Hôtel L `E mpres s Hôtel Gouverneur - Tourisme Bas-Saint
Hôtel L `E mpres s Hôtel Gouverneur - Tourisme Bas-Saint
2016 S nowmobiling News letter S uivez-nous T he 2016 s nowmobiling s eas on is well underway with plenty of s now on the ground in the B as -S aint-Laurent region. With over 1,800 kilometres of groomed and marked trails as well as a great s election of lodging packages , there’s s omething for everyone! B A S -S A INT -L A UR E NT S NOWMOB IL E P A C K A G E S Hôtel L 'E mpres s S ta rting a t $95 per pers on, ba s ed on double occupa ncy T he Hôtel L'E mpres s offers direct acces s to s nowmobile trails . T he res taurant conveniently located in the hotel, L a C age B ras s erie S portive, s erves breakfas t, lunch and dinner. Hôtel G ouverneur S ta rting a t $88 per pers on, ba s ed on double occupa ncy T he G ouverneur Hotel is located in downtown R imous ki, the economic centre of the B as -S aint-Laurent. With direct access to Trans-Quebec Trail # 5, the hotel provides snowmobile storage space with security cameras. Hôtel Universel et Centre de congrès Starting at $97 per person, based on double occupancy Connected to Trans-Québec Trail # 5, via regional Trail # 526, the Hotel Universel in Rivière-du-Loup aims to become the largest snowmobile stopover point in the world! Stay in one of the 220 comfortable rooms and enjoy the indoor pool, spa, sauna, two restaurants, health spa, urban Nordic spa and many other services. Hôtel Rimouski et Centre des congrès Starting at $95 per person, based on double occupancy Located downtown overlooking the St. Lawrence River, the Hôtel Rimouski is renowned for its warm and friendly hospitality and the comfort of its 185 rooms. Other amenities include the indoor pool, health spa, bar and restaurant. Best Western Plus Hôtel Levesque Starting at $59 per person based on double occupancy Best Western Plus Hôtel Levesqueoffers guests 110 suites and rooms with views of the St. Lawrence, a new indoor Nordic spa and more. Enjoy gourmet meals at « La Griffe », our luxurious dinind room, or in a more casual setting at « Le 171 », our resto-bar and terrace. USEFUL LINKS For the latest BasSaintLaurent snowmobile conditions, visit sledmagazine.com See the Swnomobile section of our website for détails on suggested routes You need to rent a snowmobile? Click here Order the 2016 Snowmobile Map for the BasSaintLaurent or view it online Information about the «Open House sample our snowmobile trails event» the february 6th and 7th 2016. 148, rue Fra s er, 2e éta ge R ivière-du-L oup (Québec) G 5R 1C 8 C a na da Téléphone : 418 867-1272 S a ns fra is : 1 800 563-5268 C ourriel : info@ ba s s a intla urent.ca You have received this email newsletter because you requested information about tourism in the Bas-Saint-Laurent region. You can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time by clicking here. S uivez-nous