WDC Youth Council Meeting Packet 10-21-14
WDC Youth Council Meeting Packet 10-21-14
WDC Youth Council WDC Youth Council Meeting Agenda October 21, 2014 3:00pm – 4:30pm Tim Owens, Chair George Aszklar Esther Bennett Richard Corak WorkForce Central Classroom 1 3650 S. Cedar St. Tacoma, WA 98409 April Gibson Kelly Goodsell Peter Guzman Katrina Hindman Dr. Charles Horne Russ Johnson Gus Lawler Michelle Ledbetter Dennis Loney I. II. III. IV. Mark Martinez Richard Nannini V. Isa Nichols Barry Ray VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. Welcome Public Comment Action Items a. Approve July 15, 2014 Meeting Minutes Performance Reports a. PY14 Qtr 1 WIA Federal Performance (unofficial) PCYC Contract Modifications and Extensions a. Literacy/Numeracy Action Plans b. Planned Performance Summary for PY14 Q2 K-12 Contract Modifications and Extensions Summer Jobs 253 WIA Youth Contract Update WIA Youth Services RFP Update a. Proposals Received b. Evaluation Team WIOA Changes Other Business Adjourn WorkForce Staff Linda Nguyen, CEO [email protected] Pamela Carter, Exec Asst [email protected] Phone: 253.254.7335 Fax: 253.830.5226 www.workforce-central.org “Connecting Business & People” 3650 S. Cedar Street – Tacoma, Washington 98409 WDC Youth Council Meeting Minutes WDC Youth Council July 15, 2014 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tim Owens, Chair George Aszklar WorkForce Central 3650 S. Cedar St. Classroom 1 Tacoma, WA Esther Bennett Richard Corak April Gibson Kelly Goodsell Peter Guzman Katrina Hindman Dr. Charles Horne Russ Johnson Gus Lawler Michelle Ledbetter Dennis Loney Mark Martinez Richard Nannini Attendees: Tim Owen, April Gibson, Kelly Goodsell, Peter Guzman, Richard Corak, Michelle Ledbetter, Charles Horne, Isa Nichols, Mark Martinez, George Aszklar Staff: Deborah Howell, Caryn Fosnaugh, Brent Capatch, Pam Carter, Joyce Johnson, Julie Sandstede, Madalain Merton, Marta Gronlund, Kurt Simmons Guests: Liz Dunbar, Kate Smith, Kathy Hall, Jason Scales, Cynthia Neubauer, Arrie Dunlap, Maria Peterson, Chris Christian I. II. III. Isa Nichols Barry Ray IV. WorkForce Staff Linda Nguyen, CEO [email protected] Pamela Carter, Exec Asst [email protected] Phone: 253.254.7335 Fax: 253.830.5226 www.workforce-central.org Welcome – Tim Owens opened the meeting at 3:00. Public Comment - Would like to thank April for taking the last meeting Action Items a. Approve April 15, 2014 Meeting Minutes – Motion made, seconded. Approved. b. Approve June 17, 2014 Special Meeting Minutes – Motion made, seconded. Approved Performance a. PY13 Qtr 3 WIA Federal Performance (unofficial) – Reporting for SKIES has changed. This quarter report shows only our numbers and does not include the other statewide WDCs. The reports sent to Valerie Stevens from the state are formatted differently and will continue to change as the state changes over to a new database system. Discussed numbers in Roll Up Report. Certificate Rate: 88.9% and Literacy/ Numeracy Rate: 73.4%. Discussed reasons for not meeting performance and following up on provision reports, keeping up with pre and post tests. Information provided in Performance Team Meeting. Under the new state reporting program and database system, data will be more current. Have not released date of new format. b. PCYC PY13 Qtr 4 Strategic Plan Report – No report given; PCYC exempt from submitting a Strategic Plan for Program Year 2014 due to the release of the RFP. A new strategic plan will be developed that will come from the awarded agency of the RFP “Connecting Business & People” 3650 S. Cedar Street – Tacoma, Washington 98409 WDC Youth Council Meeting Minutes - July 15, 2014 (cont’d) V. c. PY13 Qtr 4 Strategic Dashboard Report for Youth Services – The Dashboard was read word for word and will be posted on the in the meeting packet online for members to review. Discussion around Jobfest reporting; request for updated data made. Email to be sent out regarding requested data. d. PCYC PY13 Qtr 4 Strategic Plan Report – No report to give. Discussed at prior meeting to wait until RFP released and awarded. e. PY13 Qtr 4 K-12 Contract Performance - No findings. f. PCYC Contract Modifications and Extensions – Contract Modifications and extensions for PCYC ended 6/30/14. Extended time for all providers thru 9/30/14 because RFP has not been completed. Already reallocated carry over funds from PY13. Looking at where status is and will move forward with current funding. PY14 FY 15 budget was allocated