurate results at a reasonable computational effort.
Carina Bronnbauer
Doctoral candidate
Wei Chen
Fei Guo
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Julian Hornich
Johannes Krantz
Michael Salvador
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Yilei Shen
Anastasiia Solodovnyk
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Processing of Organic Photovoltaics
(Scientifical staff, doctoral candidates)
Dr. rer. nat.
Monika Voigt
Group leader
Organic solar cell processing is focused on material and process development for the
deposition (printing/ coating), upscaling and patterning of organic solar cells and
modules. We develop green formulations for the manufacturing of the solar cells
layers, investigate the film formation, the printing and coating parameters (sheet-tosheet, roll-to-roll) and develop new printing/ coating techniques for transparent/
opaque solar cells and modules. Furthermore we investigate the degradation
influences and work on different aspects to improve the lifetime of organic solar cells/
Jens Adams
Frank Fecher
Sarina Keilwitz
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Peter Kubis
Luca Lucera
Philipp Maisch
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Solution Processed Semiconductors for Photovoltaics
(Scientifical staff, doctoral candidates)
Prof. Dr.
Christoph J. Brabec
Dr. (Postdoc)
Hamed Azimi
Group leader
Group leader
Research in IPV group focuses on the development of low-cost, environmentally
friendly and efficient printed solar cells through the use of inorganic and hybrid
semiconductors. To reach our goal, we endeavour to unravel the complexity in the
synthesis chemistry, dissolution mechanisms, and phase formation of thin films and
their relationship to various loss mechanisms in photovoltaic devices. Our focus is on
material classes such as chalcopyrites, kesterites and perovskites.
Yi Hou
Laraib Khanzada
Ivan Litzov
Atif Makhdoom
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Transport in Solution-Processed Semiconductors
(Scientifical staff, doctoral candidates)
Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Gebhard Matt
Group leader
Our research focus is in the electro-optical characterization of solution processed
This includes steady state and time-resolved techniques.
The steady-state methods covers current/voltage characteristics and spectrally
resolved photo-current measurements.
Our setups cover a broad spectral-range from the UV to deep in the IR utilizing a
FTIR spectrometer.
For time resolve techniques we perform transient photo-current, photo-voltage, timeof-flight (TOF) and various charge-extraction methods (Charge extraction by linearly
increasing voltage (CELIV)).
Thomas Heumüller
Johannes Krantz
Moses Richter
MSc (Hons)
Tobias Stubhan
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Doctoral candidate
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research
(ZAE, doctoral candidates)
Jens Adams
Frank Fecher
Maik Heßmann
Ulrich Hoyer
Sarina Keilwitz
Da Li
Luca Lucera
Philipp Maisch
Atif Makhdoom
Stephan Wittmann
Anastasiia Solodovnyk George Spyropoulos
Arne Riecke
Michael Woiton
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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External doctoral candidates
Carina Ehrig
Tobias Kötter
Daniel Riedel
Tobias Sauermann
Philipp Schwamb
Prof. Dr. habil. Yuriy Zorenko
Institute of Physics, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland
Benjamin Lipovsek
Universität Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mehdi Ahmadi
Amir-Kabir University, Iran
Ext. student ,9 months sabbatical in i-MEET
Design and Fabrication of organic solar cells based on ZnO and TiOx nano-rods in
an inverted structure
Saeed Ardestani PhD
University of Science and Technology (IUST), Iran
6 months sabbatical in i-MEET
Lifetime investigation of solution-processed small molecule based OPVs
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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3. Bachelor Theses
Arzig, Matthias (Wellmann)
Einfluss von Gallium auf die Bildungskinetik von Cu(InxGa1-x)Se2
Solarzellenabsorbern aus nanopartikulären Präkursoren
Fleissner, Felix (Ameri, Brabec)
Microstructure study of polymer/fullerene solar cells
Hetzner, Christina (Wellmann)
Untersuchung von Sekundärphasen in Cu2ZnSnSe4-Dünnschichten für
Hösch, Patrick (Wellmann)
Rasterelektronenmikroskopie von CIGSSe-Solarzellenabsorbern mit variierendem
Natriumgehalt im Prekursor
Knerr, Joachim (Batentschuk)
Optimierung des Herstellungsprozesses des SrAl2O4:Eu – Leuchtstoffs für die
Lichtkonversion in Solarzellen dritter Generation
Loof, Alexander (Wellmann)
Quantitative Bestimmung der Ladungsträgerkonzentration und Kompensation von codotierten f-SiC Epitaxieschichten mithilfe optischer Messmethoden
Michael, Christian (Batentschuk)
Synthese und Untersuchung von Leuchtstoffen im nanoskaligen Bereich für die
Lichtkonversion in Solarzellen dritter Generation
Rausch, Alexander (Wellmann)
Herstellung und Charakterisierung einer Elektrolumineszenzlampe auf Basis
fluoreszenter ZnO-Nanopartikel
Rozowski, Sandra (Wellmann)
Untersuchung des Ankeimprozesses beim Wachstum von polykristallinem SiC
Schmidt, Anja (Wellmann)
Untersuchung der Wachstumsmechanismen während der hydrothermalen Züchtung
von Silikalit-1-Kristalliten
Teige, Christian (Kunz ZAE, Brabec)
Bestimmung der Prozessparameter einer Zonenschmelzanlage für die
Rekristallisation von Siliziumschichten
Tröger, Patrick (Vetter, Brabec)
Künstliche Shunts und ihre Auswirkungen auf die UI-Charakteristik von CIGSSolarzellen
Warth, Frieder (Vetter, Brabec)
Einfluss von induzierten Shunts auf die Performance von CIGS Solarzellen
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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4. Master Theses
Bundle, Viviane (Matt, Brabec)
Stabilitätsuntersuchungen an organischen Solarzellen mittels Infrarotspektroskopie
Galli, Diana (Kunz ZAE, Brabec)
Laserprozessieren von kristallinen Si-Solarzellen
Gerl, Andreas (Matt, Brabec)
Transport and Recombination dynamics in Organic Solar Cells
Hollmann, Andre (Forberich, Brabec)
Synthesis and characterisation of europium-doped strontium aluminate nanoparticles
for the enhancement of solar cells via luminescent down-shifting layers
Kahmann, Simon (Ameri, Brabec)
Synthesis and characterisation of lead chalcogenide quantum dots as
sensitisers in organic solar cells
Kaminzky, Daniel (Wellmann)
Untersuchung der elektrischen Eigenschaften von Defekten in Siliziumcarbid mittels
elektrischer Messungen am AFM
Keith, Thomas (Brabec)
Rapid Characterization of III-V Multijunction Solar Cells
Khoram, Parisa (Ameri, Brabec)
Ternary organic solar cells, using low band-gap polymers and squaraine compounds
as sensitizer
Kunkel, Valentin (Vetter, Brabec)
Bestimmung thermischer Materialparameter von Dünnschichten auf Substraten
Langner, Stefan (Ameri, Brabec)
Encapsulation, lifetime and degradation measurement of organic solar cells and
Lenz, Thomas (Matt, Brabec)
Charge Transport Phenomena in Nanoparticular Metal Oxides
Lindner, Christian (Vetter, Brabec)
Konzeptionierung und Simulation eines Hochtemperatur-Energiespeichers
Macht, Ann-Cathrin (Wellmann)
Wachstum von co-dotierten 3C-SiC-Schichten mittels Sublimationsepitaxie
Maisch, Philipp (Ameri, Brabec)
Analysis of Processing Additives on Device Performance of Organic Photovoltaic
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Rankl, Dominik (Wellmann)
Nukleation von kubischem SiC bei der Sublimationsepitaxie
Rejek, Tobias (Forberich, Brabec)
Plasmonic effects of silver nanoparticles in organic semiconductors
Rieth, Marcel (Wellmann)
Hetero-Epitaxie von kubischen Siliziumkarbid-Schichten auf verkippten (100)
Yousefi, Amir-Abbas Amin (Forberich, Brabec)
Solution-processed OLECs
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5. Doctoral Theses
Doctoral Theses in Preparation
Adams, Jens (Brabec, ZAE)
Failure analysis and long term stability of thin film solar cells and modules
Baran, Derya (Brabec, i-MEET)
Quality control of organic solar cells, based on optelectrical spectroscopy/imaging
Bachmann, Jonas (Brabec, i-MEET)
Organic polymer solar modules characterized by thermal methods
Bronnbauer, Carina (Brabec, i-MEET)
Printed dielectric mirrors for organic solar cells
Chen, Wei (Brabec, i-MEET)
Inorganic / Organic light conversion composites for PV applications
Ehrig, Carina Miriam (Brabec, ext.)
