May 2015 Edition - Elbert County Comprehensive High School


May 2015 Edition - Elbert County Comprehensive High School
The Blue Print
Volume 14, Issue 2
Elbert County Comprehensive High School
May, 2015
Class of 2015 announces top graduates
Class of 2015 Senior Superlatives
Senior Superlatives are chosen based on a point system that weighs
achievement in various categories of activities in grades 9-11: academic
activities; competitive team activities; and elected, individual and group
activities. Candidates must complete an application to be considered and, if
chosen, are recognized in a special section in the yearbook. In alphabetical order,
this year’s Senior Superlatives are: Kallie Craft, Kayonna Curry, Brittney Drake,
Dre’Kevious Gibbs, Alyssa Greenway, Maggie Hall, McKenzi Harper, Jenna
Hazle, Marlee Thomas, and Dallas Yeargin.
2015 Honor Graduates
In order to be named an Honor Graduate, students must be HOPE
Scholarship-eligible, and have achieved a cumulative weighted average of 93 or
above by the second semester of their senior year.
In alphabetical order, the 2015 Honor Graduates are Keonna Allen,
Cory Bond, Brandi Cannon, Melisa Dubose, Garrett Dutton, Jessica Fleming,
Emaleigh Fleeman, Kylee Fritts, Ben Gaines, Jakell Green, Alyssa Greenway,
Jenna Hazle, Ashleigh Hood, Kaylee Kirby, Meredith Lyon, Coral Okey, Sydney
Pullen, Blake Rice, Katie Rice, Matthew Slay, Hannah Smith, Marlee Thomas,
Dallas Yeargin, and Cross York.
Hammond named STAR Student
Anna Hammond was named STAR Student for the Class of 2015. Anna
selected Mr. Charles Palmer, Social Studies teacher at ECCHS, as her STAR
The PAGE Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR) program
is sponsored by the Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE)
Foundation, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and the Georgia Department
of Education. To obtain the STAR nomination, high school seniors must have
the highest score on a single test date on the three-part SAT and be in the top 10
percent or top 10 students of their class based on grade point average.
STAR students and their teachers are honored by their schools and receive
special recognition in their communities from more than 165 statewide civic
organizations and businesses that serve as local sponsors of the STAR program.
“We are very proud of Anna and Mr. Palmer and the academic excellence they
exemplify at ECCHS,” stated Mrs. Renee Padgett, Elbert County Comprehensive
High School Principal.
Honor Graduates with Distinction
In order to be named an Honor Graduate with Distinction, students must be
HOPE Scholarship-eligible, and have achieved a cumulative weighted average of
97 or above by the second semester of their senior year.
In alphabetical order, the 2015 Honor Graduates with Distinction are Maria
Alcalde (Third Honor Graduate), Kallie Craft (Salutatorian), Kayonna Curry,
Brittney Drake, Maggie Hall (Valedictorian), Anna Hammond, and McKenzi
Congratulations to all of these students for their hard work over the past four
The Blue Print
Page 2
May, 2015
Top three take on college
Marlee Thomas interviewed the Class of 2015’s Valedictorian, Salutatorian,
and Third Honor Graduate and asked them about their achievements in
high school along with their post-secondary plans. These are their reponses.
Maggie Hall - Valedictorian
to either major in Athletic Training or
What clubs, sports, and activities Exercise and Sport Science because I
were you involved
want to work with
in throughout high
athletes as well as
those who have
Interact Club, Alpha
working with people
Beta, Delta Beta,
and helping them, so
I feel like this would
Society, Fellowship
be right up my alley.
of Christian Athletes,
I plan to use my
Varsity Cross Country,
major to become a
physical therapist.
I plan to apply
Varsity Track and
into a Doctorate of
What awards/
Program after I
honors did you receive in high school? receive my Bachelor’s Degree. My
Valedictorian; Top Ten of Class in ultimate goal is to
grades 9th - 12th; Perfect Attendance become a physical
Award grades 9th - 12th; University of therapist. I will use
Georgia Certificate of Merit; Scholastic my degree from UGA
Achievement in Honors Biology; as the platform to
Scholastic Achievement in Honors further my education.