at 200K. g. K-12 Contract Modifications and Extensions. Reach/TCH will end 8/31 as well as Orting. An additional $5700 was added to Orting. h. WIA Youth Services RFP Update - Staff have come up with a re-release date on or about 9/8/14. Final bids due on 10/13/14. Will have evaluation by 10/21/14 to present to the youth council. Plan for current timeline for new provider contracts to begin on 1/1/15. i. Summer Jobs 253 Update - Summer jobs 253 placed 105 incoming Juniors and Seniors. Had 220 applications. Goal was 115, we had 98 at the first orientation. Students will receive up to 2 credits for their participation in the program. There are discussions with the Governor to see if there are available funds to do more of these programs.. There were 2 case managers working this program, preparation made the difference in this program. The choice of students was based on essays. We will know at end of summer if the interns transitioned into full time jobs. Last year there were 6 permanent positions from the internship jobs. Discussed this is a model that can be replicated. Possibly a county wide program. The internship cost employers $500.00 each. j. Other Business – Last Friday, July 11, 2014, WIOA passed the senate and just pasted the House. It is on its way to the President’s Desk. WIOA is a Bi-partisan and Bi Lateral piece of legislation. It has a possible implementation date of 7/1/15. There will be lots of conversations, policy, and decision making in the next year. These will be changes, but not a major overhaul of our business. It gives more room to be efficient and innovative. Adjourn – 3:55 2 WDC Strategic Dashboard Report for WIA Youth Services for Program Year (PY) 2014 July 2014-June 2015 Performance through September 30, 2014 Quarterly Outcomes Measures 1st Qtr Targets Comments/Action Items Performance and Compliance Objective 1: Provide registered Pierce County youth with comprehensive and intensive employment and training services resulting in attainment of Federal and State performance measures. Meet all federal and local performance targets. Federal Measures Placement in Employment or Education 68.1% PY13 Q4: 107.7% Attainment of Degree or Certificate 74.5% PY13 Q4: 102.5% Literacy Numeracy Gains 47.8% PY13 Q4: 72.8% Number of Enrollments Per PCYC RFP application: the PCYC is to enroll 328 youth Q1: 111 Tacoma/Pierce County residential split 50% of enrolled youth reside in Pierce County/50% of enrolled youth reside within the City of Tacoma Q1: 57.7% PC In School/Out of School enrollment splits 25% of enrolled youth are In-school/75% of enrolled youth are Out-ofSchool Q1: 28.8% ISY 71.2% OSY PC Youth Council (PCYC) Strategic Plan Goals PCYC providers must meet the goals outlined in their Strategic Plan on a quarterly basis as a performance based payment Adhere to federal and state contracting laws, regulations and policies. Monitor all WIA Youth funded contracts by end of PY13 All policies related to WIA youth services are in compliance with federal and state requirements. Fiscal Monitoring for OSD and REACH/TCH completed Policies updated and compliant Provide technical assistance to PCYC providers as it relates to Federal, State and local performance and contractual obligations. 2 Technical Assistance sessions offered to each provider, with on-going Technical Assistance provided as needed 4 reports showing Literacy/Numeracy tests needed 4 State Common Measure Reports 20 Provision Reports 10 Provision Report summaries 10 Performance Roll-up Reports 10 Invoice Packet Desk-top Monitoring of Reimbursement Requests (Ensure SKIES records accurately support reimbursement requests) Communicate via email, phone and/or on-site new, revised policies within 5 days of publication; provide training as needed As available, participate in DOL/ETA hosted webinars Forward best practices via email and maintain on SharePoint 17 Prepare contract modifications within 2 weeks of notification of need for contract modification 4 Corrective Action discussions if needed (during quarterly Performance Team Meetings) 4 performance monitoring discussions (during quarterly Performance Team Meetings) Develop, issue and evaluate RFPs as needed 8 modifications completed on time Respond to projects and requests on agreed-to turnaround times Performance and Funding Team oversight per approved schedule On-going Using unofficial and delayed state results due to DOL data system upgrades. PY14 Q1 data will be available in Q2. Local Measures Objective 2: Comply with federal, state and local regulations and policies. 