Magnesium Silicides for Optoelectronic Devices
Fahlbusch, Lars (Wellmann, i-MEET)
Neue Ansätze beim PVT Wachstum von SiC Einkristallen
Fecher, Frank (Brabec, ZAE)
Electrical simulations of thin film photovoltaic modules
Galli, Diana (Brabec, i-MEET)
Near IR sensitization of polymer / fullerene solar cells
Güldal, Nusret Sena (Brabec, i-MEET)
Investigation of drying kinetics of hybrid/organic solar cells
Guo, Fei (Brabec, i-MEET)
Semitransparent organic solar cells
Heßmann, Maik (Brabec, ZAE)
Untersuchungen an kristallinem Silizium & Herstellung von Dünnschicht-Solarzellen
Heumüller, Thomas (Brabec, i-MEET)
Structure property correlation of microstructure modifications in
semiconducting heterojunction composites
Hou, Yi (Brabec, i-MEET)
Multicomponet chalcopyrite and kesterite inorganic nanocrystals for solar cell
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Hoyer, Ulrich (Brabec, ZAE)
Analyse von organischen Photovoltaik-Zellen mittels bildgebender
Kaiser, Michl (Wellmann, i-MEET)
Kinetik des Kristallwachstums von Siliziumkarbid auf fehlorientierten Substraten zur
Vergrößerung des Einkristalldurchmessers
Ke, Lili (Brabec, i-MEET)
Synthesis & characterization of novel Phthalocyanine based small molecules
Kötter, Tobias (Brabec, ext.)
Hochleistungsdichte Phasenwechsel-Komposit-Materialien für das
Thermomanagement von elektrotechnischen Systemen
Krantz, Johannes (Brabec, i-MEET)
Solution processed metallic nanorod electrodes as ITO replacement for thin film solar
Kubis, Peter (Brabec, i-MEET)
Laser patterning processes in thin film solar cells
Levchuk, Ivegen (Batentschuk, i-MEET)
Entwicklung und Optimierung von nanokristallinen Leuchtstoffen für
Lichtkonverionsschichten in Solarzellen
Li, Da (Brabec, ZAE)
Surface passivation of thin film silicon
Li, Ning (Brabec, i-MEET)
Design & fabrication of organic tandem solar cells
Litzov, Ivan (Brabec, i-MEET)
Design and synthesis of solution processed metal oxides for thin film electronics
Lucera, Luca (Brabec, ZAE)
Coating and printing technologies for thin film solar cells
Machui, Florian (Brabec, i-MEET)
Formulation of organic semiconductor solutions for organic photovoltaic devices
Makhdoom, Atif (Brabec, ZAE)
Low temperature route for the Development of Photovoltaic and optoelectronic
devices using Silicon nanoparticles
Min, Jie (Brabec, i-MEET)
Design & fabrication of OPVs based on solution-processed small molecules
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Möckel, Stefan (Wellmann, i-MEET)
Kristallisationsmechanismen nanopartikulärer Metall‐Chalkogen‐
Kompositschichten zur Herstellung Chalkopyrit‐Absorberschichten für die
Neubauer, Georg (Wellmann, i-MEET)
Computertomographie bei der Kristallzüchtung
Oehlschläger, Felix (Wellmann, i-MEET)
Untersuchung von Halbleiterschichten mittels optischer Spektroskopie
Richter, Moses (Brabec, i-MEET)
Transport properties of organic / inorganic hybrid composites
Riedel, Daniel (Brabec, ext.)
Internal light extraction in organic light emitting devices
Riecke, Arne (Brabec, ZAE)
Rekristallisation dünner Siliziumschichten auf Fremdsubstraten für photovoltaische
Anwendungen und Anpassung der Zonenschmelzanlage (ZMR)
Sauermann, Tobias (Brabec, ext.)
Degradation Mechanisms in Organic Solar Cells
Schimmel, Saskia (Wellmann, i-MEET)
In situ Visualisierung des ammonothermalen Kristallisationsprozesses mittels
Schwamb, Philipp (Brabec, ext.)
Flexible white OLEDs
Shen, Yilei (Brabec, i-MEET)
Lösungsprozessierung für die semitransparenten Elektroden der organischen
Solodovnyk, Anastasiia (Brabec, ZAE)
Films with Particle Filled Systems for Solar Cell Applications
Spyropoulos, George (Brabec, ZAE)
Design and fabrication of novel and printable multi-junction organic solar cells
Stubhan, Tobias (Brabec, i-MEET)
Controlling the electronic interface properties of polymer fullerene bulk
heterojunction solar cells
Wilhelm, Martin (Wellmann, i-MEET)
SiGeC Hetero-Epitaxie
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Wittmann, Stephan (Brabec, ZAE)
Entwicklung und Optimierung von Zell- und Modulkonzepten für DünnschichtSilizium-Solarzellen auf Fremdsubstraten
Woiton, Michael (Brabec, ZAE)
Netzartig strukturierte Oberflächen aus präkeramischen Polymeren
Zhang, Chaohong (Brabec, i-MEET)
Synthesis & characterization of novel Fullerene-grafted compounds
Zhang, Hong (Brabec, i-MEET)
Design of Interfacial Layers for Organic Solar Cells
Zweschke, André (Wellmann, i-MEET)
Numerische Modellierung der Phasenbildung von CIS Solarzellenasorberschichten
Doctoral Theses Completed
Setz, Daniel Steffen (Winnacker, i-MEET)
Effizienzanalysen und Bauteilarchitekturen für hocheffiziente organische
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6. Awards
Fei Guo and Peter Kubis
won the Gold Award at the MATERIALICA 2013 in Munich for their “Fully Printed
and Laser Patterned Transparent OPV Modules”.
Fei’s work and most recent publication in Advanced Energy Materials got further
promoted by a FAU press release.
Yi Hou
Awarded by the Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies
(SAOT), 2013
Parisa Khoram
Prize from Hans-Wilhelm and Helga Schüßler foundation, Sept. 2013
Awarded by FAU to international Master’s students displaying excellent performance
Stipend from Stiftung Industrieforschung, June 2013
Awarded to support Master’s project under supervision of Prof. C.J. Brabec
Ning Li
Chinese Government Award for outstanding students abroad, 2013
Tobias Sauermann
won the poster prize of the International Conference on Hybrid and Organic
Photovoltaics HOPV 2013, Seville, Spain
“The Effect of Photo-Oxidation on the Charge Carrier Dynamics in P3HT:PCBM
Films as Monitored by Transient Absorption Spectroscopy”
Peter Wellmann
for receiving the award for “Excellence in Teaching” from the Bavarian Minister for
Science Dr. Heubisch.