Literature and Composition; Scholastic I have wanted to be
Achievement in Honors World a physical therapist
History; Scholastic Achievement in ever since the age of
Honors Physical Science; Scholastic eight, so this has been
Achievement in Honors United States a lifelong dream of
History; Scholastic Achievement in mine!
Accelerated Math Two; Emmanuel
Kallie Craft College President’s List; Senior Salutatorian
Favorite “Most Likely to Succeed”;
What clubs and
Senior Superlative; Wendy’s High sports were you
School Heisman School Winner; involved in throughout high school?
Wendy’s High School Heisman State National Honors Society, Alpha Beta,
Finalist; and 2015 Georgia District Anchor, Interact, Friends Helping
Anchor Club Scholarship Recipient.
Friends, Softball in 9th and 10th grade,
Where will you be attending school Cross Country 9th-12th grade, and
in the fall? What do you hope to do Basketball Cheerleading 9th -12th grade.
with your major after graduating
What awards/honors did you
college? I plan to attend the University receive in high school? Top Ten in 9th
of Georgia in Athens this fall. I plan - 12th grades; Scholastic E level I, II,
III; Outstanding Achievement in Math
I, II, and Honors Calculus; Outstanding
Achievement in Biology, Physical
Science, and Chemistry; Outstanding
Achievement in World History; Student
of the week for Accelerated Math I,
II, and AP Statistics;
Academic Excellence
University of Georgia
Certificate of Merit;
perfect attendance for
six years.
Where do you plan
to attend school
in the fall? What
do you hope to do
with your major
college? I plan to
attend the University
of Georgia. I plan
to either major in
engineering. Math is
my strong subject,
both involve that.
More than likely,
I will pursue an
Engineering degree
because I believe
that will better suit
my strengths and
skills. I am not sure
what career I will
pursue after graduation. UGA has
many opportunities for internships in
the College of Engineering that will
hopefully lead me into a career.
MariaFernanda Alcalde - Third
Honor Graduate
What clubs, sports, and activities
were you involved in throughout
high school? I was involved in BETA,
School Senior
taken by
ASI Photography
Blue Print Staff
Spring 2015
Marlee Thomas-Senior Editor
Katie Kubas-Junior Editor
Addison Barker
Dishae Blackwell
Madeline Daughtry
Kimberly Dennis
Emma Smith
Anchor, Friends Helping Friends, and
the Ring Staff. I played tennis my
9th grade year. I was involved in the
Yearbook staff my 9th grade year.
What awards/honors have you
received throughout high school? I
have been in the Top
Ten since my 9th
grade year, and have
received three levels
of the Scholastic E
award. In addition,
I was recognized as
the winner of the
Sons of the American
Scholarship for the
local district and also
the state of Georgia.
Where do you plan
to attend school
in the fall? What
do you hope to do with your major
after graduating college? I will be
attending Pensacola Christian College
(PCC), located in Pensacola, FL. By
the time I graduate college, I will have
completed two degrees. One will be
in Missions, and the other will be in
Computer & Software Engineering.
The Lord has been working in my heart
for a very long time about attending
Bible College; however, I initially
ignored it. But, I finally gave in because
I know that I cannot be content unless
I am in God’s will! Therefore, I will
be majoring in Missions. I will also
be majoring in Computer & Software
engineering so that the Lord may
use me in different capacities on the
mission field. Lord willing, I will go on
deputation as soon as I graduate from
Bible College and win lost souls for the
Lord in Lima, Peru (where my family
is originally from).
Best wishes to our top three graduates
as they take on the future!
123 Elbert Street - Elberton
Wishing the
Class of 2015
all the best!
Congratulations Class of 2015!