42.3% CT No New Enrollments were permitted post 6/30/2014; Enrollment numbers reflect remaining active participants on PCYC Providers case loads. No New Enrollments were permitted post 6/30/2014; Percentages reflect remaining active participants on PCYC Providers case loads. No New Enrollments were permitted post 6/30/2014; Percentages reflect remaining active participants on PCYC Providers case loads. No findings were issued and all providers were in compliance. System Oversight and Support Objective 1: Provide technical assistance to PCYC providers. Objective 2: Provide coordination and oversight of the Youth system. Research and disseminate best practices Manage contracts to include modifications, invoicing, corrective actions, performance monitoring and RFP process when applicable Objective 3: Provide staff support to Youth Council/ committees. 1 Provide Youth Council support including, but not limited to: Council recruitment; strategic planning and implementation; Performance and Funding Team oversight N/A 1 7 1 2 21 Individual updates are now being sent to all PCYC Case Managers Completed SKIES Policy Changes made through ESD and communicated promptly; follow up training provided 1 On-going (6) PCYC mods/extensions through 12/31/2014 (2) K-12 mods/extensions through 12/31/2014 2 discussions and letters On-going On-going Updated 4-4-14 WDC Strategic Dashboard Report for WIA Youth Services for Program Year (PY) 2014 July 2014-June 2015 Performance through September 30, 2014 Quarterly Outcomes Measures 1st Qtr Targets Manage projects resulting from In-School and Out-of-School Committees Participate in PCYC leadership meetings; attend at least one meeting per quarter Attend Youth Council meetings; attend at least one meeting per quarter Participate in Youth Networking Meetings; attend at least one meeting per quarter Produce Pierce County Career Day 4 meetings per year Produce Health Career Day 1 career day Serve 2,800 students at the two career days, including youth from PCYC Leverage $40,000 in partner contributions for Pierce County Career Day, and $25,000 in partner contributions for Health Career Day Partner with 12 new employers with an emphasis on serving PCYC youth Connect PCYC designee with new employers 2,800 participants Accept 15 Referrals of from PCYC providers 15 referrals accepted Match business connections employers with 12 qualified youth candidates; provide feedback to PCYC case manager 12 qualified youth are matched with at least one employer Objective 1: Support K-12 Partnerships. Strengthen educational pathways for youth Objective 2: Maintain and build upon existing partnership and establish new partnerships. City of Tacoma Youth Building Program (COT YBT) Tacoma Community House/REACH, Orting School District and Monster Government Solutions provide dropout and re-engagement services to 100 students (To be finalized, upon contract negotiation) Comments/Action Items No projects currently identified for PY13. Respond to any subsequent projects on agreed-to turnaround times Employment Connections for Youth Objective 1: Build relationships with PCYC and community youth partners. Objective 2: Build career exploration and work readiness opportunities. Objective 3: Enhance employment opportunities for PCYC youth. 4 meetings per year per schedule . 4 meetings per year 1 career day $65,000 of leveraged resources 12 employers 12 employer introductions Strategic Partnerships 2 Pierce County Construction Trades Discovery Preapprenticeship center CareerLink Pierce County: Connect high school students with businesses for career exploration (To be finalized, upon plan completion) Convene organizations across K-12 education sector within Pierce County to develop a strategy for collaborative regional partnership Convene 8 school districts and related organizations Engage 50 employers with high school students OSD: 8 TCH/REACH: 25 MGS: Complete No New Enrollments were permitted post 6/30/2014; Enrollment numbers reflect remaining active participants on Youth Providers case loads. 36-Active Companies 29-Active Career Coaches 98-Active Career Related Learning Experiences Action Item: WFC is going to hiring a Business Services staff member to fill the vacant CareerLink Administrator position left by Linda Bremer. Currently in process of developing a strategic plan with direction and consult from Career Cruising support staff. Updated 4-4-14