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7. Publications (Full Papers and Conference Proceedings)
Full Papers
Rameez Ahmad, Monica Distaso, Hamed Azimi, Christoph J. Brabec,
Wolfgang Peukert
Facile synthesis and post-processing of eco-friendly, highly conductive copper zinc
tin sulphide nanoparticles
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 15 (9), art. no. 1886, 2013
Tayebeh Ameri, Parisa Khoram, Jie Min, and Christoph J. Brabec
Organic Ternary Solar Cells: A Review
Advanced Materials 25 (31), pp. 4245-4266, 2013
Tayebeh Ameri, Ning Li and Christoph J. Brabec
Highly efficient organic tandem solar cells: a follow up review
Energy and Environmental Science 6 (8), pp. 2390-2413, 2013
Tayebeh Ameri, Thomas Heumüller, Jie Min, Ning Li, Gebhard Matt,
Ullrich Scherf and Christoph J. Brabec
IR sensitization of an indene-C60 bisadduct (ICBA) in ternary organic solar cells
Energy and Environmental Science 6 (6), pp. 1796-1801, 2013
Raja Shahid Ashraf, Bob C. Schroeder, Hugo A.Bronstein, Zhenggang Huang,
Stuart Thomas, R. Joseph Kline, Christoph J. Brabec, Patrice Rannou, Thomas
D. Anthopoulos, James R. Durrant, and Iain McCulloch
The Influence of Polymer Purification on Photovoltaic Device Performance of a
Series of Indacenodithiophene Donor Polymers
Advanced Materials 25 (14), pp. 2029-2034, 2013
Hamed Azimi, Thomas Heumüller, Andreas Gerl, Gebhard Matt, Peter Kubis,
Monica Distaso, Rameez Ahmad, Tugce Akdas, Moses Richter, Wolfgang
Peukert, and Christoph J. Brabec
Relation of Nanostructure and Recombination Dynamics in a Low-Temperature
Solution-Processed CuInS2 Nanocrystalline Solar Cell
Advanced Energy Materials 3 (12), pp. 1589-1596, 2013
Derya Baran, Felix M. Pasker, Stephan Le Blanc, Gregor Schnakenburg,
Tayebeh Ameri, Sigurd Höger, Christoph J. Brabec
Introducing a New Triazoloquinoxaline-Based Fluorene Copolymer for Organic
Photovoltaics: Synthesis, Characterization, and Photovoltaic Properties
Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry 51 (4), pp. 987-992, 2013
Mateusz Bednorz, Gebhard J. Matt, Eric D. Głowacki, Thomas Fromherz,
Christoph J. Brabec, Marskus C. Scharber, Helmut Sitter, N. Serdar Sariciftci
Silicon/organic hybrid heterojunction infrared photodetector operating in the telecom
Organic Electronics 14 (5), pp. 1344-1350, 2013
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Felix Benz, Horst P. Strunk, Jakob Schaab, Ulrike Künecke, and Peter
Wellmann Tuning the emission colour by manipulating terbium-terbium interactions:
Terbium doped aluminium nitride as an example system
Journal of Applied Physics 114, pp. 073518 (1-6), 2013
Ignasi Burgués-Ceballos, Florian Machui, Jie Min, Tayebeh Ameri, Monika
Voigt, Yuriy N. Luponosov, Sergei A. Ponomarenko, Paul D. Lacharmoise,
Mariano Campoy-Quiles, and Christoph J. Brabec
Solubility Based Identication of Green Solvents for Small Molecule Organic Solar
Advanced Functional Materials 201301509, pp. 1-6, 2013
Chaohua Cui, Jie Min, Cheuk-Lam Ho, Tayebeh Ameri, Pei Yang, Jianzhang
Zhao, Christoph J. Brabec and Wai-Yeung Wong
A new two-dimensional oligothiophene end-capped with alkyl cyanoacetate groups
for highly efficient solution-processed organic solar cells
Chem. Commun. 49, pp. 4409-4411, 2013
Fei Guo, Tayebeh Ameri, Karen Forberich and Christoph J. Brabec
Semitransparent polymer solar cells
Polymer International 62 (10), pp. 1408-1412, 2013
Fei Guo, Xiangdong Zhu, Karen Forberich, Johannes Krantz, Tobias Stubhan,
Michael Salinas, Marcus Halik, Stefanie Spallek, Benjamin Butz, Erdmann
Spiecker, Tayebeh Ameri, Ning Li, Peter Kubis, Dirk M. Guldi,
Gebhard J. Matt, and Christoph J. Brabec
ITO-Free and Fully Solution-Processed Semitransparent Organic Solar Cells with
High Fill Factors
Advanced Energy Materials 3 (8), pp. 1062-1067, 2013
M. T. Hessmann, T. Kunz, M. Voigt, K. Cvecek, M. Schmidt, A. Bochmann,
S. Christiansen, R. Auer, and C. J. Brabec
Material Properties of Laser-Welded Thin Silicon Foils
International Journal of Photoenergy, Volume 2013, Article ID 724502, 6 pages,
Thomas Hupfer, Philip Hens, Michl Kaiser, Valdas Jokubavicius,
Mikael Syväjärvi and Peter Wellmann
Modeling of the mass tran sport during the homo-epitaxial growth of silicon carbide
by fast sublimation epitaxy
Materials Science Forum Vols. 740-742, pp. 52-55, 2013
Florian Jakubka, Madeleine Heyder, Florian Machui, Joachim Kaschta, Daniel
Eggerath, Wilfried Lövenich, Frederik Krebs, Christoph J. Brabec
Determining the coating speed limitations for organic photovoltaic inks,
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 109, pp. 120-125, 2013
Valdas Jokubavicius, Ho-Hsuan Huang, Saskia Schimmel, Rickard Liljedahl,
Rositza Yakimova and M. Syväjärvi
Towards Bulk-Like 3C-SiC Growth Using Low Off-Axis Substrates
Materials Science Forum Vols. 740-742, pp. 275-278, 2013
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Valdas Jokubavicius, Michl Kaiser, Philip Hens, Peter Wellmann, Rickard
Liljedahl, Rositza Yakimova and Mikael Syväjärvi
Morphological and optical stability in growth of fluorescent SiC on low off-axis
Materials Science Forum Vols. 740-742, pp. 19-22, 2013
Michl Kaiser, Thomas Hupfer, Valdas Jokubavicius, Saskia Schimmel,
Mikael Syväjärvi, Yiyu Ou, Haiyan Ou, Margareta K. Linnarsson and
Peter Wellmann
Polycrystalline SiC as source material for the growth of fluorescent SiC layers
Materials Science Forum Vols. 740-742, pp. 39-42, 2013
Markus Koppe, Hans-Joachim Egelhaaf, Ewan Clodic, Mauro Morana, Larry
Lüer, Anna Troeger, Vito Sgobba, Dirk M. Guldi, Tayebeh Ameri, and
Christoph J. Brabec
Charge Carrier Dynamics in a Ternary Bulk Heterojunction System Consisting of
P3HT, Fullerene, and a Low Bandgap Polymer
Advanced Energy Materials 3 (7), pp. 949-958, 2013
Johannes Krantz, Tobias Stubhan, Moses Richter, Stefanie Spallek, Ivan Litzov,
Gebhard J. Matt, Erdmann Spiecker, and Christoph J. Brabec
Spray-Coated Silver Nanowires as Top Electrode Layer in Semitransparent
P3HT:PCBM-Based Organic Solar Cell Devices
Advanced Functional Materials 23, pp. 1711-1717, 2013
Peter Kubis, Ning Li, Tobias Stubhan, Florian Machui, Gebhard J. Matt,
Monika M. Voigt and Christoph J. Brabec
Patterning of organic photovoltaic modules by ultrafast laser
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 9 pages, 2013
U. Künecke, A. Hölzing, S. Jost, R. Lechner, H. Vogt, A. Heiß, J. Palm, R. Hock,
P. Wellmann
Scanning electron microscopical examination of the impact of laser patterning on
microscopic inhomogeneities of Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)2 absorbers produced by rapid
thermal processing
Thin Solid Films 535, pp. 97-101, 2013
T. Kunz, M. T. Hessmann, S. Seren, B. Meidel, B. Terheiden, and C. J. Brabec
Dopant mapping in highly p-doped silicon by micro-Raman spectroscopy at various
injection levels
Journal of Applied Physics 113, pp. 023514 (1-8), 2013
Ning Li, Derya Baran, Karen Forberich, Mathieu Turbiez, Tayebeh Ameri,
Frederik C. Krebs, and Christoph J. Brabec
An Efficient Solution-Processed Intermediate layer for Facilitating Fabrication of
Organic Multi-Junction Solar Cells
Advanced Energy Materials 3 (12), pp. 1597-1605, 2013
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Ning Li, Derya Baran, Karen Forberich, Florian Machui, Tayebeh Ameri,
Mathieu Turbiez, Miguel Carrasco-Orozco, Martin Drees, Antonio Facchetti,
Frederik C. Krebs and Christoph J. Brabec
Towards 15% energy conversion efficiency: a systematic study of the solutionprocessed organic tandem solar cells based on commercially available materials
Energy & Environmental Science 6 (12), pp. 3407-3413, 2013
M.K. Linnarsson, M. Kaiser, R. Liljedahl, V. Jokubavicius, Y. Ou, P. Wellmann,
H. Ou, and M. Syväjärvi
Lateral boron distribution in polycrystalline SiC source materials
Materials Science Forum Vols. 740-742, pp. 397-400, 2013
Ning Li, Tobias Stubhan, Derya Baran, Jie Min, Haiqiao Wang, Tayebeh Ameri,
and Christoph J. Brabec
Design of the Solution-Processed Intermediate Layer by Engineering for Inverted
Organic Multi Junction Solar Cells
Advanced Energy Materials 3 (3), pp. 301-307, 2013
Ivan Litzov and Christop J. Brabec
Development of Efficient and Stable Inverted Bulk Heterojunction (BHJ) Solar Cells
Using Different Metal Oxide Interfaces
Materials 6, pp. 5796-5820, 2013
Heiko Löslein, Tayebeh Ameri, Gebhard J. Matt, Markus Koppe, Hans. J.