Design Mart
132 College Avenue - Elberton
The Blue Print
May, 2015
Page 3
Last Will and Testaments
(No photo available) I, ARMANDO
AMARO JR., being of sound mind
and body, leave: MUSCLEHEAD
YEARGIN: skipping school; Taco
Bell runs; snaplinks. MAX ALMOND:
snacks; trap music; fat beats; flinches.
BO CAVANAUGH: crying; heights.
NORBERTO: can’t climb a rope;
strawberries. CHEWY: Perrachichona;
Math class. PETER: white boy; 4 seater
= 8 people. ASHLEY BOND: nothing.
my eye. BENNE JOHNSON: bucket
head; table shots.
random trips; being artsy; endless
talks; stay strong; I will always be here
for you; thank you for everything. REANNA WILLIAMS: bonfires; haunted
houses; staying at my house 24/7; my
sister I guess, my sweater. ADDISON
BARKER: sweet friendship; church
memories; freshy talk. VB SISTERS: I
will always cherish each memory with
you guys; hard work each season; the
month of January; I love ya’ll. VICTORIA BERRY: being sisters; church activities; shorty. UNDERCLASSMEN:
keep your head up and have confidence
in everything you do.
I, LAUCREESHA BRAWNER, being of sound mind and body, leave:
ALIYAH DYE: all of my ROTC memories, don’t let them fade away. JASMINE HEARD: All of our band memories; All of the hard times we had with
Mr. Sconyers.
sound mind and body, leave: CAITLIN DRAKE: Hectic mornings; sister and best friend; all my love; my
clothes; make good choices. MORGAN PLESS: careless adventures;
ing of sound mind and body, leave:
JACOB KARPINSKY: all the trips to
Anderson for the movies and having a
good time. I also leave one sleeve of
CW, so you can enjoy the fresh bold
taste. JEROD KARPINSKY: I leave
a Kippah so you can make it to synagogue on Sunday. I also include you in
the trips to Anderson to buy your “fashion outfits”. DEANNA RUFF: I leave
you all the time we have spent together
and all of my love. I will return to you
safely, and I leave you Amos because
he is my buddy and he needs a good
home. ASHTON GIBSON: I leave you
I, DRE’KEVIOUS DEJUAN GIBBS, all the chores around the house when I
being of sound mind and body leave: leave in July.
JASMANAE SIMMS and KEYANDREYA MORRISON: The morning and afternoon announcements, I
know y’all will do will! LAMARKUS
HARPER: The Elbert County Drill
KEYANDREA MORRISON: The student council, make sure you keep them
strong next year. ELBERT COUNTY
DRILL TEAM: Continue to pray
before every event, and before you
leave on Saturday mornings. UNDERCLASSMEN: Keep your head straight
these last years of school. Do not let
anything hinder you from achieving
your dreams. Put God first and stay
focused! SENIORS OF ECCHS: The
best of luck in life. Even though high
school is ending, your life is really
just beginning. Make great choices in
life and let the things you’ve learned I, MAGGIE HALL, being of sound
in high school make a great impact on mind and body, leave: BRITTNEY
DRAKE: checking uniforms; Bohlen’s
your life.
class; hallway wandering; Japan; “Oh
really?”; Tom jokes. KALLIE CRAFT:
CC practice; “We don’t care!”;
Bohlen’s class; hallway wandering;
Louisiana boys; Daytona. MARLEE
THOMAS: caramel apple suckers;
days in our mothers’ classrooms; Martha. VB GIRLS: stay sharp; be load;
caramel popcorn; pep rally dances;
practicing until you drop. TRACK LADIES: 500s; “Are we running today?”;
bus ride roasts. McKENZI HARPER:
Elantra rides; 15 pizzas. ALYSSA
GREENWAY: basketball three shots“Yee!”; “Beef what up?”; McChickens
and Sweet Tea. OLIVIA and BAILEY:
Levi, Max, Jeremy. ANGEL McCLARY: “You look good in white!”;
laughing at track practice. BRITTNEY,
EMMA, OLIVIA, AND JACOB: traveling companions; turbulence; Mr.
