View - Columbia Shuswap Regional District
View - Columbia Shuswap Regional District
5.2 CSRD BOARD REPORT TO: Chair and Directors File No: 185031 FROM: Jodi Pierce Manager of Financial Services Date: Sep 4,2015 SUBJECT: Revelstoke/Area B EOF Application - Revelstoke Snowmobile Society RECOMMENDATION: THAT: With the concurrence of the City of Revelstoke and the Electoral Area B Director, the Board approve funding from the Revelstoke and Area B Economic Opportunity Fund to the Revelstoke Snowmobile Society in the amount of $100,000 to assist the Society with the development of a Snowmobile Welcome Centre. APPROVED for Board Consideration: Meeting Date: September 4, 2015 &v/h^/^-^ Charles Hamilton, CAO SHORT SUMMARY: Information relating to this EOF request is attached and is supported by the Electoral Area B Director. The Snowmobile Welcome Centre will include a reception area, offices, washrooms, a bo^rd room and a storage space for trail grooming equipment. The welcome centre will also provide environmental information to snowmobilers and tourists in general. Displays will include snowmobile safety promotions, avalanche awareness, current trail conditions, weather bulletins and stewardship measures in place to protect and preserve the mountain caribou populations and habitat. The City of Revelstoke has allocated $160,000 from the Tourism Infrastructure Program, the Columbia Basin Trust has committed $100,000 and the Society has committed approximately $40,000 towards this project. All required permissions from the Province have been obtained to construct the facility. The Club maintains a large membership with many active volunteers working diligently to provide a world class snowmobile experience in Revelstoke. VOTING: Unweighted Corporate Weighted Corporate Stakeholder D (Weighted) POLICY: This request meets the criteria for support in relation to CSRD Policy F-29, BC Hydro Payments -inLieu of Taxes funding assistance to stimulate economic development within the Revelstoke/Area B area. Page 1 of 2 BOARD REPORT Revelstoke/Area B Economic Opportunity Funds September 4,2015 FINANCIAL: The balance of the Revelstoke/Area B EOF (less commitments) as at August 31, 2015 is $760,000. There are additional commitments in future years that will be funded through additional PILT distributions. IMPLEMENTATION: Upon Board and City of Revelstoke approval, EOF funds will be made available as required to the Revelstoke Snowmobile Society. LIST NAME OF REPORT(S) / DOCUMENT(S): 1. Revelstoke Snowmobile Society - Grant request for Snowmobile Welcome Centre Available from Attached to Report: Staff: BOARD'S OPTIONS: 1. Endorse Recommendation 2. Any other action deemed appropriate by the Board COMMUNICATIONS: The Revelstoke Snowmobile Society and the City of Revelstoke will be advised of the Board's decision. Page 2 of 2 Jodi Pierce From: Alan Mason <[email protected]> Sent: To: Tuesday, September 1, 2015 9:45 AM Jodi Pierce Cc: Director Parker; Mark McKee Subject: EOF request Attachments: Project summary.doc Hi Jodi! The Revelstoke Snowmobile Society is requesting $100,000 from the Economic Opportunity Fund as a contribution to the development of a Snowmobile Welcome Centre on Westside Road in Revelstoke. The Society has been planning this facility for several years, and has already obtained funds from the Revelstoke Tourism Infrastructure Fund ($160,000) and the Columbia Basin Trust ($100,000). The Society will be contributing approximately $40/000 of their own funds toward the facility. A project description is attached. Snowmobiling is a major contributor to the Revelstoke area economy. Many thousands of tourist visit Revelstoke each year to snowmobile, and a survey we undertook in 2012-13 indicated that the value of snowmobile tourism to the local economy was in the $8-10 million range. The Centre will help the Society to improve the snowmobile product in Revelstoke and we believe fits the criteria for the EOF. Area B Director Loni Parker has indicted she is in support of the project. We would like confirmation from you that the project meets the criteria for the EOF. If you are satisfied that the project meets the criteria/ Director Parker and Mayor McKee have requested that the request be included on the agenda for the September CSRD Board meeting. Once we hear back from you, we are hoping to take the request to the Revelstoke City Council meeting on September 8th. Also, can you please forward the most recent GL for the Area B EOF. Thanks. LuilunxMci) a^io ^TUS^ a. Project Description: Construct a new 4,000 sq.ft. Snowmobile Welcome Centre at the trailhead on Westside Road, including a storage space for trail grooming equipment. One half of the building - 25' x 80', will house the Welcome Centre that will include a reception area, two offices, washrooms, boardroom and access to mezzanine. The other half of the building - 25' x 80' will serve as groomer storage and maintenance area with 20' x 18' overhead access doors at each end. Building specifications are attached. b. Describe your project goal and what issue/priority will this project address in the community? Snowmobiling in Revelstoke is a major winter tourism attraction contributing to the economic sustainability of the community. The goal of the project is to attract new snowmobiler user groups and increase visitors to Boulder Mountain by 10% and an equivalent increase in retail sales, accommodation, food and beverage revenues from the tourism sector. The welcome centre will also provide environmental information to snowmobilers as well as tourists in general. Displays will include snowmobile safety promotions, avalanche awareness, current trail conditions, weather bulletins and stewardship measures in place to protect and preserve our mountain caribou populations and habitat. The attached storage unit will provide a much needed dry shop to maintain and store trail grooming equipment. c. Describe the awareness and involvement of the community in your project. The City ofRevelstoke has allocated $160,000 from the Tourism Infrastructure Program. All required permissions from the Province have been obtained to construct the facility. The Club maintains a large membership with many active volunteers working diligently to provide a world class snowmobile experience in Revelstoke. d. Describe why your organization is best suited to deliver this project. The Club has successfully completed the replacement of Boulder Cabin (2010) and renovation of Frisby Cabin (2012). The club maintains 80 kms of groomed snowmobile trails on Boulder Mountain and Frisby Ridge. Projects are delivered on time and on budget. The community and volunteers donate a lot of time and resources for projects. Community Development Program Application - June 2013 Page 1 of 1 City of Revelstoke P.O. Box 170, Revelstoke, British Columbia VOE 2S0 September 9,2015 Charles Hamilton Chief Adm inistrative Officer Columbia Shuswap Regional District Box 978 V1E 4P1 SALMON ARM, BC Em ai I : cham i [email protected] Dear Mr. Hamilton Re: Gity of Revelstoke - Economic Opportunity Fund Application During the Regular Council Meeting held September 81h,2015 Revelstoke City Council passed the following resolution to support the applications to the Columbia Shuswap Regional District Economic Opportunity Fund as follows: 'THAT Council advise the Columbia Shuswap Regional District Board (CSRD) that it supports the Revelstoke Snowmobile Society's application for funding in the amount $100,000 from the Economic Opportunity Fund for the development of a Welcoming Centre facility on Westside Road and respectfully requests CSRD Board endorsement of this request." Should you have any questions please contact Alan Mason, Director of Community Economic Development, at 250-837 -5345. Sincerely, Cindy Floyd Ad m inistrative Assistant :cf cc: DEVELOPMENT Alan Mason, Director of Community Economic Development PUBLIC WORKS FINANCE (250',837-9637 development@revelstoke,ca FIRE RESCUE SERVICES SERVICES (250) 837-2001 works@¡evelstoke,ca PARKS, RECREATION & CULTURE CORPORATE COMMUNITY ADMINTSTRATION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (2501 837-2\61 (2501 837-2884 (2s0) 837-9351 (2s01 837-2911 (2s0) 837-s34s [email protected] fi¡e@¡ prc@¡ admin@revelstoke,ca [email protected]