Egelhaaf, Anna Troeger, Vito Sgobba, Dirk M. Guldi, Christoph J. Brabec
Transient Absorption Spectroscopy Studies on Polythiophene-Fullerene Bulk
Heterojunction Organic Blend Films Sensitized with a Low-Bandgap Polymer
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 34 (13), pp. 1090-1097, 2013
Jie Min, Tayebeh Ameri, Roland Gresser, Melaniue Lorenz-Rothe, Derya Baran,
Anna Troeger, Vito Sgobba, Karl Leo, Moroitz Riede, Dirk M. Guldi,
Christoph J. Brabec
Two Similar Near-Infrared (IR) Absorbing Benzannulated Aza-BODIPY Dyes as
Near-IR Sensitizers for Ternary Solar Cells
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 5, pp. 5609–5616, 2013
Jie Min, Yuriy N. Luponosov, Tayebeh Ameri, Andreas Elschner,
Svetlana M. Peregudova, Derya Baran, Thomas Heumüller, Ning Li, Florian
Machui, Sergei Ponomarenko, Christoph J. Brabec
A solution-processable star-shaped molecule for high-performance organic solar cells
via alkyl chain engineering and solvent additive
Organic Electronics 14, pp. 219-229, 2013
Jie Min, Hong Zhang, Tobias Stubhan, Yuriy N. Luponosov, Mario Kraft,
Sergei A. Ponomarenko, Tayebeh Ameri, Ullrich Scherf and Christoph J. Brabec
A combination of Al-doped ZnO and a conjugated polyelectrolyte interlayer for small
molecule solution-processed solar cells with an inverted structure
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (37), pp. 11306-11311, 2013
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Stefan A. Möckel, Astrid Hölzing, Rainer Hock, Peter J. Wellmann
In-situ phase formation study of CIS absorber layers from CuIn-nanoparticle and
evaporated selenium
Thin Solid Films 535, pp. 133-137, 2013
Georg Neubauer, Michael Salamon, Florian Roider, Norman Uhlmann,
Peter J. Wellmann
Application of 3D X-Ray Computer Tomography for the In-Situ Visualization of the
SiC Crystal Growth Interface during PVT Bulk Growth
Materials Science Forum Vols. 740-742, pp. 27-30, 2013
Andres Osvet, Miroslaw Batentschuk, Moritz Milde, Nils Lundt,
Carsten Gellermann, Sofia Dembski, Albrecht Winnacker, and
Christoph J. Brabec
Photoluminescent and storage properties of photostimulable core/shell type silicate
Physica Status Solidi C 10 (2), pp. 180-184, 2013
Y. Ou, V. Jokubavicius, M. Kaiser, P. Wellmann, M.K. Linnarsson,
R. Yakimova, M. Syväjärvi, and H. Ou
Fabrication of broadband antireflective sub-wavelength structures on fluorescent SiC
Materials Science Forum Vols. 740-742, pp. 1024-1027, 2013
Achilleas Savva, Foteini Petraki, Polyvios Elefteriou, Lambrini Sygellou,
Monika Voigt, Myrsini Giannouli, Stella Kennou, Jenny Nelson,
Donal D.C. Bradley, Christoph J. Brabec, and Stelios Choulis
The Effect of Organic and Metal Oxide Interfacial layers on the Performance of
Inverted Organic Photovoltaics
Advanced Energy Materials 3, pp. 391-398, 2013
Saskia Schimmel, Michl Kaiser, P. Hens, V. Jokubavicius, R. Liljedahl,
J. W. Sun, R. Yakimova, Y. Ou, H. Ou, M. K. Linnarsson, P. Wellmann,
and M. Syväjärvi
Step-flow growth of fluorescent 4H-SiC layers on 4 degree off-axis substrates
Materials Science Forum Vols. 740-742, pp. 185-188, 2013
Philipp Schwamb, Thilo C.G. Reusch, Christoph J. Brabec
Passive cooling of large-area organic light-emitting diodes
Organic Electronics 14, pp. 1939-1945, 2013
Tobias Stubhan, Ivan Litzov, Ning Li, Michael Salinas, Matthias Steidl,
Gerhard Sauer, Karen Forberich, Gebhard J. Matt, Marcus Halik and
Christoph J. Brabec
Overcoming interface losses in organic solar cells by applying low temperature,
solution processed aluminum-doped zinc oxide electron extraction layers
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1, pp. 6004-6009, 2013
J. W. Sun, S. Kamiyama, P. Wellmann, R. Liljedahl, R. Yakimova, M. Syväjärvi
Microsecond carrier lifetimes in bulk-like 3C-SiC grown by sublimation epitaxy
Materials Science Forum Vols. 740-742, pp. 315-318, 2013
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Andreas Vetter, Frank Fecher, Jens Adams, Raymund Schaeffler,
Jean-Patrick Theisen, Christoph J. Brabec & Claudia Buerhop
Lock-in thermography as a tool for quality control of photovoltaic modules
Energy Science & Engineering 1, pp. 12–17, 2013
Rachmat Adhi Wibowo, Stefan Moeckel, Hyesun Yoo, Christina Hetzner,
Astrid Hoelzing, Peter Wellmann, Rainer Hock
Intermetallic compounds dynamic formation during annealing of stacked elemental
layers and its influences on the crystallization of Cu2ZnSnSe4 films
Materials Chemistry and Physics 142, pp. 311-317, 2013
Martin Wilhelm, Michl Kaiser, V. Jokubavicius, M. Syväjärvi, Y. Ou, H. Ou,
and P. Wellmann
Photoluminescence topography of fluorescent-SiC and its corresponding source
Materials Science Forum Vols. 740-742, pp. 421-424, 2013
Lothar Wondraczek, Miroslaw Batentschuk, Markus A. Schmidt,
Rudolf Borchardt, Simon Scheiner, Benjamin Seemann, Peter Schweitzer &
Christop J. Brabec
Solar spectral conversion for improving the photosynthetic activity in algae reactors
Nature Communications, DOI 10:1038/ncomms 3047, 6 pages, 2013
Qi Xia, Miroslaw Batentschuk, Andres Osvet, Peter Richter, Donat P. Häder,
Juergen Schneider, Christoph J. Brabec, Lothar Wondraczek and
Albrecht Winnacker
Enhanced photosynthetic activity in Spincaia oleracea by spectral modification with a
photoluminescent light converting material
Optics Express 21 (S6), pp. A909 -A916, 2013
Shuai Yan, Johannes Krantz, Karen Forberich, Christoph Pflaum and
Christoph J. Brabec
Numerical simulation of light propagation in silver nanowire films using
time-harmonic inverse iterative method
Journal of Applied Physics 113, pp. 154303 (1-6), 2013
Q. Zheng, J. Crocco, H. Bensalah, P. Wellmann, A. Osvet, U. Künecke, F. Dierre,
O. Vela, J.M. Perez, E. Dieguez
Influence of the starting materials used crystal growth process on CZT for gamma ray
radiation applications
Journal of Crystal Growth 381, pp. 15-21, 2013
C. Zollfrank, S. Gruber, M. Batentschuk, A. Osvet, F. Goetz-Neunhoeffer,
S. Dittrich, J. Grabow, H.-D. Kurland, F.A. Müller
Synthesis of Eu-doped SrAl2O4 nanophosphors by CO2 laser vaporization
Acta Materialia 61, pp. 7133-7141, 2013
Yu. Zorenko, V. Gorbenko, V. Savchyn, M. Batentschuk, A. Osvet, C. Brabec
Luminescence properties and energy transfer processes in YAG:Yb,Er single
crystalline films
Radiation Measurements 56, pp. 134-138, 2013
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Conference Proceedings
T. Kunz, M. T. Hessmann, R. Auer, C. J. Brabec
Mapping of dopant distribution of highly p-doped silicon regions by µ-Raman
28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France,
pp. 1702-1705, 2013
Matthias Schuster, Stefan A. Möckel, Rachmat Adhi Wibowo, Rainer Hock,
Peter J. Wellmann
Optimising the parameters for the synthesis of CuIn-nanoparticles by chemical
reduction method for chalcopyrite thin film precursors
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol.1538, pp. 203-208, 2013
Philipp Schwamb, Thilo Reusch and Christoph J. Brabec
Flexible top-emitting OLEDs for lighting: Bending limits
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol. 8829,
Article number 88291E , 10 pages, 2013
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8. Books & Book Chapters
Machui, F., Brabec C.J.