Nakamura. TO ALL UNDERCLASSMAN: Do not blink! High school goes
by faster than you think. Enjoy every
minute of it because it will be over before you know it.
I, TYSEAN HALL, being of sound
mind and body, leave: ECCHS: all of
my hard times I have given to you.
Eagle Granite Co.
390 W Railroad Street - Elberton, GA 30635
Congrats to all of our 2015 Graduates!
Maria Fernanda Alcalde - ECCHS
Daughter of Jose and Norma Alacalde
Kassen Edwards - ECCHS
Son of Brad and Sharon Edwards
Ben Gaines - ECCHS
Son of Steve and Melissa Gaines
Kaycie Oakley - ECCHS
Daughter of Cecil Oakley and Fran Floyd
Jimera Hill - ECCHS
Marlee Thomas - ECCHS
Daughter of Jim and Stephanie Hill Daughter of Ronald and Belinda Thomas
Jeffery Allen - CSHS
Son of Jeff Stribbling
Miranda Cannon - HCHS
Daughter of David & Tina Cannon
Victoria Carroll - UGA
Daughter of Gus Olivares & Stacy Carroll
Parker Hulme - Young Harris College
Son of Jim & Sonya Hulme
The Blue Print
Page 4
May, 2015
the rest of high school (ILY). JOSE
CAMPOS: the Gauntlet hill and a
ruck sack because you carried it the
whole time (& telling me I’m beautiful
the whole way). COLBY THOMAS:
raider memories.
I, TABITHA HUNT, being of sound
mind and body, leave: FEMALE
RAIDERS: long runs; our talks; practice hard. DRILL TEAM/COLORGUARD: early Saturday mornings;
bus rides. DAVIIS HARPER: lunch;
“Ladies first”. JOSE CAMPOS: Papa’s
Pizza; skating. PINKY: cheerleading.
KAITLYN HUNT: 3 more years; long
rides and talks. JUSTIN HARLESS:
“ooo yeah”; puddles. ALYSSA EMMETT: death stares. MAX ALMOND:
all your craziness. HUNTER CAVANAUGH: New Years. BRANDI AND
DRE: non-stop laughs; “I swear to God
I won”; not knowing what’s next. ASHLEY AND HANNAH: Dairy Queen.
UNDERCLASSMEN: keep your head
up it will be over before you know
it; Stay focused and dream big. SENIORS: thanks for everything 2K15.
It’s been a crazy four years. Take care!
I, KAYLEE KIRBY, being of
sound mind and body, leave: EMMA
laughter with Marls; another flyer.
BENNE JOHNSON: Enoing; Fuse;
petty fights that aren’t even real fights.
6:30 AM; Luck (because we needed
more of it this year); Sassy Kendall;
Savagery; the best friendship; tan lines;
PLL (excluding Katie); I leave y’all all
of spring semester because TENNIS,
but I’m not truly leaving anything
because I will be there with y’all in spirit.
MORGAN PLESS: Chimichanga; the
beach + ice cream shop; mother3arth;
my dues for introducing me to Jesus;
photography. MASON & GARRETT
BASTON: motivation to get through
sound mind and body, leave: TORI,
CHARCEY, and AMBER: My seat
on the VB bus. DEMARRYAE SAPP:
My seat in math; all of my math test
grades. DMAN: My pens; pencils; paper; lunch booth; and (fyeness). TIA
RUCKER: The announcements on
Wednesdays; my parking spot. JASON
BOWMAN: My heart.
Elberton Medical Center
109 College Ave, Elberton, GA 30635
(706) 283-3315
Congratulates Seniors
Shelby Starrett, Hunter Vickery,
and Ben Gaines
I, KATIE RICE, being of sound
mind and body, leave: SAVVY J,
of laughter; rushing; and big lips.
ANNA AND RYAN: My crazy clarinet section- keep them in line for me!
WILKIE: Our practice room secrets;
lunchtime memories. MR. EVERHART: SOLOS!!! ; And no we won’t
go home! MR. DUANE THOMPSON: Notes to class; friendly talks.
NIASIA TURMAN: Missed notes;
inside jokes. BAND: Distorted Time;
Games of Chess; Kryptonite; Uprisings against Mr. Everhart; Memories
of Mr. Sconyers (Padre Scon Scon).
ALEX ACKER: Long evening talks
after practice; LONG phone conversations; all the stars in the sky; every
plane you’ve ever seen since we’ve
been together; Six months of amazing
memories; ALL my love. HUNTER
VICKERY: Math problems. SYDNEY PULLEN: Pretend concerts;
scary/stupid movies; Kyle’s newspaper stand; Jonas Brothers obsession;
blanket tents. JACKSON CARUSO:
donuts; annoyance at the guitarist;
rants about life.
Southern Farm & Hardware
Best Wishes Class of 2015!
210 North Oliver Street
Elberton, GA 30635
(706) 283-7434
says “Hats Off” to the
Class of 2015!
230 North McIntosh Street,
Elberton, GA 30635
(706) 213-3278
The Blue Print
May, 2015
THIGPEN: The best of my Chuck
Norris and Helen Keller jokes. NICK
EVANS: My favorite Tuba… It might
need an “Oil Change”; Also all of my
awesome procrastination skills; As
well as a nice shiny purple engram.
ANNA JAUDON: I saved the most
important person in my life for last.
I leave you my love. You will always
have my heart and all of the compassion
within it; I leave you the promise that
I will always treat you like a princess
because you are my Cinderella and the
love of my life, forever and always
I, MATTHEW SLAY, being of sound
mind and body, leave: JOSH ALLEN:
The Beast and all of the struggles
that come along with it; Good luck.
largest bottle of valve oil since you
always seem to need it. CHARLES
I, MARLEE THOMAS, being of sound
mind and body, leave: ADDISON:
Dressing Dreams; theatre camp; get
in that crack; falling asleep, those
certain noises; massages; Georgia;
preppy t-shirts; facial expressions;
Designing Women Salon
‘The Complete Salon”
Class of 2015!
Melissa Pratt
Master Cosmetologist
314 N. Oliver Street
Elberton, GA 30635
706-283-HAIR (4247)
Page 5
taco Bell. MADELINE: Life with
Lays; back pops; midnight trips to the
kitchen; Thrilla in Manilla; my first
tennis match; parrot; K beb; Babs; and
what not; you can never tell; a nickel;
Caitlyynn; Southernbelle606; Babyyy.
KATIE K: Scout and Dill; Richard;
Big bro Trey; heart to hearts. EMMA
J: Friday nights; leading convoy; main
base injuries.VF: knuck if you buck.
might be a little sad but. MORGAN
and REANNA: helloo; squidlydoo;
Get in that crack; triskaidekaphobia.
JACKSON CARUSO: rides home
from church; jamming in the Honda;
ratchet Myrtle Street; fun with you and I, GAIL WHITEHEAD, being
Spence at theatre camp.
of sound mind and body, leave:
GMONEY: It’s all about Gmoney
#GG; gauntlets; whale song; broke
sunshine and tan lines; red hair;
achooo; drive through accents at dairy
queen; sk8 dates. JEFFEREY MOUA:
tony: tic-tacs; snipe hunting. ASHLEY
BOND: one-eyed mouse. MASON
BASTON: ccr + a busted head; gilager:
“absent ma’am”; cadopee! MIXED
TEAM: mortar video; camping trip;
rope bridges. FRUIT LOOP: crazy
talk conversations; motivation; haircuts. KENIA MARTINEZ: bus rides;
I, DALLAS YEARGIN, being of nationals; mudpits; ammo cans; late
sound mind and body, leave: BENNE night talks. SHANE MCDOUELL:
JOHNSON: Tomahawks; Tallulah, motivational speeches!
countless adventures. RYAN RIDLEY:
Tomahawks; Tallulah; yaga. PETER
TRANG: Tomahawks; Tallulah; spicy
noodles. MORGAN PLESS: great
music; jam sessions upstairs. KATIE
KUBAS: hipster stuff. LOGAN
LYON: to being a freshman forever.
fear of heights. MAX ALMOND: fat
The Headquarters
“Where the In-crowd goes”
Best Wishes
ECCHS Seniors!!