Solubility, Miscibility and the Impact on Solid-State Morphology
Semiconducting Polymer Composites, ed. by. X. Yang, Wiley-VCH, pp. 1-38, 2012
ISBN: 978-352733030-0
C. Hoth, P. Schilinsky, S. Choulis, S. Balssupramaniam, C. J. Brabec
Solution Processed Organic Photovoltaics
Applications of Organic and Printed Electronics ed. by. E. Cantatore, Springer,
pp. 27-56, 2013, ISBN 978-1-4614-3160-2
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9. Presentations at Conferences, Workshops, Events
Adams, Jens
10 – 12 December 2013
6th International Summit on Organic Photovoltaic Stability ISOS-6, Chambéry,
Poster: ELLI-Imaging on degraded and inverted P3HT:PCBM solar cells
Ameri, Tayebeh
11 – 13 April 2013
2nd Soltech Workshop, Monastery Banz/Bad Staffelstein, Germany
Invited tutorial: Organic Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, trends, recent results
18 – 19 June 2013
Neutrons for Functional Materials” (CENEM workshop), Fraunhofer-Institut für
Integrierte Systeme und Bauelementetechnologie IISB, Erlangen, Germany
Invited talk: Drying kinetics & micro-structure controlling in organic solar cells
29 September – 2 October 2013
2nd Erlangen Symposium on Synthetic Carbon Allotropes (SFB 953),
Erlangen, Germany
9 – 10 October 2013
ROTROT (Roll To Roll production of Organic Tandem cells), Advisory board
meeting, Leverkusen, Germany
Talk: WP3 Design production of tandem OPV module
14 – 15 November 2013
SolTech workshop "Computional methods for experimentalists", Erlangen, Germany
18 – 12 November 2103
Annual EAM Symposium (Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced
Materials), Monastery Banz/Bad Staffelstein, Germany
Invited tutorial: Organic Photovoltaics
22 November 2013
Launch event - project network "Umweltverträgliche Anwendungen der
Nanotechnologie" (Environmentally compatible Applications of Nanotechnology),
Munich, Germany
Poster: Umweltfreundliche Hocheffiziente Organische Solarzellen (UOS)
28 – 29 November 2013
OSNIRO (Organic Semiconductors for NIR Optoelectronics), kick-off meeting,
Wuppertal, Germany
Talk: Near IR OPVs, WP2, 3 and 4
9 – 11 December 2013
2nd International Congress Next Generation Solar Energy, Erlangen, Germany
Poster: Near-IR sensitization of organic solar cells using squaraine dyes
Chen, Wei
09 – 11 December 2013
2nd International Congress Next Generation Solar Energy, Erlangen, Germany
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Brabec, Christoph J.
25 January 2013
Seminar Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria
Talk: Next generation photovoltaics - materials and processes
25 February 2013
Seminar Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Talk: Meeting future energy demands with printed semiconductors
11 – 14 March 2013
EAM Winter School, Kirchberg, Austria
04 April 2013
Solarvalley Mitteldeutschland, Erfurt, Germany
Plenary lecture: Next generation printed photovoltaics: materials, processes,
challenges and visions
09 April 2013
Cluster-Treff: Kostengünstige und hocheffiziente Photovoltaik,
IHK Akademie München, Munich, Germany
Talk: Dünnschicht PV mit hohem Wirkungsgrad (Gedruckte Photovoltaik –
wirtschaftliche Chancen und technische Herausforderungen)
18 April 2013
Konferenz Energie Innovativ - Forschung und Innovationen für den Energieumstieg,
Bayern Innovativ, Nuremberg, Germany
Talk: Solarfabrik der Zukunft - Vision für eine zukünftige PV Massentechnologi
02 June 2013
Next-Generation Organic Photovoltaics, Oosterpoort, Groningen, The Netherlands
Plenary lecture: Evolution of OPV performance - lessons learned on the way
from 1 % to 10 %
04 June 2013
Seminar École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Talk: Managing the energy turnaround
11 June 2013
Seminar CRANN Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Talk: Printed semiconductors: designing functionality from the nanostructure
03 September 2013
Joint Annual Meeting of ÖPG, SPG, ÖGAA and SGAA, Linz, Austria
Talk: 15 years of research on organic solar cells: lessons learned from
1 % to 10 % efficiency
07 September 2013
12th European Conference on Molecular Electronics ECME 2013,
South Kensington Campus, London, United Kingdom
Plenary lecture: Evolution of organic photovoltaics - lessons learned from 1 - 10 %
23 – 27 September 2013
Solarvalley Summer School for Smart Energy, Technische Universität Ilmenau,
Ilmeanu, Germany
Talk: Evolution of OPV: principles and applications
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Bronnbauer, Carina
09 – 11 December 2013
2nd International Congress Next Generation Solar Energy, Erlangen, Germany
Fahlbusch, Lars
06 – 08 March 2013
Deutsche Kristallzüchtungstagung DGKK, Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Systeme
und Bauelementetechnologie IISB, Erlangen, Germany
16 October 2013
Workshop vom DGKK Arbeitskreis Herstellung und Charakterisierung von massiven
Halbleiterkristallen, Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Systeme und
Bauelementetechnologie IISB, Erlangen, Germany
4 – 5 November 2013
Hochtemperaturwerkstoffe für die Kristallzüchtung, DGKK-Arbeitskreis Industrielle
Kristallzüchtung, Miltenberg, Germany
Fecher, Frank
30 September – 04 October 2013
28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference 2013 EU PVSEC, Paris, France
Poster: Simulation of the electrical behavior in shunted thin film modules
using a 2D FEM model
09 – 11 December 2013
2nd International Congress Next Generation Solar Energy, Erlangen, Germany
Poster: 2D FEM simulation of the electrical behavior and performance in shunted
thin film modules
Forberich, Karen
09 – 11 December 2013
2nd International Congress Next Generation Solar Energy, Erlangen, Germany
Talk: Photon management for solar cells: Down- and Up-Conversion
Galli, Diana
29 September – 2 October 2013
2nd Erlangen Symposium on Synthetic Carbon Allotropes (SFB 953), Erlangen,
14 – 15 November 2013
SolTech workshop "Computional methods for experimentalists", Erlangen, Germany
28 – 29 November 2013
Organic Semiconductors for NIR Optoelectronics OSNIRO, kick-off meeting,
Wuppertal, Germany
09 – 11 December 2013
2nd International Congress Next Generation Solar Energy, Erlangen, Germany
Güldal, Sena Nusret
11 – 14 March 2013
EAM Winter School, Kirchberg, Austria
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Guo, Fei
09 – 11 December 2013
2nd International Congress Next Generation Solar Energy, Erlangen, Germany
Hornich, Julian
09 – 11 December 2013
2nd International Congress Next Generation Solar Energy, Erlangen, Germany
Kaiser, Michl
27 – 31 May 2013
Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society E-MRS 2013,
Strasbourg, France
Talk: Nucleation and growth of polycrystalline SiC
Poster: Interface phenomena of polycrystalline SiC grown on graphite
Krantz, Johannes
11 – 14 March 2013
EAM Winter School, Kirchberg, Austria
Talk: Metallic Nanowires - Building Blocks for Transparent and Opaque Solar Cells
Kubis, Peter
18 – 20 March 2013
5th European Conference on Applications of Femtosecond Lasers in Materials
Science FemtoMat, Mauterndorf, Austria
Presentation: High Resolution Laser Patterning of Organic Photovoltaic Devices
09 – 11 December 2013
2nd International Congress Next Generation Solar Energy, Erlangen, Germany
Li, Ning
01 – 05 April 2013
2013 MRS (Materials Research Society) Spring Meeting & Exhibit, San Francisco,
Talk: Towards large-scale production of solution-processed organic tandem modules
based on ternary composites: Design of the intermediate layer, cell optimization and
laser based module processing
09 – 11 December 2013
2nd International Congress Next Generation Solar Energy, Erlangen, Germany
Poster: Printing organic tandem solar cells towards 15% power conversion efficiency
Machui, Florian
17 April 2013
RotRot Midterm Progress Review Meeting, Brussels, Belgium
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Min, Jie
15 – 18 November 2013
The 17th National Conference on Electrochemistry, Soochow University, Soochow,
Talk: Novel materials and device structure optimization for high performance
solution-processed small molecule solar cells
09 – 11 December 2013
2nd International Congress Next Generation Solar Energy, Erlangen, Germany
Möckel, Stefan
01 – 05 April 2013
2013 MRS (Materials Research Society) Spring Meeting & Exhibit, San Francisco,
Poster: Optimising the parameters for the synthesis of CuIn-nanoparticles by
chemical reduction method for chalcopyrite thin film prescursors
23 – 27 September 2013
Solarvalley Summer School for Smart Energy, Technische Universität Ilmenau,
Ilmeanu, Germany
21 – 22 November 2013
4th European Kesterite Workshop, Helmholtzzentrum Berlin, Germany
Poster: Microstructure analysis and approaches in identification of secondary
phases in RTP-SEL Kesterite films
Neubauer, Georg
06 – 08 March 2013
Deutsche Kristallzüchtungstagung DGKK, Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Systeme