(706) 283-5314
105 Lake Forest Drive
Elberton, GA 30635
Rome Granite
6 South Oliver Street
Elberton, GA 30635
Wishing the Class of 2015 all the best!
1177 Ruckerville Road Elberton, GA 30635
Congrats Seniors!
Page 6
The Bl
Class o
of 2015
Page 7
The Blue Print
Page 8
May, 2015
2015 Senior Favorites
Best All Around
Brittney Drake and Corey Dunn
Best Dressed
Devyn Terry and Jarmal McClary
Most Talented
Sydney Pullen and Matthew Slay
Most Athletic
Jimera Hill and Tim White
Best Smile
Alyssa Greenway and Dequavius Lewis
Most Involved
Kayonna Curry and Dre’Kevious Gibbs
Most Likely To Succeed
Maggie Hall and Dallas Yeargin
Most Talkative
Melisa Dubose and Brayden Rice
Exclusive Designs
Mr. and Ms. Blue Devil
Kaylee Kirby and Cross York
Elberton Insurance
1287 Washington Hwy
(706) 283-8733
Best Wishes
to all ECCHS
Email: [email protected]
William F. Bennett Jr.
Tel: (706) 283-1201
Fax: (706) 283-5148
520 Elbert St.,
Elberton, GA 30635
Congratulations Graduates!!
The Blue Print
May, 2015
Most Outgoing
Tyaira Allen and Cory Bond
The Blue Print would
like to thank the
following people for
their photo
Most Unforgettable
Jamyia Rambert and Caine Overton
Page 9
Class Clown
Madison Hughes and Jamarcus Strange
~Way to go Class of 2015~
Dot Rutherford
ASI Photography
24 N. McIntosh Street
Elberton, GA 30635
Open 7 :00 am - 2:00 pm
(706) 283 - 6527
5 McIntosh St.
Elberton, GA 30635
(706) 283-7510
Elberton Federal
is proud of senior
Blake Rice
God Bless and Good Luck!
6 Church Street
Elberton, GA 30635
A Cut
Above The
Good Luck
1226 Old Hartwell Rd.
Elberton, GA 30635
(706) 424 - 0754
The Blue Print
Page 10
May, 2015
Class of 2015 Senior Blitz
We asked the Class of 2015 for their
opinions. Here is what they said!
Who was your favorite teacher of
your high school experience, and
what made them your favorite?
Deldrin Moon: Coach Palmer; It
seemed like we were equally crazy.
cause she never gave up on me even
when I wanted to. She always believed
in me.
Andy Turner: Coach Thompson; He
always encouraged and made us give
our best.
Coral Okey: Mrs. Oakley because
she’s funny and easy to talk to.
Chelsee Walton: Mrs. Poss was my
favorite teacher because she helped me
with the hardest course (math) that I
ever had to take.
Javerez Smith: Mrs. Poss because
she went out of the way to help me
pass her class.
Kayla Teasley: Mr. Kidd for using
football plays to explain the law of
Parker Carnes: Mr. Freeman because
he always knows how to be funny.
Marlena Rhodes: Beshiri because
he’s pretty cool.
Indiayah Bone: Mrs. White because
she was funny and was a relaxed
Katie Fowler: MSG Homer; He has
been my favorite for all four years. He
is the only teacher I felt that I could
always go to about anything. He has
always believed in me and has been,
literally, my best friend!
Johna Busby: Michael Bilow; He
took many, many hours out of his off
time to take FFA to shows/conventions/competitions.
Yessenia Estrada: Mr. Bennett because he has always been there for me
no matter what.
Ddajah Smith: Mrs. Thompson; She
was an easy going teacher and she had
a good heart.
Aliyah Brown: If I had to choose I
would say Dr. Rivers because of her
Garrett Dutton: Mrs. Roberts; She
taught me the only thing I was interested in; medicine.
Which course out of all four years,
benefitted you the most or was your
favorite? Why?
Brandon Dixon: Granite because you
will actually use the skills that you
learned in there, and we always had fun
in the class.
Janie Flippen: Mrs. Driver because
she always went out of her way to help
me in any way she could. I’m super
thankful for her. Whenever I would
slip on my grades, she would always
notify me and give me ways to fix it.
Kaycie Oakley: My favorite was Human Anatomy with Mrs. Smith because
her stories were interesting.
Aarion Allen: Mrs. Keblish because
she took me in as her own, always
checked on me, and put up with me
when no one else would.
Matthew Slay: Band because I’m going to college to major in music and I
got a full ride through the music program.
Keonna Allen: Mrs. Smith because of
all the stories she told.
Parker Carnes: Welding because I
plan on having it as a job one day.
Kavauna Allen:
Moesha Fortson: I would have to say
Mrs. Johnson be-
Jarmel Mcclary: Broadcast and video
was my favorite because it taught me a
lot of new stuff.
the cooking class because before that I
could not cook at all.
Bethany Carter: Video Broadcast
with Beshiri. It helped me get a job at
McKenzi Harper: Computer Apps
classes benefitted me most because I
can use those programs in everyday
Daiqua Jackson: Accounting because
I learned how to manage money.
Cody Williams: Granite tech because
it has opened jobs for me.
Tabitha Hunt: JROTC was my favorite because it’s always changing; We’re
always doing different activities, and it
has made me a better citizen and stronger leader.
Briana Bowen: Intro to Healthcare
because it has helped prepare me for
my future career in psychology.
Tyaira Allen: Math is my fave. But
completing the Early Childhood Education Pathway benefitted me the most
because I get to leave school early to
work at the elementary school.
Aliyah Brown: Computer app. Classes because computer skills can take
you far in life.
Ken Allen: Chemistry because it took
out what I wasn’t going to try to pursue
in college, and helped me find a career
path for me.
Alexius Jenkins:
My favorite
course(s) were granite and broadcasting. I got to do something I never had
Kavauna Allen: I think all of them
because I learned something new and
got something out of it.
Chelsee Walton: Business Communications and Presentations because I’m
majoring in Business and this course
has helped me a lot.
Alyssa Greenway: Math with Mr.
Bohlen benefitted me the most. He is
the best teacher ever.
Shakyra Huff: AP Stats because the
class was really small and the tests
Kaylynn Maxey:
Digital Design
classes (Mr. Mccarty). I’m able to do
much more now, and discovered that
it’s kinda fun to do. Going to college
in that field.
What advice would you leave behind
for next year’s incoming freshmen?
Brandon Dixon: Do good and keep
your grades up.
Kaycie Oakley: Enjoy your time;
Four years goes by quick.
Javerez Smith: Don’t play around in
the class- Get it done now, and play
Jordan Radford: Don’t get behind on
Matthew Slay: Take advantage of all
the opportunities you have.
Parker Carnes: To study hard and not
fall behind in classes because it’s hard
to finish them when you’re behind.
Daiqua Jackson: Get a parking spot
close to the high school; It’s not fun
running to your car in the rain.
Melisa Dubose: Please, please, please
don’t try to rush your way through.
Take your time and really enjoy high
school. Stay focused and don’t get side
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weren’t hard.
8 South Public
Elberton, Ga 30635
The Blue Print
May, 2015
Page 11
Phantom of the Opera
*Prom 2015*
The Blue Print
Page 12
May, 2015