und Bauelementetechnologie IISB, Erlangen, Germany
Talk: 3-D Computertomographie zur In-Situ Visualisierung des SiC-Kristalls
während des gesamten Wachstumsprozesses im PVT-Reaktor
27 – 31 May 2013
Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society E-MRS 2013,
Strasbourg, France
Talk: 3-D In-situ Visualization of the SiC crystal during PVT Bulk Growth using
X-ray computed tomography (CT)
29 September – 04 October 2013
International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials ICSCRM 2013,
Miyazaki, Japan
Talk: Real-time measurement of the evolution of growth facets during SiC PVT bulk
growth using 3-D X-ray computed tomography (CT)
Salvador, Michael
09 – 11 December 2013
2nd International Congress Next Generation Solar Energy, Erlangen, Germany
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Sauermann, Tobias
05 – 08 May 2013
International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics HOPV 2013, Seville,
Poster: The Effect of Photo-Oxidation on the Charge Carrier Dynamics in
P3HT:PCBM Films as Monitored by Transient Absorption Spectroscopy
Schimmel, Saskia
27 – 31 May 2013
Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society E-MRS 2013,
Strasbourg, France
Talk: The role of defects in fluorescent silicon carbide layers grown by
sublimation epitaxy
16 – 20 September 2013
Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society E-MRS 2013,
Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Talk: Towards X-ray in-situ visualization of ammonothermal
crystal growth of nitrides
Shen, Yilei
11 – 14 March 2013
EAM Winter School, Kirchberg, Austria
Stubhan, Tobias
01 – 05 April 2013
2013 MRS (Materials Research Society) Spring Meeting & Exhibit, San Francisco,
08 – 11 April 2013
Energy Materials Nanotechnology EMN 2013, Orlando, Florida
Vetter, Andreas
05 – 06 June 2013
Temperatur 2013, Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt PTB, Berlin, Germany
Voigt, Monika
16 – 21 June 2013
39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference PVSC 39, Tampa, Florida
Talk: Tailoring green formulation: printing and upscaling of inverted
organic solar cells
10 – 12 December 2013
6th International Summit on Organic Photovoltaic Stability ISOS-6, Chambéry,
Poster: ELLI-Imaging on degraded and inverted P3HT:PCBM solar cells
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Wellmann, Peter
27 – 31 May 2013
Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society E-MRS 2013,
Strasbourg, France
Talk: Low Temperature Processing of printable ITO-PEDOT nano-composites
for optoelectronic device applications
24 – 26 July 2013
EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology EKC 2013, Brighton,
United Kongdom
Talk: Towards better SiC Single Crystals by Application of in-situ 3-D
Computer Tomography
04 – 08 August 2013
15th International Summer School on Crystal Growth ISSCG–15, Gdansk, Poland
Talk: Physical Vapor Transport (PVT) Growth – with focus on SiC and brief
review on AlN & GaN
21 – 22 November 2013
4th European Kesterite Workshop, Helmholtzzentrum Berlin, Germany
Poster: Microstructure analysis and approaches in identification of secondary
phases in RTP-SEL Kesterite films
Wilhelm, Martin
05 – 06 December 2013
28. DGKK Workshop - Epitaxie von III-V Halbleitern, Technischen Universität
Ilmenau, Ilmenau, Germany
Talk : Heteroepitaxie von 3C-SiC auf Si bei reduzierter Temperatur
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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1st Joint i-MEET & ZAE Day
17 October 2013, EnCN
Our annual meeting: ZAE- and i-MEET-group leader present their avtivities.
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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10. Seminar Presentations
Chair Seminar
08 January 2013
Julian Kadar (Master thesis)
Processing of Bi-2212 high temperature superconducting wires
15 January 2013
Christian Michael (Bachelor thesis)
Synthese und Untersuchung von Leuchtstoffen im nanoskaligen Bereich für die
Lichtkonversion in Solarzellen dritter Generation
05 February 2013
Keith Thomas (Master thesis)
Rapid Characterization of III-V Multijunction Solar Cells
Frank Fecher (Doctoral thesis report, ZAE)
FEM-Simulation of Thin Film Solar Modules with Shunts
Diana Galli (Master thesis)
Laserprozessieren von kristallinen Si-Solarzellen
12 February 2013
Stefan Gärtner (Bachelor thesis)
Adsorption of PTCDA on the free and oxidized Cu(100) surface
05 March 2013
Frieder Warth (Bachelor thesis, ZAE)
Einfluss von Laser induzierten Shunts auf die Performance von CIGS-Solarzellen
09 April 2013
Chistian Teige (Bachelor thesis, ZAE)
Bestimmung der Prozessparameter einer Zonenschmelzanlage für die
Rekristallisation von Siliziumschichten
23 April 2013
Fei Guo (Doctoral thesis report)
Solution-processed parallel tandem organic solar cells
30 April 2013
Derya Baran (Doctoral thesis report)
Predicting the Efficiency Potential of Conjugated Polymers Utilizing Optical
Ning Li (Doctoral thesis report)
Design of the Solution Processed Intermediate Layers
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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07 May 2013
Karen Forberich (Review report)
Plasmonic Effects in Solar Cells
28 May 2013
Peter Kubis (Doctoral thesis report)
Fast and High Resolution Patterning of OPV Devices by Ultrafast Laser
Jie Min (Doctoral thesis report)
Solution-Processable Star-Shaped Molecule toward High-Performance and HighLifetime Organic Solar Cells
04 June 2013
Michael Schneider (Bachelor thesis)
Study of ZnS Thin Films Deposited by Chemical Bath Deposition for Solar Cell
11 June 2013
Stephan Wittmann (Doctoral thesis report)
Laserprocessing for Silicon Solar Cells
18 June 2013
Georgi Popov (Bachelor thesis)
Untersuchung der künstlichen Degradation von transparenten und leitfähigen
Oxidschichten durch Damp-Heat-Test und lichtinduzierte Degradation
Georg Neubauer (Doctoral thesis report)
Application of 3-D X-ray Computed Tomography for the in-situ Visualization During
Crystal Growth
25 June 2013
Philipp Maisch (Master thesis)
Analysis of Processing Additives on Device Performance of Organic Photovoltaic
02 July 2013
Stefan Möckel (Doctoral thesis report)
Mechanism of Phase formation in CuInSe2 compound precursor systems
09 July 2013
Moses Richter (Doctoral thesis report)
Thick Hybrid Photo Diodes for Detector Applications
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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16 July 2013
Ulli Hoyer (Doctoral thesis report)
Electroluminescence in OSEs
Da Li (Doctoral thesis report)
Silicon Solar Cells Passivation by PECVD
15 August 2013
Christoph Peter (Master thesis)
Procedural simulations and assessment of the storage of excess current via partial
reformation with Aspen Plus
Carina Bronnbauer (Master thesis)
Modeling catalytic reactions: graphene supported noble metal cluster arrays studied
with high resolution XPS
17 September 2013
Shuyun Ye (Master thesis)
Organic Photodiodes for Imaging Applications
24 September 2013
Sena Güldal (Doctoral thesis report)
Drying Kinetics of Polymer-Fullerene Blends
Andreas Gerl (Master thesis)
Transport- and Recombinationdynamics in Organic Solar Cells
22 October 2013
Tobias Bottner (Bachelor thesis)
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Schichten zur Lichtkonversion für Solarzellen
29 October 2013
Anastasiia Solodovnyk (Doctoral thesis report)
Luminescent down-shifting layers for Photovoltaic
05 November 2013
Yi Hou (Doctoral thesis report)
Low-temperature solution processed Kesterite based solar cells
12 November 2013
Daniel Riedel (Doctoral thesis report)
Light Extraction from OLEDs
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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26 November 2013
Carina Ehrig (Doctoral thesis report)
Inorganic semiconductors used for photocatalysis
Joachim Knerr (Bachelor thesis)
Optimierung des Herstellungsprozesses des SrAl2O4:Eu – Leuchtstoffs für die
Lichtkonversion in Solarzellen dritter Generation
03 December 2013
Thomas Lenz (Master thesis)
Charge Transport Phenomena in nanoparticulate metal oxides
Simon Kahmann (Master thesis)
Synthesis and characterization of lead chalcogenide quantum dots as ternary
sensitisers in OPV
Melissa Sheena Stahl (Master thesis)
Solution Processed CuInS2 Nanocrystals Solar Cell
Guest Talks
08 January 2013
Shahidul Alam (NEXT ENERGY EWE-Forschungszentrum f. Energietechnologie)
Electrode optimization in organic schottky diodes – Overview PV on flexible
21 January 2013
Taimoor Ahmad
Characterization of biologically derived substrates for thin film crystalline silicon
solar cells
Klaus Burlafinger
Breitbandige dielektrische Spektroskopie an Monohydroxy-Alkoholen
22 January 2013
Sarina Keilwitz (Potential doctoral candidate)
Printed Electronics - from ink formulation to layer analysis
29 January 2013
Lan Wang (Potential doctoral candidate)
Combinatorial screening of conjugated polymers for organic solar cells via inkjet
Nico Tucher (Potential doctoral candidate)
Konzeption und Realisierung einer Strukturierungsanlage zur großflächigen
Herstellung hybridpolymerer 3D-Strukturen mittels Zwei-Photonen-Polymerisation
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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12 February 2013
Fritz Lehnert (Potential doctoral candidate, TU Dresden)
Organic light-emitting diodes with integrated scattering layers
Stefan Gärtner
Adsorption of PTCDA on the free and oxidized Cu(100) surface
26 February 2013
Ignasi Burgues (Doctoral thesis report, Institut de Ciència de Materials de
Hansen Solubility Parameters: A useful tool for the design of green formulations for
solution-based SMOPYs
10 July 2013
Dr. Panagiotis Keivanidis (Italien Institute of Technology)
Perylene Diimide Solar Cells: Structure-Function Relationsship and delayed
Luminescence Properties
10 September 2013
Dr. Rod Mackenzie (Lecturer from the University Nottingham)
The physical meaning of charge extraction by linearly increasing voltage transients
from organic solar cells
11 September 2013
Nicola Gasparini (Potential doctoral candidate, ISOF-CNR Bologna)
Polymer solar cells BHJ with C70 as electron-acceptor
Martin Bayer (Potential doctoral candidate, FAU, AG Guldi and Universität
Synthesis and characterization of composite coatings for negative electrodes in Li-ion
batteries based on Fe2O3 nanoparticles
Cathrin Gemmel (Potential doctoral candidate, TU Delft and now working at
Institut für Solarzellenforschung, Hameln)
Exciton and charge carrier dynamics in conjugated polymer/ titanium
dioxide bilayers
Rene Fischer (Potential doctoral candidate, Siemens)
Transparent and conductive electrodes for organic photodiodes based on hybrid
carbon-nanotube-PEDOT compositions
Sebastian Lautenschlager (Potential doctoral candidate, TU Regensburg)
Novel organic materials for OLEDS and for fundamental research
Gerben von Straaten (Potential doctoral candidate, Chemical Engineering &
Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology)
The effect of field and excitation energy on charge separation in OPVs
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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15 October 2013
Liudmyla Chepyga (Potential doctoral candidate, Frantsevich Institute for Problems
of Materials Science of National/Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
Synthesis and Structural Properties of Graphene-like Nanoparticles of Niobium
14 November 2013
Prof. Dr. Peter Bäuerle (Univ. Ulm, Direktor des Instituts für Organische Chemie II
und Neue Materialien der Universität Ulm)
Moleculare Elektroni
26 November 2013
Alessandro La Torre (IPCMS - Department of Surfaces and Interfaces)
Fabrication and Characterisation of a New Class of Hybrid Nano Materials
Michael Salinas Batallas (Potential doctoral candidate)
Interface Engineering with Self-assembled Monolayers for Organic Electronics
02 December 2013
Dr. Tomokatsu Hayakawa (Nagoya Institute of Technology, Dept. of Frontier
Rare-Earth-Photonics based and Glasses
17 December 2013
Matthias Josef Martin (Potential doctoral candidate)
Measurement and Simulation of building integrated Photovoltaic
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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11. Conferences organized by Members of the Institute
Brabec, Christoph J.
09 – 11 December 2013
Organizer, Scientific Advisory Council “2nd International Congress Next Generation
Solar Energy”, Erlangen, Germany
24 – 28 September 2013
Co-Organizer and Co-Chair
28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition PVSEC
Paris, France
Wellmann, Peter
09 – 14 June 2013
Member of the Program Committee of the Special Symposium on “Science &
Innovation: LEDS, Photovoltaics and Energy-Efficient ("Green") Photonics”
CLEO Conference 2013, San Jose, California
06 – 08 March 2013
Conference Chair
Deutsche Kristallzüchtungstagung DKT, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Faculty of
Engineering, Erlangen, Germany
27 – 31 May 2013
Organizer of Symposiums G, ”Alternative approaches of SiC & related wide
bandgap materials in light emitting & solar cell applications”
Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society EMRS 2013, Strasbourg,
16 – 17 October 2013
Organization of the DGKK workshop on “Growth and Characterization of
Semiconductor Crystals“, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Faculty of Engineering,
Erlangen, Germany
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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12. Cooperation in Committees
Brabec, Christoph J.
EnCN – Deputy Spokesman, Member of the Academic Heads, Member of the
Steering Committee
EnCN – Member of the Board of Directors
Editor of “Journal of Photonics for Energy” (SPIE)
Chairman of the Editorial Board “Advanced Energy Materials”, Wiley VCH
Editorial Board of “Progress in Photovoltaics”, Wiley VCH
Editorial Board of “Emerging Materials Research”, ice publishing
Editorial Board of the Online-Journal “Future Photovoltaics”, Mazik Media
Editorial Board of “Emerging Materials Science”,
Serving as referee for several funding organizations, among them the Austrian
Science Fund (FWF), for the German Research Foundation (DFG), the BadenWürttemberg Stiftung, and for more than 15 top ranked journals
Principal Investigator of the Erlangen Cluster of Excellence "Engineering of
Advanced Materials"
Principal Investigator of the “Optical Materials and Systems“
Member of Scientific Board of the PE graduate school, Imperial College, London
Member of Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SOAT) FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Member Scientific Evaluation Committee Holst Center, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Chairman of the Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research
Chen, Wei
Member of Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SOAT) FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Hou, Yi
Member of Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SOAT) FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Kubis, Peter
Member of Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SOAT) FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Solodovnyk, Anastasiia
Member of Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SOAT) FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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Wellmann, Peter
Member of the Exectuve Committee of the European Materials Research Society
Treasurer of the German Crystal Growth Association (DGKK e.V.)
Head of the Division “Growth and Characterization of Semiconductor Crsytals” of
the German Crystal Growth Association DGKK e.V.
Zhang, Hong
Member of the Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SOAT)
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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13. Research Projects
Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT)
January 2013 – December 2014
Bayerische Forschungsstiftung, AZ-1006-11
July 2012 – June 2015
Intelligenz im Solarglas
BAYER Technology Services SolTech
2012 – 2017
Solar technologies go hybrid
Cluster of Excellence “Engineering of Advanced Materials”
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (EAM), funded by DFG Solarfabrik
BayFo DOK-131-10
01 December 2010 – 30 November 2013
Promotions-Stipendium ausländischer Doktoranden
BFS AZ-857-09
01 February 2010 – 31 January 2013
China Scholarship Council
CSC grant No. 201206820002
Inorganic/Organic light conversion composite for organic photovoltaic application
(Chen Wei)
CSC grant No. 2011613029
Semitransparent organic solar cells (Guo Fei)
CSC grant No. 201206130055
Design and Fabrication of organic solar cells based on solution-processed small
molecules (Ke Lili)
CSC grant No. 2011643004
Solution-processed small molecule bulk heterojunction organic solar cells (Min Jie)
CSC grant No. 201204910209
The Interfacial Layer of Organic Solar Cells (Zhang Hong)
01 November 2010 – 31 October 2014
Molecular Electronics and Photonics
DFG BA 2245/3-1
01 March 2010 – 31 December 2013
Untersuchungen zur Speicherung von Ladungsträgern in Nanopartikeln und
Entwicklung von Infrarotlicht-stimulierten Markern für die Bioanalytik und
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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DFG SPP 1355 BR 4031/1-1
01 September 2010 – 26 May 2014
Elementarprozesse der organischen Photovoltaik
DFG SPP 1355 BR 4031/2-1
01 September 2010 – 30 June 2013
Near IR sensitization of polymer/fullerene solar cells
DFG SPP 1355 BR 4031/2-1
01 September 2010 – 16 May 2014
Elementarprozesse der organischen Photovoltaik:
Controlling the electronic interface properties in polymer‐fullerene
bulk‐heterojunction solar cells.
DFG WE 210/6-1
01 July 2011 – 30 June 2014
In situ Visualisierung des ammonothermalen Kristallisationsprozesses mittels
EnCN (7502184)
September 2011 – 31 December 2016
EU RotRot FP7‐ICT (grant no. 288565)
01 September 2011 – 31 August 2014
Roll to Roll Production of Organic Tandem Cells
Exzellenzcluster: B1
01 November 2012 – 31 October 2017
Printable solar cells
Exzellenzcluster: BTS (B-SP A7)
01 July 2010 – 30 September 2014
Bauteile und Charakterisierung
01 November 2011 – 31 October 2014
Kristallisation nanopartikulärer Halbleiter-Materialien
MATSOL Energie Campus Nürnberg
01 January 2013 – 31 December 2016
Ultraharte Gläser
Beschleunigte Testverfahren
Optik – Optoelektronik
Testlabor / Prüflabor Materialkontakte und Interfaces
Thermophysikalische Auslegung
Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH. FFG
November 2011 – October 2014
Inspection tools for Solar-Technology (InSolTech)
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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01 October 2013 – 31 December 2017
Organic Semiconductors for NIR Optoelectronics
SFB 953 B01
01 January 2012 – 31 December 2015
Synthetic Carbon Allotropes
20 October 2010 – 20 February 2013
Wachstum von SiC Einkristallen mit großen Durchmessern nach dem PVT-Verfahren
SolTech StMWFK
25 July 2012 – 31 July 2017
Solar technologies go hybrid
01 September 2013 – 31 August 2016
Umweltverträglicher Beitrag der Nanotechnologie zur Energiewende
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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14. Teaching
Winter Term 2012/2013
Lectures (VORL)
Grundlagen des Kristallwachstums und der Halbleitertechnologie, P. Wellmann
Grundlagen Werkstoffe der Elektronik und Energietechnik 1, Ch. J. Brabec
Materialien der Elektronik und Energietechnik, P. Wellmann
Photo Physics [PhPhys], H. Egelhaaf, Ch. J. Brabec, M. Halik
Photovoltaik-Technologie, Th. Kunz
Physikalische Grundlagen und Anwendungen der zerstörungsfreien
Werkstoffprüfung, S. Kasperl
Werkstoffe und Verfahren der medizinischen Diagnostik I, M. Thoms
Werkstoffkunde für Studierende der Elektrotechnik (EEI) [Werkstoffk.(ET)],
P. Wellmann
Exercises and laboratory courses (PR, PJS, UE)
Übungen/Ergänzungen zu Grundlagen Werkstoffe der Elektronik und Energietechnik
(WET I UE), G. Matt
Praktikum Materialien der Elektronik und Energietechnik [PR2-ET], P. Wellmann
Praktikum Wahlfach Crystal Growth, P. Wellmann
Projektarbeit - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kristallisation von SiC und CIS [AG SiC CIS],
P. Wellmann
Projektarbeit – Arbeitsgemeinschaft Organische Photovoltaik [AG OPV],
Ch. J. Brabec
Seminars (SEM)
Kern-/ Nebenfachseminar i-MEET (für Studierende im 3. MA-Semester) [SEM],
Ch. J. Brabec, M. Bickermann, S. Christiansen, E. Meißner
Neuere Fragen zu Werkstoffen der Elektronik und Energietechnik, Ch. J. Brabec,
M. Batentschuk, P. Wellmann
Seminar über Bachelor- und Diplomarbeiten, P. Wellmann
Seminar über Studien-, Bachelor- und Diplom(Master)-arbeiten, Ch. J. Brabec
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Summer Term 2013
Lectures (VORL)
Charakterisierung von Halbleitermaterialien, Ch. J. Brabec
Devices, Ch. J. Brabec, J. Zaumseil
Elektrische, magnetische, optische Eigenschaften, A. Winnacker, M. Batentschuk
Grundlagen II Materialien der Elektronik und Energietechnologie [WET II],
Ch. J. Brabec
Leuchtstoffe, M. Batentschuk
Processing, Ch. J. Brabec, M. Halik
Technologie der Züchtung von Halbleiterkristallen und Photovoltaik, J. Friedrich
Werkstoffe der Elektronik in der Medizin, M. Batentschuk, A. Winnacker
Werkstoffe und Verfahren der medizinischen Diagnostik II, M. Thoms
Exercises and laboratory courses (EX, PJS, PR, UE)
Kernfachpraktikum I, Werkstoffe der Elektronik und Energietechnik, M. Batentschuk
Kernfachpraktikum II, Wahlfach Organic Electronics, M. Batentschuk
Projektarbeit - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Organische Photovoltaik (AG PV),
Ch. J. Brabec
Seminars (SEM)
Seminar on Solar Energy [SolarSem], Ch. J. Brabec, K. Hertel, Ch. Pflaum
Seminar über spezielle Probleme der MEET (Lehrstuhl-Seminar), Ch. J. Brabec,
M. Batentschuk
Seminar über Studien- und Diplom(Master)-arbeiten, Ch. J. Brabec
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Winter Term 2013/2014
Lectures (VORL)
Grundlagen des Kristallwachstums und der Halbleitertechnologie, P. Wellmann
Materialien der Elektronik und Energietechnik, P. Wellmann
Materialien und Bauelemente für die Optoelektronik und Energietechnologie:
Grundlagen [MaBaOpEnGr], Ch. J. Brabec
Photophysics and Electronic Transport [PhPhys], H. Egelhaaf, Ch. J. Brabec
Physikalische Grundlagen und Anwendungen der zerstörungsfreien
Werkstoffprüfung, S. Kasperl
Werkstoffe und Verfahren der medizinischen Diagnostik I, M. Thoms
Werkstoffkunde für Studierende der Elektrotechnik (EEI) [Werkstoffk.(ET)],
P. Wellmann
Exercises and laboratory courses (PR, PJS, UE)
Lab Work Organic Electronics NT, M. Batentschuk
Praktikum Materialien der Elektronik und Energietechnik [PR2-ET], P. Wellmann
Praktikum Wahlfach Crystal Growth, P. Wellmann
Praktikum Werkstoffe 2 [PW2], M. Batentschuk
Projektarbeit - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kristallisation von SiC und CIS [AG SiC CIS],
P. Wellmann
Projektarbeit – Arbeitsgemeinschaft Photovoltaik und Solarenergie [ AG OPV],
Ch. J. Brabec
Seminars (AWA, SEM)
Anleitung zur wissenschaftlichen Arbeit, T. Ameri
Kern-/ Nebenfachseminar i-MEET (für Studierende im 2. MA-Semester) [SEM],
Ch. J. Brabec, M. Bickermann, E. Meißner
Neuere Fragen zu Werkstoffen der Elektronik und Energietechnik, Ch. J. Brabec,
M. Batentschuk, P. Wellmann
Seminar über Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten, P. Wellmann
Seminar über Bachelor-, Master und Doktorarbeiten – Crystal Growth, P. Wellmann
Seminar über Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten, Ch. J. Brabec
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15. Addresses and Maps
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology
Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Martensstr. 7
D-91058 Erlangen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 9131 85-27633 (Secretary)
+49 (0) 9131 85-28495
E-Mail: [email protected]
By car:
Highway A3 exit Tennenlohe;
direction to Erlangen (B4). Follow the
signs “Universität Südgelände”.
After junction “Technische
Fakultät” please follow the map.
By train:
Railway station Erlangen.
Bus line No. 287 direction
“Sebaldussiedlung”. Bus stop
“Technische Fakultät”. 50 meters to
a layout plan; search for “Insitut für
Report 2013 i-MEET, Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
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ZAE Bayern Erlangen Abteilung 3
Thermosensorik und Photovoltaik
Haberstr. 2a
D-91058 Erlangen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 9131 / 9398 – 100
+49 (0) 9131 / 9398 – 199
E-Mail: [email protected]
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Technikum 2
Crystal Growth Lab
Dr.-Mack-Strasse 77
D-90762 Fürth
Phone: +49 (0) 911 / 65078-65081
FAX: +49 (0) 911 / 65078-65083
Email: [email protected]
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Geschäftsstelle Energie Campus Nürnberg e.V.
Fürther Str. 250
"Auf AEG", Gebäude 16
D-90429 Nürnberg
Phone: +49 (0) 911 / 56 854 9120
+49 (0) 911 / 56 854 9121
E-Mail: [email protected]
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